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Fonology & Lab Practice I: course components

Theory: home readings Transfer of theory onto oral production: - Written practice (transcriptions and dictations)- class & home assignments - Oral practice- lab & home

The choice of a model

Models of standard english: SBE (RP) and GA (norma culta) French: lle de France German: Hochdeutsch Italian: Tuscany Italian Etc. UK: RP SBE USA: GA

Non-standard forms
No subimoal bondi ta luego Toy Vamo

Pollo/poyo/posho Yo yerba Llame Ya!! Allophone versus phoneme

How dost thou triumpst in this course?

AWARENESS, awareness, awareness!!!! Sound v. Spelling v symbol Awareness of sound quality Awareness of your own organs of speech Awareness of your L1 (castellano rioplatense) Awareness of perceptual distance betwwen sound targets

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