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Pictures of chemistry laboratory apparatus

their uses
Alcohol lamp: These lamps are used to heat the liquid solutions to get the head reaction results

Viscometer ls an lnsLrumenL used Lo
measure Lhe vlscoslLv of a fluld

lnfer LemperaLure uslna a porLlon of Lhe
Lhermal radlaLlon someLlmes called blackbodv
radlaLlon emlLLed bv Lhe ob[ecL of
THISTLE TUBEls a plece of laboraLorv alassware conslsLlna
mosLlv of a shafL of Lube wlLh a reservolr and funnelllke secLlon aL Lhe Lop

8eaker a llquldmeasurlna conLalner
clav Lrlanale a wlre frame wlLh porcelaln used Lo supporL a cruclble
wlre aauze used Lo spread heaL of a burner flame
LesL Lube used as holder of small amounL of soluLlon
forceps holds or plck up small ob[ecLs
araduaLed cvllnder measures approxlmaLe volume of llqulds
araduaLed plpeLLe measures soluLlon volumes
condenser used ln dlsLlllaLlon
cruclble used Lo heaL a small amounL of a solld subsLance aL a verv hlah LemperaLure
funnel used Lo Lransfer sollds and llqulds wlLhouL spllllna
LhermomeLer measures LemperaLure
balance measures mass of maLerlal
pP meLer measures acldlLv of soluLlons
cenLrlfuae separaLes maLerlals of varvlna denslLv
plpeLLe used Lo Lransfer measured subsLances lnLo anoLher vessel
droppers for addlLlon of llqulds drop bv drop
alass funnels for funnellna llqulds from one conLalner Lo anoLher or for fllLerlna when equlpped wlLh
fllLer paper
CraduaLed cvllnders for measuremenL of an amounL of llquld 1he
volume of llquld can be esLlmaLed Lo Lhe nearesL 01 mL wlLh pracLlce
8lna sLand (wlLh rlnas or clamps) for holdlna pleces of alassware ln place
1esL Lubes for holdlna small samples or for conLalnlna smallscale reacLlons
LesLLube holders for holdlna LesL Lubes when Lubes should noL be Louched
Lonas slmllar funcLlon Lo forceps buL are useful for laraer lLems
volumeLrlc flasks Lo measure preclse volumes of llquld or Lo make preclse dlluLlons
Wash boLLles for dlspenslna small quanLlLles of dlsLllled waLer
WaLch alasses for holdlna small samples or for coverlna beakers or evaporaLlna dlshes
Wlre aauze on a rlna supporLs beakers Lo be heaLed bv 8unsen burners
beaker burner 8unsenls a common plece
of laboraLorv equlpmenL LhaL produces a slnale open aas flame whlch ls used for heaLlna sLerlllzaLlon
and combusLlon
LhermomeLers ph meLer
wlre aauze

LesL Lube forceps
araduaLed cvllnder
araduaLed plpeLLe
droppers alass funnels
LesL Lube holder Lonas
volumeLrlc flasks rlna sLand
waLch alasses
alcohol lamp

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