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Part I: Personal Thinking Styles y Identify your primary and backup thinking styles: What are your "primary"

(highest percentile score) and "backup" (second highest percentile) personal thinking styles as shown in your circumplex? Discuss how your primary and backup personal styles are manifested in your life and work (see the LSI Self Development Guide online). Using the style interpretations in the LSI Guide, describe the styles and give your perceptions about the results. Do you agree or disagree with them and why? Identify your limiting style: Identify and illustrate one style you think might be working against you to reduce your overall effectiveness. Name the style you have chosen, make a few remarks about why you are choosing this style as limiting your professional effectiveness in organizations. Select one behavior associated with this style that you think you would like to change and the difference it will make. Be sure to support your interpretation with examples, etc. LSI Style Interpretations: Go to the LSI1 Results page, find your circumplex profile, and click on the circumplex "slice" of one of the styles. The site will bring you to a customized interpretation of the style you clicked on. Click on each of the 12 "slices" to see all of the customized style description pages.

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Part II: Impact On Management Style What impact do your personal styles have on your management style? Explore and assess the impact of your personal styles on your effectiveness as a manager in terms of the four functions of management: a. Planning; b. Organizing; c. Leading; and d. Controlling. If you are currently not a manager, assume you are and predict your effectiveness as such. Part III: Genesis of Personal Styles Critically evaluate and explain on how you developed the personal styles that were revealed in your LSI. What role, for example, did family relationships, school, organizational memberships, culture, etc. have in shaping your personal style? Part IV: Conclusion and Reflection Think about your LSI results and your responses to the above questions. Summarize any concluding comments. Close your paper with a statement of at least one question or goal you hope your work in GM591 will help you to address and comment with a few sentences to describe the value of this exercise to your personal and professional development. Please note: The LSI Self-Development Guide is integrated into the LSI1 Participant account, and is available after you complete the LSI Survey and have access to your results. In-depth and personalized style descriptions can be found by clicking on the style "slices" of the circumplex. For example, if you would like to learn more about the Humanistic-Encouraging style (Style 1), you simply click on the circumplex "slice" for that style. The same goes for the other 11 styles.

You can find the Challenge of Change and the Self-Improvement Plan information by using two of the additional links that become available in you LSI online account after the survey is complete. These links are "The Challenge of Change" and "Your Self-Improvement Plan." Good luck with the exercise!

LSI result form provides a circumplex profile (Figure 1 see appendix ) which maps out the scores of my responses to the inventory and thus identifies the specific aspects of my LSI result . It is evident from Figure 1 that my highest score falls in the Affiliative style. It can be said that my primary thinking style is affiliative which means that I tend to place importance and value to my interpersonal relationships and to always make sure that I do not make enemies and please everyone . In reflection , I agreed with this description because I must admit that I always strive to maintain harmony in all my relationships , may it be at work or in my neighborhood and with my family . I become uncomfortable when I hear people screaming at each other or getting angry , I always strive to say things kindly even if I am already upset with how things are being done . The second highest score fall on the Humanistic-encouraging style which then is my back-up thinking style . This meant that I dominantly want to and work in helping other people achieve their potentials and dreams . This is also true for me since I am drawn to volunteer on groups that help people become better persons . I also think about how my actions would affect other people , I try to not put people down , or to appear that I am better than they are . I am an encourager in the sense that I make it my personal mission to encourage those who are feeling depressed and those who think that they are unlucky and unloved . When I analyzed my primary and back-up thinking styles I realized that they actually compliment each other , since I seek and value affiliation with other people , I try to help them grow personally and professionally and that somehow I could see why people always say that I am a good person .`Limiting` Style The style I have chosen to limit my effectiveness is that of being Oppositional (7 o clock position . The oppositional style is directly in conflict with humanisticencouraging style , and since oppositional is in the aggressive-defensive styles I would really

Lsi Paper
This print version free essay Lsi Paper.
Category: Business Autor: reviewessays 21 April 2011 Words: 1327 | Pages: 6 Life Styles Inventory The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) identifies the underlying thoughts and motivations that guide an individual's behavior. The quality of an individual's thinking and behavior contributes greatly to that person's work performance. The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) is based around the Human Synergistic Circumplex, describing constructive, passive/defensive and aggressive/defensive behaviors. In the LSI, the feedback is normed against how 9,000 individuals have described themselves (LSI 1) and how 5,000 individuals have been described by 25,000 others (LSI 2). (LSI Human Synergistic Part I- Personal Thinking Styles

Your LSI Styles Circumplex Primary and Backup Thinking Styles

The above illustration shows my different styles, I am strongest in the Aggressive/Defensive Styles category. Power, Oppositional, Competitive, and perfectionistic are my strengths in the illustration. My primary personal thinking style is Power (8 O clock position). This measure on how demanding and controlling I am all of the time. This shows that feeling in charge; I tend to feel threatened and helpless when Im not in full control of a situation. I notice that most of my friends tend to be quiet when I start to get hostile in feuding conversations. Below are statements that describe how power thinking styles affect me: Driven to be in charge at all times Quick to anger , impatient and irritable with others Will seek revenge if provoked Fear a loss control My Backup personal thinking style is Competitive (9 Oclock position). Competitive scale measures my way of thinking with others. I tend to focus more on winning than on performance excellence. I scored more on the high range with competitive as well as power. Being a high competitive person includes: Higher Quality results The ability and willingness to cooperate with others Satisfying relationships A greater appreciation for cooperation and teamwork Limiting Thinking Styles

I chose Self-Actualizing out of Constructive Styles; I scored the highest out of that category (12 Oclock position). This scale measures a way of thinking that results in the highest form of personal fulfillment. This is a challenging style for me because it involves creativity and imagination. I am choosing this style because I believe this is a area in my life that I would like to focus on. I would like to challenge myself to become more self-actualizing which I will have a strong interest in working to become everything that Im capable of being. I feel there are so many different areas that I need to change in my life and sometimes I hear people telling me how I should change traits in my life. I believe this may be a trait that I should focus more on. Part II: Impact On Management Style

What impact do my personal styles have on my management style? Explore/assess the impact of my personal style on my effectiveness as a manager in terms of the five functions of management. 1. Planning- I scored high in Dependent style which shows that I can plan things well with others. Im a weekly planner when it comes to business, coordinating meetings and being very pro-active, others help me out when it comes to future planning. 2. Organizing- As a dependent style, I usually want others in my group to help me with ideas. In team meeting, I normally would like a colleague to assist with a new idea or become creative with organizing a event. I have really great organizational skills when it comes to my desk and home. I know where everything is. 3. Staffing- I believe my high Approval style works well when it comes to staffing. I can collaborate with others approval. Normally when Im about to make a decision, I always seek approval from about 5 people, this helps me finalized my decision. 4. Directing- I believe that my high score of Power works well when Im in a position of directing a group of people. I have always had the mission and desire to be in control. The high score of power signifies my intelligence of being a leader. Most of organizational task, Im normally voted the leader. 5. Controlling- Again my high score of Power shows that I have no problem being in control. I have great leadership skills, and fit all of the criteria of having a Power style. I dont come off as a control person, however when decisions are being made I always stand up so that I can be heard and my opinion counts. Part III- Genesis of Personal Styles Speculate on how you developed the personal styles that were revealed in your LSI. What role, for example, did family relationships; school, organizational memberships, culture, etc. have in shaping your personal style. I believe growing up in life was some what a challenge for me. I was born the only child and grandchild, therefore a lot of pressure was on me. So many people in my family wanted me to be this person or that person. I was raised primarily by my mother who was a single mother, my parents divorced when I was 2. As I analyze the LSI survey results for myself, I notice that power is really high. This style was probably on how I was raised. Both my mother and grandmother were both controlling with lots of anger. I believe that growing up around those characteristics what makes up of who I am today. I came from a well educated family that believes in furthering your education because living in a world with no education will not get you far. At the same time, being a black male is also hard in Corporate America of which my parents really never taught me on. Being the only child was fun, but also lonely. I wished that I had other siblings, someone to play with and also as an adult someone to talk with on a personal level. My family always gave me what I wanted, and I believe now when it comes to sharing or attention I really need it from others. I have had several relationships where I felt like I needed more attention, and my girlfriends from the past did not understand. I was involved with several organizations growing up, most were in the church. It was mandatory for me to attend church every Sunday. I continue to attend a weekly service now, which is a spiritual motivation for me.

I feel that all of these different situations have a lot to do with my constructive styles and how I scored. When I analyzed my results, I was not surprise at all this was all information that I knew about, however there are some styles that I would like to change in my life. Part IV- Conclusion and Reflection This has been a very intriguing exercise; there were a lot of things about myself that I learned. Im glad that this is part of the class; this LSI has helped me decide who Alex is and what I need to work on. I hope that my work and learning experience in GM 591 will help me understand on how to deal with people and a variety of personalities. This class will help me significantly in Corporate America and especially in my current role. So far this class has helped me understand culture, people etc, it has also help me make radical decisions in the work place and how to deal with comments from other people. This LSI has allowed me to go forward with a education in my personal and professional development. One of my questions in this class is how to become very successful in Corporate America, understand the dos and donts. I would like to climb that corporate latter, and dealing with a lot of psychology and understanding people and reading them will hopefully make me more successful in the workforce.

Hi Professor, Please find the attached LSI assignment paper. Regards, Syed Hasan Part V- Primary Resource Life Styles Inventory LSI: Home Page. (

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