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How to create figures in Xfig containing LaTeX expresions.

I am describing how I prepare figures in Xfig with LaTeX expresions inside. Prepare a figure in Xfig and add latex text inside dollars $ $. 1. After adding text with LaTeX expresions ( e. g. $R_x [\Omega]$ ), use Edit Tool to set Special Flag of this text box as Special. 2. Save a your figure (e. g. example.fig) and export it. Use Language in Export Menu: "Combined PS/LaTeX (both parts)". As a result you get two files example.pstex and example.pstex_t 3. Prepare new file in TeX format (e. g. example.tex) with something like that inside:
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{epsfig} \usepackage{color} \setlength{\textwidth}{100cm} \setlength{\textheight}{100cm} \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} \input{omega.pstex_t} \end{document}

5. Run the commands:

latex example.tex

It creates exapmle.dvi. Then run:

dvips -E example.dvi -o example.eps

6. Now you have the figure exapmle.eps and you can use it in your LaTeX document. 7. Or you can use command:
epstopdf example.eps

to save it as example.pdf document. I use this method to create figures with Xfig 3.2 patchlevel 5a (Protocol 3.2) and Ubuntu 9.10, but it should also works in other versions of linux systems. Good luck!

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