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1.>Program to model a simple, basic application of Stack data structure using array. 2.>Program that allows the user to enter the order, starting number and pattern of arrangement and prints a circular matrix. 3.>Program that accepts the order and starting number and prints the corresponding magic square. 4.>Program that accepts a set of numbers from user and sorts them using insertion sort and displays array at each step. 5.>Program that models a student register allowing user to frame student objects and sort them marks-wise or name-wise and store the output in a file (file handling). 6.> Program to model a simple, basic application of Circular-Queue data structure using array. 7.>Program that allows user to enter a set of numbers and calculates and prints start-index, end-index and sum of the region of the set having highest sum. 8.>Program that allows user to enter a postfix-expression and evaluates and prints its result. 9.> Program that allows user to enter an infix-expression and evaluates and prints its postfix form. 10.>Program that models an Airplane ticket reservation system using the concept of inheritance. 11.>Program that accepts a date from the user and prints the day of week which falls on that date. 12.>Program that accepts the number of numbers from the user and print the lucky numbers for that limit starting from 1. 13.> Program to model a simple, basic application of Queue data structure using Linklist.

14.>Program that accepts the order of the matrix and starting number and prints a winding pattern of numbers. 15.>Program that accepts a sentence from the user and prints the sentence with each of its words reversed. 16.>Program that accepts a set of dates from the user and sorts them chronologically and prints them. 17.> Program that accepts two dates from the user and pints the difference between them in terms of years, months and days and prints them. 18.>Program that allows user to check an individual number or range of numbers for Angstrom and Krishnamurty numbers. 19.>Program that allows the user to enter one or many bills, calculate individual and total cost and displays them. 20.>Program that accepts a 3X3 matrix, calculates and prints its determinant value.

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