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Mr. Neck, who is a history teacher of an 8 th class in the Text First Amendment is a very unfair and aggressive person.

By storming into class like a bull, Mr. Neck shows that he is a very furious person. Also he is very intolerant, because he doesnt accepts others opinions. When a kid of the class say that his son dont get a job because he is not good enough or too lazy he stops the debate arbitrarily, which shows that he is a very unfair, rude, bossy and authoritarian person. He has a very aggressive and insulting character, because he threatens a child. He doesnt like immigrants because he say, that his family lived here for 2 hundred years and now immigrants take away the jobs for real American. So he is a little bit irrational, because he is drawing wrong conclusions from his history of ancestors. Also he thinks that immigrants have it too easy and he makes them responsible for his son s fate. It shows that he is very xenophobic, racist and bia sed. All in all he is very frustrated, because his son doesnt get a job and he feels personally attacked from/by the immigrants.

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