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<?php // Original PHP script written by Simon Moore 19th July 2003 // This script is for

uk employees or customers // and users must have an account with // // This script will send either SMS or MMS messages and deals // with all encoding issues. // // POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS: // It does not use HTTPS which is recommended by // // IMPORTANT NOTE // There is no warranty, implied or otherwise with this software. // // LICENCE // This code has been placed in the Public Domain for all to enjoy. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CHANGE HISTORY // 2007-02-07: Changed Connection:Keep-Alive to Connection: close so that // a single HTTP request/response (the most common) is much quicker. Thanks to // Max at Dard for helping identify this change. // // 2007-02-08: Updated this comment documentation. // 2008-05-28: Connection Software (John Coll) added // server failover // extensive debug // safe acquisition of query string parameters // cleaner layout of source code // silenced fsockopen errors - but there is debug // 2008-06-05: Connection Software (John Coll) added // secure connection using curl. note this does require additional // apache configuration ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The variables set at the end of this comment must be modified as follows: // // $uname = USERNAME eg: $uname = "USERNAME.12345"; // $pw = PASSWORD eg: $pw = "QWERTYU.POIUYT"; // $pin = PIN number eg: $pin = "12345678"; // // $uploaddir = UPLOAD DIRECTORY FOR MMS images eg $uploaddir = "uploads/"; // ***NOTE - this path must be set world writable in your server directory (ie, chmod 777) // // $max_size = MAXIMUM SIZE OF MMS IMAGE IN BYTES eg: $max_size = 10240; (max si ze is set to 10kb) // // // This script should be saved as 'index.php' in a directory of your choice // A subdirectory should also exist for MMS uploads (see note above) // // MMS content has been limited to JPEG or GIF files, but this could be changed by altering the $userfile_type // conditions in the 'sendmms' ToDo below $uname = "another.12345"; $pin = "12345678"; $uploaddir = "uploads/"; $uploaddir = '/var/www/uploads/';

$max_size = 102400; # ############################################################ # do we want debug ? $debug=1; # do we want to use HTTPS for a secure connection? $secure=1; ############################################################ # $pfile contains the name of this script $file = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; $break = Explode('/', $file); $pfile = $break[count($break) - 1]; # if ($debug) { if (! file_exists("/tmp" )) { mkdir("/tmp", 0777); } $myFile = "/tmp/" . $pfile . ".log"; $fh_debug = fopen($myFile, 'a') or die("can't open file"); fwrite($fh_debug, "\n\n" . $pfile . "\n". date("j F Y G:i:s") . "\n"); @chmod($myFile,0666); } ############################################################ # Function definitions ############################################################ function http_post($vars) { global $debug, $fh_debug, $secure; if($secure) { $urlencoded = ""; while (list($key, $value) = each($vars)) { $urlencoded.= urlencode($key)."=".$value."&"; } $urlencoded = substr($urlencoded, 0, -1); if ($debug) {fwrite($fh_debug, "\nFirst 100 chars of URLENCODED =" . substr($urlencoded,0,100) . "\n");} $url = ""; $ch = curl_init(); // initialize curl handle curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url); // set url to post to curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); // return into a var iable curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); // times out after 5s curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // set POST method curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $urlencoded); // add POST f ields $result = curl_exec($ch); // run the whole process curl_close($ch); return $result; } else { $server1=""; $server2=""; $port=80; if ($debug) {fwrite($fh_debug, "PORT=" . $port . " SERVER=" .

$server1 . "\n");} # note that the sendsms web service is actually the same as the sendmms service... $url= "/webservices/http/sendsms" ; $user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)"; # $urlencoded = ""; while (list($key, $value) = each($vars)) { $urlencoded.= urlencode($key)."=".$value."&"; } $urlencoded = substr($urlencoded, 0, -1); if ($debug) {fwrite($fh_debug, "\nFirst 100 chars of URLENCODED =" . substr($urlencoded,0,100) . "\n");} $content_length = strlen($urlencoded); $headers $headers $headers $headers $headers $headers $headers $headers $headers ; } # attempt to open connection to server - with failover $fp = @fsockopen($server1, $port, $errno, $errstr,5); if ($fp) { $report= "server1 opened OK\n"; if ($debug) {fwrite($fh_debug, $report . "\n");} } else { $report= "server1 failed, trying server2\n"; if ($debug) {fwrite($fh_debug, $report . "\n");} $fp = @fsockopen($server2, $port, $errno, $errstr,10); if (!$fp) { $report= "server2 failed as well\n"; if ($debug) {fwrite($fh_debug, $report . "\n"); } return false; } else { $report= "server2 openened OK\n"; if ($debug) {fwrite($fh_debug, $report . "\n"); } } } = .= .= .= .= .= .= .= .= "POST $url HTTP/1.1\n"; "Accept: */*\n"; "Accept-Langauge: en-au\n"; "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n"; "User-Agent: $user_agent\n"; "Host: $server\n"; "Connection: close\n"; "Cache-Control: no-cache\n"; "Content-Length: $content_length\n\n";

if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "\nHEADERS=" . $headers . "\n")

fputs($fp, $headers); fputs($fp, $urlencoded); $ret = ""; while (!feof($fp)) { $ret.=fgets($fp, 1024); } fclose($fp); return $ret; } } ############################## function ascii_convert($text) { $text = str_replace(' ', '___SPACE___', $text); $text = urlencode($text); $text = str_replace('___SPACE___', '%20', $text); return $text; } ############################################################ # generate the HTML - dependent on parameters passed echo echo "7\" echo "<html><head><title>iSend SMS or MMS using HTTP connection</title>"; "<body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" marginheight=\"7\" topmargin=\"7\" marginwidth=\ leftmargin=\"7\" style=\"margin:7px\">"; "Software version dated 2008-05-28<br><br>";

$ToDo=$_REQUEST['ToDo']; if ($ToDo == "") { if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "ToDo=" . $ToDo . "\n"); } echo "Please choose an option from the list below:<br><br>"; echo "<li><a href=\"index.php?ToDo=sms\">Send SMS message</a>"; echo "<li><a href=\"index.php?ToDo=mms\">Send MMS message</a>"; echo "<br><br>"; } elseif ($ToDo == "sms") { if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "ToDo=" . $ToDo . "\n"); } echo "Please fill in the form below to send your message:<br><br>"; echo "<form name=\"sms\" method=\"post\" ToDo=\"index.php\">"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ToDo\" value=\"sendsms\">"; echo "Full International Format Mobile/Cell Phone Number (i.e. 447700912 345):<br>"; echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"phone\" size=\"20\">"; echo "<br><br>Message:<br>"; echo "<textarea name=\"message\" rows=\"8\" cols=\"40\"></textarea>"; echo "<br><br>"; echo "<input type=\"reset\" value=\"clear\">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<in put type=\"submit\" value=\"send\">"; echo "</form>"; } elseif ($ToDo == "sendsms") { if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "ToDo=" . $ToDo . "\n"); }

$message=$_REQUEST['message']; $phone=$_REQUEST['phone']; $message = stripslashes($message); $message = ascii_convert($message); if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug,"MESSAGE=" . $message . "\n");} $sending = http_post(array("Username" => $uname, "PIN" => $pin, "SendTo" => $phone, "Message" => $message)); if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "SENDING=" .$sending . "\n");} echo echo echo echo } "Please choose an option from the list below:<br><br>"; "<li><a href=\"index.php?ToDo=sms\">Send SMS message</a>"; "<li><a href=\"index.php?ToDo=mms\">Send MMS message</a>"; "<br><br>";

elseif ($ToDo == "mms") { if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "ToDo=" . $ToDo . "\n"); } echo "Please fill in the form below to send your message:<br><br>"; echo "<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" ToDo=\"index.php\" method=\" post\">"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ToDo\" value=\"sendmms\">"; echo "Full International Format Mobile/Cell Phone Number (i.e 4477009123 45):<br>"; echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"phone\" size=\"20\">"; echo "<br><br><b>Image:</b> <input name=\"userfile\" type=\"file\">"; echo "<br><br>Message:<br>"; echo "<textarea name=\"message\" rows=\"4\" cols=\"50\"></textarea>"; echo "<br><br><br>"; echo "<input type=\"reset\" value=\"clear\">&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<in put type=\"submit\" value=\"send\">"; } elseif ($ToDo == "sendmms") { if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "ToDo=" . $ToDo . "\n"); } $message=$_REQUEST['message']; $phone=$_REQUEST['phone']; $userfile_name=basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']); $userfile_tmp=$_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']; $userfile=$uploaddir . basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']); $userfile_size=$_FILES['userfile']['size']; $userfile_type=$_FILES['userfile']['type']; if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "UPLOADFILE=". $userfile . " USER FILE_TMP=". $userfile_tmp . " USERFILE_SIZE=". $userfile_size . " USERFILETY PE=" . $userfile_type . "\n"); } # if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'])) { if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "MMS file was uploaded\n"); } if ($userfile_size > $max_size) { if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "MMS file is too big at ". $userfile_size . " bytes\n"); } echo "The file is too big. Please click back to try aga in with a smaller image.<br><br>";

exit; } mage/jpeg") g"))) id\n"); } echo "Sorry. Your file needs to be either a .gif or .jp g file. Please click back to try again.<br>\n</td></tr>"; exit; } else { if (! move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'] , $userfile)) { if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "Failed to m ove MMS file\n"); } echo "Sorry. The upload failed. Please click b ack to try again.<br><br>"; exit; } else { if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "MMS file up load OK\n"); } if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "Username=" . $uname . "\n"); } if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "PIN=" . $pi n . "\n"); } if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "SendTo=" . $phone . "\n"); } if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "Message=" . $message . "\n"); } if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "WAPPushFile Name1=" . $userfile_name ."\n"); } echo "File <b>$userfile_name</b> uploaded succes sfully. Thank you.<br><br>"; $success = "yes"; $filehandle = fopen("$userfile", "r"); $data = fread($filehandle, filesize($userfile)); fclose ($filehandle); $data = bin2hex($data); $message = stripslashes($message); $message = ascii_convert($message); $sending = http_post(array("Username" => $uname, "PIN" => $pin, "SendTo" => $phone, "Message" => $message, "WAPPushFileName1" => $userfile_name, "WAPPushFileData1" => $data)); $delete = @unlink($userfile); if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "Result=" . $sending . "\n"); } } } } else { if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "MMS file was NOT uploaded\n "); } if ( ! (($userfile_type == "image/gif") ($userfile_type == "i ($userfile_type == "image/jpg") ($userfile_type == "image/pjpe { if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "MMS file type inval

} } else { # we should never get here... if ($debug) { fwrite($fh_debug, "Invalid - ToDo=" . $ToDo . "\n"); } } fclose($fh_debug); ?>

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