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All logic is only made of assumption An individual is one who is indivisible All phschologialm suffering is hurts and all

hurts are same In helplessness the mind is silent and open itself to grace Greateness should not be claimed it should be realised when mind is in a state ofchoicelessness, the right choice arrives To be attentitve to something is attend to it without any willed effort Read yourself and not books Everything is anb idea to unawakened person, even the physical universe Setting right relationship is one of the fastest way to awakning Consciouness is the ground of all existence No matter who the other person is when there is compassion and true love the other person responds perfoction is not a concept it is seeing all thing as perfect The ablity to shift the stand is freedom withn the mind When one functions with out a stand then it is freedom from the mind Nothing can exist byitself anything can existonly in relation to other To become aware you must beauthentic to yourself Conflict is the mesurement toknow tat act is from awerness or unawreness When you function from awareness there is no karma

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