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Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, Antioch Collège





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Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 54-6661

For this new édition the Dietionary has been thoroughly revised with the
aid of ail available new vocabularies. Many terms and meanings hâve been
added from chemistry and related sciences and from industry. The vocabu-
lary has grown from 35,000 terms to an estimated 42,000, in spite of the fact
that many terms having the same spelling and meaning in French and English
hâve been omitted in order to save space. The chemical nomenclature has
been revised to accord with the most récent décisions.
Among the technical vocabularies consulted for this édition are: Cooper,
Concise International Dietionary of Mechanics and Geology; Cornubert,
Dictionnaire Anglais-Français-Allemand (Physique et Chimie) ; Cornubert,
Dictionnaire Chimique Anglais-Français; Cusset, Vocabulaire Technique
Anglais-Français et Français-Anglais; Davies, A French-English Vocabulary
in Geology and Physical Geograyhy ; DeVries, French-English Science Die-
tionary, second édition; Duval, Duval and Dolique, Dictionnaire de la
Chimie et de ses Applications (ail French) ; Hoyer-Kreuter-Schlomann, Dic-
tionnaire Technologique, sixth édition; Institut Technique du Bâtiment et
des Travaux Publics, Lexique Technique Français-Anglais et Anglais-Fran-
çais; Kettridge, Dictionnaire Français-Anglais, Anglais-Français; Langford,
Dictionnaire Technique et Commercial; Lycett, Dictionnaire Technique de
l'Aviation; Partridge, Dietionary of Biological Equivalents; Persch, Erdôl-
wôrterbuch, Franzôsisch-Deutsch-Englisch-Spanisch; Thompson-Haim, Dic-
tionnaire de la Soudure; Veillon, Dictionnaire Médical; Ziloff, Dictionnaire
Technique des Termes du Pétrole (Groupe Français du Conseil de Contrôle
Allié en Allemagne), second édition.
I am also indebted to Mr. Lewis Bertrand for a list of terms not in the
first édition, and to Miss Janet D. Scott for the use of her table of inorganic
anions (Chem. Abstracts 39, 5957-60 (1945)).
January, 1954
The présent work is the response to a demand (not at ail anticipated) for a
French companion to the author's German-English Dictionary for Chemists.
It follows the plan of the earlier book, which seems to hâve met with gênerai
Professor F. W. Tanner of the University of Illinois has read the galley
proofs and added a number of biological terms, and Professor Frank Vogel of
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has read the page proofs and the
manuscript of the Introduction and has also contributed the gênerai state-
ment prefacing the "Conjugation of French Verbs." The author is likewise
under obligation to Professor C. W. Foulk, Mr. E. J. Crâne and Dr. Maurice
L. Doit, and to numerous other friends who hâve given opinions or an-
swered queries.
Référence works chiefly consulted: General, Clifton-Grimaux-McLaughlin,
French-English Dictionary; the Larousse dictionaries, especially the latest,
"Larousse pour tous." Technical, Répertoire technologique des noms d'in-
dustries et de professions (by French Government officiais) ; Willcox, French-
English Military Technical Dictionary; De Méric, Dictionnaire des termes
de médecine. The material has been rather scattered, consequently a large
proportion has been obtained by the reading of books, catalogs and journals.
A really good dictionary is a growth. No one can realize as well as the
author how incomplète the vocabulary of this one still is. The very helpful
correspondence regarding errors and omissions in the German-English dic-
tionary leads to the hope that readers will go to the same trouble in this case.
January, 1921
a. adjective. Inorg. Inorganic.
abbrev. abbreviation. interj. interjection.
adv. adverb. m. masculine noun.1
Aero. Aeronautics. Mach. Machinery.
Agric. Agriculture. masc. masculine.
Anal. Analysis, Analytical. Math. Mathematics.
Anat. Anatomy. Mech. Mechanics.
Arith. Arithmetic. Med. Medicine.
Astron. Astronomy. Métal. Metallurgy.
Bact. Bacteriology. Micros. Microscopy.
Biol. Biology, Biological. Mil. Military.
Bot. Botany. Min. Mineralogy.
Calico Calico Printing. n. noun.
cap. capital. Obs. obsolète.
Ceram. Ceramics. Org. Organic.
cf. compare. p.a. participial adjective (and
Chem. Chemistry. participle).
Corn. Commerce. p.def. past definite.
cond. conditional. Petrog. Petrography.
conj. conjunction. Pkarm. Pharmacy.
Cryst. Crystallography. Photog. Photography.
def. définition. Physiol. Physiology.
Dist. Distilling. pi. plural.
Elec. Electricity. p.p. past participle.
esp. especially. présent participle.
Expl. Explosives. pr. présent.
f- féminine noun. prep. préposition.
fem. féminine. pron. pronoun.
fig- figuratively. Pyro. Pyrotechnies.
fut. future. sing. singular.
Geol. Geology. sp. species.
Geom. Geometry. specif. specifically.
i-mp. imperfect. subj. subjunctive.
imper. imperative. syn. synonym.
indic. indicative. Tech. Technical.
Thermochem. Thermochemistry. v.r. reflexive verb.
T.N. Trade Name. v.t. transitive verb
Vet. Veterinary. Zoôl. Zoôlogy.
v.i. intransitive verb.
Thanks to the many words which French and English hâve in common
and to the clarity of French expression, the beginner usually finds it easier
to learn to read French than German, espeoially if he has studied Latin.
Separable préfixes, involved sentence order and a certain well-known "long-
wordformingtendency" are not there to trouble him. Nevertheless there are
pitfalls, such as the numerous idiomatic phrases, the irregular verb forms
and the words which, though posing as old friends, do not mean just what
they ought to! Thèse matters the author has tried to keep in mind in the
préparation of the dictionary. The following notes may be of assistance in
the use of the vocabulary.
Phrases. A large number of phrases has been included. As a rule, a
phrase is entered under the first important word which occurs in it, préposi-
tions, conjunctions and articles being passed by (en détail under détail, tout
d'un coup under tout, etc.).
Labels. Labels such as Anat., Elec. and Soap are freely used to indicate
in what connection a word has a given meaning. Without such labels some
meanings would hardly be intelligible. (For label abbreviations see the table
on pages ix and x.)
Verbs. Irregular verb forms which are likely to appear in scientific litera-
ture are givén where they are most needed, Le., in the vocabulary under their
own spellings, and not safely concealed under the parent verb.
General Words. A gênerai vocabulary fuller than that of many pocket
dictionaries is included with the technical words. The spécial chemical
meaning of a gênerai word is ordinarily placed first.
Words Common to French and English. In the first édition many words
of the same spelling and meaning in the two languages were included. In
this édition such words hâve been omitted to make space for new terms, ex-
cept (1) if the word is followed by one or more phrases, and (2) if the word
has an ending which might be translated in two ways. This is especially true
of names of chemical compounds ending in -ine, which is translated into
English as -ine if the substance is basic, otherwise as -in [cf. rule (4) on
page xiv]. Manifestly, the names of compounds which are entered are only
a sélection from among those which might hâve been included.
Derived Words. As a space-saving device the meanings of many worda
are merely indicated, référence being made to another word which is fully
defined. For example, several sensés of the verb brasser (to stir) are given.
A listing of ail the corresponding meanings of the noua brassage is avoided
by using for the latter word the forai "stirring, etc. (see brasser)." Parti-
ciples and participial adjectives are often treated in the same way.
Féminine Forms. Thèse are not given except in spécial cases. The usual
sign of the féminine is the letter e; thus, gris (gray) becomes grise in the
féminine singular, while neutre (neutral) which ends in e in the masculine
form remains unchanged in the féminine. The following irregularities should
be noted:

-ve (fem.) corresponding to -f (masc.) ; as, actif, active.

-se " " -x; as, nitreux, nitreuse.
-se " " -r; as, trompeur, trompeuse.
-che " " - c ; as, blanc, blanche.
-que " " -c; as, turc, turque.
-gue " " -g; as, long, longue.
-trice " " -teur; as, indicateur, indicatrice.
Doubling of the final consonant; as, gros, grosse.

Plural Forms. The regular formation of the plural is by addition of s to

the singular. Departures from this rule are:

-aux (pi.) corresponding to -al, -ail or -au (sing.) ; as, égal, égaux.
-eaux " " -eau; as, nouveau, nouveaux.
-eux " " -eu; as, jeu, jeux.
-oux " " -ou; as, caillou, cailloux.
Nouns ending in -s, -x and -z and masculine adjectives ending in -s and -x
in the singular are unchanged in the plural.
Nouns Used as Adjectives. French differs from English in its adjectival
use of nouns. In some instances the use is the same; as, odeur éther, ether
odor; solution lilas, lilac solution. For the most part, however, French nouns
used as adjectives might be construed as in apposition; as, chimiste ingénieur,
chemical engineer; tube séparateur, separating tube. On the other hand, such
English expressions as "sodium chloride" (chlorure de sodium) and "gun
steel" (acier à canon) require the use of a préposition when rendered into
Inorganic Nomenclature. Most inorganic names are readily translated
from French into English as soon as one learns that -ure corresponds to the
English -4de; -ique to ic; and -eux (fem. -euse) to -ous.
Names of hydracids difîer in construction from the English names; as,
chlorhydrique, hydrochloric.
Names of salts containing the préposition de ghould not invariably be
translated by using "of." For example, while acétate de cuivre is correctly
translated "acétate of copper," the form "copper acétate" is more fréquent.
Apparently, the older fashion of naming salts from the bases instead of the
metals (as carbonate de soude, carbonate of soda) is more persistent in French
than in English, hence in many cases it would be well to use the modem
form (in this case, sodium carbonate) in translating them.
Organic Nomenclature. The use of adjectives in French organic names,
instead of a combining form as in English and German, may be noted; thus
the compound C6H4CI2 (dichlorobenzene) is often called benzène (or ben-
zine) dichloré, although dichlorobenzene and even the Germanism dichlor-
benzol also occur.
Names of esters are found in which the name of the alcohol radical is pre-
fixed to the name of the acid; as, éther amylacé tique. This should be ren-
dered "amyl acétate" rather than "amylacetic ester" or "amylacetic ether" if
the compound CH3CO2C5H11 is meant, and other cases should be treated
Words ending in -ique are used in a gênerai descriptive sensé more fre-
quently than the corresponding English words in -ic; berbérinique, for in-
stance, would be properly translated "berberinic" if designating an acid, but
it often means simply "of berberine" or "berberine"; as, sels berbériniques,
berberine salts.
German names ending in -insâure may usually be translated into French
and English in two ways, that is, as acide -inique (-inic acid) or as acide -ique
(-ic acid) ; and it sometimes happens that the one alternative is chosen in
French, the other in English. For example, the compound named Levulin-
saure is usually called levulinic acid in English while in French the form
acide lévulique seems to be the more common. Such différences are not
In order to hâve names which are in accord with the usage of the American
Chemical Society as embodied in the "Directions to Abstractors" the follow-
ing rules (which also harmonize well with the best usage in Great Britain)
should be observed. They are not necessarily to be applied to names of
pharmaceuticals and dyes, and possibly some exceptions should be allowed
for commercial use only, as glycerm instead of glyceroi. Différences between
trade and scientific usage are always to be regretted.
(1) Translate oxy- by hydroxy- when it désignâtes hydroxyl, as is com-
monly the case in organic names. When oxy- désignâtes the ketonic group
(CO) it is preferably translated oxo- or keto-.
(2) Translate names of compounds the chief function of which is alcoholic
or phenolic so that the name ends in -ol; as, glycerol, resorcinol, mannitol,
pinacol (not pinacone).
(3) When the French ending -ol does not indicate hydroxyl it should be
translated -oie (as, anisole, indole), or in the case of a few hydrocarbons -ene
(as benzol, benzène; toluol, toluène; styrol, styrène).
(4) The ending -ine or -in should be translated -ine in the case of basic
substances and -in elsewhere; as, aniline, glycine, palmitin, albumin. Excep-
tions are benzine (meaning benzène) and the names of alcohols and phénols
(see (2)).
(5) The form amido- should be so translated only when it dénotes combi-
nation with an acid group. Usually it is to be translated amino-; as, acide
amidopropionique, aminopropionic acid; amidophénol, aminophenol. The
same holds for imido-, anilido-, etc.
(6) In such combining forms as bromo-, cyano-, chloro-, nitro-, etc., when
they dénote substituting radicals, the connective o is to be used invariably;
as chlorobenzène or chlorbenzène, chlorobenzene ; acide chloracétique, chloro-
acetic acid. Concurrence of consonants, as in bromphenol and acetpheneti-
dine, are especially to be avoided by use of the connective o (bromophenol,
(7) The French ending -ane should be translated -ane if it is in the name
of a hydrocarbon (or parent heterocyclic compound) which is jully satu-
rated; otherwise, -an. Examples: méthane, menthane, tolan, furan, pentosan.
(8) Names of acids ending in -carbonique are translated -carboxylic, not
(9) In French names of natural glycosides the original ending -ine has
often been replaced by -oside, where the ending -in has been retained in
English. Examples are: amygdaline or, amygdalin; salicine
or salicoside, salicin.
(10) The names of radicals which in English end in '-yl hâve two forms
in French, -yl when used as préfixes and -yle when used as nouns. For ex-
ample, éthylpentane, but le radical éthyle. The -yle form is the one entered
in this Dictionary. Both forms are of course translated -yl in English.
According to a récent international décision, the trivial names of radicals of
carboxylic acids should end in -oyl; as, maleoyl (not maleyl), stearoyl (not
stearyl). The following exceptions are conceded to usage: acetyl, butyryl,
fortnyl, glutaryl, isobutyryl, isovaleryl, malonyl, oxalyl, propionyl, succinyl,
and valeryl.
Pharmaceutical Names. The years hâve brought great changes in the
pharmacopeias, many drugs having been discarded as no longer useful.
However, the old names hâve been retained because of the older literature.
Those which are very old are usually marked Old Pharm. or Obs.
a, pr. S sing. (of avoir) has. abbrev. (asy- abattre, v.t. knock down, throw down, eut
métrique) asymmetric(al). down, pull down; kill, slaughter; depress;
à, prep. to; at; on, in; of; by; from; ac- prostrate; eut off, eut away; soak (skins).
cording to. (When à is used between sub- v.r. fall, fall down; abate; stoop; become
stantives the second modifies the first, as discouraged.
canne à sucre, sugar cane. Phrases com- abeéder, v.i. form an abscess, suppurate.
mencing with à are placed under the first abcès, m. abscess.
important word in the phrase.) abeisse, /. abscissa.
abaisse-langue, m. tongue depressor. abdiquer, v.t. give up, renounce; abdicate.
abaissement, m. lowering, dépression; drop- abducteur, a. leading away; (Physiol.) ab-
ping (of a perpendicular) ; réduction (of ducent; (of a tube) delivery.
équations) ; fall, subsidence, décline, dimi- abécédaire, a. alphabetical ; elementary.
nution ; abasement ; debasement. — du abeille, /. bee.
point de congélation, freezing-point lower- abelmosch, m. (Bot. & Pharm.) abelmoak,
ing. — moléculaire, molecular lowering (or aberrant, a. aberrant, abnormal, variant,
dépression). abêtir, v.t. stupefy, render stu;.>id.
abaisser, v.t. lower; drop, let fall (a per- abhorrer, v.t. abhor, detest.
pendicular) ; reduce (an équation) ; step abiétine, /. abietin.
down (voltage) ; abate, reduce, dinainiah, abiétinée, /. (Bot.) a tree of the fir genus
depress ; abase ; dégrade. v.r. become (Abies); broadly, any of various conifers.
lower, fall, subside ; demean oneself. abiétique, a. abietic.
abaisseur, m. lowerer, etc. (see abaisser). abîme, m. abyss, depth, deep ; (Candies)
— de tension, step-down transformer. tallow vat.
abandon, m. abandonment, relinquishment, abîmer, v.t. injure, spoil; ruin, destroy, en-
abandon. gulf, overwhelm. v.r. spoil; sink, be ai-
abandonner, v.t. leave; let go of ; abandon, gulfed.
give up, give over. abiogénèse, /. abiogenesis.
abaque, m. graphie table, chart ; abacus. ablation, /. ablation, removal.
abasourdir, v.t. deafen; astound. ablativo, adv. in confusion, promiscuously.
abasourdissant, p.a. deafening; astounding. ablette, /. bleak (a fish with silvery scales).
abat, m. killing, slaughter; slaughtered ani- abluant, a. & n. abluent, détergent.
mal; (pi.) inferior parts of slaughtered ani- abluer, v.t. wash, wash off.
mais, also fat from such parts; (pi., Wool) aboi, m. bark, barking; bay, (last) gasp.
locks; downpour. pr. 3 sing. (of abattre) abolir, v.t. abolish; cancel, annul, repeal.
knocks down, etc. abolis se ment, m., abolition, /. abolish-
abatage, m. killing, slaughter; destruction, ment, abolition, etc. (see abolir).
démolition ; throwing down ; lowering. — abondamment, adv. abundantly; copiously,
à la mine, — à la poudre, blasting. — hy- amply.
draulique, hydraulic mining or excavating. abondance, /. abundance ; plentifulness,
abâtardir, v.t. render degenerate, deteriorate. plenty. d'—, extemporaneously.
abatis, m. offal (of animais); material eut abondant, p.a. abundant; abounding, pleuti-
or pulled down; slaughter; cutting or pull- ful ; fluent.
ing down. abonder, v.i. abound, be abundant.
abat-jour, m. shade (for a lamp or the abonné, m., abonnée, /. subscriber.
eyes) ; window (of certain kinds) ; skylight ; abonnement, m. subscription ; contract.
abat-jour ; awning. abonner, v.r. subscribe f contract.
abattage. = abatage. abonnir, v.t. improve. v.i. & r. become
abattement, m. prostration ; déjection ; good or better, improve.
faintness; abatement, rebate. abord, m. approach. d'—, fîrst, at firat.
abattis. = abatis. d'— que, as soon as. dès V—, from the
abattoir, m. abattoir, slaughterhouse. first.
aborder ! accaparer
aborder, v.t. approach ; collide with ; ac- absorbant, a. absorbent, absorptive, absorb-
cost; take up, commence on (a topic). ing, absorption, m. absorbent ; (Explo-
abortif, a. & m. abortive. sives) dope.
abouchement, m. joining (of tubes or the absorber, v.t. absorb. v.r. be absorbed.
like), junction; (Biol.) anastomosis; inter- absoïbeUT, m. absorber, o. absorbing.
view, conférence. absorptlf, a. absorptive.
aboucher, v.t. join end to end (as tubes); absorptiomètre, m. absorptiometer.
bring together. v.r. join ; (Biol.) inoscu- absorptiométrique, a. absorptiometric.
late; confer. absorption, /. absorption. — calorique,
abouquer, v.t. (Sait) add (new sait to old heat absorption.
impure sait). absorptivité, /. absorptivity, absorptive
about, m. end, butt end. power.
abouter, v.t. join end to end. absoudre, v.t. absolve, acquit, excuse.
aboutir, v.i. abut, end, terminate; converge; absous, p.p. (of absoudre) absolved, etc.
resuit; hâve resuit, succeed; (of an abscess) absout, pr. S sing. (of absoudre) absolves,
corne to a head; (Bot.) bud. etc.
aboutissant, p.a. abutting, etc. (see aboutir). abstenir, v.r. abstain, refrain.
m. circumstance. absterger, v.t. cleanse, clean.
aboutissement, m. resuit, outcome; suppu- abstersif, a. abstergent, détergent.
ration. abstient, pr. S sing. (of abstenir) abstains.
abrasif, m. abrasive. abstraction, /. abstraction. — faite de, set-
abrasin, m. See huile d'abrasin, at huile. ting aside, excluding.
abre, m, (Bot.) Abrus. abstractivement, adv. abstractively ; ab-
abrégé, m. abridgment, summary, résumé, stractly.
abstract. p.a. abridged, brief. abstraire, v.t. abstract, take away.
abréger, v.t. abridge, abbreviate, shorten. abstrait, o. abstract ; abstracted. m. ab-
v.i. be short, be brief. stract.
abreuvage, abreuvement, m. soaking, etc. abstraitement, adv. abstractly; abstract-
(see abreuver). edly.
abreuver, v.t. soak, saturate; water; irri- abstrayant, p. pr. (of abstraire) abstracting.
gate; (Painting) prime, size; (Soap) lye. abstrich, m. = crasse noire, under crasse.
abréviation, /. abbreviation. abstrus, a. abstruse.
abri, m. shelter, cover, refuge; specif., dug- absurde, a. absurd.
out. — antigaz, gasproof shelter. — col- absurdement, adv. absurdly.
lectif, public shelter. à V— de, protected absurdité, /. absurdity, absurdness.
from, sheltered from, out of contact with, abus, m. abuse, misuse; error, mistake.
away from. abuser, v.i. (with de) make ill use of, abuse.
abricot, m. apricot. v.t. deceive. v.r. be deceived, be mistaken.
abricotier, m. apricot tree. abusif, a. abusive, excessive.
abrine, /. abrin (the protein); abrine (the abyssin, o. Abyssinian.
amino acid). abzug, m. (Lead) scum which forma at the
abriter, v.t. shelter, cover, protect, house. beginning of cupellation. Cf. crasse noire,
abroger, v.t. abrogate; repeal. under crasse.
abscisse, /. abscissa. acabit, m. quality.
absenter, v.r. absent oneself, be absent. académie, /. academy (in its French sensée).
absinthe, /. wormwood (Artemisia, esp. A. académique, a. académie.
absinthium) ; absinth. — marine, sea acajou, m. mahogany; cashew (Anacardium
wormwood (A. maritima). — pontique, occidentale). — à noix, — à pommes,
Roman wormwood (A. pontica). grande —, cashew.
common wormwood. acanthe, /. acanthus.
absinthe, a. absinthiated. accablant, a. overwhekning, oppressive, an-
absolu, a. absolute ; peremptory. noying.
absolument, adv. absolutely; peremptorily, accabler, v.t. load, weigh down, crush, over-
positively. whelm.
absolvant, (of absoudre) absolving. accaparement, m. monopolization, mo-
absolvent, pr. S pi. (of absoudre) absolve, nopoly.
etc. accaparer, v.t, monopolize ; accumulate,
absorbabilité, /. absorbability. amass.
accéder i acerer
accéder, v.i. accède, agrée. connection. — à pression, clamp connec-
accélérateur, m. accelerator. a. accelerat- tion. — à vis, screw coupling. — par
ing, accelerative. courroie, belt coupling.
accéléré, p.a. accelerated, quick. accoupler, v.t. couple; join, unité, connect;
accélérer, v.t. accelerate, hasten. pair.
accentué, p.a. accentuated ; accented. accourcir, v.t. shorten; abridge.
accentuer, v.t. accentuate; accent. accoutumance, /. habit, custom; accustom-
acceptation, /. acceptance. ing; (Med.) mithridatism.
accepter, v.t. accept. accoutumé, p.a. accustomed; usual.
accepteur, m. acceptor (as of oxygen) ; ac- accoutumer, v.t. accustom.
cepter. accreusement, m. érosion.
acception, /. regard, préférence ; respect ; accrochage, m. hanging, etc. (see ac-
sensé, meaning (of words). crocher); (Métal.) hanging of the charge.
accès, m. access; attack (of fever, etc.). accrocher, v.t. hang, hang up ; hook ;
accessoire, a. & m. accessory. catch; snag; couple (cars); (Eiec.) syn-
accessoirement, adv. aceessoriîy, in an ac- chronize ; delay, arrest. v.r. catch, cling,
cessory or subordinate way. get caught.
accident, m. accident, par —, by accident, ace roche-tube, m. (Mech.) pipe grab.
accidentally. accroïde, a. acaroid.
accidenté, a. (of ground) uneven, rough. accroissement, m. increase ; accretion,
accidentel, a. accidentai, adventitious. growth.
accidentellement, adv. accidentally. accroître, v.t. increase, enlarge. v.r. & i. in-
accise, /. excise. crease, grow.
acclimater, v.t. acclimate, acclimatize. accru, p.p. (of accroître) mcreased, enlarged.
accolade, /. (Printing) brace. m. shoot, sucker.
accolement, m. uniting, etc. (see accoler); accrue, /. accretion.
fusion, anellation (of rings); union. accu., abbrev. (accumulateur) accumulator.
accoler, v.t. unité, join; (of rings) fuse, an- accueil, m. réception; welcome.
ellate; place side by side; build in; (Print- accueillir, v.t. receive; accept; welcome.
ing) brace; embrace. v.r. become stuck to- accul, m. corner, blind alley, impasse.
gether (as a rubber tube). acculer, v.t. corner.
accommodant, a. accommodating. accumulateur, m. accumulator; (Elec.) ac-
accommodement, m. accommodation, ar- cumulator, storage battery, secondary bat-
rangement, adjustment. tery; storage tank or basin. — fernickel,
accommoder, v.t. accommodate, adapt; ar- iron-nickel (or Edison) storage battery.
range; suit. v.r. adapt oneself; agrée; put accumuler, v.t. accumulate.
up (with). accusateur, m. accuser, plaintiff.
accompagnement, m. accompaniroent. accusé, p.a. indicated, etc. (see accuser) ;
accompagner, v.t. accompany ; suit, har- pronounced, clearly indicated. m. accused;
monize with. acknowledgment. — de réception, (Com.)
accompli, p.a. accomplished ; perfect ; acknowledgment.
thorough. accuser, v.t. indicate, show; accuse, charge;
accomplir, v.t. accomplish, effect; complète; déclare; acknowledge (receipt).
fulfil. acéloïd, m. a cellulose acétate plastic; as-
accomplissement, m. accomplishment, etc. pirin.
(see accomplir). acénaphtène, m. acenaphthene.
accord, m. accord ; agreement ; {Radio) tun- acénaphtylène, m. acenaphthylene.
ing; chord. a"—, agreed; in accord. acérage, m. steeling, etc. (see acérer).
accorder, v.t. accord, grant, concède ; ap- acérain, a. relating to or of the nature of
prove ; reconcile ; harmonize ; tune. v.r.
be in accord or harmony (with) ; agrée steel, steel, steely.
(to). acerbe, o. (of tastes) sharp, harsh, acrid.
accoter, v.t. prop up; lean. v.r. lean. acerbité, /. sharpness, harshness, acerbity.
accouchement, m. (jlfed.) delivery, ac- acerdèse, /. (Min,) manganite.
couchement. acéré, p.a. steeled, edged or tipped with
accouplé, p.a. coupled, joined. steel; sharp, keen.
accouplement, m. coupling, pairing, copula- acérer, v.t. steel, edge, point, or overlay
tion ; joining, uniting ; (Mach.) coupling, with steel; temper; render keen.
acéreux achevoir
acéreux, a. (Bot.) acerose, needle-shaped. acétonurie, /. acetonuria.
acétacétate, m. acetoacetate. acétonyle, m. acetonyl.
acétacétique, a. acetoacetic. acétoselle, /. wood sorrel, oxalis, esp. Oxalis
acétalamine, /. anainoacetal, amînoacetalde- acetosella.
hyde diethyl acetal. acétosité, /. acetosity, acetous quality.
acétaldol, m. aldol (3-hydroxybutanal). acétoxime, m. ketoxime; acetoxime.
acétate, m. acétate. — d'alumine, aluminum acétoximique, a. See acide acétoximique at
acétate. — d'ammoniaque, ammonium acé- acide.
tate. — d'ammoniaque liquide, (Pharm.) acétozon, m. acetyl benzoyl peroxide.
ammonium acétate solution. — d'amyle, acet-phénétidine, /. (Pharm.) phenacetin,
amyl acétate. — de chaux, calcium acétate. acetphenetidin(p-acetophenetidide).
— de cuivre brut, crude copper acétate, acéturique, a. aceturic.
verdigris. — de fer, iron acétate. — de acétylable, a. acetylatable.
'plomb, lead acétate. — de potasse, potas- acétylacétate, m. acetoacetate, acetylace-
sium acétate. — de soude, sodium acétate. tate.
— d'éthyle, ethyl acétate. — jerrique acétylacétique, a. acetoacetic, acetylacetic.
liquide, (Pharm.) solution of ferrie acétate. acétylanilide, /. acetanilide.
— neutre de plomb, (Pharm.') lead acétate. acétylant, p.o. acetylating.
— (sou8-) de plomb liquide, (Pharm,) lead acétylcarbonique, a. pyruvic.
subacetate solution. acétyle, m. acetyl.
acéteux, a. acetous. acétylé, p.a. acetylated.
acétificateur, m. acetifier. acétylène carbonique, a. acetylenecarbox-
acétifier, v.t. acetify. ylic (propynoic, propargylic).
acétimètre, m. acetimeter. acétylénique, a. of or pertaining to acéty-
acétimétrie, /. acetimetry. lène.
acétine, /. aeetin. acétyler, v.t. acetylate.
acétique, a. acetic. acide — concentré, con- acétylhydr indique, a, o-acetamidoman-
oentrated acetic acid, specif., glacial acetic delic.
acid. acide — cristallisable, glacial acetic acétylidène, m. vinylidene.
acid. acide — monochloré, (mono)chloro- acétylure, m. acetylide.
acetic acid. acide — trichloré, trichloro- achaine, m. (Bot.) achene.
acetic acid. acharné, p.a. intense, furious, desperate.
acétoborîque, a. acetoboric. acharnement, m. ardor, fury, tenacity.
acétocellulose, /. cellulose acétate. acharner, v.t. excite, incite, infuriate. v.r.
acétocinnamone, /. benzylideneacetone. be bent or set; be infuriated.
acétol, m. ketol ; acetol ; (Pharm.) aceto- achat, m. purchase, purchasing.
latum. ache, /. any plant of the genus Apium. (of
acétolat, m. (Old Pharm.) medicine made which celery is one species) ; parsley. —
by distilling vinegar over a plant sub- d'eau, water parsley. — de montagne, skir-
stance. ret. — des marais, smallage, wild celery.
acétolé, m. (Old Pharm.) a solution in acheminé, p.a. sent, forwarded; (of plate
vinegar. giass) rougli-polished.
acétolique, o. (Old Pharm.) having a vine- acheminement, m. preliminary, step, prog-
gar base. ress; routiug.
acétoluide, /. acetotoluidide. acheminer, v.t. send, forward; prépare for^
acétolyse, /. acetolysis. promote. v.r. advance, progress ; start,.
acétomel, m. (Pharm.) oxymel. turn (toward).
acétomellé, a. treated or mixed with oxymel. acheter, v.t. buy, purchase.
acétomètre, m. acetimeter, acetometer. acheteur, m. buyer, purchaser.
acétométrie, /. acetimetry, acetometry. achevage, m. finishing, completion.
acétonamine, /. keto aminé, amino ketone, achevé, p.a. finished, perfect; worn-out.
acétonaphtone, /. acetonaphthonc. achèvement, m. completion, finishing; fin-
acétone, /. ketone; acétone. ish.
acétonémie, acétonhémie, /. acetonemia. achever, v.t. finish ; complète ; conclude.
acétonîque, a. ketonic; acetonic, of or con- v.r. end, be completed, conclude.
taining acétone. acheveur, m. finisher.
acétonitreux, a. acetonitrous, acetic-nitrous achevoir, m, finishing tool; finishing room.
achillée ' acier
achillée, / . any plant of the genus Achillea. rogénê, pyro acid. — pyroligneux, pyro-
— millefeuille, milfoil, yarrow (A. mille- ligneous acid, wood vinegar. — rêgalin,
folium). — sternutatoire, sneezewort (A. aqua regia. — résidu, waste acid, spent
ptarmica). acid. — résineux, resin acid. — schee-
achilléoside, m. achilleine. lique, tungstic acid. — sulfonitrique, a
acholie, / . acholia, lack of bile. mixture of sulfuric and nitric acids. —
achoppement, m. obstacle ; stumbling. thymique, thymic acid (often used, esp. in
achopper, v.t. & r. stumble. Pharm., as a synonym of thymol but also
achromatique, a. achromatic. applied to a nucleic acid hydrolysis prod-
achromatiser, v.t. achromatize. uct). (For the meaning of other phrases
achrome, a. achromic, colorless. of acide see the respective adjectives.)
achromïe, / . achromatism. acide-acétone, m. ketonic acid, acid ke-
achromique, a. achromic, colorless, tone.
aciculaire, a. acicular, needle-shaped. acide-alcool, m. hydroxy acid, alcohol-
acicule, / . acicula (needlelike crystal, spine, acid.
or the like). acide-cétone, m. ketonic acid, acid ketone.
acidage, m. treatment with acid; aciding. acider, v.t. treat with acid.
acide, a. & m. acid. — acêtoximique, meth- acideur, m. (Bleaching) acid-lîquor man.
ylglyoxime. — à la craie, (Old Chem.) acidifère, a. acidiferous.
carbon dioxide. — aminé, amidé, amino acidifiant, p.a. acidifying. m. acidifier.
acid. — anglais, English sulfuric acid (or- acidifieateur, m. acidifier; specif., an ap-
dinary concentrated sulfuric acid made by paratus for separating the fatty acids from
the lead -chamber process). — anhydre, fats.
anhydrous acid. — à souder, soldering acidifier, v.t. acidify. v.r. become acid ;
acid. — au soufre, (Elec.) sulfuric acid of turn sour.
26° B. — azotique, nitric acid. — Broen- acidifieur, m. acidifier.
ner, Brônner acid (6-amino-2-naphthalene- acidimètre, m. acidimeter.
sulfonic acid). — carbonique, carbonic acidimétrie, / . acidimetry.
acid, H2CO3; carboxylic acid; (Old Chem.) acidimétrique, a. acidimétrie, -metrical.
carbon dioxide. — chlorazotique, nitrohy- acidité, / . acidity.
drochloric acid. — chlorhydrique, hydro- acid o-basique, a. acid-base.
chloric acid. — cireux, wax acid. — acido-résistance, / . résistance to acids.
cyané, cyano acid. — cyanhydrique, hy- acido-résistant, o. acid-fast; acid-proof.
drocyanic aeid. — de benjoin, benzoic acidose, / . acidosis.
acid. — de Freund, Freund's acid (a di- acidulé, o. acidulous; subacid.
sulfo derivatire of a-naphthylamine). — acidulé, p.a. acidulated ; acidulous,
de Piria, naphthionic acid. — de remplis- acidulé r, v.t. acidulate.
sage, battery acid, accumulator acid. — de
acidyle, m. acidyl (acyl).
Reychler, Reychler acid, j8(or 10)-camphor-
acier, m. steel. — à billes, ball-bearing steel.
sulfonic acid. — de Schaeffer, Schaffer's
acid (either the a acid, l-naphthol-2-sul- — à canon, gun steel. — à coupe rapide,
fonic acid, or the j8 acid, 2-naphthoI-6- high-speed steel. — adouci, annealed steel.
sulfonic acid). — des chambres, chamber — affiné, fined steel; refined steel. — à ou-
acid. — de Schoellkopf, l-naphthol-8-sul- tils, tool steel. — à ressort, spring steel.
fonic acid; l-naphthol-4,8-disulfonic acid. — argent, silver steel. — au bore, boron
steel. — au chrome, chrome steel. — au
— de Tobias, Tobias acid (2-amino-l- convertisseur, converter steel. — au creuset,
naphthalenesulfonic acid). — dilué (di- crucible steel. — au réverbère, reverbera-
lute(d) acid. — du citron, citric acid. — tory-furoace steel. — au silicium, silicon
du tartre, (dextro)tartaric acid. — faible, steel. — boursouflé, blister steel, —
weak acid. — furfurolique, 2-furoic acid. bronze, steel bronze. — brut, crude steel,
— gras, fatty acid. — marin, hydrochloric raw steel. — cémenté, cernent steel. —
acid. — minéral, minerai acid, inorganic chromé, chrome steel. — corroyé, shear
acid. — muriatique oxigénê, (Old Chem.) steel, weld steel. — coulé, cast steel, ingot
chlorine. — muriatique suroxigéné, (Old steel. — d'Allemagne, German steel, natu-
Chem.) chloric acid. — N.W., Nevile and ral steel. — darftassê, damask steel. —
Winther's acid (l-naphthol-4-sulfonic de Damas, Damascus steel, damask steel.
acid). — oxygéné, oxygen acid, oxacid. — de fonte, furnace steel. — de forge,
— phénique, phénol, carbolic acid. — py- forge steel, fined steel. — de fusion, cast
acier action
steel, ingot steel. — de l'ingot, ingot steel. aconitine, /. aconitine.
— des Indes, wootz, Indian steel. — dé- aconitîque, a. aconitic.
trempé, annealed steel; untempered steel. acore, m. calamus; (Bot.) Acorus. — odo-
— deux fois corroyé, double-shear steel. rant, — vrai, calamus, sweet flag (A. cala-
— diamant, best tool steel. — double- mus or its root).
chromê, double-chrome steel. — doux, Açores, n. Azores.
mild steel, soft steel. — dur, — durci, acotylédone, acotylédoné, a. acotyledon-
hard steel, — extra - doux, extra-mild, ous.
dead-soft steel. — ferreux, half steel. — à-coup, m. jerk, jolt, start, sudden hait.
feuiliard, band steel ; strip steel. — fin, à-coups, adv. jerkily, intermittently.
refined steel. — fleuri, rosé steel. — fondu, acoustique, a. acoustic. /. acoustics.
cast steel, ingot steel. — fondu au creuset, acquérable, a. acquirable, obtainable.
crucible steel. — forgé, forged steel. — acquérir, v.t. acquire; attain, obtain; pur-
indien, wootz, Indian steel. — inoxydable, chase; ascertain (a fact). v.i. improve.
stainless steel. — internis sable, stainless acquiert, pr. S sing. of acquérir.
steel. — laminé, rolled steel. — malléable, acquis, p.a. acquired, etc. (see acquérir),
malléable steel, forge steel. — manga- m. acquirement, attainment; expérience,
nèse, manganèse steel. — mangano~sili- knowledge. p.def. 1 & S sing. (of acquérir)
ceux, silicomanganese steel. — marchand, acquired, etc.
rolled steel. — Martin, open-hearth steel. acquit, m. payment ; receipt (of a bill).
— mi-dur, semi-hard steel, médium steel. p. def. 3 sing. (of acquérir) acquired, etc.
— moulé, cast steel ; steel casting. — pour —, (on a bill) paid.
naturel, natural steel. — nickelé, nickel acqUit-à-caution, m. permit to move
steel ; niekel-plated steel. — par reaction, bonded goods.
reaction steel. — phosphoreux, phosphorus acquittement, m. payment ; acquittai.
steel. — poli, polished steel. — poule, acquitter, v.t. pay, discharge, perform (an
blister steel. — puddlê, puddled steel. obligation) ; receipt ; acquit.
— raffiné, refined steel. — raffiné à deux acre, a. acrid ; tart ; sharp.
marques, double-shear steel. — raffiné à âcreté, /. acridness, acridity; acriraony.
une marque, single-shear steel. — rapide, acridine, /. acridine.
high-speed steel. — recuit, reheated steel, acridinique, o. acridine, of acridine.
annealed steel. — sauvage, wild steel. — acridique, a. acridic, acridinic.
silico-manganeux, silicomanganese steel. — acrogène, m. acrogen.
soudable, welding steel. — soudé, weld acroïde, a. See gomme acroïde, under
steel. — spécial, spécial steel ; alloy steel. gomme.
—• supérieur, hard steel. — tendre, soft acroléine, /., acrol, m. acrolein.
steel. — Thomas, (basic) open-hearth acroléique, a. acrylic.
steel. — trempé, hardened steel. — une acryle, m. acryloyl.
fois corroyé, single-shear steel, shear steel. acrylique, a. acrylic.
— vif, hard steel. acte, m. act ; transaction (of a society) ;
aciérage, m. steeling. deed; document, certificate. prendre — de,
aciération, /. steeling ; conversion into steel ; receive a certificate of ; make a note of.
steelmaking. actée, /. (Bot.) baneberry (Actaea). — à
aciérer, v.t. steel (plate, overlay, edge or grappes, black cohosh (Cimtcifuga race-
point with steel) ; convert into steel. v.r. mosa).
become steel. a c t e u r , m. actor.
acier eux, a. relating to, containing, or re- actif, a. active, m. assets. — social, assets
sembling steel ; steely. of a company or of a firm. à V— de, to
aciérie, /. steel mill, steel plant, steel works. the crédit of, in favor of.
— Martin, open-hearth plant. — Thomas, actinif ère, o. radioactive ; actiniferous, con-
basic Bessemer steel plant. taining actinium.
aciériste, m. steelmaker. actinique, a. actinie.
acier-nickel» m. nickel steel. action, /. action ; share (of stock) ; gesticu-
aclaste, a. aclastic. lation ; animation (in speaking, etc. ). —
acompte, m. payment, installment. de masse, mass action. — de priorité, préf-
aconit, m. aconite. — napel, monkshood érence share (not preferred share). — or-
(Aconitum napellus). — tue-chien, yellow dinaire, ordinary share (not necessarily
wolfsbane (A. lycoctonum). same as common share). — privilégiée,.
action adosser
= action de priorité. — protectrice, pro- adhésol, m. a copal varnish.
tective action. — tampon, buffer action. adiabate, /. adiabatic curve.
d'~ simple, single-acting. hors à"—, out adiabatique, a. adiabatic.
of action ; out of gear. adiabatiquement, adv. adiabatically.
actionnable, a. movable ; (Law) actionable. adiabatisme, m. adiabatic state or phe-
actionnaire, m. shareholder, stockholder. nomenon.
actionné, p.a. set in motion, operated; busy, adiante, m. (Bot.) adiantum, maidenhair
occupied ; sued. fern.
actionnement, m. starting, etc. (see ac- adiaphorèse, /. adiaphoresis.
tionner) ; opération. adipeux, a. adipose.
actionner, v.t. set in motion, start; run, adipique, a. adipic.
drive, operate, actuate; energize; excite; adipocire, /. adipocere.
sue. adipogénie, /. (Physiol.) production of fat.
activant, p.a. activating, etc. (see activer). adipose, /. (Med.) adiposis.
activateur, m. activator. adiposité, /. adiposeness, adiposity.
activé, p.a. activated, etc. (see activer). adjectif, a. adjective.
activement, adv. actively. adjoignant, p.p. of adjoindre.
activer, v.t. activate; accelerate (motion); adjoignit, p. def. S sing. of adjoindre.
intensify, make hotter (a fire or flame); adjoindre, v.t. adjoin, attach.
hasten, urge on, push. adjoint, p.a. adjoined, attached; assistant.
activité, /. activity; (Mach.) opération. m. adjunct, associate; assistant, deputy.
actualité, /. actuality. pr. S sing. (of adjoindre) adjoins.
actuel, o. actual; présent; at that time. adjonction, /. adjunction, adjoining, addi-
actuellement, adv. actually; now, at prés- tion
ent; then, at that time. adjuger, v.t. adjudge; award; sell (at auc-
acuité, /. acuteness. tion).
acutangle, o. acute-angled. adjuvant, a. adjuvant, m. adjuvant; cata-
acutesse, /. sharpness, pointedness. lyst.
acyclique, a. acyclic. admettre, v.t. admit; accept (as true);
acylé, p.a. acylated. receive, allow, concède; assume, suppose.
acyler, v.t. acylate. administrateur, m. administrator, director
acyloïne, /. acyloin. (of a company), manager, trustée, etc.
acylosal, m. aspirin. administrer, v.t. administer, manage, di-
acyloxide, m. aeyl oxide (aoid anhydride). rect, govern.
adamantin, a. adamantine. admirablement, adv. admirably, excel-
adamine, /. (Min.) adamite. lently.
adaptateur, m. adapter; converter. admirent, p. def. S pi. (of admettre) ad-
adapter, v.t. fit, adjust; adapt; match; mitted. pr. 3 pi. (of admirer) admire, etc.
suit. v.r. fit; suit; apply. admirer, v.t. admire; wonder at.
additif, a. additive. admis, p.a. admitted, etc. (see admettre).
additionnel, a. additional. p. def. 1 & t sing. of admettre.
additionner, v.t. mix, treat (as, additionné admissibilité, /. admissibility.
d'acide, mixed or treated with acid, to admissible, a. admissible; permissible.
which acid has been added) ; add, add up. admit, p. def. S sing. (of admettre) admitted.
adducteur, m. adductor; supplier; inlet. admixtion, /. admixture, admixtion.
adduction, /. conveying, piping (as of adonidine, /., adonidoside, m. adonidin.
water), supplying, supply. adonner, v.r. dévote oneself, apply oneself
adénine, /. adenine. (to), occupy oneself (with).
adénite, /. (Med.) adenitis. adénites, pi. adopter, v.t. adopt.
glanders. ados, m. slope, talus; sloping bed (in gar-
adénome, m. (Med.) adenoma. dens); (Agric.) ridge, or tillage in ridges.
adepte, m. & } . adept. adossé, p.a. having the back against some-
adhérence, /. adhérence, adhésion. thing, supported at the back (said, e.g.,
adhérent, a. adhèrent, adhering. of a table fastened to a wall).
adhérer, v.i. adhère, cling, stick. adossement, m. supported, etc. (see ados-
adhésif, a. & m. adhesive. ser) ; slope.
adhésivement, adv. adhesively. adosser, v.t. set the back of (against), sup-
adhésivité, /. adhesiveness. , port at the back, lean, rest.
adoucir 8 affamé
adoucir, v.t. soften; sweeten; smooth; pol- aérobie, a. aérobic, m. aerobe.
ish ; round off ; (Metal.) anneal ; make aérocalorigène, aérochauffeur, m. ah*
milder, mollify, soothe, relieve, moderate. heater.
v.r. become soft, sweet or mild, be relieved aérochemique, a. aerochemical, esp. relat-
or moderated. ing to gas attack by air.
adoucissage, 771. smoothing, polishing ; pol- aérocondenseur, m. air condenser.
ish (of metals, etc.) ; polishing powder ; aérodrome, m. airport, aérodrome.
softening (of colors) ; (Métal.) annealing. aérodynamique, /. aerodynamics.
adoucissant, a. softening ; emollient, de- aérogène, o. See gaz aérogène, under gaz.
mulcent. m. polishing substance ; (Med.) aérolevure, /. air yeast, aerial yeast.
emollient. aérolithe, m. aerolite, aerolith.
adoucissement, m. softening, sweetening, aérolithique, a. aerolitic.
etc. (see adoucir) ; first polish (of metals). aéromètre, m. aerometer.
adoucisseur, m. smoother, polisher. aér omet rie, /. aerometry.
adoux, m. woad. aéronef, m. aircraft,
adragant(h), a. & m. tragacanth. aéroport, 771. airport.
adrénalinique, a. adrénaline, of adrénaline. aéropropulseur, m. (Aero.) propeller.
adresse, /. address; dexterity, skill, clever- aéropulvérisateur, m. atomizer.
ness. aérorefroidisseur, m. air cooler.
adresser, v.t. address; send, forward. v.r. aérostat, m. aérostat (used in French only
address oneself ; be addressed ; apply ; of lighter-than-air craft), balloon.
tend. aérostation, /. art of constructing and navi-
adroit, a. adroit, expert, clever. gating balloons ; aerostation, aeronautics.
adroitement, adv. adroitly, expertly, clev- aérostatique, a. aerostatic. /. aerostatics.
erly. sesculétine, /. esculetin, aesculetin.
A.d.S-, abbrev. of Académie des Sciences. sesculine, /., iesculoside, m. es eu Un, œscu-
adsorbant, p.a. adsorbent, adsorptive. lin.
adsorbat, m. adsorbate. aétite, /. eaglestone, œtites.
adsorber, v.t. adsorb. affadir, v.t. render insipid or flat, flatten,
adulaire, m. (Min.) adularia. deaden ; disgust. v.r. become insipid or
adulte, a. & m. or f. adult. flat; pall.
adultérant, p.a. adulterating, adultérant. affadissant, p.a. insipid, flat, vapid ; tire-
m. adultérant. some.
adultérer, v.t. aduiterate. affadissement, m. insipidity, flatness, loss
aduste, a. burnt, adust. of flavor.
advenir, VA. happen, befall. affaibli, p.a. weakened, etc. (see affaiblir) ;
adventice, a. adventitious. dilute.
adventif, a. adventive; adventitious. affaiblir, v.t. weaken ; dilute ; reduce, di-
advenu, p.p. (of advenir) happened. minish ; damp, deaden ; attenuate ; (Pho-
advers, a. adverse, opposing, opposite. tog.) clear, reduce; debase (coinage). tJ.t.
adversaire, m. adversary, opponent, com- become weak, lose strength.
petitor. affaiblissement, m. weakening, etc. (see
adversité, /. adversity. affaiblir) ; weakness ; debility.
advient, pr. 3 sing. (of advenir) happens. affaiblisseur, a. weakening; (Photog.) re-
aérage, m. ventilation; airing. ducing. m. (Photog.) reducer.
aérateur, m. aerator; fan, ventilator. affaire, /. affair ; thing, matter, question,
aération, /. aération; ventilation. etc.; (also pi.) business; occupation; un-
aéré, p.a. aerated ; ventilated ; aired, airy. dertaking ; fortune ; difficulty, danger ;
aérer, v.t. aerate; ventilate; air. quarrel; battle, engagement; (légal) case;
aérhydrique, a. hydraulic, water (blower or need, occasion, avoir — à, hâve to do
blast). with, be concerned with ; hâve business
aérien, a. aerial; of the air, air; airy. m. with.
(Radio) aerial, antenna. affaissement, m. weighing down, sinking,
aerifère, a. copper-bearing. etc. (see affaisser),
aérifère, a. air-conducting, air-. affaisser, v.t. weigh down, sink, settle; de-
aérifier, v.t. aerify. ject, depress. v.r. sink, sag, settle, sub-
aériforme, a. aeriform; gaseous. side; collapse, give way; succumb.
aériser, v.t. aerify. affamé, p.a. famished, starved; eager.
affecter agent
affecter, v.t. affect; destine, allot. affouillement, m. undermining, caving in,
affectionné, a. affectionate, devoted; be- érosion; exfoliation (by rust); cavity; pit-
loved. tnig.
affectionner, v.t. love, like; interest. affouiller, v.t. undermine, erode.
affenage, m. feeding, foddering, pasturing. affranchir, v.t. free, liberate, deliver, ex-
afférent, a. (Physiol.) afférent; (Law) be- empt; pay, prepay; fire (casks); trim, trim
longing, proper. off.
affermer, v.t. iease, rent. affranchissement, m. freping, etc. (see af-
affermir, v.t. make firm, firm; harden; franchir).
strengthen, consolidate; fasten, fix; con- affréter, v.t. charter (a vessel).
firm. v.r. become firm, hard, fast, or affreusement, adv. frightfully, horribly.
strong ; be Consolidated. affreux, a. frightful, fearful; hideous; dé-
affermissement, m. making firm, etc. (see testable.
affermir). affront, m. affroat; disgrâce.
affichage, m. posting, etc. (see afficher). affronter, v.t. place on the same level, end
affiche, /. bill, poster, placard. to end, or face to face, join fiuah; front,
afficher, v.t. post, post up ; announce, pub- face ; cheat.
lish; parade; expose. affusion, /. pouring on, affusion.
affilage, m. sharpening. affût, m. stand, support, rest; carnage,
affilé, p.a. sharpened, sharp. mount (of a gun) ; lookout, watch ; hiding
affiler, v.t. sharpen. place, à V— de, on the lookout for.
affilié, p.a. affiïiated. m. member, associ- affûtage, m. sharpening, grindiug.
ate. affûter, v.t. sharpen, grind.
affilier, v.t. affiliate. v.r. join (an organi- affûteur, m. sharpener, grinder.
zation). afin de, in order (to).
affiloire, /. whetstone, hone. afin que, in order that, so that.
affin, a. similor; related, at-law. AFNOR, abbrev. Association Française de
affinage, m. refining, etc. (see affiner). — Normalisation.
anglais, (.Métal.) puddling. africain, a. African.
affinement, m. refining, etc. (see affiner). Afrique, /. Africa. — du Sud, South
affiner, v.t. refine; fine; ripen (cheese); Africa.
heckle (flax); point (needles, etc.). v.r. A.F.T.P., abbrev. Association Française des
become pure, become refined; (of cheese) Techniciens du Pétrole.
ripea; (of weather) clear. agaric, 7n. agaric. — amadouvier, tinder
affinerie, /. refinery. agaric (Polyporua igniariua). — blanct —
affineur, m. refiner. . purgatif, white agaric, purging agaric
affinitaire, a. of or pertaining to aflinity. (Polyporus oflicinalis or a préparation of
affinité, /. affinity. it). — tue-mouche, fly agaric.
affirmativement, adv. affirmatively. agaricine, /. agaricin.
affirmer, v.t. affirm. agate, /. agate. — mousseuse, moss agate.
affleurage, m. (.Paper) thinning the pulp. — noire, black agate; obsidian.
affleuré, p.a. level, flush; properly mixed. agate, a. agaty, containing agate.
affleurement, m. leveling; (Geol. & Min- agatifier, agatiser, v.t. agatize.
ing) outcropping, outcrop. agave, agave, m. agave.
affleurer, v.t. make level or flush; be evcn âge, m. âge.
or level with; corne to the level of; bring âgé, a. aged, old.
to the proper level; mix in proper propor- agence, /. agency.
tion (as flours). v.i. be level or flush; (of agencement, m. arrangement; disposition;
strata) crop out. (pi.) fittings, fixtures.
affleurie, /. finest flour. agencer, v.t. arrange; dispose, adjust, or-
affligé, p.a. afilicted. der; fit up.
affligeant, p.a. afflicting, distressing. agenda, m. mémorandum book, notebook.
affliger, v.t. afflict, distress. agenouiller, v.r. kneel.
affluence, /. influx, inflow, afBuence. agent, m. agent; médium. — absorbant,
affluer, v.i. flow in, flow, run; throng; absorbing agent, absorbent, (in lamp
abound. bulbs) getter. — catalytique, cataiytio
affolé, p.a. disturbed, deranged; infatuated. agent, catalyst. — condensateur, conrîens-
affouage, m. (Iron) fuel supply. ing agent. — de liaison, means of union,
agent 10 aiglefin
(Org. Chern.) condensing agent. — de agrandir, v.t. enlarge ; extend ; magnif y ;
refroidissement, cooling agent, coolant. — exaggerate ; aggrandize, exalt. v.r. enlarge,
moteur, motive agent. — réducteur, re- become larger; increase, grow, extend.
ducing agent. — révélateur, (Photog.) de- agrandissement, m. enlargement, etc. (see
veloper. — technique, technical assistant, agrandir).
— transmetteur, carrying agent, carrier. agrandisseur, m. enlarger, etc. (see agran-
agglomérant, m. agglomérant, agglomérat- dir).
ing agent, binder; specif., (Ceram.) a sub- agréable, a. agreeable, pleasant, pleasing.
stance that imparts hardness to the paste. agréablement, adv. agreeably, pleasantly.
a. agglomerating, caking. agréation, /. approval.
agglomérat, m. agglomerate. agrée, p.a. approved ; permitted, permis-
aggloméré, p.a. agglomerated. m. agglom- sible.
erate, mass ; briquet ; specif. : fuel made agréer, v.t. accept, receive favorably; ap-
into the form of briquets or lumps from prove ; permit, v.i. be pleasing, be ac-
coal dust or the like ; unrefined sugar ceptable.
molded into briquets ; mass composed of a agrégat, m. aggregate.
mixture of manganèse dioxide and coke agrégation, /. aggregation; aggregate; ad-
for Leclanché cells. — combustible, fuel mission (into a society or company) ; (uni-
briquet. — magnésien, magnesite brick, versity) fellowship, admission to a fellow-
magnesite block. ship.
agglomérer, v.t. & r. agglomerate, form or agrégé, m. fellow, temporary professor.
collect into a mass, bail; briquet. agréger, v.t. aggregate; admit (into s So-
agglutinabilité, /. agglutinability. ciety).
agglutinage, m. agglutination; frittîng, sin- agrément, m. consent, approval; agreeable-
tering. ness, pleasantness, charm; pleasure; orna-
agglutinatif, a. agglutinant, agglutinative. ment,
m. agglutinant. agrès, apparatus, equipment, impie-
agglutiner, v.t. agglutînate; sinter. V.T. be ments, fittings, tackle.
agglutinated ; sinter. agressine, /. aggressin.
agglutinine, /. agglutinin. agression, /. aggression; attack. — aêro-
aggraver, v.t. aggravate. chimique, gas attack from the air.
agir, v.i. act; be in action; take action. — agressivement, adv. aggressively.
en, act as, behave as. il s'agit de, it is a agricole, a. agricultural. m. agriculturist.
question of, it concerna. agriculteur, m. agriculturist. a. agricul-
agissant, p.a. acting; active. tural.
agitant, p.a. agitating. agripaume, /. motherwort (Leonurus car-
agitateur, m. stirrer, specif. stirring rod ; diaca).
shaker; agitator. — à bouton, stirring rod agronome, m. agronomist. a. agronomie.
with a disk-shaped end. — mécanique, agrostide, /. bent grass (Agrostis).
mechanical stirrer or shaker ; (Brewing) aguerrir, v.t. mure, harden, season.
mashing apparatus. — mélangeur, stirrer; ah., aH., An., abbrev. ampère-hour(s).
shaker. — ordinaire, ordinary glass stir- ai, pr. 1 sing. (of avoir) hâve.
ring rod. — va-et-vient, shaker with a aidant, p.a. aiding. m. aid, helper.
reciprocating motion. aide, /. aid, help, assistance, m. & f. as-
agiter, v.t. agitâte (stir, shake, disturb, sistant, helper, aid. — de laboratoire, lab-
etc.). v.r. be agitated, be in motion. oratory assistant, à V— de, with the aid
aglomérant, aglutinage, etc. See agglo- of, by means of.
mérant, agglutinage, etc. aider, v.t. assist, help, aid. v.r. (with de)
agneau, m. lamb. make use (of); help oneself or one an-
agnelin, m. lamb's wool. other; exert oneself. en s'aidant de, with
agneline, a. In laine agneline, lamb's wool. the aid of, with the employment of.
agrafage, m. fastening, clamping, etc. (see aide-souffleur, m. (Olass) blower's assistant.
agrafer). aient, pr. 3 sing. subj. of avoir (to hâve).
agrafe, /. fastening (of varions kinds), fas- aïeul, m. grandfather. aïeux, an-
tener, clamp, cramp, clasp, clip, hook, cestors.
catch, snap. aigayer, v.t. rinse, wash, water.
agrafer, v.t. fasten (with an agrafe), clamp, aigle, m. eagle.
cramp, clasp, clip, hook, lock. aiglefin, m. haddock.
aiglette 11 air
aiglette, /. brick earth; eaglet. aileron, m. blade, paddle (as on a me-
aigre, a. sour, tart, sharp ; (of metals) brit- chanical stirrer or a water wheel) ; pinion
tle, cold-short; piercing, keen, harsh. m. (end of a bird'a wing); fin; (of an air-
sourness, tartness, etc. sentir V—, smell plane) aileron.
sour. tourner à V—, turn sour. ailette, /. small wing, blade, vane, fin; lug,
aigre-doux, a. between sweet and sour, fiange, rib; stud; tenon.
subacid, sourish. aille, pr. 1 & S sing. subj. of aller (to go).
aigtelet, o. sourish, subacid, slightly sour. aillent, pr. 3 pi. subj. of aller (to go).
aigrement, adv. sourly, sharply, harshly. ailleurs, adv. elsewhere, somewhere else,
aigremoine, /. (Bot.) agrimony. anywhere else. d'—, moreover, besides,
aigremore, m. powdered soft wood char- further, in addition; otherwise. par —,
coal, used in pyrotechnies. by another way, by other me ans.
aigret, a. slightly sour, sourish, subacid. aimable, a. lovely, amiable, kind.
aigrette, /. aigrette, egret; (ZoSl.) egret; aimant, m. magnet ; loadstone. — com-
(Blec.) brush discharge. posé, compound magnet. — de Ceyîon,
aigrette, a. having an aigrette. tourmaline. — en fer à cheval, horseshoe
aigreur, /. sourness, tartness, acidity; (of magnet. — naturel, natural magnet, load-
metals) brittleness, cold-shortness; harsh- stone.
ness; (Med., pi.) heartburn, pyrosis. avoir ai maniabilité, /. magnetizability.
de V—, be sour. aimantable, a. magnetizable.
aigri, p.a. soured, etc. (see aigrir). aimantaire, a. magnetic.
aigrir, v.t. sour, turn sour; irritate; ag- aimantation, /. magnetization. — réma-
gravate. v.r. sour, turn sour; become irri- nente, residual magnetization.
tated or aggravated. aimanté, p.a. magnetized, magnetic.
aigrissement, m. souring, etc. (see aigrir). aimanter, v.t. magnetize. v.r. be magne-
aigu, a. pointed ; acute ; (of needles, etc.) tized, become magnetic.
sharp ; (of sounds) shrill, piercing. aimanttn, a. magnetic; adamantine.
aiguayer, v.t. rinse, wash, water. aimantisant, a. magnetizing.
aigue-marine, /. aquamarine. aimer, v.t. love, like, be fond of. — mieux,
aiguillage, wi. (railway) switch ; switching. like better, prefer. s'— à, like, be fond of.
aiguille, /. needle ; pointer, index, hand ; aine, m. groin.
spire, pinnacle, peak; (Railways) switch, -aine. A suffix used in forming nouns from
points. — à coudre, sewing needle. — numéral adjectives ; as, une cinquantaine,
aimantée, magnetic needle. — à tricoter, fifty, half a hundred (not so definite as
knitting needle. — de boussole, compass cinquante),
needle. — de fusil, firing pin. — de ptn, aîné, o. eldest, elder, senior.
pine needle. — d'essai, touch needle. — ainsi, adv. so, thus. conj. thus; therefore.
en fil de platine, platinum needle. — conçu, worded thus, reading as follows.
aiguillé, a. needle-shaped, acicular. — Que, as, as well as. par —, therefore,
aiguillette, /. long, narrow slice or strip; consequently. pour — dire, so to say, as
(of firearms) firing pin ; aiguillette. it were.
aiguilleur, m. electromagnetic relay. air, m. air (in Old Chem. used for any gas) ;
aiguillon, m. thorn, spine, prickle; sting (in furnaces) blast. — acide vitriolique
(of bées, etc.); goad; sharp peak. (old name for) sulfur trioxide. — ambiant,
aiguillonner, v.t. goad; sting. atmosphère. — carburé, carburetted air.
aiguisage, aiguisement, m. acidification; — chaud, hot air; hot blast. — comprimé,
sharpening. compressed air. — déphlogistiqué, dephlo-
aiguiser, v.t. acidify; sharpen. gisticated air (Priestley's name for oxygen).
ail, m. any species of Allium; usually, garlic — fixe, (Old Chem.) fixed air (carbon di-
(Allium sativum). — d'Ascalon, shallot. oxide). — frais, fresh air ; cool air. —
— des ours, ramson (Allium ursinutri). froid, cold air; cold blast. — inflammable,
allante, m. (Bot.) ailanthus. (Old Chem.) inflammable air (hydrogen
aile, /. wing (in various sensés) ; ûange ; gas). — libre, open air. — méphitique,
blade (of a propeller); sail (of a wind- mephitic air (old name for carbon dioxide,
milJ); tooth (of a pinion); aie. — de also for nitrogen), — nitreux, {Old Chem.)
moulin, (Glass) a warped form of cylinder nitric oxide. — puant, (Old Chem.) hy-
drogen sulfide. — respirable, (Old Chem.)
ailé, a. winged ; winglike, alar. oxygen. — sortant, outgoing air. — vicié,
au 12 alcalamide
vitiated air, specif. choke damp. — vital, ajusteur, m. adjuster; fitter; sizer (of
— vivifiant, (Old Chem.) vital air (oiygen coins).
gas). ajustoir, m. adjuating balance; coin bal-
airage, m. ventilation; airing. ance.
airain, m. bronze; brass (in the old indéf- ajutage, m. outlet tube, efflux tube, dis-
inie sensé of copper alloy). — de Cormthe, charge tube or pipe, nozzle; (of a burette)
Corinthian bronze, Corinthian brass (alloy tip ; connection ; nipple. — à pointeau,
of copper, gold and silver). needle nozzle. — de caoutchouc, rubber
aire, /. area; (flat) surface; floor, floor tube connection. — de Pitot, Pitot tube.
space; platform; hearth, sole (of a fur- ajutoir, m. — ajutage.
nace); grate area; bed; face (as of a ham- akée, /. akee (Blighia sopido).
mer) ; aerie. — à malt, malt floor. — de alabame, m. alabamine (astatine). Obi.
grillage, roasting hearth, roasting fumace. alabandine, /. (Min.) alabandite.
— de planches, board floor. — de vent, alambic, m. still; (Old Chem.) alembic;
point of the compass. — en argile, clay distilling fiask. — à marche discontinue,
floor, earthen iloor. — en ciment, cernent batch still. — à siphon, siphon still. —
floor. cylindrique, shell still. — d'essai, testing
airelle, /. whortleberry, blueberry (Vac- still, still for analytical work. — tubulaire,
cinium). — rouge, mountain cranberry (V. pipe still.
vitis-idaea). alambiquer, v.t. distill; make too subtle;
Airila, n. a kind of lamp for spectroscopic puzzle.
and polarimetric work. alandier, m. alandier (fireplace placed at
airure, /. (Mining) thin end of a vein. the base of certain spécial furnaces or
ais, m. board; plank; (of a cask) stave; kilns and fired from the outside).
shelf. — de carton, pasteboard. alanine, /. alanine.
aisance, /. ease; (pi.) water closet. alantine, /. alantin (inulin) ; a kind of
aise, /. ease; (pi.) comforts; joy, enjoy- starch adhesive.
ment. a. glad, content. alanyle, m. alanyl.
aisé, a. easy; well off. alarmant, p.a. alarming.
aisément, adv. easily. alarme, /. alarm.
aissante, /., aisseau, m. shingle. alarmer, v.t. alarm. v.r. be alarmed; be
aisselle, /. (Anat., etc.) axilla; (Bot.) axil. uneasy.
aizy, m. a ferment used in cheese making. albane, m. alban.
ajointer, v.t. join end to end. albâtre, m. alabaster; a kind of white flint
ajonc, m. furze, gorse (Ulex europaeus). glass. — calcaire, calcareous alabaster. —
gypseux, gypseous alabaster. — oriental,
ajouré, p.a. containing openings, perforated. Oriental alabaster (calcareous alabaster).
ajourer, v.t. make openings in, perforate. alberge, /. clingstone peach (or apricot).
ajournement, m. adjournment, etc. (see albinos, m. & a. albino.
ajourner). albugineux, a. albugineous.
ajourner, v.t. adjourn; postpone; assign, albumen, m. albumen. — corné, horny al-
summon. v.r. adjourn, be adjourned; be bumen.
postponed. albuminage, m. albumenization.
ajoutage, m. addition. albumine, /. albumin. — de Mayer, May-
ajoute, n. (Tech.) addition (as, to a charge). er's adhesive.
ajouté, m. addition. albuminé, albumineux, a. albuminous ;. (of
ajouter, v.t. add. v.r. be added. — foi à, paper) albumenized, albumen.
put faith in, believe. albuminimètre, m. albuminimeter.
ajoutoir, m. = ajutage. albuminoïde, a. & m. albuminoid.
ajustable, a. ad .instable. albuminurie, /. albuminuria.
ajustage, m. adjusting, adjustment; fitting; albuminurique, a. albuminurie.
finishing. albumolde, m. albumoid.
ajustement, m. adjustment, etc. (see aie, abbrev. (alcalin) alkaline.
ajuster). alcadiène, m. alkadiene.
ajuster, v.t. adjust; fit; fît up, arrange; alcahest, m. alkahest.
tune; aim, aim at; attire, adorn; (Mach.) alcalamide, /. (Org. Chem.) alkalamide (an
fit. v.r. be adjusted ; be fitted ; fit ; agrée ; JV-acyl derivative of an aminé, whetber
be reconciled ; dress. aliphatic or not).
alcalescence 13 alcool
alcalescence, /. alkaleseenee, alkalescency. alcènol, m. alkenol.
alcalescent, a. alkalescent. alchimie, /. alchemy.
alcali, m. alkali. — carbonate, alkali car- alchimique, o. alchemic(al), alchemistic(al).
bonate. — fixe, (Old Chem.) fixed alkali. alchimiste, m. alchemist.
— minéral, inorganic alkali, specif. sodium alcool, m. alcohol. — à brûler, fuel aloohol.
carbonate, sal soda. — végétal, (Old — absolu, absolute alcohol. — o haut de-
Chem.') potash; plant alkaloid. — volatil, gré, strong alcohol, high-percentage alcohol.
volatile alkali (old name for ammonia). — — allylique, allyl alcohol. — amylique,
volatil concret, ammonium carbonate (old .. amyl alcohol. — amylique de fermentation,
name). amyl alcohol of fermentation (a mixture of
aicali-cellulose, /. alkali cellulose. 2- and 3-methyl-l-butanol. — anisique,
alcalifiant, a. alkalifying. anisyl alcohol. — aromatisé, (Pharm.) aro-
alcaligène, a. alkaligenous. m. alkaligen (an matic alcohol. — benzylique, benzyl alco-
old name for nitrogen). hol. — bon goût, bon goût (see under
alcallmètre, m. alkalimeter. bon). — brut, raw spirit, crude spirit. —
alcalimétrie, /. alkalimetry. butylique, butyl alcohol. — campholique,
alcalimétrique. a. alkalimetric(al). borneol. — camphré, camphor spirit, spirit
alcalin, a. alkaline, alkali. m. alkalîne sub- of camphor. — caprique, decyl alcohol.
stance, alkali; alkali métal. — caproique, hexyl alcohol. — caprylique,
alcalinimètre, m. alkalimeter. octyl alcohol. — carburé, carburetted al-
alcallnlmétrie, /. alkalimetry. cohol. — cérylique (or cérotique), ceryl al-
alcalinisation, /. alkalization. cohol. — cinnamique, cinnamic alcohol,
alcalinlser, v.t. rentier alkaline, alkalize. cinnamyl alcohol. — coniférylique, conif-
alcalinité, /. alkalinity. eryl alcohol. — cuminique, cumic aicohol.
alcalino-barytique, o. (Ceram.) alkalino- — de betteraves, beet alcohol, beetroot
barytic, containing alkali métal and barium. spirit. — de bouche, potable spirit. — de
alcallno-plombifère, o. (Ceram.) aïkalino- cœur, in the rectification of alcohol, the
plumbiferous, containing alkali métal and third portion to distill over, following the
lead. moyens goûts and preceding the bon goût.
alcalino-salé, a. (Soap) alkalinosaline, con- — de fécule, starch spirit, fecula brandy.
taining alkali and sait. — de menthe, spirit of peppermint. — dé-
alcalino-siliceux, a. alkalinosiliceous, con- naturant, denaturing alcohol (crude wood
taining alkali and silica. spirit). — dénaturé, denatured alcohol. —
alcalrno-terreux, a. alkaline-earth. m. de queue, fusel oil. — de soufre, (Old
alkaline-earth métal. Chem.) carbon disulfide. — de vin, ethyl
alcalinurie, /. alkalinuria. alcohol. — dilué, diluted alcohol, dilute
alcalisation, /. alkalization. alcohol. —• d'industrie, industrial alcohol.
alcaliser, v.t. alkalize, render alkaline. — durci, solid alcohol. — éthalique, cetyl
alcalisoluble, a. alkali-soluble. alcohol, ethal (1-hexadecanol). — éthyl-
alcaloïde, a. alkaloid, alkaloidal. m. alka- chlorhydrique, alcoholic solution of hydro-
loid. — animal, animal — végé- chloric acid. — éthylénique, ethylene gly-
tal, vegetable alkaloid, plant alkaloid. col (1,2-ethanediol). — éthylique, ethyl al-
alcaloldique, a. alkaloid, alkaloidai. cohol. — fin, va the rectification of alco-
alcaloïmétrie, /. measurement or analysis hol the purest portion of the distillate,
of alkaloids. Cologne spirit. It is the first part of the
alcalose, /. alkalosis. faon goût. — furfurolique, furfuryl alcohol
alcatnine, /. alcamine, hydroxy aminé. (2-furanmethanol). — hexylique, hexyl
alcane, m. alkane. alcohol. — industriel, industrial alcohol,
alcannine, /. alkannin. alcohol for use in the arts. — mauvais
alcanol, m, alkanol. goût, amyl alcohol of fermentation (a mix-
alcaptone, /. (Biochem.) alkapton. ture of 2- and 3-methyl-l-butanol). —
alcaptonurie, /. alkaptonuria. mélissique, melissyl (myricyl) alcohol. —
alcarazas, alcarraza, m. aloarraza (water mentholique, menthol. — mêthyligve,
cooler of porous earthenware). methyl alcohol, methanol. — myricique,
alcatétrène, m. alkatetrene. myricyl alcohol. — ordinaire, commoa or
alcatriène, m. alkatriene. ordinary alcohol (ethyl alcohol; specif., a
alcée, /. (Bot.) Althaea. distillate of about 80 to 95 percent strength).
alcène, m. alkene. — phényléthylique, phenethyl alcohol (2-
alcool 14 Alep
phenylethanol). — pipéronylique, piperonyl alcoosol, m. alcosol.
alcohol. — potassé, potassium alcoholate, alcoxy-. alkoxy-.
specif. potassium ethoxide. — primaire, alcoxyler, v.t. alkoxylate.
primary alcohol. —- propargylique, pro- alcoylation, /. alkylation.
pargyl alcohol (2-propyn-l-ol). — pro- alcoyle, alcoyl, m. alkyl ; (according to
pyîique, propyl alcohol. — secondaire, sec- some) any aliphatic hydrocarbon radical.
ondary alcohol. — sodé, sodium alcoholate, alcoylé, p.a. alkylated ; alkyl (as, radical
specif. sodium ethoxide. — subérique (or alcoylé, alkyl radical).
subérylique), suberyl alcohol (cyclohep- alcoylène, m. alkylene.
tanol). — sulfuré, thiol, mercaptan. — alcoyler, v.t. alkylate.
supérieur, higher alcohol. — terpênique, alcoylhalogène, m. (properly) alkyl halide;
terpene alcohol. — tertiaire, tertiary alco- (according to some) any aliphatic mono-
hol. — thiênylique, 2-thiophenemethanol. chlorohydrocarbon.
— tolylique, (o-, m - or p-)methylbenzyl alcoylidène, m. alkylidene.
alcohol. — vanillique, vanillic alcohol, aie oylsulfhyd rate, m. (aliphatic) thiol,
vanillyl alcohol. — vinique, vinic alcohol (aliphatic) mercaptan.
(old name for ethyl alcohol). alcoylsulfonique, a. alkylsulfonic, alkane-
alcoolase, /. alcoholase (zymase). sulfonic.
alcoolat, m. (Pharm.) spirit (strictly, one alcoylsulfurique, a. alkylsulfuric.
made from alcohol and a plant by distil- alcyne, /. alkyne.
lation ; one made simply by dissolving the aldéhydate, m. a compound with an aldé-
volatile principle in alcohol is properly hyde. — d'ammoniaque, aldehyde-am-
called teinture d'essence). — ammoniacal monia.
aromatique, aromatic spirit of ammonia. aldéhyde, m. aldéhyde. — acétique, acetal-
— ammoniacal fétide, fetid spirit of am- dehyde, ethanal. — allylique, acrylalde-
monia. — antiscorbutique, compound spirit hyde, acrolein. — anisique, anisaldehyde.
of horseradish. — composé, spirit distilled — benzoïque, benzaldehyde. — butylique,
from more than one plant substance. butyraldehyde ; isobutyraldehyde. — etn-
alcoolate, m. (Org. Chem.) alcoholate. namique, cinnamaldehyde. — cuminique,
alcoolature, /. (Pharm.) tincture of a fresh cumaldehyde, cuminaldehyde. — éthalique,
herb or herbs, alcoholature. — de citron, palmitaldehyde, hexadecanal. — êthylique,
Iemon tincture. — d'orange, sweet orange acetaldehyde. — formique, formaldehyde,
peel tincture. methanal. — furfurolique, furflirai, fur-
alcoolé, m. (alcoholic) tincture. (For the furaldehyde, 2-furaldehyde. — glycolique,
meaning of phrases see the corresponding glycolaldehyde. — œnanthylique, enanth-
phrases under teinture.) aldehyde, heptanal. — protocatéchique,
alcool-éther, m. alcohol-ether (mixture). protocatechualdehyde. — salicylique, sali-
alcoolification, /. conversion into alcohol, cylaldehyde. — toluique, tolualdehyde. —
alcoholification. trichloré, trichloroacetaldehyde, chloral. —
alcoolique, a. alcoholic. valêrique, valeraldehyde, pentanal. —
alcooliquement, adv. alcoholically. vinique, acetaldehyde.
alcoolisable, a. alcoholizable. aldéhyde-ammoniaque, /. aldehyde-am-
alcoolisation, /. alcoholization. monia.
alcoolisé» p.a. alcoholized; containing alco- aldéhydique, a. aldehydic, aldéhyde (as,
hol. groupement aldéhydique, aldéhyde group).
alcooliser, v.t. aïcoholize; blend with al- aldine, /. aldine (old name for pyrazine).
cohol. aldogan de Carteret, a mixture generating
alcoolisme, m. alcoholism. formaldehyde with water.
alcoolo-éthéré, a. alcohol-ether. aldolisation, /. aldolization.
alcoolomètre, m. alcoholometer. aldoliser, v.t. aldolize.
alcoolométrie, /. alcoholometry. aldonique, a. aldonic.
alcoolyse, /. alcoholysis. aie, /. aie.
alcoolyser, v.t. aïcoholize. aléa, m. chance, hazard.
alcoomel, m. a mixture of alcohol and aléatoire, a. hazardous, uncertain.
honey. alêne, /. awl.
alcoomètre, m. alcoholometer. alentour, adv. around, about. alentours,
alcoométrie, /. alcoholometry. m. pi. environs, vicinity,
alcooscopie, /. alcoholoscopy, alcoholometry. Alep, m. Àleppo.
alerte 15 alliage
alerte, a. alert, quick. /. alert, alarm. — alkali, m. alkali (for phrases see alcali).
au gaz, {Mil.) gas alarm. alkaptonurie, /. alkaptonuria.
alésage, m. bore, internai diameter; caliber; alkéine, /. alkoxyamine.
boring, drilling. alkékenge, m. alkekengi (Physalis alke-
aléser, v.t. bore, bore smooth, drill. kengi).
alèse use, /. drill, drilling machine. alkermès, m. (Old Pharm.) alkermes.
alésoir, m. boring tool or machine, borer, alkool, m. alcohol.
broach, reamer, bit, drill press. alkyle, m. alkyl.
aie sure, /. borings. alkylé, p.a. alkylated, alkyl.
alétris, m. (Bot.) Aletris. — farineux, colic alkyler, v.t. alkylate.
root (A, farinosa). alkylurée, /. alkylurea.
aleuromètre, m. aleurometer. alla, p. def. S sing. (of aller) went.
alexine, /. alexin. allaitement, m. (infant) feeding, suckling.
alexinique, a. of or pertaining to alexins. allantoïde, /. (Anat.) allantois.
alfa, m. esparto, alfa (Stipa tenacissima). allantoïne, /. allante in.
alfénic, m. alphenic, sugar candy. allé, p.p. (of aller) gone.
algarobille, n. algarobilla. allée, /. passage, avenue, alley, gangway.
algaroth, m. powder of Algaroth, algaroth, allégement, m. lightening, easing, relief.
algèbre, /. algebra. alléger, v.t. lighten, ease, relieve, alleviate;
algébrique, a. algebraic(al). thin, thin down (wood, métal).
algébriquement, adv. algebraically. allégir, v.t. reduce in size or thickness.
Alger, m. Algiers. allègre, a. brisk, lively; vivacious; gay.
Algérie, /. Algeria. allègrement, adv. briskly; gaily.
algérien, a. Algerian, Algerine.
algie, /. (Med.) pain, algia. allégresse, /. briskness, liveliness; vivacity.
al gin e, /. algin. alléguer, v.t. allège, advance, urge, cite.
alléluia, m. wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella).
algraphie, /. aluminography, algraphy. Allemagne, /. Germany.
algue, /. (Bot.) alga (pt. algae). allemand, a. <fe m, German.
alicyclique, a. alicyclic. allénique, a. aliène (as, hydrocarbure al-
aliéné, p.a. alienated; insane. Unique, aliène hydrocarbon).
aliéner, v.t. alienate; sell; transfer. v.r. be
alienated ; become insane. aller, v.i. go; be in motion; extend, run;
alignement, m. alignment ; Une, straight progress ; continue, last ; tend ; amount ;
Hue. fit; be becoming, harmonize; (with inftni-
aligner, v.t. align; lay out; Une up, arrange, tive) be gomg, be about (to). v.r. (with
provide. en) go away, leave, disappear; eacape, leak;
aliment, m, food ; nourishment ; sustenance ; evaporate ; die ; be nearly ; (with infini-
(Mach.) material supplied, supply, feed; tive) be going, be about (to). m. going,
(Bact.) médium. — d'épargne, protein- journey. — à la lessive (of fabrics) stand
sparing food. — respiratoire, respiratory lye, wash. — au-devant de, meet, go to
food. meet. — au feu, stand fire, endure fire. —
alimentaire, a. alimentary, for or pertain- au fond, sink. — chercher, go in quest of,
ing to food; (Mech.) feed, feeding. go and bring. — de soi, go without saying,
alimentateur, m. (Mech.) feeder, feed. be self-evident. — ensemble, go together,
a. alimentary, nourishing. harmonize, make a set. — trouver, seek
alimentation, /. alimentation, nutrition; out. en —, go away, disappear, etc. (see
supplying, supply; (Mech.) feeding, feed; aller, v.r.) ; turn out, happen. faire —,
(Elec.) energization. make go, start, drive, run. s'en —, see
alimenter, v.t. feed; charge; supply; nour- aller, v.r., above. y —, go at it, proceed;
ish ; maintain. be a question (of).
alimenteur, m. feeder, etc. (see alimenter), allergène, m. allergen.
alimenteux, a. nourishing, nutritive, ali- allergie, /. allergy.
mentai. alliable, o. miscible, blendable, combinable.
alinéa, m. paragraph ; break. alliacé, a. alliaceous, garliclike, oniony.
aliphatique, a. aliphatic. alliage, m. alloy; alloying; (Arith.) alliga-
alïpliatoar orna tique, a. aliphatic -aromatic. tion. — à la reine, queen's métal. — de
aliquote, a. aliquot. /. aliquot part. fer, — ferrique, iron alloy, ferroalloy. —
alizarine, /. alizarin. de Rosé, Rose's alloy, Rose's métal. — de
alliage 16 alquifoux
Wood, Wood's alloy, Wood's métal. — allumière, /. match factory; match box.
plomb-étain, lead-tin alloy. allumoir, m. lighter. a. lighting.
alliaire, /. hedge garlic (AUiaria officmalis).allure, /. course, direction ; working (as of a
allié, p.a. alloyed; allied. m. ally. furnace) ; running (of a machine) ; action ;
allier, v.t. alloy, unité; blend; ally; marry. gait, pace; character; appearance; con-
v.r. alloy, form an alloy; unité; become duct. — bruyante, noisy running. — crue,
allied; harmonize, blend; intermarry. (Métal.') poor working, irregular working.
allocation, /. allowance, grant. — silencieuse, noiseless running.
allocinnamique, a. allocinnamic, allo-cin- alluvial, alluvien, a. alluvial.
namic. alluvion, m. alluvium, alluvion. — glaciaire,
allonge, /. adapter ; percolator, extraction glacial drift.
tube; the jacket of a certain type of up- alluvionnaire, a. alluvial.
right condenser ; extension pièce, eking alluvionnement, m. alluviation.
pièce; (Mach.) coupling rod. — à dé- allyle, m. allyl.
placement, percolator. allylé, a. allyl.
allongeable, a. extensible. allylénure, m. allylenide.
allongement, m. lengthening, elongation, allylique, a. allyl.
prolongation, extension, stretching, stretch. almanach, m. almanac.
allonger, v.t. lengthen, elongate, prolong; almandine, /. (Min.) almandite, almandine.
stretch out, extend ; draw out, (of metals) aloès, aloës, m. aloes, aloe. — caballm,
wiredraw. v.r. lengthen, grow longer; ex- cabalUne aloes, horse aloes. — dépuré,
tend ; be extended. purified aloes. — hépatique des Barbades,
allons, vr. indic. & imper. 1 pi. (of aller) Barbados aloes. — socotrin (or sucotrin),
(we) go, (we) are going ; corne ! let'a go ! Socotrine aloes.
allotir, v.t. allot, allocate. aloétine, /. aloëtin.
allotissement, m. allotment, allocation. aloétique, a. & m. aloetic.
allotropie, /. allotropy. aloi, m. standard fineness, standard; alloy;
allotropique, a. allotropie. quality.
allotropisme, m. allotropism. aloïne, /. aloin.
allouer, v.t. allow, grant. aloïque, a. aloetic.
alloxane, m. alloxan. alonge, etc. See allonge, etc.
alloxanique, a. alloxanic. alopécie, /. alopecia, baldness.
alloxantine, /. alloxantin. alors, adv. then, at that time, in that case.
alluchon, m. (Mach.) cog, tooth. — que, when ; even if, although. jusqu'—,
allumage, m. lighting ; ignition (as in ex- till then.
plosion engines). — à bougie, spark-plug
ignition. — en retour, backfire. — par alourdir, v.t. render heavy; increase
étincelles, spark ignition. — spontané, (weight) ; load (fabrics, paper, etc.); ren-
spontaneous ignition, self-ignition. der dull.
allumant, p. pr. (of allumer) lighting, etc. alourdissement, m. rendering heavy, etc.
allume-feu, m. kindling, pièce of kindling. (see alourdir); heaviness, dullness.
allume-gaz, m. gas lighter. aloyage, m. bringing to standard fineness;
allumer, v.t. light, kindle, ignite, set fire to; alloying ; alloy.
fire (a furnace or the like) ; excite, v.r. aloyer, v.t. bring (gold or silver) to stand-
light, take fire, ignite; light up; be excited. ard fineness ; alloy.
allumette, /. match. — à friction, friction alpaca, alpaga, m. alpaca.
match. — amorphe, safety match. — Alpes, /. pi. Alps.
chimique, chemical match. — congrève, alpestre, a. Alpine; (Bot.) alpestrine, sub-
Congreve match. — de sûreté, safety alpine.
match; fusée. — phosphorique, phos- alphabétique, a. alphabetic(al).
phorus match. — soufrée, sulfur match, alphabétiquement, adv. alphabetically.
brimstone match. — suédoise, Swedish alphabétiser, v.t. alphabetize, alphabet.
match; safety match. alphénic, alphœnix, m. alphenic, sugar
allumette-bougie, /. wax match, vesta. candy.
allumettier, m. match maker. alphénol, m. a compound which is both au
allumeur, m. lighter, igniter, primer, fuse. alcohol and a phénol, alphénol.
allumeur-extincteur, m. breaker (for a alpin, alpique, a. Alpine, alpine.
thermostat); (Elec.) switch. alquifoux, m. (Ceram.) alquifou.
alsacien 17 amalgamateur
alsacien, a. Alsatian. alumino-ierrique, alumino-fermgineux,
al-sucre, m. aldéhyde sugar, aldose. a. of or pertaining to aluminum and iron,
altérabilité, /. alterability. alumino -ferrie.
altérable, a. altérable; unstsble; (of foods) alumino-métallurgie, /. aluminometal-
periahable. lurgy.
altérant, p.a. altérant ; causing thirst ; aluminose, /. (Med.) aluminosis.
(Med.) alterative. m. altérant; (Med.) alumino-thermie, /. aluminothermy.
altéra tive. alumino-therntique, a. aluminothermic.
altérateur, m. adulterator. alun, m. alum. — ammoniacal, ammonium
altératif, a. alterative. alum. — calciné, — brûlé, bumt alnm.
altération, /. altération, etc. (see altérer). — d'ammoniaque, ammonium alum. —
altéré, p.a. altered, etc. (see altérer). de chrome, chrome alum, chromium alam.
altérer, v.t. alter; specif., change for the — de fer, iron alum. — de fer ammoniacal,
worse, impair, spoil, adulterate (food), de- ammonium iron alum. — de ptume,
base (coin), disturb; make thirsty. v.r. feather alum (halotrichite, alunogm or
alter, be altered, undergo change, deterio- epsomite). — de potasse, potassium alum.
rate, spoiL v.i. excite thirst. — de roche, rock alum (Roman alum).
alternance, /. alternation. — de Borne, Roman alum. — de taude,
alternant, p.a. alternating; alternate. sodium alum. — desséché, burnt alum,
alternat, m. two-way communication set. exsiccated alum. — ordinaire, common
alternateur, m. alternator. alum (potassium almn or ammonium almn).
alternatif, a. alternate; alternative; (Elec.) — romain, Roman alum.
alternating; (Mach.) reciprocating. alunage, m. aluming.
alternation, /. alternation; (of crops) rota- alunation, /. préparation of alum; aluming.
tion. aluné, p.a. alumed, containing alum.
alternative, /. alternation; alternative. aluner, v.t. alum.
alternativement, adv. alternately, in sac- alunerie, /. alum works.
aluneux, a. aluminous.
alterne, a. (Geom. & Bot.) alternate. alunière, /. alum pit; alum works.
alterner, v.i. alternate; rotate crops. alunifère, a. aluminiferous.
alternomoteur, m. alternating-current mo- alunogène, m. (Min.) alunogen.
tor. alute, /. (Leather) aluta.
althée, m. (Bot.) althea. alvéolaire, a. alveolar.
althéine, /. althéine (asparagine). alvéole, m. A f. cell, small cavity; socket;
alude, f. (Leather) aluta. seat (mechanical sensé) ; alveolus.
aluine, /. wormwood (old name). alvéolé, a. eellular, honeycombed.
alumelle, /. blade (of a knife or the like). alysson, alysse, m. (Bot.) Alyssum.
alumen, m. (Pharm.) alumen, alum. Am, symbol for ammonium.
aluminage, m. alumination; specif., (Dye- A. & M., abbrev. of Arts et Métiers (whieh
ing) treatment with an aluminum mordant. see).
aluminaire, a. aluminiferous. amabilité, /. amiability, kindness.
alumine, /. alumina. — hydratée, hydrate amadou, m. amadou, punk, (Gennan) tinder.
of alumina (aluminum hydroxide). — — des fumeurs, amadou impregnated with
magnésiée, magnésium aluminate. niter or the like. — dçs pharmacien/,
alumine, a. aluminous. amadou used as a styptic.
aluminer, v.t. aluminate, aluminize. amadouerie, /. amadou factory.
alumineux, a. alumicous. amadouvier, m. tinder fungus; specîf.,
aluminifère, a. aluminiferous. tinder agaric (Polyporus igniariua).
aluminique, a. aluminic. amaigri, p.a. thin, lean.
aluminium, m. aluminum, aluminium. — amaigrir, v.t. make thin, thin, reduce; im-
poverish (soil) ; (Ceram.) thin, lean (clay).
coulé, cast aluminum. — en feuillet, v.r. becoine thin or lean; shrink.
aluminum foil. amaigrissant, p.a. making thin, etc. (see
aluminium-éthyle, m. triethylaluminum. amaigrir). m. (Ceram.) thinning agent,
aluminiumferrosilicium, m. an alloy of leaning material.
aluminum, iron, and silicon. amaigrissement, m. growing thin or lean;
aluminium-méthyle, 'm. trhnethylalumi- loss of flesh, emaciation.
num. amalgamateur, m. amalgamator.
amalgame 18 amicrobien
amalgame, m. amalgam. — aurique, gold amélioration, /. improvement, betterment,
amalgam. — cuivrique, copper amalgam. amélioration; {Métal.) a treatment of ore
amalgamer, v.t. & i. amalgamate. to improve its condition, as by exposure to
amalgameur, m. amalgamator. the weather or to water.
amande, /. almond; kernel; nuolcus. — améliorer, v.t. improve, ameliorate; purify
a-mère, bitter almond. — cassée, sheïled (metals) ; correct, V.T. improve.
almond. — douce, sweet almond. — pra- aménage, m. supply, feed; (Com.) car-
Knée, burnt almond. en —, almond- riage.
shaped. aménagement, m. management; preparing,
amande, a. containing or treated with al- fitting up ; sawing (of timber) ; arranging,
monds. m. almond milk, milk of almonds. installing. en —, in préparation, tinder
amandine, /. a cosmetic having an almond construction.
base; {Org. Chem.) amandin. aménager, v.t. manage; prépare, fit up, ar-
amanite, /. (Bot.) amanita. range, install; saw (timber).
amant, m., amante, /. lover. amendable, a. improvable, mendable.
amarante, /. amaranth. amende, /. fine; penalty.
amarescent, a. bitterish, slightly bitter. amendement, m. improvement; araend-
amarine, /. amarine. ment (as for soil) ; ameliorator.
amarre, /. cable, rope, hawser. amender, v.t. improve, amend, reclaim; im-
amas, m. mass; heap, pile; accumulation; prove (soil) by the use of amendments.
crowd ; {Mining) pipe, pipe vein. v.i. improve, mend.
amasser, v.t. amass, collect, gather, accumu- amenée, /. bringing, etc. (see amener); in-
late. V.T. collect, gather. let, lead-in, inflow, entrance ; {Mach.) feed-
amateur, m. lover; amateur, o. fond (of), ing.
interested (in). amener, v.t. bring, lead, conduct, bring in,
amati, p.a. mat, unpolished, deadened, dead. introduce, admit; lower (a flag or sail).
amatir, v.t. mat, render mat, deaden, amenuiser, v.t. make thin, reduce in size.
amer, o. bitter. m. bitter substance; {pi.)
blanch. bitters; gall; landmark, mark. — de bœuf,
ambiance, /. surrounding, environment, mé- ox gall. — de Welter, — Welter, picric
dium. acid.
ambiant, a. ambient, surrounding; atmos- amèrement, adv. bitterly.
pheric ; environmental. américain, a. & m. American.
ambigu, o. ambiguous. Amérique, /. America. — du Nord, du
ambiguïté, /. ambiguity, ambiguousness. Centre (or centrale), du Sud, North, Cen-
ambigument, adv. ambiguously. tral, South America.
ambitieux, a. ambitious; pretentious. amertume, /. bitterness.
ambitionner, v.t. aspire to. améthyste, m. amethyst.
ambocepteur, m. amboceptor.
ambre, m. amber. — blanc, spermaceti. — ameublement, m. furniture.
gris, ambergris. — jaune, yellow amber, ameublir, v.t. (of soil) mellow, loosen.
ordinary amber. ameublissement, m. mellowing, loosening
ambré, a. amber-colored, amber; ambered (of soil).
(perfumed with ambergris). ami, m. friend. a. friendly.
ambréifie, /. ambrain, ambrein. amiantacé, a. amianthoid, amianthine.
ambreselat, m. iron scale, forge scale. amiante, m. (fibrous) asbestos, amianthus.
ambrette, /. amber seed, musk seed, am- — palladië, palladized asbestos. — platiné,
brette (seed of the abelmosk). platinized asbestos.
ambroïde, m. ambroid. amiante, p.a. covered or treated with as-
ambroïne, /. ambroïn (an insulating ma- bestos; as, toile métallique amiantes (as-
terial). bestos wire gauze).
ambrosie, /. {Bot.) ragweed (Ambrosia). amiantin, a. asbestine, asbestos.
ambulant, o. ambulant, moving about. amiantine, /. asbestos cloth.
âme, /. core; (of firearms) bore; (of bel- amibe, /. {Zoôl.) ameba, amœba.
lows) valve; soûl. — de chargement, load- amibiase, /. amebiasis, amœbiasis.
ing tube. amibien, a. amebic, amœbic.
améliorant, m. améliorant; {Aero.) dope. amiboïde, a. {Biol.) ameboid, amœboid.
a. ameliorating. amicrobien, a. amicrobic, amicrobial.
imidalique 19 amnésie
tmidalique, a. relating to or containing aminonaphtol, m. aminoaaphthol.
starch. amino-oxyde, m. aminé oxide.
unide, /. amide. — acétique, acetamide. — aminurée, /. substituted urea (formed from
acide, acid amide, an aminé).
imidé, a. amido ; (when the substance is of amique, a. amie.
the nature of an aminé and not an amide) amirauté, /. admiralty.
amiao; (less correctly) ammino (as, com- amitié, /. friendshîp; favor; attraction; (of
posés amidés du chrome, ammino com- colors) harmony.
pounds of chromium). ammètre, m. ammeter. — à fil chaud, hot-
amide-acide, m. amide-acid, amie acid. wire ammeter, thermal ammeter.
amide-alcali, m. alcalamide. amminé, a. ammino.
atnidine, /. amidine (an aminoimino base) ; ammonacé, a. ammoniated, ammoniacal.
amidin (from starch). ammonalun, m. ammonium alum.
amido-. amino-, amido- (should be trans- ammoniac, a. ammoniacal; ammoniac, m.
lated amido- only when the compound is ammonia.
of amide nature, otherwise amino-). ammoniacalité, /. ammoniacal quality.
amidoazoïque, a. aminoazo. ammoniacate, m. a compound with am-
amido gène, m. amidogen (the group NH2). monia.
amidon, m. starch (especially in its industrial ammoniacaux, a. pi. ammoniacal.
uses; cf. fécule). — anglais, starch formed ammoniacé, a. ammoniated, ammoniacal.
into prismatic bîoeks by drying. —• ani- ammoniaco-. = ammonico-.
mal, animal starch (glycogen). — de fé- ammoniaco-cobaltique, a. of or pertaining
cule, potato starch. — de maïs, maize to ammonium and cobalt.
starch, cornstarch. — de riz, rice starch. ammonîaco-magnésien, a. oi or pertaining
— grillé, roasted starch. — iodé, iodized to ammonium and magnésium (as, phos-
starch, starch iodide. — îévogyre, inulin. phate ammoniaco-magnésien, ammonium
— nitrê, nitrated starch, nitro starch. — magnésium phosphate).
torréfié, roasted starch. ammoniadynamite, /. (Expl.) ammonia
amidonnage, m. starchïng. dynamite.
amidonné, p.a. starch; starched. ammoniagélatine, /. (ExpL) ammonia gela-
amidonner, v.t. treat with starch, starch. tin.
amidonnerie, /. starch factory, starch ammoniaque, /. ammonia. — composée,
works. (Org, Chern.) ammonia derivative. — li-
amidonnier, m. starch maker, starch manu- quide, liquid ammonia. — liquide officinale,
facturer; starch dealer; a kind of grain (Pharm.) ammonia water, aqua ammoniîe.
similar to spelt. — muriatêe, ammonium chloride.
amidonnière, /. a kind of kneading trough ammoniaque, a. ammoniated.
used in starch manufacture. ammonic 0 -. A combining form used in
amidophénol, m. aminophenol. compound adjectives to dénote ammonium.
amiduline, /. amidulin, soluble starch. ammonicomanganeux, a. of or pertaining
amidure, m. (metallic) amide; any com- to ammonium and bivalent manganèse (as,
pound (as Hg2NH2Cl) in which ammoni- phosphate ammonicomanganeux, ammonium
acal hydrogen is replaced by a métal. manganous phosphate).
aminci, p.a. made thin or thinner, thinned ammonico-muriatique, a. amminochloride
out, thin; slender. m. any thin part of a of.
device or mechanism. ammonic osodique, a. of or pertaining to
amincir, v.t. thin, make thin or thinner, ammonium and sodium.
reduce in thickness, taper, v.r. become ammonié, a. ammoniated.
thin. ammonio-iridique, a. of or pertaining to
amincissement, m. thinning. ammonia and iridium.
aminé, /. aminé. — acide, amino acid. ammoniolyse, /. ammonolysis.
aminé, a. aminated, amino. ammonio-métallique, a. of or pertaining
aminer, v.t. aminate. to ammonium and a métal.
aminoacide, m. amino acid. ammonio-platinique, a. of or pertaining to
aminodérivé, m. amino derivative. ammonia and platinum.
aminoéthylique, a. aminoethyl. ammonique, a. ammonic, ammonical. •
aminogène, m. aminogen, amidogen. amiuoniure, m. ammoniate.
aminométrie, /. aminometry. j /. amnesia.
amniotique 20 amuser
amniotique, a. amniotic. amovible, o. removable, détachable; rev-
amoindrir, v.t. & r. diminish, decrease. ocable.
amoindrisse méat, m. diminution, decrease, ampère-heure, m. (Elec.) ampère hour.
amoitir, v.t. moisten, dampen. ampère-heuremètre, m. ampere-hour rae-
amollir, v.t. & r. soften; weaken. ter.
amollissement, m. softening ; weakening. ampèremètre, m. ammeter, amperemeter.
amome, m. (Bot.) Amomum. ampère-tour, m. (Mec.) ampère turn.
amonceler, v.t. & r. pile up, accumulate, amphibie, a. amphibious. m. amphibian.
amphigène, o. (Bot. <fc Old Chem.) am-
amoncellement, m. piling up ; pile, heap. phigenous. m. amphigen; (Min.) leucïte.
amont, m. upper part (of a stream). en —, amphithéâtre, m. auditorium, lecture haH;
upstream, above. amphitheater.
amorçage, m. priming, etc. (see amorcer). amphore, /. amphora.
amorce, /. priming, primer ; fuse ; seed amphotère, a. amphoteric.
crystal; beginning, opening, entrance; bait; ample, a. ample, -wide, abundant.
allurement ; (Drawing) sketching, indica- amplement, ndv. amply, fuîly.
tion, a. priming, starting, (of a burner) ampleur, /. ampleness, breadth, fulhiess.
pilot. — à étincelles, high-tension fuse. — ampliation, /. copy, duplicate. pour —,
à friction, friction primer. — à percussion, true copy (an officiai certification).
percussion primer. — cirée, wax primer. amplifiant, p.a. amplifying; (Optics) mag-
— d'âme, central primer. — de quantité, nifying.
quantity fuse, low -tension fuse. — de amplificateur, a. amplifying ; eiïlargnig ;
tension, high-tension fuse. — périphérique, exaggerating. m. amplifier; {Photog.) en-
Tim-fire primer. — voUaïque, low-tension larging caméra. — à impédance, chdke-
fuse. coupled amphfier. — à lampes, (Elec.)
amorcement, m. priming, etc. (see amor- tube amplifier. — de tension, voltage am-
cer). plifier.
amorcer, v.t. prime (a siphon, a gun, etc.); amplificatif, a. ampKfying ; (Optics) mag-
start (as a dynamo, a pump, cryfftalliaa- nifying.
tion) ; inoculate (a solution) ; make ready amplification, /. amplification; magnïfica-
in some way; bait. tion. — a réaction, regenerative amplifica-
amorceur, m. primer; starter; baiter. a. tion.
priming, starting. amplificatrice, fem. of amplificateur.
amorçoir, m. primer box ; an instrument amplifier, v.t. amplify ; magnify ; exag-
for beginning holes, as a eenter bit. gerate.
amordancer, v.t. mordant. ampoule, /. bulb; bulbous vessel (see the
amorphe, a. amorphous. phrases below); (smalï) flask; (Pkarm.)
amorphie, /. amorphism. ampoule ; blister ; ampulla. — à brome,
amorti, p.a. deadened, etc. (see amortir). bromine funnel, dropping funnel. — à dé-
amortir, v.t. deaden; damp (vibrations) ; cantation, — à décanter, separating funnel.
reduce in intensity, tone down, diminish, — à robinet, dropping funnel; separating
attenuate, weaken; pay, pay for, liquidate, funnel. — compte-gouttes, medicine drop-
amortize. per. — de Crookes, Crookes tube. — de
amortissable, a, capable of being deadened, garde, splash head. — du redresseur,
etc. (see amortir). (Elec.) rectifier bulb. — électrique, electric
amortissage, m. deadening, etc. (see amor- bulb., incandescent bulb. — électro-ionique,
tir). gas tube, gas valve.
amortissement, m. deadening, etc. (see ampoulé, a. blistered; bulgy, baggy.
amortir) ; decay ; amortization ; finishing ampouler, v.t. blister.
ornament, coping, finial. ampoulette, /. little bulb, little ampoule,
amortisseur, m. deadener, damper, etc. etc. (see ampoule); sandglass.
(see amortir); (Elec.) dimmer; .shock ab- amputer, v.t. amputate.
sorber ; cushion ; buffer. amselat, m. iron scale, forge scale.
amouille, /. colostnim of cows, beestinga. amusant, p.a. amusing, entertaining.
amouler, vJ. gxintl (on a gcmdstone). amusement, m. amusement; pretext; tri-
amour, m. love. fling.
amour-propre, m. seli-love, «elï-esteem. amuser, v.t. amuse; deeeive; wa*te.
amygdale 21 -ane
amygdale, /. tonsil. chimique, chemical analysis. — élémentaire,
amygdaiin, a. amygdaline (o{ or pertaining elementary analysis, ultimate analysis. —•
to almonds); tonsillar. immédiate, proximate analysis. — micro-
amygdaline, /. amygdalin (the glucoside). chimique, microchemical analysis, micro-
amygdalique, o. amygdalic. analysis. — moyenne, average analysis. —
amygdalite, /. tonsjiiitis. par voie humide, wet analysis. — par voie
amygdaloïde, a. amygdaloid, amygdaloidal. sèche, dry analysis. — pondérale, gravimét-
amygdalosidase, /. amygdalase. rie analysis. — pyrognostique, blowpipe
amygdaloside, m. amygdalin. analysis. — spectrale, spectrum analysis.
amyl-. amyl-, pentyl-. (OfBcially, n-amyl — ultime, ultimate analysis, elementary
has now been replaced by pentyl.) analysis.
amylacé, a. amylaceous, starchy. analyser, v.t. analyse.
amylacétlque, o. In the phrase éther amyl- analyseur, m. analyzer; analyst.
acétique, amyl acétate. analyste, m. analyst. a. analyticaî.
amylazoteux, a. In the phrase éther amyl- analytique, a. analytic, analyticaî. /. ana-
azoteux, amyl nitrite. lytics.
amylbromhydrique, o. In the phrase êther analytiquement, adv. analytically.
amylbromhydrique, amyl bromide. ananas, m. pineapple, ananas.
amylchlorhydrique, a. In the phrase éther anaphorèse, /. anaphoresis.
amulchlorhydrique, amyl chloride. anaphylactique, a. anaphylactic.
amyle, m. amyl. (See amyl-.) anaphylactiser, v.t. (Med.) sensitize.
amylformique, o. In the phrase éther anapnylatoxine, /. anaphylatosin.
amylformique, amyl formate. anaphylaxie, /. anaphylaxis.
amyline, /. amyhn. anastigmat(e), -matique, a. anastigmatic.
amyliodhydrique, a. In the phrase éther anastomose, /. anastomosis.
amyliodhydrique, amyl iodide. anastomoser, v.r. anastomose.
amylique, o. amyl; (of fermentation) anate, /. annatto.
amylie. anatomie, /. anatomy.
amylnitreux, a. = amylazoteux. anatomique, a. anatomical, anatomie.
amyloïde, /. amyloid. o. amyloid, amy- anatoxine, /. anatoxin, toxoid.
loidal. 'anazotiqne, a. nonnitrogenous.
amylolyse, /. amyloiysis. anc, abbrev. (ancien) former, late, ex-,
amylolytique, a. amylolytic. ancêtres, m. pi. ancestors, forefathers.
amylopectine, /. amylopectin. anchois, m. anchovy.
amylopsine, /. amylopsin (pancreatic amyl- anchuse, /. (Bot.) any plant of the genus
ase). Anchusa, bugloss, oxtongue.
amyrine, /. amyrin. anchusine, /. anchusin (alkannin).
an, m. year. ancien, a. old ; ancient ; former, late, ex- ;
anacarde, m. fruit of the cashew, including old-fashioned. m. ancient; old person;
the hypocarp (eashew apple) and mit senior, m. pi. (Mining) old workings.
(cashew nut) ; anacardium. anciennement, adv. anciently, of old; for-
anacardier, m. (.Bot.) anacardium. mer ly.
anaérobie, a. (Bact.) anaërobic. m. an- ancienneté, /. âge; seniority; antiquity.
aërobe. ancolie, /. (Bot.) columbine.
anaérobien, a. anaërobic. ancrage, m. anchorage.
anaérobique, a. anaërobic. ancre, /. anchor.
analgésie, /. analgesia. ancrer, v.t. anchor; brace; fix, establish.
analytique, a. analget/o, aaalgesie. anàâlous, andalousien, a. Anàalusïaa.
analgique, o. analgic, analgésie. andalousite, /. (Min.) andalusite.
analogie, /. analogy. andouille, /. roll (of tobacco), twist; a
analogique, a. analogie, analogical. kind of pork sausage.
analogiquement, adv. analogically. Andrinople, /. Adrianople.
analogue, a. analogous. m. analog. andropogon, m. (Bot.) Andropogon, andro-
analysable, a. analyzable. pogon.
analysateur, m. analyzer. -ane. (Org. Chem.) in the names of saturated
analyse, /. analyse*; (Télévision) scanning. hydroearbons and (according to some) het-
— au chalumeau, blowpipe analysis. — erocyclic parent compounds, -ane; in other
-ane 22 année
cases, -an ; as, éthane, ethane ; furfurane, carbonic anhydride (carbon dioxide). —
f uran, furfuran ; uréthane, urethan. chromique, chromic anhydride, chromium
âne, m. ass, donkey; vise; trestle, horse; trioxide, OO3. — sulfureux, sulfurous an-
bench. hydride (sulfur dioxide).
anéantir, v.t. annihilate, destroy, abolish, anhydrifier, v.r. become anhydrous.
annul ; prostrate. anhydrisant, m. dehydrating agent.
anéantissement, m. annihilation, etc. (see anhydrisation, /. dehydration.
anéantir). anliydriser, v.t. dehydrate. v.i. become an-
anélectrique, a. anelectric. hydrous.
anémie, /. anémia, ansemia. — saturnine, anhygrométrique, a. not hygroscopic.
anémia due to lead poisoning. anil, m. anil, indigo plant.
anémique, a. _anernic, anémie. anilarsinique, a. arsanilic.
anéroïde, a. & m. aneroid. anile, m. anil (the class name).
ânesse, /. she-ass. lait d'—, ass's milk. anilidé, a. aniline
anesthésiant, a. anestbetic. anilido-. anilino- ; anilido- (cf. amido-).
anesthésie, /. anesthesia. anilidure, m. anilide.
anesthésier, v.t. anesthetize. animalisation, /. animalization.
anesthésiqne, a. & m. anesthetic. animalisé, p.a. animalized; animal.
aneth, anet, m. (Bot.) Anethum. — odo- animaliser, v.t. animalize.
rant, dill (Anethum graveolens). animalité, /. animality, animal nature or
anéthol, m. anethole. life.
anfractueux, a. rugged, craggy, rough. animateur, a. animating. m. animator;
anfractuosité, /. roughness, unevenness. prime mover.
ange, m. angel ; angel fish. animatrice, fem. of animateur.
angélique, a. angelic. /. angelica (Angelka animaux, m. pi. of animal.
archangelica). animé, /. animé, gum animé, p.p. of animer.
angine, /. (Med.) angina. animer, v.t. animale; set or keep in motion,
angiais, a. English. m. English (language). impel, drive; heighten (colora); incite.
Anglais, m. Englishman. anis, m. anise. — étoile, star anise. — vert,
angle, m. angle. — aigu, acute angle. — anise, aniseed.
critique, critical angle. — d'avance, angle anisateur, m. an apparu tus used in making
of lead. — d'êquerre, right angle. — de a distilled liquor fiavored with anise.
retard, angle of lag. — dièdre, dihedral aniser, v.t. anisate, flavor with anise.
angle, plane angle. — droit, right angle. anisile, m. anisil.
— limite, critical angle. — optique, optic anisique, o. anisic; (of the alcohol) anisyl.
angle. — plan, plane angle. — rapporteur, anisoïde, a. aniselike.
protractor. — relevé, observed angle. — anisoïne, /. anisoin.
trièdre, trihedral angle. anisol, m. anisole.
Angleterre, /. England. anisomère, a. anisomeric, not isomeric.
angleux, a. angular, many-cornered (said of anisotonique, a. not isotonic, anisotonic.
nut kernels). anisotrope, anisotropique, a. anisotropic.
angoissant, p.a. distressing. anisoyle, m. anisoyl.
angoisse, /. anguish; spasm. annales, /. pi. annals.
anguille, /. eel. Ann. chim., abbrev. Annales de chimie.
anguillule, /. eelworm. Ann. chim. phys., abbrev. Annales de
angulaire, a. angular; corner. chimie et de physique.
angulairement, adv. angularly. anneau, m. ring ; link, hoop, band, collar,
angularité, /. angularity. (circular) rim, (ring-shaped) handle ; loop ;
angulé, a. angular, angulated. eye; coil; ringlet; (Elec.) ring armature.
anguleux, a. angular, many-angled. à —, with ring, ringed. — à cylindre, cy-
angusture, /. angustura bark, anguatura. lindrical shell. — à vis, eye screw. —
anhydrate, m. anhydride. benzénique, — benzolique, benzène ring. —
anhydre, a. anhydrous. de caoutchouc, rubber ring or band. — de
anhydride, m. anhydride. — acétique, acetic garniture, packing ring. — de sûreté, safety
anhydride. —arsénieux, arsenic trioxide, ring. — flotteur, fioating ring, ring float.
AS2O3. — azoteux, nitroua anhydride, di- anneau-guide, m. slide ring.
nitrogen trioxide. — azotique, nitric anhy- anneau-ressort, m. spring washer.
dride, dinitrogen pentoxide. — carbonique, année, /. year.
anneler 23 anti-congélant
a r , v.t. ring, girdle, annulate; curl. anthelminthique, a. & m. anthebnintic.
annelet, m. small ring, ringlet, annulet. anthochlore, m. anthochlor.
annexe, / . annex; appendage; attachment; anthocyane, m. anthocyanin, anthocyan.
fitting. o. annexed, attached. anthocyanine, / . anthocyanin.
annexer, v.t. annex. anthocyanoside, m. anthocyanin.
annihiler, v.t. annihilate, destroy, annul. anthoxanthine, / . anthoxanthin,
anniversaire, a. & m. anniversary. anthracène-carbonique, a. anthracenecar-
annonce, / . announcement; notice; adver- boxylic.
tisement ; sign ; waniing. anthracénique, a. anthracene, of anthra-
annoncer, v.t. announce; tell, déclare, pub- cene.
lish ; advertise ; show, indicate. anthracéno-disulfoné, a. anthracenedisul-
annonciateur, m. annunciator, indicator. fonic.
annoter, v.t. note down; annotate. anthracéno-sulfoné, a. anthracenesulfonic.
Ann. phys., abbrev. Annales de physique. anthracényle, / . anthryl.
annuaire, m. yearbook, annuaî ; directory. anthracîfère, o. anthraciferous.
annuel, a. annual, yearly. anthracine, / . anthracene.
annuellement, adv. annually, yearly. anthraciteux, a. anthracitic, anthracitous.
annulaire, a. annular ; ring (finger). m. anthracitifère, o. anthracitiferous, anthra-
ring finger, ciferous.
annulation, / . annulment ; nullification. anthraciticiue, a. anthracitic.
annuler, v.t. annul, cancel; nullify, paralyze. anthracomètre, m. anthracometer.
anode, / . anode. — d'amorçage, exciting anthranile, / . anthranil.
anode. anthranilique, a. anthranilic.
anodin, a. anodyne, soothing; tame, spirit- anthranol, m. anthranol, 9-anthrol.
less. m. anodyne. anthranoyle, TÏI. anthranoyl, anthraniloyl.
anodique, a. (Elec.) anodic, anode. anthraquinoléine, / . anthraquinoline (in
anomal, a.. anomalous. some older names denoting a naphtho-
anomalie, / . anomaly. quinoline).
anone, / . {Bot.) Annona. anthrarufine, / . anthrarufin.
anonym, a. anonymous; joint-stock (com- anthropochimie, / . chemistry of the human
pany). body.
anorganique, a. inorganic. anthryle, m. anthryl.
anormal, o. abnormal. antiabrine, / . antiabrin.
anormalement, adv. abnormally. antiacide, a. antacid; acid-proof. m. ant-
anorthique, a. (Min.) anorthic (triclinic). acid.
anotto, m. annatto. antiaérien, a. antiaircraft.
anoxémie, anoxhémie, / . anoxemia. antialcalin, o. & m. antalkaline.
anse, / . handle (attached at VToth ends) ; àntianaphylaxie, / . antianaphylaxis.
loop; small bay, inlet; {Mach.) slot, key- antiarine, / . , antiaroside, m. antiarin.
way. — o vis, screw eye. — de panier, antiasphyxiant, a. antiasphyxiating.
basket handle ; a curve composed of arcs antibactérien, a. antibacterial.
of three circles. antibalancer, v.t. counterbalance.
anser, v.t. furnish with a handle. antibiotique, a. & m. antibiotic.
ansérine, / . anserine (an alkaloid); any of anticalcaire, m. boiler compound, scale re-
several plants, as goosefoot. a. anserine. mover.
ansette, / . small handle. anticatalysateur, anticatalyseur, m. anti-
antagoniste, a. antagonistic.
antécédexnment, adv. previousl^ ante-
anticétogène, m. antiketogen. a. antiketo-
antéhistorique, a. prehistoric.
antichar, a. (Mil.) antitank.
antenne, / . antenna ; catch, hook ; (of a
torpédo) striker. — basse, ground (or antichlore, m. antichlor.
earth) antenna. — périodique, tuned an- anticipation, / . anticipation; (.Corn.) ad-
tenna. vance.
antérieur, a. anterior, front, fore; anterior, anticiper, v.t. anticipate.
prior, previous. anticombustible, a. & m. incombustible.
antérieurement, adv. previously, anteriorly. anti-congélant, a. antifreezing. m. anti-
antériorité, / . ' priority, anteriority. freezing agent.
anticongélateur 24 anti-vicié
anticougélateur, m. antifreeze agent, anti- antimonine, m. antimonin (a lactate of cal-
freeze. cium and antimony used in tanning).
anticorps, m. antibody. antimoniochlorure, m. chloroantimonate.
antidartreux, o. (Med.) antiherpes, anti- antlmoniopotasslque, a. containing anti-
tetter. mony and potassium.
antidéilagrant, a. ûamsproof; explosion- antimoniotartrate acide de potassium.
proof; firedamp-proof. (Ptiarm.) antimony potassium tartrate, tar-
antidéperditeur, antidéperditif, o. (Med.) tar emetie.
diminishing waste due to lack of assimila- antimonique, a. antimonic.
tion. antimoniure, m. antimonide.
antidérapant, a. nonskidding, nonskid. m, antimonocre, /. antimony ocher (esp. cer-
a nonskid tire or device. vantîte).
antidétonant, m. antidetonant, antiknock. antimonyle, m. antimonyl (SbO).
antidiphtérique, a. antidiphtheritic. antimousse, m. antifoaming agent.
antiendotoxine, /. antiendotoxin. antinéphrétique, a. & m. antinephritio.
antifébrine, /. antifebrin (acetanilide). antinévralgique, a. & m. antineuralgic.
antif ermentescible, a. antifermentative ; antinévrétique, a. antineuritic.
nonfermenting. m. antif ermentatrve ; non- antinoeud, wi. (Physics) antinode.
fermenting substance. antioxygène, m. antioxygen, antioxidant.
antifloculant, a. antiflocculating. antiparasitaire, a. & m. antiparasitic.
antifondant, m. (Ceram.) a substance antipathique, a. antipathie, antipatketic.
which checks or prevents fusion, anti-flux. antipellagreux, a. pellagra-preventive.
antifriction, a. antifriction. /. antifriction antipesteux, a. antiplague. m. an anti-
alloy, antifriction métal. plague agent.
antigel, m. & a. antifreeze. antlphlogistique, a. & m. antiphlogistic
antigène, m. antigen. antiplastique, a. antiplastia
antigivrant, a. & m. antifreeze. antiputride, a. antiputrefactive, antiseptic
antigivre, m. deicing substance, deicer. m. an antiputrefactive substance.
antigivreur, m. antifreeze; deicer. antipyrétique, o. & m. antipyretic.
antigrisonnant, a. antigraying, anti-gray- antique, a. antique; antiquated.
hair. antiquité, /. antiquity.
antigrisouteux, a. firedamp-proof. antirabique, a. antirabic, antirabies.
antihémolytique, a. antihemolytic antiréfrigérant, o. antifreeze, antifreezing.
antihypnotique, a. & m. antihypnotic. antiretour (m.) de flammes, flame trap.
anti-lncrustant, a. scale-preventing. antirliumatisant, a. & m. antirheumatic.
antilueur, a. antiflash, m. flash inhibitor. antirouille, o. & m. anti-rust, rust-preven-
antimammoniaque, /. stibine. tive.
antimicrobien, a. antimicrobic, antibac- antisepsie, /. antisepsis.
terial. m. antibiotic. antiseptique, a. & m. antiseptic.
antimoine, m. antimony. — blanc, white antitartre, m. anti-incrustant, anti-incrusta-
antimony, valentinite (Sb2Û3). — cru, tor.
(Pharm.) antimony sulfide. — diaphoré- antitartrique, a. antitartaric. m. = anti-
tique, (Pharm.) diaphoretic antimony (an tartre.
acid potassium antimonate forming a white, antitétanique, a. an t]tétanie.
insoluble powder). — gris, gray antimony, antithermique, a. (Med.) antithermic, anti-
stibnite (Sb2S3>. — noir, {Min.) bournon- pyretic.
ite. — oxydé, antimony oxide. — rouge, antithèse, /. antithesis.
kermesite. — sulfuré, antimony sulfide. antithrombine, /. antithrombin.
antimonlate, m. antimonate, antimoniate. antitoxine, /. antitoxin.
— de plomb, lead antimonate. — grenu antitoxique, a. antitoxic.
de potasse, dihydrogen potassium pyroanti- antivénéneux, a. counteracting poison,
monate. antitoxic, alexipharmic. m. antipoison,
antimonide, a. & m. antimonial. antidote.
antimonié, a. containing antimony, anti- antivénérien, a. antivenereal, antisyphilitic
monial; antimoniuretted (hydrogen). antivermineux, a. & m, anthelmintic,
antimonieux, a. antimonious, antimonous. vermifuge.
antimonifère, a. antimoniferous. anti-vicié, a. antifouling.
antizymique 25 appareil
antizymique, a. <fe m. antizymotic, anti- apocaféine, /. apocaffeine.
zymic. apolaire, a. apolar.
antracène, m. anthracene, apomorpliine, /. apomorphine.
antre, m. cave, cavern, den; (Anat.) antrum. apophyse, /. apophysis.
anurie, /. (Med.) anuria. aposorbique, a. aposorbic,
Anvers, m. Antwerp. apothicaire, m. apothecary.
anxiété, /. ansiety. apothicaire rie, /. apothecary's shop; dis-
anxieux, a. anxious. pensary.
aorte, /. (Anat.) aorta. apôtre, m. apostle.
aouara, n. (Bot.) awara. apozème, m. (Pharm.) apozem, infusion,
août, m. August; harvest. décoction (stronger than tisane).
aoûter, v.t., r. & i. ripen. apparaître, v.i. appear; be clear, be évident.
apaiser, v.t. appease, pacify, calm, allay. apparatine, /. a starch-paste adhesive.
Apalaches, f. pi. Appalachians. appareil, m. apparatus ; machine, device,
apepsie, /. (Med.) apepsia, indigestion. appliance; machinery, equipment, tackle,
apercevoir, v.t. & r. perceive, notice, see. plant ; caméra ; (surgical) dressing ; course
aperçoit, pr. S sing. (of apercevoir) per- (of stone, etc.); bond (of bricks); style of
eeives. construction; (ceremonious) préparation,
aperçu, p.a. perceived, etc. (see apercevoir). pomp. — à aiguille, needle instrument,
m. glance, (rapid) view, rough estimate, pointer device. — à chargement, charging
outline, sketch. apparatus. — à chlore, chlorine apparatus.
apériodique, a. aperiodic, (of instruments) — à colonne, (Distilling) column apparatus,
deadbeat. column. — à distiller, distilling apparatus,
apéritif, a. stimulating the appetite; (Med.) still. — à essence, gasoUne (or petrol)
aperient, aperitive. m. appetizer, apéritif ; heater or stove. — à flammes, (MU.)
•(Med.) aperient, aperitive. flame projectors. — à pluie, shower ap-
aphlogistique, a. aphlogistic, flameless. paratus, sprinkling apparatus. — à pré-
aphrodisiaque, a. & m. (Med.) aphrodisiac. lèvement de gaz, (Mil.) gas respirators or
aphromètre, m. ( Wine) aphrometer (a masks. ~ à (or de) ruissellement, trickling
manometer). apparatus. — à sécher, drying apparatus,
aphronitre, m. wall saltpeter (calcium ni- drier. — à stériliser^ sterilizer. — à suc-
trate). cion, aspirator. — à vide, vacuum ap-
apiol, m. apiole. paratus. — broyeur, crushing (or grind-
aplané, p.a. planer even, smooth. ing) apparatus, crusher, grinder. — cas-
aplaner, v.t. plane, planish, smooth. sew, breakiflg (or crushing) apparatus,
apianétique, a. (Optics) aplanatic. breaker, crusher, stamp mill. — chargeur,
aplanir, v.t. make smooth or level, smooth. charging apparatus. — chauffeur, heating
v.r. become smooth or level, be leveled. apparatus, heater. — concasseur, = ap-
aplanissage, m. sinoothing, ïeveUng, dress- pareil casseur. — coupeur, cutting appa-
ing. ratus, cutting machine, cutter. — d'ali-
aplanis sèment, m. making smooth, etc. mentation, (Mach.) feed gear. — d'al-
lumage, lighting apparatus ; igniting gear.
(see aplanir) ; smoothness, evenness.
aplastique, a. aplastic. — dêbourbeur, cleansing apparatus, wash-
aplat, m. flat tint. ing apparatus, washer. — de chauffage,
aplati, p.a. flattened, flat; oblate (spheroid); heating apparatus, heater. — de cinglage,
debased. (Métal.) shingling machine, shingler. —
aplatir, v.t. flatten ; debase. v.r. be flat- d'éclairage,. lighting apparatus ; lighting
tened, become flat, flatten; (of a tube) col- plarrt. — de coulée, casting (or founding.)
lapse; fall, sink. apparatus or equipment. — de découpage,
aplatissage, m. flattening. cutting apparatus, cutting machine, cutter.
aplatissement, m. flattening; flatness. — de grenage, granulating apparatus or
aplatisserie, aplatissoire, /. flatting mill, machine, granulator. — de lavage, wash-
rolling mill. * iûg apparatua, washing machine, washer.
aplomb, m. perpendicular, perpendicularity, — de lessivage, leaching apparatus, lixivia-
plumb ; equilibrium, balance ; self -posseis- tion apparatus. — de Schloesing, a tin
sion. d'—, upright, plumb ; perpeodicu- distilling coil used in determining ainmonia.
larly, in plumb; in equilibrium. — d'essai, testing apparatus. — de succion,
apoatropine, '/. apoatropine. suction apparatus. — de sûreté* safety de-
appareil 26 apprêteur
vice. — d'extinction, fire extinguisher. — lenge. — de note, (Printing) superior fig-
dialyseur, dialyzing apparatus. — distil- ure. — par vibrateur, — vibré, (Elec.)
latoire, distilling apparatus. — enregistreur, buzzer.
recordîng apparatus. — étalon, calibrating appelé, p.a. called, etc. (see appeler).
apparatus, calibrator. — frigorifique, re- appeler, v.t. call; call for, require; draw,
frigerating apparatus, refrigerator. — drive (air, etc.) ; announce. v.i. appeal ;
générateur, generating apparatus, generator. call; (of a chimney) draw. v.r. be called.
— graisseur, lubricating apparatus or de- appendice, m. appendix ; appendage, pro-
vice, lubricator. — malaxeur, an apparatus jection, stud, etc.
for mixing or working pasty material, appendre, v.t. hang up, suspend; attach.
mixer, beater, malaxator, etc. — moteur, appesantir, v.t. make heavy, weigh down;
(Mach.) driver. — photographique, photo- dull.. v.r. become heavy; be oppressed;
graphie apparatus ; specif., caméra. — dwell, insist (upon).
producteur, (for gases) generating appa- appétissant, a. appetizing, tempting.
ratus, generator. — propulseur, propelling appétit, m. appetite.
apparatus, propeller. — protecteur, protect- applaudissement, m. applause; praise.
ing (or protective) device or apparatus. applicateur, m. (Wine) pasteurizer.
— récolteur, collecting apparatus. — rec- application, /. application ; posting (of
tangulaire, (Photog.) box caméra. — bills).
Schilt, (Mil.) a kind of flame projector. applique, /. something apphed or fixed,
— séparé, single apparatus. — solidifica- mounting, setting, reinforce, inlay, etc.;
teur, solidifying apparatus, solidifier. — (Lighting) bracket fixture, bracket.
soufflant, blast apparatus, blower. — appliqué, p .a, applied ; attentive ; diligent.
Strombos, (Mil.) Strombos horn, Strombos appliquer, v.t. apply; post (bills). v.r. be
gas alarm. — trieur, sorting apparatus, apphed; apply; apply oneself. v.i. require
sorter, classifier. application.
appareillage, m. apparatus, machinery, appoint, m. balance, remainder, différence,
equipment, fittings ; préparation ; match - amount over ; (Expl. ) specif., priming
ing; bonding, bond (of bricks, etc.). charge.
appareiller, v.t. fit together, match; pré- appointements, m. pi. salary, wages, pay.
pare; dress (cloth) ; bond (bricks, etc.). appointer, v.t. point, sharpen to a point;
apparemment, adv. apparentîy. tack, stitch ; salary.
apparence, /. appearance ; probability ; apport, m. input; supply; (Métal.) addi-
trace. tion ; contribution ; deposit (of documents) ;
apparent, a. apparent ; conspicuous ; plau- (Geot.) drift.
sible. apporter, v.t. bring ; contribute ; ad duce,
apparenté, a. related, allied. cite ; apply, use.
appariement, m. pairing. apposer, v.t. affix, append, add.
apparier, v.t. pair, arrange in a pair. apposition, /. affixing, etc. (see apposer);
apparition, /. appearance; apparition. apposition.
appartement, m. apartment, suite of rooms. appréciateur, m. estimator, valuer, appre-
appartenance, /. accessory, fitting. ciator ; specif., a kind of hydrometer.
appartenant, p.a. belonging, appertaining. appréciation, /. estimation, measurement,
appartenir, v.i. belong ; concern, be the valuation ; appréciation.
province (of), be the duty (of). apprécier, v.t. estimate, value ; appreciate.
appartient, pr. 3 sing. (of appartenir), be- apprenant, p. pr. of apprendre.
longs. apprendre, v.t. learn; teach; inform.
apparu, p.p. (of apparaître) appeared.
apparut, p. def. S sing. (of apparaître) apprennent,
pr. S pi. indic. & subj. of ap-
appauvri, p.a. impoverished, exhausted. apprenti, m. apprentice.
appauvrir, v.t. impoverish, exhaust, reduce apprentissage, m. apprenticeship ; practice.
in strength. V.T. become poor or poorer; apprêt, rrt. dressing, finishing, finish; sizing;
deteriorate. priming ; gloss ; préparation ; affectation.
appauvrissement, m. impoverishment, ex- apprêtage, m. dressing, finishing.
haustion, réduction in strength. apprêter, v.t, dress, finish; prime; prépare,
appel, m. call; appeal; tension, pull; (of get ready.
air) draft ; ventilation ; roll call ; chal- apprêteur, m. dresser, finisher.
apprêteuse 27 arbre
apprêteuse, /. dresser, finisher; (Paper) apurinique, a. purine-free.
calenders, surfaoing rolls. apyre, a. infusible; incombustible.
appris, p.p. (of apprendre) learned, etc. aquarelle, /. water-color painting.
approbation, /. approval, approbation. aquatique, a. aquatic; watery, marshy.
approchant, a. like, somewhat like, near, aquatubulaire, o. (Boilers) water-tube.
approximate. adv. nearly, about, p. pr. aqueduc, aqueduc, m. aqueduct.
of approcher. aqueux, a. aqueous ; watery.
approche, /. approach. aquifère, a. water-bearing, aquiferous.
approché, p.a. approximate; brought near, aquo-igné, a. aqueoigneous.
etc. (see approcher). aquosité, /. aqueousness; wateriness, aquos-
approcher, v.t. bring or place near or ity.
nearer, bring up; approach. v.r. & i. ap- aquotisation, /. aquotization.
proach, be near. arabane, m. araban.
approfondi, p.a. deepened, etc. (see appro- arabe, a. Arabie; Arabian.
fondir) ; profound. Arabie, /. Arabia.
approfondir, v.t. deepen; go deeply into, arabine, /. arabin (arabic acid).
study profoundly, fathom. v.r. deepen; arabique, a. arabic.
study deeply. arabite, /. arabitol.
approfondissement, m. deepening; pro- arabocétose, /. araboketose.
found study. arabonique, a. arabonic.
approprié, p.a. appropriate, suitable; ap- arac, m. arrack.
propriated, etc. (see approprier). arachide, /. peanut (Arachis hypogœa and
approprier, v.t. appropriate; adapt, suit; related species) ; (Bot.) Arachis.
put in order, fix up. arachidique, a. arachidic.
approuver, v.t. approve, approve of, sanc- arachine, /. arachin.
tion. arack, m. arrack.
approvisionnement, m. supplying, supply, araignée, /. spider; spiderlike object; net.
stock. aralcoyle, m. aralkyl.
approvisionner, v.t. supply, provision. aralcoylé, o. aralkylated.
approximatif, a. approximate. aralcoylène, m. aralkylene.
approximativement, adv. approxhnately. aralie, /. (Bot.) Aralia. — épineuse, Her-
approximer, v.t. approximate. cules'-club (A. spinosa). — nue, wild
appui, m. support (in various sensés); prop, sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis).
stay, rest ; bearing ; fulcrum ; balustrade ; araser, v.t. level; be flush with.
rail; sill; emphasis, stress; pressure, im- aratoire, a. farming, agricultural.
press. arbacine, /. arbaein.
appui-bras, m. arm support, arm rest. arbitraire, a. arbitrary. m. arbitrariness.
appuie, pr. 1 & S sing. of appuyer. arbitrairement, adv. arbitrarily.
appui-main, m. hand support, hand resfc. arbitre, m. arbiter, arbitrator, umpire.
appuyer, v.t. support; prop, lean, rest; arborer, v.t. raise, hoist.
base. v.r. be supported, lean, rely (on). arborescent, a. arborescent; branched
v.i. be supported, rest; bear, press (on); (chain).
dwell, insist (on). arborisation, /. arborization, dendrite.
âpre, a. acrid, tart; harsh, rough; fierce, arborisé, a. arborized, dendritic.
violent ; greedy. arbouse, /. arbutus fruit, arbutus berry.
âprement, adv. acridly, etc. (see âpre). arbousier, m. (Bot.) arbutus. — commun,
après, prep. after; behind, beyond; about, strawberry tree (A. unedo).
at; against, upon. adv. after, afterward. arbre, m. tree; (Mach.) shaft, spindle, axis,
d'—, according to, after; following, next. axle, arbor; mast. — à cames, cam shaft.
après-coulant, m. last runnings, faints. — à caoutchouc, rubber tree. — à cire, wax
après-demain, adv. day after tomorrow. tree, esp. the wax myrtle (Myrica). — à
après-guerre, m. postwar period. manivelle, crank shaft. — à noyau, (Found-
après-midi, /. & m. afternoon. ing) core spindle. — à perruque, fustet
âpreté, /. acridity, etc. (see âpre). (Cotinus coggygria). — à suif, tallow tree;
apside, /. apsis; (Arch.) apse. wax myrtle. — à vermillon, kermès, kermès
apte, a. capable; qualified, fit. — à la oak (Quercus coccifera). — couchant, hori-
trempe, (Métal.) hardenable. zontal shaft. — coudé, cranked shaft,
aptitude, /. capability, capacity, aptitude. cranked axle. — creux, hollow shaft; hol-
arbre 28 argent
low tree. — debout, upright shaft, vertical (of colors) bright, vivid ; (of haïr) red,
shaft or spindle. — de commande, driving sandy; spirited. m. ignis fatuus.
shaft. — de couche, horizontal shaft ; ardeur, /. burning heat, ardor; glowing; (of
main shaft. — de Diane, arbor Dianœ, colors) vividness; (Med.) sensation of heat;
arborescent silver. — de haute futaie, for- mettle. — d'estomac, heartburn. —
est tree, timber tree. — de Jupiter, tin d'urine, ardor urinae, scalding of the urine.
tree. — de Mars, arbor Martis, iron tree. ardillon, m. tongue (of a buckle).
— de pain, breadfruit tree. — de Saturne, ardoise, /. slate; slate color. — argileuse,
arbor Saturni, arborescent lead. — de clay slate. — têgulaire, roofing slate.
tour, lathe spindle, mandrel. — de vie, ardoisé, p.a. slate-colored; slated.
arborvitae. — du communicateur, gearing ardoiser, v.t. render slate-colored; slate.
shaft. — du tiroir, eccentric shaft. — ardoiseux, ardoisier, a. of or like slate,
fruitier, fruit tree. — intermédiaire, slaty.
countershaft. — moteur, driving shaft, ardoisière, /. slate quarry.
main shaft. — philosophique, arbor ardoisin, a. resembling slate.
Dianœ. — plein, solid shaft. ardu, a. arduous, steep, difficult.
arbrisseau, m. shrub, bush (of considérable arduité, /. arduousness.
size). are, m. are (100 square meters or 119.6
arbue, /. clay used as a flux. square yards).
arbuste, m. shrub, bush (of small size). arec, aréca, m. (Bot.) areca.
arbutine, /., arbutoside, m. arbutin. aréfaction, /. drying, desiccation.
arc, 7». arc; arch; bow. — à famine, arénacé, o. arenaoeous, sandy.
flaming arc. — en ciel, rainbow. — vol- arénation, /. sanding; (Med.) arenation.
tàique, voltaic arc, électric arc. arène, /. (fine) sand; arena; gutter; (pi.)
arcade, /. curved part, arch, bow (as of a amphitheater.
saddle) ; arcade. aréner, v.i. et r. sink, sag.
arcane, m. arcanum (applied by the al- aréneux, o. sandy, arenose.
chemists to various opérations and sub- aréodensimètre, m. areodensimeter (a kind
stances). — corallin, red mercuric oxide. of hydrometer).
— double, potassium sulfate. aréolaire, a. areolar.
arcanne, /. ruddle, red ocher ; red-lead aréole, /. areola.
pencil. aréomètre, m. hydrometer, areometer. —
arcanson, m. rosin, colophony. chercheur, exploring hydrometer, exploring
arc-boutant, m. buttress, stay, prop. spindle (to indicate which of a set of
arc-bouter, v.t. buttress, prop, brace. spindles is to be used).
arceau, m. arch, small arch; curve. aréométrie, /. hydrometry, areometry.
arc-en-ciel, m. rainbow. aréométrique, a. hydrometric, areometric.
a rchai, m. brass (in the phrase fil d'archal, arête, /. edge; ridge; awn, beard (of grain);
brass wire). (fish) bone; (Arch.) arris. — de poisson,
archangélique, /. (Bot.) angelica. (Tech.) herring bone. — mousse, rounded
arche, /. fire chamber, furnace, arch; arch edge. — vive, sharp edge. à vives arêtes,
(of other kinds) ; ark. — à pots, {Glass) sharp-edged.
a furnace in which the pots are given a arganier, m. argan tree (Argania sider-
preliminary heating. — à tirer, (Glass) oxylori).
annealing furnace for cylinders. argémone, /. (Bot.) prickly poppy (Arge-
archée, /. (Alchemy) archeus. mone).
archéen, a. (Geol.) Archean, Archaean. argent, m. silver ; money. — allemand =
archet, m. curved part, bow, arch; (violin) argent d'Allemagne. — anglais, nickel sil-
bow. ver. — antimonial, antimonial silver, dys-
crasite. — antimonié sulfuré, pyrargyrite.
archi-, arch-. — antimonié sulfuré noir, stephanite. —
archives, /. pi. archives; record office. arséniaté sulfuré, proustite. — arsenical,
arcose, /. (Petrog.) arkose. — arsénié, proustite. — au titre, standard
arcot, m. (Foundvng) spilt métal (esp. silver. — chinois, nickel silver. — chloruré,
brass). silver chloride. — corné, (Min.) horn silver
arctique, a. arctic. (cerargyrite). — d'Allemagne, German sil-
ardemment, adv. ardentry. ver, nickel silver. — de cendrée, recovered
ardent, e. burning, blasing, glowing; ardent; silver. — de chat, mica. — de coupelle, fme
argent 29 Arménie
silver. — de départ, parting silver. — argilite, /. argillite, clay sîate.
doré, gilded silver, vermeil. — en feuilles, argillacé, o. argillaceous, clayey.
leaf silver, silver leaf. — fulminant, ful- argilo-alcalln, a. containing clay «nd alkali,
minating silver; specif., silver fulminate. argilloalkaline.
— iodurè, silver iodide. — muriaté, silrer argilo-arénacé, a. eontaining clay and sand,
chloride. — neuf, nickel silver, German argilloarenaceous.
rilver. — noir, (Min.) black silver, steph- argilo-calcaire, a. containing clay and lime,
anite. — raffiné, refined silver. — rouge, argillocalcareous.
(Min.) pyrargyrite. — rouge clair, (Min.) argilo-ferrugineux, o. argilloferruginous.
proustite. — sélénhiré, silver selenide; argilo-glaiseux, o. clayey, of stiff day.
(Min.) naumannite. sulfuré, silver sulfide, argiloïde, o. claylike, argilloid.
(Min.) argentite. — tellure, silver telluride, argilolithe, m. clay stone.
(Afin.) hessite. — vif, quicksilver, mercory. argilo-magnésien, a. argillomagnesian.
— vitreux, (Afin.) argentite. argilo-sablonneux, a. argilloarenaceoiw.
argentage, m. silvering, silver plating. argilo-silîceux, a. containing clay and
argental, a. containing silver, argental (as, silica, argillosiliceous.
mercure argental, argental mercury, a na- arginine, /. arginine.
tive silver amalgaza). argol, m. argol (crude tartar, also dry dung).
argentan, m. argentan (a nickel silver). — argozie, /. a kind of nickel silver.
au manganèse, an alloy of copper, manga- argue, /. drawing bench, draw bench (esp.
nèse and zinc. for gold or silver wire).
argenté, p.a. silvered; silvery, silver-white. arguer, v.t. rough-draw (gold, silver, etc.);
argenter, v.t. silver, silver-plate. argue, conclude.
argenterie, /. silver ware, silver plate. argumenter, v.i. argue, v.t. argue with.
argenteur, m. silverer, silver plater. argyride, m. any silver-containing minerai.
afgenteux, a. argentous, silver(I). argyrose, /. (Afin.) argentite (AgjS).
argentifère, a. argentiferous, containing sil- argyrythrose, /. (Afin.) pyrargyrite
ver. (Ag3SbS3).
argentin, a. silvery, silver; Argentine, m. aricine, /. aricine.
Argentine. aride, o. arid.
argentine, /. argentine (in various sensés) ; aridité, /. aridity, aridness.
specif., powdered tin, used to give a silvery aristoloche, /. (Bot.) Aristolochia.
coating on fabrics; (Min.) argentite. arithmétique, /. arithmetic. o. arithmeti-
Argentine, /. (with V) Argentina. cal.
argentiqne, a. of silver, silver, argentic,
specif. silver(II). arithmétiquement, adv. aritfametically.
argenton, m. an alloy of copper, nickel and armagnac, m. armagnac (a French brandy).
tin. armature, /. a strengthening part or System
argenture, /. silvering, ailver plating. — (usually metallic), frame, truss, braces,
électro-chimique, — galvanique, electrosil- clamps, sheathing, facing; fitting, mount-
vering, silver electroplating. ing ; (Magnetism) armature, keeper ; (Elec.)
argilacé, a. argillaceous, clayey. plate of a condenser.
argile, /. clay. — à façonner, potter's clay. armaturer, v.t. reinforce; (Elec.) armature.
— à fougère, slate clay. — à foulon, ful- arme, /. arm, weapon; ann (of the serv-
ler's earth. — à porcelaine, kaolin, por- ice). — à feu, firearm. •— blanche, a steel
celain clay. — cuite, burnt clay. — figu- cutting or piercing weapon, side arm; cold
line, pottery clay. — grasse, fat clay, plas- steel. — chimique, chemical weapon. —
tic clay. — Tnaigre, lean clay. — marne, de guerre, military weapon. — de jet, bal-
— marneuse, marly clay. — pauvre, lean listic weapon. — du génie, engineer corps.
clay. —• plastique, plastic clay, fat clay. — petite, side arm. — rayée, rifle.
— pure, (Old Chem.) alumina. — ré- armé, p.a. armed, etc. (see armer).
fractaire, refractory clay, fire clay. — armée, /. army; forces, a. fem. of armé.
savonneuse, fuller's earth. -^ schisteuse, — de l'air, air force. — de -mer, sea forces;
slate clay. — smectique, fuller's earth. — navy, fieet. — de terre, land forces. —
téguline, tile clay. mécanique, mechaniaed army or forces.
argileux, a. clayey, clay, argillaceous. armement, m. armament; arming; equip-
argilière, /. clay pit. ment ; fittings.
argilifère, a. argilliferous. Arménie, /. Armenia.
30 arsenic
armer, v.t. arm ; armor ; equip, fit out ; arrêter, v.t. stop; cheek; fasten, fix; ar-
reinforce (cément or glass) ; insert a fuse rest ; detain ; seize, attach (legally) ; dé-
in (a shell) ; wind (a dynamo) ; cock (a cide ; engage (lodging, etc.). v.r. & i.
firearm) ; make ready; man, stop, cease; stay; dwell (on).
armoire, /. cabinet, closet, cupboard, chest. arrêtoir, m. (Mach.) stop, catch, check.
— à dessiccation, — de séchage, drying arrière, adv. back, behind, in the rear,
closet, drying chamber. — frigorifique, re- astern. m. rear, hind part, stern. en —,
frigerator. — glacière, ice chest, refrig - back, backward, behind, behindhand. en
erator. — de, behind.
armoise, /. (Bot.) Artemisia, wormwood ; arriéré, p.a. delayed, deferred; backward;
= armoiein. — absinthe, — des champs, behindhand.
wormwood (A. absinthium). — commune, arrière-faix, m. (Med.) afterbirth.
mugwort (A. vulgaris). arrière-goût, m. aftertaste.
armoisin, m. a kind of silk made at Lyons. arrière-pensée, /. undisclosed thought.
armure, /. frame, braces, etc. (see arma- arriérer, v.t. delay, defer, postpone. v.r.
ture) ; armature (of a magnet) ; pôle pièce be, get or stay, behind.
(of a dynamo); annor. arrière-vue, /. rear view, back view.
arnicine, /. araicine. arrimer, v.t. stow, pack.
arnique, arnica, /. arnica. arrivage, m. arrivai,
aromate, m. aromatic. arrivée, /. admission tube or pipe, feed
aromaticité, /. aromatic quality, aromatic- pipe ; inlet ; lead-in ; arrivai. — d'eau,
ness. water feed pipe, d'—, at first; at once;
aromatique, a. aromatic. on arrivai.
aromatiquement, adv. aromatically. arriver, v.L arrive; approach; come; suc-
aromatisation, /. aromatization. ceed; happen, occur.
aromatiser, v.t. aromatize. arrondi, p.a. rounded; round.
arôme, m. aroma. arrondir, v.t. round, make round ; round
aroyle, m. aroyl. off. v.r. become or grow round.
arpentage, m. land measurement, surveying. arrondissage, m. rounding, making round.
arpenter, v.t. survey, measure. arrondissement, m. rounding; roundness;
arquer, v.t., i. & r. curve, bend, arch. district, arrondissement.
arquifoux, m. (Ceram.) alquifou. arrosage, m. wetting, etc. (see arroser).
arr., abbrev. (arrondissement) district. arrosement, m. wetting, etc. (see arroser);
arrac, m. arrack. (Ceram.) application of a glaze by pouring
arrachage, arrachement, m. pulling up, it on the object.
etc. (see arracher). arroser, v.t. wet, moisten; sprinkle, spray;
arrache-pied. In the phrase d'arrache- water.
pied, uninterruptedly, consecutively. arroseuse, /, sprinkler, watering apparatus.
arracher, v.t. pull up, dig up, pull out, arrosoir, m. sprinkler, sprayer; watering
tear out ; tear away, pull off, strip off ; pot.
take away (violently); eradicate; extort. A.R.S., abbrev. of appareil respiratoire spé-
arrache-tuyau, m. pipe dog. cial (the name of a French gas mask).
arrak, m. arrack. arsanilique, a. arsanilic.
arrangement, m. arrangement, etc. (see ar- arsendiméthyle, m, cacodyl.
ranger); economy; order, method. arsenéthyle, m. ethylarsine.
arranger, v.t. arrange; adjust; suit, please; arséniate, m. arsenate, arseniate. — de
trim, trim up, dress. v.r. be arranged ; chaux, calcium arsenate. — de fer, iron
place oneself; make arrangements; manage. arsenate. — de soude, sodium arsenate.
arrêt, m. stopping, stop, stoppage; (Tech.) — de soude desséché, (Pharm.) exsiccated
stop, check, catch, arrest, stay; judgment, sodium arsenate. — ferreux, ferrous arse-
sentence; decree, order; arrest; (légal) at- nate, iron(II) arsenate.
tachment ; steadfastness. arséniate, a. arsenate of.
arrêtage, m. (MacK) stop, check, arrest, arsenic, m. arsenic. — blanc, white arsenic
catch. (arsenious oxide). — jaune, yellow arsenic,
arrêt-barrage, m. barrier, stop, dam. specif. orpiment. — rouge, red arsenic,
arrête-gaz, m. gas check. realgar. — sulfuré jaune, arsenic trisulfide,
arrête-matière, m. (Paper) stuff catcher, orpiment. — sulfuré rouge, arsenic mono-
save-all. sulfide, realgar.
arsenical 31 asiatique
arsenical, a. arsenical, m. arsenical corn- de guerre, military fireworks; stratagem.
pound or substance, arsenical. — de rupture, any explosive device used
arsenicaux, pi. masc. of arsenical. for démolition. — de signaux, signal fire-
arsenicique, a. arsenic (the adjective). works. — éclairant = artifice d'éclairage.
arsénico-sulfure, m. sulfarsenide. — incendiaire, incendiary firework, in-
arsénié, c. arseninretted ; arsenicated; ar- cendiary.
senical. artificiel, a. artificial.
arsénieux, a. arsenious. artificiellement, adv. artificially.
arsénifère, o. arseniferous. artificier, m. fireworks maker, pyrotechnist ;
arséniobiéthyle, m. diethylarsine. (Mil. ) artificer (maker of shella, fuses,
arsênio-sulfure, m. sulfarsenide. etc.).
arsénio-sulfuré, a. sulfarsenide of. artificieux, a. artful.
arséniotriéthyle, m. triethyiarsine. artillerie, /. artillery.
arséniotungstate, m. tungstoarsenate. artison, m. clothes moth ; wood worm.
arsénio-vanadique, a. arsenovanadic, ar- artisonné, a. moth-eaten, worm-eaten.
seniovanadic. artiste, m. <fc /. artist ; adept.
arsénique, a. arsenic. artistement, adv. artistically ; skillfulty.
arséniure, m. arsenide. — d'hydrogène, hy- Arts et Métiers, abbrev. oî École nationale
drogen arsenide, arsine. d'Arts et Métiers (National School of Arts
arséniuré, a. arsenide of, arseniuretted. and Trades), any one of a class of engineer-
arsénoïque, a. arseno. ing schoola.
arsénolithe, m. {Min.) arsenolite. aryle, m. aryi.
arsénosyle, m. the arsenoso group, O:As —. aryler, v.t. arylate.
arsenurane, m. uranium arsenide. arylsulfureux, a. arylsulfonic.
arsinate, m. arsinate ; arsonate (incorrect as, m. ace. pr. 3 sing. (of avoir) hast, hâve.
use). a/s, abbrev. (aux soins de) in care of.
arsinique, a. (of the acid H2ASOOH) ar- asaret, m. (But.) Asarum; specif., asara-
sinic; (of the acid HAsO(OH>2) arsonic. bacca (^4. europœum). — du Canada, wild
arsonique, a. arsonic. ginger (A. canadense).
art, m. art; (pi.) fine arts. — d'Hermès, asarone, /, asaron.
Hermetic art, alchemy. asbeste, m. asbestos.
artémisie, art émise, /. artemisia, worm- asbolane, m. asbolite; (wrongly) graphite.
wood. asboline, /. (Pharm.) asbolin.
artère, /. artery; (Elec.) feeder. — à gaz, ascaridol, m. ascaridole.
gas main. — alimentaire, (Elec.) feed ascendant, a. ascending, rising; return, re-
wire or cable, feeder. flux (condenser), m. ascendant, ascendency;
artérialiser, v.t. arterialize. ancestor ; propensity.
artériel, artérieux, a. arterial. ascenseur, m. elevator, lift, hoist, crâne.
artériosclérose, /. (Afed.) arteriosclerosis. ascension, /. rising, rise, ascent; ascension;
artésien, a. Artesian, (of salts) creeping; (of a piston) upstroke.
arthrite, /. (Med.) arthritis. ascensionnel, a. ascensional, upward.
artichaut, m. artichoke. — des Indes, sweet aschiste, a. (Petrog.) aschistic.
potato. — des toits, houseleek. ascidie, /. (Zool.) ascidian; (Bot.) ascidium,
article, m. article; joint; link; matter, sub- ascite, /. (Med.) ascites.
ject. — chimique, chemical. — de fond, asclépiade, /., asclépias, m. (Bot.) any of
editorial, leader. —-pharmaceutique,drug. several asclepiadaceous plants, specif. swal-
articles en caoutchouc, rubber goods. lowwort (Çynanchum vincetoxicum).
articulaire, a. artieular. ascomycète, a. (Bot.) ascomycetous. m.
articulation, /. articulation, joint, jointing. ascomycete.
— sphérique, ball-and-socket joint. ascorbique, a. ascorbic.
articulé, p.a. articulated ; jointed ; articu- ase, /. enzyme, ase.
late. m. (pi., Zool.) Articulata. ase fétide, asafetida.
articuler, v.t. articulate; joint, link; assert, asepsie, /. asepsis.
aseptique, a. & m. aseptic.
artifice, m. artifice; firework(s), pyrotech- aseptiquement, adv. aseptically.
nie composition. — à signaux, pyrotechnie aseptiser, v.t. aseptieize, aseptify.
signaling device. — d'éclairage, any il- asexué, asexuel, a. asexual, sexless.
luminating firework, flare, rocket, etc. — asiatique, a. Asiatic.
Asie 32 association
Asie, f. Asia. — Minewe, Asia Minor. assamar, assamare, m. assamar,
asile, 7B, asylum, refuge. assaut, m. assault, attack.
asparagine, /. asparagine. assèchement, m. drainage, dewatering.
asparaginique, a. asparaginic (aspartie). assécher, v.t. drain, dewater. v.r. drain ;
aspartiqme, a. aspartie. dry up.
aspect, m. sight; aspect, appearance. asse-fétide, n. asafetida.
asperge, /. asparagus; asparagus shoot. assemblage, m. assemblage, assembling ;
aspergement, m. = aspersion. joint, coupling; (Elec.) connection, joining
asperger, v.t. sprinkle, sparge. up ; (Masonry) bond ; collection, assort-
aspergille, /. (Bot.) Aspergillus. ment, set. — à manchon, sleeve joint. —
aspérité, /. roughness, unevenness; harsh- à vis, sexew coupling, screw joint. —
ness; asperity. douille, socket joint. — en quantité, (Elec.)
asperme, a. seedless. connection in parallel. — en tension (or
aspersion, /. sprinkling ; aspersion. en série), (Elec.) connection in séries. —
aspersoir, m. sprïnkler, sparger. mixte, (Sïec.) connection in Beries and
aspérule, /. (Bot.) Asperula. — odorante, parallel.
woodruff. assemblée, /. assembly; meeting.
asphaltage, m. aspbalting. assembler, v.t. assemble, collect, put to-
asphalte, wi. asphalt, asphaltum. gether ; join, joint ; (Elec.) connect, join
asphalter, v.t. asphalt. up, v.r. assemble, meet.
asph altique, a. asphaltic, asphalt. assentiment, m. assent, consent.
asphaltisation, /. conversion into asphalt, assentir, -v.i. assent.
inspissation (of petroleum). asseoir, v.t. seat; set, put, place; found,
asphériqiie, a. nonspherical. base. v.r. sit down, be seated.
asphodèle, m. (Bot.) asphodel. asservir, u.i. {Mach.) put or hâve under
asphyxiant, p.a. asphyxiating, suffocating. control.
asphyxie, /. asphyxia. asseyant, p. î>r. (of asseoir) seating, etc.
asphyxier, v.t. asphyxiate, suffocate. assez, adv. enough, sufficiently; rather, pass-
asphyxique, a. (Med.) asphyxiai. ably. m. enough, sufficiency. — b ien,
aspic, m. spike lavender, aspic (Lavandula fairly well. — bon, fairly good, fair.
spica) ; asp. assidu, a. assiduous.
aspirail, m. vent hole, air hole. assied, pr. S sing. (of asseoir) seats, etc.
aspirant, p.a. suction, sucking, aspirating; assiéger, v.t. besiege; beset.
aspiring. m. aspirant, candidate ; strainer assiéra, fut. S sing. (of asseoir) will seat,
(of a pump). etc.
aspirateur, m. aspirator; exhauster; venti- assiette, /. plate ; position ; set ; seating,
lator; suction filter. a. aspirating, exhaust- seat, bed, base; state (of mind); assess-
ing; inhaling. — de poussière, dust ex- ment.
hauster ; vacuum cleaner.
aspiration, /. aspiration, etc. (see aspirer) ; assietteur, m. enameler ; gold sizer.
(Mach. ) intake, admission, suction. assignation, /. assignment ; check ; assigna-
aspirer, v.t. aspirate, draw by suction, suck tion.
up, suck in, exhaust; inhale; (Magnetism) assigner, v.t. assign; appoint; charge (on
attract. v.i. aspire; breathe. or to).
aspirine, /. aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid. assimilabilité, /. assimilability.
aspiure. /. coal dust, fuel dust. assimilable, o. assimilable; comparable.
asque, m. (Bot.) ascus. assimilateur, a. assimilating, assimilative.
assa diilcis, assa-dulcis, /. asa dulcis. assimilatif, a. assimilative.
assa fœtida, assa-fœtida, /. asafetida. assimilation, /. assimilation; comparison.
assaillir, v.t. assail, assault, attack. assimiler, v.t. assimilate ; compare.
assainir, v.t. render healthy, purify; drain assis, p.a. seated, etc. (see asseoir).
(land). assise, /. stratum, layer, bed, course; base.
assainissement, m. making healthy, puri- assistance, /. assistance; audience; attend-
fication, sanitation; drainage (of land). ance.
assaisonnant, p.a. seasoning, flavoring. assistant, m. assistant; person présent.
assaisonnement, m. seasoning, âavoring ; assister, v.t* assist ; attend, v.i. (with à)
condimoit. be présent at, attend, witness.
assaisonner, v.t. season, flavor. association, /. association; company.
associe 33 atroce
assoeié, pji. associated, etc. (see associer). astic, m. polisher, polishing stick j a . polish-
m. associate ; partner; stackholder. iag paate of whiting, soap and alcohol.
associer, v.t. associate; make (a person) an astiquer, v.t. polish, smooth.
associate, partner or member ; (Elec.) con- astragale, m. astragal; (Bot.) Astragalus.
nect. v.r. become an associate ; share, astre, m. (any) heavenly body; star.
join ; aasociate \ harmonize. astreignant, p. pr. (of astreindre) restrict-
assoit, pr. 8 sing. (of asseoir) seats, etc. ing, etc.
assolement, m. rotation of crops. astreindre, v.t. restrict, limit; compel, force.
assombrir, v.t, darken, obscure, make astreint, p.a, restricted, etc. (see astreindre).
gloomy. v.r. become dark or gloomy. pr. S sing. (of astreindre) restricts, etc.
assommer, v.t. knock down, kill (with a astrictif, a. astrictive, astringent.
blow); beat; stun, overwhelm; bore. astringence, /. astringency.
assomptif, a. assumptive, assumed. astronome, m. astronomer.
assomption, /. assumption. astronomie, /. astronomy.
assorti, p.a. assorted ; rnatched ; stocked. astronomique, a. astronomical,
assortiment, m. assortaient; set; conform- astronomiquement, adv. astronomicatly.
ity. asymétrie, /. asymmetry.
assortir, v.t. assort ; sort ; match. ; stock, asymétrique, a. asymmetric(al).
supply; mix, blend (ores), v.r. <fc i. har- asymétriquement, adv. asymmetrically.
monize» match. asymptotique, a. asymptotic(al).
assoupir, v.t. render drowsy; allay; quiet. atakamite, /. (Min.) atacamite.
v.r. become drowsy; doze, nap; be quieted. atelier, m. workroom, (work)shop, factory,
assoupissant, p.a. rendering drowsy, etc. plant ; working party, gang ; studio. —
(see assoupir) ; soporific. d'artificiers, (MU,) (pyrotechnie) labora-
assoupissement, m. drowsiness ; slumber. tory. — de fonte, foundry ; smeltery ;
assouplir, v. t. supple, make supple or melting house. — de granulation (Potuder)
pliable, v.r. become supple or pliable. graining room. — de montage, assembly
assouplissage, m. suppling, etc. (see as- plant. — de précision, shop where accurata
souplir). fitting, etc., is done, — de réparation, re-
assourdir, v.t. deafen; muffle; mask; tone pair shop. — de teinture, dyehouse. —
down (colors). mécanique, machine shop.
assouvir, v.t. satiate, sate, satisfy. athanor, m. (Old Chem.) athanor.
assoyant, p. pr. (of asseoir) seating, etc. athermane, a. athermanous.
assu|e(t)tir, v.t. subjeet; make fast, make athérome, m. (Med.) atheroma.
tight, fasten ; confine, bind ; wedge in. athérosperme, n. (Bot.) Atherosptrma;
v.r. submit. specif., plume nutmeg (^4. moschatum).
assumer, v.t. assume. atmidomètre, m. atmometer, atmido-metex.
assurance, /. assurance ; insurance ; secu- atmolyse, /. atmolysis.
atmomètre, m. atmometer.
rity. atmosphérique, a. atmospheric(al).
assuré, p.a. assured ; insured ; secured ; sure, atome, m. atom.
certain ; firm, steady. atome-clef, m. key atom.
assurément, adv. assuredly, certainly; se- atomicité, /. atomicity.
curely ; confidently. atomique, a. atomic.
assurer, v.t. assure ; insure ; secure ; assert. atomiquement, adv. atomically.
v.r. assure, secure, etc. oneself ; satisfy atomisateur, m. atomizer.
onesélf ; rely, trust ; take possession. atomiser, v.t. atomize.
assyrien, a. Assyrian. atomiseur, m. atomizer.
astaki, m. (Petroleum) astatki. atomisme, m. atomism.
astate, m. astatine. atomiste, m. atoinist.
astatique, a. astatic.
astatki, m. (Petroleum) astatki. atomistique, a. atomistic(al). /. atomistics.
astérie, /. asteriated stone; starfish. a-t-on. See -t-,
astérisque, m. asterisk. atoxique, a. atoxic, nonpoisonous.
astéroïde, m. asteroid ; météorite. atrabilaire, a. (Med.) atrabiliary.
asthénie, /. (Med.) asthenia. âtre, m. hearth.
asthme, m. asthma. -âtre, -ish ; as, rougeâtre, reddiah, verdâtre,
asti, m. Asti (wine) ; a kmd of silk ; «= greenish, etc.
astic. atroce, a. atrocious.
atrolactique 34 attremper
atrolactlque, atrolactlnique, a. atrolactic. prep. on account of, considering. — que,
atromarginé, a. (Paper) black-bordered. considering that, since.
atropamine, /. atropamine. attente, /. waiting; expeetation.
atrophie, /. atrophy. attenter, v.t. attempt.
atrophier, v.t. atrophy. attentif, a. attentive.
atrophique, a. atrophie. attention, /. attention; notice; care. faire
atropine, /. atropine. —, pay attention, take care.
atropique, a. atropic. attentivement, adv. attentively.
attachant, p.a. attaching, etc. (see attacher). atténuant, p.a. attenuating, atténuant; ex-
attache, /. attachment; fastening (of any tenuating. m. (Med.) atténuant.
kind), tie, cord, band, brace, rivet, clamp, atténuateur, m. attenuator.
clip, etc. ; assent, consent. atténuation, /. atténuation; exténuation.
attaché, p.a. attached, etc. (see attacher). atténuer, v.t. attenuate, diminish; extenu-
m. attaché; adhèrent. ate. v.r. become attenuated or diminished.
attache-feuilles, m. paper clip, letter clip. atterrissage, m. landing.
attachement, m. attachment. atterrissement, m. alluvium.
attacher, v.t. attach; fasten (in any way), attiédi, p.a. made tepid, etc. (see attiédir) ;
bind, tie, pin, stick, etc. ; interest, please. tepid, lukewarm.
v.r. attach oneself, be attached, cling, stick. attiédir, v.t. make tepid, make lukewarm
attaquabilité, /. attackability. (whether by warming or cooling) ; cool.
attaquable, a. attackable, Viable to attack. v.r. become tepid or lukewarm.
peu —, refractory. attiédissement, m. making tepid, etc. (see
attaque, /. attack; corroding, fouling; attiédir) ; lukewarmness, tepidness ; cool-
(Mach.) driving; (Elec.) excitation. — ness.
aux gaz, — gazeuse, — par gaz, (MU.) gas attique, a. Attic; attic. m. attic.
attack. — par vagues de gaz, (MU.) gas- attirable, a. attractable.
wave attack, cloud-gas attack. attirail, m. apparatus, equipment, requisites,
attaquer, v.t. attack; commence on; act apphances, implements, goods, plant.
on; address; (Mach.) drive; (Elec.) ex- attirant, p.a. attractive, attracting.
cite, energize. attirer, v.t. attract; lead to. v.r. attract
attarder, v.t. delay. each other or one another.
atteignant, (of atteindre) attaining, attiser, v.t. stir, stir up, poke (a fire).
etc. attiseur, m. stoker.
atteindre, v.t. attain; reach; strike, hit; attisoir, attisonnîer, attisonnoir, m.
attack, injure; overtake; equal, coine up poker, fire rake.
to. attouchement, m. contact; touch, touch -
atteint, p.p. & pr. S sing. of atteindre. ing.
atteinte, /. reach; attack, blow, stroke, attoucher, v.t. touch.
hit; pain, harm, shock. hors d'—, out of attracteur, a. attracting.
attractif, a. attractive, attracting.
reach, beyond reach ; irreproachable. attractivement, adv. with attraction, at-
attelage, m. coupling ; team. tractively.
atteler, v.t. couple. attraire, v.t. attract, entice.
attelle, /. (Med.) splint. attrait, m. attraction; bait. p.p. (of at-
attenant, a. & prep. adjoining. adv. near traire) attracted.
by. attrape, /. crucible tongs; catch, trap.
attendant, p. pr. (of attendre) awaiting, attrape-gouttes, m. drip pan.
etc. en —, meanwhile, meantime. en — attrape-nigaud, m. (Mil.) booby trap.
que, till, until. attrape-poussière, m. dust catcher.
attendre, v.t. wait for, await; look for, ex- attraper, v.t. catch ; get ; strike ; cheat,
pect; keep (wine, etc.). v.r. expect; rely. dupe.
v.i. wait. attrayant, p. pr. (of attraire) attracting.
attendrir, v.t. soften, make soft, make p.a. attractive.
tender. v.r. become tender or soft, be attrempage, m. heating gradually, etc. (see
softened. attremper).
attendrissement, m. softening, making ten- attremper, v.t. heat gradually, anneal
der; tenderness, softness. (glass), temper (steel), subject (glass pots,
attendu, p.a. waited for, etc. (see attendre). furnaces, etc.) to a preliminary heating.
attribuable 35 auryle
attribuable, a. attributable ; assignable. aune, m. (Bot.) aider (Alnus) ; aider wood.
attribuer, v.t. attribute; assign; allocate. /. ell (old measure, 1.188 metere).
V.T. claim; be attributed. aunée, /. (Bot.) elecampane (Inula hele-
attribution, /. attribution ; assignment. nium).
atypique, a. atypic, atypical. auparavant, adv. previously, before.
au. Contraction of à le, to the, at the, etc. auprès, adv. near, near by. —• de, near,
aube, /. blade, vane, paddle, bucket (of a near to; about, with (persons); in com-
wheel) ; dawn. parison with ; to.
aubépin, m. hawthorn (Crataegus). auquel. Contraction of à lequel.
aubépine, /. hawthorn (Crataegus); aubé- aura, fut. 8 sing. (of avoir) will hâve.
pine (anisaldehyde). aurait, cond. 3 sing. (of avoir) would hâve.
auberge, /. inn, tavern. auramine, /. (Dyes) auramine.
aubergine, /. eggplant. aurantiacées, /. pi. (Bot.) Aurantiacete.
aubier, m. sap wood, sap, (Bot.) albunmm. auréole, /. areola (small area); specif. (as
aucuba, m. ocuba; (Bot.) Aucuba. in blowpipe analysis), ring; (Attron.)
aucubine, /., aucuboside, m. aucubin. corona ; auréole, auréola ; (Bact.) capsule.
aucun, a. any; (with ne, expressed or im- auréolé, a. (Bact.) encapsulated.
plied) no, not any. pron. any, any one, auréosine, /. (Dyes) aureosin.
(pi.) some; (with ne, expressed or implied) aureux, a. aurous.
no one, not one, none. aurez, fut. S pi. (of avoir) will hâve.
aucunement, adv. in any way, at ail; (with auribromhydrique, a. bromoauric.
ne, expressed or implied) in no way, not auribromure, m. auribromide (bromoau-
at ail; (less commonly) to a certain ex- rate).
tent. aurichlorhydrique, a. chloroauric.
audace, /. audacity. aurichlorure, vx. aurichloride (chloroaurate).
audacieux, a. audacious, daring. auriculaire, a. auricular. m. little finger.
au deçà, au dedans, etc. See deçà, dedans, auricyanhydrique, a. cyanoauric, cyano-
etc. auric(III).
au-dessous, adv. below, beneath. — de, auricyanure, m. auricyanide (cyanoaurate,
under, beneath, below. cyanoaurate(III) ).
au-dessus, adv. above, upwards. — de, aurifère, o. auriferous.
above, over; (fig.) beyond. aurifique, a. aurifie.
au-devant, adv. in front, before. — de, auriiodure, m. auriiodide (iodoaurate).
before; to meet. aurine, /. (Dyes) aurine, aurin.
audience, /. audience; sitting; court. aurique, o. auric.
auditeur, m. auditor, hearer. aurithiocyanate, m. thiocyanatoaurate(III).
audition, /. hearing, audition; attendance aurithiocyanique, a. thiocyanatoauric(III).
(on lecture courses); auditing. auroargentifère, o. containing gold and
auditoire, m. auditorium; audience. silver.
auge, /. trough; bucket (as of a wheel); aurobromure, m. aurobromide (bromoau-
pan, tray; ûod. — à goudron, tar bucket. rite).
— de roulage, bed (of an incorporating aurochlorure, m. aurochloride (chloroau-
mill for gunpowder). — de trempage, rite, chloroaurate(I)).
(Expl.) dipping trough. aurocyanure, m. aurocyanide (cyanoaurite,
augée, /. troughful; hodful. cyanoaurate(I)).
auget, m. small trough; bucket (of a wheel auroi'de, m. auroid (any minerai containing
or a conveyor) ; groove ; cartridge carrier. gold or a platinum métal).
augette, /. little trough; dish, pan. auront, fut. S pi. (of avoir) will hâve.
augmentation, /. augmentation, increase. auroplombifère, a. containing gold and
augmenter, v.t. increase, augment, (of lead.
priées) raise or advance. v.i. increase; (of aurore, /. dawn ; aurora. a. & m. the color
priées) rise. v.r. increase, be increased. of the sky at dawn (used variously to mean
augure, m. omen; augur. pink, reddish yellow, or golden yellow).
aujourd'hui, adv. today; nowadays, at — boréale, aurora borealis.
présent. aurosulfure, m. aurosulfide.
aulne, m. & j . = aune. aurure, m. auride.
aulx, pi. of ail. auryle, m. auryl (OAu-).
aussi 36 auxquels
aussi, adv. also, too; so. conj. therefore, so, automate,, m. automatic machine; autom-
and so. — bien, as well; ao well; indeed, aton, a. automatic. — frigorifique, auto-
va fact, for. — bien que, as well as. — matic refrigerator.
. . . que, as . . . as. automatie, automaticité, /. automatic
aussitôt, adv. immediately, at once; (usu- quality or power.
ally with que) as soon as, whenever. automatique, a. automatic.
austère, a. (of taste) harsh, rough; austère, automatiquement, adv. automatically.
severe. automne, m. & f. autumn, fall.
austérité, /. harshness, etc. (see austère). automobilisme, m. automobile manufac-
austral, a. southem, south,. austral. ture ; use of automobiles, automobilism.
Australasie, /. Australasia. automoteur, o. self-acting, self-moving,
Australie, /. Australia. automotive.
australien, a. Australian. autonome, a. autonomous.
austro-hongrois, a. Austro-Hungarian. autonomie, /. autonomy; (Aero.) range.
autacoïde, m. autacoid. autopileur, m. a kind of bail mill.
autaat, adv. as much, as many, as far. — autoprotégé, a. self-protecled.
. . . —, as much . . . so much. — de, so autopsie, /. autopsy. — cadavérique, post-
much, so many. — que, as much, as many mortem, autopsy.
as; as far as, in so far as. — . . . que, auto-régulateur, a. self-regulating.
as . . . as. d'—, by as much, to the same autorisation, /. authorization.
extent. d'— moins, the less so, ail the less. autoriser, v.t. authorize; commission, v.r.
d'— plus, the more so, ail the more, d'— be authorized; obtain authority.
plus (or moins) que, ail the more (or less) autorité, /. authority.
as, so much the more (or less) because. autotrempant, a. (Steel) fully hardenable.
d'— que, in as much as, since, as ; as far autour, adv. around, round. — de, around,
as. round, about.
autel, m. altar; {Métal.) altar: either fire autovaccin, m. autovaccine.
bridge (grand autel) or nue bridge {petit autovireur, a. (Photog.) self-toning.
autel) ;, QAstron.) Ara, the Altar. autoxydable, o. autoxidizable.
auteur, m., author; authority. autoxydation, /. autoxidation.
authentique, a. authentic /. original (text). autoxyder, v.t. & r. autoxidize.
auto-allumage, m. self-ignition. autre, a. & pron. other. d'— part, de V—•
auto-allumeur, m. self-lighter. part, on the other hand ; moreover, be-
auto-amorçage, m. (Elec.) self-excitation. sides.
auto-ballon, m. dirigible. autrefois, adv. formerly, in former times.
auto-camion, m., auto truck, motor truck. autrement, adv. otherwise. — dit, in other
autocatalyse, /. autocatalysis. words.
autochenille, /. Caterpillar tractor. Autriche, /. Austria.
autocopiste, a. (self-)copying. m. hecto- Autriche-Hongrie, /. Austria-Hungary.
graph ; copier. autrichien, o. Austrian.
auto-décharge, /. self-discharge. autruche, /. ostrich.
autodémouleuse, /. an automatic chocolaté autrui, m. other, others, other people.
machine. auvent, m. draft hood.
auto-enregisteur, a. self-registering. auvergnat, o. Auvergne, of Auvergne.
autoépuration, /. self-purification. auvergne, /. tan liquor.
auto-excitateur, a. (Elec.) self-exeiting. auvergner, v.t. soak in tan liquor.
auto-excitation, /. (Elec.) self-excitation. auvernat, m. auvernat (a red wine).
autofécondation, /. self-fertilization. aux. Contraction of à les, to the, at the*
autofondant, a. (Métal.) self-Suxing. etc.
autogène, a. autogenic, autogenous. auxdits. Contraction of à les dits, to the
auto-générateur, m. self-exciting generator. said things or persons, to the above, etc.
autogire, m. autogiro. auxiliaire, a. & m. auxiliary.
autograisseur, a. self-lubricating. auxiliairement, adv. in an auxiliary way.
autolysat, m. autolyzate. auxine, /. auxin.
autolyse, /. autolysis. auxomètre, m. (Optics) auxometer.
autolyser, v.t. autolyze. auxquelles. Contraction of à lesquelles.
autolytique, a. autolytic. auxquels. Contraction of ô lesquels.
avait 37 avis
avait, imp. S sing. (of avoir) had, was hav- avarier, v.t. damage, spoiL V.T. «poil.
ing. avec, prep. with. adv. with it, with them.
aval, m. downstream direction; guaranty. d'—, from.
adv. downstream. en —, downstream, avelanède, /. acorn cup of the valonia oak,
down. en —- de, below. (pi.) valonia.
avalage, m. descent ; lowering, sinking. aveline, /. filbert; filbert oil.
avaler, v.t. swallow; lower (into a cellar), avenant, a. pleasing; comely. à l'—, in
cellar; sink (a slîaft); guarantee. v.r. be proportion, in keeping.
swallowed ; hang down ; go downstream. avènement, m. coming, arrivai, aocesBÎon.
avalies, /. pi. wool from slaughtered sheep. avénine, /. avenin.
aval-pendage, m. (Oeol.) down(ward) dip. avenir, m. future, v.i. happen, ocour. à
avançable, o. movable. V—, in the future, for the future.
avance, /. advance; projection; (Mach.) aventure, /. adventure; venture; chance;
lead; (Soap) a lye of density 25° B. d'—, fortune, à V—, haphaaard, at random.
par —, in advance. d'—, par —, by chance, perchance.
avancé, p.a. advanced, etc. (see avancer); aventurer, v.t. venture, risk. v.r. voiture,
(of méat, etc.) spoiled; forward, early; run risk.
late. avenu, p.p. (of avenir) happened, occmred.
avancement, m. advancement ; progress; non —, void.
projection; {Mach.) feed. avérer, v.t. prove, establish.
avancer, v.t. advance; hasten; gain. v.i. averse, /. downpour.
advance; progress; project; be faat, gain avertir, v.t. inform, notify; call up; wam.
time. v.r. advance; progress; Project. avertissement, m. préface (to books); no-
avant, prep. before. adv. far; before. m. tice, announoement ; admonition, wamJAg.
front, fore part, head. — de, — que, — avertisseur, m. alann, call bell, (motor)
que de, before. — J.-C, before Christ, horn; annuneiator, indicator; notifier, a.
B.C. en —, on, onward, forward, ahead. warning, indicating, notifying.
en — de, in advance of, before, beyond. avet, m. avette, j . silver fir (Abies picea).
avantage, m. advantage; odds; donation. aveu, m. consent; acknowledgment, avowaî.
avantageusement, adv. advantageously. aveuglant, p.a. blinding.
avantageux, a. advantageous; favorable; avengle, a. blind. m. & f. blind person.
pretentious. aveugler, v.t. blind; stop up, stop.
avant-bras, m. forearm. avez, pr. ê pi. (of avoir) hâve.
avant-chauffeur, m. preheater. aviateur, m. aviator, Hier.
avant-coulant, m. (Dist.) first runnings. avide, a. avid, desirous, greedy, grasping.
avant-creuset, m. (Métal.) forehearth. — de, (Chem.) having strong àffinity for,
avant-dernier, a. & n. last but one, next combining readily with.
to last. avidité, /. avidity.
avant-garde, /. advance guard. avient, pr. S sing. (of avenir) happens, oc-
avant-goût, m. foretaste. curs.
avant-guerre, n. (period) before the war. aviez, imp. t pi. (of avoir) were having, had.
d'—, before-the-war, ante-bellum. avilir, v.t. depreciate; debase, dégrade, v.r.
avant-hier, adv. & m. day before yester- (of goods) depreciate; (of prices) fall.
day. avilissement, m. debasement, etc. (see
avantine, /. isopropyl alcohol. avilir).
avant-pièce, n. = pièce maîtresse, under aviner, v.t. season, soak or stain with wine.
•pièce. avion, m., airplane, aéroplane. — à bombes,
avant-projet, m. preliminary draft. — de bombardement, bomber. — de chasse,
avant-propos, m. préface; preamble; in- fighter plane. — planeur, glider. par —,
troduction. by airplane, air mail.
avanturine, /. sealing wax containing glit- avion-fusée, m. rocket plane.
tering particles, as of mica. avions, imp. 1 pi. (of avoir) were having,
avant-veille, /. second day before. had.
avant-vin, m. = vin doux, under vin. aviron, m. oar.
avare, a. avaricious; sparing; greedy. m. avis, m. notice; préface; opinion; informa-
& f. miser. tion, intelligence; warning; counsel, ad-
avarie, /. damage; (in maritime oommeroe) vice; décision; vote, à mon —, in my
average. opinion. — autorisé, officiai notice.
aviser 38 azotomètre
aviser, v.t. advise; inform; perceive, see. ayant, p. pr. (of avoir) baving.
v.i. & r. think. — de, think of, see to. Az. Symbol for azote (nitrogen).
s'— de, think of; présume to. s'— à, see azafrine, /. azafrin.
to. azédarac, azédarach, m. {Bot.) China tree,
avitaillement, m. provisioning, victualing. azedarach, margosa.
avitaminose, /. avitaminosis. azélaïque, a. azelaic.
avivage, m. brightening, etc. (see aviver). azélaone, /. eyelobetanone.
aviver, v.t. brighten (in various sensés) ; azéotropique, a. azeotropic.
brighten, heighten, freshen (colors); polish,
aziméthylène, m. diazomethane.
burnish ; quicken (with mercury, as in azimidé, a. azimido, azimino.
making mirrors or in electroplating) ; eut azinique, a. azine.
to sharper angles; brisk up, make hotter azoamidé, azoaminé, a. aminoazo.
(a fire) ; enliven. v.r. brighten, become azobenzoïque, a. azobenzoic.
brighter; revive; (of pain) become sharper. azoeamphre, m. diazoeamphor.
av. J.-C, abbrev. (avant Jésus-Christ) B.C. azodiphénylène, m. phenazine.
avocat, m. advocate; barrister, lawyer; avo- azoformique, a. azoformic (azodiformic).
cado (the fruit). azoïque, a. azo, azoic ; (Geol.) azoic. m.
avocatier, m. avocado, alligator pear (tree). azo compound.
avoi, m. (Brewing) transfer (of the wort).
avoine, /. oats; oat plant; (pi.) oat crop. azophénolique, a. azophenolic, hydroxyazo.
— odorante, holy grass (Hierochloè). azophénylène, m. phenazine,
avoir, v.t. hâve. m. property, possessions; azotate, /. nitrate. — d'ammoniaque, am-
crédit. — affaire à, hâve business with, monium nitrate. — d'argent, silver ni-
hâve to do with, be dealing with. — trate. — de baryte, barium nitrate. — de
chaud, be hot, be warm. — dû faire, must chaux, calcium nitrate. — de cuivre, cop-
hâve done (and so for other infinitives per nitrate. — de fer, ferrie nitrate. —
than faire). — froid, be cold. — lieu, de fer liquide, {Pharm.) solution of ferrie
take place, occur. — raison, be right. — nitrate. — de lithine, lithium nitrate. —
tort, be wrong. — vent de, get wind of. de magnésie, magnésium nitrate. — de
il y a, there is, there are; (of time) it is, plomb, lead nitrate. — de potasse, po-
ago. il y a eu, there lias been, there hâve tassium nitrate. — de soude, sodium ni-
been. il y avait, there was, there were. trate. — d'urane, uranium nitrate. —
avoisinant, p.a. adjacent (to), neighboring. mercurique liquide, (Pharm.) solution of
avoisiner, v.t. be adjacent to, border on. mercuric nitrate.
v.r. be adjacent, be near. azotation, /. nitrogen fixation (esp. by
avons, pr. 1 pi. (of avoir) hâve. plants).
avortement, m. abortion. azote, m. nitrogen. — amidê, amide nitro-
avoué, p.a, avowed; approved. m. attor- gen. — nitreux, nitrous nitrogen. — ni-
ney. trique, nitric nitrogen. — purique, purine
avouer, v.t. acknowledge, avow ; approve. nitrogen. — restant, residual nitrogen. —
avrelon, m. mountain ash (Sorbus aucu- urêique, urea nitrogen.
paria). azoté, a. nitrogenous ; nitrogenized, szotized.
avril, m. April. azotémie, /. azotemia.
avrillet, m. spring wheat. azoter, v.t. nitrogenize, azotize.
axe, m. axis ; axle, arbor, spindle, shaft. azoteux, a. nitrous.
à deux axes, biaxial. — à manivelle, crank- azothydrique, a. hydrazoic, triazoic.
shaft. azothydrure, m. aaide.
axillaire, a. axillary. azotimètre, m. azotometer, nitrometer.
axioma tique, a. axiomatic. azotine, /. azotine (a nitrogenous fertilizer;
axiome, m. axiom. also, an explosive of the gunpowder type).
axonge, /. semisolid fat, grease, especially azotique, a. nitric; nitrogenous.
lard; (Pharm.) lard, adeps. — balsamique, azotite, m. nitrite. — d'amyle, amyl nitrite.
— benzoinée, (Pharm. ) benzoinated lard. — de soude, sodium nitrite.
— de verre, (Glass) glass gall. azotomercurique, a. designating Millon's
axuel, a. axial. reagent.
ay, m. a kind of sparkUng wine from Ay. azotomètre, m. azotometer, nitrometer.
azotoxyhémoglobine 39 azymique
azotoxyhémoglobine, /. nitric-oxide hemo- azur, m. azuré, (sky) blue; smalt. — de
globin. cuivre, blue verditer.
azoturation, /. nitriding, nitridation. Azurage, m. bluing, etc. (see azurer).
azoture, m. nitride. — de plomb, lead ni- azuré, a. azuré.
tride. — d'iode, nitrogen iodide. azurer, v.t. blue, color blue, azuré.
azoturle, /. (Med.) azoturia. azureur, m. azuré dyer.
azoturique, a. pertaining to azoturia. azurin, a. pale blue.
azotyie, m. nitryl, nitro group. azyme, a. unleavened. m. azym, unleavened
azoxique, a. azoxy. bread.
azoxyque, a. azoxy. m. azoxy compound. azymique, a. azymic.
b., abbrer. (bougie(s)) candle(s). badiner, v.i. hâve play, hang loose; jest,
babeurre, m. buttermilk. play.
babiole, /. toy, bauble, trifle. badois, a. of Baden.
babouin, m. baboon. bagace, /. = bagasse.
bac, m. back, vat, tank; (of a storage bat- bagage, m. baggage, luggage.
tery) jar; box; ferryboat. — à carbonaÉer, bagasse, /. spent substance (as indigo waste,
— à carbonatation, (Sugar) carbonating the marc of grapes or of olives, etc.) ;
vat, saturator. — à compartiments, mul- specif., (Sugar) bagasse, cane trash; (Bot.)
tiple container. — à cristalliser, crystallizing fruit of the bagassier.
tank, crystallizer. — à eau, water tank. bagassier, m. (Bot.) an ulmaceous tree of
— d'attente, (Sugar) crystallizer. — dé- Guiana.
canteur, decanting tank. — d'élément, bagassière, /. (Sugar) a trough which con-
(Elec.) cell jar, cell box. — jaugeur, ducts sugar cane to the rolls.
(Sugar) a container for measuring the bague, /. ring; hoop, collar, sleeve, band.
proper amount of massecuite into the cen- — à cames, camshaft. — d'appui, sup-
trifugal. — mesureur, (Sugar) a container porting ring or collar. — d'assemblage,
for measuring beet juice. — refroidisseur, collar, sleeve. — de friction, brake band.
cooling tank. — de garniture, packing ring, piston ring.
bâche, /. cistern, tank; cover (of canvas baguenaude, /. bladder senna pod.
or the like), tarpaulin, awning. baguenaudier, m. (Bot.) bladder senna
bachelier, m. bachelor. (Colutea arborescens).
bachot, m. back, tank, vat ; small boat. baguette, /. rod; stick, wand, switch; ram-
bacillaire, a. bacillar, bacillary. rod; (of a rocket) stick; drumstick. —
bacille, m. bacillus. de nettoyage, cleaning rod. — de verre, —
bacille-virgule, m. comma bacillus, choiera en verre, glass rod.
bacillus. baie, /. berry; bay; opening. — de gené-
bactéricide, a. bactericidal. vrier, — de genièvre, Juniper beny. —• de
bactérie, /. bacterium; (pi.) bacteria. bac- laurier, bayberry.
téries aérobies, aërobic bacteria. bactéries baignage, m. bathing, etc. (see baigner).
visqueuses, slime bacteria, myxobacteria. baigner, v.t. bathe, lave; wet. v.i. float,
bactériel, a. bacterial. swim ; dip ; soak, be immersed.
bactérien, a. bacterial, (less often) bac- baigneur, m. (Dyeing) steeper.
terian. baignoire, /. bath tub; (in a theater) box.
bactériologie, /. bacteriology. bail, m. lease.
bactériologique, a. bacteriologic(al). baille, /. tank; bucket; tub.
bactériologue, m. bacteriologist. bâillement, m. yawning ; width.
bactériolyse, /. bacteriolysis. bâiller, v.i. yawn, gape, be open, show
bactrioles, /. pi. gold beatings. crevices.
badamier, m., badamie, /. (Bot.) Termi- bain, m. bath (in various sensés); bathing.
nalia. — à sensibiliser, (Photog.) sensitizing bath.
Bade, n. Baden (duchy); Baden-Baden — d'air, air bath. — d'argent, (Photog.)
(resort). silver bath. — de Barèges artificiel, a bath
badiane, /., badianier, m. star anise (11- imitating the sulfur water of Barèges. —
licium). décapant, pickling bath. — de cendres,
badigeon, m. (Painting) whitewash, or wash ash bath. — de cuivrage, copper bath.
of any color; badigeon; putty. — de dégraissage, degreasing bath. — de
badigeonnage, m. painting, etc. (see ba- dérochage, pickling bath. — de développe-
digeonner). ment, (Photog.) developing bath. — de
badigeonner, v.t. paint, coat (with iodine, fixage, (Photog.) fixing bath. — de fonte,
with tar, etc.); whitewash, wash (in any bath of melted cast iron. — de mortier,
color). bed of mortar. — de plomb, lead bath.
bain 4 L ballon
— de revenu, (Métal.) tempering bath. — balayage, balayement, m. sweepmg; scav-
de sable, sand bath. — de sel, sait bath. enging; (Physice) scanning, scansion.
— de teinture, dye bath, liquor. — de balayer, v.t. sweep ; sweep out, scavenge
trempe, tempering bath. — de vapeur, (gases); flush; Scan (pictures).
steam bath; (Med.) vapor bath. — de balayette, /. small broom or brush.
virage, (Photog.) toning bath. — d'huile, balayure, balayures, /. sing. & vl. sweep-
oil bath. — fixateur, (Photog.) fixing ings.
bath. — réducteur, reducing bath. — balbutier, v.i. stammer, lisp. v.t. staimner.
révélateur, (Photog.) developing bath. en baldrianique, a. valeric.
—, melted, fused. mettre en —, melt, fuse. baie, bâle, f. glume, husk, chaff (nf seeds).
bain-marie, m. water bath. Bâle, /. Basel, Bâle (Swiss canton and knm).
baïonnette, /. bayonet. Baléares, n. pi. Balearic isles.
baiser, v.t. & r. kies. m. kiss, kissing. baleine, /- whale; whalebone, (lem com-
baisse, /. fall, décline. — du change, fall monîy) baleen; rib, stay (as of an -um-
of exchange. brella).
baisser, v.t. lower; bow (the head). v.i. baleinier, a. whaling. m. whaler; whale-
fall, sink, décline; deteriorate. v.r. stoop; bone dealer.
fall; be dejected. m. setting (of the Sun). balèvre, f. projection (on a casting) ; lower
baissière, /. bottom, foot, part jost above lip.
the lees (as of wine in a cask). baline, /. a coarse packing fabric, baâoe.
baissoir, m. (Sait) brine tank. balise, /. beacon, signal; buoy; landdaifc.
bakankososide, m. bakankosin. balistique, /. ballistrcs. a. ballistic.
bakélisage, m. bakolization, bakelizing. baliveau, m. young tree, sapling, stad^He.
bakéliseur, m. bakelizer. balkanique, a. Balkan.
balai, m. broom; (à laver) mop; (esp. hallage, m. (Métal.) balling.
Ekc.) brush. — de charbon, (Elec.) car- ballant, o. swinging, loose.
bon brush. — de communication, commu- ballastagé, m. ballasting.
tator brush. — électrique, dynamo brush. ballaster, v.t. ballast.
— pneumatique, airbrush. balle, /. bail; baie; pack; bullet; (Sot.") m
balaie, pr. $ sing. (of balayer) sweeps. baie. — à éclairer, (Pyro.) light bail. —,
balais, balai, a. In rubis balai(s), balas à feu, (Pyro.) fire bail. — à fumée, (Pyro.)
ruby. smoke bail. — ardente, (Pyro.) light bail.
balance, /. balance. — à court fléau, short- — conique, conical bullet. — d'artifice,
beam balance. — à plateaux, pan scales. pyrotechnie bail, fire bail. — de remplis-
— à ressort, spring balance. — chimique, sage, shrapnel bullet. — fumigène, smoke
chemical balance, précision balance. — "bomb. — luisante, (Pyro.) light bail. —
d'analyse, analytical balance. — d'essai, multiple, fragmentation bullet. — traceuse,
assay balance. — romaine, steelyard. — tracer projectile.
thermique, heat balance, en —, in sus- baller, v.t. (Métal.) bail; hull (corn).
pense, in the balance. ballon, m. balloon; flask, specif. a spherical
balancé, p.a. balanced ; swayed, rocked ; un- or round-bottomed flask, balloon .flask (but
decided ; weighed, considered. also applied rather loosely to certain other
balancement, m. balancing, etc. (see ba- flasks); carboy; inflated bail (as a foot-
lancer); balance; (Astron.) libration. ball); top (of an automobile); hood. —
balancer, v.t. balance; swing, rock; com- à col court, short-necked balloon flask. —
pensate; weigh, examine, v.r. swing, sway; à distillation, à distiller, balloon flask for
balance. distillation. — à filtrer, round-bottomed
balancerie, /. balance factory, scales fac- filtering flask. — à fond plat, flat-bot-
tory; - balance making. tomed flask (usually a Florence flask). —
balancier, m. beam, lever; pendulum; press à fond rond, round-bottomed flask. — à
(for stamping, punching or the like) ; fly, gaz, gas balloon, specif. a flexible gas
flyer (of a wheel) ; balance, balance wheel holder with deKvery tube and stopeoek,
(of a watch) ; rod (of a pump) ; balance for laboratoires. — à long col, long-
maker. — à vis, fly press, screw press. necked balloon, bolthead. — d'artifices,
— dêcoupoir, cutting press. fire balloon. — de Berthelot, Berthelot
balançoire, /. swing; seesaw; (Cernent) an flask (for boiling points). — de Kjeldahl,
apparatus for sifting the ground cernent. KjeHahl flask. — de mesure, measuring
balanstîer, m. pomegranste tree. flask. — de Vitreux, Vigreux flask (for
ballon 42 barbure
fractional distillation). — d'extraction, bandlne, /. buckwheat flour; buckwheat.
balloon flask for extraction (short wide bandoir, m. spring, mainspring.
neck, flat bottom). — diluteur, dilution bandoulière, /. shoulder belt.
flask (used in the analysis of air). — jaugé, banlieue, /. outskirts, environs, suburbs.
calibrated flask, volumetric flask. — la- banne, /. hamper; awning; tarpaulin; (Min-
boratoire, reaction flask. — réserve, a ing) corf, corb.
spécial bottle (resembling a wash bottle) bannière, /. banner.
for preserving a stérile liquid and deliver- bannir, v.t. banish.
ing it in the form of a jet. — rodé, flask banque, /. bank; banking.
with ground neck or top. — témoin, banqueroute, /. bankruptcy.
check flask. — tubulé, tubulated flask. banquier, m. banker.
ballonner, v.t. distend, inflate. v.i. bulge. baquaque, n. impure Sénégal gum.
ballon-sonde, m. registering balloon. baquet, m. tub; bucket; trough; tray;
ballot, m. (small) baie, package; kit bag. (Glass) a water bucket for cooling the
ballote, /. (Bot.) Ballota. blowpipe.
ballotte, /. small bail; a wine vessel; = barattage, m. churning.
ballote. baratte, /. churn.
ballotter, v.t. toss, toss about, shake; pack baratte-malaxeur, m. a combined churn
in baies; ballot for. v.i. shake, wobble, and kneader.
tumble, rattle. baratter, v.t. churn.
bâlols, a. of Basel or Bâle. baratteuse, /. chumer, churn.
balourd, m. imbalance. Barbade, /. Barbados, Barbadoes.
balsamier, m. balsam tree, barbados, m. (Varnish) bitumen from Bar-
balsamifère, a. balsamiferous. bados.
balsamique, a. balsamic. barbaloside, m. barbaloin.
balsamite, /. (Bot.) costmary, alecost. barbare, a. barbarian; barbarous. m. bar-
bambou, m. bamboo. barian.
banaliser, v.t. render banal or commonplace. barbaresque, a. of Barbary.
banane, /. banana. barbe, /. beard ; rough edge, burr (of cast-
bananier, m. banana (plant). higs, etc.); (Paper) deckle; barb; wattle,
banc, m. bed, stratum; bench; (Tech.) gill; fin. — de plume, feather of a quill.
frame, bed; bank (of sand, etc.). — à barbeau, m. cornflower, bluebottle (Cen-
étrangler, (Pyro.) choking frame, choking taurea cyanus); barbel (a fish). a. corn-
press. — à fusion, welding bench. — flower (blue), light bine.
d'artifices, (Pyro.) laboratory table. — barbelé, a. barbed. m. barbed wire.
de glace, ice field. — d'optique, optical barbillon, m. barb; barbel.
bench. barbotage, m. bubbling, etc. (see barboter) ;
bancoul, bancouller, m. bankul, candlenut mash (as of bran and water).
tree (Aleurites moluccana). barboter, v.i. (of gases) bubble; paddle,
bandage, m. tire; hoop; bandage; bandag- dabble; mumble. v.t. mix, stir; dip;
ing. — caoutchouc, rubber tire. — creux, splash.
pneumatic tire. — de roue, tire. — plein, barboteur, m. bubbler (vessel in which a
solid tire. gas delivery tube dips into a liquid, e.g.
bande, /. band ; strip ; slip ; tape ; strap ; a gas-washing bottle or a potash bulb) ;
belt; bandage; tire; side, shore. — col- mixer, stirrer, agitator; duck. o. bub-
lante, adhesive tape. — sans fin, endless bling; stirring, mixing. — à palettes,
belt, endless band. — transporteuse, con- paddle mixer. — de vapeur, steam bub-
veyor belt. bler, steavn agitator.
bandé, p.a. bandaged, etc. (see bander) ; barbotin, m. sprocket wheel, chain pulley.
(of a spring) under tension, m. tension barbotine, /. (Ceram.) slip, slop; (Pharm.)
(of a spring). santonica.
bandelette, /. narrow band, small strip; barbottage, 771. = barbotage.
flat bar iron; small bandage. — agglu- barbotteur, m. = barboteur.
tinative, adhesive strip. barbotteuse, /. (Paper) washing engine.
bander, v.t. bandage, bind up; compress, barbouiller, v.t. daub, smear, soil; scribble;
set, wind up (a spring) ; tighten (a cord) ; bungle ; mumble.
bend (something elastic) ; cock (a gun). barbu, o. bearded; (Bot.) barbate; ragged.
v.i. be tight. barbure, /. (Métal.) rough edge, burr.
bardane 43 base
bardane, /. burdock. bar. — d'essai, test bar. — rond, round
bardeau, m. shingle; slate (for roofing). bar, rod.
bardelle, /. (Giass) bullion bar (an arm or barrer, v.t. bar; dam, stop, obstruct; strike
bar on which the glass is rested). out, cross out; {Dyeing) stir.
baril, m. barrel; cask; tun, keg. barrette, /. (small) bar; rib, stay, strip.
barillage, m. cooperage. — d'essai, test bar, test strip.
barille, /. barilla (either alkali or plant). barrière, /. barrier; railing.
— douce, the first quality of Spanish orude barrique, /. barrel, cask (esp. for liquide).
soda. — mélangée, second-grade Spanish barytage, m. {Photog.) a coating of barium
crude soda. sulfate (or a substitute) and gelatin.
barillet, m. small barrel, keg; (Gas) a baryte, /. baryta. — caustique, caustic
horizontal washing apparatus, hydraulic baryta, barium oxide. — hydratée, hy-
main; (Mach.) barrel, drum, oyUnder; (of drated baryta, barium hydroxide.
a fuse) case. barytiûe, /. {Min.) barite, barytes.
bariolage, m. medley; variegation. barytique, a. of or pertaining to barium or
bariolé, p.a. variegated, party-colored, mot- baryta, barytic; as, sulfate barytique,
ley. barium sulfate.
barique, /. See barrique. baryum, m. barium.
baritel, m. hoisting machine, whim. bas, o. low ; lower ; shallow ; base. m. bot-
baritine, /. {Min.) barite, barytes. tom, lower part, foot; stocking. adv. low;
barle, /. {Mining) fault. down, off. à —, down ; low ; off with ;
barlong, a. of unequal si des, lopsided; ob- down with. à — de, down from, off. au
long. — de, at the bottom of, — foyer, {Métal.)
baromètre, m. barometer. — à cadran, any broad, low furnace (as contrasted with
wheel barometer. — à cuvette, cup barome- shaft furnace), hearth furnace, shallow
ter. — à mercure, mercury barometer. — hearth. — métal, base métal, basse pres-
à siphon, siphon barometer. — enre- sion, low pressure, en —, below ; down-
gistreur, recording barometer, barograph. stairs; downward. en — de, at the bot-
— portatif, portable barometer. tom of. par —, below; downward. par
barométrique, a. barometric(al). en —, downward ; at the bottom ; from
barométriquement, adv. barometrically. below.
barométrographe, m. barometrograph, bar- basalte, m. basait.
ograph. basaltique, a. basaltic.
baroque, a. (of pearls) irregular, baroque; basane, /. tanned sheepskin, sheep, basil.
odd, grotesque, baroque. basané, p.a. tanned, sunburnt.
barque, /. (wooden) vat, tank; boat, skiff. basculateur, m. tipping device.
— à acider, acid vat. bascule, /. a pièce or apparatus having a
barquieu, m. (Soap) a tank having a per- rocking or seesaw motion, rocker, lever,
forated false bottom and used for the plier, swipe, bascule, balance (esp. of the
préparation of lye. steelyard kind); specif., a conveyor in the
barr., abbrev. (barrique) barrel. form of a trough or pipe which is rocked
barrage, m. dam, barrier, obstruction; bar- forward and backward ; reciprocating or
rage. — étanche, seal. seesaw motion, à —, rocking. — romaine,
barras, m. barras, galipot. Roman balance.
barre, /, bar (in various sensés); rod; Une, basculer, v.t. move back and forth about
stroke. — à T, T-bar, T-iron. — brute, a pivot, rock, swing, sway, tilt, tip, dip,
{Métal.) billet. — d'aller, (Elec.) positive basculeur,
bus bar. — d'appui, hand rail. — de m. rocker; tip wagon; {Mach.)
rocking lever.
fourneau, — de grille, fire bar, grate bar. base, /. base; basis. — antimoniée, {Org.
— de retour, {Elec.) négative bus bar. — Chem.) any of various substituted stibines.
d'excentrique, eccentric rod. — directrice, — arséniée, {Org. Chem.) any of various
guide bar. — du foyer, fire bar, grate bar. substituted arsines. — cadavérique, cadav-
— en verre, glass rod. -*- omnibus, (Elec.) eric base, ptomaine. — colorante, (Micros.)
bus bar. — témoin, {Métal.) trial bar, basic stain. — dès, methine base. —
tap bar. névrinique, neurine base. — nucléinique,
barreau, m. (small) bar; rung; (Law) bar. nuclein base. — oxygénée, (Org. Chem.)
— aimanté, bar magnet. — de grille, grate a base containing oxygen, as a hydroxy
aminé: — phosphores, (Orff, Chem.) any batavique, a. In the phrase larme bâta-
of various substituted phosphines. — pu- vique,, Rupert's drop.
rigue, purine base. — pyridique, pyridine bateau, m. boat; ship, vessel. — à vapeur,
base. — quinoUique, quino&ie base. — steamboat,. steamer. — pétrolier, oil tanker.
xnnthùpie, xanthine base.. en —, boat-shaped.
baser, v.t. base, ground. v.r. be based. se bateau-citerne, m. tank boat, tanker.
— sur, be based on, take as a basis. bateau-glisseur, m. apeedboat.
bas-fond, m. low ground, bottom ; shoal bâtée, /. pan (for washing gold).
water, shoal; (rarely) deep water. bâti, built; (Sewing) basted. m. frame,
bas-foyer, m. See bas foyer, under bas. framework ; support, bed, stand ; basting.
basicité, /. basicity. bâtiment, m. building, structure ; vessel,
fraside? m. (Bot.) basidium. ship. — de graduation, (Sait) graduation
basilic, m. (Bot.) basil, esp.. sweet basil house, graduation tower.
(Ocïmwm basilicum) ; basilisk. bâtir, v.t. build, construct; (Sewing) baste.
basique, a. basic. v.i. build. v.r. be built; build for one-
basophile, a. (Biol.) basophilic, basophikras. self.
bassage, m. (Leather) plumping. batjean, m. a kind of dammar resin.
basse, a. fem. of bas. /. shoal ; (Mustc) bâton, m. stick; rod, cane, staff, wand, bâ-
bttss. ton, à bâtons rompus, by snatches.
basse-cour, /. farmyard; back yard. bâtonnage, w. casting into stick form.
basse-étoffe, /. base métal, esp. an alloy bâtonner, v.t. beat with a stick; strike out.
of lead and tin. bâtonnet, m. small stick, small rod, rodlet^
bassement, m. (Leather) plumping. batracien, m. (Zoôl.) batrachian.
basse-mer, /. low water, low tide. battage, m. beating ; stamping ; churning ;
liasse rie, /. (Leather) plumping liquor, also ttirashing; drrving (of piles).
plumping. battant, a. beating; swinging (door); fight-
bassesse, /. lowness; baseness, meanness. ing; (Mach.) going, working. m. leaf (of
bassin, m. basin (in various sensés) ; pan, a door); clapper (of a bell); batten (of
specif. scale pan; dock; (Anat.) pelvis. — a loom).
de repos, settling basin, settling tank. — batte, /. beater, beetle, rammer ; (of a
filtrant, filtering basin, filter bed. — houil- cfaurn) beater, plunger.
1er, coal field. battement, m. beating ; beat ; clapping,
bassine, /. a variously shaped open vessel flapping ; stamping ; fluttering.
(usually circulai m form but either shallow batterie, /. battery; fighting, fray. — de
or deep and either métal or pottery), pan, chauffage, (Radio) heater (or filament)
jar. — conique, a pail-shaped vessel, battery, A battery. — de grille, (Radio)
widening from bottom to top and having grid battery, C battery. — de plaque,
(Radio) piate battery, B battery. — élec-
the handles on the sides. — cylindrique, a trique,
cylindrical vessel or jar, usually with electric battery. — tampon, buffer
handles on the sidës. battery.
bassiner, v.t. dampen, moisten, sprinkle ; batteur, m. beater. — d'or, gold beater.
bathe. batteuse* /. beater; churn; thrashing ma-
bassinet, m. (small) basin; (of a fuse) cup. chine.
bassorine, /. bassorin. battitures, /. pi. hammer scale, esp. iroa
basSOtîa, m. (Dyeing) indigo vat. scale (chiefly FesO*), mill scale.
bastringue, m. a kind of black-ash furnace. battoir, m. beater, rammer; racket.
battre, v.t. beat ; pound, strike, hammer,
bas-ventre, m. belly, abdomen. batter, ram, thrash, drive (piles), coin
bat, pr. 3 sing. (oï battre) beats, povmds, (money). v.i. beat; throb, palpitate; clap,
eto. stamp ; (Mach.) be loose. — son plein, be
bataille, /. battle; mouth screen (of a blast in full blast.
furnace) ; battle array. battu, p.a. beaten, etc. (see battre).*
batuiller, u.i. battler struggle. batture, /. gold lacquer.
bataillon, m, battalion. baudruche, /. goldbeater's skin.
bâtard, a. & m. bastard, mongrel, hybrid. teinge, /• a mortar of clay and straw.
— du plomb, (Old Chem.) arsenic. baume, m. balsam ; balm. — calédonien,
bâtarde, /. bastard (impure brown augar). (Pharm.) a solution of kauri gum in an
batace, /. sweet potato, bstatas. equal weight of 90 per cent alcohol. — de
baume 4) benoîte
Canada, Canada balsam. — de Cartha- sealing tetters, «te. — Carcel, Carcel
gène, balsam of Tolu. — de cheval, (Bot.) lamp. — de cigogne, stork's bill; herb
horse balm (Collinsonià). — de copahu, Robert (Géranium robertianum). — de
copaiba, copaiba balsam. — de Gilead, coulée, lip. — de sûreté, safety borner.
balm of Gilead. — de Judée, gurjun bal- — d'étain, (Min. ) a twinned cassiterite
sam, gurjun. — de Ui Mecque, balm of crystal. — de Têclu, Teclu burina:. — de
Gilead, Mecca balsam. — de momie, bi- tirage, == bec à tirage. — papillon, bate-
tumen. — de Pérou, — de Pérou noir, — wing burner, — plat, flat burner, fishtail
de Son-Salvador, — des Indes, — de Son- burner. — renversé, inverted burner,
sonate, Peruvian balsam, balsam of Peru. bécasse, /. (Métal.) charging gage.
— de Tolu (or tolu), balsam of Tolu (or bec-de~grue, m. (Bot.) crane's-bilï (Gé-
tolu). — du commandeur, (Pharm.) an ranium); stork's-bill (Erodium). —tacheté
old remedy essentially the same as com- spotted crane's-bill (G. maculatum).
pound benzoin tincture. — égyptien, = bêche, /. spade.
baume de la Mecque. — ophthalmique bêcher, m. cup, beaker.
rouge, (Pharm.) ointment of red roercuric becherglas, m. beaker.
oxide. — oriental, gurjun balsam, gurjun. béchique, m. cough remedy.
— tranquille, (Pharm.) an olive oil solution bédane, /. cold chisel, boit chisel.
of narcotic and aromatic plant substances, bégayer, v.i. & t. stammer, stutter, lisp.
used in frictions. — vert, (Bot.) spear- béhen, m. = ben.
mint. beige, a. (of wool) raw, natural; of the
baumier, m. balsam tree. color of, or made from, raw wool.
baux, pi. of bail. bel, a. Used instead of beau before vovete
bavard, a. talkative; gossiping. and in certain phrases. See beau.
bavarois, o. Bavarian. belge, a. Belgian.
bave, /. slaver, slobber, slime, foam. belge-siléslen, a. (Zinc) design a tin g or par-
baver, v.i. slaver, slobber, dribble, run, (of taining to the combined Belgian and £S-
ink) blot. lesian process.
bavette, /. bib; plate; strip. Belgique, f. Belgium.
Bavière, /. Bavaria. bélier, m. ram.
bavoché, p.a. blurred, printed indistinctly. belladone, /. belladonna.
bavure, /. rough edge, seam, biur, beard, belladonine, /. belladonnine.
mold mark. belle, a. fem. of beau. /. belle, fair one.
bay, m. bayberry (Pimenta -ocris). belliqueux, a. warlike, martial, bellicose.
bayer, v.i. gape. bellon, m. lead colic.
béant, a. gaping, (wide) open. ben, m. ben, ben nut, ben tree i^Moringa).
beau, a. beaatiful, handsome, fine, élégant, bénédiction, /. blessing, bénédiction, con-
fair, pleasant ; proper, fitting ; (in com- sécration.
pound words) step-, -in-law. m. best ; bénéfice, m. benefit; (Com.) profit, gain;
beauty ; beautiful ; beau, fop. (Gem Cutting) diamond waste. au — de,
beaucoup, adv. much, greatly. m. much, to the benefît of. — brut, gross profit.
a great deal, a good deal. à — près, by bénéftciel, a. bénéficiai.
far, by a great deal. — de, inuch, many, bénéficier, v.i. profit, make a profit, v.t.
a great many. de —, by far, by much. work with profit.
beauté, /. beauty. bénévole, a. kind, benevolent; (of students)
beaux-arts, m. pi. fine arts. spécial, not candidate for a degree.
bébirine, /. bebeerine. bengale, m. (Pyro.) Bengal light; (cop.)
bec, m. burner; lip (of a vessel); foeak, Mil; Beugal
neck (of a still or retort) ; any of various bénigne, a. fem. of bénin.
projecting parts, nose, nozzle, spout, stud, bénin, a. benign, benignant, kind, mUd. m.
catch, arm, jaw (of a vise), mouthpieœ, a kind of copal.
mouth, tip. à —, (of vessels) with lip, bénir, v.t. bless.
lipped. — à gaz, gas burner. — à in- bénit, béni, -p.a. blessed, eonsecrated, holy-
candescence, incandescent gas burner. — benjoin, m. benzoin (cither resin or plant).
à queue de poisson, fishtail humer. — à benne, /. (a réceptacle for transporting ma-
tirage, buriner for «reating a draft. — terial in factories, mines, etc. ) basket,,
Auer, incandescent gas burner. •— Bunsen, bucket, cage, cradle, skip, car, cart, truck.
Bunsen burner. — cacheteur, a burner for benoîte, /. (Bot.) avens, fcennet (Qeutn).
benoîte 46 bette
— aquatique, — des ruisseaux, water avens berbérinique, a. berberine, of berberine.
(G. rivale). berce, /. (Bot.) cow parsnip (Heracleum).
bénoléique, a. behenolic. berceau, m. cradle (in various aenses); bar-
benzène, m. benzène. — dmzimide, azido- rel vault ; (Founding) a furnace for drying
benzene, phenyl azide. — sulfoxyde, phenyl molds.
sulfoxide. bercement, m. rocking, rocking motion.
benzènedicarbonique, a. benzenedicar- bercer, v.t. rock ; deceive ; (Engraving)
boxylic. cradle.
benzène-mon osulfoné, a. benzene(mono)- bergamote, /. bergamot, bergamot orange;
sulfonic. bergamot orange tree.
benzène-suifoné, a. benzenesulfonic. bergamotier, m. bergamot orange tree
benzènetricarbonique, a. benzenetricar- (Citrus aurantium bergamia).
boxylic. berge, /. bank; (of a mountain) side.
benzènetristilfoné, a. benzenetrisulfonic. berger, m. shepherd.
benzénique, a. of or pertaining to benzène, béril, m. béryl.
benzène, aromatic. berline, /. cart, truck, car, tub.
benzéno-disulfonique, a. benzenedisulfonic. berme, /. (Starch) fermenting tub.
benzéno-sulfonate, m. benzenesulfonate. Bermudes, /. pi. Bermudas.
benzéno-sulfone, m. phenyl sulfone. berthollage, m. bleaching with chlorine or
benzéno-sulfonique, a. benzenesulfonic. chlorine compounds.
benzényle, m. benzenyl (phenylmethyli- berthon, m. collapsible boat.
dyne). besaigre, a. turning sour, sour.
benzidinique, a. benzidine; as, transposi- besicles, /. î>ï. spectacles.
tion benzidinique, benzidine rearrangement. besogne, /. work ; task, labor, business, job.
benzile, m. benzil. besogner, v.i. work.
benzine, /. benzène, (Corn.) benzole; ben- besoin, m. want, need, necessity. au —, at
zine ; gasoline, petrol ; turpentine. — need, if necessary. avoir — de, hâve need
colophanée, turpentine (the oleoresin). — of, need, want. il est —, it is necessary.
de bois, wood naphtha. — de la houille, B. es S.» abbrev. (Bachelier es Sciences)
benzène (or benzole). — de pétrole, gaso- Bachelor of Science, B.S.
line, petrol. — légère, light benzole. — bessemeriser, v.t. bessemerize.
lourde, heavy benzole. — rectifiée, oil of bestiaux, m. pi. livestock, cattle.
turpentine. — régie, heavy benzole. bétail, m. livestock, cattle.
benzoate, m. benzoate. — de lithine, lithium bétaïne, /. betaïne.
benzoate. — de soude, sodium benzoate. bête, /. beast, brute, animal ; simpleton ;
benzobleu, m. benzo blue (a dye). aversion, a. silly, stupid.
benzofurfurane, m. benzofuran. bétel, m. bétel, bétel pepper (Piper betle).
benzoïne, /. benzoin. bêtise, /. stupidity, folly, nonsense.
benzoïné, a. benzoinated. bétoine, /. betony (Betonica).
benzoïque, a. benzoic. béton, m. concrète ; (rarely) colostrum. —
benzol, m. benzole, benzol (the commercial aggloméré, ordinary cément concrète. —
product) ; benzène (the compound). — armé, reinforced concrète, armored con-
brut, crude benzène, benzole. crète, ferroconcrete. — au quart, — au
benzonaphtol, m. benzonaphthol (2-naph- septième, etc., concrète with one volume of
thyl benzoate, used as an antiseptic). cernent to four, seven, etc., of other ma-
benzopurpurinc, /. (Dyes) benzopurpurin. terial. — Coignet, a kind of concrète made
benzo-rouge. m. benzo red (a dye). by mixîng sand with cernent or hydraulic
benzothiophêne, m. benzothiophene (thia- lime, and adding water. — en acier, steel
napthene). concrète. — gras, concrète rich in cernent.
benzoyle, m. benzoyl. — maigre, concrète poor in cernent.
benzoyler, v.t. benzoylate. bétonnage, m. concrète work, concrète; lay-
benzyle, m. benzyl. ing of concrète.
benzylé, a. benzyl, benzylated. bétonner, v.t. construct, or cover, with con-
benzylique, a. benzyl, benzylic. crète.
béquettes, /. pi. (flat) pliera. bétonneur, m. concrète worker.
béquille, /. crutch; handle (of a cock); bétonneuse, bétonnière, /. concrète mixer.
prop, support; (Aero.) skid. bette, /. any plant of the genus Beta, in-
berbérine, /. berberine. cluding beets and chard.
betterave 47 bien
betterave, /. beet, beetroot. — à sucre, bibromhydrique, o. (Org. Chem.) of the
sugar beet. — fourragère, forage beet. — nature of a dibromohydrin (thus, ethyl-
•potagère, beet for cooking. — sucrière, ene chloride is called the éther bibromhy-
sugar beet. drique of glycol).
bétuline, /. betulinol, betuiin. bibromure, m. dibromide.
beurre, m. butter (in various sensés). — bicalcique, a. dicalcium, dicalcic.
d'antimoine, (Old Chem.) butter of anti- bicarbonate, m. bicarbonate. — de po-
mony (antimony trichloride). — d'arachide, tasse, potassium bicarbonate, potassium by-
peanut butter. — de brèche, whey butter. drogen carbonate. — de soude, sodium
— de cacao, cacao butter (less properly bicarbonate, sodium hydrogen carbonate.
called cocoa butter). — de coco, coconut bicarboné, a. bicarburetted.
butter, coconut oil. — de Gabon, dika bicarbure, m. dicarbide.
butter, dika oil. — de Galam, Galam but- bicarré, a. (Math.) raised to the fourth
ter, shea butter. — de kokum, kokum but- power, biquadratic.
ter, Goa butter. — de mafouraire, mafura bicétyle, m. bicetyl (dotriacontane,
tallow. — de mawrah, mahua butter. — C 3 2H 66 ).
de mené, — de méni, niam fat. — de bichet, m. annatto.
mowrah, mahua butter. — de muscade, bichloré, a. dichloro, dichloro-.
nutmeg butter. — de roche, {Min.) im- bichlorhydrique, a. of the nature of & di-
pure iron alum, iron sulfate or zinc sulfate. chlorohydrîn. See bibromhydrique.
— de vache, cow butter, ordinary butter. bichlorure, m. dichloride, bichloride.
— de zinc, (Old Chem.) butter of zinc bichromate, m. dichromate, bichromate. —
(anhydrous zinc chloride). — frais, fresh de potasse, potassium dichromate. — de
butter, unsalted butter. soude, sodium dichromate.
beurrerie, /. place where butter is made, bicolore, a. two-colored, bicolored.
creamery. biconcave, a. biconcave, concavo-concave.
bevilacque, n. (Bot.) Indian pennywort. biconvexe, a. biconvex, convexo-convex.
bévue, /. blunder, error. bicyclette, /. bicycle.
bézoard, m. bezoar. bicyclique, o. bicyclic, dicyclic.
bézoardique, o. bezoardic. acide —, old bidon, m. can, tin-plate vessel (often hold-
name for ellagic acid. ing about 5 liters) for oil, gasoline or the
B.F., abbrev. (brevet français) French pat- like; large jug or pitcher of wood or métal;
ent. canteen. — à essence, gasoline can, petrol
biacétyle, m. biacetyl, 2,3-butanedione. tin. — à huile, oil can. — à laque, var-
biacide, a. biacid, diacid. nish can. — à pétrole, petroleum can. —
biais, m. slope, inclination, slant; bias, incendiare, (Mil. ) incendiary can.
bent; way of looking or proceeding, shift. bidonnet, m. small can, small tin.
a. slanting, oblique, skew, askew, awry. bief, m. course, race, run, level (as of a
de ~, en —, obliquely, aslant, askew, on canal between locks, or of a liquid at a
the bias. particular level).
biaiser, v.L slant, slope, slope off, skew. bielle, /. (Mach.) rod, armT link, Connecting
biallyle, m. biallyl(l,5-hexadiene). rod, side rod. — d'accouplement, coupling
biatomique, a. diatomic. rod. — motrice, driving rod.
biaxe, a. biaxial. biellette, /. small rod or lever.
biaxie, /. biaxiality. bien, adv. well; very; very much, much;
bib., abbrev. (bibliothèque) library. quite, entirely. m. good ; good thing,
bibarytique, a. containing two atoms of blessing; property, estate, possession, à —,
barium, dibarium. successfully. — de, much, many. — en-
bibasique, a. bibasic, dibasic. tendu, well understood ; be it well under-
bibasse, /. loquat (the fruit). stood ; certainly. — entendu que, it be-
bibassier, m. loquat (Eriobotrya japonica). ing understood that, provided that. — loin
bibelot, m. small omament, knickknack. de, far from, instead of. — peu, very lit-
bibliographe, m. bibliographes tle. — plus, more than that, what is
bibliographie, /. bibliography. more. — Que, although, though. biens
bibliographique, a. bibliographic(al). immeubles, real estate. biens meubles,
bibliothécaire, m. librarian.
bibliothèque, /. library; bookcase. biens mobiliers, movable property, per-
bibromé, p.a. dibrominated, dibromo. sonal property. — venu, welcome. en —,
bien biscuit
ïionorably; favorably. si — que, sa th&t! biloupe, /. a two-lens magnifying glasa.
however, however much. bimagnésique, a. containing two atoms of
bien-être, m. welfare, comfort, eomforts magnésium, dimagnesium.
bienfaisant, a. beneficent, bénéficiai, help- bimensuel, a. semiinonthly.
ful. bimétallique, a. bimetallic; containing two
bienfait, m. benefit; utility, advantage. atoms of a métal, dimetallic.
bien-fOBds, m. pi. real estate. binaire, a. binaiy.
biennal, a. biennial. biner, v.t. boe.
bientôt, adv. soon, shortty, presently. binette, /. boe.
bienveillant, a. kind, favorable, friendly. binitré, a. dinitrated, dinitro. m. dinitro
bièie, /. béer; bier. — blonde, pale béer. compound.
— de Brunswick, mum. — de conserve, — binocle, m. binocular, binocle.
de garde, lager béer. — de gingembre, binoculaire, o. binoeular.
ginger béer. — de'malt, malt liquor. binôme, m. (Math.) binomial.
biffage, m. cancellation, erasure. biocatalyseur, m. biocatalyst.
biffer, v.t. erase, cancel, strike out. biochimie, /. biochemistry.
bifilaire, a. bifllar, two-wire, two-thread. biochimiste, wi. biochemist.
biflnorure. m. difluoride, bifluoride. biogène, a. biogenous. m. biogen.
«fonctionnel, a. bifunctional. biogénèse, /. biogenesis.
bifurcateur, m. dividing pièce, forked tube. biographe, m. biographer; biograph.
— en forme de T, T tube. — en forme biographie, /. biography.
d'Y, Y tube. biologie, /. biology.
Mfarqué, p.a. bifurcated, bifurcate, forked; biologique, a. biologic(al).
(of chains of atoms) branched. biologiste, biologue, m. biologist.
bigarade, /. bitter orange. biosynthèse, f. biosynthesis.
Wgarré, a. mottled, variegated. biotine, /. biotin.
bigrille, / . (Elec.) double-grid tube. bioxyde, m. dioxide, (formerly) bioxide. —
bihydrate, m. dihydrate. d'azote, nitrogen dioside. — de manga-
biiodhydrique, a. of thc nature of a di- nèse, manganèse dioxide, manganese(IV)
iodoiiydrin. See bibromhydrique. oxide. — de mercure, mercuric oxide, mer-
biiodure, m. diiodide, biiodide. — de mer- cury(II) oxide. — d'étain, stannic oxide,
cure, mercuric iodide, mercury(II) iodide. tin(IV) oxide. — d'hydrogène, hydrogen
bijon, m. (Pharm.) pine resin. peroxide.
bijou, m. jewel, gem. biphasé, a. two-phase, biphasé.
bijouterie, /. jewelry; jeweler's trade or bipolaire, a. bipolar.
shop. blpotassé, o. containing two atoms of po-
bilame, m. bimetallic strip, thermocouple. tassium, dipotassium.
bilan, m. balance sheet, balance. biprimaire, a. biprimary (said, e.g.t of a
bile, /. bile, gall. — de bœuf, oxgall, ox compound containing two primary alcohol
bile. groups).
biliaire, a. biliary, bile. biprisme, m. biprism.
bilieux, a. bilious. Birmanie, /. Burma.
bilique, o. cholic. bis, a. grayish brown, brown, swarthy. adv.
bilirubine, /. bilirubin. a second time, twice (used with numbers;
biliverdine, /. biliverdin. e.g. 10 bis in a séries is équivalent to 10A
billard, m. billiards; billiard table or room. or 10%). interj. encore!
bille, /. small bail (of métal or other ma- bisaccharide, m. disaccharide, bisacciiaride.
terial) ; billiard bail ; marble ; log ; billet ; bisage, m. second dyeing.
suoker, shoot; cutting (for propagation). bisaille, /. coarse flour; mixture of peas and
billet, m. note, bill, ticket, ballot, certificate. vetches.
— de banque, bank note. — simple, prom- bisannuel, a. biennial.
issory note ; (Railways') single ticket. bisazoïque, a. disazo. m. disazo compound
billette, /. (Métal.) billet. or dye.
billion, m. billion, a thousand millions. biscotte, /. zwieback, rusk.
Villon, m. coin bronze; billon (debased al- biscuit, m. biscuit; (Ceram.) biscuit, bisque;
loy formerly used for money); (Agric.) (hard) brick; fugitive dye. a. twice baked,
ridge. twice burned. — de porcelaine, biscuit
billot, m. block. porcelain, biscuit, bisque.
bîscuité 49 blanchiment
biseuité, a. (of bread) baked longer than bituœiniser, v.t. bituminize.
usual. biurate, m. biurate, acid urate.
J)isé, p.a. redyed, dyed a second time. biurétique, o. pertaining to biuret; giving
biseau, m. bevel; bezel^ feather edge. the biuret reaction.
biseautage, m. beveling. burine, /. bixin.
biseauter, v.t. bevel. bizarre, a. bizarre, fantastic.
bisecondaire, a. bisecondary. Cf. bipri- blafard, o. duîl, dim, pale.
•msire. blaireau, m. brush (of badger's hair or
feisel, tn. bisalt (a mono sait of a diacid). other soft hair) ; badger.
Mser, v.t. redye, dye a second time. v.i. blâme, m. blâme.
(of grain) darken, deteriorate. blanc, o. white; blank; clean; tinned. m.
bismuthifere, a. bismuthiferous. white; blank space, blank; white heat;
bismuthine, /. bismuthine (BiH3); (Min.) white man, white boy; white sauce. —
bismuthinite (Bi2S3). ancien, — antique, (Glass) while glass with
bismuthique, a. bismuthic. a slight blttish green tint, .cathedral glaBS.
Msmuth-triéthyle, m. triethylbismuth. — tmfflais, lithopone. — au feu, white-
bismuthure, bismuture, m. bismuthide. hot. — d'antimoine, antimony white. —
bissecter, v.t. bisect. d'argent, a fine variety of white lead. —
bissecteur, a. biseeting. de baleine, spermaceti. — de baryte, ba-
feissection, /. bisection. ryta white. — de bismuth, bismuth white.
bissectrice, a. fem. of bissecteur. /. bi- — de Bouffival, a form of whrting. — de
«Ktrix. aéruse, white lead, lead white. — ée
bissexuel, a. bisexual. Champagne, whiting, whitening. — de
bistorte, /. (Bot.) bistort. champignon, roushroom spawa. — de
bistortier, bistotier, m. a wooden pestle. chaux, whitewash, coat of whitewash. —
bistouri, m. bistoury, (surgeon's) knife. de Chine, Chinese white. — de fard, peari
bistre, m. bister, bistre. white (bismuth oxide nitrate or biamoth
bistrer, v.t. color with bister; brown. oxide chloride). — de Hambourg, Ham-
bi-sublimé, p.a. twice sublimed, resubïïmed. burg white. — de Hollande, Dutch white.
bisubstitué, a. disubstituted, bisubstituted. — de Krems, KxemnrU white, krenis
bisulfate, m. bisulfate, aoid sulfate. — de white. — de lait, milky white. — de
potasse, potassium bisulfate, potassium hy- lune, (Métal.) white heat, welding heat.
drogen sulfate. — de Meudon, a form of whiting. — de
bisulfltage, m. treatment with bisulfite. Mulhouse, lead sulfate. — de neige,, snew
bisulfite, m. bisulfite, acid sulfite. — de white (zinc white). — de perle, pearl
soude, sodium bisulfite, sodium hydrogen white (bismuth oxychloride). — de plomb,
suinte. white lead, lead white. — d'Espagne, =
bisulfltique, o. of or pertaining to a bisul- blanc de fard. — de Troyes, a form of
fite, bisulfitic, bisulfite. whiting. — de Venise, Venetian white. —
bisulfure, m. disulfide, bisulfide. 4e zinc, zinc white (zinc oxide). — d'œuf,
bitartrate, m. bitartrate, aoid tartrate. — egg white, white of egg. — fixe, blanc
de potasse, potassium bitartrate, potassium fixe (barium sulfate). — -mat, dead -white,
.hydrogen tartrate. duH white. — minéral, whiting, whiten-
Mtertiaire, a. bitertiary. Cf. biprîmaire. ing. — perle, = pearl white (— blanc ëe
bitter, m. bitters (the liquor, esp. made fard). — permanent, permanent white.
from gki). — sale, dingy white, grayish or yellowieh
bitumage, m. covering with bitumen. white. — saim, a preeipitated barium
bitwne, m. bitumen. — de Judée, Jew's sulfate. — soudant, welding heat, white
pitch, bitumen of Judea. — glutineux, heat. en —, in white; unpainted; in
minerai tar, maltha. ~ liquide, liquid bi- blank.
tmnen, petroleum. — solide, solid bitumen, blanchâtre, a. whitish.
aspirait. blanche, a. fem. oi blanc.
bitumer, v.t. bituminiee. blancherie, /. bleachery.
Mtmaeux, o. bituminous. Manchet, m. cloth filter; a kind of white
lUtHminer, v.t. bituminize. -wocû cloth; blanket; (Med.) thrush.
bitumineux, a. bituminous. blancheur, /. whiteness.
bituminifère, o. bituminiferous. blanchi, p.a. whitened, etc. (see blanchir).
bitumioisatlom, /. bituminizatkis. blanchiment, m. whitening, etc. (see iàtu-
blanchiment 50 blocage
chir). — chimique, chemical bleaching. — cobalt, cobalt blue. — de gaz, an inferior
naturel, — sur pré, grass bleaching. Prussian blue. — d'êmaU, smalt. — de
blanchir, v.t. whiten, bleach, blanch; wash; Meldola, Meldola's blue. — de montagne,
clean, polish (metals) ; refine (cast iron); minerai blue (blue copper carbonate). —
tin ; dress, trim, rough-grind, smooth ; d'empois, smaît. — de naphtol, naphthol
scald, parboil; wash for; exonerate. v.i. blue. — de Nicholson, Nicholson's blue.
turn white, whiten, bleach, blanch, pale, — de Nil, Nile blue. — de nuit, night
fade ; (of hair) turn gray ; graze. v.r. blue. — de Paris, Paris blue. — de
turn white, whiten, bleach. — à la chaux, Pêligot, Bremen blue. — de pinceau, (Dye-
whitewaah. ing) pencil blue. — de Prusse, Prussian
0 lanchissag e, m. washing, laundering ; blue. — de roi, king's blue. — de safre,
whitening ; whitewashing ; refining (of zaffer blue, smalt. — de Saxe, Saxon blue,
sugar). Saxony blue. — de Schneeberg, Saxon
blanchissant, p.a. whitening, etc. (see blue, Saxony blue. — de Sèvres, Sèvres
blanchir); foaming, foamy, frothy. blue. — d'indigo, indigo blue, indigotin.
blanchisserie, /. bl cacher y ; bleaching — d'outremer, ultramarine blue. — égyp-
trade ; laundry, place where clothes are tien, Egyptian blue, copper glass. — fé-
washed. cule, a mixture of Prussian blue and
blanchisseur, m. bleacher; launderer. a. starch. — foncé, deep blue, dark blue.
bleaching ; laundering. — lumière, Ught blue, bleu lumière (the
blanchisseuse, fem. of blanchisseur. dye) ; bleu lumière (the pigment). —
blanchoyer, v.i. hâve a white renection; minéral, minerai blue. — Nil, Nile blue.
approach white heat. — outremer, ultramarine blue, ultramarine.
blanc-soudant, m. welding heat, white heat. — patenté, patent blue. — sombre, dark
blankett, m. (Mining) blanket. blue; (Dyes) night blue. — Thênard, co-
blanquette, /. blanquette (a kind of kelp balt blue. — turquin, a dark, mat blue.
or crude soda); a white sparkling wine of — vestorien, Egyptian blue, Vestorian blue
the Midi; (Dist.) low wines. (a copper calcium silicate).
blé, m. wheat ; (with qualifying words) bleuâtre, a. bluish.
grain, corn (including wheat, rye, barley, bleu-bleu, m. a kind of blue ultramarine.
maize, etc.) ; wheat field, grain field. — bleuir, v.t. blue, make blue. v.i. turn blue,
barbu, bearded wheat. — cornu, ergot. become blue, blue.
— de printemps, spring wheat. — b l e u i s s a g e , 6. bluing; blue tinge.
d'Espagne, — de Turquie, maize, (Indian) bleuissant, p. pr. (of bleuir) bluing.
corn. — d'hiver, winter wheat. — méteil, bleuissement, m. turning blue, bluing; blue
mixed wheat and rye. — noir, buckwheat. stain.
— sarrasin, buckwheat. — seigle, rye. bleu-lapis, m. (Glass) a blue color ob-
blême, a. pale, palid; dull. tained by the use of cobalt oxide.
blende, /. (Min.) blend, blende. bleu-prussiate, m. Prussian blue.
blendeux, a. blendous, of or containing bleutage, m. tinging with blue.
blend. bleuté, p.a. tinged with blue, bluish.
blesser, v.t. wound, hurt, injure; offend. bleuter, v.t. tinge with blue, blue slightly.
blessure, /. wound, hurt, injury; grief. blindage, m. armoring, etc. (see blinder) ;
blet, a. bletted, over-ripe, half decayed. armor, armorplating ; screen, shield; blind-
blettir, v.i. blet, become over-ripe. age.
bleu, o. blue. m. blue; blueprint; biuise. blindé, 2>.o. armored, etc. (see blinder), m.
— alcalin, alkali blue. — azoïque, azo armored car.
blue. — azur, azuré, sky blue. — bluet, blinder, v.t. armor; case; screen; blind.
— bleuet, cornflower blue. — céleste, azuré; bile., abbrev. (bouteille) bottle.
a blue basic copper arsenate. — charron, bloc, m. block; lump, mass, lot; log; bomb
a mixture of Prussian blue and barium furnace ; trame jam. — de frottement,
sulfate. — cœruleum, ceruleum (green- brake shoe. — de Maquenne, Maquenne
ish blue pigment). — Coupier, Coupier's block (a heated métal block for deter-
blue (induline). — d'acier, steel blue. — mining meltîng points). — de plâtre,
dauphin, a blue oxazine dye, — d'azur, (Bact.) gypsum block. en —, in a lump,
smalt. — de Berlin, Berlin blue. — de in the lump.
Brème, Bremen blue. — de Chine, Chi- blocage, m. stopping, etc. (see bloquer) ;
nese blue, — de ciel, sky blue. — de rubble; (Elec.) cutoff; trame jam.
blocaille 51 bois
blocaille, /. débris, aa of stone or bricks, bohé, m. bohea (a kind of black tea).
rubble. Bohême, n. Bohemia ; Bohemian glass.
bloc-film, m. (Photog.) film pack. Bohémien, a. Bohemian.
blocus, m. blockade ; embargo. boire, v.t. drink; absorb, drink in, suek up,
blond, a. light-colored (light yellow or light soak up ; swallow (an insuit), v.i. drink;
brown, distinguished from blanc, white) ; (of paper) blot. m. drink, drinking; creek,
blond, fair. m. light color ; blond. inlet, channel. faire —, soak (skins, etc.).
blondeur, /. light color. bois, m. wood; timber; (Bot.) xylem; (gun)
blondir, v.i. turn light-colored, turn h'ght stock; (deer) horns. — amer, bitterwood,
yellow, (of grain) whiten. quassia. — à ouvrer, timber, lumber. —•
blondoyer, v.i. hâve a light yellow reflec- blanc, soft wood (nonresinous). — bleu,
tion. logwood. — cochon, a burseraceous tree
bloquer, v.i. stop, arrest, block, lock, jam; of Panama (Tetragastris panamensis). —
clamp, fix, set ; blockade ; enclose (in colorant, dyewood. — contreplaqué, lam-
masonry); dub out, fill out (with plaster). inated wood, plywood. — d'absinthe,
blouse, /. blouse, frock, smock. — de quassia. — d'acajou, mahogany. —
laboratoire, laboratory coat (esp. a long, d'aigle, eaglewood, agalloch. — d'ama-
full overgarment). rante, mahogany. — d'aubier, sapwood.
bluette, /. spark, sparkle; flake or scale of — débité, wood sawed into planks, boards,
hot iron. etc., timber, lumber. — de Brésil, brazil-
bluetter, v.i. spark, sparkle. wood. — de brin, whole timber (not split).
blutage, m. bolting. — de campêche, logwood, campeachy wood,
bluter, v.t. boit (flour, cernent, etc.). (Pharm.) hematoxylon. — de charpente,
blute rie, /. bolting mill, bolting house. timber, lumber. — de chauffage, firewood.
blutoir, m. boiter, bolting machine, bolting — de Chine, tung. — de construction,
cloth. timber, lumber. — de fer, ironwood. —
B.M., abbrev, (bain-marie) water bath. de fer blanc, {Bot.) Sideroxylon dnereum
Bo. Symbol for. boron. or its wood. — de fil, wood eut with the
bobèche, /. socket (of a lamp or candie- grain. — de frêne, ash wood, ash. —
stick) ; sconce (of a candlestick) ; steel de gaïac, guaiacum wood, Iignum vitae. —
edge (on a knife or chisel). de haute futaie, forest timber; timber for-
bobinage, m, spooling, winding ; wiring, est. — de paille, straw board. — de
coil. Panama, soapbark, quillaja bark, Panama
bobine, /. bobbin, spool, drum, réel; (Elec.) bark. — de placage, veneering wood. —
bobbin, coil. — à réaction, reactance coil, de quassie, quassia, quassia wood. —• de
choking coil. — d'arrêt, choke coil, chok- réglisse, licorice root. — de rosé, rose-
ing coil. — de dérivation, shunt coil. — wood (the cabinet wood); rhodium wood,
de résistance, résistance coil. — de Ruhm- rosewood (containing a fragrant oil). —
korff, Ruhmkorff coil. — d'induction, — de sang, logwood. — de santal, sandal-
inductrice, induction coil. — induite, sec- wood. — de santal rouge, red sandalwood,
ondary coil. — primaire, primary coil. — (Pharm.) red saunders. — de sapan, sapan
réceptrice, take-up spool (for film). — wood (a red dyewood). — de service, tim-
secondaire, secondary coil. ber, lumber. — des îles, brazilwood( ?).
bobiner, v.t. wind, coil, spool. — desséché, dry wood, seasoned wood. —
bocage, m. scrap (of metals); grove, cop- de teinture, dyewood. — de travail, tim-
pice. ber, lumber. — d'Inde, logwood ; West
bocal, m. wide-mouthed bottle ; any of Indian bayberry. — d'œuvre, timber, lum-
various wide-mouthed vessels, vase, globe, ber. — doux, soft wood; cascarilla; lico-
j ar ; mouthpiece. rice root. — droit, straight-grained wood.
bocard, m. stamp, stamp mill, stamping — du Brésil, brazilwood. — du centre,
mill, crusher. heartwood, — du Japon, sapanwood. —
bocardage, m. stamping, crushing. dur, hard wood, hardwood. —- durci, arti-
nocarder, v.t. stamp, crush (ores, etc.). ficial wood, wood pulp. — du santal,
bocaux, pi. oi bocal. sandaîwood. — fin, fine wood, close-
bœuf, m. ox; {pi.) cattle; beef. — salé, grained wood. — gentil, (Pharm.) me-
sait beef, corned beef. zereum. — gras, soft wood, resinous
noghead, m. Boghead coal, boghead. wood. — jaune, yellowwood, specif., the
boguette, /. buckwheat. wood of MOTUS tinctoria. — parfait, heart-
bois 52 boni
wood. — rouge, redwood, red dyewood. bombage, m. rendering convex, etc. (see
— soufré, sulfurated wood. — tendre, soft bomber); (Foods) swelled cans, swells.
wood. — vif, green timber, green wood. bombagiste, m. maker of convex glass.
boisage, m. woodwork, framing, casing, bombance, /. blowout; good cheer, feast-
planking; logging. ing.
boisé, a. wooded; wainscoted, paneled. bombarder, v.t. bombard; shell.
boiserie, /. wainscoting, paneling. bombardier, m. bomber ; bombardier.
boiseux, a. woody, ligneous. bombe, /. bomb ; (gas) cylinder. — à
boisseau, m. the hole or hollow part into éclats, fragmentation bomb. — éclairante,
which the key or plug of a stopcock or Iight bail, illuminating bomb. — fumigène,
tap fits, plug hole, shell ; a section of smoke bomb. — incendiaire, incendiary
earthenware pipe (specif., without a quali- bomb. — lumineuse, flash bomb.
fying word, a tile of square cross section bombé, p.a. bulged, dished, convex.
as distinguished from boisseau rond which bombement, m. bulging, convexity.
is cylindrical) ; bushel ; throttle. bomber, v.t. render convex, cause to bulge
boisson, /. drink, beverage, liquor; specif.,or swell out; (Glass) bend to convex form.
piquette; drinking, drunkenness. — fer- v.i. bulge, swell out, become convex.
mentêe, fermented liquor, fermented bever- bombeur, m. one who renders convex. —
age. de verre, maker of convex glass.
boit, pr. S sing. (of boire) drinks ; absorbs.
bombiste, m. bomb maker.
boite, /. (of wine, etc.) state of fitness, ma-
bombonne, /. = bonbonne.
turity, ripeness; piquette. bon, a. good ; simple, foolish. adv. good,
boîte, /. box; case, chest, canister, etc.; well. m. good; good part, best; comfort;
(Mach.) bushing, bush, sleeve. — à con- order, check, draft ; security, bond, cer-
serves, can, tin (for food). — à feu, fire tificate. à — compte, cheaply. à —
box. —• à fumée, smoke box. — à graisse, marché, cheap ; cheaply. à la bonne heure,
asle box. — à noyau, (Founding) core very well, good, so be it. — goût, (in the
box. — à réactifs, reagent box. — à rectification of alcohol) the fraction whïch
sécher, drying chamber. — à soupape, follows the alcool de cœur and is followed
valve chest, — à vent, (of a furnace) by the moyen goût (it includes the alcool
wind box; (of an organ) wind chest. — fin and some alcohol of second quality);
d'alimentation, (Radio) power pack. — a superior quality of certain other chemi-
de culture, culture dish, culture plate, cul-
cals, e.g. acetic acid. — marché, cheap.
ture flask. — de distribution, (Elec.) con- bonne première, (8oap) a sait lye of
necting box, switchboard. — de Pétri, 28° B. bonne seconde, (Soap) a sait lye
Pétri dish. — de résistance, (Elec. ) ré-
sistance box. — de Roux, a flat, covered, of 26° B. — teint, fast dye, fast color;
glass box. — d'essieu, bearing bush, bear- fast. de bonne heure, soon, early.
ing sleeve. — d'origine, original box or bonbon, m. bonbon, sweetmeat.
case. — gaineris, case, box (for keeping bonbonne, /. large bottle, carboy, demi-
instruments or the like). — métallique, john; steel cylinder for gases; oil can.
tin can, tin; métal box. — perdue, a box bond, m. bound, leap.
or case not intended to be returned when bonde, /. opening, vent, outlet, inïet, (of a
emptied. cask) bunghole; stopper, bung; sluice. —
de remplissage, opening for putting in ma-
boitement, m. limping ; (Mach.) irregular terial, charging hole. — trop-plein, over-
action. flow.
boiteux, a. lame, limping. bouder, v.t. fill very full, cram.
boitier, m. box, case, casing; cabinet. bondir, v.i. bound.
boivent, pr. S pi. indic. & subj. of boire. bondon, m. bung, stopper ; (less often)
bol, m. bole ; bolus, large pill ; bowl. — bunghole; bondon cheese, bondon.
blanc, kaolin. — d'Arménie, Armenian
bole. — de Sinope, — oriental, a clayey bondonnage, m. bunging.
earth similar to Armenian bole. bondonner, v.t. bung.
bolaire, a. bolar, bolary. bonheur, m. good fortune, luck; welfare;
bolet, m. (Bot.) boletus. success; happiness.
Bolivie, /. Bolivia. bonhomme, m. good man; fellow; puppet;
bolivien, a. Bolivian. mullein; boit, catch.
bolonais, a. Bolognese. boni, m. surplus; bonus.
bonification 53 bouchon-écrou
bonification, /. improvement ; allowance, borofluorhydrique, o. hydrofluoboric (fluo-
rebate. boric).
bonifier, v.t. improve; make up, make borofluorure, m. borofluoride (fluoborate).
good ; refund. v.r. improve. borotungstique, a. borotungstic.
bonnard, m. (Glass) furnace opening. borure, m. boride.
bonne, o. fem. of bon. /. (servant) maid. boryle, m. boryl.
bonnement, adv. simply, sincerely; exactly. bossage, m. bossing, boss, swelling.
bonnet, m. cap; hood; end of a window- bosse, /. bump, boss, protubérance, promi-
glass cylinder to which the blowpipe is nence, hump ; (Glass) blister.
attached. bosselé, p.a. embossed, etc. (see bosseler);
bonneterie, /. knit goods, knitting, hosiery. bumpy, uneven.
bonnette, /. shade (on certain instruments); bosseler, v.t. emboss ; dent ; form, shape.
(Photog.) supplementary lens. bossuer, v.t. dent.
bonté, /. goodness, kindness. bot., abbrev. (ballot) baie.
boracifère, a. boraciferous. botanique, /. botany. a. botanical.
boracique, a. boracic (boric). botaniquement, adv. botanically.
borasseau, m. borax box, soldering box. botaniste, m. botanist.
borate, m. borate. — de chaux, borate of botryoïde, a. botryoidal.
lime (calcium borate). — de soude, borate botte, /. bundle, bunch, (of wire) coil, (of
of soda (sodium borate), specif. borax, yarn) hank ; boot ; butt (large cask) ;
borate, a. borated. (Zinc) adapter.
boraxoir, m. borax box, soldering box. bottillon, m. bunch, small bundle.
bord, m. edge, border, margin; rim, brim; bottine, /. high shoe, half-boot.
bank (of a river) ; shore ; binding, border ; bouc, m. goat, he-goat; goatskin bottle,
side (of a ship or a road). skin.
bordage, m. edging, lining; sheathing. boucage, m. anise.
bordeaux, m. Bordeaux wine, bordeaux, boucanage, m. smoking (of méat or fish).
claret (when red) ; (Dyes) bordeaux. boucanager, v.t. smoke, cure by smoking.
bordelaise, /. a cask for Bordeaux wine, boucaner, v.t. smoke, cure; hunt (animais).
holding 225-230 liters; a spécial bottle for boucaut, 7n. hogshead, cask.
Bordeaux wine. bouchage, tu. stoppering, etc. (see boucher).
border, v.t. border, edge, Une; sheathe; fire- — d l'émeri, making of ground stoppera,
polish the sharp edges of (glass). stopper grinding.
bordereau, m. mémorandum, statement. bouche, /. moutli ; opening, orifice. — à
bordure, /. border, edging, edge, binding; eau, hydrant. — o feu, gun, cannon. —
curb. d'incendie, fire hydrant.
bordure, o. bordered. bouchement, m. filling, plugging, stopping.
bore, m. boron. bouche-pores, m. (Points) filler.
bore, o. containing boron, of boron. boucher, v.t. stopper, stop, stop up, plug,
boréal, o. north, northern, boréal. plug up, cork, lute, calk, close. m.
bore-méthyle, m. trimethylborine, butcher. — à l'émeri, provide with a
(CH3)3B. ground stopper.
boréthyle, m. triethylborine, (C2Hs)3B. boucherie, /. butchery; butcher trade.
borgne, o. one-eyed; (of things) déficient bouche-trou, m. stopgap.
in some way. bouchon, m. stopper; plug, stopple, cork,
boricisme, m. boricism, boric acid poison- tampon, wad, wadding; cap, cover, lid. •—
ing. à deux trous, two-holed stopper. — à
borique, a. boric. l'émeri, ground stopper. — o vis, screw
borique, a. treated with or containing boric stopper. — d'amorce, fuse plug, primer
acid. plug. — de pissette, washbottle stopper
(with fittings). — de sûreté, safety plug.
borne, /. boundary, limit; post (to mark a — de vidange, drip cock ; drain plug. —
Point or limit); landmark; (Elec.) ter- en caoutchouc, rubber stopper; rubber
minal. — à pression, (Elec.) pressure plug. — en liège, cork stopper, cork. —
clamp. — à vis, binding post. — d'at- en verre, glass stopper. — femelle, threaded
tache, (Elect) binding post. cap. — fusible, safety plug. — rodé,
borner, v.t. limit, confine, restrict; bound. ground stopper. — vissé, screw cap.
"ornyle, m. bornyl. bouchon-écrou, m. screw plug.
bouchonnier 54 boule
bouchonnier, m. maker of, or dealer in, bouillerie, /. distillery.
corks or stoppers. bouilleur, m. distiller; still; boiler; boiler
boucle, /. loop, ring, eye; bend (as of a tube; heater (of a boiler). — d'eau-de-
U-tube), elbow, turn ; lobe ; buckle ; curl vie, brandy distiller or (in gênerai) dis-
(of hair); nap (of cloth). tiller. — de cru, one who distills only from
boucler, v.t. buckle ; ring ; connect, at- certain fruits of his own raising, such as
tach; curl (hair). grapes, apples, pears, plums. — de pro-
bouclier, m. shield; buckler. fession, a distiller who uses material raised
bouda ne, m. a kind of cheese from Savoy. by others, or materials not allowed the
bouder, v.i. pout; sulk; be backward. bouilleur de cru, such as peaches, apricots,
boudin, m. (stuffed) pudding, sausage ; potatoes, sugar beets, cereals. — d'os,
something resembling a sausage, as a bone boiler.
helical spring, a fuse, a roller, a glass bouilli, p.a. boiled. m. boiled méat.
bulb, a roll of opium, or a cylinder of soap bouillie, /. pap, gruel, thickened milk ;
as it issuer from the milling machine. hence, paste, mash, pulp ; {Paper) pulp ;
boudinage, m. pressing (of soap, chocolaté {Agric.) spraying mixture, spray. — borde-
or the like) into a desired form. laise, (Agric.) Bordeaux mixture; {Paper)
boudiné, /. {Glassblowing) bull's-eye. rag pulp. — bourguignonne, Burgundy
boudineuse, /. press (as for soap or choco- mixture. — cuprique, {Agric.) copper
laté). spray.
boue, /. mud; slime, sludge; mire, dirt; pus. bouillir, v.i. <fc t. boil.
— de charbon, coal slimes, coal washings. bouillissage, m. boiling, boil (as in testing
— de forage, drilling mud. a dyed sample or in bleaching).
bouée, /. buoy. bouilloire, /. vessel for boiling water,
boueux, a. muddy; slimy; foui, dirty. boiler, kettle.
bouffée, /. puff; whiff, breath; outburst. bouillon, m. bubble (in a hot liquid or in
bouffer, v.i. puff, puff out, bulge; (of bread) the solid formed by cooling it), bleb, blow-
rise. hole; bubbling; broth, bouillon, stock;
bouffi, p.a. puffed, puffy, swollen, bloated. ripple, wave ; {Agric.) liquid manure ;
bouffir, v.t. & i. puff up, puff out, bloat. (Dyeing) mordant bath ; {Brewing) malt
bouffoir, m. blowpipe. mash. — blanc, {Bot.) mullein. — de
bouge, m. bulge, swell, convexity; closet. bœuf, beef broth. — de culture, culture
bouger, v.i. budge, stir. broth, nutrient broth. — de levure, îiquid
bougie, /. candie, taper (esp. a candie made yeast, yeast liquor. — noir, iron liquor,
from wax or fatty acids, in distinction iron mordant. — phénique, phénol broth.
from chandelle) ; cylindrical or candle- bouillonnement, m. bubbling, effervescence,
shaped filter, filter candie (esp. one for gassing.
sterilizing liquids); {Pharm.) bougie, sup- bouillonner, v.i. bubble, bubble up, effer-
pository ; (Med.) bougie ; {Mach.) spark vesce; boil actively; gush out, gush forth.
plug. — Berkefeld, Berkefeld filter. — bouillonneux, a. containing bubbles,
Chamberland, Chamberland filter. — d'al- blebby.
lumage, spark plug. — décimale, décimal bouillotte, /. boiler, kettle.
candie, bougie décimale. — de cire, wax bouillotter, v.i. boil gently, simmer.
candie. — de porcelaine, porcelain filter boulage, m. {Sugar) the expressing of sugar
candie. — de stéarine, stearin candie beets; also, the expressed beets.
(made of stearic acid). — d'oribus, resin boulange, /. unbolted flour.
torch. — électrique, electric-light carbon. boulanger, m. baker, v.t. bake (bread).
— filtrante, filter(ing) candie. — normale, boulangerie, /. baking; bakery, bakeshop.
standard candie. — stéarique, = bougie de boule, /. bail; bulb. — à gaz, gas connec-
stéarine. tion (having a ball-shaped part to which
bougie-heure, /. candle-hour. one or more stopcocks are attached). —
b o u g r a n , m. buckram. à robinets, a ball-shaped connection (for
bouillage, m. boiling. gas or the like) to which stopcocks are
bouillaison, /. fermentation (of béer, cider, attached, stopcock fixture. — à teinture,
etc.)- dye bail. — blanche, white bail, specif. a
bouillait, imp. $ sing. (of bouillir) boiled. bail of whiting. — de bleu, blue bail, bail
bouillant, p.a. boiling; scalding hot. of bluing. — de noir, bail of black pig-
bouillent, pr. S pi. indic. & subj. of bouillir. ment or dye, black bail. — de verre, glass
boule 55 boyauderie
bulb. — isolante, (Elec.) insulator. boules short hair; down; tag wool; floss; silk
d'acier, boules de Mars, boules de Nancy, waste; waste, refuse; (Mining) tamping;
(Pharm.) balls of iron and potassium tar- (Wine) first lees. — de coton, cotton waste.
trate. bourré, p.a. packed, etc. (see bourrer).
boulé. See under grand and petit. bourrelé, p.a. flanged; tormented.
bouleau, m. birch, birch tree, birch wood. bourrelet, m. padding, pad ; swelling ;
boulée, /. cracklings of tallow, greaves. fiange.
bouler, v.i. swelî, puff out, (of bread) rise;
bourrer, v.t. pack, wad, stuff, pad, tamp,
roll like a bail. v.t. bail, form into balls ram.
(cf. grand boulé, petit boulé). bourrier, m. refuse; chaff.
boulet, m. bail; specif., cannon bail. bourroir, m. tamper.
boulette, /. small bail, pellet. bourru, a. (of wine) unfermented; rough;
bouleur, m. maker of glass bulbs or globes. crabbed.
bouleversé, p.a. overturned, etc. (see boule-bourse, /. purse; pouch, bag; sac, bursa;
verser) ; upside down. stock exchange. — à pasteur, (Bot.)
bouleversement, m. overthrow; overtum; shepherd's-purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris).
commotion ; panic ; révolution. boursouflé, p.a. swollen, swelled, inflated.
bouleverser, v.t. overturn, upset, unsettle, boursouflement, m. swelling, expansion,
throw into confusion, demolish. inflation; blister, bleb, bubble (in metals,
bouloir, m. stirrer, beater. etc.).
boulon, m. boit, pin; screw (boit); stud. boursoufler, v.t., r. & i. swell, expand,
— à ailettes, wing screw. — à bout percé, puff up, inflate; (of ground) heave.
eyebolt. — à clavette, keyed boit. — à boursouflure, /. swelling, swell.
écrou, screw boltf boit and nut. — à bousage, m. (Calico) dunging.
goupille, pinned boit. — à œillet, eye- bouse, /. ox dung, cow dung.
bolt. — à oreilles, wing boit, fly boit. — boussole, /. compass ; galvanometer. —
à vis, screw boit. — encastré, countersunk des sinus, sine galvanometer. — des tan-
boit. — taraudé, threaded boit, screw gentes, tangent galvanometer. — électrique,
boit. galvanometer.
boutonnage, m. bolting; bolted joint. bousure, /. (Métal.) blanching liquid.
boulonner, v.t. boit. bout, m. end; extremity, tip; rubber police-
bouniou, m. (Mining) sump. man (on a glass rod); bit; shred; butt.
bouquet, m. bunch, cluster, clump, tuft, pr. 3 sing. (of bouillir) boils.
wisp ; bouquet. boute, /. hogshead ; barrel ; tub.
bourbe, /. mud, mire, slime. boutefeu, m. (Expl.) igniter.
bourdaine, /. (Bot.) aider buckthorn bouteille, /. bottle; (for compressed gases)
(Rhamnus frangula). cylinder ; any of various elongoted vessels ;
bourde, /. poorest quality of Spanish soda. bubble. — de Leyde, Leyden jar. — de
bourdonnement, m. humming, hum, buzz. savon, soap bubble.
bourdonner, v.i. hum, buzz, murmur. bouteille r, v.i. (Glass) become full of bub-
bourg, m. market town. bles.
bourgade, /. small town. bouter, v.i. (of liquids) become thiok or
bourgène, /. = bourdaine. ropy.
bourgeois, a. private; plain (and good) ; boutique, /. shop, store; stock, outfit.
civilian ; middle-class, bourgeois. bouton, m. button; knob, stud, lug, handle,
bourgeon, m. bud; shoot; (pi.) long-staple plug; bud; pimple, pustule. — de bielle,
wools ; pimple. crank pin. — de commutateur, (Elec. )
bourgeonnement, m. budding. switch plug. — de contact, push button.
bourgeonner, v.i. bud. — de déclenchement, release knob. — de
Bourgogne, /. Burgundy. sonnerie, bell button.
bourgogne, m. Burgundy wine, burgundy. boutonner, v.t. button. v.i. bud; button.
bourguignon, a. Burgundian, Burgundy. bouture, /. slip, cutting; sucker, shoot.
bourlet, m. = bourrelet. bovin, a. bovine, pertaining to cattle.
bourrache, /. borage (Borago officmalis) ; boyau, m. intestine, gut ; hose, (flexible)
any plant of the genus Borago. tubing ; (sausage) casing ; catgut ; narrow
bourrage, m. packing; tamping; jamming passage. — à saucisse, sausage casing. —
bourre, /. (a fibrous mass or inaterial) wad de chat, catgut.
wadding, stuffing, padding, pad, plug ; boyauderie, /. gut works.
boyau-dialyseur 56 breveté
boyau-dialyseur, m. dialyzing tubing, dia- brasque, /. (Métal.) brasque, lining (as a
lyzing shell. paste of powdered charcoal and clay).
boyaudier, m. (sausage) casings maker. brasquer, v.t. brasque, line with brasque.
b.p., B.P., abbrev. (basse pression) low brassage, m. mixing, etc. (see brasser).
pressure, low tension. brasser, v.t. mix, stir, stir up, rabble, pud-
br., abbrev. (broché) atitched (but not dle; mash (malt, etc.); brew (béer, etc.).
bound). brasserie, /. brewery; béer shop, café.
bracelet, m. circular band, ring ; bracelet. brasseur, m. brewer; mixer, rabbler, pud-
bractée, /. (Bot.) bract. dler. — mécanique, mechanical stûrer (or
brai, m. pitch ; asphalt ; tar ; rosin. — rabbler or puddler).
coulé, floated asphalt. — fluxé, h'quid as- brassin, m. mash tub, mash vat; quantity
phalt or pitch. — gras, soft pitch, moist brewed at one time, brewing ; quantity of
pitch (e.g., the residue left when coal tar soap boiled at one time, boiling ; the proc-
is distilled to not over 200°). — liquide, ess of making soft soap.
tar. — poix, pitch. — sec, hard pitch, brassoir, m. stirrer, mixer.
dry pitch (e.g., the residue left when coal brasure, /. brazing; brazed joint or seam;
tar distillation is pushed as far as is prac- hard solder.
ticable). brave, a. brave, gallant, fine, worthy, kind.
braise, /, wood coals (either glowing or not), braye, /. puddle (moist clay used for lining).
embers, bed of coals; overburned, friable brayer, v.t. pitch, tar.
charcoal, breeze ; braised méat. — chi- brebis, /. ewe, (female) sïieep.
mique, tinderbox paste. brecciolaire, a. brecciated.
brame, /. (Iron) slab bloom, slab. brèche, /. gap, breach, hole, notch (in an
bran, m. bran ; sawdust. — de scie, saw- edge) ; (Geol.) breccia.
dust. bref, a. brief, short, adv. in short, in brief.
brancard, m. handbarrow ; litter, stretcher. en —, in brief.
branche, /. branch ; arm, division, subdivi- Brème, n. Bremen.
sion, etc. ; (of a tripod) leg. Brésil, m. Brazil.
branchement, m. branching; branch tube brésil, m. brazilwood, brazil.
or pipe ; branch line. brésiléine, /. brazilein.
brancher, v.t. branch ; connect (tubes, brésilien, a. Brazilian.
wires). v.i. branch; roost. — sur, con- brésiline, /. brazilin.
nect with, tap. brésilier, v.t. dye red (with brazilwood);
brancnette, /. amall branch, branchlet. shatter, shiver. v.i. fall to powder.
branderie, /. brandy distillery. brésillet, m. brazilette, brasiletto.
brandevin, m. brandy (made from wine). brésilleur, m. brazilwood dyer.
brandevinier, m. brandy distiller or seller. Bretagne, /. Brittany.
branle, m. swing, swinging ; motion, im- bretelle, /. strap, sling; brace, suspender.
pulse. breton, a. Breton, of Brittany.
branler, v.t. swing; shake (the head). v.t. bretté, a. toothed, jagged.
swing, shake, sway, move. breuvage, m. beverage, drink ; draft ;
branloire, m. handle, lever (of a bellows), drench.
rock-staff ; seesaw. breuvet, m. paste, size.
braquer, v.t. point, direct, turn, fix (in a brève, a. fem. of bref.
certain direction). brevet, m. patent ; certificate ; diploma ;
bras, m. arm; handle; (Mach.) lever, rod, commission ; (Dyeing) a décoction of bran
boit, etc.; brace; hand. à —, by hand, and woad. — de corps, a patent obtained
hand-. on a chemical compound or other sub-
brasage, m. brazing, hard-soldering. stance. — de perfectionnement, patent for
brase, /. wood coals (see braise). improvement (of an invention). — d'im-
brasement, m. = brasage. portation, patent for importation. — d'in-
braser, v.t. braze, solder with hard solder. vention, patent for an invention.
brasier, m. fire of wood coals; brazier. brevetable, a. patentable.
brasiline, /. brazilin. brevetage, m. (Alum) addition of potas-
brasiller, v.i. shine, sparkle. v.t. grill. sium sulfate.
brasme, n. a copper alloy (Zn 4.6%, Sn breveté, p.a. patented, etc. (see breveter).
2.4%). m. patentée. — S.G.D.G., patented without
breveté 57 bromer
guarantee by the govenunent (the regular briqueter, v.t. brick.
label on patentée! articles). briqueterie, /. brickmaking; brick factory;
breveter, v.t. patent; grant a patent (or match factory.
certificate) to. briqueteur, m. bricklayer.
brévium, m. brevium (UX2, Pa234). briquetier, m. brick maker (or seller);
bride, /. clamp, cramp; strap, stay, band; match maker (or seller); bricklayer.
bow; collar; fiange; hoop; bridle; rein(s). briquettage, m. briquetting.
brider, v.t. check, restrain, regulate; clamp; briquette, /. briquette, briquet. — de pous-
fiange. sier, coal-dust briquette. — de tourbe,
brie, m. Brie cheese. turf briquette, turf cake.
brier, v.t. knead. briquetter, v.t. form into briquettes.
brièvement, adv. briefly; soon, shortly. bris, m. breaking, shattering, smashing.
brièveté, /. brevity. brisable, a. breakable.
brigade, /. gang, party, body, band; bri- brisant, p.a. breaking, etc. (see briser); (of
gade. explosives) shattering, disruptive, sudden,
brigadier, m. foreman ; corporal. brisant.
brillament, adv. brilliantly. brise, /. breeze.
brillance, /. brilliance, brightness. brisé, p.a. broken, etc. (see briser); jointed,
brillant, o. brilliant, bright. m. brilliancy; folding.
polish ; bright work. brise-caillé, m. curd breaker.
brillantage, m. making brilliant, etc. (see brise-circuit, brise-courant, m. circuit
brillanter). breaker.
brillanter, v.t. make brilliant, polish highly; brise-jet, m. an attachaient to s tap for
eut as a brilliant ; honor. lessening the force of the stream.
brillant-phosphine, /. an acridine yellow. brisement, m. breaking, etc. (see briser).
brilleraent, m. brilliancy, luster. briser, v.t. break; shatter, smash; break
briller, v.i. shine; be bright, be brilliant. off, interrupt; weary, wear out. v.i. break.
brin, m. bit, pièce, part; strand; staple, v.r. break; (of light) be refracted; fold.
fiber (of wool, etc.) ; blade, shoot, sprig, brisou, m. firedamp.
twig. bristol, m. Bristol board, bristol.
brinasse, /. hemp combings, inferior tow.
brindille; /. slender branch, branchlet, brisure, /. break; crack, flaw; broken part;
folding joint.
sprig. brittanique, a. British.
briquaille, /. brick fragment(s) ; brick con- brocatelle, /. brocatel, brocatelle.
crète. broche, /. spindle; broach (in various
briqùaillon, m. brickbat, brick fragment. sensés), spike, peg, pin; spigot.
brique, /. brick; (of soap) bar. — à jour, broché, p.a. (of books) stitched only, in
clinker. — argilo-calcaire, lime-sand brick. paper binding ; (of fabrics) figured.
— blanche, firebrick; white brick. — brocher, v.t. stitch; pin, nail; inweave.
creuse, hollow brick. — crue, unburnt brochette, /. pin, peg; skewer; snip, strip
brick. — cuite, bumt brick. — de cha-
motte, firebrick. — de liège, cork brick. (of hide).
— de parement, face brick, facing brick. brochure, /. stitching (of books); brochure,
— de scories, slag brick, slag stone. — pamphlet ; inwoven pattern.
émaillée, enameled brick, glazed brick. — broder, v.t. embroider.
gobetée, vitrifled brick. — hollandaise, broderie, /. embroidery; insignia.
Dutch brick, Dutch clinker. — pilée, brick broie, pr. S sing. (of broyer) grinds, etc.
dust. — réfractaire, firebrick. — vernis- /. brake (for hemp).
sée, glazed brick. — vitrifiée, vitrified broiement, broiment, m. grinding, crush-
brick. ing, etc. (see broyer).
briquet, m. steel (for striking fire); tinder- bromable, o. brominatable.
box. — chimique, chemical tinderbox, bromacétique, a. bromoacetic.
automatic lighter. bromation, /. bromination.
briquetage, m. brickwork; briquetting (of brome, m. bromine; (Bot.) brome grass.
ore). brome, p.a. brominated, containing bromine,
briquetéi î*-a- bricked; made of bricks; bromo.
brick-colored, (Med.) lateritious; imitating broméline, /. bromelin.
brick. bromer* v.t. brominate.
brométhyle 58 brugnon
brométhyle, m. ethyl bromide, bromo- broquette, /. tack.
ethane. brossage, m. brushing.
bromeux, a. bromous. brosse, /. brush. — douce, soft brush. —
bromhydrate, m. hydrobromide. dure, stiff brush. — en fil de métal, wire
bromhydrine, /. bromohydrin, bromhydrin. brush. — passe-partout, small dusting
bromhydrique, o. hydrobromic. brush. — rude, stiff brush.
bromique, a. bromic. brosser, v.t. brush.
bromo-aurique, a. bromoauric. brosserie, /. brushmaking ; brush factory;
bromocyanuration, /. bromocyanidation. brushes, brushware.
bromocyanure, m. bromocyanide. brosseuse, /. brusher; scrubber.
bromocyanuré, o. bromocyanide of. brossier, m. brush maker.
bromocyanurer, v.t. bromocyanide. brossure, /. (Leather) color brushed on.
bromoéthylate, m. ethobromide. brou, m. hull, husk (of a nut, specif. wal-
bromoforme, m. bromoform. nut) ; a brown stain made from walnut
bromo-ioduré, o. treated with or contain- hulls. — de noix, walnut hulls, or a dye
ing bromide and iodide. made from them.
bromo-iridite, m. bromoiridite, bromoiri- brouet, m. gruel, porridge, broth.
date(III). brouette, /. wheelbarrow.
bromométhylate, m. methobromide. brouettée, /. barrowful, wheelbarrow load.
bromonitré, a. bromonitro. brouetter, v.t. wheel in a barrow.
bromoplatinite, m. bromoplatinite, bromo- brouetteur, brouettier, m. barrowman.
platinate(II). broui, m. blowpipe (of an enameler). o.
bromostannite, m. bromostannite, bromo- blighted.
stanate(II). brouillage, m. mixing, etc. (see brouiller);
bromurable, a. brominatable. (Radio) interférence.
bromuration, /. bromination. brouillard, m. fog, mist.
bromure, m. bromide. — d'argent, silver brouillement, m. mixing, etc. (see brouil-
bromide. — de calcium, — de chaux, cal- ler).
cium bromide. — de 1er, iron bromide, brouiller, v.t. mix, mix up, mingle, jumble,
specif. (esp. in Pharm.) ferrous bromide. blur, confuse, jam; beat (eggs) ; embroil.
— de magnésie, magnésium bromide. — v.i. blunder, bungle, make trouble.
de méthyle, methyl bromide, bromometh- brouillerie, /. discord, quarrel, trouble.
ane. — d'éthyle, ethyl bromide, bromo- brouilleur, m. (Radio) jammer. a. jam-
ethane. — ferreux, ferrous bromide. ming.
bromure, a. brominated; containing bro- brouillis, m. first distillate from wine.
xnine. brouillon, m. rough draft.
bromurer, v.t. brominate. broussaille, /. brushwood, underbrush.
bronche, /. (Anat.) bronchus, bronchial brouter, v.i. browse; (of tools) eut un-
tube. evenly, chatter.
broncher, v.i. stumble, trip, falter. broutille, /. small twigs or shoots; trifle.
bronchique, o. bronchial. brownien, o. Brownian.
bronchite, /. bronchitia. broyage, TH. grinding, etc. (see broyer).
bronzage, m. bronzing; browning (of steel). broyé, p.a. ground, etc. (see broyer).
bronze, m. bronze. — à canon, gun métal. broyement, m. grinding, etc. (see broyer).
— aciéré, ateely bronze. — à cloches, bell broyer, v.t. grind, pulverize, powder, crush,
métal. — au manganèse, manganèse mill, pound, bray, bruise, break.
bronze. — Barbedienne, a statuary broyeur, m. grinder, etc. (see broyer); mill.
bronze. — coussinet, bearing bronze. — — à boulets, bail grinder, bail mill. — à
des monnaies, coin bronze. — dur, — meules, edge mill, kollergang. — pulvérisa-
durci, hard bronze, hardened bronze. — teur, crusher and pulverizer.
en poudre, bronze powder. — -moulu, broyeuse, /. grinder, etc. (see broyer); mill.
bronze powder. — naturel, common broyeuse-mélangeuse, /. grinder and
bronze. — phosphoreux, phosphor bronze. mixer.
— siliceux, silicon bronze. broyeuse-sécheuse, /. grinder and drier.
bronzé, p.a. bronzed; browned; bronze, brucelles, /. pi. (spring) forceps, (spring)
bronzy. pincers.
bronze-acier, m. steel bronze. brucine, /. brucine.
bronzer, v.t. bronze; brown (iron or steel). brugnon, m. nectarine.
bruire 59 buglosse
bruire, v.i. màke noise, rustle, rattle, hum, bruni, m. burnish, polish. p.a. browned,
etc. etc. (see brunir).
bruissant, p.a. noisy, roaring, humming, rat- brunir, v.t. brown; burnish, polish; smooth.
tling. v.i. brown, turn brown.
bruissement, m. noise ; rumbling, hum- brunis, m. burnish, polish.
ming, rattling, hissing, etc. brunissage, m. burnishing ; browning,
bruit, m. noise; sound; rumor; réputation. brunissement, m. browning; burnishing.
p.p. & pr. S sing. of bruire. — de fond, brunisseur, m. burnisher (person).
(Radio) background noise. brunissoir, m. burnisher (tool),
brûlable, a. burnable. b runissure, /. browning ; bumishing, pol -
brûlage, m. burning (specif. of weeds, ishing.
brush, etc.); hole in a furnace fire. brun-mat, o. dull brown, mat brown.
brûlant, p.a. burning, etc. (see brûler). brun-rouille, a. rusty brown, rust-colored.
brûlé, p.a. burned, burnt, etc. (see brûler), brusque, a. sudden, abrupt ; brusque, blunt.
m. burn; burning; burnt smell. brusquement, adv. suddenly, abruptly ;
brûle-mècne, m. an apparatus for sulfuring brusquely.
casks, sulfurator. brusquerie, /. suddenness, abruptness ;
broiement, m. burning. rudeness.
brûler, v.t. burn; roast; distill (wine, etc.). brut, a. crude; raw; gross; rough, unpol-
v.i. burn. v.r. burn oneself; be burnt. — ished, uncut, unfinished, etc. ; (of land)
dans le pied, — en dedans, (of a burner), uncultivated ; inorganic ; brute, brutish ;
burn at the base, atrike back. uneducated. m. crude oil, crude. — de
brûlerie, /. distilling; distillery, esp. brandy coulée, — de fonte, rough-cast; as cast.
distillery. brutal, a. (of a reaction) violent; brutal.
brûleur, m. burner; heater; distiller (esp. Bruxelles, n. Brussels.
of brandy); roaster (as of coffee). — à bruyamment, adv. noisily.
couronne, ring burner; rosé-top burner. — bruyant, p.a. noisy, rattling, humming, etc.
à gaz, gas burner. — ambulant, traveling bruyère, /. heath, heather; heath, moor.
distiller. — à pétrole, oil burner, pe- bryone, /. (Bot.) bryony.
troleum burner. — à veilleuse, pilot bryonine, /. bryonin.
burner; burner with pilot. — de Bunsen, bté., abbrev. (breveté) patented.
Bunsen burner. — d'os, bone calciner. — bu, p.p. (of boire) drunk.
électrique, electric heater. buandier, m. bleacher; launderer.
brûloir, m. roaster (as for coffee). bube, /. pimple.
brûlot, m. burnt brandy; half-burned char- bubon, m. (Med.) bubo.
coal. bubonique, o. bubonic.
brûlure, /. burn; scald; burning; (Agric.) bucail, m., bucaille, /. buckwheat.
biight. bucco, n. (Pharm.) buchu,
brume, /. thick fog or mist. buccocamphre, m. bucco camphor, dios-
brumeux, a. foggy, misty. phenol.
brun, a. <fe m. brown. — acide, acid brown. bûche, /. (of wood) billet, stick, log, block;
— Bismarck, Bismarck brown (a dye). — (of coal) lump ; ( Wiredrawing) block.
châtain, chestnut brown, chestnut. — chi- bûcher, v.t. hew, eut. v.i. work hard. m.
mique = brun de Florence. — clair, light woodhouse ; woodpile.
brown. — de Bruxelles, Brussels brown (a bûchette, /. small stick (of wood),
pigment made by charring bone). — de bûchilles, /. pi. borings, turnings.
Florence, Florence brown, Vandyke red buée, /. damp vapor, moisture; fume; for-
(copper ferrocyanide). — de momie, merly) lye.
mummy brown. — de montagne, umber. buer, v.i. give off vapor, steam, reek.
^- de Prusse, Prussian brown. — de sèche, bufagine, /. bufagin.
sepia. — foncé, dark brown. — marron, buffle, m. buffalo; buff (leather); bu£F stick.
chestnut brown, chestnut, maroon. — buffle te rie, /. buff (leather), the process for
rouge, brown ocher. — Van Dyck, Van- making it, or articles made from it.
dyke brown. bugadière, /. soap vat.
brun-acajou, a. mahogany-brown. buglosse, /. (Bot.) bugloss (Anchusa),
brunâtre, a. brownish. esp. A. italica (in English A. officinaUs is
brune, a. fem. of brun. /. dusk. the one most often referred to).
buis 60 buvette
buis, m. (Bot.) box, boxwood, box tree. burinage, m. engraving, graving; chiseling,
buisson, m. bush; thioket. chipping, cutting; specif. (Métal.) cutting
bulbaire, o. bulbar. out of cracks from ingots.
bulbe, m. & f. bulb. •— o atmosphère, gas- buriner, v.t. engrave, etc. (see burinage).
filled bulb. — de colchique, — de safran buse, /. nozzle (as of a blowpipe or bel-
bâtard, (Pharm.) colchicum corm. — de lows); blast pipe (of a f urnace) ; twyer;
scille, (Pharm.') squill, scilla. pipe, ventilating pipe ; channel ; buzzard.
bulbeux, a. bulbous, bulbose. — de soufflet, blast pipe.
Bull, assoc. chim. suer, dist., abbrev. buselure, /. nozzle; bushing.
Bulletin de l'Association des Chimistes de busette, /. (small) nozzle, blast pipe.
Sucrerie et de Distillerie. bussent, imp. S pi. subj. of boire.
bulle, /. bubble; blister, bleb, vesicle; drop- busserole, /. (Bot.) red bearberry (Arcto-
let, drop; bulla; bull (edict). staphylos uva-ursi).
bulletin, m. bulletin, report, notice ; ticket ; but, m. object, purpose, aim, end, goal;
receipt; certificate. — d'analyse, analytical butt. p. def. 3 sing. (of boire) drank, etc.
report or certificate. — d'essai, assay re- de — en blanc, point-blank.
port, report of analysis. buté, p.o. fixed, determined; butted.
bulleux, a. vesicular, blistery, bubbly. butée, /. fixed pièce, lug, stop, shoulder,
Bull. sci. pharmacol., abbrev. Bulletin des support; abutaient; striking, tapping;
Sciences pharmacologiques. push, thrust.
Bull. soc. chim. France, abbrev. Bulletin buter, v.i. aim (at) ; hit the mark. v.t.
de la Société chimique de France. butt ; oppose ; buttress.
Bull. soc. encour. ind. natl., abbrev. Bul- butine, /. butyne; butin.
letin de la Société d'Encouragement pour butoir, m. (Mach.) = buttoir.
l'Industrie nationale. butoside, m. butin.
bullule, /. small bubble or blister. butte, /. small hill, hillock; prop.
bureau, m. office; table, desk, counter; buttoir, butteur, m. (Mach.) stop, buffer,
bureau; officers of an organization. — de catch, projection, stud, tappet, driver, dog.
renseignement, information office or desk; butyle, m. butyl.
intelligence division. butylénique, a. butylène, of butylène.
burent, p. def. 8 pi. (of boire) drank, etc. butylique, o. butyl.
burette, /. buret(te); oruet; (Mach.) oil butyracé, o. butyraceous.
can, oiler. — à gaz, gas burette. — à butyreux, ceous.
o. of butter, buttery, butyra-
huile, oil can, oiler. — anglaise, Bink's butyrine,
burette (having the bottom closed and butyrique,/.o.butyrin. butyric.
the tip branching off just below the top). butyroamylique, a. In the phrase éther
— à pince, burette with pinchcock (Mohr butyroamylique, amyl butyrate.
burette). — à robinet, burette with stop- butyromètre, m. butyrometer.
cock (Geissler burette). — de Mohr, Mohr buvable, a. drinkable, fit to drink.
burette (pinchcock burette). buvant, p. pr. (of boire) drinking, etc.
burgaudine, /. mother-of-pearL buvard, o. (of paper) blotting, bibulous, ab-
burgos, m. (Ceram.) a kind of gold luster. sorbent, "m. blotter, blotting paper.
burin, m. chisel; burin, graver. buvette, /. bottle rack; liquor shop.
c , abbrev. (centimètre) centimeter. cachouter, v.t. dye or treat with catechu.
c% ç', abbrev. of ce. cacodyle, m. cacodyl.
ÇA., c.a., abbrev. (coefficient d'abaisse- cacodylique, a. cacodyïic.
ment) coefficient of (freezing-point) lower- cacothéline, /. cacotheline.
ing; (courant alternatif) alternating current. cactacée, cactée, /. cactus (any plant of
ça, pron. Abbreviated form of cela. the family Cactaceae).
çà, adv. hère. cactier, cactus, m. cactus (plant of the
caballin, a. caballine. genus Cactus).
cabaret, m. (Bot.) Asarum (see asaret). c.-à-d., abbrev. (c'est-à-dire) that is to say,
cabestan, m. capstan, winch. that is, i.e.
cabine, /. cabin; booth, room, shed, hut. cadavérine, /. cadaverine.
cabinet, m. cabinet ; closet ; study ; office ; cadavérique, a. cadaveric.
business. — d'aisance, privy. — noir, cadavre, m. cadaver, corpse.
(Photog.) dark room. cade, m. (Bot.) cade (Juniperus oxycedrus).
câblage, m. cabling, twisting; wiring. cadeau, m. présent, gift.
câble, m. cable, rope, cord. — de transmis- cadenas, m. padlock.
sion, power cable. — double, (Elec.) two- cadence, /. cadence, rhythm; rate, à la —
wire cable. — métallique, wire cable, wire de, at the rate of. en —, in cadence; at
rope. — sous-marin, submarine cable. the same time.
câbler, v.t. cable, twist, lay up; wire. cadet, a. younger, youngest, junior. m.
cabochon, m. (Jewelry) cabochon. younger brother, younger son, junior ;
cabosse, n. cacao pod. cadet.
cabrillon, m. goat's-milk cheese. cadette, /. hewn paving stone ; younger
cabron, m. kid skin; burnishing tool. daughter (or sister).
cacao, m. cacao ; cocoa. — soluble, soluble cadetter, v.t. pave with hewn stones.
cocoa. cadier, m. cade (Juniperus oxycedru»),
cacaotier, -tière. = cacaoyer, -yère. Cadix, n. Cadiz.
cacaoyer, m. cacao tree (Theobroma cacao). cadmiage, m. cadmium plating.
cacaoyère, /. cacao plantation. cadmie, /. cadmia.
cachalot, m. sperm whale, cachalot. cadmié, p.a. cadmium-coated.
car h a tin, m. Smyrna gum-lac. cadmifère, a. cadmiferous.
cache, m. mask, screen, cover. cadmique, a. of or containing cadmium,
caché, p.a. bidden, unseen, secret. cadmie.
cachemire, m. cashmere. cadmium-méthyle, m. dimethyleadmium.
Cachemire, n. Kashmir, Cashmere. cadrage, m. framing.
cacher, v.t. hide, conceal, secrète, screen. cadran, m. dial, face; (Mach.) index plate.
cachet, m. seal; stamp; ticket; (Pharm.) — d'accord, tuning dial. — indicateur,
cachet. — de pain, (Pharm.) cachet (wafer indicating dial.
of unleavened bread). — en caoutchouc, cadre, m. frame; border; framework; out-
rubber stamp. line, plan, arrangement ; compass, limite ;
cacheter, v.t. seal. (Mil.) skeleton organization ; (Radio) an-
cacheteur, m. sealer. a. sealing. tenna, loop. — de travail, sphère of opér-
cachexie, /. (Med.) cachexia. ation,
cachibou, m. cachibou (resin). cadrer, v.i. agrée, tally, harmonize, suit.
cachon, m. (Glass) a box in which blow- v.t. frame.
pipes are kept. caduc, a. decaying, falling, declining; null,
cachou, m. catechu. — clair, gambir, pale void ; (Bot.) caducous.
catechu. — de Laval, (Dyes) cachou de caesium, 771. césium, csesium.
Laval. café, m. coffee. — au lait, coffee and milk.
cachoutannique, a. catechutannic. • or the light brown color of this. — de
café 62 calcinure
grains, cereal coffee. — de Moka, Mocha — à eau, water tank. — à feu, fire box. —
coffee. — du Soudan, kola nuts. — en à outils, tool chest, tool box. — de cé-
grains, whoîe coffee. — en poudre, ground mentation, cémentation box. — de ré-
coffee. — torréfié, roasted coffee. — vert, sistance, (Elec.) résistance box. — de
green. coffee, unroasted coffee. sûreté, safe. — en fonte, cast-iron box
caféier, m. coffee tree. or tank. — enregistreuse, cash register.
caféière, /. coffee plantation. cajeput, cajeputier, m. (Bot.) cajuput,
caféine, /. caffeine. cajeput.
caféique, a. caffeic. cal, m. callosity, callus.
caféone, /. caffeone. calage, m. leveling, etc. (see caler).
cafétannique, a. caffetannic. calambac, calambart, calambour, m.
caffût, m. scrap iron, old iron. Agalloch wood.
cafier, m. coffee tree. calament, m. (Bot.) calamint.
cafique, a. caffeic. calaminaire, a. In the phrase pierre ca~
cage, /. case, casing, housing, cabinet ; laminaire* lapis calaminaris, calamine.
frame, framework ; cage. calamine, /. (Min.) calamine. — de four-
cahier, m. blank book, record book, note- neau, tutty. — électrique, siliceoua cala-
book, account book, etc. ; (Printing) folded mine.
sheet, signature; spécifications. — d'ana- calamité, /. calamity.
lyse, analytical notebook. — de charges, calamiteux, a. calamitous.
spécifications. calandrage, m. calendering.
cahot, m. joltT jolting; shoek; obstacle. calandre, /. calender ; (Sugar) the upper
cahoter, v.t. & i. jolt. division of one of the cylindrical units of
caïeu, m. (Bot.) offset bulb; (of garlic) a multiple-effect evaporator. — au mouillé,
clove. wet calender.
caillage, m. coagulation, curdling, clotting. calandrer, v.t. calender,
caille, /. quail. calandreur, m. calenderer.
caillé, p.a. coagulated, curdled, clotted. m. calant, p.a. leveling, etc. (see caler).
curd, curds, coagulated part of milk. calcaire, a. calcareous, of or containing
caille au, m. red sage (Lantana camara). lime. m. limestone ; (in a boiler) lime,
caillebottage, m. curdling, clotting. scale. — carbonifère, Carboniferous lime-
caille botte, /. curdled milk; curd, curds. stone. — coquillier, ahell limestone. —
caillebotté, p.a. curdled, clotted; curdy. fétide, stinkstone, bituminous limestone.
caillebotter, v.t. & r. curdle, clôt. — hydraulique, hydraulic limestone. —
caille-lait, m. (Bot.) cheese rennet, bed- lent, dolomite.
straw (Galium, esp. yellow bedstraw, G. calcarelle, /. a kind of kiln for extracting
verum, called also caille-lait jaune). sulfur.
caillement, m. coagulation, curdling, clot- calcareux, a. calcareous.
ting. calcarifère, a. calciferous.
cailler, v.t. & i. coagulate, curdle, clôt. calcarone, m. calcarone (large sulfur kiln).
caillette, /. rennet ; fourth stomach of ru- calcédoine, /. chalcedony.
minants, abomasum. calcédonieux, a. chalcedonic.
caillot, m. coagulum, curd, clôt. calcifère, a. calciferous.
caillou, m. small stone, pebble; boulder; calcilithe, /. compact limestone.
flint, flint stone. — roulé, rolled pebble. calcimètre, m. calcimeter.
cailloutage, m. (Ceram. ) flintware ; pebble calcin, m. (Glass) cullet; boiler scale; hard
work ; ballasting ; macadamizing. pan.
cailloute, /. (Med.) chalicosis, silicosis. calcinage, m., calcination, /. calcining,
caillouteux, a. pebbly; fiinty; gravelly. calcination, roasting, (of lime) burning.
cailloutis, m. road métal, macadam. calcine, /. calcine (calcined product) ;
cailloux, pi. of caillou. (Enameling) a powder containing lead and
caïnça, /. (Pharm.) cahinca root, cahinca. tin oxides (lead stannate) in varying pro-
caire, m. coir (coconut fiber). portions; (Soda) the strongly heated sec-
caisse, /. case, box, chest; (for liquids) tank, ond hearth of a furnace for converting
tub, barrel; shell (of a drum or pulley) ; sodium chloride into sodium sulfate.
body (as of a car); drum; safe; cashier's calciner, v.t. calcine, roast, (of lime) burn.
office; cash; fund. — à claire-voie, crate. calcinure, n. (Glass) minute surface crack.
calcique 63 camion
calcique, a. of or containing calcium or air heater. — à eau, hot-water heater. —
lime ; as, chlorure calcique, calcium chlo- à vapeur, steam heater.
ride. calorifiant, o. calorific, heating.
calcul, m. calculus ; caleulation ; arithmetic. calorifique, a. calorific, heating, of heat.
— biliaire, biliary calculus, gallstone. — calorifuge, a. heat-insulating. m, heat in-
urinaire, urinary (or vesical) calculus. — sulation, heat insulator.
différentiel, differential calculua. calorifugeage, m, heat insulation.
calculant, p.a. calculating. calorifuger, v.t. insulate against heat.
calculateur, m. calculator. o. calculating. calorimètre, m. calorimeter.
calculatoire, a. calculatory, calculating. calorimétrie, /. calorimetry.
calculer, v.t. & i. calculate. v.r. be calcu- calorimétrique, a. calorimetric(al).
lated. calorique, m. heat ; (formerly) calorie.
calculeux, a. (Med.) calculous, calculary. calorisateur, m, (Sugar) calorisator.
cale, /. (a pièce to level, steady or support caloriser, v.t. calorize.
an object), chock, block, wedge, key, quoin, caloriseur, m. calorizer.
prop ; hoki (of a ship) ; cove. calot, m. block, wedge. Cf. cale.
calé, p.a. leveled, etc. (see caler). calotte, /. calotte, skulï cap ; hence, any-
calebasse, /. calabash. thing of similar shape: cap, calotte, cap-
caleçon, m. (pair of) drawers. ping, knob, head, cup, hood, segment of a
calédonien, a. Caledonian, Scotch ; of or sphère (esp. one less than a hémisphère),
pertaining to New Caledonia (as, minerais cupola or its roof or lining, end of a win-
calédoniens). dowglass cylinder opposite the blowpipe,
calendrier, m. calendar. case of a watch, (Anat.) brain cap.
calepin, m. mémorandum book, notebook. calquage, m. tracing, copying; blueprinting.
caler, v.t. level, set, adjust, support, chock, calque, m. tracing, copy. a. tracing, copy-
prop, wedge, key; lower (a sail); (of a ing. — bleu, blueprint.
boat) draw. v.i. jam, stick. calquer, v.t. trace, copy (by tracing). —
calîas, m. calking, oakum. sur, copy after.
calfatage, m. calking, caulking. calquoir, m. tracing point.
calfater, v.t. calk, caulk. calus, m. callosity; callus.
calfeutrer, v.t. stop up the chinks of, make calvitie, /. baldness, calvities.
tight, close, stuff, pack. camaïeu, m. = camée.
calibrage, m. calibration, gaging. camarade, m. comrade, mate, fellow.
calibre, in. caliber; calîper, gage; template; Cambodge, m. Cambodia.
mold; model, pattern (of a molding); man- cambouis, m. oïl or grease blaekened by use
drel. — à coulisse, slidîng caliper. — à fils in machinery, coorn, coomb ; grease for
métalliques, wire gage. — à vis, microraeter polishing, lubricating, or the like.
caliper. — étalon, standard gage. cambre, m. camber, convexity.
calibrer, v.t. calibrate, gage, measure, size. cambré, p.a, cambered, curved, bowed.
calice, m. cup; chalice; (Bot.) calyx. cambrement, m. cambering, curving.
caliche, /. (Min.) caliche. cambrer, v.t. camber, bend, curve, bow,
calicot, m. calico. warp.
californien, a. Californian. cambrien, a. (Geol.) Cambrian.
califourchon, m. hobby; hobbyhorse. o —, cambrure, /. camber, cambering, curvature.
astride, astraddle. came, /. cam, wiper, lifter, tappet; cog.
câlin, m. câlin (alloy for tea canisters). camée, m. cameo; (Painting) camaïeu.
calleux, a, callous, indurated, horny. caméléon, m. chameleon. — minéral, cha-
callosité, /. callosity. meleon minerai. — violet, potassium, per-
calmant, p.a. calming, soothing ; (Med.) manganate.
calmative, sédative, m. (Med.) calmative, caméléonage, m. changing in color.
sédative. caméline, /. wild flax, gold -of -pleaaure
calme, a. & m. calm. (Camelina sativa).
calmer, v.t. ealm, soothe, quiet, v.r. be- camelle, /. (Sait) a heap of sea sait.
come calm; abate. camelote, /. inferior goods.
calorifère, m. heater, heating apparatus, camelotier, m. poor paper.
heating furnace, heating stove. a. convey- camion, m. truck, dray, lorry, camion; sub-
ing heat ; (of pipes) hot-air, hot-water, liming dish. — à citerne, tank truck, tank
steam (as the case may be). — à air, hot- lorry.
camion-citerne 64 cannaie
camion-citerne, m. tank truek, tank lorry. can, m. edge.
camionnage, m. truckage, drayage, cartage. canadien, o. Canadian.
camionner, v.t. transport by truck or dray. canaigre, /. canaigre (Rumex hymenosepa-
camomille, /. camomile, chamomile. — lus).
commune, = camomille ordinaire. — d'Al- canal, m. canal; pipe, tube, conduit; chan-
lemagne, German camomile (Matricaria nel ; flue ; drain ; sluice ; groove ; fluting ;
chamomillà). — de Perse, Persian insect bed (of a river). — d'aérage, ventilating
powder. — des champs, dog's fennel, may- flue or channel. — d'amenée, inlet pipe or
weed (Anthémis cotula). — ordinaire, wild tube, inflow channel. — d'amorce, deto-
camomile (Matricaria species, esp. chamo- nator hole, — de coulée, (Founding) run-
millà). — puante, stinking camomile, ner, gâte, sprue. — de fuite, efflux pipe or
mayweed (Anthémis cotula). — pyrèthre, tube, waste pipe, waste channel, tailrace,
pellitory (Anacyclus pyrethrum). — ro- — rêsinifère, resin duct.
maine, Roman camomile (Anthémis no- canalisation, /. piping, etc. (see canaliser) ;
bilis). System of pipes or tubes; pipe line; con-
Camoufler, v.t. camouflage, disguise. nection, connections (as for steam or gas) ;
camourlot, m. cernent for filling the joints sewerage ; (Elec.) wiring, esp. conduit
between flagstones. work ; (Mach.) manifold. — de lumière,
campagne, /. campaign (e.g., in metal- electric light wiring. — d'essence, gasoline
lurgy) ; season ; country ; field ; voyage ; (petrol) pipe line.
countryseat. en —, in opération; in the canaliser, v.t. pipe (gas, etc.); unité, con-
field. nect ; centralize ; canalize ; (Elec.) wire.
campane, /. (Soa-p) boiler. canal-sécheur, -séchoir, m. tunnel drier.
campanien, a. Campanian. canamelle. /. sugar cane.
campêche, m. logwood, campeachy wood. canard, m. duck (specif., drake) ; hoax;
camphérol, m. camphorol (hydroxycam- (Mining) air passage; (Pyro.) water rocket.
phor). canarine, /. (Dyes) canarin.
camphine, /. eamphine. canaux, pi. of canal.
camphocarbonique, a. camphocarboxylic. cancéreux, a. cancerous.
camphoglycuronique, a. camphoglucuronic, cancérigène, a. cancerigenic.
camphoglycuronic. cancre, m. crab.
camphol, m. camphol (borneol). candéfaction, /. heating to incandescence.
campholique, a. campholic. alcool —, candélabre, m. chandelier, branched fix-
borneol. ture ; candelabrum.
camphored, n. a low, wide-mouthed bottle. candi, p.a. candied; candy. m. candy, esp.
camphorifère, o. producing camphor. rock candy ; candied fruit.
camphorique, a. camphoric. candidat, m, candidate.
camphoroïde, a. resembling camphor. candir, v.i. & r. candy, become candied.
camphoronique, a. camphoronic. candiserie, /. candy (esp. rock candy)
camphoryle, m. (from camphor) cam- manufacture.
phoryl; (from camphoric'acid) camphoroyl. cane, /. (female) duck; = canne.
camphre, m. camphor. — anisique, fen- canéfice, /. cassia.
chone. — artificiel, synthetic camphor. — canéficier, rn. cassia tree, cassia plant.
de matricaire, Matricaria camphor (l-cam- canepin, m. fine lambskin or goatskin, cane-
phor). — de menthe, mint camphor
(menthol). — de persil, parsley camphor pin.
(apiole). — de thym, thymol. — droit, canette, /. duckling; bottle; (Expl.) match,
dextro-camphor, d-camphor. — du Japon, fuse; (Weaving) cop. — de tonneau, bar-
Japan camphor, ordinary camphor. — rel (OT cask) cock.
monobromé, bromocamphor, (Pharm.) canetterie, /. (Brewing) bottling plant ;
monobromated camphor. bottle-rinsing plant.
camphré, a. camphorated; camphoraceous. canevas, m. canvas ; outline, skeleton, sur-
camphre-imine, /. camphorimine (2-cam- vey.
phanimine). canif, m. penknife.
camphre-poudre, m. camphorated powder. canin, a. canine.
camphrer, v.t. camphorate. caniveau, m. gutter, channel, conduit,
camphrier, m. camphor tree (Cmnamomum drain, sewer.
camphora). cannaie, /• cane field ; canebrake.
canne 65 capronique
canne, /. cane; rod; (Glass) blowpipe. — matique, pneumatic tire. — régénéré, re-
à sucre, sugar cane. claimed rubber. — sulfuré, — vulcanisé,
cannelage, m. channeling, grooving, corru- vulcanized rubber.
gation. caoutchouc-éponge, m. rubber sponge,
cannelé, p.a. channeled, grooved, fluted, spongy rubber.
ribbed. caoutchouc-mousse, m. foam rubber.
canneler, v.t. channel, groove, flûte. caoutchoutage, m. treating with rubber,
cannelier, m. cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum). rubberizing.
cannelle, /. cinnamon ; faucet, tap ; groove, caoutchouter, v.t. treat with rubber, rub-
channel. — de Ceylan, Ceylon cinnamon. berize.
— de Magellan, (Pharm.) Winter's bark. caoutchouteux, a. rubbery.
— de Saigon, Saigon cinnamon. — giroflée, caoutchoutier, m. rubber plant; rubber
clove bark. worker.
cannelle, a. cinnamon-colored. caoutchoutifère, a. producing rubber.
cannelure, /. groove ; channel, fluting. cap, m. cape; head; direction, course. —
cannette, /. = canette ; = cannelle. de Bonne-Espérance, Cape of Good Hope.
cannizzariser, v.t. subject to the Canniz- capablement, adv. capably, ably.
zaro reaction. capacité, /. capacity; expert. — cube,
canon, m. cannon, gun; (collectively) guns, cubic contents.
artillery; cylindrical part or object, as the capacitif, a. (Elec.) capacitive.
barrel of a rifle or a syringe, the nozzle or capeique, n. capsicum.
pipe of a bellows, a roll or stick of sulfur, capillaire, a. capillary. m. capillary, capil-
a réel for yarn, a cylindrical jar, or an lary tube ; maidenhair fern, capillaire,
earthenware pipe for conducting molten capillarité, /. capillarity.
métal; (Zinc) a crucible of oval section; capitaine, m. captain.
canon. — antichar, antitank gun. — de capital, a. capital, m. capital; chief thing.
campagne, fleld gun. — de fusil, gun bar- — d'établissement, fixed capital. — social,
rel, rifle barrel. — en verre, glass tube. capital of a firm or Company, social capi-
— rayé, rifled gun, rifle ; rifled barrel. tal.
canonique, a. canonical. capital-action(s), m. capital stock.
canot, m. small boat, launch; canoë. capitale, /. capital (either city or letter).
cantal, m. a kind of Auvergne cheese. capitalement, adv. capitally; essentially;
cantharide, /. cantharis, Spanish fly, absolutely.
(Pharm.) cantharides. a. irridescent like capitaliser, v.t. capitalize.
the cantharis. capitaliste, m. capitalisé
cantharider, v.t. cantharidate. capital-obligations, m. liabilities.
cantharidlne, /. cantharidin. capitel, m. (Soap) a lye of ashes and lime.
cantharidique, a. cantharidic. capiteux, a. (of liquors) heady, intoxicat-
cantine, /. chest, box, case; canteen. ing.
canton, m. canton (in France, subdivision capiton, m. flock silk.
of an arrondissement), district; section. capituler, v.i. capitulate.
canule, /. small tube or pipe, (Med.) can- capnofuge, a. smoke-preventing.
nula; spout, nozzle. capoc, m. kapok.
caolln, m. kaolin. caporal, m. corporal.
caoutchouc, m. rubber, caoutchouc; (rub- capot, m. cover, hood, cowl; (welder's)
ber) tire. — à eau (or à raccord), rub- mask.
ber tubing made from eut sheet. — à vide, capote, /. top, cover, hood.
rubber vacuum tubing. — brut, crude rub- câpre, /. (Bot.) caper.
ber, raw rubber. — creux, single-tube capricieux, a. capricious.
tire. — cuir, imitation leather made from câprier, m. caper plant (Capparis).
rubberized cloth. — des huiles, a rubber caprin, o. caprine, of or pertaining to a
substitute made from certain oils, factice. goat.
— de synthèse, synthetic rubber. — dilaté, caprinate, m. caprate, decanoate.
fine-cut sheet rubber. — durci, hard rub- caprinique, a. capric, decanoic.
ber. — en feuilles, — en plaques, sheet caprique, a. capric, decanoic (acid); decyl
rubber. — factice, artificiel rubber, factice. (alcohol).
— mélangé, mixed rubber. — minéral, caproique, capronique, o. oaproic, hex»-
minerai rubber (elastic bitumen). — pneu- noic (acid); hexyl (alcohol).
caproyle 66 carbonate
caproyle, m. caproyl, hexanoyl. carafe, /. wash bottle, washing bottle;
capryle, m, decanoyl; (sometimes) octyl. carafe, décanter.
caprylique, a. caprylic, octanoic (acid) ; caragne, /. caranna (a gum resin).
octyl (alcohol). Caramanie, /. Karamania, (modem) Konya.
caprylyle, m. capryloyl (octaaoyl). caramélane, m. caramelan.
capsaïcine, /. capsaicin. caramélène, m. caramelen.
capsique, m. capsicum, cayenne pepper. caraméline, /. caramelin.
capsulage» m. capping (as of bottles). caramélique, a. pertaining to, or of the
capsulaire, a. capsular. nature of, caramel.
capsulateur, m. capper (as of bottles). caraméliser, v.t. & r. caramelize, turn into
capsule, /. an evaporating dish or dish of caramel; treat or mix with caramel.
similar shape, even when large; small dish carat, m. carat; small diamond.
or cup, capsule; capsule (in other sensés); caraté, m., carate, /. (Med.) pinta.
cap ; pod ; (Explosives) cap, primer, carature, /. gold alloy; alloying (of gold).
detonator ; (Mach.) ring gage. — à — blanche, alloying of gold with silver, or
trous, perforated dish, strainer, colander. the alloy so produced. — rouge, alloy-
— avec manche, dish with handle, (in ing of gold with copper or the alloy so
some cases) casserole. — conique, a dish produced.
having the form of an inverted frustum carbaminique, a. reïating to A^-acylamines.
of a cône. — d'évaporâtion, — évaporatoire,carbamique, a. carbamic.
evaporating dish. — en porcelaine, porce- carbanile, n. carbanil, phenyl isocyanate.
lain dish. — fulminante, fulminating cap, carbazol, m. carbazole.
percussion cap. — médicamenteuse, médic- carbazotique, a. carbazotic (picric).
inal capsule. — surrénale, suprarenal cap- Carbimide, /. carbimide, carbonimide (iso-
sule. cyanic acid).
capsuler, v.t. enclose in a capsule. carbinol, m. carbinol (used in one System
captage, m. conducting of water (as by of naming alcohols; = methanol).
piping). Carbinolique, a. carbinol, pertaining to, or
captation, /. catching, collecting, collection. of the nature of, a carbinol.
capter, v.t. catch, collect, capture, make carbo-azoté, a. containing carbon and ni-
available ; conduct (water) to the place trogen.
of use; captivate. carbocyclique, o. carbocyclic.
captif, a. captive, m. captive, prisoner. carboéthoxy, a. carbethoxy (ethoxycar-
captiver, v.t. captivate; subdue; confine. bonyl).
capuchon, m. cap (as for a bottle or a test carbogène, m. a powder dissolving in water
tube) ; cover ; hood ; (gas) mantle. with effervescence to form a carbonated
capuchonné, a. capped, hooded. drink.
capucine, /. nasturtium; band (of a fire- carboglace, /. solid carbon dioxide. T.N.
arm). carbolique, a. carbolic.
capuline, /. a black fabric made of wool, carbomètre, m. an apparatus for deter-
goat's hair and horsehair, used in the mining carbon dioxide.
purification of fatty acids by expression. carbonatage, m. carbonation.
caput-mortuum, m. (Old Chem.) caput carbonatation, /. carbonation, carbonata-
mortuum. tion.
caquage, m. barreling. carbonate, m. carbonate. — d'ammoniaque,
caque, /. a kind of barrel. carbonate of ammonia, ammonium car-
caquer, v.t. barre!. bonate. — de chaux, carbonate of lime,
car, conj. for, because, as, inasmuch as. calcium carbonate. — de fer, iron car-
caraba, m. cashew mit oil, cardol. bonate. — de lithine, lithium carbonate.
carabe, m. a variety of amber. — de magnésie, magnésium carbonate. —
caracoli, m. caracoli, caracoly (an alloy). de plomb, lead carbonate. — de potasse,
caractère, m. character; characteristic ; fea- carbonate of potash, potassium carbonate.
ture ; (Printing) type. — d'imprimerie, — de soude, carbonate of soda, sodium car-
type. bonate. — de soude potassé, potassium
caractérisant, p.a. characterizing, -teristic. sodium carbonate. — de strontiane, stron-
caractériser, v.t. characterize ; distinguish. tium carbonate. — lithique, lithium car-
caractéristique, a. & /. characteristic. bonate. — niccolique, nickel carbonate.
caracul, n. karakul (sheep and fur). carbonate, p.a. carbonated.
carbonater 67 cardoniome
carbonater, v.t. carbonate, v.r. become carburant, p.a. carburet(t)ing. m. carburet-
carbonated. ant; fuel (for explosion engines). — pour
carbonateur, m. carbonator; (Sugar) car- moteur, motor fuel.
bonation (or carbonatation) man. carburateur, m. carburet(t)or. a. car-
carbone, m. carbon. — combiné, combined buret(t)ing.
carbon. — de bois, wood charcoal. — de carburation, /. carburization, carburation.
recuit, annealing carbon. — de t rempe, carbure, m. carbide ; specif., hydrocarbon.
temper carbon. — du charbon, carbon of — acétylénique, acétylène hydrocarbon. —
coal. — fixe, fixed carbon. — graphitique, allénique, aliène hydrocarbon. — à noyau
grapbitic carbon. fermé, cyclic hydrocarbon. — aromatique,
carboné, a. of, pertaining to or containing aromatic hydrocarbon. — de fer, iron car-
carbon, carbonaceous ; carburetted. bide. — d'hydrogène, hydrogen carbide,
carbone ux, a. carbonous ; (Old Chem.) hydrocarbon. — diéthyUnique, diethylenic
oxalic. hydrocarbon. — ditérébénique, diterpene.
carbonication, /. displacement of air by — éthylénique, ethylene hydrocarbon. —
carbon dioxide in wine casks, etc. métallique, metallic carbide. — monotérê-
carbonide, m. carbide ; anthracite ; any béniqtie, terpene proper (CioHie). —
member of the carbon family of éléments. polytérébénique (or multitérébéniqué), poly-
a. resembling carbon. terpene. — saturé, saturated hydrocarbon.
carbonifère, carboniférien, a. carbonifer- — sesquitérébénique, sesquiterpene. —•
ous ; (Geol.) Carboniferous. têrébénique, terpene.
carbonimètre, m. carbonimeter (a buret for carburé, p.a. carburized ; carburet(t)ed ;
determining carbon dioxide). containing carbon.
carbonimide, /. = carbimide. carburer, v.t. carburize; carburet.
carbonique, a. carbonic; (Org. Chem., esp. carburet, m. carburet (old term for carbide).
in combination) carboxylîc. carbylamine, /. carbylamine, (organic) iso-
carbonisage, m. carbonizing, carbonization. cyanide.
carbonisâteur, m. carbonizer ; charcoal kiln carbyle, m. carbyl.
or retort. carcaise, /. annealing kihi for plate glass.
carbonisation, /. carbonization. — de bois, carcas, m. refined cast iron; (Métal.) sala-
charcoal burning. — de la houille, coking mander, bear.
of coal. carcasse, /. skeleton; frame, framework;
carboniser, v.t. carbonize. core (of an atom) ; case (of a torpédo) ;
carboniseuse, /. ( Textiles) an apparatus (Mil.) carcass, incendiary shell; carcass,
for conducting the carbonization process. body.
carbonoïde, m. & a. = carbonide. carcinogène, a. carcinogenic.
carbonométrie, /. carbonometry. carcinomateux, a. (Med.) carcinomatous.
carbonylage, m. treatment of wood with carcinome, m. (Med.) carcinoma.
"carbonyle." cardage, m. carding ; teaseling.
carbonyl-amidé, a. containing both car- cardamome, cardamone, m. cardamom,
bon yl and amidogen or, specif., an acid cardamon.
amide group, CONH2. cardan, /. Cardan joint, Cardan jointing.
carbonyle, m. carbonyl; a tar product used à la —, Cardanic, in the manner or of
for preserving wood. the nature of a Cardan joint.
carbonyle, a. containing carbonyl, carbonyl. carde, /. card, carding machine ; teasel ;
carbopyridique, o. pyridinecarboxylic. chard.
carbostyrile, m. carbostyril, 2-quinolinol. carder, v.t. card (wool, etc.) ; teasel
carbosulfure, m. carbon disulfide. (cloth).
carbosulfureux, a. containing carbon di- cardère, /. (Bot.) teasel (Dipsacus).
carboxyhémoglobine, /. carbonyl hemo- cardiaire, /. (Bot.) motherwort (Leonurus
globin, earbon monoxide hemoglobin. cardiaca). a. of the heart, cardiac.
carboxyle, m. carboxyl. cardialgie, /. (Med.) cardialgia, heartburn.
carboxylique, a. carboxylic. cardiaque, o. <fc m. (Med.) cardiac. /.
carboxylpyrazinique, a. pyrazinecarboxy- = cardiaire.
lic. cardol, m. cardol (cashew nut oil).
Carboxyphénolique, a. phenolcarboxylic cardoniome, m. (Bot.) cardamom, carda-
(designating aromatic hydroxy acids). mum.
carence 68 carton
carence, /. deficiency, lack (as in diet) ; square or rectangular, as an iron bar of
(Law) absence of assets. square cross section, a garden bed, a stair-
carène, /. keel; hull, body. case l&nding, etc. ; (Paper) a size about
cargaison, /. cargo, load, lading; shipping. 45 by 56 cm. (18 by 22 in.), médium, demy.
cargo, m. cargo ship, freighter. — de bouillon, bouillon cube.
caricine, /. caricin (papain). carreau, m. tile; pane (of glass); paving
carie, /. (Med., etc.) caries, decay, rot. brick; floor; ground; square; check,
carié, p.a. carious, decaying, decayed. checker; a coarse file of square cross sec-
carier, v.t. & r. rot, decay. tion ; garden bed ; tailor's goose ; square
carillon, m. rod (of iron) ; chimes ; noise. cushion; (Masonry) stretcher; (Cards)
carinthien, a. Carinthian. diamond; thunderbolt. — de poêle, stove
carkhèse, /. = carcaise. tile. — encaustique, encaustic tile. — en
carline, /. (Bot.) carline thistle (Carlina). ciment, cément slab, cément block. —
carmin, m. & a. carminé. — aluné, (Mi- glacé, vitrified tile.
cros.) alum carminé. — boracique, (Mi- carrelage, m. paving with tile, tiling.
cros.) borax carminé. — de cochenille, carreler, v.t. pave with tile, tile.
carminé (the lake). — d'indigo, (Dyes) carrelet, m. cubical grain (of explosives);
indigo carminé. packing needle; (Zool.) plaice.
carminatU, a. & m. (Méd.) carminative. carrelier, m. tile maker.
carminé, p.a. carminated; carminé-colored. carrément, adv. squarely, square.
carminer, v.t. treat or mix with carminé; carrer, v.t. square.
color carminé. carrière, /. quarry; career; race course;
carminique, a. carminic. arena; course; scope, play.
carmoisi, a. & m. crimson. carrosserie, /. coach (or carriage) building.
carnasse(s), /. & j . pi. waste matcrial from carrossier, m. coach builder, carriage
animais, used in making glue. builder.
carnaubique, a. carnaubic. carroyage, m. checkering, squares.
carne, /. edge; narrow side. carte, /. cardboard; card; map, chart; bill,
carné, a. fiesh-colored; of méat, méat, fiesh. account; bill of fare. — à jouer, playing
carneau, carnau, m. ftue, smoke pipe, vent, card. — couchée, glazed cardboard. — de
(ia a boiier) fire tube. fichier, index card. — de visite, visiting
carnéole, /. (Min.) carnelian. card. — postale, postal card, post card.
carnet, m. notebook, mémorandum book; carte-fiche, /. index card.
account book. — journalier, journal. cartel, m. syndicate, trust ; (Mil.) cartel.
carnine, /. carnine. cartelle, /. veneer; plank.
Carnivore, a. carnivorous. m. pi. Carniv- carter, m. casing, case, housing, box.
ora. cartésien, a. Cartesian.
caroténoïde, a. & m. cârotenoid. carthame, m. safflower (Carthamut tinc-
carotide, o. & f. (Anat.) carotid. torius) ; any plant of the genus Carthamus.
carotinase, /. carotenase. carthamine, /. carthamin.
carotine, /. carotène. carthamique, a. carthamic.
carotinoïde, m. cârotenoid. cartilagineux, a. cartilaginous.
carotte, /. carrot ; core ; twist (of tobacco) ; cartoline, /. a strong paper.
trick, ruse. carton, m. pasteboard, (paper) board; a
carotter, v.t. core. pièce of pasteboard; pasteboard case or
carottine, /. carotène. box, carton; portfolio; cartoon; (Print-
carottinoïde, m. cârotenoid. ing) a double leaf, or four pages. — 6»-
caroube, /. carob bean, carob. tumé (or biturninê), tar board, tar paper.
caroubier, m. carob tree, carob. — blanchi, white-covered board. — Bris-
carouge, /. = caroube. tol, Bristol board. — buvard, absorbent
carpelle, m. (Bot.) carpel. board, thick blotting paper. — collé, =
carpobalsame, m. carpobalsamum. Obs. carton de collage. — comprimé, press-
carquaise, /. = carcaise. board, millboard. — couché, glazed board.
carre, /. thickness ; erown (of a hat) ; baclc
and shoulders ; corner. — couvert, covered pasteboard. — cuir,
carré, p.a. squared; square; perpendicular; leatherboard. — d'amiante, asbestos board.
aquare-built; (Paper) of the size called — de boit, paper board made from wood
carré (see below). m. square; something pulp. — de collage, board made by gluing
carton 69 cassenole
sheets of paper together, pasteboard in the case, /. compartment; case; frame; hut.
proper sensé. — de deuxième moulage, caséeux, a. caseous, cheesy.
board made from old paper. —- de mon- caséification, /. caseation, casefication.
tagne, asbestos board. — de moulage, caséifier, v.t. convert into cheese, casefy.
board made from paper pulp by molding caséiforme, a. like cheese, cheesy.
or pressing into sheets, (in part) mill- caséine, /. easein.
board. — de paille, strawboard, — de caséinerie, /. cheesemaking ; cheese factory.
papier-mâché, — de pâte secondaire, caséinogène, a. casein-producing, m. case-
board made from old paper. — de pa- inogen.
quetage, packing board. — de premier
moulage, board made, like paper, from caséique, a. caseic.
caser, v.t. place; put away; put in order.
original materials. — de tourbe, peat caserette, /., caserel, caseret, m. cheese
board. — en pâte de bois, wood board. mold.
— glacé, glazed board. — goudronné, tar
board. — minéral, asbestos board. — caserne, /. barracks.
ondulé, corrugated board. — porcelaine, casette, /. littïe case ; (Ceram.) sagger,
enameled board. en —, (of books) in seggar.
boards. caséum, m. caseum (paracasein).
casier, m. filing case, set of pigeonholes ;
carton-cuir, m. leatherboard. compartmented case or rack; card index.
cartonnage, m. binding in boards; making casilleux, a. brittle.
of paper-board objects ; paper-board casottes, /. pi. black sait (crude potash or
boxes (collectively). soda from ashes).
cartonné, p.a. bound in boards. caspien, a. Caspian. la Caspienne, the
cartonner, v.t. bind in boards. Caspian Sea.
cartonnerie, /. pasteboard (or paper board) casque, m. helmet; (Bot.) hood, helm.
manufacture ; paper-board factory. casquette, /. cap.
cartonneux, a. resembling pasteboard, stiff. cassable, a. breakable.
carton-paille, m. strawboard. cassage, m. breaking, crushing; breakage.
carton-pâte, m. papier-mâché, paper pulp. cassant, p.a. breaking, etc. (see casser) ;
carton-pierre, m. a hard variety of paper brittle, short ; peremptory. — à chaud,
board containing clay, cément, etc. hot-short, red-short. — à froid, cold-
cartothèque, /. card index, card file. short.
cartouche, /. tnimble, shell (for extrac- cassave, /. cassava.
tions) ; cartridge. m. case; frame, car- casse, /. breaking, breakage ; ladle ; pan,
touche (for a naine, title or the like). — basin, boiler; case (esp. for type); (Bot.,
à blanc, — à poudre, — blanche, — sons Pharm.) cassia ; (Métal.) crucible ; oupel ;
balle, blank cartridge. — à fumée, smoke
cartridge. — éclairante, flashlight car- (Wines) casse; (Geol.) talus. — aroma-
tridge; signal cartridge. —filtrante, filter- tique, cassia bark, Chinese cinnamon
ing shell. (Cinnamomum cassia, etc.). — du Brésil,
cartouche-amorce, /. (Sxpl.) primer. = casse vraie. — en bâtons, cassia pods.
cartoucherie, /. cartridge factory. — en bois, (Pharm. ) cassia bark. —
carvacrol, m. carvacrol. ligneuse, cassia bark. — mondée, cassia
carvi, m. (Bot.) caraway (Carum carui). pulp. — vraie, purging cassia, cassia pods
carvol, m. carvol (old name for carvone). (Cassia fistula).
caryocinèse, /. (Biol.) karyokinesis. cassé, p.a. broken, etc. (see casser); worn
caryophyllées, /. pi. (Bot.) Caryophyl- out, weak; (of wine) affected with casse.
laceae. m. (Paper, pi.) casse paper, cassie paper;
caryophylline, f. caryophyllin. (Candy) crack, snap (stage reached at
cas, m. case; position, state; matter, affair; about 127° C).
occasion; value. — limite, limiting case; casse-coke, m. an instrument for breaking
borderline case, en — que, in case, if. en up large pièces of coke.
tout —, in any case, le — échéant, in casse-diable, m. (Bot.) St.-John's-wort
such a case, if necessary. (Hypericum, esp. H. perforatum).
casamance, n. an African crude rubber. cassement, m. breaking, etc. (see casser).
cascade, /. cascade, en —, in cascade, in casse-noisettes, casse-noix, m. nut-
a (descending) séries. cracker.
cascarille, /. cascarilla. cassenole, /. an inferior kind of gallnut.
casse-pierre 70 cautionnement
casse-pierre, casse-pierres, m. stone cataphorèse, /. cataphoresis.
breaker, stone crusher ; stone hammer ; cataphorétique, a. cataphoretic.
(Bot.) saxifrage. cataplasme, m. cataplasm, poultice.
casse-poitrine, m. fiery liquor. catapuce, /. caper spurge (Euphorbia la-
casser, v.t. break ; crush ; crack (nuts) ; thyris).
annul, cancel, quash. v.i. âc r. break. — catéchine, /. catechol, catechin.
le vide, break (or interrupt) the vacuum. catéchique, a. catechuic, pertaining to
casserie, /. kitchen utensils; place where catechu.
loaf sugar is crushed. catéchu, caté-chu, m. catechu.
cassette, /. earthenware vessel for drying; catégorie, /. category.
little box or case. catégorique, a. categorical.
casseur, m. breaker. a. breaking, crushing. caténaire, a. & f. catenary.
cassiée, /. (Bot.) any member of a tribe cathartine, /. cathartin (cathartic acid).
of csesalpiniaceous plants including the cathartique, a. & m. (Med.) cathartic.
genus Cassia. cathédrale, a. & f. cathedral.
cassier, m. cassia tree, cassia plant; cup- cathérétique, a. & m. (Med.) catheretic.
board. cathète, /. (Geom.) cathetus, perpendicular.
cassis, m. cassis, black currant (Ribes ni- cathétomètre, m. cathetometer.
grum) or a liqueur made from it. cathion, m. cation.
casson, m. fragment (as of glass or pottery) ; cathionique, a. cationic.
broken or imperfect sugar loaf ; broken cathodique, a. cathodic, cathode.
cocoa nibs. catholicon, m. (Med.) catholicon, panacea.
cassonade, /. raw or muscovado sugar, cas- cati, p.a. glossed, lustered. m. gloss, luster.
sonade. catir, v.t. gloss, luster (cloth by pressing).
cassure, /. fracture ; break ; (Brewing) catissage, m. glossing, lustering (of cloth).
clearing, clarification. — à éclats, splin- catoptrique, /. catoptrics. a. catoptric(al).
tering fracture. — à fibres, fibrous frac- Caucase, m. Caucasus.
ture. — à froid, cold-shortness. — à grain caucasien, caucasique, o. Caucasien.
(or à grains), granular fracture. — à cauchemar, m. incubus, nightmare.
nerf, fibrous fracture. — conchoïde, con- caucher, m. parchment book for gold leaf.
choidal fracture. — crochue, hackly frac- causant, causatif, a. causative, causîng.
ture. — de bois, woody fracture. — fi- causativement, adv. causatively.
breuse, fibrous fracture. — granulaire, cause, /. cause ; (Law) considération. à —
— grenue, granular fracture. — hachée, de, because of, on account of. à — que,
hackly fracture. — lamelleuse, lamellar because, for the reason that. — d'erreur,,
fracture. — métallique, metallic fracture. cause of error, source of error.
— nette, clean break. — résineuse, resinous causé, p.a. caused ; (Law) for value re-
fracture. — terreuse, earthy fracture. — ceived.
vitreuse, vitreous fracture. causer, v.t. cause, v.i. talk, chat.
castillan, a. Castilian. causticité, /. causticity.
castine, /. (Métal.) limestone, used as a flux. caustificateur, m. causticizer.
castonade, /. = cassonade. caustification, /. causticization.
castorine, /. castorin. caustifier, v.t. causticize, render caustic.
casuel, a. casual, incidental. caustique, a. & m. caustic. /. caustic
cataire, /. catnip (Nepeta cataria). a. curve, caustic. — au chlorure de zinc,
purring. (Pharm.) Canquoin's paste. — de Vienne,
catalan, a. Catalan, (less often) Catalonian. (Pharm.) Vienna caustic, Vienna paste.
catalepsie, /. (Med.) catalepsy. caustiquement, adv. caustically.
Catalogne, /. Catalonia. cautère, m. cautery, cauterization ; cautery,
catalogueraient, m. cataloging, cataloguîng. cauterizing agent ; ulcer.
cataloguer, v.t. catalog(ue). cautérisant, p.a. cauterizing. m. cauteriz-
catalpine, /., catalposide, m. catalpin. ing agent, cauterant.
catalyse, /. catalysis. cautérisation, /. cauterization.
catalyser, v.t. catalyze, catalyse. cautériser, v.t. cauterize.
catalyseur, m. catalyzer, catalyst. caution, /. security, surety, guarantee, bail.
catalyte, /. catalyst, catalyzer. cautionné, p.a. guaranteed, warranted ;
catalytique, o. catalytic. bailed.
catalytïquement, adv. catalytically. cautionnement, m. security, deposit, bail.
cautionner 71 celui-ci
cautionner, v.t. guarantee ; give security cédron, m. (Bot.) cedron (Simaba cedron).
for. ceignant, p. pr. (of ceindre) surrounding.
cavalerie, /. cavalry. ceignit, p. def. S sing. (of ceindre) sur-
cavalier, m. rider (as of a balance); staple; round éd.
horseman; cavalier; (Paper) a size corre- ceindre, v.t. surround, gird. v.r. put on.
sponding to printing demy (about 17^ by ceint, p.a. surrounded, inclosed, encircled.
22^ in.)- — curseur, sliding rider, ad- pr. 3 sing. (of ceindre) surrounds.
justable rider. ceinture, /. belt, band, girdle; bundle.
cave, /. cellar; pit. a. hollow, concave. — cela, pron. that; that peraon, he, she, him,
de garde, storage cellar. her, they, them. à — près, with that ex-
caveau, m. small cellar, vault. — à glace, ception; for ail that.
ice box. céladon, m, & a. pale green.
caver, v.t. hollow, hollow out, excavate ; célèbre, a. celebrated, renowned.
dig, mine, undermine ; stake, bet. celer, v.t. conceal, hide.
caverne, /. cave, cavern; cavity. céleri, m. celery.
caverneux, o. cavernous, hollow. célérité, /. celerity, swiftness.
cavité, /. cavity, hollow. céleste, a. celestial; heavenly. bleu —, sky
cayenne, /. a crude rubber from Guiana. blue, azuré.
cazette, /. (Ceram. ) sagger, seggar. célestine, /. (Min.) celestite, celestine.
c e , abbrev. (centimètres cubes) cubic centi- célibataire, a. single, orîd.
meters; (courant continu) continuous cur- celle, pron. she, her, one, the one, that.
rent, celle-ci, pron. this, this one, she, her; the
c. de g., abbrev. (centre de gravité) center latter, the last.
of gravity. celle-là, pron. that, that one, she, her; the
Ce., abbrev. (Compagnie) Company, Co. former, the first.
ce, a. this; that. pron. this, that, he, she, celles, pron. they, them, those. (fem. of
it. (For the pi. see ces.) à — que, from ceux).
what, according to what ; by the fact celles-ci, pron. they, them, thèse; the lat-
that ; that, in order that. ter, the last.
ce, n. (Bot.) shea, shea tree. celles-là, pron. they, them, those; the for-
céanothe, céanote, m. (Bot.) Ceanothus; mer, the first.
specif., (Pharm. ) New Jersey tea (C. cellier, m. a cool place for making wine or
ceci, pron. this. for keeping wine, vegetables, or the like
cécité, /. blindness. — des couleurs, color (distinguished from cave in not being
blindness. underground or vaulted), storeroom.
cédât, m. natural steel. celloïdine, /. celloidin.
céder, v.t. give up, part with; yield, sur- cellulaire, a. cellular.
render ; cède, transf er ; aell. v.i. yield, cellule, /. cell ; cellule, small cell. — à
give in, give way; be inferior. compter, — à fond divisé, counting cham-
Cédrat, m. citron (Citrus medica, specif. ber. — composée, composite cell. — de
the variety genuina, or its fruit). pile, battery cell. — de Thoma, Thoma
cédraterie, /. citron plantation. counting chamber. — pierreuse, (Bot.')
cédratier, m. citron tree. stone cell. — sélénifère, sélénium cell.
cèdre, m. cedar (wood or tree) ; specif., cellule, a. cellular, cellulated.
any tree of the genus Cedrus; citron. — cellule-ouate, /. absorbent cotton.
blanc, white cedar. — de l'Himalaïah, celluleux, a. cellular.
Himalaya cedar, deodar. — des Bermudes, cellulite, /. cellulite; cellulitis.
Bermuda cedar (Juniperus bermudiana), celluloïd, celluloïde, m. celluloïd.
— de Sibérie, Siberian cedar, stone pine cellulose, /. cellulose. — à soude, soda cel-
(Pinus cembra). — de Virginie, red cedar lulose, soda pulp. — sulfaté, sulfate cellu-
(Juniperus virginiana). — du Liban, cedar lose, sulfate pulp. — sulfitique, sulfite
of Lebanoa (Cedrus libani). — rouge, cellulose, sulfite pulp.
red cedar. cellulosique, a. cellulosic, cellulose.
cédrel, m., cédrèle, /. any tree of the celtyle, m. celtyl (= hafnyl, OHf<).
genus Cedrela. celui, pron. he, him, one, the one, that.
cédréléon, m. oil of cedar. celui-ci, pron. this, this one, he, him; the
cédrie, /. cedar resin. latter, the last.
celui-là 72 céphalique
celui-là, pron. that, that one, he, him; the cent., abbrev. centime ; (centième) hun-
former, the first. dredth.
cembre, cembro, m. Swiss pine (Pinus centaine, /. hundred (vaguer than cent).
cembra). centaurée, /. (Bot.) centaury. — améri-
cément, m. cernent, specif. the powder used caine, American centaury (Sabbatia angu-
in cémentation. (Cf. ciment.) laris).
Cémentatoire, a. cementatory ; (Mining) cent, cub., abbrev. (centimètre cube, centi-
cément (aee eau cémentatoire, under eau). mètres cubes), cubic centimeter(s).
cémenter, v.t. (Métal.) subject to cémenta- centenaire, o. centennial, centenary, cen-
tion, cernent, caseharden, face-harden. v.i. tenarian. m. centennial, centenary ; cen-
undergo cémentation. tenarian.
cémenteux, a. of the nature of cernent. centennal, a. centennial.
cendrage, m. (Founding) ashing over of centésimal, a. centésimal; per cent; centi-
molds. grade,
cendraille, /. ashy débris from lime kilns. centiare, m. centiare, centiar (1 sq. meter).
Cendre, /. ash, ashes. — bleue, saunders centième, a. <& m. hundredth. alcool à
blue (either ultramarine ash or a basic 25 centièmes, 25 per cent alcohol. en
copper carbonate). — bleue naturelle (also centièmes, in hundredths, in per cent.
pi.), a blue pigment composed of powdered centilitre, m. centiliter (10 ml.).
azurite. — de bois, wood ashes. — de centime, m. centime (Hoo franc).
coupelle, cupel dust, bone ash. — de centimètre, m. centimeter (0.3937 inch).
houille, ooal ashes. — de plomb, dust shot, — carré, square centimeter. — cube, cubic
very fine shot ; (Métal.) lead ash(es), centimeter.
ïitharge. — d'os, bone ash. — d'outremer, centrage, m. centering.
ultramarine ash. — fixe, permanent ash centrale, /. central establishment or plant.
(one that remains when glowed). cendres — électrique, central electric power station.
de bois, wood ashes. cendres de varech, — hydraulique, hydroelectric power plant.
seaweed ashes, kelp, varec. cendres — thermique, central heating plant.
d'orfèvre, goldsmith's ash, precious-métal centralement, adv. centrally.
residues. cendres folles, n'y ash, nue dust. centralisateur, a. centralizing.
cendres gravelées, a grayish potassium car-centraliser, v.t. centralize.
bonate (pearlash ) made from wine Iees. centration, /. centering.
cendres perlées, pearlash. — verte, green centraux, a. pi. of central.
verditer, — v o lante, fiy ash, flying ash. centre, m. center. — noir, bull's-eye.
mettre en cendres, reduce to ashes, burn centrer, v.t. center.
to ashes, incinerate. centreur, m. centering apparatus, centerer;
cendré, a. ash-colored, ashen. center punch.
Cendrée, /. lead ashes, Ïitharge ; dross, centrifugateur, m. = centrifugeur.
refuse; dust shot, very fine shot. — de centrifuge, a. centrifugal.
Tournay, a hydraulic cernent made from centrifuger, v.t. centrifugalize, eentrifugate,
coal dust and Urne. centrifuge, whiz.
cendrer, v.t. mix or treat with ashes; give centrifugeur, m., centrifugeuse, /. cen-
an ashen color to. trifugal machine, centrifugal, centrifuge.
cendreux, a. ashy, covered with or full of centripète, a. centripetal.
ashes; (Métal.) weak or flawy from ash centuple, a. & m. centuple, hundredfold.
spots. centupler, v.t. centuple, increase a hundred-
cendrier, m. réceptacle for ashes, ash pit, fold.
ash box, ash pan, ash bucket. cep, m. (vine) stock; (plow) sole.
cendrière, /. peat ; a woman that sells cépage, m. (grape) vine plant, variety (of
eendrure, /. a rough pitted condition of cèpe, m. cèpe (a mushroom, Boletus edulis).
métal, esp. steel, due to ashes ; ash spot, cependant, conj. nevertheless, however, still.
cinder spot, cinder pit. adv. meanwhile, in the meantime.
censé, a. supposed, regarded, considered. céphalalgie, /. cephalalgia, headache.
censeur, m. censor ; proctor. a. censorious. céphalée, /. headache.
censure, /. censorship ; censure. céphaline, /. cephahn.
cent, a. & m. hundred. pour —, per cent. céphalique, a. cephalic.
cephœline 73 cession
cephœllne, /. cephaëline. cérique, a. of or pertaining to cerium,
céracé, a. ceraeeous, waxy. specif.' ceric, cerium(IV); (Org. Chem.)
céracée, /. a kind of Swiss cheese. ceric.
ceradie, /. resin from Ceradia furcata. cerise, /. cherry, m. cherry (color), cerise;
cérame, m. an earthenware vessel. o. per- cerise (the dye). — clair, bright cherry
taining to, or suitable for making, earth- red.
enware vessels. cerisette, /. dried cherry; a cherry drink.
céramique, a. ceramic. /. ceramics. n. cerisier, m. cherry (tree or wood). — de
ceramic ware, earthenware. Virginie, (Bot.) wild black cherry (Prunus
céramiste, n. eeramist. a. ceramic. serotina).
céramographie, /. ceramography. cerne, -m. eircle, ring, halo.
céramographique, a. ceramographic. cerneau, m. green wamut kernels.
cérasine, /. cerasin. cerner, v.t. encircle, surround, eut round,
cérat, m. (Pharm.) cerate; (loosely) oint- aïng. v.r. become encircled.
ment. — cosmétique, cold cream, oint- céroïde, a. resembling wax.
roent of rosé water. — de Ooulard, Gou- céroléine, /. cerolein.
lard's cerate, cerate of lead subacetate. — cérosée, cérosie, cérosine, /. cerosin (a
de résine anglais, rosin cerate. — de résine waxy substance from sugar cane).
composé, compound rosin cerate, Deshler's cérotine, /. cerotin.
salve. — de savon, soap cerate. — épulo- cérotique, o. cerotic ; cerotyl, ceryl (in the
tique, ointment of zinc oxide, zinc oint- phrase alcool cérotique, ceryl alcohol).
ment. — saturné, = cérat de Goulard. — céroxyle, m. (Bot.) Ceroxylon, wax palm.
simple, simple cerate, cerate. céroxyline, /. palm wax, ceroxyle.
cératolde, a. ceratoid, horny (or horn- certainement, adv. certainly.
ahaped). certes, adv. certainly, surely, indeed.
cerbérine, /. cerberin. certificat, m. certificate.
cerce, /. circle, ring, specif. the frazne of a certificateur, m. certifier; guarantor.
circular sieve; (Ceram.) an earthenware certifier, v.t. certify; guarantee.
ring used as a support for articles in the certitude, /. certitude, certainty; steadiness,
kiln. sureness (of hand).
cerceau, m. hoop. cérulé, céruléen, a. cerulean, azuré, light
cerclage, m. encircling; hooping. blue.
cercle, m. circle; hoop, ring, (annular) band, céruléine, /. (Dyes) ceruleïn.
tire, collar. — o tonneaux, cask hoop. — céruléum, m. ceruleum (an inorganic pig-
primitif, (Mach.) pitch circle. en cercles, ment).
in circles; (of liquors) in the wood, in céruline, /. soluble indigo blue.
casks. cérumen, m. (Physiol.) cérumen, earwax.
cercler, v.t. surround with hoops or bands; cérumineux, a. ceruminous.
encircle ; ring ; lirait. céruse, /. white lead, ceruse (the pigment).
cercueil, m. coffin, casket. cérusier, m. white-lead worker.
céréale, /. & a. cereal. cérusite, /. (Afin.) cerussite.
céréaline, /. cerealin (aleurone); cerealine cerveau, m. brain (the organ); top, crown.
(a maize préparation). cervelet, m. cerebellum.
cérébrine, /. cerebrin. cervelle, /. brain substance, brains.
ceréleon, m. (Pharm.) a cerate rich in oil. cervoise, /. cervisia (béer of the ancients).
cérémonie, /. ceremony. cervoisier, m. a maker of cervisia.
céréolé, m. {Pharm.') cerate. céryle, m. ceryl.
ce résine, cérésite, /. ceresin, ceresine. cérylique, a. ceryl.
céreux, o. cerous, cerium(III). ces, a. (pi. of ce, cette) thèse; those. pron.
cerf, m. deer, stag, hart. thèse, those, they.
cerfeuil, m. (Bot.) chervil. césine, /. césium hydroxide (CsOH).
cerf-volant, m. kite. — cellulaire, box kite. césium, m. césium, caesium.
céride, m. ceride, (true) wax; ceride, (any) cessant, p.a. ceasing, suspended.
cerium métal. cesse, /. ceasing, cessation, sans —, without
cérlfère, a. ceriferous, producing wax. ceasing, incessantly.
cérine, /. ceria, ceric oxide (CeO2); cerin. cesser, v.t. & i. cesse, stop, discontinue.
cérinitrate, m. nitratocerate. cession, /. cession, transfer, assignment.
cessionnaire 74 chaleur
cessionnaire, n. assignée, grantee, trans- chai, m. storage room, cellar, storage shed
férée. (for wines, brandies, etc.).
c'est, abbrev. (ce est) it is, he is, she is. chail, m. stone, pebble. — aigre, silex,
c'est-à-dire, that is to say, that is, i.e. silica.
cet, a. Used for ce before a vowel Sound. chaille, /. (Geol.) concrétion, pr. S sing.
See ce. of chaloir.
cétacé, a. & m. (Zool.) cetacean. chaîne, /. chain; (Weaving) warp, chain.
cétamlne, /. ketamine. à — ouverte, open-chain. — à godets,
cétane, m. cetane (hexadecane). chain pump. — allemande, open-link
cétazine, /. ketazine. chain. — anglaise, close-link chain. —
cétène, m. cetene, 1-hexadecene; ketene. arborescente, branching chain, branched
cétimine, /. ketimine. chain. — à rouleaux, block chain, roller
cétine, /. cetin. chain. — carbonée, Carbon chain, chain of
cétipique, a. ketipic. carbon atoms. — de transmission, driving
céto-. keto-. chain, power chain. — droite, straight
cétogène, a. ketogenic. chain (unbranched). — fermée, closed
cétogénèse, /. ketogenesis. chain, ring. — hydrocarbonée, hydrocar-
cétohexose, /. ketohexose. bon chain. — latérale, side chain. —
cétol, m. ketol. linéaire, i_Org. Chem.) straight chain, un-
cétoléique, a. cetoleic (11-dooosenoio). branched chain. — ouverte, open chain.
cétolisation, /. ketolization. — ramifiée, branched chain. — sans fin,
cétone, /. ketone. endless chain. — transporteuse, chain con-
cétonique, a. ketonic. veyor.
cétoniser, v.t. ketonize. chaînette, /. small chain; (Math.) catenary.
cétonurie, /. ketonuria. chaînon, m. Unk, member (or, broadly,
cétose, m. ketose. portion) of a chain (in Org. Chem. often
cétoxime, /. ketoxime. best translated "grouping" or "group").
cette, a. fem. of ce, this, that. — sulfoné, sulfonic group, sulfo group. —
cétyle, m. cetyl (hexadecyl). terminal, end group, terminal group.
cétylène, m. cetylene (2-hexadecyne). chair, /. flesh; méat; (Leather) flesh side,
cétylique, o. cetyl (hexadecyl).
ceux, pron. they, them, those. flesh; (Métal.) fiber; chair (of a rail). —
ceux-ci, pron. they, them, thèse; the latter, fossile, a variety of asbestos.
chaire, /. chair, professorship ; pulpit.
the last. chais, m. = chai.
ceux-là, pron. they, them, those; the for- chaise, /. chair; chaise; frame, framework;
mer, the first. (Mach.) hanger. en —, (Org. Chem.)
cévadille, /. (Bot.) sabadilla, cevadilla. chair-shaped.
cévadine, /. cevadine. chaix, m. cask support.
Ceylan, n. Ceylon. chalait, imp. S sing. (of chaloir) mattered.
Ch., abbrev. (chapitre) chapter; (cheval) chaland, m. customer, patron ; barge, lighter.
horsepower. chalcédoine, /. chalcedony.
Chablis, m. Chablis (a dry white wine); chalcosine, /. (Min.) chalcocite.
down timber. châle, m. shawl; scarf.
chabotte, /. anvil block, anvil (of a power chaleur, /. heat; warmness, warmth. —
hammer). blanche, white heat. — cachée, = chaleur
chacrille, /. cascarilla. latente. — d'échappement, waste heat. —
chacun, pron. each, each one; everyone, d'êchauffement, the atnount of heat re-
everybody. quired to raise a given body a given tem-
chafée, chaffée, /. residue remaining after pérature interval. — de combinaison, heat
the extraction of starch from cereals, bran, of combination. — de dissolution, heat of
chagrin, m. shagreen (leather) ; affliction, solution. — latente, latent heat (heat of
grief, trouble; chagrin, a. sad, peevish, fusion or of vaporization). — perdue, lost
morose. heat, waste heat. — rayonnante, radiant
chagriner, v.t. shagreen (skins) ; distress, heat. — rouge, red heat. — sombre, dark
affict; vex; chagrin. red heat. — soudante (or tuante), welding
chagrineur, chagrlnler, m. shagreen heat. — spécifique (or spéciale), specifio
maker. heat.
chaleureux 75 changement
chaleureux, a. warm, ardent, hot-blooded. narrow side (as of a brick); (pi.) country.
chalkolite, /. (Mm.) chalcolite (torbernite). — brouilleur, interférence field. — de force,
chalkopyrite, /. (Min.) chalcopyrite. field of force. — de pesanteur, gravita -
chalkosine, /. (Min.) chalcocite. tional field. — de vue, — de vision, =
chaloir, v.i. matter, signify (used imper- champ visuel. — d'image, picture field,
sonally). frame (of a film). — magnétique, magnetic
chaloupe, /. launeh, boat, shallop. field. — pétrolifère, oil field. — tournant,
chalu, p.p. (of chaloir) mattered. rotating field. — visuel, visual field, field
chalumeau, m. blowpipe ; (blow) torch ; of vision, field of view. de —, edgewise,
tube, pipe ; reed ; straw ; lime twig ; (Mu- edgeways, on edge. sur-le-champ, at once,
sic) wood-wind. — à bouche, inouth blow- without delay.
pipe. — à gaz, gas blowpipe, (gas) blast Champagne, m. Champagne (wine) ; fine
lamp, (gas) blast burner. — à gaz hy- —, a superior kind of brandy.
drique, oxyhydrogen blowpipe. — à souf- champagniser, v.t. champagnize, charge
flerie, — à soufflet, bello ws blowpipe, (wine) with carbon dioxide, either by fer-
blower. — de froid, cold-blast pipe. — mentation or artificially.
oxhydrique, oxyhydrogen blowpipe. — Champêtre, a. rural, country.
oxyacêtylénique, oxyacetylene blowpipe. — Champignon, m. fungus; mushroom; mush-
soudeur, welding torch. room-shaped object, as a rail head. — de
Chalumeau-coupeur, m. cutting torch. moisissure, mold fungus, mold. — de pul-
Chaïybé, a. chalybeate; steel-gray. vérisateur, atomizer cône.
chambertin, m. Chambertin (a red Bur- champlevé, a. & m. (Enameling) champ-
gundy wine). levé.
chambourin, m. a kind of glass sand ; a chance, /. chance; luck, fortune.
kind of green glass; strass. chanceler, v.i. stagger, totter; waver.
chambranle, m. casing, case (as of a door); c h a n c e u x , a. hazardous ; lucky.
frame. chanci, p.a. molded, moldy, musty.
chambre, /. chamber; room; floor, story; chancir, v.i. mold, become moldy.
(Met ai. ) cavity, blowhole, honeycomb ; chancissure, /. mold; moldiness.
caméra. — à air, air chamber ; (of pneu- chancre, m. canker; (Med.) chancre.
matic tires) inner tube. — à air comprimé, chandelier, m. chandelier, branched fixture;
compressed-air chamber. — à compter, candlestick ; an upright support, as the
countîng chamber. — à gaz, gas chamber. stanchion of a pump or a support for
— à poussière, duat chamber. — à va- cerarnic ware in the kiln. — d'amphi-
peur, steam chamber, steam chest, — théâtre, lecture-room fixture (for gas,
claire, (Optics) caméra lucida. — de water, etc.). — de jauge, (Ceram.) a
combustion, combustion chamber, fire box. gage consisting of a vertical rod with
— de détente, expansion chamber. — de horizontal crossrods.
mélange, mixing chamber. — de plomb, chandelle, /. candie (esp. one containing
lead chamber. — des députés, Chamber of tallow or other fat, as distinguished from
Deputies. — d'ionisation, cloud chamber. bougie); vertical support, prop, stay, shore,
— en quartz, quartz cell. — humide, moist stud; icicle; candie light; artificial light.
chamber. — noire, — obscure, (Photog.) — à la baguette, dipped candie, so called
darkroom, also caméra ; caméra obscura. from the rod from which the candies are
— syndicale, a body of syndics or repré- suspended. — moulée, molded candie. —
sentatives ; a tribunal of a corporation. romaine, (Pyro.) Roman candie.
Chambré, a. chambered; specif., containing chandellerie, /. candie factory or shop,
cavities, honeycombed. chandlery.
chambrer, v.r. become honeyeombed. chanfreiner, v.t. charnier, bevel.
Chameau, m. camel.
chamelle, /. femàle camel. change, m. change; exchange.
chamois, m. chamois (animal or leather). changé, p.a. changed; exchanged.
chamoiser, v.t. chamois. changeant, p.a. changing, changeable, vari-
chamoiserie, /. chamois leather factory; able.
chamois leather; chamoising. changement, m. changing, change, altéra-
chamoiseur, m. chamois dresser. tion, variation ; (Railways) switch. —
c ha motte, /. (Ceram.) chamotte. de marche, (Mach.) reversing gear. —
champ, m. ûeld; area, région; edge, long d'état, change of state.
changer 76 charbonne
changer, v.t. change; exchange, v.i. & r. chapitre, m. chapter; subject, head.
change. — de, change. chapon, m. capon ; young vine.
changeur, m. changer; banker. chaque, a. each, every.
chanson, /. song. char, m. car ; cart, wagon ; (MU.) tank ;
chant, m. singing ; song ; melody ; chant ; chariot. — blindé, (Mil.) armored car. —
canto. d'assaut, (MU.) tank.
chantepleure, /. (atop)cock, spigot ; charançon, m. (Zool.) weevil.
sprinkler. charbon, m. charcoal ; char ; coal ; carbon
chanter, v.t. éc i. sing; chant. (as in an electric cell or an arc light) ;
chantier, m. yard (for storage or work) ; (Med.) anthrax, charbon ; (Agric.) smut.
stand for barrels, gantry. — à coke, coking coal. — à courte flamme,
chantignole, /. bracket. short-flame coal. — à dessin, drawing
chantonné, a. (of paper) defective, flawy. charcoal, charcoal crayon. — à filtrer, fil-
chantourner, v.t. (Tech.) eut in profile. tering charcoal. — à longue flamme, long-
chanvre, m. hemp. — de Calcutta, — de flame coal. — à lumière, electric light car-
Chine, jute. — de la Nouvelle-Zélande, bon. — à mèche, cored carbon. — animal,
New Zealand flax (or hemp), Phormium animal charcoal. — artificiel, charcoal pre-
tenax. — de l'Inde, Indian hemp (Can- pared by carbonizing a prepared mixture
nabis sativa, var. indica). — de Madras, (instead of wood or other natural ma-
Madras hemp, sunn (Crotalaria juncea). terial), synthetic charcoal (so called). —
— de Manille, Manila hemp, manila (from à souder, soldering carbon. — bactéridien,
Musa textilis). — des Indes, pita hemp, — bactérien, anthrax. — bitumineux, bi-
pita. — de Sisal, sisal hemp, sisal. — du tuminous coal. — brillant, glance coal. —
Bengale, jute. — du Canada, Canadian collecteur, (Elec.) brush. — de bois, wood
hemp (Âpocynum cannabinum). — fe-
melle, — porte-graine, female hemp. — charcoal. — de braise, quenched charcoal.
mâle, maie hemp. — de cornue, retort carbon, gas carbon. —
de houille, coke ; anthracite. — de lumière,
chanvreux, a. hempen, hemp. lamp carbon, electric light carbon. — de
chapage, m. macération (of silk). Paris, briquetted fuel made from powdered
chape, /. cover, lid, cap, capping; (of a charcoal, coal dust or the like, with pitch
still) head ; (of a balance) bearing ; coat- as a binder. — de pierre, stone coal (an-
ing ; (Mach.) strap, clasp, catch, loop ; thracite). — de sang, blood charcoal,
(of a mold) cope; molding clay; bed in blood black. — de saule, willow charcoal.
which tiles are set ; silk waste, floss. — de sucre, a pure charcoal made from
Chapeau, m. hat; (Tech.) cap, cover, lid, sugar. — de terre, (minerai) coal. — de
top, head; (of a still) head; (of béer, etc.) tourbe, peat coal. — de vinasse, vinasse
head; (of a chimney) cowl, hood; felt;
(Tin) a block of Malacca tin; (Mining) charcoal (esp. that from sugar beets). —
the altered top portion of a vein deposit ; électrique, electric carbon (either for arc
(Bot.) pileus. — de fer, (Mining) gossan, light or for battery). — en poudre, char-
"eisenhut." en —, caplike, bell-shaped. coal dust, powdered charcoal ; coal dust.
— fulminant, fulminating charcoal (resi-
chapelet, m. chaplet (wreath, string of
beads, or something resembling thèse) ; (on due obtained by heating tartar emetic to
liquors) beads, bubbles ; chain pump ; white heat). — gélosique, cannel coal. —
séries. — électrique, a set of fuses or graphitique, graphitic carbon. — gras, fat
charges connected so as to be fired simul- coal, (broadly) soft coal. — homogène,
taneously. solid carbon. — incombustible, anthracite.
chapelle, /. box, case (specif. valve box or — luisant, anthracite. — maigre, lean coal.
case, also cylinder case) ; chamber (specif. — minéral, (minerai) coal. — minéralisé,
explosion chamber) ; vault, arched part (as flame carbon. — plastique, plastic coal.
of a furnace); chapel. — pour piles, battery carbon. — roux,
chapellerie, /. hat making; hat trade; hat brown (or red) charcoal. — végétal, vege-
shop. table charcoal.
chaperon, m. hood; cover, cap, top, (of a charbonnage, m. coal mining; coal mine.
wall) coping ; chaperon, charbonnaille, /. small coal (or charcoal);
chapiteau, m. head, cap, cover, hood, dôme, (Métal.) a mixture of cinders, sand and
top ; (of a still) head ; (of a column) clay.
capital. charbonne, p.a. charred; blackened, marked
charbonne 77 chat
with black ; drawn with charcoal ; (Agrie.) chargette, /. (Expl.) charging spoon.
smutty. chargeur, m. loader; charger; stoker.
charbonnée, /. layer of charcoal; charcoal chargeuse, /. charging apparatus, loader,
drawing ; grilled méat. feeder.
charbonner, v.t. char, earbonize; blacken Chariot, m. wagon; carnage, trolley, car,
with charcoal; polish with charcoal. v.i. truck; (Mach.) carriage, carrier, slide, slide
& r. char; deposit carbon. rest, traveler; chariot.
charbonnette, /. wood for making char- charité, /. charity.
coal. charmant, p.a. charming.
charbonneux, a. of the nature of, or con- charme, m. charm; (Bot.) hornbeam.
taining, charcoal or carbon, charry, car- charnier, v.t. charm.
bonaceous; (Med.) of or pertaining to charmot, m. (Ceram.) powdered baked clay
anthrax. used for leaning the paste.
charbonnier, m. charcoal burner; charcoal charnière, /. hinge; (turning) joint, à —,
(or coal) dealer; coke oven; stoker, fire- with hinge(s), hinged.
man ; coal cellar ; collier, a. pertaining charnu, a. fleshy; pulpy.
to the charcoal or coal industry. charogne, /. carrion.
charbonnière, /. charcoal pit or oven or charpente, /. frame, framework; framing;
kiln. timbering, carpentry.
charcuterie, /. pork in various forms, or a charpenter, v.t. frame, build, plan; eut for
place where thèse products are made or framing.
sold. charpenterie, /. carpentry.
charcutier, m. pork butcher. charpentier, m. carpenter.
chardon, m. thistle; teasel. — bénit, charpie, /. lint. — de bots, wood flber,
blessed thistle (Cra'cus benedictus). wood wool.
char donner, v.t. teasel. charquer, v.t. dry (méat).
charge, /. charge (in various sensés) ; load ; charrée, /. leached ashes, lye ashes; (Soda)
burden; (Paper, etc.) loading; head, pres- exhausted black ash, yat waste.
sure (as of water); office, reaponsibility. charretée, /. cart load, cartful.
— admissible, working load. — amorce, charrette, /. cart, barrow, truck.
priming charge. — brute, total load. — charriage, m. cartage; carrying.
d'amorçage, priming charge. — d'éclate- charrier, v.t. cart; carry.
ment, burating charge. •— de mine, blast- charroi, 771. carriage, drayage.
ing charge. — d'épreuve, test charge; test charroyer, v.t. cart, hauï.
load. — de rupture, breaking load. — charrue, /. plow.
dissimulée, (Elec.) bound charge. — ex- charte, /. charter.
plosive, bursting charge. — induite, in- chartre, /. charter; prison.
duced charge. — payante, — pratique, chartré, a. chartered.
pay load. — résiduaire, — résiduelle, residualchartreuse, /. chartreuse (the liqueur).
charge. — utile, useful load. en —, under chas, m. starch size; (needle) eye; plum-
load; (Ceram.) by piling one upon an- met.
other the articles to be fired. chaseret, m. cheese frame, cheese mold.
chargé, p.a. charged, etc. (see charger); (of chasse, /. chase, hunting, pursuit; flooding,
liquids) turbid; (of an electric wire) live; flushing; air (blast); (of machinery) play;
(of the sky) overcast. m. In such phrases driving tool, set, setter, drift, punch, etc.
as chargé d'affaires (chargé d'affaires) châsse, /. knife edge (of a balance) ; mount-
and chargé de cours (one who conducts ing.
a university course although not a pro- chasser, v.t. drive out, expel; drive out,
fessor). drive away ; drive ; propel ; drive in,
charge-amorce, n. priming charge. chase, pursue, hunt.
chargement, m. charging, etc. (see charger) ; Chasseur, m. hunter ; pursuit plane ; fightei
load, charge, batch; registered letter. (plane), a. hunting.
chargeoir, m. ladle. châssis, m. frame, framework; casing, hous-
charger, v.t. charge; load; exaggerate; ing; châssis; (of a window) sash ; (Found-
register (a letter). v.r. (of liquids) be- ing) flask; (Photog.) plate holder.
come turbid; (of the sky) become over- chassoir, m. driver (any of various tools).
cast; (with de) charge oneself with, under- chat, m. cat; (Métal.) métal escaped in
take. pouring.
châtaigne 78 chaussure
châtaigne, /. chestnut. — de cheval, — tinman's trade ; kettles, pans, etc., or a
d'Inde, horsechestnut. — du Brésil, Brazil place where they are made; boiler factory.
nut. chaudronnier, m. coppersmith, brazier ;
châtaignier, m. chestnut tree. dealer in kettles, pans, etc. ; boiler maker.
châtain, a. cfc m. chestnut, chestnut brown. chauffable, o. capable of being heated, heat-
châtaire, /. (Bot.) catnip. able.
château, m. castle ; château ; tower. — chauffage, m. heating ; warming ; firing ;
d'eau, water tower. fuel. — à vapeur, steam heating.
chatoiement, chatoïment, m. chatoyancy, chauffe, /. heating; firing; distillation; fire-
chatoyment. place, hearth (of a furnace) ; stokehole,
chaton, m, kitten ; {Bot.') catkin; setting firehole; furnace (of a foundry) ; (Métal.)
(of a ring) ; bezel. heat.
chatomier, v.t. set (a gem). chauffe-eau, m. water heater.
chatouiller, v.t. tickle. chauffe-moût, m. (Brewing) wort heater.
chatoyant, p.a. chatoyant. chauffer, v.t. heat ; warm ; fire, fire up ;
chatoyé ment, m. = chatoiement. urge forward, push. v.i. heat; warm; be
chatoyer, v.i. be chatoyant. heated. v.r. get hot or warm ; warm
châtrer, v.t. castrate; prune, oneself. — blanc, heat white-hot.
chaud, a. hot; warm; fresh, récent; ex- chaufferette, /. a small warming apparatus,
pensive, m. heat. à —, with the use of as a foot warmer or a chafing dish. —• à
heat, in a heated state, at a high tem- l'acétate, a warmer containing a super-
pérature, hot. il fait —, it is hot (or saturated solution of sodium acétate, which
warm). gives off heat on crystallizing.
chaude, /. heat, heating ; brisk fire. a. fem. chaufferie, /. stokehole; range of boilers;
of chaud. — blanc de lune, — blanche, boiler house or room ; forge ; hearth ;
white heat. — grasse, melting heat ; (Iron) chafery.
{Métal.) welding heat. — rouge, red heat. chauffe-tubes, m. an apparatus for heating
— rouge cerise, cherry-red heat. — som- tubes ; specif., an attachment which per-
bre, dark red heat. — soudante, — suante, mits a combustion tube to be supported
welding heat. and heated over an ordinary Bunsen
chaudière, /. boiler; copper, caldron, ket- burner.
tle, pan; (Sugar, etc.) evaporator. — à chauffeur, m. fireman, stoker; chauffeur.
bière, — à brasser, (Brewing) copper, chauffe-vin, m. a preheater for wine or
brewing kettle. —• à bouilleurs, French other alcoholic liquid about to be distilled.
boiler (a form of cylindrical boiler). — à chauffoir, m. (Sait) a shallow basin in
brai, pitch kettle. — à cuire, (Sugar) which sea water is subjected to the first
evaporator. — à goudron, tar pot, tar stage of evaporation.
kettle. — à haute pression, high-pressure chauffure, /. scaling of iron or steel due to
boiler. — à lessive, lye vst. — alimentaire, overheating ; burnt iron.
feed boiler. — o lisser, (Tin) list pot. — chaufour, m. hmekiln.
à moût, wort copper. — à pression, pres- chaufournerie, /. lime burning.
sure boiler, — à retour de flamme, return- chaufournier, m. lime burner.
flame boiler. — à trempe, mash tub. — chaulage, m. liming ; whitewashing.
à tubes d'eau, water-tube boiler. — auto- chauler, v.t. treat with lime, lime; white-
clave, autoclave, — à vapeur, steam boiler, wash.
boiler. — de fusion, smelting crucicle, melt- chaulier, m. lime burner.
ing pot. — de raffinage, refining boiler. — chaume, m. culm, stem (of grasses) ;
en tôle ondulée, corrugated boiler. — fixe, stubbîe; stubbïe straw; thatcn.
stationary boiler. — multitubulaire, water- Chausse, /. bag filter, filter bag. — d'Hip-
tube boiler. — sectionnelle, sectional boiler, pocrate, Hippocrates 's sleeve (a conicaJ
water-tube boiler. cloth filter).
chaudra, fut. 3 sing. (of chaloir) will mat- chaussée, /. road, roadway ; highway ;
ter. ground fioor; dike.
chaudron, m. kettle, (small) boiler, caldron, chausser, v.t. put on (stockings, etc.); fit,
copper, pan. suit; hill, earth up (plants).
chaud ronnée, /. kettleful, boilerful. chaussette, /. sock.
chaudronnerie, /. coppersmith's trade; chaussure, /. footwear; (of a pile) ahoe.
chaut 79 chénopode
chautj pr. S sing. (of chaloir) matters. chef-d'œuvre, m. masterpiece, chef-
chauve-souris, /. bat. d'œuvre.
chaux, /. lime ; calx. — anhydre, quick- chef-ouvrier, m. master workman ; fore-
lime. — arséniaûée, calcium arsenate. — man.
azotée, crude calcium cyanamide (com- chélaté, a. chelated, chelate.
mercial name). — calcinée, quicklime. — chélidoine, /. (Bot.) celandine.
carbonatée, calcium carbonate. — car- chélidonine, /. chelidonine.
bonifère, carboniferous limestone. — caus- ehélidonique, a. chelidonic.
tique, caustic lime, quicklime. — chlorurée, chemicage, m. (Matches) dîpping (see
chloride of lime, bleaching powder. — chimiquer).
commune, common lime, quicklime. — chemin, m. way; path, track, course; road,
d'arsenic, arsenic trioxide, arsenic(III) ox- passage. — de fer, railway, railroad. —
ide. — de construction, building lime. — faisant, on the way, by the way. — ferré,
délitée, calcium hydroxide. — d'enduit, metaled road, macadam road.
plastering lime ; (lime) stucco. — de cheminée, /. chimney ; flue, stack, shaft,
Vienne, Vienna white (air-slaked lime for smokepipe, smoke funnel; fireplace, hearth;
polishing). — éteinte, slaked lime, cal- flame passage (as in. a fuse or primer) ;
cium hydroxide. — éteinte à sec, air- chute; (Métal) air hole, blowhole. — à
slaked lime. — ftuatée, calcium fluoride minerai, ore chute. — d'appel, ventilating
(old name), — fondue, lime paste, lime fiue, ventilating shaft. — parajour, a chim-
eream. — fusée, air-slaked lime. — ney which is also a shade, as on a lamp
grasse, fat lime, rich lime. — grossière, for a microscope.
coarse limestone. — hydratée, hydrated
lime, calcium hydroxide. — hydraulique, cheminement, m. channeling ; creeping,
hydraulic lime. — légères, hydraulic lime creep ; traveling ; advance, progress.
fines, separated by bolting. — lourde, a cheminer, v.L go, travel, advance; creep.
kind of hydraulic lime which has been chemisage, m. casing, jacketing, lining.
subjected to bolting to remove the fines. chemise, /. case, casing, jacket, mantle,
— maigre, lean lime, poor lime. — mar- shell, cover, wrapper; lining; facing, r e -
neuse, marly lime, lime mari. — métal- vetment; shirt; chemise. — d'eau, water
lique, metallic calx ; a blue pigment said jacket. — de cylindre, cylinder jacket. —
to be cobaltous arsenate. — morte, dead- de vapeur, steam jacket.
burned lime, overburned lime. — nitratée, chemiser, v.t. (put a covering of some
nitrate of lime (calcium nitrate). — phos- kind on), case, jacket, mantle, coat, lute.
phatée, phosphate of lime (calcium phos- chemokinèse, /. chemokinesis.
phate). — sodée, soda lime. — sulfatée, chenal, m. channel; gâte (of a mold); gut-
sulfate of lime (calcium sulfate). — vive, ter (of a roof).
quicklime. chenaux, pi. of chenal.
chenavard, m. coarse felt.
chaux-azote, m. (commercial) calcium cy- chêne, m. oak (tree or wood). — à écorce,
anamide, "lime-nitrogen." tanbark oak (any oak yielding tanbark).
chavica, n. (Bot.) any plant of the genus — à feuilles persistantes (or vertes), ever-
Piper. green oak. — blanc, white oak (esp.
chavirage, chavirement, m. upsetting, Quercus alba), — de mer, fucoid seaweed,
turning upside down, dumping; capsizing. sea oak. — des Indes, Indian oak, teak.
chavirer, v.t. & i. upset, turn upside down, — de vie, live oak. — liège, cork oak, cork
tip, dump; (Naut.) capsize. (Quercus suber). — rouvre, British oak
chef, m. head; chief; foreman. — d'atelier, (Quercus robur). — saule, willow oak
works manager; shop foreman. — de file, (Quercus phellos). — vert, evergreen oak,
leader; fixst member (of a séries); (Mil.) specif. the holm oak (Quercus ilex). —
file leader. — de place, (Glass) foreman yeuse, holm oak (Quercus ilex).
glassblower. — de travaux, a person in chéneau, m. gutter, trough, chute.
charge of laboratory work but not lectur- chènevis, m. hemp seed.
ing. — d'ouvriers, foreman. — du savon- chènevotte, /. woody part of hemp, boon,
nage, (Glass) a workman who has charge shive.
of the supplementary grinding of mirror chenille, /. Caterpillar (larva or tractor) î
glass, and who marks the spots to be re- chenille.
ground. — fondeur, (Glass) foreman chénopode, m. (Bot.) any member of the
f ounder. en —, in chief ; in charge. genus Chenopodium (goosefoot). — an-
chénopode 80 chiffre
thelmintique, American wormseed (Cheno- chevillette, /. small pin, small peg.
podium anthelminticum). chèvre, /. goat, she-goat; derrick, gin, jack,
chénopodée, chénopodiée, /. (Bot.) any crâne.
member of a tribe of plants including chevreau, m. kid (animal and leather).
Chenopodium and other gênera. chèvrefeuille, /. (Bot.) honeysuckle.
chenu, a. hoar, hoary. chevrette, /. (small) gin, jack; tripod; kid.
chèque, m. (Com.) check, chèque. chevreuil, m. roe deer.
cher, a. dear. adv. dear, dearly. chevron, m. rafter, beam; crowbar.
chercher, v.t. seek, look for, search for. chevrotain, m. musk deer.
aller —, go in quest of, go to bring, go chevrotant, p.a. quivering, fluttering.
and bring. — à, try to, endeavor to. chevroter, v.i. quaver, quiver, flutter.
chercheur, m. finder (optical instrument) ; chevrotin, m. kid leather, kid; fawn; musk
research worker ; (Elec.) search coil ; deer.
searcher, seeker, hunter. — à ressort, chevrotine, /. buckshot.
(Radio) cat whisker. chez, prep. at the house of, at the home of,
Chère, a. fem. of cher. /. cheer. among, with; care of; (with verbs of mo-
chèrement, adv. dearly, dear. tion) to the home of, to. — moi, — soi,
chérir, v.t. cherish. — lui, at home, de — moi, from my home,
cherté, /.'dearness. from home.
chester, m. Cheshire cheese. chiasse, /. (Métal.) dross, scum.
chétif, a. poor, weak, wretched, mean. chibou, m. cachibou, cachibou resin.
cheval, m. horse; horsepower; donkey en- chic, m. skill ; fitness ; style, a. stylish.
gine. (A French or metric horsepower = chicane, m. baffle, baffle plate ; obstacle ;
75 kg. -meters work per second or 0.986 chicanery. — annulaire, annular baffle,
ordinary horsepower.) à —, astride, astrad- doughnut ring, en —, in the manner of
dle, on both sides ; on horseback. — au baffle plates, with broken joints, staggered.
frein, brake horsepower. — de force, horse- chicaner, v.t. provide with baffles, baffle.
power. — de frise, (Ceram.) spur, cock- chiche, a. scanty, sparing. /. chick-pea.
spur. — de vapeur, steam horsepower ; chicorée, /. chicory. — frisée, endive.
horsepower. (See note at cheval, above.) chicot, m. stub, snag, stump.
— effectif, effective horsepower. — élec- chicotin, m. extract of colocynth; extract
trique, electric horsepower. of aloes.
cheval-an, m. horsepower-year. chien, m. dog (animal or gripping device);
chevalet, m. horse (in teehnical sensés), a small car running on rails, for use in
frame, trestle, rack, stand, support; specif., factories ; (of firearms) hainmer, cocking
(Glass) a stand on which window-glass pièce.
cylinders are laid ; easel. — de rivière, chiendent, m. couch grass; (Pharm.) triti-
(Leather) beam, tanner's beam. — trépied, cum. — de mer, — marin, wrack, sea
three-legged stand, tripod. wrack. — fossile, amianthus. — officinal,
cheval-heure, m. horsepower-hour. Agropyron repens.
chevalier, m. knight. chiffon, m. rag; scrap; cotton waste; (pi.)
cheval-jour, m. horsepower-day. dress, fashions. — de nettoyage, — d'es-
cheval-vapeur, m. (metric) horsepower. suyage, wiping cloth, dust cloth ; cotton
(See note at cheval.) waste.
chevauchement, m. lapping, overlapping. chiffonier, m. rag man, junk man ; rag
chevaux, pi. of cheval. sorter ; chiffonier. a. pertaining to rags or
chevé, p.a,. hollowed out. junk.
chevelu, a. hairy, bearded; long-haired. m. chiffrable, a. calculable, cipherable.
hairy growth (as of rootlets), beard. chiffrage, m. numbering, etc. (see chiffrer);
chevelure, /. (head of) hair; (Astron. <fc valuation.
Bot.) coma; foliage. chiffraison, /. graduation figures, gradua-
cnever, v.t. hollow out. tion.
cheveu, m. hair. chiffre, m. figure ; numéral, digit ; cipher.
cheveux, m. pi. hairs; (collectively) hair. — arabe, Arabie numéral or figure. —•
cheville, /. peg; pin, boit, spike, key, dowel, d'affaires, volume of business. — du dos-
wedge; ankle. sier, file number, (often) sériai number. —
cheviller, v.t. peg, pin, boit. romain, Roman numéral.
chiffrer 81 chlorate
chiffrer, v.t. number; figure, express in fig- chimiste, m. chemist. — analyste, = chi-
ures; calculate; write in cipher. v.i. miste-analyste. — conseil, Consulting chem-
cipher, calculate. ist. — d'industrie, industrial chemist. —
Chili, m. Chile. essayeur, chemist-assayer. — indienneur,
chilien, a. Chilean, of Chile. m. (cap.) chemist in a calico printery, print chemist.
Chilean. — métallurgiste, metallurgical chemist. —
chimiatre, m. iatrochemist. organicien, organic chemist. — spécialiste,
chimiatrie, /. chemiatry, iatrochemistry. one who is a specialist in some particular
chimiatTique, a. chemiatric, iatrochemical. branch of chemistry, specializing chemist.
chimiatriquement, adv. iatrochemically. chimiste-analyste, m. analytical chemist
chimicage, m. (Matches) dipping. (See (esp. one who has completed the regular
chimiquer. ) three-year course and received a diploma).
chimico-bactérien, o. chemicobacterial. chimiste-coloriste, m. color chemist, dye
chimico-légal, a. chemicolegal. chemist.
chimico-minéralogique, a. chemicominer- chimitypie, /. chemitypy, chemitype.
alogical. chimiurgie, /. chemurgy.
chimico-physique, a. chemicophysical. chimoine, m. a kind of imitation marble.
chimie, /. chemistry. — agricole, agricul- chimométrie, /. détermination of percentage
tural chemistry. — alimentaire, food composition.
chemistry. — analytique, analytical chem- chimylique, a. chimyl.
istry. — appliquée, applied chemistry. — china, m. chinaroot (from Smilax china);
biologique, biological chemistry. — indus- cinchona bark, Peruvian bark.
trielle, industrial chemistry. — inor- chinage, m. clouding (as of fabrics).
ganique, inorganic chemistry. — légale, chinag rass, m. ramie, China grass.
légal (or forensic) chemistry. — minérale, chinaphtol, m. quinaphthol.
inorganic chemistry. — organique, organic Chine, /. China.
chemistry. — supérieure, advanced chem- chiner, v.t. cloud (as fabrics), render chiné.
istry. — technique, technical chemistry. chinois,
— théorique, theoretical chemistry. — chînoline,a. /.Chinese. quinoline.
végétale, plant chemistry. chinone, /. quinone.
chimie-physique, /. physical chemistry. chio, m. (Métal.) taphole.
chimiluminescence, /. chemiluminescence. chipage, m. (Leather) infiltration.
chimio-. chemo-, chemio-, chemi-, chiper, v.t. (Leather) mfiltrate with tan liq-
chimiocanstie, /. cîiemical cautérisation. uor.
cllimioluminescence, /. chemiluminescence. chiquer, v.t. & i. chew.
chimiomorphose, /. chemomorphosis. chiraz, n. a Persian liqueur.
chimiorécepteur, m. chemoreceptor, chemo- chirette, /. (Bot. A Pharm.) chirata.
ceptor. chiroline, /. cheiroUn.
chimiosynthèse, /. chemosynthesis. chirurgical, a. surgical.
chimiosynthétique, a. chemosynthetic. chirurgie, /. surgery.
chimiotactiqne, o. chemotactic. chirurgien, m. surgeon.
chimiotaxie, /. chemotaxia. chirurgique, a. surgical.
chimiotaxique, a. chemotactic. chitine, /. chitin.
chimiothérapie, /. chemotherapy. chitineux, o. chitinous.
chimiothérapique, o. chemotherapeutic. chitosane, m. chitosan.
chlor-. (Org. Chem.) chlor-, chloro- flatter
chimiotroplque, a. chemotropic.
chimiotropisme, m. chemotropism. preferred).
chimiquage, m. (Matches) dipping (see chlorable,
a. chlorinatable.
m. chloroacetate.
chimiquer). chloracétique, a. chloroacetic.
chimique, a. chemical. chloracide, m. chloro acid.
chimiquement, adv. chemically. chlorage, m. chloring.
chimiquer, v.t. dip (matchsticks) into the chloraldéhyde, m. chloroacetaldehyde.
inflammable composition. chloramidure, m. chloramide, chloroamide.
chimiqueur, m. (Matches) composition at- — de mercure, mercury chloramide, amino-
tendant. mercuric chloride.
chimisme, m. chemism (esp. in the sensé chloranile, m. chloranil, tetrachloroquinone.
of chemical phenomena). chlorate, m. chlorate. — de potasse, po-
chlorate 82 chlorosulfoné
tassium chlorate, chlorate of potash. — chlorofluorure, m. chlorofluoride.
de soude, sodium chlorate. chloroformation, /. chloroforming.
Chlorate, a. containing chlorate, chlorate chloroforme, m. chloroform. — anesthè-
(as, poudre chlorate, chlorate powder). sique, (Pharm.) chloroform.
chloration, /. chlorination. chloroformer, v.t. chloroform.
chloraurate, m. chloroaurate. chloroformiate, m. chloroformate.
chloraurique, a. chloroauric. chloroformique, o. chloroformic, of or per-
chlorazotique, a. nitrohydrochloric, nitro- taining to chloroform; chloroformic (acid).
muriatic. chloroformlsation, /. chloroforming, chloro-
chlore, m. chlorine. — liquide, liquid formization.
chlorine; (sometimes, Pharm.) chlorine chloroformlser, v.t. chloroform, chloro-
water. formize.
chloré, p.a. chlorinated, containing chlorine, chlorogénlne, /. chlorogenine (alstonine) ;
chloro. chlorogenin (the "genin").
chlorer, v.t. chlorinate. chlorolodure, m. iodochloride, chloroiodide ;
chlorétner, m. chloro ether; specif., 1- chloroiodate(I), MICI2 ; chloroidate(III),
chloroethyl ethyl ether. MICI4.
chloréthyle, m. ethyl chloride, chloroethane. chloro-irldite, m. chloroiridite, chloroiri-
chloreux, a. chlorous. date(III).
chlorhydratation, /. hydrochlorination. chlorolyseur, m. an electrolytic chlorine-
chlorhydrate, m. hydrochloride. — d'am- generating apparatus.
moniaque, ammonium chloride. chlorométhylate, m. methochloride.
chlorhydrate, a. treated or combined with chloromètre, m. chlorometer.
hydrochloric acid, hydrochlorinated. chlorométrie, /. chlorometry.
chlorhydrater, v.t. hydrochlorinate. chlorométrlque, a. chlorométrie.
chlorhydrlne, /. chlorohydrin, chlorhydrin. chloronltré, a. containing or combined with
— chromique, chromyl chloride. —• 8ul- chlorine and the nitro group, chloronitro.
furique, chlorosulfonic acid. chlorophylle, /. chlorophyll, chlorophyl.
chlorhydrique, a. hydrochloric. chlorophyllien, o. of or pertaining to
chlorhydrure, m. hydrochloride. chlorophyll.
chlorine, /. chlorin. chlorophylllne, /. chlorophyllin.
chlorique, a. chloric. chloropicrine, /. chloropicrin.
chlorité, a. chloritic. chloroplatlnate, m. chloroplatinate, specif.
chloroamidure, chloro-amidure, m. = chloroplatinate(IV). — d'ammoniaque,
chloramidure. ammonium chloroplatinate.
cWoroanémie, /. (Med.) chloranemia. chloroplatineux, o. chloroplatinous, chloro-
chloro-antimonié, a. containing, or com- platinic(II).
bined with, chlorine and antimony. chloroplatinique, a. chloroplatinic, specif.
chloro-arséniaté, o. (Min.) containing or chloroplatinic(I V).
combined with chlorine and arsenic acid. chloroplatinite, m. chloroplatinite, chloro-
chloro-aurique, o. chloroauric. platinate(II).
chlorobenzine, /. chlorobenzene. chloroplumbate, m. chloroplumbate, chlo-
chlorobromé, a. containing, or combined roplumbate(IV).
with, chlorine and bromine, bromochloro. chlorose, /. chlorosis.
chlorobromure, m. chlorobromide. chlorosel, m. chloro sait, double chloride.
chloro-carbonaté, a. chlorocarbonate of chlorostannate, m. chlorostannate, specif.
(chloroformate of). chlorostannate(IV).
chloro-carbonique, a. chlorocarbonic. chlorostanneux, a. chlorostannous, chlo-
acide —, phosgene (Obs.); chloroformic rostannic(II).
acid (C1CO2H). chlorostannique, a. chlorostannie, specif.
chlorochromate, m. chlorochromate, specif. chlorostannic(IV).
chlorochromate(VI). clilorostannite, m. chlorostannite, chloro-
chlprochromlque, o. chlorochromic, specif. stannate(II).
chlorochromic(VI). chlorosubstitué, a. chloro-substituted,
chlorocyanure, m. chlorocyanide. chloro.
chloro-éthyllne, /. chlorethylin, chloro- chlorosulfoné, o. containing or combined
ethylin (compound of the type with chlorine and the sulfonic group,
C1R"OC2H5). chlorosulfo.
chlorosulfure 83 chômage
chlorosulfure, m. ohlorosulfida. — drêtnih; tin ehtoride. — d'étain(proto),
chlorotitanate, m. chlorotitanate, ohloro- stannous chloride, tin(II) chloride. —
titanate(IV). d'êthyle, ethyl chloride, chloroethane. —
chlorotitanique, a. chlorotitanic, chloroti- d'éthylène, ethylens chloride, 1,2-dichloro-
tanio(IV). ethane. — de zinc liquide; (Pharm.) solu-
chloroxycarboniqne, a. In the phrase tion of zinc chloride. — d'hydrargyre,
éther chloroxycarbonique, ethyl chloro- mercury chloride, speeii. mereuric chloride.
formate. — d'or, gold chîoride, speâf. auric chlo-
chloroxyde, m. Oxychloride. ride, gold(III) chloride. — ferreux, fer-
chlorurable, a. ehlorinatable, chloridizable. rous chloride, iron(II) chloride.. — /er-
chlorurage, m. chlorination, etc. (see rique,. ferrie chloride, iron(Iir) chloride. —
chlorurer) ; (Photog.) specif., intensifica- ferrique liquide, (Pharm.) solution of fer-
tion with gold ©hloride. rie chloride. — mercureux,. menrarous càllO-
ehlorurant, p.a. chlorinating, etc. (see rid«, mercury(I) chloride. — mercurique,
chlorurer). m. chlorinating (or chloridizing) mereuric chloride, mercury(II) chloride. —
agent. stanneux, stannous chloride, tra(ïl) ehïo-
chloruratlon, /. chlorination, etc. (see ride.
chlorurer). chloruré, p.a. chlorinat«d, cMoridised, <xm~
chlorure, m. chloride. — acide, acid, ehlo- taining chlorine.
ride. — basique de bismuth, bismuth ©x- chlorurer, v.t. chlorinate, chlorid'rae, chlo-
ide chloride, bismuth oxychloride. — cal- ridate. (Chlorinate always implles i m -
cique, calcium chloride. — cuivreux, cu- prégnation or combination with. chlorine;
prous chloride, copper(I) chloride. — chloridize and chloridate, espw the latter,
cuivrique,, cuprie chloride, copper(II) chlo- may alaa dénote imprégnation with a chio-
ride. — d'acétyle, acetyl chloride. — ride. Chlorurer is used in both sensés.)
d'antimoine, antimony chloride» — d'ar- chlorurimètre, m. chlorameter.
gent^ silver chloride. —• d'azote, nitrogen choc, m. ahock, collision, impact; knocking.
chloride. — de carbone,, carbon chloride, — dinect, normal' impact. — oWéjfue,
specif. carbon tetrachloride. — de chaux, obh'que impact.
chloride of lime, bleaching powder, chlo- chocolat, m. & a. chocolaté. — au lait, milk
rinated lime. — de chaux liquide, (Pharm.) chocolaté. — en poudre, chocolaté powder.
solution of chlorinated lime. — décolorant, chocolaterie, /. chocolaté manufacture.;
a chlorine compound that bleaches, as chocolaté factory.
bleaching powder or a hypochlorite. — chocolatier, m. chocolaté maker or dealer.
de cuivre, copper chloride, specif. cuprie chœur, m. chorus; choir.
chloride, copper(II) chloride. — de fer, choir, v.i. fall.
iron chloride, specif. ferrie chloride, choiseur, m. chooser; selector.
iron(III) chioride. — de Julin, hexaehlo- choisi, p.a. chosen, picked, selectad; sélect,
TObenBene^ — de manganèse, manganèse ohoice. m. choice article; chose»' person.
chloride, specif. manganous chloridei man- choisir, n,t: ohoosey sélect, pibk, sort.
ganese(II) chloride. — de mercure, mer- choix, m. choice, sélection, de —, Owith a
cury chloride. — de mercure(bi), mercuric noua) preferred, best.
chloride,, mercury(II), chloride. — de. mer- diolagogue, m. A a, (Med.) oholago^ue-).
cure(proio), mercurous ohloride, mer- cholélque, o. choleic (deoxycholic).
cury(I) chloride. — de méthyle, methyl cholélithe, n. gallstone, biliary catculus.
chloride, chloromethane. — de phosphore, cholémie, /. (Med.) cholemia, cholœmia.
phosphorus chloride. — de phosphore(per), cholérique, a. (M'ed.) choiera, choleraic.
phosphorus pentachloride, phosphorus(V) cholestérine, /. cholestérol.
chloride. — de platine, platinum chloride, cholestérique, a. cholesterio.
specif. platinic chloride, rjlatinum(IV) chlo- cholestéryle, m. cholesteryl.
ride. — de plomb, lead chloride. — de cholihémie, /. (Jtfed.) choUhemia.
votasse, eau de Javel, Javel water. — de choline, f. chohne.
potassium, potassium chloride. — de so- cholique, a. cholic.
dium, sodium chloride. — de soude, — de cholurfe, /. (Med.) choluria.
soude liquide, solution of chlorinated soda, chômage, m. stoppage, standing idle, ù>-
Labarraque's solution. •— de soufre, sulfur actîvity, dead season>.
chloride, specif. the monochloride, S2CI2. ployment.
chômer 84 chrysobéril
chômer, v.i. suspend work, stand idle; not chromatofluorure, m. fluochromate(VI).
to work; stnke; be out of work; stand chromatogène, a. chromogenic. m. chro-
in need. mogen.
chondrlne, /. chondrin. chromatographie, /. chromatography.
chondrogène, o. chondrigenous. m. ehon- chromatographique, a. chromatographic.
drigen. chromatographiquement, adv. chromato-
choquer, v.t. strike against, collide with; graphically.
attack ; shock. chromatohalogénure, m. halochro-
chorée, /. (Med.) chorea. mate(VI).
choroïde, /. (Anat.) choroid. chromatolyse, /. chromatolysis.
chose, /. thing; matter, affair; property. chrome, m. chromium, (in certain phrases)
quelque —, something, anything. chrome.
Chou, m. cabbage. — frisé, kale. — marin, chromé, o. containing or combined with
sea kale (Crambe maritima). — palmiste, chromium ; chromium-plated ; (Leather)
palm cabbage; cabbage palm. — potager, chrome-tanned.
common cabbage. — vert, kale. choux de chromene, wi. chromene (benzopyran).
Bruxelles, Brussels sprouts. chromeux, a. chromous.
choucroute, /. sauerkraut, pickled cabbage. chromicyanure, m. chromicyanide, cyano-
chouette, /. owl. chromate(III).
chou-fleur, m. cauliflower. chromifère, a. chromiferous.
Chou-navet, m. rutabaga. ohromihexacyanure, m. cyaaochro-
chou-rave, m. kohlrabi. mate(III).
choux, pi. of chou. chromique, a. chromic.
chrême, m. ehrism, consecrated oil. chromisel, m. (complex) chromium(III)
chrétien, a. Christian. sait.
christe-marlne, /. (Bot.) samphire, specif. chromisme, m. chromatism.
sea samphire (firithmum maritimum) and chromite, n. chromite. — de fer, (Min.)
marsh samphire or glasswort (Salicornia chromite, chrome iron ore.
herbaeea). chromocre, m. chrome ocher (earthy
chromafflne, a. chromaffîn, chromaffinic. Cr2O3).
chromage, m. chromium plating. chromocyanhydrique, a. cyanochromic(II).
chromammonlque, a. chromammine, chromocyanure, m. chromocyanide, cyano-
chromammono. chromate(II).
chromane, m. chroman (dihydrobenzopy- chromogène, a. chromogenic. m. chromo-
chromatable, a. (Dyeing) chromable. gen.
chromatage, m. chromating, (Dyeing) chromogenèse, /. chromogenesis.
chroming. chromogênique, a. chromogenic.
chromate, m. chromate. — acide, dichro- chromohexacyanhydrique, a. cyanochro-
mate. — (bi) de -potasse, potassium di- mic(II).
chromate, potassium bichromate. — de chromohexacyanure, m. cyanochro-
baryte, barium chromate. — de plomb, mate(II).
lead chromate. — de potasse, potassium chromophlle, o. (Biol.) chromophilous.
chromate. chromoprotéide, m. chromoprotein.
chromate, p.o. chromated, chromed; chro- chromosel, m. (complex) chromium(II) sait.
mate of. chromosulfurique, a. chromosulfuric.
chromater, v.t. chromate, (Dyeing) chrome. chromotropique, a. chromotropic (acid).
chromatie, /. chromatism. chromyle, m. chromyl.
chromatine, /. (Biol.) chromatin. chronique, a. chronic. /. chronicle,
chromatique, a. chromatie. chronométrage, m. (exact) timing.
chromatiquement, adv. chromatically. chronomètre, m. chronometer.
chromatiser, v.t. render chromatie chronométrique, a. chronometric(al).
chromatisme, m. chromatism. chrysalide, /. chrysalis.
chiomatochlorhydrique, a. chlorochro- chrysanthème, m. chrysanthemum.
mic(VI). chrysanthémoside, m. chrysanthemin.
chromatochlorure, m. chlorochromate(VI). chrysarohine, /. chrysarobin.
chromatofluorhydrique, a. fluoehro- chrysobéryl, chrysobéril, m. chrysoberyl.
chrysocale 85 cimolée
chrysocale, chrysochalque, m. an imita- le
Cie., C , abbrev. (Compagnie) Company,
tion gold composed of copper, tin and Co.
zinc. ciel, m. sky; heaven; roof (as of a mine);
chrysocétone, /. chrysoketone. crown, top (as of a furnace or boiler) ;
chrysocolle, /. (.Min.) chrysocolla. canopy. à — couvert, under cover. à —
chrysolithe, /. (Min.) chrysolite. ouvert, under the open sky, without cover,
chrysophaniquc, a. chrysophanic. open. — couvert, clouded sky, cloudy
chu, p.a. (of choir) fallen. weather.
chuchoter, v.i. & t. whisper. cierge, m. candie, wax candie (esp. for
chute, /. fall; drop; falling; failure; ruin; cérémonial use); (Bot.) cereus; (Bot.)
(Métal.) rejected end of an ingot; (pi.) mullein. — à grandes fleurs, night-bloom-
refuse. — d'eau, waterfall ; head of water. ing cereus.
— de potentiel, fall of potential, drop of cierger, v.t. wax.
potential. — du bas, (Métal.) rejected ciergier, m. one who rnakes or sells wax
lower end. — du haut, (Métal.) rejected candies.
upper end. cieux, pi. of ciel.
chx., abbrev. (chevaux) horsepower. cigare, m. cigar.
chylaire, a. chylous, chylaceous. cigogne, /. stork; crank, orank lever.
chyleux, a. chylous, chylaceoua. ciguë, /. (Bot.) hemlock. — officinale, —
chyllfler, v.t. chylify. ordinaire, Conium maculatum. — vireuse,
chylurie, /. (Med.) chyluria. water hemlock (Cicuta virosa).
chymifier, v.t. chymify. ci-inclus, o. enclosed (herewith).
Chypre, /. Cyprus. ci-joint, o. (given) herewith, annexed.
Chypre, m. Cyprian wine. cil, m. eyelash; (Biol., etc.) cilium, hair.
ci, adv. hère; aow. (Ci may be attached ciliaire, o. ciliary.
to a word to limit the meaning of ce, cette, ciller, v.i. wink, blink.
celui, etc. ; as, cette homme-ci, this man ; cime, /. summit, top; (Bot.) cym'e.
celui-ci, this one, this, the latter. Its ciment, m. cément. — anglais, Keene's cé-
opposite is là. Ci is also used in accounts ment. — à prise lente, slow-setting cé-
to indicate a product; as, 6 cornues à 1 ment. — à prise rapide, quick-setting
franc, ci 6 francs.) de —, de là, hère and cément. — armé, reinforced cernent. —
there. par —, par là, hère and there; now artificiel, artificiel cernent. — de Boulogne,
and then; hither and thither. Roman cernent. — de fer, iron-rust ce-
ci-après, adv. below, hereafter. rnent (Fe, S, NH4CI). — de grappiers,
cible, /. target. see grappiers. — de laitier, — de scories,
ciboule, /. Welsh onion (Allium fistulosum). slag cernent. — de Paris, a cément made
ciboulette, /. chives. by borating stucco plaster. — fondu,
cicatrice, /. scar, cicatrix. alumina cernent. — hydraulique, hydraulic
cicatrisant, p.a. cicatrisive, cicatrizant. m. cernent. — métallique, metallic cément. —
cicatrizant. naturel, natural cernent. — Portland, Port-
cicatriser, v.t. cicatrize, heal; cicatrize, land cernent. — pouzzolane, pozzuolanic
scar. cernent, pozzuolana. — prompt, quick-set-
cicéro, m. pica, 12-point (type). ting cernent. — romain, Roman cernent.
cicérole, /., cicer, m. chick-pea. — Sorel, Sorel cément, magnésium oxychlo-
ci-contre, adv. opposite. ride cernent.
cicutaire, /. = ciguë.
cicuté, a. containing hemlock. cimentage, m. cementing; cémentation.
cicutine, /. cicutine. cimentaire, o. pertaining to cément, cément.
ci-dessous, adv. below, underneath. cimentation, /. cémentation.
ci-dessus, adv. above. . cimenter, v.t. cément; seal; (Glas») var-
ci-devant, adv. formerly, previously. a. nish.
former, late, ex-. cimenterie, /. cément plant.
cidre, m. cider. — doux, sweet cider, new cimentier, m. cément maker or user.
cider. cimetière, m. cemetery.
cidrerie, /. cider factory, cider mill. cimicifuge, o. bug-expelling. /. bugbane.
cidromel, n. a fermented drink made from cimolée, /. cimolite; pipeclay; the ooze
cider and honey. from a grindstone.
cinabarin 86 cirier
cinabarin, a. vermillon. cintrage, m. bending, etc. (see cintrer) ;
cinabre, m. cinnabar; (as a color) vermilion. specif., plate bending.
— d'antimoine, antimony cinnabar, anti- cintre, m. bend, curve, bow, arch.
mony vermilion. — vert, green cinnabar cintré, p.a. bent, etc. (see cintrer).
(green pigment containing chrome yellow cintrement, m. bending, etc. (see cintrer).
and Prussian blue). cintrer, v.t. bend, curve, bow, arch, cam-
cinchonamine, /. cinchonamine. ber.
cinchonicine, /. cinchonicine. cipolin, m. cipoîin, cipolino (marble).
cinchonidine, /. cinchonidine. cirage, m. waxing, etc. (see cirer); black-
cinchonine, /. cinchonine. ing (for shoes) ; polishing (of leather) ;
cinchoninique, a. cinehoninic (4-quinoline- polish (for leather) ; varnish.
carboxylic). circonférence, /. circumference.
cinchonique, a, cinchonic. acide —, cin- circonflexe, a. circumflex; crooked, twisted.
chonic acid (tetrahydro-6-keto-2i/-pyran- circonlocution, /. circumlocution.
3,4-dicarboxylie acid); less properly, cin- circonscription, /. circuinscription ; subdi-
choninic acid. vision, division (limited area).
cinéfaction, /. ashing, incinération, circonscrire, v.t. circumscribe.
cinéma, m. motion picture(s), cinéma. circonstance, /. circumstance.
cinématique, a. kinematic{al). /. kine- circonstancié, a. détail éd.
matics. circuit, m. circuit ; lap, — amortisseur,
cinématiquement, adv. kinematically. damping circuit. — d'accord, résonance
cinène, m. cinene (dipentene, inactive limo- circuit. — d'alimentation, supply circuit.
nene). — d'arrivée, incoming circuit. — de
cinéol, m. cineole. charge, charging circuit. — de décharge,
cinération, /. cineration, incinération. discharging circuit. — dérivé, (Elec.) de-
cinériforme, a. in the form of or re- rived circuit, shunt circuit. — d'excitation,
sembling ashes. field circuit. — primaire, primary circuit.
ciné rite, /. a fine-grained tufa. — secondaire, secondary circuit, hors —,
cinet, cinète, a. kinetic. (Elec.) disconnected.
cinétique, a. kinetic. /. kinetics. — chi- circulaire, a. circulât. /. circulai1; cîrcle.
mique, chemical kinetics. circulaire ment, adv. eircularly.
cinétique ment, adv. kinetically. circulant, p.a. circulating, in circulation.
cinglage, m. (Métal.) shingling ; sailing, circularité, /. circularity.
course. circulation, /. circulation ; (Com.) traflic.
cinglard, m. shingling hammer. circulatoire, o. circulatory.
cingler, v.t. (Métal.) shingle; lash, switch. circuler, va. circuhite; move round, faire
ctngleresse, /. shingling tongs. —, circulate; cause to move about.
cingleur, m. shingler, squeezer. o. shinglîng. cire, /. wax; wax candie. — à cacheter,
— rotatif, shingling rolls. sealing wax. — à parquets, fioor wax. —
eingleuse, /. (Métal.) shingler, squeezer. b tanche, white wax, bleached wax. —
cinnabre, m. = cinabre. d'abeille(s), beeswax. — d'aucuba, ocuba
CÎnname, m. cinnamon tree (Cinnamomum wax. — de Chine, Chinese wax. — de
species) ; cinnamon. cirier, myrtle wax. — de Un, û&x wax. —
cinnamétne, /. cinnameïn. de myrica, myrtle wax. — de palmier,
palm wax. — des doreurs, gilder's wax.
cinnamène, m, cinnamene (styrène).
cinnamide, /. cinnamamide, cinnamic aiaide. — d'Espagne, Spanish wax, sealing wax.
cinnamique, a. cinnamic. — de suint, wax from suint, wool wax.
cinnamome, cinnamone, m. « cinname. — d'insectes, insect wax, esp. Chinese wax.
cinnamoyle, m. cinnamoyl. — du Japon, Japan wax. — fossile, fos-
cinnamyle, m. cinnamyl. sil wax, ceresin. — jaune, yellow wax. —
cinnoline, /. cinnoline. laque, lac wax. — minérale, minerai wax,
cinq, a. & m. five; fifth. ozocerite. — vierge, virgin wax.
cinquantaine, /. fifty (as a round number) ; ciré, p.a. waxed, etc. (see cirer).
cirer, v.t. wax; black (shoes) ; polish
fiftieth year or anniversary. (leather) ; varnish; waterproof.
cinquante, a. fifty; fiftieth. m. fifty. cireux, o. waxy.
cinquantième, a. & m. fiftieth, cirier, m. wax myrtle (Myrica sp., esp. M.
cinquième, a. & m. fifth. cerifera) ; wax chandler, a. wax-producing.
ciron 87 claquement
ciron, m. (Zoôl.) mite. ella gras» (Andrapogon •aardus); a liqueur
cirrhose, /. (Med.) cirrhosis. flavored with lemon peel.
cirure, m. waxing, coating of wax. citronnellique, a. citronelUo.
cisaillage, m. shéaring, cutting. citronnellol, m. citronellol.
cisaille, /. clippings, cuttings, parings (from citronnier, m. lemon tree (Citrus limonia);
coins); (pi.) shears (for cutting métal, any tree of the group lemon, Hme and
trimming hedges or the like), nippera (for citron; any tree of the genus Citrus (in-
wire); cutter (for trimming paper). eluding trees bearing citrus fruits of ail
cisaillement, m. shearing; shéaring stress; kinds).
cutting. citrouille, /. pumpkin.
cisailler, v.t. shear, eut (with shears), clip. civette, /. civet (the perfume); civet, civet
cisailleuse, /. cutter, shears. cat.
ciseau, m. chisel; (pi., ciseaux) scissors, civière, /. (hand)barrow ; stretcher.
(small) shears. — à bois, wood chisel. — civil, a. civil ; civilian. m. civilian.
à chaud, hot chisel. — à froid, cold chisel. civilisateur, a. civilizing.
— de calfat, calking iron. civiliser, v.t. civilize.
ciseler, v.t. chisel, eut; chase; engrave; claie, /. screen, sieve; hurdle.
prune. clair, a. (of fire, etc.) bright; (of colors,
ciselure, /. chasing, engraving; chased rooms, etc.) light; clear; thin; (of cloth)
work. flimsy; (of money) available. m. light; (of.
cisoires, /. pi. bench shears. cloth) thin part. adv. clearly, clear. —
cissoïde, /. (Math.) cissoid. semé, thinly sown, scattered.
ciste, m. (Bot.) Cistus, rockrose. clairçage, m. clearing, purging (esp. the
cité, /. city. p.o. cited. freeing of sugar crystak from mother liq-
citer, v.t. cite. uor by water, sirup, centrifugalizing or
citerne, /. cistern; tank; tanker; water other means).
boat. Clairce, m. (Sugar) clearing sirup, clairce.
citerneau, m. small cistern. claiTcer, claircir, v.t. clear, purge (see
citoyen, m., citoyenne, /. citizen. clairçage).
citraconique, a. citraconic. claire, /. bone ash; boiler for sugar refin-
citragon, m. garden balm (Melissa ofli- ing.
cinalis). claire-étoffe, /. an alloy of tin and lead,
citrate, m. citrate. — d'ammoniaque, am- soft solder.
monium citrate. — d'ammoniaque liquide, clairement, adi>. clearly, plainly.
(Pharm.) solution of ammonium citrate. clairer, v.t. wash (ore).
— de fer ammoniacal, (Pharm.) ferrie am- claire-soudure, /. = claire-étoffe.
monium citrate. — de îithine, lithium clairet, a. rather light (in color) ; rather
citrate. — de potasse, potassium citrate. thin. m. red wine of light color.
— de sesquioxyde de fer, ferrie citrate. — clairette, /. a wliite sparkling wine of the
de soude, sodium citrate. Midi (also, the variety of grspe from
citrate, a. citrated. which this wine is made) ; a disease of silk-
citrène, /. citrene (rf-limonene). worma; (Bot.) com salad (Valerianella).
citrin, a. citrine. (See also eau clairette, under eau.)
citrine, /. lemon oil. claire-voie, /. openwork, lattice, grating;
citrique, a. citric. skylight. à —, in openwork, lattieed; (of
citro-magnésien, a. In the phrase li- fabrics) open, loose-woven.
queur citro-magnésienne, an ammoniacal clairsemé, a. thinly sown, scattered, acarce.
magnésium citrate solution used to pre- clairvoyant, a. clear-sighted ; disoerning.
cipitate phosphoric acid. clamauder, v.t. clamp.
citron, m. lemon; any fruit from the genus clameau, m. clamp, cramp, dog; vise.
Citrus (including esp. lemon, lime and clapet, m. clack valve, clack, fiap valve. —
citron), a. lemon-colored, lemon-yellow. à couronne, cup valve. — de sûreté, safety
citronnade, /. lemonade. valve.
citronné, a. like, or smelling of, lemons; clapoter, v.i. ripple, plash, splash.
flavored with lemon. claquage, m. clapping, etc. (see claquer);
citronnellal, m. citronellal. (Elec.) breakdown, puncture.
citronnelle, /. (Bot.) citronella, esp. citron- claquement, m. clapping, etc. (see claquer).
claquer S cloisonnage
claquer, v.t. & i. clap, smack, slap, crack, clichage, m, stereotyping, stereotypy; (Min-
click. ing) prop, rest, dog, catch.
clarifiant, p.a. clarifying. m. clarifying Cliché, m. engraved plate or block (for
agent, clarifier, fining. printing), eut, engraving; stéréotype plate,
clarificateur, m. clarifier. cliché, electro ; (Photog.) négative. a.
clarifier, v.t. & r. clarify. stereotyped. — à demi-teintes, half-tone
clarifieur, m. clarifier. eut, half-tone. — de projection, lantern
clarté, /. light; brightness; clearness, clar- slide. — heurté, contrasty négative. —
ity, specif. transparency, limpidity. — du négatif, négative. — voilé, fogged néga-
jour, daylight. — du soleil, sunlight. tive.
classe, /. class. clicher, v.t. stéréotype.
classement, m. classification, classing. Client, m. customer; patient; client.
classer, v.t. classify, class; sort, grade; in- Clientèle, /. patronage, custom, customers;
dex. clientèle.
classeur, m. classifier (as for ore) ; file, fil- cligner, clignoter, v.i. wink, bUnk, flicker.
ing device; sorter. climat, m. climate.
classification, /. classification ; sorting. climatique, a. climatic.
Classifier, v.t. classify; sort; file. clin, m. lap, lapping, cUnch ; wink. —
classique, a. classic(al); conventional ; class. d'œil, twinkling of an eye.
élastique, a. clastic. clinique, o. clinic, clinical. /. clinic.
Clavalier, m. (Bot.) prickly ash (Zanth- clinoédrique, a. (Cryst.) clinohedral.
oxylum, esp. Z, americanum) ; (Pharm.) clinomètre, m. clinometer.
xanthoxylum. clinorhombique, a. clinorhombic (mono-
clavecin, m. harpsichord. fil de —, piano clinic).
wire. clinquant, m. tinsel, imitation gold or sil-
clavel, m. an impure sodium carbonate. ver foil. a. tinseled, glitterhig.
clavelée, /. sheep pox. cliquet, m. click, catch, detent, pawl,
claVétage, m. keying. ratchet.
claveter, v.t. key, fasten with keys or cot- cliqueter, v.i. click, clank, pink, rattle.
ters. cliquetis, m. clank(ing), clink(ing), rattle.
clavettage, m. = clavetage. clisse, /. screen, mat (as for draining
clavette, /. key, pin, peg, cotter; wedge. cheese); wicker cover for a bottle; splint.
— de serrage, tightening key. clissé, p.a. wickered ; wicker.
clavetter, v.t. = claveter. clisser, v.t. wicker, cover with wicker;
claviature, /. (Mach.) manifold. (Med.) splint.
clavier, m. keyboard. clister, v.t. (Sait) lute.
clayon, m. small screen, sieve or grating; clivabilité, /. cleavability.
small hurdle; wattïe. clivable, a. cleavable.
clayonnage, m. grating; basketwork. clivage, m. cleavage.
clef, Clé, /. key (in various sensés) ; key, cliver, v.t. & r. cleave.
ping (of a stopcoek) ; wrench ; hook (oi a cloaque, in. sewer ; sink ; cesspool ; cloaca.
chain) ; keystone ; knot, hitch ; (Glass) a cloc, 77i. clicking, click.
pièce of earthenware fitting over the cloche, /. bell jar, beil glass; bell (in vari-
cracked side of a pot and serving to hold ous sensés); bell cap; cover (for a dish);
it together. — à béquille, spanner. — à blister; (Ceram.) bubble, bleb; (Biol.)
écrous, screw wrench, nut wrench, spanner. a covered glass dish for plate cultures,
— à molette, adjustable wrench, monkey sérum, etc. — à cultures, culture dîsh
wrench. — anglaise, monkey wrench. — (with cover). — à douille, open-top bell
à tubes, pipe wrench. — à vis, screw jar, bell jar having a mouth or tubulation
at the top. — à vide, vacuum bell jar
wrench. — d'appel, call button. — de (with lower edge ground to fit air-tight).
calage, adjusting key, tightening key. — — d'air, air chamber. — d'appel, call bell.
de tirage, damper. — d'interruption, — isolante, bell-shaped insulator.
(Elec.) make-and-break key. — ouverte, clocher, v.t. cover with a bell jar.
spanner. clochette, /. little bell jar; little bell; bell
clématite, /. (Bot.) clematis. fiower.
clenche, /. latch; catch, pawl. cloison, /. partition, septum; bulkhead.
clerc, m. clergyman ; scholar, savant ; clerk. cloisonnage, m. partition work.
cloisonné 89 cochenillier
cloisonné, 7).a. dividod into compartments ; coaltarisation, /. coal tar treatment, tar-
cellular ; cloisonné. ring.
cloisonnement, m. partitioning ; partition. coaltariser, v.t. treat (esp. coat) with coal
cloisonner, v.t. partition, divide into com- tar, tar.
partments. coalté, a. designating a coal tar préparation
cloniqùe, a. (Med.) clonic. used as a disinfectant.
cloque, /. blister, vesicle; leaf curl. coassocié, m. copartner, associate, partner.
cloquer, v. blister. coauteur, m. co-author, joint author.
clore, v.t. close; inclose, v.t. close, shut. cobalt, m. cobalt. — arséniatê, {Min.)
clos, p.a. closed, inclosed, shut, ended. m. erythrite. — arsenical, (Min.) smaltite.
inclosure, close; specif., vineyard. — de — d'acier, smaltite. — gris, cobalt glance,
vigne, vineyard. cobaltite. — d'outremer, cobalt ultrama-
close, a. fem. of clos. pr. 1 & 3 sing. subj. rine, cobalt blue. — sulfuré, cobalt sulfide;
of clore. (Min.) linnîeite.
closeau, closerie, m. small inclosure; small cobaltage, m. coating or plating with co-
farm. balt.
clôt, pr. S sing. (of clore) closes, shuts. cobaltamine, /. cobaltammine.
clôture, /. close, closing, conclusion; in- cobalteux, a. cobaltous, cobalt(II).
closure (something that incloses), fence, cobalti-. cobalti-, cobaltic, cobalt(III).
wall, etc. ; seclusion. cobaltico-potassique, a. of cobalt(III) and
clôturer, v.t. close, end; shut in; fence. potassium. Cf. phrase at nitrite.
Clou, m. nail; spike, stud, rivet, peg; boil. cobalticyanhydrique, a. cobalticyanic,
— à river, rivet, riveting nail. — aro- cyanocobaltic(III).
matique, clove. — à tête perdue, brad. cobalticyanure, m. cobalticyanide, cyano-
— de bouche, tack. — de girofle, clove. — cobaltate(III).
d'épingle, brad; wire nail. — de soufflet, cobaltifère, a. cobaltiferous.
tack. — en fonte, cast nail. — fumant, cobaltine, /. (Afin.) cobaltite, cobaltine.
aromatic pastiï. — mécanique, machine- cobaltinitrite, m. cobaltinitrite, nitroco-
made nail. — sans tête, brad. — zingué, baltate(III).
galvanized nail. cobaltioxalate, m. oxalatocobaltate(III),
clouage, clouement, m. nailing; riveting. cobaltioxalate.
clou-épingle, n. brad. cobaltique, a. cobaltic, cobalt, specif. co-
clouer, v.t. nail; spike, rivet, pin. balt(III).
clouterie, /. nail factory; nail trade. cobaltisage, m. = cobaltage.
clupéine, /. clupeine. cobaltiser, v.t. cover or plate with cobalt.
clystère, m. (Med.) clyster, enema. cobalto-. cobalto-, cobaltous, cobalt(II).
cm 0 , cm 3 , abbrev. (centimètre cube) cubic cobaltocre, /. (Min.) erythrite.
centimeter, eu. cm., ce. cobaltocyanure, m. cobaltocyanide, cyano-
cmi, cm , abbrev. (centimètre carré) square cobaye, m. guinea pig, cavy.
ceutimeter, sq. cm. cobier, m. (Sait) a partitioned basin (fol-
coagglutinine, /. coagglutinin. lowing the vasière).
coagulabilité, /. coagulability. coboldine, /. (Min.) linnœite.
coagulant, p.a. coagulating. m. coagulant. cobolt, m. powdered metallic arsenic.
coagulateur, a. coagulatory, coagulating. cocaïne, /. cocaine.
m. coagulator, coagulant. cocaïniser, v.t. cocainize.
coagulation, /. coagulation. — sanguine, cocalon, m. a silkworm cocoon of inferior
coagulation (or clotting) of the blood. value.
coaguler, v.t. & r. coagulate. coche, /. notch, nick, eut, slit, groove; kink;
coagulum, m. coagulum; coagulant. sow.
coaille, /. inferior wool (from the taxi). cochenillage, m. cochineal dyeing or dye
coaliser, v.t. & r. unité, combine, league.
coalition, /. coalition, combination. bath.
coaltar, m. coal tar. cochenille, /. cochineal; cochineal insect.
coaltaremeht, m. treating with coal tar, a. cochineal.
tarring. cocheniller, v.t. dye with cochineal.
coaltarer, v.t. treat or impreguate with coal cochenillier, m. cochineal fig, cochineal
tar. plant.
cocher 1 coléoptère
cocher, v.t. notoh, niok, slit. m. coaohman. cognassier, m. quince, quince tree (Cy-
Cochinchine, /. Cochin China. donia).
cochléaire, cocbléaria, /. scurvy grass. cognée, /. ax; knock, knocking.
cochon, m. swine, hog, pig; pork; dross; cognement, m. knocking, knock, beating.
(Métal.) sow, pig. — d'Inde, guinea pig, cogner, v.t. knock, strike, beat, drive, v.i.
cavy. knock, rattle, chatter, squeak.
coco, m. coconut; coco, coco palm; coco- cohérer, v.i. cohere.
nut shell; licorice water. beurre de —, cohéreur, m. coherer.
coconut butter, coconut oil. noix de —, cohésionner, v.t. cause to cohere.
coconut. cohobage, m. cohobation. (See cohober.)
cocon, m. oocoon. cohobateur, a. cohobating.
coconnage, m. formation of coeoons. cohobation, /. cohobation. (See cohober.)
cocose, n. a butter substitute from coconut cohober, v.t. cohobate, redistill (with pour-
oil. ing back on the residue).
cocotier, m. coco, coco palm (Cocos nu- coiffage, m. cap, covering; specif., fuse cap.
cifera). coiffe, /. cap, cover, hood ; mesentery (of
cocotte, cocote, /. iron casserole; foot-and- slaughtered animais) ; headdress ; lining (of
mouth disease; conjunctivitis; gonorrhea. hats). — de fusée, fuse cap.
coction, /. boiling, coction; cooking; coiffer, v.t. cap, cover the head or top of;
(Physiol.) digestion. dress the hair of; intoxicate.
code, m. code; codex, pharmacopeia. coin, m. corner; wedge; stamp, die; stamp,
codéine, /. codéine. mark; quoin; corner cupboard.
codéshydrase, codéshydrogénase, /. coinçage, m. wedging, fastening with
codehydrogenase, codehydrase. wedges.
codéthyllne, /. (Pharm.) ethylmorphine coincement, m. wedging, state of being
hydrochloride. wedged, (of machine parts) jamming.
codex, m. codex, phannacopeia (specif. the coincer, v.t. wedge; jam; drive in (wedges);
French phannacopeia). corner, v.r. (of machine parts) jam.
codifier, v.t. codify. coïncider, v.i. coincide.
coefficient, m. coefficient. — d'abaissement, coing, m. quînce.
coefficient of (freezing-point) lowering. — coir, m. coh- (coconut husk fiber).
d'adhérence, coefficient of adhésion. — de coke, m. coke. — de fourneau, coke-oven
dilatation, expansion coefficient. — de coke. — de paz, gas coke, retort coke. —
partage, coefficient of paxtition. — de de pétrole, petroleum coke, oil coke.
sûreté, — de sécurité, coefficient (or factor) cokéfaction, cokéincation, /. coking.
of safety. — économique, efficiency. cokéflant, cokéiflant, p.a. coking.
coerciWe, a. coercible, (of gases) com- cokéfler, cokéifler, n.t. & r. coke.
pressible. cokerie, /. coking plant.
coercitif, a. coercive, coercitive. coketier, m. one that makes or sells coke,
coercitlvité, /. coercivity. cokeur, m. coke burner, coke-oven stoker.
ccesium, m. césium, cœsium. col, m. neck; collar; (mountain) pass. à —
cœur, m. heart ; interior, inner part, middle court, short-necked. — de cygne, swan
part, etc. ; (in distillation) middle fraction ; neck (specif. a curved tube or pipe) ; goose-
heartwood; stomach (as in mal au cœur); neck; (Mach.) gap. — d'oie, gooseneck.
(railway) frog. en —, heart-shaped. — droit, wide-mouthed bottle (for liquids).
cœurce, m. currying knife; planishing knife. cola, m. (Pharm.) kola; (Bot.) Cola.
Cf. queurse. colature, /. filtration, straining; nitrate,
coferment, m. coferment (coehzyme). strained liquid. (Colature in English ia
cofféine, /. caffeine. obs. or rare.)
coffrage, m. casing, timbering, planking. colchicacée, /. (Bot.) a plant belonging to
Colchicum or a related genus.
coffre, m. chest; box; trunk; coffer; bin; colchicéine, /. colchiceine.
casing, case ; housing ; cofferdam. colchicine, /. colchicine.
coffre-fort, m. strong box, safe. colchique, m. (Bot.) meadow saffron (Col-
coffret, m. (small) chest, (small) box; chicum) ; (Pharm.) colchicum seed.
muffle. colcotar, m. colcothar.
cognac, m. cognac, Cognac brandy. coléoptère, m. (ZoGt.) coleopteran; (pi.)
cognage, m. knocking, etc. (see cogner). Coleoptera.
colère 91 colomhin
colère, /. anger. fine, clsrify (as wine) ; (Ceram.) fasten
coliliacille, m. (Bact.) colon bacillus. with slip. v.r. stick, cling, stick together,
colibacillose, /. infection with colon ba- cake; be glued, sized, fined, etc. v.i. stick,
cillus. adhère, cling, cake.
colifichet, m. trinket, knickknack; bird collerette, /. flsnge, rim, oollsr, ring; (Bot.)
cake; (Ceram.) small tripod. involucre.
colimaçon, m. spiral, worm; hélix; snail. colles-matières, n. pi. See colle-matière.
colique, / . <fc a. colic. — saturnine, lead collet, m. collar; (Tcefe.) neck, throat,
colic. shoulder, ahank, collar, collet, flange, etc.;
colis, m. package, parcel, baie, case. — (of a augar beet or other plant) collar. —
postal, parcel (sent by poat). par — de jonction, fiange, eollar, snoulder.
postaux, by pareel post. collétique, a. & m. colletic, agglutinant.
colisage, m. packing. collette, /. a vessel for fining béer,, ala& ita
collaber, v.i. collapse. contents; a soft glue from hide scraps.
collaborateur, m., collaboratrice, /., col- colleur, m. gluer, etc. (see coller).
laborator, coworker. colleuse, /. sizing machine, si^er.
collaborer, v.i. collabor&te, work or act collidine, /. collidine.
iointly. collier, m. coliar; hoop, rmgt. belt; bu&iiing; .
collage, m. gluing, etc. (see coller). — en nange ; necklace.
pâte, (Paper) sizing in. the vat. colliger, v.t. collect, gather.
collasène, a. collagenouB, collagenis. m. collimateur, m. colhmator. a. cofiimating.
collagen. colline, /. liill.
collant, p.a. gluing, etc. (see coller) ; sticky, collodié, a. collodionbed.
adhèrent. eollodion, m. collodion. — cantharidé,
collapsus, m. (Med.) collapse. (Pkarm.) cantharidal collodion, blistering
collationner, v.t. compare, collate, check. collodioB. — élastique, (Pharm.) flexible
colle, /. glue; size, aàzuig; (adhesive) paste; collodion. — styptique, (P/iarm.) atyptic
(adhesive) eement; fining. — à bouche, eollodion. — vésicant, (Pharm.y blistering
mouth élue, lip glue. — d'amidon, starch collodion, cantharidal collodion.
paste. — d'Arménie, Armenian cernent. — cellodionnage, m. collodion vamishing,
de caoutchouc, rubber cernent. — de collodionné, p.a. collodionized.
Flandre purifiée, gelatin. — de Lyon, a collodionner, v.t. collodionize.
strong animal glue. — de pâte, paste, colloïdal (m. pi. colloïdaux), a. colloïdal,
flour. paste. — de peau, skin glue, hide
glue. —• de poisson, fish glue; isioglass. — coiloid. m. colloïdal substance or prépara-
de résine, resin (or rosin) size. — de savon, tion.
soap paste. — d'os, bone glue. — du colloïde, m. coiloid. a. coiloid, colloïdal.
Japon, agar, Japanese agar. — forte, glue. colloïdité, /. colloidality.
collotypie, /. oollotypy, collotype.
— liquide, Iiquid glue; mucilage. — ma- colloxyline, /. colloxylin (soluble guncot-
tière, glue stoek. — pour mouche», fly glue. ton).
— végétale, vegetable glue, vegetable size. collure, /. gluing, etc. (see coller); glued or
collecter, «.t. collect, (Optio) iocus. pasted place, specif. splice.
collecteur, m. collecter, a. oollecting; (of collutoire, m. (Med.) coilutory, collutorium.
a lens) condensing. collyre, m. (Med.) collyriam.
collectif, a. & m. collective. colmatage, m. clogging, etc. (see colmater).
collection, /. collection; file. colmater, v.t. clog; seal; plaster; (.Agric.)
collectionner, v.t. collect, ntake a collec- warp.
tion of.
colocynthine, /., colocynthoside, m. colo-
collectionneur, m. colleotor.
collectivement, adv. collectively. cynthin.
collectivité, m. collectivity. colombate, m. columbate (cf. colosnbùjae).
collectrice, a. fem. of collecteur. colombe, /. dove.
collège, m. eollege; council, baard. Colombie, /. Colombia.
collégien, m. collegian. a. collégiale* col- colombier, m. dovecote; colombier, colum-
lège. bier (size of paper, about 23 x 34 in.).
collègue, m. colleague. colorabin, m. a long cj-lmder of cetamio
colle-matière, n. (also pL) glue stock. paste used for measuring contraetiac due
coller, v.t. glue, cernent, paste, stick; size; to firing or for lutiûg saggera together;
colombin 92 comburable
(Métal.) a kind of lead ore; (Building) a colorer, v.t. & r. color ; dye ; (Micros.)
mixture of plaster of Paris and baryta. stain.
colomb ine, /. dung of domestic fowls. coloriage, m. coloring.
colom bique, a. columbic (niobic, nio- colorier, v.t. color.
bium(V)) ; columbic, calumbic (from ca- colorieur, m. colorer, colorist; (Calico)
lumba). printing roller, print roll.
colombite, /. (Min.) columbite. colorifique, a. colorinc.
colombium, m. columbium (niobium). colorigène, a. colorigenic, color-producing.
Colombo, m. (Pharm. ) calumba, colombo. colorimètre, m. colorimeter.
— d'Amérique, — de Mariette, American colorimétrie, /. colorimetry.
columbo, American gentian (Frasera caro - colorimétrïque, a. colorimétrie.
linensis). colorimétriquement, adv. colorimetrically.
colomine, /. (Ceram.) talcose clay. coloris, m. coloring ; toning ; hue, tint.
colomnaire, a. columnar. colorisation, /. coloration.
colon, m. planter, farmer; colonist, settler. coloriste, m. colorer; (Art) colorist.
côlon, m. (Anat.) colon. coltar, colthar, coltarement, etc. See
colonial (m. pi. coloniaux), a. colonial. coaltar, coaltarement, etc.
colonie, /. colony. columbium, m. columbium (niobium).
coloniser, v.t. colonize. colza, m. colza, specif. râpe or rapeseed.
colonne, /. column ; tower ; pillar, post ; (Distinctions between "huile de colza,"
(of a pump) barrel. — à billes, bail (or "huile de navette" and "huile de rabette"
bead) column. — à boules, bulb (or bail) are apparently rather confused. Ail may
fractionating column. — à distiller, dis- be translated "râpe oil" or "colza oil,"
tilling column, fractionating column. — à terms which are now practically synony-
rectifier, rectifying column, fractionating mous in English except as "colza oil" is
column. — à robinet, upright pipe with used of the purer varieties.)
stopcock or tap. — d'alimentation, (ver- comanique, a. comanic.
tical) feed pipe, standpipe. — épuratrice, comateux, a. (Med.) comatose.
purifying column, rectifying column. — combat, m. combat, contest, strife. pr. S
rectificatrice, rectifying column, fractionat- sing. (of combattre) fights, etc.
ing column. — sécheuse, drying column, combattre, v.t. fight ; combat ; oppose.
drying tower. v.i. fight, combat, contend, strive.
colophane, /. colophony, rosin. combien, adv. how, how much, how many,
colophaner, v.t. treat with colophony or how far, how long. m. price. — de temps,
rosin. how long.
coloquinte, /. colocynth (Citrullus colo- combinabilité, /. combinableness.
eynthis). combinaison, /. combination ; compound ;
colorabilité, /. colorability. — élective, scheme, contrivance; suit (of clothes). —
differential staining. binaire, binary compound. — imperméable,
colorant, a. coloring ; specif., dyeing. m. protective suit. — sulfurée, compound
colorant, coloring matter, specif., dye, dye- with sulfur, sulfur compound. — tertiaire,
stuff; (Micros.) stain. — acridique, acri- tertiary compound.
dine dye. au soufre, sulfur dye. — azo- combinateur, m. combiner ; (Elec.) con-
aminê, aminoazo dye. — azoïque, azo dye. troller. a. combining.
— azophénolique, hydroxyazo dye. — combinatoire, a. combinatory, combinative.
azoxique, azoxy dye. — basique, basic combiné, p.a. combined ; concerted. m.
dye or stain. — bisazoïque, disazo dye. compound; set (as of apparatus).
— ignifuge, fireproof color. — nitré, nitro combiner, v.t. combine; concert, eontrive.
dye. — nitrosé, nitroso dye. — oxazinique, v.r. combine, unité.
oxazine dye. — pour cuve, vat dye. — combineur, m. an apparatus for continu-
sulfuré, sulfur dye. — sur mordant, mor- ous distillation ; (Elec.) controller.
dant dye. — thiazinique, thiazine dye. — comble, m. roof ; height, summit, peak ;
vital, (Biol.) vital stain. overmeasure. o. heaped ; quite full.
coloration, /. coloration, coloring, staining. comblé, p.a. filled, etc. (see combler); full.
— vitale, vital staining. comblement, ni. filling, etc. (see combler).
coloré, p.a. colored; (of wine) deep-colored; combler, v.t. fill, fill up; supply; fulfill.
(of tints) bright; (Micros.) stained; florid. combuger, v.t. soak (casks).
colorement, m. coloring, coloration. comburable, a. combustible.
comburant 93 communication
comburant, p.a. burning; supporting com- commencement, m. beginning, commence-
bustion, m. supporter of combustion. ment, au —, at (or in) the beginning, at
combiné, p.a. burned ; (Min.) consisting of first.
oxide or halide. commencer, v.t. & i. begin, commence.
comburer, v.t. bum. commensurabilité, /. commensurability.
combustibilité, /. combustibility. comment, adv, how; why. 771. how; why,
combustible, a. combustible. m. fuel ; wherefore. interj. what !
combustible. .— aggloméré, briquetted fuel. commentaire, m. commentary ; comment.
— ancien, coal. — d'éclairage, combustible commenter, v.t. comment OQ. v.i. com-
used as an illuminant. — de gueulard, fur- ment ; comment unfavorably.
nace gas. — épais, thick fuel oïl. — commerçant, a. .commercial, mercantile.
gazeux, gaseous fuel. — minérale, minerai m. merchant, trader, dealer.
fuel, specif. coal. — moderne, wood and commerce, m. commerce ; trade, business ;
peat. tradespeople. — de détail, retail trade. —
combustion, /. combustion, — au libre, en gros, wholesale trade. — extérieur, for-
combustion in free air. — blanche, bright eign commerce, foreign trade. — intérieur,
combustion (as distinguished from blue home (or domestic) trade, inland com-
flame). — bleue, blue-flame combustion. merce, faire le — de, trade in, deal in;
—- de la fumée, smoke consumption. — be in the business of.
lente, slow combustion. — spontanée, commercer, v.i. trade, deal, do business ;
spontaneous combustion. — vive, quick hâve relations (with).
(or rapid) combustion. commerciable, a. salable; negotiable.
coménique, a. comenic. commercialement, adv. commercially.
comestible, a. & m. comestible, edible. commettre, v.t. commit ; appoint ; lay
comète, /. cornet. (ropes).
comique, a, comic, comical. comminuer, v.t. comminute.
comité, m. committee; commission, board, commis, p.a. committed; appointed; (of
etc. ropes) laid. m. clerk. — voyageur, com-
commandant, m. commanding officer, com- mercial traveler.
mander. commissaire, m. commissioner, commissary.
commande, /. order (for goods) ; driving commission, /. commission ; board ; com-
gear, drive ; control, control mechanism ; mittee; errand; (Com.) commission busi-
lashing (of ropes). à — directe, direct- ness.
acting. — à distance, remote control. — commissionnaire, m. commission merchant,
desmodromique, belt drive, de —, ordered ; agent; errand boy, errand man, porter.
feigned, sham. faire une —, give an or- commissionner, v.t. commission.
der. commode, o. convenient, commodious,
commandement, m. command ; command- agreeable, comfortable ; (of persons) ac-
ment. commodating. m. commode.
commander, v.t. command, order; (Com.) commodément, adv. conveniently, com-
order ; (Mach.) drive, control, operate. fortably.
v.i. command, hâve command. v.r. commodité, /. convenience ; (pi.) water
(Mach.) gear together, work together. closet.
commanditaire, m. dormant partner. See commotion, /. shock ; commotion ; (Méd.)
commandite. concussion.
commandite, /. commandite, a firm having commun, a. common; public; ordinary.
one or more members (commanditaires) m. generality; commonalty, common peo-
who are responsible only for the amount ple. mettre en —, share.
which they hâve invested, while the rest communauté, /. community ; commonalty.
(gérants, commandités) are fully responsible. commune, /. commune; town hall; eom-
Called also société en commandite. mon people.
commandité, m. See commandite. communément, adv. commonly, generally.
comme, adv. as, as . . . as, like, as if, as communîcabiljté, /. comm uni cability.
much as; as to; how. conj. as. communicant, p.a. communicating.
commémorer, v.t. remember, recall to communicatif, o. communicative ; (of inks)
mind. copying.
commençant, m. beginner. communication, /. communication ; (tele-
communication î t composant
phone) call, connection. — o grande dis- compassé, p.a. measured with (or as with)
tance, long-distance call. compassés ; formai, précise.
communiquant, p.a. communicating. compasser, v.t. measure with compassés;
communiqué, p.a. communicated. m. com- proportion; (fig.) measure, weigh.
munication, communiqué. compassier, m. compass maker, instrument
communiquer, v.t. communicate, impart. maker.
v.i. communicate; confer. v.r. communi- compatibilité, /. compatibility.
cate; be communicated; be communica- compatir, v.i. be compatible, agrée; sympa-
tive. thize.
commutateur, m. (electric) switch; com- compendieusement, adv. compendiously,
mutator. — à balais, brush commutator. briefly.
— à bouchon, plug switch, pin switch. — compendieux, a. compendious, abridged.
à bouton, button switch. — à manette, compensateur, m. compensator. a. com-
lever switch, knife switch. — disjoncteur, pensating, compensation, compensative.
cut-out, interrupter. — inverseur, current compensatif, a. compensative.
reverser. — permutateur, universal switch. compensatoire, a. compensatory.
•— unipolaire, single-pole switch. compensatrice, fem. of compensateur.
commutation, /. (electric) switching; com- compenser, v.t. compensate; balance; off-
mutation. set, v.r. compensate each other, com-
commutatrice, /. (Elec.) rotary converter. pensate.
commuter, v.t. (Elec.) switch, reverse. compétemment, adv. competently.
compacité, /. compactness; density. compétence, /. compétence; province,
compactage, m. compacting, compaction. sphère.
compagnie, /. company. compétent, a. compétent; due; proper.
compagnon, m. eompanion; associate; compétiteur, m. competitor, rival. o.
workman. competing.
compagnonnage, m. trade union. compilateur, m. compiler.
comparabilité, /. comparability. compiler, v.t. compile.
comparablement, adv. comparably. complaire, v.i. give pleasure, please. v.r.
comparaison, /. comparison. à (or en) delight (in), be pleased (at); be delighted.
—' de, in comparison with. par —, by complaisamment, adv. obligingly; will-
comparison, comparatively. sans —, be- ingly.
yond comparison ; without making any complaisance, /. oomplaisance ; accommo-
comparison. dation ; complacency.
comparaître, v.i. appear. complaît, pr. S sing. (of complaire)
comparateur, a. comparing. m. com-
parator. complant, m. planting, specif. vineyard.
comparatif, a. comparative. complanter, v.t. plant.
comparativement, adv. comparatively. complémentaire, a. complementary, com-
comparé, p.a. compared; comparative. plemental.
comparer, v.t. compare, v.r. be compared; complet, a. complète; saturated. m. com-
compare; compare oneself. plément.
compartiment, m. compartment ; division ; complètement, adv. completely, entirely.
chamber; (fig.) province. compléter, v.t. complète; make up (as solu-
compartimentage, m. division into com- tions to a given volume) ; perfect ; fill up.
partments. complexe, o. & m. complex.
compartimenter, v.t. divide into compart- complexion, /. (bodily) constitution; char-
ments. acter.
comparu, p.p. (of comparaître) appeared. complexité, /. complexity.
compas, m. compass, compassés. — à complimenter, v.t. compliment.
coulisse, slide calipers. — à diviser, di- complimenteur, a. complimentary.
viders- — à jauge, inside ealipers. — à compliqué, p.a. oomplicated, complex, intri-
pointes sèches, dividers. — de calibre, cate.
calipers. — d'épaisseur, calipers. — de compliquer, v.t. comphcate.
mesure, dividers. — de route, ordinary complu, p.p. (of complaire) pleased.
mariner's compass. — électrique, galva- comporter, v.t. permit, allow, admit of.
nometer. — maître de danse, inside-out- v.r. behave, act, comport oneself.
side calipers. composant, a. & m. component.
composante 95 compte-secondes
composante» /. (Mech.) component. — comprenant, p.a. comprisisg, including;
déwattée, wattless component. understanding, comprehending.
composé, p.a. compound; composed; com- comprendre, v.t. comprize, include, com-
posite; formai, m. compound. — berné- prehend ; understand, comprehend.
nique, aromatic compound. — binaire, comprennent, pr. S pi. indic. <fe wbj. (of
binary compound. — carburé, carbon com- comprendre) comprehend.
pound. — chloré, chlorine compound. — compresseur, m. compressor; grease cup.
conjugué, (Old Chem.) conjugate com- — à graisse, grease gun; grease cup.
pound. — d'addition, addition compound. compressibilité, /. compressibiiity, com-
—• défini, definîte compound. — de sub- pressibleness.
stitution, substitution product. — détar- compressif, a, compressive.
treux, antiincrustant, boiler compound. — comprimable, a. compressible.
hollandais, Dutch compound (a solution of comprimant, p.a. compressiag; restraining.
sodium and potassium silicates used for m. compressed tablet.
purifying water). — maximum, a com- comprimé, p.a. compressed ; restrained,
pound in which an élément lias its higkest checked. m. eompressed tablet, com-
valence. — minimum, a compound in pressed pill; briquet.
which an élément has its lowest valence. comprimer, v.t. compress; restrain, check.
— nitré, nitro compound. — non saturé, comprimeur, m. compressor.
unsaturated compound. — organo -mag - comprirent, p. def. 3 pi. of comprendre.
nésien, organic magnésium compound. — compris, p.p. (of comprendre) comprized,
passager, transient (or transitory) com- etc. non —, not including, not included.
pound. — phosphore, phosphorus com- y —, including, included.
pound. — saturé, saturated compound. — comprit, p. def. S sing. of comprendre.
sulfonê, sulfonated compound, sulfo com- compromettre, v.t. A i. compromise; en-
pound. — tertiaire, tertiary compound. danger. — le rendement, endanger the
composée, /. (Bot.) composite plant, com- yield.
posite, (pi.) Compositae (called also compromis, p.a. compromised. m. com-
Asterales). promise.
composer, v.t. compose ; compound ; type. comptabilité, /. bookkeeping, accounting,
v.i. compose ; corne to terms. v.r. be com- keeping accounts, accounts ; accountabilîty,
posed; compose oneself. responsibility.
compositeur, m. composer ; (Printing) com- comptable, o. accountable, responsible. m.
positor. accountant, bookkeeper ; aeeountable per-
composition, /. composition; compound (in son.
the sensé of a composition or mixture) ; comptage, m. counting; calculatîon r meter-
alloy. — centésimale, percentage composi- ing.
tion. — d'amorce, primer composition. — c omptant, a. ready ( money). m. ready
d'artifices, fireworks composition. — money, cash. adv. in cash.
d'étam, (Dyeing) tin spirit. — fulminante, compte, m. account ; count, reckoning. à
fulminating composition, priming composi- —, on account. au bout du —, after ail,
tion. — fusante, fuse composition, rocket considering everything. — rendu, report ;
composition. — incendiaire, incendiary (pi.) proceedings; specif., (pi.) the jour-
composition, carcass composition. — iso- nal reporting the sessions of the Freneh
lante, insulating compound. •— lente, slow- Academy of Sciences, tenir — de, take
into account.
burning composition. — vive, ' quick-
burning composition. compte-bulle s, m. bubbîe connter, bubbler.
composter, v.t. compost, manure with compte-fils, m. thread counter, weaver's
compte-goutte s, m. drop counter, dropping
composto, m. a sort of concrète made of bottle, dropper. a. dropping.
stone fragments and cernent or pozzuolana compte-grains, m. grain counter,
mortar. compter, v.t. count; pay; charge; account,
compoundage, m. compounding. consider. v.i. count, calculate ; render an
compounder, v.t. compound. account; be consklered; count (on), in-
comprehensibilite, /. comprehensibility, tend ; count (on), rely (on). v.r. be
comprehensibleness. counted ; count oneself.
comprébensif, a. comprehensive. compte-secondes, m. stop watch.
compte-tours 96 condensation
compte-tours, m. révolution counter. concluant, p.a. concluding; conclusive.
compteur, m. counter, meter, indicator ; conclure, v.t. & i. conclude. v.r. be con-
reckoner, calculator. — à alcool, alcohol- cluded.
ometer. — à eau, water meter. — à gaz, conclusif, a. conclusive.
gas meter. — à seconde, seconds counter. conclusion, /. conclusion, adv. in short.
— de tours, révolution counter. — de conclut, pr. & p. de}. S sing. of conclure.
vitesse, speed indicator, speedometer, ta- concoction, /. concoction ; digestion.
chometer. — électrique, electric meter. — conçoit, pr. S sing. (of concevoir) conceives.
pendulaire, (Elec.) clock meter. — sec, concolore, a. of uniform color, concolorous.
dry meter. concombre, m. cucumber.
comptoir, m. (shop) counter; branch bank, concordance, /. concordance, agreement.
bank. — des phases, (Elec.) phase coïncidence.
Compt. rend., abbrev. (Comptes rendus) concordant, a. concordant; (of strata) con-
Proceedings (specif., of the Academy of formable.
Sciences). concorder, v.i. agrée, be in accord.
compulsif, a. compulsory. concourant, p.a. concurring, etc. (see con-
computer, v.t. compute, count. courir) ; concurrent.
comté, m. earldom ; (in England) county, concourir, v.i. concur, contribute, coôperate;
shire. compete ; (of time) coincide ; (of lines)
co ne a s sage, m., concassation, /., con- meet in a point, converge.
cassement, m. crushing, etc. (see con- concourme, /. a yellow dye (curcumin?).
casser). concours, m. concourse ; concurrence, co-
concasser, v.t. (reduce to fragments) crush, opération, agreement ; compétition ; (of
break, comminute, bray, pound, bruise. lines) meeting point, convergence.
concasseur, m. crusher, etc. (see concasser). concourt, pr. S sing, (of concourir) concurs,
a. crushing. etc.
concavité, /. concavity. concréfier, v.t. render concrète.
concéder, v.t. concède. concret, a. concrète, solid.
concentrai)le, a.. capable of being concen- concréter, v.t. & r. concrète, solidify,
trated. render or become concrète or solid.
concentrateur, m. concentrator. concrétion, /. concrétion ; solidification ;
concentration, /. concentration; (of rays) sintering.
focusing. concrétionnaire, concrétionné, a. con-
concentré, p.a. concentrated. m. concen- cret ionary.
trate. concrétionner, v.r. form a concrétion,
concentrer, v.t. concentrate. solidify, sinter, cake.
concentrique, a. concentric. conçu, p.a. (of concevoir) conceived.
concentriquement, adv. concentrically. concurrencent, adv. concurrently, con-
conceptible, a. conceivable. jointly; in compétition.
conceptionnel, conceptuel, a. conceptual. concurrence, /. compétition ; amount ;
concernant, p. pr. <& prep. conceming.
concerner, v.t. concern, relate to. (Law) concurrence.
concerter, v.t. concert, contrive, plan. concurrencer, v.t. compete with.
concession, /. concession; granting, grant. concurrent, m. competitor, rival, a. com-
concessionnaire, m. & f. concessionaire, peting ; concurrent.
grantee. concurrentiel, a. competing, rival.
concevable, a. conceivable. concuter, v.t. strike.
concevoir, v.t. conceive; word, express. concuteur, m. striker, plunger.
v.i. conceive. v.r. be conceived. condamner, v.t. condemn; bar, shut up,
conchoïde, a. conchoidal. /. conchoid. block ; censure.
conchylien, a. containing shells, conchyl- condensabilité, /. condensability.
aceous. condensant, p.a. condensing.
concierge, m. & f. doorkeeper, porter. condensât, m. condensate.
conciliation, /. reconciliation; conciliation. condensateur, m. condenser, a. condensing.
concilier, v.t. reconcile; conciliate. — de grille, grid capacitor.
concis, a. concise. condensatif, a. condensative, condensing.
concision, /. conciseness. condensation, /. condensation; (of rings)
conclu, p.p. (of conclure) concluded. fusion, anellation. — par l'extérieur, sur-
condensation 97 confisquer
face condensation. — par mélange, con- friction, cône clutch. — de houblon, hop
densation by injection. strobile; (Pharm.) humulus. — droit, right
condensé, p.a. condensed. m. condensate. cône. — fdtrateur, filtering cône. —
condenser, v.t. & r. condense; fuse, anellate tronqué, truncated cône, donner du —,
(rings). taper, en —, conical, cone-shaped. faire
condenseur, m. condenser, a. condensing. —, make conical, taper.
— à injecteur (or à jet), jet condenser, in- cône, p.a. coned, conical,
jection condenser. — par surface, surface côner, v.t. cône, taper.
condenser, -r- tubulaire, tubular condenser, conf., abbrev. (of conférez) compare, see,
surface condenser. cf.
condenseuse, /. condensing apparatus, con- confection, /. making, making up, construe-
denser. tion, manufacture, exécution; (Pharm.)
condiment, m. condiment, seasoning. confection ; ready-made clothes.
condimentaire, condimenteux, a. con- confectionné, p.a. made, etc. (see confec-
dimental, condimentary. tionner); ready-made (clothes). m. manu-
condit, m. (esp. Pharm.) com&t, confection. facturée] article.
condition, /. condition; service, employ- confectionne ment, m. making, making up,
ment. à — de, on condition of. à — etc. (see confectionner).
que, on condition that, provided that. confectionner, v.t. make, make up, con-
conditionné, p.a. conditioned. struct, manufacture, exécute, v.r. be made,
conditionnel, a. conditional. be made up, etc.
conditionnellement, adv. conditionally. confectionneur, m. maker, manufacturer ;
conditionnement, m. conditioning ; specif., specif., clothes maker; clothier..
manner of packing for shipment. conférence, /. conférence, meeting; lecture;
conditionner, v.t. condition. class ; comparison.
conducteur, conductrice, m. & /. con- conférencier, m. lecturer. v.i. hold a con-
ductor; supeiïntendent, manager, guide, férence ; give an address.
driver, leader, etc. a. conducting; leading; conférer, v.t. confer; compare, v.i. con-
(Mach.) driving, transmitting. fer.
conductibilité, /. conductibility, conduc- conferve, /. conferva, confervoid alga, hair-
tivity. weed.
conductible, a. conductible, conductive. confesser, v.t. confess.
conductivité, /. conductivity. confiance, /. confidence.
conductrice, fem, of conducteur. confiant, p.a. confiding, etc. (see confier) ;
conduire, v.t. conduct ; convey, carry ; confident.
drive; (Mach.) control. v.i. conduct; ïead; confldement, adv. confidentially,
drive, v.r. conduct oneself ; be conducted. confident, a. confidential. m. confidant.
Conduit, m. conduit, pipe, tube, duct, chan- confidentiel, a. confidential.
nel, passage, canal, p.p. & pr. 3 sing. (of confidentiellement, adv. confidentially.
conduire) conducted, etc.; conducts. — à confier, v.t. confide; commit, entrust. v.r.
gaz, gas pipe. — d'échappement, escape confide (in); be committed.
pipe, (Steam) exhaust passage. — de configurer, v.t. give configuration or form
décharge, outlet pipe, waste pipe. — de la to.
vapeur, steam pipe. — de vent, blast pipe.
confin, m. confine, border. (Used in the
conduite, /. conduit, pipe, tube, main, hose, PÏ.)
channel, etc. ; conducting, conduction ; di-
rection, superintendence, management ; con- confiner, v.t. confine, v.i. border (on).
duct ; carrying, conveyance ; deliVery (of confire, v.t. préserve (fruit, etc.), can, tin;
water, etc.). — à vapeur, steam piping. pickle (in vinegar) ; (Leather) soak in bâte,
— d'amenée, delivery pipe; waste pipe. — bâte.
d'aspiration, suction pipe, suction tube. — confirmatif, a. confirmatory, confirmative.
de décharge, delivery pipe; waste pipe. — confirma toi re, a. confirmatory.
de vent, ventilation shaft. — souple, confirmer, v.t. confirm. v.r. be confirmed.
flexible pipe, hose. confisant, p.a. preserving, etc. (see confire).
Cône, m. cône; (Bot.) strobile. ajuster —, confiserie, /. confectionery ; confectioner's
taper. — allumoir, lighting cône (funnel- art, business or shop; preserving, canning.
shaped chimney to be placed on open fur- confiseur, m. confectioner.
naces while they are being lighted). — de confisquer, v.t. confiscale.
confit 98 conquiert
confit, pja. preserved ; pickled ; candied ; congrès, m. congress. — du froid, a cori-
(Leather) bated. m. preserved méat; com- gress of those interested in the refrigerat-
fit, sweetmeat; mash (for animais); tub, ing industry.
vat (for dressing furs) ; (Leather) bâte, congru, o. congruous.
puer. pr. é: p. def. 3 sing. oi confire. —- congruité, /. congruity.
de son, {Leather) bran bâte. conhydrine, /. conhydrine.
confiture, /. preserve(s); jam; sweet(s). conicine, /. conicine (conine).
confiture rie, /. préserves; préserve making, conicité, /. conicalness, conicity, taper,
préserve factory or shop, préserve business. conidie, /. (Bot.) conidium.
confiturier, m. maker or seller of préserves. conifère, a. coniferous. m. conifer; (pï.)
conflit, m. conflict. CÎOûiferae, Finales.
confiner, w.i. flow together; unité, join. coniférine, /., coniféroside, m. coniferin.
confondre, v.t. confound ; mingle, blend ; coniférylique, a. coniferyl (in the phrase
confuse- v.r. be confounded ; mingle, alcool coniférylique, coniferyl alcohol).
folead, merge; be confused; (Org. Chem.) coniforme, a. coniform, conical.
be identical or, in some cases, tautomeric comme, conine, /; coniine.
(as, la quinone-oxime se confond avec le conique, a. conical, conic.
p-nitrosophénol). conjecturalement, adv. conjecturally.
confondu, p.a. confounded, etc. conjecturer, v.t. conjecture.
conforme, a. conformable. — au but, ap- conjoindre, v.t. conjoin, join, unité.
propriate, suitable. conjoint, p.a. conjoined, joined, joint.
conformément, adv. conformably, accord- • conjointement, adv. conjointly, jointly.
ing. conjoncteur, m. (Elec.) circuit closer, key.
conformer, v.t* <fe i. conform. v.r. con- ! conjonctif, a. conjunctive, connective.
form (to), comply (with). conjonction, /. conjonction.
conformité, /. conformity. conjonctive, /. conjunctiva.
confortable, a. comfortable, comforting. conjonctivite, /. (Med.) conjunctivitis.
m. comfort, convenience. conjugaison, /. conjugation ; uniting. con-
confort, m. comfort; aid, help. jugaisons accumulées, cumulative conjuga-
confronter, v.t. confront ; compare, v.i. tions.
border. conjugué, a. conjugate ; conjugated ;
confus, p.a. confused. coupled ; synchronized.
confusément, adv. confusedly. connaissance, /. (sometimes pt.) knowledge;
congé, m. (Mminff) ore baaket. consciousuess, sensés ; acquaintance.
congé, m. leave; notice (of leaving); dis- connaissant, p.a. knowing ; skilled in ;
charge; clearance; (Mac/i.) fiUet. acquainted with.
congédier, v.t. discharge, dismiss. connaissement, m. bill of Iading.
congélabilité, /. cong«alableness. connaisseur, m. connoisseur ; expert, a.
congelable, a. congealable. skilled, expert.
congelant, p.a. congealing. connaître, v.t. know; be versed in. faire
congélateur, m. freezer, refrigerator. —, make known, describe, introduce, give
congélation, /. congélation, congealing, con- notice of. se — à (or en), be versed in,
gealment ; specif., freezing ; cold storage ; understand.
frost. connecter, v.t. connect.
congeler, v.t. & r. congeal; specif., freeze. connecteur, m. connector ; connection.
congénère, n. congener. a. congeneric. connectïf, a. connective.
congestif, a. congestive, congéstéd. connexe, a. connected; associated; related.
congestionner, v.t. congest. connexer, v.t. connect, join.
conglomérat, m. conglomerate. connexion, connexité, /. connection, con-
congloméré, p.a. conglomérated, conglom- nexion directe, (Mach.) direct action.
erate. connu, p.a. known; well known. m. known.
conglomérer, v.t. conglomerate. connut, p. def. 3 $in<g. (of connaître) knew.
conglutinant, a. agglutinant, agglutinative. conoïde, a. & m. conoid.
conglutine. /. conglutin. conquérir, v..t. & i. oonquer.
conglutiner, v.t, & r. conglutinate. conquête, /. canquest.
Congo brillant. (Dyes) brilliant Congo. conquiert, pr. S sing. (of conquérir) con-
congrégé, a. congregated. quers.
conquis 99 constituer
conquis, p.a. eonquered. considérablement, adv. considerably.
conquit, p. def. S sing. (of conquérir) eon- considération, /. considération; esteem.
quered. considéré, p.u. considered; esteemed; con-
conquoillotte, n. a soft cheese of Franche- aiderate.
Comté. considérer, v.t. consider. v.r. be consid-
consacrer, v.t. dévote; consecrate; sanc- ered; consîder oneself.
tion. consignataire, m. (Com.) consignée.
conscience, /. consciousness ; conscience ; consignateur, m. (Com.') consignor, con-
conscientiousnèss. signer.
consciencieusement, adv. conscientiously. consignation, /. consignment.
consciencieux, a. conscientious. consigne, /. order, orders; regulairôn.
conscient, a. eonscious. consigner, v.t. consign ; déposât ; order ;
consécutif, a. consécutive. confine (soldiers, etc.); refuse admittance
consécutivement, adv. consecutively. to.
conseil, m. counsel; council; board. consistance, /. consistency, consistence ; (of
conseillable, a. advisable. a crop) density; stabifity; crédit.
conseiller, v.t. counsel, advise. v.r. be ad- consistant, a. consistent ; (with en) aon-
vised, seek counsel (from). m. counselor, sisting; (of a Hqmd) thick; stable, firm.
advisor; councilor. consister, v.i. consist.
conseilleur, m. cotmselor, adviser. consistomètre, m. consistometer.
consentement, m. consent. console, /. braoket; wall fixture, hanger.
consentir, v.t. consent to. vÀ. consent. consoler, i>,t, console.
conséquemment, adv. eonsistently; conse- consolider, v.t. consolidate; {Finance) fund.
quently. v.r. consolidate.
conséquence, /. conséquence, en —, in consommable, a. consumable.
conséquence, consequently. consommateur, m. consumer ; consum-
conséquent, a. consistent; conséquent, m. mator.
conséquent, par —, consequently, there- consommation, /. consumption ; consumma-
fore. tion.
conservant, p.p. (of conserver) preserving. consommé, p.a. consumed ; consummated ;
— le Gram, {Bact.) Gram-positive. consummate.
conservateur, a. preservative ; conservative. consommer, v.t. consume; consummate.
m. préserver ; specif., a case containing consomptible, a. consumable.
drying agent ; keeper ; conservative. consomption, /. consumption.
conservatif, a. conservative. consortium, m. syndicate, consortium.
conservation, /. préservation; conservation; consolide, /. {Bot.) comfrey .(Symphytum).
conservatism. — officinale, grande —, common «omfrey
conservatoire, a. <è m. conservatory. (S. officinale).
conserve, /. conserve (in Pharm. now often constamment, adv. constantly; with con-
translated confection since the old distinc- stancy.
tion between conserve and electuary has constance, /. constancy, steadiness.
been abandoned) ; preserved food; (stor-
age) jar; (Micros.) staining jar; (pi.) col- constant, a. constant ; steady ; certain.
ored glasses, goggles. — alimentaire, pre- constante, /. constant. — de dissociation,
served food. — d'amandes, (Pharm.) com- dissociation constant. — emp irique, em -
pound powder of almonds. — d'écoree pirical constant. — rêticulaire, lattice con-
d'orange, (Pharm.) confection of orange stant.
peel. — de fruits, preserved fruit (dried, constatation, /. ascertaining ; vérification ;
pickled, in sirup, etc.). — de légumes, statement.
preserved vegetables (dried, canned, etc.). constater, v.t. ascertain; verify; state.
— de poissons, preserved fîsh, cured fish. consterner, v.t. dismay, astound, over-
— de rosé, — de rosé rouge, (Pharm.) con- whelm.
fection of rosé. — de viande, preserved constipant, p.a. constipatîng.
méat. conserves alimentaires, preserved constiper, v.t. constipate.
food, specif. canned goods. constituant, p.a. constituent; constituting.
conserver, v.t. préserve, v.r. (of fruits, m. constituent.
etc.) keep; be preserved; préserve onesélf. constituer, v.t. constitute; put, place, fix;
considérable, a. considérable ; distinguished. form, build.
constitutif 100 contredire
constitutif, a. constitutive. contourner, v.t. trace the outline of, pasa,
constitutionnel, a. constitutional. turn or wind around; twist; distort, de-
constructeur, m. constructor, builder. form.
construction, /. construction; building) contractant, p.a. contracting. m. contract-
structure. ing party, contractor.
construire, v.t. construct, build. contracter, v.t. contract. v.r. be con-
consultatif, o. consultative, advisory. tracted, contract.
consulter, v.t. <fc i. consult. v.r. consider; contractif, a. contractive.
consult one another; be consulted. contractuel, a. contractual.
consumant, p.a. consuming. contradictoire, a., m. & f. contradictory.
consume, /. ( Wine) loss from evaporation contradictoirement, adv. contradictorily.
and absorption. contraignant, p.a. constraining, compelling.
consumer, v.t. consume, v.r. be consumed; contraignent, pr. S pi. (of contraindre)
waste one's money, health, strength or constrain.
time; waste away. contraindre, v.t. constrain, compel, force,
contact, m. contact. — curseur, sliding con- contraint, p.p. (of contraindre) constrained.
tact. contrainte, /. constraint ; strain.
contagieux, a. contagious. contraire, a. contrary ; adverse, injurious.
contaminer, v.t. contaminate. v.r. be con- m. contrary. au —, on the contrary. au
taminated. — de, contrary to, against.
contempler, v.t. contemplate. contrairement, adv. contrarily, contrary.
contemporain, a. contemporary, con- contrarier, v.t. interfère with.
temporaneous. contrariété, /. contrariety; difficulty; an-
contenance, /. capacity, contents; extent, noyance.
area ; countenance. contrastant, p.a. contrasting.
contenant, p.a. containing ; restraining. m. contraste, m. contrast.
container. contraster, v.t. & i. contrast.
contenir, v.t. contain ; restrain. contrat, m. contract ; agreement.
content, a. content, satisfied, pleased, glad. contrayerva, contrayerve, /. (Bot.) con-
contentieux, a. disputed; contentious. trayerva.
contention, /. containing; intense applica- contre, prep. against; close by, near. adv.
tion, intenseness; contention. against, in opposition, m, con, opposing
contenu, p.a. contained ; restrained. m. side or point. — à —, side by side. par
content, contents. —, per contra, as an offset, on the other
conter, v.t. tell, relate; report. hand. tout —, very close; ajar.
conte rie, /. coarse Venice glass. contre-, counter-, contra-.
contestation, /. contestation, dispute. contre-accélération, /. négative accéléra-
contester, v.t. contest, dispute. tion, retardation.
contiennent, pr. S pi. (of contenir) con- contre-allumage, m. backfire.
tain ; restrain. contre-avions, m. anti-aircraft (gun, etc.).
contient, pr. 3 sing. (of contenir) contains; contre-balancer, contrebalancer, v.t.
restrains. counterbalance ; counteract. v.r. counter-
contigu, a. contiguous, adjacent, adjoining. balance each other; be counterbalanced.
contint, p. def. S sing. (of contenir) con- contre-balancier, m. counterbalance.
tained. contrebande, /. contraband.
continu, a. continuous, uninterrupted ; con- contre-bas, adv. downward; lower.
tinued. m. continuum. contre-burette, /. leveling tube (for Lunge
continuel, a. continuai. nitrometers and the like).
continuellement, adv. continually. contrecarrer, v.t. oppose, counteract.
continuer, v.t. <fc i. continue, v.r. be con- contre-charge, /. counterpoise.
tinued ; continue. contre-cœur, m. back (of a chimney). o
continuité, /. continuity; continuance. —, reluctantly, unwillingly.
continûment, adv. continuously, continu- contre-coup, m. rebound; recoil; reaction;
ally. counterstroke, repercussion.
contour, m. contour, outline; circuit. contre-courant, m. countercurrent, counter-
contournement, m. passing, winding, or iîow; back draft.
twisting around ; convolution. contredire, v.t. & i. contradict.
contredisant 101 convallaroside
contredisant, p.a. contradicting, contradio- contrepoison, contre-poison, m. antidote.
tory. — de l'arsenic, (P/iann.) arsenic antidote
contredit, pr. & p. def. S sing. & p.p. of (ferrie hydroxide with magnésium oxide).
contredire. m. contradiction; rejoinder. contre-pression, /. counterpressure, back
sans —, unquestionably. pressure.
contrée, /. country, région. contre-réaction, /. counterreaction.
contre-écrou, m. set screw (for another contresens, m. wrong sensé; (of fabrics)
screw) ; lock nut, jam nut, check nut. wrong side; wrong way.
contre-électromoteur, -électromotif, a. contretemps, m. mishap, znischance; wrong
counterelectromotive. tirne, unseasonableness. à •—, inoppor-
contre-émail, m. counterenamel. tunely.
contre-émailler, v.t. counterenamel. contre-tension, /. counterpressure; (Elec.)
contre-épreuve, /. countertest, check test; countervoltage.
counterproof. contre-tirage, m. back draft.
contre-essai, m. countertest, control test. contrevalence, /. contravalence, -valency.
contrefaçon, /. counterfeiting ; counterfeit; contre-vapeur, /. returning steam, back
(of patents) infringement ; forgery; (of steam.
books) pirated édition. contrevenir, v.i. eontravene, oppose, in-
contrefacteur, m. counterfeiter; infringer; fringe, offend.
forger ; pirate. contrevent, m. blast plate; shutter; brace.
contrefaction, /. counterfeiting, etc. (see contrevient, pr. S sing. of contrevenir.
contrefaire). contre-vis, /. check screw.
contrefaire, v.t. counterfeit; forge; mimic; contribuable, a. taxable, m. taxpayer.
feign ; disguise. contribuant, p.a. contributing. m. con-
contrefait, p.a. couoterfeited, etc. (see tributor.
contrefaire) ; counterfeit. pr. S sing. (of contribuer, v.i. contribute.
contrefaire) counterfeits ; forges. contributif, a. contributory, contributive.
contreferait, cond. 3 sing. of contrefaire. contribution, /. contribution ; tax ; dues.
contre-feu, m. back plate (of a hearth). contrôlable, a. controllable, verifiablc.
contre-fiche, /. brace, stud, stay; socket. contrôlage, m. controlhng, etc. (see con-
contrent, p. def. S sing. of contrefaire. trôler).
contrefont, pr. S pi. of contrefaire. contrôle, m. control ; checking, check ; mark,
contre-force, /. counterforce, opposed force. stamp ; register, roll, list ; controller's of-
contrefort, m. buttress, support ; reinforce- fice. — à distance, remote control.
ment; (mountain) spur. contrôlement, m. controlling, etc. (see con-
contre-hacher, v.t. cross-hatch. trôler).
contre-hachure, /. cross-hatching. contrôler, v.t. control, check ; calibrate ;
contre-maître, m. overseer, foreman, boss. ascertain by checking ; stamp, mark (as
contremander, v.t. countermand. gold).
contremarque, /. countermark. contrôleur, m. controller; checker, time-
contre-mouvement, m. countermovement, keeper, inspector, comptroller.
countermotion. contrôleur-mesureur, m. (Sugar) an in-
contre-oxydeur, m. enameler. strument for recording the amount of beet
contre-paroi, /. casing (of a furnace). juice extracted.
contre-partie, /. counterpart; contrary. controuvé, a. fabricated, forged, false.
contre-pente, /. reverse slope.
contre-peser, v.t. counterpoise, counterbal- controverse, /. controversy.
ance. controverser, v.t. dispute, controvert, de-
contre-pied, m. reverse (way), contrary. • bate.
contre-plaque, /. back plate; reinforcing contus, a. contused, bruised.
plate ; cheek plate, guard plate. convaincant, a. convincing.
contreplaqué, a. layered, laminated; convaincre, v.t. convince; convict.
veneered. m. veneering. — en trois épais- convaincu, p.a. convinced; convicted.
seurs, three-ply. convainquant, p.a. convincing; convicting.
contrepoids, m. counterpoise, counterweight. convallaire, /. (.Bot.) convallaria.
contre-poii, m. wrong way (of the hair). convallamaroside, m. convallamarin.
à —, against the grain or the nap, the convallarine, /., convallaroside, m. con-
wrong way. vallarin.
convenable 102 corbeille
convenable, a. suitable; expédient; becom- copal, m., eopale, /. copaL
ing, proper ; well-bred. m. propriety. copaline, /. (Afin.) copalite, copaline. •
convenablement, adv. suitably, fitly. copalme, m. copalm.
convenance, /. convenience; conformity; copayer, m. = copaïer.
agreement ; suitableness ; propriety. copeau, m. chip, shaving, cutting, filing. —•
convenant, a. convenient; suitable; proper. de sapin, fir (deal, pine) shaving. copeaux
p. pr. (of convenir) admitting, etc. d'alésage, borings. copeaux de tour, turn-
convenir, v.i. admit, acknowledge; agrée; ings.
suit, be s\ùtable; be expédient*, be pioper. copie, /. copy. — ou net, fait copy.
convention, /. convention, agreement. copier, v.t. copy.
convenu, p.p. (of convenir) admitted, etc. copieusement, adv. copiously.
convergent, a. converging, convergent. copieux, a. copious.
converger, v.i. converge. copiste, m. copier, copyist.
conversible, a. convertible. coplanéité, /. coplanarity.
converti, p.a. converted. m. convert. copolymère, m. copolymer.
convertibilité, /. convertibility. coprah, copra, /., copre, m. copra.
convertir, v.t. convert. v.r. be converted, coprécipitine, /. coprecipitin.
change, turn. coprolithe, m. coprolite.
convertissable, a. convertible. copropriété, /. joint property.
convertissage, m. converting, conversion. coprostérine, /. coprosterol.
convertissant, p.p. (of convertir) convert- copulation, /. coupling; copulation.
ing. copule, /. copula.
convertissement, m. conversion, converting. copuler, v.t. couple; (of animais) copulate;
convertisseur, m. converter. v.r. couple.
convexe, a. convex. coq, m. cock; (on shîpboard) cook.
convexité, /. convexity. coque, f. shell; cocoon; (of ships) hull; (of
convient, pr. S sing. (of convenir) admits, a boiler) body; kink; (Cerom.) see coque
etc. d'ceuf, below; (Aero.) fuselage. — d'œuj,
convier, v.t. invite, ask, beg, prompt. eggshell; (Cerom.) a dull porous state of
convint, p. def. S sing. of convenir. the glaze due to imperfect vitrification. —
convoi, m. (railway) train; convoy; funeral. du Levant, cocculus indicus.
— de marchandises, freight train, goods coquelicot, m. coquelicot (the corn poppy,
train. — de petite vitesse, slow train. — Papaver rhœas, or its red color).
direct (or exprès), express train. coqueluche, /. (Med.) whooping cough.
convoiteux, a. covetous. coqueluchon, m. (Bot. & Pharm.) aconite.
convolvuline, /., convolvuloside, m. coqueret, m., coquerelle, /. (.Bot.) alke-
convolvulin. kengi.
convoquer, v.t. convoke, call. coquillage, m. shellfish; shell; chill cast-
convoyeur, m. conveyer; convoy ship. ing.
convulser, v.t. convulsé. coquille, /. shell; scale, lamina; (FoundinfJ
convulsif, a. convulsive. chill, chill mold; (Mach.)- casing, housing,
convulsionner, convulsiver, v.t. convulsé. bushing ; paper 17 x 22 inches ; typo-
convulsivement, adv. convulsively. graphical error. — d'or, shell gold, goW
coopératif, a. coopérative. in laminas.
coopérer, v.i. cooperate. coquiller, v.t. (Founding) cast in a ehiB
coordinence, /. coordination number. mold.
coordiner, v.t. coordinate. coquilleux, coqullller, a. shelly. '
coordonnateur, a. coordinating. coquin, m. phosphatic nodule; rascal.
coordonné, p.a. cofirdinated, coordinate. cor, m. horn (instrument) ; corn (callosity).
coordonnée, /. coordinate. coordonnées — de chasse, hunting horn, bugle ; (Mach.)
polaires, polar coôrdinates. coordonnées a part looped like a bugle.
rectangulaires, rectangular coôrdinates. corail, m. coral.
coordonner, v.t. coordinate; correlate. corailleux, corallien, a. coral.
copahène, m. copaene. coralline, /. corallin.
copahu, m. copaiba. coraux, pi. of corail.
copahuvique, a. coparvks. corbeau, m. raven; corbel, bracket.
copaïer, m. copaiba tree, any tree of the corbeille, /. basket. — à papiers, waste-
genus Copaiva. basket.
corbeillée 103 corps
corbeillée, /. basket fui, basket. cormier, m. service tree (Sorbue domestica).
corbillon, m. small basket. cornaille, /. horn raspings.
cordage, m. rope, cord, cordage; oording (of cornaline, /. (Afin.) carnelian.
wood); measuring (of wood) by cords. — cornard, m. (Glass) a hooked tool for re-
goudronné, tarred rope. moving crucibles from the furnace.
cordât, m. a coaree wrapping cloth; coarse corne, /. horn; prong, point; turned-down
corner, dog's-ear; fruit of the cornel. —
corde, /. cord, twine, rope, string, line; de cerf, hartshorn. — d'abondance, eornu-
thread; fiber; (of wood) cord; (Geom.) copia, horn of. plenty.
chord; (Music) string; (Glass) a cordlike corné, a. horny, horn, corneous; dog's-eared.
defect on blown glass, due to incomplète cornée, /. (Anat.) cornea; (Bot.) a mem-
fusion. — à boyau, catgut. — d feu, fuse, ber of the Cornaceae.
match. — à violon, violin string. — à cornéenne, /. (Petrog.) aphanite.
violoncelle, cello string, violoncello string. corneille, /. crow; (Bot.) loosestrife.
— de piano, piano string, piano wire. — en cornéliane, /. (Min.) camelian.
fil de fer, wire rope. cornéole, /. woodwaxen, dyer's weed
cordé, p.a. corded; twisted; (of liquids) (Genista tinctoria).
ropy; {Bot.) cordate. corner, v.i. sound a horn; (of the ears)
cordeau, m. line, string, small cord or rope; ring; smell, stink. v.t. din; horn; turn
fuse. — Bickford, Bickford fuse. — down the corner of, dog's-ear.
d'amorce, fuse, match. — détonant, deto- cornet, m. bag, cornet; little horn; dice
nating fuse. — -porte-feu, fuse, match. box; (Assaying, Music, etc.) cornet.
cordée, /. cord (of wood). cornetier, m. horn worker.
cordeler, v.t. twist, twine, lay (into rope). corniche, /. cornice; (Bot.) water caltrop.
cordelette, /. small cord, string, line. cornichon, m. gherkin.
cordeline, /. (.Glass) ferret; selvedge, list. cornier, a. corner. m. (Bot.) corne)
corder, v.t. cord ; twist ; measure by the (Cornus).
cord. v.r. become stringy; twist; be cornière, /. angle iron, corner iron; elbow.
corded. Cornouallles, m. Cornwall.
corderie, /. cordage making ; cordage busi- cornouille, /. cornel berry, fruit of the
ness ; cordage factory, ropewalk. cornel.
cordier, a. cordage, m. rope maker or cornouiller, m. (Bot.) any plant of the
seller. genus Cornus (cornels and dogwoods). —
cordiérite, /. (Min.) iolite, cordierite. à grandes fleurs, flowering dogwood
cordite, /. (Expl.) cordite; (Med.) chorditis. (Cornus florida).
cordon, m. string, cord ; strand ; band, tape ; cornu, a. horned ; angular, cornered ; absurd.
ribbon ; row, Une, string ; cordon ; border ; cornue, /. retort; a large two-handled ves-
milled edge (of a coin). sel for carrying liquids; (Métal.) converter.
cordonner, v.t. twist; plait, braid; knurl, — à gaz, gas retort. — à goudron, tar
mfll. still, tar retort. — à lessives, a vessel for
cordonnerie, /. shoe making, trade or shop. carrying lye. — de distillation, retort.
cordonnet, m. small cord, string ; braid ; corollaire, m. corollary. o. (Bot.) corolline.
silk twist; milling (on a coin). corolle, /. (Bot.) corolla.
cordonnier, m. shoemaker; shoe dealer. coronaire, a. (Anat.) coronary.
cordonan, m. cordovan (leather). corossol, m. custard apple (Annona reticu-
Cordoue, /. Cordova. lata).
Corée, /. Korea. corozo, m. vegetable ivory (from the corozo
corète, /. jute plant (Corchorus). palm).
coriace, a. tough, leatherlike. corporation, /. guild, union.
corporel, a. corporeal, corporal, bodily.
coriace, a. coriaeeous, leatherhke. corporifier, v.t. (Old Chem.) oorporify,
coriaire, /. (Bot.) tanner's sumac; tanning solidify.
material. corps, m. substance, compound; body;
coriandre, /. (Bot.) coriander. (.Mil.) corps. (Careful modem usage
coriandrol, m. coriandrol (linaloôl). avoids use of the term "body" for sub-
corindon, m. (Min.) corundum. stances.) — acétonique, (Biochem.) acé-
corindonique, a. corundum. tone body, ketone body. — aldéhydique,
corme, /. service berxy. aldehydic substance, aldéhyde. — azoté,
corps 104 côté
nitrogenous substance, nitrogen compound. corrosion, /. corrosion; (Geol.) érosion.
— cétonique, ketonic compound, ketone ; corroyage, m. currying, etc. (see corroyer).
(Biochem.) ketone body, ketonic body. — corroyé-niasse, /. scrap iron.
comburant, supporter of combustion. — corroyer, v.t. curry (leather or skins) ;
composé, compound. — creux, hollow work, hammer, forge, weld (iron, etc.) ;
body ; hollow ware. — de minerai, ore puddle, pug (clay or with clay) ; knead,
body. — desséchant, dehydrating agent, beat, malax (dough, mortar, etc.) ; dress
desiccating substance. — étranger, foreign down, plane (wood); iPyeing) spread out
substance; foreign body (e.g. in the eye). on the roller.
— gazeux, gaseous substance, gas ; gaseous corroyère, /. {Bot.) tanner's sumac.
body, body of gas. — gras, fatty substance corroyeur, m. currier, etc. (see corroyer).
(ineluding, in the most gênerai sensé, fats, corruption, /. corruption; specif., putréfac-
soaps, fatty acids and even lecithin, etc.); tion.
specif., fat {corps gras proprement dit). Corse, /. Corsica.
— isolant, insulator. — jaune, yellow sub- corsé, p.a. full-bodied, full-flavored, strong.
stance; corpus luteum. — muqueux de corser, v.t. give body, consistency, flavor or
Malpighi, Malpighian layer. — noir, black strength to.
substance; (Physics) black body. — pi- cortine, /. cortin.
tuitaire, pituitary body. — protidique, corton, m. a kind of Burgundy wine.
protein. — réducteur, reducing substance, corubis, m, artificiaï corundum.
reducer. — simple, simple substance, élé- cosécante, /. {Math.) cosecant.
ment. cosensibiliser, v.t. (Bac t.) consensitize,
corpusculaire, a. corpuscular. cross-sensitize.
corpuscule, m. corpuscle. cosine, /. kosin (from cusso).
correctement, adv. correctly. cosinus, m. {Math.) cosine.
correcteur, m. corrector; proofreader. a. cosmétique, a. & m. cosmetic.
correctîng, corrective. cosmique, a. cosmic.
correctif, a. & m. corrective. cosmogonie, /. cosmogony.
corection, /. correction; correctness. cosse, /. pod, husk, hull; {Tech.) thimble,
corrélatif, a. & m. corrélative. socket ; lug ; {Geol.) overburden, overlay.
corrélativement, adv. correlatively. cosseterie, /. cutting into chips or slices
corréler, v.t. correlate. and the treatment of thèse (in the case of
correspondance, /. correspondence ; com- chicory, drying).
munication; (of trains) connection. cossette, /. chip, slicc, cossctte. — de bet-
correspondant, p.a. corresponding. m. cor- terave, beet chip, cossette, "noodle," —
respondent. épuisée, spent chip.
correspondre, v.i. & r. correspond. cossetterie, /. = cosseterie.
corrigé, p.a. corrected, m. corrected copy. cossu, a. thick-skinned ; podded ; monied,
corriger, v.t. correct, v.r. be correoted; rich.
correct oneself, reform. cotangente, /. {Math.) cotangent.
corroborant, p.a. corroborating, corroborant, cotarnine, /. cotarnine.
m. (Med.) corroborant, tonic. cote, /. reading (on an instrument) ; figure,
corroboratif, a. corroborative. letter, mark (as on a chart) ; quota;
corroborer, v.t. corroborate. {Com.) quotation. hors —, off size.
corrodabilité, /. corrodibility. côte, /. rib; slope; shore, coast; gradient.
corrodant, p.a. corroding, corrosive; erosive. — à —, side by side. — de soie, silk floss,
m. corrosive. cappadine. Côte d'Ivoire, Ivory Coast.
corroder, v.t. corrode; erode. v.r, be cor- Côte occidentale, West Coast (esp. of
roded ; be eroded. Africa).
corroi, m. {Leather) currying ; claying,
puddling; puddled clay, puddle. coté, p.a. lettered, numbered ; (Com.)
corroirie, /. curriery. quoted.
corrompre, v.t. corrupt; soften (as leather côté, m. side; {Printing) form. à —, on one
or iron); deprive of plasticity (as wax). side, sideways, sidewise ; obliquely ; near,
v.r. become corrupted, softened, etc. by; close together. à — de, beside, close
corrompu, p.a. corrupted, etc. (see cor- to, near. — de la chair, {Leather) flesh
rompre), corrupt; putrid. side. — poil, {Leather) hair side. de —,
corrosif, a. & m. corrosive. on one side, sideways; obliquely; awry;
côté 105 coulage
aside, apart. du — de, among; with re- couchant, p.p. (of coucher) laying, etc. m.
spect to, regarding. west ; décime ; setting sun.
coteau, m. slope, hillside; hill. couchart, m. (Paper) coucher.
Côte-d'Or, /. Côte-d'Or (French depart- couche, /. layer; bed; stratum; shell (of
ment). électrons); coat, coating; film; vein, Iode,
coter, v.t. number, letter, mark; quote. seam; (Brewing) couch; (Mach.) bearing;
côtier, a. coastal; coasting. hotbed ; childbed, parturition, — cornée,
côtière, /. side stone (of a furnace) ; horny layer. — d'apprêt, priming coat. —
(Founding) one of the parts of a mold; de barrage, (Physics) barrier layer. — de
malt floor. fumier, layer of manure; hotbed. — de
cotignac, m. marmalade (esp. quince). Malpighi, Malpighian layer. — d'impres-
cotignelle, /. quince wine. sion, (Painting) priming coat. — isolante,
cotin, cotinus, m. {Bot.) fustet, young insulating layer. — limite, boundary layer.
fustic {Cotinus coggygria). couché, p.p. (of coucher) laid, etc. p.a.
cotisation, /. assessment ; clubbing together; lying, lying down, recumbent.
share, quota. coucher, v.t. lay, lay flat, lay down, lay
cotiser, v.t. assess. v.r. club together. on ; coat ; write down ; inscribe, insert ;
coton, m. cotton; down. — absorbant, ab- embed; {Paper) couch, also coat. v.i, lie,
sorbent cotton. — azotique, nitrated cot- lie down; sleep. v.r. go to bed; lie, lie
ton, guncotton. — brut, raw cotton. — down; (of the sun, etc.) set. m. lying, re-
caoutchouté, rubberized cotton. — courte cumbent position; (of the sun, etc.) set-
soie, short-staple cotton. — de verre, glass ting ; bed, bedding.
wool. — endécanitrique, Vieille's name for coucheur, m. layer, coater, etc. (see
the highest nitration product of cotton. — coucher).
en laine, cotton wool, raw cotton. — ex- coucheuse, /. (Paper) coating machine.
plosif, guncotton. — fulminant, fulminat- couchis, m. bed, layer, stratum ; (of a
ing cotton, guncotton. — hydrophile, ab- boiler) lagging ; boarding ; (Gardening)
sorbent cotton. — longue soie, long-staple layer.
cotton. — minéral, minerai wool, slag coucou, m. cuckoo; cuckoo clock.
wool, minerai cotton. •— nitrate, — nitré, coud, pr. S sing. (of coudre) sews; attaches.
nitrated cotton. — octonitrique, a nitrated coude, /. elbow ; knee, angle, bend, turn,
cotton of the formula C24H32Oi2(NO3>8 bow, loop; crank, cranked part.
(according to Vieille). — phénique, car-
bolated cotton. — poudre, nitrocotton, coudé, p.a. bent, kneed, cranked.
guncotton. — pyrique, (Ezpl.) pyrocot- cou-de-cygne, m. swan neck; gooseneck.
ton. couder, v.t. bend (in the form of an elbow),
knee, crank. v.r. form an elbow.
cotoniser, -u.r, become like cotton. coudrage, m. soaking in tan liquor.
cotonnade, /. cotton fabric, cotton goods. coudran, coudranner, etc. See goudron,
cotonnage, m. becoming nappy or downy. goudronner, etc.
cotonné, p.a. cottony, downy ; (of hair) coudre, v.t. sew; stitch; tack on, attach.
woolly. v.i. sew. v.r. be sewed; be joined.
co tonner, v.i. become nappy or downy; (oî coudrée, /. arid land.
copper) become covered with light spots. coudrement, m. soaking in tan liquor.
v.r. become nappy or downy. coudrer, v.t. soak in tan liquor.
cotonnerie, /. cotton plantation; cotton cul- coudret, m. tanning vat, tan vat.
ture; cotton mill. coudreuse, /. an apparatus for stirring tan
cotonneux, a. cottony. liquor; sewing machine.
cotonnier, m. (Bot.) cotton plant, a. cot- coudrier, m. (Bot.) hazel, hazel tree.
ton. couenne, /. pigskin, (of bacon) rind; any
coton-poudre, m. nitrocotton, guncotton. thick skin; (of blood) buffy coat.
côtoyer, v.t. go along, coast, skirt. couette, /. socket; feather bed.
cotylédonaire, a. cotylcdonary, cotylédon - coulabilité, /. (Métal.) castability.
ous. coulable, a. castable.
cotylédoné, o. cotyledonous. coulage, m. flowing, leaking, casting, etc.
cou, m. neck. — de cygne, see col de cygne, (see couler); (loss due to, or allowance
under col. made for) leakàge; waste; scalding, scour-
couac, couaque, m. coarse, cassava flour. ing, bucking (in laundries). — à noyau (or
couchage, m. laying, etc. (see coucher). o noyaux), core casting. — en coquille,
coulage 106 coup
chUJ casting. — en sable,, sand eastâag. — eoler. — vitrvfvable, vitrifiabîe color,
en terre, loam caeting. enamel color. mettre en —, color, stain ;
coulant, p.a. flawing, etc. (see couler) ; fluid r alter the surface of (a gold alloy) by
(ofl machine parts) movable, sfiding; (of
kihis, etc.) contimaous; (of soil) Bot firm, c o u l e u v r e , /. snake.
cavrag-; fluenrt ; accommodating. m. c o u l e u v r é e , /: (Bot.) a name for plants
(Mach.) slùfei slider, ramier; {Bot.) run- which correspoads (but only in part) to
ner, stolon. sn&keroot. — de Virginie, Virginia snake-
coulé, pui. cast, etc. (see eonler, v.t.). m. roofc ÇAristoiochia serpentaria).
cas*, castîng. couleuvrine, /. (Bot.) bistort, snakeweed
coulée 1 , /. eastiag; tapping, running. off (of (Polpgenum bistorta).
métal); discharge; flow; taphoîe; cbannel coulis, m. grout, thin mortar; molten métal;
from furnace to molri; spray (side ciiannel strained broth ; (Petroleum)- fire clay.
in a mold}; lip (of a crueible); head', sul- coulissant, p.a. sliding.
lage pièce (of a casting) ; (Geol.y coulée. GOUliss*, /. groove, slot, channel, guide,
coulement,. m. fktw, flowing. slide ; slotted link ; sliding shutter. à —,
COUlcr, v.i. flow, run; leak, run out; glide, sliding, with sliding motion.
slide, slip; slip, creep; (of fruits, etc.) cottlisseau, m. small groove; (pièce wfcich
drop ; (of ships) sink ; (Founding ) run slfdeff in a groove) slide block, sfider, guide
through the mold. v.t. cast, pour, moM, block, guide, tongue.
foundr slake (lime); tap> (métal or a for- cooUssement, m. slidîn^, slidmg motion.
nace) ; filter, strain; cause to flow, pass, coulisser, v.i. slide. v.t. furnish with
run; sink (a. ship)-;: pass. (thne)r slip; groovea or guides.
engrave boldly; lead, run lead mto, v*r. couloir, m. stramer, colander, filter; hop-
slip, glide | Fuih oneself. per; channel, trough, chute; passage(way).
couleur^ ju color, colour ; specif., dye ; a -—• du film, film track. — en toile, cloth
variety of smalt. m. caster (in fotmdries fiîter.
and ceramic work) ; scalder, scourer (in couloire, /, strainer, colander, filter- fîrter
laundries). — à ciwie, v*t. dye.. — à eau, eloth; vesael put under the spigot of a
— à. Veau, water coior. — à l'huile, oil cask.
color. — à mordants, mordant dye, mor- Goulombmètre, m. coulomb meter.
dant color. — au "pinceau, brush color, c o u l o m m i e r s , m. a cheese similar to Brie.
artist's color. — azoique, azo dye, azo c o u l u r e , /. running, running down (as of
calor. — bon teint, fast color, fast dye. glaze), running out (as of cast métal) ;
— claire, light color. — complémentaire, failure of fruit due to washing off of
complementary color. — composée, sec- pollen.
ondary color. — d'awiïme, aniline color, c o u m a r a n e , m. coumaran.
aniline dye. — d'apprêt, ground color, c o u m a t i n e , /. cou mer in.
priming color. — de chair,, flesh color, — c o u m a r i q u e , a. cou marie.
da. feu de moufle, (Cerom.) ûvergiaze aolor. c o u m a r o n e , m. coumarone (benaofuran).
— de grand feu, ((7«ramO any color ap- c o u m a r y l i q u e , a. coumarilic.
plied in or under fhe glaze. — d'im- c o n m y s , m. kumiss.
primerie, colored printing ink. — du reeuit, coup, m. stroke; blow, shock; shot> report*
tempering color. — éclairante, luminous discharge (of a flrearm); blast; explosion;
paint. — en détrempe, distemper color. — tim&, turnj dpaft (o€ liquor); move, throw
faux teint, fugitive color, fugitive dye. — (in games) ; bruise; woundl à —, ail a t
foncée, dark color. — glacée, an azo dye once, à — sûr, surely, eertainly. aprè» —,
prodiiced on the fibar with, the use of an too late, afterward. —• d*arrière, backr
ioed diaeo solution, — grand teint, fast stroke, return stroke. — d'avance, forward
color, fast dye. — grattée, pale color. — stroke; — cfe bélier, hydrauiïo reooil. —
lavée, pale color, faint ookar. — hicido- de chaleur, heatstroke. — de dé, — de
nique, waterpBoof paint. — matrice, dé&, oast of the dice, (fie.) venture. — de'
primary color. — minérale, minerai color. feu, sudden increase in heat ; heatmg ;
— modBt mode ooior. — pour cuve, vat burning ; ov^erfaeating, o^erbuming;
dyei *— primitive, primary coloc. — raoa*- (Foamdtng} meltiog: heat; shot, exploawH.
twy aaddened or darkaned oolor. — — de foudre, thunderbolt, thunderclapi —
secondaire, secondary eolor: — solide, fast de main, temporary asst6taoo& — de mine,
oolor; faet dye. — sousglaçure, underglaze blast. — de poussières^ dtnt explosion. —
coup 107 courant
de sang, (Med.) apoplexy, stroke. — de -couperet, m. cutter, <large) knife; cleaver,
soleil, sunstroke. — d'essai, firat attempt ; chopper; enameler's file.
prooi shot. — xi'œil, glanée, look, sight, couperose, /. copperas, vitriol (covyeraê is
view. — heureux, lucky shot (throw, now used in English only of the green iron
move), lucky venture. — portant, effective sait, ^eSO4-7H2O); (Med.) acné rosacea.
shot, hit. — sur —, one after another, suc- — blanche, white vitriol (zinc sulfate). —
ceesively, uninterruptedly. -pour le —, this bleue, blue vitriol (copper sulfate). —
time, for once. verte, green vitriol, copperas.
coupable» a. guilty ; culpable. m. culprit, coupe-tubes, coupe-tuyau, m. tube cut-
coupage, m. cutting, etc.-(see couper); mix- ter, pipe cutter.
ing (of liquide) ; specif., addition of fer- coupeur, m. cutter, a. cutting.
menting liquid to unfermented to «tart the coupeuse, /. cutter ; cutting machine.
fermentation ; dilution (e.g. of alcohol) ; couplage, m. coupling; (Blec.) connection.
mixture, blend (of wines, etc.). — en retour, (Elec.) régénération.
coupant, p.a. cutting, etc. (see couper) ; couple, /. couple, pair. m. couple; timber,
sharp. m. (sharp) edge. frame.
coupe, /. cutting; eut; section; a shallow complément, m. coupling; (Elec.) connec-
ctip or glass having a foot and stem. — tion.
en long-, longitudinal section. — en travers, coupler, v.t. couple; (JSlec.) connect.
cross .section. — en verre, glass cup. — couplet, m, couplet; hinge, hinged joint.
horizontale, horizontal section, plan. — coupoir, m. cutter.
transversale, cross section. — verticale, coupole, /. cupola.
vertical section. coupon, m. coupon; fraction (of a share);
coupé, p.a. eut, etc. (see couper) ; truncated, remuant (of a cloth),
blunt. coupure, /, eut; cutting; incision; cleavage,
coupe-air, m. trap (in a pipe). fission; dilution (of dyes); ditch, trench;
coupeau, m. cutting, snip, chip (cf. copeau). {Elec.) cutoff, break; small paper money.
coupe-betteraves, m. sugar-beet slicer, — à étincelle, spark gap.
beetroot slicer. cour, /. court.
coupe-cannes, m. sugar-cane slicer. cou rade, /, a kind of sardine.
coupe-chiffons, m. rag chopper. courage, m. courage; heart; spirit; temper.
coupe-circuit, m. (Elec.) circuit breaker, couramment, adv. commonly, currently ;
cut-oat, fuse. readiîy.
coupe-flamme, TO. fiame arrester. courant, p.a. current, présent, ordinary,
coupe-légumes, m. vegetable cutter. common ; lineal ; running ; salable. m.
coupellation, /. cupellation. eurrent ; stream, flow ; course, run; cur-
coupelle, /. cupel; cup (in technical sensés); rent month, inst. ; length (as of a build-
bubble cap, bedl cap (in & tower) ; dish, ing), — à haute fréquence, high-frequency
pan (as one for burning sulfur) ; small current. — alternatif, alternating current,
shovel for gunpowder ; small stemmed — biphasé, two-phase (or diphasé) current.
glass. — de -platine, platinum dish. — — tontmu, continuous current. — d'al~
d'essai, assaying cupel. — plate, ôat dish, lumage, lighting current. — de charge,
pan. charging current. — de flamme, droit (of
coupeller, v.t. cupel. a chimney). — de fuite, stray current,
coupelleur, m. cupeller. leakage current. — de retour, return cur-
coupe lot, m. cupola fumace. rent. — dérivé, derived current, shunt cur-
coupement, m. cutting, etc. (see couper). rent. — discontinu, intermittent current.
coupe-net, m. wire cutters, nippers. — gazeux, stream of gas. — inducteur,
coupe-papier, m. paper cutter. inducing current, primary current. — *»-
couper, v.t. eut; eut up, eut off, eut out; duit, induced current, secondary current.
(of liquida) mis, blend, dilute (e.g., alco- — monophasé, single-phase (or monophase)
hol), eut. v.i. -eut. V.T. eut ; be eut ; current. — polyphasé, polyphasé current.
divide, part, cle&ve ; cross, intersect ; (of — redressé, rectified current. — sanguin,
fabrics) wear at the folds ; eut oneself ; blood stream. — tellurique, — terrestre,
eut each other ; contradict oneself, , earth current, ground current. — triphasé,
coupe-racines, m. root catter, specif. beet- three-phase (or triphasé) current. — vaga-
root slicer. bond, stray current. — vibré, alternating
courant 108 coutumierement
current. — watté, watt current, active cur- course, /. course, race, run; journey, trip,
rent. hors —, (Elec.) dead. walk, ride, drive; distance; stroke (of a
courbable, a. bendable. piston); throw (of a crank); flight (of a
courbage, m. bending, curving, bowing. projectile) ; career ; {Dyeing) oxidation
courbaril, m. courbaril (Hymenœa courbaril, apparatus. — d'essai, test run.
also ita resin). coursier, m. mill race; (Calico) a cloth
courbarine, /. courbaril (resin), courbaril made to travel underneath the cloth to be
copal. printed in order to prevent soiling and to
courbe, /. curve; turn, bend; knee; rib; improve the printing.
contour, a. curved ; bent. — à cloche, — court, a., m. & adv. short, pr. S sing. (of
de la cloche, bell-shaped curve, specif. courir) runs, etc. à — de, short of, in
probability curve, frequency curve. — de need of.
niveau, contour line. — funiculaire, cate- courtage, m. brokerage.
nary (curve). court-circuit, m. (Elec.) short circuit.
courbé, p.a. curved, bent, bowed; crooked; court- circuiter, v.t. short-circuit.
bowed down ; stooping. courtement, adv. shortly, briefly.
courbement, m. bending, curving, curva- courtier, m. broker.
ture, curvation. courtois, o. courteous.
Courber, v.t. bend, curve, bow. v.i. bend, couru, p.p. (of courir) run, been current,
bow, stoop. v.r. bend, be bent, bow, etc. p.a. sought after; in demand.
stoop, cous, m. whetstone.
courbure, /. curvature, curve, bend, bend- cousant, p.a. sewing, etc. (see coudre).
ing, infiection, flexure. cousent, pr. S pi. (of coudre) sew, stitch.
courent, pr. 3 pi. indic. & subj. of courir. couseuse, /. sewer ; stitcher.
coureur, m. runner; rover; fréquenter. coussin, m. cushion.
courge, /. (Bot.) cucurbit, member of the coussiner, v.t. cushion, pad.
genus Cucurbita (including pumpkin, coussinet, m. pad, cushion; (Mach.) jour-
squash, gourd). nal bearing, (journal) box, pillow, pillow
courir, v.i. run ; be current ; run about, go block, bush, bushing, brass ; (of rails)
about; hasten. v.t. run; run after, follow, chair ; bolster ; blueberry ; bilberry. — à
fréquent; roam over, travel over; overrun; billes, bail bearing. — à fileter, — de
be current in. filière, screw die.
couronne, /. crown; ring, (of a burner) COUSSO, m. (Pharm.) cusso, brayera; (BotJ)
rosé ; halo, corona ; rim (of a wheel) ; any plant of the genus ffagenia.
hoop; wreath. — de gaz, ring burner. cousu, p.a. sewed ; attached ; (of the
couronnement, m. crowning ; cap, coping, mouth) closed.
top, top pièce; coronation. — en éventail, coût, m. cost, price, expense.
wing top (of a burner). coûtant, p. pr. oî coûter; (oî price) cost.
couronner, v.t. crown; cap. couteau, m. knife ; (of a balance) knife
courra, fut. S sing. (of courir) will run, etc. edge ; cutter. — affilé, sharp knife. —
courrier, m. mail, post, correspondent ; belge, (Expl.) granulating knife. — de
courier, messenger. poche, pocketknife. — èmoussê, blunt
courroi, m. {Dyeing) roller. knife. — râcloir, scraping knife, scraper.
courroie, /. belt ; strap ; band. — bandou- — rond, round knife.
lière, shoulder strap, shoulder belt. — de coutelet, m. small knife.
transmission, driving belt, belt. — de coutellerie, /. cutlery ; cutlery works or
ventilateur, fan belt. — sans fin, endless shop.
belt. coutelure, /. (Leather) knife eut or scratch.
courroyage, courroyer, etc. See corroyer, coûter, v.i. cost; be dear (costly); be pain-
corroyage, etc. ful.
cours, m. oourse; price, rate, market price; coûteux, a. costly, expensive, dear.
length. avoir —, be current, circulate. — coutil, m. ticking, tent cloth, driil, duck.
d'eau, watercourse, stream. — de chimie, coutume, /. custom. de —, customary» cus-
chemistry course (specif., a course of lectures tom&rily.
or recitations as distinguished from lab- Cl>utumier, a. accustomed ; customary.
oratory work) ; (as a title) textbook on coutumierement, adv. customarily, usu-
chemistry. ally.
couture 109 crasseux
couture, /. seam ; sewing, stitching. sans je crains qu'il ne vienne pas, I fear he will
—, seamless. not corne.
couvage, m. incubation, brooding. craint, p.a. feared, dreaded.
couvent, m. convent, monastery. crainte, /. fear, appréhension, dread. de
couver, v.t. brood on, incubate; brood — de, for fear of. de — que, for fear that,
over. v.i. smolder, glow. lest.
couvercle, m. cover, lid ; cap, top ; scum craminage, m. (Leather) = écraminage.
on the surface of a fermenting liquid. — cramoisi, a. & m. crimson.
à anneau, ringed cover, ring cover, ringed crampe, /. cramp.
lid. crampon, m. cramp, clamp, dog; staple.
couvert, p.a. covered, etc. (see couvrir) ; cramponner, v.t. cramp, clamp.
obscure ; secret ; deep-colored (wine) ; cramponnet, m. small cramp or clamp ;
cloudy (weather) ; sheltered (country). m. staple.
cover; shelter; lodging. cran, m. notch; nick; catch; cog; (Métal.)
couverte, /. covering ; facing ; (CeramJ àefect, flaw; (Bot.) horseradish; (Geol.)
glaze, esp. a hard, difficultly fusible throw. — de Bretagne, horseradish. — de
aluminous variety ; (of a ship) deck. — sûreté, safety catch.
écaille, (Ceram.) a reddish brown glaze re- cranage, m. notching.
sembling tortoise shell. crâne, m. skull, cranium. o. bold.
couverture, /. cover, eovering; roof, roof- crânien, a. cranial.
ing; blanket, coverlet; {Mining) overbur- crapaud, m. toad; mushroom anchor; arm-
den; (Com.) security. chair.
couveuse, /., couvoir, m. incubator. crapaudine, /. bearing, bushing, bush,
couvre, pr. S sing. indic. <fc subj. of couvrir. brass ; socket ; pivot ; escape valve ; grat-
couvre-amorce, m. primer cap, primer ing, screen (of a waste pipe).
cover. crapouillot, m. (Mil.) trench mortar.
couvre-objet, m. (Micros.) cover glasa. craquage, m. cracking, etc. (see craquer).
couvrir, v.t. cover ; face ; screen ; conceal ; craquant, p. pr, (of craquer) cracking, etc.
outbid. v.r. cover oneself; be covered; be craquelage, m. crackle manufacture.
cloudy. craquelé, a. (Ceram. & Glass) crackled. m.
covelline, /. (Min.) covellite, coveîîine. crackling.
cowper, m. (Métal.) a kind of regenerator. craquelée, /. crackle, crackle ware.
C.Q.F.D., C.q.f.d., abbrev. (ce qu'il fallait craquètement, m. crackling, crackled state.
démontrer) which was to be deraonstrated, craqueler, v.t. crackle (as porcelain or
Q.E.D. glass).
C.r,, abbrev. Comptes rendus (which see). craquelin, m. hard biscuit, cracker.
crachat, m. sputum, spit, spittle. craquellement, m. = craquèlement.
crachement, m. spitting, etc. (see cracher). craquelure, /. cracking (as of varnish or
cracher, v.i spit ; sputter, splutter ; (of paint).
boilers) prime, foam; start at the joints; craquement, m, cracking; crackling; creak-
(Elec.) spark; (Founding) run over. v.t. ing.
spit, spit out, throw out. craquer, v.i. crack; crackle; creak.
crackage, m. cracking. craquetant, p.a. crackling.
Cracovie, /. Cracow, Krakow. craquètement, m. crackling, decrepitation.
cracque, /. crack, fissure. craqueter, v.i. crackle, decrepitate.
craie, /. chalk. — de Briançon, (Min.) craquette, /. impurities removed from
steatite, talc. — lavée, — préparée, melted butter.
(Pharm.) prepared chalk. — précipitée, craqure, /. crack, fissure.
(Pharm.) precipitated chalk. — préparée, crasse, /., crasses, /. pi. (of metals) dross,
(Pharm.) prepared chalk. slag ; clinker ; boiler scale ; (Leather) a
craignant, p. pr. (of craindre) fearing. scum of lime soaps, albuminoid matter,
craignent, pr. S pi. indic. & subj, of crain- etc.; dirt, filth; fouling. crasse noire, black
dre. dross, specif. a mixture of Iead antimonate
craindre, v,t. fear, be afraid of, dread ; and antimonite formed in Iead refining.
(of objects) be liable to injury from. v.i. crassement, m. fouling.
fear, be afraid ; hesitate (with de), je crasser, v.t. foui, dirty. v.r. form clinker.
crains qu'il ne vienne, I fear he will corne. crasseux, o. (Métal.) drossy.
crassier 110 creuser
crassier, m. dross heap, slag dump, cinder créneler, v.t. indent; notch, cog, tooth.
tip. crénelure, /. indentation, indenting, notch-
crassin, m. phosphatic slag, slag phosphate. ing.
cratère, m. crater. créosol, m. creosol.
crayer, vJ. chalk, mark with chalk. m. créosotage, m. creosoting.
vitrified coal ashes. créosote, /. créosote. — du goudron de
crayère, /. chalk pit. bois, wood-tar créosote.
crayeux, a. chalky, cretaceous. créosoter, v.t. créosote.
crayon, m. crayon ; pencil ; stick, rod ; créosotique, a. cresotic, hydroxytoluic.
(Elec.) carbon ; sketch, outline. — à crêpage, m. dressing or glossing of crêpe;
cautère, caustic stick. — à dessiner, draw- craping, crimping.
ing pencil. — à gaine, incased crayon, pen- crêper, v.t. crape, crimp, crisp.
cil. — à lumière, electric-light carbon. — crépi, m. rough coat (of plaster).
d'azotate d'argent, silver nitrate stick. — crépine, /. strainer; sprinkler, rosé; fringe;
de carbone, carbon rod, carbon. — de cou- omentum, caul.
leur, colored pencil. — de graphite, — de crépir, v.t. grain (leather) ; rough-cast,
mine de plomb, lead pencil. — électrique, rough-coat (walls) ; crisp (hair).
arc-light carbon. crépissage, m. graining, etc. (see crépir).
crayonnage, m. drawing. crépissure, /. rough coat (of plaster).
crayonner, v.t. draw; mark; sketch. crépitant, p.a. crepitating, crépitant.
crayonneux, a. chalky. crépitation, /., crépitement, m. crépita-
créance, /. crédit; credence; claim, debt, tion, crackling; sputtering.
créancier, m. creditor. crépiter, v.i. crepitate, crackle; sputter.
créateur, a. créative, m. creator. crépu, a. crisped, curled, (of hair) wooly.
créatine, /. creatine. crépuscule, m. twilight (either dawn or
créatinémie, /. creatinemia. dusk).
créatînine, /. creatinine. crésate, m. cresolate, cresoxide.
créatinique, o. creatinic. crésol, crésole, m. cresoL — savonneux»
créatinurie, /. creatinuria. (Pharm.) saponated cresol solution.
créatrice, a. fem. of créateur. crésorcine, /. cresorcinol, 4-methylresor-
crèche, /. dam, dike ; manger ; crib ; cinol.
nursery, cresson, m, (Bot.) cress, — alénois =
crédibilité, /. credibility. cresson des jardins. — de fontaine, water-
créditer, v.t. crédit. cress. — des jardins, garden cress, garcten
créer, v.t. create. peppergrass (Lepidium sativum). —
crémage, m. preliminary washing (of fab- d'Inde, Indian cress, nasturtium. — Para?
rica). Para cress (Spilanthes oleracea).
crémaillère, /. rack, toothed bar, rack bar. crésyl, m. cresyl (an antiseptic).
crémant, p. pr. of crémer. m. frothing crésylage, m. disinfection with cresyl.
wine. CJfésyle, m. cresyl (the radical, either tolyl
crème, /. cream ; sirupy liqueur ; gruel ; or hydroxytolyl).
(Leather) dressing. — d'amandes, almond crésylène, 771. cresylene (tolylene).
cream. — d'avoine, oat gruel. — de crésylique, a. cresylic.
chaux, cream of lime. — de glace, ice crésylite, /. cresylite (trinitro-m-cresol).
cream. — de mille-fleurs, a liqueur flavored crésylol, m. cresol (esp. a mixture of the
with orange flower, rosé, ambrette, etc. — isomers). — sodique, sodium cresolater
de soufre, sublimed sulfur, flowers of sul- sodium cresylate.
fur. — de tartre, cream of tartar. — de crésylyle, m. cresyl (hydroxytolyl).
tartre soluble, solubïe eream of tartar, po- crétacé, a. cretaceous.
tassium borotartrate. — d'orge, barley crête, /. crest; ridge, comb; peak.
water. — émulsion, — froide, cold cream. cretons, m. pi. cracklings, greaves (of tal-
— grasse, a fatty cosmetic cream. low).
crément, m. incrément. creusage, creusement, m. digging, etc.
crémer, v.i. cream. v.t. cremate. (see creuser).
crémerie, /. creamery. creuse, a. fem. of creux.
crémeux, a. creamy. creuser, v.t. dig, excavate, sink; hollow,
crémojnètre, m. creamometer. hollow out; dredge; go deeply into, study
crénelage, m. (Mach.) toothing; milling. carefully. v.r. become hollow.
creuset 111 cristalloïde
creuset, m. crucible; (Métal.) hearth. — crique, /. crack; creek. — de retrait,
brasqué, brasqued crucible. — de Gooch, shrinkage crack.
Gooch crucible. — de liesse, Hessian cru- criquet, m. locust ; cricket.
cible. — de Paris, French crucible, Paris criqûre, /. crack, fissure.
crucible. — de Rosé, Rosé crucible (with crise, /. crisis.
tube passing through the cover). — d'essai, crispation, /. shriveling, etc. (see crisper).
assay crucible. — en argent, silver cru- crisper, v.t. shrivel, contract; wrinkle; irri-
cible. — en biscuit, unglazed porcelain tate. v.r. shrivel, contract.
crucible. — en charbon de cornue, retort- crissement, m. grating, grinding.
carbon crucible. — en fer forgé, wrought- crisser, v.i. grate, grind.
iron crucible. — en fonte, cast-iron cru- crissure, /. crease, wrinkle, unevenness.
cible. — en grès, sand crucible, stoneware cristal, m, crystal ; crystal glass, crystal,
crucible. •— en platine, platinum crucible. flint glass; an object of glass, esp. crystal
— en plombagine, graphite crucible, black- glass. — à deux axes, biaxial crystal. —
lead crucible. — en porcelaine, porcelain armé, wired glass, wire glass. — de roche,
crucible. — en silice, silica crucible. — en rock crystal. — d'Islande, Iceland spar. —
terre, clay crucible. — en terre de Parie, minéral, niter, saltpeter. — mixte, mi.ted
= creuset de Paris. crystal. — taillé, eut glass. cristaux de
creusetier, creuslste, m. crucible maker. Florence, brown crystals of choline perio-
creuset-puisard, m. casting crucible (of a dide. cristaux de lune, crystallized silver
furnace). nitrate, cristaux de soude, soda crystals,
creusure, /. hollowing, hollow. sal soda (sodium carbonate decahydrate).
creux, o. hollow; (of iron, etc.) tubular; cristaux de tartre, (Com.) tartar (re-
empty; deep; incompact, loose; (of food) crystallized but not as highly purified as
cream of tartar). cristaux de Teichmann,
unsubstaatial. m. cavity, hollow, pit, hole; Teichmann's crystals (of hemin). cristaux
space ; groove ; slot ; mold (for casting) ; de Vénus, crystals of Venus (old name for
depth (of a cog or a ship). en —, in in- crystallized copper acétate).
crevaison, /. bursting; (of a tire) puncture. cristallerie, /. art of making crystal glass
crevasse, /. crevice, fissure, crack; crevasse. or objects of it; crystal glass factory.
crevasser, v.t., i. & r. crack, chink, split. cristallière, /. rock-crystal mine.
crever, v.i. burst, break; (of animais) die. cristallifère, a. crystalhferous.
v.t. burst, break; kill. v.r. burst. cristallin, a. crystalline. m. (Anat.) crystal-
crevette, /. shrimp; prawn. line lens.
cri, m. cry; creaking; rustling (as of silk); cristalline, /. (Physiol. Chem.) crystallin.
grating. — de l'étain, tin cry, creaking of cristallinité, /. crystallinity.
tin. crlBtaUisabilité, /. crystallizabihty.
criblage, m. sifting, screening, riddling. cristallisable, o. crystallizable ; (of acetic
crible, m. sieve, screen, riddle. — à se- acid) glacial.
cousses, shaking sieve, swing sieve. — sos- cristallisant, p.a. crystallizing.
seur, boiter. cristallisation, /. crystallization. — frac-
crible-classeur, m. classifying screen. tionnée, fractional crystallization.
cribler, v.t. sift, screen, riddle; perforate. cristallisé, p.a. crystallized.
cribleur, m. sifter. cristalliser, v.i., t. Je r. crystallize.
criblure, /. siftings, screenings. cristallisoir, cristalliseur, m. crystallizing
cric, m. jack, lifting jack. — à vis, screw »paraffin)dish or pan or vessel, crystallizer ; (for
chiller. cristallisoir double, (Bact.)
jack. Petei dish.
crier, v.i. cry, cry out, squeal, bark, etc. ; cristallite, /. (Petrog.) crystallite.
creak ; rustle ; grate ; scold. v.t. cry ; pro- cristallitique, a. (.Petrog.) crystallitic.
claim; offer for sale. cristallogénie, /. crystallogeny.
Crimée, /. Crimea. cristallogénique, a. orystallogenic.
criminel, a. & va. criminal. cristallographe, m. crystallographer.
crin, m. (coarse) hair, esp. horsehair; cristallographie, /. crystallography.
(coarse) fiber; bristles; (Geol.) stringer, cristallographique, o. crystallographic.
string. — végétal, vegetable fiber, esp. cristallographiquement, adv. cristallo-
palm fiber. graphically.
criquage, m. cracking, fissuring. cristailoïde, a. & m. crystalloid.
cristallometrie 112 cru
cristallometrie, /. crystallometry. croix, /. cross; (Printing) dagger, t; ob-
cristallométrique, a. crystallometric. verse (of a coin). — écossaise, (Brewing)
cristallophyllien, a. (Geol.) crystallo- a kind of sparger. en —, crosswise. — ou
phyllian, schistose. pile, heads or tails. — verte, green cross;
cristallotechnie, /. crystallotechny, art of (Mil.) green-cross liquid, diphosgene.
producing crystals artificially. cron, m. sandy soil.
cristaux, pi. of cristal. croquant, p.a. crunching, crisp. m. gristle.
cristé, a. crested, tufted. croquer, v.t. crunch ; sketch roughly. v.i.
criste-marine, /. = christe-marine. be crisp, give a crunching sound.
critère, critérium, m. criterion. croquis, m. sketch, outline.
critiquable, a. open to criticism.. crosne, m. Chinese (or Japanese) artichoke
critique, a. critical. /. criticism; critique. (Stachys sieboldi). Called also crosne du
m. cri tic. Japon.
critique ment, adv. critically. crosse, /. butt, buttstock, stock; (Mach.)
critiquer, v.t. criticize. crosshead ; bend, crook ; crosier. courbé
croc, m. hook ; claw, catch ; crunch (the en — de fusil, bent like a gunstock.
sound). crot, m. earthenware pot for collecting tur-
crocéine, /. crocein. pentine.
crocéique, a. croceic. crotale, m. rattlesnake.
crocétîne, /. crocetin. crotine, /. crotin.
crocher, v.t. hook. crotoné, a. (Pharm.) containing croton oil.
crochet, m. hook, small hook; clasp, catch, crotonique, a. crotonic.
pawl, etc.; rabble; bend, turn; steelyard; crotonisation, /. crotonization (reaction
fang; crochet; (Glass) a notched block of typically shown in the formation of croton-
iron used as a support for the blowpipe; aldehyde from two molécules of acetalde-
(Printing) bracket, crotchet. — de bras- hyde).
sage, rabble. crotonyle, m. crotonoyl(trans-2-butenoyl) ;
crochu, a. hooked; (of a fracture) hackly. crotyl(2-butenyl).
crocique, o. croconic; croceic. crotonylène, m. crotonylene(2-butyne).
crocoïse, /. (Min.) crocoite, crocoisite. crotonylique, a. crotyl(2-butenyl) ; croto-
croconique, a. croconic. nyl((ran*-2-butenoyl) ; crotonylic.
crocus, m. (Chem. & Bot.) crocus. — de crotte, /. dung; dirt, filth, mire.
Mars, crocus of Mars, colcothar. crotter, v.t. dirty, foui, soil.
croire, v.t. believe; think. v.i. believe. crottin, m. dung (of horses, mules, etc.).
v.r. think oneself; dépend on oneself; be crotton, m. a lump of sugar retained in
believed. sifting.
croisé, p.a. crossed, etc. (see croiser), m. crotylique, a. crotyl(2-butenyl).
twill; crusader. crouler, v.i. fall, fall in, sink.
croisée, /. (window) sash; window; cross- croupe, /. ridge; rump; hip (of a roof).
ing. croupi, p.a. stagnant, foui, decayed.
croisement, m. crossing ; weave. croupion, m. rump.
croiser, v.t. cross ; cross out ; lap over ; croupir, v.i. stagnate; decay in water; lie
twill ; twist slightly. v.i. cross ; cruise. in filth, wallow.
v.r. cross, be crossed, cross each other. croupissant, p.a. stagnating, stagnant,
croisette, /. little cross; (Mm.) cross-stone. croupissement, m. stagnation; decay.
croiseur, m. cruiser; cross Iode, cross vein.
croisillon, m. crossbar, crossarm, cross croupon, m. (Leather) butt.
pièce ; (Optics) cross hairs, cross wires ; croûte, /. crust; (Ceram.) rough form of a
spoke. future plate or other flat pièce; (Métal.)
croissance, /. growth. scale, cinder; (Founding) skin; (Tanning)
croissant, p.a. growing, etc. (see croître). outer, fissured part of bark; (Med.) scab.
m. crescent; crescent-shaped object, e.g., a croûteux, o. crusted, crusty, scabby.
sickle; tread (of a tire). croyable, o. crédible, likely.
croissent, pr. 3 pi. indic. et subj. of croître. croyance, /. belief, credence.
croit, pr. 3 sing. (of croire) believes, thinks. croyant, p.a. believing. m. believer.
croît, pr. 3 sing. (of croître) grows. cru, a. crude, raw ; (of water) hard ; (of
croître, v.i. grow; increase; grow longer; bricks) unburned; rude, rough, harsh; in-
(of a stream) rise. v.t. augment. décent, m. growth, (of wine) particular
cru 113 cuir
vineyard or région; fabrication, p.p. be- cueillir, v.t. gather; coil (rope); nip off
lieved, thought. (wire).
crû, p.p. (of croître) grown. euffat, eufat, m. (Mining) cage, kibble,
cruauté, /. cruelty. bucket.
cruche, /. pitcher, jug, jar. cuiller, cuillère, /. spoon; ladle; scoop;
cruchée, /. pitcherful, jugful. bailer; (auger) bit. — à essais, assay
cruchette, /. small pitcher or jug. spoon. — à fondre (or — de coulée), cast-
cruchon, m. small pitcher or jug; stone ing spoon, casting ladle. — à vapeur, steam
bottle. shovel. — de drague, dredging ladle or
crucifères, /. pi. (Bot.) Cruciferœ. bucket. — en corTie, horn spoon. — en
crudité, /. crudeness, rawness; (of water) fer, iron spoon, iron ladle. — en os, bone
hardness; crudity; (pi.) raw vegetables or spoon. — en platine, platinum spoon. —
fruit, raw diet. — en porcelaine, porcelain spoon. — en
crue, /. growth, increase; (of water) rise. verre, glass spoon.
cruel, a. cruel; tiresome. cuillerée, /. spoonful; ladleful.
cruenté, a. bloody. cuilleron, m. bowl (of a spoon).
cruor, m. (Physiol.) cruor. cuine, /. (Old Chem.) an earthenware re-
crurent, p. def. S pi. (of croire) believed. tort for distilling nitric acid.
crûrent, p. def. 3 pi. (of croître) grew. cuir, m. leather ; hide ; skin. — à empeignes,
crustacés, m. pi. (Zoôl.) Crustaoea, crus- upper leather, vamp leather. — à gaz,
taceans. leather for gas fittings. — aggloméré, an
crut, p. def. S sing. (of croire) believed. imitation leather made from leather scrap,
crût, p. def. & imp. subi. S sing. of croître. pancake. — aluné, alum-tanned leather,
imp. subj. 8 sing. of croire. tawed leather. — anglais, moleskin. — à
cryogène, m. cryogen, freezing mixture. œuvre, = cuir d'œuvre. — à semelle(s),
cryohydratique, a. cryohydric. sole leather. — bouilli, waxed leather;
cryolithe, cryolite, /. (Mm.) cryolite. molded leather. — brut, raw hide, green
cryomètre, m. cryometer. hide. — chagrin, shagreen. — chamoisé,
cryométrie, /. cryometry. chamois leather, chamois. — chevelu,
cryophore, m. (Physics) cryophorus. scalp. — chromé, chrome-tanned leather.
cryoscoper, v.t. examine with a cryoscope. — ciré, waxed leather, wax leather. — cor-
cryoscopie, /. cryoscopy. royé, curried leather. — creux, a quinone-
cryoscopique, o. cryoscopie. tanned leather. — cru, rough leather. —
cryptogame, a. (Bot.) cryptogamic, crypto- d'Allemagne, horse leather. — de bœuf,
gamous. 771. cryptogam. ox hide. — de Bordeaux, leather tanned
cryptographique, a. cryptographie. with the root bark of the kermès oak. —
crypton, m. krypton. de buffle, buff, bufî leather. — de Cordoue,
cryptopine, /. cryptopine. Cordovan leather, cordovan. — de garouille
cryptoxanthine, /. cryptoxanthin, -xanthol. = cuir de Bordeaux. — de Hongrie, Hun-
cubage, m. cubic capacity, cubic contents; gary leather. — de laine, buckskin. —• de
cubature, détermination of cubic contents. molleterie, soft leather. — de montagne,
cubane, m. (Min.) cubanite. mountain leather (a variety of asbestos).
cube, m. cube. a. cubic, cubical, cube. — de papier, a paper imitation of leather.
cubèbe, m. cubeb (fruit of Piper cubeba). — de poule, fine sheepskin, glove leather.
cubébin, m., cubébine, /. cubebin. — de Russie, Russia leather. — de Va-
cuber, v.t. cube; measure in cubic units. lachie, Wallachian leather, leather dressed
cubicite, cubizite, /. (Min.) cubicite in scourings. — de veau, calf (leather).
(analcite). — d'œuvre, soft or thin leather, such as is
cubilot, m. (Métal.) cupola, cupola furnace. used for vamps. — dur, strong leather.
cubique, a. cubic, cubical, cube. /. cubic. — embouti, hydraulic leather. — en cire,
cuboïde, a. & m. cuboid. = cuir ciré. — en croûte, leather tanned
cubo-octaèdre, m. cuboctahedron, combina- but not curried. — en huile, oiled leather.
tion of cube and octahedron. — en plein suif, leather fully curried. •—
cucurbitacé, a. (Bot.) cucurbitaceous. en poils, green hide, raw hide. — en suif,
cucurbitacées, /. pi. (Bot.) Cucurbitaceœ. tallowed leather. — étiré, scraped leather.
cucurbite, /. cucurbit. — factice, artificial leather, imitation leather.
cueillage, m. gathering. — fort, stout leather, specif. sole leather.
cueillette, /. gathering; crop, harvest. — fossile, a variety of asbestos. — gras,
cuir 114 cuivrer
oiled leather, *— grenu,, grainad leather, centration ;, wlW (froro chaeaemakiug).
specif. shagreen. — hongroyé, Hungary p.o. fem. of cuit. — en grains, (Sugar)
leather. — ptaé, ooze leather. — laqué, boiling to graûïi.
lacquered leather, patent leather. — lissé, c u i v r a g e , m. coppering, etc. (see ouivrea;);;
smooth leather. — maroquihé, morocco. copper sheathing., — galvanique, copper
leather, morocco. — mégissé, tawed hide; electroplating..
tawed leather. — mou, — molieierie, soft c u i v r e , m. oopper; (pi.) brasses, brass or
leather. —- moulé, molded leather. — copper fittings, instrumenta or the U3ce. —•
•plaqué, nattened leather, rolled leather. — ammoniacal, any ammoniated copper com-
plat, leather fr-om a thin hide. — préparé, pound or solution, specif. cupraïnmoniuins
dcessed leather. — rond; thiek leafcher. — (Sohweitzer's reagent);: (Pharm.) am-
salé.,, salted hide. — tanné, tanned/ hide ; moniated oopper, eopper ammonio-sulfate.
tanned leather. — verni, patent leather, — ammonico-muriatique, copper ammino-
japan leather, enamel leather. — vert, cfcloride, specif: tetraœminocopper(II>
green hide, raw hide. chloride, [CU(NH3J)«JC12. — arséniatê,
cuirasse, /. armor, armor plate; sheathing; copper arsenate. — arsenical, copper
(Soils) hardpan. araenide. — battu, wrought copper; cop-
cuirassé, p.a. armored, armor-plated ; metal- per foil. — blanc, white copper (a white
clad,;, armed, prepared. m. armored< vessel, alloy of copper,. such as white tombac).
specif. battleship. — de station, armored — bleu, (Min.) assurite. — brut, crude
cruiser. copper, unrefined copper. — carbonate,
c u i r a s s e m e n t , m. armor, armor plate; copper carbonate (b*leu,.a*urite.; vert, mat-
armoring. achite). — cassant, (Métal.) underpoled
cuirasser, v.t. armor, armor-plate; arm copper, dry copper. —• corné, cuprous
with a cuirass; arm, prépare. chloride, eopper(I) chloride. — cru, orudei
c u i r e , v.t. burn (brick, cément, lime, etc.); copper, unrefined copper. —• de Chypre,
boil (sirup, soap, varnish, silfc,, ertci); ohar blue vitriol, cuprio sulfate. — en plumes,
(wood); calcine; eook; bake; ripen. ou. feather shot, granulated copper. — gri»,
cook, be cooked; bake; Smart, hurt. — (Min.) gray copper, tetrahedrite. — hépa-
à fond, overburn, overroast, deadburn. — tique, (Min.) bomite, — hydrosiliceux, hy—
au. four, bake. droUB oopper silicate, (Min.) chrysocolla.
c u i r e r , v.t. cover with leather. — jaune, brass; (Mm.) chalcopyrite. —
c.uiret, m. an unhaired skin or hide. laminé, sheet copper. — mica, — micacé,
cuir-toile, n. leather cloth, micsceous copper (copper brittle from im*-
cuisage, m. charring. purities); (Min.) chalcophyllite. — nirr^,
cuisant, p.a. burning, etc. (see cuire); sharp, copper nitrate. — noir, (Métal.) black
keen, biting, smarting; suitable for cook- copper, blister copper. — oxydé, oxidized
ingP copper, copper oxidè. — oxudulè, cuprous
cuisent, pr. S pi. indic. & subi, of cuire. oxide^ copper(I) ojride; (Métal.) tough-
cuiseur, m. burner (of pottery, brick, etc.), pitch copper. — panaché, (Min.) bornite.
kilnman, fireman; boiler (of sirup, silk, — phosphaté, oopper phosphate. — pyri-
etc.);, baker (of cheese); oooker; (Paper) teux, (Min.) copper pyrites, chaloopyrite.
cooker, boilennan; (Breuiing) kettle man; — rosette, rosette copper. — rouge, pure
(Suffpr) vacuum panman. (Mnalloyed) eopper; (Min.) red ooppa»,
cuisine, /.. kitchen; cooking, food; cookery. cuprite. —• sélénié, eopper selenide, (Mm.)
cuisiner, v.i. & t. cook. berzelianite. — silicié, copper silicidë;
cuisse, /. thigh. (Métal.) silicon copper- — sulfaté, oopper
cuisson, m. burning, boiling, cooking, etc. sulfate. — sulfuré, copper sulfide. —
(see cuire) ; burned, boiled or cooked state; sulfureux, (Min.) covellite. — velouté, ve)^
smart, smarting. — à la volée, (Brick) vet copper orej cyanotrichite. — vierge,
olamp firing. — du vernis, (Ceram.) glaze virgin copper, native copper. — vitriolé,
bskiog. — en dégourdi, (Ceram.) biscuit ooppar sulfate.
ûaking. c u i v r é , p.a. coppered, etoi (see cuivrer)';
cuit, p.a. burned, boiled, cooked, etc. (aee (of color) copper, coppery.
cuire) ; done ; ripe. pr. S sing. of cuire. — c u i v r é e , /. copper. powder for gilding.
au filet, (of sirup) boiled to thread. c u i v r e r , v.t. copper, oover or sheathe witb
cuite, /. burning, boiling, cooking, etc. (aee copper, copperplate ;: treat with copper or
cuire) ; batch, heat ; boiler ;, (of. sirup) con- a copper sait.
cuivrene 115 curare
cuivrerie, /. copper works; brass worka; cuminique, a. cumic, cuminic.
copper ware. cuminol, m. cumaldehyde, cuminole.
cuivreux, a. cuprous, copper(I) (as, sulfo- cuminoyle, m. cumoyl(p-isopropylbenzoyl).
cyanure cuivreux, cuprous thiocyanate) ; cumulatif, a. cumulative.
copper, coppery, cupreous (as, pyrites cumulo-volcan, m. (Geol.) lava plug.
cuivreuses, copper pyrites). cumyle, m. cumyl (properly = cumenyl,
culvrico-. cuprico-, cupro-. C3H7C6H4—, but also = cuminyl, C3H7-
cuivrique, o. cupric, copper(II). C6H4CH2 —, and cumoyl, C3H7C«H4-
cuivrure, /. ** cuivrage. CO—).
cul, m. bottom, breech; (of a ship) stern. cumylidène, m. cuminyh'dene.
— de poche, [Métal.) skull. cunette, /. drain, gutter, channel.
culasse, /. breech, breechblock; (of a eut cunila, n. (Bot.) Cunila (a genus of which
stone) culet, culasse; (of a magnet) yoke; dittany, C origanoides, ia a member).
(of a cylinder) head. cuorine, /. cuorin.
culbutage, m. overturning, etc. (see cul- cupferrone, /. cupferron.
buter). cupide, a. greedy, covetoua.
culbuter, v.t., i. & r. overturn, upset, tilt, cupralun, m. copper alum (cupric alumi-
tip, dump; overthrow; tumble, fall. nate).
culbuteur, m. tipper, tilter, tripper, dump; cupréine, /. cupreine.
rocker, rocking lever. cupriazotite, m. cuprinitrite.
cul-de-lampe, m. bracket; eascabel; cupricalcique, a. of copper and calcium (as,
(Prmting) tail pièce. acétate cupricalcique, CuCa(C2HsO2)4-
cul-de-poule, m. swelling, protubérance. 6H2O).
cul-de-sac, m. blind alley; dead end; cuprico-uraneux, a. of copper and uranium
(Anat.) sac, pouch, specif. cecal pouch. (as, phosphate cuprico-uraneux, Cu(UO2)2-
culée, /. abutment; part of a bide next (PO4)2-8H2O).
the tail. cupricyanure, m. cupricyanide.
culière, /. drain, gutter, sewer. cuprifère, a. cupriferous.
culllavan, n. culilawan, clovs bark. cuprifluorure, m. cupriâuoride.
culinaire, a. culinary. cuprique, a. of or pertaining to copper,
culminant, p.a. culroinating. cupric.
culminer, v.i. culminate. cupritétrabromure, m. bromocuprate(II),
culot, m. culot, (when small) button, mass CuBr4—.
at the bottom of a crucible (usually of cupritribromure, m. bromocuprate(Il),
métal or matte and then called also regu- CuBr3-
lus); deposit; bottom, base; cap, socket; cuproammoniaque, /. cuprammonium,
(Geol.) boss, plug, stock. — de plomb, Schweitzer's reagent.
(Assaying) lead button. cupro-ammonique, a. ouprammonium.
culotte, /. Y-tube, Y-pipe, Y-joint, Y; cuprochlorhydrique, a. cuprohydrocbloric
breeches. cuprochlorure, m. cuprochloride, chloro-
cultivateur, m. farmer, agriculturist ; culti- cuprate(I).
vator. a. agricultural, farming. cuprocyanure, m. cuprocyanide, eyano-
cultivé, p.a. cultivated. cuprate(I).
cultiver, v.t. cultivate. v.r. be cultivated. cuprofer, n. cupferron.
culture, /. culture; cultivation; cultivated cupro-potassique, cupropotassique, a. of
land; crop. — de bouillon, broth culture. copper and potassium.
— en gouttelette, {Bact.) droplet culture. cuproprotéide, /. cuproprotein.
— en piqûre, (Bact.) stab culture. — en cuprotitane, m. cuprotitanium.
plaque, (Bact.) plate culture. — en strie, cuproxyde, m. copper oxide.
(Bact.) streak culture. cupule, /. (small) cup, cupule.
culturel, a. culturel. curaçao, m. curaçao (a liqueur).
cumène, m. cumene (properly used of iso- curage, m. cleaning, cleansing; {Bot.)
propylbenzene but applied also to a mix- persicary.
ture of mesitylene and pseudocumene). curain, m. saline incrustation; spoeif., a
cuményle, m. cumenyl(isopropylphenyl). mixture of sodium and calcium sulfates
cumin, m. {Bot.) cumin. — des prés, cara- obtained in the evaporation of sea water.
way. curanderie, /. bleachery.
cuminile, m. cuminil. curare, m. curare, curari.
curarine 116 cyanhydrique
curarine, /. curarine. — à tan, tan vat, tanning vat. — à tein-
curariser, v.t. curarize, treat with curare. dre , dyeing vat. — à tremper, steeping
curatier, m. tanner or currier. cistern. — de cyanuration, cyaniding vat
curatif, a. curative. or tank. — de fermentation, fermentation
curcuma, m. turmerie, curcuma ; curcuma vat. — de -précipitation, précipitation
(the plant). tank. — de repos, settling tank. — de
cure-dent, m. toothpick. teinture, dyeing vat. — de trempage,
cure-feu, m. poker. (Malt) steeping cistern. — d'Inde, —
cure ment, m. cleaning, cleansing; dredging. d'indigo, indigo vat. — en bois, wooden
curer, v.t. clean, clean out, cleanse; bail. vat or tub. — guitloire, fermentation vat.
curetage, curettage, m. curetting, curet- — matière, (Brewing) mash vat, mash tun.
tage. — mouilloire, (Brewing) steeping cistern,
curette, /. cleaner, scraper, spoon (as for soaking tub.
exploring for oil or for cleaning a blast cuveau, m. small vat, tub or tank.
hole) ; (Med.) curette. cuve-cylindre, /. drum.
cureur, m. cleaner, cleanser ; dredger. cuvée, /. contents of a vat, tub or tank.
curieusement, adv. curiously. cuvelage, m. tubbing, lining, casing.
curieux, a. curious; careful; interested (in). cuveler, v.t, tub, Une, case (as a weli).
m. curious person or thing ; connoisseur. cuvelle, /. (Brewing) = menette; (Ceram.)
curin, m. = curain. the cylindrical case of a grinder.
curiosité, /. curiosity. cuvellement, m. tubbing, lining, casing.
curseur, m. slide, slider; (Elec.) sliding cuve-matière, n. (Brewing) mash vat,
contact ; runner ; index, pointer, a. slid- mash .tun.
ing. cuve-mouiUoire, n. steeping cistern.
cursive, /. (Printing) italics. cuver, v.t. & i, ferment (in a vat).
cursoir, m. slide. cuverie, /. room or building in which fer-
curure, /. mud, slime (as from a ditch). mentation vats are housed.
curvilatère, a. with curved side or si des. cuvette, /. basin, dishT cup, bowl, jar, sink,
curviligne, a. curvilinear, curvilineal. sump ; cistern, réservoir (as of a barome-
cuscamine, /. cuscamine. ter) ; bulb (of a thermometer) ; tray (as for
cusconine, /. cusconine. developing) ; (Micros. ) staining box or
cuscute, /. {Bot.) dodder (Cuscuta). tray ; (Glass) a small pot formerly used
cusparine, /. cusparine. in refining ; (Soda) the mildly heated pan
custode, m. cuatodian, keeper. or first hearth of a sait-cake furnace; bot-
cutané, a. cutaneous, of the skin. tom of a lead chamber, in which the sul-
CUticole, a. (of parasites) subcutaneous. f uric acid collects ; (of a reverberatory
cuticulaire, a. cuticular, of the cuticle. furnace) hearth. à —, dished. — à cul-
cuticule, /. cuticle. ture, culture dish. — à photographie,
cutine, /. cutin. photographer's tray. — à rainures, (Mi-
cutiniser, v.t. cutinize. cros.) grooved staining box. — d'egout-
cutiréaction, /. skin test, cutireaction. tage, drip cup.
CUVage, m. vatting; specif., fermentation of envier, m. tub, vat, trough.
grape mash in vats before pressing ; tub C.V., abbrev. (cheval-vapeur) horsepower.
house. cyanacétique, a. cyanoacetic.
eu vais on, /. vatting; duration of vatting. cyanamide, /. cyanamide. — caîcique, cal-
Cf. cuvage. cium cyanamide.
cuve, /• vat ; tub, tank, copper, cistern ; cyanamide-calcium, /. calcium cyanamide.
(pneumatic) trough; jar, cell (as for spec- cyanamidure, m. métal derivative of
trum analysis) ; (photographie) tray ; (of cyanamide (e.g., CaCN2).
a blast furnace) interior, esp. the shaft. cyane, m. cyanogen.
— à absorption, absorption cell (for spec- cyané, a. containing cyanogen, cyanogen,
tral analysis). — à chicanes, baffle tank. cyano.
— à eau, water trough. — à fermentation, cyanéthine, /. cyanethine(4-amino-2,6-di-
fermentation vat. — à huile, (Métal.) oil- ethyl-5-methyipyrimidine).
tempering tank. — à la couperose, cop- cyaneux, a. cyanous (Obs.).
peras vat. — à lavage, (Photog.) washing cyanhydrate, m. hydrocyanide.
tray. — à mercure, mercury trough or cup. cyanhydrine, /. cyanohydrin, cyanhydrin.
— à moût, (Brewing) mash tun, mash vat. cyanhydrique, a. hydrocyanic.
cyanilide 117 cytotoxine
cyanlllde, /. cyanilide (carbanilonitrile). cycloptérlne, /. cyclopterine.
cyanine, /. cyanin, cyanine (both the plant cyclotétranol, m. cyclobutanol.
color and the synthetic dye). cyclotétrylamlne, j . cyclobutylamine.
cyanique, a. cyanic. cygne, m. swan.
cyanisation, /. kyanization; cyanizing. cylindrage, m. calendering ; rolung ; cyUn-
cyaniser, v.t. kyanize; cyanize. dering ; cylindrical turning,
cyanite, /. (Min.) cyanite, kyanite. cylindre, m. cylinder; roller, roll; drum;
cyanofer, m. ferrocyanogen ; potassium fer- arbor, shaft. — à chemise, jacketed cyl-
rocyanide ; blueprint paper. inder. — à cingler, shingling roll. — à fil,
cyanoferrate, m. ferrocyanide, ferrocyanate. wire roll. — à laminer, roll, roller. — à
cyanoferre, m. — eyanofer. tôle, plate roll. — à vapeur, steam cylin-
cyanoferrlde, m. ferricyanide. der. — broyeur, crusher roll, crusher. —
cyanolerrlque, a. ferrocyanic. compresseur, roller, squeezer. — creux, hol-
cyanoferrure, m. ferrocyanide. low cylinder. — d'amenage, feed roller, feed
cyanogène, m. cyanogen. roll. — de /rein, recoil cylinder. — dégros-
cyanogène, a. eontaining or pertaining to gisseur, coarse-crushing roll, roughing roll.
cyanogen. — d'essai, measuring cylinder. — droit,
cyanogénèse, /. cyanogenesis. right cylinder. — femelle, lower roll, bot-
cyanogénétique, a. cyanogenetic. tom roll. — finisseur, finishing roll. —
cyanophosphore, m. phosphorus cyanide. fournisseur, feeding cylinder, feed roll. —
cyanophycées, /. pi. (Bot.) Cyanophyceae. mâle, upper roll, top roll. — presseur,
cyanose, /. cyanosis; copper sulfate, blue (Calico) pressure cylinder, the cylinder on
vitriol, (Min.) chalcanthite. which the cloth is carried while being
cyanose, cyanotique, o. cyanotic, cyanosed. printed. — vérificateur, cylindrical gage.
cyanoser, v.t. affect with cyanosis, cyanose. cylindrée, /. cylinderful.
cyanoside, m. cyanin. cylindrer, v.t. calender (paper, cloth, etc.);
cyanurage, m. cyaniding, cyanidation. roll (leather or a road) ; cylinder.
cyanuration, /. cyanidation, cyaniding. cylindreur, m. calendrer, calenderer; roller.
cyanure, m. cyanide. — d'argent, silver cylindrique, a. cylindric(al).
cyanide. — de benzyle, benzyl cyanide, cylindriquement, adv. cylindrically.
phenylacetonitrile. — de potasse, potas- cymol, m. cymene; cymenol, hydroxycy-
sium cyanide. — jaune, potassium ferro- mene.
cyanide. — rouge, potassium ferricyanide. cymyle, m. cymyl.
cyanure, a. cyanided ; cyanide ; cyanide of. cynurénique, a. kynurenic.
cyanurer, v.t. cyanide. cynurlne, /. kynurine(4-quinohnol).
cyanurique, a. cyanuric. cyprès, m. cypress.
cycladiène, m. cycloalkadiene. cyprin, m. (Zoôl.) carp.
cyclamine, /. cyclamin. cypripède, m. (Bot.) cypripedium, lady's-
cyclane, m. cycloalkane. slipper.
cyclanlque, o. cycloalkane. cystéine, /. cysteine.
cycle, m. cycle; ring; (Elec.) complète cir- cystine, /. cystine.
cuit, loop. — fermé, closed cycle. cystinurie, /. cystinuria.
cyclène, m. cycloalkene. cystique, a. cystic.
cyclénique, o. cycloalkene. cystoïde, a. cystoid.
cyclique, o. cyclic. cytise, m. (Bot.) cytisus.
cycllsation, /. cycïization, ring closure. cytisine, /. cytisine.
cycliser, v.t. & r. cyclize, form a ring. cytogène, o. cell-forming, cytogenous.
cyclite, /. benzyl bromide (as lacrimator). cytogénèse, /. cytogenesis.
cycloheptanique, a. cycloheptane. cytologie, /. cytology.
cyclohexanique, o. cyclohexane. cytologique, a. cytological, cytologie.
cyclohexyle, m. cyclohexyl. cytolyse, /. cytolysis.
cycloïde, /. cycloid. cytolysine, /. cytolysin.
cyclométhylénique, a. cyclomethylene cytolytique, a. cytolytic.
(designating the cycloalkanes). cytoplasma, cytoplasme, m. (Biol.) cyto-
cyclomètre, m. cyclometer. plasm.
cycloparafflne, /. cycloalkane, cycloparaffin. cytosine, /. cytosine.
cyclopropanique, a. cyclopropane. cytotoxine, /. cytotoxin.
D., abbrev. (dureté) hardness; (densité) damjnara, m. (Bot.) memhcr of the genus
density. Dammara.
d'. Contraction of de. damoir, m. rammer, tamper.
d'abord. See abord. damoiselle, /. rammer, beetle.
dactylotype, /. typewriter. danger, m. danger, risk; trouble.
dactylotypie, /. typewriting. dangereusement, adv. dangerously.
dague, /. scraper, scraping knife; dagger, dangereux, a. dangerous.
dirk. danois, a. Danish.
daguerréotyper, v.t. daguerréotype. dans, prep. in; into; according to.
daguerréotypie, /. daguerreotypy. danser, v.i. dance; flicker.
daguerrien, a. of Daguerre, daguerréotypie. dans-œuvre, adv. (of measurements) in the
dahline, /. dahlia (inulin). clear.
daidzéol, m. daidzein. daphnétine, /., daphnétol, m. daphnetin.
daidzoside, m. daidzin. daphnine, /., daphnoside, m. daphnin.
daigner, v.i. deign; be pleased. d'après. See après.
d'ailleurs. See ailleurs. dard, m. pointed (dartlike) flame ; dart ;
daim, m. buckskin; suède; buck, deer. spindle ; (of insects) sting ; (of flowers)
daleau, m. = dalot. pistil.
dallage, m. flagging, paving, pavement, darder, v.t. dart; shoot with (or as with)
(paved) floor. a dart.
dalle, /. slab, plate; flagstone, flag; gutter, dari, m. durra, dari (a kind of millet).
conduit; (in sugar refining) a pipe convey- dartre, /. tetter, skin affection; (Founding)
ing the sirup ; shelf (of pottery or stone) ; scab ; scale.
sink ; whetstone ; slice (as of fish). — daté, p.a. dated.
rodée, ground-glass plate. dater, v.t. & i. date.
dalléoquinine, /. thalleioquin. datisclne, /. datiscin.
daller, v.t. fiag, pave with flagstones. datte, /. date (the fruit).
dalot, m. escape hole, vent; oulvert. dattier, m. date tree, date palm.
daltonien, a. & m. Daltonian. daturine, /. daturine (hyoscyamine).
dam., abbrev. (décamètre) decameter. daube, /. steaming, stewing, braising.
damage, m. ramming, tamping. dauphin, m. dolphin; mouth of a gutter
damas, m. damask (in various sensés); pipe.
speoif., damask steel, Damascus steel; dam- Dauphiné, m. Dauphiné (old Prench prov-
son (plum); (cap.) Damascus. ince).
damasquinage, m. damascening, dama- dauphinelle, /. (Bot.) larkspur, delphinium.
skeening. d'autant. See autant.
damasquiner, v.t. damascene, damaskeen. davantage, adv. more; longer.
damasquinerie, /. damascening, damaskeen- davier, un. forceps; cramp.
ing. de, prep. of ; from ; (of time) in, during ;
damasquineur, m. damascener, dama- because of ; (of manner or means) with ;
skeener. (of an agent) by; (with comparatives)
damasquinure, damasquinurie, /. dama- than, by; (with an infinitive) to . . ., of
Bcenitig. . . . ing (thus, d'avoir may usually be
damassé, o. damasked, damask. translated either "to hâve" or "of hav-
dame, /. dam; (Métal.) dam, damstone; ing"); (in partitive expressions) some,
ranimer ; lady, dame ; (at cards) queen ; any (as, de Veau, some water) ; (with
(pi.) checkers. traiter) as. — ce que, because; although.
dame-jeanne, /. demijohn. dé, m. die (pi. dice) ; die (pi. dies) ; block
damer, v.t. ram, tamp. (for propping) ; bearing; gage; thimble.
dameur, m. rammer, tamper. déagréger, v.t. disaggregate, disintegrate.
damier, fti. clieckerboard. déalbation, /. dealbation, bleaching.
déassimilation 119 débraser
déassimilation, /. disassimilation. déboire, m. aftertaste; disappointment ; dis-
déauration, /. gilding. taste.
débâcle, /. breaking up (of ice); débâcle. déboisement, m. clearing, deforestation.
débâcler, v.t. open; clear. déboiser, v.t. clear of timber, deforest.
déballage, m. unpacking. déboîter, v.t. disconnect; dislocate; uncase.
déballer, v.t. unpack. débonder, v.t. unbung; open the vent of.
débander, v.t. unbind; unbend, relax; dis- v.i. & r. escape, run out, burst forth; dis-
band. charge, be emptied.
débarquement, m. landing, debarkation. débondonner, v.t. unbung.
débarquer, v.t. & i. land, disembark. débordement, m. boiling over, etc. (see dé-
débarrasser, v.t. free; clear, clear up, clear border) ; overflow; flood, outburst.
away. v.r. free oneself, get rid. déborder, v.i. & r. boil over; overflow, run
débarrer, v.t. unbar ; free from inequali- over; burst forth; projeet. v.t. overflow;
ties of dyeing. Project beyond; outstrip,
débarreur, m. a mender of defects in dye- débordoir, m. drawknife; (Glass) basin.
ing. débouchage, m. unstopping, etc. (see dé-
débat, m. debate; (Law, pi.) trial, pr. S boucher) ; cork extraction.
sing. of débattre. débouché, m. outlet ; end ; mouth ; expédi-
débâtir, v.t. demolish ; remove basting from. ent ; opening, market.
débattable, a. debatable. débouchement, m. unstopping, etc. (see
débattre, v.t. & i. debate, dispute, discuss. déboucher) ; outlet.
v.r. struggle; debate; be debated. déboucher, v.t. unstop, unstopper, uncork;
débenzolage, m. removal of benzol or open; (Elec.) unplug; set (a fuse); punch,
benzène (e.g., from illuminating gas). make (a hole). v.i. pass out, debouch.
débenzoler, v.t. remove benzol or benzène débouchoir, m. cork extractor, corkscrew.
from. déboucler, v.t. unbuckle ; uncurl.
débet, m. débit. débouillage, m. {Dyeing) boiling, boil.
débile, a. feeble, weak. débouiUeur, m. {Dyeing) boiler; bleacher
débilement, adv. feebly, weakly. (of yarn).
débilitant, p.a. debilitating. débouilli, m. (Dyeing) boiîing, boU; ex-
débilité, /. feebleness, debility, weakness. tract.
débiliter, v.t. debilitate, enfeeble. débouillir, v.t. (Dyeing, etc.) boil.
débimètre, m. flowmeter. débouillissage, m. (Dyeing, etc.) boiling,
débit, m. delivery, discharge, flow, rate of boil, scalding.
flow ; supply ; output ; (Mach.) feed ; déboulonner, v.t. unbolt; unscrew.
débit; sale; (retail) shop; license (to aell); débourbage, m. washing, etc. (see dé-
cutting, sawing (of wood, stone, etc.); de- bourber).
livery (in speaking). de —, (Com.) in de- débourber, v.t. wash, free from mud or
mand. — visible, sight feed. slime, (Mining) trunk, sluice; clean, clean
débitage, m. cutting up, sawing up (of out (as a cistern); clarify (as wine).
wood, etc.). débourbeur, m. a worker or apparatus that
débiter, v.t. deliver, discharge (liquid, gas, cleanses from mud or slime, washer,
etc.); retail, sell at retail; eut up, saw up cleanser. Specif. : a boiler attachaient for
(wood, stone, etc.) ; débit; utter, speak. removing the mud deposited by hard*
V.T. be delivered; sell, be sold; (of wood, water ; a trommel for removing earthy mat-
etc.) eut up; be told, be reported. ter from ore ; an apparatus in which the
débiteur, m. & a. debtor; feed spool (for suspended matter in gas liquor is deposited.
film). débourrage, m. removal of wadding, etc.
débitmètre, m. flowmeter. (see débourrer).
débituminiser, v.t, debituminize. débourrer, v.t. remove the wadding, pad-
déblai, m. excavation, cutting ; eut ; (pi.) ding, etc., from (see bourre); untamp, un-
excavated material, rubbish, waste. sels ram; (Leather) unhair ; strip.
de —, abraum salts. débours, m. pi. expenses, outlay.
tléblayement, déblaiement, m. cutting, débourser, v.t. disburse, expend.
cutting away, excavation; clearing. debout, adv. upright, standing, erect, up.
déblayer, v.t. eut away, clear away; clear. débraiser, v.t. draw the embers or fire
débloquer, v.t. unblock, release, open. from.
débobiner, v.t. wind off, unspool, uncoil. débraser, v.t. unsolder, unbraze.
débrayable 120 déchet
débrayable, a. disconnectible. dip; etch; 0ux (métal before soldering);
débrayage, m. disconnecting, disconnection, scrape; uncap.
etc. (see débrayer). décapeur, m. cleaner, etc. (see décaper).
débrayer, v.t. disconnect, disengage, throw décarbonater, v.t. decarbonate.
out of gear, uncouple, release. décarbonateur, m. decarbonator ; specif.,
débrider» v.t. release; (Med.) débride; un- a tube for removing carbon dioxide from
bridle. tu. stop. air.
débris, m. remains, fragments, débris, rub- décarboniser, v.t. decarbonize.
bish, waste, scrap. — cellulosique, (in décarburant, p.a. decarbonizing, decarbur-
flour analysis) fiber. — de fer, scrap iron. izing. 77i. decarbonizer.
— de fonte, foundry scrap, cast scrap. — décarburateur, a. decarbonizing, decarbur-
d'os, (Fertilizers) bone meal. — métal- izing.
liques, scrap métal. décarburation, /. decarbonization, decar-
débromer, v.t. debrominate. buration.
débrouiller, v.t. untangle, unravel, clear up. décarburer, v.t. decarbonize, decarburize.
débrûler, v.t. deoxidize. (Oba. or Rare.) décarbureur, m. (Gas) purifier man.
débrutir, v.t. rough-grind, rough-polish. décarburisation, /. decarbonization, de-
début, m. beginning, start, début. carburization.
débuter, v.L begin; start; (in games) lead. décastère, m. decastere (10 cubic meters).
déc, abbreVs of décomposition. décatir, v.t. sponge, ungloss (cloth, etc.).
déca-. deçà-, ten. décatissage, m. sponging, unglossing.
deçà, prep. on this side of. adv. on this décatisseur, m. sponger (of cloth to re-
side. — et delà, hère and there, on ail move gloss).
sides. en —, on this side. par —, on this décédé, p.a. & m. deceased.
side, on this side of. décelable, a. détectable.
décacheter, v.t. unseal, open. décèlement, m. détection; disclosure, dis-
décaèdre, m. decahedron. closing, revealing.
décagranime, m. decagram, 10 grains. déceler, v.t. detect; disclose, reveal.
décahydruxe, m. decahydride. décembre, m. December.
décaisser, v.t. unpack, unbox; pay out. décennal, a. decennial, ten-year.
décalage, m. unwedging, unkeying; (Elec.) décentrage, m., décentration, /., dé-
displacement, divergence, lead (or lag) ; cent renient, m. décentration, decenter-
slipping (of film). ing.
décalaminage, m. descaling, scaling. décentrer, v.t. decenter.
décalaminer, v.t. descale, scale; decarbon- déceptivement, adv. deceptively.
ize (an engine). décerner, v.t. award, confer; decree.
décalcifier, v.t. decalcify, delime. décès, m. decease.
décaler, v.t. unwedge, unkey ; displace, décevant, p.a. deceiving.
shift. v.i. lag. décevoir, v.t. deceive.
décaline, /. Decalin (T.N.), perhydronaph- déchaîner, v.t. unchain; release.
thalene. décharge, /. discharge (in various sensés) ;
décalitre, m. decaliter, 10 liters. outlet, vent; place for keeping rubbish. —
décalquer, v.t. transfer (a design). à lueur, glow discharge. — silencieuse, si-
•décamètre, m. decameter (32.8 feet). lent discharge,
décanaphtène, m. decanaphthene. déchargement, m. discharging; unloading.
décantage, m. decanting, décantation. déchargeoir, m. outlet, vent, escape pipe,
décantateur, m. décanter; settling tank. — waste pipe.
en hélice, helical décanter (for removing décharger, v.t. dïscharge ; remove the
suspended matter from water). charge from ; unload ; empty. v.r. dis-
charge, unload or relieve oneself; be dis-
décanter, v.t. decant. charged ; (of dyes) fade out ; (of rivers)
décanteur, m. décanter, a. decanting. — empty.
d'huiles amyliques, fusel oil separator. déchargeur, m. discharger ; unloader ;
décapage, décapement, m. cleaning, etc. drawer (of coke, etc.) ; lightning arrester.
(see décaper). déchaulage, m. (Leather) unliming.
décapant, p.a. cleaning, etc. (see décaper). déchéance, /. forfeiture; décadence, decay.
m. cleaner, remover ; etching agent. décherra, fut. S sing. (of déchoir) witl fall.
décaper, v.t. (of metals) clean, scour, pickle, déchet, m. loss, waste, wear and tear ;
déchet 121 décompter
(often pi., déchets) refuse, waste, scrap; déclin, m. décline; (Mach.) release.
sewage. — d'animaux, animal refuse, offal. déclinaison, /. declination; declension.
— de coton, cotton waste. déchets de crib- décliner, v.t. & i. décline.
lage, screenings. déchets de verre, broken décliqueter, v.t. release (as a ratchet).
glass, cullet. déchets métalliques, scrap déclive, a. sloping, inclined. /. slope.
métal. décliver, v.i. slope, be inclined.
déchiffrable, o. decipherable, legible. déclivité, /. declivity, slope.
déchiffrer, v.t. decipher, décode. déclore, v.t. unclose, open.
déchiquetage, m. cutting up; (Rubber) décoaguler, v.t. decoagulate.
milling. décoaltarisation, /. removal of coal tar.
déchiqueté, p.a. ragged, jagged, eut up. décoaltariser, v.t. free from coal tar.
déchiqueter, v.t. eut up, eut in pièces. décochage, m. (Founding) stripping.
déchiré, p.a. torn, etc. (see déchirer). décocté, m. décoction (the substance). —•
déchirement, m. tearing, etc. (see déchirer). d'aloès composé, (Pharm.) compound dé-
déchirer, v.t. tear; rend, lacerate, tear coction of aloes. — de bois de Campêche,
open, tear up; torture, distress; slander. (Pharm.) décoction of logwood.
déchirure, /. tear, rent; tearing; lacération. décofféination, /. removal of caffeine.
déchloruration, /. dechlorination. décohéreur, m. decoherer (old radio de-
déchlorurer, v.t. deehlorinate. vice).
déchoir, v.i. fall, lose, décline, fall off. — décoiffage, m. uncapping, etc. (see décoif-
d'un brevet, forfeit a patent. fer).
déchu, p.p. (of déchoir) fallen, etc. décoiffer, v.t. uncap ; uneork ; uncover.
déciare, m. deciare, 10 square meters. déçoit, pr. S sing. (of décevoir) deceives.
décidant, p.a. deciding, décisive. décollage, décollement, m. séparation (of
décidé, p.a. decided. things stuck together), detachment, unglu-
décidément, adv. decidedly, positively. ing, coming off, parting; (Aero.) take-off.
décider, v.t. décide, détermine, settle. v.i. décoller, v.t. separate (things stuck to-
décide, v.r. be decided ; décide. — de, gether), detaoh, unstick, unglue, deglutinate.
décide on ; décide to. v.r. come unglued, come off, come apart;
décidu, a. deciduous. (Aero.) take off.
décigramme, m. decigram, 0.1 gram. décolletage, m. removal of the crown or
décilitre, m. deciliter, 0.1 liter. top of plants (e.g., sugar beets) ; screw
décimale, /. décimal. cutting.
décime, m. décime, 0.1 franc. /. tenth décolleter, v.t. remove the crown or top of ;
(part). eut, turn (screws).
décimètre, m. decimeter, 0.1 meter. — décolorant, p.a. decolorizing, décolorant.
carré, square decimeter. m. bleaching agent, décolorant.
décine, /. decyne. décoloration, /. decolorization, décolora-
décirage, m. removal of wax. tion, decolorizing, decoloring, bleaching.
décirer, v.t. remove wax from. décolorer, v.t. decolorize, decolor; discolor.
décisif, a. décisive ; peremptory. décolorimètre, m. decolorimeter.
décistère, m. decistere, 0.1 cubic meter. décoloris, m. loss of color.
déclanche, /. disengaging gear, release. décoltharisation, /. = décoaltarisation.
declanchement, m. = déclenchement. décombres, m. pi. rubbish, débris.
déclancher, v.t. = déclencher. décomposant, p.a. decomposing.
déclaration, /. déclaration; verdict. décomposé, p.a. decomposed; (Bot.) de-
déclarer, v.t. déclare; reveal, disclose, v.r. compound.
manifest oneself, appear, occur; déclare décomposer, v.t. décompose; alter. v.r.
oneself. décompose ; change, be altered.
déclenche, /. disengaging gear, release. décomposeur, m. décomposer; specif., in
déclenchement, m. unloosing, release; the Deacon process, the chamber in which
(Mach.) disengagement, also disengaging hydrochloric acid is decomposed.
gear ; unlatching. décomposition, /. décomposition; altéra-
déclencher, v.t. unloose, release; (Mach.) tion.
disengage, throw out of gear, trip; (Elec.) décompte, m. discount, déduction; itemiz-
open (a switch) ; unlatch. ing, analysis (of an account); disappoint-
déclencheur, m. releaser, release, tripper. ment.
déclic, m. click, catch, pawl, trip; trigger décompter, v.t. deduct.
déconfiture 122 dedans
déconfiture, /. discomfiture ; insolvency. décreusage, décreusement, m. scouring,
décongélation, /. thawing, thawing out. etc. (see décreuser).
décongeler, v.t. thaw, thaw out. décreuser, v.t. (Silk) scour, strip, ungum,
déconnecter, v.t. disconnect. degum; scour, cleanse.
déconnexion, /. disconnection ; release. décreuseur, m. scourer, etc. (see décreuser).
déconseiller, v.t. counsel against. décrire, v.t. describe. v.r. be described.
déconsidérer, v.t. discrédit. décrit, p.p. âc pr. S sing. of décrire.
déconstruire, v.t. take apart, disassemble. décrivant, p.a. describing.
décor, m. décoration. décrochage, décrochement, m. unhook-
décorateur, m. decorator. ing, etc. (see décrocher); detachment.
décoratif, o. décorative. décrocher, v.t. unhook, unfasten; disen-
décordonnage, m. removal of crust from gage; disconnect. v.r. (Mach.) fall out of
the stampers of a powder mill. step.
décorer, v.t. decorate. décroissance, A decrease, diminution, dé-
décorticage, m., décortication, /. decorti- cline.
cation, etc. (see décortiquer). décroissant, p.a. decreasing, diminishing.
décortiquer, v.t. decorticate, bark, husk, décroissement, m. decrease, diminution,
hull, shell, peel, mill. (of waves) damping.
découdre, v.t. unsew, unstitch, rip, rip off. décroître, v.i. decrease, diminish, décline.
découler, u.t. trickle, flow (gently), drop; décrotter, v.t. clean, clean off, brush.
(fig.) fiow, spring, follow. décrouir, v.t. (Métal.) anneal.
découpage, m. cutting, etc. (see découper). décrouissage, m. (Métal.) annealing.
découper, v.t. eut, eut up, eut off, eut out; décrofitage, m. cleaning (from crust);
punch, v.r. be eut, be eut up ; stand out. (Founding) dressing down, skinning.
découpeur, m. cutter. décroûter, v.t. remove the crust from, clean.
découpeuse, /. cutter; specif., an appa- décru, p.p. (of décroître) decreased.
ratus or machine used for cutting. décruage, m. = décreusage.
découpler, v.t. uncouple, disengage. décrue, /. decrease, décrément.
découpoir, m. cutter, cutting machine; cut- décruer, v.t. = décreuser.
ting punch. décrueur, m. = décreuseur.
découpure, /. cutting, cutting out; eut; déerflment, décrusage, décrusement, m.
cutting, part eut out ; fretwork. = décreusage.
décourageant, p.a. discouraging. décruser, v.t. = décreuser.
décourager, v.t. discourage, v.r. be dis- déçu, p.p. (of décevoir) deceived.
couraged. décuire, v.t. thin (sirup). v.r. become thin.
décourber, v.t. unbend, straighten. décuivrer, v.t. deprive of copper, decopper-
décousant, p. pr. (of découdre) unsewing, ize.
etc. décuplateur, o. multiplying by ten.
décousu, p.p. (of découdre) unsewn, ripped. décupler, v.t. décuple, multiply by ten.
découvert, p.a. discovered; uncovered, ex- décuvage, m., décuvaison, /. (Wine) rack-
posed, bare. m. déficit, à —, uncovered ; ing off from the vat after fermentation,
unsheltered; openly; (Corn.) without se- tunning ; (Brewing) nooring.
curity. mettre à —, uncover, disclose. décuver, v.t. rack off from the vat, tun
découverte, /. discovery; overburden. (wine) ; (Brewing) floor.
découvrant, p. pr. of découvrir. décyclisation, /. decyclization, ring open-
découvreur, m. discoverer. ing.
découvrir, v.t. discover; uncover; expose. décycliser, v.t. decyciize, open up.
v.r. be discovered ; be visible ; reveal one- décyle, m. decyl.
self ; expose oneself ; uncover. dédaigner, v.t. disdain.
décramponer, v.t. remove the cramps from; dédale, m. labyrinth, maze.
unspike. dédaléen, dédalien, a. inextricable, Jaby-
décrassage, m. cleaning, etc. (see décrasser). rinthine.
décrasser, v.t. clean; wash, scour, scrape; dédaller, v.t. remove the flags from, un-
decarbonize (an engine) ; deslag. pave.
décrayonnage, m. cleaning (of a furnace). dedans, adv. inside, withîn, in. m. inside,
décréditer, v.t. discrédit. interior. au —, within, inside. au — de,
décrépiter, v.i. decrepitate. within, inside of, in the interior of. de —,
décret, m. decree. from within; (of measurements) in the
dedans 123 défilochage
clear. en —, within, inside, in; (of a défécant, m. defecating agent, defecant.
burner) at the base; (of measurements) in défécation, /. défécation; clarification.
the clear. en — de, within, inside of. par défectible, o. imperfect.
—, through ; within. défectueusement, adv. defectively.
dédicace, /. dedioation. défectueux, a. détective, faulty, unsound.
dédicatoire, a. dedicatory. défectuosité, /. defect, fault, flaw.
dédier, v.t. dedicate. défendre, v.t. défend; protect; prohibit,
dédit, m. forfeit; bond; retraction. forbid. v.r. défend oneself; forbear;
dédommagement, m. damages, compensa- avoid ; décline ; deny.
tion. défendu, p.a. defended; forbidden, pro-
dédommager, v.t. compensât*, indemnify. hibited.
dédorage, m. ungiiding. défense, /. défense ; prohibition ; fender.
dédorer, v.t. ungild, remove the gilding — d'entrer, no admittance.
from. défenseur, m. defender, champion.
dédornre, /. ungiiding. défensif, a. défensive.
dédoublable, a. divisible into two, decom- déféquer, v.t. defecate, clarify, elear, pur-
posable, resolvable, etc. (see dédoubler). ify.
dédoublage, dédoublement, m. division défera, fut. 3 ting. (of défaire) will undo,
into two, décomposition, resolution, etc. etc.
(see dédoubler), dédoublement cétonique, déférer, v.t. confer, bestow; denounce, ac-
ketonic cleavage. cuse, v.i. defer.
dédoublé, p.p. of dédoubler, m. an arti- déferrage, m. removal of iron, deferriza-
ficial brandy made by diluting alcohol. tion ; removal of ironwork ; (of a horse)
dédoubler, v.t. divide into two, décom- unshoeing.
pose, cleave, split; (of racemic substances, déferrer, v.t. deprive of iron, deferrize; re-
double salts, etc.) résolve; dilute; reduce move ironwork from ; unhinge (a door) ;
one half ; undouble, unfold ; unline, un- unshoe (a horse) ; disconcert.
sheath. v.r. divide into two, décompose, déferrisation, /. deferrization.
split, be resolved ; diminish one half ; un- défervescence, /. defervescence, subsidence
fold ; be unlined. from a state of effervescence or (M éd.) of
dédoublure, /. rent, split; large air noie fever.
(in an ingot). défi, m. défiance.
déductlf, a. deductive. défiance, /. distrust; diffidence.
dédurtàvement, adv. deductively. défibrage, m. séparation of fibers (see dé-
déduire, v.t. deduct; deduce; relate. fibrer).
dédurcir, v.t. soften. défibrer, v.t. remove or separate the fibers
défaillance, /. failing; fainting; faintness. of, disintegrate (as wood or sugar cane) ;
défaillir, v.L fail; default; faint. grind (wood for making mechanical pulp).
défaire, v.t. unmake, undo, untie, take défibreur, m. fiber separator; (.Paper) pulp
apart; disengage, ungear; unscrew; take grinder; {Sugar) cane shredder.
ofi; defeat; make way with; rid. v.r. be défibriner, v.t. defibrinate.
undone, corne loose; weaken, spoil; rid déficeler, v.t. untie, undo, open (a package),
oneself, get rid (of). déficit, m. déficit ; deficiency.
défait, p.p. & pr. S sing. of défaire. déficitaire, a. déficient.
défaite, /. defeat; subterfuge, évasion; ex- défier, v.t. defy. v.r. be distrustful; be
cuse, pretext. suspicious, hâve an idea (of, that) ; defy
défalcation, /. déduction, réduction. each other.
défalquer, v.t. deduct. défilage, m. unthreading, etc. (see défiler).
défausser, v.t. straighten, true. défilé, p.p. of défiler, m. (Paper) half
défaut, m. want, lack, absence, deficiency; stuff ; défile ; constriction.
defect, flaw; fault; default. pr. S smg. dénier, v.t. unthread, unstring; (Paper)
(of défaillir) fails, etc. à — de, au — de, separate (rags) into threads or fibers,
in the absence of, in lieu of ; for want of. break in; release (a brake).
faire —, be absent, be missing; fail. sans déflleur, m. unthreader; (Paper) rag-cylin-
—, faultless; flawless. der driver, a. unthreading; (Paper) break-
défaveur, /. disfavor. ing-in.
défavorable, a. unfavorable. défileuse, /. unthreader; (Paper) breaker.
défavorablement, adv. unfavorably. défilochage, m. = défilage.
défilocher 124 dégorger
défilocher, v.t. = défiler. dégasolinage, m. removal of gasoline.
défini» p.a. definite; defined. dégât, m. damage, destruction, waste.
définir, v.t. define. v.r. be defined. dégauchi, p.a. smoothed, smooth, even,
définissable, a. definable. true.
définitif, a. définitive, final. dégauchir, v.t. smooth, dress, plane, polish;
définitivement, adv. definitively, finally. straighten, true.
défit, p. def. S sing. (of défaire) unmade, dégazage, m., dégazation. /. degassiog.
etc. dégazéification, /. degasification.
défixation, /. séparation, removal. dégazéifier, v.t. degasify.
déflagrant, p.a. deflagrating. dégazer, v.t. degas, degasify, outgas.
déflagrateur, m. deflagrator. dégazolinage, m. removal of gasoline.
déflagrer, v.i. deflagrate. dégel, m. thawing, defrosting.
défléchir, v.t. & i. deflect. dégelage, dégèlement, m. thawing.
déflecteur, m. deflector. dégélatiner, v.t. deprive of gelatin, de-
défiegmage, m. dephlegmation, rectification. gelatinize.
déflegmatenr, m. dephlegmator, rectifier. dégeler, v.t., r. & i. thaw, melt.
déflegmatlon, /. dephlegmation. dégénéré, p.a. degenerated, degenerate.
déflegmer, v.t. dephlegmate, rectify. dégénérer, v.i. degenerate.
déflexion, /. deflection. dégénérescence, /. degeneration. — ffrots-
déflocheuse, /. rag-tearing machine, devil. seuse, fatty degeneration.
défloculation, /. deflocculation. dégénérescent, a. degenerative.
défoncer, v.t. scrape out; dig up, plow. dégermage, m. removal of germs, degerm-
défont, pr. S pi. (of défaire) unmake, etc. ing.
déformateur, a. defonning. dégermer, v.t. degerminate, deprive of the
déformer, v.t. deform; distort; warp. v.r. germ.
become deformed; warp. dégermeur, m., dégermeuse, /. degermi-
défournage, détournement, m. taking nator.
from an oven, kiln, or furnace, drawing. dégivrer, v.t. de-ice; defrost.
détourner, v.t. take or draw (porcelain, dégivreur, m. de-icer; defroster.
glass, cernent, etc.) from an oven, kiln, or déglaçage, déglacement, m. removal of
furnace. luster; removal of ice.
défournenr, m. drawer, kiln (or oven) déglacer, v.t. deprive of luster (as paper);
drawer; (for plate glass) hot-push man. remove the ice from ; thaw, melt.
défourneuse, /. (Glass) pot wagon. dégluement, m. removal of glue, ungluing.
défoxage, m. (Wine) removal of foxy taste. dégluer, v.t. remove the glue from, unglue.
défraîchir, v.t. deprive of freshness, de- déglutir, v.i. swallow.
luster, fade. v.r. lose freshness, fade. déglyceriner, v.t. remove the glycerin from
défrayer, v.t. pay the expense of; enter- (as oils), deglycerin, deglycerinate.
tain. dégommage, m. degumming, etc. (see dé-
défricher, v.t. clear, make tillable; clear gommer).
up. dégommer, v.t. degum, ungum, scour
déf ruiter, v.t. strip of fruit ; remove the (silk).
taste of the fruit from (as olive oil). dégonflement, m. déflation, going down,
défuselation, /. removal of fusel oil. réduction (of swellings).
défuseler, v.t. free from fusel oil, rectify. dégonfler, v.t. deflate, reduce (something
dégagé, p.a. disengaged, etc. (see dégager); swollen). v.r. be deflated, be reduced, sub-
free, open; graceful. side.
dégagement, m. disengagement, libération, dégor, m. discharge pipe or tube; specif.,
émission, évolution ; clearing ; rédemption. (Distilling) a pipe carrying spent wasi».
dégager, v.t. disengage; liberate, émit, dégorgement, dégorgeage, m. clearing,
evolve; blow off (steam); clear; redeem. etc. (see dégorger); discharge; outlet.
v.r. be disengaged; be emitted; be cleared; dégorgeoir, m. a mill for scouring cloth ;
disengage oneself. an instrument for cleaning a tube or open-
dégaler, v.t. clean, comb (as rabbit skins). ing; (of a gun) priming wire; spout where
dégarnir, v.t. degarnish, strip, untrim. water issues.
dégarnissage, m. degarnishing ; thinning dégorger, v.t. clear, deobstruct, unstop (as
(of sugar beets). s pipe); cleanse, scour, wash (cloth,
dégaser, v.t. degas, free from gas. leather, etc.); hollow out; disgorge, v.t.
dégorger 125 delà
discharge, empty; overflow. v.r. discharge; degré, m. degree; concentration; step. de
overflow ; become unstopped. — en —, step by step. — centésimal, centi-
dégoudronnage, dégoudronnement, m. grade degree, degree centigrade. — de
removal of tar. dureté, degree of hardness. — de liberté,
dégoudronner, v.t. deprive of tar, detar. degree of freedom. par degrés, by degrees,
dégoudronneur, m. tar remover. gradualîy.
dégourdi, p.a, slightly warm ; (of porce- dégréer, v.t. dismantïe, unrig.
lain) in the state of biscuit, unglazed ; re- dégréner, dégrener, v.t. (Ceram.) remove
animated, revived; lively; sharp, shrewd. from the pugger.
m. (Ceram.) biscuit baking, biscuit fire ; dégreneur, m. (Ceram.) mill attendant.
also, biscuit, unglazed body. dégrever, v.t. free (as from tax or duty).
dégourdir, v.t. warm slightly, take the dégrossage, m. réduction in size, drawing
chill off of ; cool, allow to cool (to luke- (of métal).
warmness) ; (Ceram.) give the first or bis- dégrosser, v.t. reduce in size, draw (met-
cuit baking to ; remove numbness from, als).
revive ; (fig.) sharpen, polish. v.i. warm dégrossir, v.t. (subject to any opération
slightly, become lukewarm; cool (to luke- roughly, in a preliminary way) rough down,
warmness). v.r. revive. rough-shape, rough-dress ; rough-grind
dégoût, m. disgust; mortification. (plate glass); concentrate (ores) roughly;
dégoûtant, p.a. disgusting. give a first filtration to (water).
dégoûter, v.t. disgust. v.r. be disgusted. dégrossissage, rn. roughing down, rough -
dégouttement, m. dripping, dropping, shaping, etc. (see dégrossir) ; ( Water) re-
trickling. moval of gross impurities.
dégoutter, v.i. drip, drop, trickle. dégrossisseur, m. a workman, machine or
dégradation, /. dégradation; détérioration; tool that roughs down, rough-shapes, etc.
decay. (see dégrossir) ; (Iron) roughing rolls ;
dégrader, v.t. dégrade; (of colors) dégrade, coarse screen or filter. a. roughing, rough-
reduce, tone down ; deteriorate ; damage. shaping, etc., rough, reducing, preliminary.
V.T. be degraded; decay; dégrade oneself. déguisement, m. disguise.
dégrafer, v.t. unhook, unfasten. déguiser, v.t. disguise.
dégragène, m. degragene, a substance sup- dégustateur, m. taster.
posed to exist in fish oils. dégustation, /. tasting (of wine, etc.).
dégraissage, m. scouring, etc. (see dégrais- déguster, v.t. taste, test by tasting.
ser). dégut, m. daggett (empyreumatic oil of
dégraissant, p.a. scouring, etc. (see dégrais- birch).
ser), m. scouring agent, cleaner, degreaser; dehors, adv. out, without, outside. m. out-
(Ceram. ) leaning agent, antiplastic or side, exterior ; foreign countries. au —,
aplastic material. out, outside ; abroad ; externally. au —
dégraisse, m. fat eut from méat in retail- de, outside of. en —, out, outward, on
ing it (distinguished from leaf fat). the outside ; frank. en — de, outside of,
dégraisser, v.t. scour, clean ; free from out of ; apart from. par —, outside, with-
fat, degrease, ungrease, unoil; skim, scum out.
(liquids) ; correct the greasy taste of déhydracétique, o. dehydracetic, dehydro-
(wine); fat-extract (filter paper) ; {Ceram.) acetic.
render less plastic, lean, thin; impoverish déhydromucique, a. dehydromucic.
(soil) ; dress down (wood) ; emaciate. (Cf. déjà, adv. already.
dessuintage.) déjecteur, m. ejector (of boiler scale).
déjection, /. (Geol. & Physiol.) déjection;
dégraisseur, m. scourer (in various indus- (pi.) dejecta, excrément.
tries) ; scouring machine (for wool). — déjeter, v.t, & r. warp; distort.
de vapeur, oil separator. déjeuner, m. breakfast; meal. v.i. break-
dégraissis, m. grease removed by scouring, fast. — d'épreuve, test breakfast, test
extracting, skimming or the like. meal. — de soleil, a fabric that fades
dégraissoir, m. a machine or instrument rapidly.
for scouring or degreasing. delà, prep. beyond. (Used chiefly in
dégraphitage, m. removal of graphite. phrases.) au —, farther, beyond ; more.
dégras, m. (Leather) dégras, degras. au —• de, beyond. de —, from there; be-
anglais, sod oil. yond ; from beyond. en —, beyond,
delà 126 démesuré
further on. par —, beyond; farther; délitage, délitement, m. crumbling, etc.
more. (see déliter).
délabré, p.a. dilapidated, battered. déliter, v.t. & r. crumble, disintegrate ;
délabrer, v.t. shatter, ruin, disorder. specif., effloresce; (of lime) slake; cleave,
délai, m. delay ; lag ; time alkwed. — de split, splinter; set (a stone) edgewise.
livraison, time required for delivery. délitescence, /. crumbling, disintegration ;
délaiement, m. = délayage. specif., efflorescence; (Med.) délitescence.
délainage, m. wool pulling. délitescent, a. capable of being disinte-
délainer, v.t. strip of wool. grated; specif., effiorescent.
délaineur, m. wool puller. délivrance, /. delivery; deliverance;
délaissé, p.a. abandoned; in disuse. (Physioî.) expulsion of the after-birth.
délaisser, v.t. abandon. délivre, m. after-birth.
délaitage, délaitement, m. removal of délivrer, v.t. deliver; grant (a patent).
milk; specif., the working or drying of delphinine, /. delphinine.
butter. delphinoside, m. delphinin.
délaiter, v.t. deprive of milk, work (but- délustrage, m. delustering, sponging
ter). (cloth).
délaiteuse, /. butter drier. délustrer, v.t. deprive of luster, ungloss,
délassant, p.a. refreshing. deluster; sponge, shrink (cloth).
délavage, m. dilution, weakening (of col- délutage, m. unluting, removal of the lute;
ors). removal of coke from a gas retort.
délaver, v.t. dilute, weaken (colora). déluter, v.t. unlute, remove the lute from.
délayage, m. mixing, etc. (see délayer); démaclage, m. stirring of melted glass.
mixture, thinned or tempered material; démaeler, v.t. stir (melted glass).
suspension. démagnétiser, v.t. demagnetize.
délayant, p.a. mixing, etc. (see délayer). demain, adv. & m. tomorrow.
m. a liquid used for mixing, tempering or demande, /. request; application; claim;
tiûnning. (Com.) order; demand; question. — de
délayement, m. = délayage. brevet, patent application.
délayer, v.t. mix (a powder, paste, or the demandé, p.a. in demand, wanted.
like, with a liquid), temper, thin; dilute demander, v.t. ask; want, wish; demand;
(cotes). (Com.) order; eall for; ask for; apply for.
délayeur, m. mixer, thinner (see délayer); demandeur, m. asker; (Law) plaintif!.
(Ceram.) blunger; (Cernent) wash mill. démanganiser, v.t. demanganize.
délecter, v.t. delight. démangeaison, /. itching.
délégué, p.a. delegated. m. delegate. démanteler, v.t. dismantle; clear.
délétère, o. deleterious, noxious. démarche, /. gait; bearing; course.
délibéré, p.a. deliberate; bold. démariage, m. thinning (of plants) ; di-
délibérer, v.i. deliberate; décide. vorce.
délicat, a. délicate. démarrage, m. starting.
délicatesse, /. delicacy. démarrer, v.t. & i. start.
délicieux, o. delicious; delightful. démarreur, m. (Mach.) starter.
délié, p.a. untied, loose; fine, thin, slender;
démasquer, v.t. unmask, uncover.
shrewd, clever. démêlage, m. disentangling, etc. (see dé-
délier, v.t. untie ; loose, free. mêler) ; sorting (of wool) ; combing (of
délimiter, v.t. delimit, demarcate, define. hair); (Brewing) mashing, mash.
déliquium, m. deliquium (Obs.), déli-
quescence; liquid formed by déliquescence. démêler, v.t. disentangle, reduce to order;
délirant, p.a. delirious. distinguish ; discover ; (Brewing) mash.
délire, m. delirium. v.r. be disentangled ; be cleared up; stand
délirer, v.i. be delirious. out.
délissage, m. rag cutting or sorting. démembrer, v.t. dismember.
délisser, v.t. (Paper) eut (rags) to work- démence, /. dementia.
able size; sort (rags). démentir, v.t. belie; contradict; disbelieve.
délisseuse, /. rag cutter; rag sorter. v.r. contradict oneself or each other, be in-
délit, m. (of a stone) edge, side transverse consistent; cease; (of buildings) give way.
to the grain; joint (in rock); fissure, rift; démesuré, a. immoderate, excessive, enor-
offense. mous.
démesurément 127 démonstratif
démesurément, adv. immeasurably, ex- (of cheese) made from partially skimmed
cessively, enormously. milk, single; (of type) medium-faced.
déméthyler, v.t. deprive of methyl, de- demi-haut-fourneau, m. small blast fur-
methylate. nace.
démettre, v.t. dismiss; dislocate. v.r. quit, demi-heure, /. half-hour.
resign ; be dislocated. demi-jour, m. twilight, dim light.
demeurant, p.a. living, etc. (see demeurer). demi-journée, /. half-day.
m. remainder, rest ; survivor. au —, on demi-litre, m. half-liter.
the whole, after ail. demi-long, a. of médium length.
demeure, /. delay; dwelling, résidence, à demi-longueur, /. half-length.
—, stationary, permanent; immovable. demi-métal, m. semimetal.
demeurer, v.i. live, dwell; stay; remain; demi-métallique, a. semimetallic.
stop. demi-molécule, /. half-molécule.
demi, a., adv. & m. half. à —, half, by demi-molle, o. / m . (Ceram.) designating a
half. paste easily worked by the fmgers yet not
demi, semi-, half-, demi-, hemi-. adhering to them.
demi-acier, m. semisteel. demi-moule, /. half-mold.
demi-balle, /. half-ball, hémisphère. demi-muid, m. half hogshead.
demi-blanc, a. semi-white, nearly white. déminéralisation, /. demineralization,
demi-boule, /. hémisphère. (Med.) excessive élimination of minerai
demi-brillant, a. semi-brilliant, moderately matter in the urine.
brilliant. déminéraliser, v.t. demineralize.
demi-brique, /. thin brick; half-brick. demi-onde, /. half-wave, half-wave-length.
demicalcaire, a. semicalcareous. demi-opale, /. semiopal.
demi-cercle, m. semicircle, half circle. demi-opaque, a. semiopaque.
demi-cheval, m. half horsepower. demi-pâte, /. (Paper) half stuff.
demi-chimique, a. (Paper) designating a demi-période, /. half (-life) period.
wood pulp made by combined chemical demi-porcelaine, /. semiporcelain.
and mechanical treatment, semi-chemical. demi-précieux, a. semiprecious.
demi-circulaire, a. semicircular. demi-produit, m. half-finished product,
demi-coke, m. semicoke. semimanufacture, semiproduct, intermedi-
demi-conducteur, m. (Blec.) semi-conduc- ate.
tor. demi-profond, a. of moderate depth,
demi-cristal, m. a kind of lead glass in the neither deep nor shallow.
making of which crystal cullet is used. demi-raffiné, a. semirefined.
demi-cylindrique, a. semicylindrical. demi-rond, a. half-round. m. half round.
demi-diamètre, m. semidiameter, radius. demi-ronde, /. half-round file.
demi-disque, m. half-disk. démis, p.p. <fc p. def. 1 & 2 sing. of dé-
demi-dixième, m. half a tenth, twentieth. mettre.
demi-doublé, a. (Jewelry) designating a demi-sécheur, a. semidrying.
jewel having the crown of one stone and demi-siècle, m. half-century.
the lower part of another stone or of glass. demi-solide, a. & m. semisolid.
demi-dur, o. semihard. demi-sphère, a. hémisphère.
demie, /. half. demi-sphérique, a. hemispheric(al).
démission, /. résignation.
démieller, v.t. remove wax from (honey). demi-teinte, /. demitint, half tint.
demi-existence, /. half life. demi-tour, m. half turn.
demi-ferme, o. semi-firm; specif., (Ceram.) demi-vie, /. half life.
designating a paste which is rather stiff démixtion, /. séparation of the constitu-
but can be kneaded by hand. ents of a mixture.
demi-fin, a. (of metals) half-fine. m. démocratie, /. democracy.
twelve-carat gold. démodé, a. out of fashion, old-fashioned;
demi-fixe, a. semiportable. (of machines) obsolescent.
demi-fluide, a. semifluid. démoduler, v.t. demodulate; rectify.
demi-fraude, /. semi-fraud, partial fraud. demoiselle, /. beetle, ranimer.
demi-grand, o. half-size. m. semiscale. démolir, v.t. demolish.
demi-grandeur, /. half size. démonstrateur, m. demonstrator.
demi-gras, a. (of coal) semi-bituminous; démonstratif, a. démonstrative; convincing.
demonstrativement 128 déparaffiner
démonstrativement, adv. convincingly. dénoter, v.t. dénote.
démontable, a. dismountable, capable of dénouer, v.t. untie, loosen.
being taken apart ; removable ; collapsible. dénoyer, v.t. unwater, bail out, pump out.
démontage, m. dismounting, etc. (see dé- denrée, /.* product, produce, good, com-
monter). modity; specif., food product, foodstuff.
démonter, v.t. dismount; take to pièces, — alimentaire, foodstuff, food product,
take apart, take down, knock down, dis- provision.
assemble ; unset (gems) ; disconcert, v.r. densement, adv. densely.
be dismounted; be dismountable; go to densimètre, m. densimeter.
pièces; be disconcerted. densimétrique, o. densimetric.
démontrabilité, /. demonstrability. densité, /. density; denseness. — absolue,
démontrable, a. demonstrable. absolute density. — au mercure, density
démontrer, v.t. demonstrate; show. by mercury, real density. — de vapeur,
démoraliser, v.t. demoralize. vapor density. — du courant, eurrent
démoulage, m. removal from the mold, density. — réelle, real density.
stripping, lifting, drawing. dent, /. tooth ; cog ; peak. — de barrage,
démouler, v.t. remove from the mold, strip, catch, detent, pawl, click. — de lion,
lift, draw. (Bot.) dandelion. — de loup, (Mach.)
démouleur, m. stripper. catch, detent, pawl. — d'engrenage, gear
démultiplicateur, m. (Mach.) a device for tooth; ratchet. dents de loup, (Glass) a
reducing velocity, reducer. a. reducing. long rod with a double hook at the end,
démultiplication, /. (Mach.) réduction. for handling the pots in the furnace. en
démultiplier, v.t. (Mach.) reduce, gear — de scie, saw-toothed.
down. dentaire, dental, a. dental.
dénaturant, p.a. denaturing. m. dénaturant. dent-de-cheval, /. a greenish-blue variety
dénaturateur, m. dénaturer. of topaz.
dénaturation, /. denaturing, denaturation ; dent-de-loup, /. See dent de loup, under
altération, modification, conversion. dent.
dénaturé, p.a. denatured; altered, con- denté, a. toothed, (of wheels, etc.) cogged,
verted ; (of iron) refined; unnatural. (of leaves, etc.) serrated, serrate.
dénaturer, v.t. dénature; change the na- dentelaire, /. (Bot.) leadwort (Plumbago,
ture or properties of, alter, convert; renne esp. P. europaea).
(pig iron). dentelé, p.a. notched, jagged ; (Bot.) den-
dendritique, a. dendritie. tate.
dénégation, /., déni, m. déniai. denteler, v.t. notch, jag, indent, tooth.
dénier, v.t. deny. dentelle, /. lace; lacework. — des bou-
dénitrage, m. denitration. tonniers, bone turnings (used for making
dénitrant, p.a. denitrating. glue).
dénitrer, v.t. denitrate. dentelure, /. indentation, notching.
dénitreur, m. denitrator; specif., an ap- denter, v.t. tooth, cog.
paratus for removing nitrogen oxides from dentier, m. an instrument for cutting soap;
molasses. set of teeth (esp. an artificiel one), den-
dénitrificateur, a. denitrifying. m. denitri- ture.
fying agent. dentifrice, m. dentifrice, a. tooth-clean-
dénitrifler, v.t. denitrify. ing, tooth.
déniveler, v.t. unlevel, create a différence dentiste, m. dentist.
of level in (as mercury in a manometer). denture, /. (Mach.) teeth, cogs, gearing,
dénivellation, /., dénivellement, m. un- toothing, also pitch ; set of teeth, denture.
leveling; displacement of level; différence dénuder, v.t. dénude, lay bare, strip.
in level. dénué, a. devoid, destitute.
dénombrable, a. denumerable. dénuer, v.t. deprive, strip.
dénombrement, m. numbering, enumera- dénutrition, /. dénutrition, undernutrition.
tion, counting; census; list, catalog. déodoriser, v.t. deodorize.
dénombrer, v.t. number, enumerate, count. dépannage, m. (Mach.) repairing, servicing.
dénominateur, m. denominator. dépaqueter, v.t. unpack, open.
dénommer, v.t. name, denominate. v.r. déparamnage, m. removal of paraffin.
be named. déparafflner, v.t. deprive of paraffin, de-
dénoncer, v.t. denounce; déclare; dénote. wax.
dépareillé 129 dépouille
dépareillé, a. incomplète, imperfect; odd. dépilatoire, a. & m. depilatory.
dépareiller, v.t. break, spoil (a set). dépiler, v.t. unhair, depilate; clear of pil-
déparer, v.t. spoil, mar; strip of ornament. lars.
départ, m. parting (of metals); séparation, dépister, v.t. discover; mislead.
division; sorting; departure; place of de- dépit, m. spite, despite. en — de, in spite
parture, exit ; discharge (of a firearm). of.
pr. S sing. of départir. déplaçable, a. displaceable; movable.
département, m. department. déplacé, p.a. displaced ; out of place.
départeur, m. separator, parter ; starter. déplacement, m. displacement, etc. (see
départir, v.t. distribute; dispense, bestow. déplacer).
V.T. départ; desist. déplacer, v.t. displace; shift, move, remove.
dépasser, v.t. pass, go beyond; exceed; be v.r. be displaced; be moved; change one's
higher or longer than; project beyond; résidence.
surpass; draw out, unwind; (Métal.) over- déplaire, v.i. be displeasing. v.r. not to
pole. thrive ; not to be pleased.
dépècement, m. cutting up. déplaisant, a. unpleasant, disagreeable.
dépêche, /. dispatch. déplâtrage, m. removal of plastering or
dépêcher, v.t. dispatch, v.r. hasten, hurry. plaster; removal of calcium sulfate.
dépeindre, v.t. describe, depict. déplier, v.t. unfold.
dépeleur, m. peeler ; stripper ; skinner. déplombage, m. removal of lead.
dépendance, /. dependence. déplomber, v.t. remove lead from, strip of
dépendant, a. & m. dépendent. lead.
dépendre, v.i. dépend ; belong. v.t. take déployer, v.t. display; expand (métal);
down. deploy.
dépens, m. pi. expense, cost, costs, charges. déplu, p.p. of déplaire.
aux — de, at the expense of. dépolarisant, p.a. depolarizing. m. depo-
dépense, /. expenditure, expense, outlay; larizer.
consumption (as of electricity) ; depletion ; dépolarisateur, m. depolarizer.
discharge (as of water) ; efflux ; dispensary. dépolariser, v.t. depolarize.
dépenser, v.t. expend, spend; consume; dépolariseur, m. depolarizer.
waste. v.r. be spent ; be consumed. dépoli, p.a. depolished, mat, (of glass)
déperdition, /. loss, waste, dissipation ; (of ground, frosted. m. depolishing, depol-
gas or liquid) escape. ished surface.
dépérir, v.i. waste away, molder, wither, dépolir, v.t. depolish, remove the polish of;
decay, spoil. grind, frost (glass); tarnish. v.r. lose pol-
dépérissant, p.a. wasting, etc. (see dépérir). ish, become dull, tarnish.
dépérissement, m. wasting away, etc. (see dépolissage, dépolissement, m. depolish-
dépérir) ; décline ; decay. ing; grinding, frosting (of glass); tarnish-
dépeupler, v.t. depopulate. ing.
déphasage, m. (Elec.) phase displacement. dépolymeriser, v.t. depolymerize.
déphaser, v.t. (Elec.) déphasé. déporter, v.t. remove, eut away ; déport.
déphaseur, m. déphaser, phase shifter. déposage, m. déposition, settling.
déphlegmateur, etc. See déflegmateur,
déposer, v.t. deposit; file, register (as a
etc. trade-mark); lay aside; dépose, v.r. & i.
déphlogistiquer, v.t. (Old Chem.) dephlo- be deposited, form a deposit, deposit, pre-
gisticate. cipitate, settle. laisser —, let settle; de-
déphosphorant, p.a. dephosphorizing. m. posit, settle.
dephosphorizing agent. dépositaire, m. & f. depositary; trustée.
dephosphoration, /. dephosphorization. dépôt, m. deposit; déposition; storage; de-
déphosphorer, déphosphoriser, v.t. de- pot, storehouse; depository. — des déblais,
phosphorize. waste dumping; waste dump. — emplis-
déphosphorylation, -ylisation, /. dephos- seur, filling station. — houiller, coal de-
phorylation. posit, coal bed. — marin, marine deposit.
dépicklage, m. depickling. dépotage, dépotement, m. decanting, dé-
dépilage, m. unhairing; (Mining) removal
of pillars. cantation ; discharge.
dépilatif, a. depilatory. dépoter, v.t. decant; discharge; unpot.
dépilation, /. unhairing, depilation. dépouille, f. hide, skin; crop (as of grain);
dépouille 130 désabler
(Mach.) clearance, relief, taper ; spoil, dérive, /. déviation; drift; (Aero.) fin.
booty; (mortal) remains. dérivé, p.a. derived; secondary; derivative;-
dépouillement, m. skinning, etc. (see dé- (Elec.) shunt, shunted. m. derivative. —
pouiller). êthéré, derivative of the nature of an ether
dépouiller, v.t. skin ; strip ; deprive ; (or ester). — purique, purine derivative.
plunder; reap, gather (crops) ; abstract — stéranique, steroid.
(accounts) ; go over, work up (reports, dérivée, /. (Math.) derivative; variation.
etc.) ; (Mach.) clear, relieve, taper, v.r. dériver, v.i. be derived; deviate; branch
strip oneself; be stripped; (of wine) be- off; drift. v.t. dérive; divert; deflect; un-
come lighter. rivet; (Elec.) shunt, bridge.
dépourvoir, v.t. deprive. dériveter, v.t. unrivet.
dépourvu, p.a. deprived, unprovîded (with); derle, /. kaolin.
destitute, devoid. au —, unawares. dermatite, /. dermatitis.
dépoussiérage, m. removal of dust. derme, m. (Anat.) derma, dermis, true skin.
dépoussiérer, v.t. remove dust from. dermique, a. dermic, dennal.
dépoussiéreur, m. dust remover. dernier, o. & m. last; latest. au — point,
déprécier, v.t. & r. depreciate. estremely.
déprenant, p.a. separating, etc. (see dé- dernièrement, adv. lately, recently; lastly.
prendre). dérobé, p.a. shelled ; stolen ; secret, private.
déprendre, v.t. separate, part. v.r. rid one- à la dérobée, secretly, privately.
self. dérober, v.t. shell, peel; steal; save; hide.
dépression, /. dépression, lowering; reduced v.r. steal away, shp away; be hidden.
pressure, vacuum. dérochage, m. (Métal.) scouring, pickling,
déprimer, v.t. depress; disparage. dipping ; removal of rock.
déprimomètre, m. draft gage. dérocher, v.t. scour, pickle, dip (metaîs) ;
dépris, p.a. separated, parted. remove rock from.
depuis, prep. from; since. adv. since. — dérompage, m. cutting (of rags) ; removal
que, since. of excess finish (from cloth).
dépulpage, m. réduction to pulp, pulping. dérompeuse, /. a machine for removing ex-
dépulper, v.t. reduce to pulp, pulp. cess finish from cloth.
dépulpeur, m. pulper. dérompoir, m. rag cutter.
dépurateur, dépuratif, a. depurative. dérompre, v.t. eut (rags); remove excess
dépuration, /. dépuration, purification. finish from (cloth).
dépuratoire, a. depuratory, depurative. dérouillement, m. removal of rust.
dépurer, v.t. depurate, purify. dérouiller, v.t. remove rust from, rub up.
député, p.a. deputed. m. deputy. déroulement, m. unrolling, unwinding.
déraciner, v.t. uproot; eradicate. dérouler, v.t. & r. unroll, uncoil; unfold.
déraisonnable, a. unreasonable. dérouter, v.t. mislead ; disconcert.
dérangement, m. dérangement, disorder ; derride, n. derride.
breakdown, failure. derrière, prep. & adv. behind. m. back,
déranger, v.t. dérange, disarrange, disturb. back part, hind part, rear, (of ships)
v.r. be (or get) out of order; trouble one- stern. par —, behind, from behind.
self; be deranged. des. Contraction of de les, of the, from
déraper, v.i. skid; (Aero.) side-slip. the, etc. (see de),
dératisation, /. rat extermination. dès, prep. from, starting from. — après,
dérayage, dérayer. See drayage, drayer. after. — avant, before. — là, therefore;
déréglage, m. disordering, disarrangement. from then, ever since. — là que, as, since.
déréglé, p.a. out oî order; irregular; in- — lors, from that time, ever since; imme-
ordinate ; dissolute. diately; therefore, accordingly. — lors que,
dérégler, v.t. put out of order or adjust- since, as. —• que, as soon as, when; as,
ment. v.r. get out of order.
dérésinifier, v.t. deresinify. since.
dérivant, p.a. derived, originating, proceed- dés-, des-. dis-, de-, un-, des-. (In
ing. m. derivative. chemical cames the préférable translation
dérivatif, a. & m. derivative. is de-, not des-.)
dérivation, /. dérivation ; drift ; diversion ; désablage, m. removal of sand (as from
déviation ; (Elec) shunting, shunt ; small castings),
tube connected to a larger one. désabler, v.t. deprive of sand, desand.
désabonnement 131 desempoisonner
désabonnement, m. discontinuance (of & désargentage, m., désargentation, /. de-
subscription to a periodioal). silverization, desilveriïing, desilvering.
désaccord, m. disagreement ; discord. désargenter, v.t. desilverize, desilver.
désaccorder, v.t. put out of tune, detune. désargentnre, /. = désargentage.
désaccoupler, v.t. uncouple, disconneot. désarmer, v.t. disarm.
désaclder, v.t. deacidify. désarroi, m. disarray, dieorder, confusion.
désacidage, m. removal of acid, deaciding. désarticuler, v.t. disarticulate, disjoint,
désacidiflcatlon, /. deacidification. separate (joint by joint).
désacidifler, v.t. deacidify. désasphaltage, m. removal of asplialt.
désaclératlon, /. unsteeling. désaspnalter, v.t. deprive of asphalt.
désaciérer, v.t. unsteel. désassemblage, désassemblement, m.
désactivation, /. deactivation. disassembling, taking apart.
désactiver, v.t. render inactive, deactivate. désassembler, v.t. disassemble.
désaérateur, m. deaërator. désassimilatenr, a. (Physiol.) disassimilat-
désaération, /. deaëration. îng, catabolizïng.
désaérer, v.t. deaërate. désassimilation, /. disassimilation, oatabo-
désaffleurer, v.t. fail to bring to the proper lism.
level (as in pipets) ; destroy the level of, désassimiler, v.t. disassimilate, catabolize.
render uneven. désassociation, /. disassociation.
désagencer, v.t. disarrange, disadjust; un- désassocier, v.t. disassociate.
gear. désassorti, p.a. unmatched, odd, ill-sorted.
désagrafer, v.t. unhook, unclasp; (Mach.) désastre, 771. disaster.
release. désastrensement, adv. disastrously.
désagréable, a. disagreeable. désastreux, a. disastrous.
désagréablement, adv. disagreeably. désaturé, a. unaaturated; superheated
désagrégation, /. disintegration, disaggre- (steam).
gation ; weathering. désavantage, m. disadvantage.
désagrégeable, a. disintegrable. désavantagensement, adv. disadvanta-
désagrégeage, m. = désagrégation. geously.
désagrégeant, p.a. disintegrating. désavantageux, o. disadvantageous, un-
désagréger, v.t. disintegrate, disaggregate ; favorable.
disarrange. V.T. disintegrate; crumble. désavouer, v.t. disavow, disclaim, disown.
désagrégeur, m. disintegrator. désaxé, p.o. off center, eccentric.
désagrément, m. unpleasantness ; defect. désazotation, /. denitrification.
désaigrir, v.t. remove the soumess or sharp- désazoter, v.t. denitrify.
ness of, sweeten. descellement, m. unsealing, etc. (see de-
désaimantation, /. démagnétisation. sceller).
désaimanter, v.t. demagnetize. desceller, v.t. unseal, unfasten; (Glasa)
désajuster, v.t. put out of order, disar- chip off the rough parts of; dernolish.
range. descendant, p.a. descending, etc. (see de-
désalcoyler, v.t. dealkylate. scendre), m. descendant.
désaligné, p.a. out of alignment. descenderie, /. (.Mining) inclined passage.
désallaiter, v.t. wean. descendre, v.i. descend; go down, subside,
désaltérer, v.t. quench the thirst of, re- fail. v.t. take down, lower; descend; land.
fresh. descendu, p.a. descended, etc. (see de-
désamidase, /. deamidase; deaminase. scendre).
désaminase, /. deaminase. descente, /. descent; slope; taking down;
désamination, /. deamination. down pipe; down wire; down stroke; in-
désamino-. deamino-. clined passage; (Med.) rupture, herma.
désamorçage, m. unpriming; de-energiz- déschister, v.t. free from sebist.
ing ; extinction (of an arc) ; failure. descriptif, a. descriptive.
désamorcer, v.t. imprime, remove the prim- désemballade, m. unpacking.
ing from; de-energize; drain (a pump). désemballer, v.t. unpack.
v.r. fail, stop. désembrayage, etc. See débrayage, etc.
désappointer, v.t. disappoint; break the désemparer, v.t. & i. leave, quit.
point of; blunt, dull. désemplir, v.t. make less full, empty (in
désapprendre, v.t. unlearn, forget. part), v.r. get low, get less full.
désappris, p.a. unlearned, forgotten. desempoisonner, v.t. free from poison.
désémulsification 132 désorganisateur
désémulsification, désémnlsion, /., dé- déshydratation, /. dehydration.
sémulsionnage, m. demulsification, de- déshydrater, v.t. dehydrate. v.r. dehy-
emulsifi cation. drate, lose water.
désémulsionner, v.t. demulsify, deëmulsify. déshydration, /. dehydration.
désencollage, m. desizing. déshydrogénase, /. dehydrogenase.
désencroûter, v.t. free from crust or scale. déshydrogénation, /. dehydrogenation, de-
désenflammer, v.t. extinguish (a blaze). hydrogenization.
désenfler, v.t. deflate. v.i. be deflated. déshydrogéner, v.t. dehydrogenize, dehy-
désenflure, /. déflation, going down. drogenate.
désenfourner, v.t. = détourner. désigner, v.t. designate; dénote, indicate.
désengrener, v.t. .throw out of gear, un- désincrustant, 771. disincrustant, antiincrus-
gear, disengage, disconnect. tator, boiler compound. a. scale-remov-
désenrayer, v.t. unlock (a wheel); release ing.
(aa a brake); uncouple, disconnect. désincrustation, /. removal of incrustation
désensibilisateur, m. desensitizer. a. de- or scale (as from a boiler), descah'ng.
sensitizing. désincruster, v.t. free from incrustation or
désensibilisation, /. desensitization. scale, descale, scale.
désensibiliser, v.t. desensitize. désinence, /. termination (of a word).
désentortiller, v.t. disentangle. désinfectant, a. & m. disinfectant.
désenvelopper, v.t. open, undo (as a pack- désinfecter, v.t. disinfect.
age). désinfecteur, m. disinfector.
déséquilibre, m. unbalance, imbalance. désinfection, /. disinfection.
déséquilibré, o. unbalanced, out of equi- désinfectoire, m. disinfecting station.
librium. désintégrateur, m. disintegrator.
déséquilibrer, v.t. throw out of equi- désintégration, /. disintegration.
librium. désintégrer, v.t. & r. disintegrate.
déséquiper, v.t. dismantle. désintéressé, a. disinterested.
désert, a. désert ; deserted. m. désert. désintéressement, m. disinterestedness.
déserter, v.t. & i. désert. désintoxication, /. detoxication.
désertique, a. désert. désintoxiquer, v.t. detoxicate.
désespérance, /. despair. désir, m. désire.
désespérant, p.a. discouraging. désirer, v.t. désire; wish.
désespéré, p.a. desperate; sorry. désireux, a. désirons.
désespérément, adv. desperately. desmine, /. {Min.) desmine (stilbite).
désespérer, v.i. & r. despair, v.t. drive to desmotrope, a. desmotropic. n. desmotrope.
despair; dishearten, discourage. desmotropie, /. desmotropy, desmotropism.
âesmotropique, a. desmotropic.
désespoir, m. despair; concern. désobéir, v.i. disobey.
désessenciement, m. removal of low-boil- désobstruant, désobstructif, a. & m.
ing constituents.
désessencier, v.t. deprive of the more vola- (Med.) deobstruent, aperient.
tile part, remove the low-boiling constitu- désobstruer, v.t. deobstruct, clear.
ents of. désodorer, v.t. deodorize.
désétamage, m. detinning. désodorisation, /. deodorization.
désétamer, v.t. detin. désodoriser, v.t. deodorize.
désexcitation, /. (Efec.) deënergization. désœuvrer, v.t. (.Paper) separate (the
désexciter, v.t. (Elec.) deënergize. sheets) ; render idle.
déshabillage, m. softening of skins by soak- désolation, /. désolation; distress; vexa-
ing, before dyeing; undressing. tion.
déshalogéner, v.t. dehalogenate. désolé, p.a. desolate ; distressed ; sorry.
désherbant, p.a. weeding, eradicating weeds. désolution, /. desolution (removal from
m. weed eradicator. solution or lowering of solubih'ty).
déshonneur, m. dishonor. désolvatation, /. desolvation (dissociation
déshuilage, m. removal of oil, unoiling. of a solvate).
déshuiler, v.t. remove the oil from, unoil. désorber, v.t. desorb.
déshuileur, m. oil separator. désordonner, v.t. disorder, disturb.
déshydrase, /. dehydrogenase, dehydrase. désordre, m. disorder; disordering.
déshydratant, p.a. dehydrating. m. dehy- désorganisateur, a. disorganizing. m. dis-
drating agent. organizer.
désorganisation 133 destructif
désorganisation, /. disorganization. desserré, p.a. loose, slack.
désorganiser, v.t. disorganize. v.r. be- desserrer, v.t. loosen, slacken; release; un-
come disorganized. screw. v.r. be loosened, get loose.
désormais, adv. henceforth, hereafter ; dessert, pr. S sing. of desservir, m. dessert.
thenceforth, thereafter. desservir, v.t. serve, supply, service; oper-
désose, /. desose, deoxy (or desoxy) sugar. ate; take away, clear off; disserve, dam-
désosser, v.t. bone, remove the bones from. age.
désoufrage, m., désoufration, /. desul- desseuvrer, v.t. separate (sheets of paper).
furization, desulfuring. dessévage, m. removal of sap.
désoufrer, v.t. desulfurize, desulfur. dessiccant, p.a. desiccating, desiceant.
désoxalique, a. desoxalic. dessiccateur, m. desiccator. — à vide, vac-
désoxy-. deoxy- (preferably), desoxy-. uum desiccator.
désoxycholique, désoxycholalique, a. dessiccatif, a. & m. desiccative.
deoxycholic, desoxycholic. dessiccation, /. desiccation, drying.
désoxydant, p.a. deoxidizing. m. deoxi- dessin, m. design ; drawing ; sketch ; blue-
dizer. print. — au lavis, wash drawing. — au
désoxydation, /. deoxidation, deoxidization. trait, Une drawing. — de génie, engineer-
désoxyder, v.t. deoxidize. v.r. be deoxi- ing drawing. — linéaire, line drawing.
dized. dessinateur, m. draftsman; designer.
désoxy gênant, p.a. deoxygenating, deoxi- dessiner, v.t. draw; sketch, outline; set off.
dizing. v.L draw. v.r. appear, take shape.
désoxygénation, /. deoxygenation, deoxida- dessoudage, m. unsoldering ; unwelding.
tion. dessouder, v.t. unsolder ; unweld. v.r.
désoxygéner, v.t. deoxygenate, deoxidize. corne unsoldered or unwelded.
désoxyglucose, /. deoxyglucose, desoxy- dessoudure, /. unsoldering ; unwelding.
glucose. dessouffler, v.t. deflate.
despumation, /. despumation, scumming ; dessoufrage, m. desulfurization, desulfur-
formation of froth. ing.
despumer, v.t. despumate, skim, clarify dessoufrer, v.t. desulfurize, desulfur.
(by removing scum). dessous, adv. es prep. below, under, under-
desquamation, /. desquamation, exfoliation. neath, beneath. m. under side, bottom ;
desquels, desquelles. Contractoins of de wrong side (of cloth) ; support for a dish;
lesquels, de lesquelles, of whom, of which, underwear. de —, under, under-. en —»
from whom, from which, etc. (aee de). underneath ; underhand ; undershot.
dessablage, m. sand removal, cleaning. dessuintage, m. removal of suint from.
dessabler, v.t. remove sand from (as cast- wool, steeping, scouring. (Suint is pref-
ings). erably removed by steeping in water and
dessaignage, m. freeing from blood. is then distinguished from the degreasing
dessaigner, v.t. free from blood, specif., or true scouring which follows. However,
wash (hides or skins) to remove blood and the two opérations, singly or combined, are
other impurities. usually included in the term "scouring.")
dessalement, dessalage, m., dessalaison, dessuinter, v.t. deprive of suint, steep,
/. removal of sait, rendering less sait. scour (see dessuintage).
dessaler, v.t. render less sait, remove sait dessuinteuse, /. an apparatus for removing
from (as sea water by distillation). suint from wool.
dessalure, /. loss oî sait, freshening. dessus, adv. above, over, on, upon. m. up-
desséchant, p.a. drying, desiccating, desic- per side, upper part, top ; right side (of
cative. m. drying agent, desiccant. cloth); cover (of a book) ; back (of the
dessèchement, m. drying, etc. (see des- hand); advantage. de —, from off, from;
sécher). upper, top. en —, above, on top, on,
dessécher, v.t. & i. dry, desiccate; dry up; upon, over.
drain (land) ; season (wood). destin, m. destiny, fate.
dessécheur, m., dessécheuse, /. drier. destinataire, m. addressee, consignée.
dessein, m. design, à —, by design, on pur- destiner, v.t. destine; résolve.
pose, à — de, in order to. à — que, in destructeur, a. destructive, destroying, m.
order that. sans —, unintentionally. destroyer.
desserrage, desserrement, m. loosening; destructibilité, /. destructibility.
slackening ; release ; looseness. destructif, o. destructive.
destructrice 134 détroit
destructrice, a. fem. of destructeur. déterminé, p.a. determined; caused; dé-
désuet, o. obsolesoent. terminate.
désuétude, /. disuse; obsolescence. déterminer, v.t. détermine; cause, v.r. dé-
désuint-. See dessuint-. termine, résolve.
désulfitage, m. removal of sulfites or sul- déterpéner, v.t. free from terpenes.
fur dioxide, desulfiting. déterrer, v.t. unearth; dig up; excavate.
désulfurant, p.a. desulfurizing. m. desul- détersif, a. & m. detersive, détergent.
furizer. détient, pr. S sing. (of détenir) detains, etc.
désulfuration, /. desulfuration, desulfuriza- détirer, v.t. draw out; stretch.
tion, desulfuring. détonance, /. détonation; knocking.
désulfurer, v.t. desulfur, desulfurize. détonant, p.o. detonating, explosive, m.
désunir, v.t. disunite, disjoin; disjoint. detonating substance, explosive.
désyle, m. desyl (a-benzoylbenzyl). détonateur, m. detonator. — à double efîet,
détacher, v.t. detach ; unloose, untie, undo, double-action detonator. — retardé, delay-
take down; remove spots from, clean. v.r. action detonator.
be detached, get loose, corne undone, corne détonation, /., détonement, m. détonation,
Ollt. explosion, à détonation, detonating.
détail, m. détail; (Corn.) retail. en —, in détoner, v.i. detonate, explode.
détail; by retail, retail. détonneler, v.t. draw from the tun or cask.
détaillant, a. retail. m. retailer. détordre, v.t. untwist.
détailler, v.t. détail; eut up; (Com.) re- détors, a. untwisted.
tail. détortiller, v.t. untwist.
détanner, v.t. detannate, deprive of tan- détouper, v.t. unstop.
nin ; detan. détour, m. turning, winding; by-way, de-
détartrage, m. removal of tartar or scale. tour.
détartrer, v.t. remove tartar or scale from, détourné, p.a. diverted, etc. (see détourner);
detartarize, scale, fur; clean (casks or indirect, roundabout; by-(way).
boilers); soften (water). détournement, m. diversion, etc. (see dé-
détartreur, m. detartarizer, water softener; tourner).
cleaner (as of casks or boilers), scaler. détourner, v.t. divert, deflect, turn aside;
détartrisation, /. removal of tartar or scale, deter, dissuade, v.i. turn, turn off. v.r.
détecter, v.t. detect. deviate, turn away, turn off.
détecteur, m. detector. — d'incendie, fire détraqué, p.o. out of order; deranged.
alarm. détraquer, v.t. put out of order, disorder,
détectrice, /. detector. dérange; divert. v.r. get out of order;
déteignant, p.a. decoloring, etc. (see dé- become deranged.
teindre). détrempage, m. mixing, etc. (see dé-
déteignent, pr. S pi. of déteindre. tremper).
déteindre, v.t. decolor, bleach. v.r. lose détrempe, /. (.Métal.) annealing; (Art) dis-
color, fade. v.i. lose color, fade; corne ofi temper.
(on). détremper, v.t. mix (a solid with a liquid),
déteint, p.p. & pr. S sing. of déteindre. thin, dilute; soak, wet; slake (lime); an-
détendeur, m. pressure regulator ; expansion neal (steel); soften, sweeten, mollify;
valve ; réduction valve. enervate. v.r. be mixed, be thinned, etc.;
détendre, v.t. (of gases) relax the pressure (of Mme) slake; (of steel) anneal, soften.
on, expand, allow to expand ; unbend, re- détrempeur, m. (Steel) annealer.
lax, slacken, loosen, release; take down. détresse, /. distress.
v.r. (oî gases) expand ; unbend, loosen, détrichage, m. sorting (of wool).
relax. détricher, v.t. sort (wool).
détenir, v.t. detain, hold, hold back. détriplement, m. division into three parts.
détente, /. expansion (of gases) ; expansion détripler, v.t. & r. divide into three parts.
valve; (Steam) cut-off; detent, catch, trig- détritage, m. crushing (esp. of olives).
ger ; firing mechanism ; relaxation. détriter, v.t. crush (esp. olives).
détenu, p.p. of (détenir) detained, held. détritique, o. (Geol.) detrital.
déterger, v.t. cleanse. détritoir, m. crushing mill (esp. for olives).
détériorant, p.o. deteriorating. détritus, m. détritus, débris.
détériorer, v.t. & r. deteriorate. détroit, m. strait; pass, défile.
détrôner 135 devoir
détrôner, v.t. dethrone. développé, p.o. developed, etc. (see déve-
détruire, v.t. destroy ; ruin, wreck. lopper); (of formulas) structural.
détruisant, p.o. destroying. développement, m. development, etc. (see
détruit, p.p. (of détruire) destroyed, ruined. développer).
dette, /. debt. développer, v.t. develop; unwrap, undo,
deubs, n. dibs (a sweet préparation). uncoil, unfold; expand; form. v.r. de-
deuil, m. mourning. velop ; be unwrapped ; unfold ; expand ;
deutane, m. ethane. Obs. form.
deutazotate, m. (Old Chem.) deutonitrate. développeur, m. (esp. Dyeing) developer.
— de mercure liquide, (Pharm.) solution of devenir, v.i. become, grow, get.
mercurio nitrate. devenu, p.p. (of devenir) become.
deutérique, a. of or combined with deu- déverdir, v.i. lose green color.
terium. déverdissage, m. loss of green color.
deutérure, m. deuteride. dévernir, v.t. remove the varnish from.
deutiodure, m. (Old Chem.) deutiodide. v.r. lose the varnish.
deuto-, deut-. (Old Chem.) deuto-, deyt-. dévernissage, m. removal or loss of var-
(It properly designated the second M a nish.
séries but was sometimes used in the same devers. In the phrase par devers, before,
way as bi- or di-.) toward, to, in possession of.
deutocarboné, a. (Old Chem.) bircarbu- dévers, a. out of plumb, leaning. m. cant,
retted. inclination, taper; warping.
deutochlorure, m. (Old Chem.) deutochlo- déversement, m. pouring, etc. (see dé-
ride. — de mercure, mercuric chloride. verser).
deutogène, a. (Geol.) secondary, clastic. déverser, v.t. pour; discharge; incline, lean;
deuto-iodure, m. deutoiodide, deutiodide. warp. v.r. flow, run; warp. v.i. flow, run
— de mercure, mercuric iodide. over, pour; incline, lean.
deutosulfure, m. (Old Chem.) deutosulfide. déversoir, m. spillway ; weir ; sprayer ; over-
deutoxyde, m. (Old Chem.) deutoxide. — flow.
de mercure, mercuric oxide. — de plomb, dévêtir, v.t. remove from the mold or
minium, red lead. — de zinc, zinc perox- wrapping ; undress ; divest.
ide. dévésiculeur, m. splash head.
deutylène, m. ethylene. Obs. déviable, a. deflectable.
deux, a. two; second; a few. m. two; sec- déviateur, a. causing déviation, denecting.
ond, à — fins, dual-purpose. — à —-, two m. deflector; (Petroleum) whipstock.
by two, in pairs. — fois, twice. déviation, /. déviation; deflection.
deuxième, a. second, m. second story. — dévider, v.t. wind, réel; unwind, réel off.
jet, (Sltgar) second spinning (see sucre de dévideur, dévidoir, m. réel, spool.
deuxième jet, under sucre). — poudre, deviendra, fut. S sing. of devenir.
(Leather) second dusting and lying (see deviennent, pr. S pi. indic. & subi, of
poudre). — titre, (for gold) a standard of devenir.
0.840 fine (about 20 carats). devient, pr. S sing. (of devenir) becomes.
deuxièmement, adv. secondly. dévier, v.i. & r. deviate. v.t. deflect; di-
deux-points, m. colon (:). vert.
devait, imp. S sing. of devoir. deviner, v.t. & i. divine.
dévaler, v.t. lower, let down; descend, v.r. devint, p. def. S sing. (of devenir) bccame.
go down, corne down. devis, m. estimate. — approximatif, rough
estimate. — descriptif, spécification. —
devancer, v.t. précède; outstrip, outdo, sur- estimatif, estimate.
pass; anticipate, forestall. dévissage, dévissement, m. unscrewing.
devancier, m. predecessor. dévisser, v.t. unscrew.
devant, prep. <fc adv. before. m. front, fore dévitrifler, v.t. devitrify. v.r. become de-
part; prow (of a boat). p. pr. of devoir. vitrified.
— que, before. — que de, before. dévoiement, m. inclination, leaning; diar-
devanture, /. front; display, show. rhea.
dévaster, v.t. devastate. dévoiler, v.t. unveil; reveal, disclose.
développable, a. developable. devoir, v.t. owe; should, ought; must, be
développateur, m. (esp. Photog.) devel- obliged. m. duty; association of work-
oper. men.
dévoltage 136 diaphragme
dévoltage, m. lowering of the voltage. diagramme, /. diagrara. — de charge, load
dévolteur, m. (Elec.) step-down trans- diagram, load curve.
former. diagrède, m. (Old Pharm.) diagrydium.
dévonien, o. & m. (Geol.) Devonian. dialcool, m. dialcohol, dihydroxy alcohol.
dévorer, v.t. devour; consume. dialcoyl-. dialkyl-,
dévoué, p.a. devoted. diallagique, a. (Min.) diallagic.
dévouer, v.t. dévote. diallyle, m. biallyl(l,5-hexadiene).
dévoyer, v.t. turn aside; slope, incline; dialurique, a. dialuric.
purge. dialysable, o. dialyzable.
devra, fut. S sing. of devoir. dialysat, m. dialyzate.
devrait, cond. S sing. of devoir. dialyse, /. dialysis.
déwatté, a. (Elec.) wattless. dialyser, v.t. & i. dialyze.
dextérité, /. dexterity, skill. dialyseur, m. dialyzer. o. dialyzing.
dextrane, m. dextran. dialytique, a. dialytic.
dextre, a. dextral, right-handed, right. diamagnétique, a. fdiamagnetic.
dextrement, adv. skillfully. diamagnétisme, m. diamagnetism.
dextrine, /. dextrin. dithnagnétomètre, m. diamagnetometer.
dextriner, v.t. dextrinate, treat or coat with diamant, m. diamond. — à rabot, glaaier's
dextrin. diamond. — brut, rough diamond. —
dextrinique, a. dextrinous, pertaining to brut de Ceylan, zircon, used as a gem. —
dextrin. de vitrier, glazier's diamond. — noir, black
dextrogyre, a. dextrorotatory, dextrogyrate. diamond, carbon diamond, carbonado. —
dextronique, a. dextronic (D-gluconic). savoyard, brown diamond. — taillé, eut
dextroracémique, o. dextrotartaric, d-tar- diamond.
taric. diamantaire, a. diamantoid; diamond, bril-
dextrorsum, a. & adv. left to right, clock- liant. m. diamond cutter.
wise, right-handed, (Bot.) dextrorae. diamanté, a. glittering, sparkling; dia--
dézincifier, v.t. dezineify. monded. m. diamond dust. — de verre,
dg., abbrev. (décigramme) decigram. powdered glass.
DH, abbrev. for dimethylglyoxime. diamantifère, a. diamantiferous.
âhurrine, /. durrin, dhurrin. diamantin, a. diamantine.
diabète, m. (Med.) diabètes. diamantine, /. diamantine (a polishing
diabétique, a., m. & f. (Med.) diabetic. powder).
diabétomètre, m. diabetometer. diamétral, a. diamétral, diametric(al).
diable, m. devil; specif., a machine for diamétralement, adv. diametrically.
tearing rags, for kneading rubber or for diamètre, m. diameter. — extérieur, out-
opening wool ; a barrow or truck, as one side diameter. — intérieur, inside diame-
for taking glass pots to the furnace. à la ter.
—, badly, wretchedly. diamido-, diamido-, diamino- (seeamido-).
diablotin, m. (Dyeing) fecula vat, third vat. diamidobenzène, -zol, m. diaminobenzene.
diacaustique, a. & m. diacaustic. diamidogène, m. hydrazine, diamidogen.
diacétine, /. diacetin. diamidophosphoreux, a. diamidophospho-
diacéturie, /. diaceturia. rous, phosphorodiamous.
diacétyle, m. biacetyl(2,3-butanedione). diamidophosphorique, a. diamidophos-
diacétylénique, o. diacetylenic, containing phoric, phosphorodiamic.
two triple bonds. diamidorésorcine, /. diaminoresorcinol.
diacide, m. diacid, dibasic acid. diaznino-acide, m. diamino acid.
diacode, m. (Pharm.) diacodion, diacodium. diamyle, wi. biamyl (decane).
diade, /. dyad, diad. diamylique, a. diamyl(dipentyl).
diagénèse, /. diagenesis. Diane, /. (Old Chem.) Diana, silver.
diagnose, /•> diagnostic, m. diagnosis. diapasonnage, m. (Music, etc.) modulation.
diagnostique, a. diagnostic, m. diagnosis. diaphane, a. diaphanous, transluceut, trans-
diagnostiquer, v.t. diagnose, diagnosticate. parent.
diagomètre, m. diagometer. diaphanéité, /. diaphaneity, translucency,
diagométrie, /. diagometry. transparency.
diagométrique, o. diagométrie. diaphorèse, /. diaphoresis.
diagonale, /. diagonal, en —, diagonally. diaphorétique, a. & m. diaphoretic.
diagonalement, adv. diagonally. diaphragme, m. diaphragm.
diaphragmé 137 différend
diaphragmé, a. having a diaphragm; dichloré, a. dichloro.
(Photog.) stopped down. dichloréthylique, a. dichloroethyl.
diaphragmer, v.t. & i. diaphragm; dichlorhydrine, /. dichlorohydrin.
(Photog.) stop down. dichlorophosphoriqne, a. dichlorophos-
diaposltif, m., diapositive, /. diapositive. phoric, phosphorodichloridic.
diargentique, o. disilver. dichlorure, m. dichloride.
diarrhée, /. (Med.) diarrhea. dichroé, o. having two colors, bicolor, di-
diastase, /. diastase; (in gênerai) enzyme. chromatic.
diastasique, a. diastatic, diastasic; enzymic. dichroïde, dichroïqne, a. dichroic.
diastasiquement, adv. diastatically. dichroïsme, m. dichroism.
diastatique, a. diastatic. dichroïte, m. (Min.) dichroite(iolite).
diathermane, a. diathermic, diathermanous. dichromatique, a. dichromatic.
diathermanéité, /. diathermaneity. dickmaische, /. (Brewing) thick mash.
diathermansie, /. diathermancy. dicoordiné, dicoordonnê, o. dicoôrdi-
diathermie, /. diathermy. nate(d).
diathermique, a. diathermic. dicotylédone, dicotylédoné, a. dicotyle-
diathèse, /. diathesis. donous.
diatomée, /. (Bot.) diatom. dicoumarine, /. dicoumarol, dicoumarin.
diatomicité, /. diatomicity. dicrésyle, m. bicresyl (when used of the
diatomique, a. diatomic. compound CH3CeH4C6H4CH3 it is bet-
diazimide, /. diazoimine, diazoimide. ter translated bitolyl).
diazo, m. diazo compound. dicrotyle, m. bicrotyl (2,6-octadiene).
diazoacétique, a. diazoacetic. dictame, m. (Bot.) dittany, specif. the frajri-
diazoamidé, -aminé, a. diazoamino. nella (Dictamnus albus). — de Crête, Cretan
diazoamido-. diazoamino-. dittany (Origanum dictamnus).
diazobenzène, diazobenzol, m. diazoben- dicter, v.t. & i. dictate.
zene. dictionnaire, m. dictionary.
diazocomposé, m. diazo compound. dicyclohexyle, m. bicyclohexyl.
diazo-dérivé, m. diazo derivative. didyme, m. didymium.
diazoéthoxane, m. diethyl hyponitrite. dièdre, o. dihcdral. m. dihedron; dihedral
diazo-imidé, a. diazoimino, diazoimido. angle.
diazoïque, a. diazo. m. diazo compound. diélectrique, a. & m. dielectric.
diazol, m. diazole. diélectrolyse, /. (Med.) dielectrolysis.
diazonaphtalène, m. diazonaphthalene. diénique, a. diene.
diazotable, a. diazotizable. diète, /. diet. — absolue, (Med.) fasting
diazotant, p.a. diazotizing. cure. — d'épreuve, test diet. — lactée,
diazotation, /. diazotization. milk diet.
diazoter, v.t. diazotize. diététique, a. dietetic(al). /. dietetics.
diazoture, m. dinitride. diététiquement, adv. dietetically.
dibasique, a. dibasic. diéthénique, o. = diéthylénique.
dibenzoyle, m. bibenzoyl, benzil. diéthéralyse, /. extraction with ether.
dibenzylcétone, /. dibenzyl ketone, 1,3-di- diéthylcétone, /. diethyl ketone (3-penta-
phenyl-2-propanone. none).
dibenzyle, m. bibenzyl. diéthylé, a. diethylated, diethyl.
dibrom-. dibromo-. diéthylénique, a. diethylenic, having two
dibutyryle, m. bibutyryl (4,5-octanedione). double bonds.
dicalcique, a. dicalcium, dicalcic. diéthylique, a. diethyl.
dicarbonique, a. (Org. Chem.) dicarbox- dieu, m. god; (cap.) God.
ylic. diferreux, a. diferrous.
dicarbonylé, a. containing two carbonyl différé, p.a. deferred, delayed, postponed.
groups, dicarbonyl. différemment, adv. differently.
dicentrine, /. dicentrine. différence, /. différence. à la — de, dif-
dicéto-. diketo-, dioxo-. ferently from, contrary to. — finie, funda-
dicétone, /. diketone. niental différence.
dicétonique, a. diketo, diketonic. différenciation, /. differentiation.
dicétyle, m. bicetyl (dotriacontane). différencier, v.t. differentiate, distinguish.
dichlor-. dichloro-. v.r. be differentiated, differ.
dichloracétique, a. dichloroacetic. différend, m. différence, dispute.
différentiel 138 dimensionner
différentiel, a. differential. dihexylcétone, /. dihexyl ketone (7-tridec-
différentielle, /. differential. anone).
différentier, v.t. differentiate. dihydr-. dihydro-.
différer, v.t. defer, delay, postpone. v.r. diliydrate, m. dihydrate. — de térében-
be deferred, be put o£f. v.i. differ; delay. thène, terpinol hydrate, terpin hydrate.
difficile, o. difficult. m. diffiouity. dihydrine, /. dihydrin. See hydrine.
difficilement, adv. difficultly, with difficulty. dihydrobenzène, m. dihydrobenzene (cyclo-
difficulté, /. difficulty; différence, dispute. hexadiene).
sans —-, without difficulty, readily; un- dinydrogéné, a. dihydrogenated, dihydro.
doubtedly; willingly. dihydrure, m. dihydride.
difforme, a. doformed; difformed. diimidogène, m. diimidogen, diimide, HN:
diffracter, v.t. difiract. NH.
diffractif, a. diSractive. diindogène, m. biindogen (indigotin).
diffus, a. diffuse. diiod-. diiodo-.
diffuser, v.t. diffuse. diiodé, a. diiodo.
diffuseur, m. diffuser; sprayer; loud- diiodhydrate, m. dihydriodide.
speaker. — de queue, last diffuser. — de diisoamyle, m. biisoamyl (2,7-dimethyloc-
tête, (Sueur) first diffuser. tane).
diffustbilité, /. diffusibility. diisobutyle, m. biisobutyl (2^-dimethylhex-
diffasif, a. diffusive. ane).
dinuophosphorique, a. difluorophosphoric, diisopropyle, m. biisopropyl (2,3-dimethyl-
phosphorodiâuofidic. butane).
difiuor-. difluoro-. diisovaleryle, m. biisovaleryl (2,7-dimetb.yl-
diforrnine, /. diformin. 4,5-octanedione).
difonnyle, m. biformyl, glyoxal, ethanedial. dijonnais, a. of or pertaixûng to Dijon.
digallique, a. digallic. dika, m. (Bot.) dika.
digérable, a. digestible. dikodid, n. (Pharm.) dicodid.
digérer, v.t. & i. digest. v.r. be digested. dilacérateur, a. (Bxpl.) rending, shatter-
digeste, m. a product obtained by digestion ing, brisant.
with some suivent, dilacération, /. rending, tearing.
digesteur, m. digester. a. digestive. — dilacérer, v.t. rend, tear, tear up.
continu, continuous digester, siphon extrac- dilam, m. patchouh', dilem.
tor. dilatabilité, /. expansibiUty ; dilatability.
digestibilité, /. digestibility. dilatable, a. expansible; dilatable.
digestif, a. à m. digestive. dilatant, p.a. expanding; dilating, distend-
digitale, /. (Bot. & Pharm.) digitalis, fox- ing. m. (Méd.) dilator.
glove. — d'Espagne, Digitalis thapsi. — dilatateur, m. dilator.
officinale, — -pourprée, common or officinal dilatation, /. expansion; dilation.
foxglove (Digitalis purpurea). dilater, v.t. & r. expand; dilate, distend.
digitaline, /. digitalin. dilation, /. delay, postponement.
digitaliser, v.t. (Med.) digitalise. dilatomètre, m. dilatometer.
digitaloside, m. digitalin. dilem, m. dilem, patchouli.
digitonoside, m. digitonin. dilemme, m, dilemma.
digitoxine, } . , digitoxoside, m. digitorin. diligence, /. diligence; promptness, des-
diglucoside, m. diglycoside; diglucoside. patch.
digne, a. worthy; dignified. diligent, a. diligent; prompt.
dignement, adv. worthily, deservedly, suit- diligenter, v.t. press, push. v.i. <fc r.
ably. hasten.
dignité, /. dignity. diluant, p.a. diluent, diluting. m. diluent.
dijoxoside, m. digoxio. dilué, p.a. diluted, dilate.
digresser, v.i. digress. diluer, v.t. dilute. v.r. be diluted.
digne, /. dam, dike; breakwater; obstacle diluteur, a. diluting, diluent.
digner, v.t. dam, dike, impound. diluvial, diluvien, a. diluvial, diluvian.
dihalogéné, a. dihalogenated, dihalo, di- dimanche, m. Sunday.
halo-. dîme, /. tithe, tenth; dime (the coin).
dlhexaèdre, a. (Min.) dihexahedral. m. di- dimensionnel, a. dimensional.
hexahedron. dimensionner, v.t. proportion.
dimercure-ammonium 139 discernable
dimercure-ammonium, m. dimercuram- diphénolique, o. diphenolic.
monium; specif., dimercuriammonium diphényleétone, /. diphenyl ketone (phenyl
(Hg2N). ketone, benzophenone).
dimère, m. dimer. a. dimeric; (Bot.) dimer- diphényle, m. biphenyl, diphenyl.
ous. diphénylglyoxal, m. diphenylglyoxal (ben-
dimêthylarsinique, a. dimethylarsinio (ca- zil).
codylic). diphtérie, /. diphtheria.
diméthylbenzène, m. dimcthylbenzene, diphtérique, diphtéritique, o. diphthe-
xylene. ritic, diphtheric.
diméthylcétène, m. dimethylketene. dipicolique, a. dipicolinic.
diméthylcétone, /. dimethyl ketone (methyl dipiocoque, m. (Bact.) diplococcus.
ketone, acétone). diploèdre, m. (Cryst.) diplohedron, diploid.
diméthylé, a. dimethylated, dimethyl. diploédrique, o. (Cryst.) diplohedral.
diméthylique, a. dimethyl. diplogène, m. diplogen (deuterium).
dimidiation, /. dimidiation, division into diplombique, a. diplumbic.
halves or réduction to half. diplôme, m. diploma; certificate.
diminuer, v.t. & t. diminish, lessen. diplômé, m. holder of a diploma, gradu-
diminution, /. diminution, decrease. ate.
dimorphe, a. dimorphous, dimorphic. dipolaire, a. dipolar.
dimorphisme, m., dimorphie, /. dimorph- dipropargyle, m. bipropargyl (1,5-hexa-
isra. diyne).
dinanderie, /. a kind of brassware for- dipropionyle, m. bipropionyl (3,4-hexane-
merly made in Belgium and elsewhere. dione).
dinaphto-. dinaphtho-. dipropyle, m. bipropyl (hexane).
dinaphtol, m. binaphthol. dipropylique, a. dipropyl.
dinaphtyl-. dinaphthyl-. diprotéide, /. diprotein (a conjugation of
dinaplltyle, m. binaphthyi. two molécules of simple protein with a
dindon, m. turkey. prosthetic group).
dîner, m. dinner. v.i. dîne. dipyridyle, m. bipyridyl.
dinicotique, a. dinicotinic. dire, v.t. say; tell; speak; predict. ti.r. be
dinitré, a. dinitro.
dinltrosé, a. dinitroso. said, be told, be spoken; profess to be.
dinncléaire, a. binuelear. m. saying, say, words, statement, opinion.
dioctaèdre, a. (Min.) dioetahedral. e'est-à—, that is to say, that is. comme
dioctylcétone, /. dioctyl ketone (9-hepta- qui dirait, as one would say, as much as to
say, the équivalent of. en —, reproach
decanone). (but, si le cœur vous en dit, if you like it).
dioctyle, m. bioctyl, cetane (hexadecane). direct, a. direct ; (of gasoline) straight-run.
dioggot, diogot, m. (Leather) daggett. directement, adv. directly.
dioléfine, /. diolefln, alkadiene. directeur, m. director, manager, superin-
dioléine, /. diolein. tendent. o. directing; (fig.) guiding.
dionine, /. (Pharm.) dionin. directif, a. directive.
dioptrique, a. dioptric(al). /. dioptries. direction, /. direction; management, ad-
dioritique, a. dioritic. ministration; branch, départaient (of ad-
dioxanne, m. dioxane, dioxan.
dioxindol, m. dioxindole (3-hydroxyoxin- ministration) ; directorship, managership,
superintendency ; steering gear.
dole). directrice, /. (Math.) directrix; guide. /.
dioxine, /. dioxin. de a., fem. of directeur.
dioxol, m. dioxole.
dioxy-. dioxy-; dihydroxy-. (See note dirent, p. def. S pi. (of dire) said, told.
dirigé, p.a. directed; directive; directional.
under oxy-.)
dioxybutyrique, a. dihydroxybutyric. dirigeable, a. & m. dirigible.
dioxyde, m. dioxide. diriger, v.t. direct; manage, conduct; steer.
dioxypurine, /. dioxypurine (purinedione). dis, pr. & p. def. 1 & S sing. of dire (to
dioxyquinone, /. dihydroxyquinone. say).
dioxytartrique, a. dihydro3tytartaric. disant, p. pr. (of dire) saying, telling.
dipentène, m. dipentene, inactive limonene. disazoïque, a. disazo. m. disazo compound.
diphasé, o. diphasé, diphasic, two-phase. disbroder, v.t. wash (silk) after dyeing.
diphénique, a. diphenic, o,o'-bibenïoic.
discernable, a. discenùble.
discernement 140 dissocier
discernement, m. discernment, discrimina- dispenseur, m. (Optics) diffuser.
tion. dispersé, p.a. dispersed, disperse.
discernerj v.t. discern. v.r. be discerned. disperser, v.t. disperse, v.r. be dispersed;
discoïde, discoïdal, a. discoid, discoidal. disperse.
discolore, a. discolor, bicolor, bicolored. dispersif, a. dispersive.
discontinu, a. discontinuous ; ÇSlec.) inter- dispersité, /. dispersity.
mittent. dispersoïde, m. dispersoid.
discontinuation, /. discontinuance, discon- disponibilité, /. availability, disposability.
tinuation. disponible, a. available, disposable; on
discontinuer, v.t. & i. discontinue, v.r. be hand.
discontinued. dispos, a. active, lively, sprightly.
discontinuité, /. discontinuity. disposé, p.a. disposed.
disconvenance, /. disproportion, incon- disposer, v.t. dispose; arrange; place in
gruity. position, v.i. dispose (of). v.r. be dis-
disconvenir, v.i. be unsuitable ; deny. posed or arranged ; prépare.
discordance, /. discordance; (Geol.) uncon- dispositif, m. arrangement; device; appa-
formity. ratus ; System ; disposition ; (Law) enact-
discorder, v.i. be discordant. ing clause. — agitateur, stirring device;
discourir, v.i. discourse; talk. shaking device. — de -mesure, measuring
discours, m. discourse, speech. instrument. — de sécurité, — de sûreté,
discret, a. discreet. safety device. — d'essai, expérimental de-
discrétion, /. discrétion, à —, at discré- vice. — Rom, a stirring apparatus for
tion, at will. electrolytic analyste.
discutable, o. debatable, questionable. disposition, /. disposition; arrangement.
discuter, v.t. discuss. v.r. be discussed. disproportionné, p.a. disproportionate.
disent, pr. S pi. indic. & subj. of dire. disproportionnel, a. disproportional.
disert, a. fluent (of speech), éloquent. disproportionellement, adv. disproportion-
disette, /. dearth, scarcity, shortage. aliy.
disgracieux, a. awkward; ungracious. disproportionnément, adv. disproportion-
disilicique, a. disilicic. ately.
disjoignant, p.p. of disjoindre. disproportionner, v.t. disproportion.
disjoindre, v.t. disjoin, separate. v.r. be dispute, /. dispute; disputation.
disjoined, become separated, corne apart. disputer, v.i. dispute; contend. v.t. dis-
disjoint, p.a. disjoined, separated, disjunct. pute; contend with.
disjoncteur, m. disjunctor; specif., (JSlec.) disque, m. disk, dise; plate, cake; (Pharm.)
circuit breaker, cut-out. lamella. — d'asbeste, asbestos plate.
disjonction, /. séparation, disjunction. disques de gélatine, (Pharm.) medicated
dislocation, /. dislocation; dismemberment. gelatin disks, lamellae.
disloquer, v.t. dislocate; disjoint, dismem- disque-broyeur, m. grinding plate.
ber. disrupteur, m. (Elec.) make and break.
dismutation, /. dismutation, disproportiona- disruptif, a. disruptive.
tion. dissécable, a. dissectible.
disodé, a. disodium, disodio-, dissemblable, a. dissimilar, unlike.
disodique, a. disodium. dissemblablement, adv. dissimilarly.
disomose, /. (Min.) gersdorffite, nickel dissemblance, /. dissimilarity, unlikeness.
glance. dissemblant, p.a. dissimilar, unlike.
disparaissant, p.a. disappearing ; transient, disséminateur, a. disseminating.
ephemeral. disséminer, v.t. disseminate.
disparaître, v.i. disappear. dissentir, v.i. dissent.
disparité, /. disparity. disséquer, v.t. dissect.
disparition, /. disappearance. dissimilarité, /. dissimilarity.
disparu, p.p. of disparaître, a. miasing, dissimuler, v.t. dissimulate, disguise, oon-
vanished. ceal, hide. v.r. dissemble.
dispendieux, a. expensive, costly. dissiper, v.t. dissipate; divert. v.r. dissi-
dispensaire, m. dispensary; ambulatorium. pate, be dissipated.
dispenser, v.t. dispense; diffuse (light); dissociabilité, /. dissociability.
excuse, exempt, dispense with. v.r. be dis- dissociant, p.a. dissociating, dissociative.
pensed; dispense (with). dissocier, v.t. & r. dissociate.
dissolubilité 141 dix-huitième
dissolubilité, /. dissolvability, dissolubility, distribuer, v.t. distribute. v.r. be dis-
solubility. tributed; (of liquids, etc.) flow.
dissoluble, o. dissolvable, dissoluble, soluble. distributeur, m. distributor, distributer;
dissoluté, m. solution. carrier; (of steam) regulator. o. dis-
dissolutif, a. dissolvent, solvent. tributing ; supply, feed.
dissolution, /. solution; specif., a solution distributif, a. distributive.
of caoutchouc used as a cernent ; dissolu- distribution, /. distribution; delivery, is-
tion. sue; valve gear (for steam).
dissolvant, o. dissolving, dissolvent, solvent. distributivement, adv. distributively.
m. solvent, (less commonly) dissolvent. disulfoconjugué, a. disulfonated, disulfo.
dissolvent, pr. S pi. indic. & subj. of dis- disulfoné, a. disulfonated, disulfo.
soudre. disulfoner, v.t. disulfonate.
dissolveur, m. dissolver. disulfoxyde, m. disulfoxide.
dissoudre, v.t. dissolve, v.r. dissolve; be dit, pr. 8 sing., p. def. 3 sing. & p.p. of dire
dissolved. (to say). p.a. said; told ; spoken; called.
dissous, p.a. dissolved. ditartrique, a. ditartaric.
dissout, pr. S sing. (of dissoudre) dissolves. ditérébénique, o. diterpene.
dissoute, a. fem. (of dissous) dissolved. ditertiaire, a. ditertiary.
dissymétrie, /. asymmetry, dissymetry. dithiane, m. dithiane, dithian.
dissymétrique, a. asymmetric(al), unsym- dithiine, /. dithiin.
metrical, (less commonly) dissymetrical. dithioacide, m. dithio acid.
distance, /. distance. — explosive, (Expl.) dithionique, o. dithionic.
striking distance, radius of effect; (Elec.) dithymol biiodé. (Pharm.) dithymol diio-
sparking distance. dide, thymol iodide.
distanhexéthyle, m. hexaethylditin, dito, adv. ditto.
Sn 2 (C 2 H 5 ) 6 . ditolyle, m. bitolyl.
distannique, a. distannic. diurèse, /. (Med.) diuresis.
distendre, v.t. & r. distend. diurétique, o. & m. (Med.) diuretic.
distendu, p.a. distended. diurne, o. diurnal, daily.
disthène, m. (Afin.) disthene (oyanite). divaguer, v.i. wander, ramble.
distillât, m. distillate. — de tête, first frac- divalent, a. bivalent, divalent.
tion. divergent, p.a. diverging, divergent.
distillateur, m. distiller. diverger, v.i. diverge.
distillateur-liquoriste, m. liqueur maker. divers, a. variouB, différent, diverse, m. pi.
distillateur-parfumeur, m. perfume distil- sundries.
ler. diversement, adv. variously, differently, di-
distillation, /. distillation. — continue, versely.
continuous distillation. — fractionnée, frac- diversifier, v.t. diversify.
tional distillation. — sèche, dry distilla- diversité, /. diversity ; variety.
tion. — sous vide, vacuum distillation. divertir, v.t. divert. v.r. be diverted.
distillatoire, o. distilling, distillatory. dividende, m. dividend.
distillatum, m. distillate. dividivi, m. divi-divi (Caemlpinia species).
distiller, v.t., i. & r. distill. divinyle, m. bivinyl (1,3-butadiene).
distillerie, /. distillery; distilling. divisé, p.o. divided; finely divided, pow-
distinct, a. distinct; différent. dered.
distinctement, adv. distinctly. divisément, adv. dividedly, separately.
distinctif, a. distinctive. diviser, v.t. divide; specif., divide finely,
distinctivement, adv. distinctively. powder. v.r. divide, de divided.
distingué, p.a. distinguished. diviseur, m. divider; (Math.) divisor;
distinguer, v.t. & i. distinguish. v.r. be (Mach.) dividing plate, a. dividing. —
distinguished ; distinguish oneself. de tension, (Radio) voltage divider, po-
distordre, v.t. distort. tentiometer.
distordu, distors, a. distorted. divisibilité, /. divisibility.
distorsion, /. distortion. divisionnaire, o. divisional, divisionary.
distraction, /. diversion, récréation; dis- dix, a. & m. ten; tenth.
traction ; subtraction. dix-huit, a. & m. eighteen; eighteenth. in
distraire, v.t. distract; divert. —, eighteenmo, 18-mo.
distrayant, p. pr. of distraire. dix-huitième, o. & m. eighteenth.
dixième 142 dorsale
dixième, a. & m. tenth. au —, (of solu- dolomie, dolomite, f. (Min.) dolomite.
tions) ten per cent. dolomitique, a. dolomitic.
dix-neuf, a. & m. nineteen; nineteenth. domaine, m. domain; property; area, ter-
dix-neuvième, a. & m. nineteenth. ritory, field; power.
dix-sept, a. & m. seventeen ; seventeenth. domestique, a. domestic.
dix-septième, a. <fc m. seventeenth. dominer, v.t. dominate; be above, over-
dixylyle, m. bixylyl. look. v.t. dominate, rule, predominate;
dizaine, /. ten, a total of ten or about ten. rise (above).
une — de, ten, about ten. une — d'années, dommage, m. damage, c'est —, it is a pity.
a décade. dommageable, a. detrimental, injurious.
djavé, n. njave (Mimusops njave). dompte-venin, m. (.Bot.) swallowwort,
dl., abbrev. (décilitre) deciliter(s). white swallowwort (Cynanchum vincetoxi-
D.M., abbrev. (Docteur Médecin) Doctor of cum).
Medicine, M.D. don, m. gift, donation, présent.
dm., abbrev. (décimètre) decimeter(s). donateur, m. donor.
dm**, dm*, abbrev. (décimètre carré) square donc, conj. therefore, then, so, now.
decimeter(s). donnée, /. datum, known quantity; infor-
docimasie, /. docimasy; specif., assaying. mation ; idea. pi. données, - data. —
docimasiste, m. assayer. thermique, heat value.
docimastique, o. docimastic(al) ; specif., donner, v.t. give ; turn on ; attribute,
pertaining to assaying. /. docimasy. ascribe, assign, fix; apply; bid. v.r. be
docte, a. learned. m. learned man. given; give oneself up; buy oneself; hâve;
docteur, m. doctor. be published; be fought. v.i. give; yield,
doctorat, m. doctorate, degree of doctor. bear ; hit, strike ; run ; fall ; fight. — à
documentaire, a. documentary. la grille, clean or rake the grate. — au
documenter, v.t. document, base on docu- but, hit the mark. — du cône, taper. —
mentary évidence, support by citations. du froid, (Métal.) slacken the fire. — du
dodécaèdre, m. (Cryst.) dodecahedron. — résidu, leave a residue. — la chaude à,
rkomboïdaî, rhombic dodecahedron. (Métal.) heat (esp. to redness). — la
pression, apply pressure, turn on pressure.
dodécaédrique, a. dodecahedral. — le vent, turn on the blast, blow. — nais-
dodécanoïque, a. dodecanoic, lauric. sance à, give rise to, produce. — sur,
dodécylique, o. dodecyl (alcohol) ; dodecylic open upon, overlook; censure. — vent à,
(acid). admit air to ; give vent to.
doguin, m. (Mach.) dog.
doigt, m. finger; toe; (Astron.) digit; trig- donneur, m. giver, donor; guarantor.
ger ; pawl ; dog. à deux doigts de, within dont, pron. of whom, of which, whose,
an ace of, within a hair's breadth of. — whereof ; from whom, from which ; with
annulaire, ring finger. — auriculaire, little whom, with which, etc. (see de).
finger. — d'encliquetage, click, pawl, dopa, n. dopa (3,4-hydroxyphenylaïanine).
ratchet, dog. — du milieu, middle finger. dopase, /. dopa oxidase.
— indicateur, index finger, forefinger. — dorage, m. gûding.
majeur, middle finger. petit •—, little fin- doré, p.a. gilded, gilt (specif., gold-plated,
ger. as weights) ; golden, m. gilding.
doigtier, m. finger stall, finger cot; (Bot.) dorénavant, adv. henceforth, hereafter, in
common foxglove (Digitalis purpurea). — the future.
de caoutchouc, rubber finger stall. dorer, v.t. gild. v.r. be gilded, become
doisil, m. spigot hole; spigot. golden.
doit, pr. S sing. (of devoir) ought, owes, doreur, m. gilder.
must. tn. debtor, Dr., débit side. dormant, a. fixed, standing, fast, dead ; dor-
doive, pr. 3 sing. subi, (of devoir) should, mant, sleeping; (of water) stagnant, m.
ought. sleeper ; post ; (fixed) frame.
doivent, pr. 3 pi. indic. & subj. of devoir. dormir, v.i. sleep; (of water) be still, be
dolage, m. smoothing, etc. (see doler). stagnant; (of fire) smolder.
doler, v.t. smooth (by cutting), shave; buff, dormit, p. de/. S sing. (of dormir) slept,
slick (leather, etc.) ; dress (wood) with an etc.
adz. dormitif, a. & m. (Med.) dormitive, sopo-
doléritique, o. (Petrog.) doleritic. rific.
doline, /. (Geol.) sink, sinkhole. dorsale, /. ridge. a. fem. of dorsal.
dort 143 douve
dorfc, pr. $ sinç. (of dormir) sleeps, etc. doubler, v.t. double ; fold ; lap ; line,
dortoir, m. (sleeping) quarters. sheath; plate; (Glass) flash, coat with col-
dorure, /. gilding. — à. mordant, pigment ored glass. v.r, be doubled, etc. v.i.
gilding. — au feu, hot gilding, dry gilding. double.
— au mercure, — au sauté, amalgam gild- doublet, m. doublet, duplet.
ing. — au pouce, cold gilding. — au doubleur, m. doubler, etc. (see doubler);
trempé, wet gilding. — électrochimique, maker of plated ware; (Sugar) part of a
electrogilding. — galvanique, electrogild- cane mill ; (in a rolling mill) passer,
ing, electroplating with gold, — par im- catch er.
mersion, wet gilding. doublier, m. (Calico) doubler (thick cloth
dos, m, back; ridge. — d'âne, (Geol.) hog- beneath the fabric and the coursier).
back. doublon, m. two-ply sheet métal; doubloon.
dosable, a. determinable ; in proper propor- doublure, /. lining, casing, coating; scaUng,
tions. scale (as a defect in metals) ; incomplète
dosage, m. détermination ; préparation, mix- welding or soldering; refiexed border.
ture (using the proper proportions); pro- douçâtre, a. sweetish.
portion, proportions (of ingrédients in a douce, a. fem, (of doux) sweet, etc.
mixture), ratio ; ( Wine) dosage, liqueur - douce-amère, /. bittersweet (Solanum dul-
ing; (Med.) dosage, au —, properly pro- camara).
portioned or constituted. — en poids, douceâtre, a. sweetish.
gravimétrie détermination. doucement, adv. sweetly, softly, etc. (see
dosateur, m. regulator (of proportions). doux).
dose, /. proportion, amount; dose. doucereux, a. sweetish, insipidly sweet.
doser, v.t. détermine; prépare, mix or pro- m. sweetishness, insipidity.
portion properly; adjust (a volume); fill doucette, /, an inferior quality of soda ash;
or furnish with a measured quantity ; (Soap) a solution of potassium carbonate;
( Wine) dose, liqueur ; {Med. ) dose. v.r. (Bot.) corn salad (Valerianella).
be determined, etc. douceur, /. sweetness, softness, etc. (see
doseur, m. déterminer; préparer; measurer; doux), en —, gently, mildly; by degrees.
proportioner, regulator; doser (of wine or douche, /. douche; sprayer; shower bath.
medicine). a. (Med.) dosing. douci, m. grinding (as of glass or a gem).
doseuse, /. device for determining or meas- p.p. (of doucir) ground, etc.
uring, as a bottle filler. doucir, v.t. grind, smooth by grinding (as
dosimétrie, /. (Med.) dosimetry. glass) ; smooth the edge of, set (as a
dosimétrique, o. dosimétrie. razor) ; polish.
dossier, m. file, papers; back (as of a chair). doucissage, m. fine grinding, grinding
doter, v.t. provide, equip; endow. smooth.
douane, /. custom(s), duty; customhouse. doué, p.a. endowed (with), possessed (of).
douanier, a. of customs, custom. m. cus- douer, v.t. endow.
toms officer, vessel, or airport. douille, /. socket; stem (of a funnel); neek
douara, n. pearl millet (Pennisetum glau- (of a bell jar with top opening); sleeve;
cum). eye; (Mach.) box, bushing, buah; case;
doublage, m. doubling, etc. (see doubler). jacket.
double, a. double ; duplicate ; dual. m. douillet, a. soft, tender, délicate.
double; duplicate; copy; thickness (as of douillon, m. wool of inferior quality.
paper). adv. double, à — effet, double- douleur, m. pain, ache.
effect, double-acting. à — fond, double- douloureusement, adv. painfully.
bottomed. à — paroi, double-walled. o douloureux, a. painful; sore; sorrowful.
— voie, double-way. — liaison, double do U S il, m. spigot hole; spigot.
bond. — pas, double thread. — pesée, doute, m. doubt. hors de —, beyond
double weighing. doubt, undoubtedly. sans —> without
doublé, p.a. doubled, etc. (see doubler). doubt, undoubtedly, no doubt, probably.
m. plated ware, plate. douter, v.i. doubt. v.r. suspect, hâve a sus-
double-fond, m. double bottom. picion. — de, doubt, distrust.
doublement, m. doubling, etc. (see doubler). doute use ment, adv. doubtfully.
adv. doubly. douteux, a. doubtful, dubious.
double-paroi, /. double wall. douve, /. stave ; ditch ; fiuke, flukeworm ;
double-pesée, /. double weighing. (Bot.) spearwort (Ranunculus species).
Douvres 144 duitage
Douvres, n. Dover. Dresde, m. Dresden.
doux, a. sweet ; soft ; gentle ; mild ; dressage, m. dressing, etc. (see dresser).
smooth ; easy; (of wine, etc.) unfer- dressé, p.a. dressed, etc. (see dresser).
mented; (of water) fresh ; (of Steel, etc.) dressement, m. dressing, etc. (see dresser).
mild. adv. sweetly, softly, gently, etc. dresser, v.t. dress; straighten, true, level;
m. sweetness, softness, gentleness, etc. smooth, face; set, set up, arrange; erect,
douzaine, /. dozen. raise; draw up, make out; train. — en
douze, a. & m. twelve; twelfth. tables, tabulate.
douzième, o. & m. twelfth. dressoir, m. something for dressing or
douzil, m. spigot hole; spigot. straightening or leveling, dresser, straight-
doyen, m. dean ; elder, senior. ening rod, etc. ; table, sideboard, dresser.
D r , abbrev. (Docteur) Doctor, Dr. drille, /. drill, bit, borer; (Paper) rag.
drachme, /. dram (the weight); drachma. drogue, /. drug.
dragage, m. dredging ; dragging. droguer, v.t. drug.
drage, /. brewer's grains. droguerie, /. drugs; drug trade; drus
dragée, /. bonbon ; sugarplum ; small shot. shop.
— pharmaceutique, pharmaceutical Iozenge. droguiste, m. & f. druggist, dealer in drugs.
drageoire, /. groove. a. drug, dealing in drugs.
dragon, m. dragon ; spot in a diamond ; droit, m. right; law; duty, toll; fee. a.
dragoon. right ; straight ; upright ; true, exact ;
dragonnier, m. dragon tree (Dracœna (Org. Chem.) right-handed, dextro. adv.
draco). right ; upright, perpendicularly. à bon —,
draguage, m. dredging ; dragging. with good reason, justly. ô droite, see
drague, /. dredge, dredger; drag; brewers' under droite, au — de, opposite, de —,
grains. rightful; rightfully. — de douane, cus-
draguer, v.t. dredge; drag. toms duty. — d'entrée, import duty. —
dragueur, m. dredger. protecteur, protective duty, protective tar-
drain, m. drain ; drain tile. iff.
drainer, v.t. & r. drain, drain away; de- droite, /. right line, straight Une; right
plete. hand, right. a. fem. of droit, à —, on or
drap, m. cloth; sheet (for a bed). — de to the right; right-handed, right-hand,
caoutchouc, rubber blanket, rubber sheet. right ; clockwise.
— de filtre, filter cloth. — fort anglais, droitement, adv. rightly, justly, judiciously.
buckskin cloth. — maléfique = malfil. drôle, a. amusing, funny, droll.
drapant, m. (Paper) pressing board. dropax, m. (Pharm.) dropax.
drapeau, m. flag. drosser, drousser, v.t. scribble (wool).
draper, v.t. make (a fabric) into finished dru, a. thick, crowded; brisk, lively, vigor-
cloth by fulling, dressing, etc.; drape; ous. adv. thickly.
censure. drusique, a. drusy.
draperie, /. cloth manufacture; drapery, du. Contraction of de le, of the, from the,
cloth (esp. woolen stuffs); drapery, cloth in the, some, etc. (see de).
selling. dû, p.p. de p.a. (from devoir) due, owing,
drapier, m. draper, cloth seller, a. cloth. owed, ought. m. due. il a — aller, he has
drastique, a. drastic. m. (Med.) drastic, had to go ; he must hâve gone. il aurait —
strong purgative. savoir, he ought to hâve known.
drayage, m. (Leather) shaving, buffing. dualine, /. dualin (a kind of dynamite).
drayer, v.t. (Leather) shave, buff (with a dualisme, m. dualism.
knife or emery wheel to equalize the thick- dualiste, a. dualistic. tn. dualist.
ness). dualistique, a. dualistic.
drayoire, /. shaving knife, currier's knife. duboisine, /. duboisine.
drayure, /. shaving (of hide). duc, m. duke; owl (of certain kinds).
drëche, /. (often -pi., drêches) spent wash, duché, m. duchy, dukedom.
slops, the residue left after distilling ductile, ductible, a. ductile.
starchy materials (as grain, potatoes; cf. ductilimètre, m. ductilimeter.
vinasse) ; spent malt, brewers' grains, ductilité, /. ductility.
draff; (less often) malt. — de distillerie, dudgeonner, v.t. expand, shape (as tube
distiller'» grains, drêches mélassées, sweet ends).
malt. duitage, m. weft, woof.
duite 145 dz.
duite, /. weft thread, weft yarn. dure-mère, /. (Anat.) dura mater.
dulcamarine, /. dulcamarin. durent, pr. S pi. indic. & subj. of durer.
dnlciflant, p.o. dulcifying. m. dulcifler. p. de/. S pi. of devoir.
dulcification, /. (Old Chem.) duloifioation. durer, v.i. last, endure, continue, remain.
dulcifler, v.t. (Old Chem.) dulcify (sweeten, dureté, /. hardness, etc. (see dur); cal-
free from acidity, bitterness, or the like). losity. — tenace, tough hardness.
dulcine, /. dulcin. durillon, m. callosity; specif., corn.
dulcitane, /. dulcitan. duryle, m. duryl.
dnlcite, /. dulcitol, dulcite. dus, o. pi. of dû.
dûment, adv. duly. dut, p. def. 3 sing. of devoir.
Dunkerque, n. Dunkirk. duvet, m. down; (of cloth) nap.
duodécane, m. dodecane. duveteux, duveté, a. downy; fluffy.
duplicata, m. duplicate. dyke, m. (Oeol.) dike, dyke.
duplicité, /. doubieness; duplicity. dyname, dynamie, m. a unit of work, 1000
duquel. Contraction of de lequel, of whom, kilogrammeters.
of which, of the which, from whom, from dynamique, a. dynamic(al). /. dynamics.
which, etc. (see de). dynamiquement, adv. dynamically.
dur, a. hard; harsh, rough; stiff; firm; dynamitage, m. dynamiting.
sturdy; (of a ffame) hot; hardened, inured. dynamite-gélatine, /. gelatin dynamite.
adv. hard ; stoutly. m. hard. dynamite-gomme, /. gelatin dynamite.
durabilité, /. durability, durableness. dynamiter, v.t. dynamite.
durablement, adv. durably. dynamiterie, /. dynamite factory.
duralumine, /. duralumin. dynamiteur, m. dynamite maker; dynamite
duramen, m. (Bot.) duramen, heartwood. handler ; dynamiter.
durant, prep. during. a. lasting, long. — dynamitière, /. dynamite magazine.
que, during . . . that, while. dynamo, /. (Blec.) dynamo. — composée,
durcir, v.t., i. & r. harden. — au feu, fire- compound-wound dynamo.
harden. dynamogène, m. (Expl.) dynamogen.
durcissabilité, /. hardenability. dynamophore, a. energy-producing (said of
durcissable, a. hardenable; (of plastics) foods such as starch, sugar, fats).
thermosetting. dynamoteur, m. dynamotor.
durcissage, m. hardening. dysenterie, /. (Med.) dysentery.
durcissant, v.a. hardening. dysentérique, o. dysenterie.
durcissement, m. hardening. dyslysine, /. dyslysin.
durcisseur, o. hardening. m. hardener. dyspnée, /. {Med.) dyspnea, dyspnœa.
durée, /. duration, time, time interval; life. dyssymmétrie, /. dissymmetry, asymmetry.
— de la prise, (Cernent) setting time. dyssymmétrique, o. asymmetric, unsym-
durelin, m. British oak (Quercus robur). metrical.
durement, adv. hardly, hard; harshly. dz., abbrev. (douzaine) dozen.
eau, /. water; (pi., eaux) clear liquid, fil- baryta water. — de brome, bromine
trate (as distinguished from precipitate) ; water. — de carottes, carrot water. —
(often pi., eaux) ïiquor, liquid ; gloss ; de chaux, calcium hydroxide solution, lime-
sweat ; tears. à grande —, with excess of water. — de Chine = eau d'Egypte. —
water. — à blanchir, whitewash. — acidu- de chlore, chlorine water. — de chloro-
lée, carbonated water, aërated water, forme, (Pharm.) chloroform water. — de
charged water. — à dégraisser, v.t, scour- ciel, rain water. — de colle, glue water,
ing water. — africaine = eau d'Egypte. — size. — de Cologne, cologne, Cologne
alcaline, alkaline water, alkali water. — water, eau de Cologne, (Pharm.) perfumed
arrière, bitter water, magnesian water. — spirit. — de combinaison, combined water,
amidonnée, starch water, water containing water of constitution or oombination (usu-
starch. — ardente, ardent spirit, distilled ally applied to water not removed by or-
Ïiquor (esp. brandy), eau de via. — à dinary drying at 100-120°). — de con-
refroidir, cooling water. — aromatique, an ductibilité, conductivity water. — de con-
aromatic distillate made from flowers, ber- duite, city water, tap water. — de cristal-
ries, leaves or the like macerated in water. lisation, water of crystallization, crystaî
— à souder, soldering liquid. — blanche, water. — de cuite, boiling lye, boiling liq-
{Pharm.) diluted lead subacetate solution, uor. — de décharge, waste water. — de
lead water; bran mash; (Textiles) water façonnage, (Ceram.) water which évapo-
solution of white soap. — boriquée, boric râtes from the paste on exposure to dry air
acid solution. — bromêe, bromine water. at ordinary température. — de fenouU,
(Pharm.) fennel water. — de fleur d'oran-
— buvable, potable water. — calcaire, cal- ger, orange-flower water. — de fontaine,
careous water, limewater (water containing well water, spring water. — de fonte, water
calcium salts). — camphrée, (Pharm. ) from melting ice or snow. — de gisement,
camphor water. — carbonique, carbonated edge water, oil "water (sait water associ-
water. — céleste, eau céleste (solution of ated with petroleum). — de glace, ice
cuprammonium sulfate). — cêmentatoire, water. — de gomme, gum water. — de
(Mining) cernent water (water containing goudron, tar water. — de Goulard,
metallic salts). — chaude, hot water. — (Pharm.) Goulard water. — d'égouts, sew-
chlorée, — chlorinée, — chlorurée, chlorine age. — d'Egypte, a solution of silver ni-
water. — chloroformée, (Pharm.) chloro- trate used for turning hair black. — de
form water. — claire, clear water. — Javel(le), Javel(le) water, eau de Javel(le)«
clairette, a liqueur flavored with cinnamon
and rosé. — cordiale, a liqueur fîavored — de jour, surface water, day water. —
with. lemon. — courante, running water. de Labarraque, Labarraque's solution (or
— crêosotée, (Pharm.) créosote water. — nuid or Ïiquor), eau de Labarraque (aque-
crue, hard water. — d'Alibour, an anti- ous sodium hypochlorite). — de laitue,
septic solution containing copper and zinc water distilled from lettuce, used as a mild
sulfates. — d'alimentation, feed water (as sédative. — de la reine de Hongrie,
for boilers) ; drinking water. — d'amandes (Pharm. ) Hungary water. — de lavage,
amères, (Pharm.) bitter almond water. — wash water. — de levure, yeast extract.
d'ammoniaque, ammonia water, aqua am- — de luce, (Old Pharm.) eau de luce (mix-
monise. — d'ammoniaque forte, (Pharm.) ture of oil of amber, alcohol and am-
stronger ammonia water, aqua ammonise monia, sometimes with balm of Gilead
fortior. — d'aneth, (Pharm.) distilled dill added). — de malt, malt extract, malt
water. — d'ange, angel water (an old per- water. — de mauve, a water extract of
fume). — d'anis, (Pharm.) anise water. —• mallow flowers, once used as an indicator.
d'argent, a liqueur containing particles of — de mélisse, (Pharm.) compound spirit
silver. — de Barèges, Barèges water (a of melissa. — de mélisse des Carmes,
natural sulfur water) ; hence, a sulfide Carmélite water. — de Mindererus = esprit
solution for blackening silver. — de baryte, de Mindererus, under esprit. — de menthe,
eau 147 eau
(Pharm.) peppermint water. — de menthe been quenched. — ferrugineuse, iron water,
verte, (Pharm.) spearmint water. — de chalybeate water. — fluviale, river water,
mer, sea water. — de mine, mine water. stream water. — folle, surface water. —
— de naffe, — de naphe, orange-flower forte, aqua fortis; (Soap) a caustic aîkali
water. — de noyaux, spirit flavored with solution (Obs.). ~ fraîche, fresh (not
apricot seeds. — dentifrice, tooth lotion, stale) water; cool water. — froide, cold
liquid dentifrice. — de Perse = eau water. — gazeuse, water containing dis-
d'Egypte. — de piment de la Jamaïque, solved gases ; specif., carbonated water,
(Pharm.) pimento water. — de pluie, rain charged water, aërated water. — gazeuse
water. — de puits, well water. — de simple, (unflavored) carbonated water,
Rabel, (Pharm.) aromatic sulfuric acid. — "plain soda," (Pharm.) carbonic acid
de rase, — de raze, oil of turpentine. — water. — glacée, ice water. — graduée,
de riz, arrack (from rice) ; rice water, — graduated brine. — grasse, fat sour
de roche, rock moisture, quarry water. — (water), first sour. — hépatique, sulfur
de rosé, rosé water. — de ruissellement, water, hepatic water. — hydriodatée,
trickling water; surface water. — de savon, iodine water. — hygrométrique, moisture,
soapsuds. — des Barbades, Barbados hygrométrie water (sometimes, specif.,
water (a cordial). — des Carmes, Car- water remaining in a substance under or-
mélite water (spirit of balm mint and dinary dry conditions but expelled by heat-
lavender). — de Seltz, Seltzer water; (in ing to 120° or less). — impériale, brandy
gênerai) carbonated water, aërated water, distiïled over aromatic plants (Obs.). —
soda water. — de soudure, soldering liquid. incrustante, hard water (producing an in-
crustation in boilers). — isotonique, physio-
— de source, spring water. — de strontiane,
logical sait solution. — liée, bound water,
strontia water. — de toilette, toilet water.
combined water. — lourde, heavy water;
— de trempe, (Métal.) hardening water; mud. — magnésienne, (Pharm.) solution
(Brewing) mash water, mash liquor. — de of magnésium carbonate, fluid magnesia.
vie, = eau-de-vie. — de ville, city water, — magnésifère, magnesian water. — mar-
tap water. — d'hydratation, — d'hydra- tiale, iron water, chalybeate water. —
tion, water of hydration. •— d'interposi- médicinale, (Pharm.) water, medicated
tion, included water. — d'iode, iodine water. — mercurielle, an aqueous solution
water, an aqueous solution of iodine. — of mercuric nitrate. — mère, mother liq-
distillée, distilled water; {Pharm.) aro- uor. — météorique, rain water. —
matic (or medicated) water (water distilled minérale, minerai water. — mordante,
from certain plants). Cf. hydrolat. — aqua fortis. — morte, still water, stag-
distillée de cannelle, (Pharm.) cinnamon nant water. — oxygénée, hydrogen perox-
water. — distillée de carvi, (Pharm.) cara- ide. — oxygénée officinale, (Pharm.) hy-
Way water. — distillée de fleurs d'oranger, drogen peroxide solution. — parfumée,
(Pharm.) orange flower water. — distillée scented water, perfumed water. — petite,
de hamamelis, (Pharm.) hamamelis water, weak liquor, weak solution. — phagédé-
Witch-hazel extract. — distillée de laurier- nique, (Pharm.) yellow (mercurial) lotion,
cerise, (Pharm.) cherry-laurel water. — yellow wash ; caustic liquid. — phagédé-
distillée de menthe poivrée, (Pharm.) pep- nique noire, (Pharm.) black mercurial lo-
permint water. — distillée de rosé, tion, black wash. — phéniquée, — phénolée,
(Pharm.) rosé water. — distillée de sureau, (Pharm.) phenolated water, aqueous
(Pharm.) elder-flower water. — distillée phénol. — physiologique, physiological sait
purissime, water highly purified by distil- solution. — pluviale, rain water. — po-
lation and bacteriologically stérile. — di- table, potable water, drinking water. —
vine, a liqueur flavored with lemon, orange, •profonde, subterranean water. — pure,
coriander, etc. — divine de Fernel, pure water ; fresh water. — quadruple,
(Pharm.) yellow mercurial lotion. — d'or, an aqueous solution of common sait, zinc
a liqueur containing gold particles. — sulfate, tar, and aloes. — régale, aqua
dormante, stagnant water, atill water. — regia, nitrohydrochloric acid. — résidu-
douce, fresh (not sait) water; soft water. aire, residual water ; effluent ; sewage. —
rouillêe, water in which red-hot iron has
— dure, hard water. — du robinet, —
been quenched. — salée, sait water, specif.
d'usage, tap water, service water, city
an aqueous solution of sodium chloride,
Water. — faible, weak liquor, weak solu-
brine. — salée physiologique, physiological
tion. — ferrée, iron water, chalybeate
water; water in which red-hot iron has
eau 148 ébranler
sait solution. — saline, saline water. — lemon and mace. — de grain, whisky. —
saumâtre, brackish water. — sauvage, de marc, marc brandy. — de pomme, apple
flood water. — seconde, weak nitric acid ; brandy, applejack. — dernière, (Dist.) last
lye water. — sédative de Raspii'd, (Pharm.) running, weak faints. — de vin, brandy
sédative water. — séléniteuse, a natural (in the strict sensé).
water containing calcium sulfate. — sou- eau-forte, /. aqua fortis (nitric acid, esp.
terraine, underground water. — sulfurée, — a médium strength used in etching).
sulfureuse, suif ur water. — sure, sour eau-mère, /. mother liquor; quarry water.
water, sour. — tellurique, ground water, eaux, pi. (of eau) waters, liquors, etc.
water which has been in contact with the eaux-mères, /. pi. mother liquors.
earth as distinguished from meteoric water eaux-vannes, /. pi. = eaux vannes, under
(rain water, snow water). — thermale, eau.
thermal water, hot-spring water. — tiède, ébarbage, ébarbement, m. trimming, etc.
lukewarm water. — tombée, rainfall. — (see ébarber).
trouble, turbid water ; (Mining) slime ébarber, v.t. (remove the edges, ends or
water. — usée, waste water. — végéto- roughnesses of) trim, clip, pare, nip, cnip,
minéràle, {Pharm.) Goulard water. — edge, scrape, clean; erode.
vierge, raw brine, crude brine. — virginale,ébarboir, m. chisel ; scraper.
a liqueur fiavored with celery, j uniper,
clove, etc. — vitriolique, (Mining) water ébarbure, /. trimming, etc. (see ébarber);
containing metallic sulfates, esp. copper burr.
sulfate. — vive, spring water ; running ébardoir, m. scraper.
water. eaux ammoniacales, ammoniacal ébat, m. (Mach.) play, backlash, shake.
liquor (from distillation of coal, wood, ébauchage, m. rough-shaping, etc. (see
etc.) ; ammoniacal solution or filtrate. ébaucher).
eaux de cuite, (Niter) concentrated solu- ébauche, /. rough -shaping ; rough pièce,
tions for crystallization. eaux d'égout, blank; rough sketch, sketch; rough draft.
sewage. eaux des villes, refuse water from ébaucher, v.t. rough -shape, roughcast ;
cities, sewage. eaux faibles, (Tech.) a weak sketch,
solution, e.g.f one made by leaching sodium ébène, /. ebony (wood). — fossile, jet.
aluminate with water. eaux folles = eaux ébéner, v.t. ebonize.
sauvages (below). eaux fortes, (Teck.) a ébénier, m. ebony (tree).
strong solution, strong liquor. eaux ébeurrer, v.t. remove the butter from.
grasses, water containiug grease. eaux ébiseler, v.t. bevel, chamfer.
marines, sea water. eaux ménagères, waste éblouir, v.t. dazzle. v.r. be dazzled.
water. eaux pluviales, rain water. eaux éblouissant, p.a. dazzling.
résiduaires, residual liquor (or liquid) ; éblouissement, m. dazzling; glare.
waste waters (from mines or factories). ébouer, v.t. free of inud or slime, flush.
eaux rouges, (Soda ) red liq uor. eaux ébouillant, p. pr. of ébouillir.
sauvages, water that has run over the sur- ébouillantage, m. scalding.
face without penetrating the earth; sur- ébouillanter, v.t. scald.
face water (in the narrow sensé), flood ébouillanteuse, /. scalder.
water. eaux superficielles, surface water. ébouillir, v.i. boil down; boil away.
eaux sures, (Starch) sour liquor. eaux éboulement, m. falling in, falling down,
vannes, liquid manure obtained from crumbling, collapse; landslide.
urinais, privy vaults, etc. ; specif., stale ébouler, v.r. & i. fall in, fait down,
urine used as a source of ammonium salts;
ammoniacal liquor from gas plants, eaux crumble. v.t. cause to fall down, throw
vertes, (Sait) brine in the first stage of down.
evaporation. faire —, make water, leak. éboulls, m. fallen material, débris, rubbish,
eau-de-vie, /. brandy (or, in gênerai, dis- (Geol.) talus.
tilled liquor), eau de vie, aqua vitae, ébourrage, m. = débourrage.
(Pharm.) brandy. — allemande, a drastic ébourrer, v.t. = débourrer.
purgative made from spirits, turpeth, ébout, pr. S sing. of ébouillir.
scammony and jalap. — camphorée, spirit ébranlement, m. shaking, agitation; dis-
of camphor. •— de cerise, cherry brandy; turbance, commotion.
kirsch. — de cidre, apple brandy, apple- ébranler, v.t. shake, agitate, rap; disturb.
jack. — de Dantzig, spirit flavored with v.r. shake, be shaken, be agitated; move
ébrécher 149 échappée
ébrécher, v.t. notch (as a knife); break; absolute error. — de bénéfice, margin of
damage. profit. — moyen, mean error. — tolérable,
éb ronde r, v.t. deoxidize (iron wire). tolérance.
ébrouage, m. (Dyeing) washing (of wool). écarté, p.a. removed, etc. (see écarter); dis-
ébroudage, m. drawing (of wire ; see tant, isolât éd.
ébroudir), écartement, m. removal, etc. (see écarter) ;
ébroudeur, m. wire drawer. distance (apart), space, spacing, gage.
êhroudir, v.t. draw (wire), eap. through a écarter, v.t. remove ; disperse, seatter ;
fine gage. spread open, separate; turn aside, divert;
ébrouer, v.t. (Dyeing) wash (wool); hull, keep away. v.r. deviate, départ; diverge,
husk. open; disperse, be dispersed.
ébrouissage, m. (Dyeing) washing (of écater, v.t. dress, gloss (cïoth by pressing).
wool). écatir, écatissage. = catir, catissage.
ébruiter, v.t. make known, report, rumor. eebolique, a. <fc m. (Med.) eebolic.
ébrun, m. smutty grain. eeboline, /. ecboline (ergotinine).
ébrutage, m. rough-grinding (of diamonds). eegonine, /. eegonine.
ébulliomètre, m. ebulliometer, ebullioscope. échafaud, m. (also Métal.) scaffold; plat-
ébullioscopie, /. ebullioscopy, observation form.
of boiling points. .échafaudage, m. (also Métal.) scaffolding;
ébullioscopique, o. ébullioscopie. mass.
ébullitlon, /. boiling, (less often) ebullition. échalote, /. shallot {Allium ascalonicum).
éburge, n. (Glass) an iron shovel used for échancrer, v.t. channel, groove; hollow out,
introducing the pots into the furnace. indent, notch, curve.
éburine, /. eburin, eburine, eburite. échancrure, /. channel, groove; hollow, in-
é b u r nation, /. = ébumification ; (Med.) dentation, notch.
eburnation. échange, m. exchange ; interchange.
éburné, a. Iike ivory. échanges azotés, nitrogen metabolism.
ébumification, /. conversion of powdered échanges gazeux, gaseous metabolism. en
boue and ivory into eburin by heat and — de, in exchange for, in return for.
pressure. échangeable, a. exchangeable ; interchange-
ébutter, v.t. fiesh, slate (hides). able.
écachement, m. crushing, etc. (see écacher). échanger, v.t. exchange; interchange.
écacher, v.t. crush, squeeze, aquash, bruise; échangeur, m. exchanger; interchanger. —
ilatten (wire) ; (Paper) squeeze nioisture de température, heat exchanger.
from. échantignole, /. bracket.
écaillage, m. scaling, etc. (see écailler). échantillon, m. sample; spécimen; pattern,
écaille, /. scale; flake, chip; shell. êcaille(s) model; form; gage; mold, matrix; dimen-
de fer, iron scale, haramer scale, forge sion, size; (Founding) modeling board. —
scale. moyen, average sample. — témoin, check
écaillement, m. scaling, etc. (see écailler); sample.
scale, crust. échantillonnage, m. sampling, etc. (see
écailler, v.t. scale; chip off, flake off; shell. échantillonner).
v.r. scale, scale off, chip off; shell. échantillonner, v.t. sample, take samples
écaillette, /. Uttle scale; little shell. of ; gage, test (as weights) ; mix différent
écailleux, a. scaly, squamous; .flaky. samples of (e.g., sugar) in order to obtain
écale, /. shell; hull, husk. a standard product, blend; make up (e.g.,
écaler, v.t. shell; hull, husk. iron) into given patterns or shapes ; sort.
écarlate, /. & a. scarlet. — de Biebrich, échantillonneur, m. sampler.
Biebrich. scarlet. — de Hollande, natural échappade, /. (Ceram.) a system of re-
coehineal scarlet. — de Venise, Venetian fractory partitions in a kiln. (Certain
scarlet (an old scarlet dye made from articles are fired in the compartments thus
r kermès). — pour draps, cloth scarlet. formed instead of in saggers.)
écarner, v.t. round off, remove the angles échappé, p.p. (of échapper) escaped. m.
of. material that ha(J escaped conversion in a
écart, m. variation, déviation, différence; reaction, unchanged material.
error ; span ; (Optics) dispersion ; acarf échappée, /. interval; clear space; width
joint ; stepping aside ; digression ; strain ; (of an opening) ; pitch (of a screw) ; esca-
leeway. à V—, aside, apart. — absolu, pade.
échappement 150 éclat
échappement, m. escape ; escapement ; out- tribute, place at intervais ; proportion;
let; nue (of a reverberatory furnace); grade.
(Steam) exhaust. échenal, écheneau, échenet, m. gutter,
échapper, v.i. & t. escape. v.r. escape; channel ; (Founding) gâte.
leak ; vanish ; forget oneself ; corne un- écherra, fut. S sing. of échoir.
done. — à, — de, escape from, escape. échet, pr. S sing. (of échoir) falls due, etc.
laisser —, Iet off (steam, etc.); Iet escape, écheveau, m. skein, hanfc.
let go, Iet slip, pass over. échevette, /. skein (in France 100 meters).
écharde, /. splinter, fragment; prickle. échine, /. spine; echinus (a rounded mold-
écharnage, écharnement, m. fleshing (of ing).
hides). échinocoque, m. (Zool.) echinococcus.
écharner, v.t. flesh (hides). échinoderme, m. (Zool.) echinoderm.
écharneuse, /. fleshing machine. échinon, m, cheese mold.
écharnoir, m. fleshing knife. échiquier, m. checkerwork; checkerboard ;
écharnure, / . seraping, paring, shred. exchequer.
éctaarpe, / . brace, tie; outrigger; scarf; échoir, v.t. fall due; expire; happen, occur,
sash. échouer, v.i. strand, run aground; fail.
écharper, v.t. card; pass a rope around; échoyait, imp. S sing. (of échoir) fell due,
slash. etc.
échauboulure, /. pimple, échu, p.p. (of échoir) fallen due, etc.; due.
échaudage, rn. scalding ; whitewash ; white- éclabousser, v.t. splash, spatter.
washing ; digestion with milk of lime. éclaboussure, /. splash(ing), spatter(ing),
échaude, /. welding heat. dab.
échauder, v.t. scald; scour (wool); white- éclair, m. lightning; flash, gleam; (A&say-
wash. ing) fulguration, blick.
échaudillon, m. pièce of iron at welding éclairage, m. lighting, illuminatiag, illumi-
heat. nation. — au gaz, gas lighting. — du
échaudoir, m. scalding vat; scalding house. fond, (in spectra) continuous illumination,
échaudure, /. scald. continuous light. — électrique, eleetric
échauffage, m. heating, etc. (see échauffer). lighting.
échauffe, m. (Leather) sweating. éclairant, p.a. illuminating, lighting; shin-
échauffé, p.a. heated; (of wood, etc.) rot- ing, luminous.
ten ; moldy ; smutty. éclaïrcie, /. clear spot, clear space; clearing.
échauffement, m. heating, etc. (see échauf- éclaircir, v.t. elcar, clear up; clarify; thin;
fer). — sulfurique, {Petroleum) acid heat brighten, polish ; inform ; illustrate ; vs.
test. clear, clear up, become clear; become thin;
échauffer, v.t. heat; overheat; warm; vex, become bright.
anger. v.r. heat, become heated or hot; éclaircissage, éclaircissement, m. clear-
become overheated ; warm, become warm ; ing, etc. (see éclaircir).
(of wood) dry-rot; (of yarn) become rot- éclairé, p.a. Iighted, illuminated ; well in-
ten. formed, experienced, enlightened; open.
échéance, /. expiration; (Com.) maturity. éclairement, m. lighting, etc. (see éclairer);
échéant, p. pr. (of échoir) falling due, etc. clearness, clarity,
échec, m. check, defeat, failure, reverse. éclairer, v.t. light, illuminate ; enlighten ;
échelle, /. scale; ladder. à V—, aceording watch; reconnoiter. v.i. give light, shine,
to scale. — d'eau, water gage. — de dis- gleam; îighten, flash, v.r. be lighted, bû
tillation, distillation range. — de dureté, illuminated ; inform oneself.
hardness scale. — de proportion, diagonal éclaireur, m. lighter, etc. (see éclairer) ; gas
scale. — de réduction, reduced scale. — detector ; scout.
fuyante, taper(ing) scale. — graduée, éclat, m. burst, bursting; loud and sudden
graduated scale. — mobile, sliding scale. noise, report, crash ; fragment, splinter,
— proportionnelle, diagonal scale. — rê- shiver, chip ; luster (as of minerais) ;
duite, reduced scale. brightness, brilliancy ; flash ; crack (in
échelon, m. step ; (of a ladder) rung, wood) ; splendor. — cireux, waxy luster.
round. — Qras, greasy luster. — métallique, metal-
échelonnement, m. arrangement, distribu- lic luster ; metallic fragment or splinter.
tion (at intervais, in a séries); grading. — nacré, — perlé, pearly luster. — onc-
échelonner, v.t. arrange (in a séries), dis- tueux, greasy luster. — résineux, resinoua
éclat 151 écouter
luster. — soyeux, silky luster. — vitreux, (Pharm.) cotton root bark. — de la ra-
vitreous luster. cine de grenadier, (Pharm.) pomegranate
éclatable, o. (of wood) splintery. bark, granatum. — de limon, lemon peel.
éclatant, p.a. bursting, etc. (see éclater); — de l'orange douce, sweet orange peel.
brilliant, bright ; loud ; shrill. — de magnolier, (Pharm.) magnolia bark,
éclatante, /. (Pyro.) rocket. magnolia. — de mancône, see mancône. —
éclatement, m. bursting, etc. (see éclater). de margousier, = écorce d'azédarac. —
éclater, v,i. burst; explode; crack, thunder; de mêzéréon, (Pharm.) mezereum. — de
shiver, split, splinter ; shine, be brilliant, Panama, — de quillaja, quillai bark, soap-
flash, glitter; (Elec.) spark; break out; be bark, Panama bark, (Pharm.) quillaja,
revealed. v.t. & r. burst, shiver, splinter, quillaia. — de quinquina, — de quina,
chip, split, rend, disrupt. cinchona bark, cinchona. — de racine de
éclateur, m. (Elec.) spark gap, also dis- berbêrides, berberis root bark. — de ronce
charger. — réglable, adjustable spark gap. noire, (Pharm,) rubus, blackberry root. —
éclatine, /. a cellulose acétate tape. T.N. de tan, tanbark. — de yiburnum, (Pharm.)
écli, m. splinter, shiver. viburnum prunifolium, blackhaw. —
éclipser, v.t. éclipse, v.r. be eclipsed. d'evonymus, (Pharm. ) euonymus, wahoo
éclisse, /. splinter, splint; fish, fishplate. bark. *— de Winter, (Pharm.) Winter's
éclore, v.i. dawn, appear ; open, bloom ; bark. •— dite de Panama, = écorce de
hatch. Panama. — d'orange amère, bitter orange
éclosion, /. dawning, appearance; blossom- peel. — d'oranges douces, sweet orange
ing, bloom ; hatching, hatch. peel. — d'orme, elm bark, specif. (Pharm.)
éclusage, m. shutting off ; locking. slippery elm, ulmus. — éleuthérienne,
écluse, /. sluice ; floodgate ; dam ; lock ; (Pharm.) cascarilla, cascarilla bark, eleu-
gâte ; (Founding) gâte shutter. thera bark. — sacrée, (Pharm.) cascara
écluser, v.t. shut off (a flowing Iiquid) ; sagrada. — terrestre, earth's crust.
lock (pass through a lock). écorcement, m. stripping, barking, peeling.
écœurer, v.t. disgust, sicken ; dîshearten. écorcer, v.t. strip (of bark or rind), bark,
écoine, /. rasp ; grater. peel.
école, /. school ; schoolhouse ; blunder. — écorcher, v.t. skin; taste rough to; grate
des arts et métiers, technical school. on; fleece; murder (a language).
écolier, m. scholar, pupil. a. (of paper) écorchure, /. scratch, abrasion, excoriation.
white and of médium quality. écorcier, m. place where tanbark is kept.
écollage, m. fleshing (of hides). écorner, v.t. break off the corner of, chip;
écolier, v.t. iïesh (hides). (fig.) eut into, impair; bevel, chamfer.
économe, a. economical. m. steward, fiscal écornure, /. chip, splinter, broken-off cor-
agent, bursar, etc. ner.
économie, /. economy ; organism ; savings. écossais, a. Scotch, Scottish.
— calorique, heat economy. Ecosse, /. Scotland.
économique, a. economic(al). /. économies. écosser, v.t. husk, hull, shell, peel.
économiquement, adv. economically. écosson, m. a fragment of bark.
économiser, v.t. economize ; save. v.i. écotage, m. coarse wire,
economize. v.r. be economized. écouailles, /. pi. (Wool) breech, breech-
économiseur, m. economizer. ing(s).
écope, /. ladle; scoop. écouane, écouenne, /. rasp; grater.
écorçage, m. stripping, barking, peeling. écoulement, m. flowing off, running out,
écorce, /. bark; rind, peel; (earth's) crust; outflow, efflux, flow ; draining, discharge ;
(Bot. & Anat.) cortex; (fig.) surface. — effluent; run-off; vent; (Com.) sale.
à tan, tanbark. — d'azédarac, (Pharm.) écouler, v.i. & r. flow out, run out, flow
margosa bark, azadirachta, azedarach. — away; (of people) disperse; (Com.) sell;
de bigarade, bitter orange peel. — de (of time) pass. v.t. seîi, sell off.
bourdaine, (Pharm.) frangula. — de ceri- écouloir, m. discharge hole, outlet.
sier de Virginie, (Pharm.) wild cherry. — écoupe, /. scoop, shovel.
de chêne, oak bark; (Pharm.) white oak écourter, v.t. curtail, shorten; dock.
bark, quercus. — de citron, lemon peel. écoussage, m. (Ceram.) stain, dark spot.
-^ de géoffrêe, (Pharm.) cabbage-tree bark. écoutant, p.a. Hstening. m. hearer, auditor.
— de grenade, (Pharm.) pomegranate, écoute, /. Hstening; (of a sail) sheet.
granatum. — de la racine de cotonnier, écouter, v.t. listen to.
écouteur 152 éduit
écouteur, m. listener ; earpiece, receiver. écroulement, m. falling in, collapse.
écouvillon, m. brush, mop, swab, sponge. écrouler, v.r. & i. fall in, give way, col-
écouvilloner, v.t. brush out, mop, swab. lapse.
écraminage, m. (Leather) removal of the écroûter, v.t. remove the crust from; de-
fatty matter from the flesh side of the bark.
hide. écru, a. (of cloth, etc.) raw, unbleached,
écran, m. screen; shield; baffle plate; shut- unwashed; (of iron) badly worked.
ter; (Optics) filter. — capacitif, electro- ectogan, m. zinc peroxide. T.N.
static shield. — de fumée, sinoke screen. écu, m. shield; écu, crown (the coin); (pi.)
écrasable, a. crushable, etc. (see écraser). money.
écrasage, m. crushing, etc. (see écraser). écueil, m. rock, reef.
écrasé, p.a. crushed, etc. (see écraser) ; flat. écuelle, /. bowl, saucer, dish, (for obtaining
écrasée, /. faîling in, caving in, collapse. essential oils) ecuelle. — à broyer, mortar.
écrasement, m. crushing, etc. (see écraser) ; — à scarifier, scorifier.
burating inward, implosion; collapse. éculer, v.t. form (wax) into cakes.
écraser, v.t. crush ; squeeze ; flatten ; bruise ; éculon, m. vessel used in molding wax.
masticate (rubber). v.r. (Aero.) crash. écumage, m. skimming, scumming; ridding.
écraseur, m. crusher, flattener, roller. écumant, p.a. foaming, foamy, frothing,
écrémage, 771., écrémaison, écrémation, frothy ; scummy.
/. skimming ; separating (as of milk by écutnation, /. skimming, etc. (see écumer).
machine); (Métal.) drossing. écume, /. foam, froth; scum; dross, scoria.
écrémé, p.a. skimmed ; separated ; skim — de fer, (Min.) a porous form of héma-
(milk). tite. — de fonte, (Métal.) kish. — de mer,
écrémer, v.t. skim; separate (as milk or meerschaum; sea foam. — de terre, (Min.)
soapy water, in a centrifugal) ; (Métal.) earth foam, earthy aphrite.
dross. écumer, v.t. skim, scum, clear of froth or
écrémette, /. skimmer, skimming ladle. scum ; skim off, remove by skimming ; clear,
écrémeur, m., écrémeuse, /. separator rid. v.i. foam, froth; become covered
(for liquids, esp. milk); milk pan or crock; with scum or dross.
(Olass) skimmer. écumeresse, /. large skimmer.
écrémoir, m., éerémoire, /. skimmer. écumette, /. small skimmer.
écrémure, /. skimmings, skim, scum; écumeur, m. skimmer, scum remover.
(Qlass) glass gall, sandiver. écumeux, o. foamy, foaming, frothy.
écrevisse, /. crayfish ; large tongs for écumolre, /. skimmer, scummer; strainer.
handling heavy weights; hard particle in écurage, écurement, m. cleaning, scouring.
lime; (Astron.) Cancer. écurer, v.t. clean, scour.
écrier, v.t. scour (iron wire). v.r. cry out. écurette, /. scraper.
écrin, m. case; jewel case, casket. écureuil, m. squirrel.
écrire, v.t. write; spell. — à la machine, écurie, /. stable.
typewrite. écusson, m. spot, area; (Pharm.) plaster.
écrit, pr. S ting. & p.p. (of écrire) writes; édestine, /. edestin.
written. m. writing; pamphlet. édicule, m. small édifice or structure.
éeriteau, m. bill, placard, notice. édification, /. building, building up; édifi-
écriture, /. writing; (Corn,., pi.) accounts, cation.
books; Scripture. édifier, v.t. build, build up; satisfy; edify.
écrivain, m. writer; clerk. Edimbourg, m. Edinburgh.
écrivant, p. pr. (of écrire) writing. éditer, v.t. publish; (less commonly) edit.
écrivent, pr. S pi. (of écrire) write. éditeur, m. publisher; (less commonly) edi-
écriveur, m. writer.
écrou, m. screw nut, (female or internai) tor.
screw. — aûè, — à oreilles, wing nut, wing édition, /. édition; publishing.
screw, thumb nut, fly nut. — de serrage, éducateur, m. educator; raiser, breeder. o.
clamp nut, set nut. — papillon, wing nut, educational.
fly nut. éducation, /. éducation; training; breeding,
écrouir, v.t. eold-hammer, cold-draw, cold- raising.
roll, cold-harden. v.r. cold-harden. éducatrice, fem. of éducateur.
écrouissage, écrouissement, m. cold-ham- éduction, /. eduction, exhaustion (of steam).
mering, etc. (see écrouir). éduit, m. educt.
édulcorant 153 égout
édulcorant, a. edulcorant, sweetening. m. effondrilles, /. pi. sédiment, dregs, lees.
édulcorant, sweetening agent. efforcer, v.r. strive, try, exert oneself.
édulcoration, /. edulcoration, sweetening. effort, m. effort ; force, stress ; strain. —
édulcorer, v.t. edulcorate, sweeten. de cisaillement, shearing stress. — de
effaçable, a. effaceable. flexion, bending stress. — de rupture,
effaçage, effacement, m. effacing, erasure. breaking stress. — de tension, tensile
effacer, v.t. efface, obliterate, erase. stress. — de torsion, twisting stress,
effaçurer /. effacement, erasure, oblitération. torque. — de traction, tractive force, pull.
effectif» a. effective ; actual, real. effrayant, p.a. frightful, terrible, appalling.
effectivement, adv. in fact, in reality, in- effritement, m. crumbling, disintegration ;
deed; effectively. weathering.
effectuer, v.t. effect, perform, do, make, effriter, v.t, render friable, cause to crumble;
accomplish, exécute, effectuate. exhaust (soil). v.r. crumble; weather.
effet, m. effect; action; (Corn.) bilî; funds. effroyable, a. frightful, fearful.
à — retardé, delay-action. — brisant, effroyablement, adv, frightfully, dreadfully.
rending effect, shattering effect. — de effulguration, /. fiashing, glowing.
corona, — de couronne, (Elec.) corona dis-égal, o. equal; even; same, alike. m. equal.
charge. — d'écran, screening effect. — de à V— de, equal to, like ; in comparison
Kelvin, — de peau, (Elec.) skin effect, Kel- with.
vin effect. — de masque, masking. — également, adv. equally, alike, likewise. m.
mécanique, mechanical effect. — pellicu- equalization.
laire, (Elec.) skin effect. — soupape, valve égaler, v.t. equal; equalize; even, level.
effect. — tampon, buffer effect, buffer ac- égalisage, m. equalization; evening, level -
tion. — utile, useful effect, efficiency. en ing; sieving (of gunpowder).
—, in fact, in reality, in effect, indeed. égalisateur, m. equalizer.
effet-volant, m. flywheel effect. égalisation, /. equalization; evening.
effeuillage, m. exfoliation, flaking off; de- égalisatrice, /. equalizer, balancer.
foliation. égaliser, v.t. equalize; even, level, smooth.
effeuiller, v.t. & r. exfoliate, flake off; strip égaliseur, m. equalizer; regulator.
of leaves, defoliate. égalisoir, m. separating sieve (for gunpow-
efficace, a. efficacious, effective, active. der).
efficacement, adv. efficaciously, effectively. égalisure(s), /. (pi.) sieved gunpowder.
efficacité, /. efficacy; efficiency. égalitaire, a. equalizing, leveling ; on a
effilage, m. drawing out, etc. (sce effiler). level ; at par.
effilé, p.a. drawn out (as a glass tube), égalité, /. équation ; equality ; evenness ;
tapered, thinned; slender; raveled; fringed. unifonnity. à — de, supposing the equal-
effiler, v.t. draw out (as a glass tube), ity of, supposing . . . to be equal (or, to
taper, thin; ravel, unravel. v.r. be drawn be the same).
out, taper; ravel, ravel out. égard, m. regard, respect, à V— de, with
effilochage, m. raveling out ; deviling regard to, with respect to, regarding, as to,
(rags). in comparison with. à tous égards, in ail
effilocher, v.t. ravel out, pick to .pièces, respects.
disintegrate ; (Med.) fibrillate. égaré, p.a. led astray, stray, wandering, lost;
effleurage, effleurement, m. removal of spattered ; mislaid ; misguided ; disordered.
the surface, etc. (see effleurer). égarement, m. wandering; error; wildness;
effleurer, v.t. remove the surface of, scrape, mislaying.
shave ; (Leather) scrape or shave the haïr égarer, v.t. lead astray; let wander; mis-
side of ; graze ; touch ; touch on ; skim lay ; disorder, dérange. v.r. go astray,
along, skim over ; strip of flowers. v.r. be stray, wauder; be mislaid, be lost.
scraped, etc.; fade, wither. égaux, ma&c. pi. (of égal) equal, even, like.
effleurir, v.i. & r. effloresce; scale off. égayer, v.t. enliven; rinse (linen); prune.
effluence, /. effluence, outflow; exhaust. Egée, /. Aegean Sea, Aegean.
effluve, m. (nondisruptive) electric dis- égermage, m. degerming.
charge ; effluvium. égermer, v.t. remove the germ of, degerm.
effondrement, m. breaking in, subsidence, égide, /. protection; œgis.
collapse; sinkhole. église, /. church.
effondrer, v.t. break in, cause to give way; égorger, v.t. butcher, slaughter.
dig up, plow deep. v.r. give way, fall. égout, m. dripping, drip; sewer; drain, gut-
égout 154 électrocapillarité
ter, channel ; (Glass) dropping board ; élaguer, v.t. prune, trim, lop.
(Founding) vent. — de deuxième jet, élaldine, /. elaïdin.
(Sugar) sirup from which two crops of élaïdique, a. elaïdic.
crystals hâve been removed in the cen- élaile, m. elayl (ethylene). Obs.
trifugals. — de premier jet, (Sugar) sirup élaïne, /. olein, elaïn.
from which one crop of crystals has been élaïomètre, m. eleometer, elseometer.
removed in the centrifugals. elaldéhyde, m. paraldehyde.
égouttage, égouttement, m. draining, élan, m. start, spring, jump, sally, impulse;
drainage; dripping, drip. ardor, enthusiasm ; elk.
égoutter, v.t. drain; dewater; let drip. v.i. élancé, a. slender, slim, tall.
drain ; drip. v.r. drain. élancer, v.r. spring, rush, dash, fly, soar.
égoutteur, m. drainer; drain, a. draining, élargir, v.t. enlarge, extend, widen, spread.
drain, dripping. élargissement, m. enlargement, extension,
égouttoir, m. drainer, drain(ing) board, widening.
draining rack, draining dish. élargisseur, m. enlarger; widener; spreader;
égoutture, /. drainings. reamer, broach; (Med.) dilator.
égrainage, etc. See égrenage, etc. élasticité, /. elasticity.
égrappage, m. picking (esp. of grapes) élastiflcation, /. elasticizing.
from the bunch ; cleaning (of ore). élastine, /. elastin.
égiapper, v.t. pick from the bunch (as élastique, a. & m. elastic.
grapes) ; clean (ore). elastomère, m. elastomer.
égratigner, v.t. scratch. élatérine, /. elaterin.
égratignure, /. scratch. élatérium, m. (Pharm.) elaterium; (Bot.)
égrenage, égrènement, m. shelling; pick- squirting cucumber (Ecballium elaterium).
ing; ginning (of cotton). élatéromètre, m. elatrometer, elaterometer.
égrener, v.t. shell (as maize); pick (as élavage, m. washing out, washing.
grapes from the bunch); gin cotton. élaver, v.t. wash out, wash (as rags).
égrisage, m. grinding (as of glass or dia- élaveuse, /. washer. a. washing.
mond). élayle, m. (Old Chem.) elayl (ethylene).
égrisé, m., égrisée, /. diamond dust; splint. électif, a. élective ; sélective.
égriser, v.t. grind (glass, marble, etc.). élection, /. élection, choice. à!—, preferred,
égrugeage, m. grinding, etc. (see égruger). best, choice.
égrugeoir, m. mortar; (Gunpowder) rub- électivement, adv. electively; selectively.
ber, mealer. électivité, /. electivity; selectivity.
égruger, v.t. grind, pulverize; meal (gun- électre, m. electrum.
powder); crush (grapes); peel (flax). électricien, m. electrician.
égrugeur, a. grinding, pulverizing. électricisme, m. electric phenomena in gên-
égrngeure, /. grindings. erai.
Egypte, /. Egypt. électricité, /. electricity. — résineuse,
égyptien, a. & m. Egyptian. resinous (négative) electricity. •— vitrée,
eh bien, very well, well, well then. vitreous (positive) electricity.
eicosénique, a. eicoaenoic. électrifler, v.t. electrify.
eisen-ram, m. (Min.) a porous form of électrique, a. electric, electrical.
hématite. électriquement, adv. electrically.
éjecter, v.t. eject. électrisable, o. electrifiable.
éjecteur, m. ejector. a. ejecting. électrisant, p.a. electrifying.
éjection, /. éjection ; extrusion. électrisation, /. electrification.
ékabore, m. ekaboron (scandium). électriser, v.t. electrify, electrize. v.r. be-
ékacésiiun, m. ekacesium (francium).
ékaïode, m. ekaiodine (astatine). come electrified.
ékamanganèse, m. ekamanganese (tech- électriseur, m. electrifier.
netium). électro, m. electromagnet.
ékasilicium, m. ekasilicon (germanium). électro-affinité, /. electro-affinity.
ékazote, m. argon. Obs. électro-aggloméré, m. battery carbon.
ektogan, m. zinc peroxide. T.N. électro-aimant, m. electromagnet.
élaborant, élaborateur, a. elaborating. électroanalyse, /. electroanalysis.
élaborer, v.t. elaborate. électrocapillaire, o. electrocapillary.
élagage, m. pruning. électrocapillarité, /. electrocapillarity.
électrocapillochimie 155 éliminatrice
électrocapillochimie, /. electrocapillochem- électrotypie, /. electrotypy, electrotype.
istry. électrotypique, a. electrotype, electrotypic.
électrochlmie, /. electrochemistry. électuaire, m. (JPharm.) electuary (now
électrochimique, o. electrochemical. often translated confection, the old dis-
électrochimiste, m. electrochemist. tinction between electuary and conserve
électrochoc, m. electric shock. having been abandoned). — aromatique,
électrocinétique, a. electrokinetic. m. aromatic confection. — de poivre, confec-
electrokinetics. tion of pepper. — de séné composé, con-
électrode, /. électrode. — à goutte, drop- fection of senna. — de soufre, confection
ping électrode. — de freinage, retarding of sulfur. — lénitif, confection of senna.
électrode. élégamment, adv. elegantiy.
électrodialyse, /. electrodialysis. élément, m. élément; (electric) cell. — de
électrodynamique, /. electrodynamics. a. pile, (Elec.) cell. — de rechange, spare
electrodynamic. part. — de réduction, regulating cell. —
électro-filtre, m. electric filter, electrofilter. en dérivation, (Elec.) shunt élément. —
électrogène, a. electrogenetic, generating. étalon, (jBïec.) standard cell. — minéral,
électroionique, a. eleetroionic. minerai (or inorganic) constituent. — nu-
électrolysafole, a. electrolyzable. tritif, nutritive substance, nutrient.
électrolysation, /. electrolyzing, electroly- élémentaire, a. elementary.
zation. élémi, m. elemi.
électrolyse, /. electrolysis. éléolat, éléolate, m. (Pharm.) a prépara-
électrolyser, v.t. electrolyze. tion having an essential oil as a base.
électrolyseur, m. electrolyzer. éléolé, m. (Pharm.) a préparation having
électrolytique, a. electrolytic. an oil as base.
électrolytiquement, adv. electrolytically. éléolique, a. (Pharm.) relating to the prép-
électromagnétique, a. electromagnetic. arations called éléolé.
électromagnétisme, m. electromagnetism. éléolithe, m. (Min.) eleolite, elœolite.
électromère, m. electromer. a. electromeric. éléomètre, m. eleometer (oleometer).
électrométallurgie, /. electrometallurgy. éléoptène, m. eleoptene, elœoptene.
électrométallurgique, a. electrometallurgi- éléosaccharum, m. (Pharm.) elœosac-
cal. charum.
électromètre, m. electrometer. éleuthérien, a. (Pharm.) eleuthera, cas-
électrométrie, /. electrometry. carilla.
électrométrique, a. electrometric(al). élevage, m. raising (of animais), breeding.
électromoteur, a. electromotive. m. elec- élévateur, m. elevator; hoist; lift. a. ele-
tromotor. vating, elevatory. — à godets, bucket ele-
électromotrice, jem. of électromoteur. vator.
électron, m. électron. — apparié, paired élévation, /. élévation; raising; increase (of
électron. — célibataire, odd électron. — price) ; (Math.) involution.
de liaison, bonding électron. — de passage, élévatoire, o. elevatory, elevating, lifting.
transit électron. — occupé, shielded élec- élève, m. & f. student, scholar, pupil; young
tron. — partagé, shared électron. animal or plant. /. raising (of animais).
électronégatif, o. electronegative. —• bénévole, spécial student, spécial. —
électronique, a. electronic. chimiste, chemistry student. — physicien,
électro-osmose, /. electro-osmosis. physics student.
électrophile, o. electron-seeking, electro- élevé, p.a. raised, elevated, etc. (see élever);
_ phile. high.
électrophore, m. electrophorus. élèvement, m. raising, etc. (see élever).
électrophorèse, /. electrophoresis. élever, v.t. raise; hoist; lift; elevate; erect;
électropolaire, a. electropolar. produce; rear; exalt. v.r. rise; be raised,
électropositif, a. electropositive. be erected, be produced, etc. — au carré,
électroscopique, a. olectroscopic. (Math.) square.
électrosoudure, /. electric welding. élevure, /. pimple, pustule.
électrostatique, o. electrostatic. /. electro- éliminateur, a. eliminating, eliminative. m.
statics. eliminator ; separator.
électrotechnique, o. electrotechnic(al). /. éliminatoire, a. eliminative, eliminatory. /.
electrotechnics. élimination run.
electrotrieuse, /. magnetic ore separator. éliminatrice, fem. of éliminateur.
éliminer 156 embouer
éliminer, v.t. eliminate. v.r. go away, go émaillerie, /. enameling; glazing (see
off, pass off, disappear. émail) ; enameling factory.
élire, v.t. elect. émailleur, m. enameler; glazer (see émail),
élixation, /. (Old Pharm.) elixation, seeth- émaillite, n. (Aero.) dope.
ing. émaillure, /. enameling; enamel work.
élixir, m. elixir. — de pepsine, (Pharm.) émanatif, a. emanative.
pepsin elixir. — de propriété, {Pharm.) émanation, /. émanation; (fig.) offspring.
tincture of aloes and myrrh. — de salut, émaner, v.i. emanate.
(Pharm.) compound tincture of senna, elixir émanium, m. emanium (actinium).
salutis. — fébrifuge d'Huxam, (Pharm.) émaraudin, a. emerald-green.
Huxham's tincture of bark (compound émaux, pi. (of émail) enamels; glazes.
tincture of cinchona). — parégorique, emballage, m. packing; packing case.
(Pharm.) camphorated opium tincture, emballement, m. (of liquids) bubbling; (of
paregoric. — vitriolique, (Pharm.) aro- a reaction) violence; (Mach.) racing.
matic sulfuric acid, elixir of vitriol. emballer, v.t. pack, pack up. v.r. hurry
eliagique, a. ellagic. off, run away; (of a reaction) beconae vio-
ellago-tannique, a. ellagotannic. lent ; (of machinery) race.
elle, fem. pron. she, her, it. emballeur, m. packer.
ellébore, m. (Bot.) hellébore. emballotter, v.t. pack, baie.
elléborine, /. helleborin; (Bot.) helleborine. embarillage, m. barreling.
elle-même, fem. pron. herself, itself. embariller, v.t. barrel.
elles, fem. pron. they, them. embarquer, v.t. ship; embark. v.r. em-
elles-même, pron. pi. themselves. bark.
ellipse, /. ellipse; (Grammar) ellipsis. embarras, m. obstruction; eucumbrance ;
elliptique, a. elhptic(al). embarrassment, trouble.
éloge, m. eulogy; praise. faire V— de, singembarrassant, p.a. embarrassing.
the praises of, praise. embarrasser, v.t. obstruct; embarras»; en-
élogieux, o. eulogistic, commendatory. tangle. v.r. be embarrassed ; be entangled;
éloigné, p.a. removed, etc. (see éloigner); (with de) trouble oneself (about).
distant, remote; averse. embase, /. (Tech.) shoulder, seat, base.
éloignement, m. removal, etc. (see embassure, /. walls (of a glass furnace).
éloigner) ; remoteness ; distance ; absence ; embaumement, m. embalming, etc. (see
neglect. embaumer).
éloigner, v.t. remove ; defer ; banish ; avert ; embaumer, v.t. embalm. v.i. émit fra-
estrange. v.r. go away, withdraw, départ, grance.
be distant, be différent, be averse. embellir, v.t. embellish, improve (in ap-
élongation, /. elongation; (of a needle) de- pearance), ornament, adorn.
Section. embellissement, m. embellishment, im-
élu, p.a. elected, elect. provement, ornamentation, adornment.
éluant, «t. eluent, elutriant. emblée. In the phrase d'emblée, at once,
éluat, m. eluate, washings. at the first onset, with ease.
élucider, v.t. elucidate. emblème, m. emblem.
éluder, v.t. élude, évade, v.r. be evaded. emboire, v.t. cover or coat with oil or wax.
éluer, v.t. elute, wash out. v.r. soak in; (of cloth) shrink.
élution, /. elution, washing out. emboîtage, emboîtement, m. fitting, etc.
élutriation, /. elutriation, washing. (see emboîter). — à force, driving fit.
éluvial, a. (Geol.) eluvial, residual. emboîter, v.t. fit, fit in, nest, join, joint,
émacié, a. emaciated, very thin. engage, put together, télescope, mortise,
émail, m. enamel; (Ceram.) glaze (restricted
by some to the thicker and less fusible clamp; embed; box, case, pack. v.r. fit,
glazes, whether transparent or opaque, and fit together, go together, be engaged.
by others to the opaque glazes which are emboîture, /. joint, joining, juncture, socket,
called enamels in English). — à la cellu- clamp, coliar, box, frame.
lose, cellulose lacquer. — bleu, — de co- embole, /. (Med.) embolus.
balt, smalt. embolie, /. (Med.) eœbolism.
émaillage, m. enameling; glazing (see embouchure, /. mouthpiece ; nozzle ; mouth.
émail). embouer, v.t. soil, daub, or choke, with
émailler, v.t. enamel; glaze (see émail). mud.
embout 157 emmieller
embout, m. cap, tip; ferrule; mouthpiece. émeriller, v.t. grind or rub with emery.
embouteillage, m. bottling. émeriser, v.t. coat with emery, emery.
embouteiller, v.t. bottle. émérite, a. emeritus; skilled by long prac-
embouti, p.a. stamped; covered with métal. tice.
m. stamped work, stamped pièce. émersion, /. emerging, émergence, emersion.
emboutir, v.t. stamp, shape by stamping, émerveillable, a. astonishing.
press; flange; cover with métal, cap, tip. émerveiller, v.t. astonish. v.r. wonder.
emboutissage, m. stamping ; sheathing with émet, pr. 3 sing. (of émettre) emits; utters.
métal. émétine, /. emetine.
emb ou tisseur, o. stamping. m. stamper. émétique, a. & m. emetic; specif., tartar
embranchement, m. branching; jonction; emetic. — de bore, soluble cream of tar-
branch. tar, a substance prepared from a solution
embrancher, v.t. join, connect. v.r. join, of cream of tartar in boric acid or borax.
join each other; branch. — de fer, ferrie potassium tartrate,
embrasé, p.a. burning, on fire; fiery. (Pftorm.) ferrum tartaratum.
embrasement, m. conflagration, fire, burn- émetteur, m. transmitter, sender ; emitter.
ing. a. transmitting, sending; emitting. — de
embraser, v.t. set on fire, fire, kindle. v.r. fumée, smoke generator.
take fire, fire, kindle. émettre, v.t. émit; radiate; transmit, send;
embrasser» v.t. embrace. radio; express, utter.
embrasure, /. {Métal.) fire door, stoke hole. émeulage, m. grinding.
embrayage, m. engaging, engagement, etc. émeuler, v.t. grind.
(see embrayer) ; engaging gear, clutch, émeut, pr. S sing. (of émouvoir) moves, etc.
coupling. émier, v.t. crumble, crumb.
embrayer, v.t. engage, throw into gear, con- émiettement, m. crumbling, fragmenta-
nect. tion.
embrochage, m. insertion, etc. (see em- émietter, v.t. & r. crumble, break into
brocher), système par —, spindle System, pièces.
skewer system (of cop dyeing). émigré r, v.i. emigrate; migrate; wander.
embrocher, v.t. (Elec.) (1) insert, eut in, émincer, v.t. mince.
connect, (2) arrange in séries ; put on a éminemment, adv. eminently.
spindle ; spit. éminence, /. eminence, eminency. en —,
embrouillement, m. clouding, fogging, ob- par —, eminently.
scuring ; embroilment. éminent, a. eminent; high, elevated.
embrouiller, v.t. cloud, fog, obscure; em- émis, p.a. emitted ; transmitted; expressed.
broil. émissaire, m. emissary; outlet.
embrumer, v.t. envelop in fog or mist. émissif, a. emissive.
embrun, m. fog; spray. émission, /. émission. — dirigée, beam
embrunir, v.t. brown; make too brown. émission.
embryon, m, embryo. émit, p. def. S sing. (of émettre) emitted,
embryonnaire, a. embryonic, embryo. etc.
embu, p.p. (of emboire) oiled; waxed; dull. emmagasinage, emmagasinement, m.
embut, m. limestone cave. storing, storage, warehousing ; accumula-
embuvage, m. covering with oil or wax ; tion.
soaking in; (of cloth) shrinkage. emmagasiner, v.t. store, warehouse; ac-
embuvant, p. pr. (of emboire) oiling; wax- cumulate.
ing. emmanché, p.a. having a handle, helved;
éraeraude, /. & a. emerald. — du Brésil, fastened, attached, joined; begun.
r Brazilian emerald (green tourmaline). emanchement, m. providing with a handle ;
émergeant, p.a. emerging, émergent. fastening, attaching, attachment, joint; be-
émergence, /. émergence, emerging; emer- ginning. — à baïonnette, bayonet joint,
_ gency. bayonet attachment.
émerger, v.i. émerge. emmancher, v.t. provide with a handle,
©meri, m. emery. à V—, coated with emery, helve ; fasten, attach, join ; begin. v.r.
emery; ground with emery, ground; pro- fit on; be doue.
vided with a ground stopper; with emery emmêler, v.t. entangle; complicate.
grinding. — de noxos, a much used kind emmener, v.t. take away, carry away.
of emery. emmieller, v.t. honey, sweeten with honey.
emmouflement 158 emplissage
emmouflement, m. putting in the muffie emphase, /. emphasis.
furnace. emphatique, a. emphatic(al).
emmoufler, v.t. (Ceram.) put in the muffle emphatiquement, adv. emphatically.
furnace. emphysémateux, a. (Med.) emphysem-
émodine, /. emodin. atous.
émonctoire, m. (Physiol.) emunctory, ex- emphysème, m. (Med.) emphysema.
cretory organ. empierrement, m. macadamizing ; broken
émonder, v.t. prune, trim. stone (for roads), road métal, macadam,
émotion, /. émotion; disturbance, agitation. stone ballast, gravel.
émoudre, v.t. grind, sharpen (edged tools). empierrer, v.t. macadamize, métal» gravel.
émoulage, m. grinding (of edged tools). empiétement, m. encroachment, intrusion.
émoulant, p. pr. (of émoudre) grinding. empiéter, v.t. encroach on, invade, infrînge
émoulu, p.a. ground, sharpened. on. v.i. encroach, intrude.
émousser, v.t. free from foam; dull, blunt; empilage, empilement, m. piling, piling
bevel, ehamfer; clear of moss. up, stacking ; pile, staek.
émousseur, m. foam remover (e.g., a per- empiler, v.t. pile, pile up, stack.
forated tube through which steam is empirer, v.t. render worse. v.i. grow
blown). worse.
émouvoir, v.t. move, rouse, raise, stir up. empirie, /. empiricism, experimenting.
V.T. be moved, be roused, rise, be anxious. empirique, a. empirical, empirie.
empailler, v.t. pack or wrap with straw; empiriquement, adv. empirically.
stuff. empirisme, m. empiricism.
empaquetage, m. packing, packing up. empirîste, m. empiricist-; empirie.
système par —, compact system (of cop empiristique, a. empiristic, empirical.
dyeing). emplacement, m. site, location, position,
empaqueter, v.t. pack, pack up, wrap up. ground ; emplacement.
emparer, v.r. (with de) take up, absorb, emplastique, a. emplastic, adhesive.
assimilate, dissolve ; take possession of, emplâtre, m. (Pharm.) plaster. — ad-
seize. hésif, adhesive plaster, — calmant, —
empasme, m. (Pharm.) empasir, empasma. céphaîique, opium plaster. — de belladone,
empasteler, v.t. àye blue witb woad. belladonna plaster. — de caritkarides,
empâtage, m. embedding, etc (see em- cantharides cerate, cantharides plaster. —
pâter); {Soap) the process of making soap de gomme ammoniac mercuriel, ammoni-
paste. either by the cold process or by acum and mercury plaster. — de litharge,
boiling; (Brewmg) doughing in (moisten- lead plaster, litharge plaster. — de men-
ing and softening of malt as a preliminary thol, menthol plaster. — de plomb, lead
to mashing), also the doughed-in malt. plaster, diachylon plaster. — de poix
empâtement, m. finbedding, etc. (see cantharidé, warming plaster, cantharidal
empâter). pitch plaster. — de poix de Bourgogne,
empâter, v.t. embed; make into paste, make pitch plaster, Burgundy pitch plaster. —
pasty, paste, impaste; lay on thickly, im- de savon, soap plaster. — d'extrait de
paste (as cojors); fill with paste; clog (as belladone, belladonna plaster. — diachylon,
a file); (Brewing) dough in; stuff (fowls). diachylon, (in modem usage) lead plaster.
empattement, m. base, foundation, foot- — d'iodure de plomb, lead iodide plaster.
ing, foot. — d'opium, opium plaster. — mercuriel,
empêché, p.a. prevented ; hindered ; per- mercurial plaster. — odontalgique, opium
plexed ; occupied ; preoccupied. plaster. — résineux, plaster of colophony,
empêchement, m. impediment, hindrance, resin plaster. — simple, lead oleate plaster,
obstacle. — stêrique, steric hindrance. lead plaster. — temporal, opium plaster.
empêcher, v.t. prevent ; impede, hinder, — vésicatoire, cantharides cerate, blistering
oppose, v.r. refrain, help. plaster.
empeigne, /. (Leather) vamp, upper. emplâtrer, v.t. plaster, spread.
empereur, m. emperor. emplette, /. purchase.
empesage, m. starching. empli, p.a. filled, full. m. a structure in
empeser, v.t. starch, stiffen with starch. which crystallizers for low-grade beet
empester, v.t. infect, taint, contaminate. sugar are put to be heated, filling roono.
v.i. stink, hâve a foui odor. emplir, v.t. & r. fill, fill up; load.
empêtrer, v.t. entangle, embarrass. emplissage, m. filling.
emplisseur 159 encartouchage
emplisseur, m. filler. a. filling. emprunté, p.a. borrowed; assumed; arti-
emploi, m. use; employaient; office, posi- ficial ; embarrassed.
tion. emprunter, v.t. borrow ; make use of, use.
emploie, pr. 3 sing. (of employer) employs. empuantir, v.r. become putrid.
emploiement, m. employment. empyème, m. (Med.) empyema.
emplombage, m. leading; specif., lining or empyreumatique, a. empyreumatic.
coating with lead ; (Métal.) smelting oi empyreume, m. empyreuma.
silver or gold ore with lead ore as a means ému, p.p. (of émouvoir) moved, roused, etc.
to separating the precious métal. émule, m. rival, competitor.
emplomber, v.t. lead (see emplombage). émulseur, m. emuisifier.
employé, p.a. employée!, m. clerk ; em- émulsif, a. emulsive. m. emulsive substance.
ployée. émulsifiant, p.a. emulaifying. m. emuisi-
employer, v.t. employ. v.r. be employed; fier.
busy oneself. émulsificateur, m. emuisifier.
employeur, m. employer. emuisifier, v.t. emulsify.
empoigner, v.t. seize, grasp. émulsine, /. emulsin.
e m pointer, v.t. provide with a point, point. émulsion, /. emulsion. — d'amande,
empois, m. starch paste; (Textiles) dress- (Pharm.) emulsion of almond, milk of
ing. — d'amidon, starch paste. — de co- almond. — de chloroforme, (Pharm.)
balt, smalt. chloroform emulsion, chloroform mixture.
empoise, /. (Mach.) bearing. — d'essence de térébenthine, (Pharm.)
empoisonnant, p.a. poisoning, poisonous. emulsion of oil of turpentine. — d'huile
empoisonnement, m. poisoning. de joie de morue, (Pharm.) emulsion of
empoisonner, v.t. poison. cod-liver oil. — d'huile de ricin, (Pharm.)
empoisser, v.t. pitch, cover with pitch. castor oil mixture, emulsion of castor oil.
empontillage, m. (Glass) manipulation with — d'huile de vaseline, (Pharm.) liquid
the punty, or pontil. petrolatum emulsion.
empontiller, v.t. (Glass) manipulate or éxnulsionnage, m. emuïsîncation.
shape with the punty, or pontil. émulsionnant, p.a. emulsifying. m. emuisi-
emporétique, a. designating a gray filter fier.
paper. émulsionnement, m. emunification.
emporte-pièce, m. punch; core extractor. émulsionner, v.t. emulsify.
emporter, v.t. carry away, carry off, re- émulsionneur, m., -neuse, /. emuisifier.
move ; carry. v.r. be carried off, be re- en, prep. in; at, to, for, Uke; (with p. pr.)
moved ; (of a reaction) become vigorous or in, by, while (or not translated). pron.
violent ; fly into a rage. V— sur, out- (instead of de lui, d'elle, etc.) of htm, of
weigh ; surpass, prevail over. her, of it, of them, from him (her, it,
emposieu, m. (Geol.) solution hollow. them), etc. (see de); his, hers, its, theirs;
empourpré, p.a. purple; purpled. some, any. — ce Que, from the fact that,
empourprer, v.t. purple, color purple. in the respect that, because.
empreignent, pr. 3 pi. of empreindre. énallogène, a. (Geol.) of foreign origin.
empreindre, v.t. imprint, stamp, impress. énantiomorphe, a. enantiomorphous, en-
v.r. be iroprinted ; leave a print. antiomorphic.
empreint, p.a. imprinted, stamped, im- énantiotropie, /. enantiotropy.
pressed. pr. 3 sing. of empreindre. encadrement, m. framing; frame.
empreinte, /. impression, imprint, stamp; encadrer, v.t. frame; surround; span; in-
(Paintïng) first coat, priming. — Brinell, sert.
Brinell hardness. encaissage, m. incasing, etc. (see encaisser).
empressement, m. haste, eagerness ; as- encaissant, p.a. incasing, etc. (see encaisser).
siduity. encaisse, /. cash on hand.
*presser, v.r. hasten; be eager; crowd. encaissement, m. incasing, etc. (see en-
emprésurage, m. treatment with rennet. caisser) ; embankment.
emprésurer, v.t. treat with rennet. encaisser, v.t. incase, inclose; envelop; pack
einprimerie, /. tanning vat, tan vat. (in a case or box) ; collect, receive
emprise, /. encroachment. (money); bed (a road).
emprisonner, v.t. imprison. encan, m. auction.
emprunt, m. borrowing; loan. d'—, bor- encaquer, v.t. barrel; (fig.) pack.
ï'owed; assumed; artificial. encartouchage, m. cartridge filling.
encartoucher 160 encrassement
encartoucher, v.t. put or inake into car- encirer, v.t. wax; oil (cloth).
tri dges. enclanchement, etc. = enclenchement, etc.
en-cas, encas, en cas, m. anything for use enclave, /. boundary; enclosure; (Min.) in-
in an emergency. clusion; recess. — énallogène, accidentai
encastage, m. (Ceram.) placing in saggera. inclusion. — homéogène, cognate in-,
encaster, v.t. (Ceram.) place in saggers. clusion.
encasteur, m. (Ceram.) placer, sagger enclaver, v.t. inclose, enclose; fit, lock, let
Stacker, setter hand. in, wedge, key.
encastrement, m. fitting in, etc. (see en- enclenchement, m. throwing into gear, en-
castrer) ; groove, bed, seat, mortise, recess. gaging, locking; engaging gear, locking gear.
encastrer, v.t. fit in, let in, set in, bed, enclencher, v.t. throw into gear, engage,
anchor, countersink. v.r. fit together. lock.
encaustique, m. polishing wax (any of vari- enclin, a. inclined.
ous préparations containing wax and used encliquetage, m. ratchet mechanism or
on wood, leather, etc.); an impregnating gear ; catch, detent. —• à frottement, fric-
material for preserving sculptures ; encaus- tion catch.
tic painting, encaustic. a. pertaining to or enclore, v.t. inclose, enclose, include.
désignating the above préparations; en- enclos, p.a. inclosed, included. m. inclosure.
caustic. enclume, /. anvil; (Anat.) incus.
encaver, v.t. put or store in a cellar. enclumeau, enclumot, m., enclumette, /.
encelgnant, p. pr. (of enceindre) enelosing. small anvil.
enceindre, v.t. surround, enclose. enclusion, /. (Petrog.) xenocryst.
enceint, pr. S sing. & p.p. of enceindre. encoche, /. notch, nick, eut, slot, kerf.
enceinte, /. inclosure, enclosure, (inclosed) encochement, m. notching, nicking, slot-
space, place, chamber, hall, cabinet; cir- ting.
cumference, circuit, a. pregnant. encocher, v.t. notch, nick, slot.
encens, m. incense. — femelle, incense encoffrer, v.t. inclose; hoard.
from a kind of Juniper (Juniperus lycia). encoignure, encognure, /. corner, angle;
— indien, — mâle, frankincense. elbow.
enchaînement, m. linking, linkage; con- encollage, m. sizing, etc. (see encoller);
nection; arrangement; chaining; captdva- size, glue.
tion. encoller, v.t. size; gum; glue; weld; solder.
enchaîner, v.t. link (e.g., atoms); connect; encolleur, m. sizer; gummer, paster, gluer.
arrange, coordinate ; chain ; bind ; capti- encolleuse, /. siaing machine, sizer.
vate. v.r. be linked, be connected, etc. encollure, /. (Métal.) welding point.
enchanter, v.t. enchant; delight. encolure, /. welding; weld.
enchanteur, a. enchanting, delightful. encombrant, p.o. obstructing, encumbering ;
enchâsser, v.t. insert, set, set in; enshrine. cumbersome, bulky.
enchâssnre, /. insertion, etc. (see enchâsser). encombre, m. obstiicle, iœpediment.
enchaussenage, m. (Leather) liming. encombrement, m. obstruction; encum-
enchaussener, enchaussumer, v.t. lime brance; congestion; space occupied or re-
(hides). quired, over-all dimensions.
enchaussenoir, enchaussumoir, m. encombrer, v.t. obstruct ; encumber.
(Leather) lime pit, liming vat. encontre. In the phrases : o rencontre, to
enchaux, m. (Leather) lime liquor or paste. the contrary, in the opposite sensé; à Ven-
— des mégissiers, lime paste containing contre de, counter to, contrary to, against.
sodium sulfide. encore, encor, adv. still, yet, besides, also,
enchère, /• bid, bidding, auction. again. — Que, though, although.
enchérir, v.t. raise the priée of; bid for. encouder, v.t. bend into an elbow.
v.i. bid ; become dearer. — sur, outbid ; encourageant, p.a. encouraging.
surpass. encouragement, m. encouragement.
enchérissement, m. rise, increase (in price). encourager, v.t. encourage.
enchevaucher, v.t. rabbet. encourdat, m. sack cloth, packing cloth.
enchevêtrement, m. entangling ; interlace- encourir, v.t. incur.
ment ; interlocking ; matting. encouru, p.o. incurred.
enchevêtrer, v.t. entangle, tangle, (of encrage, m. inking.
crystals) interlace; interlock. v.r. become encrassement, m. fouling, etc. (see en-
entangled or interîaced. crasser).
encrasser 161 enfariner
encrasser, v.t. foui, make foui or dirty, endommager, v.t. damage, injure.
soiï, clog, choke (as a filter or a grate). endomorphe, a. endomorphic. m. eado-
v.r. become fouled, dirty or choked, clog. morph.
encre, /. ink. — à copier, copying ink. — endoplasme, m. (Biol.) endoplasm.
à dessin, drawing ink. — à écrire, writing endormi, p.a. asleep; sleepy; dormant.
ink. — à marquer, marking ink. — à endormir, v.t. put to sleep; lull, caun.
mordant, etching ink. — à report, trans- endosmomètre, m. endosmometer.
fer ink. — argentée, silver ink. — à tam- endosmose, /. endosmosis, endosmose.
pon, ink for pads, stamping ink. — con- endosmotique, a. endosmotic.
stante, permanent ink. — copiante, copy- endosperme, m. (Bot.) endosperm.
ing ink. — corrosive, etching ink. — de endospermique, a. (Bot.) endospermic.
Chine, India ink, China ink. — d'im- endosser, v.t. indorse; put on.
primerie, — d'impression, printing ink, endothermique, a. endothermic.
printer's ink. — dorée, gold ink. — endotoxine, /. endotoxin.
dragon, indelible ink. — indélébile, in- endroit, m. place ; locality ; side, point ;
delible ink. — noire, black ink. — rouge, right side (of a fabrîc) ; passage (in a
red ink. — siccative, quick-drying ink. —
sympathique, sympathetic ink. book). à V— de, with respect to, with
regard to. à son —, with regard to it
encré, p.a. inked. (him, her).
encrené, a. (Métal.) twice heated and ham- enduction, /. coating, etc. (see enduire).
mered. enduire, v.t. eoat, cover, treat, overlay,
encrenée, /. iron twice heated and ham- dope.
mered. enduisage, m. coating, etc. (see enduire).
encrer, v.t. ink. enduisant, p. pr. (of enduire) coating, etc.
encreur, a. inking. m. inker, ink pad, ink enduit, m. coat, coating, layer; (something
roller. used for coating) wash, paint, plaster, etc. ;
encrier, m, inkstand; ink block; ink foun- (for airplanes) dope; (Ceram.) glaze, glaz-
tain. ing. pr. 3 sing. & p.p. of enduire. — de
encrivore, a. ink-removing, ink-destroying. lait de ciment, grouting. — de noir, black-
encroûtement, m. incrusting; incrustation, ing; (Founding) black wash. — tendeur,
crust. - (Aero.) stiffening dope.
encroûter, v.t. incrust ; plaster. v.r. be- enduitage, m. coating; imprégnation.
come incrusted. endurcir, v.t. harden. v.r. become hard-
encuivrage, m. (of firearms) métal fouling. ened, harden.
encuvage, m. putting into a vat, tub or endurcissement, m. hardening ; hardness.
tank; soaking. endurer, v.t. endure; allow, permit.
encuvement, m. = encuvage; hollow, de- énergétique, a. energetic; energy-producing.
pression. énergie, /. energy. — actuelle, actual en-
encuver, v.t. put into a vat, tub or tank; ergy,' kinetic energy. — chimique, chemical
soak (as hides or malt). energy. — pinétique, kinetic energy. — de
encyclie, /. one of a séries of concentric chaleur, heat energy. — de la vapeur,
rings. steam power. — de rayonnement, radiant
encyclopédie, /. encyclopedia. energy. — de sortie, output energy. —
encyclopédique, a. encyclopédie. libre, free energy. — mécanique, me-
endaubage, m. preserved méat, tinned beef. chanical energy. — thermique, heat en-
endauber, v.t. préserve, tin, can (méat). ergy, thermal energy. — utilisable, avail-
endéca-, hendeca -. able energy.
endémie, /. endémie. énergique, a. energetic.
endémique, a. endémie. énergiquement, adv. energetically.
endenter, v.t. provide with teeth, tooth, enfaîter, v.t. fill (a glass pot) properly so
cog ; indent ; scarf ; dovetail. that the batch in it has a rounded top;
endiguer, v.t. dam. dam up, dam in, choke. cover the ridge of (a roof).
endocarde, m. (Anat.) endocardium.
endocardite, /. (Med.) endoearditis. enfance, /. infancy, childhood.
endochrôme, m. (Bot.) endochrome. enfant, m. & /. child; infant.
endogène, a. (Biol.) endogenous; (Geol.) enfantement, m. childbirth.
endogenetic. m. endogen. enfanter, v.t, bring forjh, give birth to.
endommage ment, m. damage, damaging. enfariner, v.t. sprinkle with flour.
enfer 162 engourdir
enfer, m. hell; fire door, stoke hole. — de enfuir, v.r. leak, escape, run out; run
Boyle, a vessel for heating mercury, de- away; disappear.
vised by Boyle. enfumage, m. smoking, etc. (see enfumer) ;
enfermer, v.t. confine; inclose; occlude; in- (Ceram.) heating to about 100° to expel
clude, contain; lock up, shut up, shut in. moisture.
enficher, v.t. (Elec.) plug in. enfumé, p.a. smoked; smoky.
enfieller, v.t. render bitter; embitter. enfumer, v.t. smoke; fill with smoke;
enfiévré, a. feverish. smoke out; intoricate. v.r. be smoked.
enfilade, /. row, séries, séquence; suite. enfutailler, enfûter, v.t. cask, barrel, tun.
enfiler, v.t. thread, string; thread on; go enfuyant, p. pr. (of enfuir) leaking, etc.
along (a road); begin on; head (pins). engagement, m. engagement, etc. (see en-
enfilure, /. row, séries, string; stringing. gager).
enfin, adv. in short, at last, finally. engager, v.t. engage ; insert ; begin ; invite ;
enflammé, p.a. ignited, set on fire; burning, urge; induce; pawn. v.r. engage oneself;
on fire; (of a mine) fiery; inflamed. begin; get entangled; enter; enlist.
enflammer, v.t. set fire to, ignite, kindle. engallage, m. galling; gall steep.
v.r. take fire, ignite, inflame. engaller, v.t. gall, impregnate with gallnut
enflé, p.a. inflated, swollen, swelled, putfed décoction.
up, turgid. engeance, /. breed.
enflement, m. inflation, etc. (see enfler). engendrement, m. production, formation;
enfler, v.t. inflate, swell, blow up, puff out; breeding.
bloat; exaggerate. v.r. & i. swell, swell engendrer, v.t. produce, form, generate;
up, be inflated, (of waters) rise. breed, beget; cause, v.r. be produced; be
enfleurage, m. (Perfumery) enfleurage. bred.
enfleurer, v.t. impregnate (fatty substances) engin, m. device, appliance, engine, instru-
with the odorous principles of flowers. ment, gear, equipment. — de lancement,
enflure, /. inflation, swelling, swell; tumor; — de mise de feu, firing device. — de
pride. sauvetage, rescue appliance; fire escape.
enfoncé, p.a. sunk, sunken, etc. (see en- englober, v.t. include; envelop; unité;
foncer) ; deep. blend.
enfoncement, m. sinking, etc. (see en- engloutir, v.t. swallow up.
foncer) ; recess ; hollow ; cavity ; depth. engluage, m. = engluement,
enfoncer, v.t. sink, lower, plunge; drive engluanter, v.t. = engluer.
(in) ; embed ; press (a button) ; break in, engluement, -m. coating with glue or
break open; deepen; bottom (casks). V.T. glutinous material, liming.
sink ; subside ; plunge. engluer, v.t. coat with glue or glutinous
enfonçolr, m. beater, mallet, hammer, pes- material (as tar), lime.
tle. engobage, m. (Ceram.) coating with en-
enfonçure, /. hollow, hole, cavity, dépres- gobe; specif., slip painting.
sion; bottom (of a cask). engobe, /. (Ceram.) engobe (slip or paste
enformer, v.t. shape, fashion. applied in a thin layer over a body of dif-
enfouir, v.t. bury; imbed. férent composition).
enfourchement, m., enfourchure, /. fork, engober, v.t. (Ceram.) coat with engobe.
crotch; (Mach.) fork link. engommage, m. gumming; (Ceram.) glaz-
enfournement, enfournage, m., en- ing.
fournée, /. putting in a furnace or oven. engommer, v.t. gum; (Ceram.) glaze.
enfourner, v.t. put in the furnace or oven; engorgement, m. stopping up, etc. (see en-
start, begin. v.r. start, enter (into). — en gorger).
écfiappade, (Ceram.) put into compart- engorger, v.t. stop up, choke, choke up,
ments in the kiln (cf. échappade). obstruct, congest. v.r. be stopped up, etc.
enfourneur, m. one who puts something engouement, m. obstruction, congestion.
into a furnace or kiln; (Glass) pot filler; engouer, v.t. obstruct, congest.
(Ceram.) oven man, kiln man. engouffrer, v.t. ingulf. v.r. be jngulfed;
enfourneuse, /. charging machine. (of water, wind, etc.) rush (into).
enfreignant, p. pr. of enfreindre. engourdi, p.a. numb ; firm, rigid ; stubbom.
enfreindre, v.t. infringe, violate. engourdir, v.t. numb, benumb; dull,
enfui, p.p. (of enfuir) leaked, escaped, etc. deaden.
engourdissement 163 enrobage
engourdissement, m. torpor; numbness; away, take off, take out ; (Calico) dis-
dullness. charge; lift, lift up; buy up; take, v.r.
engrais, m. fertilizer, manure; fattening be removed, etc.; corne out, corne off;
feed or pasture. — azoté, — azotique, rise, be lifted; be sold.
nitrogenous fertilizer. — chimique, chetn- enligner, v.t. place in Une, aline, arrange.
ical fertilizer. — Chosko, a fertilizer made enluminage, m. coloring, etc. (see en-
by precipitating liquid manure (eaux luminer) ; (Calico) light overprinted col-
vannes) with magnésium and iron sulfates. ors.
— complet, complète fertilizer. — com- enluminer, v.t. color ; illuminate ; flush,
posé, mixed fertilizer ; compost. — d'os, redden.
bone fertilizer, bone meal. — flamand, enluminure, /. coloring; coïored print.
liquid manure made from human excre - ennéahydrate, m. enneahydrate, nonahy-
ment. — phosphaté, phosphate fertilizer. drate.
— potassique, potash fertilizer. — vert, ennemi, m. enemy. a. hostile.
herbage as a fertilizer, green manure. ennoblir, v.t. ennoble.
engraissage, m. fertilizing, etc. (see en- ennui, m. ennui, tedium; grief; care.
graisser). ennuyant, a. tiresome, tedious.
engraissé, p.a. fertilized ; fattened, fat ; ennuyer, v.t. tire, weary, annoy. v.r. grow
greasy ; enriched. weary. v.i. be annoying.
engraissement, m. = engraissage; ferti- énol, m. enol (unsaturated alcohol).
lizer. énolique, a. enolic, enol.
engraisser, v.t. fertilize, manure ; fatten ; énoliser, v.t. enolyze.
grease, oil; soil with grease. v.r. fatten, énoncé, p.a. stated, etc. (see énoncer), m.
grow fat; (of liquids) thicken. v.i. fatten; statement, enunciation, déclaration, ex-
thrive. pression.
engrenage, m. gear, gearing, train of wheels, énoncer, v.t. state, enunciate, déclare, ex-
wheel work ; putting into gear ; stowage press.
(of casks) ; complication, à —, geared. — énonciation, /. statement, enunciation, ex-
à vis sans fin, worm gear. — conique, pression ; proposition.
bevel gear. — cylindrique, — droit, spur énorme, a. enormous.
gear. énormément, adv. enormously.
engrènement, m. engaging, etc. (see en- énormité, /. enormousness ; absurdity; enor-
grener). mity.
engrener, v.t, engage, gear, put into gear; énouer, v.t. burl (cloth).
tooth, indent; feed with grain; agglom- enquérir, v.r. inquire.
erate; begin. v.r. gear, be in gear, catch, enquête, /. inquiry, investigation.
be put in gear. v.i. be in gear; mesh; enquiert, pr. 3 sing. (of enquérir) inquires.
begin. enquis, p.p. (of enquérir) inquired.
engrenure, /. gearing, catching; toothing, enraciner, v.t. root. v.r. root, be rooted.
cogging. enragé, a. mad; raging, furious. m. mad-
engrurne 1er, v.t., r. & i. clôt, coagulate. man.
enhydre, a. (Min.) enhydrous, containing enrayage, enraye ment, m. checking etc.
water in cavities. (see enrayer).
énigmatique, a. enigmatic. enrayer, v.t. check, restrain ; stop, jam
énigme, /. enigma. (machinery) ; brake ; lock (as a wheel) ;
enivrant, p.a. intoxicating. spoke (a wheel). v.r. (of machinery) stop,
enivrement, m. intoxication. fail to work, jam.
enivrer, v.t. intoxicate- enregistrement, m. registration, registering,
enkysté, a. encysted. recording, record; registry.
enlacer, v.t. lace, enlace, interlace, en- enregistrer, v.t. register, record.
twine. enregistreur, m. register, registering de-
enlevage, m. (Calico) discharge, discharg-
ing. vice, recorder, a. registering.
enlève-bouchon, m. stopper extractor, enrichir, v.t. enrich; concentrate. v.r, be
cork puller. enriched ; be concentrated.
enlèvement, m. removing, removal, etc. enrichissement, m. enrichment; concentra-
(see enlever). tion.
enlever, v.t. remove, take away, carry enrobage, m. covering, etc. (see enrober).
enrober 164 entonner
enrober, v.t. cover, coat, wrap, envelop, entaille, /. mark, graduation mark; eut,
case; (Micros.) embed. groove, score, notch, nick, jag, slash. —
enrobeuse, /. coating machine. révère, guide mark, guide notch.
enrochage, m. caking, hardening (of gun- entailler, v.t. eut, score, groove, notch,
powder or the like). gash.
enrochement, m. caking, hardening (as of entaillure, /. = entaille.
gunpowder) ; enrockment, riprap. entame, /. = entamure.
enrocher, v.t. & r. cake, harden; riprap. entamer, v.t. begin on, open up; begin
enrouillé, p.o. rusted, rusty. cutting, eut into, eut the first pièce from;
enrouiller, v.t. & r. rust. touch ; eut (slightly), incise, scratch; in-
enroulage, enroulement, m. winding (as jure; encroach on; prevail on or over.
of a dynamo or of thread) ; rolling, roll- entamure, /. eut, incision; first pièce or
ing up. —• en dérivation, (Elec.) shunt quantity eut.
winding. —• en série, (Elec.) séries winding. entartrage, m. incrustation, scale.
enrouler, v.t. wind (wire, etc.); roll, roll entartré, a. covered with scale.
up. v.r. be wound; be rolled; wind, coil. entartrer, v.t. incrust, scale, fur. v.r. be-
enrouleur, m. winder, roller. a. winding. come covered with scale.
ensabler, v.t. sand; fill or choke with sand. entassement, m. heap, pile, stack, mass;
ensachage, ensachement, m. bagging, heaping, piling; stacking, massing.
saeking. entasser, v.t. heap, pile, pile up, mass. v.r.
ensacher, v.t. bag, sack, put into sacks. be heaped, etc.; accumulate; crowd.
ensafraner, v.t. dye with saffron, ensaf- entendement, m. understanding, judgment.
fron. entendre, v.t. hear; hear of; mean; under-
ensanglanter, v.t. stain with blood. stand. v.r. be heard; be understood;
enseigne, /. sign; flag; ensign. agrée; understand. v.i. hear. — à, hear
enseignement, m. instruction, teaching. to, consent to.
enseigner, v.t. teach, instruct; show. entendu, p.a. heard, understood, etc. (see
enseigneur, m. teacher, instructor. entendre) ; capable, intelligent ; ordered,
ensemble, adv. together, at the same time. contrived. bien —, see under bien.
m. ensemble, whole, aggregate, gênerai ef- entente, /. understanding, agreement; mean-
fect or compass; unity; set, outfit; as- ing ; intelligence, ability ; entente.
sembly. dans V—, on the whole. entérite, /. (Med.) enteritis.
ensemencement, m. sowing, etc. (see en- enterrement, m. burying, burial.
semencer). enterrer, v.t. bury.
ensemencer, v.t. sow, seed; prime; inocu- en-tête, m. heading (of reading matter).
late; scatter (like seed). entêté, o. stubborn ; aff ected with headache ;
enserrer, v.t. contain; inclose; squeeze. intoxicated ; infatuated.
ensilage, m. storing in a silo; ensilage. enthalpie, /. enthalpy, heat content.
ensiler, v.t. store in a silo. enthousiasme, m. enthusiasm.
ensilotage, ensiloter. See ensilage, en- enthousiasmer, v.t. fill with enthusiasm.
siler. enthousiaste, m. & f. enthusiast. a. en-
ensimage, m. oiling (of wool, cloth, etc.). thusiastic.
ensimer, v.t. oil, grease (wool, cloth, etc.). entier, a. entire; whole, intégral (numbers);
ensoufrage, ensoufrement, m. sulfuring, self-willed, obstinate. m. whole, entirety,
sulfuration. total, totality; (Arith.) integer. en —,
ensoufrer, v.t. sulfur, sulfurize, treat with whole, entire; wholly, entirely, fully, in
sulfur. full.
ensoufroir, m. sulfuring stove or room, entièrement, adv. entirely, wholly, fully.
place in which articles are bleached with
the vapor of burning sulfur. entité, /. entity.
ensucrer, v.t. sugar. entoilage, m. (cloth) covering, lining;
ensulfer, v.t. tallow, treat with tallow. (cloth) cover, fabric.
ensuit, pr. S sing. (of ensuivre) follows. entoilé, a. cloth-covered; mounted on cloth.
ensuite, adv. then, next, afterward. — de, entonnage, entonnement, m., enton-
after. naison, /. barreling, tunning, putting in
ensuivre, v.r. follow, ensue. casks.
entacher, v.t. vitiate; taint, contaminate. entonner, v.t. barrel, tun, put in
entaillage, m. cutting, etc. (see entailler). swallow ; intone, sing.
entonnerie 165 entretenir
entonnerie, /. (Brewing) place where casks entre, prep. between; among. par —, be-
or kegs are filled. tween.
entonnoir, m. f,unnel; hopper; crater; hol- entre-, inter-, reciprocally, mutually, each
low ; (Geol.) cirque ; (Métal) pipe. en other, one another.
—, funnel-shaped, funnel-like, infundibu- entre-bailler, v.t. open partly, set ajar.
lar. — à boule, bulbed funnel ; bulb- entre-choquer, v.r. collide, encounter one
shaped funnel, separating funnel. •— à another, clash, conflict.
brome, bromine funnel. — à charbon, coal entrecouper, v.t. intersect; interrupt; inter-
hopper. — à décantation, separatory fun- sperse.
neL — à filtre, nlter(ing) funnel. — à entre-croiser, entrecroiser, v.t. & r. inter-
filtrer à chaud, — à filtration chaude, fun- cross, intersect, interweave.
nel for hot filtration, hot water (hot air, entre-deux, entredeux, m. part or space
steam) funnel. — ajouré, openwork funnel, between, interval, middle, partition, adv.
filtering basket (funnel with large holes in indifferently, so-so.
its sides). — à. longue douille, long- entrée, /. entrance, entry, inlet, admission,
stemmed funnel. — à mercure, mercury ingress, opening (into); mouth; entrée. —
funnel (bulb-shaped, with stem drawn out).
étanchée, sealed (or hermetic) lead-in.
— à robinet, funnel with stopcocfc. — à entrefer, entre-fer, m. (Elec.) air gap.
séparation, separating funnel, separatory entrelacement, m. interlacing, interlace-
funnel. — à tamis, sieve funnel, funnel ment, interweaving, intertwining.
containing a screen. — cannelé, channeled entrelacer, v.t. interlace, interweave, inter-
funnel, ribbed funnel. — de Bergami, twine, twine, braid.
Bergami funnel (steam-heated). — en entre-luire, entreluire, v.i. shine feebly.
grès, stoneware funnel. — en porcelaine, entremêlement, m. intermixing, intermix-
porcelain funnel. — en verre, glass funnel. ture.
— filtrateur, filtering funnel. — percé de entremêler, v.t. intermix, intermingle, mix.
trous, perforated funnel. entremise, /. intervention, interposition,
entonnoir-filtre, m. filtering funnel, specif. médiation, médium, agency.
a porcelain suction funnel. entreposage, m. storage; placing in bond.
entorse, /. strain, sprain; shock. entreposer, v.t. store, deposzt, warehouse;
entortiller, v.t. twist; wrap up, wrap; en- place in bond.
tangle. v.r. twist, twine, wind ; get en- entreposeur, m. warehouse keeper; bonded
tangled. warehouse keeper.
entour, m. environ ; associate. à V—, in theentrepositaire, m. bonder; depositary.
vicinity. entrepôt, m. warehouse; bonded warehouse;
entourage, m. (something that surrounds) mart.
case, casing, border, frame, mounting, set- entreprenant, p.a. enterprising ; venture-
ting ; surroundings, entourage. some.
entourer, v.t. surround, encircle. entreprendre, v.t. undertake, attempt; at-
en-tout-cas, m. = en-cas. tack. v.i. encroach ; make an attack (on).
entrailles, /. pi. entrails, intestines, bowels; entrepreneur, m. contractor, employer, one
womb; heart, core. who engages to carry out an enterprise.
entraînable, a. capable of being carried entrepris, p.p. of entreprendre.
away, over or down (see entraîner). — à entreprise, /. undertaking, project, enter-
la vapeur, distillable with steam. prise ; contract ; estabh'shment ; encroach-
entraînement, m. carrying away, etc. (see ment.
entraîner) ; (Mach.) feeding, feed; com- entrer, v.i, enter; be admitted. v.t. enter,
municating gear ; drive ; enthusiasm ; im- bring in, put in, insert ; import. — en
pulse; training. — à la vapeur, distillation
with steam. ébullition, begin to boil. — en fusion, be-
entraîner, v.t. carry away, carry along, gin to melt. — en jeu, corne into play,
carry over (in distillation)) carry down (in begin to operate. — en ligne de compte,
précipitation), entrain ; sweep away ; in- enter into account, be worth considering.
volve ; cause ; win, captivate ; train ; entre-temps, m. meantime, interval. adv.
(Mach.) drive. (also entretemps) meantime, meanwhile.
entraîneur, m. entraining agent. entretenir, v.t. maintain, keep, keep up;
entrave, /. hindrance, obstacle, trammel. talk with, converse with. v.r. be main-
entraver, v.t. hinder, impede, ïnhibit. tained, be kept, be kept up; maintain
entretenir 166 éphédrine
oneself, support oneself ; support each envoyeur, m. sender.
other ; talk, converse. enzymatique, a. enzymic, enzymatic.
entretien, m. maintenance ; upkeep ; re- éocène, a. & m. (Geol.) Eocene.
pair ; care ; support ; supply ; clothing, éolipile, éolipyle, m. eolipile, seolipile.
clothes ; talk, conversation. éosine, /. eosin.
entretient, pr. 3 sing. of entretenir, éosinophile, a. (Biol.) eosinophil(e).
eut retoise, /. crosspiece, crossbar, stay, tie, éosinophilie, /. eosinophilia.
rib, girder, bracing; stay boit. épaillage, m. removal of vegetable matter
entrevit, p. def. 3 sing. of entrevoir. from wool or wool cloth (called carboniz-
entrevoir, v.t. suspect (as a new élément); ing if by chemical means) ; stripping (sugar
see or foresee dimly, catch a glimpse of. cane) of the lower leaves ; cleaning (of
entrevoyant, p. pr. of entrevoir. gold).
entrevu, p.p. of entrevoir. épailler, v.t. subject to épaillage (see it).
entropie, /. entropy. épair, m. (Paper) pulp.
entr'ouvert, p.a. opened, open ; half-open. épais, o. thick. m. thickness; (Elec.) den-
entr'ouvrir, v.t. open, spread open; open sity.
partly. v.r. open, spread open ; half-open. épaisseur, /. thickness.
énumérer, v.t. enumerate. épaissir, v.t., r. & i. thicken.
env., abbrev. (environ) about. épaississant, p.a. thickening. m. thickener,
envahir, v.t. invade, encroach on, overrun. thickening agent.
envahissement, m. invasion ; encroadhment. épaississement, m. thickening; thickness.
envaser, v.t. fill up with mud or silt. épanche ment, m. effusion; extrusion; out-
enveloppant, p.a. enveloping. pouring.
enveloppe, /. envelope ; cover, covering, épancher, v.t. pour out, effuse. v.r. be
wrapping; casing, case, jacket; appearance. effused, (Med.) be extravasated ; over-
— à gaz, gas bag. — d'eau, water jacket. flow.
— de vapeur, steam jacket. épandage, m. spreading; scattering, distri-
enveloppement, m. envelopment, envelop- bution ; shedding ; (Sewage) disposai of
ing, wrapping, etc. (see envelopper). sewage by flowing it upon land, land treat-
envelopper, v.t. envelop; wrap up, inclose, ment, irrigation.
surround, cover, case, jacket; involve. épandre, v.t. spread ; scatter, distribute ;
envergure, /. extent, spread (as of wings). shed. v.r. spread.
enverra, fut. 3 sing. (of envoyer) will send. épanouir, v.t. open, expand ; cause to
enverrage, m. covering or Iining with glass; bloom. v.r. expand, spread; open, bloom.
(Glass) addition of cullet to the pots. épanouissement, m. expansion, spread,
enverrer, v.t. cover or Une with glass ; splay; opening (of flowers); (Elec.) pôle
(Glass) add cullet to. pièce.
envers, m. reverse, back side, wrong side. épargne, /. economy, thrift ; savings.
prep. toward, to, with regard to. à V—, épargner, v.t. spare; save, economize.
wrong side out, upside down, wrong. éparpillement, m. scattering, dispersai.
envider, v.t. wind up, réel. éparpiller, v.t. scatter, disperse; waste.
envie, /. envy; longing, désire. épars, a. scattered ; sparse. m. bar, cross-
envier, v.t. envy; long for, désire. bar.
envieux, a. envious; desirous. épaule, /. shoulder.
environ, adv. about. épaulement, m. shoulder ; (Mil.) epaul-
environner, v.t. surround, encompass. ment.
environs, m. pi. environs, suburbs. épauler, v.t. support, aid; shoulder.
envisager, v.t. regard, consider; visualize; épeautre, m. (Bot.) spelt.
face. épée, /. sword.
envoi, m. sending, shipment ; parcel or épeler, v.t. spell.
goods sent, shipment ; envoy. — contre épellation, /. spelling.
remboursement, C.O.D. shipment. — éperdu, a. distracted, dismayed, frantic.
franco, sent free. éperon, m. spur; buttress; breakwater.
envoie, pr. 3 sing. (of envoyer) sends. éperonner, v.t. spur, spur on.
envoiler, V.T. warp, bend (in tempering). épervière, /. (Bot.) hieracium, hawkweed;
envoler, v.r. fly, fly away, fly off. specif., (Pharm.) rattlesnake weed (Hier~
envoyer, v.t. send; send forth; turn on. — acium venosum).
chercher, send for. éphédrine, /. ephedrine.
éphémère 167 éprouvette
éphémère, a. ephemeral. épistation, /. grinding to paste in a mor-
épi» w. ear, head (of grain) ; spike ; tuft ; tar.
jetty; dike. épister, v.t. reduce to paste (by grinding).
épiage, épiation, /. earing, heading (of épithéliome, m. (Med.) epithelioma.
grain). épluenage, m. picking; scrutiny.
épicamphre, m. epicamphor (3-campha- éplucher, v.t. pick, clean; scrutinize; weed.
none). épluchure, /. pickings, leavings, parings,
épice, /. spice. etc.
épicé, p.a. spiced; pungent, biting. épointer, v.t. break the point of; blunt.
épicéa, m. (Bot.) spruce (Picea). éponge, /. sponge. — de caoutchouc, rub-
épicer, v.t. spice. ber sponge, sponge rubber. — de fer, iron
épicerie, /. groceries (spices, tea, coffee, sponge, spongy iron. — de platine, plati-
sugar, etc.); grocery (shop); grocery busi- num sponge (specif., purifled material as
ness. distinguished from mousse de platine).
épichlorhydrine, /. epichlorohydrin. épongeage, m. sponging.
épicier, m. grocer (dealer in spioes, sugar, éponger, v.t. sponge.
coffee, etc.). époque, /. epocli.
épidémie, /. épidémie. épouiller, v.t. delouse.
épidémique, a. épidémie. épouser, v.t. espouse; conform to.
épiderme, m. (Anat.) epidermis. époussetage, m. dusting.
épierrer, v.t. remove stones from. épousseter, v.t. dust, remove dust from.
épierreur, m., épierreuse, /. re- épousseteux, a. dusting, dust-removing.
mover. époussetoir, m. small dusting brush.
épigastre, m. (Anat.) epigastrium. éponssette, /. duster, dustbrush, dustcloth.
épigénie, /. epigenesis. épouti, m. foreign matter in wool cloth.
épiguanine, /. epiguanine. époutier, époutir, v.t. burl (cloth).
épilage, m. epilation, depilation, unhairing. épouvantable, a. frightful, dreadful.
épilamen, m. boundary film. épouvanter, v.t. frighten, terrify, dismay.
épilant, p.a. depilatory, depilating. époxyde, m. epoxide.
epilation, /. = épilage. épreignant, p. pr. (of épreindre) expressing,
épilatoire, a. & m. epilatory, depilatory. etc.
épiler, v.t. epilate, eradicate (hair) ; unhair. épreindre, v.t. express, press, squeeze.
épilobe, m. (Bot.) willow-herb. épreilit, p.a. expressed, pressed, squeezed.
épimère, m. epimer. a. epimeric. pr. S sing. (of épreindre) expresses.
épinage, m. (Soap) drawing oiî of the aque- épreuve, /. test ; trial ; experiment ; proof ;
ous layer after the soap lias been salted assay; spécimen, à /'—, on trial, à V—
out. de, proof against. à V— de l'eau, water-
épinard, m. spinach. proof. à V— du feu, fireproof. — à chaud,
épinceler, épinceter, épincer, v.t. burl hot test. — à froid, cold test. — à ow-
(cloth). trance, résistance test, breaking test, burst-
épine, /. thorn; thorn tree; spine; (Soap) ing test. — de cassure, breaking test, frac-
a tube used to draw off the aqueous layer ture test. — de chaleur, heat test. — de
from beneath the soap ; (Métal.) a sharp durée, endurance test. — de pression, pres-
point on the surface of metallic copper. sure test. — d'essai, teat.
épinephrine, /. epinephrine (adrénaline). éprouvé, p.a. proved, tried, reliable.
épinette, /. spruce (wood) ; (Music) spinet. éprouver, v.t. test; try, prove; taste; ex-
épineux, a. thorny, spiny, prickly. périence, undergo, meet with; feel.
épine-vinette, /. (Bot.) barberry. éprouvette, /. cylinder (narrow upright ves-
épingle, /. pin. — de nourrice, safety pin. sel, usually of glass) ; test glass, test tube ;
épingler, v.t. pin; prick; pierce. (Assaying) éprouvette, small spoon for
épinglette, /. priming wire; pricker, fluxes; test bar, test pièce; gage; probe.
needle. — à bec, cylinder with lip. — à cuvette
éplnière, a. spinal. supérieure, cylinder with enlarged top, hy-
épipastique, a. (Phann.) epipastic. drometer jar. — à dessécher les gaz, dry-
épisarcine, /. episarcine. ing cylinder, drying tower, calcium chloride
épispastique, a. & m. (Pharm.) epispastic. jar. — à pied, cylinder with foot, cylinder.
épisser, v.t. splice. — à rainure, cylinder with a vertical chan-
épissure, /. splice. nel for a thermometer. — d'essai, test
éprouvette 168 érythrine
pièce. — divisée, — graduée, graduated équiper, v.t. equip; fit out; rig up.
cylinder. équipotentiel, a. equipotential.
épuisable, a. exhaustible. équivalant, p. pr. of équivaloir.
épuisant, p.a. exhausting. équivalenunent, adv. in an équivalent
épuisé, p.a. exhausted, spent; out of print. manner.
épuisement, m. exhaustion ; extraction ; équivalentîste, m. an adhèrent of the doc-
drainage. trine of équivalents, equivalentist.
épuiser, v.t. exhaust; extract; spend; drain. équivaleur, /. équivalence.
épulpeur, m. (Sugar) an apparatus for- équivaloir, v.i. be équivalent.
merly used for extracting beet juice from équivaut, pr. S sing. of équivaloir.
the pulp. équivoque, a. equivocal. /. equivocalneas;
épurateur, m. purifier; specif., scrubber; equivocation.
refiner (as of oils); cleaner. a. purifying, érable, m. maple (tree or wood). — à
refining, cleaning. sucre, sugar maple.
épurateur-hullier, m. oil refiner. éraflure, /. abrasion, glancing wound.
épuratif, a. purifying, purificative. éraiiUer, v.t. unravel; fray; chafe.
épuration, /. purification, purifying ; refin- erbine, /. erbia, erbium oxide.
ing ; scrubbing (of gases) ; fitting (of erbique, a. of erbium, erbium.
soap) ; cleaning ; refinement. erbue, /. clay used as a flux.
épuratoire, a. purifying, purificatory. ère, /. era.
épure, /. working plan; diagram. érémacausie, /. eremacausis, decay.
épuré, p.a. purified; refined; pure. érepsine, /. erepsin.
épurement, m. purification, refinement. ergostérine, /. ergosterol.
épurer, v.t. purify; refine; scrub (gases); ergot, m. ergot ; spur ; pin, stop, catch, lug.
clean, cleanse. v.r. be purified, etc. — de seigle, ergot of rye.
éq., abbrev. (équivalent) équivalent. ergoté, a. ergoted, spurred (as rye);
équarrir, v.t. square; eut up (animais). spurred.
équarrissage, m. squaring; cutting up of ergotine, /. ergotinine; (Pharm.) ergotin.
animais (esp. old horses, mules, etc.), ergotinine, /. ergotinine.
knacker's trade. ergotique, a. ergotic.
équatenr, m. equator; (cap.) Ecuador. éricacé, a. {Bot.) ericaceous.
équation, /. équation. — chimique, chemical ériger, v.t. erect; put up, raise.
équation. — d'état, équation of state. érigéron, m. (Bot.) erigeron, daisy fleabane.
équerrage, m. bevel, beveling, dihedral erlenmeyer, m. Erlenmeyer flask.
angle. ernolithe, 77t. ernolith (a plastic composi-
équerre, /. square; right-angled iron or tion).
brace; right-angled elbow. à —, square, éroder, v.t. erode.
at right angles. — en T, — en té, T érosif, a. erosive.
square. errant, a. wandering, errant.
équerrer, v.t. square; bevel. erratique, a. erratic.
équiangle, a. equiangular. errer, v.i. err ; wander.
équiaxe, a. equiaxed. erreur, /. error. — de lecture, error in
équilatéral, équilatère, a. equilateral. reading. — de rédaction, clérical error.
équilénine, /. equilenin. erroné, a. erroneous.
équilibrage, m. équilibration, balancing. erronément, adv. erroneously.
équilibre, m. equilibrium. — chimique, ers, m. any plant of the genus Ervum, esp.
chemical equilibrium. — mécanique, me- the lentil (E. lens).
chanical equilibrium. érucine, /. erucin.
équilibrer, v.t. & r. equilibrate, balance. érucique, 0. erucic.
équilibreur, m. equilibrator, balancer.
équimoléculaire, a. equimolecular. érugineux, a. eruginous, seruginous.
équipage, m. equipment; outfit, set; gear, éruptif, a. eruptive.
gearing ; équipage ; crew. éruption, /. éruption; blowout; gush.
équipe, /. set, gang, crew, party (of work- érysipèle, m. (Med.) erysipelas.
men). érythémateux, -matique, a. of erythema,
équipé, p.a. equipped. erythematous.
équipement, m. equipment; assemblage, érythème, m. (Med.) erythema.
hookup ; outfit ; gear. érythrine, /. erythrin.
érythrite 169 essai
érythrite, /. (Chem.) erythritol; (Mm.) esprit, m. spirit; mind; wit. — acétique,
érythrite, cobalt bloom. acétone. — ardent, ardent spirits, strong
érythrodextrine, /. erythrodextrin. alcoholic liquor or solution. — de bois,
érythrophléine, /. erythrophleine. wood spirit. — de camphre, (Pharm.) cam-
érythrophylle, /. (.Bot.) erythrophyll(in). phor spirit, spirit of camphor. — de can-
érythrosine, /. erythrosin. nelle, (Pharm.) cinnamon spirit. — de
érythroxyle, m. {Sot.) any plant o£ the fourmis, (Pharm.) formic acid spirit. —
genus Erythroxylum. de lavande, (Pharm.) lavender spirit. —•
es, pr. S sing. (of être) art, are. de menthe, essence of peppermint. — de
es, prep. in the. Mindererus, (Pharm.) spirit of Mindererus,
esc, abbrev. (escompte) discount, solution of ammonium acétate. — de
escaille, m. (Mining) clay, clay band. moka, a spirit distilled over coffee. — de
escalier, m. staircase, stairs. nitre, spirit of niter (a 68-70 per cent aque-
escamoter, v.t. make disappear, juggle ous solution of nitrie acid). — de nitre
away. fumant, fuming nitrie acid. — de pétrole,
escarbille, /. (coal) cinder. petroleum spirit. — de raifort composé,
escarbilleur, m. ash ejector. (Pharm.) compound spirit of horseradish.
escarboucle, /. (Min.) carbuncle. — de savon, (Pharm.) spirit of soap. —
escargot, m. snail; spiral; spiral staircase. de sel, spirit of sait (old name for hydro-
en —, spiral. chloric acid). — de sel ammoniac, spirit of
escarner, v.t. flesh (hides). sal ammoniac (old name for aqueous am-
escarpé, a. steep; esearped. monia). — de sel dulcifié, dulcified spirit
escarpement, m. steepness; furnace hoist; of sait (a mixture of hydrochloric acid and
(Qeol.) escarpment. alcohol). — de soufre, sulfur dioxide (old
escarre, /. = eschare. name). — des sept grains, a spirit distilled
Escaut, m. Scheldt (river). from several kinds of aromatic seeds. —
eschare, /. (Med.) eschar, scab, crust. de Vénus, (Old Chem.) acetic acid. — de
escharotique, a. & m. eseharotic, caustic. vert-de-gris, (Old Chem.) acetic acid. —
eschel, n. eschel (variety of amalt), de vin, spirit of wine, (ethyl) alcohol. —
esclavage, m. slavery. de vinaigre, glacial acetic acid. — de
esclave, m. & f. slave, a. slave; slavisk. vitriol, spirit of vitriol (old name for sul-
escompte, m. (Corn.) discount. furic acid, esp. when somewhat diluted).
escompter, v.t. discount, v.r. be dis- — d'orange composé, (Pharm.) compound
counted. spirit of orange. — épices, alcohol dis-
escope, /. scoop. tilled over spices. — pyroacétique, pyro-
escoupe, /. round shovel, scoop. acetic spirit (old name for acétone). —
escourgeon, m. winter barley. pyroligneux, — pyroxylique, pyroligneous
escullne, /. esculin, œsculm. spirit, pyroxylic spirit (wood spirit, wood
éséréthol, m. eserethole. alcohol).
ésérine, /. eserine (physostigmine). esprit-de-vin, m. spirit of wine, alcohol.
espace, m. space. — clos, closed (or in- esprot, m. sprat (the fish).
closed) space. — creux, hollow space. — esquille, /. splinter (of bone).
mort, dead space. esquilleux, o. splintery.
espacement, m. spacing, distance, interval. esquinancie, /. (Med.) quinsy.
espacer, v.t. space, place at a distance esquine, /. chinaroot (rootstock of SmUax
apart, separate. v.r. be spaced, etc. ; range. china).
Espagne, /. Spain. esquisse, /. sketch, outline.
espagnol, a. Spanish. m. Spanish (lan- esquisser, v.t. sketch, outline.
esquiver, v.t. évade.
guage); (cap.) Spaniard. essai, m. test; testing; analysis; sample,
espèce, /. species; kind, sort; (pi.) speeie; portion; assay, assaying; trial, proof; es-
(Pharm., pi.) tea, infusion. — chimique, say; foretaste. — à blanc, blank test. —
chemical species. espèces pectorales, pec- à chaud, hot test. — à fond, thorough test.
toral tea. — à froid, cold test. — à la perle, bead
espérance, /. hope. test. — à la tache, spot test. — à la
espérer, v.t. hope, hope for, expect. tu. touche, drop test, spot test, touch test.
hope. — au borax, borax bead test. — au
espoir, m. hope, expectation. chalumeau, blowpipe test; blowpipe analy-
essai 170 essence
sia. — au flotteur, float test. — de choc, de cardamome, cardamom oil. — de carvi,
impact test. — de durée, endurance test. caraway oil, oil of caraway. — de chéno-
— de louche, turbidity test, cloud test. — pode vermifuge, (Pharm.) chenopodium oil,
de panification, baking test. — de pression, American wormseed oil. — de citron,
pressure test. — par voie humide, wet lemon oil, oil of lemon. — de Cognac, an
analysis, analysis by the wet method, wet artificial mixture of esters of fatty acids,
test, wet assay. — par voie sèche, dry used to adulterate brandy, — de copahu,
analysis, dry test, dry assay. — témoin, oil of copaiba. — de coriandre, coriander
eontrol test, blank test. oil, oil of coriander. — de cracking, gaso-
essaie rie, /. = essayerie. line (or petrol) from cracking. — de eu-
essaim, m. swarm; crowd, throng. bèbe, oil of cubeb. — de distillation,
essanger, v.t. soak (as soiled clothes). (Petroleum) straight-run gasoline. — de
essayage, m. testing, etc. (see essayer). eucalyptus, oil of eucalyptus. — de fenouil,
essayer, v.t. test; assay; analyze; try. (Pharm.) fennel oil. — de fleur d'oranger,
orange flower oil, neroli oil. — de gaul-
essayerie, /. assay îaboratory, assay office. thêrie, oil of gaultheria, oil of wintergreen.
essayeur, m. assayer; tester; analyst; Iab-
oratory inspector. — de gaz naturel, casinghead gasoline. —
esse, /. the letter S; S-shaped object; wire de genièvre, (Pharm.) Juniper oil, oil of
gage. Juniper berries. — de girofle, clove oil, oil
esséminer, v.t. disseminate, scatter. of clove. — de goudron de bouleau,
essence, /. (essential) oil ; specif., oil of (Pharm.) rectified birch tar oil. — de
turpentine ; essence ; any volatile liquid, goudron de pin, spirits of pine tar. — de
volatile, spirit ; specif., gasoline, petrol ; hédéoma, oil of hedeoma, oil of penny-
(of trees) species, variety, kind. (English royal. — de lavande, lavender oil, lavender
usage tends to restrict "essence" to alco- flowers oil. — de macène, oil of nutmeg.
holic solutions of essential oils, although it — de malt, extract of malt. — de menthe
is sometimes used of the oils themselves crépue, spearmint oil. — de menthe
and of other volatile liquids.) — absolue, poivrée, peppermint oil, oil of peppermint.
pure essential oil. — allylique, allyl mus- — de menthe verte, spearmint oil. — de
tard oil, allyl isothiocyanate. — anglaise, miaouli, oil of miaouli (from Melaleuca
an American oil of turpentine sold in Eng- species). — de mirbane, oil (or essence)
land and Antwerp. — antihystérique, of mirbane, nitrobenzene. — de moutarde,
(Pharm.) fetid spirit of ammonia. — arti- volatile oil of mustard, allyl isothiocyanate.
ficielle, any artificial substitute for essen- — de muscade, (Pharm.) myristiea oil,
tial oils. — concrète, (Perfumery) concrète (volatile) oil of nutmeg, nutmeg oil. —
(a waxy mass rich in essential oils). — de petit-grain, see under petit-grain. —
d'absinthe, oil of wormwood. — d'amande de pétrole, petroleum spirit (a rather loose
amère, bitter almond oil. — d'aneth, oil term applied to volatile petroleum distil-
of dill, dill oil. — d'anis, anise oil, oil of lâtes). — de piment, pimenta oil, allspice
anise, oil of aniseed. — d'automobile, oil. — de pin de montagne, (Pharm.)
gasoline, petrol. — de bay, (Pharm.) dwarf pine needle oil. — de Portugal =
myrcia oil, bay oil (from Pimenta acris). essence d'orange. — de pouliot américain,
— de bergamote, bergamot oil. — de bi- oil of (American) pennyroyal, oil of
garade, (Pharm.) bitter orange oil. — de hedeoma. — d'êrigéron, oil of erigeron, oil
bouleau, — de bétula, oil of sweet birch, of fleabane. — de romarin, rosemary oil,
oil of betula. — de cade, essence of cade oil of rosemary. — de rosé, rosé oil, oil of
(a volatile oil obtained by distilling oil of rosé, attar of rosé, essence of rosés. — de
cade with steam). — de cadier, cade-wood sabine, oil of savin. — de santal citrin,
oil (a volatile oil obtained by distilling the (Pharm.) santal oil, oil of sandalwood.
wood of Juniperus oxycedrus with steam — de santal d'Australie, (Pharm.) oil of
and not to be confused with "oil of cade"). Australian sandalwood. — de savon, an
— de cajeput, oil of cajuput. — de camo- alcoholic soap solution. — de Sibérie, oil
mille romaine, (Roman) camomile oil, of Siberian fir needles. — de Sicile, an oil
(Pharm.) oil of chamomile. — de cannelle of turpentine. — de templine, oil from the
de Ceylan, oil of (Ceykra) cinnamon (from cônes of the silver fir (Àbies alba). — de
Cinnamomum zeylanicum). — de can - térébenthine, turpentine oil, oil (or spirit,
nelle de Chine, oil of (Chinese) cinnamon, or essence) of turpentine, — de thym,
caasia oil (from Cinnamomum cassia). — thyme oil, oil of thyme. — de valériane,
essence 171 étain
oil of valerian. — de vinaigre, vinegar es-[ estampeuse, /. stamper, stamping machine.
sence (a strong acetic acid solution). — estampillage, m. stamping.
directe, straight-run gasoline. — d'orange, estampille, /. stamp; mark; trademark.
(Pharm.) orange oil, oil of sweet orange estampiller, v.t. stamp.
peel. — essentielle, essential oil. — grasse, estampille use, /. stamping machine, stamp.
resinified oil of turpentine, used in porce- estampoir, m. stamp, punch.
lain painting. — indienne, an oil of cam- est-ce que. (Used in asking questions :
phor formerly used in painting. — légère, Est-ce que le corps fond? Does the sub-
low-boiling gasoline ; a mixture of ter- stance melt?)
penes estracted from essential oils. — estérifier, v.t. esteriîy.
lourde, heavy gasoline (boiling over 100- esther, m. ester.
120° C.)i heavy petrol. — minérale, any estimateur, m. estimator, valuer.
petroleum distiilate, from very volatile to estimatif, a. estimated.
gasoline ; gasoline, petrol ; ligroine, pe- estimation, /. estimation ; estimate.
troleum ether, benzine, (Paints) minerai estime, /. estimation ; esteem.
spirits. — naturelle, essential oil (volatile estimer, v.t. estimate ; value ; esteem.
oil of natural origin). — rectifiée, {Paint- estival, a. summer, estival, œstival.
ing) rectified oil of turpentine. — rho-
dienne, rhodium oil, rosewood oil. — solide estoc, m. stock; tuck (a sword).
estomac, m. stomach; {Tech.) body, hub.
— essence concrète. (For the meaning of estragol, n. estragole.
other phrases with plant names, as essence
d'ail, essence d'aspic, etc., in which es- estragon, m. (Bot.) tarragon, less commonly
sence means '' (essential or volatile) oil,'' called estragon (Artemisia dracunculus),
see the plant name in question.) estraquelle, /. (Glass) ladle.
estrasse, /. floss silk.
essencier, m. Florentine reeeiver. estrigue, m. annealing oven, leer.
essencifier, v.t. (Alchemy) essentifieate. estropier, v.t. mutilate, mangle, cripple.
essentiel, a. & m. essential. estuaire, m. estuary ; strand.
essentiellement, adv. essentially. esturgeon, m. (Zoôl.) sturgeon.
esser, v.t. gage (wire). esule, /. (Bot.) spurge.
esseret, m. long auger, long drill. et, conj. and. et . . . et, both . . . and.
essieu, m. axle, axletree, spindle, pin. étable, /. stable.
essor, m. flight; progress, advance. établi, p.a. established, etc. (see établir) ;
essorage, m. drying (see essorer) ; draining ; m. bench, workbench ; frame (as of a
seasoning. lathe).
essorer, v.t. dry (without heating, as by établir, v.t. establish; fix, set, lay, place;
exposure to air, wringing or centrifugaliz- erect, set up; settle.
ing) ; drain ; season. établissement, m. establishment; plant,
essoreuse, /. centrifugal machine or appa- works ; settlement. — sidérurgique, iron
ratus, centrifuge, centrifugal drier, hydro- works.
extractor ', vacuum drier. étage, m. story, floor ; layer ; row, tier ;
essuie-main(s), m. hand towel, towel. stage ; degree ; step ; (Mining) level ;
essuie-plume(s), m. penwiper. (Anat.) fossa.
essuie-verre(s), m. cloth for cleaning glass. étager, v.t. arrange in rows, tiers or stages.
essuyage, m. wiping. étagère, /. shelf; set of shelves; stand.
essuyant, p.a. wiping ; drying ; enduring. étai, m. stay, prop.
m, (Soap) drier. étaient, imp. 8 pi. (of être) were.
essuyer, v.t. wipe, wipe off; dry; endure, étaim, m. fine carded wool.
stand. étain, m. tin; pewter vessel; pewter. —
essuyeur, m. wiper ; seraper, doctor, battu, tinfoil. — d'alluvion, stream tin
est, m. east. pr. 3 sing. (of être) is. (ore). — de bois, wood tin (fibrous cas-
estacade, /. stockade ; frameworfc ; plat- siterite). — de glace, bismuth. — en
form. blocs, block tin. — en feuilles, sheet tin.
estagnon, m. a copper or tinplate container — en grains, grain tin. — en grenaille,
used for transporting oils, etc. granulated tin. -— en verges, bar tin, —
estaminet, m. café, small restaurant. gris, gray tin; (Old Chem.) bismuth. —
estampage, m. stamping. noir, (Mining) black tin, cassiterite. —
estampe, /. stamp; die. pyriteux, — soufré, (Min.) tin pyrites,
estamper, v.t. stamp. stannite.
étain-diéthyle 172 éther
étain-diéthyle, m. diethyltin. étan, m. vise. — à main, — portatif, hand
étain-grain, m. grain tin. vise. — à tubes, pipe vise.
était, imp. S sing. (of être) was. étaux, m. pi. of étau; m. pi. of étal.
étal, m. stall, stand, shop. étayer, v.t. prop, stay, support, shore up.
étalage, m. display; (of a furnace, pi.) été, m. summer. p.p. (of être) been.
boshes. éteignant, p. pr. of éteindre.
étalement, m. spreading, etc. (see étaler). éteignoir, m. extinguisher.
étaler, v.t. spread, spread out ; display, éteindre, v.t. extinguish; put out (fire,
show. v.r. spread, spread out; smear; (of lights); quench (flame, metals, etc.); slake
ink) blot. (lime) ; cancel ; dim ; allay. v.r. be ex-
étalon, m. standard; stallion. o. standard; tinguished, go out, be quenched ; become
(of glassware, etc.) standard, normal. extinct ; die ; die away ; be dimmed.
étalonnage, étalonnement, m. standard- éteint, p.a. extinguished, slaked, etc. (see
ization, etc. (see étalonner). éteindre) ; out ; f aint, dying ; extinct. pr.
étalonner, v.t. standardise; calibrate; gage; S sing. of éteindre. — à l'air, (of lime)
rate; stamp, seal (weights, etc.); adjust. air-slaked.
étamage, m. tinning, etc. (see étamer); étendage, m. dilution, diluting; stretching,
tinned work. — au zinc, zincking, gal- etc. (see étendre) ; (Glass) fiattening ;
vanizing. — des glaces, silvering of mir- (Calico) steaming; (for clothes, etc.) dry-
rors. — galvanique, galvanizing. ing, drying rack or drying room.
étamer, v.t. tin; (in gênerai) coat with a étendoir, m. drying chamber or room.
métal, plate, silver, galvanize, zinc, etc. étendre, v.t. dilute; stretch, stretch out,
étamine, /. bolting cloth, tammy; {Bot.) spread, spread out, extend; (Math.) ex-
stamen. pand ; flatten (window glass). v.r. be di-
étampage, m. stamping ; swaging. luted; spread, stretch, extend, reach; dwell
étampe, /. stamp ; swage ; punch ; die. (upon). — au pinceau, paint.
étamper, v.t. stamp; swage; punch. étendu, p.a. dilute, diluted; stretched, etc.
étampeuse, /. stamp, stamping machine. (see étendre) ; extensive.
étamure, /. an alloy used for tinning; the étendue, /. extension ; expanse, spread ; ex-
layer produced by tinning. tent, compass, range, length ; area, tract.
étanche, a. tight. à —, tight. — à la éternel, a. eternal.
vapeur, — de vapeur, steam-tight. — à éternuement, éternûment, m. sneezing,
l'eau, — d'eau, water-tight. sneeze, sternutation.
étanchéifier, étanchélser, v.t. make tight, éternuer, v.i. sneeze.
calk, lute. êtes, pr. 2 pi. (of être) are.
étanchélté, /. tightness. étêter, v.t. remove the head of; top (trees).
étancher, v.t. stop, stanch; make tight; éteule, /. stubble.
calk ; quench (thirst). éthal, m. ethal (cetyl alcohol, 1-hexadecanol).
étançon, m. prop, stay, stud, shore. éthalique, a. palmitic (acid) ; cetyl (alco-
étang, m. pond. hol).
étangue, /. large tongs. éthanal, m. ethanal (acetaldehyde).
étant, p. pr. (of être) being. — donné, éthanamide, /. ethanamide (acetamide).
given. ethanedioïque, a. ethanedioic1 (oxalic).
étape, /. stage; halting place. éthanediol, m. ethanediol, ethylene glycol.
état, m. state; condition; status; calling, éthanoate, m. ethanoate (acétate).
profession, trade; list, register; account; éthanoïde, m. ethanoic (or acetic) anhy-
(cap.) State, Government, à V— libre, in dride.
the free state. en — de, ready for. en éthanoïque, a. ethanoic (acetic).
V—, this being the case. — brut, crude éthanol, m. ethanol, ethyl alcohol.
éthanolyse, /. ethanolysis.
state; rough state. — critique, critical éthanoyle, m. ethanoyl (acetyl).
state. — estimatif, estimate. — gazeux, éthène, m. ethene (little used), ethylene.
gaseous state. — naissant, nascent state. éthénol, m. ethenol (vinyl alcohol).
faire — de, dépend on; intend; value. éthényle, m. ethenyl (vinyl).
faire — que, think, believe. éther, m. (éther-oxyde) ether; (éther-ael)
étatisation, /. nationalization. ester. (Some French writers apply the
état-major, m. staff; staff office. terni éther to esters and oxyde to ethers.)
États-Unis, m. pi. United States. — acétique, acetic ester, specif. ethyl ace-
éther 173 éthyline
tate. (For other phrases of similar trans- étherificateur, m. etherifying (or esterify-
lation see the adjectives.) — acide, ester; _ ing) apparatus, etherifier (or esterifier).
acid ester (corresponding to aoid sait). — éthérification, /. esterification ; etherifica-
alcoolisé, ether-alcohol (a mixture), tion. (See the note under éther.)
{Pharm.) ether spirit, spirit of ether. — éthérifier, v.t. esterify; etherify. (See
amylazoteux, — amylnitreux, amyl nitrite. éther.) v.r. be esterified, esterify; be
— anesthésique = éther officinal. — azo- etherified.
teux, nitrous ester, (in old usage) nitrous éthérique, a. pertaining to ordinary ether,
ether; specif., ethyl nitrite. — azoteux ethereal, ether; pertaining to ethers (or
alcoolisé, {Pharm.) spirit of nitrous ether, to esters).
sweet spirit of niter. — azotique, nitric éthérisation, /. éthérification (or esterifica-
ester, specif. ethyl nitrate. — bromhy- tion; see éther); {Med.) etherization.
drique, ethyl bromide, bromoethane. — éthériser, v.t. etherify; esterify; etherize.
chlorhydrique, hydrochloric ester, (organic) éthéroacétique,' a. of ethyl acétate.
chloride; specif., ethyl chloride, chloro- éthéro-alcoolique, a. ether-alcohol, of or
ethane. — composé, compound ether pertaining to ether and alcohol.'
{Obs.), ester. — de pétrole, petroleum éthérolat, m. a product obtained by dis-
ether, {Pharm.) petroleum benzin. — tilling ether from aromatic material,
éthylique, ethyl ether ; ethyl ester. — etherolate.
hydriodique, ethyl iodide, iodoethane. — éthérolature, /. ethereal tincture.
hydrique, hydric ether (ethyl ether). — étïiérolé, m. an ethereal solution of médic-
hydrochlorique, ethyl chloride, chloro- inal principles.
ethane. — méthylchlorhydrique, methyl
chloride, chloromethane. — méthyliodhy- éthérolîque, a. (of medicines) having ether
drique, methyl iodide, iodomethane. — as the excipient.
méthylique, methyl ether; methyl ester. éther-oxyde, m. ether, (organic) oxide.
éther-sel, m. ester, (formerly) ethereal sait.
— mêthylsilicique, methyl silicate. — éthine, /. ethyne (acétylène).
monochlorhydrique, (organic) monochlo- éthlonique, a. ethionic.
ride; specif., ethyl chloride, chloroethane. éthiops, m. {Old Chem.) ethiops. — anti-
— neutre, neutral ester (as contrasted with monial, {Pharm.) aethiops antimonialis (old
acid ester); neutral ether (ether having a préparation of mercury and antimony sul-
neutral reaction). — nitreux, nitrous ester fïdes). — martial, ethiops martial (blaek
(or ether), specif. ethyl nitrite. — nitreux- oxide of iron). — minérale, ethiops min-
alcoolisé, {Pharm.) ethyl nitrite spirit, spirit erai (black mercuric sulfide). — per se,
of nitrous ether. — nitrique = éther azo- "black oxide of mercury," "mercurous ox-
tique. — officinal, {Pharm.) (ethyl) ether, ide" (a mixture of mercuric oxide and mer-
anaesthetic ether, purified ether. — offi- cury).
cinal alcoolisé, {Pharm.) see éther alcoolisé. éthoxyle, m. ethoxyl.
— ordinaire, ordinary ether, ethyl ether. — éthylate, m. ethoxide, ethylate.
pur, {Pharm.) = éther officinal. — pyro- éthylbenzène, éthylbenzine, /. ethylben-
acétique, pyroacetic ether (old name for zene.
acétone). — rectifié du commerce, {Pharm.)éthyle, m. ethyl.
ethyl oxide, ether, solvent ether. —- sel, éthylé, p.a. ethyl, ethylated.
ethereal sait, ester. — sulfuré, thio ether, éthylène-disulfoné, a. ethylenedisulfonic ;
sulfur ether, (organic) sulfide. —• sul- (incorrect use) s-ethanedisulfonic.
furique, sulfuric ether (ordinary or ethyl éthylène-dithiol, m. 1,2-ethanedithiol.
ether) ; sulfuric ester, specif. ethyl sulfate. éthylénique, a. ethylene, (less often)
— sulfurique alcoolisé, {Pharm.) spirit of ethylenic.
ether, ether spirit. — valeramylique, amyl éthylénolactique, o. ethylene lactic (hydra-
valerate. — vinique, (old name for) ethyl crylic).
ether. éthyler, v.t. ethylate, introduce ethyl into.
éther-acide, m. acid ester, ester acid. éthyliaque, /. ethylamine. {Obs. or Rare.)
éthérat, m. etherate; etherolate. éthylidénique, a. ethyhdene.
éthéré, a. ethereal; specif., pertaining to éthylidénolactique, o. ethylidene lactic
ethers (or to esters), as, dérivé éthéré, (designating lactic acid proper).
ethereal derivative. éthyline, /. ethyl ester of a carboxylic acid ;
éthérène, m. (old name for) ethylene. ethylin (ethyl ether of an alcohol, esp. of
éthérifiable, a. esterifiable. glycerol).
éthylique 174 étrangloir
éthylique, a. ethyl, ethylic. étouffant, p.a. suffocating, stifling.
éthylisme, m. alcoholism. étouffée, /. stewing, stew; (Charcoal) the
éthylmalonique, a. ethylmalonic. second stage in burning, during which the
éthylphënylcétone, /. ethyl phenyl ketone principal décomposition occurs.
(propiophenone). étouffement, m. suffocation, etc. (see
éthylsulfurique, a. ethylsulfuric. étouffer).
éthylure, m, ethide (binary compound of étouffer, v.t. suffocate, stifle ; smother ;
ethyl). deaden, damp, muffie ; suppress. v.L be
éthyne, n. ethyne (little used), acétylène. suffocating or stifling. v.r. be suffocating;
étincelage, m. sparkling ; fulguration ; be suffocated; choke.
{Méd.) electrotomy. étouffoir, m. vessel into which new charcoal
étincelant, p.a. sparkling, glittering. is put to prevent oxidation ; extinguisher
étinceler, v.L sparkle, spark, glitter. (for charcoal or coke rires) ; damper.
étincelle, /. spark. — d'allumage, ignition étoupage, m. (Mach. ) packing, stufiing,
spark. — éclatante, jump spark. — élec- lining.
trique, electric spark. étoupas, m. a coarse cloth made from tow.
étincelle ment, m. sparkling, glittering. étoupe, /. tow ; oakum ; (Mach.) packing,
étiolé, p.a. etiolated. stuffing; waste (as of cotton). — noire,
étiole ment, m. etiolation. tarred oakum.
étioler, v.t. & r. etiolate. étoupement, m. stopping, packing.
étioline, /. (Biochem.) etiolin. étotiper, v.t. stop (with tow, oakum, cot-
étique, a. emaeiated. ton, wax, etc.); (Mach.) pack, stuff; calk.
étiquetage, m. labeling; ticketing. étouperie, /. tow packing cloth.
étiqueter, v.t. label; ticket; docket. étoupille, /. primer, fuse, match (the last
étiquette, /. label; placard; étiquette. term is now used chiefly in pyrotechnies).
étirable, a. capable of being drawn or — à friction, friction primer, friction fuse.
stretched out, (of metals) ductile, (of rub- — à percussion, percussion primer, percus-
ber, etc.) eJastic. sion fuse. — de Bickford, Bickford fuse.
étirage, m. drawing, etc. (see étirer) ; — de mise de feu, primer, fuse, match. —
(Ceram.) compression (through a tem- de sûreté, safety fuse. — électrique, elec-
plate). tric primer, electric fuse. — fulminante,
étiré, p.a. drawn, etc. (see étirer); long (in friction primer. — percutante, percussion
proportion to width). — à froid, cold- primer, percussion fuse.
drawn. étoupille r, v.t. provide with a fuse, fuse.
étirer, v.t. draw, draw out (as metals or é tour de rie, /. carelessness, thoughtlessness.
glass tubing) ; beat out, roll (métal) ; étourdi, p.a. stunned; numb; slightly warm ;
stretch (as rubber) ; scrape (hides) ; parboiled ; allayed ; thoughtless, heedless.
stretch out, lengthen. v.r. be drawn out; étourdir, v.t. stun; benumb; warm slightly
be stretched ; stretch. (as water) ; parboil; allay (as pain).
étisie, /. emaciation. étourdissement, m. stunning, etc. (see
etnite, /. (Expl.) etnite. étourdir) ; dizziness ; astonishment.
étoffe, /. fabric, cloth, stuff; material, stuff; étrange, a. strange.
(Leather) a tawing liquor consisting of a étrangement, adv. strangely.
solution of alum and sait. étranger, a. foreign ; extraneous ; strange,
étoffé, p.a. stuffed; padded; ample; com- unacquainted, unknown. m. foreigner ;
fortable; stout, stocky. stranger ; foreignness, strangeness ; foreign
étoile, /. star ; star-shaped crack ; (of a land, foreign parts, à V—, abroad.
centrifuge) head, star-shaped part bearing étrangeté, /. strangeness; strange thing.
the tubes; (Mach.) star wheel. — éclairante, étranglement, m. constriction (as in a
(Mil.) Very light. tube), contraction, narrow; (Pyro., etc.)
étoile, a. starred; starry; starlike, stellate. choke ; wiredrawing ; throttling ; strangling ;
étoile r, v.t. crack (radially) ; star. condensing.
étonnament, adv. astonishingly. étrangler, v.t. constrict, narrow, (Pyro.,
étonnant, p.a. astonishing. etc.) choke ; wiredraw (métal) ; throttle
étonnement, m. astonishment, wonder ; (steam) ; strangle; condense (a subject).
cracking, rending (by quenching). étrangleur, m. throttling device, throttle
étonner, v.t. astonish ; crack, rend (as valve.
minerais by heating and quenching). étrangloir, m. (Pyro.) choking frame.
être 175 évacuation
être, v.i. be; hâve (in certain auxiliary uses, or oven. — électrique, electric oven. —
as il est venu, he has corne), m. being, froide, — glacière, ice closet, refrigerator
existence, en —, be, be at, be arrived, be (specif. a double-walled case cooled by a
of it, be in it, be in for it. est-ce que. current of ice water and used for main-
See this in the vocabulary. — à, — de, taining substances at zéro). — séchoire,
etc. See the meanings of the prépositions. drying stove, drying kiln. — stérilisatrice,
— vivant, living being. il est, there is, sterilizer, sterîlizing oven.
there are, he is, it is. étuvement, m. stoving, etc. (see étuver).
étrécîr, v.t. narrow. v.r. narrow, become étuver, v.t. stove, heat (moderately) or dry
narrower ; shrink, contract. in an oven, dry; (Med.) foment; (Cook-
étrécissement, m. narrowing ; shrinking, ing) stew.
shrinkage, contraction ; narrowness. eu, p.p. (of avoir) had.
étreignant, p. pr. of étreindre. É.-U., abbrev. (États-Unis) United States.
étreindelle, /. a bag of horsehair or other eucalypte, eucalyptus, m. eucalyptus.
coarse matériel in whieh are enclosed the eucalyptol, m. eucalyptole (cineole).
woolen press bags used in pressing oil meal euchlorine, /. euchlorine (mixture of chlorine
or fatty acids. dioxide and chlorine).
étreindre, v.t. bind, tie, tie up; press; euclidien, a. Euelidean.
clasp. eucolloïde, m. eucolloid.
étreint, p.a. bound, etc. (see étreindre). eudialite, /. (Min.) eudialyte.
étreinte, /. constraint; binding, tie; em- eudiomètre, m. eudiometer.
brace. eudiométrie, /. eudiometry.
étrésillon, m. prop, stay, shore. eudiométriqué, a. eudiometric(al).
étrier, m. stirrup (specif., the stirrup-shaped eudiométriquement, adv. eudiometrically.
support for a balance pan); U-bolt; sup- eugénine, /. eugenin.
port (of various kinds), strap, hoop, band, euglobuline, /. euglobulin.
clamp, cramp. eupatoire, /. (Bot.) eupatory (Eupatorium).
étriqué, a. cramped, scanty, narrow. — des Grecs, common agrimony (Agrimonia
étroit, o. narrow ; tight ; strict ; scarce ; eupatoria).
close, intimate. euphorbe, /. (Bot.) euphorbia ; (Pharm.)
étroitement, adv. narrowly, etc. (see étroit). euphorbium.
étroitesse, /. narrowness, etc. (see étroit); euphorbiacée, /. (Bot.) euphorbiaceous
scarcity, shortage. plant; (pi.) Euphorbiaceae.
étude, /. study ; survey (as of a railway) ; euphraise, euphrasie, /. (Bot.) Euphrasia,
office (as of a lawyer). à V—, under in- specif. euphrasy, eyebright (E. officinalis).
vestigation. eupione, /. eupione, eupion (an empy-
étudiant, m. student. p. pr. of étudier. reumatic oil).
étudier, v.t. db i. study; survey. v.r. be eurent, p. def. S pi. (of avoir) had.
studied ; study. européen, a. European. m. (cap.) Euro-
étui, m. case; box, sheath, cover, envelope. pean.
étuvage, m. stoving, etc. (see étuver) ; europeux, a. europous, europium(II).
specif.: (Ceram.) = enfumage; (Leather) a europhène, m. (Pharm.) europhen.
heating of the oiled skins in steam ovens europique, a. europic, europium(III).
in the process of making chamois. eus tache, m. clasp knife.
étuve, /. oven, closet, bath (for drying, for eut, p. def. 3 sing. (of avoir) had.
bacterial cultures, etc.); (Bact.) incubator; eût, imp. subj. 3 sing. of avoir (to hâve).
drying room, drying stove, stove; sweating eu tanin, m. eutannin (chebulinic acid).
room, (hot-air or vapor) bath. — à air,
air bath, hot-air oven, hot-air closet. — e utectique, a. & m. eutectic.
à cultures, (Bact.) incubator. — à des- eutectoïâe, m. eutectoid.
sécher, drying oven, drying closet. — à eutexie, /, eutexia. point d'—, eutectic
dessécher dans le vide, vaeuum drying point.
oven. — à eau, hot-water oven (not water eux, pron. they, them.
bath, though the latter may be combined eux-mêmes, pron. themselves.
with it). — à vapeur, steam. oven. — à
vide, vaeuum oven, vaeuum drier. — de évacuation, /. évacuation ; emptying ; re -
Barbade, Barbados oven (for testing mois- moval; (of goods) exportation, shipping;
ture in flour), — de séchage, drying stove (Steam) exhaust, eduction; (Mach.) évacu-
ation pipe.
évacuer 176 examinateur
évacuer, v.t. & i. evacuate; empty; remove; éventage, m. airing, etc. (see éventer).
export, ship. v.r. be evacuated, etc. éventail, m. fan; batswing burner, bats-
évader, v.r. évade, escape. wing ; (enameler's) screen. en —, fan-
évaler, v.t. run on", drain, transfer (liquids). shaped.
évaluable, o. estimable, appréciable, évalu- éventer, v.t. air, expose to the air; alter
able. by exposure to air, specif. make (wine,
évaluation, /, estimation, estimate, évalua- etc.) musty or flat; open up (a quarry);
tion, valuation. discover, scent, find out; fan (a person).
évaluer, v.t. estimate, evaluate, value, V.T. V.T. be altered by exposure to air, (of wine)
be estimated, be valued; be worth. become flat; be discovered; fan oneself.
évanouir, v.r. vanish, disappear; (Radio) éventrer, v.t. rip open, eviscerate, gut.
fade ; faint, faire —, (Math.) eliminate. éventualité, /. eventuality, contingency.
évanouissement, m. disappearanee ; (Ra- éventuel, a. contingent; eventual.
dio) fading ; fainting. éventuellement, adv. contingently, dépend-
évaporateur, m. evaporator. ing on circumstances ; eventually.
évaporatif, a. evaporating, evaporative. éventure, /. crack.
évaporation, /. evaporation. — par dé- évêque, m. bishop.
tente, flash evaporation. éverd limer, v.t. bleach, blanch (green
évaporatoire, a. evaporating. things).
évaporé, p.a. evaporated; giddy, heedless. éverninique, o. everninîc.
évaporer, v.t. evaporate; (fig.) vent. v.r. évernique, a. evernic.
evaporate; (fig.) find vent; be heedless, be évidagre, m. hollowing, etc. (see évider).
wild. — à sec, — à siccité, evaporate to évidé, p.a. hollowed, hollowed out, hollow;
dryness. grooved.
évaporeuse, /. evaporator, evaporating ap- évidement, m. hollow, cavity, recess, aper-
paratus. ture, eut, groove; hollowing, grooving.
évaporimètre, m. evaporimeter, atmome- évidemment, adv. evidently; certainly.
ter. évidence, /. évidence; obviousness, clear-
évaporisateur, m. evaporator. ness.
évaporisation, /. evaporation. évider, v.t, hollow, hollow out, scoop out;
évaporo-distillatoire, a. for or pertaining groove.
to both evaporation and distillation. évidure, /. = évidement.
évaporomètre, m. evaporometer, atmome- évier, m. sink; stone gutter.
ter. éviscérer, v.t. eviscerate.
évasé, p.a. widened, enlarged, flaring, bell- évitable, a. avoidable.
shaped, funnel-shaped, bell-mouthed, wide- évitement, m. avoiding, avoidance ; (rail-
mouthed, splayed. way) siding, switch.
évasement, m. widening, enlargement, éviter, v.t. avoid.
spreading, flare, splay ; width (at the évolué, a. evolved, developed.
opening). évoluer, v.i. evolve; perform évolutions.
évaser, v.t. widen, enlarge, make flaring. évolutif, o. evolutional, evolutionary.
v.r. widen, become flaring. évoquer, v.t. evoke.
évasion, /. escape; évasion. exact, a. exact; précise, strict, punctual.
évasure, /. widening, (flaring) opening. exactement, adv. exactly; accurately.
éveil, m. warnîng, alarm. exactitude, /. exaetness, exactitude.
éveiller, v.t. wake, awake; call forth. v.r. exagération, /. exaggeration. — de po$e,
wake, awake. (Photog.) overexposure.
événement, m. event ; occurrence ; emer- exagéré, p.a. exaggerated; excessive.
gency. exagérer, v.t. exaggerate.
évent, m. (open) air ; altération due to ex- exalbuminé, exalbumineux, a. (Bot.)
posure to air ; (of wine, etc.) muatiness, exalbuminous.
flatness; air hole; escape holc, gas port, exalgine, /. (Pharm.) exalgin, exalgine.
vent; (of a fuse) flash hole (also, punching exaltation, /. exaltation ; excitement.
hole) ; (Founding) riser; cavity, honey- exalter, v.t. exalt; enhance; excite.
comb (in metals) ; crack ; partly hydrated examen, m. examination. en —, under ex-
plaster; (pi.) dust, waste. amination. — d'admission, entrance ex-
éventable, a. capable of being aired; altér- amination. — écrit, written examination.
able in air; etc. (see éventer). examinateur, m. examiner.
examiner 177 exotiquement
examiner, v.t. examine. excusablement, adv. excusably.
excavateur, m. excavator; dredger. o. ex- excuser, v.t. excuse.
cavating. exécutable, a. exécutable, practicable.
excavatrice, a. fem. of excavateur. exécuter, v.t. exécute; carry out, perform.
excaver, v.t. excavate. exécuteur, exécutif, a. executive.
excédant, a. exceeding, excess, in excess, exécution, /. exécution; construction; fin-
surplus ; tiresome. ish.
excédent, m. excess, surplus, a. surplus, exemplaire, m. example; spécimen; pat-
excess, in excess. — de poids, excess tern, model; copy, number. o. exemplary.
weight, overweight. exemple, m. example; instance, par —,
excéder, v.t. exceed, go beyond; tire, for example, for instance; indeed!
weary. exempt, a. free; exempt. — d'alcool, non-
excellement, adv. excellently. alcoholic.
excellence, /. excellence, excellency. par —, exempter, v.t. exempt; free.
prééminent, preëminently, par excellence. exercé, p.a. trained, skilled, practiced.
exceller, v.i. excel. — sur, excel. exercer, v.t. exercise; exert; practice;
excentrer, v.t. decenter, make eccentric. train; drill. — un effort, exert a stress.
excentricité, /. eccentricity. exercice, m. exercise; practice; drill; finan-
excentrique, a. & m. eccentric. cial period, fiscal year. en —, acting, prac-
excentriquement, adv. eccentrically. ticing.
excepté, prep. except, excepting. p.a. ex- exfolier, v.t. & r. exfoliate.
cepted. — que, except that, unless. exhalaison, m. exhalation (something ex-
excepter, v.t. except. haled).
exception, /. exception, par —, by way of exhalatoire, /. a kind of sait evaporator.
exception, as an exception. exhaler, v.t. exhale. v.r. be exhaled;
exceptionnel, a. exceptional. evaporate.
exceptionnellement, adv. exceptionally. exhaure, /. pumping (out); dewatering,
excès, m. excess. à V—, jusqu'à V—, to drainage.
excess ; immoderately. dans V—, in excess ;exhaussement, m. raising ; érection ; height.
excessively. — de pose, (Photog.) over- exhausser, v.t. raise; erect.
exposure. — de pression, excess pressure, exhausteur, m. exhauster.
overpressure. exhiber, v.t. exhibit, show.
excessif, a. excessive. exhilarant, a. exhilarant, exhilarating. gaz
excessivement, adv. excessively, exceed- - -, laughing gas.
ingly. exhumer, v.t. exhume, unearth, discover.
exciser, v.t. excise, eut out. exigeant, a. exacting.
excitateur, a. exciting. m. exciter; (Elec.) exigence, /. need, necessity, exigency; ex-
discharger, excitator. actingness ; unreasonablenes.
excitatif, a. excitative. exiger, v.t. require, necessitate, need, de-
excitation, /. excitation; excitement. — en mand, exact, v.r. be required, etc.
dérivation, (Elec.) shunt excitation. exigu, o. small, narrow, scanty, petty.
excitatrice, /. (Elec.) exciter, fem. of ex- existant, p.a. existing, existent; on hand.
citateur. existence, /. existence ; living being ; (Com.)
exciter, v.t. excite. stock on hand.
exclure, v.t. exclude. exister, v.i. exist.
exclusif, a. exclusive. exitèle, /. (Min.) valentinite.
exclusion, /. exclusion; (Steam) cut-off. à exocellulaire, o. exocellular.
V— de, exclusive of, excepting. exocyclique, a. exocyclic.
exclusivement, adv. exclusively. exoénergétique, a. energy-liberating.
exclut, pr. & p. def. S sing. of exclure. exogène, a. (Bot.) exogenous. m. exogen.
excorier, v.t. excoriate. exonérer, v.t. exempt, free; exonerate.
excortiquer, v.t. excorticate, decorticate. exorbitamment, adv. exorbitantly, exces-
excrémenteux, excrémentiel, excré- sively.
ttientitiel, o. excremental, excrementitious. exosmose, /. exosmosis, exosmose.
excréter, v.t. excrète. exosmotique, o. exosmotic.
excréteur, o. excretory. exothermique, exotherme, a. exothermic.
excrétoire, o. excretory. exotique, a. exotic, foreign.
excroissance, /. excrescence. exotiquement, adv. exotically.
exotoxine 178 exposant
exotoxine, /. exotoxin. exploration, /. exploration; {Télévision)
expansibilité, /. expansibility. scanning.
èxpansif, a. expansive. explorât!veinent, adv. exploratively.
expansivité, /. expansivenesa. explorer, v.t. explore; {Télévision) scan.
expectative, /. expectancy, hope. exploser, v.i. explode.
expédier, v.t. send, forward, ship; des- exploseur, m. exploder ; blasting machine.
patch; expedite; draw up (documents). explosibilité, /. explosibility.
expéditeur, m. sender, shipper. o. sending, explosible, a. explosive.
forwarding. explosif, a. & m. explosive. — a base de
expéditlf, o. expeditious, speedy; prompt. coton nitré, nitrocotton explosive. — agréé,
expédition, /. sending, forwarding, ship- permitted explosive. — à la cellulose ni-
ment, transmission; copy, duplicate; ex- trée, nitrocellulose explosive. — à la nitro-
pédition ; despatch. glycérine, nitroglycerin explosive, dynamite.
expéditionnaire, m. sender, shipper; com- — antigrisouteux, coal-mining explosive
mission agent; copying clerk. a. shipping, (guarding against firedamp). — au char-
forwarding ; copying ; expeditionary. bon, coal-mining explosive. — autorisé,
expéditivement, adv. expeditiously, speed- permitted (or permissible) explosive. —
iiy. binaire, binary explosive (one containing
expérience, /. experiment ; test ; expérience. two ingrédients). — brisant, disruptive ex-
— à blanc, blank experiment, blank test. plosive. — chimique, a chemical com-
expérimentalement, adv. experimentally. pound used as an explosive, explosive com-
expérimentaliste, m. experimentalist. pound. — d'amorce, priming explosive. —
expérimentateur, m. expérimenter. de sûreté, safety explosive. — Favier,
expérimentatrice, /. expérimenter. Favier explosive. — mécanique, a me-
expérimenté, a. experienced; tried, tested. chanical mixture capable of explosive inter-
expérimenter, v.t. try, test, make experi- action, explosive mixture. — mixte, mixed
ment of ; expérience, v.i. experiment. explosive (as one containing an inert base).
expertement, adv. expertly. — nitré, nitro explosive; nitrate mixed ex-
expertise, /. (expert) investigation, survey; plosive. — puissant, high (power) ex-
(expert) report, valuation. plosive. — réglé, an explosive the action
expertiser, v.t. examine, investigate, make or sensitiveness of which has been regu-
a survey of. lated by admixture or other treatment. —
expirer, v.t. <fc i. expire. simple, an explosive consisting of a single
explicable, a. explicable, explainable. chemical compound.
explicatif, a. explanatory, explicative. explosif-cou ch.e, m. coal-mining explosive.
explication, /. explanation, explication. explosif-roche, m. rock-work explosive.
explicite, o. explicit. explosion, /. explosion ; blast. — de
explicité, /. explicitness. deuxième ordre, explosion of the second
explicitement, adv. explicitly. order. — de premier ordre, explosion of
expliquer, v.t. explain. v.r. be explained; the first order. — sympathique, sympa-
give an explanation. thetic explosion, explosion by influence.
exploitabilité, /. workability, exploitability. faire —, explode.
exploitable, a. workable, exploitable. explosionner, v.i. explode.
exploitant, m. exploiter, operator (of mines, explosive ment, adv. explosively.
etc.)- o- exploiting. explosivité, /. explosiveness.
exploitation, /. exploitation; working, oper- exponentiel, a. exponential.
ating (of mines, factories, etc.) ; business, exponentielle, /. {Math.) exponential. a.
works, mine, farm, etc. — agricole, agri- fem. of exponentiel.
culture, farming. — des mines, — minière, exponentiellement, adv. exponentially.
mining, exportateur, m. exporter.
exploiter, v.t. exploit, work, operate. — à exportation, /. exportation ; export.
fond, exhaust. — à la poudre, blast. exportatrice, /. exporter.
exploiteur, m. exploiter; operator, manager, exporter, v.t. export, v.r. be exported.
farmer, grower, etc. exporteur, m. exporter.
explorateur, m. explorer, a. exploring, ex- exposant, m. exponent ; index ; exhibitor ;
ploratory. petitioner. p. pr. (of exposer) exposing,
exploratif, o. exploratory, exploring. etc. — d'un atome, atomic number.
exposé 179 extrait
exposé, p.a. exposed; explained. m. ex- darkening, black-out. — spontanée, air
position, statement, account; exposé. slaking.
exposer, v.t. expose; explain, expound. extinctrice, fem. of extincteur.
v.r. expose oneself ; be exposed. extinguible, a. extinguishable.
expositif, o. explanatory, descriptive. extirpation, /. extirpation, eradication.
exposition, /. exposition; exposure; exhibi- extirper, v.t. extirpate, eradicate.
tion; statement, account. extra-blanc, a. extra white.
exprès, a. express, m. express; messenger. extra-calciné, a. supercalcined, calcined be-
adv. purposely; expressly. yond the usual degree.
expressément, adv. expressly; purposely. extracellulaire, a. extracellular.
expressif, a. expressive. extra-courant, m. (Elec.) extra current,
expression, /. expression ; squeezing out. self-induced current.
exprimable, o. expressible. extracteur, m. extractor; (Gos) exhauster.
exprimage, m. expressing, expression. a. extracting.
exprimer, v.t. express, v.r. be expressed; extractibilité, /. extractability.
express oneself. extractif, a. & m. extractive.
exprlmeur, m. expresser; hydro-extractor. extractiforme, o. extractiform.
expulser, v.t. expel, eject. extraction, /. extraction; (Mùiing) raising,
expulseur, expulsif, a. expulsive. hoisting; (Mach.) discharge. — à voie
expulsion, /. expulsion, éjection. humide, (Métal.) wet extraction.
expultrice, fem. of expulseur. extracyclique, a. extraeyclic.
exquis, a. exquisite. extra-doux, o. extra sweet, etc. (see doux).
exqulsement, adv. exquisitely. extra-fin, a. extra fine.
exsangue, a. bloodless, exsanguioated. extraire, v.t. extract; (Mining) raise, hoist.
exsiccateur, m. desiccator. extrait, m. extract; abstract. p.p. <fc pr. S
exsiccation, /. desiccation, drying. sing. (of extraire) extracted, extracts. —
exsudant, o. exuding; (Med.) sudorific. catholique, a solid extract from a combina-
exsudât, m. exudate. tion of plants. — d'actée à grappee,
exsudatif, o. exudative. (Pharm.) extract of timicifuga, extract of
exsudation, /. exudation. black cohosh. — de bile de bœuf purifié,
exsuder, v.t. & i. exude. (Pharm.) ox bile extract. — de bois co-
extemporané, a. extemporaneous; specif., lorant, dyewood extract. — de colchique,
(Pharm.) prepared for use at once (be- (Pharm.) dry extract of colchicum, — de
cause unstable). colchique acétique, (Pharm.) acetic extract
extendeur, m. expander (for tubes). of colchicum (corm). — de fiel de bœuf,
extenseur, m. extender; shock absorber; (Pharm.) purified oxgall. — de fougère
•mâle, (Pharm.) aspidium oleoresin, extract
(Anat.) extensor. of maie fern. — de garance, madder ex-
extensibilité, /. extensibility. tract. — de Goulard, (Pharm.) Goulard's
extensif, o. extensive; expansive. extract, solution of lead subacetate. — de
extension, /. extension; extent. Javel, a concentrated hypochlorite solution
exténuer, v.t. weaken, enfeeble; attenuate. used for steriîizing water, etc., Javel ex-
extérieur, a. exterior, external, outer, out- tract. — de jusquiame, (Pharm.) hyos-
side, foreign. m. exterior; outside; for- cyamus extract, dry extract of hyoscyamus.
eign parts, à V—, abroad; outside. — de levure, yeast extract. — de Mari,
extérieurement, adv. on the outside, ex- an alcoholic solution of iron and potassium
ternally, outwardly. tartrates. — de ratanhia, (Pharm.) (dry)
exterminateur, m. exterminator. a. ex- extract of krameria. — de réglisse,
terminating. (Pharm.) pure glycyrrhiza extract, extract
exterminer, v.t. exterminate. of liquorice. — de Saturne, (Pharm.) lead
externe, a. external; exterior (angle). subacetate solution, Goulard's extract. —
extincteur, m. extinguisher. a. extinguish- de stramoine, (Pharm.) stramonium extract,
ing; slaking. — à mousse, foam fire ex- dry extract of stramonium. — de viande,
tinguisher. — chimique, chemical extin- méat extract. — éthérê, ethereal extract,
ether extract; (Pharm.) oleoresin. —
guisher. — d'incendie, fire extinguisher. éthéré de capsique, (Pharm.) capsicum
extinction, /. extinction ; extinguishing ; oleoresin. — fluide, (Pharm.) fluidextract,
quenching (as of coke); slaking (of lime); liquid extract. — hydroalcoolique, hydro-
fiouring (of mercury) ; suppression ; losa ;
extrait 180 extrinsèque
alcabolic (or water-alcohol) extract. — extraordinaire, a. extraordinary.
liquide, (Pharm.) fluidextract, liquid ex- extraordinalrement, adv. e.ttraordinarily.
tract. — liquide aromatique, (P/iarm.) extrapoler, v.t. extrapolate.
aromatic fluidextract. — mixte, an extract extra-pur, a. extra pure.
made with more than one solvent. — sec, extra-terrestre, a. extraterrestrial.
dry extract. — tcmnant, tanning extract. extrayant, p.a. extracting.
— thébaique, (Pharm.) opium extract, dry extrêmement, adv. extremely.
extract of opium. — tinctorial, dye extract. extrémité, /. extremity; end, butt.
extra-neutre, a. completely neutral. extrinsèque, a. extrinsic.
t., abbrev. franc; (frère) brother; (fréquence) ters) ; porter. — de charge, load factor. —
frequency. de passage, (Analysis) coefficient of trans-
fabricant, m. manufacturer, maker. formation. — de puissance, power factor.
fabricant-liquoriste, m. liqueur maker. — de sécurité, factor of safety. — filtrant,
fabricant-papetier, m. paper manufacturer. filtrate factor.
fabricateur, m. maker. factice, o. artificial, factitious; sham. m.
fabrication, /. manufacture, manufacturing, something artificial; specif., artificial rub-
making, make; fabrication. — en grand, ber, factice; dummy.
large-scale manufacture. — en grande facticement, adv. artificially, factitiously.
série, — en masse, mass production. faction, /. faction; (Mil.) sentry.
fabrique, /. factory, manufactory, works, factorielle, /. (Math.) factorial.
mill, plant; manufacture, making, make; facture, /. invoice, bill; composition.
fabric, structure. — de couleurs, — de facturer, v.t. invoice, bill.
matières colorantes, dye factory. — de facturier, m. invoice book; invoice clerk.
produits chimiques, chemical works. facule, /. (Astron.) facula.
fabriquer, v.t. make, manufacture; fabri- facultatif, a. optional ; sélective.
cate. v.r. be made, be manufactured. facultativement, adv. optionally; selec-
fabuleux, a. fabulons. tively.
face, /. face; front; surface, en — de, op- faculté, /. faculty; property, capability;
posite; in the front of; in the face of. (pi.) means, ability; option, right. — de
faire — à, be opposite; face; keep pace porter, (Mach.) bearing capacity.
with. fadasse, a. very insipid ; very dull.
facette, /. facet, (small) face; bevel, cham- fade, o. insipid; flat (as wine); dull (col-
fer. ors).
facetter, v.t. facet, eut facets upon. fadement, adv. insipidly.
fâcheusement, adv. ssdly, etc. (see fadety a. somewhat ïnsïpid ; rsther àull.
fâcheux). fadeur, /. insipidity, insipidness ; flatness ;
fâcheux, a. sad, regrettable, unfavorable, dullness.
troublesome, disagreeable. fagine, /. beech oil.
facile, a. easy ; facile, ready, quick. fagot, m. fagot; bundle.
facilement, adv. easily, readily. fagoue, /. sweetbread.
facilité, /. facility ; ease, readiness. faham, m. faham (Angraecum fragrans).
faciliter, i.t. facilitate. fahlbande, /. (Qeol.) Fahlband.
façon, /. fashion; manner; sort; way; mak- fahlerz, m. fahlerz, fahlore (tetrahedrite).
ing, make, workmanship ; appearance; care; faible, a. weak; feeble; low; slight; small;
attention; opération; (Agric.) culture, Ught (in weight). m. weak point, weak
dressing ; ceremony, ado. de — à, de — part; weakness; weak person. à — teneur,
Que, de telle — que, so that, so as, in sueb. low-grade.
a way as (or that). faiblement, adv. weakly, feebly, sUghtly.
façonnage, façonnement, m., façon- faiblesse, /. weakness; feebleness; slight-
Berie, /. fashioning, etc. (see façonner). ness ; lightness ; faint.
façonner, v.t. fashion, shape, form, model; faiblir, v.i. weaken, grow weak, lose
make, make up, work; finish off, finish; strength ; yield, relax, slacken, fail.
adorn, (of fabrics) figure; accustom. faiblisseur, m. (Photog.) reducer.
fac-similalre, o. facsimile. faïence, /. glazed earthenware, faïence,
fac-similé, m. facsimile. delftware (in English faïence is used esp.
fac-similer, v.t. facsimile, copy exactly. of the finer, décorative kinds).
factage, m. delivery (as of letters); porter- faïencerie, /. glazed earthenware factory,
ie. manufacture or business.
facteur, m. factor; coefficient; maker, faïencier, m. maker or seller of glazed
manufacturer; clerk; carrier (as of let- earthenware.
faillant 182 farine
faillant, p.o. failing, etc. (see faillir). fallacieux, a. fallacious.
faille, /. fissure; (Geol.) fault, also dike; falloir, D.t. be wanting, be needing ; be neces-
grogram (cloth). pr. subj. of falloir, pr. sary, be needful, be requisite, must; ought,
S sing. subj. of faillir. — contraire, uncon- should. v.r. (with en) be wanting, be
formable fault. nearly. comme il faut, properly, as should
faille, a. (.Geol.) faulted. be; well bred. il a fallu un litre, one liter
failli, a. & m. bankrupt. p.p. of faillir. was needed. il fallait venir, you (he, they,
faillibilité, /. fallibility. etc.) should hâve corne (or ought to havé
faillible, a. fallible. corne), il faudra qu'il vienne, he will hâve
faillir, v.i. fail; err; be on the point (of), to corne, il me faut un entonnoir, I need
be near, be nearly. a funnel.
faillite, /. bankruptoy, failure. fallu, p.p. of falloir.
faim, /. hunger. avoir —, be hungry. falsificateur, m. adulterator; falsifier.
faîne, faînée, /. beech mast, beech nuts. falsification, /. adultération, sophistication;
faire, v.t. make; do; cause; perform; pro- falsification.
duce; form; study; play; say; accustom; falsifier, v.t. adulterate, sophisticate ; de-
charge (for goods) ; matter, signify. v.i. base (coin); falsify, counterfeit, forge.
do; matter, signify; be. v.r. be made, be falun, m. shell mari; (pi., Geol.) Faluns.
done, etc., (of a precipitate or the like) falunage, m. application of shell mari to
be formed, form ; become ; make oneself ; land ; shell mari production.
be. m. making, doing, exécution. — bouil- faluner, v.t. treat (land) with shell mari.
lir, boil, make boil. — déposer, deposit, falunière, /. shell-marl pit.
cause to deposit. — que, be the reason fameux, o. famous.
that, cause that ; see that. ne — que, familiariser, v.t. familiarize. v.r. become
make only, do only, do nothing but. ne familiar.
— que de venir, to hâve just corne. (For familiarité, /. familiarity.
other phrases commencing with faire see familier, a. familiar.
the next important word in the phrase). familièrement, adv. familiarly.
faisable, a. feasible. famille, /. family.
faisait, imp. S sing. (of faire) made, did, etc. fanage, m. fading ; wilting ; tedding ; foliage,
faisant, p. pr. (of faire) making, doing, etc. leaves.
faisceau, m. bundle, bunch; group, lot, fanal, m. light; beacon; lantern.
number; (of rays) pencil, also beam; fane, /. dry leaf.
(Anat.) fasciculus; sheaf. — cathodique, faner, v.t. fade; wilt; tum, ted (hay). v.r.
cathode beam. — explorateur, scanning fade; wilt.
beam. — lumineux, light beam (parallel faneur, m. tedder; (à malt) malt rake.-
rays) ; light pencil (convergent rays). — fange, /. mud, mire, dirt.
tubulaire, nest of tubes. fangeux, a. muddy, miry, dirty.
faiseur, m. maker, doer, etc. (see faire); fanion, m. small flag.
author. — de colle, glue boiler. fanon, m. whalebone, baleen.
faisselle, /. a basket or vessel in which fantaisie, /. fancy; floss silk (thread).
cheese is drained. fantaisiste, a. fantastic, freakish, freak.
fait, p.a. made, done, etc. (see faire) ; fit ; fantôme, m. phantom, specter.
finished; grown; ripe; (of priées) fixed; faon, m. fawn.
(of words) common. m. fact; deed, act; faradiser, v.t. (Elec.) faradize.
matter, affair, point, question; portion, farbmalz, m. coloring malt, roasted malt.
share. pr. S sing. (of faire) makes, does, farcin, m. (Vet.) farcy.
etc. dans le —, in faet. de —, in fact, farcir, v.t. stuff.
indeed ; actual, de facto, en — de, in point fard, m. (face) paint ; false show, disguise.
of. être — de, become, suit. — à la main, fardeau, m. burden, load.
hand-made. — à la mécanique, machine- farder, v.t. paint (the face) ; disguise, v.i,
made. par le —, in fact ; by the fact. weigh heavily ; sink, settle.
faîtage, m. ridging, ridge. farinacé, o. farinaceous.
faîte, m. top, summit; ridge; watershed. farine, /. flour ; meal ; dust ; farina. —
faîtière, a. ridge. /. ridge tile; skylight. calorifuge, kieselguhr. — d'arsenic, smelter
faix, m. burden, load. nue dust containing arsenic trioxide. —
falaise, /. cliff. d'avoine, oatmeal. — de blé, wheat flour.
fallacieusement, adv. fallaciously. — de boiè, (fine) sawdust, wood flour. —
farine 183 fèces
de briques, brick dust. — de forage, bore faussement, adv. falsely. m. bending, etc.
dust, borings. — de graine de Un, — de (see fausser).
lin, linseed meal, flaxseed meal. — de maïs, fausser, v.t. bend, warp, spring ; twist ; viti-
corameal, maize fiour. — de montagne, ate, impair (as an analytical resuit), dé-
mountain flour (= farine fossile, which range; strain, distort; break (one's word).
see). — de moutarde, fiour of mustard. v.r. bend, warp, spring; twist; get out of
— de pois, pea meal. — de première, flour order ; be impaired.
of the best grades. — de riz, rice flour. fausset, m. spigot, peg, plug, pin; faucet.
— de seigle, rye flour. — de sondage, bore fausseté, /. falsity, falseness; falsehood.
dust, drillings. — d'orge, barley flour. — faut, pr. of falloir, pr. $ sing. of faillir.
d'os, bone meal. — dure, hard-wheat flour. faute, /. fault; mistake; default, lack, want.
— fossile, fossil farina (usually diatoma- faire —, fail. — de, for lack of, for want
ceous earth but sometimes a powdery va- of. sans —, without fail; without fault,
riety of calcite). — jaune, yellow corn- faultless.
meal. — lactée, a kind of infant food fautif, o. faulty, imperfect.
made from fiour and milk. — minérale, fautivement, adv. erroneously, wrongly.
powdered ore. — tendre, soft-wheat flour. fautre, m. (Paper) felt.
— Thomas, Thomas meal. fauve, o. faJlow, fawn, tawny, yellowish-
fariner, v.t. flour, convert into or dust with brown, (of leather) fair. m. fawn color,
fiour. yellowish brown.
farineux, a. floury; powdery; mealy; faux, a. false; imitation, counterfeit, pseudo,
farinaceous, m. starchy food; légume (in- mock, wrong. m. falseness; imitation;
cluding peas, beans, lentils, etc.). forgery; falsehood. /. scythe; (Anat.)
farinuleux, a. containing flour deprived of faix. adv. falsely, erroneously. pr. 1 &
gluten. t sing. of faillir, à —, falsely, wrongly;
faro, m. s kind of béer made in Belgium. unevenly; out of perpendicular. fausse
farouch(e), m. crimson clover (Trifolium améthyste, a purple variety of fluorspar.
incarnatum). fausse galène, false galena, sphalerite.
fascicule, m. fascicle, small bundle, (of a fausse oronge, ny agaric, ny amanita
publication) part. (Amanita muscaria). — argent, mica. —
fasciner, v.t. fascinate. cumin, nutmeg flower (Nigella sativa). —
fasse, pr. 1 & S sing. subj. of faire, diamant, zircon. — fenouil, deadly carrot
fastidieux, a. tedious, tiresome. (Thapsia garganica). — gambier, the root
fatal, o. inévitable; fatal. of Dioscorea rhipogonoides, used in dyeing.
fatalement, adv. inevitably; unfortunately ; — jour, false light ; (Micros.) any light that
fatally. interfères with observation. — pas, false
fatigant, p.a. fatiguing, wearisome, tedious. step, mistake, slip. — teint, fugitive
fatigue, /. fatigue; strain; stress. (color or dye).
fatiguer, v.t. fatigue, tire, weary; strain, faux-fond, m. false bottom.
impair, v.r. be fatigued; be strained, be faux-frais, m. pi. incidental expenses.
impaired. v.i. work hard; be fatiguing. faux-fuyant, m. shift, évasion; by-path.
fau, m. beech, beech tree. faux-jour, m. See faux jour (under faux).
faubourg, m. suburb ; faubourg. faux-or, m. imitation gold; yellow mica.
faucher, v.t. mow, eut down, eut. favelotte, /. broad bean (Vicia faba).
faucille, /. sickle. favéolé, o. faveolate, honeycombed.
faude, m. place where charcoal is burned; faveur, m. favor ; esteem, kindness. à la —
place where ores are calcined. de, by means of, by help of. en — de,
fauder, v.t. fold (double). for the safce of, in considération of, ia
faudra, fut. S sing. of falloir and of faillir. behalf of.
faudrait, cond. S sing. of falloir and faillir. favorablement, adv. favorably.
faufiler, v.t. baste. v.r. slip in or through. favori, a. & m. favorite.
faulde, m. = faude. favoriser, v.t. favor; assist.
faulx, /. scythe; currying knife; (Anat.) favorite, jem. of favori.
faix. fayard, m. beech, beech tree.
faune, /. fauna. fayence, fayencerie, etc. See faïence, etc.
faussable, a. bendable, etc. (see fausser). fébrile, a. fébrile, fevered, feverish.
faussage, m. bending, etc. (see fausser). fécal, o. feoal, faecal.
fausse, a. fem. of faux. fèces, m. pi. fèces, excrément; residue.
fécond 184 fer
fécond» a. fertile, fruitful; fecund, prolific; fendage, m. spKtting, etc. <3ee fendre).
abundant ; génial. fende rie, /. slitting, cutting (iron) into nar-
fécondant, p.a. fertiliKng, rendering fertile; row pièces; sntting machine; sh'tting miU.
génial. fendeur, m, splitter, etc. (see fendre).
fécondateur, o. fecundating. fendille, /. little crack; (Ceram.) craze.
fécondation, /. fecundation. fendillement, m. cracking, splitting, chink-
féconder, v.t. fecundate ; fertilize. ing.
fécondité, /. fecundity; fertility. fendiller, v.t. <fe r. crack, split, chink, craze.
féculage, m. conversion into starch; adul- fendre, v.t. split; cleave; rend; slit, sk>t;
tération with starch. crack, chink; eut through. v.r. split, be
fécule, /. starch (especially in its domestie split, part, be rent ; crack, chink, chap,
and médicinal uses; cf. amidon), fecula; splinter.
specif., potato starch. — d'amidon, starch fendu, p.a. split, cleft, etc. (see fendre).
flour, starch powder. — de blé, wheat fenêtre, /. window; opening; (Mach.) port.
starch. — de maïs, corn starch, maize fenêtrer, v.t. perforate; provide with Win-
starch. — de pommes de terre, potato dows.
starch. — verte, crude starch high in fénolène, m. fenchene.
moisture. fénolone, fénone, /. fenclione.
féciilence, /. starchiness ; feculence, tur- fénolyle, m. fenchyl.
bidity, foulness. fenouil, m. (Bot.) fennel. — amer, bitter
féculent, a. starchy, containing starch ; fécu- fennel, wild fennel. — bâtard, dill. —
lent, muddy, turbid, foui ; fecal. m. d'eau, water fennel (Oenanthe phellan-
starchy material; starchy vegetable. drium). — d'Italie, Roman fennel, sweet
féculer, v.t. convert into starch or fecula; fennel. — doux, sweet fennel; (PharmJ)
adulterate with starch. fennel, fennelseed. — marin, sea fennel,
féculerie, /. starch factory; starch manu- samphire (Crithmum maritimum). —
facture. puant, dill.
féculeux, o. starchy, containing starch. fenouillette, /. fennel water, fennel brandy.
féculier, m. starch maker, starch manufac- fente, /. slit, slot; split, crack, chink, cleft,
turer. fissure, crevice; eut, groove; (Qeol.) joint,
féculomètre, m. feculometer (instrument also vein. — de remplissage, fissure venu
for determming starch). — de retrait, ehrinkage crack. — jilonienne,
feignant, p. pr. (of feindre) feigning. fissure vein.
feindre, v.t. îeign, prétend ; scruple. fenugrec, m. fenugreek (Trigonella fœnum*
feint, p.a. feigned ; imitation, counterf eit. greecum}.
félatier, m. glass bîower. féodal, a. feudal.
feldspath, m. (Min.) feldspar. — adulaire, fer, m. iron ; (also pi.) a kind of spxiog
adularia. — argiliforme, kaolin. — aven- pincers used in making crystai glass; (iron)
turiné, aventurine feldspar. — barytique, tool ; horseahoe. — à cheval, horseshoe. —
baryta feldspar, hyalophane. — bleu, blue actéré, steeled iron. — aciéreux, steely
spar, lazulite. — chatoyant, labradorite. — iron. — affiné, refined iron. — à grain,
nacré, pearly feldspar, moonstone. — granular iron. — à gros grains, eoarae*
opalin, opaline feldspar, labradorite. — grained iron. — aigre, brîttle iron, cold-
vert, amazonite. — vitreux, glassy feld- short iron. — à la catalane, Catalan* iroB
spar, sanidine. (wrought iron made from the ore). — à
feldspathique, a. feldspathic. la française, iron made by a method pirnilftr
fêle, /. (Glass) blowpipe. to the Catalan process. — à loupe, bloom
fêler, v.t. & r. crack. iron. — o massiau, see massiau. — o nerf,
félin, o. féline, m. cat (one of the Felidae). fibrous iron. •— à repasser, flatiron. —
felle, /. = fêle. argileux, (Min.) iron clay, clay ironstone.
fêlure, /. crack, chink; flaw, defect. — arséniaté, iron arsenate; (Min.) scoro-
F.EJVf., f.é.-m-, àbbrev. (force électromo- dite. —r arsenical, (Min.) araenopyrite.
trice) electromotive force, E.M.F., e.m.f. à souder, soldering iron. — au bois, — au
femelle, a. female; internai (screw); light- charbon de bois, charcoal iron. — azuré,
colored. /. female; (Mach.) bearing. (Min.) vivianite. — battu, forged iroâ,
femme, /. woman; wife. wrought iron. — blanc, white cast iron,
fenchol, m. fenchol. white iron; tin plate (see fer-blanc). —
fenchyle, m. fenchyl. Bravais, a colloidal solution of ferrie hy-
fer 185 fer-chrome
droxide obtained by dialyzing a solution (porous limonite). — hydro-oxydé, hy-
of it in ferrie chloride, Bravais iron. — drous iron oxide. — laminé, rolled iron,
brûlé, burnt iron, overburat iron. —• brut, Iaminated iron. — limoneux, (Min.) li-
crude iron ; specif., puddled bar. — car- monite. — magnésifère, (Min.) naagnesio-
bonate, iron carbonate. — carbonate ar- ferrite. —• magnétique, (Min.) magnetite,
gileux, (Min.) siderite mixed with clay, magnetic iron. — malléable, malléable iron.
clay ironstone. — carbonate spathique, — manganèse, (Min.) "triplite. — mar-
(Min.) spathie iron ore, siderite. — car- chand, merchant iron, merchant bar. —
bonate terreux, (Min.) clay ironstone. — martelé, hammered iron. — mêlé, mottled
carbonyle, iron carbonyl. — carburé, iron iron (cast iron between white and gray).
containing carbon; iron carbide; graphite, — métis, red-short iron. — micacé, (Mm.)
kish. — cassant, brittle iron, sîiort iron. micaeeous iron ore, scaly hématite. —
— cassant à chaud, hot-short iron, red- mitis, mitis métal. — mou, soft iron. —
short iron. — casstmt à chaud noir, black- natif, native iron. — nerveux, fibroua iron.
short iron. — cassant à froid, cold-short — noir, blacfc iron, esp. black sheet iron.
iron. — cémenté, cernent iron, cernent steel. — oligiste, (Min.) hématite, oligist iron
— cendreux, iron that xs flawy from ash (the latter name is infrequent). —
spots. — chromaté, iron chromate; (Min.) oolithique, (Min.) oôlitic iron ore. — oxydé,
chromite. — chromé, (Min.) chrome iron iron oxide, oxide of iron, specif. iron(III)
ore, chrome iron, chromite. — corroyé, oxide. — oxydé rouge, (Min.) red iron ore,
wrought iron. — coulé, cast iron, pig iron. ordinary hématite. — oxydulé, ferrous ox-
— creux, tubular iron. — cru, crude iron. ide, iron(II) oxide; (Min.) magnetite. —-
— cylindre, rolled iron. — de couleur, hot- pailleux, flawy iron. — phosphoreux, ferro-
short iron. — de ferraille, scrap iron, old phosphorus. — pisiforme, (Min.) pea ore,
iron. — de fonte, cast iron. — de forge, pisiform iron ore (granular form of limo-
wrought iron. — de fusion, ingot iron, mild nite). — plat, hoop iron. — platiné,
steel. — de lance, spearhead, lance head. platinized iron, specif. platinum-plated
— de lingot, ingot iron. — de lune, white- iron; rolled iron. — puddlé, puddled iron.
hot iron. •— de masse, scrap iron, — de — raffiné, refined iron. — réduit, (Pkarm.)
riblons, scrap iron. •— de roche, hard iron. reduced iron, powder of iron. — roulé,
— des lacs, —• des marais, bog iron ore. rolled iron. — rouverin, hot-short (or red-
— de Suède, Swedish iron. — doux, soft short) iron. — soudable, — soudant, —
iron. — écroui, hammer-hardened iron. — soudé, weld iron. — spathique, (Min. )
émailté, enameled iron. — en bandes, hoop spathic iron, siderite. — spéculaire, (.Mi».)
iron. — en barres, bar iron. — encrené, speeular iron, hématite (showing metallic
iron twice heated and hammered. — en luster). — sulfaté, iron sulfate ; (Min.)
feuilles, sheet iron. — en gueuse, pig iron. melanterite. — sulfuré, iron sulfide; (Min.)
— en lames, sheet iron. — en lentille(s), pyrite. — tenace, tough iron. — tendre,
oôlitic iron ore. — en limaille, iron filings. cold-short iron. — titane, (Min.) titanic
— en loupes, bloom iron. — en plaques, iron ore, ilmenite. — zingué, galvaniaed
iron plate, boiter plate. — en rubans, hoop iron,
iron. — en saumon, pig iron, — en tour- fera, fut. S sing. (of faire) will make, etc.
nure, iron turnings. — en U, channel iron, ferait, cond. S sing. (of faire) would make,
U iron. — étamé, tinned iron; plated iron. etc.
— étiré, rolled iron. — fendu, slit iron. — féramine, /. (Min.) pyrite, iron pyrites.
ferreux, ferrous iron, iron(II). — ferrique, Obs.
ferrie iron, iron(III). — fibreux, fibrous fer-à-nerf, m. fibrous iron.
iron. — fin, refîned iron. — fin au bms, fératier, m. glass blower.
charcoal iron. — fondu, ingot iron ; cast fer-béton, m. ferro-concrete.
iron (usually called fonte) ; molten iron. fer-blanc, m. tin plate. — brillant, tin plate
— fondu à air chaud, hot-blast iron. — proper (as diatinguished from terneplate).
fondu à air froid, cold-blast iron. — forgé, — terne, terneplate.
wrought iron. — fort, strong iron, forge ferblanterie, /. tinwork; tinware; tinware
iron. — galvanisé, galvanized iron. — business; tin shop.
gras, slaggy iron. — gratté, filed iron, ferblantier» m. tinner, tinsmith ; tinware
brushed iron. — gris, gray iron. — maker or dealer.
homogène, ingot iron, mild steel. — hy- fer-chrome, m. ferrochromium, ferro-
draté limoneux, (Min.) bog iron ore chrome.
féret 186 ferrocyanhydrique
féret, m. = ferret. fastener. — hermétique, hermetic closing,
fermail, m. clasp. hermetic seal.
fermant, p. pr. (of fermer) closing, etc. fermier, m. fariner.
ferme, o. firm; eolid; fixed; binding (sale). fermoir, m. clasp, catch, snap; chisel.
adv. finnïy. m. farm ; farmhouse ; lease ; Fernambouc, n. Pernambuco, Recife (Bra-
girder, truss, rib, frame; roof. zil).
fermé, p.a. closed, etc. (see fermer) ; close, fernickel, a. iron-nickel.
tight. ferraille(s), /. old iron, scrap iron; junk.
ferme-circuit, m. (Elec.) circuit doser. ferraillement, m. rattling.
fermement, adv. firmly; solidly; strongly. ferrailleur, m. junk dealer.
ferment, m. ferment, a. fermentative. — ferrasse, /. an iron vessel used in fusing
figuré, •— organisé, organized ferment. — metals; (Glass) an iron plate, as one on
nitreux, nitrous bacteria. — nitrique, nitric which the glass rests in a flattening fur-
bacteria. — soluble, enzyme. nace, one on which glass is cast, or one on
fermentalre, fermentatif, o. fermentative, which the pots are set.
fermenting. ferre, /. fine iron grindings; (.Glass) bottle
fermentation, /. fermentation; (fig.) fer- pincers.
ment. — à chapeau, top fermentation in ferré, a. impregnated with iron, chalybeate;
which the head is agitated by the escaping fitted or bound with iron; ironed; (of
gas. •— alcoolique, alcoholic fermentation. roads) metaled, macadamized; (of horses)
— ascendante et descendante, fermentation shod ; versed (in) ; harsh, hard.
in which the head alternately rises and ferrement, m. ironwork; iron tool or pièce.
falls. — basse, low fermentation. — hui- ferrer, v.t. fit or mount with iron; iron,
leuse, bubbly fermentation. — circulaire, smooth ; métal, macadamize (a road) ; shoe
fermentation characterized by a vertical (a horse).
circulation, the solid matter rising in one ferrerie, /. ironwork; iron business, iron
part of the vat and falling in another. — trade.
en bulles, fermentation characterized by the ferret, m. hard kernel in stones; (.Glass)
formation of bubbles of good size in the ferret; tag (as of a shoe lace). — d'Es-
head. — gallique, gallic (or tannic) fer- pagne, (Min.) red iron ore, hématite.
mentation (formation of gallic acid from ferreux, a. ferrous, iron(II).
tannic acid). — haute, high (or top) fer- ferrico-, ferrie (in double salts), iron(III).
mentation. — -mousseuse, fermentation ferrico-ammonique, a. ferrie ammonium.
characterized by excessive foaming. — ni- ferrico-potassique, a. ferrie potassium.
treuse, nitrous fermentation. — panaire, ferricyanhydrique, a. ferricyanic.
fermentation of bread dough, leavening. ferricyanogène, m. ferricyanogen.
— par dépôt, bottom fermentation. — sous ferricyanure, m. ferricyanide. .
le chapeau, top fermentation which pro- ferrifère, a. ferriferous, iron-bearing.
ceeds quietly without agitation of the ferrlfluorure, m. fluoferrate(III), ferri-
head. — spiritueuse, alcoholic fermenta- fluoride.
tion. — sucrée, sugar fermentation. — ferrioxalate, m. oxalatoferrate(III), ferri-
superficielle, top fermentation. — tumul- oxalate.
tueuse, violent fermentation, specif. the ferri-oxyde, m. ferrie oxide, iron(III) oxide.
first fermentation of wine. ferrique, o. ferrie, iron(III).
fermenter, v.i. & t. ferment. ferro, m. iron alloy (as ferromanganese,
fermentescibilité, /. fermentability. etc.); (Photog.) blueprint.
fermentescible, a. fermentable. ferro-alliage, m. ferroalloy.
fermer, v.t. close; shut; shut off; fasten, ferro-aluminium, m. ferro-aluminium,
boit, pin, lock; stop, stop up, seal. v.r. ferro - aluminum.
& i. close, shut, be closed. — à vis, fasten ferrobore, m. ferroboron.
with screws, screw down. ferro-enrome, m. ferrochrome, ferrochro-
fermeté, /. firmness ; steadiness. mium.
fermeture, /. closing, closure, etc. (see ferro-ciment, m. ferro-concrete.
fermer); seal; fastening (of any kind) ; ferrocyanate, m. ferrocyanide.
lock; shutter, blind; (Steam) cut-off; ferrocyane, m. ferrous cyanide, iron(II)
(Ordnance) fermeture. — à baïonnette, cyanide.
bayonet seal; bayonet catch. — à rodage, ferrocyanhydrate, m. ferrocyanide. Obi.
ground joint, ground seal. — éclair, zip ferrocyanhydrique, a. ferrocyanic.
ferrocyanique 187 feuilletis
ferrocyanique, a. ferrocyanie. Chinese fire (a firework containing iron fil-
ferrocyanogène, m. ferrocyanogen. ings). — d'affinerie, (Métal.) fining forge.
ferrocyanure, m. ferrocyanide. — d'artifice, firework, fireworks. — de
ferro-étain, m. iron-tin alloy. Bengale, Bengal light. — d'éclairage, light.
ferromagnésien, a. ferromagnesian. — de couleur, colored light. — dégourdi,
ferromolybdène, m. ferromolybdenum. (Ceram.) firat or hardening fire, biscuit fire.
ferronerie, /. iron foundry, ironworfcs; — de raffinerie, (Métal.) refining hearth.
hardware, ironmongery ; hardware store. — de réduction, reducing flame. — de
ferro-nickel, m. ferronickel; specif., nickel signaux, signal light, signal firework. -~
steel (when the per cent of nickel is low). de vent, wind furnace. — d'oxydation,
ferrophosphore, m. ferrophosphorus. oxidizing flaine. — follet, ignis fatuus, will-
ferroprotéide, /. iron-containing protein, o'-the-wisp; (spontaneously inflammable)
ferroprotein. hydrogen phosphide. — grégeois, Greek
ferroprussiate, wi. ferroprussiate (ferrocya- fire. — grieux, — grisou, firedamp. — nu,
nide). naked fire, naked flame, free flame. —
ferro-slllcium, m. ferrosilicon. terrou, firedamp. hors —, (Métal., etc.)
ferroso-ferrique, o. ferrosoferric, iron(II, cold, out of action, -mettre à —, fire, start
III). up (a furnace) ; put in blast, blow in (a
ferro-sulfate, m. In such phrases as ferro- blast furnace). mettre en —, burn; =
sulfate d'ammonium, ferrous ammonium mettre à feu. mettre hors de —, mettre
sulfate, iron(II) ammonium sulfate. hors —, (Métal.) put out of blast. mettre
ferrotier, m. glass worker. le — à, set on fire, touch off.
feno-tltane, ferrotitan, m. ferrotitanium. feuillage, m. foliage.
ferro-tungstène, m. ferrotungsten. feuillaison, /. foliation, leafing.
ferrotypie, /. (Photog.) ferrotype, tintype. feuillard, m. strip, strap, band, hoop.
ferro-urane, m. ferro-uranium. feuille, f. Ieaf; foil; scale, flake; sheet;
ferrugineux, a. ferruginous, chalybeate. m. plate; chart; list; bill; newspaper. —
ferruginous medicine, chalybeate. anglaise, (Rubber) eut sheet. — d'argent,
ferruglno-calcaire, a. pertaining to or con- silver Ieaf, silver foil. — d'argent neuf,
taining iron and lime, ferrugino-caleareous. nickel silver foil. — de caoutchouc fumé,
ferruglnosité, /. ferruginous quality. smoked sheet rubber. — de cuivre, sheet
ferrure, /. ironwork; mounting(s), fitting(s). of copper. — de fer, plate or sheet of iron.
fermement, adv. fertilely, fruitfully. — de fer-blanc, sheet of tin (plate). —
fertillsable, a. fertilizable. de placage, veneer. — de plomb, sheet
fertilisant, p.a. fertilizing. lead; lead foil. d'êtain, tinfoil. — de
fertilisation, /. fertilization. tôle, sheet iron; iron plate. — de ventre,
fertiliser, v.t. fertilize. the middle laver in pasteboard. — de
fertilité, /. fertility, fertileness. verre, sheet of glass. — d'or, gold Ieaf,
férule, /. férule; (Bot.) Ferula. gold foil. — laminée, rolled sheet. —
férulique, a. ferulic. sciée, (Rubber) eut sheet. feuilles de bus-
feston, m. festoon. serole, (Pharm.) uva ursi, bearberry.
festonner, v.t. festoon. feuilles de séné, (Pharm.) senna, senna
fête, /. feast, festival, fête; birthday. Ieaf. — volante, loose sheet, n'y sheet;
fétide, a. fetid, stinking, ill-smelling. leafiet.
fétidité, /. fetidness, fetidity, foulness. feuille, a. foliate, leafy, leaved.
fétu, m. straw. feuille-morte, a. & m. dull yellow (resem-
fétuque, /. (Bot.) fescue. bling the color of dead leaves).
fétus, m. fétus, fœtus. feuillet, m. Ieaf; layer; thin plate; lamina;
feu, m. fire ; flame ; light ; fireplace, hearth ; (of crystals) Ieaf, plate; flake; folio. —
household, home ; heat. a. flame (color) ; magnétique, magnetic shell. — moyen,
late, deceased. à — nu, with the naked or (Biol.) mesoderm.
free flame (not using a sand bath, oil bath feuilletage, m. lamination; foliation.
or other protection), en —, on fire; (of a feuilleté, p.a. laminated; foliated.
furnace) in opération, in blast. faire —, feuilleter, v.t. laminate; foliate; Ieaf
strike fire. — d éclipse», flashing (inter- through, peruse.
mittent) light. — brisou, firedamp. — feuilletis, m. edge (of a eut stone); soft
Catalan, (Métal.) Catalan forge. — chinois. place in slate.
feuillette 188 fil
feuillette, /. small kaf, leafiet; cask (oon- fibrome, m. (Med.) fibroma.
taining about 125 lit ers). ficeler, v.t. tie, tie up (with string).
feuillir, vJ. put forth leaves, leaf, leave. ficelle, /. string, twine, packthread; trîdc
feuillu, a. leaf y; specif., havîng broad pr. 1 & S sinff. of ficeler.
leaves as distinguished from needles; fiche, /. (something to be thrust or driven
decidaous. in) pin, peg, boit, plug, stake, etc. ; ticket»
feuillure, /. rabbet, groove, slit, recess. tag; card; mémorandum (on a card);
feutrabilité, /. felting quality. knife or plug (of an electric switchi);
feutrable, c. capable of being felted. (Micron.) slide; hinge. — de contact,
feutrage, m. felting, matting. cozmecting plag.
feutrant, felting. ficher, v.t. thrust in, stick in, plunge in,
feutre, m. felt, felting; padding, paeking. drive in, insert; point (masonry).
— d'herbe, turf, sward, sod. 'fichier, m. card index.
feutré, PM. felted; felt; padded, packed; fictif, a. fictive, fictitious, sliam.
clogged. fidèle, a. faithful.
fentrement, m. felting. fidèlement, adv. faithfully.
feutrer, v.t. felt; pad, pack (as with felt). fidélité, /. fidelity, faithfuluess.
fève, /. bean (refers specif. to the genus fiel, m. gall. — de bœuf, ox gall. — de
Faba; cf. haricot); (beanlike) berry; verre, glass gall, sandiver.
ehrysalis. — de cacao, cocoa bean. — de fielleux, a. like gall, bitter aa gall.
Caiabar, Calabar beau (from Physostigma fiente, /. dung.
venenosum). — de haricot, kidney bean. fienter, v.t. dung, manure.
— de marais, broad bean {Vicia faba^. — ûerr a. proud; fierce; fiery; great. vjr.
de Saint-Ignace, Saint Ignatius's bean trust, confide (in).
(from Strychnas ignatia). — de soja, soy fièvre, /. fever. — des fondeurs, métal fum*
bean, soja bean. — igasurique, = fèye de fever. — paludéenne, — valudiqzte, mai'
Saint-Ignace.. — pichurim, pichurim bean larial fever.
(fromr Nectandra pichurim).. — tonka, — fiévreux, o. feverish. m. fever patient.
Tonkar tonka bean. figenuent, ne. congealment, oongealing, aet-
féverole, /. (dried) bean; horse bean. ting, solidifying, soh'dification.
févfer, m. (Bot.) honey locust (Gleditsia). figer, v.t. <£ r. congealr set, solùlify.
février» m. February. figue, /. 6g. — de Barbarie, Barbary fig,
fibranne, /. staple fiberr rayon yam. prickly pear (Opuntia compressa).
fibre, /.. fiber, fibre; grain (of wood). — figuier, m. fig tree, fig.
de boito, wood fiber; grain of wood; excel- figulin, a. figuline, suitable for pottery.
sior. — de coco, cooo(nut) fiber, coir. — figuratif, a. figurative; typical; symbolîo.
d'écorce, bast fiber. — libérienne, (Bot.) m. représentation, diagram.
bast fiber, bast. — ligneuse, wood fiber. figure, /. figure ; face, countenance ; form.
— textile, textile fiber. — vulcanisée, vul- figuré, a. (of ferments) organized; figured;
oanized. fiber. figurative.
fibre, a. fibered, fibrous. figurer, v.t. represent; figure; sîtow: v.r.
fibreuse,, /. fibrous material, fiber. a. fem. be represented or figured. v.%. appear, fig-
of fibreux. — de bois, wood cellulose. ure, show; look.
fibreux, o. fibrous; stringy. fil, m. wire; thread; filament, fiber; string?
fibrillaire, a. fibrillar, fibrillary. yam; (inoculating) needle; edge (of sharp
fibrille, /. small fiber, fibril, fibrilla. tools) ; grain (of wood^; vein (in stones);
fibrine, /. fibrin. course (as of a stream). — à plomX>t
fibrlneux, a. fibrinous. plumb line. — barbelé, barbed wire. —
flbrinogène, m. fibrinogen. caoutchouté, rubber-coated wire. — co»*-
flbrinolyse, /. fibrinolysis. dueteur, (Slec.) conducting wire, conductoK
fiDrocartllage, m. (Anat.) fibrocartilage. — couvert, (Elec.) insulated wire. —
nbrocartilaglneux, a. fibrocartilaginous. d'acier, steel wire. — d'aller, — d'amenée,
fibro-caséeux, o. fibrocaseous. (Elec.) lead wire. — d'amorce, priming
fibrocellulaire, a. fibrocellular, fibroareolar. wire. — d'araignée, (Optics) spider line,
filïrtf-cbnent, m. a building material, ce- crosB wire. — d'archal, brass wire. —• de
rnent ™iTorf with asbestos fiber. T.N. chauffage, (Elec.) résistance wire. — de
flbrolne, f. ffbrom. clavecin, piano wire. — de cuivre, copper
fibrolite, fibrollthe, /. (Min.) fibrolite. wire — de fer, iron wire. — de Florence,
fil 189 filtre
silkworm gut. — de laiton, brass wire. — maie thread (of serews). — femeUe, in-
de ligne, (Elec.) line wire. — d'emballage, ternai or female thread,
packthread, wrapping twine. — d'entrée, filetage, m. threading (of screws); wire-
lead-in wire, lead-in. — de platine, drawing; thread, pitch (of screws).
platinum wire. — de pont, (.Elec.) slide- fileter, v.t. thread, eut a thread on; wire-
wire, slide bridge. — de retour, (Elec.) draw, draw.
return wire. — de soie; silk thread. — de filiale, /. branch office, subsidiary.
sûreté, safety fuse. — de verre, glass filiation, /. filiation, relationship.
thread, glass fiber, spun glass. — divisé, filicine, /. filicin (filixic acid) ; (Pharm.)
(Elec.) stranded wire, litz. — fusible, filicin.
(Elec.) fuse wire. — goudronné, tarred filière, /. spinneret; drawplate; screw plate;
twine. — ligneux, woody fiber; grain of die; diestock; wîre gage.
wood. — métallique, wire. — nu, (Elec.) filiforme, a. filiform.
uninsulated wire. — recouvert, (Elec.) in- filigrane, m. filigree ; (Paper) watermark.
sulated wire. — retors, twine; double yarn. a. watermarked.
fils du réticule, (Optics) cross hairs. — filigrane, p.a. filigreed, filigree; (Paper)
souple, cord, string, thread. — thermique, watermarked.
(Elec.) heating wire. — tranchant, cutting filin, m. rope, cordage.
edge, sharp edge. — zingué, galvanized
wire. sans —, wireless. fille, /. daughter; girl; maid; nun.
film, m. film. — muet, silent film. —
filage, m. spinning, etc. (see filer) ; (Métal.) sonore, sound film.
addition of fresh lead in tbe cupellation of filon, m. (Geol. de Mining) vein, Iode; dike.
argentiferous lead ; (Bot.) Filago. — de fracture, fissure vein. — d'injection,
filali, m. morocco leather, morocco. dike.
filament, m. filament. — de charbon, car- filon-couche, n. vein-bearing rock.
bon filament. — de maïs, corn silk, filonien, a. pertaming to or containing veina
(Pharm.) zen. or Iodes (as, gîte filonien, vein deposit).
filamenteux, a. filamentous. filoselle, /. filoselle (coarse silk thread);
filandre, /. thread, string, filament, specif. : floss silk.
a defect in glass ; gossamer ; a soft vein in fils, m. son ; boy. pi. of fil.
marble. filtrabilité, /. filterability.
filandreux, o. stringy, thready, filamentous, filtrable, o. altérable.
fibrous; streaky, veiny. filtrage, m. filtering, filtration.
filant, p. pr. of filer; ropy, stringy. filtrant, p.a. filtering, filter.
filardeux, a. (of stones) veiny, containing filtrat, m. filtrate.
veins of softer material, streaky. filtrateur, a. filtering. m. filterer.
filasse, /. tow; (in gênerai) unspun fibers. filtration, /. filtration, filtering.
— de montagne, fibrous asbestos. fUtratum, m. filtrate.
filature, /. spinning; spinning milt; twine filtre, m. filter; strainer. a. filter, filtering.
mill. — à analyse, analytical filter, (circle of) fil-
flle, /. file; row, line, séries. ter paper. — à aspiration, suction filter.
filé, p.p. (of filer) epun, etc. m. thread; — à bougie, candie filter, eylinder filter.
yarn. — à bourre, a filter of fibrous asbestos,
filer, v.t. spin; wiredraw, draw; run, draw cotton wool, glass wool or the Hke. — à
(lines) ; spin out ; conduct. v.i. (of liq- eau, water filter. — à essence, gasoline
uids) flow in a viacous stream, be ropy, (petrol) filter. — à l'amiante, asbestos fil-
rope; spin; (of stars) shoot; (of lamps) ter. — à l'huile, oil filter. — o noir, char-
smoke ; shp away ; purr. coal filter. — à plis, plaited filter, folded
filerie, /. wiring ; wiredrawing ; wire mill ; filter. — à poche, bag filter. — à pres-
spinning mill; cordage factory. sion, pressure filter. — o sable, — au sable,
filet, m. thread, fiber, filament; (of a screw) sand filter. — à vide, vacuum filter. —
thread ; (of a liquid) fine stream; (of Berkefeld, Berkefeld filter. — centrifuge,
fluids) streamline ; net, netting, network ; centrifugal filter. — Chamberland, Cham-
dash, stroke ; (Min.) streak ; (Printing) berland filter. — clos, closed (or inclosed)
rule ; (Geol.) stringer, string, veinlet. — filter. — de bande, (Elec.) band filter,
à droite, right-handed thread (of screws). band-pass filter. — dégrossisseur7 prelim-
— à gauche, left-handed thread. — de inary filter. — durci, hardened filter. —
vis, screw thread. — extérieur, external or en charbon, charcoal filter. — en étoffe,
filtre 190 FI
cloth filter. •— en papier, paper filter. — ing flask. — ballon, round flask (any flask
finisseur, final filter. — mécanique, me- with more or less nearly spherical body),
chanical filter. — plissé, plaited filter, balloon flask (when short-necked). — bai-
folded filter. — sans cendres, ashless filter. ion à fond plat, flat-bottomed flask,
— sons pli, unplaited filter. — séparateur, Florence flask. — bouchée à l'émeri, flask
(Elec.) = filtre de bande. with ground stopper, glass-stoppered fiask.
filtré, p.a. filtered. m. filtrate. — conique, conical flask, specif. Erlenmeyer
filtre-fontaine, m. a large vessel contaîning flask. — d'attaque = fiole à attaques. —
a filter and having a cock at the bottom de culture, culture flask. — de mesure,
for drawing off the filtrate. measuring flask, graduated flask. —
filtre-presse, m. filter press. — à essais, d'Erlenmeyer, Erlenmeyer flask. — d'essai,
expérimental filter press. test flask; test jar. — d'extraction, ex-
filtrer, v.t. & i. filter. v.r. be filtered, filter. traction flask. — d'odeurs, scent bottle.
— à la trompe, filter with suction. — dans — en Bohême, flask of Bohemian glass. —
le vide, filter in vacuo, filter with suction. en Iéna, flask of Jena glass. — étalon,
— sur toile, filter through cloth. standard flask, normal flask. — forme
filtreur, m. filterer, strainer. bouteille, bottle-shaped flask. — forme
fin, a. fine; (of a cutting edge or an optical poire, pear-shaped flask. — Gayon, conical
image) sharp ; thin ; slender ; small ; acute ; flask with ground cap. — jaugée, gradu-
utmost, last. /. end; close, m. fine métal; ated flask, volumetric flask. — tubulée,
fine coal, coal dust ; fine point, essence ; tubulated flask.
fine linen. adv. quite; finely. à la —, at fiole-ballon, n. = fiole ballon, under fiole.
last; in the end; after ail. en — de fioretto, n. an Italian liqueur.
compte, in the end, finally, after ail. sans firent, p. def. S pi. (of faire) made, etc.
—, endless, perpétuai. firme, /. (Corn..) firm, house.
finage, m. (Métal., etc.) fining, refining. fis, p. def. 1 & B sing. (of faire) made, etc.
finalement, adv. finally. fisc, m. State treasury, exchequer, fisc.
financiel, a. financial. fi se tin e, /. fisetin.
financier, a. financial. m. financier. fissent, imp. S pi. subj. of faire.
financièrement, adv. financially. fissile, a. fissile, cleavable.
fine, /. = fine Champagne (below) ; (pi.) fissilité, /. fissility, cleavability, cleavage.
fines (specif., coal dust), smalls. a. fem. fission, /. fission, splitting, cleavage.
of fin. — Champagne, a superior variety of fissure, /. fissure; crack, cleft, rent, — de
brandy. — métal, (ITOU) white pig. trempe, fissure from tempering.
finement, adv. finely. — réparti, finely di- fissuré, p.a. fissured, cracked, split.
vided, finely powdered. fissurer, v.t. & r. fissure, crack, split.
fine-métal, m. (Iron) white pig. fistule, /. fistula.
finerie, /. (Jron) finery, refinery. fistuleux, a. fistulous, fistular.
finesse, /. fineness ; sharpness (as of an fit, p. def. S sing. (of faire) made, etc.
optical image); thinness; keenness; nicety; fît, imp. 3 sing. subj. of faire.
delicacy ; finesse, subtlety. fixage, m. fixing; fastening; fixing agent.
fin-fin, o. very fine, extra fine. fixateur, m. fixing agent (as in Photog.);
fini, p.a. finished ; finite. m. finish ; finite. fixative ; binder ; stabilizer ; agglutinant ;
finir, v.t. finish; end, complète, v.i. end; fixer, a. fixing -, stabilizing. — adhésif,
cease, terminate. v.r. end, cease; be fin- binding agent, binder. — chimique,
ished, be completed. chemical fixing agent.
finissage, m. finishing. fixatif, a. & m. fixative.
finisseur» m. finisher. a. finishing, final. fixation, /. fixation, fixing; fastening.
fins, m. pi. of fin; fines (of coal, ore, etc.). fixe, a. fixed, specif. nonvolatilizable ; firm,
fiole, /. flask; (less often) bottle; jar; phial, fast, solid ; stationary. m. fixed (nonvola-
vial; bubble tube (of a level). — à at- tilizable) substance; fixed star; fixed sal-
taques, a pear-shaped flat-bottomed flask ary; settled weather.
used in analysis for décompositions. — à fixé, p.a. fixed; fastened.
décoction, boiling flask. — à fond plat, fixement, adv. fixedly.
flat-bottomed flask. — à gouttes, drop- fixer, v.t. fix ; fasten ; establish. v.r. fix,
ping bottle. — à jet, washing bottle, wash become fixed.
bottle. — à matières grasses, fat-extrac- fixité, /. fixity, fixedness; stability.
tion flask. — à vide, suction flask; filter - FI. Symbol for fluorine.
flache 191 fléau
flache» /. flaw; crack; dépression; inequal- flambage, m. flaming, etc. (see flamber).
ity. flambant, p.a. flaming, blazing. — neuf,
flacheux, a. fiawy, imperfect. brand-new.
flacon, m. bottle; (less often) flask. — à flambart, m. grease skimmed from the sur-
baume du Canada, balsam bottle. — à face of water in which méat (esp. pork) is
bec, lipped bottle. — absorbeur, absorp- cooked ; half-consumed charcoal.
tion bottle. — à capsule à vis, bottle with flambé, p.a. flamed, etc. (see flamber) ;
screw cap. — à collections, spécimen bot- ( Ceram. ) flambé. m. (Ceram. ) flambé
tle, muséum bottle. — à colorants, stain- glaze.
ing bottle. — à cuire, boiling flask. — à flambeau, m. torch ; candie ; candlestick ;
cuvette, a bottle having a dépression around light.
the base of the neck to catch liquid that flambement, m. flaming, etc. (see flamber).
runs down. — à densité, spécifie gravity flamber, v.t. flame, pass through or before
bottle, pyenometer. — à double bouchage, fire ; sterilize (instruments, etc., with a
a bottle with a cap fitting on over the flame); singe (cloth, etc.); char (wood);
stopper. — à étroite ouverture, narrow- torch, skin-dry (molds). v.i. flame, blaze;
mouthed bottle. — à filtrer, filter flask, yield (to pressure), buckle.
filter bottle. — à lait, milk bottle. — flambeur, m. (.Textiles) singer, a. singeing.
à large ouverture, a (comparatively) wide- flamboiement, m. flaming, etc. (see flam-
mouthed bottle (a very wide-mouthed bot- boyer).
tle, as one for salts, is called bocal). — à
l'émeri, — flacon bouché à l'émeri. — à flamboyer, v.i. flame, blaze, flash, glîtter.
pied, a bottle with a spécial base (as for flambure, /. (Dyeing) unevenness of color-
muséum use). — à pression, pressure bot- ing.
tle. — à réactifs, reagent bottle. — à flamme, /. flame; streamer, pennant. -— de
robinet, bottle with stopeock (usually at Bengale, Bengal light. — d'essai, test
the bottorn). — à saccharification, sac- flame. — du chalumeau, blowpipe flame.
charification bottle, pressure bottle. — à — éclairante, luminous flame. — nwe,
sirop, sirup bottle (esp. a wide-mouthed naked flame, free flame. — oxhydrique,
lipped bottle with sloping shoulder). — oxyhydrogen flame. — oxydante, — rf'oxy-
à tare, weighing bottle, weighing tube. — dation, oxidizing flame. — réductrice, —
à toucher, reagent bottle. — bouché à de réduction, reducing flame. flammes
l'émeri, bottle with ground stopper, glass- perdues, waste heat, waste gases.
stoppered bottle. — camphored, a sort of flammé, o. flamelike, wavy ; (Ceram.)
wide-mouthed bottle. — compte-gouttes, flambé, m. (Ceram.) flambé glaze.
dropping bottle. — conique, conical bottle flammèche, /. flaming or burning particle,
or flask. — de garde, safety bottle or flask. spark ; (in the Leblanc soda process)
— de Mariotte, Mariotte's bottle or flask. fl a m mette, /. small flame.
— de numération, counting bottle. — de flan, m. disk, plate, planchet ; (Printing)
Woulfe, — de Woolf, Woulfe bottle. — matrix, mat, also flong.
gramme, gram bottle, spécifie gravity bot- flanc, m, flank, side.
tle. — jaugé, graduated bottle, specif. a flanche, /. a kind of leather dressing.
hydrotimeter (for determining hardness of Flandre, /. Flanders.
water). — laveur, washing bottle, wash flanelle, /. flannel.
bottle; (Med.) undine. — marin, a stocky flanquer, v.t. flank; throw, toss.
square bottle. — pour réactifs, reagent flasque, a. flabby, flaccid, soft, weak, slack.
bottle. — prismatique, a wedge-shaped /. flask (as for mercury). m. plate, side
bottle used in color tests. — récepteur, plate, cheek plate; support. — de chaîne,
receiving bottle. — sêcheur, drying bottle chain link.
or flask. — tubulé, tubulated bottle. flatter, v.t. flatter; soothe; caress. v.i. flap.
flacon-bocal, m. wide-mouthed bottle. flatteur, a. flattering; caressing.
flaconnage, m. bottle making ; bottles. flatueux, a. flatulent.
flaconner, v.t. bottle. flatuosité, /. flatulence, flatulency.
flagellaire, a. flagellate. flavane, m. flavan.
flair, m. smell, scent; sensé of smell. flavine, /. flavin.
flairer, v.t. smell; smell out. flavopurpurine, /. flavopurpurin.
flamand, c. Flemish. m. Flemish (lan- fléau, m. beam (e.g-, of a balance); bar;
guage) ; (.cap.) Fleming. flail; (fig.) scourge.
flèche 192 flotter
flèche, /. arrow; pointer; sprout, shoot; (of fleurir, v.i. flower, bloom; flouriah.
sugar cane) top, head; bend, sag, dip; fleuron, m. flower, ornament.
camber; (of an arch or trajectory) height; fleuve, m. river. — de glace, glacier, i«e
spire; tongue, spit. flèches d'amour, river.
(Min.) rutile needles in quartz. flexibilité, /. flexibility.
fléchir, v.t. bend; flex; (fig.) move. v.i. flexible, a. flexible, m. flexible tube or
bend ; sag ; spring ; yield, give way ; (of pipe; flexible shaft.
priées) f ail. v.r. bend ; sag ; spring ; yield. flexion, /. bending, flection, flexion; deflec-
fléchissement, m. bending, etc. (seefléchir); tion, sagging, warping; inflection. —
deflection; (of an arch) height. élastique, reeilience.
flegme, m. phlegm; (Distilling) low wines. fiexure, /. flexure, bending, bend, fold.
flétrir, v.t. wither, fade; brand. v.r. wither, flint, m. flint ; fiint glass.
fade. fliqueur, m. glass furnace man.
flétrissure, /. withering, fading; brand; floche, a. flossy, shaggy. /. floss. —
stigma. d'amiante, asbestos wool.
fletter, v.t. smooth, dress, esp. on the edges flocon, m. flock, floccule, flake; tuft; dot;
(as glass or pottery). fiber; (of smoke) puff.
fleur, /. flower; surface; bloom (on fruits, floconnement, m. flocculation.
etc.); hair side (of a hide or skin); mold floconner, v.i. flocculate.
(on wine, etc.) ; inner bark, part of the floconneux, a. flocculent, flocky, flaky.
bark richest in tannin; fine flour. à — de, floculant, p.a. flocculating. m. flocculating
level with, even with, flush with; near. — agent.
d'alun, (Min.) feather alum, alunogen. — floculat, m. flocculate, flocculent material.
d'antimoine, flower of antimony, anti- floculation, /. flocculation; curdling.
monious acid. — de chaux, (Min.) a floculer, v.t. & r. flocculate; dot; curdle.
powdery form of calcite. — de cinabre, a floculeux, a.flocculent,floccose.
powdery form of cinnabar (native mer- floraison, m. (Bot.) flowering, efflorescence.
ctirïo sulfide). — (or fleurs) de cobalt, co- floran, florau, m. (Paper) beating trough,
balt bloom, erythrite. — de farine, fine beater.
flour. — de muscade, mace. — (or fleurs) flore, /. flora.
de soufre, flowers of sulfur, sublimed sul- florentin, a. Florentine.
fur. — d'ètain, white stannic oxide
(formed by burning tin). — (or fleurs) florentium, m. promethium (at. no. 61).
de vin, wine mold (Mycoderma vint). — Floride, /. Florida.
de zinc, zinc bloom, hydrozincite. fleurs floridine, /. Floridin. T.N.
d'arnica (or d'amique), (Pharm.) arnica, florissait, imp. S sing. (of fleurir) flowered.
arnica flowers. fleurs d'arsenic, flowers of florissant, a. flourishing.
arsenic, sublimed arsenic trioxide. fleurs floss, m. (Métal.) floss: (1) vitrified ma-
de benjoin, flowers of benzoin (benzoic terial floating in a puddling furnace, (2)
acid). fleurs de bismuth, flowers of bis- white cast iron for conversion into steel.
muth, sublimed bismuth trioxide. fleurs flot, m. wave, billow; flood; sea; floating;
de carthame, (Pharm.) safflower. fleurs de float. à —, afloat.
Diane, (Old Chem.) boric acid. fleurs de flotomètre, m. an instrument for measuring
tous les mois, (Pharm.) calendula, mari- the height of liquids by means of a float.
gold. fleurs de linc, flowers of zinc, zinc nôtre, notre, m. felt.
oxide (sublimed). flottabllité, /. floatability, buoyancy; (Aero.)
net lift.
n'enrage, m. an opaqueness produced on flottable, a. floatable, buoyant.
glass by hydrofiuoric acid; grits, groats; flottage, m. notation, floating.
bran, pollard; coarse flour. flottaison, /. notation; water line.
fleuraison, /. (Bot.) flowering, efflorescence. flottant, p.a. floating; flowing, waving;
fleurant, o. fragrant.
fleurée, /. foam which forma in dyeing; slack ; wavering, uncertain.
flower. flottation, /. dotation, floating.
fleurer, v.i. smell, give forth an odor. flotte, /. float; buoy; fleet; navy.
fleuret, m. floss silk; choice; borer, drilï, flottement, m. fioating ; wavering ; wob-
bit. — de laine, choice wool. — de mine, bling; fluttering, flutter.
rock dritl. flotter, v.i. float; waver, fluctuate; wobble.
fleuri, a. flowery, flowered; florid. v.t. float.
flotteur 193 foncé
flotteur, m. float,' floater. a. floating. — speoif. the tetrafluoride. — de chrome,
à boule, bail float. — à clapet, bail valve. chromium fluoride.
— index, index float, fluoryle, m. fiaorenyl, flooryl (C13H9—).
flou, a. blurred, indistinct; flat, without fluosel, m. fluo sait (any of various comptes
contrast. m. blur. salts containing fluorine).
flouve, /. (Bot.) anthoxanthum. — odorante, fluosilidé, a. fluosilicate of.
vernal grass (Anthoxanthum odoratutn). fluosllicique, a. fluosilicic.
fluage, m. flowage, flowing, flow; creepage. fluosilichire, m. fluosilicate. Obs.
fiuatation, /. imprégnation with fluosilicates. fluvial, o. fluvial, river.
fluate, m. ihiate (old name for fluoride). flux, m. flux; flow. — blanc, white flux. —
fluaté, a. fluatc (fluoride) of. Obs. lumineux, light flux. — noir, black flux.
fluctuant, a. fluctuating. — réducteur, reducing flux.
fluctuer, v.i. fluctuate; waver. fluxage, m. fluxing; specif., thinning of as-
fluctueux, a. fluctuating. phalt with oil.
fluer, v.i. flow; (of salts) creep. fluxion, /. fluxion; inflammation.
fluide, a. & m. fluid. F.O., abbrev. (flamme oxydante) oxidizing
fluidement, adv. fluidly, with fiuidity. flame.
fluidifiant, a. fluidifying, fluidizing, fluxing. locale, /. focal distance, focal length; focal
fluidificateur, a. fluidifying, fluidizing. Une.
fluidification, /. fluidification, fluidizing. focalisation, /. focalization, focusing.
fluidifier, v.t. fluidify, fluidize, render fluid. focet, m. spigot, peg, plug, pin; faucet.
fluidique, a. fluidic, fluid. fœtal, a. fetal, fœtal.
fluidité, /. fluidity, fluidness; fluency. fœtus, m. fétus, fœtus.
fluoboré, a. treated or combined with boron foi, /. faith; belief, confidence; proof.
fluoride. foie, m. liver; (Old Chem.) liver, hepar.
fluoborique, a. fluoborio. — d'antimoine, liver of antimony, hepar
fluochlorure, m. chlorofluoride, chloride antimonii. — d'arsenic, liver of arBenic,
fluoride. arsenic sulfide. — de morue, ood liver. —
fluor, m. fluorine; (Min.) fluorite; paste de soufre, liver of sulfur, hepar. — de
(lead glass). a. In the phrase spath fluor, soufre potassique, (Pharm.) £ulfurated
fluor spar. potash, liver of sulfur.
fluorane, m. fluoran. foin, m. hay; grass.
fluoration, /. fluorination. foire, /. fair, market; diarrhea.
fluoré, a. containing fluorine, fluoric. foirer, v.i. (MU.) hang fire; (of a screw)
fluorer, v.t. fluorinate. fail to hold.
fluorescéine, /. fluorescein. fois, m. time. à la —, at once, at the same
fluorescigène, a. fluorescigenic, causing time, together. de — à autre, from tima
fluorescence. to time. deux —, twice. une —, once.
fluorescine, /. fluorescin. une — que, when once; once as.
fluoréthyle, m. ethyl fluoride, fluoroethane. foison, /. abundance. à —, abundantly.
fluorhydrate, m. hydrofluoride. foisonnant, p.a. swelling, etc. (see foison-
fluorhydrique, a. hydrofiuoric. ner) ; abundant, extensive.
fluorifère, a. containing fluorine, fluorifer- foisonnement, m. swelling, swell; increase.
ous. foisonner, v.i. swell, expand; increase, mul-
fluoriflque, o. containing fluorine, fluoric. tiply ; abound. 1
fluorine, /. (Min.) fluorite, fluor spar. fol, o. Alternative masc. form of fou.
fluorique, a. fluoric (hydrofluoric). Obs. foliacé, o. foliaceous. '
folie, /. madness, insanity; folly; passion.
fluorisel, m. = fluosel. folié, a. foliated; (Bot.) foliate, leafy.
fluoritique, o. fluoritic. foliole, /. leaflet, foliole.
fluoroforme, m. fluoroform. folle, a. fem. of fou.
fluoroformé, a. treated with fluoroform. folliculaire, o. follicular.
fluoromètre, m.fluorometer,fluormeter. follicule, /. follicle.
fluorphosphate, m. fluophosphate. folliculine, /. folliculin.
fluorsilicate, m. fluosilicate. fomenter, v.t. foment.
fluorsilicique, a. fluosilicic. fonçage, m. deepening, etc. (see foncer).
fluorure, m. fluoride. — chromé, chromium foncé, o. (of colors) deep, dark, dull; deep-
fluoride. — de carbone, Carbon fluoride, ened, etc. (see foncer).
fonceau 194 fonte
fonceau, m. a table or slab on which glass founding. — de fer, iron foundry; iron
pots are molded. founding ; ironworks.
foncement, m. deepening, etc. (see foncer); fondeur, m. founder; melter; smelter;
esp., the sinking of wells. caster.
foncer, v.t. deepen, darken, sadden (a color) ; fondis, m. (Geol.) sinking, subsidence.
dig, sink (a hole or shaft) ; lower ; bot- fondoir, m. melting house; melting pot. —
tom (as casks) ; dry and solidify (sugar de suif, tallow melting house.
loaves) ; prime, size, put the ground coat fondre, v.t. melt, fuse; smelt; found; cast;
on. dissolve; (Med.) dissolve, résolve; blend.
fonceuse, /. (Paver) coating machine. v.i. melt, fuse; melt away; dissolve; sink,
foncièrement, adv. thoroughly; at bottom. fall in; fall (upon), rush (upon), burst.
fonction, /. funotion; office. en — de, as v.r. melt, fuse; melt away; blend, be
a function of. faire — de, act as, serve as. blended.
— linéaire, linear function. fondrler, m. (Sait) the end wall of a fur-
fonctionnaire, m. functionary, officiai. nace.
fonctionnel, a. functional. fondrière, /. pit, hollow; bog; surface
fonctionnement, m. functioning; opération, mine.
action. fondrilles, /. pi. lees, dregs, sédiment.
fonctionner, v.i. function; work, operate, fonds, m. sing. & pi. dregs, sédiment; soil;
act. ground, land; real estate; fund; funds,
fond, m. bottom; foundation, base; ground, capital; business; (fit.) field. See also
background ; ground coat ; further end, fond. — courants, current funds. — de
back; depth. pr. S sing. of fondre. See roulement, working capital. — social, capi-
also fonds, à —, completely, thoroughly. tal (of a company).
à — plat, flat-bottomed. à — rond, round- fondu, p.a. melted, fused, etc. (see fondre);
bottomed. au —, at bottom, in reality; molten.
underground, de — en comble, completely, fondure, /. melted grease.
entirely. faire —, rely, dépend. — clair, fonger, v.i. (of paper) blot.
(Micros.) bright field, bright ground. — fongi-. fungi-.
de cale, bilge. — de cylindre, cylinder fongicide, a. fungicidal. m. fungicide.
head. — voir, (Micros.) dark field, dark fongine, /. fungin. Obs.
ground. fongique, a. (Bot.) fungic.
f ondage, m. founding ; smelting ; melting. fongoïde, a. fungoid.
fondamental, a. fundamental ; foundation. fongueux, a. fungous.
fondamentalement, adv. fundamentally ; fongus, m. fungus.
eompletely. font, pr. S pi. (of faire) make, do, etc.
fondant, m. flux; a solid in contact with fontaine, /. fountain; spring; well; ré-
its liquid form; (Med.) dissolvent; a soft ceptacle or fixture for delivering liquids,
bonbon, p.a. melting, etc. (see fondre); esp. water. — à robinet, water fixture;
(Med.) dissolvent, p. pr. (of fondre) melt- water réservoir with cock. — d'arrosage,
ing, etc. — calcaire, calcareous flux, lime- well. can, sprinkler. — de gai, gas
stone flux. — de couverture, a covering of
flux used as a protection from the air. — fonte, /. cast iron, pig iron, pig; (in gên-
réducteur, reducing flux. erai) cast métal, crude métal; melting,
fondateur, m. founder. fusion; melt, fused product; founding;
fondation, /. foundation; bed, base. casting; smelting; blend, blending (as of
wools) ; lot of skins curried at one time ;
fondé, p.a. founded ; well founded ; author- (of type) font; (formerly) brass, bronze.
ized. m. authorized person. — de pouvoir, en —, cast-iron. — à affiner, forge pig. —
attorney. o canon, gun pig. — à canon en bronze,
fondement, m. foundation; base; reliance. gun métal. — à canon en fer, gun pig. —
fonder, v.t. found, base. v.r. be founded; aciérie, steeled iron, steeled pig, semisteel.
rely. — à l'acide, acid fusion; (Fats) rendering
fonderie, f. foundry; founding, casting; in the présence of acid. — à l'air chaud,
smeltery, smelter; vessel for melting wax. hot-blast pig. — à l'air froid, cold-blast
— de bronze, bronze foundry (or founding), pig. — à Valkali, alkali fusion. — à
brass foundry (or founding). — de cuivre noyau, cored casting. — au bois, — au
jaune, — de laiton, brass foundry, brass charbon de bois, charcoal iron, charcoal
fonte 195 formatif
ipig. — au coke, coke pig. — aux créions, forain, a. foreign, alien.
rendering of fats by simple heating, the force, /. force ; power ; strength ; much,
*cracklings being strained off. — bigarrée, many; (pi.) shears. à —, hard, extremely.
anottled pig. — blanche, white cast iron, à — de, by the strength of, by dint of,
-white pig. — blanche miroitante, specular by means of. de —, by force, forcibly*
«ast iron. — blanchie, fine iron ; chilled — centrifuge, centrifugal force. — centri-
casting. — brute, raw iron, pig iron. — pète, centripetal force, — de bras, hand
'Caverneuse, porous cast iron, porous pig, power. — de cheval, horsepower. — de
— chromée, ferrochromium. — crue, crude courant, (Elec.) current intensity. — d'im-
•cast métal, specif. pig iron. — cuivreuse, pulsion, momentum. — d'inertie, inertia,
(Métal.) a process for obtaining silver or vis inertiae. — d'ionisation, ionizing power.
igold by production of a copper matte and — en chevaux, horsepower. — électromo-
subséquent séparation of the precious trice, electromotive force. — morte,
métal. — d'acier, cast steel. — d'affinage, (Mech.) vis mortua, dead force. — mo-
iorge pig; converter pig. — d'art, a qual- trice, motive power. — portante, lifting
ity of zinc used in making imitation bronze ; (or carrying) force or power. — tirante,
artistic casting. — de bois, charcoal iron, tractive force. — vive, (Mech.) vis viva,
charcoal pig. — de chrome, cast chromîum, living force (kinetic energy).
«rude chromium. — de fer, cast iron, pig forcement, m. forcing.
iron, pig. — de finage, pig iron for refin- forcément, adv. forcibly ; necessarily.
ing. — de manganèse, cast manganèse, forcer, v.t. force; approximate (a décimal).
-crude manganèse. — de moulage, foundry
iron, foundry pig. — douce, soft cast forcettes, /. pi. small shears.
iron. — dure, hard cast iron, chilled cast forcite, /. (Bxpl.) forcite, T.N. — anti-
iron. — électrique, electric smelting. — grisouteuse, firedamp forcite.
en coquille, chilled casting. — en creux, forer, v.t. bore, drill; puncture, perforate.
iollow casting. — en gueuse, pig iron. forerie, /. boring, drilling; boring machine,
drill; boring house.
— en pain de sucre, (Glass) fusion which forestier, a. forest. m. forester.
is proceeding satisfactorily, as shown by foret, m. drill, borer, boring bit, boring tooï,
the resemblance of the batch to a sugar gimlet, auger, perforator, — à bouchons,
loaf. — en saumon, pig iron. — épurée, cork (or stopper) borer. — à hélice, twist
refined cast iron. — graphiteuse, graphitic drill.
pig- — grenue, granular pig iron. — grise, forêt, / . forest. — feuillue, deciduous forest.
gray cast iron, gray pig. — UmaUleuse, very — résineuse, coniferous forest.
.graphitic iron, black (dark gray) cast iron. foret-râpe, m. a combined drill and rasp
— maculée, mottled cast iron, mottled pig. for sampling sugar beets.
— malléable, malléable cast iron. — mazée, foreur, m. borer, driller. — de bouchon,
pig iron for refining. — mécanique, foun- cork borer.
dry iron, foundry pig. — mêlée, cast iron foreuse, /. boring machine, drilling machine.
«f mixed gray and white color, mottled pig. forfait, p.a. forfeited. m. contract; forfeit,
— métisse, cinder pig. — miroitante, mir- fine ; crime.
Tor iron, spiegeleisen. — mitis, mitis cast- forge, /. forge. — à l'anglaise, rolling mill.
ing ; mitis métal. — moulée, cast iron, iron — catalane, bloomery fire. — d'aflinerie,
«astings. — noire, black (very graphitic) (Métal.) refinery.
cast iron. — plombeuse, {Métal.) = em- forgé, p.a. forged; wrought (as iron).
plombage. — pour acier, cast iron for forgeable, a. forgeable, malléable.
conversion into steel. — raffinée, refined forgeage, forgement, m. forging.
cast iron, refined pig. — rubanée, mottled forger, v.t. forge; work, hammer; invent.
cast iron. — siliciée, silicon steel. — sili- forgerie, /. forging; inventing; forgery.
cieuse, siliceous cast iron. — spéculaire, — forgeron, m. smith, blacksmith.
spiegel, spiegeleisen. — suédoise, Swedish forgeur, m. forger, smith.
pig. — tendre, soft (gray) cast iron. — forgis, m. métal rod to be drawn into wire.
Thomas, cast iron rich in phosphorus and forjeter, v.i. project; bulge.
poor in silicon. — truitée, mottled cast formaline, /. Formalin. T.N.
iron. — vive, cast iron slow in solidifying. format, m. format, size. — portatif, pocket
fontis, m. (Geol.) sinking, subsidence. size.
forage, m. boring, drilling ; borehole, well. formateur, formatif, a. formative ; cré-
— par rodage, rotary drilling. ative.
formation 196 fouettement
formation, /. formation, forming. — d'eau tremely, very. — peu eoluble, very slightly
douce, (Geot.) fresh-water formation. — soluble, aimoet insoluble.
gréseuse, sandstone formation. — houillère,fortement, adv. strongly, forcibly, finnly^,
coal formation, coal measures. hard, extremely, greatly, very.
forme, /. form; mold; shape; (pi.) man- fortifiant, p.a. sirengtliening, fortifying. m.
ners. (Med.) atrength-giving medicine, tonic.
formel, a. formai. fortifier, v.t. strengthen, fortify.
formellement, adv. formally. fortuit, a. fortuitous, accidentai.
formène, m. méthane. — perckloré, carbon fortuitement, adv. fortuitously, by chance,
tetrachloride, tetrachloromethane. as it happens.
forménique, a. méthane, pertaining to fortune, /. fortune ; chance ; fortunate-
méthane. thing. de —, by chance, accidentally.
former, v.t. form; make, shape, mold. v.r. fortuné, a. fortunate.
form, be formed. forure, /. drilled hole, bored hole, bore.
formiamide, /. formamide. fosse, /. pit, hole, excavation, cavity; ditch,
formiate, m. formate. — d'ammoniaque, trench; grave; (Ànat.) fossa. —o boue(8)y
ammonium formate. — de potasse, po- mud pit, slime pit, slush pit. — à cendres,.
tassium formate. — de soude, sodium ash pit. — à ciel ouvert, open pit. — à
formate. mouler, molding pit. — à tan, tan pit, tan.
formidable, a. formidable; fearful; enor- vat. — d'aisances, cesspool, cesspit. —
mous. de coulée, casting pit. — d'effondrement,
formine, /. formin. (Geol.) rift valley, trough fault. — d&
fornaique, a. formic. fonderie, foundry pit. —• de repos, settling
formobenzoïlique, a. mandelic, phenylgly- pit. — d'imprégnation, soaking pit. —
colic. nasale, (Anat.) nasal fossa. — septique?
formochloride, m. chloroform. (Sewage) septic tank.
formogène, o. generating formaldehyde. fossé, m. ditch, drain, trench ; (Geol.y
formol, m. Formol; (loosely) formaldehyde. trough fault.
formuler, v.t. treat with Formol or formal- fossette, /. (little) pit ; dent ; socket ;
dehyde. (Anat.) fossa, also lacuna; dimple.
formonitrile, m. formonitrile (hydrocyanic fossile, a. & m. fossil.
acid). fossilifère, a. fossiliferous.
formulable, a. capable of being formulated. fossilisateur, -trice, a. fossilizing.
formulaire, m. formulary; form; blank. fossiliser, v.t. & r. fossilize.
formule, /. formula. — brute, empirical fou (or fol), a. crazy, insane; (of things)-
formula (indicating the relative or, often, unsteady, irregular ; (Mach.) loose, idle ;
the absolute number of atoms of différent (Bot.) wild ; foolish ; prodigious ; wanton.
kinds but not their mode of union). —
chimique, chemical formula. — de consti- foudre, /. lightning, thunderbolt, thunder.
tution, oonstitutional formula, structural m. tun, vat, large cask (containing as much
formula. — de travail, tentative formula. as 300 hl.), specif. one sometimes used for
— développée, structural formula. — em- the first fermentation of wine. —• de
pirique, empirical formula. — globale, garde, storage cask.
summary formula. — rationnelle, rational foudroiement, m. Btriking with lightning,
formula, structural formula. etc. (see foudroyer).
formuler, v.t. formulate, express in a for- foudroyant, p.a. lightninglike, sudden,
mula, v.r. be formulated, be stated ; hâve (Med.) fulminant.
the formula. foudroyante, /. (Pyro.) a rocket making a
formyle, m. formyl. noise in imitation of thunder.
formylène, m. methylidyne. 06*. foudroyer, v.t. strike by lightning or by
formyler, v.t. formylate. any powerful electric discharge; thunder-
fort, a. strong; thick; big, great; heavy; strike ; destroy, overwhelm. v.i. thunder.
high; hard, difficult, severe; (of boiling) fouet, m. whip; whipcord; lash; chalk line;
brisk, lively ; skillful, clever. m. strong whipping; (Glass) bottle annealer; (Biol.y
(thick, main, best) part; strength, depth, flagellum.
height ; forte ; strong person ; fort. adv. fouettement, m. whipping, etc. (see fouet-
strongly, hard, fast; greatly, highly, ex- ter).
fouetter 197 four
fouetter, v.t. whip ; lash, beat, pelt ; streak ; pots, as distinguished from a meehanical
plaster (with roughcast). v.i. whip, beat, furnace. — à dalles, shelf burner (as for
lash, pelt, flap. burning pyrites smalls). — à éma&er,
fougère, f. fern. — mâle, maie fern, enameh'ng furnace (a kind of muffle fur-
(Pharm.) aspidium. nace). — à étages, shelved oven or kiln.
fouille, /. excavation, digging; cavity, pit. — à étendre, (Qlass) ftattening furnace or
fouiller, v.t. exeavate, dig, mine; search, oven. — à flamber, fiaming furnace (for
explore, v.i. dig; mine; search, explore. sterilizing glassware, etc.). — à fondre,
fouillis, m. disorder, confusion, medley. melting furnace (as for glass). — à jrit-
fouir, v.t. dig; sink (a well); burrow. ter, calcining furnace. — d fumer, smudge
foulage, m. pressing, etc. (see fouler). pot. — à galères, gallery furnace, galley.
foulant, p.a. pressing, etc. (see fouler); (of — à gai, gas furnace; gas kiln; gas oven.
a pump) forcing, force. — à incinérer, incinerator. — à manche,
foule, /. multitude, great number, crowd; small shaft furnace, cupola. — à moufle,
fulling; (Weaving) shed. en —, in crowds, muffle furnace. — à pain, baking oven,
in great quantity. bread oven. — à pétrole, petrol furnace,
foulée, /. pile (of skins); blast (of a bel- gasoline furnace. — ô plâtre, plaster kUn,
lows); tread (of a step); print, track. specif. one for burning gypsum to plaster
foulement, m. pressing, etc. (see fouler). of Paris. — à poix, pitch oven. — à
fouler, v.t. press, squeeze, crush (as grapes); puddler, puddling furnace. — à réchauf-
compress (as air) ; ram, stamp ; full, znill fer, reheating furnace, heating furnace. —
(cloth or leather) ; tread, tramp, trample ; o recuire, annealing furnace or oven. —• à
oppress ; sprain. refroidir, (Glass) a furnace (or compart-
foulerle, /. fulling mill. ment of a fumace) in which window glass
fouleur, m. presser, etc. (see fouler). is cooled gradually after being flattened.
fouleuse, /. fulling machine, fulling mill. — à résine, resin oven. — à réverbère,
foulolr, m. crusher (as for grapes); beater; reverberatory furnace. — à ruche, (Coke)
ranimer, tamper; fulling mill. — à trémie, beehive oven. — à sécher = four de sé-
hopper crusher. — pressoir, a combination chage. — à sel de soude, soda-ash furnace.
crnsher and press for fruits. — à sole, fumace with hearth, hearth with
foulon, m. fulling machine or mill (for cloth bed. — à soude, soda furnace. — à souf-
or leather); fuller. fler = four-ouvreau. — à soufre, brim-
foulonnage, m. fulîing, milling. stone burner, sulfur furnace. — o tremper,
foulonner, v.t. iull, mill. hardening furnace. — à tubes, tube fttr-
foulonnerle, /. fulling mill. nace. •— à tuiles, tile kiln. — à vapeur,
foulonnîer, m. fuller, mill man. steam oven. — à vent, air furnace, wind
foulure, /. fulling, milling; treading; sprain. furnace. — basique, basic-Uned furnaee.
four, m. furnace ; kiln ; oven ; stove. — o — belge, (Zinc) Belgian furnace. — belge-
acier, steel fumace. — à affiner, reûning silésien, (Zinc) a combined Belgian and
furnace. — à air soufflé, draft furnace. — Silesian furnace. — continu, — coûtant,
à aludels, aludel furnace, bustamente fur- continuous furnace or kiln. — d'affinage,
nace. — à bassin, tank furnace. — à — d'affinerie, (Iran) refinery, finery. —
bleuir, bluing kiln (for tile). — à bou- d'attrempage, (Glass) a furnace in which
langer, baker's oven; (Coke) beehive oven. the pots are given a preliminary heating,
— à briques, brick kiln. — à carbonater, pot arch. — de carbonisation, charcoal
(Soda) black-ash furnace. — à cémenter, kiln. — de cuisine, cookstove. — de fusion,
cémentation furnace. — à chambre, cham- melting (ov smelting) furnaee. — de galère,
bered furnace or kiln, specif. a gas-retort gallery fumace, galley. — de grillage,
furnace. — à chaux, Urne kiln. — acide, roasting furnace, roaster. — de recuisson,
acid-lined furnace. — à coke, coke oven. (Glass) annealing oven, Ieer. —• de recuite,
•— à coke à récupération, by-product coke annealing furnace. —• de ressuaffe, liquatkm
oven. — à cornue(a), retort furnace, retort hearth or furnace. — de séchage, drying
oven. — à coupeller, cupellation furnace, kiln or stove, drier. — de travail = four-
muffle furnace. — à creusets, crucible fur- ouvreau. — discontinu, discontinuons (or
nace. — à cuire, (Glass) annealing oven, alternate-working, or batch) furnace or
Ieer; baking oven. — à cristaux, (Qeol.) kiln. — dormant, horizontal (or reverbera-
vug, géode. — à cuve, shaft furnace. — tory) furnace. — électrique, electric fur-
à cuvette, (Soda) a salt-eake furnace usjng nace. — Ballot», Welsh furnace. — liégeois,
four 198 foyer
(Zinc) Liège furnace, Belgian furnace. — de grillage, roasting furaace. — de labora-
Martin, — Martin-Siemens, Siemens-Mar- toire, laboratory furnace, chemical furnace.
tin furnace, open-hearth furnace. — mé- — d'émailleur, enameler's furnace (a kind
canique, mechanical furnace. — Pasteur, of muffle furnace). — de mine, blast hole,
Pasteur sterilizer. — Perrot, Perrot fur- shot hole ; mine chamber. — de raffinage,
nace (a gas furnace for heating crucibles refining furnace. — d'essai, assay furnace.
or one for cupellation). — pit, (Métal.) — de verrerie, glass furnace. — générateur,
soaking pit. — potager, pot furnace, generator (for fuel gas). — rotatoire, ro-
crucible furnace. •— rotatif, — rotatoire, tary furnace, revolving furnace. haut —,
(Cernent, etc.) rotary kiln, rotatory kiln, blast furnace. (For other phrases see the
rotating kiln; (Métal.) rotating hearth. — corresponding phrases under four.)
sêcheur, drying kiln or stove. — silésien, fournéd /. charge (in a furnace or kiln),
(Zinc) Silesian furnace. — soufflé, blast batch, baking, ovenful, kilnful.
furnace. •— tubulaire, tube furnace. — fournerie, /. furnace room or area.
tuyère, blast furnace. (For other phrases fournette, /. small reverberatory furnace.
see the corresponding phrases under four- fourni, p.a. furnished, provided ; thick.
neau.) fournilles, /. pi. brushwood, firewood.
fourbir, v.t. furbish, elean, burnish, polish. fournir, v.t. furaish, provide, supply. v.i.
fourbissage, m. furbishing, burnishing. (with à) provide (for), pay (for).
fourche, /. fork, fournissement, m. furnishing, etc. (see
fourché, p.a. forked, branched. fournir); share (of capital).
fourcher, v.i. & r. fork, branch. fournisseur, m. furnisher, supplier, pur-
fourchette, /. (small) fork; table fork. veyor, seller, source; (Founding) ingate.
fourchon, m. prong (of a fork), tine. fourniture, /. furnishing, etc. (See fournir) ;
fourchu, a. forked, branching, cloven (hoof). provision, supply; supplies; specif., bed-
fourchure, /. fork, forking, branching. ding.
fourgon, m. wagon, car, van; poker, stirrer. four-ouvreau, m. (Glass) a furnace with
fourgonner, v.t. poke, stir (a fire), stoke. large openings at which the workmen heat
fourmi, /. ant. — blanche, white ant, the glass while blowing it, "blowing hole."
termite. fourrage, m. forage, fodder, food for ani-
fourmiller, v.i. swarm, abound ; prickle, mais (esp. hay, straw, etc.); foraging.
tickle. fourrager, v.t. & i. forage ; pillage ; rum-
fournaise, /. furnace. mage. a. forage, fit for forage.
fourneau, m. furnace; kiln; oven; stove; fourré, p.a. thrust, inserted, etc. (see four-
chamber (of a mine) ; (military) mine. — rer) ; bushy, woody (country) ; furry,
à bassine, a stove or brazier consisting of furred.
a deep vessel with a circular top. — à fourreau, m. eover, covering, case, casing,
calciner, calcining furnace, calciner. — à sleeve, sheath, scabbard; (Elec.) conduit.
chalumeau, blowpipe furnace. — à char- fourrer, v.t. thrust, insert, put; cram, stuff;
bon, charcoal stove or furnace; charcoal line with fur; line with wood; serve
pit. — à coupelle, cupellation furnace. — (rope).
— à essais, assay furnace. — à flammes, fourreur, m. furrier.
(Mercury) a double reverberatory furnace fourrier, m. quartermaster.
used at Idria. — à gaz, gas stove; gas fourrure, /. fur; furring, wood lining; lin-
furnace. — à main, portable stove or fur- ing, casing; nest (of tubs, coppers or the
nace. — à rôtir, roasting furnace. — à like).
scories, slag hearth. — à sécher, drying four-séchoir, m. drying oven, drying fur-
stove, drying furnace. — à tubes, a fur- nace.
nace or stove provided with inlet and out- fourvoyer, v.t. mislead. V.T. err, be wrong.
let tubes for the use of gaseous fuel; tube fouteau, foyard, m. beech, beech tree.
furnace (for heating tubes). — à vases foyer, m. hearth; fire chamber, fire box;
clos, closed-vessel furnace (including cham- furnace; fire; light, source of light; focus;
ber, muffle, crucible and retort furnaces). foyer, lobby. — à grille, grate hearth, grate
— à vent, blast furnace; air furnace. — furnace. — alandier = alandier. — à
catalan, Catalan forge (or furnace). — loupe, bîoomery forge. — à réchauffer,
d'artifice, pyrotechnie furnace. — de cal- reheating hearth.. — catalan, Catalan
cinage, calcining furnace, calciner. — de forge or furnace. — d'affinage, — d'affinerie,
cuisine, kitchen stove, kitchen range. — (Métal.) refinery, finery hearth. — de raf-
foyer 199 freinte
finerie, (Métal.) refinery, fining hearth. — franc, a. pure, unadulterated; true, real;
écossais, (Lead) Scotch hearth. — gazogène, full, complète, whole; free; frank. adv.
gas producer, producer. — mécanique, fully, completely, quite; frankly. m. franc.
mechanical stoker. — réel, real focus. — français, a. French. m. French (language);
supérieur, (of a blast furnace) part above (cap.) Frenchman.
the boshes, main body, belly. — virtuel, Francfort, m. Frankfort, Frankfurt.
virtual focus. Francfort-sur-Mein, m. Frankfort on the
F.R., abbrev. (flamme réductrice) reducing Main, Frankfurt am Main.
flame. franche, a. fem. of franc,
fracas, m. crash, crashing, noise ; tumult. franchement, adv. frankly; distinctly;
fracasser, v.t. shatter, smash, break. purely ; free.
fraction, /. fraction; (Dût.) eut; fragment. franchir, v.t. pass; pass over, cross; ex-
•— de cœur, (Dist.) heart eut. — de queue, ceed ; sunnount ; jump over ; clear.
bottom fraction. — de tête, top fraction. franchise, /. exemption (as from duty or
fractionnaire, a. fractional. tax) ; immunity ; franking privilège ; frank-
fractionné, p.a. fraetional ; fractionated. ness ; freedom.
fractionnement, m. fractioning, fractiona- franchissement, m. passing, etc. (see
tion. franchir).
fractionner, v.t. fractionate, fraction, v.i. franco, adv. free, carnage paid, postpaid.
break up, splinter. — à bord, free on board, f.o.b. — de port,
fracture, /. fracture; breaking, break. carriage free, post free.
fracturer, v.t. & r. break, fracture. frange, /. fringe.
fragile, a. fragile, brittle, frail. franger, v.t. fringe.
fragilité, /. fragility, brittleness, frailness. frangibilité, /. frangibility, frangibleness.
fragmentaire, a. fragmentary. frangible, a. frangible, breakable, fragile.
fragmentation, /. fragmentation; breakage. franguline, /., franguloside, m. frangulin.
fragmenter, v.t. break into fragments. frappage, m. striking, etc. (see frapper);
frai, m. spawning ; spawn ; small fry ; fray- stamp, impression.
ing, etc. (see frayer). See also frais. — frappant, p.a. striking, impressive. p. pr.
de grenouille, frog spawn; (Dist.) leuconos- of frapper.
toc. frappe, /. stroke, blow; striking; stamp.
fraîche, a. fera, of frais. frappé, p.a. struck; stamped; iced; (of
fraîchement, adv. freshly, recently; coolly. cloth) strong, close; forcible, spirited.
fraîcheur, m. coolncss; freshnesg; chill; être — de, be affected with, hâve, exhibit;
breeze. be struck with.
fraîchir, v.i. become cooler; (of wind) frappement, m. striking, etc. (see frapper).
freshen. frapper, v.t. strike; hit, knock, beat,
frais, a. fresh ; récent ; cool. m. freshness ; stamp ; press into cakes (as soap) ; ice
coolness; fresh air; cool place. adv. (wines, etc.); affect. v.i. strike; hit, knock,
freshly; recently; coolly. m. pi. expense, beat.
expenses, cost, costs, charges, pi. of frai. frappeur, m. striker, beater, knocker,
— d'utilisation, operating costs. — sco- stamper. o. striking, beating, etc.
laires, tuition, tuition fee. frasil, m. = fraisil.
fraisage, m. milling, etc. (see fraiser). fraude, /, fraud.
fraise, /. strawberry; cutting file, cutter, frauder, v.t. adulterate; defraud; smuggle
milling tool; reamer; countersink; mesen- in.
tery, crow (of a calf, lamb or the like); frauduleusement, adv. fraudulently.
ruBe, frill. frauduleux, a. fraudulent.
fraiser, v.t. mill; ream; eut; bore; plait. fraxine, /., fraxoside, m. fraxin.
fraiseuse, /. milling machine, cutter. frayer, v.t. fray, rub, graze, wear; open (a
fraisier, m. strawberry (plant).
fraisil, m. coal (or eoke) cinders, breeze; way). v.i. associate; wear, wear away.
coal dust, culm. frein, m. brake; check, curb; bit, bridle.
framboise, /. raspberry. freinage, m. braking; brake gear; damping.
framboise, a. having a raspberrylike sur- freindre, v.i. shrink.
face, mammillated; having a raspberry freiner, v.t. & i. brake; damp; retard.
odor or fiavor. freinte, /. shrinkage, loss (as of a substance
framboisier, m. raspberry (plant). during manufacture); waste.
frelatage 200 fronde
frelatage, frelatement, m., frelatatlon, frissonner, v.i. shiver, quiver, shake.
frelaterie, /. adultération, sophistication. frit, p.p. <Ê pr. 3 sing. (of frire) fried, fries.
frelater, v.t. adulterate, sophisticate. fritons, m. pi. cracklings.
frelateur, m. adulterator, sophisticator. frittage, m. fritting.
frêle, a. frail, fragile. fritte, /. frit; fritting.
frelon, m. hornet. fritter, v.t. & i. frit, fuse partially.
frémir, v.i. be agitated, vibrate, tremble, fritteur, m. fritter.
shake, quiver, (of water) simmer; rustle, fritteux, a. of the nature of a frit, fritty;
murmur, roar. suitable for making frit.
frémissement, m. agitation, vibration, etc. frittier, m. fritter.
(see frémir) ; tremor. friture, /. frying; frying oil, frying fat;
frenade sonsmarine. depth charge. fried material; frying noise, sizzting.
frêne, m. ash (tree or wood). — épineux, froid, o. cold. m. cold ; coldness. à —,
prickly ash (Zanthoxylum). cold, in the cold. il fait —, it is cold.
fréquemment, adv. frequently. froidement, adv. coldly, frigidly, coolly.
fréquence, /. frequency; rate. — ultra- froideur, /. coldness, chill.
acoustique, supersonic frequency. froidure, /. cold, eoldness, cold weather.
fréquentation, /. attendance (on courses) ; froissage, m. rubbing, etc. (see froisser).
frequenting, fréquentation. froisser, v.t. rub; rumple; crumple; braise;
fréquenter, v.t. attend (classes); fréquent. offend.
v.i. resort (to); associate (with). froissure, /. bruise; rumple, wrinkle.
frequln, m. a cask for sugar, sirup, etc. frôlement, m. grazing, brushing, contact.
frère, m. brother. frôler, v.t. graze, brush, pass over.
fresque, /. fresco. fromage, m. cheese; a cheese-shaped sup-
fret, m. freight; chartering (of a vessel). port for crucibles, crucible stand. — à la
fréter, v.t. freight, load; charter. crème, cream cheese. — à pâte ferme (or
frettage, m. hooping, etc. (see fretter). résistante) hard cheese. — à pâte moUe,
frette, /. hoop, ring, band, tire, collar. soft cheese. — cru, uncooked cheese. —
fretter, v.t. hoop ; flange ; build up (a gun). cuit, cooked cheese. — de Hollande, Dutch
frUbilité, /. friability. cheese. — d'Eidam, Edam cheese. —
friche, /. fallow, fallow land. demi-gras, cheese from partially skimmed
friction, /. friction; rubbing; uniment. milk, single cheese. — d'iode, precipitated
frictionner, v.t. rub; rub in. cuprous iodide. — fermenté, fermented
frictionneuse, /. a machine for waterproof- cheese. — frais, fresh or unfermented
ing cloth with rubber. cheese, cottage cheese. — gras, rich cheese
frictomètre, m. frictometer. (either cream cheese, whole-milk cheese, or
frigidité, /. frigidity, coldness, frigidness. filled cheese containing an équivalent
frigo, n. chilled méat. amount of fat). — maigre, skim-milk
frigorie, /. large calorie (when absorbed). cheese. — mou, soft cheese.
frigorifère, m. cold chamber, refrigerating
chamber or apparatus, cooler. fromager, m. cheese mold; cheese maker;
frigoriflcation, /. réfrigération, production cheese dealer; {Bot.) silk-cotton tree.
of cold, chilung. (See frigorifier.) fromagerie, /. cheese factory; cheese room;
frigorifier, v.i. produce cold. v.t. refrig- cheese shop ; cheese trade.
erate, esp. at low température, freeze (as fromageux, a. cheesy.
méat). froment, m. wheat. — aubaine, hard wheat,
frigorifique, a. refrigerating, réfrigération, durum wheat. — de Turquie (or des Indes,
cold-producing, frigorifie; (of mixtures) or d'Espagne), (Indian) corn, maize. —
freezing. épeautre, spelt. — touselle, a kind of
frigorigène, m. cold-producing substance. beardless wheat.
frimas, m. hoarfrost ; rime.
frire, v.t., i. & r. fry; sizzle, crackle. fromentacé, a. frumentaceous.
Frise, /. Friesland. fromentacée, /. frumentaceous plant.
friser, v.t. curl, crisp ; graze ; be near. v.i. fromental. m. oat grass; rye grass.
curl, crisp. fromenteux, a. wheat-producing, wheat.
frison, m. shred, chip, bit; (p!., frisons) froncer, v.t. & r. pucker, wrinkle.
floss silk. frondaison, m. foliage; leafing time.
frisson, m. shivering; chill; thrill. fronde, /. sling; frond (of ferns); foliage.
front 201 fumigérite
front, m. front; face; brow, forehead; head. fulguration, /. (Assaying) fulgoration,
de —, in front; simultaneously, at the brightening ; flashing.
same tîme; abreast. — de taille, (Mining) fuligineux, o. sooty, smoky, fuliginous.
working face. fuliginosité, /. fuh'ginosity, sootiness, soot.
frontière, /. & a. frontier, boundary, bor- fuligo, m. soot, esp. pine soot.
der. fulmicoton, fulmi-coton, m. guncotton.
frontispice, m. frontispiece, title page. — soluble, soluble guncotton, pyroxylin.
frottage, m. rubbing, etc. (see frotter). fulminant, p.a. fulmînating.
frottement, m. friction; ratobing, etc. (see fulminate, m. fuhninate. — d'argent, sil-
frotter). •— de glissement, sliding friction. ver fulminate. — de mercure, mercury
— de roulement, rolling friction. — en fulmmatft.
charge, friction under load. — superficiel, fulminaterie, /. fulminate factory.
surface friction; skin friction. fulmination, /. fnlmination, détonation.
frotter» v.t. rub; wipe; grmd (as glass); fulminer, v.i. detonate, fulminate ; rage.
scour" poîish. v.i. rub each otner; rub fulminique, o. fufaiinic.
up (with), associât e; meddfe (with). m. fnlmtnuTique, a. futonnurie.
rubbing, friction. fulmi-paille, /. (Expl.) nitrated straw.
frotteur, m. nabber; wiper; friction pièce; fulmison, m. (Expl.) nitrated bran.
(EUee.) rubbing contact, bruah, shœ; fioor fulware, ». pterwara, mahua (IKpe lati-
polisher. foliu).
frottis, m. thin coat, wash (an of a bans- fumade, m. manuring, dunging.
parent color); polish; (Boct.) smear prép- fumage, m. fuming; smoking; (Agrie.)
aration. manuring1.
frottoir, m. rubber; speeif., a surface on fumaison, m. (Agric.') manurmg, dTmgîbg.
which to ignite matches; polisher. fumant, p.a. fuming ; smoking ; steaming ;
frou-frau, ftonfrou, m. ruatlinsr, froufrou. reeking.
fructifère, a. fruit-bearing, fructiferoas. fumarine, /. fumarkw (protopine).
fructifier, vJ. tme&fy; be frmtfoL fumarique, a. fumaric.
fructosane, «c rruotoaan. fttmarolle, f. (Oeol.) fumarofe.
fructueusement, adv. fruitfully, profitably. fumé, p.a. smoked, smoky; famed; ms-
fructueux^ a. fruitful; profitable. nured.
fruit, m. fruit; batter, slope (of a wall). fume-cigarette, m. cigaret holder.
— à noyaur sterne fruit. — d'aneth, dill fumée, /. fume; smoke; smoke gi», 9ue
fraitr ddl seed, (Phann.) dill. fruits de gaB; (Oems) flàw, spot. — d'échappement,
fenouilr (Pharm.) fennel, fenoel fruit, fen- exnaust fumes, escape gases1. — de' Londres,
nel seed. London smoke (denoting the color of a
fruité, a. fraity. dark glass marie for optical use), sans —,
fruiter, vj. fruit, bear fruit. smokeless.
fruiterie, /. fruit storeroom; frtrit trade. fumer, ti.t; fume; smoke; steam; reefc. v.t.
fruitier, a. fruit, fruit-bearing. m. fruit- fume ; smoke ; manure.
erer; fruit room; fruit rack. fumerolle, fumerofe-, /. (Geot.y fnmsrofe.
frumcntacé, a. frumentaceou^, 1cereal. fnmeron, m. half-burnt (or smoky} char-
frustrer, v.t. deprive; frustrate . coal.
fuchsine, f. (Dyes} fuchsin, fuchsine. — fumet, m. aroma, odbr, (of wine) tonqnet.
pkéniquée; carbol fuchsin. fumeterre, m. (Bot.) fumitory (FvmariaX
fuchsine, a. containing fuchsin. fumeur, m. smoker.
fncuxanthine, /. fucoxanthin. fumeux, o. smoky; (of wîne) fumy, heady.
fugace, 1 a. fugitive; volatile; fleeting. fumier, m. manure, dung; dungbill. — de
fugacité , f. fUgitiveness ; fugacity. ferme, farm manure.
fugitif, a. fugitive. fumigateur, m, fumigator.
foi, p.p. (of fuir) escaped, etc. fumigation, /. fumigation. — jaj/tomenne,
fuir, v.i. escape, leak; (of colors) fade; fly, fumigation with chlorine.
flee; retreat, recède; taper; évade, avoid. fumigatoire, a. fumigatiog.
1 lanigène, a, smoko-producing, fumigenic.
v.t. fltee from, avcàd , escape.
fuite, f. feafc, leakage, ïeaking-, escape; fad- m. smoke-producing substance, fnmipm.
ing ; flight ; évasion, shif t ;• avoidance. fmniger, v.t.. fumigaitie.
Suites de fonte, (Mettot) spitlings. fumigérite, /. (Mil.) titanium tetrachloride.
fumiste 202 fustok
fumiste, m. builder or repairer of chimneys, fuseau, m. spindle (in various sensés); pin,
fumaces, ovens, etc. ; stove setter. axle, arbor.
fumisterie, /. building or repair of chim- fusée, /. fuse, fuze; rocket; fusée, fuzee
neys, ovens, furnaees, etc. (Gtoss) a tool for enlarging openings
fumivore, a. smoke-consuming. m. smoke (Mach.) axle arm, barrel, journal, spindle
consumer. (Spinnmg) spindleful, cop ; (Leaifter)
fmnivorité, /. smoke consumption. plumping, also a flattening tool. •— à
fumure, /. manuring, fertilizing ; manure, baguette, rocket and stick. — à conçus*
fertilizer. sion, concussion fuse. — à double effet,
funeste, o. fatal, disastrous; sinister. double-action fuse, combination fuse. —
fongicide, m. fungicide. o. fungicidal. à durée, time fuse. — d effet retardé, de-
fungine, /. fungin. layed-action fuse. — à la Congreve, Con-
funiculaire, o. funicular. m. funicular greve rocket. — à obus, shell fuse; shell
curve, catenary; funicular (or cable) rail- rocket. — à retard, delayed-action fuse.
way; funicular machine. — à temps, time fuse. — de Bickford,
fur, m. In the phrases à fur et mesure, au Bickford fuse. — d'éclair, flash rocket. —
fur et à mesure, in proportion. d'éclairage, light rocket, flare. — de sûreté,
furane, m. furan. safety fuse. — d'honneur, (Pyro.) signal
furanique, a. of or pertaining to furan. rocket. — éclairante, rocket flare, flare. —
furanne, m. furan. éclatante, star rocket. — fusante, time
furanyle, m. furyl. fuse. — instantanée, instantaneous fuse,
furazane, m. furazan, l,2,5~oxadiazole. quick match. — lente, slow match. —
a-furazol, m. a-furazole (isoxazole). lumineuse, light rocket, flare. — mixte,
0-furazol, m. j6-furazole (oxazole). combination fuse. — percutante, percus-
furent, p. de}. S pi. (of être) were. sion fuse. — réglée, time fuse. — retardée,
fureur, m. fury, rage, passion. delayed-action fuse. — vive, quick match.
furfuracé, a. furfuraceous, branny, scurfy. — volante, sky rocket.
fjirfurane, m. furan. fusée-détonateur, n. detonating fuse.
furfurane-carbonique, a. furancarboxylic. fusée-signal, /. signal rocket.
furfuranique, a. of or pertaining to furan. fusel, m. (also pi., fusels) fusel oil, fusel.
furfurique, a. = furfurolique. fuselé, a. spindle-shaped, fusiform; stream-
furfurol, m. furfural, furfuraldehyde, 2- lined.
furaldehyde. fuser, v.i. fuse, melt; deflagrate; (of salts)
furfurolique, a. of or relating to furfural. react to heat with crackling or sputtering;
(See the phrases at acide, alcool, aldé- (of lime) slake; (of colora) spread.
hyde.) fusibilité, /. fusibility.
furfuroyle, m. furoyl (a-furfuroyle, 2- fusible, o. fusible, m. (JElec.) safety fuse;
furoyl; P-furfuroyle, 3-furoyl). fuse wire; (of boilers) safety plug. — à
furfuryle, m. furfuryl (2-furylraethyl) ; lame, strip fuse.
(less desirably) furyl. fusiforme, a. fusiform, spindle-shaped.
furfurylique, a. furfuryl. fusil, m. (small) gun, rifle, (formerly) mus-
furieux, o. furious; tremendous, extraor- ket; steel (for striking fire or sharpening).
dinary. fusillette, /. small rocket.
furodiazol, m. furodiazole (oxadiazole). fusion, /. fusion, fusing, melting, sznelting.
furoïne, /. furoin. — à la soufflerie, sealing with the blast.
furolque, a. furoic. — aqueuse, aqueous fusion. — aquo-ignêe,
furol, m. furfural, furfuraldehyde. aqueoigneous fusion. — ignée, igneous
furoncle, m. (Med.) furunole, boil. fusion. — plombeuse, lead fusion.
furonculose, /. (Afed.) furunculosis.
furoxane, m. furoxan. fusionnement, m. fusion, union, blending.
fusain, m. spindle tree (Evonymus) ; char- fusionner, v.t., r. & i. fuse, unité, blend.
coal for drawing; charcoal crayon; char- fusionneur, m. an iion pot for alkaline
coal drawing; (Geol.) fusain. fusions.
fusant, p.a. fusing, etc. (see fuser); (of fusol, m. fusel oil.
fuses, etc.) time; (of compositions) fuse. fussent, imp. S pi. subj. of être (to be).
fuscine, /. fuscin. fustet, fustel, m. fustet (Cotinus coggygria
fuscosel, m. fusco sait (any of certain com- or its wood).
plex ammino cobalt salts). fustoc, fustok, m. fustic.
fut 203 fuyant
fut, p. def. S eing. (of être) was. futaille, /. cask, barrel; casks, barrels.
fût, m. cask, barrel, drum; shaft, trunk, futaillerie, /. wood for casks.
pôle, poat; stock, frame, brace, handlo. futaine, /. fustian.
imp. S sing. subj. of être (to be). — de futée, /. wood cernent, joiner's putty.
dépôt, Btorage cask. — fer, steel drum, futilité, /. futility.
steel barrel. — perdu, lost barrel, on-trip futur, o. & m. future.
barrel. fuyant, p.a. escaping, etc. (see fuir); leaky;
futaie, /. timber forest; large tree. (of colors) fugitive; fleeting.
g., abbrev. (gramme) gram; (gauche) left; gaine rie, /. malring or selling of sheaths or
(goutte) drop ; (gravité) gravity. cases; case maker's art or business; casing,
G. + , abbrev. Gram-positive. covering.
G. — , abbrev. Gram-negative. gainier, m. (Bot,) redbud (Cercis).
gabarier, v.t. gage. gaïol, m. guaiol.
gabarit, gabari, m. gage; jig; template; galactane, m. galactan.
pattern. galactase, /. lactase.
gabon, m. landolphia (or Congo) rubber. galactate, m. lactate.
gabouilleuse, /. an apparatus for washing galactidensimètre, m. galactodensimeter,
skins. galactometer.
gâchage, m. mixing, etc. (see gâcher). galactimètre, m. galactometer, lactometer.
gâche, /. staple; hook; trowel; spatula. galactine, /. galactan (from seeds) ; casein.
gâchée, /. batch, mixing (of cernent, etc.), galactique, a. lactic; (Astron.) galactic.
mix. galactogène, a. galactogenetic.
gâcher, v.t. mix, temper (cernent, mortar, galactomètre, m. galactometer, lactometer.
etc.) ; slake (lime) ; bungle, boteh. — galactométrie, /. galactometry.
clair, — lâche, mix thin. — serré, mix stiff. galactonique, a. galactonic.
gâchette, /. trigger, release. galactose, /. galactose; (Physiol.) galactosis.
gâchis, m. mortar; mud, mire; slush; (fig.) galactosurie, /. (Med.) galactosuria.
mess. galactotimètre, m. galactotimeter (a form
gâchoir, m. {Ceram.) preparing vat. of lactometer).
gadoline, /. gadolinium hydroxide, galaheptonique, a. galaheptonic.
Gd(OH)3. galalithe, m. galalith. T.N.
gadoue, /. night soil, dung; refuse. galanga, m. galingale, galanga(l).
gaduïne, /. gaduin. galangine, /. galangin.
gagner, v.t. gain; get, obtain, earn, reach, galazyme, m. a fennented beverage made
win. v.i. gain; improve. from milk.
gai, a. gay; brisk, spirited, lively; (of col- galbanifère, a. producing galbanum.
ors) bright ; (of mechanical parts) loose, galbe, m. contour ; swell, entasis ; (of a
having play. blast furnace) body.
gaïac, m. guaiacum (tree or wood), lignum gale, /. (Glass) gall, scum; (Med.) scabies,
vitae. itch; (Vet.) mange; (Bot.) scurf, scab.
gaïac-. (in names of compounds) guaiac-. gale, m. sweet gale, gale (Myrica gale).
gaïacène, m. guaiacene. galée, /. (Printing) galley.
gaïacol, m. guaiacol. galéga, m. (Bot.) galega, specif. goat's-rue.
gaïaconique, a. guaiaconic. galégine, /. galegine.
gaïasanol, m. {Pharm.) guaiasanol. galène, /. (Min.) galena, galenite.
galène, m. guaiene. galénique, a. (Min.) galenic(al); (Pharm.
gailleteux, a. lumpy, lump, rubbly (as & Med.) Galenic(al).
coal). galère, /. gallery furnace, galley.
gailletin, m. coal in small pièces; small galerie, /. gallery; shelf, frame, platform
pièce of coal. (attached to the side of something) ; flue
gaillette, gaillet(t)erie, /. coal in small (of a boiler) ; (Mining) drift, adit, gal-
lumps, cob coal; lump of coal. lery.
gain, m. gain; advantage; {Radio) ampli- galet, m. pebble ; (gros) boulder ; gravel,
fication. shingle ; ruble ; disk (placeci over the col-
gainage, m. sheathing, casing, covering. umn of liquid in a polarimeter) ; friction
gaine, /. sheath, case, envelope; shaft; roller (or disk); roller, roll; wheel. — de
flue; (of a fuse or shell) gaine; {Geol.) roulement, friction roller.
gang, matrix. galetage, m. (Gunpowder) making press
gainer, v.t. sheath, incase, cover. cake.
galeter 205 garde-temps
galeter, v.t. (Qvnpowder) press into press galvanatechnique, /. electroplating art.
cake. galvanotyper, v.t. electrotype.
galet-guide, m. roller guide, guide pulley. galvanotypie, /. electrotyping.
galette, /. (flat) cake; specif., (Gunpowder) gamble, /. an Afriean crude rubber.
press cake; disk; flat coil; ship biscuit. gambir, gambier, m. gambier, gambir. —
galeux, a. (of glass) covered with gall or cubique, gambier in cubes.
scum; itchy, mangy, scurfy, scabby. gamelle, /. pan; bowl; dish; mess tin.
Galice, /. Galicia (Spain). gamin, m. gamin, boy; (Gioss) assistant,
Galicie, /. Galicia (Poland). apprentice.
galicien, a. Galician. gamme, /. gamut, scale; range.
galipot, m. galipot, gallipot. Gand, m. Ghent.
gallpoter, v.t. coat with galipot. gangreneux, gangreneux, o. (Afed.) gan-
gallate, m. gallate. — basique de bismuth, grenous.
(Pharm.) bismuth subgallate. gangue, /. (Geol.) gangue, gang, matrix. —
galle, /. gall (of plants); specif., nutgall, rocheuse, rock(y) matrix. — stérile, (Min-
gallnut; gallfly; knot, lump, concrétion ing) refuse, rubbish.
(as in founding sand). — d'Alep, Aleppo ganll, m. (Petrog.) ganil (a limestone).
gall. — de chêne, oak gall. — de Chine, ganse, /. loop, bend, eye; cord.
Chinese gall (from sumac). gant, m. glove; gauntlet. — de caoutchouc,
galléine, /. gallein. rubber glove. — en amiante, asbestos
Galles, /. Wales. glove.
galleux, a. gallous, gallium(II). ganterie, /. glove making; glove trade.
gallifère, o. containing or yielding gallium; garançage, m. madder dyeing.
bearing galls. garance, /. madder (Rubia tinctorum) ;
gallinace, /. obsidian; tachylyte. madder (the dyestuff). a. madder-colored,
galline, /. gallium trioxide, Ga2Û3. scarlet. — artificielle, alizarin.
galllque, a. galhc, gallium(III) ; gallic, 3,4,5- garancer, v.t. dye with madder.
trihydroxybenzoic ; Gallic. garancerie, /. madder dyehouse; madder
gallisage, m., gallisation, /. (Wine) galliz- dyeing.
ing, gailization. garanceur, m. madder dyer.
gallisine, /. gallisin (gentiobiose). garanceux, m. a coloring matter extraeted
gallocyanine, /. (Dyes) gallocyanin(e). from the residues from madder dyeing.
gallois, o. Welsh. m. (cap.) Welshman. garancière, /. madder field; madder dye-
gallon, m. an excresuence similar to the nut- house.
gall but found on or replacing acorns ; gal- garancine, /. garancin, garancine.
lon. garant, m. & f. guarantor, guaranty, surety;
gallotannique, a. gallotannic. voucher, warrant.
galuchat, m. galuchat (a kind of shagreen). garantie, /. guarantee; guaranteeing; se-
galvanique, a. galvanic. curity, pledge; protection; assay.
galvaniquement, adv. galvanically. garantir, v.t. guarantee, warrant; protect,
galvanisation, /. galvanisation, galvanizing. shelter, préserve.
galvaniser, v.t. galvanize. garçon, m. boy; (of workmen) assistant,
galvano, m. (Printing) electrotype, electro. iourneyman, boy, man; bachelor. —
galvanocautère, m. (Med.) galvanocautery. brasseur, brewer.
galvanocérame, m. a pièce of electroplated garde, /. guard; protection, custody; nurse;
ceramic ware. flyleaf. m, guard ; keeper, warden, watch-
galvanomètre, m. galvanometer. — à man, caretaker, attendant.
aiguille, needle galvanometer. — à miroir, garde-corps, m. railing, rail, guard rail.
— à réflexion, mirror galvanometer, reflect- garde-feu, m. fire guard; (Métal.) flimace
ing galvanometer. — apériodique, deadbeat foreman.
galvanometer. — enregistreur, recording garde-fou, m. = garde-corps.
galvanometer. — suspendu, string galva- garde-four, garde-fourneau, m. furnace
nometer. man.
galvanoplasticien, m. electroplater, -typer. garde-poumons, m. respirator.
galvanoplastie, /. galvanoplasties, -plasty; garder, v.t. keep; guard. vs. keep, remain
electroforming ; electroplating. uospoiled; beware (of), keep (from). ».»'.
galvanoplastique, a. galvanoplastie beware.
galvanostégie, /. eleetrodepositioa. garde-temps, m. chronometer.
garde-vue 206 gaz
garde-vue, m. eye shade; lamp shade. gaufrage, m. embossing; stamping; goffer-
gardien, m. watchman, keeper, guard. ing.
gare, /. (railway) station; switch, shunt. gaufre, /. honeycomb; waffle; wafer.
interj. beware ! look out ! gaufrer, v.t. emboss; stamp; goffer, crimp;
gargariser, v.t. & r. gargle. corrugate.
gargarisme, m. gargle, (Med.) gargarism. gaule, /. pôle, rod, staff, stick.
gargouille, /. water spout, gargoyle; (of a gaulthérie, /. (Bot.) Gaultheria. —
furnace) waste-gas main. couchée, wintergreen (G. procumbens).
gargouiller, v.i. gurgle. gaulthéroside, m., gaulthérine, /. gaul-
gargousse, /. (cannon) cartridge, charge. therin.
garigue, /. waste land. gavage, m. cramming, stuffing, forced feed-
garnir, v.t. furnish, supply, provide, stock, ing.
fit, equip, man ; fill ; line, face ; trim ; gaver, v.t. cram, stuff, gorge.
mount; pack, stuff; garnish, decorate. gayac, m. guaiacum (tree or wood).
garnissage, garnissement, m. furnishing, gayacène, m. guaiacene.
etc. (see garnir). — basique, (Métal.) basic gayacol, m. guaiacol.
lining. gayol, m. guaiol.
garniture, /. filling; lining; mounting; fit- gaz, m. gas. — acide carbonique, carbonic
ting(s) ; trimming(s) ; covering ; furnishing, acid gas (carbon dioxide), — acide chlor-
furniture; edge, border; set, assortment; hydrique, hydrogen chloride. — aérogène,
outfit; ornament; (Mach.) packing, stuff- air carburetted by passage through light
ing; gasket; bearing box. — basique, hydrocarbons, air gas. — à l'air, producer
(Métal.) basic lining. gas (made with dry air). — à Veau, water
garou, m. spurge fiax (Daphne gnidium) ; gas. — à l'huile, oil gas. — ammoniac,
mezereon (Daphne mezereum). — ammoniacal, ammonia gas, gaseous am-
garouille, /. kermès oak (Quercus coccifera) monia. — asphyxiant, asphyxiating gas.
or its bark. — azote, nitrogen gas. — brûlés, burnt gases,
garns, m. (Pharm.) elixir of Garus (a nue gases, exhaust gases. — calorifère, heat-
stomachic containing cinnamon, saffron, ing gas. — carbonique, carbon dioxide gas.
etc.). — carburé, carburetted gas. — chîorhydrique,
Gascogne, /. Gascony. hydrogen chloride. — d'air, air charged
gasoil, m. gas oil. with hydrocarbon vapors. — de cameau,
gaspillage, m. wasting, waste, squandering. flue gas. — d'échappement, (of explosion
gaspiller, v.t. waste, squander. engines) exhaust gases. — de chauffage,
gastrine, /. gastrin. fuel gas. — d'éclairage, illuminating gas.
gastrique, a. gastric. — de combat, war gas. — de combustion,
gastrite, /. (Med.) gastritis. gases of combustion. — de four à coke,
gatch, n. crude parafHn. coke-oven gas. — de fumée, flue gas. —
gâté, p.a. spoiled, decayed. m. spoiled part. de gazogène, — de générateur, generator
gâteau, m. cake; honeycomb. — de cire, gas, producer gas. — de gueulard, blast
cake of wax ; wax disk. furnace gas. — de houille, coal gas. —
gâter, v.t. spoil; waste. v.r. spoil, be de l'iode, hydrogen iodide. 06s. — de
spoiled, decay. pétrole, natural gas, specif. casing-head
gattilier, m. (Bot.) Vitex, specif. agnus gas; oil gas. — de queue, taii gases,
castus (F. agnus-castus). residual gases. — des marais, marsh gas.
gauche, a. left; left-handed; levorotatory, — détonant, detonating gas. -— de ville,
levo; crooked; awkward. /. left hand, left city gas, town gas. — d'huile, oil gas. —
side, left wing, left. à —, to the left; on d'hydrogène carburé, (Old Chem.) carburet-
the left; amiss. ted-hydrogen gas (léger, méthane; lourd,
gauchement, adv. awkwardly, clumsily. ethylene). — du gueulard, blast furnace
gauchir, v.t., r. & i. warp, put or get out of gas. — exhilarant, — hilarant, laughing
true; buckle, bend, pucker. gas. — fluoborique, boron fluoride, BF3
gauchissement, m. warping, etc. (aee (old name). — fluorique silice, silicon tetra-
gauchir). fluoride. Obs. — hépatique, hydrogen
gaudage, m. dyeing with weld. sulfide. Obs. — intégral, gas made by
gaude, /. weld, dyer's rocket (Reseda lute- distilling coal and passing in steam in the
ola) ; weld (the yellow dye from this plant). same apparatus. — lacrymogène, tear gas.
gander, v.t. dye with weld. — méphitique, carbon dioxide (Obs.);
gaz 207 gélification
nitrogen (Obs.). — mixte, mixed gas, gazol, m. a gas consisting chiefly of ethane,
specif. semi-water gas. — moutarde, mus- propane and butane.
tard gas. — naturel, natural gas. — gazolène, m., gazoléine, gazoline, /. gaso-
nobles, noble gases, inert gases. — oléifi- line, gasolene, petrol.
ant, (Old Chem.) olefiant gas (ethylene). gazolyte, o. gasifiable, tending to gasify.
— parfait, perfect gas, idéal gas. — pauvre, gazomètre, m. gasometer, gas holder. — à
Jean gas, specif. produeer gas (made with cloche, a gas holder with a bel! which can
dry air), also natural gas from which gaso- be raised and lowered.
lîne vapors hâve been removed. — perdu, gazométrie, /. gasometry.
waste gas. — puant, bad-smelling gas, gazométrique, a. gasometric(al).
specif. hydrogen sulfide. — rare, rare gas, gazomoteur, m. gas engine.
noble gas. — riche, rich gas, specif. oil gazon, m. grass; turf, sod, sward.
gas, also "wef* natural gas, casing-head gazoscope, m. an apparatus for detecting
gas. — Riche, Riche gas (a fuel gas made fire damp.
from wood or other organic matter). —
Siemens, Siemens gas, produeer gas. — gaz-platine, m. an early incandescent lamp
consisting of a platinum basket hung in a
suffocant, asphyxiating gas. — suifhy- name.
drique, hydrogen sulfide. — sulfureux, sul- géant, m. giant. a. giant, gîgantic, huge.
furous gas, specif. sulfur dioxide. — syl- géate, m. humate.
vestre, (Old Chem.) carbon dioxide. — géine, /. gein (a glucoside) ; gein (humic
tonnant, detonating gas, explosive gas mix-
ture. acid).
géique, a. humic.
gazage, m. gassing, etc. (see gazer). gel, m. gel; frost, freezing. — de silice,
gaze, /. gauze. — au sublimé, corrosive- silica gel.
sublimate gauze. — hydrophile, absorbent gelable, a. congealable, freezable.
gauze, surgical gauze. — médicamenteuse, gélatine, /. gelatin. — alimentaire, gelatin
antiseptic gauze. — métallique, wire gauze, for food. — animale, gelatin. — chro-
metallic gauze. — phéniquée, carbolated matée, — chromîfère, dichromated gelatin.
gauze. — de guerre, explosive gelatin. — déto-
gazé, a. gassed; veiled. m. gassed person. nante, explosive gelatin. — d'os, bone glue.
gazéifiabilité, /. gasifiability. — végétale, vegetable gelatin (gliadin).
gazéifiable, a. gasifiable. gélatine, a. gelatined, coated with gelatin,
gazéificateur, m. gasifier, specif. a form of treated with gelatin.
oil burner. gélatine-dynamite, n. gelatin dynamite.
gazéification, /. gasification; carbonating. gélatineur, m. gelatin maker.
gazéifier, v.t. gasify; carbonate, charge (as gélatineux, a. gelatinous.
water). gélatinifiable, a. gelatinizable.
gazéiforme, a. gasiform, gaseous. gélatinifier, v.t. convert into gelatin or jelly,
gazéité, /. gaseousness, gaseous nature or gelatinate, gelatinize.
state. gélatiniforme, a. gelatiniform.
gazer, v.t. gas; specif., (Métal.) reduce Sélatinisant, p.a. gelatinizing. m. gelatiniz-
with gaseous fuel ; singe ; cover with gauze ; ing agent, gelatinizer.
veil. gélatinisation, /. gelatinization, gelatinizing.
gazette, /. newspaper, gazette; (Ceram.) gélatiniser, v.t, gelatinize.
gélatino-bromure, m. gelatino-bromide.
gazeux, a. gaseous; gassy; foamy. gélatino-chlorure, m. gelatino-chloride.
gazier, a. gas, of or pertaining to gas. m. gélation, /. congélation, gelation.
gas man ; gas maker ; gauze maker. gèle, m. gel.
gazifère, a. gas-producing, yielding gas. gelée, /. jelly; gel; frost, freeze, freezing.
gazoehimie, /. the chemistry of gases. — blanche, hoar frost, rime. — de pétrole,
g&zochimique, a. pertaining to the chem- petroieum jelly, petrolatum. — glycérinée,
istry of gases. (Pharm.) glycerinated gelatin. — végétale,
gaz ofacteur, m. gasifier, specif. an apparatus vegetable jelly, pectin ; agar-agar.
for gasifying coal. geler, v.t., i. & r. freeze, congeal.
gazogène, m. gas generator; specif., pro- gélif, a. congealing easily, having a rela-
dueer, generator (for fuel gas) ; gas-im- tively high freezing point ; (of stones,
pregnating apparatus, specif. one for car- etc.) susceptible to rending by frost.
bonating liquida, gazogène, o. carbonating. gélification, /. gelling, gelation; jellying.
gélifier 208 gent
gélifier, v.t. & r. gel; jelly, jellrfy. substances from which others are formed
géliforme, a. of the nature of a jelly or (as, une alliage et ses métaux générateurs,
gel. an alloy and its component metals; le
geline, /. a gelatinous substance, specif. (1) mélange générateur d'un composé, the mix-
collagen, (2) agar-agar. ture from which a compound was formed).
gélis, o. = gélif. — à vapeur, — de vapeur, steam generator,
gélivité, /. ready congealability; suscepti- boiler. — du gaz, gas generator.
bility to frost eracking. génératif, a. generative.
géllvure, /. frost crack. génératrice, /. generator; (Oeom.) genera-
gélolevure, /. yeast cultivated on gélose. trix. a. fem. of générateur. — à vapeur,
gélomètre, m. a hydrometer for gelatin solu- (Elec.) steam dynamo.
tions. générer, v.t. generate.
gélose, /. gélose; (loosely) agar. — in- généreusement, adv. generously.
clinée, (Bact.) sloped agar. — lactosée, généreux, a. generous; (of land) fertile.
(Bact.) lactose agar. générique, a. generic.
gélose, a. of or treated with gélose or agar. gênériquement, adv. generically.
gélosique, a. relating to gélose ; gelatinous. Gênes, /. Genoa.
gelsémine, /. geïsemine; (Bot.') gelsemium. genèse, /. genesis, formation.
gélulo, m. (Pharm.) a gelatin-coated pill. génésérine, /. geneserine.
gelure, /. frostbite, freezing. génésique, a. genetic.
gème, /. crude turpentine. génésiquement, adv. genetically.
Gémeaux, m. pi. (Astron.) Gemini. genestrelle, genestrolle, /. (Bot.) wood-
géminalement, adv. geminally. waxen, greenweed, dyer's weed (Genista
géminé, a. geminate, geminal, in pairs. tinctoria).
gémir, v.i. groan, moan. genêt, m. (Bot.) broom. — à balais, —
gemmage, m. incising, tapping (of trees for commun, common broom (Cytisus sco-
turpentine). — à mort, severe tapping re- •parius). — des teinturiers, dyer's broom,
sulting in the death of the tree. — à vie, woodwaxen (Genista tinctoria). — d'or,
tapping in such a way as not to kill the common broom.
tree. génétique, a. genetic.
gemme, /. gem; pine oleoresin, turpentine; génétiquement, adv. genetically.
(Bot.) bud. a. gem, precious; gemmy, Genève, /. Geneva.
glittering. sel —, rock sait. genévrette, /. a drink made from wild
gemmer, v.t. incise, tap (pine trees). v.i. fruits and ilavored with gin.
bud. genévrier, m. (Bot.) Juniper (Juniperus) ;
génalcaloïde, m. genalkaloid. (Pharm.) Juniper, Juniper berries. —
gênant, p.a. annoying, troublesome, incon- sabine, savin (/. sabina, also /. virçiniana).
vénient. génie, m. engineering; engineers; genius.
gencive, /. (Anat.) gum. genièvre, m. gin (the liquor) ; Juniper ; Juni-
gène, m. (Biol.) gène. per berry.
gêne, /. difficulty, trouble, inconvenience. genièvrerie, /. gin distillery.
génépi, génipi, m. artemisia (Alpine spe- génine, /. genin.
cies). génisse, /. heifer.
gêner, v.t. impede, hinder, embarrass; in- génistoside, m. genistin.
convenience, annoy, trouble. génito-urinaire, o. genitourinary.
général, o. & m. gênerai, en —, in gênerai, genou, m. knee; (Tech.) elbow; (Mach.)
generally. joint, specif. ball-and-socket joint. — de
généralement, adv. generally, in gênerai. Cardan, Cardan joint, universal joint.
généralisable, a. generalizable. genouillé, o. knee-shaped, geniculate.
généralisateur, a. generalizing. genouillère, /. joint, connection, specif. el-
généralisation, /. generalization. bow joint; toggle joint; kneepiece.
généraliser, v.t. généralise, render gênerai. genre, m. kind, sort, type ; genus ; (Min.)
v.r. become generalized; become common. group ; style, mode ; gender ; genre (paint-
généralité, /. generality. ing). — Saxe, Saxon type (said of a shal-
générateur, m. generator; specif., a sub- low type of small evaporating dish).
stance from which another substance is gens, m. pi. people, folks, persons, men; na-
formed, original substance, o. generating, tions; servants, attendants.
generative; productive; specif., designating gent, /. tribe, race.
gentiaeauloside 209 giroflier
gentiacanloside, m. gentiacaulin. germanifluorure, m. fluogermanate.
gentiane, /. (Bot.) gentian. — imtne, yel- germanique, a. germanic, germanium(IV) ;
low gentian, bitterwort (Gentiane luiea). Germasaie, Qerman.
gentianlne, /. gentianin. germaniser, v.t. Germanise.
gentianoside, m. gentianin. gerntanochlofoforme, m. trichlorogermane.
gentil, a. pretty; délicate; gracious, kind. germanométhane, m. germane, GeH*.
gentilhomme, m. nobk-man; gentleman; germanopropane, m. trigennane, GesHs.
(Métal.) dam plate. germant, p.a. germinating.
gentiopicroside, m. gentiopicrin. germe, m. germ; (crystal) nucleus; sprout.
gentisiqae, a. gentisio. — bactérien, bacterium.
génuinité, /. genumeness. germer, v.i. & t. germinate.
géochimie, t. geochemiatry. germicide, a. germwidal.
géodésiqne, a. geodetic. germination, /. gernmnation, germinating.
géodique, a. geodic. germoir, m. malt noor; germinatec.
géoflrée, /. (Bot.) Geoffraea. mécanique, malting appaiatu».
géographe, m. geograpber. gésier, m. gizzard.
géographie, /. geography. gésir, v.i. lie, rest, be.
géographier, v.t. map. gesse, /. vetchliag (Lathyrus), vetch, pea.
géographique, s. geograpme<al). gestion, /. management, administration, di-
géographiquement, adv. geograpbioally. rection.
géologie, /. geology. gestionnaire, a. managernl. m. manager.
géologique, a. geofogic(al). g*ee, ghé, ghy, m. gbee.
géologiquement, adv. geologieally. glbelet, m. gimlet.
géologue, m. geologist. gibier, m. gaine.
géométral, a. geometrical. gible, m. set of bricks in the kiln.
géométrie, /. geometry.
géométrique, o. geometrie(al). giclée, /. spray.
géométriquement, adv. geometrically. gicler, vj. squirt, spurt, spray, jet.
géophysicien, m. geophysicist. gicteUJT, m. sprayer, atomizer, nozsle, jet. a.
géophysique, /. geophysics. squirting, spraying, atonûzing.
gérance, /. management, maBAgership. gigantesque, a. gigantic, huge, colossal.
géraniacées, /. pi. (Bot.) Geraniaceae. giUénie, /. (Bot.) Indian pliysic (GiUenia
géranial, m. geranial (citraV). trijotiata and stipulât a).
gétanique, a. geranie. gillon, m. (Bot.) mistletoe (Viscum album).
géranium, m. (Bot.) géranium. — rosat, gin, m. whisky; (abusàvely) gin.
gingas, m. ticking (the clotli).
rosé géranium (Pelargontum capitatvm). gingembre, m. ginger. — blanc, wkite
gérant, m. manager, director, agent, a. gisger, Jamaics ginger, peeled ginger. —
managing, directing. officinal, commoik ginger (Zinziber offi-
géranyle, m. geranyl. cinale).
gerbe, /. sheaf; shower (as of sparks or gingibrlne, /. powdered ginger.
cosmie rays}; small heap («f ses sait); gingoet, a. of Ëttle value, poor, wcak.
flash (of fire). ginseng, m. (Bot. <St Pharm.) ginseng,
gerber, v.t. pile; bind in sheaves. giobertlte, /. (Min.) magnesite (magnésium
gerbeuse, /. piler (for casks). carbonate). Cf. magnesite.
gerblforme, a. shcaflike. gipon, m. wool clotà used for tallowing
gerce, /. crack; (clothes) moth; hookworm. hides.
gercer, v.t., r. & i. crack; chap. gipse, m. gypsom.
gerçure, /. crack, fissure, cleft, chmk; chap. girandole, /. chandelier; (Pyro., etc.) giran-
— de trempe, (Métal.) temper crack. dole.
gercurt, a. cracked, fissured; (of wood) girasoi, m. (Mm.) fixe opal, girasol; (Bot.)
shaky. bftiotrope, girasol.
gérer, v.t. manage, conduct, earry on. giration, /. gyration.
gergelln, m. oil of sésame, giratoire, a. gyratory, gyrational.
gerle, m. (Soap) lye vat. girofle, m. clove.
gerlon, gerlot, m. (P(tper) rag tnb, rag giroflée, a. la. the phrase cannelle giroflée,
bucket. clove bark. /. wallflower; stock (Mat-
germaneux, a. germanous, germaniuni(II). thiola).
germanifluorhydrique, a, fluogermanic giroflier, m. (Bot.) clove tree.
gisant 210 globeux
gisant, p. pr. (of gésir) lying, resting. making ice or ices by the use of freezing
gisement, m. (minerai) deposit ; bed ; posi- mixtures.
tion of minerais in the earth ; bearing. — glacis, m. gentle slope, glaeis; (Painting)
en amas, massive deposit. — en couche, glaze, varnish; (Sugar) drying board.
stratifiée! deposit. — en filons, vein de- glaçon, m. pièce or cake of ice; icicle; floe.
posit. — houiller, coal bed, coal deposit. glaçure, /. (Ceram.) glaze, glazing. sous 2a
gisent, pr. i pi. (of gésir) lie, rest, are. —, under the glaze, underglaze. sur la —,
gismondine, /. (Min.) gismondite. on the glaze, on-glaze.
glt, pr. S sing. (of gésir) lies, rests, is. glaie, /. vault of a glass furnace.
gitaline, /. gitalin. glairage, m. glairing, coating with glair.
gîte, m. (minerai) deposit; bed; lodging; glaire, /. glair (white of egg or any similar
home; lower millstone; leg (of beef). — viscous substance).
d'eau, waterlogged deposit. — de pétrole, glairer, v.t. glair, coat with glair.
oil-bearing strata. — filonien, vein deposit. glaireux, a. glairy, glaireous, viscous.
— sédimentaire, sedimentary deposit, strati- glairine, /. glairin.
fied deposit. — stannifère, tin deposit. glaisage, m. claying, pugging, puddling.
gitogênine, /. gitogenin. glaise, /. clay; vault of a glass furnace. a.
gitonine, /., gitonoside, m. gitonin. In the phrase terre glaise, clay soil, clay.
gitoside, m. gitin. glaiser, v.t, clay, treat with clay, pug.
gitoxlne, /., gitoxoside, m. gitoxin. glaiseux, a. clayey.
givrage, m. frosting; freezing; icing. glaisière, /. clay pit.
givre, m. white frost, hoar frost; crystalli- gland, m. acorn; tassel; (Anat.) glana.
zation resembling frost, specif. that of glandalre, a. glandular.
vanillin (or benzoic acid) on the surface of glande, /. gland. — surrénale, suprarenal
vsnilla. gland, adrenal gland.
givré, o. frosty, frosted. glandée, /. mast, pannage (acorns, etc.).
Gl. Symbol of glucinium (béryllium). glandulaire, glanduleux, a. glandular,
glaçage, m. icing, glazing, etc. (see glacer); glandulous.
glaner, v.t. & i. glean.
glaçant, p.a. freezing, icy. glapir, v.i. cry; exude with difficulty (said
glace, /. ice; freezing point; plate glass; of oil wrung from chamoised skins).
looking glass, mirror; glass, lens; glass glaucome, m. (Med.) glaucoma.
window; flaw (in a preoious stone); ice glauconie, glauconite, /. (Min.) glauconite.
cream, ice ; glazing (for pastry) ; icing, glauconieux, o. glauconitic.
sugar crust. — à main, hand mirror. — glaucurie, /. glaucosuria (indicanuria).
de vitrage, plate glass. — fondante, melt- glauque, a. glaucous, bluish green.
ing ice. — pUée, crushed ice. — sèche, glette, /. litharge.
dry ice, solid carbon dioxide. gleucomètre, m. = glucomètre.
glacé, p.a. iced, glazed, etc. (see glacer); gliadlne, /. gliadin.
glacé; icy, ice, cold. m. glaze; gloss. glissage, m. = glissement.
glacer, v.t. ice; freeze; chill; glaze; cal- glissant, p.a. sliding, shpping; slippery.
ender; vitrify. v.r. freeze; vitrify; glaze. glissement, m. sliding, slipping, gliding,
v.i. freeze. slip, slide.
glacerie, /. plate-glass works or business; glisser, v.t. slide, slip, glide. v.t. slip, slide.
ice (cream) making; ice manufacture. v.r. slip, glide, steal.
glaceur, m. glazer; calenderer. glisseur, m. slider; (Mach.) siiding pièce,
glaceux, a. (of gems) flawed, flawy; icy, slide block.
«oid. glissière, /. slide bar, slide, slide laee,
glaciaire, a. (Geol.) glacial, glacier. guide bar, guide; slide, chute.
glacial, o. glacial; icy, freezing, cold. glissoir, m. slider, slide block, slide.
glaciale, /. (Bot.) ice plant (Mesembry- glissoire, /. slider, sliding pièce; slide, slide
anthemum crystallînum). block, guide.
glacier, m. plate-glass maker; niaker of, or global, o. lump, total, entire, gross, sum-
dealer in, ices; (Geol.) glacier. mary.
glacière, /. ice chamber, ice chest, refrig- globaux, mosc. pi. of global.
erator; apparatus for making ice or ices, globe, m. globe ; bail ; glass cover (as for a
freezer; ice pail; ice house; ice cellar. — clock). — oculaire, eyeball.
à bascule, a small rocking apparatus for globeux, a. globose, globular.
globiforme 211 glycérolé
globiforme, o. globular, globe-shaped. diac glycoside. — cyanhydrique, cyano-
globulaire, o. globular, spherical; spheru- genetic glycoside.
litic. glucosidique, a. glucosidic; glycosidic.
globularine, /., globularoside, m. globu- glucosier, m. glucose maker.
larin. glucosique, a. glucosic, glucose.
globule, m. globule; (Biol.) corpuscle; pel- glucosurie, /. glycosuria, glucosuria.
let. •— blanc, white corpuscle (of the glucuronique, a. glucuronic.
blood). — du sang, blood corpuscle. — gluer, v.t. smear with birdlime or other
pyoïde, pus cell. — rouge, red corpuscle viscous substance, lime, make sticky.
(of the blood). — sanguin, blood cor- glu-marine, /. marine glue.
ptiscle. glutamine, /. glutamine.
globuleux, a. globulous, globular. glutamique, o. glutamic.
globulicide, a. destroying blood corpusclea. glutarique, a. glutaric.
globulin, m. (Physiol.) leucocyte. glutéline, /. glutelin.
globuline, /. globulin. gluten, m. gluten ; glue, cément.
globulinurie, /. (Afed.) globulinuria. gluténine, /. glutenin.
globulolyse, /. (Physiol.) hemocytolysis. glutinant, a. & m. agglutinant,
gloire, /. gîory, ionor, sptendor; (Pyro.) glutinatit, a. agglutinative.
fbsed sun. glutinatoire, a. agglutinating, agglutinative.
glomérule, /. small mass; (Bot., etc.) glutine, /. glutin.
glomerule, glomerulus. glutineux, a. glutinous.
glonoïne, /. glonoin(e), nitroglycerin. glycémie, /. (Med.) glycemia.
glorieux, a. glorious, splendid. glycéré, glycérat, m. (Pharm.) glycerite,
glossaire, m. glossary; vocabulary. glycerin (solution of a médicinal substance
glotte, /. (Anat.) glottis. in glycerol). — à l'acide borique, boro-
glouglou, m. gurgle, gurgling. glycerin glycerite, glycerin of boric acid. —
glouteron, m. common burdock (Arctium au tanin, tannic acid glycerite, glycerin of
lappa) ; goose grass, cleavers (Galium). tannic acid. — d'alun, glycerin of alum.
glover, m. (Acids) Glover tower. — d'amidon, starch glycerite, glycerin of
gloy, n. gloy (a starch adhesive). T.N. starch. — de borax, glycerin of borax. —
glu, /. birdlime; cément, glue. — marine, de boroglycéride, = glycéré à l'acide bo-
marine glue. rique. — de phénol, = glycéré phénolé. —
gluant, a. glutinous, sticky, adhesive, vis- de sousacétate de plomb, glycerin of lead
cous; (fig.) tenacious. subacetate. — de tan(ri)in, = glycéré au
glucide, n. glucide, carbohydrate. tanin. — d'hydrastis du Canada, glycerin
glucine, /. glueina (beryllia). of hydrastis. — phénolé, phénol glycerite,
glucinium, m. glucinum, glucinium (béryl- glycerin of phénol. — simple, = glycéré
lium). d'amidon.
glucique, a. glucic. glycérine, /. glycerin (in Org. Chem. bet-
glucogène, m. glycogen. ter called glycerol). •— phénolée, —
glucoheptite, /. glucoheptitol. phénique, (Pharm.) phénol glycerite, glyc-
glucoheptonique, a. glucoheptonic. erin of phénol. — tannique, {Pharm.)
glucokinine, /. glueokinin. tannic acid glycerite, glycerin of tannic
glucolyse, /. glycolysis. acid.
glucolytique, a. glycolytic. glycériner, v.t. glycerinate, glycerinize.
glucomètre, m. a hydrometer for sugar glycérineux, a. containing or resembling
solutions, esp. grape must (cf. pèse-moût). glycerin.
gluconique, a. gluconic. glycérique, a. glyceric; of glycerin.
glucoprotêide, -protéine, /. glycoprotein. glycéro-acétique, o. designating the esters
glucosane, m. glueosan. of glycerol with acetic acid.
glucose, /. glucose. — cristal, — massé, glycéro-alcoolé, m. (Pharm.) a solution in
forma of starch sirup. •— mucilagineuse, glycerol and alcohol. Cf. glycéré.
lévulose, D-fructose. glycéro-arséniate, m. glycero-arsenate.
glucoser, v.t. treat with glucose. glycéro-arséniqne, a. glycero-arsenic.
glucoserie, /. glucose factory; glucose glycéroborique, a. glyceroboric.
manufacture. glycéro-extrait, m. glycerolated extract.
glucoside, m. glucoside; glycoside. (See the glycérolé, m. = glycéré. — d'acide phé-
note afc gJycoside.) — cardiotonique, car- i nique, phénol glycerite, glycerin of phénol.
glycérophosphorique 212 gomme-résine
glycérophosphorique, a. glycerophosphoric. stains); celt; bucket (of an elevator,
glycéryle, glyclle, m. glyceryl. waterwheel or the like); calyx; bagging,
glycidiqtte, a. glycidic. puckering. —. à graisse, grease cup. —• à
glycin, m. (Photog.) glycin (iV-p-(hydroxy- huile, oil cup. — de fusée, fuse cup. —
phenyl)glycine). T.N. de -mercure, cup of mercury ; mercury
glycination, /. formation of or combination switch. — de teinture, dyer's beaker.
with glycine, glycination. godronner, v.t. knurl, mill.
glycine, /. glycine ; glucina (beryllia) ; goémon, m. seaweed; specif., fucoid.
{Bot.) Glycine, or a plant of this genus. goitre, m. (Med.) goiter, goitre.
glycinium, m. glucinum (béryllium). golfe, m. gulf.
glyciqne, a. glucic. gomart, n. a pale West Indian resin.
glycocholique, a. glycocholic. gommage, m. gumming; sizing; clogging»
glycocolle, m. glycocoll (glycine). gomme, /. gum; (Med.) gumma; rubber.
glycogène, m. glycogen. a. glycogenous, — acroïde, aearoid resin. — adragant(e),
glycogenic. — adraganthe, tragacanth, gum traga-
glycogénèse, glycogénle, /. glycogenesis, canth. — à effacer, eraser. — à mâcher,
glycogeny. chewing gum. — ammoniaque, ammoniac,
glycogénique, a. glycogenic. gum ammoniac. — animé, animé, gum
glyeogénolyse, /. glycogenolysis. animé (or animi). — arabique, gum arabic,
glycol, m. glycol. (Pharm.) acacia; gum acacia. — berbera,
glycollque, a. glycolic. a kind of gum arabic. — caillou, Afric&n
glycolyse, /. glycolysis. copal. — d'acajou, cashew gum. — de
glyeolytique, a. glycolytic. Bassora, Bassora gum. — de bois, wood
glycomètre, m. = glucomètre. gum, xylan. — de Galam, Galam gum (a
glycoprotéide, m. glycoprotein. variety of Sénégal gum). — de Gambie,
glycosamine, /. glucosamine. Gambia kino, Âfrican kino. — de gémon,
glycosazone, /. glucosazone. gamboge. — de l'or, = gomme des sages.
gïycose, /. glucose. — de Perse, a kind of tragacanth. — de
glycoside, m. glucoside; glycoside. (Prop- Senar, a auperior kind of gum arabic. —
erly, a glueoside is an oside of glucose; a de Sénégal, Sénégal gum (gum arabic from
glycoside is an oside of any sugar.) Acacia senegal). — des funérailles, bi-
glycosurie, /. glycosuria, glucosuria. tumen. — de souakin, a kind of gom
glycosurique, a. glycosurie. arabic. — des sages, iQld Che-m.) mer-
glycuronique, a. glucuronic. cury. — de Sumatra, gutta-percha. —
glycyle, m. glycyl. dure, hard rubber, •— élastique, gum
glycymètre, m. = glucomètre. elastic, caoutchouc, rubber. — explosive,
glycyrrhizine, /. glycyrrhizin. explosive gelatin. — felik, a kind of gum
glyoxalidine, /. glyoxalidine (imidazoline). arabic. •— gutte, gamboge, gum guttae.
glyoxaline, /. glyoxaline (imidazole). — haut-du-fieuve, Galam gum (a kind of
glyoxalique, glyoxylique, a. glyoxylic. gum arabic). — laque, lac, gum lac. —
gneiss, m. (Petrog.) gneiss. — œillé, molle, crude turpentine. •— pseudo-adra-
(Petrog.) augen-gneiss. gant(e), sassa gum. — rouge, red gum;
gneisseux, gnelssique, o. gneissic, gneis- (Old Chem.) sulfur. — sauvage, (Rubber)
sose. wild rubber, as contrasted with plantation
go, adv. In the phrase tout de go, readily, rubber. — thébàique, gum arabic.
immediately. gommé, a. gummed ; gum ; gummy.
gobelet, m. cup (taller than tasse and fre- gomme-grattoir, m. eraser.
quently without a handle) ; goblet ; beaker ; gomme-gutte, /. gamboge, gum guttse.
(Pyro.y case. — à cuire, beaker. gomme-laque, /. lac, gum lac; shellac.
gobeleterie, /. hollow glassware; hollow- gommelaquer, v.t. treat with gum lac;
glassware manufacture or factory. shellac.
gobetage, m. rougheast, rough plastering. gommeline, /. gommelin (dextrin).
gobeter, v.t. plaster with rougheast; vitrify gommement, m. gumming.
(brick). gommer, v.t. gum; mix with gum; size.
gobetis, m. thin plaster; pointing. v.r. gum; stick.
gobier, m. inlet of a sait garden. gomme-résine, /. gum resin. — ammoni-
goder, v.i. bag, pucker. aque, ammoniac, gum ammoniac. —
godet, m. cup; shallow dish (as one for d'euphorbe, euphorbium.
gommeux 213 gouverne
gommeux, a. gumrny, gummous; (of trees) goudronnage, m. tarring; resinification. —
gummiferous, gum-yielding. gras, (Pyro.) a mixture of pitch and tal-
gommier, m. gum-bearing tree, gum tree, low. — sec, (Pyro.) a mixture of pitch
speciî. the acacia. and rosin.
gommifère, a. gummiferous; gum-yielding. goudronner, v.t. tar. v.r. form a tar;
gonunlte, /. (Afin.) gummite. resinify.
gommo-résineux, a. gum-resinous. goudronnerie, /. tar works; place where
gonade, /. (Anat.) gonad. tar is prepared; place where tar is stored.
gonadotrop(h)lne, /. gonadotropin. goudronneux, o. tarry.
gond, m. hinge; hasp; hook. gouet, m. arum (plant of the genus Arum
gonfler, v.t. lùnge. or some related genus). — à trois feuilles,
gondoler, v.r. & i. (of plates, etc.) buckle. jack-in-the-pulpit, Indian tumip (Ari-
gonflage, m. inflation. sazma triphyllum).
gonflé, p.a. swelled, swolleii, distended, in- gouffre, m. guli; abyss; Whirlpool.
flated. gougeage, m. gouging.
gonflement, m. swelling, swell, distention, gouger, v.t. gouge.
inflation ; heaving. goujon, m. gudgeon, pin, peg, dowel, stud.
gonfler, v.t. ewell, swell out, distend, puff goulot, 77i. neck (of a bottle or otfaer ves-
up, inflate. v.i. & r. swell, swell up, puff sel); narrow-mouthed bottle.
up ; heave. goulotte, /. drain ; ehannel ; spout ; chute.
gonfleur, m. air pump, inSater. goupille, /. pin ; peg ; key ; splint. — de
goniomètre, m. goniometer. sûreté, (Expl.) safety pin.
gonne, /. barrel, cask. goupiller, v.t. pin; key; peg, dowel.
gonocoque, m. (Bact.) gonococeus. goupillon, m. test-tube brush (or one for
gonorrhée, /. (ftfed.) gononhea. bottles, jars, lamp chimneys, or the like);
gore, m. volcanic ash. — blanc, white clay. sprinkler (as for a forge) ; plug.
gorge, /. throat; opening, orifice, mouth, gouplllonner, v.t. cleanse with a test-tube
neck; groove, channel, furrow; hollow, re- brush, bottle brush, or the like.
cess ; choke (of a gun or rocket) ; gorge. gourde, /. gourd; flask; canteen.
gorge-de-pigeon, a. iridescent, dov«-col- goure, /. adulterated drug.
ored. gourer, v.t. adulterate (drugs).
gorgée, /. draft, swallow. goureur, m. adulterator.
gorger, v.t. (Pyro.) fill; gorge. gousse, /. pod; (of garlio) clore; hull;
gorgonine, /. gorgonin. husk. — de vanille, vanilla bean.
gorgonzola, m. Gorgonzola cheese, Gor- gousset, m. bracket, brace; armpit; gusset.
gonzola. goût, m. taste; (less often) odor. — de
goril, ». {Bot.) gorli (Oncoba eckinata). cuit, "burnt" taste.
gosier, m. throat, gullet. goûter, v.t. taste ; (less often) smell ; relish ;
gosiller, v.i. be carried over (said of the like. v.r. taste; be tasted; be liked; like
liquid which is being distilled for brandy). each other. v.i. taste; smell; lunch, m.
gouache, /. water colors ; water-color lunch.
painting. goutte, /. drop; (Pharm.) minim; (Assay-
gouache, a. water-color. ing) bead; blister (in a casting); globule
goudron, m. tar. — à calfater, navy pitch. of oxidized métal (in an ingot); (Afed.)
— animal, bone oil, Dippel's oil. — de goût ; (Paper) water stain. — à —, drop
bois, wood tar. — de cade, Juniper tar, by drop, dropwise, — de graisse, fat
oil of cade. — de houille, coal tar. — de globule. — de verre, Rupert's drop.
lignite, brown-coal tar, lignite tar. — de gouttelette, /. droplet, little drop.
Norvège, Norway tar; pine tar, Stockholm goutter, v.i. drop, drip.
tar. — de pétrole, petroleum tar, oil tar. goutteux, o. gouty. m. gouty person.
gouttière, /. gutter; trough, spout; tube
— de pin, pine tar, Stockholm tar. — des support ; drip tray ; ehannel, groove ; fur-
gazogènes, producer tar. — des hauts row ; drip ; eaves ; roof.
fourneaux, blast-furnace tar. — d'os, bone gouvernail, m. rudder; helm; steering ap-
oil, Dippel's oil. — de tourbe, peat tar. paratus.
— minéral, minerai tar, maltha; coal tar. gouvernateur, m. (Mach.) governor;
— végétal, vegetable tar (usually wood regulator.
tar) ; (Pharm.) pine tar. gouverne, /. guidance; guide.
gouvernement 214 grand
gouvernement, m. government; manage- seed, amber seed. graines d'anis, aniseed.
ment ; direction ; steering. graines d'Avignon, Avignon berries, French
gouverner, v.t. govern; manage; steer. buckthom berries. graines de coton (or de
gouverneur, m. governor; helmsman. cotonnier), cottonseed. graines de lin, lin-
gouvion, m. large boit; large pin. seed, flaxseed. graines de Perse, Persian
goyave, /. guava (the fruit). berries (buckthorn berries from the Near
goyavier, m. guava tree, guava. East). graines des Moluques, Molucca
grabeau, m. (Pharm.) fragment; refuse; grains, tilley seed. graines de Tilly, tilley,
garble. tilley seed (from Croton tiglium). — tinc-
grabelage, m. (Pharm.) sorting to remove toriale, kermès, kermès berry.
refuse. graineler, grainer, etc. See greneler, etc.
grabeler, v.t. (Pharm.) cull the refuse grainure, /. (Métal., etc.) grain.
from ; garble. graisin, m. broken or powdered glass.
grâce, /. grâce; thanks; pardon; mercy. — graissage, m. greasing; lubrication; grease;
à, thanks to, owing to, on account of. becoming ropy, roping (as of wine).
gracieusement, adv. graciously; kindly. graisse, /. fat; grease; lard; (Wines)
gracieux, a. graceful ; gracious ; kind. viscous disease, altération causing ropiness;
gradatif, a. gradational. (Glass) a milky and intractable state due
gradation, /. gradation; grading. to excess of sulfate in proportion to lime.
grade, m. rank; grade; degree; (Math.) — à canon, gun was. — alimentaire, edible
grad. fat. — animale, animal fat. — antigel,
gradin, m. step; shelf; tier; bench; scarp. nonfreezing lubricant. — balsamique, —
graduateur, m. regulator; graduator. benzoinée, (Pharm.) benzoinated lard. —
graduation, /. graduation; calibration. consistante, thick grease. — de bitume,
gradué, p.a. graduated; calibrated. m. purified bitumen. — de laine, wool grease,
gradua te. (when purified) lanolin. — de machines,
graduel, a. graduai. lubricating grease. — de ménage, grease
graduellement, adv. gradually. for household use, specif. oleomargarin(e).
graduer, v.t. graduate; calibrate. — de mouton, rnutton suet, mutton tallow.
grain, m. grain (in various sensés); berry; — de réserve, reserve fat. — du beurre,
bead; small shot; particle; (Pharm.) pel- butterfat. — du porc, lard. — indus-
let; (Glass) opaque inclusion, stone; trielle, industrial grease. — minérale,
(Paper) scar; (Med.) pustule, pock; crude parafnn. — végétale, vegetable fat.
(Moch.) bushing, step; (Leather) haïr — verte, grease from restaurants and kitch-
side; shower; squall. à —s fins, fine- ens, dripping, kitchen stuff.
grained. à gros —s, large-grained, coarse- graisser, v.t. grease; lubricate; oïl; clog
grained. à —s serrés, close-grained. — à (a file), v.i. (of wine) become ropy or
facettes, grain showing facets of crystals, oily.
faceted grain. — aiguillé, grain showing graisserie, /. grease business; grease shop.
acicular crystals. — chromatique, chromatin graisseur, m. lubricator, greaser, oiler. a.
granule. — d'amorce, (Pyro.) primer. — lubricating, greasing. — ô godet, grease
de bœuf, buffalo berry, bullberry (Shep- cup. — mécanique, self-acting lubricator.
herdia argentea and canadensis, also their graisseux, o. greasy; fatty; oily; unctuous.
fruit). — de fin, assay button. —s de lin, graissier, m. grease dealer, o. grease, deal-
linseed, flaxseed. — de plomb, lead shot. ing in grease.
— de raisin, grape. — d'orge, barleycorn. gram, m. (Bact.) Gram solution, Gram
— truite, mottled grain. stain.
grainage, m. graining, granulation. gramen, m. (Bot.) grass.
grainaille, /. granular crystallization ; graminée, /. (Bot.) grass, gramineous plant,
granular form. any member of the Poacese.
graine, /. seed; berry; eggs (of sîlkworms). graminine, /. graminin.
— à vers, wormseed. — d'ambrette, am- grammaire, /. grammar.
ber seed, musk seed. — d'écarlate, kermès, grammatite, /. (Min.) grammatite (tremo-
kermès berry. — de girofle, cardamom. lite).
— de lin, flaxseed, linseed. — de paradis, gramme, m. gram, gramme (15.433 grains).
grain of paradise. — de Turquie, (Indian) granatique, a. garnetiferous.
corn, maize. — jaune, yellow berry. — grand, a. great; large; long, wide, high,
joyeuse, fenugreek seed. — musquée, musk tall, full; main, chief; grand, m. adult;
grand 215 gratter
maximum ; great man, dignitary ; (in granule, m. granule; (Pharm.) pellet.
schools) senior; grandee; greatness, gran- granulé, p.a. granulated. m. granulated
deur, à grande eau, in excess of water. au sugar,
— régime, (of motors) at maximum speed. granuler, v.t. granulate, grain.
en —, on a large scale; (of pictures, etc.) granuleux, a. granular, granulated.
full-size; at large; grandly. — air, open granuliforme, a. granuliform, granular.
air. — autel, fire bridge (in a réverbéra- granulome, m. (Med.) granuloma.
tory furnace). — axe, major axis, prin- graphique, o. graphie, graphitai, m. dia-
cipal axis. — basilic, (Bot.) common basil, gram, drawing, graph.
sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum). — bou- graphiquement, adv. graphically.
cage, (Bot. ) burnet saxifrage (Pimpinella graphitation, /. graphitization ; manufac-
saxifraga). — boulé, (of sirup) hard bail. ture of graphite.
grande ciguë, (Bot.) poison hemlock (Con- graphite, m. graphite, plumbago, black
ium maculatum). grande digitale, (Bot.) lead.
common foxglove. grande joubarbe, (Bot.) graphiter, v.t. graphite, treat with graphite.
common houseleek. grande masse, main graphiteux, graphitique, a. graphitic.
body (of a blast furnace). grande mauve, grappe, /. cluster, bunch, (Bot.) raceme ;
(Bot.) wild mallow (Malva sylvestris ). agglomération, mass, lump ; grapeshot,
grande puissance, high power, heavy duty. grape; cluster of buîlets; powdered mad-
grande route, main road, highway. grande der. — de raisin, bunch of grapes ; grape-
terre, mainland, continent, grande vitesse, shot.
great velocity ; f ull speed ; (Railways) ex-
press, dispatch by passenger train, quicfc grappiers, m. pi. the nonpulverulent resi-
dispatch. — explosif, high explosive. — due obtained when hydraulic lime is
feu, (Ceram., etc.) heating to the highest slaked. A slow-setting cernent called ci-
température desired, full fire. — filet, (of ment de grappiers is prepared from it.
sirup) long thread. — foyer, boshes (of a grappillon, m. small cluster.
blast furnace). — gamin, — garçon, a grappin, m. grab; grappîer; hook; scraper.
glassblower's chief assistant, called vari- gras, o. fat ; fatty ; greasy, oily, unctuous ;
ously first footman, bail maker, bail rich ; thick ; (Org. Chem.) aliphatic ; (of
holder, servitor, etc. grands blés, wheat wine) ropy, oily ; (of glass) milky and hard
and rye. — soleil, (Bot.) common sun- to work (see graisse); (of paper) moist;
fîower. — teint, fast dye or color; fast. (of metals) soft; (of casting sand) loamy;
le — Océan, the Pacific Océan. (of soil) heavy, clayey; (of plants) fieshy;
slippery ; méat, flesh.. m. fat ; grease ;
grand-angulaire, wide-angled. flesh, méat; an impure precipitate formed
grand-bassam, m. an African crude rubber. in making white soap. adv. thick, thickly.
Grande-Bretagne, /. Great Britain. — de cadavre, adipocere.
grandement, adv. greatly; highly; grandly. grassement, adv. plentifully, generously.
grandeur, /. greatness, largeness, etc. (see grateron, m. goose grass, cleavers (Galium) ;
grand) ; size ; quantity ; magnitude ; burdock (Arctium lappa) ; sweet woodruff
height, stature. — naturelle, natural (or (Asperula odorata) ; etc.
actual) size, full scale. gratification, /. gratuity ; allowance ; re-
grandir, v.t. magnify; enlarge; make great; ward.
cause to grow. v.i. & r. grow ; increase. gratiole, /. (Bot.) Gratiola. — officinale,
grandissement, m. enlargement ; magniri - hedge hyssop (G. ofjicinalis).
cation; growth, gratioline, /. gratiolin.
grand-œuvre, n. (Alchemy) the transmuta- gratiosoline, /. gratiosolin,
tion of metals. gratis, adv. âc a. gratis, free.
granit, m. granité. grattage, m. scraping, etc. (see gratter).
granitaire, a. granitelike, granitoid. gratte, /. scraper.
granité, a. granitic; like granité. gratte-boësse, gratte-brosse, /. wire
granitelle, /. (Petrog.) granitell, aphte. brush, scratch brush.
graniteux, granitique, o. granitic. gratte-bosse, n. an instrument for clean-
granitoïde, a. granitoid. ing buttons of precious métal.
granulage, m. granulation. gratte-ciel, m. skyscraper.
granulaire, a. granular. grattelle, /. itching; rash.
granulateur, m. granulator. gratter, v.t. scrape ; scratch : erase ; tease
granulatoite, m. granulator (for metals). ^cloth) ; flatter, v.i. scrape; scratch.
gratte-tubes 216 grès
gratte-tube s, n. tube scraper. grenade, /. pomegranate; grenade; (cap.)
gratteur, m. scraper. G r en ad a. — o fusil, rifle grenade. — à
grattoir, m. scraper; rake; eraser. main, hand grenade. — fumigène, smoke
gratture, /. scraping. grenade. — fusante, time grenade. — in-
gratuit, a. gratuitoug, free. cendiaire, incendiary grenade. — suffo-
gratuitement, adv. gratuitously, free. cante, asphyxiating grenade.
grauwacke, /. (Petrog.) graywacke, grey- grenadier, m. pomegranate tree; grenadier.
wacke. grenadille, /. granadilla.
gravats, m. -pi. = gravais. grenadin, o. In the phrase sirop grenadin,
grave, a, heavy; grave; (of sounds) deep. sirup of pomegranate.
graveler, v.t. gravel. grenadine, /. sirup of pomegranate, grena-
graveleux, a. gravelly; gritty. dine.
gravelle, /. (Med.) gravel; (Wine) tartar. grenage, m. granulation, graining, corning.
gravement, adv. gravely, seriously. grenaille, /. granulated métal; granulated
graver, v.t. engrave ; etch. v.r. be en- form (of métal); granulated ore; granular
graved ; be etched ; (Pyro.) split, crack. carbon ; grain ; small shot ; refuse grain,
graveur, m. engraver. tailings. en —, granulated. — de plomb,
gravide, a. gravid, pregnant. granulated lead ; lead shot. — d'étam,
gravier, m. gravel ; grit ; {Sait) a low granulated tin. — de zinc, granulated zinc.
mound on which sea sait is heaped. — grenaille ment, m. granulation.
de béton, gravel for concrète. grenailler, v.t. granulate. v.r, form gran-
gravière, /. gravel pit. ules, shot.
gravillon, m. coarse gravel; stone chips. grenat, m. & a. garnet. — alumina-aU-
gravimètre, m. gravimeter (a kind of hy- careux, calcium aluminum garnet, gros-
drometer). sularite. — de Bohême, pyrope. — fer-
gravimétrie, /. gravimetry. reux, iron garnet. — noble, — oriental,
gravimétriqué, a. gravimétrie. precious garnet. — syrien, rock ruby (a
gravimétriquement, adv. gravimetrically. fine red garnet).
gravir, v.i. & t. climb, climb up, ascend. grenatique, a. of or containing gamète.
gravité, /. gravity. — spécifique, spécifie greneler, v.t. grain (leather, paper, etc.).
gravity. grener, v.t. grain; granulate, corn; stdpple.
graviter, v.i. gravitate. v.i. seed; (of silkworms) lay eggs.
gravivolumètre, m. an instrument for greneter, v.t. grain (leather, etc.).
measuring out an exact weight of liquid. grénetine, /. grenetine (a pure form of gela-
gravois, m. pi. screenings (of plaster); rub- tin).
bish. g renette, /. little grain; (Expl.) powder
gravure, /. engraving; etching; illustration. grains remainmg on the sieve ; Avignon
gré, m. will, inclination ; liking. de — à —, berries, or pellets made from their powder.
by mutual agreement. en —, in good part, grenier, m. loft; granary; attic, garret. en.
kindly. —, in bulk. — à malt, malt floor.
grec, a. & m. Greek. grenoir, m. corning house (for gunpowder) ;
Grèce, /. Greece. granulator, granulating machine, (for gun-
grecque, a. fem. of grec. /. fretwork, fret. powder) corning machine.
greffe, /. graft ; grafting ; (Med.) trans- grenouille, /. frog ; triturator (for anti-
plantation; record office. mony sulfide).
greffer, v.t. graft ; attach ; implant, v.r. grenu, a. grained, grainy, granular. m.
be grafted; be attached. grain, granular structure.
grège, o. (of silk) raw. /. raw silk. grep, n. a pasty emulsion obtained in re-
grélat, m. lump of coal, cobble. fining turpentine.
grêle, o. slender, thin, small. m. hail. grès, 77i. sandstone, grit, grîtstone ; paving
grêler, v.t. pass (wax) through the grêloir. stone ; scouring sand ; sandy loam ;
v.i. hail. (Cerawi.) stoneware. — à aiguiser, griad-
grêlet, a. rather slender or thin. stone. — à meule(s), millstone grit. —
grêloir, m., grêloire, /. a perforated vessel argileux, argillaceous sandstone. — cérame,
for converting wax into ribbons, threads stoneware. — de liesse, the refractory ma-
or grains before bleaching. terial of Hessian crucibles, made from fire-
grêlon, m. hailstone. clay and sand. — dur, gritstone. — fin,.
grelots, m. pi. cob coal, cobble coal. {Ceram.) fine stoneware. — houiller, car-
grès 217 grisoumetrique
boniferous sandstone. — meuîier, mill- lattice; grille; grill. — à analyse(s), — à
stone grit. — ordinaire, (Ceram,) common combustion, combustion furnace. — à at-
stoneware. — vert, greensand. taque, furnace for décompositions (as one
grès-cérame, m. stoneware. for Kjeldahl flasks). — à jeu, fire grate.
gréseux, a. sandstone ; gritty. — à manche, strainer. —• à secousses,
grésil, m. broken or powdered glass ; blis- shaking grate. — blindée, screened grid.
ters on imperfectly baked porcelain; pea — d'analyse, combustion furnace. — de
coal ; sleet. foyer, fire grate. — de rejet, (Radio)
grésillé, p.a. shriveled; (Ceram.) having suppressor grid. — en escalier, step grate.
rough, pitted glaze. m. (Ceram.) rough- grille-écran, /. (Elec.) screen grid.
ness or pitting of the glaze, due to re- griller, v.t. roast, calcine; singe (eloth);
ducing vapors in the kiln. scorch, parch, burn; broil, grill; grate.
grésillement, m. shriveling, etc. (see grilloir, m. roaster, roasting kiln; singeing
grésiller); chirping (of crickets); Sound machine, singer.
like that of sleet, (.Radio) shot effect. grimpage, grimpement, m. climbing; (of
grésiller, v.t. shrivel, shrivel up ; trhn (the salts) creeping.
edges of a pièce of glass) ; (Ceram.) give grimper, v.i. & r. climb (up); (of salts)
a rough, pitted surface to. v.i. sleet. creep.
gresserie, / . sandstone quarry; sandstone grincement, m. grinding, etc. (see grincer).
work; (Ceram.) stoneware. grincer, v.i. grind, grate; squeak; gnash.
grève, /. mortar sand, coarse sand; sand grindélie, / . (Bot.) gum plant (Qrindelia);
bank; strand; strike (of workers). faire (Pharm.) grindelia.
—, fie mettre en —, strike. griot, m. coarse wheat flour.
grever, v.t. burden, encumber. griotte, / . a sour cherry; a spotted marble.
gréviste, m. striker. a. striking. griottier, m. a kind of cherry tree.
grèze, /. raw silk. griou, m. firedamp.
griches, n. pï. impurities in crude turpen- gripot, m. galipot, gallipot.
tine. grippage, m. seizing, etc. (see gripper).
grièche, o. prickly, sharp, sour. grippeler, v.r. shrink.
grief, m. grievance. o. grievous, serious. grippement, m. seizing, etc. (see gripper).
gries, m. gravel, grit. gripper, v.t. seize, grip, catch; snatch;
grien, m. firedainp. shrink, contract. v.r. slirink^ shrivel, v.i.
grieux, a. of firedamp. (Mach.) grip, bind, seize, wedge,1 grind.
grièvement, adv. grievously, gravely. grippure, /. (Mach.) worn part; abrasion.
grillage, m. seizing, gripping; scratching. gris, a. gray, grey; (of paper) unbleached,
griffe, /. olaw; grip; handle; catch, pawl, brown; (of wine) pale; tipsy. m. gray,
prong, hook, jaw, dog, catch; stamped sig- grey. — acier, steel gray. — ardoise, slate
nature; stamp (for signatures); root, root- gray. — argenté, silver gray. — cendré,
let (of certain plants), griffes de girofle, aah gray. — clair, light gray. — d'acier,
clove stems. steel gray. — de champ, ûeià gray. — de
griffer, v.t. seize with, or as with, claws, fer, iron gray; (Dyeing) iron liquor. —
grip ; scratch, claw. de perle, pearl gray. — de zinc, zinc dust.
grignard, m. hard stoneware, used in con- — foncé, dark gray. — perle, pearl gray.
struction; confusedly erystallized gypsum, — pierre, zinc dust.
found in plaster stone; Grignard reagent. grisaille, /. grizzled color, gray, mixed white
grignons, m. pi. olive husks, marc of olives; and black. a. grizzled, gray.
crusts. grisard, a. dark gray, or grayish brown.
gril, m. grill, grating, grid. m. popular (tree and wood).
grillage, m. roasting, etc. (see griller) ; grat- grisâtre, o. grayish, greyish.
ing; netting; grille. — à mort, dead- griser, v.t. gray, make gray; shade (with
roasting. — au four à cuve, roasting in lines) ; intosicate. v.i. become gray. v.r.
kilns. — en stalles, (Métal.) roasting in beeome intoxicated.
stalls. — en tas, roasting in heaps. grisou, m. firedamp.
grillager, v.t. lattice, grate. grisoumètre, m. an apparatus for analyzing
grille, /. grate, grating, grid; furnace (as air for firedamp.
for combustions, for Kjeldahl flasks, for grisoumétrie, /. measurement of firedainp.
evaporations) ; (Métal.) roasting furnace, grisoumetrique, o. relating to the measure-
calcining furnace, roaster, calciner ; fîre bar ; ment of firedamp.
grisouteux 218 guêpe
grisouteux, a. containing firedamp, fiery. group. — toxophore, toxophorous group,
Groenland, m. Greenland. toxophore group. — yttrique, yttrium
grogner, v.i. grunt; grumble. group.
groinson, m. (Leather) powdered chalk used groupement, m. grouping ; group ; gather-
in making parchment. ing; (Elec.) Connecting up, connection. —
groisil, groisillon, m. broken glass, cullet. aminé, amino group. — méthylique, methyl
gronder, v.i. growl, roar, rumble; grumble. group. — prosthétique, prostlietic group.
gros, a. big, large, great ; coarse, gross, grouper, v.t. group ; assemble ; compile ;
thick; heavy; pregnant; (of colors) dark, (Elec.) connect. v.i. group. v.r. group,
deep ; (of persons) rich. m. bulk, mass, gather. — en dérivation, — en quantité,
body, main part ; large-sized material, (Elec.) connect in parallel. — en série, —•
specif. lump coal ; (Com.) wholesale ; en tension, (Elec.) connect in séries.
revenue; grogram (a fabric); dram (old gruau, m. meal, coarse flour, specif. wheat
weight, 3.82 g.), adv. much, largely, high. meal ; grits, groats ; flour ; gruel ; small
en —, wholesale; in gênerai. — blanc = crâne; a wooden vessel used in sait gar-
gros-blanc. — bleu, a coarse variety of dens.
smalt. — bout, big end, butt end. — fer, gruauter, v.t. grind, reduce to meal.
(Métal.) bloom; large iron bar. grue, /. crâne. — à vapeur, steam crâne.
gros-blanc, m. a cernent or mastic com- gruer, v.t. grind, reduce to meal.
posed of whiting and glue. grugeon, m. a large pièce of sugar.
groseille, /. currant. a. currant-colored, gruger, v.t. crunch; crash. ; devour.
currant-red, currant. — à maquereau, — grume, /. bark; log.
verte, gooseberry. grumeau, m. clôt; fiock; curd; lump, par-
groseillier, m. currant bush, currant ; (à ticle; nodule.
maquereau) gooseberry bush, gooseberry. grumeler, v.r. clôt, curdle, coagulate.
grosse, a. /em. of gros. /. gross ; large grumeleux, a. clotted, clotty, curdy ;
pièce. lumpy ; nodular.
grossement, adv. in gênerai; grossly. grumelure, /. small cavity (in cast métal).
grosserie, /. wholesale trade. grumillon, m. pièce of forge scale.
grossesse, /. pregnancy. gruyère, m. Gruyère cheese, Schweitzer
grosseur, /. size; bulk; swelling, tumor. cheese.
grossier, a. coarse; rough, rude, gross; im- gtte., abbrev. (goutte) drop.
perfect. m. coarse material. guacine, /. guacin.
grossièrement, adv. coarsely; roughly, guaco, m. (Bot. & Pharm.~) guaco.
rudely, grossly ; imperf ectly. guaéthol, m. guaiethol (2-ethoxyphenol).
grossièreté, /. coarseness ; roughness. guaner, v.t. manure with guano.
grossir, v.i. grow large or larger, increase, guanidine, /. guanidine.
swell. v.t. magnify; enlarge; amplify; in- guanidyle, m. guanidyl, guanid(in)o.
crease, swell. v.r. grow larger, increase; guanier, o. of or yielding guano, guanifer-
be magnified, enlarged or amplified. ous.
grossissant, p.a. magnifying ; enlarging ; in- guanine, /. guanine.
creasing, amplifying. guano, m. guano. — de chauves-souris, bat
grossissement, m. magnification, magnify- guano. — de poissons, fish guano, fish
ing; magnifying power; enlargement; in- manure. — de viande, méat guano, méat
creasing, swelling. meal. — marin, — polaire, a fertilizer
grossiste, m, wholesaler. made from whale refuse. — phosphaté,
grosso modo, coarsely, roughly. phosphatic guano.
grossulaire, a. grossular. m. grossularite. guanyle, m. guanyl.
grotte, /. grotto, cave, cavern.
grouiller, v.i. move, crawl, swarm; rumble. guapinol, n. guapinol, courbaril.
groupe, m. group; set; class; cluster. — guayac, m. guaiacum (tree or wood).
céto, keto group. — convertisseur, (Elec.) guèâe, /. woad, pastel (either dye or plant).
converter set, converter, motor generator. guéder, v.t. dye with woad; cram, stuff.
— directeur, directing group, (in dyes) guéderon, guédron, guédon, m. woad
chromophore. — haptophore, haptopho- dyer.
rous group, haptophore group. — imidê, guéer, v.t. rinse.
imido (or imino) group. — sanguin, blood guenille, /. rag; tatter.
group, — sulfonique, sulfonic group, sulfo guêpe, /. wasp.
guère 219 gyratoire
guère, adv. (with ne) searoely, hardly, lit- guillaume, m. granulator (for powder);
tle, not long, not muoh, few. plane.
guérir, v.t. cure, heal. v.i. & r. recover; guillemet, m. quotation mark, quote.
heal; be cured (of). guillemeter, v.t. put in quotation marks.
guérison, m. cure, recovery, healing. guiller, v.i. (Brewing) work, ferment.
guérissable, a. curable, healable. guilloire, /. fermentation vat, gyle vat.
guérite, /. a small ehamber or shelter, as guimauve, /. (Bot.) marsh mallow (Al-
a condensation ehamber in the manufac- thaea) ; marshmallow (the confection).
ture of zinc oxide, a sentry box, a look- guinand, m. (Olass) a hollow cylinder used
out, a conning tower, a locomotive cab or in stirring optical glass.
a téléphone booth. — respiratoire, respira- guinder, v.t. raise, hoist, lift.
tion ehamber. guinée, /. guinea; (cap.) Guinea.
guerre, /. war; warfare; war départaient. guipage, m. wrapping, winding; insulation.
— chimique, chemical warfare. — des gaz, guiper, v.t. wind, wrap (with tape or the
gas warfare. like).
guerrier, a. warlike, martial, m. warrior. guipon, 771. brush (as for tar or pitch) ; mop.
guesdre, /. woad, pastel. guise, /. manner, fashion, way, wise. en —
guesdron, m. woad dyer. de, instead of, by way of.
guet, m. watch. gulonique, a. gulonic.
guéthol, m. guaiethol (2-ethoxyphenol). gummifère, a. gummiferous, gum-bearing.
guetter, v.t. watch; lie in wait for. gummique, a. gummy; gummic (Obs.).
gueulard, m. throat, mouth (of a blast fur- guniter, v.t. treat with Gunite (cément,
nace) ; mouth (of a sewer). sand and water applied with an air gun).
gueule, /. mouth ; (of a gun) muzzle, guniteuse, /. cément gun (see guniter).
mouth ; mesh ; (Founding) gâte. gurgu, gurjum, gurjun, m. gurjun, gur-
gueulette, /. mesh; (Olass) working hole. jun balsam (from Dipterocarpus species).
gueusat, m. (Iron) small pig. gustation, /. tasting, taste, gustation.
gueuse, /. (.Métal.) pig; pig mold. — de gustatoire, a. gustative, gustatory.
fonte, pig iron. — mère, (Métal.) sow. gutta, /. Short for gutta-percha.
gueuse-mère, /. (Iron) sow. gutta-percha, gutta-perca, /. gutta-
gueuset, m. (Iron) small pig. percha.
guhr, m. (Min.) guhr, earthy deposit. — gutte, /. gamboge, gum guttse.
gypseux, earthy gypsum. gutter, v.t. gum, glue.
gui, m. (Bot.) mistletoe (Viscum album). guttifère, a. (Bot.) guttiferous; (Min.) in
guichet, m. wicket; little window; shutter. the form of drops or tears.
guidage, m. guiding, etc. (see guider); guvacine, /. guvacine.
guide. guyacan, n. guayacan.
guide, m. guide. /. rein. gymnosperme, a. (Bot.) gymnospermous.
SUide-âne, m. manual, pocketbook. Tri. gymnosperm.
guider, v.t. guide; conduct, direct; steer.
guidon, m. (Geol. & Mining) float ore, gypse, 77î. gypsum.
gypseux, o. gypseoua.
guignier, m. sweet cherry (tree). gypsilère, a. gypsiferous, bearing gypsum.
guignolet, m. a liqueur made from sweet gypsomètre, m. gypsometer (apparatus for
cherries. determining sulfates in wine).
guildive, /. a kind of rum ; fermenting room. gypsométrique, a. gypsometric, pertaining
guillage, m. (Brewing) working, ferment- to the détermination of sulfates in wine.
ing. gyratoire, a. gyratory.
habile, a. capable, compétent, skillful, halimètre, m. = halomètre (first sensé).
clever. hall, m. hall; room, shed, house, shop. —
habilement, adv. ably, skillfully, cleverly. aux mélanges, mixing house. — de coulée,
habileté, /. ability, skill, clevcrness. casting house, casthouse. — de fonderie,
habillage, m. dressing, etc. (see habiller); foundry house. — de recuit, annealing
packing. shop.
habillement, m. clothing. halle, /. market place, market; = hall.
habiller, v.t. diess; cover, -wrap; (Leather) (For phrases see hall.)
taw; fit; assemble; fit, become. v.i. fit, halo, m. halo; (Photos.) halation.
be becoming. halochimie, /. the chemistry of salts.
habit, m. clothing, clothes, garment, suit, halochimique, a. pertaining to the chem-
coat, dress. istry of salts.
habitant, m. inhabitant, résident. halochromie, /. halochromism, halochromy.
habitation, /. dwelling, habitation; haunt; halogénable, a. halogenatable.
settlement ; plantation. halogénalkyl-magnésien, a. In the phrase
habiter, v.t. inhabit, live in. v.i. dwell. composé halogénalkyl-magnésien, alkylmag-
habitude, /. habit; custom. d'—, or- nesium halide.
dinarily, customarily. halogène, m. halogen. o. halogen, haloge-
habituel, a. usual, customary; habituai. nous.
habituellement, adv. usually, customarily; halogène, p.a. halogenated, halogen.
habitually. halogéner, v.t. halogenate.
habituer, v.t. habituate, accustom. halogénhydrate, m. hydrohahde.
hachage, m. chopping, etc. (see hacher). halogénhydrique, a. halohydric.
hache, /. ax; hatchet. — à main, hand ax; halogénique, a. designating the resddues of
hatchet. — à poing, hatchet. oxaeids (as NO3, SOi, etc.). Rare.
haché, p.a. chopped, etc. (see hacher) ; (of halogéno-. halo-,
a fracture) hackly, rough. halogénure, m. halide, halogenide. —
hacher, v.t. chop, hack, eut (in pièces), d'acide, acyl halide, acid halide. — d'al-
hash, mince, shred; hatch, shade. coyle, alkyl halide.
hachette, /. hatchet. — à marteau, = halographe, m. one who writes about salts.
hachette-marteau. halographie, /. halography, description of
hachette-marteau, n. hatchet with ham- salts.
mer head. halohydrine, /. halohydrin.
hachisch, hachich, m. hashish. haloïde, a. haloid, halide. m. halide.
hachoir, m. cutter, chopper; chopping halologie, /. a treatise on salts.
board. halologique, a. pertaining to the knowledge
hachure, /. hatching, shading. or description of salts.
hachurer, v.t. hatch, shade.
haexn, m. heme, hem. halomètre, m. an apparatus for determining
luem-. See hém-. the amount of salts présent (as in sirups) ;
haï, p.p. (of haïr) hated, detested. an instrument for measuring the angles of
haie, /. hedge. sait crystals, goniometer.
haillon, m. rag; tatter. haloraétrie, /. détermination of salts.
haine, /. hatred, hâte, enmity. halométrique, a. pertaining to the déter-
haïr, v.t. hâte, abhor, detest. mination of salts.
haï-tzé, n. haitsai (a seaweed gelatin). halophile, a. (Biol.) halophilous.
halde, /. heap, dump heap, dump. halotechnie, /. the art of preparing salts.
haleine, /. breath. en —, in working trinj, halotechnique, a. pertaining to the prép-
in practice. aration or manufacture of salts.
haler, v.t. & i. haul, pull; tow. haltère, m. dumb-bell.
haleter, v.i. pant, breathe quickly. halurgie, /. halurgy. 06s.
halurgique 221 hectare
halurgique, a. relating to sait making. hasarder, v.t., r. & i. hazard, risk, venture.
Obs. hasardeux, a. hazardous; venturesome.
hamaméUs, m. (Bot.) Hamamelis. — de haschisch, m. hashish.
Virginie, witch hazel; (Pharm.) hamamelis hatchetine, /. (Min.) hatchettite.
leaf, witch-hazel leaves. hâte, /. haste, hurry, hastiness. à la —, en
hambourg, m. small cask, keg; (cap.) Ham- —, in haste, hastily, hurriedly.
burg. hâter, v.t. & r. hasten, hurry, quicken.
hameau, m. hamlet. hâtif, a. hasty; prématuré; (of fruits)
hameçon, m. fish hook. early.
hampe, /. staff, shank, handle; (Bot.) stem, hâtiveau, m. early fruit or vegetable.
stalk. hâtivement, adv. hastily; early.
hanche, /. hip, haunch; (Tech.) leg. hauban, m. stay, gu^, snroud.
hanebane, /. (Bot.) henbane (Hyoscyamus haufwerk, m. run of mine, mine run.
niger). hausse, /. rise (as in price), increase;
hangar, m. open shed; (Aero.) hangar. something which serves to raise, lift, sup-
hanter, v.t. haunt, fréquent, associate with. port; second course (of a reverberatory
haplome, n. (Min.) aplome (variety of furnace); rear sight (of small arms).
andradite). hausser, v.t. raise. v.i. rise. v.r. rise; be
happant, p.a. adhering, adhèrent (as clay raised; (of weather) clear.
to the tongue). haut, a. high; deep; upper; (of colors)
happe, /. cramp, clamp ; crucible tongs. bright. m. he%ht ; top. adv. highly, high ;
happelourde, m. imitation gem. above; back; loudly, aloud. de — en bas,
happement, m. adhering, etc. (see happer). from above; from top to bottom. d'en —,
happer, v.i. adhère, stick, v.t. snap up, from above. en —, above; up; upstairs.
snatch, seize, catch. en — de, at the top of. haute pression,
haptène, m., haptine, /. hapten. high pressure. — fourneau, blast furnace.
haptophore, a. haptophorous, -phoric, le — Rhin, the Upper Rhine. par en •—,
-phore. upward; by the upper way; at the top;
haqu£t, m. truck, cart, barrow, wagon. up above. par —, upward.
harasse, /. crate (as for glass or porcelain). haut-brillant, a. highly polished. m. high
harderie, /. iron sulfate (Obs.t). gloss.
hardi, a. bold; daring, hardy, venturesome. hautement, adv. highly; openly; loudly,
hardiesse, /. boldness. aloud.
hareng, m. herring. hauteur, /. height ; altitude ; élévation ;
haricot, m. bean (refers specif. to tbe genus head (as of water); depth; pitch; lofti-
Phaseolus; cf. fève). ness. à la — de, on a level with, abreast
harmaline, /. harmaline. with, equal to.
harmane, m. harman (an alkaloid). haut-fourneau, m. blast furnace.
harmine, /. harmine. haut-parleur, m. loud-speaker.
harmonie, /. harmony. hauyne, /. (Min.) haùynite.
harmonieusement, adv. harmoniously. havane, a. light chestnut. m. Havana
harmonieux, a. harmonious. cigar or tobacco; (cap., with La) Havana.
harmonique, a. & /. harmonie. haver, v.t. eut, undercut, kirve, slot.
harmoniquement, adv. harmonically. haveuse, /. (Mining) cutting machine.
harmoniser, v.t. & r. harmonize. havre, m. harbor; (cap., with Le) Havre.
harnais, m. haraess; equipment; gear, gear-
havresat, m. hammer scale, forge scale.
ing. Haye (La), /. The Hague.
harnard, m. oil press, stamper press. hebdomadaire, a. weekly.
harpe, /. harp ; (Métal.) coarse screen, hebdomadairement, adv. weekly, once a
griîzly; (Mach.) toothing. week.
harveyage, m. Harveyizing.
harveyiser, v.t. (Métal.) harveyize, Har- hébéter, v.t. stupefy.
veyize. hébétude, /. (Med.) hébétude, dullness.
hasard, m. chance ; hazard, risk ; luck ; hébraïque, o. Hebrew, Hebraic.
accident; bargain. à tout —, at ail events, hébreu, a. & m. Hebrew.
in any case, au —, at random, randomly. hect., abbrev. (hectolitre) hectoliter.
au — de, at the risk of. par —, by chance, hectare, m. hectare (10,000 sq. m.; 2.471
by accident, chance. acrea).
hecto 222 henequen
hectogramme, hecto, m. hectogram (100 hématoxyline, /. hematoxylin, haematoxy-
grams). lin.
hectolitre, hecto, m. heotoliter, hectolitre hématurie, /. (Med.) hematuria, haema-
(100 liters; 26.417 U. S. gais., 22.0097 Brit.). turia.
hectomètre, m. hectometer (109.36 yards). hème, m. heme, hem.
hectostère, m. hectostere (100 eu. m., 130.8 hémérythrine, /. hemoerythrin.
eu. yds.). hémicirculaire, a. semicircular.
hédéoma, m. (Bot.) hedeoma, (American) hémicylindrique, a. hemieylindrical.
pennyroyal. hémièdre, a. (Cryst.) hemihedral. m. hemi-
hédéracé, a. hederaceous, of or like ivy. hedron.
hélénine, /. helenin. hémiédrie, /. (Cryst.) hemihedrism, hemi-
hélianthe, m. (Bot.) sunflower, helianthus. hedry. — plagièdre, plagihedral hemihe-
hélianthine, /. helianthin (methyl orange). drism.
hélice, /. hélix; spiral; (Mech.) serew; hémiédrique, a. hemihedral, (rarely) hemi-
propeller. hedric.
héllcine, /. helicin. hémihédrie, /. hemihedrism, hemihedry.
hélicoïde, a. helicoid, helical. m. helicoid. hémimellique, hémimellithique, a. hemi-
hélicoprotéide, /. helicoprotein. mellitic.
hélicorubine, /. helicorubin. hémimorphe, a. (Cryst.) hemimorphic.
hélicoside, m. helicin. hémimorphte, /. (Cryst.) hemimorphism.
héliochromie, /. heliochromy, color photog- hémine, /. hemin, haemin.
raphy. hémiperméable, o. semipermeable.
héliochromique, a. héliochromie. hémipinique, a. hemipic, hemipinic.
héliographie, /. heliography. hémiprismatique, a. (Cryst.) hemipris-
héliographique, a. heliographic. matic.
héliolithe, m. (Afin.) sunstone, aventurine. hemiptère, m. hemipterous insect, hemip-
hélioplastie, /. a process of photo-engrav- teron.
ing. hémisphérique, o. hemispheric(al).
héliotropine, /. heliotropin (piperonal). hémitrope, a. (Cryst.) hemitrope, hemi-
héliotypie, /. heliotypy. tropic.
helléboréine, /. helleborein. hémitropie, /. (Cryst.) hemitropism, he-
helléborine, /. helleborin. mitropy.
helminthe, m. intestinal worm, hehninth. hemochromogène, m. hemochromogen.
helminthique, a. & m. (Med.) helminthic. hémocyantne, /. hemocyanin.
helvétique, a. Swiss. hémocytomètre, m. hemacytometer, hemo-
helvine, /. (Afin.) helvite. cytometer.
hémaphéine, /. hemaphein. hémoglobine, /. hemoglobin, haemoglobin.
hématéine, /. hematein, haematein. hémoglobinomètre, m. hemoglobinometer.
hématie, /. red blood corpuscle, erythrocyte. hémoglobinurie, /. hemoglobinuria.
hématimètre, m. hematimeter, haematime- hémolyse, /. hematolysis, hemolysis.
ter. hémolyser, v.t. hemolyze.
hématine, /. hematin, haematin. hémolysine, /. hemolysin.
hématinique, a. iiematinic, haematinic. hémolytique, o. hematolytic, hemolytic.
hématinurie, /. hematinuria. hémomètre, m. hemometer, hemadynome-
hématique, a. hématie, haematic. ter.
hématite, /. (Min.) hématite, a. hematitic, hémopyrrol, m. hemopyrrole.
blood-red, blood. — brune, brown héma- hémorragie, hémorrhagie, /. hemorrhage.
tite, limonite. — rouge, red hématite, or- hémorragique, hémorrhagique, a. hem-
dinary hématite. orrhagic.
hémorroïde, hémorrhoïde, /. hemorrhoid,
hématocrite, m. hematocrit, haematocrit. pile.
hématogène, m. hematogen, haematogen. hémostase, /. (Med.) hemostasia, hemo-
hématoïdine, /. hematoidin, haematoidin. stasis.
hématolyse, /. hematolysis, hemolysis. hémostatique, o. & m. hemostatic, haemo-
hématolysine, /. hemolysin, haemolysin. static.
hématoporphyrine, /. hematoporphyrin. hémotoxine, /. hemotoxin, haemotoxin.
hématoxyle, m. logwood tree (Haema- henequen, m. henequen, henequin, sisal
toxyïon). hemp.
henné 223 heure
henné, henneh, m. henna. herboriste, n. herb dealer.
hépar, m. (OU Chem.) hepar. herboristerie, /. herb trade or shop.
héparine, /. heparin. herbue, /. pasture land; (Métal.) clay flux.
hépatique, a. hepatic. /. (Bot.) hepatica. herculéen, a. Herculean.
hépatisation, /. hepatization. héréditaire, o. hereditary.
hépatiser, v.t. hepatize. v.r. become hepa- hérédité, /. heredity; heirship, inheritance.
tized. hérissé, a. bristling, bristly ; covered ;
hépatite, /. (Min.) hépatite; (Med.) hepa- rough ; prickly.
titis. hérisser, v.t. bristle; cover; (Masonry)
hepsomètre, m. an apparatus for regulat- rough-cast. v.i. bristle; become rough.
ing the evaporation of sugar solutions. hérisson, m. hedgehog ; cog wheel, spur
hepsométrie, /. measurement of the degree wheel; toothed cylinder.
of evaporation of sugar solutions. héritage, m. héritage, inheritance.
hepsométrique, o. pertaining to hepso- hériter, v.t. & i. inherit.
métrie. héritier, m., heir.
heptaméthylène, m. heptamethylene (the herméticité, /. hermetic state, air-tight-
radical) ; cycloheptane (the compound). ness.
heptanaphtène, m. heptanaphthene. hermétique, a. hermetic(al) ; Hermetic(al),
heptatomique, o. heptatomic; speoif., hep- pertaining to Hermès Trismegistus or to
tahydroxy. alchemy.
heptavalent, a. septivalent, heptavalent. hermétiquement, adv. hermetically.
heptine, /. heptyne. hermétisme, m. Hermetism (alchemical
heptyle, m. heptyl. doctrine or cuit).
heptylique, a. heptyl. hernie, /. hernia, rupture.
héraclée, /. (Bot.) cow parsnip, heracleum. Hérodote, m. Herodotus.
héraut, m. herald. héroïne, /. Heroin (diacetylnaorphine).
herbacé, a. herbaceous. T.N.
herbage, m. herbage ; pasture, meadow. héroïque, a. heroic.
herbe, /. herb; grass. en —, green, unripe; héros, m. hero.
prospective ; in embryo. — à fièvre, = herse, /. stretching frame, tenter; harrow.
herbe parfaite. — à jaunir, dyer's rocket herser, v.t. harrow.
(Beseda luteola); woodwaxen (Genista hertzien, a. Hertzian.
tinctoria). — à loup, wolfsbane, monks- hésiter, v.i. hesitate.
hood (Aconitum). — à rayons, madder. — hespéridine, /., hespéridoside, m. hesperi-
à Robert, herb Robert. — à savon, soap- din.
wort. — au scorbut, scurvy grass (Coch- hétéroatome, m. hetero atom.
learia officinalis). — au soleil, sunflower. hétérocline, /. (Min.) a ferruginous braun-
— au verre, saltwort, glasswort (Salsola ite.
kali). — aux chantres, hedge mustard hétérocyclique, o. heterocyclic.
(Sisymbrium officinale). — aux chats, cat- hétérogène, a. heterogeneous.
nip; cat thyme. — aux tanneurs, tanner's hétérogénéité, /. heterogeneity, heterogene-
sumac. — aux teinturiers, woodwaxen ousness.
(Genista tinctoria). — de Saint Antoine, hétérogénèse, /. heterogenesis.
willow herb (Chamœnerion angustifolium). hétérologue, a. heterologous.
— de Saint-Philippe, woad (Isatis tinc- hétéromorphe, a. heteromorphic, hetero-
toria). — des Juifs, dyer's rocket (Reseda morphous.
luteola). — dragon, — dragonne, tarragon. hétéromorphisme, m., hétéromorphie,
— empoisonnée, alkekengi; belladonna, /. (Cryst.) heteromorphism, heteromorphy.
nightshade. — jaune, yellowweed, dyer's hétéroprotéide, m., hétéroprotéine, /.
rocket (Reseda luteola). — marine, sea- conjugated protein.
weed. — mauvaise, weed. — parfaite, hétéroxanthine, /. heteroxanthine.
boneact (Eupatorium perfoliatum). hêtre, m. beeeh (either tree or wood).
herber, v.t. grass, bleach on the grass. heuchère, /. (Bot.) heuchera. — d'Amé-
herberie, /. wax bleaching ; bleaching place ; rique, alumroot (Heuchera americana).
herb market. heule, m. pistachio resin.
herbeux, a. grassy, herbous. heure, /. hour; time. à cette —, at this
herbivore, o. herbivorous. m. herbivore. time, now. à V— qu'il est, at the présent
herborisé, a. (Afin.) arborized, dendritic. time. — du lieu, local time. heures sup-
heure 224 holoédrique
plémentaires, overtime. pour V—, for the hexite, /. hexitol, (formerly) hexite.
présent, sur V—, on the instant, immedi- hexonique, a. (of acids) hexonic ; (of bases)
ately. (For other phrases see under bon hexone.
and tout.) hexosane, m. hexosan.
heure-lampe, /. (Elec.) lamp-hour. hexyle, m. hexyl.
heureusement, adv. happily, advanta- hexylénique, a. hexylene, of hexylene.
geously, fortunately. hexylique, a. hexyl, hexyhc.
heureux, a. happy; fortunate; pleasing. hibou, m. owl.
heurt, m. shock, knock ; braise ; crown (as hidrotique, a. & m. (Med.) hidrotic, sudo-
of a bridge). rific.
heurté, p.a. (Photog.) contrasty. p.p. (of hie, /. ram, beetle, pile driver.
heurter) hit, struck, etc. hièble, /. Danewort (Sambucus ebulua).
heurtement, m. hitting, etc. (see heurter); hier, adv. yesterday. v.t. ram, drive, v.i.
shock, knock, jar, collision. creak.
heurter, v.t. hit, strike, knock, run against, hilarant, o. exhilarating. gaz —, laughing
collide with ; shock. v.r. & i. knock, hit, gas (nitrous oxide).
strike, collide. hile, m. (Bot.) hilum.
heurtoir, m. catch, stop; buffer; cog; sill. hippurique, a. hippuric.
hévé, m., hévée, /. hevea; hevea rabber. hirsutine, /., hirsutoside, m. hirsutin.
hexabromostannique, a. bromostannic- hisser, v.t. hoist, raise, pull up.
(IV). histamine, /. hiatamine.
hexachloré, a. hexachloro. histidine, /. histidine.
hexachlorostannate, m. chlorostannate- histochimie, /. histochemistry.
(IV). histochimique, a. histochemic(al).
hexachlorure, m. hexachloride. histogène, a. histogenetic, histogenic.
hexaâécanoïque, a. hexadecanoic, pahnitic. histogenèse, /. histogenesis.
hexaèdre, a. hexahedral. m. hexahedron. histogénie, /. histogeny.
hexaédrique, o. hexahedral. histogénique, a. histogenetic, histogenic.
hexafluorure, m. hexafluoride. histoire, /. history; story.
hexagonal, a. hexagonal; six-membered histologie, /. histology.
(ring). histologique, a. histologie, histological.
hexagone, m. hexagon. a. hexagonal. histologiquement, adv. histologically.
hexahydraté, a. hexahydrated. histologiste, m. histologist.
hexahydrine, /. hexahydrin. See hydrine. historien, m. /. histolysis.
hexahydrobenzénique, a. of or pertaining historique, o.historian.historié, historical. m. his-
to hexahydrobenzene (cyclohexane).
hexahydrobenzoïque, a. hexahydroben- tory, record(s).
zoic (cyclohexanecarboxylic). historiquement, adv. historically.
hexahydrophénol, m. hexanyarophenol hiver, m. winter.
(cyclohexanol). hivernage, m. winter season; wintering;
hexahydropyridique, a. of or pertaining aging (of ceramic clay).
to hexahydropyridine (piperidine). hivernal, a. winter ; wintry.
hexahydrure, m. hexahydride. hiverner, v.ù hibernate, winter.
hexakistétraèdre, m. hexakistetrahedron. hL, abbrev. hectoliter(s), hectolitre(s).
hexaméthylène, m. hexamethylene (the hoche, /. notch, nick.
radical) ; cyclohexane (the compound). hocher, v.t. shake; notch, nick.
hexaméthylénique, a. of or pertaining to hollandais, o. Dutch. m. Dutch (language) ;
hexamethylene. (cap.) Dutchman.
liexanaphtène, m. hexanaphthene. hollande, /. Dutch porcelain; holland (the
hexanltré, a. hexanitrated, hexanitro. fabric); (cap.) Holland. m. Dutch cheese,
hexaoxybenzène, m. hexahydroxybenzene. esp. Edam cheese.
hexaplombate, m. hydroxoplumbate. hollander, m. hollander, pulper.
hexatétraèdre, m. (Cryst.) hexatetrahe- holmine, /. hohnium hydroxide, Ho(OH)3.
dron. holocristallin, o. (Petrog.) holocryatalline.
hexatomique, a. hexatomic; specif., hexa- holoèdre, m. (Cryst.) holohedron. o. holo-
hydroxy. hedral.
hexavalent, a. sexivalent, hexavalent. holoédrie, /. (Cryst.) holohedrism.
hexine, /. hexyne. holoédrique, a. (Cryst.) holohedral.
holoprotéide 225 houblonner
holoprotéide, m., holoprotéine, /. sim- honnête, a. honest; proper; décent; reason-
ple or derived protein (as distinguished able, moderate; civil.
from conjugated protein). honnêtement, adv. honestly, etc. (see hon-
holosidère, n. {Min.) holosiderite. nête).
homard, m. lobster. honnêteté, /. honesty; propriety; civility;
homéogène, a. homeogenous, of like kind. kindness ; présent.
homéomère, a. homeomeric. honneur, m. honor, honour. en —, in favor.
homéomérie, /. homeomerism, homeomery. honorablement, adv. honorably.
homéopathie, /. (Med.) homeopathy. honoraire, a. honorary. m. (also pi.)
homéotropie, /. homeotropy (aualysis of fee(s) ; honorarium. ^
liquida by behavior of their drops). honorer, v.t. honor; respect; be an honor
homme, m. man. — de mer, seaman. — to.
de métier, craftsman, artisan; specialist. honte, /. shame. avoir —, be ashamed.
— de 'peine, unskilled laborer. — de pé- honteusement, adv. shamefully.
trole, oil man, oilman. honteux, a. shameful; ashamed; timid.
homocafélque, a. homocaffeio. hôpital, m. hospital.
homofluorescéine, /. homofluorescein. hopogan, n. a substance consisting mainly
homofocal, a. homofocal, confocal. of magnésium peroxide. T.N.
homogène, a. homogeneous. hoquet, m. hiccup, hiccough.
homogénéifier, v.t. homogenize. horaire, a. hourly; horary. m. timetable.
homogénéisateur, a. homogenizing. m. hordéine, /. hordein.
homogenizer, homogenizing apparatus. hordénine, /. hordenine.
homogénéisation, /. homogenization. horizontal, a. horizontal; level.
homogénéiser, v.t. homogenize. horizontalement, adv. horizontally.
homogénéité, /. homogeneity, homogeneous- horloge, /. clock, timepiece. — à sable,
ness. sandglass, hourglass.
homogènement, adv. homogeneously. honnis, prep. exoept, excepting, but. —
homogéniseur, m. homogenizer. que, except that.
homogentisinique, homogentisique, a. hormonal, a. hormonal, hormonic.
homogentïsïc. horreur, m. horror; dread.
homologable, a. capable of being homolo- hors, prep. outside, without, out of; ex-
gized. cept, but. adv. outside, out. — de, out
homologie, /. homology. of.
homologique, a. homologic(al), homologous. hors-d'ceuvre, m. accessory part; appetizer,
homologiquement, adv. homologically. relish, hors d'œuvre. (See also hors
homologue, a. homologous. m. homo- d'œuvre, under œuvre.)
log(ue). hors-tout, a, overall.
homologuer, v.t. homologize; (Law) horticole, a. liorticultural.
homologate. horticulteur, m. horticulturist.
homomorphe, a. homomorphic. hospitalier, a. hospitable.
homophtalimide, /. homophthalimide. hostilité, /. hostility.
homophtalique, a. homophthalie. hôte, m. host ; guest.
homopyrocatéchine, /. homopyrocatechol. hôtel, m. mansion, house, hall, building;
homopyrrol, m. homopyrrole. hôtel. — des monnaies, mint. — de ville,
homoquinine, /. homoquinine. city hall, eity building.
Hongrie, /. Hungary. hotel-Dieu, m. (principal) hospital.
hongrieur, m. = hongroyeur. hotte, /. hood; basket (for ore, etc.); hod;
hongroierie, /. = hongroyage. scuttle. — à bon (or fort) tirage, hood
hongrois, a. Hungarian. m. Magyar (lan- with a good (or strong) draft. — fermée,
guage) ; (cap.) Hungarian. closed hood, fume cupboard.
hongroyage, m. préparation of Hungary hottée, /. basketful; hodful; scuttlefnl.
leather (tanning with alum and sait fol- hotter, v.t. carry in a basket, hod, or scut-
lowed by dressing with tallow or other tle.
fatty material). houage, m. hoeing.
hongroyer, v.t. convert into Hungary houblon, m. hop (the plant or its flower).
leather, subjeot to hongroyage (which see). houblonnage, m. hopping, addition of hops.
hongroyeur, m. maker of Hungary leather. houblonner, v.t. hop, impregnate with hops.
houblonnier 226 huile
houblonnier, a. pertaining to hops, hop. houppette, /. small tuft.
m. hop raiser. hourdage, hourdis, m. coarse plaster; rub-
houblonniere, /. hop field, hop garden. ble work; rough walling.
houe, /. hoe, — à cheval, horse hoe, culti- houssage, m. dusting, sweeping.
vator. housse, /. housing, cover ; (Ceram.) rough
houe ment, m. hoeing. form (of hollow ware).
houer. v.t. & i. hoe. nous se r, v.t. dust, sweep.
houille, /. (minerai) coal. — à coke, coking houssoir, m. duster, whisk, broom (as of
coal. — à courte flamme, short-flame coal. feathers or hair).
— à longue flamme, long-fïame coal. — houx, m. (Bot.) holly, holly tree.
anthraciteuse, anthracite coal. — blanche, h.p., abbrev. (haute pression) high pres-
water power, specif. that of springs and sure.
waterfalls (said to be so called in allusion huche, /. bin, chest; trough, tub.
to the mountain snows which feed the huilage, m. oiling; greasing; lubrication.
streams). — bleue, wind power ; tidal huile, /. oil. à V—, (Painting) in oil, oil.
power. — brune, brown coal, lignite. — — à brûler, burning oil, fuel oil; specif.,
carbonisée, coke. — collante, caking coal. kérosène. — absolue de Braconnot, olein.
— crue, coal (as distinguished from coke) ; — à chauffer, heating oil, fuel oil. — o
rough coal, run of mine. — de forge, gaz, gas oil (a petroleum fraction). — à
forge coal. — demi-grasse, a short-flame graisser, lubricating oil. — alimentaire, oil
coking coal ; semibituminous coal. — for food, edible oil. — allylique de mou-
éclatante, anthracite coal, glance coal. — tarde, allyl mustard oil (allyl isothio-
flambante, flaming coal, cannel coal. — cyanate). — à manger, edible oil; specif.,
grasse, fat coal, coking coal ; bituminous table oil, salad oil. — à mécanisme, — à
coal. — grise, wind power. — luisante, mouvement, machine oil. — animale, ani-
anthracite coal, glance coal. — maigre, mal oil; specif., bone oil. — au chlorure
lean coal, nonbituminous coal ; specif., mercureux, (Pharm. ) injection of mercu-
semi-anthracite. — maréchale, forge coal. rous chloride. — à usine, lubricating oil.
— menue, small coal, slack. — miroitante, — blanche, white oil, specif. (Painting)
iridescent coal, peacock coal. — noire, poppy oil. — brute, crude oil. — cam-
black coal, coal (as distinguished from lig- phrée, (Pharm. ) camphor Uniment. —
nite or from water power and wind power). comestible, edible oil. — copal à tableaux,
— non collante, non-caking coal. — pro- (Painting) poppy or linseed oil to which
prement dite, coal in the proper sensé (by copal has been added. — crue, raw oil.
some applied to bituminous coal). — sans — cuite, boiled oil ; linseed oil varnish. —
flamme, non-flaming coal. — sèche, dry d'abrasin, tung oil. — d'amande, —
coal; noncoking coal. — tendre, soft coal. d'amandes douces, sweet-almond oil,
— terreuse, earthy coal, lignite. — tout- (Pharm.) expressed almond oil. — d'ani-
venante, rough coal, run of mine. — verte, line, aniline oil, crude aniline. — d'ara-
water power from ordinary watercourses chide, peanut oil, groundnut oil. —
(said to be so called in allusion to the d'arsenic, (Old Chem.) butter of arsenic,
greenness of the banks). caustic oil of arsenic (arsenic tri chloride).
houille r, a. coal, of or containing coal. — de baleine, whale oil, train oil. — de
houillère, /. coal mine, colliery. blanc de baleine, sperm oil, spermaceti oil.
houilleur, m. coal miner. — de bois de Chine, Chinese wood oil,
houilleux, a. coal, coaly, containing coal. tung oil. — de bouche, edible oil. — de
honillincation, /. coalification, carboniza- Brésil, copaiba. — de cacao, cacao butter,
tion. cocoa butter. — de tade, oil of cade, cade
houillifier, v.t. coalify, carbonize, oil, (Pharm.) Juniper tar. — de cantharides
houillite, /. anthracite (old name). térêbenthinée, (Pharm.) blistering liquid.
houle, /. swell, billow. — de cétacés, whale oil. — de cheval,
houlette, /. shepherd's crook; (Tech.) any caballine oil, meîted horse grease. — de
of several tools, as a glassmaker's shovel Chine, Chinese wood oil, tung oil. —
or spatula, a founder's scoop, or a gar- d'éclairage, illuminating oil, lamp oil. —
den trowel. de coco, coconut oil. — de colza, colza oil
houppe, /. tuft; cluster, clump. (a variety of rapeseed oil). — de coprah,
houppe, a. tufted. copra oil, coconut oil. — de coton, — de
houpper, v.t. tuft; comb (wool). cotonnier, cottonseed oil. — de coupe.
huile 227 huile
(Mach.) cutting oil. — de couperose, oil seed oil. — des Hollandais, oil of the
of vitriol, concentrated sulfuric acid ; Dutch chemists (ethylene chloride). — des
specif., Nordhausen acid, fuming sulfuric pieds du gros bétail, neat's-foot oil. — de
acid. — de créosote, créosote oil. — de succin, oil of amber, amber oil. — de suif,
croton, croton oil. — de cuisine, cooking tallow oil, olein. — de surchauffe, lubri-
oil, edible oil. — de flottage, flotation oil. cating oil for engines using superheated
— de foie de morue, cod-liver oil. — de steam. — de table, table oil, aalad oil. —
froissage, = huile vierge. — de fusel, fusel de tartre, (Old Chem.) sait of tartar (a
oil. — de goril, gorlj oil. — de goudron, pure potassium carbonate), esp. when in a
tar oil. — de goudron de houille, coal-tar deliquesced state. — de térébenthine, oil
oil. — de grain, fusel oil. — de graissage, of turpentine, spirits of turpentine. —
lubricating oil. — de graisse, lard oil. — de terre, earth oil, petroleum. — d'éther,
de houille, coal-tar oil. — de lampe, lamp (Pharm. ) ethereal oil, heavy oil of wine
oil, burning oil. — de lard, lard oil. — (or a mixture of it with ether). — dé-
•de lin, linseed oil, flasseed oil. — de lin tonante, explosive oil, specif. nitroglycerin.
crue, raw linseed oil. — de lin cuite, boiled — de tournesole, sunflower seed oil. — de
linseed oil. — de machine, machine oil, trempe, tempering oil. — de vaseline, liq-
•engine oil. — de maïs, maize oil, corn oil. uid petrolatum, liquid paraffin. — de veau
— de marc, oil extracted from marc (as of marin, seal oil. — de vin pesante, heavy
grapes or olives). — de médicinier, physic oil of wine. — de vitriol, oil of vitriol. —
nut oil. — de mercure, (Old Chem.) mer- d'infect, an impure olive oil. — d'infusion,
<suric sulfate. — de méthylène, a fraction oil which has absorbed perfume by contact
from the rectification of wood spirit. — with odorous substances. — distillée, dis-
de mise au point, neutral oil. — demi- tilled oil, volatile oil. — d'os, bone oil,
bêcheuse, semidrying oil. — de morue, cod Dippel's oil. — douce, sweet oil; specif.,
oil, cod-liver oil. — de moutarde, mustard olive oil. — douce de vin, sweet oil of
oil. — de naphte, a petroleum distillate wine (a complex residue from the manu-
used as a solvent, for preserving sodium, facture of ether); oil of wine, enanthic
etc. — de navette, râpe oil, rapeseed oil, ether. — du styrax, liquid storax. —
colza oil. — d'enfer, worst grade of oil. essentielle, essentiaî oil. — essentielle de
— de noix, nut oil (specif., in painting, pétrole, a heavy petroleum spirit used in
walnut oil). — d'ensimage, oil for oiling painting. — êthêrêe, ethereal oil. — ex-
wool, etc., tejtile oil. — de palma-christi, plosive, = huile détonante. — fixe, fixed
castor oil. — de palme, palm oïl. — de oil. — froide, low- freezing oil. — grasse,
paraffine, paraffin oil ; (Pharm.) liquid fatty oil. — grasse à tableaux, (Painting)
petrolatum, liquid paraffin. — de pétrole, boiled linseed oil. — grasse blanche,
petroleum; any oil obtained from petro- (Painting) a bleached and boiled poppy oil.
leum, specif. kérosène. — de pied(s) de — grise, = huile mercurielle. — lampante,
bœuf, neat's-foot oil. — de pied de mouton, purified oil; lamp oil, burning oil, specif.
sheep's-foot oil. — de pierre, rock oil, kérosène. — légère, light oil. — lithargée,
petroleum. — de poisson, fish oil. — de — lithargyrée, oil that has been treated
poix, cade oil. — de -pomme de terre, (lit- with litharge, boiled oil. — lourde, heavy
erally, potato oil) fusel oil or, specif., fer- oil. — lubrifiante, lubricating oil. —
mentation amyl alcohol. — de queue, fusel mangeable, edible oil. — mercurielle,
©il. — de rabette, râpe oil, colza oil. (See (Pharm. ) inj ection of mercury, mercurial
colza, note.) — de recense, an inferior cream. — minérale, minerai oil, specif. pe-
olive oil extracted from the marc. — de troleum. — moyenne, middle oil. — non-
résine, resin oil ; rosin oil. — de ressence, sécheuse, — non-siccative, non-drying oil.
= huile de recense. — de ressuage, foots
oil. — de ricin, castor oil. — de roche, — phénolique, carbolic oil. — phosphorée,
petroleum, rock oil. — de rorqual rostre, (Pharm.) phosphorated oil. — pour bleu,
doegling oil. — de rosés de l'Orient, attar a nearly pure aniline oil, — pour rouge,
of rosés. — de Saturne, a solution of lead aniline oil containing toluidines, for making
nitrate in turpentine. — de schiste, shale fuchsin. — pour rouge turc, Turkey-red
oil. — de semence de lin, linseed oil. — oil. — pyrogênée, empyreumatic oil. —
de semences de cotonnier, cottonseed oil. — rance, rancid oil. — rouge d'Andrinople,
de Sénégale, Sénégal oil, African palm oil. Turkey-red oil. — sécheuse, — siccative,
— de sésame, sésame oil, benne oil, gingili drying oil. — simple, (Pharm.) an oil con-
taining a single médicinal agent. — solaire,
huile 228 hydratant
solar oil. — tournante, rank olive oil. — humidification, /. humidification, moisten-
végétale, vegetable oil. — verte, green oil, ing, dampening.
specif. anthracene oil. — vierge, virgin oil, humidifier, v.t. humidify, render humid,
oil from the first light pressing. — vola- moisten, dampen.
tile de goudron, oil of tar, tar oil. — humidifuge, a. repelling moisture.
volatile de térébenthine, oil of turpentine, humidité, /. humidity; humidness, moisture,.
spirits of turpentine. — volatile éthérée, moistness, dampness.
ethereal oil, heavy oil of wine. mettre en humine, /. humin.
—, (Leather) dress with oil, stuff, oil. humique, a. humic.
(For the meaning of phrases not included humuline, /. humulin (lupulin).
hère, as huile de cèdre, huile de chènevis, hurlement, m. howling.
see the other important word in the hurler, v.i. howl.
phrase.) hutte, /. hut, cabin, shelter.
huilement, m. oiling. hyacinthe, /. & a. hyacinth.
huiler, v.t. oil; lubricate. v.i. exude oil. hyacinthine, /. (Min.) hyacinth.
huilerie, /. oil works; oil mill; oi] shop. hyalin, a. hyaline. /. hyalin.
huileuse, /. machine for making oil; oiler. hyalite, /. (Min.) hyalite; (Med.) hyalitis.
a. fem. of huileux. hyalogène, m. hyalogen. a. hyalogen,.
huileux, a. oily. hyalogenic.
huilier, m. oiler, oil can; oil manufacturer; hyaloïde, hyaloîdien, a. hyaloid.
oil merchant; oil cruet; oil stand, castor. hyalomicte, /. (Petrog.) greisen.
a. of or pertaining to oil. hyalotechnie, /. art of making and work-
huis clos, cîosed door, private. ing glass.
huit, a. & m. eight; eighth. — de chiffre, hyalotechnique, a. pertaining to hyalo-
figure (of) eight. technie.
huitaine, /. eight days, week; eight, about hyalurgie, /. art of making glass.
eight. hyalurgique, a. pertaining to glass mak-
huitième, a. & m. eighth. ing.
huître, /. oyster. hybridation, /. hybridization.
humage, m. sucking, etc. (see humer). hybride, m. & a. hybrid.
humain, a. human; humane. m. human be- hybrider, v.t. & r. hybridize.
ing, man. hyckori, m. hickory (wood and tree).
humainement, adv. humanly; humanely. hydantoïne, /. hydantoin.
humanitaire, a. humanitarian. hydantoïque, a. hydantoic.
humanité, /. humanity. hydatogène, a. hydatogenic, -genous.
humant, p. pr. (of humer) sucking, etc. hydnocarpique, a. hydnocarpic.
humectage, m. moistening, dampening. hydracide, m. hydracid.
humectant, p.a. moistening; (Med.) humec- hydracrylique, a. hydracrylic.
tant, diluent, m. (Med.) diluent. hydragogue, o. & m. (Med.) hydragog(ue)..
humectation, /. moistening, dampening, hydralcool, m. alcohol diluted with water,.
humectation. esp. under-proof spirit.
humecter, v.t. moisten, dampen, render hydralcoolique, a. = hydro-alcoolique.
humid. v.r. be moistened, become moist or hydranthracène, m. any hydrogen addition
damp. product of anthracene.
humecteur, m. moistener. hydrargyre, m. hydrargyrum, mercury.
humer, v.t. suck, suck up, suck in; inhale, hydrargyride, a. pertaining to mercury.
sniff, snuff. hydrargyrie, /. (Med.) hydrargyriasis, mer-
humescent, a. becoming humid; dampish. curialism.
humeur, /. humor, humour; fluid; ill hu- hydrargyrique, o. hydrargyrie, mercurial.
mor. m. sucker, inhaler, sniffer. — am- hydrargyrisme, m. hydrargyrism, mer-
niotique, amniotic fluid. — aqueuse, curialism.
(Anat.) aqueous humor. hydrargyrure, 77t. alloy -with mercury^
humeux, a. of or pertaining to humas. amalgam.
humide, a. humid, moist, damp, wet. hydraste, m. (Bot.) hydrastis. — du Ca-
humidement, adv. humidly, moistly, nada, goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis).
damply. hydrastine, /. hydrastine.
humidier, v.t. moisten, dampen, humidify. hydTastinine, /. hydrastinine.
humidificateur, m. humidifier, moistener. hydratant, p.a. hydrating.
hydratation 229 hydrogénable
hydratation, /. hydration; (Brewmff) hydrobenzénique, a. hydroaromatic.
doughing-in (cf. empâtage). hydrobenzoïne, /. hydrobenzoin.
hydrate, m. hydrate; hydroxide. — alcalin, hydrobilirubine, /. hydrobilirubin.
alkaline hydroxide. — d'alumine, aluminum hydrobromate, m. hydrobromide.
hydroxide. — d'amylène, 2-methyl-2-bu- hydrobromique, a. hydrobromic.
tanol, tert-sxay\ alcohol, (Pharm.) amylene hydrobromure, m. hydrobromide.
hydrate. — de carbonœ, carbohydrate. — hydrocarbonate, m. hydrocarbonate, hy-
de chaux, hydrated lime, calcium hydrox- drous (or, sometimes, basic) carbonate.
ide. — de chloral, chloral hydrate. — de — de zinc, {Pharm.) precipitated zinc car-
ehloral butylique, (P/iarm.) butyl-chloral bonate.
hydrate (2,2,3-trichloro-l,l-butanediol). — hydrocarbone, m. hydrocarbon; carbohy-
de dipentène, = hydrate de terpine. — de drate.
peroxyde de fer, ferrie hydroxide. — de hydrocarboné, o. hydrocarbon, hydrocar-
•phényle, phénol. — de potasse, potassium bonic, hydrocarbonaceous ; carbohydrate.
hydroxide. — de soude, sodium hydroxide. hydrocarburateur, m. carburettor.
— de terpine, terpinol hydrate, (Pharm.) hydrocarbure, m. hydrocarbon. — acêtylé-
terpin hydrate. nique, acétylène hydrocarbon. — allénique,
hydraté, p.a. hydrated; hydrate of; hy- aliène hydrocarbon. — éthylénique,
droxide of. ethylene hydrocarbon. — forménique,
hydrater, v.t. hydrate, v.r. combine with méthane hydrocarbon, parafnn. — non
water, become hydrated; (loosely) absorb saturé, unsaturated hydroearbon. — saturé,
water, deliquesce. saturated hydrocarbon.
hydtateur, m. hydrator. hydrocérame, m. a water cooler of porous
hydratique, a. hydrate, pertaining to hy- ware.
drates. hydrocéramique, a. hydroceramic, com-
hydratropique, a. hydratropic. posed of porous clay.
hydraulicien, m. hydraulic engineer, hy- hydrochlorate, m. hydrocUoride. — d'am-
draulician. moniaque, ammonium chloride. — de
hydrauliclté, /. hydraulicity. chaux, calcium chloride. — de soude, so-
hydraulique, a. hydraulic. /. hydraulics. dium chloride.
hydravion, m. hydroplane, seaplane. hydrochlorique, a. hydrochloric.
hydrazine, /. hydrazine.
hydrazinique, a. hydrazine, of hydrazine. hydrochloronitrique, a. nitrohydrochloric.
hydrazinure, ni. liydraziiiide. hydrocinnamique, a. hydrocinnamic.
hydrazoïque, a. hydraao ; hydrazoic. m. hydrocotarnine, /. hydrocotarnine.
hydrazo compound. hydrocoumarique, a. hydrocoumaric.
hydre, /. hydra. — des sages, philosophera' hydrocyanate, m. hydrocyanide.
stone. hydrocyanique, a. hydrocyanic.
hydréléon, m. (Med.y hydrelaeon, hydre- hydrocyanoierrique, a. ferrocyanic.
laeum (Obs.). hydrocyclique, a. relating to cycloalkanes.
hydrémie, /. (Afed.) hydremia, hydraemia. hydrodynamique, /. hydrodynamics. a.
hydrer, v.t. hydrogenize, hydrogenate. hydrodynamic, hydrodynamieal.
hydrindène, m. hydrindene, indan. hydro-électrique, a. hydro-electric.
hydrine, /. hydrin (a terni équivalent to hydro-extracteur, m. hydro-extractor.
aquo in some names of coordination com- hydrofère, a. water-bearing.
pounds). hydroferrocyanique, o. hydroferrocyanic
hydriodate, m. hydriodide. (ferrocyanic).
hydriodaté, a. of hydriotic acid or a hy- hydrofluate, m. hydiofluoride.
driodide, hydriodide of. hydrofluoborique, a. fiuoboric.
hydriodique, a. hydriodic.
hydrique, a. aqueous, of water, water; of hydrofluogermanique, a. fluogermanic.
hydrogen, hydric. hydrofluorique, a. hydrofluoric.
hydro-alcoolique, a. dilute alcoholic, hydrofluosilicique, o. hydrofluosilicic, fiuo-
water-alcohol. silicic.
hydro-alumineux, a. (Min.) hydroalumi- hydrofuge, a. repelling water, protectmg
nous, containing alumina and the éléments against moisture; waterproof, watertight.
of water. hydrogénable, a. hydrogenatable, hydro-
hydroaromatique, a. hydroaromatic. genizable.
hydrogénant 230 hydroxyl-imidé
hydrogénant, p.a. hydrogenating, hydrog- hydronaphtol, m. hydronaphthol (any
enizing. m. hydrogenator, hydrogenating hydrogen addition product of naphthol).
agent, reducing agent. hydronitreux, hydronitrique, a. hydra-
hydrogène, m. hydrogen. — antimonié, zoic, triazoic.
antimoniuretted hydrogen, stibine. — hydroombellique, a. hydroumbellic.
arsénié, arseniuretted hydrogen, arsine. — hydro-oxydé, a. hydrous oxide of.
bicarboné, bicarburetted hydrogen (ethyl- hydroperoxyde, m. hydroperoxide.
ene). — carboné, hydrocarbon. — dis- hydrophane, /. (Afin.) hydrophane. a.
ponible, (Coal) disposable hydrogen (the hydrophanous.
excess of hydrogen in a coal over that hydrophile, a. hydrophile, hydrophilic;
necessary to form water with the oxygen (of cotton) absorbent; (Bot.) hydrophi-
présent). — naissant, nascent hydrogen. Ious.
— phosphore, phosphoretted hydrogen (hy- hydrophobe, a. hydrophobe, hydrophobic.
drogen phosphide, specif. phosphine). — hydrophosphate, m. (M«.) hydrated phos-
sélénié, seleniuretted hydrogen (hydrogen phate.
selenide). — silicié, siliciuretted hydrogen hydrophosphaté, a. (Min.) of or contain-
(silicon hydride). — sulfuré, sulfuretted ing hydrated phosphate; hydrated phos-
hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide. — tellure, tel- phate of.
luretted hydrogen (hydrogen telluride).. hydrophthorique, o. hydrofluoric (06s.).
hydrogéner, v.t. hydrogenate, hydrogenize. hydropique, a. (Afed.) dropsical, hydropic.
v.r. be hydrogenated, be hydrogenized. m. dropsical person.
hydrogénifère, a. containing hydrogen. hydropisie, /. (Afed.) dropsy.
hydrogénique, a. hydrogen, of hydrogen. hydroplastie, /. métal plating in a solu-
hydrogéniser, v.t. hydrogenize, hydrogen- tion without the electric current.
ate. hydropneumatique, a. hydropneumatic.
hydrogénolyse, /. hydrogenolysis. hydropyridique, a. hydropyridine.
hydrogénure, m. hydride. hydrorrhée, /. (Med.) hydrorrhea.
hydroïodate, m. hydriodide. hydrosélénique, a. hydroselenic.
hydroiodique, o. hydriodio. hydrosilicate, m. (Min.) hydrous silicate.
hydrolat, m. (Pharm.) aromatic water, hydrosiliceux, a. (Min.) containing silica
medicated water. Cf. eau distillée and fol- and the éléments of water.
lowing phrases, under eau. — de fleurs hydrosoluble, o. water-soluble.
d'oranger, orange flower water. hydrostatique, o. hydrostatic(al). /. hy-
hydrolé, m. a medicine in the form of an drostatics.
aqueous solution or suspension. hydrosulfate, m. hydrosulfide.
hydrolysable, a. hydrolyzable. hydrosulflte, m. hydrosulfite (dithionite).
hydrolysant, p.a. hydrolyzing. hydrosulfure, m. hydrosulfide; (formerly)
hydrolysat, m. hydrolyzate, hydrolysate. sulfide.
hydrolysation, /. hydrolyzation. hydrosulfureux, a. hydrosulfurous (di-
hydrolyse, /. hydrolysis. thionous).
hydrolyser, v.t. hydrolyze. hydrosulfurique, a. hydrosulfuric.
hydrolyte, -lytique, a. hydrolytie. hydrotellurique, o. hydrotelluric.
hydromel, m. hydromel. hydrotimètre, m. hydrotimeter.
hydromellé, m. a medicine prepared with hydrotimétrie, /. hydrotimetry.
honey and water. hydrotimétrique, a. hydrotimetrie.
hydrométallurgie, /. hydrometallurgy. hydrotypie, /. a variety of coUotype process.
hydrométallurgique, o. hydrometallurgical. hydroxamique, a. hydroxamic.
hydroxanthane, m. xanthan hydride (per-
hydrométallurgiquement, adv. hydro- thiocyanic acid, C2H2N2S3).
metallurgically. hydroxéthylamine, /. 2-hydroxyethyI-
hydromètre, m. hydrometer. amine (2-aminoethanol).
hydrométrie, /. hydrometry. hydroxyde, in. hydroxide.
hydrométrique, o. hydrométrie, hydromet- hydroxydé, a. combined with hydrogen and
rical. oxygen, hydroxide of.
hydrominéral, o. relating to minerai waters. hydroxylamine, /. hydroxylamine.
hydronaphtalène, m. hydronaphthalene hydroxyle, m. hydroxyl.
(any hydrogen addition product of naph- hydroxylé, a. hydroxylated, hydroxyl.
thalene). hydroxyl-imidé, o. hydroxyimido.
hydroxyurée 231 hypothionique
hydroxyurée, /. hydroxyurea. hypochloreux, a. hypochlorous.
hydruration, /. hydrogénation, hydrogeni- hypochlorhydrie, /. (Med.) hypochlorhy-
zation. dria.
hydrure, m. hydride. — d'éthyle, ethy] hypochlorique, o. hypochlorio C'hypo-
hydride (ethane). chloric acid" is an old name for chlorine
hygiénique, a. hygienic. dioxide). »
hygiéniquement, adv. hygienically. hypochlorite, m. hypochlorite. — de chaux,
hygrine, /. hygrine. hypochlorite of Unie, bleaching powder. —
hygrinique, hygrique, a. hygric. de potasse, hypocalorite of potash, eau de
hygromètre, m. hygrometer. Javel. — de soude, hypochlorite of soda,
hygrométricité, /. hygrometricity ; hygro- eau de Labarraque.
scopicity. hypocras, m. a spiced, sweetened wine.
hygrométrie, /. hygrometry. hypoderme, m. (Bot.) hypoderma; (Zool.)
hygrométrique, a. hygrometric(al) ; hygro- hypodermis, hypodenn.
scopic. hypodermique, o. hypodermic.
hygrométriquement, adv. hygrometrioally. hypodermiquement, adv. hypodermically.
hygroscopicité, /. hygroscopicity. hypoglucémie, hypoglycémie, /. hypo-
hygroscopie, /. hygroscopy. glycemia.
hygroscopique, a. hygroscopic, hygroscopi- hypohalogéneux, o. hypohalous.
cal. hypohalogénite, m. hypohalite.
hygroscopiquement, adv. hygroscopically. hypo-iodeux, a. hypo-iodous.
hyocholalique, a. hyocholic. hyponitreux, a. hyponitrous.
hyoscine, /. hyoscine. hyponitrique, a. = hypoazotique.
hyoscyamine, /. hyoseyamine. hypophosphite, m. hypophosphite. — de
hyperbole, /. hyperbole; (Math.) hyper - chaux, calcium hypophosphite. — de fer,
bola. — équilatère, equilateral hyper - iron (specif. ferrie) hypophosphite. — de
bola. potasse, potassium hypophosphite. — de
hyperbolique, a. hyperbolic, hyperbolical. soude, sodium hypophosphite. — manga-
hyperboliquement, adv. hyperbolically. neux, manganous (or manganèse) hypo-
hyperboloïde, m. & a. (Geom.) hyper - phosphite.
boloid. hypophosphoreux, a. hypophosphorous.
hyperchlorhydrie, /. (Med.) hyperchlor- hypophosphorique, o. hypophosphoric.
hydria. hypophyse, /. hypophysis.
hyperchlorique, a. hyperchloric (per- hypophysine, /. hypophysin.
chloric). hyposulfate, m. hyposulfate (dithionate).
hyperconjugaison, /. hyperconjugation. hyposulfite, m. hyposulfite, hyposulphite ;
hyperémie, hyperhémie, /. (Med.) hyper - used (1) for dithionite, M2S2O4, and (2)
emia, hyperaemia. formerly, for thiosulfate, M2S2O3. — de
hyperglucémie, hyperglycémie, /. hyper- potasse, hyposulfite of potash (potassium
glycemia, hyperglycaemia. thiosulfate). — de soude, hyposulfite of
hypériodique, a. hyperiodic (periodic). soda, "hypo" (sodium thiosulfate).
hyperoxyde, m. hyperoxide (peroxide). hyposulfureux, a. hyposulfurous, hypo-
hyperpression, /. extremely high pressure. sulphurous ; used for two acids better
hypersensibilisation, /. hypersensitization. called dithionous and thiosulfuric. Cf.
hypertensine, /. hypertensin (angiotonin). hyposulfite.
hypertonique, o. hypertonic.
hypertrophie, /. (Med. & Biol.) hyper- hyposulfurique, o. hyposulfuric, hyposul-
phuric (old synonym of dithionic).
trophy. hypotenseur, m. hypotensor.
hypertrophié, a. hypertrophied. hypothénuse, hypoténuse, /. hypoténuse.
hyplie, /. (Bot.) hypha. hypothèque, /. mortgage.
hypnotique, a. & m. hypnotic. hypothéquer, v.t. mortgage, hypothecate.
hypoazoteux, a. hyponitrous.
hypoazotide, n. nitrogen peroxide. hypothèse, /. hypothesis. — de travail,
hypoazotique, o. hyponitric ("hyponitric working hypothesis.
acid" is an old name for nitrogen per- hypothétique, a. hypothetic, hypothetical.
oxide). hypothétiquement, adv. hypothetically.
hypoazotite, m. hyponitrite. hypothionate, m. dithionate. Obs.
hypobromeux, a. hypobromous. hypothionique, a. dithionic. 05s.
hypotonique 232 hystérie
hypotonique, a. hypotonie. hypsochrome, hypsochrome, hypso-
hypovanadeux, a. hypovanadous. chromic.
hypovanadique, o. hypovanadio. hysope, hyssope, /. (Bot.) hyssop.
ypovitaminose, /. (Afed.) hypovitamin- hystazarine, /. hystazarin.
osis. hystérèse, hystérésie, hystérésis, /. hys-
hypoxanthine, /. hypoxanthine. térésis.
bypoxyde, m. suboxide. hystérie, /. (Med.) hysteria.
ianthone, /. 4-methyl-3-penten-2-one, ing ; fire-extinguishing ; fireproof. m. fire-
mesityl oxide. proofing agent; fire-extinguishing agent.
'iatrochimie, /. iatrochemistry. ignifugé, p,o. fire-resistant, fireproof.
iatrochimlque, a. iatrochemical. ignifugeage, m. = ignifugation.
iatrochimiste, m. iatrochemist. ignifuger, v.t. render difficûltly flamœable,
ibérien, a. Iberian. fireproof.
ichoreux, a. (Med.) ichorous; putrid. ignigène, a. produced by or with the aid
ichtyocolle, ichthyocolle, /. ichthyocolla, of fire (see sel ignigène, under sel).
isinglass. ignitubulaire, a. (of boilers) fire-tube.
ichtyol, m. (Pharm.) ichthyol. ignoré, p.a. unknown.
ici, adv. hère ; now. par —-, this way, by ignorer, v.t. not know, be ignorant of.
hère, through hère. il, pron. he; it; there. — n'y a pas, there
icica, /. conima, Brazilian elemi. is not, there are not. — n'y a pas de,
ici-même, adv. in this very place, in this there is no. — y a, there is, there are.
work. île, /. island, isle. Ues caraïbes, Lesser An-
iconogène, m. (Photog.) eikonogen. tilles, Caribbees. Ues Lucayes, Bahamas.
icosaèdie, a. icosahedral. m. icosahedron. iléon, m. (Anat.) ileum.
ictère, m. (Med.) icterus, jaundioe. ilicine, /. ilicin.
ictus, m. ictus, stroke, sudden attack. ilipé, n. (Bot.) illipe.
idéalement, adv. ideally. illégal, a. illégal, unlawful.
idéaliser, v.t. idealize. illégalement, adv. illegally.
idéaliste, m. idealist. a. idealistie. illégitime, a. illegitimate.
idée, /. idea; bit, small amount; sketch, illimité, a. unlimited, liraitless.
outline. illinium, m. promethium (at. no. 61).
idéine, /. idein. illipé, m. (Bot.) illipe, mahua.
identifier, v.t. identify. illisible, a. illegible.
identique, o. identical, same. illisiblement, adv. illegibly.
identiquement, adv. identically. illogique, a. illogical.
identité, /. identity. illogiquement, adv. illogically.
idéoside, m. idein. illuminant, p.a. illuminating.
idiomorphe, a. (Cryst.) idiomorphic. illuminateur, m. illuminator.
idiot, a. idiotie, absurd. m. idiot. illumination, /. illumination; Iightïng.
idiotique, a. idiomatic ; idiotie. illuminer, v.t. illuminate; hght.
idiotisme, m. idiom. illusion, /. illusion. — d'optique, optical
idite, /. iditol, (formerly) idite. illusion.
idocrase, /. (Min.) idocrase (vesuvianite). illusionner, v.t. deceive, delude.
idolâtre, a. idolatrous. m. idolater. illusoire, a. illusory, illusive, deceptive.
idole, /. idol. illustration, /. illustration ; illustriousness ;
idonique, a. idonic. celebrity.
idryle, m. idryl (fluoranthene). illustre, a. illustrious. m. illustrious man.
Iéna, n. Jena; Jena glass. illustré, p.a. illustrated.
if, m. (Bot.) yew, yew tree; draining raek illustrer, v.t. illustrate.
(for bottles). îlot, m. little island, islet.
igname, /. yam. ils, pron. they.
igné, a. igneous. image, /. image; picture. — réelle, real
ignicolore, a. fire-colored, flame-colored. image. — réfléchie, reflected image. —
ignifère, a. producing fire, igniferous. renversée, inverted image. — spéculaire,
ignifugation, /. fireprooflng; fireproof mirror image. — virtuelle, virtual image.
(that is, difficultty flammable) State. imagerie, /. chromo printing, color print-
igBifUge, a. rendering nonflammable or dif- ing; pieture trade.
ficultly flammable, fireprooâng, flameproof-imaginaire, a. & f. imaginary.
imaginer 234 imperméabiliser
imaginer, v.t. imagine ; conceive ; devise. immeuble, a. immovable, real (estate). m.
imbiber, v.t. soak; steep; impregnate ; im- real estate; landed estate; house.
bibe; imbue, V.T. be soaked; be imbued; immiscibilité, /. immiscibility.
soak, soak in. immobile, a. immovable, immobile; non-
imbibition, /. soaking; steeping; imprég- motile; motionless.
nation ; imbibition ; imbuement ; (Silver') immobilisation, /. rendering immovable,
addition of argentiferous material to molten etc. (see immobiliser).
lead, which absorbs the silver. immobiliser, v.t. render immovable, fasten,
imboire, v.t. moisten, wet; = emboire; fix ; stop (as a machine) ; throw out of
imbue; imbibe, v.r. be imbued. action, disconnect; immobilize.
imbrifuge, a. rain-proof, waterproof. immobilité, /. immobility, fixedness.
imbrisable, a. unbreakable. immodéré, a. immoderate, excessive.
imbrûlable, a. unburnable, incombustible. immodérément, adv. immoderately.
imbrûlé, a. unburned, unburnt. immortel, o. immortal.
imbu, p.p. of imboire, m. first coat, prim- immortelle, f. everlasting, immortelle,
ing. specif. (Pharm.) cudweed, life everlasting.
imbuvable, a. undrinkable, not fit to drink. immuable, a. immutable.
imbuvant, p. pr. (of imboire) moistening, immun, a. immune.
etc. immunisant, p.a. immunizing. m. immu-
imidazol, m. imidazole. nizing agent.
imidazoline, /. imidazoline. immunisation, /. immunization.
imidazyle, m. imidazolyl. immuniser, v.t. immunize.
imidé, a. imido ; (when the substance is of immunité, /. immunity.
the nature of an imine and not an imide) immunochlmie, /. immunochemistry.
imino. impact, m. impact ; shock.
îmidoacide, m. imidic acid, imido acid. impair, a. odd, uneven.
imido-éther, m. imido ester, (less correctly) impalpabilité, /. mpalpability.
imido ether. impaludisme, m. paludism, malarial dis-
imidogène, m. imidogen, HN=. ease.
imidure, m. imide. imparfait, o. imperfect.
iminazol, m. imidazole. imparfaitement, adv. imperfectly.
iminazolone, /. imidazolone. impartialement, adv. impartially.
iminazyle, m. imidazolyl. impartialité, /. impartiality.
iminé, a. imino. impasse, /. impasse, dead end, blind alley.
iminogène, m. imidogen, HN=. impastation, /. impastation, impasting.
imitateur, m. imitator. a. imitative, imi- impatientant, p.a. tiring, provoking.
tating. impayable, o. invaluable; ridiculous, queer.
imitatif, a. imitative. impayé, o. unpaid.
imiter, v.t. imitate. impénétrabilité, /. impenetrability.
imma, n. a red ocher. impératif, o. imperative.
immalléable, a. unmalleable. impérativement, adv. imperatively.
immangeable, o. uneatable, not fit to eat. impératoire, /. imperatoria, (speoif.) mas-
immaniable, a. unmanageable ; unwieldy. terwort.
immanquablement, adv. infallibly, cer- imperceptibilité, /. imperceptibility.
tainly. imperceptiblement, adv. imperceptibly.
immatériel, a. immaterial. impérissabilité, /. imperishability.
immaturité, /. immaturity. impérissable, a. imperishable.
immédiat, a. immédiate; (of analyais) impermanence, /. impermanence, imper-
immédiatement, adv. immediately. manency.
immense, o. immense, great, vast. impermanent, a. not permanent, impenna-
immensément, adv. immensely, greatly. nent.
immensité, /. immensity, immenseness. imperméabilisateur, a. rendering imper-
immerger, v.t. immerse; plunge, dip. méable; specif., waterproofing, waterproof.
immersif, a. immersion ; immersible. imperméabilisation, /• rendering imper-
immersion, /. immersion; dipping. méable; specif., waterproofing.
immesurable, o. immeasurable. imperméabiliser, v.t. render imperméable;
immesuré, a. unmeasured. specif., waterproof.
imperméabilité 235 inactinique
imperméabilité, /. impermeability, imper- imprévu, p.a. unforeseen, unexpected. m.
meableness ; specif., waterproof quality. something unforeseen, unexpected circum-
imperméable, a. imperméable ; impervious ; stance.
waterproof. m. waterproof fabric or gar- imprimé, p.a. printed, etc. (see imprimer).
ment. — à l'air, air-tight. — à l'eau, m. print, printed paper or book, (.pi.)
waterproof, watertight. printed matter.
impermeablement, adv. impermeably. imprimer, v.t. print ; imprint, impress;
impersonnel, a. impersonal. give, communicate ; (Painting) prime.
impitoyable, a. unpitying, pitiless, merci- imprimerie, /. printing ; printing bouse,
less. printing establishment, press.
impitoyablement, adv. pitilessly, merci- imprimeur, m. printer ; pressman. —
lessly. télégraphique, teletypewriter.
implanter, v.t. implant. imprimeuse, /. printing machine.
implicite, a. implicit. imprimure, /. priming, ground coat, ground.
impliquer, v.t. imply; implicate. improbabilité, /. improbability.
impluviosité, /. rainlessaess, lack of rain. improbablement, adv. improbably.
impolarisable, a. unpolarizable. improductif, a. unproductive.
impollué, a. unpolluted. improductivement, adv. unproductively.
impondérabilité, /. imponderability. improductivité, /. unproductiveness, un-
impondérable, a. & m. impondérable, un- productivity.
weighable. imprononçable, a. unpronounceable.
imporosité, /. imporosity, nonporosity. impropre, a. improper, unfit, unsuited, in-
important, a. important, m. important accurate, incorrect. — au service, unservice-
point, main point ; important person. able.
importateur, m. importer, a. importing. improprement, a. improperly, etc. (see
importer, v.i. be important, matter. v.t. impropre).
import, v.r. be imported, n'importe, no improviser, v.t. improvise.
matter. improviste. In the phrase à Vimproviste,
imposant, p.a. imposing. suddenly, unexpectedly, unawares.
imposer, v.t. impose ; levy (a tax) ; tax ; impuissance, /. impotence; inability.
awe. v.i. impose. — au poids, tax by impuissant, a. impotent; powerless.
weight. — au volume, tax by volume. impulser, v.t. impel.
impossibilité, /. impossibility. impulseur, m. impeller.
impôt, m. tax, impost, duty. impulsif, a. impulsive, impelling.
impotable, a. undrinkable, not fit to drink. impulsion, /. impulse; impulsion; puise.
impraticabilité, •/. impracticability. impulverisé, a. unpulverized, unpowdered.
impraticable, &• impTaeticab\e. invpur, a. impure.
impure ment, adv. impurely.
imprécis, a. imprécise, inexact. impureté, /. impurity.
imprécision, /. imprécision, inexactness. impurifié, a. unpurified.
imprégner, v.t. impregnate. v.r. become imputer, v.t. impute; attribute; reckon in
impréparé, a. unprepared, unready. (on an account).
impressif, a. impressive. imputrescibiliser, v.t. render imputrescible.
impression, /. impression (in various imputrescibilité, /. imputrescibility.
sensés) ; printing (specif., textile print- inabordable, a. unapproachable, inacces-
ing) ; effect ; (Painting) priming, ground ; sible.
(Photog.) print ; brand, mark. — des inabrité, a. uncovered, unprotected.
tissus, — sur étoffes, textile printing. inacceptable, a. unacceptable.
inaccommodable, a. irreconcilable.
impressionnant, p.a. impressive, impress- inaccompagné, a. unaccompanied.
ing. inaccompli, a. unaccomplished, incomplète.
impressionner, v.t. impress, make an im- inaccordable, a. irreconcilable.
pression on; (Photog.) produce an image inaccoutumé, a. unaccustomed.
on. inachevé, a. unfinished, incomplète.
imprévisible, a. unforeseeable, unpredict- inachèvement, m. incompletion, incom-
able. pleteness.
imprévoyance, /. improvidence, lack of inactif, a. inactive.
foresight. inactinique, a. nonactinic, inactinic.
inactivement 236 incongruité
inactivement, adv. inactively. incinérer, v.t. incinerate, burn to ashes.
inactivité, /. inactivity. inciser, v.t. incise.
inadéquat, a. inadéquate. incisure, /. incisure, eut, notch, gash.
inadhérent, a. unadhesive, not adhèrent. incivilisé, a. uncivilized.
inalliabilité, /. incapability of being al- inclinaison, /. incunation; slope, gradient,
loyed ; incompatibility. pitch, dip.
inalliable, a. not capable of being alloyed, inclination, /. inclination; affection.
nonalloying ; incompatible. incliné, p.a. inclined.
inaillé, a. unalloyed. incliner, v.t. & i. incline, v.r. incline;
inaltérabilité, /. inalterability. slope, slant, dip; bend ; bow.
inaltérable, a. inaltérable, unalterable. inclure, v.t. include; enclose.
inaltéré, a. unaltered, unchanged. inclus, p.a. inclosed, enclosed.
inanalysable, a. unanalyzable. inclusif, a. inclusive.
inanalysé, a. unanalyzed. inclusion, /. inclusion; inclosure; (Bact.)
inanimé, a. inanimate; unanimated. embedding.
inaperçu, a. unperceived, unobserved. inclusivement, adv. inclusively, inclusive.
inappétence, /. inappétence, want of appe- incoagulable, a. uncoagulable, incoagulable.
tite. incoercibilité, /. incoercibility.
inapplicabilité, /. inapplicability. incohérence, /. incohérence, incoherency.
inappréciable, a. inappréciable, unappre- incohésif, a. incohesive, uncohesive.
ciable. incohésion, /. incohérence, (rarely) inco-
inappréciablement, adv. inappreciably. hesion.
inapprêté, a. unfinished, undressed. incoloration, /. colorlessness.
inapte, a. inapt, unsuited, unfit, incapable. incolore, incoloré, o. colorless, uncolored.
inaptitude, /. inaptitude, unfitness. incomber, v.i. be incumbent (on).
inaqueux, a. nonaqueous. incomburant, p.a. not supporting combus-
inassimilable, a. unassimilable. tion.
inattaquable, a, unattackable. — aux incombustibilité, /. incombustibility.
acides, résistant to acids, acid-proof. incombustible, a. incombustible; fireproof.
inattaqué, a. unattacked. incommensurabilité, /. incommensurabil-
inattendu, a. unexpected, unlooked for. ity.
inaugurer, v.t. inaugurate. incommensurablement, adv. incommen-
inautorisé, a. unauthorized. surably.
incalcinable, a. incapable of being oal- incommodant, a. disagreeable, annoying.
cined. ineommode, a. inconvénient ; disagreeable.
incalciné, a. uncalcined. incommoder, v.t. inconvenience, trouble,
incapacité, /. incapacity. disturb ; hinder ; indispose ; impair.
incarnadin, a. incarnadine, pale red, flesh- incommodité, /. inconvenience ; indisposi-
colored. m. pink, flesh color. tion.
incarnat, a. flesh-red, rosy, bright pink. incomparablement, adv. incomparably.
m. pink ; flesh color ; carnation. incompatibilité, /. incompatibility.
incassable, a. unbreakable. incompatiblement, adv. incompatibly.
incendiaire, a., m. * /. incendiary. incomplet, a. incomplète.
incendie, m. fire, burning, conflagration. incomplètement, adv. incompletely.
incendier, v.t. set fire to; burn; provoke. incompressibilité, /. incompressibility.
incération, /. mixing or covering with wax; incomprimé, o. uncompressed.
réduction to a waxy State, incération. inconcevable, a. inconceivable.
incérer, v.t. mix or eover with wax, in- inconciliabilité, /. irreconcilability.
cerate ; render waxy. inconciliable, a. irreconcilable.
incertain, a. uncertain. inconciliablement, adv. irreconcilably.
incertainement, adv. uncertainly. inconducteur, o. nonconducting. m. non-
incertitude, /. uncertainty. conductor.
incessamment, adv. immediately, at once; inconflance, /. distrust.
incessantly, unceasingly, continually. inconformité, /. unconformity.
incessant, a. incessant, unceasing. incongelable, o. uncongealable, nonfreezing.
incidemment, adv. incidentally. incongelé, a. uncongealed, unfrozen.
incidentel, a. incidental. incongru, a. incongruous.
incinérateur, m. incinerator. incongruité, /. incongruity.
inconnu 237 indicatrice
inconnu, o. tfc m. unknown. indécomposé, a. undecomposed.
inconnue, /. unknown quantîty, unknown. indécouvert, a. undiscovered.
inconsciemment, adv. unconsoiously. indécouvrable, o. undiscoverable.
inconscience, /. unconsciousness. indécrit, a. undescribed.
inconscient, a. unconscious. indédoublable, a. indivisible, undecompos-
inconséquence, /. inconsistency. able, unresolvable, etc. (see dédoubler).
inconséquent, a.» inconsistent ; inconsider- indéfini, a. indefinite; undefined; unlim-
ate. ited.
inconsistance, /. inconsistency, looseness. indéfiniment, adv. indefitùtely.
inconsistant, a. inconsistent; loose. indéfinissable, a. indofinable, undefinable.
inconstance, /. inconstancy, unsteadiness. indéfinité, /. indefiniteness.
inconstant, o. inconstant, unsteady. indéformable, a. not deformable.
incontaminé, a. uncontaminated. indéfrichable, a. uncultivable.
incontestablement, adv. incontestably. indélébile, a. indelible.
incontinu, a. discontinuous. indélébilement, adv. indelibly.
incontrôlable, o. uncontrollable. indemne, a. undamaged, unaltered.
inconvénient, m. inconvenience ; disadvan- indemniser, v.t. indemmfy.
tage. indemnité, /. allowance ; indemnity.
inconverti, a. unconverted. indémontrable, a. indemonstrable, unde-
inconvertible, inconvertissable, a. incon- monstrable.
vertible, unconvertible. indéniable, a. undeniable, unquestionable.
incorporer, v.t. incorporate. indenter, v.t. indent.
incorrectement, adv. incorrectly. indépendamment, adv. independently.
incorrection, /. incorrectness ; inaccuracy. indépendance, /. independence.
incorrigé, a. uncorrected. indépendant, a. independent.
increvable, o. nonbursting, explosion-proof. indéréglable, a. not liable to get out of
incristallisaule, o. uncrystallizable. order, foolproof, trouble-proof.
incroyable, a. inraedible. Indes. See inde.
incroyablement, adv. incredibly. indescriptible, a. indescribable, undescriba-
incruster, v.t. incrust; inlay, v.r. become ble.
incrusted, seale, fur. indescriptiblement, adv. indescribably.
incubateur, a. incubating. m. incubator. indésirable, a. undesirable.
incuit, a. unburned, unboilcd, etc. (see indestructibilité, /. indestructibility.
cuire), m. (also pi.) unburned or under- indétermination, /. indeterminateness ; in-
burned material. détermination.
inculte, a. uncultivated ; uncultured. indéterminé, o. indeterminate.
incultivable, o. uncultivable ; unculturable. indeux, o. indous, indium(II).
incurie, /. lack of care, négligence. index, m. index; indicator, pointer; index
incurver, v.t. incurve, curve înward. finger, foreflnger. a. index. — d'iode,
indamine, /. indamine. iodine number. — flotteur, floating index,
indane, m. indan. index noat.
indaniline, /. indaniline. indican, m. indican.
indazine, /. indazine. indicanurie, /. (Afed.) indicanuria.
indazol, m. indazole. indicateur, m. indicator; gage; index fin-
inde, m. indigo, indigo blue; logwood. /. ger, forefinger; guide, a. indicatory, indi-
(cap.) India. Inde anglaise, Indes anglaisa, cating. — coloré, colored indicator. — de
Indes brittaniques, British India. Inde la vitesse, speed iudicator. — de marche,
française, Indes françaises, French India. (Elec.) meter. — de niveau d'eau, water
— plate, indigo in flat cakes, Dutch indigo. gage. — de pression, pressure gage, pres-
Indes néerlandaises, Dutch East Indies. sure indicator. — de tension, (Elec.) volt-
Indes occidentales, West Indies. Indes meter. — de vide, vacuum gage.
orientales, East Indies. indicateur-robinet, m. gage-cock.
indébrouillable, a. inextricable ; inexpli- indicatif, o. indicative, indicatory. m. code;
cable. signal; sign. — littéral, code letter. —
indéchirable, a. untearable. numérique, code number.
indication, /. indication; sign; information.
indécis, o. undecided, uncertain. indicatrice, /. (Math., etc.) indicatrix. a.
indécomposable, a. indécomposable, unde- fem. of indicateur.
indice 238 industrie
indice, m. sign, mark, indication; index; individu, m. individual.
(Analysis) (1) value, number, (2) trace. — individualité, /. individuality.
d'acétyle, acetyl value, acetyl number. — individuel, a. individual.
d'acide, — d'acidité, acid value, acid num- individuellement, adv. individually.
ber. — de cétène, cetene number. — de Indivise, a. undivided.
poudrons, (Petroleum) sludging value. — indivisibilité, j . indivisibility.
de Hehner, Hehner value, Hehner number. indivisiblement, adv. indivisibly.
— de réfraction, index of refraction, re- in-dix-huit, a. & m. octodecimo, 18mo.
fractive index. — de saponification, saponi- Indo-Chine, /. Indo-China.
fication value (or number). — de tasse- Indochinois, o. Indo-Chinese.
ment, packing fraction. — d'iode, — indogène, m. indogen.
iodique, iodine value, iodine number. — indol, m. indole.
inférieur, subscript. — opsonigue, opsonic indolcarbonique, a. indolecarboxylic.
index. — pétrolière, indication of oil. — indolore, a. painless.
supérieur, superscript. indomptable, o. indomitable ; untamable.
indicible, a. unspeakable, inexpressible. indone, /. indone, 1-indenone.
indien, a. Indian. m. (cap.) Indian. indophénine, /. indophenin.
indienne, /. printed (or painted) cotton indosable, a. indéterminable.
cloth, cotton print, printed calico; (cap.) indosé, a. undetermined, etc. (see doser),
Indian. m. undetermined matter or quantity.
indiennerie, /. cotton printery, cotton print in-douze, a. & m. duodecimo, 12mo.
works, calico printery. indoxazène, m. indoxazine (1,2-benzisoxa-
indienneur, m. cotton printer, calico printer. zole).
indifféremment, adv. indifferently. indoxyle, m. indoxyl.
indigène, a. indigenous, native; (Corn.) indoxylique, o. indoxyl; (of the acid) in-
domestic, home. ru. & f. native. doxylic.
indigent, a. indigent, poor. indu, a. undue; not due.
indigeste, a. indigestible ; undigested. indubitablement, adv. indubitably.
indigne, a. unworthy. inductance, /. (Eîec.) inductance. —
indigo, m. indigo. — blanc, indigo white. propre, self-inductance.
— bleu, indigo blue. — sauvage, wild in- inducteur, a. (Elec.) inducing, inductive.
digo (Baptisia, esp. B. tinctoria). — m. inductor.
traité, treated (specif., sublimed) indigo. inductif, a. inductive.
indigocarmine, /. indigo carminé. inductile, a. not ductile, inductile.
indigoïde, a. & m. indigoid. inductilité, /. lack of ductility, inductility.
indigomètre, m. indigometer. induction, /. induction ; inducement. —
indigo-purpurine, /. indigopurpurin. propre, (Elec.) self-induction.
indigoterie, /. indigo plantation; indigo ind'uctivité, /. inductivity.
factory. induire, v.t. induce; infer; lead. — en
indigotier, m. indigo plant (specif. Indi- erreur, mislead.
gofera tinctoria) ; indigo manufacturer. induisant, p. pr. (of induire) inducing, etc.
indigotine, /. indigotin. induit, p.o. induced; inferred; led. m.
indigotique, o. indigotic. induced circuit, secondary circuit; arma-
indique, a. indic, specif. indium(III). ture (of a dynamo).
indiquer, v.t. indicate; show; sketch, v.r. induline, /. induline.
be indicated, be sbown. indûment, adv. unduly.
indirectement, adv. indirectly. induration, /. induration, hardening.
Jndirubine, /. indirubin. indurer, v.t. indurate, harden.
indiscret, a. indiscreet. industrie, /. industry; occupation, calling;
indiscutable, o. indisputable, unquestion- skill, dexterity. — agricole, farming in-
able. dustry, agriculture. — chimique, chemical
indiscuté, a. unquestioned, undiscussed. industry. — commerciale, commerce, trade.
indisputablement, adv. indisputably. — d'art, manufacturing, manufacture. —
indissolubilité, /. indissolubility. de base, key industry. — des couleurs, —
indissoluble, a. undissolvable, indissoluble. des matières colorantes, dye industry. —
indissous, a. undissolved. des transports, transportation. — du livre,
indistinctement, adv. indistinctly. book industry. — extractive, extractive in-
indistinguible, a. indistinguishable. dustry. — frigorifique, réfrigération indus-
industrie 239 infirmer
try. — manufacturière, manufacturing, inexistence, /. nonexistence.
manufacturing industry. — papetière, paper inexorablement, adv. inexorably.
industry. — pétrolifère, petroleum indus- inexpérimenté, a. inexperienced ; untried.
try. — privée, private industry. — inexplicablement, adv. inexplicably.
sucrière, sugar industry. — tinctoriale, dye-inexpliqué, a. unexplained.
ing industry. — vinicole,*wine-growing in-inexploitable, o. unexploitable, incapable
dustry. of being developed, unworkable.
industriel, a. industrial. m. one engaged in inexploité, a. unexploited, undeveloped.
industry, industrial (specif., manufacturer). inexploré, a. unexplored.
industriellement, adv. industrially. inexplosible, inexplosif, a. nonexplosive,
industrieusement, adv. skillfully. inexplosive, unexplosive.
industrieux, a. skillful, dexterous. inexposé, a. (Photog.) unexposed.
-ine. (acetylenic hydrocarbons) -yne; (other inexprimable, a. inexpressible.
compounds) -ine when the compound is a inexprimablement, adv. inexpressibly.
base, -in when it is not. Names of alco- inexprimé, o. unexpressed.
hols and phénols are preferably translated inextensible, a. inextensible, not extensible.
so as to end in -ol (as résorcine, resorcinol). inextinguible, a. inextinguishable.
inébranlable, a. unshakable, firm. inextricablement, adv. inextricably.
inébriant, inébriatif, a. intoxicating. infaillibilité, /. infallibility.
inédit, a. unpublished. infaillible, o. infallible.
ineffaçable, a. ineffaceable, indelible. infailliblement, adv. infallibly.
ineffectif, o. ineffective. infaisable, a. unfeasible, impracticable.
inefficace, a. inefficacious, ineffectuai. infâme, o. infamous; filthy.
inefficacement, adv. ineffectually. infanterie, /. (Mil.) infantry.
inefficacité, /. inefficacy, inefficiency. infarcissement, m. (Med.) infarction.
inégal, a. unequal; uneven. infatigable, a. indefatigable
inégalement, adv. unequally; unevenly. infatigablement, adv. indefatigably.
inégaliser, v.t. render unequal or uneven. infavorable, a. unfavorable, unfavourable.
inégalité, /. unen.ualness ; unevenness, in- infécond, a. infertile, infecund.
equality. infécondité, /. infertility, infecundity.
inégaux, masc. pi. (of inégal) unequal; un- infect, a. foui, unwholesome, infectious.
even. infecter, v.t. infect.
inélasticité, /. inelasticity. infectieux, a. infectious.
inélastique, a. inelastic, unelastic. inférer, v.t. infer. v.r. be mferred.
inéluctable, a. irrésistible, inéluctable. inférieur, a. inferior; lower. m. inferior;
inencrassable, a. nonfouling. (Dist.) low-boiling substance.
ineptie, /. inaptness, inaptitude, ineptitude. intérieurement, adv. below; inferiorly.
inépuisable, a. inexhaustible. infériorité, /. inferiority.
inépuisé, a. unexhausted. infermenté, a. unfermented.
inépuré, a. unpurified, unrefined. infermentescible, a. unfermentable, non-
inéquitable, a. inéquitable, unfair. fermentable.
inerte, a. inert. infertile, a. infertile, unfertile.
inertie, /. inertia; inertness. infidèle, a. treacherous, unreliable; unfaith-
inespéré, a. unhoped for, unexpected. ful ; infidel.
inétanche, o. not tight, pervious. infiltrat, m. infiltrate.
inétanchéité, /. perviousness, leakiness. infiltrer, v.t. & r. infiltrate.
inétirable, a. incapable of being drawn out, infinie, a. lowest, very low.
(of metals) not ductile. infini, a. infinité, m. infinité, infinity. à
inévitabilité, /. inevitability. V—, infinitely, ad infinitum.
inévitablement, adv. inevitably.
inexact, a. inexact, inaccurate; not punc- infiniment, adv. infinitely. — petit, in-
tual. finitely small; minute particle; (Math.)
inexactement, adv. inexactly, inaccurately. infinitésimal.
inexactitude, /. inexactness, inaccuracy. infinité, /. infinity.
inexcusablement, adv. inexcusably. infinitésimalement, adv. infinitesimally.
inexécutable, o. impracticable. infinitésime, a. & f. infinitésimal.
inexercé, a. unpracticed, unskilled. infirmation, /. nullification ; weakening.
inexistant, a. nonexistent. infirmer, v.t. déclare void, nullify; weaken.
inflagration 240 injecté
inflagration, /. catching fire, incipient com- nûning engineer. — des -poudres et sal-
bustion. pêtres, explosives engineer. — électricien,
inflammabilité, /. (in)flammability. electrical engineer. — gazier, gas engineer.
inflammable, a. & m. flammable, inflam- — mécanicien, mechanical engineer. —
mable. opticien, maker of optical instruments. —
inflammateur, m. igniter, firing device; îg- sanitaire, sanitary engineer.
niting charge. ingénieusement, adv. ingeniously.
inflammation, /. inflammation; ignition; ingénieux, a. ingenious.
(Expl-) firing, fire. — spontanée, spon- ingéniosité, /. ingeniousness, ingenuity.
taneous ignition. ingénu, a. ingenuous.
infléchir, v.t. inflect, bend. ingénuité, /. nigenuousness.
inflexibilité, /. inflexibility, inflexibleness.
ingérer, v.t. ingest. v.r. interfère.
inflexible, a. inflexible, rigid, unyielding. ingouvernable, o. ungovemable, uaman-
inflexion, /. inflection. ageable.
infliger, v.t. inflict. ingrain, m, (Bot.) spelt.
influencer, v.t. influence. ingrat, a. ungrateful, unpleasing, unproin-
influent, a. influential. ising.
influer, v.i. hâve influence. inguérissable, a. incurable.
in-folio, m. & a. folio. inhabile, a. unskillful, inapt; incapable.
information, /., informations, /. pi. in- inhabilement, adv. unskillfully, mexpertly.
quiry, investigation; information, intelli- inhabileté, /. unskillfuhiess, inexpertness.
gence. inhabitable, o. uninhabitable.
informe, a. unformed, shapeless; informai. inhabité, a. uninhabited.
informé, p.a. informed. m. inquiry. inhabitué, a. unaccustomed, unhabituated.
informer, v.t. inform. v.r. inquire, ask. inhalateur, m. inhaler; respirator; face
informulé, a. unformulated. mask. a. inhaling.
infortune, /. misfortune. inhaler, v.t. inhale.
infortuné, a. unfortunate. inhiber, v.t. inhibit.
infranchissable, a. insurmountable. inhibiteur, a. inhibiting, inhibitory, in-
infra-rouge, a. & m. infra-red. hibitive. m. inhibitor. — anti-oxygène,
infrastructure, /. substructure, ground- antioxidant.
work. inhibitrice, /et», of inhibiteur.
infréquemment, adv. infrequently, seldom.
infréquence, /. infrequence, infrequency. inhumectation, /. lack of moisture, dry-
infréquent, a. infrequent, uncommon. ness.
infriable, a. not friable. inhumecté, a. unmoistened.
infroissable, a. creaseproof. inimaginable, a. unimaginable.
infructueusement, adv. unprofitably. inimitié, /. enmity, hostility.
infructueux, o. unfruitful, unprofitable, un- ininflammabilité, /. non(m Iflammability.
successful. ininflammable, a. nonflarnmable, uninflam-
infus, a. intuitive, native, innate. mable.
infusé, p.a. infused. m. (Pharm.) infusion. ininflammation, /. absence of inflamma-
infuser, v.t. infuse, v.r. be infused. tion.
infusibilité, /. infusibility. inintelligible, a. unintelligible.
infusion, /. infusion, — de pommes de inintentionnel, o. unintentional.
terre, potato broth. — ds touraUlOTis, inintentioneUement, adv. unintentionally.
(Bact.) béer wort. ininterrompu, o. uninterrupted, continuous.
infusoire, o. infusorial. ininterruption, /. noninterruption, con-
infusoires, m. pi. Infusoria. tinuity.
infusum, m. infusion. initialement, adv. initially.
ingaranti, a. unguaranteed, unwarranted.
ingazéifiable, o. ungasiflable. initiateur, a. initiative, initiating. m. ini-
ingélif, o. not freezing readily; (of stones, tiator.
etc.) not rent by frost. initier, v.t. initiate.
ingénier, v.r. do one's best, try hard. injectable, o. injectable; intended for in-
ingénieur, m. engineer. — chimiste, chemi- jection.
cal engineer. — civil, civil engineer. — de injecté, p.a. injected ; impregnated ; con-
recherches, research engineer. — des mvnes, gested.
injecter 241 insensitif
injecter, v.t. inject; impregnate (by injec- inoubliable, a. unforgettable.
tion), v.r. be injected; be flushed, be con- inouï, a. unheard, unheard of.
gested. moxydabilité, /. unoxidizability, inoxida-
injecteur, m. injector; syringe; sprayer, bility, unoxidability.
sprinkler; nozzle. a. injecting. — aspirant, inoxydable, a. unoxidizable, inoxidable;
suction injector. rustproof, stainless.
injection, /. injection; imprégnation; con- inoxydé, a. unoxidized.
gestion. inquart, inquartation, /. (Assaying*)
injecto-poisseur, m. pitch sprayer. quartation, inquartation; (of samples)
injudicieusement, adv. injudiciously. quartering.
injudicieux, o. injudicious. inquarter, v.t. subject to auartation.
injure, /. injury; abuse. in-quarto, m. & a. quarto.
injurieusement, adv. injuriously. inquiet, a. unquiet, uneasy, anxious.
injurieux, a. injurious. inquiéter, v.t. disquiet, trouble, worry.
injuste, a. unjust, unfair. inquiétude, /. uneasiness, anxiety, worry.
injustement, adv. unjustly. inrouillable, a. nonrusting, rustproof.
injustifiable, a. unjustinable. insaisissable, a. imperceptible ; not seizable.
inné, a. innate, inborn ; congénital. insaisissablement, adv. imperceptibly.
innocuité, /. innocuousness, harmlessness. insalubre, a. unhealthy, unhealthful.
innombrable, a. innumerable, nuroberless. insalubrité, /. unhealthfulness.
innombrablement, adv. without number. insapide, a. tasteless, insipid.
innover, v.t. innovate, introduce. v.i. in- insapidité, /. tastelessness, insipidness.
novate. insaponiflable, a. unsaponiflable.
innumérablement, adv. without number. insatisfait, a. unsatisfied.
inobscurci, a. unobscured. insaturable, o. insaturable, not saturable,
inobservable, o. not observable, unobserv- unsaturable.
able. insaturé, a. unsaturated.
inobservé, o. unobserved. însciemment, adv. unknowingly, uncon-
inobstruable, a. incapable of being ob- sciously.
structed. inscripteur, m. recorder.
inobstrué, a. unobstructed. inscriptible, a. inscribable.
inoccupé, a. unoccupied. inscription, /. inscription; regiatration; re-
in-octavo, m. & a. octavo, 8vo. cording.
inoculabilité, /. inoculability. inscrire, v.t. inscribe; write down, record,
inoculer, v.t. inoculate. register, enter, v.r. be inscribed; register.
inodore, inodorant, a. odorless, inodorous. inscrit, p.a. inscribed, etc. (see inscrire).
inodulaire, a. (Afed.) inodular. inscrivant, p. pr. (of inscrire) inscribing,
înoffensif, a. inoffensive; (Mach.) out of etc.
action. insécable, a. indivisible.
inoffensivement, adv. moffensively. insecte, m. insect. — tuticole, biting in-
inofnciel, a. unofîicial, nonofficial. sect (as fleas). — piqueur, biting insect
inofficiellenient, adv. unofficially. (as mosquitoes).
inondation, /. inundation, flood, déluge. insecticide, m. insecticide, o. insecticidal.
inonder, v.t. inundate, overflow, flood. insectivores, m. pi. {Zo'ol.) Insectivora.
inopérant, a. inoperative ; ineffective. insécurité, /. inseourity.
inopiné, a. unexpected, unforeseen. in-seize, m. & a. sixteenmo, 16mo.
inopinément, adv. unexpectedly. inséminer, v.t. inseminate.
inopportun, a. inopportune. insensibilisateur, a. producing insensibility,
inopportunément, adv. inopportunely. anesthetizing ; (Expl.) desensitizing. m.
tnorganicien, m. inorganic chemist. a. (of anesthetic ; anesthetizing apparatus ;
chemists) inorganic. (Ex-pl.) desensitizer.
inorganique, a. inorganic. insensibiliser, v.t. render insensible, anes-
inorganiquement, adv. inorganically. thetize; (Expl.) desensitize.
inosine, /. inosine. insensibilité, /. insensibility; insensitivity.
inosique, a. inosic, inosinic. insensible, a. insensible; insensitive.
inosite, /. inositol, (formerly) inosite. insensiblement, adv. insensibly; insensi-
inositurie, inosurie, /. (Med.) inosituria, tively.
insensitif, a. insensitive.
inséparablement 242 intégralité
inséparablement, adv. inaeparably. instantané, a. instantaneous. m. instan-
insérable, a. insertable. taneous photograph, snapshot.
insérer, v.t. insert, v.r. be inserted. instantanéité, /. instantaneousness.
insexe, a. asexual. instantanément, adv. instantaneously.
Insidieux, a. insidious. instar. In the phrase à l'instar de, after
insigne, a. remarkable, signal, m. mark, the manner of, after, like.
badge; (pi.) insignia. instaurer, v.t. establish, found.
insignifiance, /. insigniflcance. instiller, v.t. instill. v.r. be instilled.
insignifiant, a. insignificant, unimportant. instinctif, a. instinctive.
insipide, o. tasteless, insipid. instinctivement, adv. instinctively.
insipidement, adv. insipidly. instituer, v.t. institute; establish.
insipidité, /. tastelessness, insipidness. institut, m. institute ; institution. — agro-
insister, v.i. insist; persist. nomique, agricultural collège or institute.
insolation, /. insolation, exposure to the — chimique, chemical institute.
sua. instituteur, m. institutor, founder; teacher,
insoler, v.t. expose to the sun. instructor.
insolide, a. unsolid, not solid. instructeur, m. instructor, teacher.
insolidement, adv. unsolidly. instructif, o. instructive.
insolidité, /. want of solidity. instruction, /. instruction; (Loin) inquiry.
insolinique, a. terephthalic. instruire, v.t. instruct; teach; train; in-
insolite, a. unusual, unwonted. form ; (Law) examine, investigate.
insolitement, adv. unusually. instruit, p.o. instructed, etc. (see instruire);
insolubilisation, /. rendering insoluble. learned, well-educated ; aware. pr. 3 sing.
insolubiliser, v.t. render insoluble. (of instruire) instructs, etc.
insolubilité, /. insolubility. instrument, m. instrument ; implement,
insolublement, adv. insolubly. tool; uteosil; apparatus, — à aiguille,
insolution, /. nonsolution. pointer instrument. — de ménage, house-
insolvabilité, /. (Corn.) insolvenoy. hold utensil. — de mesure, ineasuring in-
insolvable, a. (Com.) insolvent. strument. — étalon, référence instrument.
insomnie, /. insomnia. instruments de chimie, chemical instru-
insondable, a. unfathomable. ments (or utensils or apparatus). instru-
insonore, o. not sonorous, nonsonorous. ments d'optique, optical instruments, op-
tical apparatus.
insonorisation, /. soundproofing, silencing.
insonoriser, v.t. soundproof, silence. insu, m. ignorance, à V— de, unknown to.
insoudable, o. unweldable; unsolderable. insuccès, m. failure, lack of success.
insoupçonné, a. unsuspected. insuffisamment, adv. insumciently.
insoutenable, a. untenable; insupportable. insuffisance, /. insufficiency ; incapacity. —
inspecter, v.t. inspect. de -pose, (Photog.) underexposure.
inspecteur, m. inspecter. insuffisant, a. insufficient; incompétent.
inspection, /. inspection; inspectorship. insufflateur, m. insuffiator.
inspirant, p.a. inspiring. insufflation, /. blowing in or on, insuffla-
inspirer, v.t. inspire; cause to inhale. tion.
inspissation, /. inspissation, thickening. insuffler, v.t. breathe or blow in or on;
inspisser, v.t. inspissate, thicken. breathe or blow into, insufflate; inflate.
instabilité, /. instability, unstableness. Insulinde. Malay Archipelago, Malaysia.
instable, o. unstable. insuline, /. ins.ilin.
installateur, m. installer; fitter. insupportable, a. insupportable, unbear-
installation, /. installation; equipment; able.
plant, works; System. — d'énergie, power insurmontable, a. insurmountable.
plant; power equipment. — d'essai semi- intact, a. intact, untouched, whole.
industrielle, pilot plant. — électrogène, intaille, m. intaglio.
electric plant, generating plant. intarissable, a. inexhaustible.
installer, v.t. install; equip. intégral, o. complète, entire ; intégral.
instamment, adv. urgently, earnestly. intégrale, /. (.Math.) intégral.
instance, /. instance ; insistence. intégralement, adv. completely, entirely,
instant, m. de a. instant, moment, à V—, wholly; integrally.
instantly, immediately. intégralité, /. integrality, entirety.
intégrant 243 intervertir
intégrant, a. intégral, intégrant. intérieur, a. interior; internai; inside; in-
intégrer, v.t. integrate. ner, inward. m. interior ; inside ; home ;
intégrité, /. integrity. private Iife, family life. à V—, (Med. )
intellectuel, a. intellectual. internally.
intelligemment, adv. intelligently. intérieurement, adv. interiorly, inside, on
intelligibilité, /. intelligibility. the inside, within, internally, inwardly.
intelligible, a. intelligible ; intellectual. intérimaire, o. intérim; acting.
intempérant, intempéré, a. intemperate. interionique, a. interionic.
intempérie, /. inclemency, severity (of interjeter, v.t. introduce, interject.
weather) ; weathering agent ; weather. interligne, m. space between Unes ; inter -
intempérisme, m. weathering. lineation. /. (Printing) lead.
intempestif» o. inopportune, unseasonable, interligner, v.t. interliné"; (Printing) lead.
prématuré. intermède, m. intermediate ; interlude.
intempestive ment, adv. unseasonably. intermédiaire, a. intermediate, intermedi-
intenable, a. untenable. ary. m. médium, agency ; intermediate,
intendance, /. direction, management, intermediary, intermedium ; (Com.) mid-
superintendence, maintenance ; supply dleman.
dépôt, intermédiairement, adv. intermediately.
intendant, m. director, manager, superin- intermédiat, a. intermediate.
tendent, intendant ; steward. intermicellaire, o. intermicellar.
intensif, a. intensive. interminable, o. interminable, endless.
intensifier, v.t. intensif y. interminablement, adv. interminably.
intermoléculaire, a. intermolecular.
intensité, /. intensity, intenseness. — de la intermoléculairement, adv. intermolecu-
pesanteur, accélération of gravity. — du larly.
courant, (Elec.) current intensity, current internationalement, adv. internationally.
strength. — en bougies, candie power. interne, a. internai; inner. m. (Med.) in-
intensivement, adv. intensively. terne.
intenter, v.t. (Law) bring, enter. interpolaire, a. interpolar.
intention, /. intention, o V— de, for the interpolateur, a. interpolating. m. interpo-
sake of, on account of. lator.
intentionnel, o. intentional. mterpoïer, v.t. interpolate.
intentionnellement, adv. intentionally. interpolymère, m. interpolymer.
interatomique, a. interatomic. interposer, v.t. interpose, v.r. be inter-
intercalation, /. intercalation ; insertion. posed ; interpose.
intercaler, v.t. intercalate; insert; inter- interpréter, v.t. interpret.
pose. interroger, v.t. interrogate, examine, con-
intercellulaire, a. intercellular. sult.
intercepter, v.t. intercept ; eut off, stop. interrompre, v.t. interrupt; stop, suspend.
intercepteur, m. interceptor. interrompu, p.a. interrupted ; suspended.
interdiction, /. prohibition, interdiction. interrupteur, m. interrupter; specif., (El^c.)
interdire, v.t. forbid, prohibit, interdict; circuit breaker, switch. a. interrupting,
suspend ; dumfound. interruption. — à bascule, tumbler switch.
interdit, p.a. forbidden, etc. (see interdire). — à couteaux, knife switch.
intéressant, p.a. interesting. interstellaire, a. interstellar.
intéressé, p.a. interested; affected. m. in- interstitiel, a. interstitial.
terested person, (Com.) prospect. interstratifié, o. interstratified.
intertubulaire, a. intertubular.
intéresser, v.t. interest; injure, affect. v.r. intervalle, m. interval; space, gap; range.
be interested; take an interest. intervenir, v.i. intervene; interpose.
intérêt, m. interest. inte rvention, /. intervention ; médiation,
interfèrent, a. interfering. means. par V— de, by the use of.
interférentiel, a. interferential, -ference. interversibilité, /. invertibility.
interférer, v.i. interfère. interversible, a. invertible.
interféromètre, m. interferometer. interversion, /. inversion.
interférométrie, /. înterferometry. intervertase, /. invertase.
înterfolier, v.t. interleave. interverti, p.a. inverted, invert.
interglaciaire, a. interglacial. intervertir, v.t. invert; interchange.
mtervertissement 244 iodable
mtervertissement, m. inverting, inversion. inutilisé, a. umitilized; rendered useless.
intervient, pr, S sing. oî intervenir. inutiliser, v.t. render useless.
intestin, m. & a. intestine. inutilité, /. inutility, uselessness.
intime, a. intimate; inmost; secret. invalide, a, & m. invalid; pensioner.
intimement, adv. intimately. invalidement, adv. invalidly.
intimer, v.t. notify, give notice to. invalider, v.t. invalidate.
intimité, /. close relation; inmost part; in- invalidité, /. invalidity; disability.
timacy. invar, m. invar (nickel-steel alloy).
intitulé, m. title. p.a. entitled. invariabilité, /. invariability, invariable-
intoxicant, p.a. poisoning, poisonous, poison. ness.
intoxication, /. poisoning, (Med.) intoxi- invariablement, adv. invariably.
cation. — saturnine, lead poisoning. invendable, a. unsalabie, unsaleable.
intoxiquer, v.t. poison, intoxicate. invendu, o. unsold.
intra-atomique, a. intra-atomic. inventaire, m. inventory; list; schedule.
intracellulaire, a. intraeellular. inventer, v.t. invent ; design, v.r. be in-
intracyclique, a. intracyclic. vented.
intraduisible, a. untranslatable. inventeur, m. inventor ; designer.
intrait, m. (Pharm.) intrait. inventif, a. inventive.
intraitable, a. intractable; untreatable. inventorier, v.t. inventory.
intraméabilité, /. permeability. invérifiable, o. unverifiable.
intramoléculaire, a. intramolecular. invérifié, a. unverified.
intramoléculairement, adv. intramolecu- inverse, a. inverse; reverse, m. contrary,
larly. reverse; reciprocal. — optique, optical op-
intramusculaire, a. intramuscular. posite.
intransférable, a. nontransferable. inversement, adv. inversely; conversely.
intransmissible, o. nontransmissible. inverser, v.t. invert; reverse.
întransmuable, a. nontransmutable, in- inverseur, m. reverser, specif, (Elec.) com-
transmutable. mutator ; inverter.
intransparence, /. nontransparence, opacity inversif, o. inverting, inversive.
(or translucency). inversion, /. reversai ; inversion.
intransparent, a. nontransparent. invertébré, a. & m. invertebrate.
intransportable, a. untransportable. inverti, p.a. reversed; (of sugarS; etc.) in-
intranucléaire, a. intranuclear. verted.
intravasculairc, a. intravaseuïar. invertine, /. invertin (invertase).
intraveineux, a. intravenous. invertir, v.t. reverse; invert (sugar, etc.).
intrinsèque, a. intrinsic. invertissant, p.a. inverting ; reversing.
intrinsèquement, adv. intrinsically. investigateur, m. investigator. a. investi-
introductoire, a. introductory. gating, inquiring.
introduire, v.t. introduce ; insert ; admit. investissement, m. investment.
V.T. be introduced; enter, get in. inviscant, p. pr. of invisquer.
inviscation, /. coating with a viscous ma-
introduit, p.p. & pf. 3 sing. oî introduire. terial, smearing, daubing.
introuvable, a. undiscovérable, not to be invisibilité, /. invisibility.
found. invisiblement, adv. invisibly.
intrus, m. intruder. p.a. intruded. invisquer, v.t. coat with viscous material,
intrusif, a. intrusive. smear, daub.
intuitif, a. intuitive. invitant, p.a. inviting.
intuitivement, adv. intuitively. inviter, v.t. invite; request; incite.
intumescence, /. intumescence, swelling up. invitré, a. unglazed; unvitrified.
intumescent, a. intumescent, swelling up. invitrifié, a. unvitrified.
inuline, /., inuloside, m. inulin. involontaire, a. involuntary; uriintentional.
inusable, a. that cannot be worn ont, dur- involontairement, adv. involuntarily.
able. invoquer, v.t. invoke, appeal to.
inusé, p.a. unused, unwom. invraisemblable, a. improbable, unlikely.
inusité, o. not in use ; unusual ; obsolète, invraisemblablement, adv. improbably.
antiquated. invraisemblance, /. improbability, unlike-
inutile, a. useless; needless. lihood.
inutilement, adv. uselessly; needlessly. iod-. iodo-.
inutilisable, a. unutilizable, unserviceable. iodable. a. iodinatable: iodizable.
iodacétique 245 iridium-III-hexabromure
iodacétique, a. iodoacetic. ioduration, f. iodination; iodization; ioda-
iodamyle, m. amyl iodide. tion.
iodargyre, m. (Min.) iodyrite. iodure, m. iodide. — d'alcoyle, alkyl iodide.
iodate, m. iodate. — de potasse, potassium — d'amidon, iodide of starch, iodized
iodate. starch. — d'argent, silver iodide. — de
iodation, /. iodination ; iodization. jet, iron iodide. — de form-yle, iodoform
iodatofluorhydrique, a. fluoroiodio. (old name). — de méthyle, methyl iodide,
iode, m. iodine. — sublimé, sublimed iodine. iodomethane. — de méthylène, méthylène
iodé, p.a. iodinated, containing iodine, iodo, iodide, diiodomethane. — de ylomb, lead
iodine ; coated or impregnated with iodine, iodide. — de potassium ioduré, iodized po-
iodized. tassium iodide, a solution of potassium
iodémie, /. (Med.) iodemia. iodide in which iodine has been dissolved.
ioder, v.t. combine with iodine, iodinate; — de soufre, sulfur iodide. — d'éthyle,
impregnate with iodine, iodize. ethyl iodide, iodoethane. — mercureux,
iodéthyle, m. ethyl iodide, chloroethane. mercurous iodide. — mercurique, mercuric
iodeux, a. iodous. iodide.
iodhydrate, m. hydriodide. — d'ammoni- ioduré, p.a. combined with iodine, iodinated ;
aque, ammonium iodide. treated with or containing iodine, iodized,
iodhydrine, /. iodohydrin. iodated; toeated with or containing an
iodhydrique, o. hydriodic. iodide, iodized.
iodide, m. iodide. /. (Med.) iododerma. iodurer, v.t. iodinate; iodize; iodate.
iodifère, o. iodiferous, containing iodine. iodylation, /. conversion into an iodoxy
iodique, a. iodic. compound.
iodisme, m. (Med.) iodism. iodyle, m. iodoxyl, O2I —•
iodoamidonné, a. starch-iodide. iodylé, a. iodoxy.
iodo-aurate, m. iodoaurate. iodyler, v.t. convert into an iodoxy com-
iodo-aurique, a. iodoauric. pound.
iodobenzine, /. iodobenzene. iodylo-. iodoxy-.
iodochlorure, m. iodochloride, iodide chlo- iodylobenzène, m. iodoxybenzene.
ride. iolite, iolithe, /. (Min.) iolite.
iodoéthylate, m. ethiodide. ion, m. ion. -^ hybride, hybrid ion, ampho-
iodoforme, m. iodoform. teric ion. — hydroxylê, hydroxyl ion.
iodoformé, o. iodoformized, iodoform. ionique, a. ionic.
iodo-iodure, ni. iodine-iodide (see next ionisable, a. ionizable.
term). ionisant, p.a. ionizing. m. ionizing agent.
iodo-ioduré, a. iodine-iodide (designating ionisateur, m. ioinzer.
an iodide solution in which iodine is dis- ionisation, /. ionization.
solved). ioniser, v.t. ionize.
iodol, m. (Pharm.) Iodol (tetraiodopyrrole). ionium, m. ionium (thorium 230).
iodométhylate, m. methiodide. ionogène, a. ionogenic.
iodométrie, /. iodometry, iodimetry. ipéca, m. ipecac.
iodométrique, a. iodométrie, iodimetric. ipécacuana, ipécacuanha, m. ipecacuanha.
iodométriquement, adv. iodometrically. ipécacuanate, m. ipecacuanhate.
iodonitré, a. (Org. Ghem.) iodonitro. ipécacuanique, a. ipecacuanhic.
iodoprotéide, /. iodiferous protein. ira, lut. 3 sing. (of aller) will go.
iodosé, a. iodoso. irait, cond. 3 sing. (of aller) would go.
iodostannate, m. iodostannate, iodostan- irichromatine, /. a benzène solution of as-
phalt used iû producing iridescence.
nate(IV). iridée, /. (Bot.) plant of the iris family.
iodostanneux, a. iodostannous, iodostan- iridié, a. alloyed with or containing iridium.
nic(II). iridien, a. (Anat.) iridian.
iodostannique, a. iodostannic, iodostan- iridifère, a. iridiferous, bearing iridium.
nic(IV). iridine, /. iridin.
iodostannite, m. iodostannite, iodostan- iiidique, a. iridié (both Org. and Inorg.-);
nate(II). (Anat.) iridian, iridal.
iodosulfure, m. iodosulfide. iridium-III-hexabromhydrique, o. bro-
lodotitanique, a. iodotitanic, iodotitanic- moiridic(III).
(IV). iridi)ini-HI-nexabroniure, m. bromoh-i-
inrilirahlfî. n. iodinatahle: iodizable. date(III).
iridium-IV-hexabromure 246 isohypse
iridium-IV-hexabromure, m. bromoiri- irréussite, /. lack of success, failure.
date(IV). irréversibilité, /. irreversibility.
iridium-III-hexachlorure, m. chloroiri- irréversiblement, adv. irreversibly.
date(III). irrévocablement, adv. irrevocably.
iridium-III-hexacyanhydrique, a. cyano- irrigateur, m. irrigator; sprinkler.
iridic(III). irriguer, v.t. irrigate.
iridium-III-hexacyanure, m. cyanoiri- irritant, a. irritant, irritating; annulUng.
date(III). m. irritant.
iridium-III-hexanitreux, a. nitroiridic- irriter, v.t. irritate.
(III). irrotationnel, a. irrotational.
iridium-III-hexanitrite, m. nitroiridate- isathyde, m. isatide.
(III). isatine, /. isatin.
iridium-III-trioxalate, m. oxalatoiridate- isatinique, o. isatic, isatinic.
(III). isatogène, m. isatogen.
iridium-III-trioxalique, a. oxalatoiridie- isatropique, a. isatropic.
(III). isatyde, m. isatide.
iridoside, m. iridin. ischurétique, o. (Med.) ischuretic.
iridosmine, /. iridosmium. isentropique, a. isentropic.
iris, m. iris. — de Florence, Florentine iris iséthionique, o. isethionic.
{Iris fiorentina, the rhizome of whioh is isindazol, m. isoindazole (1,2-benzodiazoIe).
isinglass, m. isinglass. — végétal, agar.
called orris root). islandais, a. Iceland, Icelandic.
irisable, a. capable of iridescence. Islande, /. Iceland.
irisage, m. production of iridescence. isoallyle, m. isoallyl (propenyl, CH3CH:
irisation, /. irisation, iridescence.
irisé, a. irised, iridescent, irisated. CH—).
iriser, v.t. iris, irisate, rnake iridescent. v.r. isoamyle, m. isoamyl (isopentyl).
become iridescent. isoamylique, a. isoamyl (isopentyl).
irlandais, o. Irish. m. Irish; {cap.) Irish - isoapiol, m. isoapiole.
man. isobare, /. isobar. a. isobaric.
Irlande, /. Ireland. isobutylate, m. isobutoxide.
irradiateur, a. irradiative, irradiating. m. isobutylique, a. isobutyl.
irradia tor. isobutyrique, o. isobutyric.
irradier, v.i. & t. irradiate. isocèle, o. (Geom.) isosceles.
irrationnel, a. irrational. isocholestérlne, /. isocholesterol.
isochore, n. isochor, isochore.
irrationnellement, adv. rrrationally. isochromatique, a. isochromatic.
irréalisable, a. unrealizable, unattainable ; isochrone, isochronique, a. isochronal,
unfeasible, impracticable.
irrecevable, a. inadmissible. isochronous, isochronic.
irréconciliabilité, /. irreconcilability. isochroniquement, adv. isochronally.
irréconciliable, a. irreconcilable. isocinnamique, a. isocinnamic.
irréconciliablement, adv. irreconcilably. isocline, a. isoclinal. /. isocline.
irrécouvrable, a. irrecoverable. isocréatinine, /. isocreatinine.
irrécupérable, a. irrecoverable, irréparable. isocyanate, m. isocyanate. — de phényle,
irrécusable, a. unexceptionable. phenyl isocyanate.
irréductibilité, /. irreducibility, -eibleness. isocyanique, o. isocyanic.
irréductible, a. irreducible. isocyanurique, a. isocyanuric.
irréduit, a. unreduced. isocyclique, o. isocyclic.
irréel, a. unreal. isodimorphe, a. isodimorphous, isodimor-
irrégularité, /. irregularity ; abnormality. isodulcite, /. isodulcitol, (fonnerly) isodul-
irrégulier, a. irregular. cite.
irrégulièrement, adv. irregularly. isodynamique, isodyname, a. isodynamic.
irréparablement, adv. irreparably. isoélectrique, a. isoelectric.
irréprochable, a. irreproachable. isogone, a. isogonal, isogonic.
irrésistiblement, adv. irresistibly. isohydrique, o. isohydric.
irrésolu, a. unsolved; irresolute. isohydrogêne, m. deuterium.
irrésoluble, a. irresolvable, unresolvable. isohypse, a. of the same altitude. /. con-
irrespirabilité, /. irrespirability. tour line.
isoindol 247 ixomètre
isoindol, m. isoindole. isostrychnine, /. isostrychnine.
isolant, a. insulating. m. insulating ma- isosuccinique, a. isosuccinic.
terial, insulator. isosuif ocyanate, m. isothiocyanate. —
isolateur, m. insulating device, insulator. d'allyle, allyl isothiocyanate, allyl mustard
a. isolating; insulating. — à cloche, petti- oil.
coat insulator. îsosulfocyanique, a. isothiocyanic.
isolatif, o. isolating; insulating. isotétramorphe, a. isotetramorphous.
isolation, /. isolation; insulation. isotherme, a. isothermal. /. isotherm.
isolatrice, a. fem. of isolateur. isothermique, a. isothermic, isothermal.
isolé, a. isolated ; insulated ; detached. isotheriniquement, adv. isothermally.
isolement, m. isolation ; insulation. isothiocyanique, a. isothiocyanic.
isolément, adv. in an isolated manner, sep- isothio-urée, /. isothiourea (thiopseudo-
arately, individually, singly. urea).
isoler, v.t. isolate; insulate. v.r. be isolated; isotonie, /. isotonicity, isotonic state.
be insulated ; isoîate oneself. isotonique, a. isotonic.
îsoleucine, /. isoleucine. isotopie, /. isotopy.
isolichénine, /. isolichenin. isotopique, a. isotopie.
isologue, a. isologous. m. isolog(ue). isotrimorphe, a. isotrimorphous, -phie.
isoloir, m. insulator, specif. insulating isotrope, a. isotropic, isotropous.
stool. isotropie, /. isotropy, isotropisra.
isolysine, /. isolysin. . iso-urée, /. isourea, pseudourea.
isomère, a. isomeric. m. isomer. — op- isourique, o. isouric.
tique, optical isomer. isovalérianate, isovalérate, m. isovalerate.
isomérie, /. isomerism. — de noyau, nu- isovalérianique, isovalérique, a. iso va-
clear isomerism. — de position, position leric.
isomerism. — géométrique, geometrical isovaléryle, m. isovaleroyl; isopentyl.
isomerism. — physique, physical isomer- isovireur, a. (Photog.) self-toning.
ism. — stéréo chimique, stereochemical isoxanthine, /. isoxanthine.
isomerism. isoxazol, m. isoxazole.
isomérique, a. isomeric. issu, o. issued, issuing ; proceeding (from),
isomérisation, /. isomerization. the resuit (of); descended.
isomériser, v.t. isomerize, convert into an issue, /. issue ; outlet, exit ; sink ; (pi.)
isomer. offal, refuse, a. fem. of issu, à V— de,
isomérisme, m. isomerism. at the end of, on leaving. issues de la
isométrique, a. isometric, isometrical. boucherie, waste parts of slaughtered ani-
isomorphe, a. isomorphous, isomorphic. mais, offal. issues de la meunerie, by-
isomorphiquement, adv. isomorphously. products of flour (screenings, bran,
isomorphisme, m., isomorphie, /. iso- shorts). issues des ordinaires, galbage,
morphism. slop.
isonicotianique, a. isonicotinic. isthme, m. isthmus.
isonicotinique, isonicotique, a. isonico- itaconique, o. itaconic.
tinic. Italie, /. Italy.
isonitrile, m. isonitrile (isocyanide). italien, o. Italian. m. Italian.
isonitrosé, a. isonitroso. italique, o. & m. (Printing) italic.
isoosmotique, a. isosmotic. italique, a. italicized.
isopelletiérine, /. isopelletierine. -ite. -ite, (names of alcohols) -itol.
isophtalique, a. isophthalic. itératif, a. itérative, repeated.
isopolyacîde, m. isopoly acid. itérer, v.t. iterate, repeat.
isopropylate, m. isopropoxide. itinéraire, m. & a. itinerary.
isopropyle, m. isopropyl. i,v., abbrev. (in vacuo) in vacuum.
isopropylique, a. isopropyl. ivoire, m. ivory; (of the teeth) dentine. —
isopyromucique, a. isopyromucic. artificiel, artificial ivory. — végétal, vege-
isoquinoléine, /. isoquinoline. table ivory (from Phytelephas macrocarpa).
isoquinoléique, a. isoquinoline. ivoire, a. ivoried; ivory-colored.
isosaccharique, a. isosaccharic. ivoirine, /. ivorine (imitation ivory).
isosafrol, m. isosafrole. ivraie, /. (Bot.) rye grass (Lolium).
Isoscèle, a. (Geom.) isosceles. ivresse, /. intoxication, drunkenness.
isostère, a. isosteric. m. isostere. ixomètre, m. a kind of viscosimeter.
3'. Contraction of je, I. japonner, v.t, (Ceram.') fire so aa to give
jabJe, m. that part of a glass pot where the appearance of Japanese porcelain.
the walls and bottom join; chime (of a jaquette, /. jacket.
cask); groove (of a cask stave). jardin, m. garden. — des -plantes, botanical
jaborandi, m. (Pharm. & Bot.) jaborandi. garden. — potager, vegetable garden.
jachère, /. fallow, fallowness; fallow land. jardinage, m. gardening ; garden produce ;
jacinthe, /. hyacinth. garden ground; dark spot (in a gem).
jack, m. iklec.) jack; jackknife. jardinenx, a. (of gems) cloudy, having dark
jadaïque, a. relating to or resembling jade. spots.
jadien, a. of or containing Jade. jardinier, a. garden. m. gardener.
jadis, adv. of old, formerly. a. old, for- jarre, /. jar.
mer. jarret, m. (of pipes, etc.) elbow ; hock,
jaïet, m. jet. ham.
jaillir, v.i. spout, gush, spurt; burst forth, jasmin, m. (Bot.) jasmine, jasmin, jessa-
(of light) flash; (of the eleotric spark) mine. — sauvage, false jasmine, yellow
pass, jump. faire —, pass (an elecferic jasmine (Gelsemium sempervirens).
spark) ; spout, flash, etc. jastnol, m. jasmole.
jaillissant, p.a. spouting, etc. (see jaillir). jaspagrate, /. (Afin.) agate jasper.
jaillissement, m. spouting, etc. (see jaillir); jaspage, m. imitation of jasper, marbling.
(Elec.) sparking. jaspe, m. (Min.) jasper.
jais, m. & a. jet. jaspé, p.a. jasperized, etc. (see jasper).
jalapine, /. jalapin. jasper, v.t. jasperize, marble, mottle, cloud.
jalapique, a. jalapic. jaspure, /. jasperizing, marbling, mottling.
jallot, m. = jalot. jatte, /. bowl; dish; bowlful; paste pot.
jalon, m. stake, pôle, rod (for surveying, jattée, /. bowlful.
&tc). jauge, /. gage, gauge; standard. — à tré-
jalonner, v.t. stake out, mark out. filer, wire gage. — de Paris, Paris gage,
jalot, m. a vessel in which cakes of tallow French wire gage. — de vapeur, steam
are molded. gage. — du vide, vacuum gage.
jalouse, a. fem. (of jaloux) jealous. jaugeage, m. gaging, gauging, calibration;
jalousement, adv. jealously. tonnage (of a ship). — par écoulement,
jalousie, /. jealousy; grating; jalousie, calibration for delivery. — par emblissage,
blind. à —, like a grating. calibration for contents.
jaloux, a. jealous. jauge-carcasse, a. (of wires) very fine (Iess
Jamaïque, /. Jamaica. than half a millirneter in diameter).
jamais, adv. ever; (with ne expreased or jauger, v.t. gage, gauge, calibrate.
understood) never. à —, pour —, forever, jaugeur, m. gager, gauger, calibrator; gage.
for ever, a. gaging, gauging, calibrating.
jambage, m. jamb; down stroke (of a let- jaunâtre, a. yellowish.
ter); (Geol.) limb of a fold. jaune, a. & m. yellow. — acide, acid yel-
jambe, /. leg; shank; strut, truss. low. — anglais, Victoria yellow. —
jambière, /. gaiter; (Mach.) sleeve. a. leg. breveté, patent yellow (a lead oxychloride).
jambon, m. ham. — brillant, brilliant yellow. — citron,
jante, /. rim (of a wheel), felly. lemon yellow. — clair, light yellow. —
janvier, m. January. congo, Congo yellow. — d'acridine, acridine
Japon, m. Japan. yellow. — d'alisarine, alizarin yellow. —
japon, m. sapan wood; Japanese porcelain. d'antimoine, antimony yellow. — de
japonais, a. Japanese. m. Japanese (lan- Brongniart, a yellow iron hydroxide. — de
guage) ; (cap.) Japanese (man). cadmium, cadmium yellow. — de Cassel,
japonique, a. japonic (acid); Japonic, Cassel yellow (a lead oxychloride). — de
Japan. chrome, chrome yellow. — de Cologne,
jaune 249 jointoyer
Cologne yellow (a lead chromate pigment). runner, gâte. — de feu, (Pyro.) fire sheaf.
— de fer, Mars yellow. — de Hease, — de flamme, jet of flame. — de fonte,
Hessian yellow. — de Mars, Mars yellow. {Founding) deadhead. — de lumière, flash
*— de montagne, yeîlow ocher, mountain of light. — de pierre, stone's throw. —
yellow. — de Naples, Naples yellow. — de pissette, jet from a wash bottle. — de
de Paris, Paris yellow. — de plomb, sable, sand blast. — de terre, earth thrown
jaune minéral. — de quinoléine, quinoline out in excavating. — de vapeur, steam
yellow. — de Turner, Turner's yellow (a _ jet.
lead oxychloride). — de Vérone, Verona jetage, m. throwing, etc. (see jeter).
yellow. — de zinc, zinc yellow. — d'ocre, jeter, v.t. throw; cast; hurl, toss; sprinkle,
yellow ocher. — d'œuf, yellow of egg, scatter ; put, place ; throw out or away ;
egg yolk. — d'or, golden yellow; (Dyes) émit, discharge ; pour, cast (as métal) ;
gold yellow. — d'outremer, yellow ultra- lay (foundations) ; calculate ; utter. v.i.
marine (barium chroraate). — d'urane, shoot, sprout ; run, discharge. v.r. be
uranium yellow. — foncé, dark yellow. — thrown, be cast, etc.; throw oneseïf; fall,
indien, Indian yellow. — métanile, metanil flow. — en moule, cast ; pour (concrète)
yellow. — minéral, minerai yellow (a lead into the form.
oxychloride). — N, yellow N (a dye). — jeu, m. play; clearance; backlash; action,
paille, straw-yellow. — pâle, pale yellow. working, functioning; blowing (of a fuse);
— serin, canary yellow. — siderin, siderine stroke (of a piston); set, assortaient, train;
yellow (a basic iron chromate). — soleil, game, stake; trick; freak. en —, (Mach.)
sun yellow. — solide, fast yellow. — in gear, in action. — de poids, set of
soufre, sulfur yellow. — Victoria, Victoria weights. — d'orgues, organ stop; (Gas) a
yellow. séries of pipes for removing tar. — inutile,
jaune-capucine, m. nasturtium yellow. — mort, backlash. — perdu, (Mach.) lost
jaune-citron, m. lemon yellow. motion.
jaune-paille, m. straw yellow. jeudi» m. Thursday.
jaune-pâle, a. pale yellow. jeun. In the phrase à jeun, fasting, with-
jaunet, a. yellowish. out food, without food and drink.
jaunir, v.i. yellow, tum yellow. v.t. color jeune, a. young; younger, junior, m. young
yellow, dye yellow. person; young (of an animal).
jaunissage, m. = jaunissement. jeûne, m. fast, fasting ; privation, dearth..
jaunisse, /. (Afed.) jaundice. jeûner, v.i. fast.
jaunissement, m. yellowing, turning or col- j e u n e s s e , /. youth.
or ing yellow. jeûneur, m. faster.
java, n. a kind of crude rubber. joaillerie, /. jewelry; jeweler's trade.
javanais, a. Javanese. joaillier, m. jeweler, jeweller.
javelle, /. small heap (of sea sait); (cap.) joie, /. joy.
incorrect spelling of Javel (see eau de joignant, p.a. joining, etc. (see joigner) ;
Javel, under eau) ; handful, swath (of eut adjoining, adjacent, next.
grain); bundle, faggot. joindre, v.t. join; unité, connect; adjoin,
javellisation, /. treatment with Javel water be adjacent to; assemble; add. v.i. join,
or Javel extract (as for sterilization). be in contact, fit. v.r. join, be joined,
jayet, m. jet. unité, meet. — à chaud, weld.
Je, pron. I. joint, p.a. joined, etc. (see joindre); joint.
jervine, /. jervine. vi. joint; seam; seal; boundary; packing,
Jésus, m. a size of paper (about 55 x 72 cm.). gasket. pr. S sing. (of joindre) joins, etc.
jet, m. throw, throwing, cast, toss ; jet, — à boulet, bail-and-socket joint. — à
stream, gush, spouting, spout, spurt; noz- ce que, = joint que. — à l'émeri, ground
zle, spout ; flash ; outline, sketch ; sprout, joint. — articulé, (Mach.) knuckle joint.
shoot; (Founding) (1) casting, pouring, — de mercure, mercury seal. — en about,
(2) jet; (Sugar) spinning (in the centrifu- butt joint. — glissant, expansion joint.
gaî). — à la mer, jettison. — à moule, — que, beaide which, and in addition.
{Founding) gâte, runner, channel, jet. — jointée, /. double handful.
d'acier, casting of steel. — d'eau, jet of jointe ment, m. jointing; assembling.
water; fountain jet, fountain; rain strip. jointer, v.t. joint, join, assemble.
— de condensation, condensing jet. — de jointif, a. joined, touching, in contact.
coulée, {Founding) feedhead, feeding head, jointoyer, v.t. (Masonry) point.
jointure 250 jusquiame
jointure, /. joint, joining, junction. jr., abbrev. (jour) day.
joli, a. pretty, handsome, fine; good, ample. judiciaire, a. judicial, /. judgment.
joliment, adv. well, agreeably, finely; very. judiciairement, adv. judicially.
jonc, m. cane, reed, rush ; specif., (Bot.) judicieusement, adv. judiciously.
a member of the family Juncaceae, (true) judicieux, a. judieious.
rush. — d'Inde, rattan. — odorant, lemon juge, m. judge.
jugement, m. judgment.
joncacées, /. pi. (Bot.) Juncaceae. juger, v.t. & L judge.
jonchée, /. a little cheese made in a wicker juglandine, /. juglandin.
basket ; heap ; strewed material. juglon, m., juglone, /. juglone.
joncher, v.t. strew, cover, litter. juif, m. Jew. a. Jewish.
jonction, /. junction; joining, joint. juillet, m. July.
jongle, /. jungle. juin, m. June.
jongler, v.i. juggle. jujube, /. jujube (the fruit), m. jujube
jongleur, m. juggler; trickster. (the paste).
jonquille, /. (Bot.) jonquil. jujubier, m. jujube tree, jujube (Zizyphus).
Joseph, a. See papier Joseph, under -papier; julep, m. (Pharm.) julep.
(of cotton) spun. julienne, /. (Bot.) rocket (ffesperis).
joubarbe, /. houseleek (Sempervivum) ; jumeau, o. & m. twin; double.
stonecrop (Sedum). — acre, common stone- jumelé, a. double, twin.
crop (Sedum acre). jumelle, a, <£ /. twin; double. /. binocu-
joue, /. cheek (in various sensés) ; side, lar ; cheek, sidepiece ; (Pyro.) double
sidepiece, jaw, flange, etc. rocket ; shackle. — de campagne, field
jouer, v.i. play; hâve play, hâve elearance; glasses. — de théâtre, opéra glass. ju-
be loose, work loose ; work, act ; go off, melles de ressort, double shackle.
explode, be discharged, be sprung; (of a jument, /. mare.
fuse) blow out; start, spring, warp. v.t. jumenteux, a. (Med.) designating urine
play; use, work; imitate; deceive, make that has a thick, colored deposit.
game of. v.r. play, amuse oneself; deceive junipéHque, a. juniperic.
oneself. — le rôle, play the rôle, play the Jura, n. Jura; (Geol.) Jura, Jurassic.
part. jurassique, a. & m. (Geol.) Jurassic.
jouet, m. clamp, fishplate; plaything, sport. juré, p.a. sworn. m. juryman, juror.
joueur, m. player. — de disques, record jurer, v.t. swear. v.i. swear ; clash, jar ;
player. squeak, screech., grate.
joug, m. yoke; (Mach.) crosshead. juridiction, /. jurisdiction ; body of
jouir, v.i. (with de) enjoy. magistrates.
jouissance, /. enjoyment; right (to use), juridique, a. juridical, judicial.
use, privilège, usufruct. juridiquement, adv. juridically, judicially.
jour, m. day ; daylight ; light ; surface ; jus, m. juice. — cru, raw juice, crude juice.
opening, aperture; space, interval; way. à — de betteraves, sugarbeet juice. — de
—, open, openwork ; (Com.) up to date. Brésil, brazilwood liquor (a décoction of
au —, in the open, above ground. dans le brazilwood or redwood). — de cannes,
—, (of measurements) in the clear. — cane juiee. — de raisin, grape juice. —
ouvrable, working day. mettre au —, de réglisse, licorice (or liquorice) juice. —
bring to light. de tannée, — tannant, tanning liquor, tan
journal, m. (news)paper; journal; diary; liquor, ooze.
daybook; ship's log. jusant, m. ebb, ebb tide.
journalier, a. daily, diurnal. m. day la- jusée, /. tanning liquor, tan liquor.
borer. juser, v.t. steep in tan liquor.
journalisme, m. journalism. jusque, prep. (often with à), to, till, until,
journaux, pi. oî journal. up to, as far as, even to, even. jusqu'à
journée, /. day, daytime; day's pay; day's ce que, till, until. jusqu'à refus, to excess.
work ; day work ; day's journey. jusqu'à trouble, to cloudîness, till cloud-
journellement, adv. daily, every day. ing occurs. jusqu'ici, to this place, thus
joûtir, v.i. ripen after picking. far, till now. jusque-là, to that place, so
joyau, m. jewel, gem. far, till then. jusque-là que, to sueh a de-
joyeusement, adv. gladly, cheerfully. gree that. jusqu'où, how far.
joyeux, joyeuse, a. joyful, glad, cheerful. jusquiame, /. (Bot.) henbane (Hyoscyamus
jusqiuame 251 juxtaposer
sp.)- — noire, black henbane (Hyoscyamus justice, /. justice; court of justice.
niger); (Pharm.) hyoscyamus. justiciable, a. amenable, submissible ; jus-
juste, o. just; exact, accurate, correct, right, ticiable.
true; tight, close-fitting. adv. just; justifiablement, adv. justifiably.
rightly, right, well ; tightly, tight. m. justifier, v.t. justify.
just; just man. à — titre, justly, rightly, juter, v.i. exude juice.
with reason. au —, just, exactly. juteux, a. juicy.
justement, adv. just, exactly; justly. juxtaposé, -p.a. juxtaposée!, in juxtaposition.
justesse, /. acouracy, exactness, précision, juxtaposer, v.t. juxtapose, place side by
correctness; justness; fitness. side. v.r. be juxtaposed.
kaieput, m. cajuput. kératose, /. (Med.) keratosis.
kaïnosite,' /. (Min.) cenosite. kérite, /. kerite (an insulating material).
kainozoïque, a. & m. (Geol.) Cenozoic. kermès, m. & a. kermès. — minéral, —
kairine, /. kairine. médicinal, kermès minerai.
kairoline, /. kairoline. kermésique, a. kermesic.
kaki, a. khaki. m. Japanese persimmon. kérogène, m. kerogen.
kakodyle, m. cacodyl. kérosolène, m. kerosolene, rliigolene.
kakodylique, a. cacodylic; cacodyl. kessylique, a. kessyl.
kakoxène, m. (Min.) cacoxene, cacoxenite. ketmie, /. (Bot.) hibiscus. — comestible,
kaléidoscopique, a. kaleidoscopie(al). okra, gumbo.
kali, m. kali, ghtssworfc (Salsola kali); pot- khantchin, m. a Chinese liquor made from
ash. millet.
kalisme, m. poisoning caused by potash. kheir, n. a kind of gum arabic.
kalium, m. potassium. Obs. khilagène, m. a low-boiling Ruasian pe-
kallitypie, /. (Photog.) kallitype. troleum distillate.
kamala, m. kamala (tree and powder). khôl, m. khôl, kohol.
kampférol, m. kaempferol. khramar, n. a fermented drink from date
kaolinique, a. kaolinic. buds.
kaolinisation, /. kaolinization. kianisation, /. kyanization.
kaoliniser, v.t. kac'inize. kienôl, m. pine-tar oil.
kaoutchouc, -m. caoutchouc, rubber. kilogramme, m. kilogram (2.2046 Ibs.).
kapok, m. kapok, Java cotton. kilogrammètre, m. kilogrammeter (about
karabé, m. amber. Obs. — de Sodome, 7Yér foot pounds).
bitumen. kilométrage, m. distance in kilometers.
karabique, a. karabic (succinic). kilomètre, m. kilometer (0.62137 mile).
karakine, /. karakin. kilométrique, a. kilometric, kilometrical.
karat, m. carat. kilometriquement, adv. by kilometers.
karature, m. = carature. kilowatt-heure, m. kilowatt hour.
karité, n. karite, shea tree, or its butter. kina, m. cinchona bark; quinine.
karyokinèse, /. (Biol.) karyokinesis, mitosis. kinate, m. quinate.
kassaï, n. a Congo crude rubber. kinine, /. quinine.
kassu, m. kassu (bétel nut extract). kinique, a. quinic.
katanga, n. a Congo crude rubber. kino, -m. kino, gum kino. — de l'Inde, —
kathoue, m. cathode. d'Inde, East India kino.
katine, /. cathine. kinotannique, o. kinotannic.
kauchteux, a. rich in coal. kinovine, /. quinovin.
kava, kawa, /. kava (the plant or the kiosque, m. kiosk, stall, shed, pavilion,
drink). box.
kéflr, képhir, /. kefir, képhir. kir, m. (Geol.) bituminous earth.
kekuna, n. (Bot.) candlenut. kissel, n. African copal.
kélène, m. ethyl chloride. T.N. klaubage, m. picking, sorting (of ore).
kéracyanoside, m. keracyanin. klauber, v.t. pick, sort.
kéralon, m. a casein plastic. T.N. knopper, Knopper, /. (nut)gall, gallnut,
kérargyre, m. (Min.) cerargyrite. specif. that produced by Cynips quercus
kératine, /. keratin. calicis on certain European oaks.
kératite, /. (Med.) keratitis. koboldine, /. cobalt pyrites, linnaeite.
kératïnîser, kératiser, v.t. keratinize. kohol, koheul, m. kohl, kohol.
kératogène, o. keratogenous. kola, m. (Pharm.) kola; (Bot.) Cola.
kératoïde, a. keratoid, horny. kolatler, m. kola tree (Cola acuminata).
kératoplastique, a. hardening the skin; koséine, /. kosin (from cusso).
keratoplastic. koumis, koumys, m. kumiss, koumiss.
koussine 253 kystique
koussine, /. kosin (from cusso). kupfernlckel, m. (Min.) niccolite, kupfer-
kousso, m. = cousso. nickel.
krabb, m. a long iron rod formerly used in kutera, n. kutira (gum).
flattening window glass. kvas, m. kvass, kvas (Russian béer),
kryptoxanthine, /. cryptoxanthin, crypto- kw.-an, abbrev. (kilowatt-an) kilowatt year.
xanthol. kwas, m. kvass, kvas (Russian béer).
kulhaven, n. an earthenware cylinder for- kyanlsation, /. kyanization.
merly used in annealing objects of crystal kyaniser, v.t. kyanize.
glass. kynurénique, a. kynurenic.
kummel, kiimmel, m. kûmmel (the kynurine, /. kynurine (4-quînolinol).
liqueur) ; caraway. kyste, m. cyst.
kiunus, n. a variety of dammar. kystique, kysteux, a. cystic.
L. A symboî sometimes used for lithium. lacer, v.t. lace.
1\ Contraction of le or la. lacérer, v.t. lacerate.
la, article, /em, sing. the. pron. her, she, laceret, m. auger; screw eye.
it. lacet, m. lace ; loop ; zigzag, winding ;
là, adv. there; then. ce . . . -là, cette . . . snaxe.
-là, that . . . . ces . . . -la, those . . . . lâche, a. loose; slack; lax; weak; indolent,*
de là, thence, from there, from then, from mean, base. adv. loosely, loose.
that, after that. là-bas, là-dedans, etc., lâchefer, m. (Métal.) tap bar.
see below. là ou, where. par là, that lâchement, adv. loosely, feebly, sluggishly.
way; thereby, by that. m. loosening, etc. (see lâcher)-
lab, m. rennet, lab. lâcher, v.t. loosen, loose, relax, slacken;
là-bas, adv. down there, down yonder. turn on (cocks, etc.). open; let go, release;
labdanum, m. labdanum, ladanum. fire, discharge, let off ; let out, let slip.
label, m. label, mark. v.i. & r. loosen, slacken, get loose; escape;
labenzyme, m. the enzyme of rennet, rennin. (of a gun) go off.
labeur, m. labor, toil; (Agric.) cultivation. lacis, m. network, plexus.
labferment, m. = labenzyme. lac-laque, /. lac lake.
labié, a. (Bot.) labiate. /. a member of the lacmoïde, m. lacmoid.
Lamiaceae (Labiatae). là-contre, adv. against that, to the con-
labilité, /. lability. trary.
laboratoire, m. laboratory; (in gas analysis) lacryma-christi, m. Lachryma Christi (a
absorption chamber or pipet(te) ; (of a wine).
furnace) hearth. — absorbeur, absorption lacrymal, a. lachrymal.
chamber or pipet(te). — d'analyse, ana- lacrymogène, a. tear-producing, Iachryma-
lytical laboratory. — de pyrotechnie, fire- tory. in. (Mil.) lachrymator, tear gas.
works laboratory, pyrotechnie works. — lacrymule, /. small tear.
de recherches chimiques, chemical research lactaire, a. lactary.
laboratory, chemical laboratory. — d'es- lactalbumine, /. lactalbumin.
sais, testing laboratory, sampling works. lac ta me, n. lactam.
— de l'usine, works laboratory. — obscur, lactamique, a. of or pertaining to a lac-
dark room. tam ; lactamic (designating the acid usually
laborieusement, adv. laboriously. known as alanine).
laborieux, a. laborious. lactate, m. lactate. — de fer, lactate of
laboriosîté, /. laboriousness. iron, iron lactate, specif. (as in Pharm.)
labour, m. tillage, plowing ; tilled land, ferrous lactate. — de magnésie, magnésium
plowed land. lactate.
labourable, a. tillable, arable. lacté, a. (of, containing or resembling milk)
labourage, m. tillage; farming. milky, milk, lacteal; (Anat.) Iacteal; (Bot.)
labourer, v.t. till, plow; plow up. v.L till, lactescent.
plow ; drudge. lacté r, v.t. treat or combine (as fiour) with
labrador, m. (Min.) labradorite. milk.
labyrinthe, m. labyrinth. lactéiforme, a. resembling milk.
labyrinthique, a. labyrinthine, labyrinthic. lactéine, lactéoline, /. lactein, condensed
lac, m. lake. — salant, — salé, sait lake. milk.
laçage, m. lacing. lactescence, /. milkiness, lactescence.
laccaïque, a. laccaic. lactescent, a. lactescent (milky, or yielding
laccifère, a. lac-bearing. a milky juice).
laccine, /. laccin. lacticémie, /. autointoxication due to lac-
laccique, a. laccaic, laccic. tic acid in tlie blood.
laccolithe, m. (Geol.) laccolith, laccolite. lactîde, /. lactide.
lac-dye, m. lac dye. lactifère, a. lactiferous, yielding milk.
lactime 255 lait
lactime, n. lactim. iron wool. — de laitier, slag wool, minerai
lactine, /. lactose. Obs. wool. — de la salamandre, fibrous asbestos.
lactique, a. lactic. — de mouton, sheep's wool. — de net-
lactobacilline, /. culture of lactic-acid bac- toyage, cotton waste for cleaning. — de
teria. pin, pine wool, vegetable wool. — de
lacto-butyromètre, m. lactobutyrometer. scories, slag wool, minerai wooî. — de
lactodensimètre, m. lactodensimeter. tourbe, peat wool. — de verre, glass wool.
lactofermentateur, m. an apparatus for — en suint, wool in the grease. — en
studying the fermentation of milk. toison, fleece wool. — •philosophique, phi-
lactoflavine, /. lactoflavin (riboflavin). losopher's wool (sublimed zinc oxide).
lactoline, /. lactolin (potassium lactate and lainer, v.t. teasel, tease (fabrics).
lactic acid, used as a mordant) ; = lac- laine-renaissance, /. wool régénération,
téine. wool recovery.
lactomêtre, m. lactometer. laine rie, /. woolen goods, woolens; manu-
lacto-nécessaire, m. an outfit for the rapid facture of woolens ; woolen shop or busi-
analysis of milk. ness; teaseling machine.
lactoniser, v.t. lactonize. laineux, a. woolly.
lactoprotéine, /. lactoprotein. lainier, a. wool, pertaining to wool.
lactose, /. lactose, milk sugar. lais, m. (Geol.) silt, sédiment, warp.
lactose, a. containing lactose. laisser, v.t. leave; let, allow, permit; leave
lactosédimentateur, m. a décanter for de- out, omit; let go; (with de and infinitive)
termining solid impurities in milk. cease, leave off (as, la chose ne laisse pas
lactosérum, m. milk sérum. d'être vraie, the thing is still true, is
lactoviscosimètre, m. lactoviscosimeter. nevertheless true, is certainly true).
lactucarium, m. (Pharm.) lactucarium. ( Phrases in which laisser is followed by
lactyle, m. lactoyl, CH3CHOHCO—. another verb are entered under those
lactine, /. lacuna, empty or blank space, verbs.)
gap. laisser-passer, m. pass.
lacuneux, a. full of lacunas, lacunose, lait, m. milk; latex; slurry. — battu, but-
honeycombed, porous. termilk. — caillé, curdled milk. — clair,
lacunosité, /. lacunosity; porosity. whey. — complet, whole milk. — con-
lacustre, a. lacustrine. centré, condensed milk (or evaporated
ladanifère, a. bearing labdanum. milk). — condensé, condensed milk. —
ladanum, m. labdanum, ladanum. cru, raw milk. - - d'amande(s), milk of
là-dedans, adv. in there, in, within; therein. almond(s), emulsion of almond. — d'ami-
là-dehors, adv. out there, out. ante, suspension of fibrous asbestos. —
là-dessous, adv. under there, underneath, d'ammoniaque, (Pharm.) ammoniacum mix-
below. ture, milk of ammoniac. — d'ânesse, ass's
là-dessus, adv. on that, over that, about milk. — d'asafœtida, milk (or emulsion)
that, thereupon, thereafter. of asafetida. — de beurre, buttermilk. —
là-devant, adv. yonder, on ahead. de brebis, ewe's milk. — de caoutchouc,
ladite, fem. of ledit (which see). rubber latex. — de chaux, milk of lime ;
ladrerie, /. (Med.) cysticercosis ; leprosy. whitewash. — de chèvre, goat's milk. —
lagmi, m. the sweet juice of date buds. de ciment, cément slurry, cernent grout. —
lagre, m. a sheet of glass on which window de coco, coconut milk. — de femme,
woman's milk, human milk. — de gaïac,
glass is flattened. (Pharm.) guaiacum mixture, milk of
lahar, n. (Geol.) mud flow. guaiac. — de jument, mare's milk. — de
là-haut, adv. up there, above, upward. malt, (Brewing) a milky liquid obtained by
laiche, /. (Bot.) sedge. grinding malt with water. — de roche,
laid, a. ugly; bad (weather); naughty. rock milk, agaric minerai. — de soufre,
laie, /. lane; (Mining) slate (band); ham- milk of sulfur. — de toilette, toilet cream.
lainage, m. woolen stuffs, woolens; fleece; — de vache, cow's milk. — écrémé,
teasehng. skimmed milk, skim milk. — en poudre,
laine, /. wool. — beige, natural wool. — milk powder, powdered milk. — entier,
de bois, wood wool; wood fiber; pine wool. whole milk. — homogénéisé, homogenized
—• de Cachemire, Kashmir (or Cashmere) milk. — humanisé, — maternisé, milk of
wool (from the Kashmir goat). — de fer, animais (esp. cow's milk) modified to re-
lait 256 lampe
semble human milk. — mercuriél, lamelliforme, a. lamelliform.
(Pharm.) infusible white precipitate, am- lamentablement, adv. lamentably.
moniated mercury (H2NHgCl). — végétal, lamenter, v.t., i. & r. lament.
(Bot,) latex. lamette, /. small plate, platelet, lamella,
laitage, m. milk foods; milk diet. small leaf, leaflet; small blade; clasp.
laitance, laite, /. milt (sécrétion of fishes) ; laminage, m. rolling, etc. (see laminer).
(Cernent) laitance (a gelatinous exudation laminaire, o. Iaminated, laminar.
from concrète). laminarine, /. laminarin.
laiterie, /. dairy; dairying; dairy shop. lamine, /. lamina, thin plate.
laite roi, m. (Métal.) floss-hole plate. laminé, p.a. rolled, sheet; calendered; flat-
laiteux, a. milky; milk; lacteal. tened; Iaminated.
laitier, m. slag, scoria, (Iron) cinder; (Bot.) laminer, v.t. roll (as métal into plates or
milkwort (Polygala) ; milkman. a. milk. sheets), laminate; calender (paper, cloth,
(A distinction is made by some between etc.) ; flatten ; throttle, wiredraw (steam
laitier, slag and scorie, scoria; the former or water).
resulting from the gang(ue) and flux, the laminerie, /. rolling mill.
latter from the métal and the furnace ; lamineur, m. roller (workman) ; = laminoir.
but both words are most commonly trans- a. rolling.
lated slag. ) —-à chaux, calcareous slag, lamineux, a. laminar, laminate, laminose.
limy slag. — à silice, siliceous slag. — de laminoir, m. rolhng machine, roller, rolls,
la fonte, pig iron cinder. — des volcans, roll; rolling mill, flatting mill; a drying
volcanic glass, glassy lava. apparatus for gluten, etc. — broyeur,
laiton, m. brass. — de fonte, cast brass. grinding mill.
— en feuilles, sheet brass. —• massif, solid lampant, a. (of oil) suitable for burning in
brass. a lamp ; (of olive oil) purified, good,
laitonnage, m. brass plating, brassing. bright, clear. m. lamp oil, specif. kéro-
laitonner. v.t. brass-plate, brass. sène.
laitue, /. lettuce. lampe, /. lamp; (Elec.) lamp, tube, bulb,
laize, /. width, breadth (of cloth). valve. — à acétylène, acétylène lamp. —
lama, m. (Zoôl.) llama, lama. — alpaga, à alcool, alcohol lamp, spirit lamp. — à
alpaca. — vigogne, vicufia. arc, arc lamp, arc light. — à braser, braz-
lambeau, m. shred, serap ; rag ; fragment. ing lamp, blowtorch. — à esprit de vin,
lambris, m. paneling, wahiscoting ; (fig.) spirit lamp. — à essence, benzine lamp,
canopy. gasoline lamp, gasoline torch. — à gaz,
lame, /. (a thin flat pièce, esp. of métal) gas lamp, gas burner. — à huile, oil lamp
foil, plate, sheet ; leaf (of a spring) ; (one using vegetable or animal oil). — à
lamina, scale, flake ; blade ; slice ; strip ; incandescence, incandescent lamp. — am-
slat ; (Micros., etc.) slide, also section ; plificatrice, (Elec.) amplifying tube, am-
band ; wave, billow. d lames, Iaminated. plifier. — ampoule, electric-light bulb. —
— d'accumulateur, battery plate. — d'eau, à pétrole, kérosène lamp, oil lamp. — à
sheet of water ; (Steam) water space ; souder, soldering lamp, blowtorch. — o
water fikn. — de gaz, tongue of gas. — vapeur de mercure, mercury vapor lamp.
de pile, battery plate. — de -platine, — à vide, vacuum tube. — à vide poussé,
(pièce of) platinum foil. — de poudre, high-vacuum tube. — bigrille, double-grid
cake of powder, milled cake. — de verre, tube, tétrode. — de conversion, converter
sheet or plate of glass ; (Micros.) glass tube, mixer tube. — d'émailleur, enamel-
slide. — mince, thin plate, thin section. er's lamp, blowpipe. — d'émission, trans-
mitting tube. — de poche, pocket Lamp,
— porte-objet, (Micros.) slide. — quart flash light. — dépolie, frosted bulb or
d'onde, quarter-wave plate. lamp. — de puissance, power valve or
lamellaire, a. lamellar. tube ; loudspeaker tube. — de sûreté,
lamellation, /. lamellar arrangement. safety lamp. — d'oxyde, (Elec. ) lamp
lamelle, /• lamella, platelct, leaflet, scaïe; with oxide-coated filament. — électrique,
(Expl.) grain, small disk; (Micros.) cover electric lamp, specif. a flash light. —
glass, also thin section. — couvre-objet, étalon, standard lamp. — grisoumétrique,
cover glass. (Mining) warning lamp. — luminescente,
lamelle, a. lamellate, lamellated, foliated. fluorescent lamp. — poire, incandescent
lame lieux, a. lamellar, lamellose. bulb. — redresseuse, (Elec.) rectifying
lamellifère, a. lamelliferous.
lampe 257 large
tube. — témoin, indicator lamp; warning lapon, a. Lappic. m. Lappic; (cap.) Lap-
lamp ; test lamp ; pilot lïght. — trigr'ûle, lander.
three-grid tube, pentode. Laponie, /. Lapland.
lampe-éclair, n. (Photog.) flash lamp. laps, m. lapse.
lampe-heure, /. lamp hour. l a q u a g e , m. lacquering ; laking.
lamper, v.i. be luminous, phosphoresce. laque, /. lake; lac, gum lac. m. ïacquer,
lamperon, m. wick holder ; bowl (of a lacker ; japan ; varnish. a. lac. — an-
lamp). glaise, a cochineal lake of intense color,
lampiste rie, /. lamp manufacture ; lamp the finest quality of which is called crim-
room. son lake. — brûlée, a cochineal lake contain-
lançage, m. launching, etc. (see lancer). ing a little black. — carminée, lake (proper),
lance, /. lance ; nozzle ; rod, pôle ; poker. cochineal lake (of which carminé and
— de chalumeau, toreh head. crimson lake are varieties). — de bois
lance-bombes, m. bomb-throwing device, rouge, redwood lake. — de cellulose, cel-
trench, mortar, minenwerfer ; (Aero.) bomb lulose Ïacquer or varnish. — de Chine,
rack, also bomb release. Chinese Ïacquer. — de garance, madder
lance-flamme S, m. flame projector, fiame lake. — de gaude, weld lake. — d'émail,
thrower. enamel varnish. — de nitrocellulose,
lancement, m. launching, etc. (see lancer). pyroxylin Ïacquer or varnish. — de
lance-mine, m. mine projector. Smyrne, Smyrna lake (from madder). —
lancéolé, a. lance-shaped, lanceolate. de Tonkin, lac from the Japanese wax tree
lance-poudre, m. powder blower; (Med.) (Rhus succedanea). — du Japon, Japa-
insufflator. nese Ïacquer. — en bâton, stick-lac. — en
lancer, v.t. launeh; throw, dart, shoot, cast, boules de Venise, a variety of redwood (or
brazilwood) lake. — en écailles, — en
émit; issue, send out, put out; start. v.r. feuilles, shellac, shell lac. — en fils, lac
spring, fly, rush; launch out. — de l'air, melted and drawn into threads. — en
inject air. grains, seed lac. — en plaques, shellac.
lance-torpilles, m. torpédo launch er.
lancette, /. lancet ; (in gênerai) tool with — fine, a variety of cochineal lake. —
a lance-like blade. minérale, minerai lake (a yellow pigment,
lande, /. moorland, moor ; heath. a basic tin chromate) ; a green pigment
langage, m. language. — chiffré, code, containing copper and zinc. — ordinaire,
cipher. a variety of cochineal lake. — plate, shel-
langouste, /. spiny lobster. lac. — plate d'Italie, a variety of red-
langue, /. tongue; language; (of a balance) wood lake.
pointer, needle. — de chien, (Bot. ) laqué, p.a. lacquered, etc. (see laquer).
hound's-tongue (Cynoglossum officinale). laquebleu, m. litmus.
languette, /. tongue (in technical sensés); laquelle, pron. fem. who, whom, which,
small tongue ; (of a balance) pointer, that.
needle; (Mach.) feather. laquer, v.t. Ïacquer, lacker, japan; varnish;
langueur, m. languor, languidness. lake (as blood).
languir, v.i. languish; long; flag, drag. laqueur, m. lacquerer; vamisher.
languissant, p.a. languishing; slow, dull. laqueux, o. of or pertaining to lac.
lanière, /. strap, belt, band, strip. lard, m. bacon, gros —, — gras, fat bacon.
lanoline, lanoléine, /. lanolin. — de baleine, blubber. petit —, — maigre,
lanterne, /. lantera (in various sensés) ; lean bacon.
lamp; (Optics) projector; a glass device Iardacé, a. lardaceous.
for observing the gases in the lead cham- lardé, p.a. interlarded ; interbedded ;
ber process ; a measure for loading shells ; streaked.
(Founding) core barrel, core rod. — de larder, v.t. interlard; stab, pierce; lard.
laboratoire, {Photog.) darkroom lamp. — lard eux, a. lardaceous, fat, lardy.
vitrée, (Tech.) glass gage. lardite, /. (Min.) soapstone, steatite.
lanthane, lanthanîum, m. lanthanum. large, a. broad, wide; large, great, ample;
lapidaire, m. & a. lapidary. libéral, generous; lax, unscrupulous. m.
lapidifier, v.t. & r. lapidify, petrify. breadth, width; open sea, high sea. adv.
lapin, m. rabbit. — de garenne, wild rab- ïargely ; grandly. à — ouverture, wide-
bit. — du Brésil, guinea pig. mouthed. au —, off, away ; well off ;
lapis, lapis-lazuli, m. (Min.) lapis lazuli. comf ortably, spaciously ; fceep away ! au
large 258 laveur
long et au —, far and wide. de —, in — noble, true laurel, bay laurel, bay tree
width, wide. (Laurus nobilis).
largement, adv. widely, wide; largely, lib- laurier-cerise, m. cherry laurel.
eraïly, copiously. laurier-rosé, m. oleander (Nerium ole-
large-plat, m. (Métal.) fiât billet. ander).
larget, m. sheet billet; nat bar. laurier-sauce, m. true laurel (Laurus
largeur, /. breadth, width, wideness, ampli- nobilis).
tude; (Railways) gage; (of a ship) beam. laurier-tin, m. laurustine (Viburnum tinus).
— dans œuvre, width in the clear. — du laurinamide, /. lauramide, lauric amide.
jour, width of opening. — en couronne, laurine, /. laurin.
width at the top. — en fond, width at laurihées, /. pi. (Bot.) Lauraceae.
the bottom. Iaurique, o. lauric, dodecanoic.
largue, a. slack, loose; (Mach.) started. lauryle, m. lauroyl, dodecanoyl (Ci 1H23 -
larguer, v.t. let go; slacken (a rope); let CO—).
off (steam). Javabilité, /. washability.
larix, m. (Bot.) larch, larix. lavable, a. washable.
larixinique, a. larixinic. lavabo, m. washstand, lavabo.
larme, /. tear; drop; blob; (Glass) a drop lavage, m. washing, etc. (see laver); spilled
of fused material from the vault or crown liquid, slop. — à grand eau, (Ores) sluic-
of the furnace. — batavique, Rupert's ing. — à la cuve, (Ores) tossing. — au
drop. — d'essai, (Glass) assaying drop. crible, (Ores) riddling. — de pommade,
larmeux, a. (of resins, etc.) in tears, in an alcoholic extract of fats and oils that
drops. hâve absorbed floral perfumes.
larmoiement, m. lachryroation, watering of lavande, /. (Bot.) lavender. — aspic, —
the eyes, weeping. en épi, — mâle, aspic, French lavender
larmoyer, v.i. weep, shed tears. (Lavandula spica). — commune, — fe-
larvaire, a. larval. melle, — vraie, true or garden lavender
larve, /. larva. (Lavandula vera). — triste, sea lavender
larvicide, a. larvicidal, larvicide. (Limonium, esp. L. carolinianum).
las, a. weary, fatigued, tired. m. mow. lavandière, /. laundress, washerwoman ;
laser, m. laser (the gum resin) ; laserwort. washing machine.
lasser, v.t. fatigue, weary, tire; lasso, v.r. lavasse, /. a hard silieeous stone ; watery
tire, become fatigued. soup or sauce.
lasulith, m. (Min.) lazulite. lave, /. lava. — cordée, ropy lava. — de
latemment, adv. latently. Volvic, an Auvergne lava much used as a
latéral, o, side, latéral. material résistant to chemicals. — entaillée,
latéralement, adv. Iaterally, on the side, enameled lava, glazed lava. — fusible,
sàdeways, sidewise. artificial mastic- — vitreuse, glassy lava,
laticifère, a. (Bot.) laticiferous. volcanic glass.
latin, a. Latin ; lateen (sail). m. Latin, lavé, p.a. washed ; (of colors) thin, faint,
latrine, /. latrine, privy. pale, light.
latte, /. lath ; strip (as of iron) ; (Ceram.) lavée, /. quantity of material (e.g., wool)
a paddle or shovel for handling the moist washed at one time.
clay; straight saber. lavement, m. washing; (Med.) enema.
lattis, m. lathing, lath work; lagging. laver, v.t. wash, wash out, wash off; scrub;
laudanine, /. laudanine. irrigate ; cleanse, purify ; buddle (ores).
laudanisé, a. containing laudanum. v.r, wash, — le four, (Ceram.) cleanse
laudanosine, /. laudanosine. the kiln of deposited carbon by means of
laudanum, m. (Pharm.) laudanum. — de an oxidizing atmosphère.
Sydenham, Sydenham's laudanum, wine of laverie, /. lavatory (as one consisting of a
opium. sink and drainboard) ; (opération of) wash-
laumonite, /. (Min.) laumontite, laumonite. ing; place where ores or other materials
lauracées, /. pi. (Bot.) Lauraceae. are washed, washing works, washery.
lauréole, /. (Bot.) daphne. — femelle, laveur, m. washer; washing apparatus (e.g.,
mezereon (Daphne mezereum). — mâle, a gas-washing bottle); scrubber; washing
spurge laurel (Daphne laureola). machine; (Gas) purifier, o. washing, wash.
laurier, m. laurel. — benjoin, — benzoin, — à gaz, gas washer, scrubber, — de
spicebush (Benzoin aestivale). — commun, coupes, (Micros.) section washer.
laveuse 259 lessive
laveuse, fem. of laveur and similarly used. légume, m. vegetable (specif., leguminous
lavique, a. lava, lavatic, lavic. vegetable) ; legurne. — conservé, canned
lavis, m. wash ; wash drawing, wash design. (or tinned) vegetable. — sec, dried vege-
lavoir» m. washer, washing basin, washing table.
apparatus, washing machine ; washhouse, légumine, /. legumin.
laundry; washing place; cleaning rod (for légumineuses, /. pi. (Bot.) Leguminosae,
guns) ; buddle (for ores). leguminous plants.
lavure, /. washings (as precious métal ob- légumineux, a. leguminous.
tained from waste by washing) ; dishwater ; lehm, m. Ioam.
swill, slop ; (Med.) mucous and bloody leibnizien, a. Leibnitziàn.
supersecretions from the intestines. léiocome, léiogomme, m. leiocome (dex-
laxatif, a. & m. (Med.) laxative. trin).
laxité, /. looseness, slackness; laxity. lemnien, a. Lemnian.
layette, /, drawer; tray (for powder); box; lendemain, m. next day, following day
trunk; baby linen, layette. morrow. le — de, the day aîter. sans —f
le, article, masc. sing. the. (In many cases without continuation, without a sequel.
it should be omitted in translating : as, lénitif, o. & m. lenitive, mitigating.
le platine est coûteux, platinum is ex- lent, a. slow.
pensive ; si l'on exclut, if one excludes.) lente, a. fem. slow. /. nit, insect egg.
pron. him, he, it. lentement, adv. slowly, slow.
lé, m. breadth, width (of fabrics). lenteur, /. slowness. avec —, slowly.
lebererz, m. hepatic (or liver-brown) cin- lenticulaire, lenticule, a. lenticular.
nabar. lentille, /. lens; lentil; bob (of a pendu-
lécanorine, /. lecanorin (lecanoric acid). lum). — collectrice, condensing lens, con-
léchage, m. licking, etc. (see lécher). denser. — convergente, converging lens.
lécher, v.t. lick, play upon, touch lightly — d'éclairage, illuminating lens. — de
(as with tongues); finish, finish off. — rétrogradation, a lens-shaped dephlegma-
par l'air, expose to air. tor. — divergente, diverging lens. len-
lécithine, /. lecithin. tilles collées, cemented lenses.
leçon, /. lesson; lecture; reading. lentisque, m. mastic tree (Pistacia lentis-
lecteur, m. reader ; proofreader ; (Elec.) cus),
scanner; (phonograph) pickup. lépidine, /. lepidine.
lecture, /. reading; proofreading. — brute, lépidolithe, m. (Min.) Iepidolite.
rough. reading. -— de contrôle, check read- lèpre, /. leprosy.
ing. lépreux, a. leprous. m. leper.
ledit, a. & m, the said (person or thing), lequel, pron. masc. who, whom, which, that.
the above, the aforementioned, the same. les, article pi. the. (See le.) pron. them,
lédon, m,, lède, /. (Bot.) Labrador tea they.
(Ledum). lesdites, le s dits, pi. of ladite, ledit. See
légal, a. légal, lawful; forensic. ledit.
légalement, adv. legally, lawfully. léser, v.t. injure, hurt, harm.
légaliser, v.t. authenticate; legalize. lésion, /. injury, damage; (Med.) lésion.
légalité, /. legality, lawfuhiess; law. lesquelles, pron. pi. of laquelle.
légendaire, a. legendary. lesquels, pron. pi. of lequel.
légende, /. legend. — explicative, explana- lessivage, m., lessivation, /. lixiviation,
tory legend, explanation (of the letters on etc. (see lessiver). — à la vapeur, extrac-
a drawing, or the like). tion with steam, steaming.
léger, a. light; slight. m. lightness. à la lessive, /. lixïvium ; lye ; washing ; bucking ;
légère, lightly; light. wash. — brute, (Soda) vat liquor (lixiv-
légèrement, adv. lightly ; slightly. ium from black ash). — caustique, caustic
légèreté, /. lightness; slightness. alkali solution, specif. (as in Pharm.) solu-
légiférer, v.i. legislate. tion of potassium hydroxide. — de po-
législateur, m. legislator. a. législative. tasse, potash lye. — de recuit, (Soap) lye
législatif, a. législative. already used in boiling or salting out, with
légitime, a. legitimate. /. légal share. or without the addition of fresh alkali.
légitimement, adv. legitimately. — des savonniers, caustic soda solution. —
légitimer, v.t. justify ; legitimate. de soude alcalïno-salée, (Soap) a lye pre-
léguer, v.t. bequeath. pared by adding slaked lime to a solution
lessive 260 levure
of sodium carbonate and sait. — de leur, pron. & a. to them, them, their,
soude brute (or douce), (Soap) a lye made theirs.
by lixiviating a mixture of sodium car- levage, m. raiaing, etc. (see lever).
bonate (as black ash) and slaked lime. levain, m. leaven, leavening agent, ferment.
— du sang, potassium ferrocyanide. — — artificiel, artificial yeast, cultivated
résiduaire, residual lye, waste lye (e.g., yeast. — de chef, leaven consisting of
suinte liquor). — soudique, caustic soda dough which has fermented until it is very
(solution). — sulfitique, suinte liquor. light. — de pâte, dough saved out for
lessiver, v.t. lixiviate, leach, extract (with use as leaven. — en poudre, baking powder.
a liquid); wash (with alkali or other levant, m. east; (cap.) Levant, p. pr. of
détergent), scour, buck; flush. v.r. leach. lever.
lessiveur, m. lixiviator, leacher, etc. (see levé, p.a. raised, etc. (see lever); erect; up.
lessiver), o. lixiviating, leaching, etc. — m. surveying, survey; plotting, drawing.
de chiffons, (Paper) rag boiler. levée, /. raising; removal, removing; stroke
lessiveuse, /. an apparatus for lixiviating, (of a piston) ; lift (as of a valve) ; sprout-
washing or scouring, as a rag boiler, a ing; crop ; surveying, plotting; levée;
pulp digester or a bucking kier; washer- causeway; levy. — de cuite, in the process
woman, laundress. of making Marseilles soap, the removal of
lest, m. ballast. the curd from the lye and placing of it in
leste, a. light, active, smart, free. vessels where it is left to become marbled.
lestement, adv. activer/, briskly; freely. lever, v.t. raise; lift, lift up, hoist; set u p ;
lester, v.t. ballast. remove ; revoke ; take up ; take ; survey,
létal, a. lethal, deadly, fatal. plot, sketch, v.i. rise; (of plants) corne
léthargie, a. lethargy. up. v.r. rise ; be raised ; (of weather)
lettrage, m. lettering. clear; (of window glass) warp. m. rising;
lettre, /. letter. — chargée, insured letter. surveying, plotting; survey, plot, plan,
— de voiture, waybill ; bill of lading. — design, sketch. — du soleil, sunrise. —
majuscule, capital letter. — minuscule, sur lessive, separate (soap) from the lye.
small letter. — morte, of no effect. — levier, m. lever ; handle, arm, bar. —
patente, patent spécification. — recom- brisé, — coudé, crank lever, bent lever. —
mandée, registered letter. lettres grasses, de soupape, valve handle, valve lever.
black letters, heavy-faced type. lettres levier-clef, n. (Elec) make-and-break key.
maigres, light letters, ordinary or light- lévigateur, m. levigator (e.g., an apparatus
faced type. for levigating sugar-beet pulp).
lettres-avion, m. air mail, air post. lévigation, /. levigation, levigating.
leucéine, /. leucine. léviger, v.t. levigate.
leucémie, /. (Med.) leucemia, leucocy- lévo-. levo-, laevo-.
themia. lévogyre, a. levorotatory, levogyre, laevo-
leucémique, a. (Med.) , leucémie, leuco- gyre.
cythemic. lévosine, /. levosin.
leucine, /. leucine. lévotartrique, a. ieuo-tartaric, D-tartaric.
leucinique, leucique, a. leucic. lèvre, /. lip; edge, border, rim.
leucite, /. (Min.) leucite; (Med.) sclerotitis. lévuline, /. levulin.
leucobase, /. leuco base. lévulinique, lévulique, a. levulinic.
leucocidine, /. leucocidin. lévulosane, m. levulosan.
leucocytaire, o. leucocytic. lévulose, /. lévulose, B-fructose.
leucocyte, m. leucocyte, white blood cor- lévulose, a. containing lévulose.
puscle. lévulosurie, /. levulosuria, fructosuria.
leucocythémie, /. îeucocythemia, leucemia. levurage, m. addition of yeast, leavening.
leucocytolyse, /. leucocytolysis. levure, /. yeast; ferment, leaven. — basse,
leucocytose, /. leucocytosis. bottom yeast, low-fermentation yeast. —
leucodérivé, m. leuco derivative. de bière, — de brasserie, béer yeast, brew-
leucolyse, /. leucolysis. er's yeast, brewery yeast, barm. — de
leucomaïne, /. leucomaine. boulangerie, baker's yeast. — de culture,
leuconique, a. leuconic. cultivated yeast. — de dépôt, bottom
leucopénie, /. (Med.) leucopenia. yeast. — de distillerie, distiUer'e yeast. —
leucosine, /. leucosin. de vin, wine yeast. — durable, permanent
leucyle, m. leucyl. yeast, zymin. — ferment, yeast enzyme.
levure 261 lies
— fluorée, fluoridated yeaat. — grise, the libérien, a. (Bot.) relating to bast or
gray upper Iayer of yeast which ia rejected phloëm.
in making compressed yeast. — haute, top libéro-ligneux, a. fibrovascular.
yeaat, high- fermentation yeast. — lac- liberté, /. liberty, freedom; (Mach.) play,
tique, laotio ferment. — mère, mother clearance. en —, free; freely. — du com-
yeast, parent yeast. — morte, dead yeast merce, freedom of trade. mettre en —, set
(specif. Buchner'a evaporated yeast ex- free, liberate. mise en —, setting free, lib-
tract). — pressée, compressed yeast, ération.
pressed yeast. — sauvage, wild yeast. — libidibi, n. (Bot.) divi-divi.
superficielle, top yeast, surface yeast. — libraire, m. bookseller.
végétale, vegetating yeast. libraire-éditeur, m. bookseller and pub-
levure-mère, /. mother yeast, parent yeaat. lisher.
levurier, m. maker or seller of yeast. librairie, /. bookstore, bookseller'a shop;
levuromètre, m. an apparatus for measur- book trade.
ing the fermentative activity of yeast. libre, a. free; open; (of paper) unstamped;
lévyne, /. (Min.) levynite. (Mach.) out of gear, disengaged. ô l'ait
lexique, m. lexicon, dictionary. a. lexical. —, ou —, in the open air, in free air. —
lézard, m. lizard. parcours, free path.
lézarde, /. crevice, crack, chink. libre-échange, m. free trade.
lézarder, v.t. & r. crack, crevice, chink. librement, adv. freely.
liage, m. binding, tying, etc. (see lier) ; licaréol, m. licareol (i-linalool).
twine. lice, /. lists, field; warp (of fabrics); liât,
liais, m. a porous stone used for ftltering ; border ; rail.
a hard, close-grained limestone. licence, /. license ; permit ; licentiate's de-
liaison, /. bond, Iinkage; connection; gree.
hookup; union, junction, joining, joint; licencié, m. licensee; licentiate (intermedi-
bonding ; mortar. — acétylénique, acéty- ate between bachelor and doctor).
lène Iinkage, triple bond. — coordonnée, licet, m. permission, permit.
coordinate bond. — éthylénique, ethylene lichen, m. (Bot.) lichen. — Carragaheen,
Iinkage, double bond. liaisons doubles carrageen, Irish moss. — des rochers,
jumelées, contiguous double bonds, as in (Bot.) archil. — d'Islande, Iceland moss,
aliène, CH2:C:CH2. — pontée, bridge Iceland lichen. — tartareux, Lecanora tar-
Iinkage, bridging bond. — transversale, tarea (from which one kind of archil is
cross Iinkage. prepared).
liane, /. (Bot.) liana. lichénine, /. lichenin.
liant, o. pliant, pliable, soft, easily worked; Hellénique, a. lichenic (fumaric).
flexible ; elastic (as a spring) ; cohesive ; licite, a. licit, lawful, allowable.
(of metals) tenaeious, tough, malléable; lie, /. lees, dregs, sédiment, grounds. — de
aupple; gentle, compilant. m. pliancy, vin, wine lees ; dark red or purple color.
pliability, etc. (see above) ; binding agent, lié, p.a. bound, tied, etc. (see lier).
binder; union, tie. liebig, m. extract of beef.
liasique, liassique, a. (Geol.) Liassic. liège, m. cork. — de montagne, — fossile,
liasse, /. package, packet, bundle, file; cord, mountain cork, rock cork (a form of as-
tape, string. bestos). —• mère, cork cambium, phellogen.
libelle, /. bubble (in a crystal inclusion); liégeois, a. of or pertaining to Liège.
(Mech.) level; libel. liégeux, a. corky, of the nature of cork.
libellé, p.a. drawn up, worded. m. draw- liement, m. binding, tying, etc. (see lier).
lien, m. bond, tie, link; band, strap, brace;
ing up, wording. ligature.
libeller, v.t. draw up, word. lier, v.t. bind, tie, join, attach, connect,
liber, m. (Bot.) bast, phloëm, inner bark. fasten, fasten together, link, bond, knit;
libérable, a. capable of being liberated. relate; enter into, engage in; thicken (as
libéralement, adv. liberally. a sauce) ; (Soap) emulsify. v.r. be bound,
libérateur, a. liberating. m. liberator. be tied, etc.; combine, unité; become inti-
libération, /. libération, setting free; dis- mate ; thicken.
charge, release. lierre, m. ivy. — terrestre, ground ivy
libérer, v.t. liberate, set free; discharge; (Glecoma hederacea).
release. lies, /. pi. lees, dregs, etc. (see lie).
lieu 262 lin
lieu, m. place; room ; spot ; turn, order ; limaçon, m. (Zool.) snail; (Anat.) cochlea;
estate, rank; (Geom.) locus. au — de, au (Math.) limaçon; spiral stairs.
— et place de, in place of, as a substitute limage, m. filing.
for. au — que, whereas, when in fact. limaille, /. fiïings, file dust. — de fer, iron
avoir —, take place, occur. il y a — de, filings. — de fonte, (Iron) kish. — de
it is well to, it is necessary to. forage, borings, drillings.
lieue, /. league. limailleux, a. (Iron) kishy.
lièvre, m. hare. limas, m. = limace.
ligature, /. ligature; tie, joint, union. limation, /. filing, rasping, grating.
ligaturer, v.t. tie, bind, fasten, ligate. limature, /, filing; filings.
ligérien, a. relating to the Loire or its limbe, m. limb, border, edge.
basin. lime, /. file (the tool)'; lime (the fruit). —
ligne, /. line (in various sensés) ; order, bâtarde, bastard file. — carrée, square
rank. en — de compte, into aceount. file. — demi-douce, second-cut file. —
hors de —, out of line, out of the way. demi-ronde, half-round file (a file with one
hors —, exceptional, extraordinary. — à flat and one curved surface). — douce,
plomb, plumb line, vertical line. — à smooth file. — en queue de rat, rat-tail
points, dotted line. — blanche, white line ; file. — grosse, coaise file, rough file. —
untarred cord. — brisée, broken line. — mordante, rasp. — plate, flat file (file with
conductrice, power line. — continue, con- two flat surfaces). — pointue, taper file.
tinuous line. — courbe, curved line. — — queue - de-rat, rattail file. — ronde,
d'eau, level line ; water line. — de round file. — superdouce, superfine file.
chaînette, catenary. — de chemin de fer, — triangulaire, triangular file, three-cor-
railway line. — de feu* firing line. — de nered file, three-square file.
foi, fîducial line. — de mire, line oî sight. limer, v.t. file ; (fiif.) polish ; free from
— de pesanteur, vertical line. — de repère, slime.
référence line. — de terre, ground line. limette, /. lime (the fruit).
— de tête, headline, heading, head. — limettier, m. any of several plants of the
de tir, line of fire. — de visée, line of genus Citrus.
sight. — droite, straight line, right line. limettine, /. limettin.
— ferrée, railway. — goudronnée, tarred limeur, m. filer; filing machine, a. filing.
Une. — graduée, scale, graduation. — limitatif, a. limiting, restrictive.
infléchie, bent line, inflected line. — inter- limitativement, adv. in a limited manner.
rompue, broken line. — limite, limiting limite, /. & a. limit ; boundary, border.
line, limit line. — noire, black line ; (in limité, p.a. limited.
spectra) absorption line. — pleine, solid limiter, v.t. limit; bound; restrict.
line, continuous line. — pointillée, — ponc- lixniteur, m. limiter. — de course, arrest,
tuée, dotted line. — tremblée, wavy line. stop. — de tension, (Elec.) circuit breaker.
mettre en — de compte, take into aceount. limon, m. mud, slime, silt, loarn; lemon;
ligner, v.t. Une, rule. shaft, thill.
ligneux, a. ligneous, woody. m. lignin. limonade, /. lemonade. — citro-magnési-
lignifier, v.t. cfc r. lignify. enne, — purgative au citrate de magnésie,
lignine, /. lignin. (Pharm.) magnésium citrate solution, —
sèche au citrate de lithine, (Pharm. )
lignite, m. (Afin.) lignite, brown coal. effervescent lithium citrate. Obs.
lignitifère, a. lignite-bearing, lignitic.
limonage, m. (Agric.) application of mud
lignocérique, a. lignoceric. or silt to land to improve it ; silting up.
lignosité, /. ligneous quality, woodiness. limone, /. Hmonin.
ligroïne, /. ligroïne, ligroïn. limoneux, a. muddy, slimy, oozy; loamy.
ligue, /. league. limonier, m. lemon tree (Citrus medica
liguline, /. ligulin. limon).
lilacine, /. lilacin (syringin), limonine, /. limonin.
lilas, m. & a. lilac. limoniteux. a. (Min.) limonitic.
liliacé, a. (Bot.) liliaceous. limpide, a. limpid, clear.
liliacées, /. pi. (Bot.) Liliaceae. limpidité, /. limpidity, limpidness, clear-
lilial, a. lily, of or Uke lilies. ness.
limable, a. capable of being filed. limure, /. filing.
limace, /. Archimedean screw; (Zool.) slug. lin, m. flax ; linen. huile de —, linseed oil.
lin 263 liqueur
— minéral, — incombustible, — vif, ami- lipasique, a. lipase, of lipase, lipolytic.
anthus, fibrous asbestos. —• purgatif, (Bot.) lipémie, /. (Med.) lipemia, lipaemia.
purging flax. — sauvage, (Bot.) toadflax. lipidase, /. lipide-splitting enzyme, lipase.
Iinaire, /. (Bot.) toadflax (Linaria). — lipide, /. lipide.
commune, common toadflax (L. vulgaris). lipidémie, /. (Med.) lipoidemia, lipemia.
linaloé, /. (Bot.) linaloa. lipido-protéide, n. lipoprotein.
linalol, m. linalool, linalol. lipogénèse, /. (Physiol.) lipogenesis.
linalyle, m. linalyl. lipoïde, a. & m. lipoid.
linamarine, /., linamaroside, m. lina- lipolyse, /. (Physiol.) lipolysis.
marin. lipolytique, a. lipolytic.
linarine, /. lïnarin. lipomateux, a. (Med.) lipomatous.
linéaire, a. linear. lipomatose, /. (Med.) lipomatosis, obesity.
linéairement, adv. linearly. lipome, m. (Med.) lipoma.
linéalement, adv. lineally, linearly. liposoluble, a. fat-soluble.
linéique, a. linear. lipurie, /. (Med.) lipuria.
linette, /. linseed, flaxseed. liquater, v.t. liquate, subject to Uquation.
linge, m. linen ; cloth, rag. — américain, v.r. be liquated, undergo liquation.
plastic-coated cloth. — en caoutchouc, liquation, /. (Métal.) liquation, eliquation.
cloth coated with rubber or (by a mis- liquéfacteur, m. liquéfier.
nomer) with other plastic. Iiquefacteur-recUficateur, m. liquéfaction
lingerie, /. linen trade ; linen warehouse ; column.
linen. liquéfiant, o. liquefying, Uquefactive.
lingot, m. ingot; slug (of métal). liquéfié, p.a. liquefied.
lingotière, /. ingot mold. — à eau, water- liquéfier, v.t. & r. Uquefy.
cooled ingot raold. liqueur, /. Uquor ; Uquid, fluid ; solution ;
lingotiforme, a. ingot-shaped. Uqueur. — amniotique, amniotic fluid. —
linguet, m. pawl, catch, stop. anodine nitreuse, (Pharm.) ethyl nitrite
linier, o. flax, of flax. spirit, spirit of nitrous ether. — anti-
linière, /. flax field. septique, antiseptic solution. — aqueuse,
Uniment, m. (Pharm.) liniment. — am- aqueous Uquid ; aqueous solution. —
moniacal, ammonia liniment. — ammoni- arsenicale de Fowler, = liqueur de Fowler.
acal camphré, ammoniated liniment of — arsenicale hydrochlorique, (Pharm.)
camphor. — calcaire, lime liniment, car- arsenious acid solution, hydrochloric solu-
ron oil. — crotonê, liniment of croton oil. tion of arsenic, — cupro -potassique,
— oléo-calcaire, = Uniment calcaire. — Fehling('s) solution. — cyanurée, cyanide
opiacé, liniment of opium. — phosphore, liquor. — d'acétate de fer, (Pharm.)
phosphorated oil. — savonneux camphré, solution of ferrie acétate. — d'Adam, am-
camphor and soap liniment, liniment of moniacal alcohol-ether (for butter déter-
soap. — savonneux ioduré, liniment of po- mination). — d'ammoniaque, ammonia
tassium iodide with soap. — sinapisé water. — d'ammoniaque vineuse, (Pharm.)
composé, liniment of mustard. — téré- spirit of ammonia, alcoholic solution of
benthine, turpentine liniment, Kentish ammonia. — de Boudin, (Pharm.) arseni-
ointment. — térébenthine acétique, lini- ous acid solution. — de Donovan, (Pharm.)
ment of turpentine and acetic acid. — Donovan's solution, solution of arsenious
volatil, ammonia Uniment, volatile lini- and mercuric iodides, arsenic and mercuric
ment. iodides solution. — de Fowler, (Pharm.)
linine, /. Unin. Fowler's solution, potassium arsenite solu-
tion. — de Labarraque, = eau de Labar-
linition, /. coating, anointing. raque, under eau, — de Marty, Marty's
linnéite, /. (Min.) linnaeite. solution (for determining sulfates in wines).
linoléique, a. linoleic.
linoxine, /. linoxin, linoxyn. — des cailloux, (Old Chem.) liquor of flints
linteau, m. Untel. (water-glass solution). — de Schweitser,
linters, n. pi. linters (short cotton fiber). Schweitzer's reagent. — de Van Swieten,
lion, m. lion. — ravissant, (Alchemy) her- Van Swieten's liquor or solution (an alco-
metic mercury. — rouge, (Old Chem.) holic solution of mercuric chloride). —
minium, red lead. — vert, (Old Chem.) de virage, indicator Uquid. — d'Hoffmann
ferrous sulfate. (Pharm.) ether spirit, spirit of ether,
liparolé, m. (Pharm.) ointment, unguent. Hoffmann's drops. — épreuve, test(ing)
liqueur 264 lithofellique
solution. — fumante de Boyle, Boyle's lisible, a. legible; readable.
fuming liquid (ammonium sulflde solution). lisiblement, adv. legibly.
— fumante de Cadet, Cadet's fluid (or lisière, /. selvage, list; border, edge.
liquid), Cadet's fuming liquid. — fumante lissage, m. smoothing, etc. (see lisser);
de Libavius, fuming liquor of Libavius (Founding) black wash.
(stannic chloride). — hémostatique de lisse, a. smooth; sleek; glossy. m. smooth-
Monsel, (Pharm.) ferrie subsulfate solu- ness. /. a cylinder for polishing leather ;
tion, Monsel's solution. — iodo-iodurée, warp (of cloth) ; string, cord ; rail.
iodine-iodide solution. — mère, mother lissé, m. smoothness, glossiness, gloss, glaze,
liquor. — nervine de Bang, (Pharm.) polish. p.a. smoothed, smooth, glossed,
compound spirit of ether. — surnageante, etc. (see lisser).
supernatant liquid. — témoin, indicator lissée, /. glazing (of powder).
liquid. — titrée, titrated solution, stand- lisser, v.t. smooth, gloss, glaze (as gun-
ardized solution. — type, standard solu- powder), calender, sleek; polish, burnish;
tion. — vésicante, (Pharm.) bl'stering liq- (Founding) blackwash.
uid. lisseur, m., lisseuse, /. smoother, glosser,
liquidambaré, a. of liquidambar. etc. (see lisser).
liquidation, /. liquidation; (ftoap) treat- lissoir, m. (of tools) smoother, glosser, etc.
ment of soap with weak lye or water to (see lisser) ; glazing barrel (for powder) ;
remove impurities. glazing room or house (for powder) ;
liquide, a. <fc m. liquid; fluid. — céphalo- smoothing room (for paper). a. smooth-
rachidien, cerebrospinal fluid. — colorant, ing, glossing, etc.
(Micros.) staining fluid. — conservateur, lissure, /. smoothing, glossing, etc. (see lis-
preserving liquid. — d'ascite, ascitic fluid. ser) ; smoothness, gloseiness, gloss, glaze,
— d'essorage, liquid from centrifugation. polish.
— excitateur, exciting liquid. — extinc- liste, /. list; catalog; sehedule. — nomina-
teur, fire-extinguishing liquid. — laveur, tive, list of names.
washing liquid. liquides de lavage, wash- lit, m. bed; layer, stratum; Iode, vein;
ings. — témoin, test liquid, liquid used course, direction. pr. S sing. (of lire)
for comparison. reads. — à fusion, (Métal.) mixing bed.
liquide-mère, n. mother liquor. —• de carrière, natural bed (of a stone).
liquider, v.t. liquidate. v.r. pay off, settle. — de filtrage, filter bed, filtering bed. —
liquidité, /. liquidity, liquidness. de fusion, (Métal.) charge (for smelting).
liquoreux, a. (of wine) liqueur-like, com- — de gueuse, (Métal.) sow channel. — de
bining strength witù sweetness. grillage, (Métal.) a bed of fuel used in
liquoriste, m. a maker or seller of liqueurs. roasting or calcining. — de pains, drain-
lire, v.t. read. v.r. be read. /. lira. ing stage or rack for sugar loaves. —
lis, m. (Bot.) lily. — des marais, sweet flag filtrant, filter bed, filtering bed.
(Acorus calamus). — des teinturiers, dyer's lité, a. bedded; layered.
rocket, yellowweed (Reseda luteola). liteau, m. strip, band, bar; stripe.
Usage, m. (Dyeing) agitation of lianks of liter, v.t. place in beds or layers, stratify;
silk. cover the selvage of (fabrics) before dye-
lisait, imp. S sing. (of lire) was reading. ing.
lisant, p. pr. of lire and of User. literie, /. bedding.
Lisbonne, /. Lisbon. litharge, lithargyré, a. containing litharge.
lise, m. (Dyeing) a rod or pôle for support- lithiase, Hthiasie, /. (Med.) hthiasis.
ing hanks of silk in the vat. /. quicksand. Uthine, /. h'thia (lithium oxide); lithium
lisent, pr. 3 pi. indic. & subi, of lire and hydroxide.
of liser. lithiné, a. combined with or containing
User, v.t. (Dyeing) agitate (hanks of silk) lithia.
in the vat. lithinifère, a. containing lithia or lithium.
liséré, m. border, edge; edging, binding; Jithionite, /. (Min.) lithionite (lepidolite).
strip. p.a. bordered, edged. lithique, a. lithic. acide —, lithic acid
lisérer, v.t. border, edge, bind. (uric acid).
liseron, m. bindweed (Convolvulus). lithocholique, a. lithocholic.
liseur, m. reader; (Mech.) piokup, scan- lithocolle, /. a lapidary cernent.
ner; map case. lithofellique, lithofellinique, a. lithofel-
lisibilité, /. legibility. lic, hthofelUnic.
lithofracteur 265 Londres
lithofracteur, m. lithofracteur (a dyna- local, o. local, m. place, locah'ty, premises,
mite). room, building.
lithogène, a. stone-producing, lithogenous. localement, adv. locally.
lithogénèse, /. lithogenesis. localiser, v.t. localize; locate.
lithographie, /. lithography; lithograph; localité, /. locality.
lithographing establishment. locataire, m. & f. tenant, renter.
lithographier, v.t. lithograph. locatif, o. pertaining to a tenant or to rent.
lithographique, a. lithographie. location, /. renting ; rent.
llthoïde, a. lithoid, lithoidal. locaux, pi. masc. of local.
lithomarge, /. lithomarge (a compact kao- locnage, m. shaking loose, loosening.
lin). locher, v.t. shake, shake loose; detach (a
lithoxyle, m. lithoxyl, petrified wood. sugar loaf) from the mold by jarring.
litier, m. slag, scoria, cinder (cf. laitier). locomobile, a. self-propelling, locomobile.
litière, /. litter, bedding (for animais). m. self-propelling machine, locomobile.
litige, m. litigation, légal dispute. locomoteur, a. locomotive, locomotor.
litigieux, a. disputable, contested; litigious. logarithme, m. logarithm. — vulgaire,
littéraire, o. literary. common logarithm (to the base 10).
littéral, a literal. m. code letter. logarithmique, a. logarithmic(al). /. log-
littéralement, adv. literally. arithmic curve.
littérature, /. literature ; learning. logarithmiquement, adv. logarithmically.
littoral, a. & m. (Oeol.) littoral, coast. loge, /. lodge, cell, booth, cabin, (theater)
livarot, m. Livarot cheese. box.
livèche, /. {Bot.) lovage (esp. Levisticum logé, j>.a. put up, etc. (see loger); (of
officinale). wine) in casks.
livide, a. livid. m. livid color. logement, m. bed, groove, seat, setting;
lividité, /. lividness, lividity. letting in; housing, lodging, quarters.
livrable, o. deliverable. loger, v.t. put up, pack; put, keep; lodge;
livraison, /. delivery ; part, fascicle. quarter, billet; (Tech.) let in, set in, em-
livrancier, m. deliverer, shipper ; contractor. bed. v.i. lodge, live, stay.
a. delivering. logique, a. logical. /. logic.
Uvre, m. book. /. pound (as now used in logiquement, adv. logically.
France the word refers to the half kilo- logis, m. house, dwelling, home; building;
gram) ; franc (which has replaced the inn ; opening (of a glass furnace).
livre, an old monetary unit of varying loi, /. law ; standard (of coinage). — d'ac-
value); pound (as in livre sterling, pound tion de masse, law of mass action. — de
sterling). — anglaise, Bnglish pound Mariotte, Mariotte's law (usually called
(pound sterling, also avoirdupois pound). Boyle's law in English). — des brevets,
— broché, stitched book, book in paper patent law. — des moyennes, law of av-
cover. — cartonné, book in boards. — en erages. — naturelle, natural law. —
feuilles, loose-leaf book. — métrique, half périodique, periodic law.
kilogram. loin, adv. far, to a great distance, (of time)
livre-pied, m. foot-pound. long, au —, at a distance, to a distance,
livrer, v.t. deliver; yield up; abandon. far off. de —, from afar, from a distance,
livret, m. small book, booklet ; notebook ; at a distance, long ago. de — en —, at
book (for gold leaf or the like); catalog. long intervais. — de, far from. — que
lixiviatenr, m., lixiviateuse, /. lixiviator. (with subj.), far from (with p. pr.; as,
lixiviation, /. lixiviation, leaching. loin qu'il soit malade, far from being
lixiviel, a. lixivial. sick).
lixivier, v.t. Uxiviate, leach. lointain, a. far, distant, remote. m. dis-
loam, m. (Geol.) loess. tance ; background.
loanda, n. an Angola crude rubber. loisible, a. allowable, permissible.
loango, n. a Congo crude rubber. loisiblement, adv. allowably, permissibly.
lobaire, a. lobar, lobed. loisir, m. leisure.
lobélie, /. (Bot.) lobelia. — enflée, Indian lokaose, m. lokaose (rhamnose).
tobacco (Lobelia inflata); (Pharm.) lo- lombaire, a. (Anat.) lumbar.
belia. Lombardie, /. Lombardy.
Iobéline, /. lobeline (an alkaloid); lobelin londonien, o. London, of London.
(a resinoid formerly used in pharmacy). Londres, /. London.
long 266 lui
long, o. long; slow. m. length. adv. long; louanger, v.t. praise, commend.
much. à la longue, in the long run, in louche, a. turbid, cloudy, muddy; ambigu -
time. au —, at length, at great length. ous; squinting. m. turbidity, cloudiness,
au — de, along. de —, en —, lengthwise. muddiness. /. ladle; broach, reamer.
de — en large, en — et en large, back louchement, m. becoming turbid, clouding.
and forth, up and down. le — de, along. louchet, m. narrow spade.
— jeu, (Expl.) hangfire. longue portée, louchir, v.i. become turbid or cloudy, cloud.
long range. louchissement, m. becoming turbid, cloud-
longer, v.t. go along, run along, follow, ing.
skirt. louer, v.t. lease, rent, hire; praise.
longévité, /. life, lifetime; longevity. loup, m. wolf; (Métal.) salamander, bear;
long-feu, m. (Expl.) hangfire. (Paper, etc.) willow, devil; crowbar;
longitudinalement, adv. longitudinally. mask; facepiece (of a mask) ; defect, fault.
longrine, /. longitudinal member or beam. loupe, /. magnifying glass, reading glass,
longtemps, adv. a long time, long. lens; lump; (Métal.) bloom; (Med.) wen;
longue, a. fem. of long (which see). à la (Bot.) wart. — à lire, — à main, reading
—, in the long run. glass. — microscope, magnifying glass
longuement, adv. a long time, at length. (esp. one of relatively high power).
longuet, a. a little long, rather long. Iouperesse, /. (Métal.) large tongs for
longueur, /. length ; slowness. en —, length- blooms.
wise; at length. — d'onde, wave length. lourd, a. heavy; slow, dull; great, grave;
— hors-tout, overall length. expensive; (of weather) close.
longue-vue, /. field glass, télescope. lourdement, adv. heavily; grossly, greatly.
looch, m. (Pharm.) linctus, loch, electuary. lourdeur, /. heaviness, etc. (see lourd).
lophine, /. lophine. loutre, /. (Zob'l.) otter.
lopin, m. bit, pièce, morsel; (Métal.) bloom; louve, /. she-wolf; (Mech.) grab, crampon,
(.Mining) pillar, post. dog.
loque, /. rag, shred; (of bées) foui brood. loyal, o. sincère, honest; loyal.
loquet, m. latch; catch, clasp, pawl, hasp. loyalement, adv. sincerely, faithfully.
lorétine, /. loretin. loyauté, /. honesty, sincerity; loyalty.
lorgnette, /. binocular. — de spectacle, loyer, m. rent; salary, wages; (fig.) re-
opéra glass. ward; (fig.) price.
lorgnon, m. eyeglass, eyeglasses. lu, p.a. read.
lors} adv. then (now cùiefly in phrases), dès luforéfaction, etc. See lubrifaction, etc.
—, from that time, since then; conse- lubrifacteur. = lubrifleateur.
quently, then, dès — que, since, seeing lubrifaction, /. lubrication.
that. — de, at the time of, at the mo- lubrifiage, m. lubrication.
ment of, during, in. — même que, al- lubrifiant, p.a. lubricating. m. lubricant.
though, even though. pour —, in that case; lubrifleateur, o. lubricating. m. lubricator.
at that time. lubrification, /. lubrication.
lorsque, conj. when. lubrifier, v.t. lubricate.
losange, /. lozenge, rhomb, diamond. lubrifieur, m. lubricator (specif., oil eup).
loss, m. (Qeol.) loess. luce, n. See eau de luce, under eau.
lot, m. lot; share; batch; (iottery) prize. lucide, o. lucid, clear.
loterie, /. Iottery. lucidement, adv. lucidly, clearly.
lotier, m. any plant of the genus Lotus. lucidité, /. lucidity, lucidness, clearness.
lotion, /. lotion. — à l'acétate basique de lucidonique, a. See couleur lucidonique,
plomb, (Pharm.) diluted solution of lead under couleur.
subacetate, lead water. luciférine, /. luciferin.
lotionner, v.t. wash, bathe (with lotions). luciole, /. firefly, lightning bug, glowworm.
lotir, v.t. sample (ores); sort, grade (as Lucques, /. Lucca.
grain) ; lot, divide into or arrange in lots,
portion off; allot, assign; put in possession lucratif, o. lucrative, profitable.
(of). luétine, /. luetin.
lotissage, lotissement, m. sampling, etc. lueur, /. glimmer, gleam, glow, flash, flicker.
(see lotir). luffa, n. (Bot.) luffa, loofah.
louable, o. praiseworthy, commendable. lui, pron. him, he, it; (aa indirect object
louage, m. leasing, renting, hire, hiring. of a verb) to him, to her, him, her. p.p.
lui-même 267 lytique
lui-même, pron. himself, (less often) itself. lurent, p. def. S pi. (of lire) read.
luire, v.i. shine, émit light; gleam, glitter, lusol, m. crude benzène used as an illumi-
glisten, sparkle, glow. nant.
luisance, /. shilling, etc. (see luire). lussent, imp, subj. $ pi. of lire.
luisant, p.a. shining, gleaming, etc. (see lustrage, m. lustering, lustring, glossing, etc.
luire) ; glossy, lustrous. m. gloss, luster, (see lustrer).
sheen. lustre, m. luster, lustre; gloss; chandelier.
luisante, /. (Astron.) bright star. — cantharide, (Ceram.) silver luster. Obs.
luisard, m. (Min.) micaceous hématite. lustré, p.a. lustered, -etc. (see lustrer);
lumière, /. light; opening, orifice, mouth, lustrous, glossy.
hole, vent (as of a gun or fuse), port (as lustrer, v.t. luster, gloss, glaze, polish, cal-
for steam), slit (as for sighting); sight, ender, stake (leather), dress.
sight hole (of instruments). a. bright, lustroir, m. polisher, specif. polishing cloth.
brilliant. — à arc, arc light. — à gaz, lut, m. lute, luting. p. def. S sing. of lire.
gaslight. — à incandescence, incandescent — d'âne, a strong cément made from glue,
light. — à vapeur, steam port. — d'ad- slaked lime and egg white.
mission, inlet port. — d'échappement, lutation, /. luting, sealing.
(Steam, etc.) exhaust port. — du jour, lutécium, m. lutetium.
daylight. — électrique, electric light. — lutéine, /. lutein.
froide, light without heat, luminescence. lutéoline, /. luteolin.
— noire, (Physics) dark light (applied to luter, v.t. lute, seal.
certain invisible radiations, esp. ultraviolet lutidine, /. lutidine.
rays). — ombragée, indirect light(ing). lutidique, a. lutidinic, lutidic.
— oxhydrique, oxyhydrogen light, lime- lutte, /. struggle, contest ; wrestling.
light. — polarisée, polarized light. — lutter, v.i. strive, struggle; compete;
solaire, sunlight. wréstle.
lumière-éclair, /. (Photog.) flashlight. lux, m. lux (0.0929 foot-candle).
lumignon, m. wick end; candie end. luxe, m. luxury; luxuriance; richness.
luminaire, m. lighting ; luminary. Luxembourg, m. Luxemburg.
lumineusement, adv. luminously. luzerne, /. (Bot.) lucern, lucerne, alfalfa.
lumineux, a. luminous. lycée, /. lycée, secondary school ; lyceum.
luminifère, a. luminiferous. lycéen, m. lycée pupil. a. of a lycée.
luminosité, /. luminosity; brilliance; (of a lychnide, /., lychnid, m. (Bot.) lychnis.
lens) speed. lycope, m. (Bot.) bugleweed (Lycopus). —
lumps, m. an inferior sugar in lumps. de Virginie, Lycopus virginicus.
lunaire, a. lunar. /. (Bot.) satinpod lycopode, m. lycopodium.
(Ltmaria). lycorine, /. lycorine.
lundi, m. Monday.
lune, /. moon; (Alch&my) luna, silver; ca- lydienne, Lydian.
lydien, a.
/. (Afin.) touchstone, Lydian
price. — cornée, silver chloride.
lunel, m. Lunel wine, Lunel. stone.
lunetier, m. spectacle maker. lymphatique, a. (Anat.) lymphatic.
lunette, /. télescope; spyglass, glass; (pi.) lymphe, /. (Physiol.) lymph; (Bot.) sap.
spectacles; (pi.) goggles; peephole, sight- Lyon, /. Lyons, Lyon.
hole (also, the glass covering such a hole, lyonnais, a. of or pertaining to Lyons (or
sight glass); (Glass) linnet hole; (Tech.) Lyon).
annular object, as a ring gage or a shell lyophile, a. lyophile, lyophilic.
chuck; lunette. — à viseur, sighting téle- lyophobe, o. lyophobe, lyophobic.
scope. — de regard, peephole, sighthole, lyre, /. lyre; expansion bend (in a pipe).
eyepiece. — polarimétrique, polariscope. lys, m. lily. (See Us.)
lunettes de sûreté, lunettes protectrices, lysatine, /. lysatine.
safety spectacles, goggles. lyse, /. lysis, cell destruction.
lupanine, /. lupanine. lysé, p.a. lysed, affected by lysis.
lupin, m. (Bot.) lupine. lysidine, /. lysidine.
lupinine, /. lupinin (the glucoside) ; lupinine lysimètre, m. lysimeter.
(the alkaloid). lysine, /. lysine (the amino acid) ; lysin
lupulin, m. lupulin. (the class name for bacteriolysins, etc.).
luDuline. I. luDulin: (Bot.) black medio. lvtiaue. a. lvtie.
m., àbbrev. (mètre) meter; (meta) meta; chine. — à huile minérale, o'û engine. —
(minute) minute ; (mon) my ; (midi) à laminer, rolling machine, rolling mill. —
south; (moyen) middle; (cap., Monsieur) alimentaire, feeding engine. — alternative,
Mr., Sir; (cap., Majesté) Majesty. (Elec.) alternating-current dynamo. — à
m 2 , abbrev. square meter. mélanger, mixing machine, mixer. — à
m 3 , abbrev. cubie meter. meuler, grinding machine, grinder, mill. —
Iïl\ Contraction of me. à pétrole, gasoline engine; oil engine. -—
ma, a. fera, my. à pression, press. — d rectifier, grinding
macadam, m. macadam; macadam road. machine, grinder. — à triturer, trituratîng
mac ad ami s âge, macadamîsation, /. ma- machine or apparatus. — à vapeur, steam
cadamizing, macadamization. engine. — à vent, = machine soufflante.
macadamiser, v.t, macadainize. — bétonnière, concrète mixer. — calorique,
macaron, m. macaroon; float. — en régule, hot-air engine. — centrifuge, centrifugal
hole filled with babbitt. machine, centrifuge. — dynamo, dynamo.
macédoine, /. medley; (cap.) Macedonia. — fixe, stationary engine. — frigorifique,
macérage, m. macération; specif., bleach- refrigerating machine. — motrice, nootor,
ing of cloth by macération. prime mover, engine. — parlante, phono-
macératé, m. the Iiquid product of macéra- graph. — rotative, rotary engine or ma-
tion. chine. — soufflante, blower, blowing en-
macérateur, m. rnacerater, macerator, gine ; fan.
specif, (Brewing) mash tun. a. macerating. machine-outil, n. machine tool.
macération, /. macération, macerating. machinerie, /. machinery ; machine room,
macératum, m. = macératé. engine room; construction of machines.
macéré, p.a. macerated. m. = macératé. machiniste, m. machinist ; engineman, engi-
macérer, v.t., i. & r. macerate. neer.
mâché, p.a. chewed, etc. (see mâcher). mâchoire, /. jaw ; clarnp, clip, cheek ;
mâche-bouchon(s), m. cork press. (Anat.) maxilla; doit, blockhead.
mâchefer, m. cinders,, scoria, dross ; mâchttrer, v.t. smear, soil, daub, spot.
specif., coal cinders; forge scale. macis, m. mace.
mâchement, m. ehewing, etc. (see mâcher). macle. /. (Min.) macle, chiastolite, also twin
mâcher, v.t. chew; disintegrate (paper) with crystal, twin, esp. crossed twin. — en
moistening so as to form a pulp ; (of a croix, cruciform twin.
saw or the like) eut roughly; (fig.) mince. mac lé, p.a. (of glass) stirred; (of crystala)
mâchicatoire, m. masticatory. twùined, twin, esp. cross-twinnéd.
machinal, a. of or like a machine, me- macler, v.t. stir (melted glass). v.r. (Min.)
chanical. twin, esp. cross-twin.
machinalement, adv. mechanically. maclifère, a. (Min.) macled.
machine, /. machine, engine; (Elec.) specif., maclurine, /. maelurin.
dynamo ; mechanism. — à boutons, mâcon, m. Mâcon wine, Mâcon.
(Paper) pulp strainer. — à calandrer, cal- maçon, m. mason.
ender, calendering machine. — à chan- maçonnage, m, masonry.
delles, candie machine. — à cingler, maçonner, v.t. build, repair or Une (in
shingling machine, ahingler, — à détente, masonry).
expansion engine. — à diviser, dividing maçonnerie, /. masonry.
engine. — à écrire, typewriter. — à ex~ macque, /. (Métal.) squeezer; brake (for
primer, squeezfir, press. — à feu, heat en- flax).
gine, — à foncer, paper-staining machine. macquer, v.t. (Métal.) squeeze ; brake
— à force centrifuge, centrifugal machine. (flax).
— à froid, refrigerating machine. — à macquevin, m. a kind of liquor composed
gaz, gas engine; refrigerating machine using of brandy and boiled wine.
ammonia or other gas. — à glace, ice ma- macrocyclique, a. macrocyclic.
macromoléculaire 269 maillet
macromoleculaire, a. macromolecular. — carbonatée, magnésium carbonate. —
macroscopique, a. macroscopic. hydratée, magnésium hydroxide. — légère,
maculage, m., maculation, /. spotting, (Pharm.) light magnesia. — liquide,
maculation. (Pharm.) solution of magnésium carbonate,
maculature, /. (Printing) waste paper. fluid magnesia. — lourde, (Pharm.) heavy
macule, /. spot, stain, macula, macule. magnesia. — noire, black manganèse, py-
maculer, v.t. spot, soil, maculate. rolusite (Obs.).
mac ul eux, a. spotted, spotty. magnésie, a. combined with magnesia.
madame, /. madam, madame, Mrs. magnésien, a. magnesian, magnesia, mag-
madéfaction, /. (Pharm.) moistening, wet- nésium, m. magnésium compound.
ting. magnésifère, a. containing magnésium or
madéfier, v.t. (Pharm.) moisten, wet. magnesia, magnesian.
madeira, n. a kind of crude rubber. magnésio-calcaire, a. of or containing
mademoiselle, /. young lady, Miss. magnésium and calcium.
madère, m. madeira, Madeira wine; (cap.) magnésiqtte, a. magnésium, magnésie.
Madeiia. magnésite, /. (Afin.) (1) sepiolite, hydrous
madériser, v.t. make (wine) like madeira. magnésium silicate, (2) magnésite, mag-
madrage, m. (Soap) the production of nésium carbonate.
mottling or marbling (as by stirring in magné sium-diéthy le, m. diethylmagne-
soaps of aluminum and iron). sium.
madré, a. spotted, speckled, mottled, mar- magnésium-diméthyle, m. dimethylmag-
bled, figured, (of wood) curly. nesium.
madrier, m. plank, thick board. magnésothermie, /. magnesothermy (pro-
madrure, /. spot, speckle; marbling, mot- duction of heat by the chemical combina-
tling. tion of magnésium).
mafouraire, n. (Bot.) mafura. magnétique, a. magnetic.
magasin, m. storehouse, storeroom, ware- magnétiquement, adv. magnetically.
house, magazine ; shop, store ; supply magnétisable, a. magnetizable.
chamber, magazine, en —, in stock. magnétisation, /. magnetization.
magasinage, m. storage, warehousing. magnétiser, v.t. magnetize.
magasinier, m. warehouseman, storekeeper. magnétisme, m. magnetism.
magdaléon, m. roll, stick (as of sulfur); magnétochimie, /. magnetochemistry.
(Pharm.) magdaleon (Obs.). magnéto-électrique, a. magneto-elec-
magie, /. magie. — blanche, white magie, tric(al).
natural magie. — noire, black magie, black magnétomoteur, a. (Elec.) magnetomotive.
art. magnifier, v.t. magnify.
magique, a. magie, magical. magnifique, a. magnificent, splendid.
magistère, m. (Âlchemy & Otd Chem.) magnolier, m. (Bot.) magnolia tree, mag-
magistery. — de bismuth, (Pharm.) bis- nolia.
muth subnitrate, magistery of bismuth, — magnum, m. magnum (two-liter bottle).
de coquilles d'huîtres, (Pharm.) prepàred mai, m. May.
oyster shell. — de soufre, magistery of maie, /. trough (as one for kneading clay) ;
sulfur (precipitated sulfur). bin.
magistral, a. masterly; authoritative ; mag- maigre, a. lean, thin, poor, meager, slender ;
isterial ; (Pharm.) magistral, m. (Métal.) (of coal) lean, nonbituminous ; (of lime)
magistral, roasted copper pyrites. lean, not slaking freely ; (of type) light-
magnanimement, adv. magnanimously. faeed ; (of cheese) skim-milk. m. lean
magnésamine, /. magnésium amïde. méat, lean.
magnésammine, /. magnésium ammine. maigrement, adv. thinly, poorly, meagerly.
magnésico-. magnesio-, magnesian. maigreur, /. leanness, thinness, etc. (see
magnéside, n. any magnésium minerai, a. maigre).
of or containing magnésium. maigrir, v.i. grow lean or thin, waste away.
magnésie, /. magnesia. — blanche, — an- mail, m. mallet, maul.
glaise, (PharmJ) magnésium carbonate, maille, /. mesh, opening; link; eye, loop;
magnesia alba. — calcinée, calcîned mag- stitch; spot, speck; mallet.
nesia, magnésium oxide, magnesia. — cal- maillé, a. meshed; netted; speckled.
cinée pesante, (Pharm.) heavy magnésium maillechort, m. maillechort, nickel silver.
oxide, heavy magnesia, magnesia ponderosa. maillet, m. mallet, maul.
maillette 270 mâle
maillet te, /. a large sucrose crystal. rier, master glassmaker, head or employ-
maillochage, m. removal of the crust from ing glass worker.
the bottom of a sugar loaf. maîtresse, /. mistress. a. notable, superior,
mailloche, /. beetle, maul, mallet. masterly; chief, main, principal.
maillon, m. link ; stitch ; noose. maîtrise, /. mastery, mastership.
main, /. hand ; scoop ; handïe ; handful ; (of maîtriser, v.t. master, control.
paper) 25 sheets; (of silk) skein; hook. à majesté, /. majesty.
la —, with the hand; by hand; manual; majestueux, a. majestic.
in hand ; at hand ; handy ; by guess ; majeur, a. greater, major; great, important;
obliging. — coulante, — courante, hand- of âge. m. middle finger.
rail. sous la —, at hand; in the hands majolique, /. (Ceram.) majolica.
(of). sous —, underhand, secretly. majoration, /, increase (in price), addi-
main-brune, a. designating a coarse gray tional cost ; allowance, excess.
paper. majorer, v.t. increase the cost or price of;
main-d'œuvre, /. manual labor, hand la- overvalue ; add an allowance to (to meet
bor ; workmanship ; price for labor. réduction of any kind).
maine, /. handful. majorité, /. majority.
main-forte, /. assistance, help, aid. Majorque, /. Majorca.
mainmise, /. seizure. majuscule, a. & f. (of letters) capital.
maint, o. many a, many. mal, m. evil ; trouble ; inj ury ; pain ; ache ;
maintenant, adv. now, at présent, p. pr. illness ; ill. adv. ill, badly, wrong, badly
(of maintenir) keeping, maintaining, etc. off, on bad terms. a. bad. — chimique,
— que, now that. (Med.) phosphorus necrosis. — défini,
maintenir, v.t. keep; maintain; keep up, poorly defined, ill-defined. — de mer, sea-
support, hold fast. v.r. keep, remain, be sickness. — de tête, headache. — napoli-
maintained, stand one's ground, hold one's tain, syphilis.
own, keep up. malade, a. ill, sick, diseased, in bad state.
maintien, m. maintenance, préservation; at- m. & f. sick person.
titude, bearing. maladie, /. disease; malady, illness, sick-
maintiendra, fut. 3 sing. of maintenir. ness, disorder ; mania, passion. — cutanée,
maintient, pr. 3 sing. (of maintenir) keeps. skin disease.
maïolique, /. (Ceram.) majoïica. maladif, o. sickly, unhealthy, morbid.
mairain, m. stavewood, staves; clapboard. maladresse, /. awkwardness, clumsiness.
maire, m. mayor. maladroit, a. awkward, wnskillful, clumsy.
mais, conj. but. adv. more; indeed. maladroitement, adv. awkwardly, unskill-
maïs, m. maize, (in the TL S.) corn. — fully.
concassé, crushed maize, crushed corn. — malaga, m. Malaga wine, Malaga.
pellicule, hulled maize, hulled corn. — malaguette, /. melegueta pepper, grains of
sucré, sweet corn, sugar corn. Paradise, Guinea grains.
maïsine, /. (Dist.) spent grains of maize; malais, a. Malay, Malayan.
maisin (an albumin of maize). malaise, m. discomfort, uneasiness.
maison, /. house; home; household. — de malaisé, o. difficult, hard.
commerce, business house, commercial firm. malaisément, adv. with' difficulty, hardly.
— de santé, private hospital, sanitarium. Malais ie, /. Malaysia, Malay Archipelago.
— de ville, — commune, town house, may- malambo, m. malambo (bark of Croton ma-
or's offices. lambo).
maisonnette, /. (small) house; hut; box. malandreux, a. snaggy, knotty, knobby.
maître, m. master; owner, proprietor; head, malavisé, a. imprudent, rash.
chief; (sometimes) master workman, fore- malaxage, m., malaxation, /. malasation,
malaxing, malaxage, kneading, mixing.
man. o. master ; clever ; main, principal, malaxer, v.t. malax, malaxate, soften by
head ; arrant. — à danser, — de dance, kneading or rubbing or mixing ; massage.
double calipers ; dancing master. — de
conférences, lecturer (often corresponds to malaxeur, m. malaxator, worker, mixer,
(for clay) pugger. a. malaxing, malaxating,
American associate professor). — de ver- mixing, — de béton, concrète mixer.
rerie, glass manufacturer. — es arts, mas- mâle, a. maie ; (Tech.) external, outside ;
ter of arts. — ouvrier, (factory) foreman. strong ; dark-colored. m. maie ; (Mach.)
— souffleur, (Glass) head blower. — ver- punch piercer.
maléique 271 mandrin
maléique, a. maleic. malvoisie, /. malmsey (the wine and grape).
malentendu, m. misunderstanding. malvoside, m. malvin.
malfaçon, /. bad work(manship). mamelle, /. breast ; udder, bag ; (Anat.)
malfaisant, a. injurious, harmful; malicious. mamma.
malfil, m. a woolen cloth used for making mamelon, m. rounded or mammillary mass
press bags for oil meal, etc. ; wire edge ; or projection, nipple; (Anat.) nipple, teat,
raw ivory. mammilla ; hummock ; (Mach. ) gudgeon,
malgré, prep. in spite of, notwithstanding. pivot.
— qu'on en ait, in spite of oneself. mamelonné, a. mammillary; rounded.
malhabile, a. unskillful, clumsy. mamillaire, a. mammillary.
malherbe, /. (Bot,) leadwort, also me- mammaire, a, (Anat.) mammary.
zereum. mammifère, a. mammiferous, mammalian.
malheur, m. misfortune ; unhappiness. par m. mammal.
—, unfortunately. mammiforme, a. mammiform, mammillary.
malheureusement, adv. unfortunately,. un- manche, m. handle ; holder, helve, haft. /.
luekily, unhappily. hose, pipe, tube ; shaft, chute ; sleeve ;
malheureux, o. unfortunate, unhappy, un- bag ; channel, strait. la Manche, the
lucky, wretched, pitiful. (British) Channel. — à bouton, handle in
maligne, fem. of malin. the form of or terminating in a button.
malin, a. inalignant ; roguish ; cunning, sly. — à incendie, fire hose. — d'aspiration,
malique, a. malic. suction funnel. — de cuir, leather hose.
malle, /. trunk; mail. — de remplissage,fillingpipe. — de toile,
malléabiliser, v.t. malleableize. canvas hose; cloth filter bag, bag filter. —
malléabilité, /. malleability, malleableness. d'Hippocrate, Hippocrates' bag (or sleeve),
m allée r, v.t. beat, hammer (métal into straining bag.
sheets). manchette, /. cuff; (Tech.) collar, sleeve.
malle in e, /. mallein. manchon, m. sleeve ; collar, hoop, ring,
malodorant, a. ill-smelling, malodorous. flange ; jacket, mantle, casing, case, box,
ma Ion, m. a kind of brick. housing, etc.; (of a stopcock) shell, socket;
malonique, a. malonic. (incandescent) mantle ; clutch ; coupling ;
malonitrile, m. malonitrile ; malononitrile bushing, bush ; (Glass) eylinder, muff ;
(incorrect use). (Paper) blanket ; (Ceram.) sagger ; muff.
malonyle, m. malonyl. — d'accouplement, clutch, coupling. — de
malonylurée, /. malonylurea (barbituric refroidissement, cooling j acket, — fileté,
acid). screw sleeve. — pour éclairage, incandescent
malpighien, a. (Anat., etc.) Malpighian. mantle.
malpropre, a. dirty, unclean ; improper.
malpropreté, /. dirt, dirtiness; indecency. manchonnier, m. (Glass) cylinder blower.
malsain, a. unhealthy; unsanitary; unsound. mancône, m. sassy bark, mancona bark
malt, m. malt ; maltha (see malthe). — (also the tree, Erythrophloeum guineënse).
brun, brown malt. — d'orge, barley malt. mandarine, /. mandarin, mandarin orange.
— feutré, felted malt. — grillé, roasted mandarinier, m. mandarin tree (Citrus no-
malt, black malt. — pelleté, turned malt, bilis).
plowed malt. — séché à l'air libre, air- mandat, m. mandate; order; check, draft;
dried malt. — torréfié, — touraillé, kiln- warrant; authorization. — de poste, post-
dried malt. — vert, green malt (undried office order, money order.
malt). mandataire, m. agent, proxy, représenta-
maltage, m. malting. tive.
maltais, a. Maltese. Mande h ou rie, /. Manchuria.
Malte, /. Malta. mandélique, a. mandelic.
malter, v.t. malt. mander, v.t. send for, order.
malterie, /. malt house, malt factory; malt- mandragore, /. (Bot.) Mandragora. —
ing. — à tambour, drum malting. officinale, mandrake (Mandragora ojfici-
malteur, m. maltster, maltman, malt maker. narum).
malthe, /. maltha, minerai tar. mandrin, m. mandrel, mandril ; shaper,
malthène, m. petrolene, malthene. former ; form ; punch ; drift ; swage ;
malvacées, /. pi (Bot.) Malvaceae. chuck; gage (for hollow objects).
mandriner 272 manœuvrer
mandriner, v.t. work, shape or form upon mangue, /. (Bot.) mango.
or with a mandrel; punch, gage, taper; manguier, m. mango, mango tree (Man-
enlarge (holes). gifera indica).
manette, /. (small) handle; speoif., hand mani, -m. a resin from the Guiana candle-
lever or key (as on an electric switch) ; wood tree.
hand wheel. — d'accord, (Radio) tuning maniabilité, /. manageability, workability.
knob. maniable, a. manageable; easy to handle or
mangane, m. manganèse. 06s. work, handy, workable.
manganèse, m. manganèse. — oxydé, man- malliage, m. handling, etc. (see manier).
ganèse oxide, specif. the dioxide. — sili- maniçoba, n. Cearâ rubber.
ceuz, silicomanganese. — sulfuré, manga- manie, /. mania.
nèse sulfide, (Min.) alabandite. maniement, m. handling, etc. (see manier);
manganèse, a. eontaining manganèse. opération; rustle (of silk on handling).
manganésien, o. of or eontaining manga- manier, v.t. handle; manipulate; work, op-
nèse, manganesian. erate; knead (as clay) ; touch, feel; man-
manganésifère, a. manganiferous. age. m. handling ; touch, feel, handle.
manganésique, a. manganic. Obe. manière, /. manner, way, method, fashion.
manganeux, a. manganous. acide —, de — à, so as. de — que, in such a way
manganous acid, manganese(IV) acid. sel that, so that. — de voir, opinion, point
—, manganous sait, manganese(II) sait. of view. par — de, by way of.
manganicyanure, m. cyanomanganate(III). manifeste, a. manifest, évident.
manganide, n. any manganèse minerai. manifestement, adv. manifestly.
manganine, /. manganin (an alloy). T.N. manifester, v.t. manifest, display, show.
manganique, a. manganie. acide —, man- manigaux, m. pi. lever (of a bellows).
ganic acid, manganese(VI) acid. sel —, maniguette, /. = malaguette.
manganic sait, manganese(III) sait. manilla, m. Manila hemp, manila, manilla.
manganium, m. manganèse. Obs. manille, /. ahackle; joint; manila rope;
manganocyanhydrique, a. cyanomanganie- Manila hemp, manila; (cap.) Manila.
(II). manîment, m. = maniement.
manganocyanure, m. cyanomanganate(II). manioc, m. (Bot.) manioc, eassava.
manganoferrosilicium, m. a manganese- manipulateur, m. manipulator; (tele-
iron-silicon alloy. graph) key.
mangano-phosphore, m. phosphormanga- manipulation, /. manipulation, opération.
nese. manipule, rn. (Pharm.) handful; maoiple.
mangano-siliceux, a. silicomanganese. manipuler, v.t. & i. manipulate, operate.
manganoso-. manganous, mangano- (as, manipuleur, m. manipulator.
sel •manganoso-ammonique, manganous manivelle, /. crank, crank arm, crank
ammonium sait). handle; winch, windlass.
manganoso-manganique, a. manganoman- manjac, m, manjak, manjack (an asphalt).
ganic, manganese(II,III). mannane, m. mannan.
manganotitane, m. manganese-titanium al- manne, /. manna; basket, hamper. — en
loy. sorte, (Pharm.) common manna.
mangostan, mangoustan, m. (Bot.) man- mannequin, m. mannikin; basket, hamper.
gosteen (Garcinia mangostana). mannitane, /. mannitan.
mangouste, /. mangosteen (fruit) ; mon- mannite, /. mannitol, (formerly) mannite.
goose. mannité, a. (of wine, etc.) altered as a re-
mangeable, a. eatable, edible. suit of mannitic fermentation.
mangeaille, /. feed (of certain animais). mannitique, a. mannitic.
manger, v.t. eat; eat up, consume; eat mannoheptite, /. mannoheptitol.
away, wear away, corrode; destroy; mannoheptonique, o. mannoheptonic.
neglect, slight. v.i. eat, (of animais) feed ; mannonique, a. mannonic.
(of lye used in making soap) losc xnannosaccharique, a. mannosaccharic.
strength, be neutralized. v.r. be eaten, be manœuvre, /. working, opération; maneuver,
consumed, etc. m. food. manœuvre ; rope, tackle. m. workman, Ia-
mangle, /. mangrove fruit; ruangle. borer (grand manœuvre being a higher,
manglier, m. (Bot.) mangrove (Rhizophora). and petit manœuvre, a lower, grade).
mangold, m. mangel, beet. manœuvrer, v.t. operate, work, manipulate,
mangostine, /. mangostin. manage, maneuver. v.i. work; maneuver.
manoh 273 marcher
manoh, n. a Sudanese crade rubber. swamp ; market garden, truck farm. —
manomètre, m. manometer, pressure (or salant, sait garden, saline (for making sea
vacuum) gage. — à mercure, mercury sait) ; sait marsh. — tourbeux, peat bog.
manometer, mercurial gage. — du vide, marais-salant, m. See under marais.
vacuuna gage. — enregistreur, recording marante, /. (Bot.) maranta, specif. arrow-
manometer, recording gage; specif., mano- root.
graph. marasque, /. (Bot.) marasca (a kind of
manométrie, /. manometry. cherry).
manométiique, o. rnanometric, manomet- marasquin, m. maraaehino (a liqueur).
rical. marbre, m. marble; marbling; slab, stone,
manométriquement, adv. manometrically. block, plate (often of cast iron); specif.,
manouvrier, m. workman, Iaborer. (Glass) marver, marble. — dur, granité.
manquant, p.a. missing, wanting. m. miss- — factice, artificial (or imitation) marble.
ing person or thing. marbré, a. marbled, variegated, veined.
manque, m. want, lack, deficiency, short- marbrer, v.t. marble (as soap or paper);
age; failure. — de pose, (Photog.) under- (Glass) marver.
exposure. marbrier, a. marble. m. marble cutter.
manqué, a. defective, faulty, spoiled; un- marbrière, /. marble quarry.
successful; missed. marbrure, /. marbling; calcite vein.
manquement, m. want, lack; failure*, fault. marc, m. marc, residue, residuum. — de
manquer, v.i. be lacking, be wanting ; be raisin, marc of grapes. — de soude, (Soda)
short, be in want; fail; miss. v.t. miss; exhausted black ash, vat waste. — de
pass by. v.r. fail; be missed. — de, lack, vendange, — de vin, marc of grapes.
want, be wanting in; (with infinitive) just marcaire, m. cheese maker.
escape, corne near. s'en — de, be far from marcasite, marcassite, /. (Min.) marcasite.
it, be missing. marceline, /. (Min.) a variety of braunite;
manteau, m. mantle (in various sensés, e.g., marceline (a thin silk fabric).
the outer wall and casing of a blast fur- marchage, m. (Ceram.) treading (the clay).
nace) ; case ; shell (of a mold) ; hood ; marchand, m. merchant, dealer, trader ;
mantel. buyer. o. commercial, mercantile, market,
mantisse, f. (Math,} mantissa. merchant ; marketable, merchantable ;
manuel, a. & m. manual. wholesale (priée).
manuellement, adv. manually, with the marchandage, m. bargaining ; pièce work.
h and. marchandise, /. merchandise, goods, wares.
manufacture, /. factory, mill, works, manu- marchant, p.a. going, running, working. —
factory ; the workmen of a factory. à bras, hand-operated. — au moteur,
manufacturer, v.t. manufacture. motor-driven.
manufacturier, m. manufacturer, a. manu- marche, /. course, procédure ; progress ;
facturing. opération, functioning ; running, run ; move-
manuscrit, m. & a. manuscript. ment, motion ; path (of rays) ; rate, speed ;
manutention, /. management, administra- walk, walking ; gait ; march. ; step, stair;
tion; handling (of goods) ; (Mil.) bakery. treadle, pedal; (Métal.) fire bridge. — à
manutentionnaire, m. manager. suivre, procédure. — au ralenti, (Mach.)
manutentionner, v.t. handle (merchan- idling. — à vide, running without load,
dise); make, prépare; (MU.) bake (bread). idling. — continue, continuous opération.
manzanilla, m. manzanilla (a light, dry — d'essai, trial run, test run. — d'une ex-
sherry). périence, course of an esperhnent. mettre
mappe, /. map. en —, atart, set going.
mappemonde, /. map of the world. marché, m. market ; priée, rate ; bargain,
maque, maquer. = macque, macquer. sale, contract. — indigène, domestic mar-
maquereau, m. mackerel. ket, home market. bon —, cheap, cheaply.
maquette, /. model, dummy, mock-up ; — mondial, world market.
sketch. marchepied, m. step ; steps ; footboard ;
maquillage, m. rouging, painting, make-up. stepladder; stepping stone; footpath.
maquiller, v.t. paint (the face). marcher,, v.i. go, move, progress, travel,
maquis, m. thicket, scrub, underbrush. run ; funetion, work, go ; walk ; march ;
maraîcher, m. market gardener. a. market. behave. v.t. tread; trample. m. walking,
marais, m. marsh, moor, bog, morass, walk. faire —, make go, run ; propel ;
marcher 274 marquise
tread (as clay). — à blanc, — à vide, marmoréen, a. marmoreal, marble(like).
run light, run without load. marmorisation, /. marmarization, marmori-
marcheur, m. treader; walker, pedestrian. zation, conversion into marble.
marcheuse, /. beater (for dough, clay, etc.). marmoriser, v.t. marmarize, marmorize.
marcheux, marchoir, m. kneading trough marmorite, /. marmorite (a veined opaque
or pit (for clay); kneader, treader. glass).
mardi, m. Tuesday. marnage, m. marling (of land), liming.
mare, /. pool, pond ; bog ; stagnant water. marne, /. mari. — à foulon, fuller's earth.
marécage, m. marsh, swamp, bog. — cendrée, earthy mari. — limoneuse,
marécageux, a. marshy, swampy, boggy. loamy mari. — schisteuse, slaty mari.
maréchal, m, marshal ; (maréchal ferrant) marner, v.t. mari.
blacksmith. a. (of coal) forge. marneux, a. marly, marlaceous.
maréchalerie, /. blacksmith shop, farriery. marnière, /. mari pit.
marée, /. tide; fresh (sea) fish. — descen- marno-. mari, marly; as, marno-sablon-
dante, falling tide, ebb tide, — montante, neux, marly and sandy.
rising tide, fiood tide. odeur de —, odor Maroc, m. Morocco.
of fresh fish, fishy odor. marocain, a. & m. Moroccan.
marfil, m. wire edge (on tools) ; raw ivory. maroquin, m. morocco, morocco leather. a.
margarine, /. margarine (butter substi- imitating morocco.
tute) ; margarin (glycerol trimargarate). maroquinage, m. morocco tanning (or
margarinerie, /. margarine manufacture; dressing).
margarine factory. maroquiné, p.a. morocco-tanned, morocco-
margarinier, m. margarine maker. dressed ; (of paper) morocco.
margarique, a. margaric. maroquiner, v.t. morocco-tan, morocco-
margaroïde, a. resembling margarine. dress.
marge, /. margin; time, spare time. maroquinerie, /. morocco tanning (or dress-
margeoir, m. (Glass) a plate used for clos- ing) ; morocco factory ; morocco trade ;
ing the mouth of a covered pot or the morocco article.
opening of a furnace. maroquineur, maroquinier, m. morocco
marger, v.t. (Glass) close, stopper (a pot tanner, morocco dresser.
or furnace). marouette, /- = maroute.
marginer, v.t. margin. marouflage, m. glued-on fabric lining.
margo(u)sier, m. {Bot.) margosa, China maroufle, /. a kind of strong glue.
tree. maroufler, v.t. line (with fabric, glued on).
marguerite, /. (Leather) crippler, grainer; maroute, / . (Bot.) mayweed (Anthémis
daisy, marguerite. cotula).
mari, m. husband. marquage, m. marking, etc. (see marquer).
mariage, m. marriage. marquant, a. striking, conspicuous, remark-
marier, v.t. marry; unité; adapt. v.r. able.
marry; blend, harmonize. marque, /. mark ; brand ; trade-mark ;
marin, a. marine, sea. m. seaman, mariner. sign; starap; marker; tally; buoy; badge.
marinade, /. pickle, brine ; pickled méat ; — d'eau, water gage. — de fabrique,
French dressing. trade-mark. — déposée, registered trade-
marine, /. navy; marine; navigation. mark. mille marques, the number of one
mariné, a. pickled; sea-damaged. thousand, the thousand mark.
mariner, v.t. & i. pickle; (of silage) sour,
marjolaine, /. (Bot.) marjoram. — com- marquer, v.t. mark ; mark out ; brand ;
mune, sweet marjoram (Majorana horten- stamp ; label ; tag ; note ; indicate ; ap-
point, assign. v.i. be noted, be remarkable
sis). — sauvage, wild marjoram (Origanum or distinguished ; appear, show.
marmelade, /. marmalade. — de pommes, marqueter, v.t. mark with spots; inlay.
applesauce. marqueterie» / . marçiuetry ; network ;
marmite;, /. pot; pan, kettle, boiler, copper, patchwork.
etc. ; retort (as for nitric acid) ; potful; marquette, /. a cake of virgin wax.
(Geol.) pothole. — de Papin, Papin di- marqueur, m., marqueuse, /. marker,
gester. stamper, checker; tracer.
marmitée, /. potful, kettleful. marquise, /. a kind of rocket ; awning,
marmoré, a. marbled, mottled, veined. canopy.
marron 275 mastic
marron, m. chestnut, specif. the large sweet masquer, v.t. mask ; screen, eover, conceal.
European chestnut; chestnut (coîor); ma- massai, n. a Congo crade rubber.
roon ; lump of reddish Sénégal gum ; masse, /. mass ; lump ; heap ; bulk ; funds,
(Pyro.) maroon; marker, tag, ticket, check; capital ; lot, quantity (varying with the
mold core ; stencil, a. unîicensed ; run- article); share, quota; scrap iron; bed,
away; run wild. — d'Inde, horse-chest- block (of stone); body (as of a furnace);
DUt. sledge hammer ; maul, beetle, rammer ;
marronier, m. chestnut tree. faux —, — area (on a map); stake (at play); (Elec.)
d'Inde, horse-chestnut tree. ground. en —, in a mass, en masse, in a
marrube, m. {Bot.) horehound (Mar- body, together. — active, (Corn.) assets.
rubium). — blanc, — commun, white — cuite, (Sugar) massecuite. — demi-
horehound, common horehound (M. vul- affinée, white pig iron. — d'équilibrage,
gare). counterpoise, counterweight. — filtranteT
marrubiine, /. marrubiin. filter mass. — isolante, insulating com-
mars, m. March; (Old Chem.) Mars, iron. pound. — passive, (Com.) liabilities. —
marsala, m. Marsala, Marsala wine. pilulaire de Vallet, (Fharm.) ferrous car-
marseillais, a. of Marseilles. bonate mass, Vallet's mass. par —, by the
marsouin, m. (Zool.) porpoise. mass, by the lump.
marteau, m. hammer ; striker, knocker, massé, m. (Métal.) bloom. a. massed.
clapper. — à devant, sledge hammer, masse au, m. (Métal.) shingled bloom.
sledge. — à glace, hammer for crushing masselet, m. (Métal.) small bloom.
icè. — à panne bombée, ball-peen ham- masselotte, /. (Founding) feedhead, feed-
mer. — à queue, tilt hammer. — à va- ing head (also, a similar excess of material
peur, steam hammer. — cingleur (Métal.) in candie molding) ; weight ; plunger (of
shingling hammer. — de géologue, geolo- a fuse); counterweight.
gist's hammer. — d'essayeur, assayer's masser, v.t. mass ; massage. v.r. form
hammer. — dêtartreur, scaling hammer. masses.
— pioche, a combined hammer and pick. massette, /. hammer (for breaking stone,
marteau-foulon, m. a heavy hammer for etc.).
softening hides. massiau, m. (Métal.) shingled bloom.
marteau-pilon, m. power hammer, drop massicot, m. massicot; (Mach.) paper cut-
hammer (e.g., a steam hammer). ter.
martelage, m. hammering. — au martinet, massif, a. massive, m. solid mass; main
tilting. part, solid part ; shell (of a furnace) ;
marteler, v.t. hammer ; hammer out ; (Geol.) massif, massive; mass of masonry
worry. (e.g., a pier); block, group (as of fur-
martelet, m. small hammer. naces) ; (Pyro.) drift.
martellement, m. hammering, knocking. massivage, m. tamping, packing (as of
martellerie, /- forge; hammer milî. concrète).
maitelure, /. hammer scale, forge scale. massivement, adv. massively.
martial, a. martial, (Old Chem.) of iron. massiver, v.t. tamp, pack (as concrète).
martiner, v.t. hammer, tilt. massiveté, /. massiveness.
martinet, m. tilt hammer ; martin (the massoque, /. (Métal.) bloom, slab.
"bir'd). massoquette, /. small bloom.
martonite, /. (Mil.) bromoacetone. massoquin, m. (Métal.) bloom, slab.
martre, /. (Zoôl.) marten. massou, m. (Sait) a plank table or mold.
marum, m. (Bot.) cat thyme (Teucrium massoy, n. massoy, massoy bark.
marum). massue, /. club.
marute, /. (Bot.) a plant of the genus mastic, m. mastic ; cernent ; putty ; lutc
Ant hemi& ; specif., mayweed ( A. co tula). — artificiel, artificial mastic. — a&phal-
mascaron, m. mask; specif., an ornamented tique, asphaltic cernent, asphaltic mastic,,
pièce of cast iron used as a support for asphalt. — au. caoutchouc, rubber cernent.
one of the leveling screws of a balance or — bitumineux, bituminous cernent. —
other instrument. d'asphalte, = mastic asphaltique. — de-
masque, m. mask ; screen, shield, cover ; fer, — de fonte, — de limaille de fer, iron
visor. — à gaz, gas mask. — A.R.S., see cément, iron putty. — de Scheibler, a ce-
A.R.S. — de sûreté, safety mask. — rnent composed of gutta-percha, wax, andi
respirateur, respirator, gas mask. gum lae. — de vitrier, glazier's putty. —
mastic 276 matte
naturel = mastic âsphâltitjuê, — rêfractaire, terial. — antxptdêii^iièi afiiîplâgtïc ma-
fireproof cernent. terial. — azotée, riitrogenous matter or
masticage, m. cementing ; puttying. substance. — brute, râW material- —
masticatoire, a. <fc m. masticatory. carbonée, carbonaceous material or matter.
«nasticine, /. masticin. — caséeuse, cheesy or caseous matter. —
mastiquer, v.t. cernent; putty; masticate. colorante, coloring matter, specif. (1) dye,
mastite, /. (Med.) mastitis. (2) pigment. — de remplacement, sub-
masurium, m. (obsolète name for) tech - stitute. — de réserve, reserve material.
netium. — détonante, explosive material, explosive;
mat, a. mat, dead, dull, unpolished; heavy specif., detonator. — dulcifiante, sweeten-
(as bread). m. mat surface, dull surface, ing. — étrangère, foreign matter or ma-
mat. terial. — grasse, fatty substance, fat. —
mât, m_ niast, pôle, post, strut. gummique, gummy substance, gum. —
matage, m. rendering mat, etc. (see mater). intermédiaire, intermediate. — isolante,
matasiette, mataziette, /. a kind of dyna- insulating material, insuiator. — lubré-
mite. fiante, lubricating material, lubricant. —
maté, m. (Bot.) maté, mate, Paraguay tea. médicale, materia medica. — nutritive,
p,a. dulled, etc. (see mater). nutritive material, nutrient. — organique,, m, layer ; lining ; backing ; cush- organic matter. — pectique, pectic sub-
ion ; rrtattrees. — o air, — d'air, air stance. — plastique, plastic material,
cushion; air loek. plastic. — première, — primitive, raw
matelasser, v.t. pad, stufî, cushion. material ; starting material. — protéique,
matelassure, /. padding, lining ; backing. protein substance, protein. — rêfractaire,
matelot, m. eailor, seaman. refractory material. — résiduaire, residual
mater, v.t. render mat, dull, deaden; com- product, by-product. matières d'argent,
pact, Htake heavy (as dough) ; flatten, silver bullion. matières d'or, gold bullion.
beat down, elmeh, smooth (metals) ; over- — sèche, dry material, dry substance. —
îay 'witàh Eîelal ; calk, caulk ; eheckmate, sucrée, saccharine matter or materia], sugar
fiubdue. material. — tannante, tanning material. —
matériat, m. plant, establishment, machines. terreuse, earthy matter or material. —
matérialiser, v.t. materialize. usante, abrasive.
matériaux, m, pi, materials, material. — matin, m. morning. adv. early.
bruts, raw materi»K«). — calorifuges, in- matinée, /. morning ; forenoon ; matinée.
sulat irag iiaaterial («). — de cons traction, matir, v.t. render mat, etc., = mater.
buildrng materials. matité, /. dullness, deadness.
matériel, «. material. m. material ; ap- matoir, m. stamp; riveting hammer; dead-
paratus ; équipaient ; plant ; stock, stores. ening tool; calking chisel.
— de base., "base material, parent material. matolin, m. (Photog.) a retouching varnish.
— de guerre, war material, military stores. maton, m. clôt, flock ; oil cake ; lump ;
— roulant, rolling stock. knot; (Métal.) mat(te).
matériellement, adv. materially; positively. matras, m. (long-necked) fiask ; matrass,
maternisation, /. {Milk) modification (see mattrass (hard glass tube); (Old Chem.)
materniser). matrass, bolthead. — à distillation, dis-
materniser, v.t. modify (milk) so as to tilling flask. — d'essayeur, assayer's mat-
resemble human milk. rass (hard glass tube). — jaugé, volu-
maternité, /. maternity; lying-in hospital. metric flask. — Pasteur, Pasteur culture
mathématicien, m. mathematician. fiask.
mathématique, a. mathematical. /. mathe- matricaire, /. (Bot.) matricaria, wild camo-
matics. mile,
mathématiquement, adv. mathematically. matrice, /. rnatrix; die; mold. a. mother,
mather, n. (Dyeing) steamer, ager. parent ; (of colors) simple, primary.
matico, m. matico (esp. Piper angustifo- matricule, /. register, list; number.
liwn). matrissage, m. stamping (with a die) ;
matière, /. matter; material; stuff; sub- (Paper) moistening, wetting.
stance; (pi.) bullion; (pi.) contents (of a mattag'e, m. matting, dulling, etc. (see
book) ; (Pyro.) composition; (Law) case. mater).
en — de, in point of, with respect to. — matte, /. (Métal.) mat(te), matt. —
amylacée, starchy material, amylaceous ma blanche, (Copper, etc.) white métal. —
matte 277 méditer
bleue, (Copper) blue métal. — bronze, — toire, wave mechanics. — quantique, quan-
brute, (Copper) coarse métal. — con- tum mechanics.
centrée, (Copper) fine métal. — crue, mécaniquement, adv. mechanically.
crude mat, rough mat. — de cuivre, cop- mécaniser, v.t. mechanize, make mechanical.
per mat. — de plomb, lead mat, hard mécanisme, m. mechanism ; machinery,
lead. works; device; gear. — chimique, chemi-
matte au. m. bundle (of hanks). cal mechanism.
matter, v.t. = mater. mêchage, m. matching, etc. (see mècher).
mattoir, m. = matoir. méchant, a. bad, wrong, wicked, unkind.
mattoléine, /., xnattolin, m. = matolin. mèche, /. wick ; match (for use as a fuse,
maturatif, a. (Med.) maturative. m. mat- for fumigation, etc.) ; fuse ; tinder ; bit,
urant, maturative. drill; neart, core. — creuse, core drill. —
maturation, /. maturing ; rïpening ; (Med. d'amorce, quick match. — de sûreté,
& Bioî.) maturation ; (MetaL) refining. safety fuse, Bickford fuse. — incendiaire,
maturer, v.t. mature, ripen; (Métal.') re- slow match.
fine. mécher, v.t. match (as casks) ; (Sugar) mix
maturité, /. maturity; ripeness. the contents of (a diffuser) by introducing
maudit, a. cursed, wretched, abominable. liquid at the bottom.
mauresque, a. Moorish. mechoacan, m. (Bot. & Pharm.) mecho-
mauvais, a. bad; evil, ill. adv. bad, badiy; acan.
wrong, amisa. faire —, be hard, be trying; mécompte, m. miscount; mistake; miscon-
(of the weather) be disagreeable. — ception.
goût, — goûts, (Alcohol) a fraction of dis- méconine, /. meconin.
agreeable taste obtained in rectifying. The méconinique, a. meconinic.
first fraction (mauvais goûts de tête) con- méconique, a. meconic.
tains aldéhyde, the last fraction (mauvais méconium, m. (Med.) meconium.
goûts de queue) contains amyl alcohols. méconnaissable, a. unrecognizable.
mauve, /. mauve; (Bot.) mallow. a. mauve. méconnaître, v.t. not recognize ; disre-
— sauvage, wild mallow (Maîva sylvestris). gard, slight; disown.
mauvéîne, /. mauvem(e), mauvine (a dye). méconnu, p.p. of méconnaître.
maux, m. pi. of mal. mécontent, a. dissatisfied; discontented.
mawrah, n. (Bot.) mahua. Mecque, /. Mecca.
maxime, /. maxim. médaille, /. medal; medallion.
maximum, m. & a. maximum, au —, at médaillé, a. medaled. m. medalist.
the maximum; in the highest (or higher) médaillon, m. medallion.
state of valence. médecin, m. physician, doctor.
maye, /. = maie. médecine, /. medicine.
Mayence, n. Mainz, Mayence. médeciner, v.t. treat with medicine.
maynas, n. calaba balsam. médian, a. médian; medial.
mayorque, n. a liqueur made with orange médiane, /. médian.
peel. médicament, m. médicament, medicine.
maysine, /. = maïsine. médicamentaire, a. médicinal, medicamen-
mazéage, mazage, m. fining (or refining) tal.
of cast iron, esp. to remove silicon. médicamentation, /. medicamentation,
mazée, /. (Iron) fine métal, refined métal. treatnient with medicine.
ma/éer, mazer, v.t. (Iron) fine, refîne. médicamenter, v.t. treat with medicine,
mazerie, /. (Iron) fining hearth, refinery. medicate.
mazout, m. mazut (petroleum residue). médicamenteux, a. médicinal, medicanaen-
méat, m. passage; space; (Anat.) meatus. medicateuf, a. médicinal, remédiai.
me, pron. me, to me. médicinalement, adv. medieinally.
mécacyanine, /. mecocyanin. médicinier, m. physic nut (Jatropha cur-
mécanicien, m. meclianician, machinist, cas).
mechanic, engùieer. a. mechanical, ma- médiocre, a. moderate ; médiocre.
chine. médiocrement, adv. moderately; indiffer-
mécanique, a. mechanical. /. mechanics; ently.
machine, mechanism ; machination. — méditer, v.t. meditate, meditate upon, con-
chimique, chemical mechanics. — ondula- template. v.i. meditate.
méditerrané 278 même
méditerrané, a. mediterranean, interior. mélasso-calcique, a. of or relating to
Méditerranée, /. Mediterranean (Sea). molasses and calcium or lime, molasses-
méditerranéen, a. of the Mediterranean. lime.
médius, m. middle finger, médius. mêlé, m. a Congo crude rubber.
médoc, m. Médoc, Médoc wine ; a gem mélécitose, m. "melezitose.
stone. mêler, v.t. mix, mingle, blend; entangle;
médullaire, a. medullary, medulîar. mix up. v.r. mix, be mixed ; meddle.
médulle, /. (Biol.) medulla. mélèze, m. (Bot.) larch (Larix).
méfiant, a. distrustful, suspicious. mélilot, m. (Bot.) melilot (Melilotus). —
méfier, v.r. be distrustful or suspicious. officinal, yellow melilot (M. ojficinalù).
mégarde, /. inadvertence. mélilotique, a. melilotic.
mégie, /. (Leather) tawing. melinite, /. melinite (.a picric acid explosive).
mégir, v.t. taw. m élis one, n. (Min.) wulfenite.
mégis, m. tawing paste. a. tawed. mélisse, /. (Bot.) balm, balm mint (Me-
mégisser, v.t. (Leather) taw. lissa). — officinale, garden balm (M. offi-
mégisserie, /. tawing ; tawing establish- cinalis ).
ment. mélissipalmitique, a. In the phrase éther
mégissier, m. tawer. mélissipalmitique, myricyl (or melissyl)
meilleur, a. better; best. m. best. adv. palmitate.
better. faire —, be better. mélissique, a. (of an acid) melissic; (of an
méjuger, v.t. misjudge. alcohol) myricyl, melissyl.
mékocyanoside, m. mecocyanin. mélitococcie, /. Malta fever, brucellosis.
mélaconise, m. {Min.) melaconite. mélitose, /. melitose (rafnnose).
mélam, m. melam (CeHgNu). mélizitose, m. melezitose.
mellate, m. mellitate.
mélamine, /. melamine, cyanuramide. melléolé, m. (Pharm.) electuary.
mélange, m. mixture ; blend ; mixing, melléolique, a. designating a medicine cora-
blending, mingling ; (Brewing) mashing ; posed of honey and a powder.
crossing (as of breeds or wires) ; medley, mellique, a. mellitic.
jumble. — anglais, a mixture of two- mellite, m. (Min.) mellite; (Pharm.) honey,
thirds Para and one - third ordinary rub - mellite. — de borax, (Pharm.) borax
ber. — de Laming, (Gas) Laming's mass. honey. — de rosé, (Pharm.) honey of rosé.
— détonant, explosive mixture. — frigori- — de vinaigre, (Pharm.) oxymel. — de
fique, freezing mixture. — magnésien, mag- vinaigre scillitique, (Pharm.) oxymel of
nesia mixture. — réactionnel, reaction mix- squill. — simple, (Pharm.) clarified honey.
ture. — réfrigérant, freezing mixture. — mellithate, m. mellitate.
tonnant, explosive mixture, detonating mix- mellithe, m. (Min.) mellite, honeystone.
ture. mellitique, mellithique, a. mellitic.
mélangeable, a. miscible, roixable. mellon, m. mellon, (less desirably) mellone.
mélangeoir, m. mixer; (Gunpowder) mix- mellonhydrique, o. hydromellonic.
ing barrel. mellophanique, a. mellophanic.
mélanger, v.t. & r. mix ; blend ; mingle ; mellyle, m. mellitoyl.
mélodieux, a. melodious.
intermix ; (Brewing) mash. — de, mix méloé, m. (Zoôl.) oil beetle (Meloe).
with. melon, m. (Bot.) melon. — d'eau, water-
mélangeur, m., mélangeuse, /. mixer ;
(Brewing) masher. a. mixing. melon.'
mélanine, /. melanin. mêlongène, mélongine, /. eggplant.
mélanique, a. (Med.) melanotic. membrane, /. membrane ; ùiaphragm. —
du corps vitré, hyaloid membrane. —
mélanocrate, a. (Petrog.) melanocratic. muqueuse, mucous membrane.
mélanose, /. (Med.) melanosis, membrane, membraneux, a. membranous.
mélanurie, /, (Med.) melanuria. membre, m. member; limb.
mélaphyre, m. (Petrog.) melaphyre. membrure, /. frame, framework ; rib ;
mélasse, /. molasses. — de betterave, beet flange.
molasses. — de canne, cane molasses. même, a. same; (with pronouns) self. m.
mélassigène, o. melassigenic. same thing, same. adv. even, also, more.
mélassique, a. molasses, relating to mo- d — de, able to, in a position to. au —
lasses; (of an acid) melassic. temps, at the same time. au — temps que,
même 279 méphitis
at the same time with, simultaneously mensurabilité, /. measurability, mensurabil-
with. dans le — sens que, directîy as. ity.
dans le — temps, at once, de —, the mensurable, a. measurable, mensurable.
same, in the same way. de — que, in the mensurateur, a. measuring.
same way as, the same as, just as, as well mensuration, /. mensuration, measure-
as. de — que . . . de —, just as . . . so. ment.
en — de, about to. en — temps, at the ment, pr. 3 sing. (of mentir) lies, deceives.
same time, together. un — échantillon, mentalement, adv. mentally.
the same sample, a single sample. menteur, a. deceitful, false; lying. m. liar.
mémoire, /. memory. m. mémorandum, menthanediène, m. menthadiene.
note ; report ; bill, account ; memoir ; ar- menthanique, a. of menthane, menthane.
ticle; mémorial (the paper). menthe, /. (Bot.) mint; a liqueur flavored
mémorandum, m. mémorandum ; mémo- with mint. — à épi, spearmint. — à
randum book. feuilles rondes, round-leaved mint (Mentha
mémorial, m. mémorandum book ; memoirs ; rotundifolia). — anglaise, peppermint. —
mémorial (the document) ; (Com.) day- aquatique, water mint (Mentha aquatica).
book. — crépue, curled mint (Mentha sUvestris
menacer, v.t. threaten, menace. crispa). — de chat, catnip, catmint
ménage, m. housekeeping ; household, house, (Nepeta cataria). — de cheval, horsemint
home ; household goods ; management ; (Monarda punctata). — des champs, corn
economy, thrift. mint (Mentha arvensis). — poivrée, pep-
ménagé, p.a. managed, etc. (see ménager); permint (Mentha piperita). — pouliot,
cautious, careful, prudent ; graduai. pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium). — ro-
ménagement, m. caution, circumspection, maine, — verte, spearmint (Mentha spi-
care. cata, or viridis). — sauvage, horsemint
ménager, v.t. manage ; manage carefully, (Mentha longifolia).
take care of, make the most of, economize; menthe, a. minty.
spare; obtain, secure. v.r. obtain, secure; menthe-coq, /. (Bot.) costmary, alecost.
be managed, be cared for, etc.; take care menthol, m. menthol.
of oneself; be careful; get on, get on well; mentholé, mentholique, a. of or contain-
develop. a. household; (of water) waste; ing menthol.
careful, saving. m. economizer ; house- menthyle, m. menthyl.
keeper. mentionner, v.t. mention.
mendélien, a. Mendelian. mentir, v.i. lie, tell a falsehood, deceive.
mène, /. (Soap) a séries of lye tanks (bar- menton, m. chin.
qvieux). mentonnet, m. cam, tappet, wiper; catch,
mené, n. (Bot.) niam, meni (Lophira alata). lug, ear; cleat; flange.
mener, v.t. lead, conduct, take, carry, con- mentonnière, /. (Assaying) mule plate.
vey ; drive ; direct ; carry on ; manage ; menu, a. small, fine, minute; minor, petty,
draw (a Une) ; steer (a boat) ; treat. inconsiderable. m. material in small pièces
menette, /. (Brewing) a vessel for catching or particles (ail below a certain size),
the froth in top fermentation. smalls, fines; detailed account, détail; bill
meneur, m. leader, conductor, etc. (see of fare, menu ; lower classes, adv. small,
mener). fine. — charbon, small coal (esp. fine
méni, n. = mené. charcoal). menues houilles, small coal,
méningite, /. (Med.) meningitis. smalls, slack, coal dust. — plomb, small
méningocoque, m. meningococcus. shot, bird shot. menus sels, (any) sait in
ménispermacées, mémispermées» /. pi. small pièces or particles, fines.
{Bot.) Menispermaceae. menuiserie, /. joinery, carpentry; joinex's
ménispermine, /. menispermine. or carpenter's shop; making of small ob-
ménisque, m. meniscus. jects of métal, also the objects themselves.
ménorrhée, /. (Med.) mcnorrhea. menuisier, wi. carpenter, joiner.
mensonger, a. untrue, false ; deceitful. ményanthe, m. (Bot.) buck bean (Meny-
menstrue, m. meustr uum, solvent. anthes).
menstrues, /. pi. (Physiol.) menses. ményanthine, /. menyanthin.
mensuel, a. monthly. méphite, méphitis, /. (Old Chem.) (1)
mensuellement, adv. monthly ; by the carbonate, (2) sulfur dioxide. — de po-
month. tasse, potassium carbonate.
méphitique 280 mésaventure
méphitique, o. mephitic, noxious. air —, mercuriale, /. (Bot.) mercury (Mercurialis) ;
(Old Chem,) mephitic air (carbon dioxide). price Iist; price; tariff; reprîmand.
méphitiser, v.t. render poisonous or of- mercurialiser, v.t. mercurialize.
fensive, vitiate. mercurialisme, m. (Med.) mercurialism.
méphitisme, m. vitiation of the air by foui mercuriaux, m. pi. (Pharm.) mercurials.
or poisonous gases. mercuribromure, m. bromomercurate(II).
méplat, a. flat. m. surface plane. mercurichlorure, m. chloromercurate(II).
méprendre, v.r. be mistaken. mercuricyanure, m. cyanomercurate(II).
mépris, m. contempt. p.p. of méprendre. mercuriel, a. mercurial, mercury.
au — de, without regard to, in défiance mercurifère, a. containing mercury.
of. mercuriiodure, m. iodomercurate(II).
méprise, /. mistake, error, oversight, blun- mercurique, a. mercuric, specif. mercury-
der. (II).
mépriser, v.t. scorn, disdain, despise. mercurisulfite, m. sulfitomercurate(II).
mer, /. sea. Mer Azow, mer d'Azov, Sea mercuroso-mercurique, a. mercuroso--
of Azov. — Baltique, Baltic Sea. — mercuric, mercury (I, II).
Blanche, White Sea, — Caspienne, Cas- merde, /. excrément, dung. — d'oie, a
pian Sea. — d'Allemagne, North Sea. — greenish yellow color.
de Chine méridionale, China Sea. — des mère, /. mother; matrix, mold; source, a.
Antilles, Caribbean Sea. — d'Oman, mother ; principal ; fine, pure. eau —,
Aiabian Sea. — du Japon, Sea of Japan. mother liquor. — de vinaigre, mother of
— du Nord, North Sea. — &fféet Aegean vinegar. — goutte, unpressed must (which
Sea. — houleuse, heavy sea. — Jaune, runs from the grapes before pressing be-
Yellow Sea. — Méditerranée, Méditer- gins), first runnings. — lessive, mother
ranean Sea. — Morte, Dead Sea. — lye. — perle, mother of pearl.
Noire, Black Sea. — Rouge, Red Sea. méridien, m. & a. meridian.
meranti, merawan, m. Malaysian dam- méridienne, /. meridian, meridian line.
mars. méridional, o. southern, south; méridional,
mercaptol(e), m. mercaptole. m. southerner, one living in the south.
mercenaire, a. & m. mercenary. mériédrie, /. (Cryst.) merohedrism.
mercerisage, m. mercerizing, mercerization. mérinos, m. merino (sheep).
merceriser, v.t. mercerize. merise, /. wild cherry (the fruit).
merci, /. mercy. m. thanka. merisier, m. (Bot.) wild cherry (Prunus
mercredi, m. Wednesday. avium).
mercuration, /. mercuration, mercurization. méristème, m. (Bot.) meristem.
mercure, m. mercury; (cap.) Mercury. — mérite, m. merit; person of merit.
argental, (Min.) argental mercury, amal- mériter, v.t. merit, deserve; need, require.
gam. — corné, horn quicksilver, native v.i. be worthy, deserve. v.r. be merited.
calomel. — de vie, (Old Chem.) powder of méritoire, a. meritorious.
Algaroth. — doux, calomel, mercurous chlo- me ri, m. a sea sand used as a soil amend-
ride. — doux à la vapeur, (Pharm.) calo- ment.
mel obtained as an impalpable powder by merluche, /. stockfish (esp. dried codfish);
bringing the vapor in contact with steam (ZoôL) hake, merluce (Merluccius).
(sometimes called hydrosublimate of mer- merlus, m, = merluche, peau en —, see
cury). — fulminant, fulminating mercury under peau.
(mercuric fulminate). — hépatique, he- mérosinigroside, m. merosinigrin.
patic cinnabar. — précipité blanc, merrain, m. stavewood, staves ; clapboard.
(Pharm.) white precipitate, ammoniated merveille, /. wonder, marvel. à —, won-
mercury. — sulfuré, mereuric sulfide, cin- derfully, marvelously.
nabar. merveilleusement, adv. wonderfully, mar-
me relire-éther, m. l-oxa-4-mercuracyclo- merveilleux, a. wonderful, marvelous; ex-
hexane, 1,4-oxamercurane. cellent ; strange, odd. m. marvelous ; mar-
mercure-éthyle, mercuréthyle, m. di- velous part.
ethylmercury, (C2Hg)2Hg. mes, a. pi. my.
mercure-méthyle, m. dimethylmercury. mes-, mis- ; mes-.
mercureux, a. mercurous, mercury(I). mésaconique, a. mesaconie.
mercurial, m. (Pharm.) mercurial. mésaventure, /. mishap, accident.
mésentère 281 métalliquement
mésentère, m. (Anat.) mesentery. métachromatique, a. metachromatie.
mésestimer, v.t. underrate, undervalue. métacinabre, m. (Min.) metacinnabaritev
mésidine, /. mesidine. métadérivé, m. meta derivative.
mésittne, /. (Min.) mesitite, mesitine. métahémipinique, a. m-hemipic, metav--
mésityle, m. mesityl. hemipic.
mésitylénique, a. mesitylenie. métail, m. métal (Obs.); alloy (Obs.).
mésitylique, a. mesityl, of mesityl. métal, m. métal- — à canon, gun métal..
mésomère, a. mesomeric. — à collets, à coussinets, bearing métal.
mésomérie, /. mesomerism. — alcalin, alkali métal. — alcalino-ter-
mésomorphe, a. mesomorphio. reux, alkaline-earth métal. — amirauté,
mésotartrique, a. mesotartaric. admiralty brass. — à miroirs, spéculum
mésoxalique, a. mesoxalic. métal. — anglais, — argentin, Britannia
mésozoïque, a. (Geol.) Mesozoic. métal, britannia. — au bain, molten métal.
mesquin, a. mean, poor, narrow, stîngy. — blanc, white métal. — britannique, =
messager, m, messenger; Garrier. métal anglais. — brut, raw métal, eoarse
messagerie, /. rapid transport, conveyance métal. — commun, common métal ; base
(by rail, boat or otherwise) ; goods con- métal. — console, a copper-zinc-tin alloy.
veyed, shipment, freight; (formerly) coach — d'Aich, Aich métal (alloy of copper,
or coach office. zinc and iron). — de Bath, Bath métal (a
messieurs, m. pi. gentlemen, sirs, Messrs. variety of brass). — de canon, gun métal.
mesurable, a. measurable. — décapé, pickled métal, scoured métal. —
mesurage, m. measuring, measurement ; de cloche, bell métal. — de Darcet, Dar-
metering ; surveying ; weighing, consider- cet's métal (bismuth, lead and tin, with
ing ; proportioning. sometimes mercury). — de fonte, cast
mesure, /. measure; measurement; dimen- métal. — delta, delta métal (essentially
sion ; gage ; proportion ; position (to do copper, zinc and iron). — de Muntz,
something). à —, in proportion, accord - Muntz métal (copper 60-64, zinc 40-36). —
ingly. à — de, in proportion to, accord- déployé, expanded métal. — déposé, de-
ing to. à — que, in proportion as, accord- posited métal; weld métal. — de prince,
ing as, as soon as, as. de —, of the right super-refined copper. — de Rosé, Rose's
size, to size. — à pied, a measure (specif.métal (a fusible bismuth-lead-tin alloy).
a graduated cup or graduate) standing on — doux, soft métal; antifriction métal. —
a foot or base. — divisée, graduate. — en du prince Robert, Prince Rupert's métal,
ruban, tape measure. — de protection, Prince's métal. — écume, suum of métal,
protective measure, préventive measure. specif. kish. — natif, native métal. —
outre —, beyond measure, excessively. sans ondulé, corrugated métal. — pauvre, base
—, without measure, immeasurably, un- métal. ~y précieux, precious métal. —
measured. rebelle, refractory métal. — Roma, a phos-
mesurer, v.t. measure; meter; weigh, con- phor bronze containing manganèse. —
sider; proportion, v.r. be measured; meas- soudé, (Iron) wrought iron. — sterro,
ure oneself. sterro métal, delta métal. — terreux,
mesureur, m. measurer ; meter. a. measur- earth métal. — utile, useful métal (specif.,
ing. Métal., the quantity of workable métal
mésuser, v.t. misuse. obtained from an ingot or charge). —
met, pr. S sing. oî mettre. (See also mets.)vierge, virgin métal. — vil, base métal.
méta-antimonique, a. metantimonic. métalbumine, /. metalbumin, pseudomucin.
métaarséxiiate, m. metarsenate, metarseni- métalcétyle, m. métal ketyl.
ate. métalepsie, /. metalepsy, substitution.
métaarsénieux, a. metarsenious. métalléité, /. metallicity, metalleity.
métaarsénite, m. metarsenite. métallescence, /. metallic luster.
métabisulfite, m. (former naine for) pyro- métallescent, a. of or designating metallic
sulfite. luster.
métabolique, a. (Biol.) metabolic. métallifère, a. metalliferous.
métabolisme, m. (Biol.) metabolism. métalliforme, a. metalliform.
métaborique, a. metaboric. métallin, a. metalline, metallic.
métacellulose, /. metacellulose (fungin). métallique» a. metallic, métal.
métachromasie, /. metachromatism. métalliquement, adv. metallically ; in
métachromatine, /. metachromatin. métal, in specie.
métallisage 282 méthylqninoléine
métallisage, m., métallisation, /. metali- méthanique, o. méthane, pertaining to
zation, metalizing. méthane or the méthane (alkane) séries.
métalliser, v.t. metalize. méthanoate, m. methanoate (formate).
métallochtmie, /. the chemistry of metals. méthanoïque, a. methanoic (formic).
métallochimique, a. relating to the chem- méthanol, m. methanol, methyl alcohol.
istry of metals. méthanomètre, m. methanometer.
métallochromie, /. metallochromy. méthanoyle, m. methanoyl, fonnyl.
métallogénie, /. metallogeny, science of the méthanure, m. methide.
origin of ore deposits. méthémoglobine, /. methemoglobin, met-
métallographe, m. metallographist. hfemoglobin.
métallographie, /. metallography. méthényle, m. methenyl (methylidyne).
métallographique, o. métallographie. méthionique, a. methionic,
métalloïde, m. metalloid. a. metalloid(al). méthode, /. method; process; elementary
métalloïdique, a. metalloid, metalloidal. treatise. — à la catalane, (Métal.) Cata-
métallo-organique, a. organometallic, lan process. — des moindres carrés,
metalorganic. (Math.) method of least squares. — des
métallurgie, /. metallurgy. restes, residue method (Schreinemaker).
métallurgique, a. metallurgical, métallurgie. — du touchau, (Assaying) touch-needle
métallurgiquement, adv. metallurgically. method, touchstone method. — marseil-
métallurgiste, m. metallurgist. laise, Marseilles method (esp. of making
métamère, a. metameric. m. metamer. soap). — pondérale, (Analysis) gravi-
métamérie, /. metamerism, .Carely) me- métrie method.
tamery. méthodique, a. methodical, systematic.
métamorphique, a. metamorphic. méthodiquement, adv. methodically.
métamorphisme, m. metamorphism. méthol, m. methanol, methyl alcohol.
métamorphose, /. metamorphosis. méthoxyle, m. methoxyl, CH3O—.
métamorphoser, v.t. métamorphose. méthylable, a. capable of being methylated.
métanile, a. metanil. méthylarsinique, o. (of CH3ASO3H2)
métanilique, a. metanilie. methylarsonic; (of CH3HASO2H) methyl-
métapectique, a. metarabic. arsinic.
métaphosphorique, o. metaphosphoric. méthylate, m. methoxide, methylate.
métaphtalique, a. metaphthalic (isoph- méthylchlorhydrique, a. In the phrases:
thalic). alcool —, methanol mixed with hydro-
métaphysique, /. metaphysics. a. meta- chloric acid ; ether —, methy] chloride.
physical. méthyle, m. methyl.
métaphysiquement, adv. metaphysically. méthylène, m. (Org. Chem.) méthylène;
métaplombate, m. metaplumbate. (Com.) wood alcohol, wood spirit, meth-
métaral, m. any homogeneous constituent anol. — de bois, wood spirit, wood al-
of steel (as austenite, cementite, etc.). cohol. — régie, excise wood spirit (a dé-
métasérie, /. meta séries. naturant for ethyl alcohol).
métasilif ique, o. metasilicic. méthylène-protocatéchique, a. methyl-
métasome, m. (Geol.) guest minerai. eneprotocatechuic (piperonylic).
métastannique, a. metastannic. méthylénique, a. méthylène, of méthylène.
métastase, /. metastasis. méthyler, v.t. methylate.
métatitanique, o. metatitanic. méthylfurfurane, m. methylfuran.
métatungstique, o. metatungstic. méthylfurfurol, m. methyl-2-furaldehyde.
métaux, pi. (of métal) metals. méthyliodhydrique, a. In the phrase
métavanadique, a. metavanadic. éther méthyliodhydrique, methyl iodide.
métazoaire, o. & m. (Zool.) metazoan. méthylique, a. methyl, of methyl, methylic.
méteil, m. naixed wheat and rye, meslin, méthylisation, /. methylation.
météore, m. meteor. méthyliser, v.t. methylate, (rarely) methyl-
météorifuge, a. (Pharm.) antiflatulent. ize.
météorique, a. meteoric. méthylorcine, /. methylorcinol.
météoritique, a. meteoritic. méthylpentaméthylène, m. methylcyclo-
météorologie, /. meteorology. pentane.
météorologique, a. meteorologic(al). méthylphényleétone, /. methyl phenyl
méthanal, m. methanal (formaldehyde). ketone (acetophenone).
méthylqninoléine, /. methylquinoline.
methylsilicique 283 microbiologie
methylsilicique, a. In the phrase éther meulage, m. grinding.
methylsilicique, methyl silicate. meule, /. stone or wheel for grinding (as a
méthylsulfonique, o. methanesulfonic, millstone, grindstone, emery wheel) ; stack,
methylsulfonic. rick (as of hay); heap, pile, (for bricks)
méthylure, m. methide. clamp, (for charcoal) meiler; a round, flat
méthysticine, /. methysticin. cheeae (esp. Gruyère); (Gunpowder) run-
méticuleux, a. metieulous. ner, roller. — d'émeri, emery wheel.
métier, m. trade ; profession ; occupation ; meulée, /. grindings, swarf.
loom, frame. — à bras, hand loom, hand meuler, v.t. grind (as a tool).
frame. — à filer, spinning frame. — à meulier, a. millstone, mill-.
tisser, loom. meulière, /. millstone, buhrstone, burrstone;
métière, /. (Sait) an evaporating baain. millstone quarry. — de grés, (Geol.) mill-
métillure, m. a ferrosilicon alloy, T.N. stone grit.
métis, a. (Métal.) red-short; hybrid; half- meulon, m. a heap of sait (from the salines).
breed, mongrel. m. (Biol.) cross. meum, m. (Bot.) meum; speoif,, spicknel,
métissage» m. çrossmg, hybridization. mew (Meum athamanticum).
métisser* v-t. cross-breed, cross, hybridize. meunerie, /. milling, milhng industry; mill.
métoquinone, /. (Photog.) a combination meunier, m. miller.
of metol and hydroquinone, used as a de- meurent, pr. S pi. indic. <ft subi, of mourir.
veloper. meurt, pr. S sing. (of mourir) dies, is dying.
métrage, m. mea sûrement or length in meurtrier, o. murderous, deadly. m. mur-
meters. derer.
mètre, m. meter, mètre (39.37 inches). — meurtrir, v.t. bruise.
anglais, yard. — carré, square meter (1.196 meurtrissure, /. bruise, (Med.) contusion,
sq. yd.). —• courant, running meter, linear meut, pr. S sing. (of mouvoir) moves.
meter. — cube, cubic meter (1.308 eu. yd.). meuvent, pr. S pi. (of mouvoir) move,
métré, m. measurement in meters. mexicain, a. Mexican. m. (cap.} Mexican.
mètre-kilogramme, m. kilogrammeter. Mexique, m. Mexico.
métrer, v.t. measure in raeters. mezealine, /. mescaline, mezealiûe.
métrique, a. metric ; metrical. mézéréon, m. (Bot.) mezereon (Daphne
métrologie, /. metrology. mezereum) ; (Pharm.) mezereum.
métrologique, a. metrological. mi-, half, semi-, mid-, middle; in halves.
métropole, /. mother country; metropolis. mi-aérien, a. half in air.
métropolitain, a. metropolitan ; of the mica, m. (Min.) mica. — en feuilles, sheet
mother country, home ; archiépiscopal. mica. — nacré, (Min.) margarite.
mets, m. food (prepared for the table), disjh.. micacé, a. micaceous.
pr. t sing. of mettre. micaschiste, m. (Pçtrog.) mica schist.
mettant, p.a. putting, etc. (see mettre). micaschisteux, a. of the nature of a mica
mettre, v.t. put; place, set; put on; lay schist.
on; put down, write; bring, reduce; use, micellaire, a. micellar.
employ; spend; cause to consist (in), v.r. micelle, /. micelle, micella.
put, place, or set oneself ; go, get, stand, mi-enaud, a. only moderately hot or
sit, etc.; begin; dress; be put, be set; be (Soup) short-boil(ed).
worn; break out. — chauffer de l'eau, put mi-chaude, /. moderate heat, half-heat,
water to heat, heat water (and so for simi- mi-chemin. In the phrase à
lar phrases). — en liberté, set free, lîb- half-way, midway.
erate. — hors, put out ; expend ; put (a mi-chimique, a. semichemical (aa papeç
blast furnace) out of blast. (For other pulp).
phrases commencing with mettre see the micocoulier, m. nettle tree (Celtis).
next important word in the phrase.) mi-collé, a. half-glued, half-sized, etc.
microanalyse, /. microanalysis.
inéture, /. corn bread (from maize flour). microanalytique, o. microanalytic(al).
meuble, m. pièce of fumiture ; set of furai- microbe, m. microbe, microôrganism.
ture; (pi.) farniture; article; (Law) chat- microbicide, a. mîcrobîcîdal, gennicidaï. m,
tel, a. movable; (of property) personal; microbicide, germicide.
(of soil) easily worked, loose. miciobie, /. microbiology.
meubler, v.t. furnish (as a ho use), stock, microbien, a. microbic, microbial.
store.. microbiologie, /. microbiology.
microbiologique 284 millimètre
microbiologique, a. microbiological. mielleux, a. honey, like honey, honeyed;
microbique, a. microbic. luscious.
micro-brfilenr, m. microburner. miellure, /. honeydew.
microchimie, /. microchemistry. mien, mienne, pron. & a. my, mine, of
microchimique, a. microchemical. mine.
micrococcus, microcoque, m. (Bac t.) miette, /. crumb ; morsel ; small pièce.
mierococcus. mieux, adv., a. & m. better; (with le) beat.
microcosmique, a. microcosmic. au —, as well as possible; at the most.
microcrique, /. microcraok. mi-fin, a. (Rubber) médium fine.
microcristallin, a. microcrystalline. mi-fixe, a. semiportable.
microdosage, m. microdetermination. mignon, a. tiny, small, pretty, délicate.
micrographe, m. micrographer. mignonne, /. minion (type), 7-point.
micrographie, /. micrography; miorograph. mlgnonnette, /. coarsely ground pepper;
micrographique, o. micrographie. any of several plants, as the garden pink
microgrenu, a. microgranular. or the mignonette ; fine pebbles ; minion
micro-kjeldahl, n. micro Kjeldahl flask. type; mignonette lace; half-silk.
microkyste, /. miorocyst. migraine, /. sick headache, megrim, mi-
microlampe, /. microscope lamp. graine.
microlithe, m. (Petrog.) microlite. migrateur, o. migrating, migratory.
microlithique, a. (Petrog.) microlitic. migration, /. migration; wandering.
micrologie, /. micrology. migratoire, a. migratory, migrational.
micromécanicien, m. fine mechanic, in- migrer, v.i. migrate; wander.
strument mechanic. mijoter, v.i. simmer, boil gently. v.t.
micromètre, m. micrometer. cause to simmer.
micromètre-jauge, m. micrometer. mil, a. one thousand. m. millet.
micrométrie, /. miorometry. mi-laine, m. half-wool fabric, half-wool.
micrométrique, a. micrometric(al). milanais, a. Milanese.
micrométriquement, adv. micrometrically. mildiou, mlldew, m. mildew.
micron, m. micron, Hooo millimeter. mildiousé, mildewsé, a. mildewed.
micro-organisme, m. microôrganism. miliaire, a. miliary.
microphotographie, /. microphotography; milieu, m. médium; specif., atmosphère;
microphotograph, photomicrograph. middle; midst; middle course; (fig.) heart,
mlcrorganisme, m. microôrganism. center. — ambiant, atmosphère; environ -
microscope, m. microscope. — à articula- ment. — de culture, culture médium, growth
tions, bail stage microscope. — composé, médium. — d'élection, sélective médium. —
compound microscope. — de lecture, read- gélose, (Bact.) agar médium. — nutritif,
ing microscope. — électronique, électron nutrient médium. — phéniqué, carbolated
microscope. médium. — réducteur, reducing médium,
microscopie, /. microscopy. reducing atmosphère.
microscopique, a. microscopic(al). mi-lin, m. half-linen.
microscopiste, m. microscopist. militaire, a. military. m. soldier; military.
mi-cuit, a. half-burned, etc. (see cuit). militairement, adv. in a military way.
midi, m. noon ; south ; (cap.) Southern militer, v.i. militate.
France. mille, a. & m. thousand, a thousand, one
mi-distance, /. halfway. thousand. m. mile.
mi-doux, a. half-soft. mille-feuille, /. (Bot.) milfoil, yarrow.
mi-dur, a. half-hard, semi-hard. mille-pertuis, m. St.-John's-wort (Hy-
mie, /. crumb (the soft part of bread). millet, m. millet. — de Hongrie, German
miel, m. honey. — à rayon, comb honey. millet.
— borate, (Pharm.) honey of borax. — milliard, m. billion, thousand millions
coulé, strained honey. — despumé, clari- (specif., a billion francs).
fied honey. — rosat, (Pharm.) honey of millième, m. & a. thousandth.
rosé. millier, m. thousand; 500 kilograms, half a
mielat, miellat, m. honeydew. metric ton (or, a thousand pounds).
miellé, a. honey, like honey (specif., honey- milligramme, m. milligram, milligramme.
colored) ; honeyed. millilitre, m. milliliter, millilitre.
miellée, /. honeydew. millimètre, m. millimeter, millimètre.
millimétrique 285 mirent
millimétrique, a. millimeter, in millimeters. mineralisateur, a. mineralizing. m. min-
millionième, a. & m. millionth. eralizer.
millistère, m. millistere, cubic decimeter. minéraliser, v.t. mineralize.
mimétèse, mimétite, /. (Min.) mimetite. minéralité, /. minerai or inorganic state.
mince, a. thin; slender; slight. minéralogie, /. mineralogy.
mincer, v.t, mince, eut fine. minéralogique, a. mineralogical.
minceur, /. thinness ; slenderness ; slight- mineralogiquement, adv. mineralogically.
ness. minéralogue, m. mineralogist.
mine, /. mine; ore; stone; minium; graph- minéralurgie, /. the application of min-
ite ; shot, blast ; shot hole ; look, aspect, eralogical knowledge to industrial use.
mien. — à grisou, fiery mine, gassy mine. minéralurgique, a. relating to minéralurgie.
— anglaise, red lead, minium. — brute, minéraux, m. pi. minerais, a. pi. minerai.
raw ore. — d'acier, siderite, spathic iron. mine rie, /. rock-salt mine.
— d'aimant, magnetite. — de cuivre, cop- minérogène, a. (Geol.) detrital.
per mine; copper ore. — de fer, iron mine; minette, /. (Petrog.) minette (either mica
iron» ore. — de fer blanche, siderite, trap or oôlitic iron ore); (Bot.) (1) black
spathic iron. — de fer spêculaire, specular medic (Medicago lupulina), (2) hop clover
iron ore. — de houille, coal mine. — de (Trifolium); a container for molding sand.
marais, bog iron ore. — de platine, — du mineur, m. miner; minor. a. minor; min-
platine, crude platinum. — de plomb, lead ing.
mine ; lead ore ; graphite, black lead ; minier, a. mining, relating to mines.
hence, pencil. — des marais, swamp ore, minière, /. ore-bearing material; gang(ue),
bog ore. — d'étain, tin mine ; tin ore, matrix ; surface mine, diggings.
specif. cassiterite. — de tranchée, trench minimant, o. minimum, at a minimum.
mortar shell. — douce, sphalerite, zinc minime, a. very small; trifling, unimportant.
blend ; soft iron ore. — grasse, ore con- minimer, minimiser, v.t. minimize.
taining little or no gang. — orange, minimum, m. & a. minimum, ou —, at
orange lead, orange minium (a pigment). the minimum; in the lowest (or lower)
mines grosses, ore in pièces, lump ore. state of valence.
mine-orange. /. orange lead, orange minium. ministère, m. ministry; minister's office.
miner, v.t. mine; undermine; (fig.) destroy. ministre, m. minister.
minerai, m. ore. — brut, raw ore. — minium, m. minium. — de fer, red ocher.
d'alun, alum stone, alunite. — d'anti- minofor, m. minofor (Sn-Sb-Zn-Cu alloy).
moine gris, gray antimony, stibnite. — minoratif, a. <fc m.'(Med.) laxative.
d'argent, silver ore. — d'argent noir, black minorité, /, minority.
silver, stephanite. — de cobalt gris, gray Minorque, /. Minorca.
cobalt ore, jaipurite. — de cuivre, copper minoterie, /. flour mill; milling business.
ore. — de cuivre noir, melaconite. — de minuit, m. midnight.
fer, iron ore. — de fer argilleux, clay iron- minuscule, /. small letter, lower-ease letter.
stone. — de fer brun, brown iron ore, a. small, very smail.
limonite. — de fer vert, green iron ore, minute, /. minute ; first draft ; original.
dufrenite. — de halde, waste-heap ore. minutieusement, adv. minutely, in. détail.
— de nickel blanc, chloanthite, also ram- minutieux, a. minute; particular; thorough.
melsbergite. — des lacs, bog ore. — mi-ouvré, o. half-worked; rough-wrought.
d'étain, tin ore. — de vitriol, pyrite, iron mi-parti, a. equally divided, half and half,
pyrites. — de zinc noir, franklinite. — half . . . and half.
en roche, ore in compact masses. — en mi-partir, mipartïr, v.t. divide into halves.
rognons, kidney ore, nodular ore. — gros, mi-partition, /. division into halves.
lump ore. — houillier, blackband (carbo- mi-pâte, /. (Paper) half stuff.
naceous iron carbonate). — pauvre, poor miracle, m. miracle, à —, admirably.
ore, low-grade ore. — péritome de titane, miraculeusement, adv. miraculously.
(Min.) rutile, minerais menus, small ore: miraculeux, a. miraculous ; astonishing.
smalls. — sulfuré, sulfur ore, (usually) mi-raffiné, a. half-refined, partially refined.
sulfide ore. — tout venant, unsorted ore. mirbane, /. mirbane. essence de —, essence
minéral, a. minerai; specif., inorganic. m. of mirbane (nitrobenzene).
minerai. — de Coromandel, tscheffkinite. mire, /. sight (specif., front sight, fore-
— d'Hermès, mercury. — graisse, asphalt, sight) ; leveling rod ; directing mark.
bitumen. — virtuel, normative minerai. mirent, p. def. S pi. (of mettre) put, placed.
mire-œuf 286 modeleur
mire-œuf, mire-œufs, m. candling ap- mitigeant, p.a. mitigating, modifying.
paratus. mitiger, v.t. mitigate. v.r. be mitigated.
mirer, v.t. look at ; specif., examine by mi-toile, m. half-linen fabric, half-linen.
transmitted light ; candie (eggs) ; sight. mitonner, v.i. & r. simmer, stew.
miroir, m. mirror, (looking) glass, spéculum; mitose, /. (Biol.) mitosis.
(Bot.) wood ray, pith ray. — ardent, mitoyen, a. middle, intermediate, partition.
burning mirror. — de faille, (Geol.) slick- mitraille, /. scrap métal, scrap; specif.,
ensides. — plan, plane mirror. — réflec- scrap iron; (Mil.) any material (as shrap-
teur, reflector. nel) for scattering effeot; (Radio) small-
miroitant, p.a. glittering, shining, specular. shot effect. — cuivre, scrap copper, old
miroitement, m. glitter, glittering. copper. — d'étain, scrap tin, old tin. —
miroiter, v.i. glitter, shine. v.t. polish. jaune, scrap brass, old brass. — rouge,
miroiterie, /. mirror manufacture ; mirror scrap copper, old copper.
factory; mirror trade. mitrailleuse, /. machine gun, mitrailleuse.
miroitier, m. one who makes or sells mir- mitre, /. cowl, hood (for a chimney) ; thick
rors. paving block; cône valve; miter. *
mis, p.p. & p. def. 1 & 2 sing. of mettre. mi-vitesse, /. half speed.
— à la terre, (Blec.) grounded, earthed. mixte, a. mixed ; composite, m. pi. (mixtes)
miscellannées, m. pi. miscellanies. (Ores) middlings.
irascibilité, /. miscibility. mixtion, /., mixtionnage, m. mixtion (a
miscible, a. miscible, mixable. mordant for gold leaf); (Ceram.) a copal
mise, /. putting, placing, etc. (see mettre) ; varnish used in transferring designs; (En-
(Soap) frame ; (Métal.) layer ; share (of graving) a mixture of tallow and oil for
capital) ; stake ; bid ; dress, dressing ; (of covering the etched parts.
money) circulation. — à la terre, (Elec.) mïxtionner, v.t. mix, mingle; compound.
grounding. de —, admissible ; suitable ; mixture, /. mixture (esp. in Pharm.); =
fashionable ; présentable. — au mille, mixtion; gatch, plaster. — de gomme am-
(Métal.) the gross weight needed to make moniaque, (Pharm.) ammoniacum mixture.
1000 kg. of useful métal. — de feu, setting — de réglisse, (Pharm.) compound mix-
on fire, lighting, ignition, firing. — de feu ture of glycyrrhiza, brown mixture. — de
chimique, chemical ignition. — de fonds, résine de gdiac, (Pharm.) guaiac(um) mix-
expenditure, outlay. — en commun, shar- ture. — ferrugineuse de Griffith, (Pharm.)
ing. — en feu, = mise de feu. — en compound iron mixture, Griffith's mixture.
liberté, setting free, libération. — en — frigorifique, freezing mixture. — mag-
marche, starting. — en solution, dissolv- nésienne, magnesia mixture.
ing. — hors, outlay; putting out; putting mobile, a. mobile ; movable, moving ;
(a blast furnace) out of blast. For the changeable. m. moving body ; motive
meaning of other phrases see the corre- power ; mover ; motive.
sponding phrases of mettre, e.g., mettre mobilier, a. (of property) personal, mov-
au point (under point), mettre en suif able. m. furniture, household goods.
(under suif). mobiliser, v.t. mobilize.
misé, a. (Métal.) fagoted. mobilité, /. mobility.
misérable, a. misérable, wretched. modalité, /. circumstance, détails; modality.
misérablement, adv. miserably, wretchedly. mode, m. mode; method. /. mode; manner;
misère, /. misery; annoyance; trifle. fashion; (pi.) millinery. à la —, in the
miséricorde, /. mercy. fashion, fashionable. — d'emploi, method
mi-soie, m. half-sillc fabric, half-silk. of use, directions for use. — opératoire,
mi-solide, a. semi-so)id. method of opération.
mispickel, m. (Min.) mispickel, arsenopyrite. modelage, m. modeling; pattern making.
missent, imp. subj. S pi. of mettre. modèle, m. model ; pattern. a. model. —
mistelle, /. (Wine) a must to which alcohol de fonte, foundry pattern. — de poche,
has been added to check fermentation. pocket model.
mit, p. def. S sing. (of mettre) put, placed. modelé, p.a. modeled, shaped. m. fonn,
mitaine, /. mitten; mitt. surface rehef.
mite, /. (any small insect found in clothes, modeler, v.t. model, shape. v.i. model.
food, etc.) mite, maggot, (clothes) moth. modèle-type, m. (Ceram.) a plaster cast
mi-tendre, a. médium soft. from which the working molds are made.
mithridate, m. (Old Pharm.) miihridate. modeleur, m. modeler; pattern xnaker.
modérateur 287 moleter
modérateur, m. governor; regulator; mod- missing. de — en —, less and less. du —,
erator; throttle valve; damper. o. gov- at least, at any rate, still, however, uever-
erning, regulating, moderating. theless. en —, minus, less, as a déduction.
modération, /. modération; diminution, ré- en — de, in less than.
duction. moins-value, /. losa or diminution in value;
modéré, a. moderate; moderated; reduced. dépréciation; déduction, dockage.
modérément, adv. moderately. moirage, m. watering (of fabrics), moiréing.
modérer, v.t. moderate; slacken; reduce. moire, /. water, watering, moiré (on fab-
moderne, a. modem. rics, etc.); watered fabric, moire; honey-
moderniser, v.t. modernize. suckle.
modeste, a. modest. moiré, p.a. watered, moiré, chatoyant, m.
modestement, adv. modestly. watering, water, moiré; watered or moiré
modicité, /. smallness ; small amount. material, moiré. — métallique, a watered
modifiant, p.a. modifying. or moiré appearance on tin ; also, the tin
modificateur, a. modifying. m. modifier ; or tinplate itself.
(Mach.) engaging and disengaging gear. moirer, v.t. water, moiré (fabrics, etc.).
modifier, v.t. modify. v.r. be modified. moirure, /, watering, water, moiré.
modique, a. small, unimportant. mois, m. month; month's pay or allowance;
modiquement, adv. in a small way, unim- (Physiol., pi.) menses.
portantly. moise, /. tie, brace, couple, Connecting pièce;
module, m. modulus; module. an implement for handling plate glass.
moduler, v.t. modulate. moisi, p.a. moldy, molded. m. moldiness,
moelle, /. marrow; pith; (Anat.) medulla; mold.
(of a hair) medulla, pith; (in alate) knots. moisir, v.t. make moldy, mold. v.i. become
— allongée, (Anat.) medulla oblongata. — moldy, mold.
de roche, calcareous tufa. — de rocher, moisissure, /. mold ; moldiness, mustiness.
amianthus. — de sureau, elder pith. — moisson, /. harvest, crop.
d'os, — des os, bone marrow, marrow. — moissonner, v.t. harvest, reap, mow ;
épinière, spinal cord. gather.
moelleux, a. mellow; soft, sweet, gentle; moite, a. moist, damp, humid.
marrowy; pithy. m. mellowness; softness; moiteur, /. moistness, moisture, dampness,
grâce. humidity.
moellon, m. (Leather) degras, dégras, moel- moitié, /. & adv. half. à —, half, at half.
lon; sandstone for grinding mirrora; ash- moitir, v.t. moisten, dampen, make damp.
lar, rough or partly dressed stone. — ag- moka, m. Mocha coffee, ^ocha.
gloméré, artificial stone, cernent block. mol, a. Used instead of mou before a
moellonage, m. rubblework, rubble. vowel.
mœurs, /. pi. manners, customs ; habits, molaire, a, & f. molar.
ways ; morals. mol a rite, /. millstone, buhrstone.
mofétisé, a. mephitic, noxious. molarité, /. molarity.
mofette, /. noxious gas, specif. choke damp. môle, m. mole, pier. /. (Med.) mole.
— atmosphérique, nitrogen. — inflam- moleau, m. first oil expressed from a
mable, fire damp ; hydrogen. chamoised skin.
mol, pron, me, to me, I. m. self; egoism. moléculaire, o. molecular.
moignon, m. stump. moléculairement, adv. molecularly.
moi-même, pron. myself. molécularisation, /. réduction or conver-
moindre, a. less, lesser, smaller, inferior ; sion into molécules.
least; slightest, smallest. moindres carrés, molécularisé, a. constituted of molécules.
(Math.) least squares. moléculariser, v.t. arrange in molécules.
moindrement, adv. least, the least. molécule-gramme, /. gram molécule.
moine, m. monk; (Métal.) biister. mole ne, /. (Bot.) mullein, mullen (Yerbas-
moineau, m. sparrow. cum). — médicinale, great mullein, com-
moins, adv. less, not so, not as ; least. mon mullein (V, thapsus).
prep. less, minus; except. m. least; minus molester, v.t. molest.
sign, dash. à — que, (with ne and the molet, m. pincers, nippers ; (pi.) boggy
subj.) unless, if not; (with de and infini- ground.
tive) unless, without. ou —, at least, at moletage, m. milling; polishing.
the leaat, above ail, however. de —, less; moleter, v,t. mill; polish.
moletoir 288 monochloré
moletoir, m. a glass-polishing instrument. as, as soon as. du — Que, as soon as,
molettage, m. milling ; polishing. when once, since. en ce —, at présent,
molette, /. any of various small wheels or just now. — dipolaire, dipole moment.
rollers for milling, tracing, cutting, etc. ; par moments, at intervais.
muller (for pigments) ; rubber, mealer (for momentané, a. momentary.
powder) ; pulley ; roller électrode ; rowel momentanément, adv. momentarily, a mo-
(of a spur) ; (Bot.) shepherd's purse. ment.
moletter, v.t. mill; polish. momie, /. mummy.
moliant, o. pliable, soft. momificateur, a. mummifying.
mollasse, a. fiabby, soft, lacking consistence. momification, /. mummification.
/. (Geol.) Molasse. momifier, v.t. mummify.
molle, a. fem. of mou. mon, a. my.
mollement, adv. softly, soft ; gently ; monade, /. monad.
feebly ; lazily ; effeminately ; gracefully. monamide, /. monoamide, monamide.
mollesse, /. softness ; (of fruit) mellowness ; m on aminé, /. monoamine, monamine.
(of climate) mildness; feebleness, slug- monarchie, /. monarchy.
gishness; effeminacy; grâce, ease. monarde, /. (Bot.) Monarda; specif-, horse-
mollet, a. soft; light; tender. m. calf (of mint (M. -punctata).
the leg) ; pincers, nippers. monardinoside, m. monardein, salvianin.
molle ter, v.t. mil; polish. monarque, m. monarch.
molleterie, /. In the phrase cuir de mol- monazoïque, a. monoazo. m. monoazo
leterie, soft leather (esp. chamois leather). compound.
molletière, /. putty. monceau, m. heap, mound, stack, pile.
mollir, v.i. soften, become soft; (of fruit) mondation, /. cleaning, cleansing, peehng.
become mellow ; slacken ; weaken ; yield. monde, m. world ; people, persons ; com-
mollis se ment, m. softening, etc. (see mol- pany; men, hands, crew; servants.
lir). monder, v,t. clean, cleanse, peel, hull.
molliuscule, a. rather soft or mellow. mondial, a, world, of the world.
mollusque, m. (Zoôl.) mollusk, mollusc. mondificatif, a. (Med.) mundificant, cleans-
Moluques, /. pi. Moluccas. ing.
moly, m. wild garlic, moly (Allïum moly). mondiner, v.t. mundify, cleanse.
molybdaté, a. molybdate of. monésine, /. monesin.
molybdène, m. molybdenum. monétaire, o. monetary, money.
molybdène-III-hexathiocyanate, m. thio- monétiser, v.t. monetize.
cyanatomolybdate(III). mongolien, mongolique, a. Mongolian.
molybdène-III-hexathiocyanhydrique, moniteur, m. monitor.
a. thiocyanatomolybdic(III). monnaie, /. money; currency; coin; mint.
molybdène-IV-octocyanhydrique, a. cy- monnayage, m. coinage, coining, mintage,
anomolybdic(IV). minting.
molybdène-V-octocyanhydrique, o. cy- monnayer, v.t. coin, mint.
anomolybdic(V). monoacide, a. monoacid, monoacidic.
molybdène- IV- octocyanure, m. cyano- monoalcool, m. monohydric alcohol.
molybdate(IV). monoalcoolique, o. monoalcoholic, contain-
molybdène-V-octocyanure, m. cyanomo- ing one alcohol group.
lybdate(V). monoaminé, a. monoamino.
molybdénocre, m. molybdic ocher, molyb- monoargentique, a. monosilver.
dite. monoatomique, a. monatomic, monoatomic,
molybdeux, a. molybdous.
molybdide, n. (any) molybdenum minerai. (of alcohols) monohydroxy.
molybdine, /. (Min.) molybdite. monoaxifère, a. (Cryst.) uniaxial.
molybdique, a. molybdic. monobasique, a. monobasic.
molybdoïde, /. a kind of graphite. monobromé, a. monobromo, monobromo-.
molybdurane, m. a natural uranium molyb- monobromure, m. monobromide. — de
date. naphtaline, (mono)bromonaphthalene.
moment, m. moment; momentum. dans ce monocalcique, a. monocalcium.
—, just now, at présent, dans le —, in a monocarbonique, a. (Org. Chem.) mono-
moment, instantly, immediately. dans le carboxylïc.
— où (or que), at the moment when, just monochloré, a. monochloro, monochloro-.
monochlorhydrique 289 monter
monochlorhydrique, a. In the phrase monoséléniure, m. monoselenide.
éther monochlorhydrique, etbyl chloride, monosodé, o. monosodium.
chloroëthanç. monostéarine, /. monostearîn.
monochromateur, 7». monochromator. monosuostitué, a. monosubstituted.
monochromatique, a. monochromatic. monosulfure, m. monosulfide.
monochrome, a. monochrome, mono- monotellurure, m. monotelluride.
chromic. m. monochrome. monotérébénique, a. monoterpene.
monoclinique, a. (Cryst.) monoclinic. monotone, a. monotouous.
monocoordiné, -ordonné, a. monocoôrdi- monotonement, adv. monotonously.
nate(d). monotonie, /. monotony.
monocotylédone, a. (Soi.) monocotyledo- monotropie, /. monotropy.
nous. /. monocotyledon. monotropitoside, m. gaultherin.
monocyclique, a. monocyclic. monovalence, /. univalence (or -lency),
monoéthénique, a. having one double bond. monovalence (or -lency).
monoferreux, a. monoferrous. monovalent, a. univalent, monovalent.
monoformine, /. monoformin. monova.ria.nt, a. uui.vaii.aut, monovariant.
monogénique, a. monogenetic; monogenic. monsieur, m. sir, master, Mr., Esq., gen-
monographe, m. monographist, monograph tleman.
writer. monstrueux, a. monstrous.
monographie, /. monograph. mont, m. mount, mountaîn,
monohalogéné, a. monohalogenated, mono- mont-acide, m. = monte-acide.
halo. montage, m. rising, etc. (see monter) ; rise,
monohydraté, a. monohydrated. ascent; increase; fusion (of rings); (Elec.)
monohydrine, /. monohydrin. See hydrine. connection, wiring ; fit ; device. — à ré-
monoiodé, a. monoiodo-, iodo-, action, (Elec.) regenerative circuit. — au
monoléine, /. monoiJlein, monolein. baume, (Micros.) mounting in balsarn. —
monomagnésique, a. monomagnesium. en étoile, (Elec.) star connection.
monomère, a. monomeric. m. monomer. montagne, /. mountain. Montagnes Ro -
monométallique, a. monometallic. cheuses, Rocky Mountains.
monométhylique, a. monomethyl. montagneux, a. mountainous.
monomoléculaire, a. monomolecular. m ont a nique, o. montanic.
mononitré, a. mononitrated, mononitro, montant, p.a. rising, ascending, etc. (see
mononitro-. m. mononitro compound. monter); steep; high. m. upright, stand-
mononitrtne, /. mononitrin (glyoerol mono- ard, post; bed; stem (of plants); amount,
nitrate). total ; pungent taste ; strong odor ; rise,
mononucléaire, a. mononuclear ; single - rising; slope.
ring. mont-dore, m. a kind of Auvergne cheese.
monoper phosphate, m. peroxy(mono)phos- monte, /. raising, hoisting.
phate. monté, p.a. lifted, raised, mounted, erected,
monoperphosphorique, a. peroxy(mono) - set, etc. (see monter) ; deep-colored,
phosphoric. strongly coîored ; excited.
monopersulfurique, a. peroxy(mono)sul- monte-acide, m. acid pump, monte-acide,
furic. specif. an acid egg.
monophasé, a. (Elec.) single-phase, mono- monte-charge, m. freight elevator, lift,
phase. hoist, hoisting machine, crâne.
monophénol, m. monohydric phénol. montée, /. ascent ; rise, rising ; (of salts)
monophénolique, a. monophenolic, con- creeping ; heaving ; gradient ; height ;
taining one phénol group. stairs; step, stair; hill. — de sel, (Geol.)
monoplan, m. (Aero.) monoplane. sait plug.
monopole, m. monopoly. monte-jus, m. monte-jus, an apparatus for
monopoler, v.i. hâve a monopoly. pumping liquids, esp. in the sugar indus-
monopolisation, /. monopolizing. try (where it is also called juice pump) ;
monopoliser, v.t. monopolize. blow case, acid egg.
monopotassé, a. monopotassium. monter, v.i. rise; ascend, mount, go up,
monoréfringence, /. single (or ordinary) come up, boil up ; increase ; (of salts)
refraction. creep ; embark. v.t. ascend ; lift, raise,
monoréfringent, a. singly-refracting. hoist, take up; mount; set; set up, erect;
monose, m. monose, monosaccharide. put together, assemble; fuse (rings); fit
monter 290 mort-gage
up ; (Elec.) connect ; establish ; get up ; mordorure, /. = mordoré, m.
raise, increase ; deepen, strengthen (col- mordre, v.t. bite ; corrode, eat away ; act
ors) ; wind <timepieces), v.r. mount, rise; on, attack ; seize, catch, nip ; eut, incise ;
amount; supply oneself, stock up; ride; be penetrate; effect. v.i. bite; corrode; hâve
ascended, be raised, etc.; become excited. effect, take effect, act, work; take hold;
monteur, m. mounter, erecter, etc. (see engage; fit; (of a name) play; encroach;
monter); fitter (of pipes, engines, etc.). carp (at), reflect (on).
monticule, m. mound, hillock. mords, m. jaw (as of a clamp) ; (Sait)
montmartrite, m. (Min.) a kind of gypsum compartment of an evaporating basin.
containing some calcium carbonate. mordu, p.p. (of mordre) bitten, etc.
montrable, a. capable of being shown. moré, m. mulberry wine.
montre, /. watch; sample (of goods); dis- morelle, /. (Bot.) nightshade (Solanum). —
play, show ; show case, show window, grimpante, bittersweet (Solanum dulca-
show place; (Ceram.) trial pièce or other mara). — noire, black nightshade, com-
température indicator (esp. a fusible cône). mon nightshade (Solanum nigrum).
— à arrêt, — à repos, stop watch. — de moresque, a. Moorish.
Séger, (Ceram.) Seger cône. — d'or, gold morfîl, m. wire edge (on tools) ; raw ivory.
watch; (Ceram.),a gilded pièce which by morfiler, v.t. free from wire edge.
its color indicates the température of the morille, /. (Bot.) morel (Morchella).
kiln. — marine, chronometer. morillon, m. rough emerald; morel (mush-
montrer, v.t. show, exhibit, display; teach. room); morello cherry.
v.r. show oneself, appear, be seen. morin, m., morine, /. morin.
montueitx, a. hilly; mountainous. morindine, /. morindin.
monture, /. mounting, setting, fitting, morintannique, a. morintannic. acide —,
mount, support, frame, socket, base, etc. morintannic acid (maclurin).
monument, m. monument ; building, struc- morne, o. sad, dull.
ture. morphine, /. morphine.
morailles, /. pi. pincers, nippers, forceps. morphine, a. (Pharm.) morphinated, mor-
moraiïlon, m. hasp, clasp. phiated.
moraine, /. skin wool; (Geol.) moraine, o. morphique, a. morphine, of morphine.
(of wool) skin. morpholine /. morpholine.
moral, a. moral, m. morale; moral facul- morphologie, /. morphology.
ties. morphologique, a. morphologic(al).
morale, /. morals, ethics ; moral ; repri- morrhuine, /. morrhuine.
mand. morruol, morrhuol, m. (Pharm.) mor-
moralement, adv. morally. rhuol.
morceau, m. pièce; bit, morsel, fragment, mors, m. jaw (of a vise, pincers, etc.) ;
part. — d'essai, test pièce. (Glass) end of the blowpipe to which the
morceler, v.t. & r. divide, subdivide, break glass is attached; bit (for a horse).
up, split up, eut up, parcel out. morsure, /. biting, etc. (see mordre); bite.
morcellement, m. division, subdivision. mort, a. dead; dull, faded, lifeless, still; (of
mord, m. jaw (of a vise, pincers, etc.). water) stagnant ; (of capital) unemployed.
mordache, /. clamp ; jaw; tongs, pincers. p.p. of mourir, m., dead person, dead
mordacité, /. corrosiveness ; (fig.) causticity. body. à —, to death; mortally; exceed-
mordançage, m. mordanting. ingly. — au chien, (Pharm. ) colchicum.
mordancer, v.t. mordant. — aux mouches, fly poison, specif. arsenic.
mordanceur, m. mordanter (also called : — aux poules, henbane (Hyoscyamus niger).
(Dyeing) mordant maker, mordant-liquor — aux rats, rat poison, specif. arsenic tri-
man; (Calico) padding machine operator). oxide.
mordant, a. mordant ; corrosive ; keen, mortaise, /. mortise, hole, recess.
caustic. m. mordant (as for dyeing or for mo r taise r, v.t. mortise.
gilding) ; cutting power (of a file) ; pincers ; mortalité, /. mortality.
holder, clamp ; keenness, causticity. — mort-chien, m. (Pharm.) colchicum.
rouge, red liquor (aluminum acétate solu- morte, fem. of mort.
tion). mortel, a. mortal ; fatal.
mordlcant, a. acrid, biting, corrosive. mortellement, adv. mortally.
mordoré, a, & m. reddish brown with golden morte-saison, /. dull season, dead season.
reflection, mordoré. mort-gage, m. mortgage.
mortier 291 moulage
mortier, m. mortar (in various sensés). — motoriser, v.t. motorize.
à chaux et à sable, sand-lime mortar, or- mototracteur, m. tractor.
dinary mortar. — à prise lente, slow-set- motrice, a. fem. of moteur.
ting inortar. — bâtard, cement-lime mor- motricité, /. motility, motivity.
tar ; poor mortar. — clair, thin mortar. motte, /. lump, clod, mass (as of earth,
— d'Abich, Àbich mortar (a kind of dia- sod, peat or the like) ; pat (of butter);
mond mortar). — de chaux, lime mortar. bail (arotind roots); hillock. — à brûler,
— de ciment, cernent mortar. — de tran- a small fiât or round mass of tan, turf or
chée, (Mil.) trench mortar. — dur, stiff other combustible.
mortar. — en acier, steel mortar. — en mottier, o. in lumps or masses (cf. motte).
fonte, cast iron mortar. — en verre, glass motton, m. lump (as of flour in water).
mortar. — liquide, grouting, grout, fluid mou, a. soft ; (of fruit) mellow ; (of
mortar. weather) sultry, close; slack; feeble; lax,
mortier-stuc, m. stucco. sluggish, lazy, spiritless ; effeminate. m.
mortifier, v.t. mortify; make (méat) tender. lights (of animais); slack (of a rope).
mortîne, /. leaves of the myrtle and other mouces, /. pi. {Ores) slimes, tailings.
plants, used in tanning. mouceux, a. (Ores.) slimy, muddy.
mort-plaln, m. (Leather) old lime liquor. mouche, /. n'y; spot, dark spot; bull's-eye;
morts-murs, m. pi. walls of a smelting fur- (Mech.) point (of a bit). — cantharide,
nace. cantharides, Spanish fly.
mort-terrain, m. ground containing no ore, moucher, v.t. square or trim the end of ;
dead ground, barren rock, cover. snuff (a candie); wipe (the nose).
morue, /. cod, codfish. — salée, — sèche, — moucheron, m. gnat, small fly.
verte, sait cod. moucheter, v.t. spot; speckle; dot.
morve, /. nasal mucus; (Vet.) glanders, mouchette, /. residue from sifted plaster.
also farcy; rot (of certain plants). moucheture, /. spot, speckle, dot ; slight
mosaïque, /. mosaic. scarification.
Moscou, /. Moscow. mouchoir, m. handkerchief.
m os c ou ad e, moscovade, /. muscovado, mouchure, /. nasal mucus ; snuff (of a
raw sugar. candie).
Moscovie, /. Muscovy. moud, pr. S sing. (of moudre) grinds, mills.
mot, m. word ; saying ; motto ; countersign. moudre, v.t. grind, mill.
— à —, word for word, Verbatim, lit - moufette, mouffette, /. = mofette; skunk.
erally. — composé, compound word. moufle, m. muffle. /. mitten ; tackle, system
moteur, m. motor; engine; mover; author. of pulleys, block; anchor, tie iron.
a. motor, motive, moving, driving, actu- moufler, v.t. put in a muffle.
ating. — à air carburé, internai-combus- mouillabilité, /. wettability.
tion engine. — à air chaud, hot-air engine, mouillade, /. wetting, moistening.
hot-air motor. — à deux temps, two-cycle mouillage, m. wetting, etc. (see mouiller) ;
engine. — à essence, gasoline engine, petrol anchorage ; depth.
engine. — à explosion, explosion motor, mouillant, p.a. wetting, etc. (see mouiller).
internai-combustion engine. — à gaz, gas mouillante, /. wetting agent, a. fem. of
engine. — à pétrole, (usually) kérosène mouillant.
engine, oil engine. (See pétrole.) — à mouillé, p.a. wetted, etc. (see mouiller) ;
réaction, jet-propulsion motor. — à va- wet; watery; moist.
peur, steam engine. — électrique, electric mouillement, m. wetting, etc. (see mouil-
motor. — en dérivation, shunt-wound mo- ler).
tor. — en étoile, radial engine. — éolien, mouiller, v.t. wet; steep, soak; water;
wind motor. — thermique, heat engine. moisten; cast (anchor). v.i. anchor, moor.
motif, m. motive, reason ; design, pattern. mouilleur, m. wetter, etc. (see mouiller).
a. determining. mouilleux, a. wet (as land).
motiver, v.t. be the motive of ; justify ; moullloir, m. moistening cup or vessel.
state the motive of or reason for. mouillure, /. wetting, etc. (see mouiller) ;
motoculteur, m. power cultivator. moisture.
motocycie, m., motocyclette, /. motor - moulage, m. grinding, milling ; molding ;
cycle. casting ; modeling ; mold ; (Mach.) mill-
moto-planeur, m. motor glider. work. — à découvert, open sand molding.
motopompe, /. motor pump. — à la presse, (Cerom.) pressing. — à
moulage 292 mouvant
sec, dry shaping, dry molding, dry press- mour, m. (Métal.) muzzle, nose (of a twyer).
ing. — au tour, (Ceram.) jiggering. — à mourant, p.a. dying, etc. (see mourir) ;
vert, green-sand molding. — creux, hollow fading; (of colors) pale; languid.
casting. — en argile, loam molding. — mourir, v.i. die; die away; die out; be
en châssis, flask molding. — en sable, spent. v.r. be dying; die away; die out.
sand casting. faire —, cause to die; kill; distress, worry.
moulait, imp. S sing. of moudre and mouron, m. any of several primulaceous
mouler. plants. — rouge, scarlet pimpernel (Anagal-
moulant, p .a. grinding, milling ; molding, lis arvensis).
etc. (see mouler). mourra, fut. S sing. (of mourir) will die.
moule, m. mold; cast, form; matrix; muffle; mourut, p. def. S sing. (of mourir) died.
model. /. (Zool.) mussel. — à compres- moussache, /. cassava starch, cassava,
sion, {Ceram.), pressing mold. — à écrase- tapioca meal.
ment, {Ceram.) mold for dry pressing, die. moussant, p.a. foaming, foamy, frothing,
— à fonte, casting mold. — de fusée, frothy.
(Pyro.) rocket mold. — de gueuse, chan- molisse, /. foam, froth ; lather ; whipped
nel, pig. — de travail, {Ceram.) working cream ; any light porous mass, sponge ;
mold. — en sable gras, dry-sand mold. (Bot.) moss. a. blunt, dull. — de bois, a
— en sable maigre, green-sand mold. kind of wadding made from peat. — de
moulé, p.a. molded, etc. (see mouler), m. chêne, oak moss (a lichen). — de platine,
printed characters, print. platinum sponge (specif., unpurified ma-
mouleau, m. mold (rectangular, for fatty terial containing iridium as distinguished
acids) ; small cake of wax (sufficient to from éponge de platine). — de savon,
make a candie). soapsuds. — des marais, = mousse de bois.
moulée, /. swarf, grindings. — d'extinction, fire-fighting foam. — ma-
moule-mère, n. (Ceram.) block mold. rine perlée, carrageen, (Pharm.) chondrus.
moulent, pr. 3 pi. of moudre and of mousseline, /. muslin. a. muslin, mous-
mouler. seline.
mouler, v.t. mold ; cast ; model, form ; mousseliner, v.t. decorate (glass) in imi-
print. v.r. be molded, cast or modeled ; tation of muslin.
(of metals) cast; fit exactly; model one- mousser, v.i. foam, froth ; lather; (of
self. wine) sparkle, fizz.
moule rie, /. founding, casting ; foundry. mousseron, m. mushroom.
mouleur, m. molder; caster, founder. mousseux, a. foamy, frothy; (of soap) lath-
moulin, m. mill ; (Geol.) pothole. — à ering ; (of wine) sparkling, effervescent ;
beurre, churn. — à bis, mill for brown mossy, moss.
flour only. — à blanc, mill for white flour moussoir, m. beater, stirrer.
only. — à boulets, bail mill. — à canne, moussu, a. mossy, moss-grown, moss.
cane mill, sugar mill. — à cylindre, moustique, m, mosquito.
{Paper) hollander. — o eau, water mill. moût, m. must (of grapes, etc.); (Brewing)
— à farine, flour mill. — à meules, (Gun- wort. — dilué, (Brewing) thin wort. —
powder) incorporating mill. — o minerais, épais, (Brewing) thick wort. — sucré,
ore mill. — à papier, paper mill. — à (Brewing) sweet wort.
pilon, stamping mill, stamp. — o poudre, moutarde, /. mustard. — blanche, white
powder mill. — à sucre, sugar mill. —• à mustard. — des champs, wild mustard,
vapeur, steam mill. — à vent, windmill. charlock (Brassica arvensis). — des moines,
— concasseur, crushing mill, crusher. horseradish. — noire, black mustard.
movlinage, m. grinding; throwing (of silk). moutardin, moutard on, m. wild mustard.
mouliner, v.t. throw, twist (silk) ; grind, moût-levain, m. a nutrient liquid for the
polish (as marble); eat away (wood). cultivation of yeast.
moulinet, m. twirl, whirl, t u m ; windlass, mouton, m. sheep ; mutton ; sheep (leather) ;
winch, réel, drum ; vanc wheel ; chuck ; ram, ranimer, tup, monkey, driver ; pile
small mill; turnstile. driver; stamp; maul, beetle; punch.
mouloir, m. a kind of covered casserole. mouture, /. grinding ; ground material,
moulu, p.a. ground, milled ; finely divided grist ; grinding fee ; mixed wheat, rye and
(as gold). barley; mother (of vinegar).
moulure, /. molding (the décoration). mouvant, p.a. moving ; motive ; unstable,
BlOUmme, /. mum (a strong aie or béer). (of £and) quick.
mouve-chaux 293 muqueux
mouve-chaux, m. (Sugar) stirring pôle, mucilage, m. mucilage. — adragant, — de
stirrer; lime rake. gomme adragante, (Pharm.) tragacanth
mouvement, m. motion, movement, mov- mucilage. — arabique, — de gomme ara-
ing ; impulse ; commotion, disturbance ; bique, (Pharm.) acacia mucilage, mucilage
variation, fluctuation, change; action, ae- of gum arabic.
tivity, animation ; traffic ; machinery. mucilagineux, c. mucilaginous.
mettre en —, set in motion, start. — mucine, /. mucin.
alternatif, alternating (or reciprocating) mucique, a. mucic.
motion. — à secousses, shaking motion. muconique, a. muconic.
— brownien, Brownian movement. — mucoprotéide, m. mucoprotein.
k croissant, accelerated motion. — de roulis, mucosité, /. mucus ; mucosity.
rocking motion. — de va-et-vient, re- mue, fem. of mû, p.p. of mouvoir. /. cage,
ciprocal motion, back -and - forth motion. coop; molting; cast skin; (Silh) peeling.
— en arrière, rétrograde motion. — en muet, a. mute, silent, dumb ; unfermented.
avant, forward motion. — moyen, mean muguet, m. lily of the valley; (Med.)
motion. — rotatif, rotary motion, rota- thrush,
tion, se mettre en —, start, stir, move. muid, m. hogshead.
mouver, v.t. stir. muire, m. sait solution, brine (in the sa-
mouveron, m. stirrer; lime rake, lines).
mouvet, m., mouvette, /. stirrer, mulet, m. mule.
mouvoir, v.t. move; stir. v.i. & r. move, mulon, m. a heap of sait from the salines.
be moved. m. stirrer. faire —, cause to mulot, m. field mouse.
move, move, set in motion. multangulaire, multangulé, a. multangu-
mowrah, n. {Bot.} mahua, mowrah, mowra. lar.
moyau, m, beam (of a press). multicellulaire, o. multicellular.
moyen, a. middle; mean, intermediate ; multicolore, a. multicolor, polychromatic.
mean, average ; médium ; médiocre. m. multiforme, a. multiform.
means ; médium ; agent ; {Math.) mean ; multiple, o. multiple, m. multiple ; mul-
middle quality or grade, middlings; abili- tiplet.
ties ; reasons, grounds. au — de, by multipliant, p.a. multiplying.
means of. le — âge, the Middle Ages. multiplicateur, m. multiplier, o. multiply-
— à nettoyer, cleanîng agent or material, ing, multiplicative.
eleaner. — antirouille, antirusting agent. multiplicatif, a. multiplicative.
— de contrôle, means of control, check. — multiplicité, /. multiplicity.
de fortune, makeshift. — d'extinction, fire- multiplier, v.t. & i. multiply. v.r. be mul-
extinguishing agent. — goût, (Alcohol) tiplied ; multiply, increase.
the next to the last fraction in rectifica- multipolaire, a. multipolar.
tion, preceding the "mauvais goûts de multirotation, /. multirotation (mutarota-
queue." moyens goûts, (Alcohol) the sec- tion).
ond fraction in rectification, following the multirotatoire, a. multirotatory (mutaro-
"mauvais goûts de tête." — teint, dye or tatory).
color of médium fastness ; moderately fast. multitérébénique, o. polyterpene.
moyenâgeux, a. médiéval. multivalent, a. multivalent, polyvalent.
moyennant, prep. by means of, in exchange mundick, m. (Mining) mundic.
for, for. — que, on condition that. muni, -p.p. (of munir) provided, supplied.
moyenne, /. (Math.) mean, specif. average; municipal, o. municipal. m. municipal
(p(.) middle quality or grade, midcLîings. guard.
moyennement, adv. moderately, mid- munir, v.t. provide, supply, furnish, equip.
dlingly. munition, /. providing, provision, etc. (see
moyeu, m. hub, nave; (egg) yolk; (fruit) munir); munition, munitions; (pi.) ammu-
6tone; core (as in molding). nition; (pi.) provisions, stores, supplies.
mozambique, n. an African crude rubber. munjak, n. manjak, manjack (an asphalt).
M.T.S., abbrev. (mètre-tonne-seconde) me- munjeestîne, /. munjistin.
ter-ton-second. niunjeet, m. munjeet, Indian madder.
mû, p.p. (of mouvoir) moved; stirred. munjistine, /. munjistin.
muable, a. changeable, variable, mutable. munster, m. Munster cheese.
mucédine, /. mucedin (gliadin?). muqueuse, /. mucous membrane.
mucédinée, /. mold fungus, mold. muqueux, a. mucous.
mur 294 myristicinique
mur, m. wall. — de refend, partition wall, musculine, /. musculin.
cross wall. museau, m. snout, nose, nozzle.
mûr, a. ripe, mature; (of clothes) shabby. musée, m. muséum.
murage, m. walling, walling up, masonry. muselet, m. wire for securing a stopper.
muraille, /. wall; (of a ship) side. couleur museleter, v.t. secure (a stopper) with a
de —, couleur —, a gray color like that wire.
of stone walls. musif, a. mosaic.
muraillement, m. walling, walls. musique, /. music; baiid; sédiment, set-
murailler, v.t. wall, wall in, wall up. tlings.
mural, a. mural, wall; (Anat.) pariétal. musqué, a. musk, musky, musked, scented
mûre, /. mulberry (the fruit), a. fem. of with or like musk; (of language) affected.
mûr. — de haie, — de ronce, — sauvage, musquer, v.t. musk, perfume with musk.
blaokberry. mussif, a. mosaic. or —, mosaic gold.
mureau, m. (Métal.) twyer wall. mustimètre, m. a hydrometer for must.
mûrement, adv. ripely, maturely. mut, p. de!. S sing. (of mouvoir) moved.
murent, p. def. s pi. (of mouvoir) moved; mutabilité, /. mutability, changeableness.
stirred. pr. 8 pi. (of murer) wall, wall in. mutage, m. mutage (checking of fermenta-
murer, v.t. wall, wall in, wall up, stop up, tion).
block up, block. mutation, /. change; transfer; mutation.
muret, m. small wall, low wall. muté, a. transferred, of changed ownership.
murette, /. (Métal.) bridge (esp. when p.p. (of muter) muted.
high). muter, v.t. mute, check the fermentation of.
murexane, m. murexan (uramil). muteuse, /. muting apparatus.
murexide, /. murexide, ammonium pur- mutilation, /. mutilation, mutilating.
purate. mutiler, v.t. mutilate.
murexoïne, /. murexoïn. mutuel, o. mutual, reciprocal.
mûri, p.a. ripened, ripe, matured, mature. mutuellement, adv. mutually, reciprocally.
muriate, m. muriate (chloride, or hydro- mycoderme, m. (Bact.) mycoderma.
chloride). — d'ammoniaque, ammonium mycodermique, a. (Bact.) mycodermic.
chloride. — oxygéné, (Old Chem.) hypo- mycologie, /. mycology.
chlorite. — suroxygéné, (Old Chem.) mycose, /. mycose (trehalose); (Med.) my-
chlorate. cosis ; (Bot.) mycélium.
muriatë, a. muriated (combined with hydro- mydriase, /. (Med.) mydriasis.
chloric acid or a chloride). Archaîc. mydriatique, a. & m. (Med.) mydriatic.
muriatique, a. muriatic (hydrochloric). myéline, /. myelin.
muride, m. (Old Chem.) muride (bromine). mylabre, m. (Zoôl.) member of the genus
mûrier, m. mulberry tree, mulberry. — à Mylabris.
papier, paper mulberry (Broussonetia papy- myoglobuline, /. myoglobuUn.
rifera). — sauvage, bramble (Rubus spe- myohématine, /. myohematin.
cies). myose, /. (Med.) myosis.
mûrir, v.t., r. & i. ripen, mature; (Med.) myotique, a. & m. (Med.) myotic.
maturate. myriade, /. myriad.
mûrissant, p.a. ripening, maturing. myriagramme, m. myriagram (10 kilo-
murité, n. muriti palm (Mauritia vinifera). grams).
murmure, m. murmur. myrica, m. (Bot.) wax myrtle (Myrica). —
murmurer, v.i. & t. murmur. cérifère, wax myrtle (esp. M. cerifera). —
mûron, m. blackberry; (wild) raspberry. gale, sweet gale (M. gale).
murrayine, /. murrayin.
mus, masc. pi. (of mû) moved. myricacées, /. pi. (Bot.) Myricaceae.
musc, m. musk; musk deer. — végétal, myricine, /. œyricin.
myrlcique, a. myricyl.
amber seed, ambrette. myrico-mélissique, a. In the phrase éther
muscade, /. nutmeg.
muscadet, m. muscatel (the wine). myrico-mélissique (myricyl melissate?).
muscadier, m. nutmeg tree, nutmeg. myricyle, m. myricyl.
muscarine, /. muscarine. myristicacées, myrlsticées, /. pi. Myristi-
muscat, m. & a. muscat, muscatel (wine caceae.
and grape); muscatel (the pear). myristlcine, /. myristicin.
musculaire, musculeux, a. muscular. myristicinique, a. myristicic, myristicinic.
myristine 295 myxome
myristine, /. myristin. myrsite, m. (Pharm.) wine flavored with
myristique, a. myristic. myrtle leaves.
myrobalan, myrobolan, m. {Bot.) roy- myrtacées, /. pi. (Bot.) Myrtaceae.
robalan. myrte, m. (Bot.) myrtle (Myrtus). —
myrobalanier, m. myrobalan tree (Ter- cérifère, wax myrtle, bayberry (Myrica).
minalia). — des -marais, sweet gale (Myrica gale).
myronique, a. myronic. myrtil, m., myrtille, /. (Bot.) bilberry.
myrosine, /. myrosin. myrtille rouge, mountain cranberry.
myroxyle, m. {Bot.) any member of myrtilloside, m. myrtillin.
Myroxylon. mystère, m. mystery.
myrrhe, /. myrrh (the gum resin). mystérieusement, adv. mysteriously.
myrrhe, a. perfumed with myrrh, myrrhy. mystérieux, a. mysterious.
myrrhine, /. myrrhin. mystifier, v.t. mystify.
myrrhlqne, a. myrrhio. myxome, m. (Med.) myxoma.
n'. Contraction of ne. naphtalino-monosuifoné, a. naphthalene-
nacarat, a. <& m. nacarat, light red with an monosuif onic.
orange tinge. naphtalino-suif oné, a. naphthalenesulfonic.
nacelle, /. (small) boat ; weighing scoop ; naphtaliqUe, a. naphthalic.
(Aero.) nacelle, car. — à fond plat, flat- naphtazarine, /. naphthazarin.
bottomed boat. — en platine, platinum naphtazine, /. naphthazine.
boat. — en porcelaine, porcelain boat. — naphte, m. naphtha (in its various sensés).
en silice, silica boat. — en verre pour — acétique, ethyl acétate (old name). —
pesées, glass weighing scoop. de charbon, crude naphtha, light oil (from
nacre, /. nacre, mother-of-pearl. eoal tar). — de pétrole, petroleum
nacré, o. nacreous, pearly. naphtha. — de schistes, shale naphtha.
nacrer, v.t. give a nacreous luster to. — d'os, bone oil, Dippel's oil. — minéral,
nacrure, /. pearly whiteness. minerai naphtha (petroleum, also a pe-
naffe, /. See eau de naffe, under eau. troleum distillate). — natif, petroleum.
nage, /. swimming, swim; rowing; rowlock. naphtène, m. naphthene.
nageoire, /. fin (of fishes); float. naphténique, a. naphthenic.
nager, v.i. swim; float; row. naphténol, m. cyclohexanol.
naguère, naguères, adv. only a short time naphtésique, a, phthalic.
ago, lately, but now. naphtidine, /. naphthidine.
naïf, a. artless, natural, naive. naphtinduline, /. naphthinduline.
nain, m., f. & a. dwarf. naphtionique, a. naphthionic.
naiser, v.t. ret, steep. naphtoate, m. naphthoate.
naissance, /. source, origin, beginning, rise; napht ofurfurane, naphtofurane, m.
root; birth; spring (of an arch). donner naphthofuran.
— à, give rise to, produce, prendre —, be naphtoïque, a. naphthoic.
formed, originate, anse, appear. naphtol, m. naphthol.
naissant, a. nascent; incipient, beginning, naphtolage, m. naphtholization.
rising; (of colors) faint, pale; newborn. naphtoler, v.t. naphtholize, treat or im-
naître, v.i. be born; spring up, corne up, pregnate with naphthol.
grow ; spring, proceed, arise, originate. naphtolsulfoné, a. naphtholsulfonic.
faire —, give birth to ; give rise to ; cause naphtophénazine, /. naphth ophenazine,
to grow, raise, produce. (for the four-ring compound) benzophena-
naïvement, adv. artlessly; naively. zine.
nantir, v.t. secure (a creditor); provide. naphtoquinone, /. naphthoquinone.
nantissement, m. security (for debt). naphtoyle, m. naphthoyl.
napel, m. monkshood, aconite (Aconitum naphtylamine, /. naphthylamine.
naphtyle, m. naphthyl.
napelîus}. naphtylène, m. naphthylene.
napelline, /. napelline. naplitylènediamine, /. naphthalenedi-
naphe, /. See eau de naffe, under eau.
napht-. naphth -. amine.
naphtacène, m. naphthacene. naphtylénique, a. of or pertaining to
naphtadil, naphtagil, m. neftgil (ozoce- naphthalene (an improper use).
naphtylique, a. naphthylic, naphthyl.
rite). naphtylol, m. naphthol.
naphtalène, m. naphthalene. naphtylurée, /. naphthylurea.
naphtalénique, o. of or pertaining to napolitain, o. Neapolitan, of Naplea.
naphthalene, naphthalene, naphthalenic. nappage, m. table linen.
naphtaline, /. naphthalene. — bichlorée, nappe, /. sheet (of cloth, of water, etc.);
dichloronaphthalene. surface, level (of water, etc.); sheet, bed,
naphtaline-disulf oné, naphtalinodisul- stratum, deposit (as of petroleum) ;
foné, a. naphthalenedisulfonic. {Math.) nappe, sheet; tablecloth.
naquit 297 négligé
naquit, p. def. S sing. (of naître) was born, navire, m. ship, vesmt. —• à vapeur, steam-
etc. ship, steamer. •— à voiles, sailing vessel.
narcéine, /. narceine. — de charge, cargo vessel, freighter.
narcisse, m. (Sot.) narcissus. — des prés, navire-citerne, navire-tank, m. tanker.
daffodil. ne, adv. (ordinarily accompanied by pas,
narcose, /. (Med.) narcosis. •point, personne, or a similar word) not, no.
narcotico-âcre, a. & m. (Med.) narcotico- (iVe is omitted in translating certain clauses
acrid. beginning with que, esp. in expressions of
narcotine, /. narcotine. fearing, doubting, etc., e.g. : je crains qu'il
narcotinique, a. narcotinic. ne vienne, I fear he will come; but, je
narcotique, a. & m. narcotic. crains qu'il ne vienne pas, I fear he will
narcotiser, v.t. narcotize. not come; also, mieux que vous ne pensez,
narcotisme, wi. narcotism. better than you think. ne . . . guère,
nard, m. nard (the ointment); (Bot.) any scarcely, hardly. ne . . . jamais, never. ne
of several plants, specif. (1) nard, matgrass . . . pas, not, no. ne . . . pas encore, not
(Nardus stricto); (2) nard, spikenard yet. ne . . . personne, no one, nobody.
(Nardostachys jatamansi). — celtique, ne . . . plus, no more, no longer, ne . . .
Celtic nard, valerian (Valeriana celtica). que, only, but. ne . . . rten, nothing.
— indien, nard (the ointment) ; spikenard. né, v.a. born; wellborn.
narine, /. nostril ; (of a pump) snore hole. néanmoins, adv. nevertheless, however.
naringoside, m. naringin. néant, m. nothing, nothingness. mettre à —,
narrateur, m. narrator. annul.
narré, m. narrative, account, story. nébulaire, a. (Astron.) nebular.
narrer, v.t. narrate. nébuleuse, /. (Astron.) nebula.
nasitor, nasitort, m. (Bot.) garden cress. nébuleux, a. nebulous.
nasturce, m. (Bot.) Nasturtium (Roripa). nébulosité, /. nebulosity, cloudiness.
— officinal, watër cress (Roripa nastur- nécessaire, a. necessary. m. necessary;
tium-aquaticum). case, box, kit, set, outfit (of necessary or
nataloïnoside, m. nataloïn. useful objects). — de réparation, repair
natatoire, o. natatory. kit.
natif, a. <fc m. native. nécessairement, adv. necessarily.
nationalement, adv. nationally. nécessité, /. necessity. de —, of necessity,
nationaliser, v.t. nationalise. necessarily. par —, through necessity.
nationalité, /. nationality. nécessiter, v.t. necessitate; require; com-
natrium, m. sodium. pel.
natromètre, m. a kind of alkalimeter. nécrologie, /. necrology, obituary.
natron, natrum, m. (Min.) natron, native nécromancie, /. necromancy.
soda. nécromancien, nécromant, m. necroman-
natte» /. mat, matting; plait, plaiting, braid. cer.
natter, v.t. plait, braid; cover with mats. nécrose, /. (Med. & Bot.) necrosis.
naturaliser, v.t. naturalize. nécroser, v.t. (Med.) nécrose, mortify.
nature, /. nature; full size. nectaire, m. (Bot.) nectary.
naturel, a. natural; native, m. nature; néerlandais, a. Dutch. m. (cap.) Dutch-
naturalness ; native, au —, naturally, ac- man, (pi.) Dutch.
cording to nature or life; cooked and néfaste, a. unlucky, ill-omened.
served simply. nèfle, /. medlar (the fruit).
naturellement, adv. naturally; plainly. néflier, m. medlar, medlar tree (Mespilus
naufrage, m. shipwreck; wreck, ruin. germanica).
nauséabond, a. nauseous, sickening. neftgil, m. (Min.) neftgit (ozocerite).
nausée, /. nausea. négatif, a. & m. négative.
nauséeux, a. nauseous, causing nausea. négation, /. négation, déniai; négative
nautique, a. nautical. (word).
navet, m. turnip (specif., Brassica râpa). négative, /. négative (proposition).
navette, /. râpe, colza (see colza, note); négativement, adv. negatively.
râpe oil, rapeseed oil, colza oil; pig (of négativité, /. negativeness, negativity.
lead); shuttle; shift (of workers). négatron, m. negatron, (négative) électron.
naviguer, v.i. navigate, sail. négligé, p.a. neglected; careless, négligent.
négligeable 298 macme
négligeable, a. negligible. nervure, /. vein, nerve (as of a leaf); rib;
négligemment, adv. carelessly, negligently. web, fin, vane, feather, flange, fillet;
négligence, /. négligence; neglect. groove.
négligent, a. négligent, careless. nervure, a. veined; ribbed; flanged;
négliger, v.t. neglect. v.r. be careless, be grooved.
négligent. néryle, m. neryl.
négoce, m. trade, commerce, traffic. nesslérisation, /. nesslerization.
négociable, a. negotiable. nesslériser, v.t. nesslerize,
négociant, m. merchant. n'est-ce pas7 is it not? isn't it so?
négociateur, m. negotiator. net, a. clean ; pure ; clear ; distinct, sharp ;
négociation, /. négociation. neat, unmixed; (of priées, etc.) net; frank,
négocier, v.t. negotiate. v.i. trade. open. adv. ail at once; clean; quite;
nègre, a. & m. Negro, negro. elearly, flatly. faire —, make clean, cleanse,
neige, /. snow. — carbonique, carbon di- clean. mettre au —, make a fair copy of.
oxide snow, "dry ice." — d'antimoine, nettement, adv, cleanly, neatly; clearly,
antimony trioxide. distinctly, sharply; frankly, flatly.
neigé, p.a. snowy. netteté, /. cleanness, etc. (see net).
neiger, v.i. snow. nettoiement, nettoyage, m. cleaning,
neigeux, a. snowy. cleansing, etc. (see nettoyer). — minutieux,
néodyme, m. neodymium. thorough cleaning.
néogène, m. Neogen (a nickel silver, T.N.); nettoyer, v.t. clean, cleanse; scour, sweep,
(Geol.) Neogene (Neocene). wipe, etc. ; clear, clear out.
néoytterbium, m. yttetbium. nettoyeur, m., nettoyeuse, /. cleancr, etc.
néozoïque, a. & m. (Geol.) Neozoic. (see nettoyer); specif., cleaning machine^
Népaul, Népal, m. Népal. nettoyeur de tan, (Leather) bark cleaner.
népérien, a. (Math.) Napierian, Naperian. nettoyeuse à vide, vacuum cleaner.
népète, /. (Bot ) Nepeta, esp. N. cataria, nettoyeur-aspirateur, m. suction cleaner,
catnip. vacuum cleaner.
néphélémètre, m. nephelometer. neuf, a. & m. new; nine; ninth. à —,
néphélémétrique, a. nephelometric. anew, afresh, like new.
néphéline, /. (Min.) nephelite, nepheline. neurine, /. neurine.
néphélomètre, m. nephelometer. neurone, m. (Anat.) neuron, neurone.
néphélométrie, /. nephelometry. neutralement, adv. neutrally.
néphrectomie, /. nephrectomy. neutraline, /. neutraline (a fixed oil).
néphrétique, a. nephritic. /. néphrite, neutraliser, v.t. neutralize. v.r. be neutral-
jade. m. kidney remedy; nephritic per- ized, become neutral; neutralize each other^
son. neutralité, /. neutrahty.
néphrine, /. nephrin. neutre, a. neutral; (Grammar) neuter.
néphrite, /. (Min.) néphrite; (Med.) neutrement, adv. neutrally.
nephritis. neutrophile, -philique, a. neutrophile,
nerf, m. nerve; fiber; sinew, tendon; (Min- -phil, -philic, -philous.
ing) horse; (Arch., etc.) rib. — de fer, neuve, a. fem. (of neuf) new; nine; ninth.
fibrous texture of well-forged iron. neuvième, a. & m. ninth.
nérol, m. nerol. névé, m. glacier snow, névé.
néroli, m. neroli (orange-flower oil). es- neveu, m. nephew; (pi.) descendants.
sence de —, oil of neroli, neroli. — névr-. neur-.
bigarade, oil of bitter-orange flowers. — névralgie, /. (Med.) neuralgia.
pétale, oil of sweet-orange flowers. névrine, /. neurine.
névrinique, a. of or pertaining to neurine.
néroline, /. nerolin (2-ethoxy- or 2-meth- névrite,
oxynaphthalene). /. (Med.) neuritis.
névrose, /. (Med.) neurosis.
nerprun, m. (Bot.) buckthorn (Rhamnus). newtonien, a. Newtonian.
— -purgatif, purging buckthorn (R. ca- nez, m. nose; nozzle; beak, projection; end;
thartica). prompntory.
nervage, m. ribbhig. ni, conj. nor, or. ni . . . ni, neither . . .
nervé, o. nerved; ribbed; corrugated. nor, (following a négative) either . . . or.
nerveux, a. nervous; fibrous; sinewy; niable, a. deniable.
strong. niacine, /. niacin, nicotinic acid.
niaouli nitrobenzine
niaouli, /. (Bot.) cajuput (Melaleuca). es- niotique, a. niobic, specif. niobium(V).
sence de —, cajuput oil. niobite, /. (Min.) columbite.
nlccolique, a. nickel, of nickel. niton, m. niton (radon).
niche, /. niche; recess; shelter; housing, nitrable, a. nitratable.
box. nitragine, /. (Agric.) nitragin.
nickel, m. nickel. — arsenical blanc, (Min.) nitramldlne, /. (Expl.) nitramidin(e).
ehloantbite. — arsenic—sulfuré, nickel nitramine, /. nitramine, N-nitro aminé.
glance. — cuivreux, (Min.) copper-nickel nitranilique, o. nitranilic.
(niccolite). —• d'antimoine, (Min.) ullman- nitrant, p.a. nitrating.
nite. — gris, (Min.) gersdorffite, nickel nitratation, /. nitration.
glance. — sulfuré, nickel sulfide; (Min.) nitrate, m. nitrate. — d'ammoniaque, am-
millerite. monium nitrate. — d'argent, silver nitrate.
nickelage, m. nickeling, nickel-plating, — de baryte, nitrate of baryta (bariunl
nickelage. nitrate). — de chaux, nitrate of lime (cal-
nickeler, v.t. nickel, nickel-plate, nickelize. cium nitrate). — de Chili, Chile saltpeter,
nickéleux, a. nickelous, nickel(II). sodium nitrate. — de cuivre, copper ni-
nickelglanz, m. (Min.) nickel glance, gers- trate. — de fer, iron nitrate (specif., ferrie
dorffite. nitrate). — de plomb, lead nitrate. — de
nickélifère, nickelifère, a. nickeliferous. potasse, nitrate of potash (potassium ni-
nickéline, /. (Min.) niccolite, kupfernickel ; trate). — de soude, nitrate of soda (sodium
(Elec.) nickelin (a résistance alloy). nitrate).
nickéllque, o. nickelic, nickel(III). nitrater, v.t. nitrate; specif., color (skin)
nlckélisatlon, /., nickélisage, m. = nick- brown with silver nitrate.
elage. nitre, m. niter, nitre, saltpeter (specif., po-
nickéliser, v.t. = nickeler. tassium nitrate). — cubique, cubic niter,
nickelotétracyanure, m. cyanonickelate- sodium nitrate. — de houssage, wall salt-
(II). peter (calcium nitrate). — de Saturne,
nickel-I-tricyanure, m. cyanonickelate(I). lead nitrate. — du Chai, Chile niter (so-
nickelure, /. nickeling, nickel-plating. dium nitrate). — du commerce, commer-
nicol, m. (Optics) nicol, Nicol prism. cial niter, commercial saltpeter. — lunaire,
nicotéine, /. nicoteine. silver nitrate. — prismatique, potassium
nicotiane, /. tobacco; (Bot.) Nicotiana. nitrate.
nicotianine, /. oil of tobacco; nicotianin. nitré, p.a. nitrated ; nitrate ; nitro.
nicotianique, a. nicotiuic, nicotic. nitrer, v.t. nitrate.
nicotine, /. nicotine. nitrésine, /. (Expl.) nitrated resin.
nicotineux, a. containing nicotine. nitréthane, m. nitroethane.
nicotinique, a. of or pertaining to nicotine; nitreùx, a. nitrous.
(of the acid) nicotinic. nitrière, /. niter bed; niter works.
nicotinisme, m. (Med.) nicotinism. nitrifère, a. nitriferous; nitrate-bearing.
Hicotique, a. of or pertaining to tobacco or nitrifiant, p.a. nitrifying.
nicotine ; (of the acid) nicotinic. nitrificatenr, m. nitrifier, a. nitrifying.
nicotiser, v.t. nicotinize, nicotize. nitrifier, v.t. nitrify. v.r. be converted into
nid, m. nest; pocket; berth, place. — or be covered with niter.
d'abeilles, honeycomb. — d'hironde, nitrile, m. nitrile. — acide, acid nitrile,
(Mach.) oil sump, oil well. nitrile.
nidoreux, a. foul-smelling, fetid, rank. nitrine, /. nitrin (nitrate of a polyaloohol).
nie, pr. S sing. (of nier) dénies. nitrique, a. nitric.
niel, m. niello (the black substance).
nielle, /. niello (the art); smut, blight, rust; nitrite, m. nitrite. — cobaltico-potassique,
(Bot.) a plant of the genus Agrostemma. potassium cobaltinitrite, potassium nitro-
— des blés, corn cockle (A. githago). cobaltate(III). — de soude, sodium ni-
nier, v.t. deny. v.r. be denied. trite.
nigelle, /. (Bot.) nigella, fennel fiower. nitroalcane, m. nitroalkane, nitroparaffin.
nigrite, /. nigrite (an insulator). nitroalcène, m. nitroalkene.
nigrosine, /. (Dyes) nigrosine. nitroalcoyle, m. nitroalkyl.
Nil, m. Nile. nitrobactérie, /. nitrobacterium.
nlobé, n. Niobe oil (methyl benzoate). nitrobenzène, m., nitrobenzine, /. nitro-
niobifère, a. containing niobium. benzène.
nitrocellulose 300 noir
nitrocellulose, /. nitrocellulose, cellulose — de Veau, water level, water Une. —
nitrate. flotteur, float gage.
nitrocolle, /. (Expl.) nitrated glue. niveler, v.t. level; grade; skim.
nitro-coton, m. (Expl.) guncotton. niveleur, a. leveling. m. îeveier; skimmer.
nitrocumène, nitrocumol, m. nitrocumene. nivellement, m. leveling, levelling.
nitroferrocyanure, nitro-ferro-prussi- njavé, n. (Bot.) njave (Mimusops njave).
ate, m. nitro ferrocyanide (nitroprusside). N.O., abbrev. (nord-ouest) northwest.
nitroforme, m. nitroform (trinitromethane). nobélite, /. (Expl.) dynamite.
nitro-gélatine, /. nitrogelatin. — am- noblement, adv. nobly.
moniacale, nitrogelatin with an ammonium noblesse, /. nobility ; nobleness.
nitrate base. noce, /. (also pi.) wedding, marriage; wed-
nitrogène, m. nitrogen. ding feast ; wedding party.
nitrogéné, a. nitrogenous. nocnère, /. gutter, channel ; skylight.
nitrogéner, v.t. nitrogenize, azotize. nocif, a. noxious, harmful, injurious.
nitroglycérine, /. nitroglycerin. nocivité, /. noxiousness, harmfulness.
nitroglycol, m. nitroglycol (ethylene ni- nocturne, a. nocturnal. m. nocturne.
trate). nocturnement, adv. nocturnally, by night.
nitro-houille, /. (Expl.) nitro-coal. nocuité, /. nocuousness, harmfulness.
nitro-hydrochlorique, a. nitrohydrochlo- nodulaire, noduleux, a. nodular; noduled.
ric. nodus, m. node ; knob, swelUng.
nitroleum, m. nitroleum (nitroglycerin). Noël, m. Christmas.
nitroline, /. (Expl.) nitrolin, nitroline. nœud, m. knot ; node (as of a curve) ;
nitrolique, a. nitrolic. joint ; knuckle ; difficulty, knotty point ;
nitromélasse, /. (Expl.) nitrated molasses. bond, tie.
nitromètre, m. nitrometer. noie, pr. 3 sing. (of noyer) drowns, etc.
nitromuriatique, a. nitromuriatic (nitrohy- noir, a. black ; dark ; (oî rope) tarred ; dirty.
drochloric). m. black; (Sugar) char, charcoal; (Found-
nitro naphtaline, /. nitronaphth alêne. ing) blacking, black wash ; bull's-eye ;
nitro - oxhyd r il é, a. hydroxynitro. bruise ; rust (on plants). adv. black.
nitrophène, m. nitrobenzene. •mettre au —, black (as leather), blacken.
nitroprussiate, m. nitroprusside. — animal, animal black, animal charcoal.
nitroprussique, a. nitroprussic. — au soufre, sulfur black. — colorant,
nitrosation, /. introduction of the nitroso black dye or pigment. — d'acétylène,
group, conversion into a nitroso compound; acétylène black. — d'Allemagne, German
conversion into a nitrite. black. — d'aniline, aniline black. — de
nitrosé, p.a. nitroso ; converted into a ni- bougie, candie black. — de carbone, car-
troso compound ; converted into a nitrite. bon black. — de charbon, coal black ;
nitroser, v.t. introduce the nitroso group carbon black. — de Chine, India ink. —
into, convert into a nitroso compound ; de couche, (Founding) black wash. — de
convert into a nitrite. diamine, diamine black. — de fer, iron
nitrosité, /. nitrous quality or state. black (precipitated antimony ). — de
nitrosochlorure, m. nitrosochloride. Francfort, Frankfort black. — de fumée,
nitrosubstitué, a. nitrosubstituted. lampblack. — de gaz, gas black. — de
nitrosucre, m. nitrosugar (sucrose tetrani- lampe, lampblack, esp. the best quality.
trate). — de liège, cork black. — de naphtol,
nitrosyle, m. nitrosyl. naphthol black. — de pêche, peach black.
nitrosylsulfurique, a. nitrosylsulfurie. — de platine, platinum black. — de Prusse,
nitrotartrique, a. nitrotartaric. Prussian black (obtained by calcining
nitrotoluène, nitrotoluol, m. nitrotoluene. Prussian blue). — de raffinerie, sugar-
nitruration, '/. nitridation, nitriding. house black, animal charcoal used in sugar
nitrure, m. nitride. refining; specif., the spent char (sometimes
nitrurer, v.t. nitride. used as a fertilizer). — de schiste, slate
nitryie, m. nitryl, NO2. black. — d'Espagne, Spanish black, cork
niveau, m. level; gage; (Geol.) horizon. black. — de velours, bone black from
au —, de —, on a level, level, horizontal. sheep's feet. — de vigne, vine black. —
mettre au —, mettre de —, level, bring to diamant, diamond black (a dye). — d'im-
a level. — à bulle d'air, spirit level. — primerie, printer's ink. — d'ivoire, ivory
d'eau, water level. — de la mer, sea level. black. — d'os, bone black. — foncé, deep
noir 301 non-disponible
black. — jais, jet black. — minéral, min- petit —, given name, Christian name, first
erai black. — pour fonderie, founder's name.
black, fouûdry black (powdered charcoal or nomade, a. nomad, nomadic.
coal). — végétal, vegetable black. — Vil- nombrable, a. numerable, that can be
lon, (Leather) Villon black (a mixture of counted.
organic iron salts). nombre, m. number. au — de, among.
noirâtre, a. blackish, dark. dans le —, in the number, among the
noirceur, /. blackness; black spot. number. du — de, in the number of, in
noircir, v.t., r. & i. blacken, turn black; the category of. en —, in numbers, numer-
dye black; darken; (Founding) blackwash. ously. faire —, count. — atomique, atomic
noircissement, m. blackening, turning number. — carré, square number, square.
black; dyeing in black; (Founding) black - — de masse, mass number. — entier, whole
washing. number, integer. — impair, odd number.
noircisseur, m. blackener, blacker; (.Dye- — inférieur, smaller number ; minority. —
ing) dyer in black. pair, even number. — premier, prime num-
noircissure, /. black spot. ber. — propre, ciharacteristic number.
noisetier, m. (Bot.) hazel, hazel tree — rompu, fraction. — rond, round num-
(Corylus). ber. — sourd, irrational number, surd. —
noisette, /. hazelnut ; hazel, hazel color ; suffisant, sufficient number; quorum, sans
(pi., noisettes) nut coal. a. hazel. —, without number, countless, innumer-
noix, /. nut; walnut; sleeve, clamp (as that able.
for fastening a rod to an iron stand) ; plug, nombrer, v.t. number, count.
key (of a cock) ; stud; chain pulley; drum nombreusement, adv. numerously.
(of a capstan or winch) ; cône (of a mill) ; nombreux, a. numerous.
semicircular groove ; sheave ; (pi-) nut nombril, m. navel; bull's-eye (in glass);
coal. — angleuse, a nut kernel of irregular eye (of fruit). — de Vénus, navelwort
shape; specif., the ivory nut. — d'Alep, (Cotylédon umbUicus).
Aleppo gall. — d'Amérique, Brazil nut. nomenclateur, m. nomenclator, nomencla-
— d'arec, bétel nut, areca nut. — d'eau, turist ; vocabulary.
water chestnut. — de bancoul, bankul nut, nomenclature, /. nomenclature; vocabu-
candlenut. — de banda, nutmeg. — de lary; catalog, list. — chimique, chemical
Bengale, myrobalan. — de Californie, nomenclature.
California nutmeg (Torreya californica). n o m e n c l a t u r e s v.t. name methodically.
— de chandelle, candlenut. — de coco, nominalement, adv. nominally.
coconut, cocoanut. — de cola, kola nut. nomination, /. nomination ; appointaient.
— de galle, — de Galle, gallnut, nutgall. nommément, adv. by name; particularly.
— de gourou, kola nut, guru nut. — de nommer, v.t. name; call, denominate; ap-
muscade, nutmeg, (Pharm.) myristica. — point, v.r. be named ; tell one's name.
de palme, — de palmier, palm nut. — de nomogramme, m. nomogram.
•paradis, paradise nut, sapucaia nut. — de non, adv. no ; (sometimes with pas) not,
sassafras, pichurim bean, sassafras nut. — non-, un-, in-, — plus, neither, either. —
des Barbades, physic nut, Barbados nut. plus que, not more than, no more than.
— des jésuites, water chestnut, Jesuit nut. — que, — pas que, not that.
— des Moluques, nux vomica. — de non-activité, /. nonactivity.
vomique, nux vomica. — d'Inde, coconut, non-adultéré, a. unadulterated.
cocoanut. — du Congo, shea nut. — du non-aéré, a. unventilated.
non-altéré, a. unaltered.
Soudan, kola nut. — muscade, nutmeg. — nonantième, a. & m. ninetieth.
palmiste, areca nut, betal nut. — vomique, non-azoté, a. nonnitrogenous.
nux vomica. (For the meaning of other non-bouché, a. unstoppered.
phrases, as noix d'acajou, see the next nonchalant, a. careless; nonchalant.
important word in the phrase.) non-cokéfiant, a. noncoking.
nom, m. name ; noun. au — de, in the non-collant, a. (of coals) noncaking.
name of, for the sake of. de —, by name; non-combiné, a. uncombined.
in name, nominally. — de famille, family non-conducteur, m. nonconductor. a-
name, sur name. — de guerre, assumed nonconducting.
name; nickname. — déposé, registered (or non-disponibilité, /. nonavailability.
copyrighted) name. — social, firm name. non-disponible, a. nonavailable.
non-dissous 302 nourrissant
non-dissous, a. undissolved. noropianique, a. noropianic.
non-distillé, a. undistilled. Norvège, /. Norway.
non-dosé, a. undetermined. m. undeter- norvégien, a. Norwegian. m. (cap.) Nor-
mined matter or quantity. wegian.
non-essayé, o. untried, untested. nos, pi. (of notre) our.
non-ferreux, non-ferrugineux, o. non- nota, m. note; mark.
ferrous. notabilité, /. notability.
non-flltré, a. unfiltered. notable, a. notable ; considérable.
non-fondu, a. unmelted, unfused. notablement, adv. notably; considerably,
non-fusible, a. infusible. much.
non-gazeux, a. nongaseous. notaire, m. notary.
non-Isolé, a. (Elec, etc.) uninaulated. notamment, adv. notably, especially, par-
nonobstant, prep. in spite of, notwith- ticularly, for example.
standing. notation, /. notation. — chimique, chemi-
non-ouvré, a. unworked, unwrought; (of cal notation.
fabrics) uncut. note, /. note ; mark, grade, rating ; (Corn.)
non-oxydant, a. nonoxidizing. bill, statement. — harmonique, overtone.
non-poreux, a. nonporous. noter, v.t. note; mark; record; notice, v.r.
non-recuit, a. unannealed. be noted, be marked.
non-réussite, /. lack of success; failure. notice, /. notice; note; list.
non-saturation, /. unsaturation. notifier, v.t. notify.
non-saturé, a. unsaturated. notion, /. notion; idea; information (esp.
non-solidiflé, a. unsolidified. elementary).
non-stratifié, a. unstratified. notoire, a. well known, generally known,
non-succès, m. lack of success, failure. notorious.
non-sucre, m. nonsugar. notoirement, adv. notoriously.
non-tanin, m. nontannin, non-tan. notoriété, /. notoriety, notoriousness.
non-toxicité, /. nontoxicity, nonpoisonous- notre, a. our.
ness. nôtre, pron. our ; ours. m. ours, our own ;
non-trempé, a. unsoaked, etc. (see tremper). (pi.) ours, our people, our side.
nonuple-effet, m. nonuple effect (appa- nouage, m. knotting, etc. (see nouer) ;
ratus). (Med.) rickets, rachitis.
non-usage, m. nonusage, disuse. nouer, v.t. knot ; tie ; tie up ; knit ; form,
non-valeur, /. waste, loss, deficiency; dé- make up ; engage in.
duction; bad debt; improductive prop- nouet, m. little bag or cloth contaùùng a
erty. substance to be steeped.
non-variant, a. invariant. noueux, o. knotty, knotted, gnarled.
nonyle, m. nonyl. nouilles, /. pi. noodles. — aux œufs, egg
nonylique, a. nonyl; (of acids) nonylic, noodles.
nonoic. nouillettes, /. pi. fine noodles.
noper, v.t. burl (cloth). noumgou, n. = njavé.
nord, m. north. a. north, northern. nourri, p.a. nourished, etc. (see nourrir);
nord-est, m. northeast ; nortïieast wind. a. full, thick, strong, steady, rich; accus-
northeast, northeastern. tomed, hardened.
nord-ouest, m. northwest; northwest wind. nourrice, f\ nurse ; feeder tank ; f eeder
o. northwest, northwestern. head. — des gueuses, (Métal.) sow. —
noria, /. bucket elevator, noria. d'essence, gas(oline) tank, petrol tank.
normal, a. normal; (of gages, etc.) stand- nourricier, a. nourishing, nutrient, nutri-
ard. tive.
normal-décime, a. decinormal. nourrir, v.t. nourish; feed; support; rear;
normale, /. (Geom.) normal.
normalement, adv. normally. raise; produce; improve; cherish; nurse.
normaliser, v.t. normalize, standardize. v.r. feed, live; thrive; improve oneself;
normalité, /. normality. board oneself.
normand, a. Norman; crafty, evasive. nourrissage, m. nourishing, etc. (see nour-
Normandie, /. Normandy. rir); specif., cattle feeding.
normaux, mosc. pi. of normal. nourrissant, p.a. nourishing, etc. (see nour-
norme, /. norm, standard. rir); nutritive, nutritious.
nourrissement 303 numériquement
nourrissement, m. = nourrissage. (Juglans regia). — gris, white walnut, but-
nourris seur, m. feeder; breeder; dairyman. ternut (Juglans cinerea). — noir, black
o. feeding, feed. walnut (Juglans nigra).
nourrisson, m. nursing infant. nu, o. bare; blank; exposed; naked; nude.
nourriture, /. nourishment, nutriment, food, à —, bare, exposed. mettre à —, uncover,
diet, (for animais) feed ; feeding, fatten- expose, atrip.
ing (of animais) ; nursing, suckling ; nuage, m. cloud ; mist.
(Leather) tawing paste. — sèche, dry nuageux, a. cloudy; clouded.
food ; dry feed. nuance, /. shade, tint, gradation, nuance.
nous, pron. we, us, to us, ourselves, each nuancement, m. shading, gradation ; varia-
other, one another. tion.
nous-mêmes, pron. ourselves. nuancer, v.t. shade, gradate ; vary, varie-
nouveau, a. new ; novel ; récent, m. new ; gate. V.T. be shaded ; be blended ; be
novelty; newcomer. adv. newly, new. à variegated.
—, anew, again. la nouvelle Galles du Sud, nucine, /. nucin (Juglone).
New South Wales. nucléal, nucléaire, a. nuclear.
nouveau-né, a. newborn. m. newborn nue lé aire me nt, adv. nuclearly.
child. nuclée, o. nucleate, nucleated.
nouveauté, /. novelty; newness; new fash- nucléine, /. nuclein.
ion ; new book ; early fruit ; (pi.) fancy nucléinique, a. (of acids) nucleic ; (of
goods. bases) nuclein.
nouvel, a. masc. Replaces nouveau before nucléique, a. nucleic.
a vowel. nucléo-albumine, /. nucleoalbumin.
nouvelle, a. fem. of nouveau. /. news; re- nucléolaire, a. nucleolar.
port; novel. nucléole, m. (Biol.) nucleolus.
Nouvelle-Calédonie, /. New Caledonia. nucléophile, a. nucleophile, nucleophilic.
Nouvelle-Ecosse, /. Nova Scotia. nucléoprotéide, m. nucleoprotein.
Nouvelle-Galle s du Sud, /. New South nudité, /. bareness; exposed state; naked-
Wales. ness.
nouvellement, adv. newly, recently, lately. nue, /. cloud. a. fem. of nu.
Nouvelle-Orléans, /. New Orléans. nuée, /. (large) cloud; savarin, host.
Nouvelle-Zélande, /. New Zealand. nuer, v.t. shade, gradate (colors).
Nouvelle-Zemble, /. Nova Zembla. nui, p.p. (of nuire) harmed, injured.
novale, /. new land. a. new, newly cleared. nuire, v.i. do harm, be harmful, be injuri-
novateur, m. innovator. a. innovative. ous. — à, harm, injure, interfère with.
novembre, m. November. nuisibilité, /. harmfulness, injuriousness,
novice, a. inexperienced. m. novice. nuisible, a. harmful, injurious, hurtful,
noxos, n. See émeri de noxos, at êmeri. noxious ; waste.
noyage, m. drowning, etc. (see noyer). nuisiblement, adv. harmfully, injuriously.
noyau, m. nucleus; (Org. Chem.) nucleus, nuisit, p. def. S sing. (of nuire) did harm.
ring; core; plug, key (of a cock); stem, nuit, /. night. pr. S sing. of nuire.
shank (as of a boit); hub (of a wheel) ; nul, a. no, not a, not any, (after a néga-
stone (of a fruit); (fig.) heart. — ato- tive) any ; null, void ; of no value ; (of
mique, atomic nucleus. — benzénique, — letters)
benzolique, benzène nucleus, benzène ring. nulle, /. silent. pron. no one, nobody, none.
zéro. a. fem. of nul.
— cyclique, ring. — central, bull's-eye. —
naphtalénique, naphthalene nucleus. — nullement, adv. not at ail, by no means.
pentagonal, five-membered nucleus. — nullifier, v.t. nullify.
volcanique, volcanic bomb. nullité, /. nullity; incapacity; nonentity.
noyauter, v.t. core. nullivalent, a. nonvalent, avalent.
noyer, v.t. drown; flood; sink; immerse; miment, adv. plainly, frankly ; barely ;
overslake (lime) ; choke (a niotor) ; bed nakedly.
(as, in cernent) ; bury (in something) ; numéraire, m. specie, coin. o. légal (value).
countersink ; blend, confuse (colors). m. numérateur, m. {Math.) numerator.
walnut (wood and tree). — beurre, = numération, /. numération, numbering,
noyer gris. — blanc (d'Amérique), shag- notation.
bark hickory (Carya ovata). — commun, numérique, o. numerical.
English walnut, common European walnut numériquement, adv. numerically.
numéro 304 nutritivité
numéro, m. number. — de fabrique, fac- nutrescibilité, /. nutritive value.
tory number. — de série, sériai number. nutrescible, a. nutrient, nutritive.
— d'ordre, sériai number. nutricier, a. nourishing, nutritious, nutri-
numérotage, m., numérotation, /. num- ent.
bering. nutrimentaire, a. nutrimental, nutritive.
numéroter, v.t. number. nutrimentîf, a. pertaining to nutriment.
numéroteur, m. counter, numberer. nutritif, a. nutritive, nutritious, nutrient.
nuque, /. nape (of the neck); neck. nutritivité, /. nutritiveness, nutritiousness.
O., abbrev. (ouest) west. obscurité, /. darkness; obscurity, obscure-
ô, interj. O, oh, ah. ness.
obéir, v.i. be obedient, obey ; yield (to a obséder, v.t. beset, besiege; obsess.
force). — à, obey. observateur, m. observer, a. observing.
obéissance, /. obédience. observatoire, m. observatory.
obéissant, a. obedient. observer, v.t. observe ; watch. v.r. be ob-
obituaire, m. & a. obituary. served ; be circumspect.
objecter, v.t. object, object to, oppose. obsidiane, obsidienne, /. obsidian.
Objectif, m. objective, object glass, lens. obsonine, /. opsonin.
a. objective. — grand champ, wide-angle obsonique, a. opsonic.
lens. obstétricie, obstétrique, /, obstetrics.
objectionnable, a. objectionable. obstination, /. obstinacy.
objectivement, adv. objectively. obstiné, a. obstinate ; persistent.
Objet, m. object ; article. — d'art, an obstinément, adv. obstinately, stubbornly.
article valued for its artistic merit, objet obstxucteur, m. obstructer, obstructor.
d'art. — de luxe, article of luxury. — obstructif, a. obstructive.
de parure, ornament. — de rechange, spare obstruer, v.t. obstruct; stop up, block.
part, objets de consommation, articles for obtenir, v.t, obtain, get. v.r. be obtained.
consumption, goods, stores. objets de obtention, /. obtaining, obtaiwnent.
galanterie, fancy goods. obtenu, p.a. obtained.
obligataire, m. bondholder. obtient, pr. 3 sing. (of obtenir) obtains.
obligation, /. obligation ; specif., bond ; Obtint, p. def. S sing. (of obtenir) obtained.
duty. obturateur, m. obturator, stopper, shutter,
obligatoire, a. obligatory. cut-off, plug, cap, etc.; specif.: (1) a glass
obligé, p.a. obliged ; necessary. m. one plate for covering a crystallizing dish; (2)
under obligation. a valve in a bottle stopper to release ex-
obligeamment, adv. obligingly. cess pressure; (3) a caméra shutter; (4)
obligeance, /. kindness, obligingness. a baffle plate; (5) a gas 'check for a gun.
obligeant, p.a. obliging, courteous, kind. a. obturating, stopping, closing, sealing.
obliger, v.t. oblige; obligate. obturation, /. stopping, closing, obturation.
obliquangle, a. oblique-angled. obturatrice, a. fem. of obturateur.
oblique, a. <fc m. oblique. /. oblique Une. obturer, v.t. stop, close, seal, shutter, ob-
en —, obliquely. turate.
obliquement, adv. obliquely. Obtus, a. obtuse; dull, blunt.
obliquer, v.i. deviate, slant, skew ; con- obtusangle, a. obtuse-angled.
verge. obtuse, a. obtuse, blunt.
obliquité, /. obliqueness, obliquity. obtusement, adv. obtusely.
oblitération, /. oblitération ; cancellation ; Obtusion, /. obtuseness; making obtuse.
(Med.) stopping, stoppage. Obus, m. (MU.) shell ; (of a caïorimeter)
oblitérer, v.t. obliterate ; cancel ; bomb. — à balles, shrapnel. — à croix
stop. v.r. be obliterated, disappear. bleu, blue cross shell. — à croix jaune,
'Oboval, obové, a. (Bot.) obovate. yellow cross shell. — à étoile, star sheîl.
•obscur, a. dark; obscure. — o explosif, high-explosive shell, H.E.
• Obscurateur, m. darkener, obscurer. shell. — à fusée à temps, time shell. —
darkening, obscuring. à /usée percutante, percussion shell. — à
• obscurcir, v.t. obscure ; darken, dim. v.r. gaz, gas shell. — o mitraille, shrapnel.
become obscure, dark or dim ; be ob- — armé, fused shell, live shell. — chargé,
scured. loaded shell, filled shell. — de rupture,
• obscurcissement» m. obscuring, obscuré- armor-piercing shell, A.P. shell. — de semi-
ment, darkening. rupture, semi - armor -piercing shell. —
- obscurément, adv. obscurely, darkly, dimly. éclairant, light shell, star sheU. — en
obus 306 œil-de-bœuf
acier, steel shell. — explosif, high-explosive octogonal, a. octagonal.
shell, H.E. shell. — fumigène, smoke shell. octogone, m. octagon. a. octagonal.
— fusant, time shell. — incendiaire, in- octohydrate, m. octahydrate.
cendiary shell. — lacrymogène, tear shell, octohydrure, m. octahydride, octohydride.
lachrymator shell. — rayé, riiled projec- octomethylène, m. cyclooctane.
tile. — torpille, torpédo shell. — traceur, octonique, a. octonic.
tracer shell. octonitrique, a. octanitro, octanitro-.
obuser, v.t. (.Mil.) shell. octovalent, a. octavalent, octovalent.
obusier, m. (Mil.) howitzer. octroi, m. octroi; specif., (1) tax paid on
obvers, m. obverse. goods brought into a town or city, (2)
obvier* v.i. (with à) obviate, prevent. grant.
occasion, /. occasion ; bargain. à"—, sec- octroiement, m. granting, concession.
ond-hand ; chance. octroyer, v.t. grant, concède.
occasionnel, a. occasional. octuple, a. octuple, eight-fold, eight times.
occasionnellement, adv. occasionally. octyle, m. octyl.
occasionner, v.t. occasion, cause. octylique, a. octyl, octylic.
occident, m. west; (cap.) Occident, West. oculaire, a. ocular, eye. m. ocular, eye-
occidental, a. western, west, occidental. piece. — à projection, projection ocular.
occlure, v.t. occlude. — à réticule, crossline eyepiece. — cher-
occlus, p.a. occluded. cheur, a low-power eyepiece used for lo-
occlusif, a. occlusive. cating what is to be observed. •— com-
occlusion, /. occlusion ; stoppage ; (Steam) pensateur, compensating eyepiece, compen-
cut-off. sating ocular. — de travail, an eyepiece
occultation, /. occultation; black-out. for detailed observation, as contrasted
occulte, a. occult; cryptocrystalline. with oculaire chercheur. — d'Huyghens,
occultement, adv. occultly. Huygenian eyepiece, Huygenian ocular.
occupant, p.a. occupying. m. occupant. Odeur, /. odor, smell. — animalisée, animal
occupé, JJ.O. occupied; busy, engaged. odor. — de rance, rancid odor. — de
occuper, v.t. occupy; engage, busy. verdure, grassy odor. sans •—, odorless.
occurrence, /. occurrence, event. dans V—, Odieux, a. odious. m. odium.
as it happens. odorabilité, /. capability of being smelled.
occurrent, a. occurring, happening. odorable, a. capable of being smelled.
océan, m. océan, grand —, Pacific Océan. odorant, a. having an odor, odorous;
l'Océan, the Atlantic (Océan). — Glacial specif., having a good odor, fragrant,
du Nord, Arctic Océan. — Glacial du Sud, odorous.
Aûtarctic Océan. Odorat, m. smell.
Océanie, /. Oceania. odoratif, a. pertaining to smell.
océanique, a. oceanic, océan. odoration, /. smelling.
ochrace, ocracé, o. ocherous, oohreous. odorer, v.t. smell; smell of.
ocre, /. ocher, ochre. — brune, brown odoriférant, a. odoriferous, (usually) fra-
ocher. — de nickel, (Min.) nickel ocher, grant.
annabergite. — de ru, — de ruisseau, a odorifique, a. odoriferous, odorific, odorous.
yellow ocher collected from water that has (Ecologie, /. (Biol.) ecology, oecology.
been used in washing iron ore. —• de Œdémateux, a. edematous, oedematous.
tungstène, tungstic ocher, tungstite. •— œdème, m. (Med. & Bot.) edema, oedema.
dorée, finest yellow ocher. — jaune, yel- œil, m. eye (in various sensés); hole, open-
low ocher. — rouge, red ocher. — verte, ing, aperture, loop, etc.; (Métal.) taphole;
green ocher. luster (as of silk or pearls), sheen; shade,
ocreux, a. ocherous, ochreous. tint ; drop of fat or oil on the surface of
octadécanoïque, a. octadecanoic, stearic. a liquid; face (of type), à V—, by the
octaèdre, m. octahedron. a. octahedral. eye, with the eye. à V— nu, with the
octaédrique, a. octahedral. naked eye. — de chat, cat's-eyc. — de
octaédrite, /. (Afin.) octahedrite. coulée, (Métal.) taphole. — d'écrevisse,
octanaphtène, m. octanaphthene. (Pfiarm.) crab's-eye, crab's-stone. — de
octatrièdre, m. (Cryst.) triakisoctahedron. perdrix, bird's-eye. — de poisson, fish-
octétial, a. of an octet, octet. eye; ocolusion (in métal). — nu, naked
octobre, m. October. eye, unaided eye.
octocarbure, m. octacarbide, octocarbide. œil-de-bœuf, m. bull'a-eye; oxeye daisy.
œil-de-chat 307 -orne
œîl-de-chat, m. cat's-eye. œstral, a. estrous, estrual.
œil-de-poisson, m. (Min.) moonstone. œstrine, /. estrin, oestrin.
œillade, /. look, glance. œstriol, m. estriol, oestriol.
œillard, m. hole; intake, inlet. œstrogène, a. estrogenic, oestrogenic.
œillé, a. having eyes, eyed. (Cf. gneiss.) œstrone, /. estrone, oestrone.
œillet, m. eyelet, eye, eyehole, little hole; œuf, m. egg; ovum. — à la chaux, pre-
(Bot.) pink; (formerly) poppy ; (Sait) served egg. — couvé, bad egg, rotten egg.
crystalïizing basin. — fileté, eyebolt. — de frigorifère, cold-storage egg. — de
œilleton, m. eyepiece; eyehole; (Bot.) eye, Pâques, Easter egg. — de poule, hen's
bud. egg. — frais, fresh egg.
œillette, /. poppy, opium poppy (Papaver œuvre, /. work; action; act, deed; setting
somniferum) ; poppy oil, poppy-seed oil. (of a stone). m. work, production, dans
œnanthal, m. enanthal, oenanthal (enanthal- —, inside, in the clear. grand —, (Al-
dehyde). chemy) the transmutation of metals. hors
œnanthe, /. (Bot.) water dropwort d'—, outside the main work, accessory ; (of
(Oenanthe). a stone) not set ; projecting ; outside
œnanthine, /. enanthin, oenanthin ; hep- (measurement). mettre à V—f set to work.
tyne. mettre en —, put into practice, employ,
œnanthique, a. enanthic, oenanthic (hep- use, work up, (of stones) set.
tanoic). œuvrer, v.i. & t. work.
œnanthol, m. enanthole, oenanthole (en- offensant, a. offensive.
anthaldehyde). offenser, v.t. offend.
œnanthyle, m. enanthoyl (heptanoyl). offensif, a. offensive.
œnanthylique, a. enanthylic, oenanthylic offensivement, adv. offensively.
(same as enanthic in the latter's modem offert, p.a. offered.
sensé). office, m. office ; function ; duty ; charge ;
œnine, /. enin, oenin. service. /. pantry. faire V— de, discharge
œnobaromètre, m. enobarometer, oenoba- the duty of, perfonn the function of, serve
rometer. as.
œnobarometrique, a. enobarometric, oeno- officiel, a. officiai.
barometric. officiellement, adv. officially.
œnolé, 77i., cenolature, /. (Pharm.) medi- Officier, m. ofïicer; officiai. — de santé, a
cated wine, wine (of so-and-so). (For the médical man of lower grade than an M.D.
meaning of phrases see the corresponding officier-chimiste, m. (MU.) chemioal expert
phrases under vin.) who inspects ammunition.
œnolique, a. (of certain acids) enolic, Officieux, a, obliging, kind ; semi-officiai.
oenolic ; (Pharm.) pertaining to or con- officinal, a. & m. officinal.
taining wine ; (incorrectly, of unsaturated officinaux, m. pi. of officinal.
hydroxy compounds) enol, enolic. m. a officine, /. pharmacy, apothecary's shop (in-
medicine having wine as an excipient. cluding its laboratory) ; laboratory.
œnologie, /. enology, oenology. offrant, m. bidder. p. pr. (of offrir) offer-
œnologique, a. enological, oenological. ing.
œnologiste, œnologue, m. enologist, oe- offre, /. offer; tender; supply, pr. 1 & S
nologist. sing. indic. <fc subj. of offrir. V— et la
œnolotif, a. (Pharm,,) containing wine. m. demande, supply and deinand.
medicated wine (esp. for extemal use). offrir, v.t, offer. v.r. offer oneself, offer.
œnomel, m. oenomel (fermented drink from offusquer, v.t. obscure; dazzle; offend.
grapes and honey). ogive, /. ogive; cap (of a shell).
œnometre, m. enometer, oenometer. ognon, m. = oignon.
œnométrie, /. enometry, oenometry. ohmmètre, m. ohmmeter.
œnométrique, a. enometric(al), oenomet- -oïde. -oid ; a suffix denoting an anhy-
rie(al). dride (cf. éthanoïde).
jœnoscope, m. enoscope, oenoscope. oie, /. goose.
œnothère, m. evening primrose (Oenotherà). oignant, p. pr. (of oindre) anointing.
œnoxydase, /. enoxidase, oenoxydase. oignon, m. onion ; bulb, bulboua root ;
œsophage, m. (Anat.) esophagua, oesopha- bunion.
gus. oindre, v.t. anoint.
œstradiol, m. estradiol, oestradiol. -oxne. -oin (as in acetoin, benzoin).
oing 308 onctuosité
oing, m. grease (for an ointment or for Olfactif, a. olfactory, olfactive, of smell.
lubrication) ; specif., lard. olfaction, /. olfaction, smell, smelling.
oint, p.p. âc pr. S sing. of oindre. oliban, m. olibanum, frankincense.
-oïque. -oie. olide, m. lactone.
oiseau, m. bird; hod (of a mason). oligiste, a. (Min.) oligist, oligistic. m.
oiseux, oisif, a. idle. oligist, oligist iron (hématite).
oisiveté, /. idleness. Oligoélément, m. trace élément.
-Ol. (1) in names of alcohols and phénols olivacé, a. olivaceous, olive-green.
(Le., when the ending signifies hydroxyl), olivaie, /. olive plantation.
-ol. (2) in the case of other compounds, olivaire, a. (Anat.) olivary.
preferably -oie; as, scatol, skatole. olivaison, /. olive crop ; olive season.
oléacées, /. pi. (Bot.) Oleaceae. Olivâtre, a. inclined to olive in color.
Oléagineux, a. oleaginous, oily. m. oleagi- olive, /. olive ; something resembling an
nous substance. olive, as a button or knob ; specif., the
oléandre, m. (Bot.) oleander. bulbous end of a pipe to which a rubber
oléate, m. oleate. — de mercure, mercury tube is attached. a. olive, olive-green ;
oleate, specif. mercuric oleate. oval. petite huile d'—, poppy oil.
Oléfiant, a. olefiant, oil-forming. oliverie, /. olive-oil mill; olive-oil works.
oléfine, /. olefin, (less desirably) olefine. Olivète, /. = œillette.
oléfinique, a. olefinic, olivier, m. olive tree (Olea); olive wood.
oléicole, a. pertaining to olive culture. Ollaire, a. In the phrase pierre ollaire, pot-
oléiculture, /. culture of the olive. stone (a kind of steatite).
oléide, n. olein. ombelle, /. (Bot.) umbel.
oléidique, a. elaidic. ombellifère, a. umbelliferous. /. unbel-
oléifère, a. oil-producing. lifer.
oléiflant, a. olefiant. ombellifères, /. pi. (Bot.) Umbelliferae
oléiforme, a. of the consistency of oil, oily. (Apiaceae).
oléilamide, /. oleamide, oleic amide. ombelliférone, /. umbelliferone.
oléine, /. olein. ombellique, a. umbellic.
oléinées, /. pi. (Bot.) Oleaceae. ombilic, m. umbilieus.
oléique, a. oleic. ombrage, m. shade; umbrage, offense.
oléo-calcaire, a. See under liniment. ombrager, v.t. shade ; screen.
oléo-cérolé, m. (Pharm.) cerate. ombrant, p.a. shading.
oléographie, /. oleography; oleograph. ombre, /. shadow; shade; umbra; umber.
Oléolaté, a. (Old Pharm.) prepared with es- à V— de, under the shade of ; under the
sential oil. protection of. faire —, cast a shadow ;
oléolé, a. (Old Pharm.) prepared with fixed make shade. — brûlée, burnt umber. —
vegetable oil. de Cassel, Cassel earth. — de Cologne,
vléomètre, m. oleometer, eleometer, elae- Cologne earth. — naturelle, raw umber.
ometer. sous V—, sous —, under pretense.
Oléonaphte, m. lubricating oil from mazut. ombré, p.a, shaded. m. (Textiles) iris
oléoréfractomètre, m. oleorefractometer. print.
oléorésine, /. oleoresin, oleo-resin. — de ombrer, v.t. shade.
capsique, (Pharm.) capsicum oleoresin. — oméga, m. oméga (Greek letter, u).
de copahu, copaiba, balsam of copaiba. — omet, pr. S sing. (of omettre) omits.
de cubèbe, (Pharm.) cubeb oleoresin. — omettre, v.t. omit. — de, omit to.
de gingembre, (Pharm.) ginger oleoresin. omis, p.a. omitted.
oléoréstneux, a. oleoresinous.
oléoricinique, a. ricinoleic. on, pron. one, people, they, we, someone,
oléosaccharure, oléosaccharat, oléo- somebody; (sometimes) I, you. (On may
saccharolé, oléosaccharum, oléosucre, be preceded by /' for the sake of euphony.)
m. (Pharm.) oleosaccharum. onagraire, onagre, m. (Bot.) evening prim-
oléo-soluble, a. soluble in oil (esp. olive rose (Oenothera).
oil). once, /. ounce.
oléracé, a. oleraceous, esculent. oncle, m. uncle.
oléule, /. (Old Pharm.) essence. onction, /. unction, anointing.
oléum, m. oleum; specif., fuming sulfuric onctueux, a. unctuous, greasy, fatty, oily.
acid. onctuosité, /. unctuousness, unctuosity.
onde 309 opposition
onde, /. wave; (Glass) streak; corrugation. opacimètre, m. opacimeter.
— amortie, damped wave. — calorifique, opacimétrique, a. pertaining to the meas-
— de chaleur, heat wave. — courte, short urement of opacity.
wave. — d'espace, {Radio} sky wave. — opacité, /. opacity, opaqueness.
entretenue, sustained (or continuous) wave. opalage, m. (Sugar) stirring under of the
— enveloppe, wave front. — lumineuse, crust called opale (which see).
light wave. — sonore, sound wave. — opale, /. (Min.) opal (the minerai and the
ultracourte, ultrashort wave, microwave. color); (Sugar) an opaline crust of sugar
onde, a. wavy, waved, wavelike, (of fabrics, crystals which forms on the surface of the
etc.) watered; (of glass) streaked. liquor. a. opal.
ondée, /. shower. opaler, v.t. stir under the crust called opale.
ondemètre, m. ondometer, wavemeter. opalin, a. opaline; opal.
ondoiement, m. undulation, waving. opaline, /. opaline, specif. opal glass.
ondoyant, p.a. undulating, waving, wavy. opalisant, p.a. opalizing; opalescent.
ondoyer, v.i. undulate, wave. Opalisé, a. opalized, opalescent.
ondulant, p.a. undulating; undulant; wav- opaliser, v.t. opalize.
ing ; fluttering. Opérant, p.a. operating, working.
ondulateur, m, undulator. opérateur, m, operator; (Mach.) motor.
ondulation, /. undulation; waving; wave. opératif, a. operative.
ondulatoire, a. unduiatory; wave. opération, /. opération, working. — fonda-
ondulé, a. undulated, waved, wavy; corru- mentale, unit process.
gated. - opératoire, a. operative; manipulative.
onduler, v.i. undulate; pulsate; wave; flut- opératrice, /. operator.
ter. opercule, m. (Biol.) operculum; cover, lid,
onduleux, a. undulating, wavy, undulous. cap; (Mach.) diaphragm.
onéreux, a. burdensome, onerous. opérer, v.t. operate, work, effect, do ; oper-
ongle, m. nail; claw; hoof. — du pouce, ate upon. v.i. operate, act, work. v.r. be
thumb nail. operated, be effected.
onglet, m. miter, miter joint ; notch, nail ophtalmie, /. (Med.) ophthalmia.
eut, hollow; flat graver; ungula. opiacé, a. containing opium.
onguent, m. ointment, unguent. (For opiacée, /. opiate.
phrases see also under pommade.) — anti- opiacer, v.t, add opium to, opiate.
dartreux, ointment for tetter. — basili- opianique, a. opianic.
cum, rosin cerate, basilicon ointment. — opianyle, m. opianyl.
blanc de Rhazês, lead carbonate ointment. opiat, m. (Pharm.) electuary; tooth paste;
— citrin, mercuric nitrate ointment, cit- (formerly) opiate.
rine ointment. — diachylon, lead oleate opiatique, a. opiatic.
ointment, diachylon ointment. — gris, opiner, v.i. give one's opinion, opine.
mild mercurial ointment. — mercuriel opiniâtre, a. obstinate; opinionated.
double, — napolitain, (strong) mercurial opobalsamum, m. opobalsam, opobal-
ointment, Neapolitan ointment. — simple, samum.
(Pharm.) white ointment, simple ointment. opodeldoch, m. (Pharm.) opodeldoc.
onguent-emplâtre, m. (Pharm.) a plaster opolé, opolite, m. (Pharm.) juice, sap.
containing a fatty base and resin. Cf. opopanax, m. (Bot. & Pharm.) opopanax.
rétinolé. opothérapie, /. organotherapy, opotherapy.
ongulé, a. ungulate, hoofed. opothérapique, a. organotherapeutic.
onique, a. designating acids of the sugar opportun, a. opportune.
group whose names end in -onic. opportunément, adv. opportunely.
ont, pr. 3 pi. (of avoir) hâve. opportunité, /. opportunity; opportuneness.
onze, a. <fc m. eleven; eleventh. opposant, p.a. opposing. m. opponent.
onzième, a. & m. eleventh. Opposé, p.a. opposed; opposite, m. oppo-
OOlithe, m. oolite. site.
oolithique, a. oolitic. opposer, v.t. oppose ; compare ; juxtapose ;
opacifiant, p.a. opaquing, rendering opaque. urge (against), object (to). v.r. be op-
m. opaquing agent, something that causes posed; object; (with o) oppose.
opaqueness. opposite, m. opposite, contrary.
opacifier, v.t. opaque, render opaque, v.r. opposition, /. opposition; (for patents)
become opaque. caveat.
oppresser 310 organo-silicié
oppresser, v.t. oppress. orchidée, /. orchid.
oppressif, a. oppressive. orcine, /. orcinol, orcin.
oppressivement, adv. oppressively. ordinaire, a. & m. ordinary. à ('—, as
opprimer, v.t. oppress. usual. d'—, ordinarily, usually.
opsonine, /. opsonin. ordinairement, adv. ordinarily, commonly.
opsonique, a. opsonic. ordonnance, /. ordering, disposition, etc.
opsoniser, v.t. opsonize. (see ordonner); order; (Med.) prescrip-
opter, v.t. & i. choose. tion.
optima, a. fem. optimum, best. m. pi. ordonnancer, v.t. authorize, pass (for pay-
optima. ment).
optique, a. optic, optical. /. optics. ordonnée, /. (Geom.) ordinate.
optiquement, adv. optically. ordonner, v.t. order, dispose, arrange ; or-
opuscule, m. small work, booklet, pamphlet. der, direct, command; (Med.) prescribe;
or, m. gold. conj. now ; but. — abyssin, a ordain. v.i. dispose (of).
brass said to contain a little gold. — ordovicien, o. * m. (Oeol.) Ordovician.
affiné, refined gold. — blanc, white gold ordre, m. order (in various sensés). — du
(gold alloyed with silver ; also, formerly, jour, agenda.
platinum). — brillant, (Ceram.) a kind of ordure, /. excrément, dung, ordure; dirt,
gold luster. — couleur, gold size. — de dust, rubbish; garbage; (fig.) filth.
chat, mosaic gold. — de cou-pelle, refined ore, /. (Métal.) twyer plate, adv. now.
gold. — de départ, parting gold. — de oréide, n. oroide (copper-zinc-tin alloy).
Judée, mosaic gold. — de Manheim, oreille, /. ear; lug, handle, projection, cor-
Mannheim gold (a brass). — en coquille, ner, lip, foot, etc.; (mountain) peak.
powdered gold formerly used for gilding, oreiller, m. pillow.
ormolu. — en feuille, gold leaf. — faux, oreillette, /. auricle.
imitation gold, false gold. — fulminant, oreillon, m. cutting, paring (as of leather) ;
fulminating gold, gold fulminate. — (Med., pi.) mumps.
graphique, (Min.) sylvanite. — japonais, orelline, /. orelhn.
a oopper alloy (Cu, Al, W, Mo). — musif, orfèvre, m. worker in precious metals, gold-
— mussif, mosaic gold. — potable, potable smith, silversmith.
gold, aurum potabile. — tellure, (Min.) orfèvre, orfévri, o. wrought by the gold-
sylvanite. — tellure plombifère, (Min.) smith.
nagyagite. — vierge, virgin gold. orfèvrerie, /. goldsmith's art, goldsmithery ;
orage, m. storm, thunderstorm. goldsmith's work, articles of gold, silver,
orageux, a. stormy. etc.
oralement, adv. orally. organe, m. organ; (of a machine or ap-
orange, /. orange (the fruit), m. orange paratus) part, organ, gear, mechanism. —
(the color). a. orange, orange-colored. — actif, (Mach.) working part. — analyseur,
amère, bitter orange. — douce, sweet or- (Elec.) scanner. — de manœuvre, control
ange. — rouge, blood orange. device. — de sûreté, safety device.
orangé, o. & m. orange. — d'alizarine, organicien, m. organic chemist; (Med.) or-
alizarin orange. — de chrome, chrome ganicist. o. (of chemists) organic.
orange. — de Mars, Mars orange (a va- organique, a. organic, (rarely) organical.
riety of iron yellow). — Mikado, mikado organiquement, adv. organically.
orange (a dye). — Poivrier, any of the organisable, a. organizable.
dyes orange I, II, III and IV. organisant, p.a. organizing.
oranger, m. orange tree, orange; orange organisateur, a. organizing. m. organiser.
man. a. orange, pertaining to oranges. organisation, /. organization ; arrangement.
orateur, m. orator. organiser, v.t. organise; arrange.
oratoire, a. oratorical. organisme, m. organisai.
orbe, m. orb; orbit; outline. organoboré, a. organoboron.
orbiculaire, a. orbicular. 4 organogène, a. organogenic.
orbitale, /. orbital. organoleptique, a. (Physiol.) organoleptic.
orbite, /. orbit. organo-magnésien, a. organic magnésium.
orcanette, orcanète, /. orcanet(te), alkanet organo-métallique, m. organometalhc.
(Alkanna tinctoria, or a dye, called also organo-métalloïdique, a. organometal-
alkannin, from its root). loid(al).
orcéine, /. orcein. organo-silicié, a. organosilicon.
organo-zincique 311 -osane
organo-zincique, a. organozinc. orobanche, /. a plant of the genus Oro-
organsin, m. organzine (a silk thread). banche or certain allied gênera. — de Vir-
orge, /. & m. barley. — mondé, hulled bar- ginie, beeehdrops (Epiphegus virginiana).
ley; barley water. — perlé, pearl barley. orobanchoside, m. orobanchin.
orgue, m. organ. orogénie, /. (Geol.) orogeny.
orgueil, m. pride; fulcrum. orogénique, a. orogenic.
orgueilleusement, adv. proudly. oronge, /. {Bot.) amanita.
orgueilleux, a. proud. orpailleur, m. gold washer.
oribus, m. resin torcli. orphelin, m. & a. orphan.
orichalque, m. orichalch (an ancient alloy). orpimenter, v.t. mix, treat or color with
orient, m. east, orient ; Orient, East ; (of orpiment.
pearls) luster; beginning, rise. orpin, m. orpiment; (Bot.) orpine, orpin.
orientable, a. orientable; adjustable. — de Chine, orpiment.
oriental, a. & m. Oriental; eastern, east. orseille, /. archil, orchil (plant and dye).
orientant, p.a. orienting, directive. — de terre, cudbear.
orientation, /. orientation, orienting. orsellinique, a. orsellinic.
Orientaux, m. pi. Orientais; easterners. orsellique, a. orsellic, lecanoric.
orienter, v.t. orient ; direct, guide. ort, a. & adv. (Com.) gross.
orifice, m. orifice; mouth, aperture, etc. — orteil, m. toe, specif. great toe.
de chauffe, fire hole (of a furnace). — de orthoacide, m. ortho acid.
orthoantimoniate, m. orthoantimonate.
décharge, — de sortie, outlet. — de visite, orthoarséniate,
hand hole; inspection hole. — d'introduc- orthoazoteux, a.m.orthonitrous.
tion, inlet. orthoazotique, a. orthonitric.
origan, m. (Bot.) origanum. — des marais, orthocétone, /. ortho ketone.
hemp agrimony. orthochromatique, a. orthochromatic.
originaire, a. native; proceeding; original. orthocinétique, a. orthokinetic.
originairement, adv. originally. orthodérivé, m. ortho derivative.
original, a. & m. original, d'—, from the orthoéther, m. ortho ester.
original source, en —, in the original; in orthoformiate, m. orthoformate.
reality; in person. orthographe, /. orthography, spelling.
originalement, adv. originally. orthophosphorique, a. orthophosphoric.
originalité, /. originality. orthophtalate, m. orthophthalate, o-phthal-
origine, /. origin; source, dans V—, orig-
inally, at flrst. dès V—, from the begin- ate.
ning, from the first. orthophtalique, o. orthophthalic, o-phthal-
originel, a. original. ic.
originellement, adv. originally, from the orthoplombate, m. orthoplumbate.
first. orthoptère, a. orthopterous. m. pi. Orthop-
orillon, m. ear, lug, handle, projection. tera.
oripeau, m. imitation gold foil, tinsel. orthoquinone, /. orthoquinone, o-quinone.
orléan, m. orlean, annatto. orthorhombique, a. (Cryst.) orthorhombic.
orme, m. elm (tree and wood). — à trois orthose, m. (Min.) orthoclase, orthose.
orthosérie, /. ortho séries.
feuilles, hop tree (Ptelea trifoliata). — orthosubstitué, a. ortho-substituted.
fauve, slippery elm (Vlmus fulva or its ortho-titanique, a. (of an acid) orthoti-
inner bark). tanic (normal titanic).
orné, p.a. omamented, etc. (see orner) ; orthovanadique, a. orthovanadic.
ornate. orthoxy-. orthohydroxy-, o-hydroxy-.
ornement, m. ornament. orthoxybenzoique, a. o-hydroxybenzoic.
ornemental, a. ornamental. ortie, /. (Bot.) nettle (esp. the genus Urtica).
ornementation, /. ornamentation, orna- — brûlante, nettle (Urtica). — de Chine,
menting. china grass, ramie.
ornementer, v.t. ornament. orvale, /. (Bot.) clary (Salvia sclarea and
orner, v.t. ornament, adorn, decorate, em- related gênera).
bellish, deck. Os, m. bone. — de seiche, — de sèche, cut-
ornière, /. rut; groove. tlefish bone. — dissous, (Fertilizers) dis-
ornithine, /. ornithine. solved bone.
ornithurique, o. ornithurie. -osane. -osan.
osane 312 outillage
osane» m. glycosan. ostéine, /. ostein (ossein).
oscillant, p.a. oscillating. ostensiblement, adv. ostensibly.
oscillateur, m. oscillator. ostéocolle, /. osteocolla.
oscillation, /. oscillation. — propre, nat- ostéomyélite, /. (Med.) osteomyelitis.
ural oscillation. ostracés, m. pi. (Zool.) Ostracea, ostraceans.
oscillatoire, a. oscillatory, oscillating. ôté, p.a. removed, etc. (see ôter). prep. ex-
osciller, v.i. oscillate; fluctuate. cept, with the exception of.
ose, m. monosaccharide, ose. ôter, v.t. remove; take away, take off, take
oseille, /. (Bot.) sorrel; specif., common out, take, displace, except. v.r. move away,
sorrel (Rumex acetosa). get away, retire; rid oneself (of); deprive
oser, v.t. dare, venture. oneself (of).
osidase, /. a sugar-hydrolyzing enzyme. otite, /. (Med.) otitis.
-oside. A suffix used in naming glycosides. ou, conj. or. ou . . . ou, either . . . or. ou
In French it is used even in trivial names bien, or else, or otherwise. ou bien . . . ou
where -in is more common; as, saîicoside bien, either . . . or else.
(salicin). où, adv. where; to what; when; at, in, into,
oside, m. glycoside, oside. on, of, from or with which (or whom).
osier, m. osier ; wicker. d'où, whence, from where. où que,
osmazome, m. (Old Chem.) osmazome. wherever, wheresoever. par où, by what
osmiamique, a. osmiamic. way, by which, through which, how, where.
osmiate, m. osmate, osmiate. vers où, to which, whereto.
osmié, a. combined with or containing os- ouabaïne, /., ouabaïoside, m. ouabain.
mium. OUatage, m. wadding; padding.
osmieux, o. osmious, osmous. ouate, /. wadding; (carded) cotton, cotton
osmique, a. osmic. wool. — de bois, wood wool. — hydro-
osmiridium, m. iridosmium, (Min.) iridos- phile, absorbent cotton.
mine. ouater, v.t. wad, stuff with wadding, pack.
osmium-rV-hexabromure, m. bromo- ouateux, a. wadded, padded; woolly.
osmate(IV). oubli, m. forgetfulness ; forgetting.
osmium-III-hexachlorure, m. chloro- oublie, /. wafer; (pastry) cône.
osmate(III). oublier, v.t. forget ; omit.
osmium-IV-hexachlorure, m. chloro- ouest, m. west; {cap.) West.
osmate(IV). oui, adv. & m. yes.
osmium-II-hexacyanure, m. cyanooamatc- ouï, p.a. heard.
(II). OUÏ-dire, m. hearsay.
osmium-rv-hexaïodure, m. iodoosmate- ouïe, /. hearing; audition; (Mach.) inlet;
(IV). (fish) gill.
osmiure, m. a binary compound of osmium ouillage, m. filling up (of a cask with wine).
—usually in the phrase osmiure d'iridium, ouille r, v.t. fill up (a cask by adding wine).
iridosmium. ouïr, v.t. hear.
osmogène, n. osmogene, osmotic apparatus. ouragan, m. hurricane.
osmomètre, m. osmometer. Oural, m. Ural, Ural River, a. Ural.
osmométrie, /. osmometry. ouralite, /. (Min.) uralite.
osmométrique, a. osmométrie. ouralitiser, v.t. (Min.) uralitize.
osmophore, m. osmophore, odoriphore. ourda, /. a Romanian cheese.
osmose, /. osmosis, osmose. ourdir, v.t. plait, twist; warp; hatch, con-
osmoser, v.t. subject to or obtain by os- coct.
mosis. ourétique, a. phosphoric. Obs.
osmotique, a. osmotic. ourlet, m. hem; (of metals) seam; edge,
osmylsel, m. osmyl sait. border.
osotétrazine, /. osotetrazine (2,3,-dihydro- ours, m. bear.
u-tetrazine). ourse, /. (she) bear.
osotriazol, m. osotriazole (1,2,5-triazole). oursin, m. sea urchin; bear pelt.
ossature, /. framework. outil, m. tool, implement, instrument. — o
osséine, /. ossein. bras, hand implement. — tranchant, cut-
ossements, m. pi. bones, remains. ting tool, edged tool.
osseux, a. osseous, bony, bone. outillage, m. equipment, outfit, set of tools,
ossifier, v.t. & r. ossify. tools, implements, plant.
outiller 313 oxdiazol
outiller, v.t. equip, fit out, supply with ouvreau, m. (Glass, etc.) working hole; air
tools or implements. | vent.
outilleur, m. tool maker. j ouvre-boîte, m. can (or tin) opener.
outil-machine, n. machine tool. ouvrer, v.t. work; make; (Paper) dip. v.i.
outrance, /. In the phrase à outrance, to work.
excess, to the uttermost, to the limit. ouvreur, m. opener; (Paper) vatman, dip-
outrancier, a. excessive, extravagant, m.
extremist. ouvrier, m. workman, worker, artisan, Ia-
outre, prep. beyond; besides, beside. adv. \ borer. a. working, laboring, operative. —
beyond, further, on. /. leather bottle, skin. fondeur, (a workman. who is a) melter,
d'— en —, clear through, through and founder, smelter. — marcheur, treader. —
through. en —, further, besides, in addi- tiseur, stoker. — verrier, glass blower.
tion. — que, not only . . . but. ouvrir, v.t. open; open up; tura on; eut
outré, p.a. overdone; excessive; exasperated. open ; unf old ; begin work on ; propose.
outre-Manche, adv. beyond the Channel v À. open, be open. v .r. open ; unbosom
(i.e., in the British Isles, in England). oneself.
outremer, m. ultramarine. a. ultramarine ouvroir, m. workshop; work room.
(specif., beyond the sea, oversea, foreign). ovaire, m. (Biol.) ovary.
— lap is, u ltramarine from lapis lazuli, ovalbumine, /. ovalbumin.
genuine ultramarine. ovale, a. & m. oval.
outre-mer, adv. overseas. ovaliser, v.t. ovalize, make oval.
outre-monts. In the phrase d'outre-monts, ovarien, o. ovarian.
ultramontane (referring esp. to Italy, or to ové, a. egg-shaped, ovoid.
Italy and Spain). ovin, a. ovine, pertaining to sheep.
outrepasser, v.t. go beyond, exceed, over- ovoïde, a. ovoid, egg-shaped. m. ovoid.
step. ovomucoïde, m. ovomucoid.
outrer, v.t. overdo; overstrain; provoke. ovovitelline, /. ovovitellin.
OUtre-Rhin, adv. beyond the Rhine. ovulaire, a. ovular.
ouvarovite, /. (Min.) uvarovite. ovule, m. (Biol.) ovule.
ouvert, p.a. open; quick, ready; (of soap oxacétique, a. hydroxyacetic, glycolic.
paste) separate from the liquid; opened, oxacétylurée, /. hydantoic acid.
etc. (see ouvrir). oxacide, m. oxacid, oxygen acïd.
ouvertement, adv. openly. oxadiazol, m. oxadiazole.
ouverture, /. opening ; aperture, orifice, oxalacétique, a. oxalaeelic.
hole, bore, mouth, gap, etc.; width, span; oxalantîne, /. oxalantine, leucoturic acid.
overture ; opportunity ; aptness, readiness. oxalate, m. oxalate. — de fer, oxalate of
— à la scorie, (Métal.) slag hole. — de iron, specif. (as in Pharm.) ferrous oxalate.
coulée, (Métal.) taphole. — de la chauffe, oxalate, a. combined with, or converted
stokehole. — de la vapeur, steam port. into, an oxalate.
— de moule, (Founding) pouring funnel. oxaldéhyde, m. hydroxyaldehyde ; glyoxal,
— de visite, manhole. oxaldehyde.
ouvrable, a. workable; (of time) working. oxaldine, /. azomethine, Schiff base.
ouvrage, m. work ; production, product ; oxalide, /. (Bot.) oxalis, wood sorrel.
workmanship ; hearth (of a furnace ; of oxalidées, /. pi. (Bot.) Oxalidaceae.
a blast furnace, part between the tuyères oxalique, a. oxalic.
and the boshes); construction. — à for- oxalurie, /. (Med.) oxaluria.
fait, pièce work, job work. — blanc, tool oxalurique, a. oxalurie.
making or other fine smithing. — d'art, oxalyle, m. oxalyl.
permanent structure (as a bridge). — de oxalylurée, /. oxalylurea (parabanic acid).
fabrique, factory product, manufacture. — oxamine, /. aminé oxide.
noir, blacksmithing, blacksmith work. oxamique, a. oxamic.
ouvragé, p.a. worked, wrought; figured. oxanilique, a. oxanilic.
ouvrager, v.t. work ; figure. — la mine, oxazine, /. oxazine.
(Métal.) seum the ore. oxazinique, a. oxazine.
ouvraison, /. working, work. oxazol, m. oxazole,
ouvrant, p. pr. of ouvrir and of ouvrer. oxazoline, /. oxazoline.
ouvre, pr. 3 sing. of ouvrir and of ouvrer. oxdiazine, /. oxadiazine.
ouvré, p.a. worked, wrought; figured. oxdiazol, m. oxadiazole.
oxéolat 314 oxydiazol
oxéolat, m. =» acétolat. — simple, distilled oxycyanure, m. oxycyanide.
vinegar. oxydabilité, /. oxidizability, oxidability.
oxéolé, m. = acétolé. oxydable, a. oxidizable, oxidable.
oxéthyle, m. 2-hydroxyethyl. oxydage, m. oxidizing, oxidation.
oxhydrile, m. hydroxyl. oxydant, p.a. oxidizing. m. oxidizing agent,
oxhydrllé, a. hydroxylated, hydroxyl. oxidizer.
oxhydrilique, a. hydroxylic. oxydase, /. oxidase.
oxhydrique, a. oxyhydrogen. oxydation, /. oxidation, oxidizing.
oxhydryle, m. hydroxyl. oxyde, m. oxide. — alcoolique, alkyl oxide,
oxide, m. oxide. (For phrases see oxyde.) ether. — blanc d'arsenic, arsenic trioxide.
oximation, /. conversion into an oxime. — cuivreux, cuprous oxide, copper(I) ox-
oxindol, m. oxindole. ide. — cuivrique, cupric oxide, copper(II)
oxo-. oxo-, (in part) keto-. oxide. — d'antimoine, antimony oxide,
oxy-. oxy-; hydroxy-. (In organio names specif. (as in Pharm.) antimony trioxide.
this indicates, in very many cases, the -— d'argent, silver oxide. — de carbone,
hydroxyl group and should then be trans- oxide of carbon, specif. carbon monoxide.
lated hydroxy- ; e.g., oxybutyrique, hy- — de cuivre, copper oxide, specif. cupric
droxybutyric. If the group is known to oxide, copper(II) oxide. — de fer, iron
be ketonic the translation oxo- or keto- is oxide, oxide of iron. — de fer bihydraté,
préférable.) ferrie hydroxide, iron(III) hydroxide. —
oxyacétique, a. hydroxyacetic, glycolio. de fer magnétique (or noir), magnetic ox-
oxyacétylénique, a. oxyaoetylene. ide of iron (Fe3Û4), iron (II, III) oxide.
oxyacide, m. oxygen aoid, oxacid; lOrg. — de mercure précipité, yellow mercuric
Chem.) hydroxy acid. oxide. — de méthyle, methyl oxide
oxyalcoolique, a. oxyalcohol. (methyl ether). — de phényle, phenyl ox-
oxyalcoylé, a. alkoxy. ide (phenyl ether). .— de plomb, lead ox-
oxyammonlaque, m. hydroxylamine, oxy- ide, specif. lead monoxide. — de plomb
anunonia. fondu, litharge. — de terpilène, cineole,
oxyanthraquinone, /. hydroxyanthraqui- (Pharm.) eucalyptol. — d'éthyle, ethyl
none. oxide (ethyl ether). — d'éthylène, ethylene
oxyazo-. hydroxyazo-; azoxy-. oxide. — ferreux, ferrous oxide, iron(II)
oxyazoïque, a. hydroxyazo. oxide. — ferrique, ferrie oxide, iron(III)
oxyazoté, o. combined with oxygen and oxide. — hydrate, hydrated oxide (often
nitrogen or witli an oxide of nitrogen. équivalent to hydroxide). — jaune de mer-
oxybenzoate, m. hydroxybenzoate. cure, yellow mercuric oxide. — magnétique,
oxybenzoïque, a. hydroxybenzoic. = oxyde de fer magnétique. — mercurique
oxybenzol, m. hydroxybenzene, phénol. jaune, yellow mercuric oxide. — mer-
oxybenzylique, a. hydroxybenzyl. curique rouge, red mercuric oxide. — ni-
oxybitume, m. oxybitumen. treux, nitrous oxide, nitrogen monoxide. —
oxybromure, m. oxybromide. noir de cuivre, black copper oxide, cupric
oxybutyrique, a. hydroxybutyric. oxide, copper(II) oxide. — noir de man-
oxycarboné, o. combined with oxygen and ganèse, black oxide of manganèse, manga-
carbon or with an oxide of carbon (specif. nèse dioxide, manganese(IV) oxide. — puce
CO). de plomb, puce-colored oxide of lead, lead
oxycarbonisme, m. carbon monoxide peroxide. — rouge de plomb, red lead,
poisoning. minium. — salin, an oxide which is re-
oxycellulose, /. oxycellulose. garded as a sait, compound oxide. — salin
oxycétone, /. hydroxy ketone. de chrome, the oxide CraO*. — salin de
oxychlorique, o. oxychloric (old syn. of fer, ferroso-ferric oxide. — salin de 'plomb,
perchloric). minium, red lead. — stanneux, stannous
oxychlorure, m. oxychloride. — ammoni- oxide, tin(II) oxide. — stannique, stannic
acal de mercure, ammoniated mercury, oxide, tin(IV) oxide. — sulfureux, sulfur
white precipitate. — de carbone, carbon dioxide.
oxychloride, phosgene.
oxycinchonique, o. hydroxycinchonic ; hy- oxydé, p.a. oxidized.
droxycinchoninic (less correct use). oxyder, v.t. & r. oxidize.
oxycoumarine, /. hydroxycoumarin. oxyâeur, m. oxidizer.
oxycoupage, m. gas cutting. oxydiazol, m. oxadiazole.
oxydique 315 ozotypie
oxydique, o. oxidic (said esp. of an epoxy oxymellite, m. (Pharm.) a medicine made
compound). with oxymel as an excipient. — simple,
oxydo-. oxido-. oxymel.
oxydocyanure, m. cyanate. oxyméthyle, m. hydroxymethyl.
oxydule, m. lower or -ous oxide, (for- oxyphosphure, m. oxyphosphide.
merly) protoxide. — de cuivre, cuprous oxypyridine, /. hydroxypyridine, pyridinol.
oxide, copper(I) oxide. oxyquinoléine, /. hydroxyquinoline.
oxydulé, a. in the form of a lower oxide, oxysel, m. oxysalt, sait of an oxacid.
oxidulated. Arc/iatc. oxyselénlure, m. oxyselenide.
oxyessence, /. oxygasoline, oxypetrol. oxysulfure, m. oxysulfide.
oxyfluorure, m. oxyfluoride. oxytolulque, o. hydroxytoluic.
oxygénaDilité, /. oxygenatability. oxyvalérique, a. hydroxyvaleric.
oxygénable, a. oxygenatable. -oyle. -oyl (ending of acid radicals).
oxygénant, p.a. oxygenating. ozocérite, ozokérite, /. ozocerite, ozokerite.
oxygénateur, m. oxygen generator. ozonateur, m. ozonizer. a. ozonizing.
oxygène, m. oxygen. ozonation, /. ozonization, ozonation.
ozonatrice, a. fem. of ozonateur.
oxygéner, v.t. oxygenate ; oxidize. ozoner, v.t. ozonize.
oxygénitère, a. carrying oxygen. ozoneur, m. ozonizer.
oxygras, a. hydroxyfatty. ozonifère, a. ozoniferous.
oxyhémoglobine, /. oxyhemoglobin, oxy- ozonique, o. ozonic.
haemoglobin. ozonisage, m., ozonisation, /. ozonization.
oxyhydrile, m. hydroxyl. ozoniser, v.t. ozonize.
oxyhydrique, a. oxyhydrogen ; oxyhydric. ozoniseur, m. ozonizer.
oxyhydrogène, m. oxyhydrogen. ozonolyse, /. ozonolysis.
oxylodure, m. oxyiodide. ozonomètre, m. ozonometer.
oxyioduré, a. combined with oxygen and ozonométrie, /. ozonometry.
iodine, oxyiodide of. ozonometrlque, a. ozonométrie.
oxylithe, m. oxylith, oxylithe. T.N. ozonoscopique, a. ozonoscopic.
oxyme, m. oxime. ozotypie, /. (Photog.) ozotype.
p., abbrev. (pied) foot ; (poids) weight ; paillon, m. scale, plate; leaf, foil (of met-
(pour) per ; (pression) pressure ; (puis- als); tin plate; large spangle; link; bundle
sance) power. of straw used as a filter ; straw envelope
p . 100, abbrev. (pour cent) per cent. for a bottle. — de soudure, leaf solder.
P . A., abbrev. (poids atomique) atomic pailloner, v.t. cover with sheet métal, esp.
weight. tin.
pacifier, v.t. pacify. pail-mel, n. feed made of straw and mo-
pacifique, a. pacifie. lasses.
pacifiquement, adv. pacifically, peacefully. pain, m. bread ; loaf ; wafer ; cake (as of
packfond, packfong, m. paktong, pak- wax or grease) ; lump ; pig or bloom (of
fong (an alloy). métal) ; block (of soap as it cornes from
pacoura, n. residue from the first distilla- the frame). en —, in the form of a cake
tion of Romanian petroleum. or lump or the like, in the cake, in the
padang, n. a kind of dammar. lump, fonte en — de sucre, see under
padelin, m. (Glass) crucible. fonte. — à blanchir, cake of whiting. —
P.AE., abbrev. (partes aequales) equal parts. à cacheter, wafer. — à café, coffee bread.
paeonoside, m. peonin, paeonin. — à créions, greaves cake. — azyme, un-
paginer, v.t. page, paginate. leavened bread. — bis, brown bread; black
pagodite, /. (Min.) pagodite, agalmatolite. bread. — biscuité, bread baked longer than
paie, /. pay; payment. usual. — blanc, white bread. — complet,
paiement, m. payment. whole-meal bread. — d'affinage, métal
païen, a. & m. pagan. (esp. silver) which sticks to the crucible.
paillage, m. covering with straw; mulching. — de cire, cake of wax ; wax wafer. — de
paillasse, /. flask stand; work table; bench; commission, ration bread. — de coucou,
masonry support, bed, foundation ; straw (Bot.) wood sorrel. — de froment, wheat
(or husk) mattress. bread. — de grenouilles, (Bot.) water
paillasson, m. mat (esp. of straw). plantain. — de liquation, (Copper) liqua-
paille, /. straw; scale (of iron); flaw (in tion cake. — de mer, ship biscuit. — de
metals, glass, etc. ). a. straw - colored, munition, ration bread, ammunition bread
straw-yellow. menue —, chaff. — d'acier, (esp. a grayish bread made from second-
steel shavings. — de bois, wood fiber, and third-grade flours). — de pourceau,
wood wool. — de fer, hammer scale, forge (Bot.) sow bread. — de ressuage, (Métal.)
scale, scale. — de maïs, cornstalks, maize liquation cake. — de seigle, rye bread. —
stalks. de sucre, sugar loaf. — de trouille, oil
paillé, a. straw-colored ; (of metals, etc.) cake, esp. from olives. — d'olives, (olive)
flawy, also brittle. m. stable litter. oil cake. — levé, raised bread. — noir,
pailler, m. farmyard ; straw pile, straw - black bread. — rassis, stale bread. —
stack ; straw lof t. v.t. cover or wrap tendre, new bread. — viennois, Vienna
with straw ; mulch. bread. — visqueux, ropy bread.
paillet, m. pale red wine, verging on straw pair, a. (of numbers) even. m. par; peer.
color ; mat, straw mat. a. pale red, verg- au —, at par. de —, on a par, on an
ing on straw color. equality. hors de —, sans —, without a
paillette, /. small plate or scale, lamella, peer, peerless.
platelet, leaflet, flake, lamina; sbining par- paire, /. pair.
ticle (as of gold dust); spangle; scale (of pairement, adv. (of numbers) evenly, even.
iron), forge scale; flaw (in gems); keeper, paisible, a. peaceful, peaceable.
armature (of a magnet) ; blade. paisiblement, adv. quietly, peacefully.
pailleté, a. lamellar, laminar; spangled. paix, /. peace.
pailleux, a. straw, strawy ; (of metals) palais, m. palate; palace; court (of jus-
flawy. tice) ; bar, law, légal profession.
paillis, m. mulch. palan, m. tackle; pulley block; pulley.
pale 317 panerée
pale, /. pile; pale, stake; bung, stopper; palmier, m. (Bot.) palm tree, palm. — à
vane, blade, board ; sluice gâte. chanvre, hemp palm. — à cire, wax palm.
pâle, a. pale. — à huile, oil palm (Elaeis guineënsis). —
palée, /. pile work, piling, pier. nain, dwarf fan palm (Chamaerops hu~
paléozoïque, a. (Geol.) Paleozoic, Palaeo- milis).
ZO13. palmiste, m. (Bot.) cabbage paîm; Africaa
paletot, m. overcoat, greatcoat. oil paLm.
palette, /. paddle; blade, vane; spatula; palmite, m. palm marrow.
shovel; (Glass) a tool for rounding off the palmitine, /. palmitin.
mass of métal gathered on the pipe ; palmitique, a. palmitic.
(Ceram., Gilding, etc.) pallet; (Mach.) palmltoléique, a. palmitoleic.
palette, drill plate; (painter's) palette. palmityle, m. pahnitoyl, hexadecanoyl ;
palétuvier, m. (Bot.) mangrove (also, any palmityl, hexadecyl.
of several other tropical trees). palon, m. wooden spatula (for wax, tallow,
pâleur, /. paleness, pallor. etc.).
palier, m. stage (in distillation); (Mach.) pâlot, a. palish, rather pale.
bearing; landing (as of a stairway), plat- palpablement, adv. palpably.
form; floor; level stretch, level, (in a palper, v.t. feel, touch.
curve) plateau. — à billes, bail bearing. palpiter, v.i. palpitate.
— à rouleaux, roller bearing. — graisseur, paludéen, o. marshy; (Med.) malarial.
self-oiling bearing. paludier, m. worker in a sait garden.
palier-graisseur, m. self-oiling bearing. paludique, a. marshy; (Med.) malarial.
pâlir, v.i. pale, grow pale, turn pale. v.t. palus, m. marsh; alluvial land.
make pale, blanch. palustre, a. marsh, marshy, paludal.
palissandre, m. palisander, Brazilian rose- pâmer, v.i. & r. (Steel) soften, anneal;
wood. faint.
palisson, m. (Leather) (1) stake, (2) pamplemousse, m. grapefruit; shaddock.
stretching machine. p. an, abbrev. (par an) per year, per an-
palissoner, v.t. stretch (leather). num.
palladeux, a. palladous, palladious, pal- pan, m. face (of a crystal or other solid);
ladium(II). facet; side, flat surface; pane; panel; par-
palladibromure, m. bromopalladate(IV). tition; breadth, width; angle; (Mining)
palladlchlorhydrique, a. chloropalladic- pan ; frame.
(IV). panabase, /. (Min.) tetrahedrite.
palladichlorure, m. chloropalladate(IV). panaceau, m. (Pyro.) rocket stick.
palladier, v.t. palladize, palladinize. panacée, /. panacea. — anglaise, a mixture
palladique, o. palladic, specif. palladium- of magnésium and calcium carbonates. —
(IV). antimoniale, a substance similar to, or
palladobromure, m. bromopalladate(II). identical with, kermès minerai. — de Hol-
palladochlorhydrique, a. chloropalladic- stein, — double, potassium sulfate. — mer-
(II). curielle, calomel.
palladochlorure, m. chloropalladate(II). panache, m. plume, panache; finial.
palladocyanure, m. cyanopalladate(II). panaché, a. variegated ; mixed ; plumed.
palladoïodure, m. iodopalladate(II). cuivre —, (Min.) bornite.
palladonitrite, m. nitropalladate(II). panacher, v.t. variegate; plume.
pallado-oxalate, m. oxalatopalladate(II). panachure, /. variegation, spot or stripe of
pallado-oxalique, a. oxalatopalladic(II). a différent color.
palladothiocyanate, m. thiocyanatopal- panaire, a. panary, of bread or bread mak-
ladate(II). ing.
palladure, m. palladide. panais, m. parsnip.
palliatif, a. & m. palliative. panama, m. soapbark, quillaja bark, Pan-
palma-christi, m. (.Bot.) ca3tor-oil plant ama bark (from Quillaja saponaria) ; Pan-
palma Christi (Ricinus communié). ama hat.
palmarosa, palma-rosa, /. (Bot.) palma- pancarte, /. placard, bill; (written or
rosa, ginger grass (Andropogon schœnan- printed) sheet; cover (for papers), folder.
thwi). pancréatine, /. pancreatin.
palme, /. palm. pancréatique, a. pancreatic.
patiner, m. micrometer gage; caliper(s). panerée, /. basketful.
pangenese 318 papier
pangénèse, /. (Biol.) pangenesis. hardened filter paper. — à gargousses,
panier, m. basket ; pannier ; beehive. cartridge paper. — o journaux, newspaper
panifiable, a. capable of being made into stock, news. — à la cuve, vat paper,
bread; bread-making. handmade paper. — à la main, handmade
panification, /. bread making, conversion paper. — à la phtaléine du phénol,
into bread, panification. phenolphthalein paper. — albuminé, al-
panifier, v.t. convert into bread. bumenized (or albuminized) paper. — al-
panne, /. fat (esp. of swine) ; plush ; (of a bwmineux, albumen paper. — à l'émeri,
hammer) peen; pantile; (of roofs) purlin, emery paper. — à lettres, letter paper.
rib ; stop, hait ; breakdown, f ailure, — à patrons, cross-section paper. — à
trouble. poncer, tracing paper, pounce paper. —
panneau, m. panel ; pane (as of glass) ; apprêté, paper subjected to calendering,
face (of a stone); rack; template; snare, coating, oiling, marbling, goffering or any
trap. other finishing process. — à réactif, test
panneresse, /. (Masonry) stretcher. paper. — argenté, silver paper, specif. a
panse, /. belly, paunch. fine white tissue paper. — à sucre, the
pansement, m. dressing (of wounds) ; dark blue paper in which sugar loaves are
grooming. wrapped. — au bromure, (Photog.) bro-
panser, v.t. dress (wounds) ; groom (ani- mide paper. — au cyano -fer, blueprint
mais). paper. — au ferro-prussiate. blueprint
pansu, a. big-bellied, pot-bellied. paper. — autocopiste, copying paper. —
pantage, m. bundling (of hanks). bilogarithmique, log-log paper. — bitumé,
pantalon, m. trousers. tarred paper, tar board. — blanc, white
pante, n. bundle (of hanks). paper ; blank paper. — Bristol, Bristol
panteler, v.i. pant, gasp. board, Bristol paper. — brouillard, blot-
pantenne, pantène, /. wicker tray. ting paper. — bulle, scratch paper; scrib-
panter, v.t. bundle (hanks). bling paper. — buvard, bibulous paper,
absorbent paper, blotting paper. — calque,
pantoufle, /. slipper. tracing paper. — carbone, — carboné, car-
paon, m. peacock, peafowl (Pavo). bon paper. — cherche-pôles, (Elec.) pole-
papaïne, /. papain. finding paper. — chimique, chemically im-
papavéracées, /. pi. (Bot.) Papaveraceae. pregnated paper, as for tests ; carbon
p a p a v é r a l d i n e , /. papaveraldine. paper. — ciré, waxed paper. — Colas,
p a p a v é r i n e , /. papaverine. black-print paper (black lînes on a white
papavérique, a. papaveric. ground). — collé, sized paper. — coquille,
papaye, /. papaya, papaw (the fruit). letter paper. — couché, coated paper. —
papayer, m. papaya tree, papaya (Carica court, (Com.) short - term paper, short -
papaya). term note. — cuir, leather paper. — cur-
pape, m. pope. cuma, turmeric paper. — d'amiante, as-
paperasse, /. old paper, used or waste bestos paper. — d'argent, tin foil. -— de
paper. bois, wood paper, paper made from wood
papeterie, /. paper making ; paper mill, pulp. — de chancellerie, foolscap. — de
paper factory ; paper business or trade ; chiffons, rag paper. — de Chine, Chinese
stationery; writing case. paper, rice paper. — de coton, paper made
papetier, m. paper maker ; paper seîler, from cotton. — de curcuma, turmeric paper.
specif. stationer ; stationer's shop. o.
paper, paper-making ; stationery. — de fantaisie, fancy paper. — de Fernam-
papier, m. paper. — à calquer, — à calque, bouc, test paper impregnated with extract
tracing paper. — à cartouches, cartridge of Pernambuco wood. — dégraissé, fat-
paper. — à copier, carbon paper, copying extracted paper. — de Hollande, Dutch
paper. — à courbes, graph paper. — à paper. — d'emballage, wrapping paper.
crayons, crayon paper, crayon board. — — d'émeri, emery paper. — de montagne,
à décalquer, transfer paper. —• à dessin, (Min.) a papery form of asbestos, moun-
— à dessiner, drawing paper. — à dialyse, tain paper. — de paille, straw paper. —
dialyzing paper, parchment paper. — à de poste, letter paper, — d'épreuve, test
écrire, writing paper. — à envelopper, paper. — de rebut, retree paper, retree;
wrapping paper. — o étoupilles, primer waste paper. — de riz, rice paper. — de
paper. — à filigrane, watermarked paper. serpente, fine tissue paper. — de soie, a
— o filtrer, filter paper. — à filtrer durci, fine white tissue paper. — de sûreté, safety
papier 319 parabole
paper. — d'étain, tin foil. —• de tenture, per. — sinapisé, (Pharm.) mustard paper.
wallpaper, paper hangings. — de tourne- — sparadrapique, (Pharm.) paper, medi-
sol, litmus paper. •— de verre, glass paper, cated paper. — suédois, Swedish paper,
sandpaper. — d'impression, printing paper. specif. Swedish filter paper. — témoin,
— d'oiseau, very thin paper for messages (Expl.) standard-tint paper. — timbré,
by pigeon. — doré, gilt paper. — du stamped paper. — toile, tracing cloth. —
Japon, Japanese paper ; India paper. — tournesol, litmus paper. — tue-mouches,
durci, hardened paper, hard paper. — flypaper. — végétal, tracing paper. —
écolier, school paper; foolscap. — écu, of- vélin, a superior wove paper, vellum paper.
fice paper. — emporétique, a gray filter — vergé, laid paper. — verre, glass paper,
paper. — en bloc, paper in the form of a sandpaper. — vieux, old paper, waste pa-
block or pad. — entoilé, cloth-mounted per. — volant, loose sheet of paper.
paper. — faïence, pottery tissue. — fili- papier-carton, m. paper board.
grane, watermarked paper. — filtrant, — papier-filtre, m. filter paper.
filtre, filter paper. — fossile, asbestos pa-
papier-goudron, m. tar paper.
per. — Gilot, a kind of drawïng paper. p a p i e r - m o n n a i e , m. paper money.
— glacé, glazed paper. — gommé, gummed papier-parchemin, m. parchment paper.
paper. — goudronné, tar paper, tarred papier-pôle, m. (Èlec.) pole-finding paper.
paper. — huilé, oiled paper. — hygiénique, papier-tenture, n. wallpaper, paper hang-
toilet paper. — indicateur, test paper. — ings.
indien, India paper. — iodoamidonnê, — papilionacé, a. papilionaceous.
ioduré amidonné, starch-iodide paper. — papilionacées, /. pi. (Bot.) Papilionaceae.
ioduré, iodide paper, iodized paper. — papille, /. papilla; (of the eye) blind spot.
isolateur, insulating paper. — Joseph, filter
papillon, m. butterfly ; moth ; wing burner ;
paper; a bibulous white or light gray tis- butterfly valve; wing nut, fiy nut; damper;
sue paper, called in full papier Joseph de label, ticket; insert, extra sheet. a. but-
soie. — lacmoïde, lacmoid paper. — lavé, terfly. — diurne, butterfly. — nocturne,
washed paper, extracted paper. — libre, moth.
unstamped paper. — lissé, glazed paper. papillotage, papillotement, m. flutter-
— logarithmique, log paper. — long, (ing), etc. (see papilloter).
(Com.) long-term paper, long-term note. papilloter, v.i. flutter ; (of colors) dazzle ;
— mâché, papier-mâché (paper pulp with (of motion films, etc.) flicker ; (Printing)
size, etc.). — marbré, marbled paper. — blur, mackle.
Marion, blueprint paper (white lines on a papite, /. (Mil.) acrolein (as a lacrymator).
blue ground). — maroquiné, morocco pa- papp, m. paste, pap (as for leather).
per. — marqué, stamped paper. — mé- paprika, n. paprika, paprica.
canique, maehine-made paper. — mi-collê, pâque, /. passover. m. (cap.) Easter.
half-sized paper. — moiré, watered paper, paquebot, m. packet, mail boat.
moiré paper. — mort, unstamped paper. pâquerette, /. self-heal (Prunella vulgaris);
— moutarde, (Pharm.) mustard paper. — daisy (Bellis).
nickelé, nickel foil. — ozonométrique, Pâques, m. Easter.
ozonometric paper, esp. starch-iodide pa- paquet, m. packet, package; parcel, bundle;
per. — parcheminé, — parcheminé, parch- set ; (Métal.) pile, fagot ; mail ; packet,
ment paper. — peigne, grained paper. — mail boat.
peint, wallpaper, paper hangings. — Pel- paquetage, m. packing ; pack ; (Métal.)
let, blueprint paper (white lines on a blue piling.
ground). — pelure, onionskin, foreign post paqueter, v.t. pack; (Métal.) pile, fagot.
paper ; tissue paper. — plissé, crêpe pa- paqueteur, m., paqueteuse, /. packer.
per ; corrugated paper. — plombagine, par, prep. through ; by ; about, over ; on,
paper coated with graphite. — plombique, upon; per; (of division) by, into, in; (of
lead paper (impregnated with a lead sait time or weather) in. de —, by the order
for the détection of hydrogen sulfide). — of, in the name of. — entre, between.
poudre, gunpaper. — quadrillé, cross-sec- (For other phrases beginning with par, see
tion paper. — réactif, test paper. — réglé, the next important word in the phrase.)
ruled paper. — Rigollot, (Pharm.) mustard para, m. Para rubber; para (the coin).
paper. — sablé, sandpaper. — satiné, para-, para-, (in some names) p-.
satined paper, satin paper, plated paper. parabanique, a. parabanic.
— sensible, sensitive paper, sensitized pa- parabole, /. (Geom.) parabola; parable.
parabolicité 320 paraxanthine
parabolicité, /. parabolicness. parallélépipède, parallélipipède, m.
parabolique, a. parabolic, parabolical. (Geom.) parallelepiped, parallelepipedon.
paraboliquement, adv. parabolically. parallélépipédique, parallélipipédique,
paraboliser, v.t. parabolize, make parabolic. a. parallelepipedal, parallelepipedonal.
paraboloïde, m. (Geom.) paraboloid. parallélique, a. parallel.
parabuée, a. imperméable to moisture. paralléliser, v.t. parallelize, parallel.
paracaséine, /. paracasein. parallélisme, m. parallelism.
paracentrique, a. & f. paracentric. parallelogrammatique, a. parallelogram-
parachèvement, m. finishing, completion. matic(al); parallelogrammic.
parachever, v.t. finish, complète. parallélogramme, m. (Geom.) parallelo-
parachloré, a. parachloro, p-chloro. gram. — de Wheatstone, (Elec.) Wheat-
paraconique, a. paraconic. stone bridge.
paracrésol, m. paracresol, p-cresol. paralysant, paralysateur, a. paralyzing.
paracyanogène, m. paracyanogen. paralyser, v.t. paralyze.
paracyanure, m. paracyanide. paralysie, /. paralysis.
parade, /. parade; show. paralytique, a. & m. paralytic.
paradérivé, m. para derivative. paramagnétique, a. paramagnetic.
paradiamido-. paradiamino-, p-diamino-. paramagnétisme, m. paramagnetism.
paradis, m. paradise. paramécie, /. (Zoôl.) paramecium.
paradoxal, a. paradoxical. paramètre, m. parameter.
paradoxalement, adv. paradoxically. paramino-. para-amino-, p-amino-.
paradoxe, m. paradox, paramoustique, m. antimosquito agent.
paraffène, m. naphthene. Obs. parangon, m. paragon ; comparison ; flaw-
paraffinage, m. paraffining. less gem ; touchstone ; 18-point type. a.
paraffine, /. paraffin, (Com.) paraffine. — flawless.
brute, crude paraffin. — écaille, parafnn paranitré, a. paranitro, p-nitro.
scale, scale wax. — fossile, fossil paraffin, paranitrosé, a. paranitroso, p-nitroso.
ozocerite. — liquide, (Pharm.) liquid parant, p.a. ornamental; dressing, etc. (see
petrolatum, îiquid paraffin. parer).
paraffiné, p.a. paraffined. paranucléine, /. paranuclein.
paraffiner, v.t. paraffin, paraffine. paranucléique, a. paranucleic.
paraffïnique, a. pararfinic, parafnn. paranucléoprotéide, /. paranucleoprotein.
parafoudre, m. lightning arrester. paraoxybenzoïque, a. p-hydroxybenzoic.
parage, m. dressing, etc. (see parer); line- paraoxybenzylique, a. p-hydroxybenzyl.
age, degree ; locality, quarter, waters, paraphtalique, o. paraphthalic, p-phthalio
parts. (terephthahc).
paragraphe, m. paragraph; (Printing) sec- parapluie, /. umbrella; hood (as for a
tion. chimney) ; (Founding) shield against
paraison, /. (Glass) a preliminary blowing splashing métal.
and shaping ; also, the mass of glass so parasemidique, a. parasemidine, p-semi-
shaped, bail, lump. dine.
paraisonner, v.t. blow (glass) in a pre- parasérîe, /. para séries.
liminary manner. parasitaire, a. parasitic(al).
paraisonnier, m. = grand gamin, under parasite, m. parasite ; (Optics) ghost ;
grand. (Elec.) stray current; (Radio) stray noise,
paraissant, p. pr. of paraître. static. a. parasitic(al).
paraître, v.i, appear; shine, be conspicuous. parasiter, v.t. parasitize.
m. appearance. faire —, show, exhibit, parasitique, a. parasitic(al).
parasoleil, m. lens hood ; sunshade.
display ; cause to appear ; publish (books, parasorbique, a. parasorbic.
etc.). laisser —, allow to be seen, show. parastannique, a. parastannic.
parajour, m. shade (as for a lamp). parasulfoné, a. parasulfonated, parasulfo,
paralactique, a. paralactic. p-sulfo.
parallactique, a. parallactic, parallactical. paratartrique, a. paratartaric (racemic).
parallaxe, /. parallax. paratonnerre, m. lightning rod; lightning
parallèle, a. & f. parallel. m, parallel ; arrester.
parallel ru 1er. paravent, m. screen, folding. screen.
parallèlement, adv. in a parallel manner. paraxanthine, /. paraxanthine.
parc 321 parlementaire
parc, m. park; yard; inclosure; pen; dépôt. parenchymateux, a. parenchymatous.
parcelle, /. amall part, particlc; (of land) parenchyme, m. parenchyma.
parcel, plot, lot. parent, m. & f. relative, relation. m.
parceller, v.t. parcel, parcel out, subdivide. parent ; ancestor.
parce Que, conj. because. m. cause, reason. parenté, /. relationship ; kindred, relatives.
parchemin, m. parchment. — végétal, parenthèse, /. parenthesis.
vegetable parchment, parchment paper. — parer, v.t. dress ; trim ; finish ; prépare ;
vierge, virgin parchment (from the skins adorn, embellish; ward, ward off; avert,
of newborn animais). avoid ; parry ; shelter, protect ; clear (as
parcheminé, p.a. parchmentized ; parch- an anchor). v.i. (with à) guard against.
ment-like ; parchment. v.r. ripen, mature ; dress oneself ; be
parcheminér, v.t. parchmentize. dressed ; make a show ; protect oneself.
parcheminé rie, /. parchment making or parèse, parésie, /. (Med.) paresis.
trade or factory. pare-soleil, m. sunshade.
parchemineux, a. of the nature or appear- paresse, /. sluggishness ; inertness ; laziness ;
ance of parchment. idleness.
parchemtnier, m. parchment maker. paresseux, a. sluggish, slow; unreactive,
par-ci, adv. hère, hither; now. —, par-là, inert ; lazy ; idle.
hère and there, now and then. pare-torpilles, m. torpédo net.
parcimonie, /. parsimony, sparingness. pareur, m. dresser, etc. (see parer).
parcimonieux, a. parsimonious, niggardly. pareuse-encolleuse, /. dressing and sizing
parcourir, v.t. go over, travel over, trav- machine.
erse ; go through, run through ; survey, parfaire, v.t. complète, fill out ; perfect ;
examine. finish, v.r. be completed, be finished.
parcours, m. course ; path ; line ; trip, parfaisant, p. pr. (of parfaire) completing.
journey. — moyen, (Gases) mean free parfait, p.a. perfect; completed, perfected,
path. finished. m. perfection ; perfect (tense) ;
parcouru, p.a. gone over, etc. (see par- ice cream (esp. with coffee flavor).
courir). parfaitement, adv. perfectly.
par-dessous, adv. âc prep. underneath, be- parfera, fut. 3 sing. (of parfaire) will com-
neath, under. plète.
par-dessus, adv. & prep. above, over. m. parfiler, v.t. unravel.
(usually spelled pardessus) overcoat. parfit, p. def. S sing. (of parfaire) com-
par-devant, adv. beforc, in front, prep. pleted.
before. parfois, adv. sometimes, »t times, occasion-
pardonner, v.t. & i. pardon. — à, par- ally.
don ; spare. parfondre, v.t. fuse thoroughly, incorporate
paré, p.a. dressed, etc. (see parer). by fusion (as colors in an enamel).
pare-brise, m. windshield, wind screen. parfont, pr. 3 pi. (of parfaire) complète.
pare-éclats, m. shield or guard to protect parfum, m. perfume. — absolu, pure per-
from flying fragments, splinter guard. a. fume, containing no solvent.
splinter-proof. parfumer, v.t. perfume, scent; fumîgate.
pare-étincelles, m. spark arrester. parfumerie, /. perfumery.
pare-feu, a. fire-resistant, fireproof. parfumeur, m. perfumer.
pare-flamme, rn. flame guard. pari, m. bet, wager.
parégorique, a. & m. (Med.) paregoric. pariétaire, /. (Bot.) pellitory (Parietaria).
pareil, a. like, alike, similar, equal; same — officinale, wall pellitory (P. officinalis).
(esp. of time) ; such. m. like, equal, match. pariétal, a. wall, mural; (Anat.) pariétal.
sans —, without equal, unequaled, excep- parisien, o. Parisian, Paris. m. (cap.}
tional. Parisian.
pareille, /. like, same, equal. sans —, with- parité, /. parity, équivalence, correspond-
out equal, unequalled, exceptional. ence; evenness (of numbers).
pareillement, adv. in like manner, similarly, pari-valence, /. even valence.
equally, also, too. parjure, m. perjury; perjurer. o. perjured.
parement, m. dressing, etc. (see parer) ; parkériser, v.t. (Métal.) parkerize.
(Textiles) sizing, size ; face, facing (as of parlant, p.a. speaking ; expressive ; lifelike.
brick); curb, curbstone; ornament, adora parlement, m. parliament.
ment. parlementaire, a. parliamentary.
parler 322 pas
parler, v.i. speak, talk. v.t. speak of, talk participant, a. participating. m. partici-
of; speak, talk. v.r. be spoken; be spoken pant.
of. m. speaking, speech, sans — de, to participe, m. participle.
say nothing of. participer, v.i. (with à) participate in, share
parleur, m. speaker; sounder. a. speaking. in, take part in; (with de) partake of.
parménie, /. (Bot.) stinking hellébore particulaire, a. particulate, of particles.
(Helleborus fœtidus). particulariser, v.t. & r. particularise.
parmesan, a. Parmesan, of Parma. m. particularité, /. peculiarity, characteristic.
Parmesan cheese; {cap.) Parmesan. particule, /. particle.
parmi, prep. among, amid, in the midst of. particulier, a. particular; separate; spécial;
paroi, /. wall, side, surface (esp. interior); individual ; private ; odd. m. particular ;
face, facing (of masonry) ; lining ; shell (of privacy, private life; private person, indi-
a boiler) ; partition wall, partition, à — vidual. en —, in private, privately ; in
épaisse, thick-walled. à — mince, thin- particular, particularly.
walled. — cellulaire, cell wall. — ex- particulièrement, adv. particularly, in par-
térieure, exterior surface, outside. ticular , sp ecially.
paroir, m. scraper; paring knife; fiatt(en)er. partie, /. part ; portion ; party ; proj ect,
parole, /. word ; speech ; tone of voice ; plan; specialty, line; lot (of goods); en-
leave to speak; éloquence; crédit, trust, try (in bookkeeping) ; game. faire — de,
parou, m. dressing (of cloth). form part of, be a constituent of. — du
parquer, v.t. pen, pen up ; park. milieu, middle part, middle pièce. —
parquet, m. floor (esp. in parquetry) ; plat- d'about, end part, end pièce. — en poids,
form ; back of a mirror frame ; parquet. part by weight. — en volume, part by
parqueter, v.t. floor; inlay (a fïoor). volume. — supplémentaire, accessory.
parrain, m. sponsor. partiel, o. partial.
parsemer, v.t. strew, sprinkle, scatter, dis- partiellement, adv. partially, in part.
seminate, spread, partir, v.i. start ; set out, départ, leave ;
part, /. part; portion; share; information; proceed ; dart off, dart out, dart, shoot,
source; allowance; side; place, m. birth, (of guns, etc.) go off; corne off. m. de-
childbirth. pr. 3 sing. of partir, à —, parture. o — de, starting from, begin-
apart, aside, separately, alone; odd, singu- ning with or at, from, from . . . on. faire
lar ; except, except for. d'autre —, on the —, make go, run, send, etc. ; fire (as a
other side, on the other hand, as an offset. gun) ; remove (as a spot).
de - - en -, f rom onc side to the other ; partition, /. partition ; division.
right through. de — et d'autre, on both partout, adv. everywhere. de —, every-
sides; on ail sides, in ail directions; recip- where, on ail sides, from ail sides. — où,
rocally. des deux parts, on both sides. wherever.
de toute —, de toutes parts, on ail sides, paru, p.a. appeared; (of books) published.
in ail quarters. faire — de, communicate, parure, /. paring ; adomment ; ornament ;
tell, announce (to someone). faire la — dress ; set (as of gems) ; match.
de, make allowance for. parurent, p. def. S pi. (of paraître) ap-
partage, m. division, partition ; portion, peared.
part, share, lot. parut, p. def. S sing. (of paraître) ap-
partagé, p.a. divided; supplied, endowed. peared.
partageable, a. divisible. parution, /. appearance; issue, publication.
partager, v.t. divide; partition; share; sup- parvenir, v.i. arrive, attain, come; succeed.
ply, endow (with a share of something). — à, arrive at, reach, obtain; succeed in.
v.r. be divided; part. v.i. partake, share. parvenu, p.a. arrived, come ; successful. m.
partant, p.a. starting, etc. (see partir). parvenu, upstart.
adv. therefore, consequently, parvient, pr. S sing. (of parvenir) arrives.
partènement, m. (Sait) a large basin where parvint, p. def. 3 sing. (of parvenir) ar-
evaporation of sea water begins. rived.
partent, pr. 3 pi. of partir. parvoline, /. parvoline.
parthénogenèse, /. (Biol.) parthenogenesis. pas, m. step ; pace ; spacing, space ; pas-
parti, m. party ; treatment ; détermination, sage, way, pass; strait; tiiread (of a
décision; means, way, measure; profit, ad- screw) ; pitch (as of a screw) ; precedenee.
vantage. p.p. of partir. adv. (with or without ne) not, no. de ce
partialement, adv. partially. —, this instant. — à droite, right-hand
pas 323 pâte
thread. — à gauche, left-hand thread. — aration of tallow and glue. — par, pass
à gaz, gas thread. — à —, step by step. by, pass through, go through.
— d'âne, coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara). — passerage, /. peppergrass (Lepidium).
de, no. — de Calais, Straits of Dover. — passerelle, /. footbridge ; gangway.
de clerc, blunder. — de vis, screw thread ; passe rie, /. (Leather) plumping liquor, also
screw pitch. — du tout, not at ail. — un, plumping.
not one, none, not a, no. passerose, /. hollyhock (Althaea rosea}.
passable, a. passable, tolerable. passe-temps, m. pastime.
passablement, adv. passably, tolerably, passe-violet, m. (Métal.) violet color.
rather. passible, a. sensible, passible; liable.
passage, m. passing, etc. (see passer); pass; passif, a. passive, m. (Com.) liabilities.
passage; (Org. Chem.) opération of syn- passivant, p.a. passivating. m. passivator.
thesis; (Leather) imprégnation; road, way; passivement, adv. passively.
crossing. passiver, v.t. passivate, render passive.
passager, a. transient, transitory, tem- passiveté, passivité, /. passivity, passive-
porary, short-lived; passing. m. traveler; ness.
passoire, /. colander, strainer ; draining
passagèrement, adv. transiently, tempo- dish, drainer.
rarily. pastel, m. pastel, woad (the dye or plant);
passant, p.a. passing, etc. (see passer) ; pastel (the crayon or drawing). a. pastel.
public ; crowded. m. passer-by ; traveler. pastèque, /. (Bot.) watermelon.
passe, /. pass ; opération, stage ; stroke, pasteurien, a. of Pasteur, Pasteurian.
eut ; coat (of paint) ; layer ; (Soap) a pasteurisateur, m. pasteurizer.
single milling ; (Paper) waste sheet ; pas- pasteuriser, v.t. pasteurize.
sage, channel. pastillage, m. (Ceram.) ornamentation in
passé, a. past ; passed, etc. (see passer) ; relief, made by pouring slip or by model-
passé, out of fashion. m. past. prep. ing and attaching.
after ; beyond. — maître, past inaster. pastillageur, m. (Ceram.) ornamenter in
passe-balle, m. caliber gage. relief.
passe-diable, m. tube cleaner, go-devil. pastille, /. pastil, pastille, lozenge, troche,
passe-lait, m. milk strainer. tablet ; pellet. — à brûler, fumigating
passement, m. (Leather) plumping. pastil. — du sérail, aromatic pastil. —
passementerie, /. passementerie, trimmings; fulminante, pellet primer. pastilles de
also, passementerie faotory, art or trade. Vichy, pastilles digestives, (Pharm.) troches
passe-méteil, m. maslin (% wheat, ^ rye). of sodium bicarbonate.
passe-partout, m. saw (of several kinds); pastilleur, m., pastilleuse, /. a worker or
master key; passport; plain frame; etc. machine that makes pastils or lozenges.
passe-perle, m. very fine iron wire. paston, m. (Ceram.) a pièce of paste of
passe-pierre, /. samphire (Crithmum ma- convenient size for use in modeling, e.g.,
ritimum). a cylinder about 15 x 4 cm. used in making
passeport, m. passport. glass pots.
passer, v.i. pass; pass away; get, go, corne; pastorien, a. of Pasteur, Pasteurian.
distill over ; (of colors) fade ; serve, last. p. at., abbrev. (poids atomique) atomic
v.t. pass; strain; filter; sift, screen; pass weight.
over, omit ; excuse ; satisfy ; go beyond, patate, /. sweet potato (Ipomœa batatas).
exeeed, be over; surpass; outlast; put; put patchouli, m. (Bot.) patchouli, patchouly.
on; sharpen (tools) ; spend (time) ; make pâte, /. paste; dough; (Paper) pulp, stufî;
(a contract) ; sell. v.r. pass ; fade ; happen ; (Ceram.) paste, pâte; (Powder) mill cake;
go, proceed; be content (with); dispense stuff, material; sort, kind; (Printing) pi.
(with). en — par, submit to, put up with. en —, in paste form, pasty, (of metals)
faire —, cause to pass, make go, usher, about to melt. — à fourneaux, stove pol-
bring over, pass, hand, transmit, remove, ish. — à autocopier, copying paste. —
get rid of, cure, laisser —, let pass, let alimentaire, = pâte d'Italie. — à papier,
go. — à l'encre, ink (as a drawing). — paper pulp. — à potage, = pâte d'Italie.
au bleu, blue. — au noir, black, blacken, — à rouleaux, (Printing) roller composi-
(Founding) blackwash. — au tamis, sift. tion. — à savon, soap paste. — au bi-
sulfite, (Paper) sulfite pulp. — chimique,
— en colle, (Leather) treat with a prép- (Paper) chemical pulp. — d'alfa, alfa
pâte 324 pauser
pulp, esparto pulp. — de bois, {Paper) patin, m. support, base, block, plate, foot,
wood pulp, — de chiffons, rag pulp. — de shoe, sole; slide block, guide block; flange;
fourneau, furnace lute. — demi-chimique, skid; skate; (pi., patins) glue stock.
(Paper) semichemical pulp. — dentifrice, patinage, m. patina formation ; slipping,
tooth paste. — de paille, straw pulp. — sliding ; skating.
de papier, papier-mâché. — de pâte, patine, /. patina.
(Paper) starch paste used as a size. — de patiner, v.t. patinate. v.i. skate; skid, slip.
ris, rice paste; milky crystal glass. — de patio, m. (Métal.) patio, paved floor.
sculpteur, a hard white porcelain paste for pâtir, v.i. suffer.
statuettes. — de sparte, esparto pulp. — pâtis, m. pasture land, pasture.
de verre, (Ceram.) semiopaque paste used pâtissage, m. pastry making.
in décoration. — de zinc, (Pharm.) zinc pâtisser, v.t. work (flour) for pastry, make
ointment. — d'Italie, Italian paste, edible into pastry. v.i. make pastry.
paste (the paste from which macaroni, pâtisserie, /. pastry; pastry making; pastry
vermicelli, etc., are made, also the products shop; pastry business.
themselves). — du fromage, cheese body. pâtissier, m. pastry cook or seller.
— dure, (Ceram.) hard paste. — effilochée, pâtisson, m. a kind of summer squash.
(Paver) half stuff. — ferme, firm paste, pâton, m. lump of dough, esp. the amount
stiff paste ; stiff dough. — flamande, a necessary for a loaf ; (Paper) lump, bail.
paste consisting of minium and polishing patouille, /. ore separator.
wax. — liquide, (Ceram.) liquid paste, patouillet, m. mixing or stirring apparatus,
slip. — mécanique, (Paper) mechanical as an ore washer or separator, a pug mill
pulp. — molle, soft paste. — pour chaus- for clay, or an apparatus for preparing
sures, shoe polish. — première, (Petrog.) milk of lime.
groundmass, matrix. -— raffinée, (Paper) patouilleux, a. splashy, sloppy, muddy.
whole stuff, stuff. — sèche, (Ceram.) clay patrie, /. country, native land, native place.
dust from which articles are molded by patriote, m. patriot. o. patriot, patriotic.
pressure. — sur —, (Ceram.) one kind patriotiquement, adv. patriotically.
of paste placed on another. — tendre, patron, m. pattern; model; sample; tem-
(Ceram.) soft paste. plate ; stencil ; patron ; master.
pâté, m. pasty, méat pie, patty; blot; mass patronage, m, stenciling; patronage; asso-
(of buildings, of earth, etc.). ciation for benevolence, protection or the
pâtée, /. mash. like.
patelin, m. small assay crucible ; wheedler. patronner, v.t. stencil; trace by a pattern;
pâtenôtre, /. bucket elevator. support, patronize.
patentable, a. liable to the license tax. patrouiller, v.i. dabble, paddle; patrol.
patente, /. license; (ship's) bill of health. patte, /. paw; foot; claw, claws; leg (of
— de santé, bill of health. — nette, clean instruments); (Tech.) foot; cramp, clamp;
bill (of health). flange; flap, tongue, tab, lug; catch, pawl;
patenté, p.a. licensed; (in names of certain bottom (of a sugar loaf). — de coq,
dyes) patent, m. licensee. (Ceram.) cockspur. — d'oie, (Bot.) goose-
patenter, v.t. license. foot; = patte-d'oie.
patère, /. support attached to a wall, as a patte-d'oie, /. junction of three or more
coat hook or a block for an electric fix- passages, cords, timbers or the like.
ture. pattinsonage, m. (Métal.) pattinsonizing,
pâteux» a. pasty ; doughy ; viscous ; sticky ; Pattinson process.
(of gems) milky, cloudy. pattinsoner, v.t. pattinsonize.
pathogène, a. pathogenic. m. pathogen. pâturage, m. pasturage, pasture.
pathogénèse, pathogénie, /. pathogenesis. pâturant, p.a. pasturing, grazing, herbivo-
pathogénique, a. pathogenic. rous.
pathologie, /. pathology. pâture, /. feed, food; forage; pasture.
pathologique, a. pathological. pâturer, v.i. & t. pasture, graze.
pathologiquement, adv. pathologically. pâturin, m. meadow grass (Poa).
pathologiste, m. pathologist. paucité, /. paucity.
patiemment, adv. patiently. paume, /. palm (of the hand); tennis.
patience, /. patience; specif., (Bot.) a paupière, /. eyelid.
coarse European dock (Rumex patientia). pause, /. pause; stop, rest, suspension.
patienter, v.i. be patient, hâve patience. pauser, v.i. pause.
pauvre 325 peigne
pauvre, a. poor; lean. m. poor material, buff, buff leather; buffalo hide. — de cha-
specif. poor ore ; poor person, poor man. grin, shagreen (leather). — de chamois,
pauvrement, adv. poorly. chamois, chamois skin, chamois leather.
pauvreté, /. poverty, poomess. — de cheval, horsehide. — de chèvre,
p a v a g e , m. paving. — en asphalte, — en goatskin. — de chien, dogfish skin ; dog
bitume, asphalt paving. — en béton, con- skin. — de daim, buckskin. — de lapin,
crète paving. rabbit skia. — de mouton, sheepskin. —
pavé, m. paving block; paving, pavement; des batteurs d'or, goldbeater's skin. —
paved road, paved street, etc. ; streets, de truie, pigskin. — de vache, cowhide.
public ways. p.a. paved. — aggloméré, — de veau, calfskin. — de vélin, vellum.
concrète paving block. — de bois, — en — en merlus, — en merlut, a skin limed
bois, wood paving block ; wood paving. and dried. — en poil, skin with the hair
— en brique(s), brick paving, brick pave- or wool on, pelt, fur. — en poudre, hide
ment. — en pierre, paving stone ; stone powder. — en tripe, skin or hide ready for
paving. tanning. — en vert, = peau en tripe. —
pavement, m. paving ; pavement (esp. mégis, — mégissée, tawed skin, tawed
ornamental) ; flooring. leather. — passée, — passée en mégie,
paver, v.t. pave. tawed skin, tawed leather. — pleine, un-
pavillon, m. flaring opening, as the mouth split skin or hide. — préparée, dressed
of a funnel, the mouthpiece of a télé- skin, dressed hide. — refendue, split skin,
phone or the bell of a cornet; pavilion; split hide. — tannée, tanned skin, tanned
flag. hide. — verte, green (or raw) skin or hide,
pavot, m. (Bot.) poppy (ordinarily Papaver). pelt.
— cornu, horn poppy, horned poppy (Glau- peaucier, a. cutaneous.
cium flavum). — épineux, prickly poppy, peau-croûte, /. split skin, split.
argemone. — rouge, corn poppy (Papaver peau-fleur, /. (Leather) hair side of a split.
rhoeas). — somnifère, opium poppy (Pa- peausserie, /. skin dressing or trade, peltry.
paver somniferum). peaussier, m. dealer in skins, hides or pelts.
payant, p.a. paying. m. payer. a. cutaneous.
P*iyc» /• pay ; payment. peautre, m. tin; pewter. Obs.
payement, m. payment. peaux, pi. (of peau) skins; hides.
payer, v.t, pay ; pay for, v.i. pay ; give pêchage, m. fishing out ; fishing.
proof. v.r. pay oneself ; be paid ; be satis- pechblende, /. (Min.) pitchblende.
fied. — de, prove, show ; expose (one's pêche, /. peach; fishing; fishery.
person). pêcher, v.t. draw out, fish out (as crystals
pays, m. country ; land ; région ; home. from a liquid) ; fish, fish for ; pick up, get.
paysage, m. landscape. v.i. fish. m. peach tree, peach.
paysan, m. peasant, countryman. a. peas- pêcherie, /. fishery.
ant, country, rural, rustic. pêcheur, m. fisher, fisherman. a. fishing.
Pays-Bas, m. pi, Netherlands, Low Coun- péchurane, /. (Min.) pitchblende.
tries. pecteux, a. pectous, pectinous.
p . c , abbrev. (pour cent) per cent. pectine, /. pectin.
p . c . c , abbrev. (pour copie conforme) true pectineux, a. pectinous, pectous.
copy. pectinogène, m. pectinogen (protopectin).
P.C.N., abbrev. (physique, chimie, naturelle) pectique, a. pectic.
a certificate given on the completion of pectisation, /. pectization.
studies in physics, chemistry and natural pectose, /. (former name for) protopectin.
history. pectoside, m. pectose (protopectin).
p.d.f., abbrev. (point de fusion) melting pécuniaire, a. pecuniary.
point. pédale, /. pedal; treadle.
P.E., abbrev. (parties égales) equal parts; pédalier, m. pedal (or treadle) mechanism.
(point d'ébullition) boiling point, b.p. pédoncule, /. peduncle.
péage, m. toll; tollhouse, tollgate. pédoncule, a. pedunculate, pedunculated.
peau, /. skin ; hide. — à saucisses, sausage p e i g n a g e , m. combing ; carding ; combing
skin. — brute, raw hide, raw skin. —
chamoisée, chamoised skin, chamois. — (or carding) works ; (Mech.) chasing.
crue, raw skin or hide, pelt. — d'agneau, peignant, p. pr. of peigner and of peindre.
lambskin. — de bœuf, oxhide. — de buffle, peigne, m. comb ; card ; chaser.
peignée 326 penchant
peignée, /. cardful. peler, v.t. peel; strip; skin; pare; nnhair,
peignent, pr. S pi. of peigner and of depilate (hides or skins) ; clean, scrape (as
peindre. a crucible). v.r. peel, peel off, corne off.
peigner, v.t. comb; card; chase. v.i. peel, corne off; (of hair) corne out.
peignerie, /. = peignage. pèlerinage, m. pilgrimage.
peigneuse, /. combing machine. pélican, m, (Zodl. & Old Chem.) pélican.
peignon, m. tow. pelin, m. = pelain.
peille, /. (Paper) rag. pélite, /. (Petrog.) pelite, clay rock.
peinchebec, m. pinchbeck (a kind of brass). pellage, m. shoveling.
peindre, v.t. & i. paint. — à ta chaux, pellagre, /. (Med.) pellagra.
whitewash. — à l'huile, paint in oil. pelle, /. shovel; spade; blade. — à niveler,
peine, /. pain; pains; penalty; trouble, skimmer. — à vapeur, steam shovel. —
difficulty. à —, scarcely, hardly. avec —, niveleuse, skimmer.
with difficulty; with regret, sans —, with- pellée, /. shovelful.
out diffieulty, easily. peller, v.t. shovel.
peiner, v.t. pain, grieve. v.i. labor, toil; be pellerée, /. shovelful.
loath. v.r. take pains ; fret. pelletage, m. shoveling.
peint, p.a. painted ; colored. pr. 8 sing. (of pelletée, /. shovelful.
peindre) paints. pelleter, v.t. shovel.
peintre, m. painter. a. painting. — en pelleterie, /. furs; fur making; fur torade;
bâtiments, hûuse painter. fur establishment.
peintre-émailleur, m. enamel painter. pelletier, m. fumer.
peintre-verrier, m. glass painter. pelletiérine, /. pelletierine.
peinturage, m. painting, coating. pelliculage, m. (Photos.) stripping.
peinture, /. painting; coating; paint, color. pelliculaire, a. pellicular, in the form of a
— à la barbotine, (Ceram.) slip painting. pellicle or fihn.
— à la chaux, whitewashing. — à la pellicule, /. pellicle, skin, film; (Photog.)
cire, wax painting, encaustic painting. — film ; coating ; layer.
à la colle, sizing ; kalsominiog. — à la pellicule, a. covered with a pellicle or film,
gouache, — à l'aquarelle, water-color paint- pelliculate, filmy.
ing. — à l'huile, oil painting; oil paint. pelliculer, v.t. (Photog.) strip (as a plate).
— au pistolet, spray painting. — au vernis, pellucide, a. pellucid, limpid.
varnishing. — d'apprêt, — en apprêt, pellucidité, /. pellucidness, pelluoidity.
priming. — d'émaille, enamel paint. — pélogène, a. (Petrog.) pelogenic.
en détrempe, distemper painting. — ver- pelotage, m. making into a bail (as thread
nissante, enamel paint. by winding) ; (Soap) plotting.
pelote, /. bail; pellet; (Glass) a sole or
peinturer, v.t. paint, coat. plate on which the disk of crown glass is
peintureur, m. (house) painter. laid. — à feu, fireball, light bail. —
pelage, m. unhairing ; hair, coat (of ani- de glaise, (Pyro.) clay wad.
mais) . peloter, v.t. make into a bail; (Soap) plot.
pelain, m. (Leather) lime vat, lime pit, also peloteur, m. winder (of thread); (Soap)
lime liquor. plotter.
pelainage, m. (Leather) liming. peloton, m. bail; lump; cluster; group;
pelaineur, m. (Leather) limer. (Mil.) squad, party, detachment.
pelan, m. bark. pelotonnage, m. winding into a bail; ball-
pelanage, m. unhairing, depilation (esp. by ing.
lime). — à la chaux, liming. pelotonner, v.t. wind. v.r. be wound or
pelaner, v.t. unhair, depilate (esp. with rolled up ; roll up ; bail ; gather, cluster.
lime). peluche, /. plush.
pélargonine, /. pelargonin. pelure, /. peel, skin, rind; peeling, paring;
pélargonique, o. pelargonic. pelt wool. — d'oignon, onion peel, onion
pélargonoside, m. pelargonin. skin; (Paper) a thin writing paper, onion-
pelé, p.a. peeled, etc. (see peler); bald; skin.
bare. pénalité, /. penalty, fine.
pêle-mêle, m. * adv. pell-mell. penchant, p.o. inclining, etc. (see pencher).
pêle-mêler, v.t. jumble, mix confusedly. m. inclination; slope; verge; décline.
penchement 327 peptonisation
penchement, m, inclination, leaning, bend- pentaglycérine, /. pentaglycerol (2-hy-
ing. droxymethyl -2 -methyl-1,3- propanediol).
pencher, v.t. & ». incline, lean, bend. v.r. pentagonal, o. pentagonal; five-membered
bend, lean, stoop. — pour, favor. (ring).
pendage, m. (Geol.) dip. pentagone, m. pentagon. a. pentagonal.
pendant, p.a. hanging, etc. (see pendre), pentahydrine, /. pentahydrin. See hydrine.
suspended, pendent ; pending ; (of crops) pentamère, m. pentamer.
standing, m. pendant ; counterpart. prep. pentaméthylène, m. pentamethylene (radi-
pending, during. — que, while. cal and compound; the latter is better
pendiller, v.i. dangle, swing. called cyclopentane).
pendoir, m. (Leather) a chamber in which pentaméthylène-diamine, /. pentameth-
hides are suspended to be steamed; hook ylenediamine (1,5-pentanediamine).
or cord for suspending méat. pentaméthylénique, a. pentamethylene.
pendre, v.t. hang; hang up, suspend, v.r. pentanolide, m. pentanolide, valerolactone.
hang. v.i. hang down^ dépend; sag; be pentasulfure, m. pentasulfide.
pending. pentathionique, a. pentathionic.
pendu, p.p. (of pendre) hung, suspended. pentatomique, o. pentatomic; (of an al-
pendulaire, a. swinging, pendulous. cohol) pentahydroxy.
pendule, m. pendulum. /. clock. — pesant, pentavalence, /. quinquevalence, pentava-
gravity pendulum. lence.
pêne, m. boit. /. pitch mop, tar brush. pentavalent, a. quinquevalent, pentavalent.
pénétrabilité, /. penetrability. pente, /. slope, inclination, incline, gradient,
pénétTant, p.a. penetrating. pitch, declivity, fall; bent, tendency. ol-
pénétration, /. pénétration. — du bois, im- ler en —, slope, incline. — ascendante,
prégnation of wood. ascent, acclivity. — d'éboulis, talus slope.
pénétrer, v.t. penetrate; touch deeply. v.r. — descendante, descent, declivity.
penetrate each other, mix; saturate oneself. penténique, a. (of acids) pentenoic.
v.i. penetrate. penthiophène, m. penthiophene (thio-4ff-
pénétromètre, m. penetrometer. pyran).
pénible, a. painful, distressing, hard. pentine, /. pentyne.
péniblement, adv. painfully, laboriously. pentite, /. pentitol.
pénicilline, /. penicillin. pentosane, m. pentosan.
péninsule, /. peninsula. la Péninsule, The pentosurie, /. pentosuria.
Peninsula, Spain and Portugal. penture, /. hinge, hinge strap.
penne, /. (long) feather; tuft; mop; pentyle, m. pentyl, (formerly) n-amyl.
(Weaving) warp end. pénurie, /. scarcity, dearth, lack; penury.
penné, a. featherlike, pinnate. péonine, /. (Dyes) peonin(e), paeonin(e).
pénombre, /. penumbra; twilight, dim light. péperin, peperino, m. (Petrog.) peperine,
pénombre, a. penumbral, penumbrous. peperino (a volcanic tuff).
pensée, /. thought ; mind ; meaning ; out- pépérite, /. (Petrog.) basaltic tuff.
line; {Bot.) pansy. pépin, m. pip, small seed (of a fruit). —
penser, v.t. think, think of. v.r. think de coing, quince seed, quince seeds.
oneself; be thought. v.i. think; be near, pépite, /. nugget.
be in great danger. pepsine, /. pepsin. — liquide, (Pharm.)
penseur, m. thinker. a. thoughtful, think- solution of pepsin.
ing, reflective. peptase, /. peptidase.
pension, /. board, board and lodging; peptidique, a. peptide, of peptides.
peptisation, /. peptization.
boarding house, pension ; boarding school peptiser, v.t. peptize.
(or the tuition paid); pension, allowance. peptogène, m. peptogen.
pensionnaire, m. & f. boarder; pensioner. pepto-glycériné, o. containing, or treated
pensionner, v.t. pension. with, peptone and glycerol.
Pensylvanie, /. Pennsylvania. peptolyse, /. peptolysis.
pensylvanien, a. Pennsylvania(n). peptolytique, a. peptolytic.
pentacarboné, a. pentacarbon, containing peptoné, a. peptonized, peptone.
five carbon atoms. peptonification, /. conversion into peptone.
pentachloré, o. pentachloro. peptoniiîer, v.t. convert into peptone.
pentachlorure, m. pentachloride. peptonisation, /. peptonization.
peptoniser 328 perfection
peptoniser, v.t. peptonize. perceuse, /. boring machine, drilling ma-
peptonurie, /. peptonuria. chine.
peptotoxine /. peptotoxine. percevable, a. perceivable; collectible.
péquin, m. pekin (the silk material). percevant, p.a. perceiving; collecting.
peracétique, a. peracetic, (better) peroxy - percevoir, v.t. perceive; collect (as taxes).
acetic. perchage, m. (Métal., etc.) poling.
peracide, m. peracid, specif. peroxy acid. perche, /. pôle ; rod ; shaft (of wood) ;
per ascensum. per ascensum, by ascent. perch.
pérat, m. (Mining) lump coal. perché, p.a. (Métal.) poled; perched.
perazotate, m. pernitrate, peroxynitrate. percher, v.t. (Métal., etc.) pôle. v.i. & r.
perazoteux, a. pernitrous, peroxynitrous. perch.
perazotique, a. pernitric, peroxynitric. perchloré, a. perchloro, perchloro-.
perbenzoïque, a. perbenzoic, (better) per- perchloréthylène, m. perchloroethylene.
oxybenzoic. perchlorique, a. perchloric.
perborique, a. perboric. perchlorure, m. perchloride. — de car-
perbromhyârique, a. designating the acid bone, carbon tetrachloride. — de fer, per-
HBr3, sometimes called hydrogen tri- chloride of iron (ferrie chloride).
bromide. perchromique, a. perchromic.
perbromique, a. perbromic. perclus, p.a. crippled.
perbromure, m. perbromide. perçoir, m., perçoire, /. piercer, borer,
perçage, m. = percement. drill, punch, awl, etc. ; (Métal.) tapping
perçant, p.a. piercing, etc. (see percer); bar.
sharp, keen, penetrating. m. piercer, borer, perçoit, pr. 3 sing. of percevoir.
puncher. percolateur, m. percolator.
percarbonique, a. percarbonic, (better) perçu, p.a. perceived; (of taxes) collected.
peroxycarbonic. percutant, p.a. percussive, percussion, strik-
perce, /. piercing tool, piercer, borer, drill, ing, percussing.
punch, awl, etc. ; opening, hole ; size of percuter, v.t. strike, percuss.
opening (as in a sieve). mettre en —, tap, percuteur, m. striker ; hammer, plunger,
broach. (as a cask of wine). firing pin.
percé, p.a. pierced, etc. (see percer), m. = perdant, p.a. losing, etc. (see perdre), m.
percée. loser.
perce-bouchon, m. cork borer. per descensum. per descensum, by de-
percée, /. opening; (Métal.) taphoîe. scent.
perce-fournaise, m. (Métal.) tapping bar. perditance, /. (Elec.) leakance.
percement, m. piercing, etc. (see percer), perdre, v.t. lose ; spoil ; ruin. v.r. lose
also the opening or openings so made. oneself; be lost; disappear; go to waste;
perce-muraille, /. (Bot.) wall pellitory. (of colors) blend; be ruined; be damaged;
percepteur, m. collector, gatherer (of fall into disuse. v.i. lose; fail; fall; ebb;
taxes) ; perceiver. leak.
perceptibilité, /. perceptibility.
perceptiblement, adv. perceptibly. perdrix, /. (Zoôl.) partridge.
perception, /. perception; collection (of perdu, p.a. lost, etc. (see perdre); random;
(taxes) ; collectorship. leisure; remote, out of the way; invisible;
percer, v.t. pierce; bore, drill, punch, tap; (of cases, etc.) not returnable; (of a boit
perforate ; burn through, melt through ; head) flush, countersunk.
penetrate ; open (as a street) ; open up perdurable, a. very durable.
(as a country); drive (as a tunnel); wet perdurablement, adv. very durably.
thoroughly. v.r. be pierced, etc. ; (of a perdurer, v.i. be very durable, last long.
fire grate) be uncovered by coals at some père, m. father.
spot. v.i. open, burst, break; pierce, pene- péreirine, /. pereirine.
trate ; leak, leak out ; come out, break péremptoire, o. peremptory.
through, appear; rise, get on, succeed. — péremptoirement, adv. peremptorily.
à foret, drill, bore. pérenne, o. perennial.
percerette, percette, /. borer, drill; specif., péréquation, /. equalization.
cork borer. perfection, /. perfection, à la —, en —, to
perceur, m. piercer, borer, etc. (see percer). perfection, perfectly.
perfectionnement 329 pernitrate
perfectionnement, m. improvement ; per- perlé, p.a. pearled ; pearly ; pearl ; beaded,
fecting, perfection. beady; (of liquids) thick, rich; (of sugar)
perfectionner, v.t. improve; improve upon; twice boiled ; finished, perfect.
perfect. v.r. improve ; improve oneself. perler, v.t. pearl; bead; do exquisitely or
perfectionneur, m. improver; perfecter. perfectly. v.i. bead, form beads.
perforage, m. perforation, perforating. perlier, a. pearl-bearing, pearl.
perforateur, m. drill ; borer ; perforator. perlitique, a. perlitic.
a. perforating. perluau, m. resin torch.
perforatif, a. perforative. permanence, /. permanence, permanency.
perforation, /. perforation; perforating. en —, permanent, permanently.
perforatrice, /. drill, borer. a. fem. of permanent, o. permanent ; (of an army)
perforateur. * standing.
perforer, v.t. perforate; pierce, bore, drill. permanganate, m. permanganate. — de
pergamyne, m. parchment paper. potasse, potassium permanganate. — de
perhyd ridas e, /. dehydrogenase. soude, sodium permanganate.
perhydrure, m. perhydride. permanganique, o. permanganic.
péricarpe, m. (Bot.) pericarp. perméabilité, /. permeability, permeable-
périclase, /. (Afin.) periclase, periclasite. ness.
péricliter, v.i. be endangered, be in danger. perméable, a. perméable, pervious.
péridérivé, m. péri derivative. permettre, v.t. permit, allow, let.
périderme, m. {Bot. tfe ZoolJ) periderm. permien, a. & m. (GeoL) Permian.
péridot, m. (Min.) peridot, chrysolite. permis, p.a. permitted ; permissible. m.
périer, m. (Founding) tapping bar. permit, license.
périhélie, /. (Astron.) perihelion. permissioner, v.t. authorize, license.
péril, m. péril, danger, mettre en —, ûn- permit, p. def. S sing. of permettre.
peril, endanger. permixtion, /. permixtion, intimate mixture.
pcrilleusement, adv. perilously, danger- permonocarbonique, a. (mono) peroxy-
ously. carbonic.
périlleux, a. perilous, dangerous. per mutabilité, /. exchangeability, inter-
périmer, v.i. lapse. changeability ; permutability.
périmètre, m. (Geom.) perimeter. permutable, a. exchangeable, interchange-
période, /. period. m. period, stage; point, able; (Math., etc.) permutable.
pitch, degree; height. — des fumées, fin- permutateur, m. (Elec.) change-over
jng period (in the Bessemer process). switch.
période, a. periodo, periodo-. permutation, /. exchange, interchange ;
périodicité, /. periodicity. (Math., etc.) permutation.
périodique, a. (of the acid) periodic; (pé- permutatrice, /. (Elec.) commutator recti-
riodique) periodic(al). m. periodical. fier.
périodiquement, adv. periodically. permuter, v.t. exchange, interchange; per-
periodure, m. periodide. mute.
périoste, m. (Anat.) periosteum. permutite, /. permutite, Permutit. T.N.
péripétie, /. vicissitude. Pernambouc, m. Pernambuco, Recife (Bra-
périphérie, /. periphery. zil).
périphérique, a. peripheral. pernambouc, m. Pernambuco (or manga-
périplocoside, m. periplocin. beira) rubber.
périr, v.i. perish; (Law) lapse; sink. pernette, /. a prism-shaped support for
pottery in the sagger; support for a sugar
périsperme, m. (Bot.) perisperm. mold.
périssable, a. perishable. pernicieux, a. pernicious, injurious.
péritoine, m. (AnatS) peritoneum. perniobate, m. peroxyniobate.
péritoine, a. (Afin.) peritomous. perniobique, a. peroxyniobic.
péritonéal, a. (Anat.) peritoneal. pernion, m. (Med.) chilblain.
péritonite, /. (Med.) peritonitis. pernitrate, m. pernitrate (formerly équiva-
perla ire, a. pearly, perlaceous. lent to -ic nitrate, but now to peroxyni-
perlasse, /. pearlash. trate). — de fer, pernitrate of iron (fer-
perle, /. bead; pearl. —- de verre, — en rie nitrate). — de fer liquide, (Pharm.)
verre, glass bead. — fausse, artificial pearl, solution of ferrie nitrate. — de mercure,
false pearl. — métallique, métal bead. pernitrate of mercury (mercuric nitrate).
pernitrate 330 pèse
— de mercure liquide, (Pharm.) solution of personnalité, /. personality; egoism.
mercuric nitrate. personne, /. person. m. anyone, anybody;
pernitreux, a. hyponitrous. (with a négative, expressed or understood)
pernitrique, a. pernitric (peroxynitric). no one, nobody.
Pérou, m. Peru. personnel, a. Personal; selfish. m. person-
peroxydase, /. peroxidase. nel.
peroxydation, /. peroxidation. personnellement, adv. personally.
peroxyde, m. peroxide. — d'azote, nitro- perspective, /. perspective; prospect. —
gen peroxide. — de fer, peroxide of iron d'oiseau, bird's-eye view.
(ferrie oxide). — de fer hydraté, hydrous perspiratoire, o. perspiratory.
peroxide of iron (ferrie hydroxide). — de persuader, v.t. persuade.
mercure, peroxide of mercury (mercuric ox- persuasif, a. persuasive.
ide, esp. the red form). — d'hydrogène, persulfate, m. persulfate (formerly équiva-
hydrogen peroxide. lent to -ic sulfate but now to peroxysul-
peroxyde, p.a. peroxidized. fate). — de fer, persulfate of iron (ferrie
peroxyder, v.t. peroxidize. sulfate). — de fer liquide, (Pharm.) ferrie
perpendiculaire, o. & f. perpendicular. sulfate solution.
perpendiculairement, adv. perpendicu- persulfocyanique, o. perthiocyanic.
larly. persulfure, m. persulfide.
perpétuation, /. perpétuation; perpetuity. persulfuré, a. persulfide of; containing, or
perpétuel, a. perpétuai. treated with, an excess of sulfur.
perpétuellement, adv. perpetually. persulfurique, o. persulfuric, (better) per-
perpétuer, v.t. perpetuate. oxysulfuric.
perpétuité, /. perpetuity. à —, endlessly, perte, /. loss; waste; leak(age); damage,
perpetually; in perpetuity, forever; for à —, at a loss, losing. à — de vue, out of
life. sight, very far, very greatly; (of talking)
perphosphate, m. per(oxy)phosphate. at random. — au feu, — d'allumage, loss
perphosphorique, a. per(oxy)phosphoric. on ignition. — de charge, pressure drop.
perplexe, a. perplexed; perplexing. — de travail, lost motion. — sèche, sheer
perquinone, /. perquinone (cyclohexane- loss, absolute loss.
hexone). perthiocyanique, a. perthiocyanic.
perquisition, /. investigation, research. pertinnement, adv. pertinently, to the pur-
perreau, m. wax kettle. pose.
perrhénique, a. perrhenic. pertuis, m. hole; opening; drain; strait,
perrier, m. quarryman; (Métal.) tapping narrows ; (Métal.) taphole.
bar. pertungstiaue, a. pertungstic.
perrière, /. quarry (esp. of slate). perturbateur, a. disturbing. m. disturber.
perron, m. steps and landing; platform. perturbation, /. perturbation, disturbance;
perroquet, m. (Zob'l.) parrot. (Radio) interférence, static.
perrotine, /. (Calico) perrotine. perturber, v.t. disturb, perturb.
perruthénique, o. perruthenic. peruranique, a. peruranic.
pers, o. blue-green, greenish-blue. péruvien, o. Peruvian.
persan, a. Persian. pervers, o. perverse.
perse, /. chintz; (cap.) Persia. pervertir, v.t. pervert.
perséite, /., perséitol, m. perseitol (O-D- pervertissement, m. perversion.
mannoheptitol). pesable, a. weighable.
persel, m. per sait, specif. peroxy sait. pesage, m. weighing.
persélénique, a. perselenic. pesamment, adv. heavily.
persévérer, v.i. persévère. pesant, a. heavy; weighty; pondérable; (of
persicaire, /. (Bot.) persicary. a pendulum) gravity; slow; dull. p. pr.
persicot, m. persico, persicot (a cordial). (of peser) weighing. m. weight. adv. in
persil, m. (Bot.) parsley. — des marais, weight.
marsh parsley (Peucedanum palustre). pesanteur, /. gravity; heaviness; weight;
persillé, o, spotted with green (as cheese). slowness; dullness. — spécifique, spécifie
persique, a. Fersian. gravity. — universelle, gravitation.
persistance, /. persistence; persistency. pesé, p.a. weighed.
persistant, a. persistent; perpétuai. pèse, m. densimeter, hydrometer. 1 & S
persister, v.i. persist. sing. indic. âc subi, of peser.
pèse-acide 331 pétition
pèse-acide, m. acid hydrometer, acidimeter. pétard, m. (Pyro.) pétard, cartridge, fire-
pèse-alcali, m. alkali hydrometer, alka- cracker, cracker ; (Railways) torpédo ;
limeter. (Mining) blast hole, also shot, blast.
pèse-alcool, m. spirit hydrometer, alco- pétard-amorce, m. priming cartridge.
holometer. pétardement, m. blasting, blowing up.
pèse-bière, m. béer hydrometer. pétarder, v.t, blast, blow up, destroy by
pèse-cidre, m. cider hydrometer. blasting or by explosives.
pèse-colle, m. glue hydrometer. péter, peter, v.i. burst, explode, blow up;
pesée, /. weighing; amount weighed out at crack, make a loud report ; crackle.
,one time; lift, effort, thrust. péterolle, /. (Pyro.) firecracker, cracker.
pèse-esprit, m. = pèse-alcool. pétillant, p.a. crackling ; (of wine, etc.)
pèse-essence, m. gasoline hydrometer. sparkling; (fig.) lively, animated.
pèse-éther, m. a hydrometer for liquids pétillement, m. crackling ; sparkling.
lighter than water, specif. one for ether. pétiller, v.i. crackle, (of sait) decrepitate;
pèse-extrait, m. extract measurer. sparkle; (fig.) be transported (with); be
pèse-filtre, m. weighing bottle (for filter eager.
papers with their précipitâtes). petit, a. small, little ; short ; mean, low ;
pèse-flegme, m. low-wines hydrometer. petty; weak. adv. little. m. little; little
pèse-gouttes, m. dropper, drop counter. one; young (of animais), en —, on a small
pèse-lait, m. milk hydrometer, lactometer. scale; in miniature. — à —, little by lit-
pèse-lessive, m. lye hydrometer. tle. — autel, fiue bridge (in a reverbera-
pèse-lettre, m. postal scales, letter scales. tory furnace ). — axe, minor axis. —
pèse-liqueur, m. hydrometer; = pèse-al- boulé, (of sirup) soft bail. — cardamome,
cool. cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum or its
pèse-mélasse, m. molasses hydrometer (37- seed). — cheval, (Mach.) donkey engine,
45° Bé.). donkey. — chêne, wall germander (Teuc-
pèse-moût, m. (Wine) must hydrometer. rium chamaedrys). petite bière, small béer,
pèse-nitre, m. a hydrometer for niter solu- weak béer, petite eau, petites eaux, weak
tions. solution, weak liquor (as from distillation).
pèse-papier, m. paperweight. petite vérole, smallpox. petite vitesse,
peser, v.t. weigh; test for spécifie gravity small velocity ; low speed ; (Railways)
or alcoholic content, v.r. be weighed. v.i. freight, dispatch by goods train, slow dis-
weigh ; be heavy ; hâve weight ; bear patch. — feu, (Ceram.) slow heating (fol-
down; lay stress; be a burden. io wing the expulsion of moisture) up to
pèse-sel, m. hydrometer for sait solutions, about 600°. — gamin, (Glass, etc.) boy,
salimeter, salinometer, brine gage. assistant, apprentice. — grain, see petit-
pèse-sirop, m. sirup hydrometer. grain. — lait, whey, sérum of milk. —
pèse-sucre, m. (Wine) must hydrometer. métal, minor métal. — nard, wild sarsa-
pèse-tannin, m. tan-liquor hydrometer, parilla (Aralia nudicaulis). — nom,, given
name, Christian name, first name. — pain,
barkometer. roll. petits blés, oats and barley. — teint,
pesette, /. a small balance of précision. fugitive dye or color ; fugitive. — vent,
pèse-tube, m. weighing-tube support. breeze. un — peu, a very little, a little.
peseur, m. weigher.
pèse-urine, m. urine hydrometer, urinome- petit-cheval, m. (Mach.) donkey engine,
ter. donkey.
pèse -vin, m. wine hydrometer, enometer, petit-deux, m. sugar loaf weighing a kilo-
oenometer. gram.
pèse-vinaigre, m. vinegar hydrometer, ace- petitement, adv. little, but little; meanly.
timeter, acetometer. petitesse, /. smallness, littleness, diminu-
peson, m. (hand) balance, (hand) scales. tiveness, minuteness ; weakness ; slender-
ness (of means) ; pettiness, rneanness.
— à ressort, spring balance, spring scales. petit-grain, m. small immature orange.
peste, /. pest, plague ; specif., bubonic essence de —, petitgrain oil (formerly made
plague. — de l'étain, tin pest, tin plague from immature oranges but now from the
(formation of the gray allotropie form). leaves and shoots), orange-leaf oil.
pesteux, a. of the pest, pestilential. petit-gris, m. a kind of squirrel or its fur.
pétale, m. (Bot.) petal. pétition, /. pétition. — de principe, beg-
pétarade, /. popping (as of firecrackers). ging the question, petitio principii.
pétitionner 332 pharmacien
pétitionner, v.i. pétition. petunioside, m. petunin.
petit-lait, m. whey, sérum of milk. pétttnsé, pétunzé, m. (Ceram.) petuatse.
petit-suif, m. bone grease, bone fat. peu, adv. little ; not very, not, un-, in- ;
pétri, p.a. (of pétrir) kneaded, etc. but a short time, not long. m. little, a
pétrifiant, p.a. petrifying, petrifactive. little ; few, a few. à — près, à — de chose
pétrification, /. petrifaction. près, almost, nearly, about. dans —, soon,
pétrifier, v.t. & r. petrify. presently. depuis —, recently, lately, a
pétrin, m. kneading trough, kneader. — short time ago. — abondant, scarce. —
•mécanique, kneading machine. à —, little by little, by degrees, gradually.
pétrir, v.t. knead, work; mold; form, make. — après, soon after, not long after. — de
pétrissafele, a. capable of being kneaded or chose, little thing, smaïl matter, not much.
worked ; capable of being molded. — importe, no matter. — profond, shal-
pétrissage, pétrissement, m. kneading, low. pour — que, if only, if . . . only a
working ; molding. little. si — que rien, a very little, a mère
pétrisseur, m. kneader. a. kneading. nothing.
pétrisseuse, /. kneading machine. peucédan, m. (Bot.') Peucedanum. — offi-
pétrofracteur, m. (Expl.) petrofracteur. cinal, brimstonewort, hog's-fennel (Peuce-
T.N. danum, officinale).
pétrographe, m. petrographer. peucédanine, /. peucedanin.
pétrographie, /. petrography. peuplade, /. tribe, horde.
pétrographique, a. pétrographie (al). peuple, m. people. a. of the (common)
pétrographiquement, adv. petrographi- people; common, vulgar.
cally. peuplement, m. (Agric) crop, stand,
pétrolage, m. kindling or oiling with pe- growth.
troleum or kérosène. peupler, v.t. people; stock, v.i. multiply.
pétrole, m. petroleum ; any liquid petroleum peuplier, m. poplar (tree and wood).
product, specif. kérosène. (Petrol or gaso- peur, /. fear. avoir — de, be afraid of. de
line is called essence.) — à brûler, (usu- —, for fear. de — que, for fear that, for
ally) kérosène, burning oil. — brut, crude fear lest.
petroleum, crude oil. — combustible, fuel peut, pr. 3 sing. (of pouvoir) is able, can.
oil. — d'éclairage, kérosène. — d'Ecosse,peut-être, adv. perhaps, it may be.
Scotch petroleum, shale oil. — lampant, peuvent, pr. S pi. (of pouvoir) are able,
kérosène, illuminating oil, paraffin oil. — can.
ordinaire, kérosène. — rectifié, refined p.ex., abbrev. (par exemple) for example,
petroleum, specif. kérosène. — tenace, as- e.g.
phalt. P.F., abbrev. (point de fusion) meiting point,
pétroléen, a. petroleum, of petroleum, m.p.
petrolic. Ph. Symbol for phosphore (phosphorus).
pétroléine, /. (Pharm.) white petrolatum, phaeo-. pheo-, phaeo-.
white petroleum jelly. phaeophytine, /. pheophytin, phaeophytin.
pétrolène, m. (Asphalt) petrolene. phagédénique, a. (Med.) phagedenic.
pétroler, v.t. kindle or set fire to with phagocytaire, a. phagocytic.
petroleum or kérosène; oil (with petroleum phagocyte, m. (Physiol.) phagocyte.
or kérosène). phagocyter, v.t. phagocytize, phagocytose.
pétrole rie, /. petroleum works, oil refin- phagocytose, /. (Physiol.) phagocytosis.
ery. phagolyse, phagocytolyse, /. (Physiol.)
pétrolette, /. motorcycle. phagolysis, phagocytolysis.
pétrolien, a. petroleum, of petroleum, pe-
trolic. phanérogame, a. (Bot.) phanerogamic,
pétrolier, a. petroleum, of petroleum, oil. phanerogamous. m. phanerogam.
m. tank steamer, oil steamer. phare, m. lighthouse ; headlight ; search -
pétrolifère, a. petroliferous, petroleum. light ; projector ; beacon.
pétrolique, a. petreleum, of petroleum, pe- pharmaceutique, a. pharmaceutical,
trolic. pharmaceutic. /. pharmaceutics.
pétrologie, /. petrology. pharmacie, /. pharmacy; dispensary; medi-
pétrosileux, pétrosiliceux, a. petrosili- cine case, medicine chest.
ceous, felsitic. pharmacien, m. pharmacist ; druggist,
pétrosilex, m. (Petrog.) petrosilex, felsite. apothecary, chemist and druggist. a.
pharmacien 333 phlogistique
pharmacy, oî pharmacy. —• chimiste, phénol-phtaléine, /. phenolphthalein.
pharmaceutical chemist. phénol-sulfoné, a. phenolsulfonic.
pharmacochimie, /. pharmaceutical chem- phénoménalement, adv. phenomenally.
istry. phénomène, m. phenomenon.
pharmacochimique, a. of or pertaining phénométhyle, m. phenylmethyl, benzyl.
to pharmaceutical chemistry. phénone, /. a ketone of phenyl and some
pharmacodynamique, /. pharmacodynam- other radical (RCOCeH5).
ics. a. of or pertaining to pharmacody- phénopyrrol, m. indole.
namics. phénylacétique, a. phenylacetic.
pharmacognosie, /. pharmacognosy, -cog- phénylacétylène, m. phenylacetylene,
nosis. ethynylbenzene.
pharmacologie, /. pharmacology. phénylallylène, m. phenylallylene (phenyl-
pharmacologique, a. pharrnacologic(al). propyne).
pharmacologiste, pharmacologue, m. phénylamide, /. phenylamide, anilide.
pharmacologist. phénylamine, /. phenylamine; specif., ani-
pharmaconyme. m. pharmaceutical name. line.
pharmacopée, /. pharmacopeia, pharmaco- phénylaminé, a. phenylamino, anilino.
poeia. phénylcarbylamine, /. phenyl carbylamine
pharmacothèque, /. medicine chest. (phenyl isocyanide).
phasemètre, m. (Elec.) phasemeter. phényle, m. phenyl.
phaséole, /. bean, haricot (Phaseolus). phényléthane, m. phenylethane (ethylben-
phaséoline, /. phaseolin. zene).
phaséolunatine, /., -lunatoside, m. lina- phényléthylène, m. phenylethylene, sty-
marin. rène.
phellandrie, /. water fennel (Oenanthe sp.). phényléthylique, a. (of an alcohol) phen-
phellosine, /. an agglomerated cork. ethyl.
phénacétine, /. (Pharm.) phenacctin(e). phénylglycérine, /. phenylglycerol.
phénacyle, m. phenacyl. phénylglycocolle, m. phenylglycine.
phénakite, /. (Min.) phenacite. phénylglycollque, o. phenylglycohc (man-
phénanthraquinone, /. phenanthraquinone delic).
(phenanthrenequinone). phénylique, a. phenyl, (less often) phenylic.
phénanthrazine, /. phenanthrazine. phénylméthane, m. phenylmethane, tolu-
phénanthrénique, a. phenanthrene, of or ène.
pertaining to phenanthrene. phénylpyrazol, m. phenylpyrazole.
phénate, m. phenoxide, phenolate. — de phénylsulflte, m. benzenesulfonate.
soude, sodium phenoxide, sodium pheno- phénylsulfoné, a. phenylsulfonyl.
late. phénylsulfureux, a. benzenesulfonic.
phénazine, /. phenazine. phénylsulfurique, a. phenylsulfuric ; phen-
phène, m. phene (little used name for ben- ylsulfonic (improper use).
zène). phénylurée, /. phenylurea.
phénéthol, m. phenetole. phéophytine, /. pheophytin, phaeophytin.
phénétidine, /. phenetidine. philodiène, m. dienophile.
phénétol, m. phenetole. philosophale, a. In the phrase pierre
phénéthyle, m. phenylethyl; specif., phen- philosophale, philosophers1 stone.
ethyl (C6H6CH2CH2 —). philosophaliste, m. a searcher for the
phénétîde, n. phenetidide. philosophers' stone.
phénique, a. of or pertaining to phénol,
phenic, phenylic. acide —, alcool —, philosophe, m. philosopher, a. philosoph-
phénol. ic(al).
phéniquer, v t. treat or impregnate with philosopher, v.i. philosophize.
phénol, carbolato. philosophie, /. philosophy.
phénocristal, m. (Petrog.) phenocryst. philosophique, a. philosophie, philosophical.
phénol, m. phénol. — neige, crystallized philosophiquement, adv. philosophically.
phénol. — trinitré, trinitrophenol. phlébite, /. (Afed.) phlebifis.
phénolactine, /. {Pharm.) lactopheain, phlegme, m. phlegm.
phenolate, m. phenoxide, phenolate. phloème, m. (Bot.) phloem.
phénoler, v.t. phenolize, phenolate. phlogisticien, m. ph^ogistian, phlogistonist.
phénolique, a. phenolic, phénol. phlogistique, m. phlogiston. a. phlogistic.
phlogistiquer 334 photochimie
phlogistiquer, v.t. (Old Chem.) phlogisti- phosphaterie, /. phosphate mining or prép-
cate. aration or works.
phloorrhéttne, /. phloretin. phosphatide, n. phosphatide.
phloorrhétique. a. phloretic. phosphatique, a. phosphatic.
phloridzine, /., phloridzoside, m. phlor- phosphatisation, /. phosphatization.
izin. phosphaturie, /. (Med.) phosphaturia.
phloroglncine, /. phloroglucinol, phloro- phosphaturique, a. (Med.) phosphaturie.
glucin. phosphine, /. phosphine.
phloroglucite, /. phloroglucitol, phloroglu- phosphineux, a. phosphinous.
cite, 1,3,5-cyclohexanetriol. phosphinique, a. phosphinic.
phloxine, /. (Dyes) phloxin, phloxine. phosphofluorhydrique, a. fluophosphoric.
phlyctène, /. (Méd.) phlyctena, vesicle. phosphoglycérate, m. phosphoglycerate
phobie, /. phobia. (glycerophosphate).
phocénine, /. phocenin (trivalerin, glyceryl phosphoglycérique, a. phosphoglyceric
valerate). (glycerophosphoric).
phœnicine, /. (Dyes) phenicin(e), phoeni- phospholipide, m. phospholipide.
oin(e). phosphomolybdique, a. phosphomolybdic.
phoque, m. (Zob'l.) seal. phosphoprotéide, /. phosphoprotein.
phormium, phormion, m. (Bot.) Phor- phosphore, m. phosphorus, phosphor. —
mium, esp. P. tenax or New Zealand nax. amorphe, amorphous phosphorus. — blanc,
phosgène, m. phosgene, carbonyl chioride. white phosphorus. — de Bologne, Bologna
phosphagène, rn. phosphagen. phosphorus (a phosphorescent sulfide, esp.
phosphame, n. phospham. barium sulfide). — de Canton, Canton's
phosphatage, m. (Agric.) application of phosphorus (phosphorescent calcium sul-
phosphatic fertilizers ; ( Wine) addition of fide). — rouge, red phosphorus.
calcium phosphate to the grapes. phosphore, a. phosphorus, containing phos-
phosphatation, /. phosphatization. phorus; phosphide of, phosphuretted.
phosphate, m. phosphate. — ammoniaco- phosphore-bronze, n. phosphor bronze.
magnésien, ammonium magnésium phos- phosphoreferrosilicium, m. an alloy of
phate. — bicalcique, dicalcium phosphate phosphorus, iron and silicon.
(calcium hydrogen phosphate, CaHPOé). phosphorer, v.t. treat, impregnate, coat or
— d'ammoniaque, ammonium phosphate. combine with phosphorus, phosphorize,
— de chaux, phosphate of lime (calcium phosphorate.
phosphate). — de fer, iron phosphate. phosphoreux, a. phosphorous.
— de magnésie, phosphate of magnesia phosphoride, m. phosphide.
(magnésium phosphate). — de potasse, phosphorique, a. phosphoric; phosphorus,
phosphate of potash (potassium phos- of or containing phosphorus.
phate). — de soude, phosphate of soda phosphorisatlon, /. phosphorization, phos-
(sodium phosphate). — disodique, di- phoration.
sodium hydrogen phosphate. — en roche, phosphorlser, v.t. phosphorize, phos-
phosphate rock. — mielleux, a sirupy form phorate.
of calcium tetrahydrogen diphosphate, phosphorisme, m. (Med.) phosphorism.
CaH4(POé)2. — mono-acide de calcium, phosphoritique, a. phosphoritic.
(Pharm.) dibasic calcium phosphate (cal- phosphorogénique, a. (Physics) phos-
cium hydrogen phosphate, CaHPO4*2H2O). phorogenic.
— mono-acide de sodium, disodium hydro- phosphoryle, m. phosphoryl.
gen phosphate. — monocalcique, mono- phosphoryler, phosphoryliser, v.t. phos-
calcium phosphate (calcium tetrahydrogen phorylate.
diphosphate, C a H ^ P O ^ - I ^ O ) . —mono- phosphotungstique, o. phosphotungstic.
calcique mono-acide, calcium hydrogen phosphovanadique, a. phosphovanadic.
phosphate, OaHPCU. — monosodique, phosphure, m. phosphide.
sodium dihydrogen phosphate. — neutre phosphuré, a. containing phosphide.
de calcium, — tricalcique, tricalcium (di)- phot, m. (Optica) phot (929 foot-candles).
phosphate, tribasic calcium phosphate, photocalque,
m. phototracing (as a blue-
Ca3(PO4)2. photocellule, /. photocell.
phosphaté, o. containing phosphate or phos- photocéramique, /. photoceramics.
phoric acid, phosphatic, phosphated. photochimie, /. photochemistry.
photochimique 335 phycophéine
photochimique, a. photochemical. photoniellure, /. a photographie niello
photochromie, /. photochroroy, color pho- process.
tography. photopeinture, /. coloring of photographs.
photochromogravure, /. photographie photophore, m. (Zoôl.) photophore.
color printing, three-color process. photophorèse, /. photophoresis.
photochromotypographie, photochromo- photoplastographie, /. photoplastography,
typie, /. photochromotypy, photographie woodburytype.
color process. photopoudre, /. flashlight powder.
photocollographie, /. photocollography (a photo-sel, m. photosalt.
collotype process). photosensibilisateur, m. photosensitizer.
photocopie, /. photographie reproduction; photosensible, a. photosensitive.
photocopy, (photographie) print. — bleue, photosphérique, a. (Astron.) photospheric.
blueprint. photosynthèse, /. photosynthesis.
photo-électrique, a. photo-electric(al). phototactique, a. (Biol.) phototactic.
photogène, a. photogenic. m. photogen(e). phototaxie, /. (Biol.) phototaxis, photo-
photogénèse, photogénie, /. production of taxy.
light. phototégie, /. (Photog.) a process for trans-
photogénétique, a. photogenetic, photo- forming a négative into a positive.
genic. phototeinture, /. dyeing with the chemical
photogénique, a. relating to the chemical aid of light.
effects of light, actinie; photogenic. photothérapie, /. phototherapy, photothera-
photogéniquement, adv. actinically; pho- peutics.
togenically. photothérapique, o. phototherapio, photo-
photoglyptie, /. photogravure; woodbury- therapeutic.
type. photothermomètre, m. a thermometer with
photoglyptographie, /. photogravure. a photographie registering device.
photogramme, m. photographie print (esp. phototropie, /. phototropism.
on paper). phototropique, a. phototropie.
photographe, m. photographer. phototype, m. an original photographie
photographie, /. photography; photograph. image (formed in a caméra).
photographies animées, motion pictures. phototypie, /. phototypy, phototype.
photographier, v.t. photograph. phototypographie, /. phototypography,
photographique, o. photographic(al). photoengraving (in relief).
photographiquement, adv. photograph- photozincographie, /. photozincography,
ically. zinc photoengraving.
photograveur, m. photoengraver, process phréatique, a. phreatic, well, underground.
engraver. phtal-. phthal-.
photogravure, /. photoengraving (whether phtalacène, m. phthalacene.
relief or intaglio). — en creux, photogra- phtalaldéhydique, o. phthalaldehydic.
vure, héliogravure. — en relief, photo- phtalamique, a. phthalamic.
engraving (in relief), phototypography. phtalate, m. phthalate.
photolithographie, /. photolithography. phtalazine, /. phthalazine.
photolyse, /. photolysis. phtaléine, /. phthalein. — du phénol,
photomagnétique, a. photomagnetic. phenolphthalein.
photomécanique, a. photomechanical. phtalide. m. phthalide.
photomètre, m. photometer. — à éclats, — phtalidéine, /. phthalidein.
à papillottement, flicker photometer. — phtalidine, /. phthalidin, phthalidinol.
à tâche d'huile, grease-spot photometer. — phtalimide, /. phthalimide.
de Bunsen, Bunsen photometer, grease-spot phtaline, /. phthalin.
phtalique, a. phthalic.
photometer. phtalophénone, /. phthalophenone.
photomètrer, v.t. measure photometrically. phtalyle, m. phthalyL
photométrie, /. photometry. phtanite, /. (Petrog.) phthanite, chert.
photométrique, a. photométrie, photomet- phtartique, a. deleterious, deadly.
rical. phtisie, /. (Med.) phthisis.
photométriquement, adv. photometrically. phycocyanine, /. phycocyanin.
photomicrographie, /. photomicrography ; phycoérythrine, /. phycoerythrin.
photomicrograph, microphotograph. phycophéine, /. phycophein, phycophaein.
phycoxanthine 336 pied-d'alouette
phycoxanthine, /. phycoxanthin (diato- pickeler, v.t. pickle.
niin). picklage, m. pickling.
phylline, /. phyllin. pienomètre, m. pyenometer.
phyllocyanlne, /. phyllocyanin. pienométrique, a. pyenometric, pyenomet-
phylloporphyrine, /. phylloporphyrin. rical.
phylloxanthine, /. phylloxanthin (xantho- picoline, /. pioohne.
phyll). picolique, a. picolinic.
phylloxéré, a. attacked by the phylloxéra. picot, m. wedge ; sprocket ; splinter.
phylloxérien, phylloxérique, o. of or picotage, picotement, m. pricking, etc.
pertaining to the phylloxéra. (see picoter).
physaline, /. physalin. picoter, v.t. prick; cause to tingle, sting;
physicien, m. physicist. a. physics. peck ; wedge ; provoke.
physico-chimie, /. physical chemistry. picoture, /. prick ; perforation, pinhole.
physico-chimique, a. physicochemical. picramique, a. picramic.
physico-chimiste, m. physical chemist. picrate, a. of or containing picrate or picric
physico-mathématique, a. physico-mathe- acid, picrated.
matical. picrique, o. picric.
physico-mécanique, a. physicomechanical. picriqué, a. treated or mixed with picric
physiographe, m. physiographer. acid, picrated.
physiographie, /. physiography. picrocarmin, m. (Micros.) picrocarmine.
physiologie, /. physiology. picrolonique, o. picrolonic.
physiologique, a. physiological, physiologie. picrotine, /. picrotin.
physiologiquement, adv. physiologically. picrotoxine, /. picrotoxin.
physiologiste, physiologue, m. physiolo- picrotoxique, a. picrotoxic.
gist. picryle, m. pieryl.
physique, a. physical. /. physics. m. pièce, /. pièce; part; room; cask, barrel
physique. (as of wine) ; gun ; document, paper ;
physiquement, adv. physically. apiece, each; head (as of cattle) ; tip,
physostigmine, /. physostigmine. gratuity; (Métal.) bloom; casting; (Mach.)
phytine, /. phytin. work. à la —, by the pièce; singly. met-
phytochimie, /. phytochemistry, plant tre en pièces, break, tear, eut, etc., in
chemistry. pièces. — à —, bit by bit, piecemeal. —
phytochimique, o. phytochemioal. coudée, elbow. — de coulée, casting. —
phytogène, a. phytogeaic, phytogenous. de frottement, friction pièce. — de re-
phytol, m. phytol. change, spare part. — maîtresse, in sait
phytolaccine, /. phytolaccin. gardens, an elevated réservoir from which
phytolaque, /. (Bot.) Phytolacca; specif. the brine is distributed to the tables
(as in Pharm.) P. decandra or common salantes. — moulée, (Métal.) casting;. —
poke. polaire, (Elec.) pôle pièce, pôle shoe.
phytosterine, /. phytosterol. pied, m. foot ; base, support ; bottom ; leg
phytotoxine, /. phytotoxin, plant poison. (as of a table); stem, stalk; slope, in-
pian, m. (Med.) yaws, frambesia clination ; footing ; footprint ; foot rule. à
piazine, /. (old name for) pyrazine. —, on foot. au — de la lettre, in a literal
pic, m. pick, pickax; poker; (Olass) an sensé, literally; to the letter, exactly. de
iron rod for detaehing the cylinder from — ferme, firmly, resolutely. — à coulisse,
the blowpipe; (mountain) peak; wood- slide caliper. — o —, step by step. —
pecker. à —, perpendicularly, perpendicu- d'alouette, twinned gypsum crystal; lark-
lar, precipitous. — à feu, poker. spur. — de bœuf, neat's foot. — de chat,
picadil, m., picadils, m. pi. (Olass) ma- cat's paw, cat's foot; (Bot.) cudweed
terial which escapes from the pot and runs (Gnaphalium). — de cuite, firat crystals
down through the hearth. appearing during evaporation. — de cuve,
picadon, m. (Soap) plaoe where the soda is sédiment, dregs, foot ; (Alcohol) yeast
broken up. sédiment placed in the bottom of a vat
picamare, /. picamar. to start fermentation, sur —, on foot; up;
picéine, /. pioein. well; in use, in fashion; (of crops) stand-
picéoside, m. picein. ing ; (of soldiers) ready.
piciforme, a. like pitch, piceous. pied-d'alouette, m. (Bot.) larkspur, del-
pickelage, m. pickling. phinium.
pied-de-chèvre 337 pigeonnier
pied-de-chèvre, m. crowbar. — de taille, freestone ; ashlar, squared
pied-de-corneille, m. (Bot.) spotted stone, hewn stone. — d'étain, (Min.) tin-
crane's-bill. stone, cassiterite. — de touche, touch-
pied-de-cuve, m. = pied* de cuve, under stone. — de verre, a kind of vitreous
pied. porcelain ; a kind of devitrified glass. —
pied-droit, m. post, pillar, pier. d'évier, sink. — de vin, tartar, wine stone.
piédestal, m. pedestal; base. — divine, (Old Pharm.) a collyrium com-
piège, m. trap, snare. — à sel, sait pan. posed of copper sulfate, potassium nitrate,
pie-mère, /. (Anat.) pia mater. alum and camphor, cuprum aluminatum.
piémontite, /. (Min.) piedmontite. — élastique, (Petrog.) itacolumite. —
pierraille, /. broken stone, pièces (or pièce) factice, — fausse, imitation stone, artificial
of stone, road métal, rubble. gem ; artificial stone. — filtrante, = pierre
pierre, /. stone; hard mass (as of mercuric à filtrer. — fine, gem stone, géra. —
sulfide) ; (Med.) calculus. — à aiguiser, fondamentale, foundation stone. — grasse,
whetstone; grindstone. — à bâtir, build- (Min.) eleolite. — hépatique, (Min.)
ing stone. — à brunir, burnishing stone, hépatite. — impériale, an old dentifrice
specif. hématite. — à cautère, (Med.) containing niter, alum and sulfur. — in-
chemical caustic, potential cautery, specif. fernale, lapis infernalis (fused silver ni-
potassium hydroxide. — à chaux, lime- trate), lunar caustic. — infernale diluée,
stone. — à chlore, chlorine vat (of stone- (Old Pharm.) mitigated silver nitrate. —
ware or stone). — à ciment, cernent stone, meulière, millstone, buhrstone. — murale,
cernent rock. — à détacher, fuller's earth. calcium oxalate. — noble, precious stone.
— à feu, firestone. — à filtrer, filter stone, — ollaire, potstone (a kind of steatite). —
filtering stone. — à huile, — à l'huile, oil- ophthalmique, crystallized copper sulfate.
stone. — à laver, sink. — alumineuse, — pesante, heavy stone ; heavy spar,
alum stone, alunite. — à meules, millstone ; barite. — philosophale, philosophers'
grindstone. — à paver, paving stone. — stone. — plate, flat stone, stone slab. —
à plâtre, gypsum, plaster stone. — à rat, ponce, pumice stone, pumice. — pourrie,
(Min.) witherite. — arénacée, sandstone. rottenstone. — précieuse, precious stone.
— à repassage, — à repasser, hone, oil- — précieuse scientifique, synthetic precious
stone. — artificielle, artificial stone. — à stone. — puante, stinkstone (any fetid
savon, soapstone, steatite. — bise, shell stone). — réfractaire, refractory stone,
limestone. — blanche, white stone; white firestone. — simili, an imitation gem
stoneware. — calaminaire, (Min.) cala- underlaid by a reflecting surface, esp. of
mine. — calcaire, calcareous stone, lime- silver. — spéculaire, selenite ; mica. —
stone. — d'aigle, (Min.) eaglestone, aetites. verte, green stone ; (Petrog. ) greenstone.
— d'aimant, loadstone, lodestone. — pierreries, /. pi. precious stones, gems.
d'alun, (Min.) alum stone, alunite. — Pierrette, /. small stone.
d'Arménie, Armenian stone. — d'azur, pierreux, a. stony.
lapis lazuli. — de Bologne, (Min.) Bo- piéter, v.t. (Dyeing) ground ; give a nap
logna stone (a variety of barite). — de to (cloth); withstand, resist. v.r. resist.
ciment, cernent block. — de corne, horn- piétinement, m. tramping, etc. (see
stone. — d'écrevisse, (Pharm.) crab's-eye, piétiner).
crab's-stone. — de croix, (Afin.) cross-
stone, specif. staurolite. — de fond, bot- piétiner, v.t. & i, tramp, trample, tread,
tom stone; (Métal.) sole. — de Labrador, stamp.
(Min.) Labrador stone, labradorite. — de pieu, m. stake; pile; post; (pi., pieux)
l'air, meteoric stone, aërolite. — de lard, piling.
soapstone, steatite. — de lune, (Min.) piézochimiQue, a. piezochemical.
moonstone. — de Lydie, Lydian stone, piézo- électricité, /. piezo-electrioity.
touchstone. — demi-doublée, a gem hav- pïézo-électrique, a. piezoelectric.
ing the crown of différent material from piézomètre, m. piezometer.
the rest of the stone. — de miel, mellite, pifonner, v.t. stir, poke (a fire).
honeystone. — de mine, ore-bearing rock; pigeon, m. pigeon ; thick plaster ; trowel-
ore. — de pois, peastone, pisolite. — de ful, handful (of plaster) ; a pièce of stone
savon, soapstone. — de soleil, (Min.) sun- in lime.
stone, aventurine feldspar. — de soude,
(Min.) natrolite. — d'essai, touchstoae. pigeonnier, m. dovecote, pigeon house ;
damper (in a glass furnace).
pigment 338 pin
pigment, m. pigment. — biliaire, bile pig- atmosphérique, compressed-air hammer. —
ment. — sanguin, blood pigment. — à vapeur, steam hammer. — mécanique,
urinaire, urinary pigment. power hammer.
pigmentaire, o. pigmentary, pigmentai. pilonnage, pllonage, m. ramming, etc. (see
pigmenté, a. pigmented. pilonner).
pigmenteux, a. pigmentary. pilonner, piloner, v.t, ram, tamp; beat,
pigment o gène, a. pigment-f orming. pound, stamp, hammer ; stir (molten
pignon, m. (Mach.) pinion, gear ; pinon, glass).
pine nut ; inf erior wool ; gable. — à pilot, m. conical sait heap; rags for mak-
chaîne, sprocket wheel. — des Barbades, ing paper; pile (the stake).
— d'Inde, physic nut, Barbados nut. pilotage, m. piloting ; pile driving ; pile-
piknomètre, m. pycnometer ; paper gage. work.
pilage, m. pounding, etc. (see piler). piloter, v.t. pilot; drive piles into.
pile, /. pile; (Elec.) cell, battery, pile; beat- pilotis, m. pilework, piling, piles; framing.
ing trough, stamping trough (as for crush- pilulaire, a. pilular, pertaining to or like
ing sugar) ; bed (of a powder mill); (Pa- pills. /. (Bot.) pillwort.
per) hollander, pulping machine, beater ; pilule, /. pill ; pellet. — allumante, fuse
(Soap) oil cistern; pier, mole; reverse (of pellet. — de mercure, =* pilules bleues.
coins). — à auges, trough battery. — à pilules aloétiques savoneuses, aloe pills, pill
charbon, charcoal pile; (Elec.) carbon cell. of aloes. pilules altérantes composées,
— à déchiqueter, beater, pulper (as for pilules antidartreuses, (Pharm.) compound
guncotton). — à densité, gravity cell, mild mercurous chloride pills, compound
gravity battery. — à deux liquides, two- cathartic pills. pilules bleues, (Pharm.)
fluid battery. — à gravité, gravity cell, mercury mass, pill of mercury, blue mass.
gravity battery. — o immersion, plunge pilules chalybées de Blaud, ferrous car-
battery. — à liquide, (Elec.) fluid cell. — bonate pills, Blaud's pills. pilules d'aloès
au bichromate, bichromate cell. — à un et de savon, aloe pills, pill of aloes. pilules
liquide, single-fluid cell. — défileuse, de Blancard, pills of ferrous iodide. pilules
(Paper) breaker, washer. — de polarisa- de carbonate ferreux, ferrous carbonate
tion, storage battery. — d'épreuve, — pills, Blaud's pills. pilules de copahu,
d'essai, testing cell, testing battery. — mass of copaiba. pilules de Plummer,
de Volta, voltaic pile or cell. — étalon, (Old Pharm.) compound calomel pills,
standard cell, normal cell. — galvanique, Plummer's pills. pilules de Rufus, (Old
galvanic pile (electric cell or battery). — Pharm.) pills of aloes and myrrh, Rufus's
laveuse, (Paper) washing engine, washer. pills. pilules dites de Vallet, pilules fer-
rugineuses, ferrous carbonate mass, Vallet's
— plongeante, plunge battery. — primaire, mass. pilules ferrugineuses de Blaud, fer-
primary cell, primary battery. — raffineuse, rous carbonate pills, Blaud's pills. pihUes
(Paper) beating engine. —• sèche, dry cell, mercurieltes simples, = pilules bleues. pi~
dry battery. — secondaire, secondary bat- Iules phosphorées, pills of phosphorus.
tery, storage battery, accumulator. —
thermo-électrique, thermoelectric pile, pilulier, m. pill machine.
thermopile. — voltàique, voltaic pile or pimariçue, a. pimaric.
cell, electric cell. pimélique, a. pimelic.
piler, v.t. pound, stamp, crush, bray, grind piment, m. red pepper, Cayenne pepper,
(as in a mortar), beat. v.r. be pounded, (Pharm.) capsicum; (Bot.) any plant of
etc. the genus Capsicum, esp. C. annuum, or
pile rie, /. crusher, grinder. Guinea pepper; (in certain phrases) pep-
pile-tan, m. (Leather) bark grinder. per. — annuel, Guinea pepper (C. an-
pUeur, m. pounder, etc. (see piler). — de nuum). — de Cayenne, Cayenne pepper.
tan, (Leather) bark grinder. — de la Jamaïque, — des Anglais, •—
pileux, a. pilose, pileous, hairy, hair. poivre, allspice, pimento (Pimenta offi-
pilier, m. pillar ; pier ; post ; column. cinalis). — des jardins, = piment annuel.
pilocarpidine, /. pilocarpidine. — rouge, red pepper.
pilocarpine, /. pilocarpine. pimprenelle, /. (Bot. ) burnet (Sançià-
piloir, m. a stick used in manipulating the sorba) ; (in certain phrases) pimpernel.
hides in the vat in tawing. pin, m. pine (tree and wood). — à résine,
pilon, m. pestie; stamp, crusher; rammer; pitch pine, resin pine. — à trochets,
tamper; hammer; shingUng hammer. — cluster pine (Pinus pinaster). — blanc,
pin 339 pipette
white pine. — cembre, — cembro, Swiss éprouvettes, test-tube clamp, test-tube
pine (Pinus cembrd). — d'Alep, Aleppo holder. — ronde, round -nosed pliers. —
pine (Pinus halepensis). — de Corse, universelle, pincers combining several uses,
Corsican pine (Pinus laricio) ; Austrian as that of a wire cutter, pipe wrench, etc.
pine (Pinus nigra). — de mâture, Nor- pinceau, m. brush (for painting or dusting),
way pine. — de montagne, Swiss moun- painter's pencil, hair pencil; (Elec.) brush;
tain pine (Pinus mugo). — de poix, pitch pencil, beam (as of électrons) ; (Anat.)
pine. — Huon, Huon pine (Dacrydium fasciculus. — à peindre, paint brush.
franklinii). — jaune, yellow pine. — mari- pincée, /. pinch.
time, maritime pine, cluster pine. — pi- pincement, m. pinching, etc. (see pincer).
gnon, gtone pine (Pinus pinea). —• pinier, pincer, v.t. pinch; nip; grip; clip; catch;
= pin cembre. — rouge, red pine. — top (plants), -y.t. pinch.
sylvestre, Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris). pincettes, /. pi, pin cette, /. (s ma 11) pin*
pinacle, m. pinnacle. cers, pliers, nippers, tweezers, tongs.
pinacoline, /. pinacolin. pinchbeck, m. pinchbeck (a kind of brass).
pinacone, /. p ma col, (les s desirably) pina- pineofline, /. (old name for) alizarin.
oone. pinçure, /. erease; wrinkle; pinching.
pinastre, m. (Bot.) pinaster, cluster pine ptneau, m. a variety of red grape, rich in
(Pintu pinaster). sugar and much used in making wine.
pinçade, /. pinchîng. piney, n. piney tree (Vateria indica).
pince, /. (pair of) pincers, pinehers, pliers, pinipicrine, /. pinipicrin.
nippers, tongs, forceps, tweezers ; pinch - pinique, a. pinic.
cock; clasp, cîamp, clip, catch; crowbar, pinitannique, a. pinitannic.
pinch bar, lever; rim, flange; grip, hold, pinite, /. pinitol, pinite; (Afin.) pinite.
purcfaase ; pinch, pinching. — à bourre, plnsbek, m. = pinchbeck.
forceps for cotton. — à bouta ivoire, piochage, m. digging up (with a pick).
ivory-tipped forceps (for handling pioche, /. pickax, pick, mattock.
weights). — à bouts platine, pïatinum- piochement, m. digging (with a pick).
tipped forceps or tongs. — à bras, tongs piocher, v.t. dig (with a pick); work hard
with ends curved like arms, as for holding at; maltreat. v.i. dig.
a crucible. — à brucelles, forceps, tweezers. piocheuse, /. steam shovel, excavator.
— à burettes, buret clamp. — à charbon, pionnier, m. pioneer.
charcoal tongs; coal tongs. — à coupelles, piourry, n. Indian yellow, purree.
cupel tongs. — à creusets, crueible tongs. pipe, /. pipe (for smoking) ; pipe (the cask) ;
— à cuillère, tongs with spoon-shaped ends, tube, pipe; funnel (for molten métal).
as for handling sodium. — à feu, fire pipécoline, /. pipecoline.
tongs. — à levier, crowbar. — à mâ- pipéracées, /. pi. (Bot.) Piperaceae.
choires, pincers, pliers. — à ressort, spring pipérazîne, /. piperazine.
pinchcock ; spring clamp, spring clip, pipéridine, /. piperidine.
spring catch; spring pliers. — à scories, pipéridique, a. piperidine.
sîag tongs. — à scorificatoires, scorifier pipérin, m., pipérine, /. piperine.
tongs. — à tourmalines, tourmaline tongs. pipérique, a. piperic.
— à tubes, pipe tongs. — à vis, screw pipermenthe, /. peppermint.
pinchcock ; screw clamp ; hand vise. — pipéroïde, m. (Pharm.) piperoid. — de
brucelle, spring forceps, spring pincers. — gmgembre, piperoid of ginger.
coupante, cutting pliers, nippers, cutter. — plpéronyle, m. piperonyl.
d'arrêt, pinchcock. — de bureau, paper pipéronylique, a. (of the acid) piperonylic;
clip. — de chimiste, chemical forceps, esp. (of the alcohol) piperonyl.
steel spring forceps, usually platinum- pipéryle, m. piperoyl (radical of piperic
tipped and often provided with adjusting acid).
screws. — de chirurgie, surgical forceps. pipettage, m. pipetting.
— de minéralogiste, a spring holder (some- pipette, /. pipet, pipette. — à ballon, a
what like a wire test-tube holder) for min- pipet with a large flask-like réservoir, used
erai spécimens. — de Mohr, Mohr pinch- esp. for bacterial cultures. — à boule,
cock. — de serrage, nippers. — d'essayeur, bulb pipet (pipet with spherical enlarge-
assayer's tongs or forceps. — du chalumeau, ment). — à cylindre, cylindrical pipet, pi-
blowpipe forceps. — en bois, wooden pet with eylindrical bulb. — compte-
clamp. — plate, nat-nosed pliers. — pour globules, blood-counting pipet. — compte'
pipette 340 pittacal
gouttes, dropping pipet, dropper. — pisé, m. lining material, lining (fireclay,
d'échantillonnage, sampling pipet, thief, ganister, carbon or the like) ; pisé, rammed
thîef tube. — de mesure, graduated pipet. earth or clay.
— de précaution, a volumetric pipet with pisoir, m. ranimer, tamper, beetle.
graduations at the "full" and "empty" pisolîthe, /. (Geol.) pisolite.
marks. — de Salet, a kind of gas pi- pisolithique, a. pisolitic.
pet. — devisée, graduated pipet. — pissasphalte, m, pissasphalt, maltha, min-
•effilée, pipet with drawn-out point. — erai tar.
étalon, standard pipet, normal pipet. — pissat, m, urine (of animais).
jaugée, ealibrated pipet. pisse, /. urine.
pipette-filtre, n. pipet provided with a fil- pissée, /. slag duct; breakout (of molten
ter. slag) ; urine passed at one time.
pipette-mélangeur, m., -mélangeuse, /. pissement, m. urination.
mixing pipet. pissenlit, m. (Bot.) dandelion (Taraxacum).
piquage, m. pricking, etc. (see piquer) ; pissette, /. washing bottle, wash bottle,
streak. washing fiask (for washing précipitâtes,
piquant, p.a. pricking, etc. (see piquer); etc. ) ; any apparatus for delivering liquid
(of taste, etc.) piquant, sharp, tart, pun- in a fine stream. — à eau, washing bottïe,
gent, strong. m. prickle, prick, spine ; wash bottle (for water). — à eau chaude,
piquancy, sharpness, pungency, (of lye) hot-water washing bottle. — de Salet,
causticity. washing bottle with rubber bulb for com-
piqué, p.a. pricked, etc. (see piquer) ; (of pression.
wine, etc.) sour ; (of wood) doty. m, pisseux, o. of or resembling urine.
piqué (the fabric) ; (Aero.) dive. pissote, /. escape pipe, waste pipe (of
pique-feu, m. poker, wood).
piquer, v.t. prick; sting; prickle; cause to pistache, /. pistachio nut, pistachio. — de
smart, bite ; sour (as wine) ; puncture, terre, peanut, earth nut.
pierce; poke (as a fixe); (Brewing) rerake; pistachier, m. pistachio tree.
scale (a boiler); dig, quarry, mine; stick, piste, /. track; trail, path, way, road. a.
thrust in, fix; gnaw, eat; dot, spot; pit true, exact. — cimentée, tar macadam,
(as métal); mold, spot, stain, fox; stitch; blacktop.
quilt ; lard ; interest ; pique. v.r. sour, pister, v.t. triturate (a paste).
turn sour ; be piquant, be strong ; be pistillé, a. (Bot.) pistillate.
tainted ; mold ; pit ; pride oneself (on) ; pistolet, m. pistol; (spray) gun; chiseï;
be piqued ; prick oneself. v.i. sour, turn drill; French curve. — lance-fusée (Mil.')
sour; (Aero.) dive. signal pistol. — pneumatique, spray gun.
piquet, m. stake, peg, pin; picket. — Schoop, a gun for coating with molten
piqueter, v.t. spot, dot ; stake out, mark métal by spraying.
out. piston, m. piston ; swab. — plongeur,
piquette, /. piquette (a weak beverage made plunger.
by pouring water on the marc of grapes). pistonner, v.t. swab; protect; annoy.
piqueur, m. overseer, inspector ; pricker, pit à lingots. (Métal.) soaking pit.
etc. (see piquer). pitchpin, pitch-pin, m. pitch pine, esp.
piqûre, /. prick, pricking, puncture ; pin- Pinus palustris; resinous pine, yellow pine
hole ; sting ; pitting, pit (as in metals) ; (the wood).
perforation, hole ; spot, speck ; (Bact.) pite, /. pita (fiber from Agave americana
stab culture ; (Med.) injection ; quilting ; and other plants, also the plant), m. pita,
pamphlet, pita fiber, pita hemp.
pire, a. worse; worst. m. worst. piteux, a. pitiable; piteous.
piriforme, a. pear-shaped, pyriform.
pirsch, n. Pirsch-Baudoin alloy (Cu, Ni, pithomètre, m. cask gage.
Zn, Sn, Co). pitié, /. pity.
pis, adv. worse; worst. m. worst; dug, teat. piton, m. screw ring, screw eye; screw hook;
au — aller, at the worst. de — en —, worse eyebolt; peak, crag.
and worse. — aller, worst, worst possible; pitoyable, a. pitiful; pitiable.
last resort; makeshift. pitoyablement, adv. pitiably, pitifully.
pis aller, m. = pis aller, under pie. pitressine, /. pitressin (vasopressin).
Pise, /. Pisa. pittacal, m. pittacal (blue coioring matter).
pitte 341 planer
pitte, /. = pite. plain-pied, m. flat, suite (on one floor). de
pittoresque, o. pictorial; picturesque. —, on the same level; as a matter of
pittoresquement, adv. pictorially; pictur- course, of course.
esquely. plaint, p.p. (of plaindre) pitied, etc.
pituitaire, a. (Anat.) pituitary. plainte, /. complaint.
pituite, /. {Méd.) phlegm, mucus, pituite. plaire, v.i. be pleasing, be pleasant, be
pivaiîque, a. pivalic. agreeable. v.r. be pleased (with), be fond
pivette, /. See verre à pivette, at verre. (of), take pleasure (in). — à, please.
pivoine, /. (Bot.) peony (Paeonia). plaisamment, adv. pleasantly; ridiculously.
pivot, m. pivot; pin, stud; spindle, swivel, plaisant, p.a. pleasing, pîeasant, agreeable;
axis, journal; taproot. humorous ; ridiculous. m. humor, fun ;
pivotant, p.a. pivoting; (Bot.) taprooted. joker.
pivotement, m. pivoting ; rotation, spin (as plaisent, pr. S pi. indic. & subj. of plaire.
of électrons). plaisir, m. pleasure.
pivoter, v.i. pivot ; rotate, spin ; hâve a plaît, pr. 3 sing. (of plaire) is pleasing.
taproot. plamage, m. (Leather) unhairing (esp. by
placage, m. plating, etc. (see plaquer) ; lime).
(fig.) patchwork. plamée, /. (Leather) unhairing lîquor, lime
placage, m. placing; selling. bath.
placard, m. placard ; galley proof ; cup- plamer, v.t. (Leather) unhair (esp. by
board. lime).
place, /. place (in various sensés) ; ground ; plamoter, v.t. clean and smooth (sugar loaf
(public) square ; market ; change, ex- bases).
change; merchants, bankers; (Glass) chair, plan, a. plane, planar; even, level. m. plane,
gang (of workmen). faire —, make a place, plane surface ; plate ; plan ; map, plot,
make room, give way. — d'essai, (Agric.) plat, chart, drawing. faire le — de, chart,
sample plot, test plot, sur —, on the spot. diagram, plot. — coupe, sectional plan. —
placement, m. placing ; introduction (of a d'agate, agate bearing (of a balance). —
group into a compound) ; placement, em- de clivage, cleavage plane. — de conduite,
ployment ; adjustment ; investment ; sell- plan of action, policy. — de construction,
ing. working drawing. — de glissement, slip
plane. — de joint, parting plane. — de
placentaire, a. & m. placental. stratification, bedding plane. — de symé-
placer, v.t. place ; put ; adjust (as tools) ; trie, plane of symmetry. — du foyer,
drive in; invest; sell; plant; locate. v.r. focal plane. — graphique, diagram. —
be placed; station oneself; get a position; incliné, inclined plane.
be invested; (of goods) sell. m. (Mining)
placer. planage, m. smoothing, etc. (see planer).
plafond, m. ceiling ; top, crown ; (Mining) planche, /. board; plank; (of métal) plate;
roof; bottom (of a tank, a canal, etc.). au block (for printing); (garden) bed. — à
—, overhead. dessin, drawing board.
plage, /. beach ; shore, coast ; région ; planchéier, v.t. floor; board, plank.
(Radio) band space ; field of vision. plancher, m. floor, flooring; ceiling; plat-
plagièdre, a. (Cryst.) plagihedral. form, stage, stand.
plaider, v.t. plead ; sue. v.i. litigate ; plead. planchette, /. (small) board; tray; plane
plaie, /. wound; sore; plague. table. — à lisser, smoother.
plan-concave, a. (Optics) piano-concave.
plaignant, m. plaintiff, complainant. p. pr. plan-convexe, o. (Optics) plano-convex.
(of plaindre) pitying, etc. plancton, m. (Biol.) plankton.
plain, a. plain, plane, level, even, flat; flush. plane, /. any of several cutting or smooth-
m. lime pit; (Weaving) ground. ing tools, as a paring knife, a drawing
plainage, m. unhairing (esp. by liming). knife, a turning chisel. m. plane, plane
plaindre» v.t. pity ; complain of ; grudge. tree ; Norway maple.
v.r. & i. complain. plané, m. gold foil (esp. for casing a base
plaine, /. plain ; level ; (level) surface ; métal), p.p. (of planer) smoothed, etc.
drawknife. — alcalifère, alkali flat. — planéité, /. evenness, smoothness, flatness.
élevée, elevated plain, plateau. planer, v.t. smooth ; dress ; surface ; plan-
plainer, v.t. (Leather) unhair (esp. with ish (metals) ; flatten ; plane, shave (as
Urne). wood). v.i. soar; glide; look down.
planétaire 342 platine
planétaire, a. planetary. plaquer, v.t. plate; overlay; clad; veneer;
planète, /. planet. plaster; Une, face; lay on (as plaster);
planeur, m. smoother, planisher; (Aero.) lay down (as sods).
glider. plaquette, /. small plate, platelet; thin
planotage, m. (Sugar) soraping smooth the book.
base of a sugar loaf. plasma, plasme, m. plasma, plasm.
plan-relief, m. relief map. plasmode. plasmodie, /. plasmodium.
plansichter, m. plansifter. plasmolyse, /. (Biol.) plasmolysis.
plant, m. plant (for setting out) ; planting, plasmoquine, /. (Pharm.) pamaquirie,
bed. Plasmochin.
plantage, m. planting, etc. (see planter). plasticité, /. plasticity.
plantain, m. (Bot.) plantain (Plantago). — plastifiant, p.a. plasticizing. m. plasticizer.
d'eau, water plantain (Alisma, esp. A. plastifier, v.t. render plastic, plasticité.
plantago-aquatica). plastine, /. (Biol.) plastin.
plantanier, m. plantain (the fruit). plastique, a. plastic. /. modeling.
plantation, /. plantation; planting, etc. plat, a. flat ; level ; even ; (of vessels) silver.
(see planter). m. fiât, flat part; plate; (rigid) sheet;
plante, /. (Bot.) plant; sole (of the foot). dish ; (of a balance) pan, scale. adv. flat,
— alimentaire, food plant. — fibreuse, flatly. à —, flatwise, fiât.
fibrous plant, fiber plant. — fourragère, platane, m. plane tree, plane (Platanus) or
forage plant. — herbacée, herbaceous its wood. — d'Amérique, American plane,
plant, herb. — industrielle, a plant which buttonwood, sycamore (P. occidentalis).
has industrial uses. — ligneuse, woody plateau, m. pan, scale (of a balance) ; plate ;
plant, ligneous plant (a shrub or tree). — disk; slab; board; (Mach.) bed, table,
•potagère, vegetable. — vivace, perennial chuck; tray; plateau, table Iand; plat-
plant. form; shoal; (Glass) the brick bed on
planté, p.a. planted, etc. (see planter); which the pot rests. —• à calottes, — à
erect, standing. coupelles, bubble tray. — annulaire,
planter, v.t. plant; set, set up; put, place. doughnut disk plate (in a fractionating
plantule, /. (Bot.) plantlet, germ, sprout. tower). — collecteur, withdrawal plate. —
plantureux, a. abundànt, copious; fertile. de barbotage, bubble tray. — de soutirage,
planure, /. shavings; turnings; borings. draw-off plate. — de tour, turntable. —
plaque, /. plate; slab; sheet; diaphragm; en chicane, baffle plate. — poucette, a
veneer; badge; décoration; placard, sign; movable balance pan with thumb pièce.
(Med.) patch, spot; (Micros.) plate cul- platée, /. dishful; massive foundation.
ture. — à cavités, spot-test plate. — al- plate-forme, /. platform; low truck (esp.
véolée, (Elec.) grid. — au gélatinobromure, on rails), tram; roadbed (of a railway);
(Photog.) gelatino-bromide plate. — beam; plane, surface.
chauffante, heating plate, hot plate. — platelage, m. flooring, paving, covering.
de blindage, armor plate. — de céramique, platement, adv. flatly, flat.
pottery plate, earthenware plate. — de platibromllydrique, a. bromoplatinic(IV).
fond, base plate, bottom plate. — de platibromure, m. bromoplatinate(IV).
Pétri, Pétri dish. — de pile, battery plate. platichlorhydrique, a. chloroplatinio(IV).
— de tuyère, (Métal. ) twyer plate. — filière,platichlorure, m. chloroplatinate(IV).
drawplate. — filtrante, filter plate. — pel- platihexachlorure, m. chloroplatinate(IV).
liculaire, (Photog.) film. — photogra- platiiodhydrique, a. iodoplatinic(IV).
phique, photographie plate. — porte-objet, platiiodure, m. iodoplatinate(IV).
(Micros.) slide. — sensible, (Photog.) sen- platinage, m. platinizing, platinization;
sitive plate. — souple, (Photog.) film. — specif., platinum plating.
tournante, turntable. platine, m. platinum. /. plate ; platen ;
stage (of a microscope) ; flat, flat part ;
plaqué, m. plated ware, plated métal; plat- table; lock (of a guii). — à chariot,
ing; electroplate ; veneer. p.a. plated, etc. (Micros.) mechanical stage. — de com-
(see plaquer). — galvanique, electroplat- mande, control panel. — en fil, platinum
ing. wire. — en lame, platinum foil. — en
plaqueminier, m. (Bot.) ebony tree livret, platinum leaf (in books). — iridié,
(Diospyros). •— de Virginie, persimmon — iridè, platinum alloyed with iridium,
tree, persimmon (D. virginiana). iridioplatinum. — porte-objet, (Micros.)
platine 343 plomb
slide. — spongieux, spongy platinum, open (or broad) daylight. en — vent, in
platinum sponge. — tournante, revolving the open air. faire le — de, fill up, fill.
stage. — vert, iridioplatinum. pleinement, adv. fully, completely,
platiner, v.t. platinize, platinate, plate or thoroughly.
otherwise eover or treat with platinum. plénier, a. entire, complète, plenary.
platlnellx, a. platinous, platinum(II). plénum, m. plénum (opposed to vacuum).
platinichlorure, m. chloroplatinate, chloro- pléochroïque, a. pleochroic.
platinate(IV). pléochroïsme, m. (Cryst.) pleochroism.
platinide, n. (any) platinum minerai. pléomorphe, a. pleomorphic.
platinifère, a. platiniferous. pléomorphisme, m. pleomorphism.
plat inique, a. platinic, specif. platinum(IV). pléthore, /. plethora.
platiniser, v.t. platinize. pleurer, v.i. weep; (of the eyes) water;
platinocyanure, m. cyanoplatinate(II), bleed (as vines) ; become covered with
cyanoplatinite. moisture (as hides). v.t. weep for, mourn.
platinoïde, m. platinoid (the alloy, or any pleurésie, /. (Med.) pleurisy.
member of the platinum group). pleurétique, a. (Med.) pleuritic.
platinotypie, /. (Photog.) platinotype. pleuvoir, v.i. rain.
platinotypique, o. (Photos.) platinotype. plèvre, /. (Anat.) pleura.
platinure, /. platinizing, platinization. pli, m. fold; ply; plait; crease; wrinkle;
platlthiocyanate, m. thiocyanatoplatinate- envelope, cover; letter; document, paper;
(IV). bend (as of the arm) ; bent, direction ; in-
platobromure, m. bromoplatinate(II). equality (in the ground). — cacheté, sealed
platochlorhydrique, a. chloroplatinic(II). communication, sealed document (e.g., one
platochlorure, m. ohloroplatinate(II). deposited with a scientinc society to estab-
platocyanhydrique, a. cyanoplatinio(II). lish the priority for a discovery without
platocyanure, m. cyanoplatinate(II). revealing it at the time).
platonitrite. m. nitroplatinate(II). pliable, a. pliable; foldable.
platooxalate, m. oxalatoplatinate(II). pliage, m. folding, bending, etc. (see plier).
platooxalique, a. oxalatoplatinic(II). pliant, a. pliant, pliable, p.a. folding, etc.
platosulfocyanure, m. thiocyanatoplati- (see plier), m. folding chair.
nate(II)- plier, v.t. fold; bend; plait, double; fold
platothlocyanate, m. thiocyanatoplatinate- up. v.r. be folded; be bent; bend; yield.
(II). v.i. fold ; bend ; curve ; sink ; sag ; yield.
plâtrage, m. plastering, plasterwork. — en quatre, fold in quarters, fold twice.
plâtras, m. old plaster. plieur, m., plieuse, /. folder.
plâtre, m. plaster (esp. plaster of Paris) ; Pline, m. Pliny (l'Ancien, the Elder; le
gypsum ; plaster cast ; plaster objeet. — Jeune, the Younger).
aluné, Keene's cément. — blanc, white plinger, v.t. dip, plunge.
plaster, specif. a pure variety of plaster of plissage, m. plaiting; folding.
Paris. — cru, unburned gypsum. — cuit, plissement, m. plaiting; corrugation;
burned gypsum. — de moulage, — de (Geol.) folding, fold.
Paris, — fin, plaster of Paris. plisser, v.t. plait; corrugate (as metals);
plâtreau, m. plaster stone in broken pièces. fold ; wrinkle. v.r. be plaited ; be corru-
plâtre-ciment, m. hydraulic lime. gated; crease, wrinkle. v.i. form plaits;
plâtrer, v.t. plaster. crease.
plàtrerie, /. plastering, plasterwork. plissotement, m. (Geol.) crumpling.
plâtreux, o. (of soil, etc.) gypseous; chalky. plissure, /. plaiting.
plâtrier, m. plasterer; gypsum burner. pliure, /. folding, fold.
plâtrlère, /. plaster kiln; gypsum quarry. ploc, m. hair (from the cow, the dog, etc.);
pléiade, /. pleiad. waste wool; sheathing felt (for ships).
plein, a. full; solid; "whole, entire; (of plocage, m. carding (of wool).
wood) close-grained ; (of air, fields, etc.) ploie, pr. S sing. (of ployer) bends, etc.
open; the middle of; pregnant. m. full, plomb, m. lead; shot; lump of lead; plum-
fullness; full amount; plénum (as opposed met, lead; lead seal; (Elec.) fuse; (Prmt-
to a vacuum) ; thickness ; solid part ; full ing) forms; poisonous gas, specif. hydro-
stroke; middle. de — saut, ail at once, gen sulfide. à —, plumb, vertically, up-
suddenly. en —, full, in the middle. en right. — aigre, = plomb dur. — anti-
— air, in the open air. en — jour, in monié, lead containing antimony, hard
plomb 344 ployure
lead. — blanc, white lead; (Old Chem.) plomb-gomme, n. (Min.) plumbogummite.
tin. — blanchit lead alloyed with tin. — plombi-argentifère, a. containing lead and
brûle, lead ashes, litharge. — carbonate, silver.
carbonate of lead. — cendré, (Old Chem.) plombichlor hydrique, a. chloroplumbic-
bismuth. — chromaté, lead chromate. — (IV).
corné, (Min.) phosgenite ; (Old Chem.) plombichlorure, m. chloroplumbate(IV).
horn lead (lead chloride). — de chasse, plombide, n. (any) lead minerai.
shot. — de garantie, lead, lead seal. — plombier, a. of or pertaining to lead or
de mer, (Min.) molybdenite. — de sonde, lead working. m. plumber.
plummet. — d'essai, assay lead. — de plombifère, a. containing lead, plumbifer"-
sûreté, safety plug, fusible plug. — ous.
d'œuvre, lead bullion, raw lead (usually plombihexachlorhydrique, a. chloro-
containing silver) ; lead goods, lead ware. plumbic(IV).
— doux, soft lead, refined lead. — dur, plombihexachlorure, m. chloroplumbate-
hard lead (e.g., containing antimony). — (IV).
durci, hardened lead. — en feuille, sheet plombihexahydroxyde, m. hydroxoplum-
lead. — en fil, lead wire. — en grains, bate.
finely granulated lead ; bird shot. — en plombique, a. plumbic, specif. lead(IV);
lame, lead in plates, plated lead. — en of lead, lead.
rouleaux, sheet lead in rolls. — en saumon, plombite, m. plumbite.
pig lead. — en tôle, sheet lead. — filé, plomb-mère, m. lead rich in silver, ob-
lead wire. — frais, refined lead. — fusible, tained in the Pattinson process.
(Elec.) fuse, fuse wire ; fusible plug. — plombo-argentifère, a. = plombi-argenti-
gomme, (Min.) plumboresinite. — granulé, fère.
granulated lead ; shot, — jaune, yellow plombo-ciiivreux, a. of or containing lead
lead ore, wulfenite. — laminé, sheet lead, and copper.
rolled lead. — marchand, merchant lead. plombo-cuprifère, a. containing lead and
— mou, soft lead. — phosphoreux, (Min.) copper.
pyromorphite. — pour essais, assay lead. plombogomme, m., -gommite, /. (Min.)
— raffiné, refined lead. — rouge, red lead, plumboresinite.
minium. — rouge de Sibérie, (Min.) red plomb ogommite, /. (Afin.) plumbogum-
lead ore, crocoite, crocoisite (lead chro- mite.
mate). — sélénié, lead selenide, (Min.) plomb-phényle, m. tetraphenyllead.
clausthalite. — spathique, (Min.) cerus- plomb-tétraéthyle, m. tetraethyllead.
site. — sulfaté, sulfate of lead. — sul- plongé, p. pr. (of plonger) plunged, etc.
furé, lead sulfide, (Min.) galena. — tel- plongeant, p.a. plunging, etc. (see plonger) ;
lure, lead telluride. — tétraéthylique, tetra- downward, descending.
ethyllead. — vert, green lead ore, pyro- plongée, /. plunge, dive; dip, slope.
morphite. plongement, m, plunging ; dip ; pitch.
plombage, m. leading ; plumbing ; sealing plongeon, m. plunge, dive; diver (bird).
(with lead); (Ceram.) application of lead plonger, v.t. plunge ; dip (as candies) ;
glaze; (dental) filling; nonplastic sédiment (Métal.) quench. v.r. plunge; dive. v.i.
(in tempering clay). plunge, dive ; dip ; look down.
plombagine, /. plumbago, graphite, black plongeur, m. plunger; dipper; diver; div-
lead. ing apparatus ; dishwasher. a. plunging ;
plombaginer, v.t. blacklead. diving. — à barrette, plunging bar, plung-
ing rod, bar plunger,
plombé, p.a. leaded; plumbed; leaden, livid. ploque, /. = ploc.
plomber, v.t. lead (apply lead or lead glaze plot, m. block; plug; stud; segment. — de
to, etc.); plumb, sound; seal (with lead); contact, (Elec.) contact pièce, contact.
calk. v.r. & i. become livid or lead-col- pi. ou m., abbrev. (plus ou moins) more
ored. or less.
plomberie, /. lead working, plumbing; lead ployable, a. flexible, pliable.
works; plumber's shop. ployage, m. bending, etc. (see ployer).
plomb-éthyle, m. tetraethyllead. ployer, v.t. bend; bow; fold. v.r. be bent;
plombeur, m. sealer; (heavy) roller. bend; yield; be folded. v.i. bend; bow;
plomb eux, a. plumbous, specif. lead(II) ; fold ; yield.
of lead, lead. ployure, /. fold; bend.
plu 345 point
plu, p.p. of plaire and of pleuvoir. foundry ladle. — à cristaux, géode, vug,
pïuche, /. plush. druse. — à huile, (Mach.) oil pan. — et
pluie, /. rain ; shower. laitier, slag ladle, slag pot. — à main,
plumb-. See plomb-. hand ladle.
plume, /. peu ; quill ; f eather ; f eathers ; pochette, /. small pocket ; pouch ; pocket
plume. — à dessin, drawing pen. — case or kit ; packet.
réservoir, fountain pen. pochoir, m. stencil.
plume ux, a. feathery, plumose. pochon, m. ladle; (Distilling) a cup having
plumotage, m. (Sugar) dressing the clay. a dish-like base to which a handle is at-
plupart, /. most part, greatest part, most, tached ; shovel.
majority, most people. la — du temps, podophylle, m. (Bot.) Podophyllum.
most of the time, generally. pour la —, podophyllin, podophylline, /. podophyllin.
for the most part, mostly. poêle, m, stove ; heater ; pall. /. shallow
pluralité, /. plurality ; greatest number ; pan with handle (as for frying) ; pot ;
multiplicity ; {Grammar) plural. kettle. — en faïence, tile stove.
plurent, p. def. 3 pi. (of plaire) pleased. poêlon, m. small pan with handle, sauce-
pluriel, a. & m. (Grammar) plural. pan.
plurivalence, /. multivalence, polyvalence. poésie, /. poetry.
plurivalent, a. multivalent, polyvalent. poids, m. weight; gravity; load, burden. —
plurivariant, a. multivariant. atomique, atomic weight. — à vide, weight
plus, adv. more; most; longer; besides, in in vacuum; weight empty. — brut, gross
addition, also; (with an implied négative) weight. — cavalier, rider. — curseur, slid-
no more. m. most, maximum, utmost ; ing weight. — divisionnaire, fractional
more; plus sign ( + ). au —, at rnost, at weight. — excédant, excess weight, over-
best, scarcely. de —, more, besides, in weight. — faible, light weight, short
addition, moreover. de — en —, more and weight. — mobile, sliding weight. —
more, en —, besides. en — de, in addition moléculaire, molecular weight. — molécu-
to. — de, no more of. — haut, higher; laire élevé, high molecular weight. — mort,
above. — loin, farther ; farther on. — ou dead weight, dead load. — net, net
moins, more or less. gui —, qui moins, weight. — spécifique, spécifie gravity.
some more, some less. sans —, without poignée, /. handful ; handle ; grip, stock,
more, without further; and no more. hilt, ear, etc. ; holder (for hot things) ;
plusieurs, a. & m. pi. several, many. à — hand cîasp, handshake.
reprises, several times, repeatedly. p o i g n e n t , pr. 3 pi. (of poindre) appear.
plus-value, /. increase, increase in value; poignet, m. wrist ; wristband.
gain ; excess ; premium. poil, m. hair ; bristle ; nap, pile ; coat (of
plut, p. def. S sing. of plaire and of pleuvoir.animais). — de chameau, camel's hair. —
plutonien, plutonique, a. (Geol.) Plutonic, de chèvre, goat's hair. — de laitier, — de
Plutonian, (of rocks) igneous. scorie, slag wool.
plutôt, adv. rather. poileux, poilu, a. hairy, shaggy.
pluviaire, a. of rain, pluvial; glacial (pe- poinçon, m. point, awl, bodkin, pricking
riod). punch ; stamp, die, punch ; puncheon ;
pluvial, o. of rain, rain; (Geol.) pluvial. (Mach. ) vertical arbor, post.
pluvieux, a. rainy. poinçonnage, poinçonnement, m. stamp-
P.M., p.mol., abbrev. (poids moléculaire) ing, marking, punching.
molecular weight, mol. wt. poinçonner, v.t. stamp, mark, punch; gage.
pneu, m. pneumatic tire. poinçonneuse, /. punching machine.
pneumatique, a. pneumatic. m. pneumatic poindre, v.i. appear; dawn. v.t. sting.
tire. /. pneumatics. poing, m. Est; hand.
pneumatiquement, adv. pneumatïcally. point, m. point (in various sensés) ; dot ;
pneumatochimie, /. the chemistry of gases. period ; speck, spot ; fine bubble (in glass) ;
pneumatochimique, a. relating to the mark ; position ; point of view ; stitch ;
chemistry of gases, pneumatochemical. (Mach.) center. adv. (with or without ne)
pneumocoque, m. (Bact.) pneumococcus. not at ail, no indeed, no, none, not any.
pneumonie, /. (Med.) pneumonia. pr. S sing. (of poindre) appears. à —, on
poche, /. pocket; pouch; bag, sack; (Anat., the dot, just in time; to a nicety. au —,
etc.) sac; ladle; pothole; {Métal.) pipe. in focus. de — en —, exactly, in every
— à couler, — de coulée, casting ladle, détail, mettre au —, bring to a focus,
point 346 poix
focus ; adjust ; tune ; make practicable, Bessemer converter, or a steelyard bob. en
perfect, effect. — critique, critical point. —, pear-shaped, pyriform. — à feu,
— d'amorçage, starting point. — d'appui, (Pyro.) smoke bail. — d'aspiration, as-
supporting point; support; fulcrum (of a pirating bulb. — en caoutchouc, rubber
lever) ; center of motion (as of a bal- bulb ; rubber bottle.
ance). — d'aspect, point of view. — poiré, m. perry, fermented pear juice.
d'êbullition, boiling point. — d'éclair, flash poireau, m. leek; (Med.) wart.
point. — de concours, (Optics) point of poirée, /. chard, Swiss chard.
convergence. — de congélation, freezing poirier, m. pear (tree or wood).
point. — de départ, point of departure, pois, m. pea; pellet. — à cautères, (Pharm.)
starting point, initial point. — de fiuage, issue pea. — à gratter, = pois velus. —
flow point ; creepage point. — de froid, cassés, split peas. — chiche, chick-pea
freezing point. — de fuite, vanishing (Cicer arietinum). — d'iris, orris root pel-
point. — de fusion, melting point. — de let, issue pea. — fulminant, priming, pel-
gravité, center of gravity. — de jonction, let primer; toy torpédo. — velus, cowhage
meeting point. — de mouvement, center of (Mucuna pruriens).
motion. — de repère, référence point, poison, m. poison. — des flèches, arrow
datum point or mark; bencfa mark. — de poison. — du cœur, cardiac poison. —
ro&ée, dew point. — de trouble, cloud sagittaire, arrow poison.
point. — d'eutexie, eutectic point. — de poissement, m» pitching, coating with pitch.
vue, point of view; point of sight; focus. poisser, v.t. pitch, coat with pitch; soil.
— d'ignition, burning point, fire point. — poisseux, a. sticky; pitchy, pitchlike.
d'inflammabilité, flash point. — d'inflexion, poisson, m. fish.
point of inflection, flex point. — directeur, poissonière, /. (Sugar) clearing pan, clari-
guide point. — du tout, not at ail. — fier; fish kettle.
figuratif, a point which represents some - poissonnure, /. glue from sheepskin scraps.
thing in a diagrarn. — fixe, fixed point ; poitrine, /. chest; breast; lungs; breast (of
datum; fulcrum. — géométrique, geomet- a furnace), hearth.
rical point. — mort, dead point, dead poivre, m. pepper. — à queue, cubeb. —
center. — radieux, (Optics) radiant point. de Cayenne, Cayenne pepper. — de Guinée,
points courants, dotted line. — sec, end Guinea pepper (Capsicum annuum). — de
point (in distillation). la Jamaïque, Jamaica pepper, allspice. —
pointage, m. check, check mark, tally ; des murailles, wall pepper, common stone-
pointing, aiming. crop (Sedum acre). — d'Espagne, —
pointe, /. point (in various sensés); top, d'Inde, Cayenne pepper, red pepper. — du
tip, apex; peak; nail, brad, tack, pin; bit; Japon, Chinese pepper (Zanthoxylum pi-
small quantity, dash, touch ; break (of peritum). — noir, black pepper.
day), dawn. en —, in a point, in the form poivré, p.a. peppery; pungent; peppered.
of a point, pointed. — de Paris, wire nail. poivrer, v.t. pepper.
pointeau, m. center punch, prick punch ; poivrette, /. black caraway (Nigella sativa)
needle valve ; needle (of a needle valve) ; or its carminative seeds.
needle-valve stopcock. poivrier, m. (Bot.) pepper (Piper); pepper
pointement, m. appearance ; outcrop (as box. — d'Amérique, pepper tree (Schinus
of ores) ; check, check mark. molle).
pointer, v.t. prick, pierce, stick, stab ; poix, /. pitch. — blanche, white pitch, Bur-
check, check off, tally, mark; mark out; gundy pitch (esp. a kind made from
point (as a télescope), v.i. spring up, galipot). — de Bourgogne, Burgundy pitch.
shoot, appear; rise, soar; rear. — de brasserie, brewer's pitch. — de cor-
pointillage, pointillement, m. dotting ; donnier, shoemaker's pitch (or wax). —
stippling, stipple. de houille, coal-tar pitch. — de Judée, =
pointillé, p.a. dotted; stippled. m. dotting, poix juive. — des Vosges, Burgundy pitch.
dotted line, dots; stippling. — grasse, liquid pitch (a mixture of wood
pointiller, v.t. dot; stipple. v.i. stipple; tar and rosin). — juive, Jew's pitch, bi-
cavil. tumen of Judea. — liquide, tar. — mi-
pointu, a. pointed ; sharp. nérale, minerai pitch, asphalt. — navale,
point-virgule, m. semicolon. wood tar and resin used for calking, tar-
poire, /. pear ; pear-shaped object, as a ring cordage, etc. — noire, black pitch,
rubber bulb, an electric lamp bulb, a common pitch. — sèche, hard pitch, stone
poix 347 pommade
pitch ; rosin. — terrestre, minerai pitch. polyazoïque, o. polyazo.
— végétale, wood pitch. polyazoté, a. containing more than one
poix-résine, /. rosin; resin. nitrogen atom.
polaire, a. polar. /. (.cap.) Polaria, North polybasique, o. polybasic.
Star. polychloré, o. polychloro.
polarimètre, m. polarimeter. polychroïque, a. pleochroic, polychroic.
polarlmétrique, a. polarimetric. polychroïsme, m. pleochroism, polychroism.
polarimétriquement, adv. polarimetrically. polychromie, /. color photography; poly-
polarisable, a. polarizable. chromy.
polarisant, p.a. polarizing. polycopie, /. manifolding device or proeeas;
polarisateur, a. polarizing. m. polarizer. specif., hectograph, hectography.
polarisation, /. polarization, polarizing. — polycopier, v.t. manifold ; hectograph.
rotatoire, rotatory polarization. polycyclique, a. polycyclic.
polariscopique, a. polariscopic. polyédral, o. (Geom.) polyhedral.
polarisé, p.a. polarized. polyèdre, m. {Geom.) polyhedron. a. poly-
polariser, v.t. polarize. v.r. be polarized. hedral. — tronqué, frustum.
polariseur, m. polarizer. a. polarizing. polyédrique, a. (Geom.) polyhedral, poly-
polarité, /. polarity. hedric.
polarographe, m. polarograph. polygale, polygala, m. {Bot.) milkwort
polarographie, /. polarography. (Polygala). — de Virginie, Senega root,
polarographique, a. polarographie. snakeroot (.Polygala senega or its root).
pôle, m. pôle. — austral, (Magnetism) polygénique, o. polygenic; polygenetic.
north-seekjng pôle. —• boréal, (.Magnetism)polygone, m. polygon. a. polygonal.
south-seeking pôle; (Geography) North polymère, m. polymer. o. polymeric.
Pôle, pôles de même nom, similar pôles. polymérie, /. polymerism.
pôles de nom contraire, opposite pôles. polymérique, a. polymeric.
polémique, a. polemie(al). m. polemic. polymérisat, m. polymerizate.
poli, p.a. ponshed; bright; polite. m. pol- polymérisation} /. polymerization.
ish ; gloss ; poïishing. polymériser, v.t. & i. polymerâe.
police, /. policy ; police ; publie .order ; rules polymérisme, m. polymerism.
of order; bill, list. — d'assurance, insur- polyméthylénique, a. polymethylene.
ance policy. polymorphe, a. polymorphous.
poliment, m. poïishing; polish. adv. po- polymorphisme, m., polymorphie, /.
litely. polymorphism, polymorphy.
polir, v.t. polish; burnish. v.r. be ponshed. polynitré, a. polynitro, polynitro-.
polissable, a. polishable. polynôme, m. polynomial.
polissage, polissement, m, poïishing; pol- polynucléaire, a. polynuclear.
ish. polyol, m. polyhydric alcohol or phénol.
polisseur, m. polisher, one who pohshes. polyolal, m. aldose.
polissoir, m. pohsher, burnisher, poïishing polyoside, m. polysaccharide, polyose.
tool or machine; (.Powder) glazing barrel. polyphasé, a. (Elec.) polyphasé, multiphaee.
polissoire, /. polisher; poïishing brush. polysaccharide, polysaccharure, m. poly-
polissure, /. poïishing; polish. saecharide, polyose.
politique, o. political; politic. /. policy; polysOieique, a. polysilicic.
poh'tics. m. politician. polysulfure, m. polysulfide.
politiquement, adv. politically; politicly. polysulfuré, a. polysulfide of.
poUinique, a. pollen, pollinic. polytechnique, o. polyteohnic.
polluer, v.t. pollute. polytérébénique, a. polyterpene.
Pologne, /. Poland. polyurie, /. (Med.) polyuria.
polonais, a. Polish, of Poland or the Pôles. polyvalence, /. multivalenoe(-cy) polyva-
polonifère, o. containing polonium. lence(-cy).
polyacide, a. polyacid. polyvalent, o. multivalent, polyvalent.
polyalcool, m. polyalcohol. pommade, /. pomade, pomatum, (Pharm.)
polyarsénié, a. containing more than one ointment; rouge. (For phrases see also
arsenic atom. under onguent.) — antipsorique, alkaline
polyatomicité, /. polyatomicity. sulfur ointment. — au goudron, pime tar
polyatomique, o. polyatomic; (of alcohols) ointment. ^ au phénol, phénol omtment,
polyhydroxy. ointment of phenoL — au précipité, mer-
pommade 348 ponctuel
curial ointment. — basilicum, rosin cerate, pompage, m. pumping ; sucking, sucking
basilicon ointment. — belladonée, bella- up, exhaustion.
donna ointment. — boriquêe, boric acid pompe, /. pump ; syringe; pomp. — à air,
ointment. — camphrée, camphor ointment. air pump. — à air par jet d'eau, water
— citrine, mercurie nitrate ointment, citrine jet air pump. — à bière, béer pump. —
ointment. — créosotée, créosote ointment. à boue, mud pump, slush pump. — à
— d'acide phénique, = pommade au phénol. bras, hand pump. — à feu, — à incendie,
— de baleine, spermaceti ointment. — de fire engine. — à huile, oil pump. — à
calomel, mercurous chloride ointment, oint- jet, jet pump. — alimentaire, feed pump.
ment of calomel. — de céruse, lead car- — à mercure, mercury pump. — à moteur,
bonate ointment. — de chloramidure de motor-driven pump. — à piston, piston
mercure, ammoniated mercury ointment. pump. — à pneumatique, tire pump. —
— de deutoiodure de mercure, mercurie à pression, pressure pump, compression
iodide ointment. — de grande ciguë, pump. — aspirante, suction pump. — à
conium ointment. — de noix de galle, nut- vapeur, steam pump. — à vide, vacuum
gall ointment. — de piment des jardins, pump. — à volant, pump with flywheel
capsicum ointment, ointment of capsicum. (esp. a vacuum pump worked by hand).
— de potassium ioduré, iodine ointment. — centrifuge, centrifugal pump. — d'ali-
— de poudre de Goa, chrysarobin ointment. mentation, feed pump. — de Gay-Lussac,
— de précipité rouge, red mercurie oxide a simple hand pump for suction and pres-
ointment, red precipitate ointment. — de sure. — de robinet, glass-blowing machine.
Saturne, lead subacetate cerate, Goulard's — dickmaische, ' (Brewing) thick-mash
cerate. — de tannin, tannic acid ointment. pump. — élévatoire, lift pump. — fou-
— d'iode, iodine ointment. — dite de lante, — refoulante, pressure pump, force
Lyon, red mercurie oxide ointment. — dite pump, blast pump, compressor, blower. —
d'Helmérich, alkaline sulfur ointment. — rotative, rotary pump. — suceuse, suction
d'oléate d'aconitine, aconitine ointment. pump.
— d'oléate de cocaïne, cocaine ointment. pomper, v.t. pump; suck, suck up; ex-
— èpispastique, cantharides cerate, plaster haust. v.i. pump.
of cantharidin. — èpispastique au garou, pomperie, /. pumping station.
an ointment prepared from the bark of pompeux, o. stately; pompous.
spurge flax. — grise, mild mercurial oint- pompier, m. fireman; pumper; pump maker
ment. — hongroise, a stiff ointment con- or man.
taining much wax. — mercurielle à parties ponçage, m. pumicing ; pouncing ; sand-
égales, strong mercurial ointment. — mer- papering.
curielle composée, compound ointment of ponce, /. pumice, pumice stone ; pounce ;
mercury. — mercurielle faible, mild mer- ink made from lampblack and oil. a.
curial ointment. — napolitaine, strong pumice. — phosphorique, pumice mois-
mercurial ointment. — onguent, an oint- tened with phosphoric acid. — potassique,
ment containing resins. — phéniquée, pumice moistened with caustïc potash solu-
phénol ointment, ointment of phénol. — tion. — sulfurique, pumice moistened with
prophylactique au calomel, mild mercurous sulfuric acid.
chloride ointment. — salicylée, ointment
of salicylic acid. — simple, simple oint- ponceau, m. (Dyes) ponceau; (Bot.) corn
ment, white or yellow ointment. — soufrée, poppy; scarlet color like that of the corn
sulfur ointment, ointment of sulfur. — poppy ; small bridge, culvert. a. corn-
stibiê, antimonial ointment, tartar emetic poppy red, poppy-colored.
ointment. — zincique, zinc oxide ointment. poncer, v.t. pumice, rub with pumice ;
pounce ; sandpaper.
p o m m e , /. apple; (Bot.) pome; head (as of ponceuse, /. sanding machine, sander. a.
lettuce); knob, bail; rosé (of a sprinkler); fem. (of ponceux) pumiceous.
pommel. — d'arrosoir, sprinkling rosé, ponceux, a. pumiceous.
rosehead. — de pin, pine cône. — de ponchon, m. puncheon, large cask.
reinette, pippin. — de terre, potato. — ponction, /. puncture, piercing, tapping.
de terre sucrée, sweet potato. — épineuse, ponctionner, v.t. tap, puncture, pierce.
thorn apple (Datura, esp. D. stramonium). ponctuage, m. (Ceram.) dotting, spottiness.
— sauvage, crab apple, wild apple. ponctuation, /. punctuation; punctuation
pommelle, /. grating (of a pipe); strainer. mark; dotting, dot.
pommier, m. apple tree. ponctuel, a. punctual.
ponctuer 349 portée
ponctuer, v.t. punctuate; dot. porosité, /. porosity, porousness.
pondérabilité, /. ponderability. porphine, /. porphine.
pondérable, a. pondérable, weighable. porphyre, m. (Petrog.) porphyry; (Pharm.)
pondéral, a. of or pertaining to weight, muller or slab of porphyry for triturating
by weight, pondéral; (of analytical meth- drugs.
ods) gravimétrie. porphyre, a. resembling porphyry.
ponderalement, adv. by weight ; gravi - porphyrine, /. porphyrin.
metrically. porphyrique, a. porphyritic.
pondération, /. balancing, balance, equi- porphyrisation, /. grinding (with a muller),
librium, poise. trituration.
pondéré, p.a. well balanced. porphyriser, v.t. grind (with a muller).
pondérer, v.t. balance, poise. porphyriseur, m. muller.
pondéreux, a. ponderous. porreau, m. leek; (Med.) wart.
pondre, v.t. & i. lay (eggs). port, m. carrying ; carriage ; tonnage, bur-
pont, m. bridge (in various sensés) ; crâne ; den (of boats) ; port, harbor ; gâte. — de
deck. — d'allumage, spark gap. — lettre, postage.
d'échappement, (Métal.) fiue bridge. — portabilité, /. portability.
de chargement, loading (or charging) plat- portable, a. portable ; wearable.
form. — de la chauffe, (Métal.) fire bridge. portage, m. carriage; (Mach.) bearing.
— de Wheatstone, (Elec. ) Wheatatone portance, /. (Aew.) lift.
bridge. portant, m. handle; support; prop; (of a
ponte» A laying (of 'eggs); laying season. magnet) armature, p.a. bearing, etc. (see
ponté, a. (of a bond, atom or group) bridg- porter).
ing, bridge; bridged. portatif, a. portable; hand; pocket.
pontil, m. punty, pontée, pontil (an iron porte, /. door; gâte; entrance. a. (Anat.)
rod used in handling glass) ; small mass portai. — à coulisse, sliding door. — ar-
of glass used to fasten the main mass to rière, rear door, back door. ~ avant, front
the punty; small glass used in polishing door. — battante, swinging door. — de
mirrors; flare (as of a beaker). charge, — de chargement, charging door.
pont-roulant, m. traveling crâne. — de chauffe, — de foyer, fire door. —
populaire, a. popular. ?n. populace. de travail, working door, working hole. —
populairement, adv. popularly. de visite, inspection door. — du foyer, fire
populariser, v.t. popularize. door. — vitrée, glazed door, glass door.
populeux, a. populous. porté, p.a. borne, etc. (see porter).
populine, /., populoside, m. populin. porte-. A combiinng form used freely in
porc, m. hog, pig, swine ; pork ; (Métal.) forming compound words and meaning (1)
slag containing ore. in nouns, holder, carrier, support, case,
porcelaine, /. porcelaîn, china ; cowrie stand, etc.; (2) in adjectives, holding, sup-
(shell). — à feu, fireproof porcelain, fire- porting, carrying, bearing.
resisting porcelain. — d'amiante, asbestos porte-allumettes, m. match box, match
porcelain (a hard préparation of asbestos case.
with a binding agent, used esp. for filters). porte-amorce, m. primer holder.
— dégourdie, biscuit porcelain, unglazed porte-ampoule, m. (Elec.) lamp holder.
porcelain. — de ménage, household china. porte-balai, m. broomstick; (Mec.) brush
— de Réaumur, devitrified glass. — de holder.
Saxe, Saxon porcelain. — de Sèvres, porte-bec, m. burner support, burner
Sèvres porcelain. — dure, hard porcelain. hoîder.
— frittée, frit porcelain, soft porcelain. — porte-bombes, m. (Aero.) bomb rack.
mate, unglazed porcelain. — poreuse, un- porte-caoutchouc, a. suitable for the at-
glazed porcelain, biscuit ware. — tendre, tachment of a rubber tube.
soft porcelain. porte-charbon, m. (Elec.) Carbon holder.
porcelainier, m. porcelain maker. a. of or porte-cigare, m. oigar holder.
pertaining to porcelain. porte-couteaux, m. knife case, knife box.
porcelané, porcelanique, a. porcelaneous, porte-creusets, m. crucible support.
porcelanic. portée, /. range; reach, extent, distance,
porc-épic, m. porcupine. span ; importance, significance ; position ;
porée, /. molding earth. discharge, delivery (as of water) ; (Mach.)
poreux» a. porous; (Métal.) blistered. bearing, bearing surface; litter, brood; ges-
portée 350 pot
tation ; (musical) staff, à — de, à la — porte-verre, m. glass holder; lens holder.
de, within range (or reach) of. portillon, m. small door or gâte ; specif.,
porte-feu, m. flame passage ; igniter. a. the working door of a puddling furnace.
fire - transmitting. portion, /. portion, share, part.
portefeuille» m. portfolio, brief case, en —, portland, m. Portland cernent. — naturel,
in manuscript, unpublished. natural hydraulic cernent.
porte-filtre, m. filter support, specif. an porto, m. port wine, port.
annular funnel holder to be laid on a portugais, a. & m. Portuguese.
beaker. a. carrying or supporting a filter. posage, m. placing, etc. (see poser).
porte-foret, m. drill holder, drill. pose, /. placing, laying, setting, setting up,
porte-g raine S, o. seed-bearing. putting up; stationing; (Photog.) exposure,
porte-lames, m. {Micros.) slide support. specif. time exposure ; (Mach.) seating ;
porte-loupe, porte-loupe s, m. lens holder, attitude, pose ; shift (of workmen). —
magnifying-glass stand. continue, (Photog.) time exposure.
porte-manchon, m. mantle holder (in a pose-mètre, m. (Photog.) exposure meter.
burner). poser, v.t. place, lay, put, set; set up, put
porte-mèche, m. wick holder; (Mach.) bit up ; set down, put down ; suppose, grant ;
holder. establish. v.r. be placed ; pose. v.i. bear,
porte-miroir, m. mirror holder, mirror sup- rest ; pose.
port. poseur, m. placer, layer, etc. (see poser);
porte-nitrate, m. a holder for silver nitrate fitter; craftsman.
used in cauterizing, caustic holder, positif, a. âc m. positive.
porte-objectif, m. (Micros.) nosepiece. position, /. position; status. — favorisée,
porte-Objet, m. object holder; microscopic favored position.
slide; stage (of a microscope), o. object- positivement, adv. positively.
holding. positivité, /. positivity.
porte-outil, m. tool holder. posologie, /. (Med., etc.) posology.
porte-pièce, m. work holder. a. work-hold- posséder, v.t. possess ; own ; hâve ; know
ing. well, be master of.
porte-pierre, m. = porte-nitrate. possesseur, m. possessor, owner, holder.
porte-plaque (s), m. (Photog.) plate possibilité, /. possibility ; capability.
holder. possible, a. possible, m. possible; best, ut-
porte-plume, m. penholder. most. adv. possibly, perhaps. au —, ex-
porter, v.t. bear ; support, hold ; carry ; tremely.
convey, take, bring ; wear ; turn, direct ; possiblement, adv. possibly.
put ; give, deliver ; measure ; cause ; in- poste, /. mail; post office; post. m. post,
fluence, dispose, incline ;. enter, inscribe ; station ; situation ; shift, turn (for work-
state, say ; rate ; elect ; enact (a law) ; men) ; equipment, set. faire sa —, (Glass)
pass (judgment). v.r. be borne, be sup- finish gathering the métal and give it a
ported, be carried, etc.; go, move; turn; preliminary blowing (said of a glassblower's
tend ; be (as to health.) ; présent oneself ; assistant). — émetteur, sending station. —
act (as), v.i. bear; rest; carry; reach; récepteur, receiving station or set.
strike, hit; fall; happen, occur; take ef- post-effet, m. after-effect.
fect; win. m. porter (the beverage); wear. poster, v.t. post, station, place.
— à faux, be out of plumb ; overhang. — postérieur, a. posterior; hind, back; îater.
à la tête, (of wine, etc.) go to the head. postérieurement, adv. subsequently.
— au rouge, heat to redness. — coup, take postérité, /. posterity.
effect, tell ; strike a blow. — malheur, postface, /. notice at the end of a book.
bring bad luck. post-glaciaire, a. (Geol.) postglacial.
porte-tubes, m. tube holder, tube support, posthume, a. posthumous.
esp. a basket to hold tubes to be sterilized. postiche, a. artificial, false; temporary, pro-
porteur, m. carrier (e.g., of oxygen) ; bearer; visional ; superadded ; superfluous. m. wig.
holder; porter, a. supporting. postulant, m. applicant ; candidate.
porte-vases, m. beaker holder, vessel holder, postulat, m. postulate.
Specif. a vessel for holding the beakers for posture, /. posture, position.
&n immersion refractometer. pot, m, pot ; pitcher, jug ; jar, crock ;
porte-vent, m. blast pipe; twyer, tuyère; crucible; can, tin. — à boulet, a clay or
mouth tube. clay-lined receiver for the fused antimony
pot 351 potiron
sulfide in one process of separating it by potassitnètre, m. an instrument (hy-
liquation. — à brai, pitch pot, pitch ket- drometer ? ) for determining the purity of
tle. — à colle, glue pot. — à eau, water potash.
pifccher ; (Pyro.) water cartridge. — à potassique, a. potassium, oî or containing
feu, any of several old pyrotechnie devices, potassium, (sometimes) potassie ; of or
fire pot, stinkpot, etc. — à fumée, (Pyro.) containing potash.
smoke compartment ; (Mil.) smoke gen- potazote, m. a nitrogen-potash fertilizer.
erator; smudge pot. — à recuire, — de T.N.
cémentation, casehardening box. — pot-ban, pot-blanc, m. a low, wide-
d'échappement, silencer, muflier. — de mouthed bottle.
fusée, (Pyro.) rocket cylinder ; rocket head. pot-de-vin, m. bonus.
— de fusion, melting pot, crucible. — poteau, m. post, pôle.
fumigène, smoke generator. — Ruggten, potée, /. potful; putty; polishing powder;
(Pyro.) Bengal light. (Founding) luting loam. — de fer, — de
potabllité, /. potability, drinkableness. rouille, iron putty, rust putty. — d'émeri,
potable, a. potable, drinkable. emery dust, emery slime. — de montagne,
potage, m. soup. ground pumice. — d'étain, putty powder
potager, a. kitchen, culinary; (Métal.} re- (stannic oxide or a mixture of this with
lating to pots or crucibles. m. kitchen lead oxides) ; an alloy of tin and lead
garden, vegetable garden. which is burned to form putty powder.
potassane, m. potassium chloride. Obs. potelet. m. post; bracket; strut.
potasse, /. potash; specif., caustic potash. potence, /. (gallows-like) support, arm,
— à ta chaux, caustic potash prepared by crosspiece, bracket; (Micros.) tube carrier;
decomposing the carbonate with lime. — gallows, gibbet; (T-shaped) crutch; crâne.
à l'alcool, caustic potash purified by solu- potentiel, a. & m. potential. — de grille,
tion in aleohol, filtration and evaporation. grid potential. — explosif, (Elec.) dis-
— artificielle, potassium carbonate made ruptive voltage.
by the Leblanc process, as froro carnallite. potentiellement, adv. potentially.
— carbonatée, carbonate of potash, potas- potentille, /. (Bot.) Potentilla.
sium carbonate. — caustique, caustic pot- potentiomètre, m. (Elec.) potentiometer.
ash. — caustique liquide, (Pharm.) solu- pote nti orné trique, a. potentiometric.
tion of potassium hydroxide, liquor po - poterie, /. pottery ; (in gênerai) vessels,
tassae. — de cendres, potassium carbonate ware. — campanienne, Campanian pot-
made from ashes. — de suint, potash from tery, specif. luster ware. — de grès, stone-
suint. — de Toscane, Tuscan potash (from ware. — d'étain, tinware ; pewter ware.
wood ashes). — de vinasses, potash from — de terre, earthenware, pottery. — d'iso-
beet (or beet-root) vinasse. — du com- lation, (Elec.) ceramic insulation. —
émaillêe, glazed pottery (with opaque
merce, commercial potash, impure carbonate glaze), enameled pottery. — en fonte, cast-
of potassium. — en crayons, — en cylin- iron vessels, cast -iron ware. — lustrée
dres, caustic potash in sticks, stick potash. Iustered pottery, luster ware. — mate, un-
— factice, soda. — fondue, fused potas- glazed pottery. — sanitaire, sanitary ware.
sium hydroxide, solid caustic potash. — — vernissée, glazed pottery (with transpar-
nitratée, nitrate of potash, potassium ni- ent glaze).
trate. — perlasse, pearlash. — vitriolée, pothos fétide. (Bot.) skunk cabbage.
potassium sulfate. potiche, /. flask, bottle (for shipping mer-
potassé, a. containing potash ; combined cury) ; Oriental vase, potiche ; test eut in
with or containing potassium, potassium potier, m. potter; (d'étain) tinman.
derivative of. potin, m. pot métal, potin (cast iron and
potasser, v.t. work at, study. Slang. any of several alloys, as pewter, brass,
potasserie, /. potash factory. cock métal, pinchbeck).
potassie o-. A combining form denoting potion, /. potion, draft. — à la rhubarbe
the présence of potassium in a compound. alcaline, (Pharm.) rhubarb and soda mix-
potasside, m. potassium or any of its com- ture. — effervescente, — gazeuse, — anti-
pounds; any alkali métal. vomitive dite de Rivière, sodium citrate
potassie, a. containing potassium. solution.
potassière, a. of or relating to potash. potiron, m. pumpkin.
pou 352 poudre
pou, m. louse. sporting powder. — de coton, guncotton.
pouce» m. thumb; great toe; inch. — carré, — de craie opiacée, (Pharm.) aromatic
square inch. — cube, cubic inch. powder of chalk with opium. — de digi-
poucet, m. cam lever. tale, (Pharm.) powdered digitalis. — de
poucette, a. See plateau poucette, at Dover, (Pharm.) powder of ipecac and
plateau. opium, Dover's powder. — de fusil, rifle
pond, m. pood (16.38 kg., or 36.113 lbs.). powder, small-arms powder. — de fusion,
poudingue, m. conglomerate, pudding stone. fluxing powder. — de glande surrénale,
poudrage» m. powdering, dusting. (Pharm.) suprarenal, dried adrenal sub-
poudre, /. powder ; explosive ; dust ; pounce ; stance. — de glande thyroïde, (Pharm.)
(Leather) the opération of dusting (sprin- thyroid, dried thyroid. — de Goa, Goa
kling with tanning material) followed by a powder, araroba. — de graine de Un,
(Pharm.) crushed linseed, linseed meal. —
period during which the hide lies undis - de guerre, military powder, service powder.
turbed in the pit. — à bronzer, bronze
powder. — à canon, gunpowder; cannon — de Jean de Vigo, (Pharm.) red mercuric
powder. — aciéreuse, {Métal.) cémentation oxide. — de kamala, kamala, rottlera. —
powder. — à combustion lente, slow-burn- de kino opiacée, (Pharm.) compound pow-
ing powder. — à combustion rapide, quick- der of kino. — de Knox, chloride of lime.
burning powder. — à cuire, baking pow- — de lait, milk powder, powdered milk. —
der. — aërophore, = poudre gazeuse. — de liège, cork dust, cork powder. — de
à fumée, ordinary gunpowder. — à lessiver, mercure crayeux, (Pharm.) mercury with
washing powder. — à lever, baking pow- chalk. — de mine, blasting powder. —
der. — amide, — amidée, (Expl.) amide dentifrice, tooth powder. — de plomb,
powder. — à nettoyer, cleaning powder, dust shot. — de posthypophyse, (Pharm.)
posterior pituitary. — de réglisse composée,
polishing powder. •— antimildiou, anti- (Pharm.) compound powder of glycyrriiiza.
mildew powder. — antimoniale de James,
(Pharm.) antimonial powder, James's pow- — de riz, rice powder. — des aromates,
der. — à polir, polishing powder. — à (Pharm.) aromatic powder. — de savon,
sachet, aromatic powder, sachet powder. soap powder. — des Chartreux, kermès
— à tremper, (Métal.) tempering powder. minerai. — de Sedlitz, (Pharm.) com-
— au bois, (Expl.) nitrated sawdust or pound effervescent powder, Seidlitz powder.
wood dust. — au charbon, ordinary gun- — de Seltz, = poudre gazeuse. — des
powder (made with charcoal). — azotée, épices, (Pharm.) aromatic powder. — de
any explosive containing nitrogen, specif. sûreté, safety explosive, safety powder. —
one containing an organic nitrogen com- de Tennant, chloride of lime. — de traite,
powder for colonial trade. — de Tully,
pound. — B, & nitrocellulose powder in- (Pharm.) compound powder of opium,
vented by Vieille, Vieille powder. — Tully's powder. — de vente, commercial
barytique, (Expl.) saxifragin (Ba(NOs)2 powder. — de Vienne, (Pharm. ) Vienna
76, KNO3 2, charcoal 22). — blanche, caustic, Vienna paste (caustic potash and
white powder; specif., (Expl.) Augendre's quicklime). — de Vulcain, Vulcan powder.
powder. — brisante, disruptive powder,
high explosive. — brune, brown powder. — d'exercice, blank-cartridge powder. —•
— caillou, pebble powder. — cémentante, de zinc, zinc dust. — dite de Dover, =
poudre de Dover. — d'os, bone meal, bone
— cémentatoire, (Métal. ) cémentation dust. en —, in powdered form, powdered.
powder. — chloratée, {Expl.) chlorate
powder. — chocolat, (Expl.) cocoa pow- — en grains, grained powder. — en roche,
caked powder. •— en vrac, loose powder.
der. — comprimée, compressed powder.
— faible, low explosive. — Favier, Favier
•— d'amidon, starch powder. — d'antéhy- explosive. — forte, high explosive. — fui-
pophyse, (Pharm. ) anterior pituitary. — •minante, fulminating powder, detonating
d'artifice, pyrotechnie powder, specif. col- powder, priming powder. — gazeuse,
ored are. — de blanchiment, bleaching (Pharm.) effervescent powder. — gazifère
powder, chlorinated lime. — de bois, wood purgative, — gazogène laxative, = poudre
dust, wood powder; (Expl.) nitrated saw- de Sedlitz. — géante, giant powder (a
dust. — de carrière, blasting powder. — dynamite). — insecticide, insect powder.
de casheuttie composée, (Pharm. ) corn-
pound powder of catechu. — de charbon, — / , an explosive consisting of guncotton
83, potassium dichromate 17. — lente,
coal dust, powdered coal. — de chasse, slow-btirning powder. —
poudre 353 pourvu
powder. — météorifuge, (Med.) antiflatu- pour, prep. for; per, by; to, in order to;
lent powder. mettre en —, reduce to pow- about to; as for. m. pro. — 100, per
der. — nitratêe, nitrated powder. — cent. — ainsi dire, so to speak. — autant
noire, black powder. — normale, standard que, insofar as. — lors, then. — que, in
powder, — pectorale, (Pharm.) com- order that, that. pour . . . que, however.
pound powder of glycyrrhiza. — picratêe, pourceau, m. hog, pig, swine.
— pîcrique, picrate powder. — prismatique,pour-cent, m. per cent.
prismatic powder. — pyroxylée, a sporting pourcentage, m. percentage.
powder composed of cellulose nitrates and pourparler, m. conférence ; negotiation.
barium and potassium nitrates. — rapide, pourpier, m. (Bot.) purslane.
quick-burning powder. — ronde, round- pourpre, /., m., & a. purple; crimson. —
grain powder. — salpêtrée, any explosive de Cassius, purple of Cassius. — rétinien,
containing saltpeter or potassium nitrate — visuel, visual purple (or red), erythrop-
(applied esp. to ordinary gunpowders). — sin.
sans fumée, smokeless powder. Poudres et pourpré, pourpreux, pourprin, a. purple;
Salpêtres, a subdivision of the French purplish ; crimson.
War Department having to do with ex- pourquoi, conj., adv. & m. why, wherefore.
plosives and their manufacture. — type, pourra, fut. S sing. (of pouvoir) will be able.
standard powder. — verte, green powder, pourrait, cond. 3 sing. (of pouvoir) would
specif. an explosive not thoroughly dried. be able, could.
— vive, quick-burning powder. — vomi- pourri, p.a. rotten, rotted, spoiled. m. rot-
tive, emetic powder. — vulnéraire, styptic tenness; rotten part.
powder, dusting powder. pourrir, v.i. rot, decay, spoil, putrefy; âge,
poudre-coton, m. guncotton. ripen (as clay). v.t. rot, cause to decay,
poudre-éclair, /. (Photog.) flash powder. putrefy; (fig.) corrupt.
poudrement, m. powdering, dusting. pourrissable, a. liable to decay, putrefiable.
poudrer, v.t. powder, dust; pounee. pourrissage, m. rotting, steeping (of rags
poudrerie, /. powder mill, powder factory. for paper) ; aging (of ceramic clay).
poudrette, /. fine dust; (Fertilizers) dried pourissant, p.a. rotting, putrefying.
and powdered night soil ; bone black ; pourrissoir, m. (Paper) steeping vat.
powdered rubber waste. pourriture, /. rottenness, decay; putréfac-
poudreux, a. dusty ; powdery. tion; rotten part; (Bot., etc.) rot; (Med.~)
poudrier, m. worker in a powder mill. gangrené; (Dyeing) steeping vat, steeper.
poudrière, /. powder magazine or house ; — d'hôpital, hospital gangrené. — noble,
shaker (as for sait). (Wine) a change produced in ripe grapes by
poudroyer, v.i. be dusty, get dusty. v.t. the fungus Botrytis cinerea, which is in part
cover with dust. v.r. fall to dust. responsible for the peculiar bouquet of
poulain, m. coït, young horse. — russe, a sauterne. — sèche, dry rot.
leather made from horse hide. poursuit, pr. 3 sing. (of poursuivre) pur-
poule, /. hen; fowl. a. {Métal.) blistered. sues.
poulet, m. chicken; fowl; letter. poursuite, /. pursuit; (Law, etc.) suit.
poulevrîn, m. priming powder, mealed pow- poursuivre, v.t. pursue ; prosecute ; sue ;
der. court, v.i. pursue, continue; sue.
poulie, /. pulley, sheave ; (pulley) block ; pourtant, conj. however, nevertheless, yet.
drum, spool. — à gorge(s), grooved pulley. pourtour, m. circumference ; periphery; cir-
cuit, compass ; surroundings.
— fixe, ûxed pulley, fast pulley. — folle, pourverra, fut. 3 sing. (of pourvoir) will
loose pulley, idle pulley. pro vide.
pouliot, m. {Bot.) pennyroyal (ordinarily pourvit, p. def. 3 sing. (of pourvoir) pro-
Mentha pulegium). — américain, Ameri- vided.
can pennyroyal (Hedeoma, esp. H. pule- pourvoi, m. (Law) appeal.
gioides). — commun, European penny- pourvoir, v.i. provide (for), attend (to).
royal (Mentha pulegium). v.r. provide oneself (with) ; (Law) appeal.
pouls, m. puise (the beating). v.t, provide, furnish, supply; provide for.
poumon, m. (Anat.) lung. pourvoyant, p. pr. of pourvoir.
poupée, /. doll; manikin; puppet; (Mach.) pourvu, p.a. provided, etc. (see pourvoir).
upright bar or rod; specif., poppet, head- — que, provided (that), on condition that,
stock; (Elec.) binding post. if.
pouset 354 précipitabilité
pouset» m. a red color obtained with pralinagre, m. (Agric.) treatment with the
cochineal. mixture called pralin; praline making.
pousse,/, growth; sprouting; shoot, sprout; praline, /. praline, ahnond roaated in sugar;
a disease of wine characterized by the de- (Sugar) a mass of impure calcium or stron-
velopment of pressure from carbon dioxide tium sucrate formed by treating molasses
and by loss of strength and fiavor; (Min- with lime or strontia.
ing) chokedamp. praliner, v.t. make into or like pralines ;
poussée, /. pressure; push; thrust; buoy- (Agric.) treat with pralin (which see).
ancy; (Elec.) overrun; (Med.) onset, out- praséodyme, m. praseodymium.
burst. prasin, a. light green.
pousser, v.t. push; drive; thrust, shove; praticabilité, /. practicability, -cableness.
produce (by growth), send forth; extend, praticable, a. practicable, feasible.
carry ; continue ; pursue ; show ; utter ; praticien, m. practitioner ; artisan. a.
help on ; stir up ; actuate. v.r. be pushed, practicing ; practical.
etc.; make one's way; go on. v.i. push; pratique, /. practice; expérience; routine;
push on, go on; spring up; grow; project, intercourse ; method of procédure ; cus-
buïge; (Elec.) overrun. tomer. a. practical ; experienced. dans la
poussier, m. dust; specif., gunpowder dust. —, in practice.
— de charbon, charcoal dust ; coal dust. pratiquement, adv. practically; in practice.
— de houille, coal dust. — de minerai, pratiquer, v.t. practice; do, perform; con-
pulverized ore, ore slime. duct ; make ; employ, use ; associate with ;
poussière, /. dust; powder; (of a liquid) obtain. v.r. be practiced, be done, etc.; be
fine spray. — de charbon, charcoal dust ; customary. v.i. practice.
coal dust. — de foret, borings, bore dust. pré, m. meadow.
— de la poudre, gunpowder dust. — préachat, m. prepayment.
minérale, stone dust, rock dust. préacheter, v.t. prepay.
poussiéreux, a. dusty. préalable, a. previous, preliminary. m. pre-
poussoir, m. pusher, push button; driver, liminary. au —, previously, first.
punch ; lifter, tappet. préalablement, adv. previously, first.
poussolane, /. pozzuolana, pozzolana. préaviser, v.t. forewam.
pouteure, /. (Mining) chokedamp. préc, abbrev. (précédent) preceding.
poutre, /. beam, girder. précaire, a. precarious.
poutrelle, /. small beam, joist. précairement, adv. precariously.
ponture, /. (Agric.) stable fattening. précambrien, a. & m. (Geol.) Pre-Cam-
pouvant, p. pr. of pouvoir. brian.
pouvoir, v.i. be able, can, may. v.t. be précarité, /. precariousness, uncertainty.
able to do, can do. v.r. be possible, can précaution, /. précaution ; caution.
be done, may be. m. power ; capacity. précautionner, v.t. warn, caution, v.r. be
— absorbant, absorbent power, absorptiv- cautious.
ity. — adhérent, adhesive power. — ag- précautionneux, a. cautious, careful.
glutinant, binding power. — calorifique, précédemmant, adv. previously, already,
calorific power, heating power. — con- above.
ducteur, conducting power. — débitant, précédence, /. precedence, priority.
delivering capacity, output. — d'enchaîne- précédent, a. preceding, previous, former.
ment, bond-forming power. — éclairant, m. précèdent.
illuminating power. — grossissant, magni-
fying power. — oxydant, oxidizing power. précéder, v.t. précède; take precedence of.
v.L hâve precedence or priority.
— réducteur, reducing power. — rotatoire, précelles, /. pi. forceps, pincers.
rotatory power. — séparateur, (Optics) re- préchauffage, m. preheating.
solving power.
pouzzolane, /. pozzuolana, pozzolana. —
préchauffer, v.t. preheat.
en pierre, trass. préchauffeur, m. preheater.
pouzzolanique, a. pozzuolanic, pozzolanic. prêcher, v.t. & i. preach.
ppté., abbrev. (précipité) precipitate. précieusement, adv. very carefully ; af-
pr., abbrev. (précédent) preceding. fectedly.
prairie, /. meadow; prairie. précieux, a. precious; valuable; useful; af-
pralin, m. (Agric.) a paste of earth and fected ; elaborate.
fertilizer for coating roots and seeds. précipitabilité, /. precipitability.
précipitant 355 prendre
précipitant, m. précipitant, p. pr. (of pré- préglaciaire, a. preglacial.
cipiter) precipitating. pregnane, m. pregnane.
précipitation, /. précipitation; accélération prehnique, a. prehnitic.
(of the puise). — fractionnée, fractional prehnitique, a. prehnitic.
précipitation. préjudice, /. damage, injury; préjudice.
précipité, m. precipitate. p.a. precipitated ; préjudiciable, a. prejudicial, injurious.
precipitate, hasty; precipitous, steep. — préjudiciel, a. preliminary; (Law) inter-
blanc, white precipitate, specif. (1) in locutory.
France, calomel, (2) elsewhere, ammoni- préjudicier, v.i. be prejudicial or injurious.
ated mercury (ClHgNH2). — blanc fusible, préjugé, m. préjudice; presumption; précè-
fusible white precipitate (HgCl2-2NH3). dent.
— infusible, infusible white precipitate préjuger, v.t. prejudge; foresee.
(ClHgNH2>. — galvanique, electrodeposit. prélart, prélat, m. tarpaulin.
— rouge, red precipitate; specif., red mer- prèle, /. (Bot.) horsetail (Equisetum).
curic oxide. prélessivage, m. preliminary lixiviation or
précipiter, v.t. precipitate. v.r. be precipi- extraction.
tated, precipitate; throw oneself; rush. prélèvement, m. rétention, etc. (see pré-
v.i. precipitate, be precipitated. lever); retained portion; withdrawn por-
précipiteux, a. precipitous. tion, sample; previous déduction. —
précipitine, /. precipitin. d'échantillons, sampling.
précis, a. précise, exact, m. abstract, sum- prélever, v.t. retain, save out (as a portion
mary, digest, epitome, compendium. of a sample) ; remove, withdraw, draw out,
précisément, adv. precisely, exactly. take (as a sample); sélect, pick out; pick
préciser, v.t. state precisely, specify. up ; deduct (previously) ; exclude.
précision, /. précision, preciseness, accuracy, préliminaire, o. <fc m. preliminary.
exactness; (_pl.) particulars, détails, spéci- préliminairement, adv. preliminarily, first.
fications, data. prématurément, adv. prematurely.
précité, o. previously cited, aforesaid, above- pré-mélange, m. premixing, premixture.
mentioned. prémices, /. pi. first fruits; beginnings.
précoce, o. precocious; early; rapid. premier, o. first; primary; (of materials)
précocité, /. precocity; early maturity. raw; (Math.) prime, m. first; former;
préconcassage, m. coarse crushing. leader, du — coup, du — jet, at the first
préconcevoir, v.t. preconceive. attempt, the first time, at once; in one
préconçu, p.a. preconceived. step or opération, directly. — choix, first
préconiser, v.t. recommend, commend, choice, best grade. première poudre,
praise. (Leather) first dusting and lying (see
précraquage, m. primary cracking. poudre). — étage, first floor, first story
précurseur, m. precursor, forerunner. a. (above the ground floor). — jet, first cast-
precursory ; preliminary. ing, first cast; rough sketch; (Sugar) first
prédécesseur, m. predecessor. spinning (in the centrif ugal) ; (Steam)
prédire, v.t. predict, foretell. priming. — jus, first runnings (of beef
prédit, p.p. & pr. & p. def. S sing. of tallow), premier jus. premiers soins,
prédire. premiers secours, first aid. — titre, (for
prédominant, p.a. predominating, pré- gold) a standard of 0.920 fine (about 22
dominant. carats).
prédominer, v.i. predominate. premièrement, adv. in the first place, first.
préenlèvement, m. sampling. prémunir, v.t. caution, forewarn. v.r. pro-
préexistant, a. preëxisting, préexistent. vide.
préexister, v.i. preëxist. prenait, imp. S sing. (of prendre) took, etc.
préférablement, adv. preferably. prenant, p.a. taking, etc. (see prendre).
préférence, /. préférence; mark of préfér- prendre, v.t. take; catch; seize; get; re-
ence, de —, preferably, rather; from ceive ; take on ; adopt ; deduct. v.r. be
choice. taken, be caught, etc. ; solidify, congeal,
préférer, v.t. prefer. freeze ; curdle, coagulate ; cake ; (of ce-
préfet, m. prefect; specif., in France, civil rnent) set; set about, begin; catch (at);
administrator of a department. lay the blâme (on), v.i. solidify, congeal,
préfixe, m. prefix; code (number or letter). freeze; curdle; set; take; take fire; take
préformé, a. preformed. root ; take hold ; hâve effect ; resuit, be.
prendre 356 pression
— du jeu, work loose. — feu, take fire, prescrit, p.p. (of prescrire) prescribed.
catch fire. — garde, take care, take heed, prescrivant, p. pr. (of prescrire) prescrib-
— la goutte, take samples, sample. —l'ha- ing.
bitude de, form the habit of, become accus- préséance, /. precedence, priority.
tomed to. — l'heure, set a watch (or préséchage, m. predrying, preliminary dry-
elock). — naissance, be formed, originate, ing.
arise, appear. — nature, (Iron) corne to présentement, adv. now, at présent.
nature. — pied, get a footing; base one's présenter, v.t. présent ; show. v.r. occur,
action (on). — place, take place, occur. appear, show.
— retrait, shrink. — sans vert, take by préservateur, a. preservative, preserving.
surprise. — vitesse, gain speed. se — en préservatif, a. & m. preservative.
Triasse, solidify ; coagulate. préserver, v.t. préserve; protect.
preneur, m. taker, catcher, etc. (see présidence, /. presidency; chairmanship.
prendre) ; buyer ; (Law) lessee ; captor. président, m. président ; chairman.
prennent, pr. S pi. indic. & subj. of pren- présider, v.i. préside, v.t. préside over. —
dre. à, préside over; govern.
prénom, m. first name, Christian name. présomption, /. presumption.
prenons, pr. 1 pi. of prendre, imperative. presomptivement, adv. presumptively.
let us take, etc. (see prendre). presque, adv. almost, nearly ; (with néga-
préoccuper, v.t. preoccupy. v.r. be pre- tive) scarcely, hardly.
occupied ; busy oneself, pay attention. presqu'île, /. peninsula.
préparant, p.a. preparing, etc. (see pré- pressage, m. pressing.
parer). pressant, p.a. pressing.
préparateur, m. préparer, preparator (as of presse, /. press; clamp; crowd; eagerness;
spécimens) ; (laboratory or lecture) as- urgency ; embarrassaient. — à bras, hand
sistant ; mixer, worker, maker, manufac- press. — à coins, wedge press. — à fusée,
turer. — de bains de teinture, (Dyeing) (Pyro.) rocket press. — à galeter, gun-
liquor man. — de couleur, color maker. — powder press. — à huile, oil press. — à
de laboratoire, laboratory assistant ; lecture imprimer, printing press. — à jus, press
assistant. for extracting juices. — à main, — à ser-
préparatifs, m. pi. préparations. rer, clamp, — à vin, wine press. — à vis,
préparation, /. préparation; dressing. — screw press. — d'imprimerie, printing
injectable, (Pharm.) injection, hypodermic press. sous —, in press.
injection. — par impression, (Micros.) im- pressé, p.a. pressed; crowded; ïn a hurry;
pression préparation. very busy ; eager ; urgent ; rapidly re-
préparatoire, a. preparatory. peated ; concise.
préparer, v.t. prépare; prépare for; dress presse-artère, m. artery forceps.
(as leather or ore), v.r. be prepared; be presse-caillot» m. an apparatus for sep-
preparing, be coming; prépare oneself, pré- arating the solid part of a coagulated sub-
pare. stance from the liquid.
prépareur, m. = préparateur. pressée, /. pressing, pressure ; amount
prépondérant, p.a. prépondérant; deciding. pressed at one time; amount of juice ex-
préposé, m. officer ; agent, p.p. of pré- pressed at one opération.
poser. presse-étoupe, m. (Mach.) stuffing box,
préposer, v.t. set, place (over) ; charge packer, gland.
(with). pressentir, v.t. hâve a presentiment of ;
préréfrigération, /. precooling. sound.
préréfrigérer, v.t. precool. presse-papiers, m. paperweight.
près, adv. near, close, prep. near, near to, presser, v.t. press; compress; squeeze. v.r.
close to; to. à . . . près, with the excep- press ; hurry. v.i. press, be urgent, be
tion of. de —, near, close. — de, near, severe.
close to; on the point of; in comparison pressette, /. small press.
with; nearly, almost, about. presseur, o. pressing, pressure, m. presser;
présage, m. omen, présage. pressman.
présager, v.t. présage; indicate, show. pressin, m. beets (beetroots) rasped and
prescription, /. prescription ; régulation. ready to be pressed to extract the juice.
prescrire, v.t. & i. prescribe. v.r. be pre- pression, /. pressure ; tension ; (Mech.)
scribed. feed; pressings (as of oil). basse —, low
pression 357 principe
pressure, en —, under pressure, haute —, prévenu, p.a. informed, etc. (see prévenir) ;
high pressure, moyenne —, mean pressure; (Law) accused. m. défendant.
médium pressure. — à vis, screw feed. — préviendra, fut. S sing. of prévenir.
critique, critical pressure. — d'éclatement, prévient, pr. S sing. (of prévenir) informs,
bursting pressure. — de la va-peur, steam etc.
pressure ; vapor pressure. — de l'eau, prévint, p. def. 3 sing. of prévenir.
water pressure, hydrostatic pressure. — prévisible, o. foreseeable, predictable.
d'essai, test pressure. — en marche, work- prévision, /. anticipation, conjecture; fore-
ing pressure. — osmotique, osmotic pres- cast, prédiction. — du temps, weather
sure. — sanguine, blood pressure. forecast.
pressis, m. expressed juice (as of méat). prévit, p. def. S sing. (of prévoir) foresaw,
pressoir, m. press (for making wine, oil, or etc.
the like) ; press room. — à cidre, cider prévoir, v.t. foresee; forecast; provide for.
press. — à vin, wine press. m. forecast.
presspan, m. pressboard. prévoyance, /. foresight.
pressurage, m. pressing; (fig.) pressure. prévoyant, p. pr. (of prévoir) foreseeing.
pressurer, v.t. press, express; squeeze. prévu, p.a. foreseen, etc. (see prévoir).
preste, a. quick. prier, v.t. pray, request, beg, invite.
prestement, adv. quickly. prière, /. prayer, request, invitation.
prestesse, /. quickness; vivacity; agility. primage, m. (of boilers) priming; primage.
présumer, v.t. présume. primaire, a. primary. m. (Elec.) primary;
présupposer, v.t. présuppose. (Petroleum) primary cracking.
présure, /. rennet. primauté, /. primacy, prééminence.
présurer, v.t. curdle with rennet. prime, /. premium ; bounty, subsidy ; prism ;
présurier, m. rennet maker. semi-transparent stone corresponding to a
prêt, a. ready. m. loaning; loan; (Mil.) precious stone; prime wool. a. prime; first
pay; (fig.) exchange. (Obs. except in certain phrases), de —
prétannage, m. preliminary tanning treat- abord, de — face, at first sight, at first.
ment. de — saut, at the first attempt, at once,
prétendre, v.t. prétend, claim ; allège ; ail at once.
maintain ; want, require ; mean, intend ; primer, v.i. lead, take the lead, excel; pré-
hope. v.i. aspire; lay claim (to). cède; (of boilers) prime, v.t. take preee-
prétendu, p.a. pretended; claimed; alleged; dence of; excel; prime; give a premium
so-called ; supposed ; false. to.
prétention, /. pretension ; claim. primerose, /. (Dyes) primrose ; (Bot.)
prêter, v.t. lend ; adapt ; take (an oath). hollyhock.
v.r. be lent ; lend oneself ; be adapted ; primeur, /. early season, newness ; early
yield ; consent. v.i. lend ; stretch (as product, early fruit ; (fig.) freshness,
cloth); furnish material; give rise (to). m. bloom.
lending, loan. primevère, /. (Bot.) primrose (Primula).
prêteur, m. lender. o. lending. prime vérine, /. primeverin.
prêtre, -m. priest. primevéroside, m. any glycoside of prime-
preuve, /. proof; test, faire — de, prove. verose, specif. primeverin.
— au soufflé, (Sugar) bubble test. primitif, a. original ; primitive ; primary (as
prévalant, -p. pr. (of prévaloir) prevailing, colors).
etc. primitivement, adv. originally, at first ;
prévaloir, v.i. prevail; gain currency, corne primo-secondaire,
into use. v.r. take advantage (of), avail a. both primary and
oneself (of); be proud (of). secondary (as a glycol).
primulavérine, /., primulavéroside, m.
prévalu, p.p. (of prévaloir) prevailed. primulaverin.
prévaut, pr. S sing. (of prévaloir) prevails, ptimuline, /. (Dyes) primuline, primulin.
etc. principal, a. principal, chief, main. m.
prévenant, p. pr. (of prévenir) informing, principal; principal thing.
etc. p.a. prepossessing ; kind. principalement, adv. principally, chiefly.
prévenir, v.t. inform; prevent; anticipate; principe, m. principle. — actif, active prin-
forestall ; précède ; prepossess. ciple. — amer, bitter principle. — doux,
préventif, o. préventive ; prophylactic. principium dulce, sweet principle (Scheele's
principe 358 production
natne for glycerol). — gommeux, gummy problématique, a. probîematical, problem-
principle, gum (as a chemical individual). atic.
— gras, fatty principle, fat (in the sensé problème, m. problem.
of a chemical individual). — immédiat, procédé, m. process; procédure, proceeding;
immédiate principle. — minéral, minerai method ; behavior, conduct. — à la cloche,
principle, ash constituent. bell process. — à la petite chaudière, the
printanier, a. spring, vernal. process of soap making from fats and caus-
printemps, m. spring (the season). tic soda in a single opération (without
priorité, /. priority. séparation of the curd from the lye). —
prirent, p. def. 3 pi. (of prendre) took, etc. au charbon, (Photog.) carbon process. —
pris, p.a. taken, caught, solidified, etc. (see d'application, process of application (as
prendre) ; shaped, proportioned. distinguished from process of manufacture).
prisable, a. estimable, valuable. — de cyanuration, cyanide process. — de
prise, /. solidification, congealing; setting la grande chaudière, (Soap) Marseilles
(as of cernent); coagulation; felting, mat- process. — des chambres de plomb, lead-
ting ; meshing, mesh (of gears) ; taking, chamber process. — d'Orléans, Orléans
etc. (see prendre); hold, grasp, grip; in- process (for vinegar). — expéditif, quick
take (as of air); supply (as of water); process, rapid process. — Grignard, Gri-
connection; valve, cock; amount taken at gnard process, Grignard method. — hol-
one time, dose, sample ; capture, prize ; landais, Dutch process. — marseillais,
quarrel, fighting. en —, (Mach.) in gear, Marseilles process, Marseilles method. —•
in mesh. faire —, (of cernent, etc.) set. par contact, contact process. — par flot-
mettre en —, put in gear, engage. — d'air, tage, notation process. — par voie humide,
air intake; air inlet; air sample. — de wet process. — par voie sèche, dry process.
courant, current supply, place of attach- — Pauly, Pauly process (for cuprammonium
ment to an electric circuit. — d'essai, rayon). — trichrome, three-color process.
sample taking, sampling ; sample for analy- procéder, v.i. proceed.
sis. — de vapeur, steam intake ; steam procédure, /. procédure; proceedings.
cock ; steam valve, — de vues, photog- procès, m. process ; (Law) suit, process,
raphy; caméra. — d'incendie, fireplug, fire trial.
hydrant. processus, m. process.
priser, v.t. appraise, value; snuff. procès-verbal, m. report, proceedings, min-
prismatique, a. prismatic, prismatical. utes.
prisme, m. prism. — droit, right priam. prochain, o. next, early, near, coming. m.
prisme, a. prismatio(al). neighbor.
prismoïâe, a. prismoidal. m. prismoid. prochainement, adv. presently, soon.
prisonnier, m. prisoner ; stud boit, stud. proche, a., prep* & adv. near. m. relative.
prit, p. def. S sing. (of prendre) took, etc. de — en —, gradually, by degrees; from
privé, a. private; tame. m. private; privy. place to place.
p.p. (of priver) deprived; tamed. procréation, /. procréation, génération.
priver, v.t. deprive (of) ; tame, domesticate. procuration, /. proxy, power of attorney.
privilégié, a. privileged ; preferential. procurer, v.t. & r. procure, obtain, get.
prix, m. price; prize; reward. au — de, at prodiastase, /. proenzyme, zymogen.
the price of, at the cost of ; in comparison prodigalement, adv. prodigally.
with. — à forfait, job price. — courant, prodigalité, /. prodigality.
market price, current price. — coûtant, prodigieusement, adv. prodigiously.
cost price. — d'achat, purchase price, first prodigieux, a. prodigious.
cost. — de fabrique, factory price (cost prodigue, a. prodigal, lavish.
of material plus cost of manufacture). — prodiguer, v.t. lavish, be prodigal of, waste.
de facture, invoice price, purchase price. — prodrome, m. introduction ; (Afe<f.) pro-
de marché, market price. — de revient, drome.
cost price, cost. — de vente, selling priée, producteur, o. producing, productive; gen-
sale price. — fixe, fixed price, set price. erating. m. producer ; generator. — du
prix-courant, m. price list. froid, refrigerator.
probabilité, /, probability, likelihood. productible, a. producible.
probablement, adv, probably. productif, a. productive.
probant, a. conclusive, convincing. production, /. production. — discontinue,
probe, a. upright, honest. batch production.
productivité 359 propagation
productivité, /. productivity. prohibitif, a. prohibitive.
produire, v.t. produce; generate; introduce. proie, /. prey.
v.r. occur, happen ; make one's way. projecteur, m. projector, searchlight; fiood-
produisant, p.a. producing; introducing. light. — de flammes, flame projector, flame
produit, m. product ; produce ; proceeds. thrower. — de gaz, chemical mortar.
p.a. produced; introduced. pr. 3 sing. (of projectif, a. projective.
produire) produces. — à blanchir, bleach- projectile, m. & a. projectile. — à gaz, gas
ing agent. — accessoire, accessory product, shell, gas projectile. — asphyxiant, as-
by-product. — alimentaire, food product. phyxiating projectile. — creux, hollow pro-
— à meuler, abrasive. — antirouille, rust jectile, specif. shell. — lacrymogène, lach-
inhibitor. — brut, raw product, crude. — rymatory projectile. — suffocant, asphyxi-
chimique, chemical product, chemical. — ating proj ectile. — toxique, poisonous
colorant, coloring matter (pigment or dye). projectile.
— concentré, concentrate. — courant, stapleprojection, /. projection ; spattering, scat-
product, ordinary product. — de cœur, tering. — de sable, sand blasting.
(Dist.) middle runnings. — de déchet, projet, m. project, design, plan; first draft.
waste product. — de départ, starting ma- projeter, v.t. project ; throw out, throw ;
terial. — de graissage, lubricant. — de plan. v.r. project.
queue, (Dist.) last running, tailing. — de prolactine, /. prolactin.
rejet, waste product. — de remplacement, prolamine, /. prolamin.
substitute. — de remplissage, filler. — proliférer, v.t. & i. (Biol.) proliferate.
de tête, (Dist.) first running. — d'imprég- prolifique, o. prolific.
nation, impregnating agent, saturant. — proline, /. proline.
intermédiaire, intermediate product, inter- prolongation, /., prolongement, m. pro-
mediate. — mi-fini, semimanufacture. — longation, extension.
principal, principal product, chief product. prolonger, v.t. prolong ; extend ; (Geom.)
— résidu, — résiduaire, resîdue; by-prod- produce, v.r. be prolonged ; extend.
uct; waste product. produits blancs, (Pe- promener, v.t. lead, direct, drive, move,
troleum) gasoline and kérosène, produits guide, v.r. wander ; go walking, riding,
d'écumage, skimmings. — secondaire, by- etc.
product. — ultime, final product, end promesse, /. promise.
product. prometteur, a. promising. m. promiser.
proéminence, /. prominence. promettre, v.t. & i. promise.
proéminent, a. prominent. promeut, pr. 3 sing. (of promouvoir) pro-
proenzyme, /., proferment, m. proenzyme, motes.
zymogen. promis, p.a. promised.
professer, v.t. profess; practice; teach, promit, p. def. S sing. (of promettre) prom-
professeur, m. professor ; teacher. ised.
profession, /. profession; occupation. promoteur, m. promoter. a. promoting.
professionnel, a. & m. professional. promouvoir, v.t. promote.
profil, m. profile; section. prompt, a. prompt; rapid; quick; (of ce-
profi table ment, adv. profitably. rnent) quick-setting.
profiter, v.i. profit, make a profit, be profit- promptement, adv. promptly; quickly.
able; take advantage (of); grow, thrive. promptitude, /. promptness ; quickness ;
profond, o. deep ; deep-seated ; profound. readiness.
m. depth. promu, p.p. (of promouvoir) promoted.
profondément, adv. deeply, profoundly.
profondeur, /. depth. de —, in depth, prononcé, p.a. pronounced, marked.
deep. — de foyer, (Optics) depth of focus. prononcer, v.t. & i. pronounce.
profus, o. profuse. prononciation, /. pronunciation ; pronounce-
profusément, adv. profusely. ment.
progestine, /. progestin. pronostic, m. prognostic, sign; conjecture.
progrès, m. progress. — du temps, weather forecast.
progresser, v.i. progress, make progress. pronostiquer, v.t. prognosticate, predict.
progressif, a. progressive. prooxygène, a. pro-oxygenic, pro-oxidative.
progressivement, adv. progressively. propagande, /. propaganda ; advertising.
progressivité, /. progressiveness. propagateur, a. propagating.
prohiber, v.t. prohibit. propagation, /. propagation, propagating.
propager 360 protocarburé
propager, v.t. propagate; extend. v.r. be propulsif, a. propulsive, propellent.
propagated, spread. propulsion, /. propulsion. — à réaction, jet
propane, m. propane. propulsion.
propanoïque, a. propanoic, propionic. propylate, m. propoxide, propylate.
propanoloïque, a. hydroxypropanoic, specif. propylbenzine, /. propylbenzene.
lactic. propyle, m. propyl.
propargyle, m. propargyl (2-propynyl). propylénique, a. propylene, of propylene.
propargylique, a. (of the alcohol) propar- propylglycol, m. propylglycol (by some
gyl, propargylic; (of the acid) propargylic used improperly for propylene glycol or
(propiolic, propynoic). propanediol).
propension, /. propensity, tendency. propylique, a. propyl, (sometimes) propylic.
propényle, m. propenyl. propynyle, m. propynyl.
propénylé, a. propenyl. prorata, m. proportional part, share.
propénylique, a. of propenyl, propenyl. proscrire, v.t, proscribe, prohibit, reject.
propeptonique, a. propeptone. proscrivant, p.p. of proscrire.
prophétiser, v.t. & i. prophesy. prosécrétine, /. prosecretin.
prophylactique, a. (Med.) prophylactic(al). prospecter, v.t. prospect.
prophylaxie, /. (Med.) prophylaxis. prospecteur, m. prospector.
propice, a. propitious, favorable. prospection, /. prospecting.
propine, /. propyne. prospère, a. prosperous.
propinyle, m. propynyl. prospèrement, adv. prosperously.
propiolique, a. propiolic. prospérer, v.i. prosper.
propione, m. propione (3-pentanone). prospérité, /. prosperity.
propionique, a. propionic. prostate, /. (Anat.) prostate, prostate gland.
propolis, /. propolis, bee glue. prosthétique, a. prosthetic.
proportion, /. proportion, à —, en —, in protamine, /. protamine.
proportion, proportionately. à — de, en — protaminique, a. protamine.
de, in proportion to. à — que, in propor- protane, m. (Uttle used name for) méthane.
tion as. protecteur, m. protector; guard, shield. a.
proportionalité, /. proportionality. protecting, protective, shielding.
proportionné, p.a. proportioned ; propor- protection, /. protection; défense.
tionate. protectrice, fem. of protecteur.
proportionnel, Q. proportional. protéger, v.t. protect; guard, shield.
proportionnellement, adv. proportionally. protéidase, /. proteinase.
proportionnement, adv. proportionately. protéide, /. protein; specif., conjugated pro-
proportionner, v.t. proportion, v.r. be pro- tein.
portioned, be in proportion. protéine, /. protein. — conjuguée, conju-
propos, m. discourse, talk; gossip; remark; gated protein.
purpose. à —, apropos, opportune, oppor- protéique, a. protein, of or pertaining to
tunely; opportuneness. à — de, apropos protein ; protean. m. protein substance.
of, in connection with. hors de —, inoppor- protéoïde, m. albuminoid, scleroprotein.
tune(ly). protéolyse, /. proteolysis.
proposer, v.t. propose, v.r. offer oneself ; protéolytique, a. proteolytic.
propose; be proposed. protester, v.t. & i. protest.
proposition, /. proposition; proposai. protêt, m. protest.
propre, a. proper ; own ; peculiar ; same, prothrombine, /. prothrombîn.
very; suitable, suited, fitted; apt; clean; protidase, /. protease.
pretty, nice, neat. m. property ; nature, protide, m. protein, specif. simple protein.
characteristic. — sanguin, plasma protein.
proprement, adv. properly ; suitably ; protîdîque, a. proteinic, protein.
cleanly; nicely, neatly. — dit, properly so protiodure, m. protiodide. Archaic. — de
called, properly speaking. mercure, protiodide of mercury (mercurous
propreté, /. cleanness, cleanliness; neatness. iodide).
propriétaire, m. proprietor. a. proprietary. protobromure, m. protobromide. Archaic.
propriété, /. property ; ownership ; estate. protocarburé, m. (Old Chem.) protocarbu-
propulser, v.t. propel, drive, move. ret.
propulseur, a. propelling, propulsive, m. protocarburé, a. (Old Chem.) protocarbu-
propeller. retted.
protocatéchique 361 pseudoxâiithine
protocatéchique, a. protocatechuic. provisoire, provisionnel, a. provisional.
protochlorure, m. protochloride. Archaic. provisoirement, adv. provisionally.
— de cuivre, cuprous chloride, copper(I) provitamine, / . provitamin.
chloride. — de -mercure, mercurous chlo- provoquer, v.t. provoke; bring about, cause.
ride, mercury(I) chloride. — d'étain, stan- proximité, / . proximity, nearness.
nous chloride, tin(II) chloride. prudemment, adv. prudently, cautiously.
protochloruré, a. protochloride of. Ar- prudence, /. prudence, caution, care.
chaic. prudent, a. prudent, cautious.
protocole, m. record, minutes, protocol. pruine, /. bloom (the powdery coating).
protocyanure, m. protocyanide. Archaic. pruiné, pruineux, a. pruinose, bloomy, vel-
— jaune de fer et de potassium, potassium vety.
ferrocyanide. prulaurasine, /., prulaurasoside, m. pru-
protofluorure, m. protofluoride. Archaic. laurasin.
protoiodure, m. protiodide. Archaic. prunasine, /., prunasoside, m. prunasin.
protophosphure, m. protophosphide, proto- prune, /. plum. m. (Dyes) prune.
phosphuret. Archaic. pruneau, m. prune, dried plum.
protopine, /. protopine. prunelle, /. sloe, wild plum; a fermented
protoplasma, protoplasme, m. (Biol.) liquor made from sloes ; pupil (of the eye) ;
protoplasm. prunella (the fabric); (Bot.) Prunella.
protoplasmique, a. protoplasmic. prunicyanoside, m. prunicyanin.
protosel, m. protosalt. Archaic. prunier, m. plum tree, plum.
protosélénlure, m. protoselenide. Archaic. Prusse, /. Prussia.
protosulfate, m. protosulfate. Archaic. — prussiate, m. prussiate (cyanide). — jaune,
de fer, ferrous sulfate, iron(II) sulfate. — jaune de potasse, potassium ferrocyanide.
protosulfure, m. protosulfide. Archaic. — — rouge, — rouge de potasse, potassium
de fer, ferrous sulfide, iron(II) sulfide. ferricyanide.
prototropie, /. prototropy. prussien, o. Prussian. m. (cap.) Prussian.
protoxyde, m. protoxide. Archaic. — prussique, a. prussic (hydrocyanic).
d'azote, nitrous oxide. — de fer, ferrous P.S., p.s., abbrev. (poids spécifique) spé-
oxide, iron(II) oxide. — de manganèse, cifie gravity,
manganous oxide, manganese(II) oxide. — psammite, m. (Petrog.) psammite, sand-
de mercure, mercurous oxide, mercury(I) stone.
oxide. — de plomb, lead monoxide, lead- pseudoaconitine, /. pseudaconitine.
(II) oxide. — d'étain, stannous oxide, tin- pseudo-allyle, m. isopropenyl.
(II) oxide. pseudo-alun, m. pseudoalum.
protoxyder, v.t. protoxidize. Archaic. pseudobutyle, m. tertiary butyl.
protozoaire, m. (Zo'àl.) protozoan; (pi.) pseudocubique, a. (Cryst.) pseudocubic.
Protozoa. pseudocyanure, m. pseudocySnide (a name
prouesse, /. prowess; exploit, feat. applied by some to organic cyanides or
prouvable, a. provable. nitriles).
prouver, v.t. prove. v.r. be proved. pseudoglobuline, /. pseudoglobulin.
provenance, /. origin; production. pseudomère, a. pseudomeric. m. pseu-
provenant, p.a. proceeding, coming, arising. domer.
— de, from, proceeding from, coming from. pseudomérie, /. pseudomerism, pseudomery.
provençal, a. Provençal, of Provence. pseudomorphe, a. (Min.) pseudomorphous.
provende, /. provisions; provender, specif. pseudomorphique, a. (Mm.) pseudo-
a mixture of chopped forage and crushed morphic.
grain. pseudomorphisme, m. (Min.) pseudo-
provenir, v.i. proceed, corne, arise. morphism.
proviendra, fut. 8 sing. of provenir. pseuâomucine, / . pseudomucin.
provient, pr. 8 sing. (of provenir) proceeds, pseudonitrol, m. pseudonitrole.
etc. pseudopelletiérine, /. pseudopelletierine.
province, /. province; ail France except pseudopentane, m. neopentane.
Paris. pseudoracémie, /. pseudoracemism.
provint, p. def. 8 sing. (of provenir) pro- pseudo-rubis, m. red quartz.
ceed éd. pseudo-saphir, m. blue quartz.
provision, /. provision; supply. par —, pseudo-urée, /. pseudourea.
provisionally. pseudoxanthine, / . pseudoxanthine.
p.suiv. 362 pupitre
p.suiv., abbrev. (page suiv&B.te) following horsepower. — en bougie», candie power.
page. — en chevaux, horsepower. — indiquée,
psychotrine, /. psychotrine. indicated horsepower. — motrice, motive
psychromètre, m. psychrometer. power.
psychrométrie, /. psychrometry, hy- puissant, a. powerful; strong; thick; great;
grometry. large ; rich.
psychrométrique, a. psyclirometric(al). puisse, pr. 1 & S sing. subj. of pouvoir.
pte., abbrev. (perte) lpss. puits, m. well ; shaft, pit ; water tank. —
ptéridine, /. pteridine. à combustion, flue. — à pétrole, oil well.
ptérine, /. pterin. — de cendrier, ashpit. — d'éclatement, ex-
ptomaïne, /. ptomaine. plosion chamber (of guns). — de sondage,
ptyaline, /. ptyalin. bored well. — d'essai, trial well, trial shaft.
pu, p.p. (of pouvoir) been able. — phréatique, shallow weîl.
puant, p.a. stinking, offensive, foui. pulghère, ». physic nut (Jatropha curcas}.
puanteur, /. stink, stench, offensive smell. pulluler, v.i. multiply rapidly, pullulate;
publicateur, m. publisher. swarm.
publicité, /. publicity; public nature. pulmonaire, a. pulmonary. /. (Bot.) lung-
publier, v.t. publish. v.r. be published. wort.
publique, a. fem. public. pulpage, m., pulpation, /. pulping.
publiquement, adv. publicly. pulpe, /. pulp. — de casse, (Pharm.)
puce, a. puce, dark brown. /. flea. cassia, cassia pulp. — de tamarins,
puchet, m. ladle (as for pitch or sirup). (Pharm.) tamarind, tamarind pulp.
pucheur, pucheux, m. ladle (for sirup). pulper, v.t. pulp, reduce to pulp.
puchoir, m. {Sait) barrel-shaped ladle. pulpeux, a. pulpy.
puddlage, m. (Métal.) puddling. — ou gaz, pulpoir, m., pulpoire, /. pulping spatula.
gas puddling. — chaud, — gras, — hu- pulque, m. pulque (fermented drink).
mide, wet puddling, pig boiling. — maigre, pulsateur, m. pulsator. a. pulsating, puisa-
dry puddling. — mécanique, mechanical tory.
puddling. — sec, dry puddling. pulsatif, a. pulsating, pulsatile.
puddler, v.t. (Métal.) puddle. pulsatoire, a. pulsatory.
puddleur, m. (Métal.) puddler. pulvérin, m. mealed powder, priming pow-
pudrolithe, /. (Expl.) pudrolithe. der ; dust (as of coal or rock) ; fine spray-
puer, v.t. stink, smell. v.t. smell of. pulvérisable, a. pulverizable.
puis, adv. then, next, afterward. pr. 1 pulvérisateur, m. atomizer, sprayer ; pul-
sing. (of pouvoir) am able, can. et —, verizer. a. atomizing, spraying; pulveriz-
and then; besides. ing.
puisage, m. drawing, etc. (see puiser). pulvérisation, /. pulverization, powdering;
puisard, m. drain pit, draining well, catch atomizing, spraying; (Elec.) sputtering.
basin, sump ; trap, sink ; cesspool. pulvériser, v.t. pulverize, powder, grind
puiselle, /. ladle. (to powder) ; atomize, spray ; meal (gun-
puisement, m. drawing, etc. (see puiser). powder). v.r. powder; atomize; crumble.
puiser, v.t. draw, draw off; draw out; bail; pulvériseur, m. pulverizer, grinder.
take; obtain, dérive. — dans, draw from, pulvérol, pulvérolé, m. médicinal powder.
take from. pulvérulent, a. pulvérulent; dusty.
puisoir, m. ladle; scoop. pumicin, m. palm oil.
puisque, conj. since, as. pumiqueux, a. pumiceous, of or like pumice.
puissament, adv. powerfully; extremely. punaise, /. bug, specif. bedbug; thumbtaok.
puissance, /. power; specif., horsepower; punaisie, /. (Med.) ozena.
potency ; effectiveness ; capacity ; force ; punicine, /. punicin.
thickness (of a stratum) ; amount of ex- punicoside, m. punicin (the anthoeyanin).
plosive in a projectile; authority. — au punir, v.t. punish.
frein, brake horsepower. — bactéricide, punition, /. punishment.
bactericidal power. — calorifique, calorific pupe, /. (Zoôl.) pupa.
power, heating power. — de cheval, horse- pupillaire, a. pupillary.
power. — de la vapeur, steam power. — pupille, m. & f. pupil.
dilacératrice, rending power, rending pupiniser, v.t. (Elec.) pupinize, coil-Ioad.
strength. — du levier, leverage. — ef- pupitre, n. rack (as for Champagne bottles) ;.
fective, effective (or actual) power, effective small desk.
pur 363 pyroarsenique
pur, a. pure; free (from); olear. en pure pyémie, /. (Med.) pyemia, pyaemia.
perte, uselessly, to no purpose. pyine, /. pyin.
purée, /. purée ; mash ; pap ; pulp. — par- pylône, m. tower, pylon, pôle, mast.
faite, (Geol.) rock flour. pyocyanine, /. pyocyanin.
purement, adv. purely. pyocyaniser, v.t. infect with Bacillut pyo-
purent, p. def. S pi. (of pouvoir) were able. cyaneus.
pureté, /. purity, pureness; freedom (from); pyogène, a. pyogenic, pus-forming.
clearness, clarity. pyohémie, /. (Med.) pyemia, pyaemia.
purette, /. a black ferruginous sand. pyoïde, a. pyoid, of pus, puriform.
purgatif, a. & m. purgative. pyorrhée, /. (Med.) pyorrhea.
purgatlon, /. purging, purgation, etc. (see pyramide, /. pyramid.
purger) ; purgative. pyramidon, m. pyrainidon (aminopyrine).
purge, /. purging, cleansing; (in tawing) T.N.
élimination of alum with warm water; pyrane, m. pyran.
(Med.) purge, purgative. — de chaux, pyranique, a. of pyran, pyran.
(Leather) deliming. pyrazine, /. pyrazine.
purgeoir, m. purifying or filtering tank. pyrazol, m. pyrazole.
purger, v.t. purge; cleanse, clean; purify; pyrazolcarbonique, a. pyrazolecarboxylic.
clear; free; drain; refine (metals). pyrazolldine, /. pyrazolidine.
purgeur, m. purger, cleanser, purifier; pyrazoline, /. pyrazoline.
specif., a vessel through which vapors are pyrazolique, a. pyrazole, of pyrazole.
passed to rid them of solid or liquid par- pyrénine, /. (Biol.) pyrenin.
tioles; (Steam) blow-off gear; drip cock, pyrèthre, m. (Bot.) Pyrethrum (Chryaan-
drain cock. o. purging, cleansing. themum); (Pharm.) pyrethrum, pellitory.
purghère, n. = pulghère. — officinal, — vrai, pellitory (Anacyclus
purifiant, p.a. purifying. m. purifier. pyrethrum).
purificateur, m. purifier, a. purifying. pyréthrine, /. pyrethrin.
purification, /. purification, purifying. pyrexie, /. (Med.) pyrexia.
purifier, v.t. purify. v.r. be purified, be- pyridazine, /. pyridazine.
come pure. pyridine, /. pyridine.
purin, m. liquid manure; excrément. pyridinecarbonique, o. pyridinecarboxylio.
purine, /. purine. pyridique, a. pyridine, of pyridine.
purique, a. purine, of or pertaining to
purine. pyridoxine, /. pyridoxine, vitamin BQ.
purissime, a. purest, extremely pure. pyridyle, m. pyridyl.
puron, m. sweet whey. pyrimidine, /. pyrimidine.
purpurin, o. purplish. pyrimidinique, pyrimidique, a. pyrimi-
purpurine, /. purpurin. dine.
purpurique, a. purpuric. pyrique, o. pyrotechnic(al).
purpurogalline, /. purpurogallin. pyrite, /. (Min.) pyrites, specif. iron pyrites
purpuroxanthine, /. purpuroxanthin. or pyrite. — blanche, pyrites blanches,
purrhée, n. Indian yellow, purree. white iron pyrites, marcasite. — cuivreuse,
pussent, imp. subi. 3 pi. of pouvoir. — de cuivre, copper pyrites, chaleopyrite.
pustuleux, a. (Med.) pustulous, pustular. — de fer, iron pyrites, pyrite. — d'étain,
put, p. def. 3 sing. (of pouvoir) was able. (Min.) tin pyrites, stannite. — jaune,
putî, n. a kind of dammar. pyrite ; chaleopyrite. — -magnétique, mag-
putois, m. polecat ; skunk.
putréfactif, a. putrefactive. netic pyrites, pyrrhotite. — martiale, iron
putréfaction, /. decay, décomposition, rot- pyrites, pyrite.
ting, putréfaction. pyriteux, o. (Min.) pyritic.
putréfait, a. decayed, rotten, putrefied. pyritifère, a. (Min.) pyritiferous.
putréfier, v.t. & r. rot, décompose, putrefy. pyritiser, v.t. (Min.) pyritize.
putresclnc, /. putrescine. pyritoèdre, m. (Cryst.) pyritohedron. a.
putride, o. putrid. pyritohedral.
putridité, /. putridity. pyroacétique, o. pyroacetic.
putzen, m. (Métal.) unfused ore on the sides pyro-antimonique, a. pyroantimonio.
of the furnace. pyroarsénieux, a. pyroarsenious.
pycnomètre, m. pycnometer. pyroarsenique, a. pyroarsenic.
pyroborique 364 pyurie
pyroborique, a. tetraboric; pyroborio. pyronique, a. pyrone, of pyrone.
acide —, pyroboric acid (H4BO5) ; (im- pyronome, n. (Èxpl.) pyronome.
properly) tetraboric acid (H2B4O7). pyrophore, m. pyrophorus.
pyrocatéchine, /. pyrocatechol, pyrocat- pyrophorique, o. pyrophoric.
echin. pyrophosphate, m. pyrophosphate. — de
pyrochimie, /. pyrochemistry. fer et de soude, (Pharm.) soluble ferrie
pyrochlmique, a. pyrochemical. pyrophosphate, pyrophosphate of iron with
pyrocolle, m. pyrocoil. sodium citrate. — de soude, sodium pyro-
pyrocoton, m. (Expl.) pyrocotton. phosphate.
pyroélectricité, /. pyroelectrioity. pyrophosphoreux, o. pyrophosphorous.
pyroélectrique, a. pyroeleotric, pyroeleo- pyrophosphorique, a. pyrophosphoric.
trical. pyropneumatique, a. hot-air.
pyrogallique, a. pyrogallic. acide —, pyro- pyroracémique, o. pyroracemic (pyruvic).
gallic acid (pyrogallol). pyrosulfurique, a. pyrosulfuric.
pyrogallol, m. pyrogallol. pyrotartrique, o. pyrotartaric.
pyrogallolphtaleine, /. pyrogallolphthalein pyrotechnicien, m. pyrotechnist.
(gallein). pyrotechnie, /. pyrotechnies, pyrotechny.
pyrogénation, /. subjecting to the action of pyrotechnique, a. pyrotechnie, pyrotech-
fire, heating; specif., dry distillation. nical.
pyrogène, pyrogéné, a. pyrogenous, igne- pyrotellureux, a. pyrotellurous.
ous, involving or produced by fire or heat; pyrothèque, m. (Expl. A Elec.) exploder.
specif., dry-distilled ; (Afed.) pyrogenic. pyrotritarique, a. pyrotritaric.
pyrogéner, v.t. subject to heat, specif. to pyrovanadique, a. pyrovanadic.
dry distillation. pyroxanthine, /. pyroxanthin.
pyrogénèse, /. pyrogenesis. pyroxyle, pyroxile, m. pyroxylin.
pyrogénésique, pyrogénétique, a. pyro- pyroxylé, o. pyroxyhn, nitrocellulose.
genetic. pyroxyline, /. pyroxylin.
pyrognostique, a. pyrognostic. pyroxylique, a. pyroxylic (pyroligneous).
pyrogranit, m. a kind of stoneware. pyrrhotine, /. (Min.) pyrrhotite.
pyroïde, a. phosphorescent.
pyroligneux, o. pyroligneous. pyrrodiazol, m. pyrrodiazole (triazole).
pyrolyse, /. pyrolysis. pyrrol, m. pyrrole.
pyrolytique, a. pyrolytic. pyrrolcarbonique, a. pyrrolecarboxylic.
pyromaque, a. giving sparks (as flint). pyrrolidine, /. pyrrolidine.
pyromellique, a. pyromellitic. pyrrolidinlque, a. pyrrolidine, of pyr-
pyromètre, m. pyrometer. rolidine.
pyrométrie, /. pyrometry. pyrroline, /. pyrroline.
pyrométrique, a. pyrométrie, pyrometrical. pyrrolique, a. pyrrole, of pyrrole.
pyromucate, m. pyromucate (2-furoate). pyrrotriazol, m. pyrrotriazole (tetrarole).
pyromucique, o. pyromucic (2-furoic). pyrryle, m. pyrryl.
pyrone, /. pyrone. pyruvlque, a. pyruvic.
pyronlne, /. (Dyes) pyronine.
pyurie, /. (Med.) pyuria.
q., abbrev. of quintal (which see). quantique, a. of quanta, quantum.
q.m., abbrev. of quintal métrique (which qu antique ment, adv. quantieally, quantally.
see). quantitatif, a. quantitative.
qqf., abbrev. (quelquefois) sometimes. quantitativement, adv. quantitatively.
Q.S., abbrev. (quantité suffisante) sufficient quantité, /. quantity. en —, in quantity;
quantity. wholesale; in bulk; {Elec.) in parallel, in
Q.S.P., abbrev. (quantité suffisante pour) quantity. — de mouvement, momentum.
quantity sufficient for. quarantaine, /. forty (as a round number) ;
qt., abbrev. of quintal (which see). quarantine; Lent; âge of forty.
quadrangulaire, a. quadrangular. quarante, a. forty; fortieth. m. forty.
quadratique, a. {Cryst.) quadratic (tetrag- quarantième, a. & m. fortieth.
onal) ; {Math.) quadratic. quarre, /. blaze, groove (for resin).
quadrichloré, a. tetrachloro, tetrachloro-. quarré, quarrément, etc. See carré, etc.
quadriennal, a. quadrennial. quart, m. quarter ; quarter of a pound ;
quadrihydrure, m. tetrahydride. small cask; cup holding about a quarter of
quadrilatère, a. & m. quadrilatéral. a liter; quart; (nautical) watch; compass
quadrillage, m. cross ruling, etc. (see qua- point. — de cercle, quadrant. — de rond,
driller) ; grid ; screen ; cross hairs. quarter round. — d'onde, quarter-wave
quadrillé, p.a. cross-ruled; checkered. m. length.
cross ruling ; checkering, checkerwprk. quartation, /. (Assaying) quartation ;
quadriller, v.t. cross-rule (as paper); mark {Sampling) quartering.
in squares or rectangles; checker; square. quartaut, m. a cask holding 57 to 137 liters.
quadrinôme, m. {Math.) quadrinomial. quarte, /. {Elec.) quad; quart.
quadripôle, m. quadrupole, quadripole. quartelette, /. quarter of a ton (as of
quad rivale ne e, /. quadrivalence, -cy. soap); a kind of slate.
quadroxalate, m. quadroxalate (tetrox- quarteron, m. twenty-five ; book of 25
alate). leaves of gold or silver foil.
quadroxyde, m. quadroxide (tetroxide). quartier, m. quarter; quarters; large block.
Obs. quartz, m. {Min.) quartz. — en chemise,
quadruple-effet, m. {Sugar, etc.) quadruple milky quartz. — en fil, quartz thread. —
effect. enfumé, smoky quartz. — fondu, fused
quadrupler, v.t. & i. quadruple. quartz. — lydien, Lydian stone, touch-
quai, m. quay, wharf; (railroad) platform. stone.
qualificatif, a. (of analysis) qualitative; quartzeux, a. quartzose, quartzous.
qualifying. quartzifère, a. quartziferous.
qualification, /. title ; qualification. quartzique, a. quartz, of quartz.
qualifier, v.t. qualify; call, style. quartzitique, a. quartzitic.
qualitatif, a. qualitative. quasi, adv. almost. combining form.
qualitativement, adv. qualitatively. quasi-,
qualité, /. quality; capacity; title. en — quassia, quassier, m. {Bot.) Quassia.
de, in the character (or capacity) of. — quassie, /. {Pharm.) quassia. — amère,
type, standard quality. bitter quassia, esp. Surinam quassia (wood
quand, adv. when. conj. when ; whenever ; of Quassia amara). — de la Jamaïque,
when instead; although, even though, even Jamaica quassia.
if. — même, in any case, in spite of ail; quassine, /. quassia.
even though, even if. quaternaire, a. quaternary.
quant à. as forT as to, with respect to. quatorze, a. & m. fourteen; fourteenth.
quantième, m. day of the month, date. quatorzième, a. & m. fourteenth.
quantification, /. quantization ; quantifica- quatre, a. & m. four; fourth.
tion. quatre -vingt-. eigh ty -.
quantifier, v.t. quantize; quantify. quatre-vingt-dix, a. ninety.
quatre-vingtième 366 quinone
quatre-vingtième, a. & m. eightieth. queue-de-cheval, /. (.Bot.) horsetail (Equi-
quatre-vingt-onze, a. ninety-one. setuvi).
quatre-vingts, a. eighty; eightieth. queue-de-morue, /. flat brush; (Qlass) a
quatre-vingt-un, a. eighty-one. kind of coarse window glass no longer
quatrième, a. fourth. m. fourth; fourth made.
floor. /. fourth class. — titre, (for gold) queue-de-rat, m. rat-tail file; small taper.
a standard of 0.583 fine (14 carats). queursage, queurçage, m. (Leather) slat-
quatrillion, m. quadrillion, 1015. ing.
quayage, m. quayage, wharfage. queurse, queurce, /. (Leather) slater.
que, pron. whom, which, that; what; when, queurser, queurcer, v.t. (Leather) slate.
that. adv. how; how much, how many; queux, /. hone; whetstone.
why. conj. that; oh that; let, may; if; qui, pron. who, whom, which, that; he who,
whether ; (with négative) lest ; yet ; al- he that, whoever, what; anyone, any.
though ; when ; since ; so that ; as far as ; — que, whoever, whatever. — que ce soit,
(with négative) unless; until, till; (in whoever it may be, anyone. qui . . . qui,
comparisons) as, than; but, only; as; some . . . some, one . . . the other.
why ; because. quiconque, pron. whoever, whichever.
québrachite, /. quebrachitol, quebrachite. quiètement, adv. quietly.
quebracho, m. (Bot.) quebracho. quillaja, quillaya, m. (Bot.) Quillaia, esp.
quel, a. what, which. quel (or quelle) que Q. saponaria (soapbark tree or quillai).
soit, quels (or quelles) que soient, what- quillajique, a. quillaic, quillajic.
ever tnay be, whoever may be. quille, /. post, support; cap, string pièce;
quelconque, o. whatever, whatsoever, any. keel; wedge; skittle; tail skittle-shaped
quelle, a. fem. of quel. bottle.
quelque, a. some, any, a few. adv. about, quin, m. (Sait) réservoir.
some. en — sorte, so to speak. — chose, quina, m. cinchona (tree and bark).
something. — peu, a little, somewhat. quinaire, a. quinary.
quelque . . . que, whatever, however. quinaldinique, a. quinaldic, quinaldinic.
quelquefois, adv. sometimes, occasionally. quinamine, /. quinamine.
quelques-uns, pron. pi. some, a few. quinazoline, /. quinazoline.
quelqu'un, pron. someone, somebody. quincallle, /. hardware, pièce of hardware.
quercêtine, /. quercetin. quincaillerie, /. hardware; hardware trade.
quercine, /. quercitol, quercite. quincaillier, m. hardware merchant, iron-
quercitaimique, a. queroitannic.
quercite, /. quercitol, quercite. monger.
quercitrine, /. quercitrin. quinconce, m. quincunx, staggered arrange-
quercitron, m. quercitron, quercitron oak weat.
(Quercus velutina). quinicîne, /. quinicine.
quercitroside, m. quercitrin. quinidine, /. quinidine.
querelle, /. quarrel. quinimétrie, /. measurement of the amount
quereller, v.t. quarrel with. v.i. Se r. quar- of quinine in cinchona bark.
rel. quinine, /. quinine.
quérir, v.t. Only in the phrases aller quininique, a. quininic.
quérir (go and get, go for), envoyer quérir quinique, a. quinic.
(send for) and venir quérir (corne for). quinisme, m. (Med.) quininism, cincho-
qu'est-ce que? what? nism.
questionner, v.t. & i. question. quinite, n. quinitol, quinite.
quetche, /. = quetsche.
quête, /. quest, search; (church) collection. quinoïdine, /./. (Pharm.)
quinizarine, quinizarin.
quêter, v.t. seek, search for; track. quinoléine, /. quinoline.
quétone, m. ketone.
quetsche, /. a large plum used for rnaking quinoléine-carbonique, a. quinolinecar-
prunes and brandy, prune. boxylic.
quetsche-wasser, m. a kind of plum quinoléinium, m. quinolinium.
brandy. quinoléique, a. quinoline, of quinoline; (of
queue, /. tail; tailings (as of ore or of the acid) quinolinic.
spirit); end; shank; handle; stalk; queue; quinométhane, m. quinomethan.
eue. faire la —, tail (as mercury). quinone, /. quinone.
quinonimide 367 qx.
quinonimide, /. quinonimine, (less desir- qulntuplation, /. quintupling, quintuplica-
ably) quinonimide. tion.
quinonique, o. quinone, of quinone; quintupler, v.t. quintuple.
quinoid, quinonoid. quinuclidine, /. quinuclidine.
quinoniser, v.t. convert into a quinone, quinzaine, /. fifteen (or about that); fort-
quinonize. night.
quinotannique, a. quinotannic. quinze, a. à m. fifteen; fifteenth.
quinotoxine, /. quinicine. quinzième, o. * m. fifteenth.
quinovine, /. quinovin. quittance, /. receipt.
quinoxaline, /. quinoxaline. quittancer, v.t. receipt.
quinoyle, m. quinoyl. quitte, a. free (as from an obligation), out
quinquavalent, a. quinquevalent. of debt ; quit, rid. — à, — pour, saTe for,
quinquennal, a. quiaquennial. it being only necessary to, the sole incon-
quinquina, m. einchona (tree and bark). — venience being.
africain, doundaké, doundaké bark (from quitter, v.t. quit ; leave ; give up ; release,
the country fig (Sarcocephalus esculentus). free; leave off; take off. v.r. be left. v.i.
— jaune, einchona, yellow einchona bark. leave, go away.
— rouge, red einchona, red einchona bark. quoi, pron. what ; which, that. interj. what !
quintal, m. quintal, hundredweight, 100 how ! — que, quoi . . . que, whatever. —•
pounds. — métrique, metric quintal, 100 qu'il en soit, however it may be, in any
kilograms (not to be confused with the case, no matter what.
"metric hundredweight" which equals 50 quoique, conj. though, although.
kg. or 110.23 lbs.). quote-part, /. share, quota.
quintaux, pi. of quintal. quotidien, a. daily. m. daily paper.
quintessenciation, /. réduction to a quint- quotidiennement, adv. daily, every day.
essence. quotient, m. quotient. — respiratoire,
qulntessenciel, o. quintessential. respiratory quotient.
quintessencier. v.t. extract the quintes- quotité, /. quota, share. .
sence from; (fig.) refîne, subtilize. quotter, v.i. (Mach.) engage, catch, gear.
quintivalent, a. quinquevalent, pentavalent. qx., abbrev. (quintaux) quintals.
R, abbrev. (Réaumur) Reaumur. raccourcir, v.t. shorten; abridge; contract.
rabais, m. réduction, discount, rebate. v.r. grow shorter; contract, shrink.
rabaissement, m. lowering, réduction. raccourcissement, m. shortening; contrac-
rabaisser, v.t. lower, reduce; depreciate. tion.
rabat, m. discount, réduction; grinding or raccours, m. shrinking, shrinkage.
polishing powder. pr. 8 sing. (of rabattre) racémie, /. racemism.
lowers, etc. racémique, a. racemic.
rabattage, rabattement, m. lowering, etc. racémiser, v.t. & r. racemize.
(see rabattre). rache, /. dregs of tar, tar of inferior qual-
rabattre, v.t. lower; diminish, lessen; put ity.
down, beat down, press down, turn down; racheter, v.t. redeem; buy, buy up.
flatten; beat out, stretch (metals) ; flange; râcheux, racheux, a. (of wood) knotty.
smooth; polish; soften, sadden (a color); rachevage, rachèvement, m. finishing.
suppress; humble, v.r. be lowered, etc.; rachever, v.t. finish.
corne down, fail ; turn, turn off. v.i. turn rachitique, a. (Med.) rachitic.
off; come down, diminish. rachitisme, m. (Med.) rachitis, rickets.
rabette, /. râpe, colza (see colza, note); racinage, m. edible roots ; (Dyeing) décoc-
kohl-rabi. tion of root, bark, etc., of the walnut, also
rabique, a. (Med.) rabic, rabietic. the brown color produced by it; marbling.
râble, m. stirrer; skimmer (as for molten racinal, m. si 11, sleeper.
glass or metals); fire hook, rake; (.Métal.) racine, /. root; (Anat., etc.) radix. — ali-
rabble. mentaire, edible root. — brésilienne, ipe-
Tabler, v.t. stir, (Métal.) rabble. cac. — carrée, (Math.) square root. —
râblot, m. small poker. cubique, (Math.) cube root. — d'actêe à
rabonnir, v.t. & i. improve. grappes, (Pharm.) cimicifuga, black co-
rabot, m. plane; shaver (as for soap); hosh. — d'apocyn chanvrin, (Pharm.)
scraper ; cutter (as for glass) ; stirrer ; apocynum, black Indian hemp. — d'arnique,
spreader (for gunpowder) ; smoother ; pol- (Pharm.) arnica rhizome. — de berbéride,
isher. (Pharm.) berberis, Oregon grape root. —
rabotage, rabotement, m. planing, etc. de leptandra, (Pharm.) leptandra, Culver's
(see raboter). root. — de vhytolaque, (Pharm.) phyto-
raboter, v.t. plane; dress; smooth; polish; lacca, poke root. — de Saint Christophe,
chip (wood for paper pulp). root of common baneberry or herb Chris-
raboteuse, /. planing machine, planer. topher (Actœa spicata). — de mmbul,
raboteux, a. rough, uneven; (of wood) (Pharm.) sumbul, musk root. — de trioste,
knotty. (Pharm.) triosteum, fever root. •— douce,
licorice root. — saponaire, soaproot.
raboture, /. shaving, paring.
raccommodage, m. mending, repairing. raciner, v.i. take root, root. v.t. dye yel-
raccommoder, v.t. mend, repair; right; low.
correct ; reconcile. rack, m. arrack, rack (the liquor).
raccord, raccordement, m. joining, junc- raclage, m. scraping.
tion, joint ; coupling, connection, union ; racle, /. scraper; doctor; grater.
adjustment; (Opt.) coïncidence (of images); racler, v.t. scrape, scrape off; (Leather)
reconciliation. — à tuyaux, pipe coupling, skive ; rake.
pipe union. raclette, /. (small) scraper; rake; squeegee.
raccorder, v.t. join, unité, connect; splice; racloir, m. scraper; grater; wiper.
level, smooth; adjust; harmonize, recon- raclure, /., raclon, m. scrapings. raclure
cile. de brique, brick dust.
raccourci, p.a. shortened, etc. (see rac- raconter, v.t. relate, recount, tell, narrate.
courcir), m. abridgement, summary; short racornir, v.t. Se r. harden (like horn).
eut. racornissement, m. hardening, hardness.
radeau 369 raison
radeau, m. raft. raffiné, p.a. refined ; (of cheese) ripened. m.
radiable, a. radiable. m. a soapmaker's tool. (Paper) pulp, stuff (ready for the paper-
radiaire, a. radiate, radiated. making machine); refined sugar.
radialement, adv. radially. raffinement, m. refinement.
radiance, /. radiance, radiation. raffiner, v.t. refine, v.r. be refined.
radiateur, m. radiator. a. radiating. raffinerie, /. refinery; refining.
radiation, /. radiation; erasure, striking rafflneur, m. refiner ; (Paper) = raffineuse.
out. o. refining. — d'alcool, spirit rectifier.
radical, m. & a. radical. — composé, com- raffineuse, /. (Paper) refining engine, beat-
pound radical. — hydrocarboné, hydrocar- ing engine.
bon radical. — libre, free radical. raffinode, n. first-grade refined sugar.
radicalement, adv. radically. raffûter, v.t. resharpen.
radicaux, pi. of radical. rafle, /. stalk (of grapes) ; cob (of maize) ;
radicelle, /. rootlet. carrying off.
radicule, /. (Bot.) radicle. rafler, v.t. carry off, carry away.
radié, a. radiated, radiate, radial. rafleux, a. rough, uneven.
radier, v.t. radiate; erase, strike off. v.i. rafraîchir, v.t. cool; refresh; renew, reno-
radiate. m. frame, apron, floor, bed ; vate, restore, freshen; trim; thin (mortar) ;
strengthening (of masonry or concrète). sharpen (as a saw); refine (metals); alloy
radieux, a. radiant. (copper with excess of lead). v.r. cool, be-
radifère, a. radiferous, containing radium. come cool; be refreshed. «.t. cool, grow
radio-actif, a. radioactive. cool.
radioactiver, v.t. render radioactive. rafraîchissant, p.o. cooling, etc. (see rafraî-
radio-activité, /. radioactivity. chir), m. (Med.) réfrigérant.
radio-diffusion, -émission, /. broadcast- rafraîchissement, m. cooling, etc. (see
ing. rafraîchir) ; refreshment ; (Med.) réfrig-
radiographie, /. radiography; radiograph. érant.
radiographier, v.t. radiograph. rafraîchissoir, rafraichisseur, m. cooler;
radiographique, a. radiographic(al). refrigerator ; (Sugar) crystallizer.
radiolaire, m. (Zoôl.) radiolarian. rage, /. rage, madness; (Med.) rabies.
radiologie, /. radiology. raide, o. stiff ; rigid ; tight, taut ; steep ; in-
radiomètre, m. radiometer. flexible, adv. quickly, promptly.
radiométrie, /. radiometry. raideur, /. stiffness, etc. (see raide).
radiométrique, a. radiométrie. raidir, v.t. stiffen ; tighten, make taut,
radioplomb, m. radiolead. stretch. v.r. stiffen ; bear up, offer ré-
radiorécepteur, m. radio (receiving) set. sistance, v.i. stiffen.
radioscopie, /. radioscopy. raidissement, m. stiffenhig, etc. (see raidir).
radioscopique, o. radioscopic(al). raie, /. line (as of a spectrum) ; scratch ;
radioteClinique, /. radio engineering. stroke ; stripe ; streak ; groove ; furrow ;
radiotellure, m. radiotellurium (polonium). ray (the fish).
radiothérapie, /. radiotherapy. raifort, m. horseradish (Armoracia ru&ti-
radiothérapique, a. radiotherapeutic. cana). — cultivé, a kind of winter radish.
radis, m. radish. — de cheval, horeeradish. — sauvage, horseradish.
— oléifère, Chinese radish. rainer, v.t. groove; slot; score; flûte.
radiumiser, v.t. treat with radium ; coat rainure, /. groove; slot; channel, furrow.
with radioactive luminous paint. rainurer, v.t. groove, slot, channel.
radoub, m. working over, repairing ; calking. rais, rn. spoke.
radouber, v.t. (Expl.) work over, remanu- raisin, m. grape, grapes. grain de —, grape.
facture; repair, refit (vessels) ; calk. grappe de —, bunch of grapes. pépin de
radoucir, v.t. soften, render mild; (Métal.) —, grape seed, grapestone. — d'Amérique,
anneal. v.r. soften, grow mild. pokeweed, poke. — de Corinthe, dried cur-
raffermir, v.t. harden, make harder or rant. — de cuve, wine grape. — de loup,
firmer; strengthen, improve. black nightshade. — de table, = raisin
raffermissement, m. hardening, making sec. — d'ours, bearberry (Arctostaphylos
firmer ; strengthening, improvement. uva-ursi). — sec, dried grape, raisin.
raffinade, /. refined sugar. raison, /. reason; ratio; (firm) name; sat-
raffinage, m. refining; refinery. isfaction, réparation ; (Law) claim. à —
raffinât, m. raffinate. de, at the rate of, at the price of. avoir
raison 370 râpe
—, be right. avoir — de, get the better of. ramener, v.t. bring back, put back, draw
en — de, in considération of, by reason of ; back; restore; set, reset; reduce, convert;
in the ratio of, in ratio to. — d'être, win over.
reason for existence, raison d'être. — di- rameux, a. branching, branched, ramose.
recte, direct ratio. — inverse, inverse ra- ramie, /. ramie (plant and fiber).
tio. — sociale, firm name. ramification, /. branching, ramification.
raisonnable, a. reasonable. ramifier, v.r. branch, ramify.
raisonnablement, adv. reasonably. ramille, /. twig, shoot.
raisonné, p.a. reasoned, etc. (see raisonner) ; ramoir, m. smoothing knife.
rational; logical, methodical, systematic. ramoitir, v.t. remoisten, redampen.
raisonnement, m. reasoning ; argurag. ramollir, v.t. & r. soften; anneal.
raisonner, v.i. reason ; argue, v.t. reason ; ramollisable, a. capable of being softened,
consider, discuss ; plan. — sur, discuss, softening.
consider. ramolissement, m. softening.
rajeunir, v.t. rejuvenate, revive, make ramoner, v.t. clean, sweep.
young. ramoneur, m. go-devil (pipe cleaner).
rajouter, v.t. add again; refill. rampant, p.a. sloping ; creeping ; crawling.
rajustement, m. readjustment. m. slope, sloping part, specif. (of a furnace)
rajuster, v.t. readjust; repair; restore; nue (a sloping passage between furnace and
reconcile. chimney).
ralenti, p.a. slackened, etc. (see ralentir). rampe, /. row of burners, flame tube; row
au —, (Mach.~) idling. of cocks ; row of lamp bulbs ; slope, in-
ralentir, v.t. slacken, ease, slow up, retard. cline, inclined plane, ramp ; flight (of
v.r. & i. slacken, slow up, abate. stairs) ; (stair) railing ; footlights. — à
ralentissement, m. slackening, slowing up, éclipse, a row of burners with a device for
retardation, abatement. extinguishing a number at once. — à gaz,
ralentisseur, m. slackener, retarder; row of gas burners or gas jets. — à vide,
(Sugar) a space into whioh the vapors from row of vacuum cocks. — de becs à alcool
the evaporators are allowed to pass, the (essence, pétrole), row of alcohol (gasoline,
resulting slackening of current causing kérosène) burners. — dktUlatoire, row or
liquid particles to deposit. battery of stills.
rallier, v.t. & r. rally; join; approach. se ramper, v.i. slope, incline ; wind ; creep ;
— à, agrée with. crawl.
rallonge, /. extension pièce, eking pièce. ramure, /. branching, branches.
rallongement, m. lengthening, extension, rance, a. rancid. m. rancidness, rancidity.
eking. rancidlté, /. rancidity, rancidness.
rallonger, v.t. lengthen, extend, eke out. rancir, v.t. become rancid,
v.r. lengthen, be extended. rancissement, m. beooming rancid; rancid-
rallumage, m. relighting, rekindling. ness.
rallumer, v.t. relight, light again, rekindle. rancissure, /. rancidness, rancidity.
rallumeur, m. relighter, specif. a pilot rang, m. rank; row; tier; range; course (as
burner. of bricks) ; class, order ; grade, quality.
ramas, m. collection, assemblage, heap. au — de, in the number of, among.
ramassage, m. gathering, etc. (see ra- rangé, p.a. ranged, etc. (see ranger) ; steady.
masser). rangée, /. row, range.
ramassé, p.a. collected, etc. (see remasser); rangement, m. ranging, etc. (see ranger).
thickset, compact. ranger, v.t. range ; arrange ; rank ; set in
ramasser, v.t. gather, collect ; pick up ; sum order ; pack (as cube sugar) ; bring back,
up. v.r. collect, gather; be collected, be put back, keep back; subdue. v.r. range
gathered ; gather oneself up ; double up. oneself ; side (with) ; make way ; submit.
ramasseur, ramassoir, m. collecter, gath- rangoon, n. an East Indian native rubber.
erer. ranimer, v.t. revive, restore; brisk up (a
rame, /. ream (of paper); paddle; oar; fire).
prop, pôle; set, train; tenter. râpage, m. rasping ; grating ; grinding (of
rameau, m. branch ; small branch, shoot, wood).
twig. râpe, /. rasp; grater; stalk (of grapes);
ramender, v.t. improve; repair; redye; cask used in making vinegar. — à tambour,
remanure. a rasping machine with casing or hopper.
râpé 371 rat
râpé, p.a. rasped; grated; threadbare. m. rapprocher, v.t. bring nearer; lessen (dis-
râpe wine (made from marc or fresh grapes tance); bring together; compare; recon-
by adding water and fermenting) ; grapes cile; unité; (Old Chem.) condense, v.r.
added to wine to improve it, also the wine be brought nearer, etc. ; draw nearer, ap-
so treated ; shavings or chipa added to wine proach; be allied (to); bear a resemblance.
to clarify it; (in cafés) a mixture of wine râpure, /. rasping, raspings.
leavings. rapuroir, m. copper boiler (for saltpeter).
râper, v.t. rasp; grate; grind (wood for raquette, /. (Expl.) squib, match; racket.
pulp). rare, a. rare; thin; acarce.
râperie, /. (Sugar) rasping station, beet- raréfactibilité, /. capability of being rare-
juice mill ; (Paper) mechanical pulp mill. fied.
rapetisser, v.t. make smaller, lessen, raréfactif, a. rarefactive.
shorten, diminish ; minimize. v.r. A i. raréfaction, /. raréfaction; depletion.
dûninish, shorten, shrink. raréfiant, a. rarefying, rarefactive.
raphia, m. raffia; (Bot.) Raphia. raréfier, v.t. rarefy; evacuate. v.r. be
rapide, a. rapid ; swift ; steep. m. rapid (in rarefled.
a river) ; express (train). rarement, adv. rarely.
rapidement, adv. rapidly, swiftly. rarescence, /. becoming rarefied.
rapidité, /. rapidity, speed ; steepness. rarescent, a. becoming rarefied.
rapiéçage, m. patching, mending; patch- rarescibilité, /. capability of being rarefied.
work. rarescible, a. rarefiable.
rapiécer, v.t. patch, pièce, mend. rareté, /. rarity, rareness; scarcity.
rapointir, v.t. repoint, resharpen. rarissime, a. extremely rare.
rappel, m. recall; adjustment; reminder. ras, a. flat, level; smooth; short-napped ;
— à zéro, setting at zéro. short-haired; olose-eropped; shaven. m.
rappeler, v.t. recall; call back; call again; level. à —, ou —, even. à — de, ou — de,
repeal, revoke. v.r. remember. to a level with, even with, nush with, close
rappliquage, m. reapplication ; accidentai to, up to, down to.
dyeing by contact with dyed material. rasage, m. shaving.
rappointis, m. pi. small ironware. rasance, /. flatness (as of a trajectory).
rapport, m. relation; ratio; report; return; rasant, p.a. shaving, etc. (see raser).
production ; harmony, agreement. en —, rase, /. turpentine; oil of turpentine; rosin;
productive; in contact; in harmony. — de rosin oil; a resinous mixture applied to ship
multiplication, (Mach.) gear ratio. — bottoms. a. /em. of ras.
fonctionnel, functional relation, par — o, raser, v.t. shave ; raze ; graze ; level.
with relation to, with regard to, on ac- rasette, /. (Expl.) scraper.
count of, in comparison with, in proportion rasion, /. rasping, filing, grating.
to. sous le — de, with respect to, in re- rasoir, m. razor; (microtome) knife; shears.
spect of. — de sûreté, — mécanique, safety razor.
rapporté, p.a. referred, etc. (see rapporter); rassasier, v.t. satisfy ; satiate ; surfeit.
built-up ; loose, détachable. rassemblement, m. collecting, collection,
rapporter, v.t. refer; relate; report; re- etc. (see rassembler) ; assemblage, crowd.
port on ; quote, cite ; return ; bring back, rassembler, v.t. & r. collect, gather, as-
take back ; produce (as a crop or revenue) ; semble ; reassemble, collect again.
revoke, repeal; add, join, insert; trans- rasseoir, v.t. replace; reseat; cahn.
port; turn, direct; protract, plot; ascribe, rassied, pr. S sing. (of rasseoir) replaces,
attribute; compare. v.r. agrée; relate; etc.
refer; rely (on); be referred, etc. v.i. pro-
duce, bear; report; (of the tide) rise. rassis, p.a. replaced, etc. (see rasseoir); (of
rapporteur, m. reporter; recorder; secre- bread) stale; (of earth) settled; cahn,
tary; protractor (the instrument). staid. m. (of spirit) settled state. pren-
rapprêter, v.t. dress again. dre son —, settle (said of spirits).
rapproché, p.a. brought nearer, etc. (see rassortiment, m. réassortaient.
rapprocher) ; close together, near ; closeiy rassortir, v.t. reassort.
related. rassurer, v.t. strengthen, secure; reassure.
rapprochement, m. bringing nearer, etc. rat, m. rat. — d'Amérique, guinea pig. —
(see rapprocher); rapprochement; com- de cave, a long, thin wax taper. — mus-
parison. quée, muskrat.
ratafia 372 réactiver
ratafia, m. any liqueur made by infusion ravitailler, v.t. revictual; provision; refuel.
without distillation, ratafia. ravivage, m. reviving, etc. (see raviver).
ratanhia, m. rhatany (Krameria sp.) ; raviver, v.t. revive; brighten, brighten up
(Pharm.) rhatany root, krameria. — offi- (as métal surfaces); freshen. v.r. revive.
cinal, Peruvian rhatany (Krameria tri- ravoir, v.t. hâve again, get again, get back.
andra). rayable, a. scratchable.
ratatine ment, m. shriveling, shrinking. rayage, m. scratching, etc. (see rayer).
ratatiner, v.t. & r. shrivel, shrink; dry up. rayer, v.t. scratch; rifle; erase, strike off;
rate, /. (Anat.) spleen; female rat. rule ; stripe, streak.
raté, p.a. missed; failed. m. misfire; dud. rayon, m. ray ; radius ; région ; shelf ;
râteau, m. rake. spoke ; furrow ; division ; partition ; de-
ràtelage, m, raking. partment ; rayon. — atomique, atomic
râteler, v.t. rake. radius. — calorifique, heat ray. —
râtelier, m. rack; set of teeth, denture. chimique, chemical ray, actinie ray. —
rater, v.i. miss fire ; miscarry, fail. v.t. de lumière, light ray. — de miel, honey-
miss. comb. — lumineux, luminous ray, light
ratifier, v.t. ratify. ray. — photogénique, actinie ray. rayons
ration, /. ration, allowance. canaux, canal rays. rayons cathodiques,
rationaliser, v.t. rationalize. cathode rays. rayons durs, hard rays.
rationnel, a. rational ; reasonable. rayons RÔntgen, Rontgen rays. rayons
rationnellement, adv. rationally. ultra-violets, rayons U.V., ultraviolet rays.
rationnement, m. rationing. rayons X, X-rays, Rôntgen rays. — visuel,
rationner, v.t. ration, put on rations. visual ray; Une of sight.
ratissage, m. scraping; raking; hoeing. rayonnage, m. shelving, shelves; furrowing.
ratisser, v.t. scrape; rake; hoe. rayonnant, p.a. radiating; radiant.
ratissette, /. raker; rake; poker. rayonne, f. (Textiles) rayon.
ratissoire, /. scraper ; rake ; hoe. rayonné, p.a. radiated, radiate.
ratissure, /. serapings ; rakings. rayonnement, m. radiation; radiance.
rattachage, rattachement, m. connection, rayonner, v.i. radiate; beam, shine. v.t.
etc. (see rattacher). radiate, irradiate.
rattacher, v.t. connect (with); attach (to); rayure, /. scratch; rifling; erasure; ruïing;
tie, fasten ; tie again. v.r. be connected ; stripe, streak; groove; furrow.
be attached; be tied, be fastened. raze, /. = rase.
rattrapage, m. recovering, recovery, over- réa, m. pulley wheel, pulley.
taking, etc. (see rattraper). réabonnement, m. renewal (of a subscrip-
rattraper, v.t. recover; make up for; over- tion).
take; retake; take up, v.r. be recovered, réabsorber, v.t. reabsorb.
etc.; seize hold (of). réacquérir, v.t. recover.
rature, /. scraping; serapings; erasure. réacteur, m. reactor.
raturer, v.t. scrape; pare; erase. réactibilité, /. reactivity.
rauque, a. raucous, hoarse, harsh. réactif, m. reagent, a. reactive. — cupro-
ravale, /. scraper, shovel (for earth). ammoniacal, cuprammonium, Schweitzer's
ravalement, m. rougheasting, etc. (see ra- reagent. — cupropotassique, Fehling's
valer) ; rougheast. solution. — de (with name of a substance),
ravaler, v.t. rougheast; rough-coat; plaster; reagent for. — de Fritzsche, a dinitro-
lay on (as gold foil); clean, dress, finish (a anthraquinone used as a reagent for poly-
surface) ; level (soil) ; swallow ; disparage. cyclic hydrocarbons. — de Miïlon, Millon's
v.i. (of metals) develop cavities, pipe. reagent. — de Nessler, Nessler reagent,
xave, /. turnip (Brassica râpa); râpe; rad- Nessler solution. — de Scheibler, Schei-
ish; rainer's lamp. bler's reagent (sodium phosphotungstate
ravi, p.a. ravished ; delighted. solution). — de Schijf, Schiff reagent
xavin, m. ravine, gully. (decolorized fuchsine solution). — de
ravine, /. torrent; ravine. Schweitzer, Schweitzer's reagent.
xavineux, a. gullied, channeled. réaction, /. reaction; (Elec.) feedback. —
xavir, v.t. ravish; delight. à —, admirably. de soudure, coupling reaction.
raviser, v.r. change one's mind. réactionnel, a. of or pertaining to reaction,
Tavison, m. ravison, Black Sea râpe (wild reactional, reactive.
Brassica campestris). réactiver, v.t. reactivate.
réactivité 373 recharger
réactivité, /. reactivity. rebout, pr. S sing. (of rebouillir) boils again.
réadmettre, v.t. readmit. rebrouiller, v.t. mix again, stir up again.
réaffirmer, v.t. reaffirm. rebroussage, rebroussement, m. turning
réagglomérer, v.t. reagglomerate, leform. back, etc. (see rebrousser) ; retrogression.
réagglutiner, v.t. reagglutinate. rebrousser, v.t. turn back; retrace (one's
réagibilité, /. reactivity. way); (Leather) board ; brush the wrong
réagir, v.i. react. way. v.i. turn back, go back.
réagissant, p.a. reacting. rebroyer, v.t. regrind, etc. (see broyer).
réaimanter, v.t. remagnetize. rebrûler, v.t. reburn, etc. (see brûler);
réajuster, v.t. readjust. soften (glass).
réaléser, v.t. rebore, redrill. rebrunir, v.t. brown again; reburnish. v.i.
réalgar, m. (Min.) realgar. — jaune, orpi- become brown again.
ment. rebut, m. refuse, rejected object or material,
réalisable, a. realizable; attainable. waste, rubbish, trash; repulsion; repulse.
réalisateur, m. accomplisher ; inventer. de —, refuse, waste. mettre au —, reject,
réalisation, /. realization ; accomplishment. discard, scrap.
réaliser, v.t. realize; accomplish, effect. rebuter, v.t. reject; refuse; discourage.
v.r. be realîzed. recalciner, v.t. recalcine.
réalité, /. reality. recalculer, v.t. recalculate.
réallumer, v.t. relight. recaler, v.t. relevel, reset, etc. (see caler) ;
réamorcer, v.t. reprime, restait. smooth, level, polish.
réanimer, v.t. revive; restore; brisk up récapituler, v.t. recapituîate.
(fire). recarboniser, v.t. recarbonize, recarburize.
réapparaître, v.i. reappear. recarburation, /. recarburization.
réapparition, /. reappearance. recarburer, v.t. recarburize, recarbonize.
réapprêter, v.t. dress again. recasser, v.t. break again; soften (hides).
réargenter, v.t. resilver. receler, v.t. coneeal; contain.
réassortir, v.t. reassort. récemment, adv. recently.
recense, /. re-pressing of the marc (as of
réassurer, v.t. reinsure.
rebaisser, v.t. lower again. olives) ; restamping (of gold and silver).
rebâtir, v.t. rebuild. recensement, m. census; inventory.
rebattre, v.t. beat again, beat, hammer; say récent, a. récent; (of memory) distinct,
over and over. fresh.
rebattu, p.a. beaten again, etc. (see re- receper, recéper, v.t. eut off, top.
battre); hackneyed, trite; stunned; tired. récépissé, m. receipt.
rebêche, n. See vin de rebêche, at vin. récepteur, m. receiver; (Biochem., etc.) re-
rebelle, a. refractory; (Afed.) obstinate; re- ceptor. a. receiving.
bellious, rebel. réception, /. receiving, receipt; réception;
rebeller, V.T. rebel. acceptance, approval.
reblanchir, v.t. rebleach; rewhiten. v.i. réceptivité, /. receptivity.
become white again. récessif, o. récessive.
rebobiner, v.t. rewind. recette, /. receipt ; receipts ; recipe, formula,
reboire, v.i. swell (from moisture). prescription ; acceptance ; landing.
rebond, m. rebound. recevable, a. receivable.
rebondir, v.i. rebound; recoil; (Mach.) recevant, p. pr. (of recevoir) receiving.
chatter. receveur, m. receiver; collecter (of money).
recevoir, v.t. receive; accept; get; take.
rebondissement, m. rebound(ing) ; recoil. rechange, m. spare part, duplicate, change.
rebord, m. rim ; flange ; edge, border ; ledge ; de —, extra, spare, duplicate.
hem. à —, rimmed, fianged, with raised réchapper, v.i. escape; recover. v.t. de-
edge. liver.
reboucher, v.t. stopper again, etc. (see recharge, /. recharging, recharge; second
boucher). charge (of powder).
rebouillir, v.i. boil again. rechargement, m. recharging, etc. (see re-
rebours, m. wrong way (of the grain, of charger).
the nap) ; wrong side ; contrary, reverse. recharger, v.t. recharge; reload; replenish;
à —,.o« —, against the nap (or grain), renew, repair; hard-surface (metals); build
the wrong way, backward. up (tires).
réchaud 374 recoupe
réchaud* m. small portable stove, hot plate, récolter, v.t. gather, collect; harvest.
heater; hotbed (for plants); mulch. récolteur, m. collector; harvester. o. col-
réchauffage, m. reheating; preheating, pre- lecting, gathering ; harvesting.
warming ; heating. recombinaison, /. recombination.
réchauffement, m. reheating ; preheating ; recomhiner, v.i., r. & t. recombine.
(Agric.) new manure. recommandable, a. to be recommended;
réchauffer, v.t. reheat ; heat ; preheat ; estimable.
warra over. v.r. be heated, get hot, warm recommandation, /. recommendation ;
up. (postal) registration ; esteem ; counsel.
réchauffeur, m. heater ; warmer ; fore- recommander, v.t. recommend; register (as
warmer, preheater ; reheater ; (Ôhlorine, a letter) ; instruct ; request ; exhort.
etc.) superheater ; (Steam) feed-water recommencer, v.t. & i. recommence, begin
heater. again, résume.
réchauff oir, m. (Sugar) heater ; plate recompenser, v.t. recompense; reward.
warmer. recomposer, v.t. recompose, recombine.
rêche, a. harsh, rough; acrid. recomposition, /. recomposition, recom-
recherche, /. research; investigation, in- bination.
quiry; search; prospecting; location, find- recomptage, m. recounting, recount.
ing; affectation, élégance. — des pannes, recompter, v.t. count again, recount.
"trouble shooting." réconciliable, a. reconcilable.
recherché, p.a. sought after, etc. (see re- réconciler, v.t. reconcile.
chercher) ; in demand, in request ; far- recondenser, v.t. recondense.
fetched ; elaborate, finished ; studied, af- réconfortant, p.a. strengthening, tonic;
fected. comforting, cheering. m. tonic.
rechercher, v.t. seek after, seek for, search réconforter, v.t. strengthen; comfort, cheer.
for ; test for ; inquire into ; locate, find ; récongélation, /. refreezing, regelation.
(Tech.) finish off. reconnais sable, a. recognizable.
rechercheur, m. researcher, research reconnaissance, /. récognition ; examina -
worker ; seeker ; inquirer. tion ; vérification ; exploration ; acknowl-
rechinser, v.t. wash (wool). edgment ; gratitude ; reward.
rechute, /. relapse. reconnaissant, p. pr. (of reconnaître) rec-
récidive, /. répétition, récurrence.
récif, m. reef. ognizing, etc. p.a. grateful.
récipé, m. rccipc. reconnaître, v.t. recognize; identify; ex-
récipient, m. receiver ; container ; vessel, amine ; verify ; discover ; survey ; explore ;
dish, cistern, cylinder (for gases), drum, acknowledge; return, repay. v.r. be recog-
etc.; récipient. — fermé, cloaed (or sealed) nized ; find oneself ; reflect ; acknowledge
container. — florentin, Florentine receiver. error.
réciproque, a. reciprocal ; inverse (ratio) ; reconnu, p.p. (of reconnaître) recognized,
reciprocating ; réversible. /. like, same etc.
thing ; (Logic) converse. reconstituant, m. restorative, tonic.
réciproquement, adv. reciprocally; con- reconstituer, v.t. reconstitute, reconstruct.
versely. reconstruire, v.t. reconstruct.
recirer, v.t. wax again, rewax. reconvertir, v.t. reconvert. v.r. change
récit, m. account, statement, narration. back.
réciter, v.t. relate, recite. recoquillement, m. curling up, turning up.
réclamation, /. claim, demand; complaint. recoquille r, v.t. & r. curl up, turn up.
réclame, /. advertisement, advertising. recouchage, m. laying again, etc. (see
réclamer, v.t. claim; demand; require; im- coucher).
plore, v.i. protest. recouler, v.t. recast, etc. (see couler) ;
recoin, m. recess, nook, corner.
reçoit, pr. S sing. (of recevoir) receives, gets. scrape (hides) to remove lime, etc., scud,
recoller, v.t. reglue, etc. (see coller). v.i. ilow again, etc. (see couler).
recolorer, v.t. recolor ; (Micros.) counter- recoupage, m. recutting, cutting again, etc.
stain. v.r. become colored again, hâve (see couper and recouper).
one's color restored. recoupe, /. clippings, cuttings, scraps; chips
récolte, /. collection, gathering ; harvest ; (of stone) ; blended spirit ; an inferior
crop ; yield ; profit. grade of flour; second cutting (of hay).
recouper 375 redevenir
recouper, v.t. reçut, eut again, etc. (see recueil, m. collection, assemblage, compila-
couper) ; mix (wines) a second time ; inter- tion.
sect. recueillement, m. collection, collecting;
recoupette, /. a very coarse flour used for gathering ; collectedness.
industrial purposes. recueillir, v.t. collect; gather; harvest; re-
recourant, p. pr. (of recourir) resorting, ceive. v.r. be collected, etc. ; collect
etc. oneself.
recourber, v.t. bend back, bend; bend recuire, v.t. anneal (as glass); reheat; re-
again. v.r. bend, be bent. burn, etc. (see cuire).
recourbure, /. bend; bent state. recuisant, p. pr. (of recuire) annealing, etc.
recourir, v.i. hâve recourse, resort (to), recuiseur, m. (Glass, etc.) annealer.
make use (of) ; run again. recuisson, m. annealing, etc. (see recuire).
recourra, fut. S sing. of recourir. recuit, p.a. annealed, etc. (see recuire), m.
recours, m. recourse; resort; resource. annealing ; reheating ; reburning, reboiling,
recourt, pr. 8 sing. (of recourir) resorts, etc. etc. (see cuire), pr. 3 sing. of recuire. —
recouru, p.p. of recourir. passé, (Soap) a used lye of about 23°
recouvert, p.a. covered ; covered again. Baume.
recouvrable, a. recoverable. recuite, /. = recuit, m.
recouvrant, p. pr. of recouvrer and recou- recuiteur, m. (Glass, etc.) annealer.
vrir. recul, m. recoil ; return ; retreat ; recession ;
recouvrement, m. covering; cover; hood, retrogression ; setback.
cap, etc.; overlapping, overlap, lap; dupli- reculade, /. retreat, backward movement.
cation ; coat (as of plaster) ; recovery. à reculé, a. remote, distant.
—, by overlapping. reculer, v.t. move back, put back, with-
recouvrer, v.t. recover; collect (as taxes). draw ; extend (as boundaries) ; delay, post-
recouvrir, v.t. cover, cover over; mask; pone. v.i. go back, recède, retreat ; shrink
coat; cover again, re-cover; overlay; over- (from), recoil; give way; delay.
lap. v.r. become covered or coated; over- reculons. In the phrase à reculons, back-
lap. ward.
récrément, m. recrement, specif. drosa. récumer, v.t. clean, cleanse.
recrépir, v.t. regrain, etc. (see crépir). récupérable, a. recoverable.
récrire, v.t. rewrite. v.i. reply (in writing). récupérateur, m. recuperator.
recristalliser, v.t. recrystallize. récupération, /. récupération, recovery;
recrobiller, V.T. = recroqueviller. réclamation. — avec inversion, alternating
recroiser, v.t. recross, cross again. System of récupération. — simple, continu-
recroissant, p. pr. of recroître. ous System of récupération.
recroître, v.i. grow again; get longer. récupérer, v.t. & r. recover, recuperate.
recroqueviller, v.r. curl up, shrivel up. récurage, m. scouring, cleaning.
récrouir, v.t. reheat; anneal; steep, ret. récurer, v.t. scour, clean.
recru, p.p. of recroître. reçurent, p. def. S pi. (of recevoir) received.
recrû, m. second growth, regrowth. récuser, v.t. challenge, object to.
recrutement, m. recruiting. reçut, p. «Je/. S sing. (of recevoir) received.
recruter, v.t. recruit. recyclage, m. recycling.
rectangle, a. rectangular. m. rectangle. recycler, v.t. recycle.
rectangulaire, a. rectangular. rédacteur, m. editor; one who draws up or
recteur, a. directing. m. rector. puts into written form.
rectifiant, p.a. rectifying. m. rectifier. rédaction, /. editing;. editorial staff; edi-
rectificateur, m. rectifier, a. rectifying. torial office; drawing up (of & writing);
rectificatif, a. rectifying. wording.
rectifier, v.t. rectify ; straighten ; true ; cor- rédactionnel, a. editorial.
rect; (Métal.) grind. redan, m. projection; recess; notch; step.
rectifieuse, /. grinding machine, grinder. redécouvrir, v.t. rediscover.
rectillgne, a. rectilinear. redent, m. = redan.
rectilignement, adv. rectilinearly. redescendre, v.i. descend again; redescend.
rectitude, /. straightness ; rectitude. v.t. take down again.
recto, m. right side, right-hand page. redevable, a. indebted ; debtor. m. debtor.
reçu, p.a. received, etc. (see recevoir), m. redevance, /. royalty; rent; charge.
receipt. redevenir, v.i. become again.
rédiger 376 refournir
rédiger, v.t. edit; draw up, write out, refendage, m. splitting; ripping.
word. refendre, v.t. split, divide lengthwise, rip.
redire, v.t. repeat; blâme, censure. refente, /. splitting, lengthwise division.
redissolution, /. redissolving, re-solution. refera, fut. S sing. (of refaire) will remake,
redissolvant, p.a. redissolving. etc.
redissoudre, v.t. & r. redissolve. référence, /. référence. — de rappel, cross
redistillateur, a. redistilling. référence.
redistiller, v.t. redistill. référer, v.t. refer; attribute. v.r. refer;
redistribuer, v.t. redistribute. rely (on), refer the matter (to). v.i. re-
rédo, m. Redo (a bleaching agent). T.N. port.
redonner, v.t. give again, give back, return; refermer, v.t. & r. close again, close.
restore, v.i. begin again; give oneself up. refiltrer, v.t. refilter, filter again.
redorer, v.t. regild. refit, p. de/. S sing. (of refaire) remade,
redoublé, p.a. redoubled; doubled, double. etc.
redoubler, v.t. redouble; double; reline. refléchir, v.t. & r. bend again.
redouter, v.t. dread, fear. réfléchir, v.t. & i. reflect. v.r. be reflected.
redressage, redressement, m. straighten- réfléchissant, p.a. reflecting.
ing, resetting, etc. (see redresser). réfléchissement, m. reflection, reflecting.
redresser, v.t. straighten; reset, reërect; réflecteur, a. reflecting. m. reflector; flood-
right, rectify; correct, adjust, redress; light.
(Elec.) commutate, rectify; dress, dress reflet, m. reflection; reflex; bloom (of oil).
again ; (Leather) stake a second time. refléter, v.t. & i. reflect. v.r. be reflected.
redresseur, a. straightening, etc. (see re- réflexe, a. & m. reflex.
dresser), m. straightener, etc.; (Elec.) réflexible, a. capable of being reflected.
rectifier. — de charge continue, (Elec.) réflexion, /. reflection.
trickle charger. refluer, v.i. flow back, reflow, (of tide) ebb.
redû, m. balance due. a. still owing. reflux, m. reflux, flowing back; ebb tide. o
réducteur, m. reducer ; reducing agent ; re- —, (of condensers) so that the condensed
ductor; (Mach.) reducing gear; (Elec.) liquid flows back.
transformer, a. reducing. refondre, v.t. remelt, fuse again, recast,
réductibilité, /. reducibility, reducibleness. etc. (see fondre) ; correct, remodel, reform.
réductible, a. reducible. refondu, p.a. remelted, recast.
réductif, a. reducing. refont, pr. 3 pi. (of refaire) remake, etc.
réductrice, a. fem. of réducteur. refonte, /. remelting, etc. (see fondre); re-
réduire, v.t. reduce, v.r. be reduced; corne, modeling; reform.
amount (to). reformation, /. re-forming.
réduisant, p.a. reducing. réforme, /. reform, reformation.
réduit, p.a. reduced. m. retreat; redoubt. reformer, v.t. & r. form again, re-form.
pr. S sing. (of réduire) reduces. réformer, v.t. reform, correct; (Mil.) retire.
rééditer, v.t. republish. refouillement, m. hollowing out, hollow.
réel, a. reaï; actual, true. refouiller, v.t. hollow out; carve; dig
réellement, adv. really, in reality, actually. again ; search again.
réensemencer, v.t. resow, reseed. refoulant, p.a. compressing, etc. (see re-
refaire, v.t. make again, remake, do again, fouler) ; (of a pump) force.
etc. (see faire); repair, mend; improve; refoulement, m. compressing, pressing back,
begin again; restore; revive, v.i. begin etc. (see refouler, v.t.); delivery (of a
again. v.r. be made again, etc.; recover; pipe) ; flowing back, backflow, backing up ;
reëstablish oneself. — passer, cause to pass turning back; forced lubrication.
again, repass, etc. (see faire passer, underrefouler, v.t. compress; press back, drive
passer). back, force back; ram, drive, force; upset,
refaisage, m. (Leather) tanning anew, steep- jump (pièces of métal) ; deliver (as water) ;
ing anew. stem (as a current) ; (fig.) check, restrain;
refaisant, p. pr. (of refaire) remaking, etc. press again, remill, etc. (see fouler), v.i.
refait, p.p. & pr. S sing. of refaire. flow back; turn back.
refasse, pr. 1 & S sing. subj. of refaire. refouleur, m. compressor, driver, etc. (see
réfection, /. repair, reconstruction, making refouler); specif., force pump.
over, overhauling; recovery. refouloir, m. rammer.
refend, m. splitting, dividing. refournir, v.t. refurnish, supply again.
réfractaire 377 réglable
réfractaire» a. refractory; résistant, m. refuser, v.t. refuse, v.r, be refused; (with
refractory. à) refuse to, refuse, refuse to do, not per-
réfracter, v.t. refract. v.r. be refracted. mit, v.i. refuse; (of tools, etc.) fait to
réfracteur, a. refracting. m. refractor. work.
réfractif, a. refractive. réfuter, v.t. réfute, v.r. be refuted.
refractionner, v.t. refractionate, refraction. regâcher, v.t. mix, temper (cément, mortar,
réfractivité, /. refractivity. etc.).
réfractoire, a. refractional, of refraction. regagnage, m. recovery (as of acids in
réfractomètre, m. refractometer. — à making explosives) ; regaining.
beurre, butyrorefractometer. regagner, v.t. regain; recover.
réfractométrie, /. refractometry. régaiage, régalement, m. leveling.
réfractométrique, a. réfractométrie. régale, a. In the phrase eau régale, aqua
réfranger, v.t. refract. regia. m. Babbitt métal, babbitt.
réfrangibilité, /. refrangibility. régaler, v.t. level, spread evenly (as earth);
réfrangible, a. refrangible, refractable. regale, enter tain.
refrapper, v.t. strike again, etc. (see frap- régalin, a. pertaining to aqua regia.
per). régalisation, /. (Old Chem.) action of aqua
refrayer, v.t. (Ceram.) planish. regia.
refréner, v.t. restrain, check. regard, m. look, glance, sight, view; regard;
réfrigérant, m. condenser ; cooler, refrig- attention; opening, hole (as in a sewer);
erator, refrigerating apparatus; (Med.) peephole, sighthole, window. au — de,
réfrigérant, p.a. cooling, refrigerating, (of with regard to, regarding ; in comparison
mixtures) freezing; (Med.) réfrigérant. — with. en —, opposite, face to face, on the
à air, air condenser ; air cooler. — à opposite page. — vitre, glassed peephole.
boules, bulb condenser. — à cheminée, regarder, v.t. look at ; regard ; concern ;
cooling tower. — à colonne, column con- face, be directed toward. v.i. look ; be di-
denser. — à poche d'eau, (water) cooling rected; (with à) regard, pay attention to,
chamber. — à reflux, — ascendant, reflux look to.
condenser, retura condenser. — à tour, regarnir, v.t. refurnish, etc. (see garnir).
cooling tower. — descendant, ordinary
condenser ( as distinguished from a reflux regarnissage, m. refurnishing, etc. (see gar-
condenser). — de Soxhlet, Soxhlet con- nir).
denser (spherical, reflux). — en cuivre, regel, m., regélation, /. freezing again.
copper condenser. — en verre, glass con- regeler, v.t. <fc i. freeze again.
denser. — par hélice creuse, spiral con- régénérateur, m. regenerator. a. regen-
denser. — par ruissellement, trickle cooler, erating, regenerative.
spray cooler. régénéré, p.a. regenerated. m. regenerated
réfrigérateur, m. refrigerator ; cooling régénérer, v.t. regenerate.
tower. régie^ /. excise (or internai revenue) ad-
réfrigératif, a. & m. {Med.) réfrigérant. ministration ; excise office ; administration
réfrigération, /. réfrigération, cooling. (of property). p.a. fem. from régir.
réfrigérer, v.t. refrigerate, cool. régime, m. normal or usual opération, regu-
réfringence, /. refractivity, refringency. lar running (as of a furnace or motor) ;
réfringent, a. refractive, refracting, réfrin- speed ; régulation, management, govern-
gent. ment ; régime ; regimen ; System ; rules,
refroidir, v.t. cool ; chill. v.r. & i. cool, régulations, de —, normal, usual; by rule.
grow cool or cold. — carné, méat diet. — cru, raw diet. —
refroidissement, m. cooling; chilling; eool- végétarien, vegetarian diet.
ness; cold, chill.
refroidisseur, m. cooler. a. cooling. région, /. région ; district ; field. — car-
refroidissoir, m. cooler. bonifère, coal field. — pétrolifère, oil field.
refuge, m. refuge; shelter. régir, v.t. govern, rule, direct.
réfugier, v.r. take refuge, find shelter. régisseur, m. manager.
refus, m. refusai ; refuse, à —, (of passing registre, m. register ; record ; track (of
gases, etc.) to excess, till no more is re- sound on a film); damper, regulator, valve.
tained; (of driving piles, etc.) as far as registrer, v.t. register, record.
possible, till progress ceases. — du crible, réglable, a. regulable, adjustable, etc. çsee
oversize. régler). •
réglage 378 rejeton
réglage, m. régulation; adjustment; ruling. régularisation, /. régulation; regulariza-
— à distance, remote control. — de -pré- tion.
cision, — précis, fine adjustment or control. régulariser, v.t. regulate; set right; make
réglant, p.a. regulating, etc. (see régler). regular, regularize.
règle, m. rule; (Mach.) guide bar; rod; régularité, /. regularity.
strip, batten; model, example; order, régulateur, m. regulator; specif., governor;
discipline; (pi.) menses. — à calcul, — tank for separating starch from a water
coulisse, Computing rule, slide rule. — des suspension, a. regulating, regulative. —
phases, phase rule. — de trois, rule of de chaleur, heat (or température) regu-
three, proportion. — divisée, scale. — du lator, thermoregulator.
pouce, rule of thumb. — glissante, slide régule, m. regulus; antifriction métal, bab-
rule. — réduite, reduced scale. bitt.
réglé, p.a. regulated, etc. (see régler); regu- réguler, v.t. Une with antifriction métal,
lar ; steady. babbitt.
règlement, m. régulation, adjustment, etc. régulier, o. regular.
(see régler) ; rule, régulation ; settlement. régulièrement, adv. regularly.
réglementaire, a. regular, prescribed, régu- régulin, a. reguline.
lation ; pertaining to régulations. régurgiter, v.t. regurgitate.
réglementer, v.t. regulate, make rules for. réhabiliter, v.t. rehabilitate, reëstablish.
régler, v.t. regulate; adjust; set; adapt; rehaussement, m. raismg, etc. (see re-
control, order, manage; fix, détermine; set- hausser).
tle (as an account) ; rule (as paper). v.r. rehausser, v.t. raise, make higher; heighten,
be regulated, etc. intensify, enhance, set off; touch up; extol.
réglette, /. small rule or scale; graduated rehaut, m. retouch (in a design).
balance beam; slide (of a slide rule); rehumecter, v.t. remoisten, dampen again.
reglet. — à curseur, sliding rule or scale. réhydrater, v.t. <fc i. hydrate again.
régleur, m. regulator, etc. (see régler). réhydrogéniser, v.t. hydrogenize again.
réglisse, /. licorice, liquorice. réimporter, v.t. reimport.
reglisser, v.t. & i. slide again, slip again. réimpression, /. reprinting; reprint.
réglisserie, /. licorice manufacture. réimprimer, v.t. reprint. v.r. be reprinted.
réglure, /. ruling. rein, m. kidney; (pi.) loins, back.
régnant, o. prevailing; reigning. reine, /. queen. — des prés, (Bot.) meadow-
règne, m. reign ; kingdom. — végétal, vege- sweet.
table kingdom. — vivant, organic kingdom reine-Claude, /. greengage (plum).
(either vegetable or animal kingdom). reinette, /. pippin (apple).
régner, v.i. reign ; prevail ; extend, run. réinsérer, v.t. reinsert.
regommer, v.t. regum, gum again. réintégration, /. reinstatement, restoration.
regonflement, m. refilling; swelling. réintégrer, v.t. reinstate, restore; reinte-
regonfler, v.t. & r. refill; swell. grate.
regorgement, m. overflowing, overflow. réitérer, v.t. reiterate, repeat.
regorger, v.i. overfiow, run over ; abound. rejaillir, v.i. rebound; reflect, be reflected;
v.t. vomit ; disgorge ; restore. (of liquids) gush, gush out, spurt out,
regoûter, v.t. & i. taste again. spring up; spring, arise.
regratter, v.t. scrape again, etc. (see grat- rejaillissement, m. rebounding, etc. (see
ter). rejaillir).
regrêler, v.t. repass through the grèloir (see rejauger, v.t. gage or calibrate again.
this). rejaunir, v.t. & i. yellow again.
régressif, o. régressive. rejet, m. rejeotion; outthrow; (Oeol.)
régression, /. régression, retrogression. throw; thrown-out material (as earth),
être en —, be going back, be receding. éjecta; shoot (of a tree); escape pipe;
(Dyeing) second dipping; transfer (of
regrettablement, adv. regrettably. accounts).
regretter, v.t. regret. rejetable, o. rejectable.
regriller, v.t. roast again, etc. (see griller). rejeter, v.t. reject; throw back; throw
regros, m. oak bark for tanning. again, throw up, throw out, throw away;
regroupement, m. regrouping; metathesis. throw, cast (as blâme) ; transfer. V.T. be
régulage, m. lining with bearing métal, rejected, etc. ; fall back (on).
babbitting. rejeton, m. shoot (of a plant) ; descendant.
rejettement 379 remener
rejettement, m. rejection, etc. (see .rejeter). releveur, m. lifter, lift, elevator; (.Med.)
rejoignant, p. pr. (of rejoindre) rejoining. retractor.
rejoindre, v.t. & r. rejoin, reunite. reliage, m. joining, etc. (see relier).
réjouir, v.t. rejoice; delight; amuse. relié, p.a. joined, etc. (see relier).
Tel., abbrev. (relié) bound. relief, m. relief; scrap, leaving.
relâchant, p.a. relaxing, etc. (see relâcher); relien, m. (Pyro.) coarse gunpowder.
(Med.) laxative. m. (Med.) laxative. relier, v.t. join, unité, connect; bind
relâche, m. relaxation, rest, respite. (books); hoop (casks) ; bind again.
relâché, p.a. relaxed, etc. (see relâcher); religieusement, adv. religiously.
loose, slack, lax. religieux, a. religious; scrupulous, strict.
relâchement, m. relaxing, etc. (see re- relimer, v.t. file again; (fig.) polish up.
lâcher); looseness, laxity, laxness. reliquat, m. remainder; balance (of an ac-
relâcher, v.t. relax, loosen, slaeken; make count).
limp (as paper by moisture) ; abate; di- reliquataire, o. remaining, left. m. debtor.
vert; release; give up, yield. v.r. be re- reliquéfier, v.t. & r. reliquefy, liquefy
laxed, relax, loosen, get loose; sag; abate; again.
(of weather) moderate. v.i. relax, yield ; relire, v.t. reread, read again.
put into port. relisant, p. pr. (of relire) rereading.
relal, relais, m. relay; (Sait) second wash- reliure, /. binding, bookbinding.
ing (of saliferous sand) or the water used relu, p.a. reread, read again.
for it ; sandbank ; silt. reluire, v.i. shine, glitter, gleam.
relaisser, v.t. leave again, etc. (see laisser). reluisant, p.a. shining, glittering, glossy.
relaminer, v.t. roll again, etc. (see laminer). relut, p. def. S sing. (of relire) reread.
relancer, v.t. throw again, etc. (see lancer). remaillage, m. removal of the last traces of
relargage, m. (Soap) salting out, graining. epidermis from chamois leather, shaving.
rélargir, v.t. widen. remailler, v.t. subject to remaillage, shave.
rélargissement, m. widening. rémailler, v.t. reënamel, enamel again.
relarguer, v.t. (Soap) sait out, grain. remalaxer, v.t. remalaxate (see malaxer).
relater, v.t. relate, atate. rémanent, rémanent, a. remaining, réma-
relatif, o. relative. nent, residual.
relation, /. relation; connection; report. remaniement, remanïment, m. altération,
relativement, adv. relatively. modification, change ; repairing ; rehandling.
relativité, j . relativity. remanier, v.t. alter, modify, change, re-
relavcr, v.t. rewash, wash again. vise ; repair ; rehandle, handle again.
relaxer, v.t. relax; release. remarquable, a. remarkable.
relayer, v.t. relieve, replace, change; relay. remarquablement, adv. remarkably.
reléguer, v.t. relegate. remarque, /. remark; landmark, mark.
relent, m. musty or moldy taste or odor. remarquer, v.t. remark; re-mark, mark
rêler, v.r. be fissured, cracked or split (as again.
a cake of tallow or a sugar loaf). remballer, v.t. repack, pack again,
relevage, m. raising, etc. (see relever). remblai, remblayage, m. filling; SU; em-
relevant, a. dépendent, p. pr. of relever. banking ; embankment.
relevé, p.a. raised, etc. (see relever); pi- remblayer, v.t. fill, fin up; embank.
quant, pungent; exalted, noble, lofty. m. remboîter, v.t. fit together again; rebind
raising, etc. (see relever) ; summary, ac- (a book).
count, statement. rembouger, v.t. fill up.
relèvement, m. raising, etc. (see relever) ; rembourrage, m. stuffing, padding.
summary, statement, account; bearing, rembourrer, v.t. stuff, pad.
position ; position finding. remboursement, m. reimbursement, repay-
relever, v.t. raise; lift; raise up, take up, ment. contre —, C.O.D.
pick up, draw up, turn up; raise again; rembourser, v.t. reimburse, repay, refund.
restore ; rebuild ; enhance, heighten ; re- rembrunir, v.t. make brown(er); sadden.
lieve ; replace ; release ; remark on, point v.i. become brown(er). v.r. become dark
out ; note, record ; take the bearings of ; or gloomy.
exalt; extol. v.r. rise; recover; be raised. remède, m. remedy; help, aid.
v.i. dépend (on) ; be under (the orders of) ; remédier, v.t. remedy; make good.
recover (from). remémorer, v.t. & r. recall (to mind;.
remener, v.t. lead back, etc. (see mener).
remerciement 380 rencontre
remerciement, m. thanks, acknowledgment. remoulant, p. pr. of remoudre and of re-
remercier, v.t. thank; décline; dismiss. mouler.
remerciment, m. = remerciement. rémoulant, p. pr. (of rémoudre) resharpen-
remesurage, m. remeasurement. ing.
remesurer, v.t. remeasure, measure again. remouler, v.t. remold, recast; remodel.
remet, pr. 3 sïng. (of remettre) puts back, remoulu, p.p. (of remoudre) reground.
etc. rémoulu, p.p. (of rémoudre) resharpened.
remettre, v.t. put back, put again, replace, remous, m. eddy, vortex.
set back, etc. (see mettre); take back; rempart, m. rampart.
recall (to mind) ; return ; remit (as money) ; remplaçable, a. replaceable.
deposit; deliver; give up, resign; commit, remplacement, m. replacement, substitu-
entrust ; refer ; delay ; restore ; calm, com- tion; reinvestment (of funds).
pose; reconcile, v.r. go back, return; re- remplacer, v.t. replace; take the place of;
call; set oneself again; begin again, start succeed ; reinvest (funds). v.r. be replaced;
again; be postponed; commit oneself (to); replace each other.
leave the matter (to) ; rely (on) ; recover ; remplage, m. filling up, filling,
be reconeiled. — en état, repair, restore, rempli, p.a. filled, etc. (see remplir); full.
rebuild. — en marche, start again, restart. remplir, v.t. fill, fill up; fill out; fill again,
remiage, rémiage, m. treatment of apple refill; complète, make up; take up, oc-
pomace for making a weak cider. eupy ; accomplish, fulfill ; stock, supply ;
remis, p.p. & p. def. î & t sing. of remet- repay. v.r. fill, be filled; repay.
tre. remplissage, m. filling ; filling up ; filling in.
remise, /. putting back, etc. (see remettre); remplisseur, m. filler; charging hopper. a.
delivery ; remittance ; allowance, déduction, filling.
discount, rebate ; commission ; delay. remporter, v.t. beat off, carry off, take
remit, p. def. 3 sing. (of remettre) put back, away; carry back, take back.
etc. remuable, a. movable ; capable of being
remmailler, v.t. mend; loop; link. stirred or shaken.
remmancher, v.t. put a new handle on. remuage, m. moving ; stirring ; shaking ;
remodeler, v.t. remodel. diggîng.
rémois, a. of Rheims. remuant, p.a. moving ; stirring ; restless.
remonder, v.t. reclean, etc. (see monder). remuement, m. moving ; removing, removal ;
remontage, m. ascending, etc. (see re- stirring ; shaking ; disturbance.
monter). remuer, v.t. move ; stir, stir up ; shake ;
remonter, v.i. go up, rise, ascend, mount; dig; (fig.) agitate. v.r. & i. stir, move.
go up again, rise again; go back; (of ink) remueur, m. stirrer, agitator,
deepen in color. v.t. ascend, go up; re- remanient, m. =• remuement.
aacend; raise; take (or carry) up again; rémunérateur, a. remunerative, profitable.
set up again, put together again, reas- rémunérer, v.t. remunerate, reward, pay.
semble ; refurnish, restock ; strengthen (as remunir, v.t. refurnish, supply again.
brandy) ; wind up ; revive, v.r. provide renaissance, /. revival, renewal, renais-
oneself with a fresh supply ; be reas- sance.
sembled ; be wound up ; revive, rouse. renaissant, a. reviving, renascent.
remontrer, v.t. show, point out ; show renaître, v.i. revive, return, be restored.
again. v.i. remonstiate ; teach. rénal, a. (Anat.) rénal.
remorque, /. towing; tow rope; trailer. se renaquit, p. def. 3 sing. (of renaître) re-
mettre à la —, follow in the wake. vived.
remorquer, v.t. tow, draw, haul. renard, m. fox ; leak ; opening, gap ;
remotis. In the phrase à remotis, aside. (Métal.) bloom, also bear; (Tech.) grap-
remoudre» v.t. regrind, grind again. nel, dog, ram; (of workmen) scab.
rémoudre, v.t. resharpen, sharpen again. rencaisser, v.t. put into a case or box
remouillage, m. wetting again, remoisten- again.
ing. renchérir, v.t. <fe i. increase in price.
remouiller, v.t. wet again, remoisten. renchérissement, m. rise in price.
remouillure, /. (Baking) renewal of yeast. rencontre, /. meeting ; encounter ; discov-
remoulage, m. regrinding, remilling ; re- ery ; chance ; occasion ; coïncidence, de —,
molding; reassembling of a mold; bran. second-hand.
rencontrer 381 renverra
rencontrer, v.t. find, meet, meet with, en- renforcer, v.t. strengthen; reinforce;
counter, hit on, happen on. v.r. meet; be stiffen ; brace ; increase ; (Photog.) in-
found, be met with, be ; agrée ; collide, tensify. v.r. be strengthened or reinforced,
rendement, m. yield; output, production; grow stronger.
pioduct; produce; return, profit; effieiency renforceur, m. strengthener. a. strength-
(of a machine, etc.) ; (Soap) specif., the ening.
yield of soap from 100 kg. of fatty acids, renfort, m. reinforce, strengthening pièce;
— brut, gross yield or profit. — en argent, strengthening, reënforcement ; supply.
yield in money, revenue. — en nature, — re&gkong, n. a Malaysian dammar.
en matière, yield in material. — global, rengréner, v.t. recoin; (Mach.) réengage.
total yield or output; over-all effieiency. reniflard, m. air valve, snifting valve; (of
rendre, v.t. return; render; yield, produce; a pump) snore pièce; breather, vent.
give back ; restore ; repay ; pay ; carry, renifler, v.t. & i. snuff, sniff.
transport ; deliver ; give out, émit ; throw rénine, /. renin.
out, eject ; ^ive up, surrender ; express. reniveler, v.t. level again.
v.r. be returned, etc.; return; go; lead; renne, m. reindeer.
run, flow; give up, submit; be exhausted; renom, m. renown, famé, réputation.
become. v.i. yield ; give, stretch ; dis- renommé, a. renowned, famous, celebrated.
charge ; go, lead. m. repayment. — renommée, /. renown, famé, réputation ;
compte de, give an account of, account for, report.
answer for. se — compte de, ascertain ; renommer, v.t. name again ; reëlect ; ceîe-
under stand. brate.
rendu, p.a. returned, etc. (see rendre); ar- renoncer, v.i. (with à) abandon; renounce;
rived. m. return; returned article; repro- forbear (to), desist (from).
duction. renonculacées, /. pi. (Bot.) Ranunculaceae.
renduire, v.t. coat again, cover again. renoncule, /. (Bot.) crowfoot, buttercup
rendurcir, v.t. harden, make harder. (Ranunculus).
rendurcissement, m. hardening. renouée, /. (Bot.) polygonum.
rené, p.p. (of renaître) revived, restored. renouer, v.t. renew, résume; join; tie again.
renettoyer, v.t. clean again, reclean. renouveau, m. renascence, revival.
renfermé, m. close or musty smell. p.a. renouvelable, a. renewable.
contained, etc. (see renfermer). renouveler, v.t. renew ; renovate ; revive ;
renfermement, m. containment, etc. (see recall (to mind); recommence, v.r. be re-
renfermer). newed, etc. v.i. increase; revive.
renouvellement, m. renewal, etc. (see re-
renfermer, v.t. contain; include, comprise; nouveler).
confine ; shut up ; enclose ; shut up again. renseignement, m. (pièce or body of) in-
v.r. be contained ; be included ; be con- formation, intelligence ; indication ; hint.
fined ; confine oneself. prendre des renseignements, make inquiries.
renflammer, v.t. rekindle. v.r, take fire renseigner, v.t. inform, give information
again. to ; teach again. v.r. obtain information.
renflé, p.a. swelled, swollen, swelling, in- rentamer, v.t. eut again; résume.
flated. rente, /. revenue, income ; interest ; rent ;
renflement, m, swelling, enlargement ; annuity ; pension,
specif., bulb ; bulge; swell; shoulder; boss. rentonner, v.t. tun again, barrel again.
renfler, v.t., r. & i. swell, inflate, expand. rentrante r, v.t. carry away again, carry over
renfoncement, m. hollow, dépression; re- again, etc. (see entraîner).
cess. Tentrant, p.a. reëntering, reëntrant.
renforçage, m. strengthening, etc. (see ren- rentrée, /. reentrance, reëntering ; return ;
forcer). reopening; receipt (as of money); shrink-
renforçateur, m. (Photog.) intensifier; age.
(Radio) amplifier. rentrer, v.i. reënter, enter again ; return ;
renforcé, p.a. strengthened, etc. (see ren- résume; reopen; shrink; (of money) come
forcer) ; strong, substantial ; heavy-duty ; in. v.t. take in, get in, drive in ; take
downright. back.
renforcement, m. strengthening, etc. (see renuméroter, v.t. renumber.
renforcer). renverra, fut. 3 sing. of renvoyer.
renversable 382 reporter
renversable, o. invertible ; overturnable ; repayer, v.t. repay.
réversible. repêcher, v.t. fish up, fish out, recover.
renversé, p.a. inverted, etc. (see renverser); repeignant, p. pr. (of repeindre) repaint-
inverse; (of screws, etc.) left-handed. ing.
renversement, m. inversion, etc. (see ren- repeindre, v.t. repaint, paint again.
verser). repeint, m. new coat of paint.
renverser, v.t. invert; turn upside down; repérage, m. marking, etc. (see repérer);
overturn, upset; spill; overthrow; astound; position finding.
reverse (as an engine or a current). v.i. repercer, v.t. pierce, perforate ; pierce
upset, fall over. again ; redxill ; fret-saw.
renvoi, m. return ; dismissal, discharge ; répercussion, /. repercussion; reaction, re-
référence ; explanation ; adjournment ; bound.
(Mach.) gear, gearing; cross référence. répercuter, v.t. reflect; repel; (Med.)
renvoie, pr. 3 sing. indic. <fc subj. of ren- check.
voyer. repère, m. mark, référence mark, adjusting
renvoyer, v.t. return; reflect (as light); mark; bench mark; référence symbol; réf-
dismiss, discharge ; refer ; adjourn. v.r, érence scale; basis of référence.
be returned, etc. repérer, v.t. mark; fix by référence marks,
réorganisateur, a. reorganizing. m. reor- register ; locate, spot ; adjust ; calibrate ;
ganizer. read (an instrument).
réorganiser, v.t. reorganize. répertoire, m. index, register, table, tabula-
réouverture, /. reopening. tion, catalog; inventory; repertory.
réoxydable, a. capable of being reoxidized. répertorier, v.t. index, register, tabulate,
réoxydation, /. reoxidation. catalog.
réoxyder, v.t. reoxidize. repeser, v.t. reweigh, weigh again.
repaitre, v.t. & r. feed. répéter, v.t. repeat; reflect (optical images).
répandre, v.t, spread, diffuse, send forth, répéteur, m. repeater.
émit, give out, exhale ; shed, pour out, répétiteur, a. repeating. m. repeater; tu-
effuse, spill; utter. v.r. be spread, etc.; tor, preceptor.
spread, extend, repétrir, v.t. knead again, etc. (see pétrir).
répandu, p.a. spread, etc. (see répandre) ; rephosphorer, v.t. rephosphorize.
(of minerais, etc.) widely distributed ; repiler, v.t. pound again, etc. (see piler).
common. repiquer, v.t. transplant; repair (a road).
réparage, in. repairing, etc. (see réparer). répit, m. respite.
reparaissant, p. pr. (of reparaître) reap- replacage, m. replating.
pearing. replacer, v.t. replace; reinvest.
reparaître, v.i. reappear. replanir, v.t. smooth, clean off.
réparateur, a. repairing; restoring; invig- replaquer, v.t. replate.
orating. m. repairer. replâtrer, v.t. replaster.
réparation, /. repairing, repair, repairs; repli, m. fold, plait; turn, winding.
réparation. repliement, m. folding, etc. (see replier).
réparer, v.t. repair, mend ; work over ; re- replier, v.t. fold, fold up, fold again; bend,
store; make up for. v.r. be repaired, etc. bend up, turn up, coil up; bend back. v.r.
repartir, v.i. start again, go off again ; reply. fold up, coil up, turn up, bend back, wind;
répartir, v.t. distribute; portion out, di- fall back, retire.
vide. v.r. be distributed ; be divided. réplique, /, reply, answer ; (actor's) eue.
répartiteur, m. distributor, divider, répliquer, v.i. reply. v.t. reply to, answer.
répartition, /. distribution, division, replonger, v.t. plunge (dip, immerse) again.
reparu, p.p. (of reparaître) reappeared. repolir, v.t. repolish, reburnish.
repas, m. meal, repast. — d'épreuve, test repolissage, m. repolishing, reburnishing.
meal. répondre, v.i. answer, respond, reply; cor-
repassage, m. sharpening, etc. (see repasser). respond ; take an examïnation ; ïead (to).
repasser, v.t. sharpen, whet; polish; treat v.t. answer, reply to. v.r. correspond,
again, dye, dress, temper, etc., again; iron agrée.
(cloth) ; go over again ; rehearse ; pass réponse, /. answer, response, reply.
again. v.i. repass, pass again, return. — reporter, v.t. carry back; carry, transport,
au crible, rescreen. transfer, place, put. v.r. be carried back;
repasses, /. pi. last runnings, weak faints. refer, turn.
repos 383 résinage
repos, m. rest, repose; landing; platform. repu, p.a. (of repaître) fed, full.
reposer, v.i. rest; stand; lie; (of liquids) republier, v.t. republish.
settle. v.t. rest; lay, put, place; replace, république, /. republic.
put again, set again ; calm, relieve. v.r. répudier, v.t. repudiate.
rest ; (of liquida) settle. répugner, v.i. be répugnant; be reluctant.
reposoir, m. (Dyeing) vat, tub (for indigo); répulsif, o. répulsive, repelling, repellent.
(Paper) washing trough. repurger, v.t. purge again, etc. (see purger).
repoudrer, v.t. repowder, powder again. réputation, /. réputation, repute.
repolis, m. a kind of mortar or concrète. réputé, p.a. reputed; in high repute.
repoussant, p.a. repelling, etc. (see repous- réputer, v.t. repute, consider, deem, think.
ser) ; répulsive. requérir, v.t. require ; request ; demand ;
repoussèment, m. repulsion ; recoil ; ré- summon; claim; look for again.
sistance ; rejection. requerra, fut. S sing. of requérir.
repousser, v.t. repel, push back, thrust requête^ /. request; pétition.
back, drive back; reject; be répulsive to; requiert, pr. 3 sing. (of requérir) requires,
emboss, chase; enlarge, flare. v.i. be ré- etc.
pulsive; sprout again, grow again ; (of a requin, m. shark.
eolor) strengthen, deepen; (of a gun) re- requis, p.a. required, etc. (see requérir) ;
coil; (of a spring) resist. requisite. m. requisite.
repoussoir, m. drift, driver, starter, ram- reradier» v.t. & r. radiate again, reradiate.
mer. resceller, v.t. seal again.
repoustage, m. shaking, agitation (see re- rescrit, m. rescript ; (Patents) examiner's
pouster). answer.
repouster, v.t. shake, agitate (gunpowder) réseau, m. network, net, netting ; (Cryst.)
to break up lumps. lattice ; (Optics) grating ; System (as of
reprécipitable, a. capable of being repre- Unes, wires or ore veins) ; screen (as of
oipitated. wires); (Anat.) plexus, rete. — o diffrac-
reprécipiter, v.t, reprecipitate. tion, diffraction grating. — centré, body-
reprenant, p. pr. (of reprendre) taking up, centered lattice.
etc. resécher, v.t. dry again, re-dry.
reprendre, v.t. take up, dissolve, absorb ; réséda, m. (Bot.) Keseda, mignonette. —
take again, take back, retake; get again, gaude, dyer's rocket (R. luteola). — odo-
get back ; résume ; recover ; repair ; re- rant, garden mignonette (R. odorata).
prove; censure, v.r. be taken up, etc. ; réservage» m. (Calico) reserving, resiating.
congeal again; (of a wound) heal; recover réserve, /. réservation ; reserve ; claim (as
oneself. v.i. congeal again ; begin again ; for damaged freight) ; (Calico) réserve»
grow again; revive; recover; (of a wound) resist. à la — de, with the exception of.
heal; reply. à la — que, excepting that. en —, in re-
représentant, a. & m. représentative. serve, aside, spare. — épaisse, (Calicot
représenter, v.t. represent; présent; pré- fat reserve.
sent again; reraind of. v.r. reappear; ap- réserver, v.t. réserve, v.r. save oneself ;
pear; occur; be represented. wait.
réprimer, v.t. repress. réservoir, m. réservoir; tank, well, cistern,
repris, p.p. (of reprendre) taken up, etc. chamber, holder, container, vessel, etc. —
reprise, /. taking up, etc. (see reprendre); à gaz, gas holder, gasometer. — à minerai,
répétition, return, renewal ; (Founding) ore bin> ore bunker. — d'alimentation,
cold shut. à plusieurs reprises, several feed tank. — de chasse, fiushing tank. —
times, repeatedly, again and again. de secours, reserve tank or réservoir.
reprit, p. def. 3 sing. (of reprendre) took résider, v.i. réside, live, dwell.
up, etc. résidu, m. residue, residuum; remainder. —
reproche, m. reproach. combustible, burnable residue.
reproducteur, a. reproductive, reproducing.
reproductibilité, /. reproducibility. résiduaire, o. residual, residuary.
reproductible, a. reproducible. résiduel, a. residual.
reproductif, a. reproductive. résigner, v.t. resign.
reproduire, v.t. reproduce; breed (animais). résilier, v.t. cancel, annul.
v.r. be reproduced; reappear, recur. résinage, m. extraction of turpentine or
reproduisant, p. pr. of reproduire. rosin.
résine 384 ressemblant
résine, /. resin; specif., rosin. — blanche, résoluble, a. solvable, etc. (see résoudre).
white resin, specif. white rosin. — com- résolument, adv. resolutely.
mune, rosin. — copat, copal resin, copal. résolut, p. def. S sing. (of résoudre) solved,
— de gaiac, — de gayac, guaiacum resin, etc.
guaiacum. — de Highgate, fossil copal, résolutif, m. & a. (Med.) résolvent.
copalite. — de jalap, jalap resin. — de résolution, /. solution ; resolution ; réduc-
scammonnée, (Pharm.) resin of scammony tion, conversion; canceling.
(from Convotvulus scammonia). — de résolvant, p.a. solving, etc. (see résoudre);
scammonnée du Mexique, (Pharm.) ipomea (Med.) résolvent, m. solvent; (Med.) ré-
resin, scammony resin (from Ipomoea oriza- solvent.
bensis). — de térébenthine, rosin. — de résolvent, pr. S pi. (of résoudre) solve, etc.
terre, minerai resin. — du Bengale, an in- résonnance, /. résonance.
ferior lac. — élastique, rubber, caoutchouc. résonnant, p.a. résonant ; resounding.
— élémi, elemi, gum elemi. — glyptale, résonnateur, m. resonator.
alkyd resin, specif. Glyptal (T.N.). —• résonnementj m. resonating ; résonance.
jaune, yellow resin, specif. yellow rosin. — résonner, v.i. resound; be résonant, sono-
vierge, crude turpentine. rous.
résine-laque, /. gum-lac. résorbant, p.a. résorbent, m. absorbent.
résiner, v.t. extract rosin or turpentine résorber, v.t. resorb, reabsorb, absorb.
from; rosin, treat with rosin. résorcène, m. a dihydroxyphenylene radical
résineusement, adv. resinously. derived from resorcinol.
résineux, a. resinous, resiny; rosiny; conif- résorcine, /. resorcinol, (less desirably) res-
erous. orcin.
résine-vierge, /. crude turpentine. résorcylique, a. resorcylic.
résinier, m. resin (or rosin) collector or résorption, /. résorption, reabsorption.
maker. résorunne, /. resorufin.
résinifère, a. resiniferous. résoudre, v.t, solve; résolve; reduce, con-
résinifiable, a. resinifiable, convertible into vert, transform ; dissolve ; cancel ; per-
a resin or resinous material. suade, induce; décide upon. v.r. be solved,
résinification, /. resinification, resinifying. etc. ; separate (into) ; change (into) ; ré-
résinifier, v.t. & r. resinify. solve, v.i. résolve, décide.
résiniforme, a. resiniform. résous, p.a. resolved; converted; dissolved.
résini-gomme, /. gum resin. résout, pr. S sing. (of résoudre) solves, etc.
résinique, a. resinic, resin, of resin. respecter, v.t. respect.
résino-amer, m. aloes. respectif, a. respective.
résino-gommeux, a. gum-resinous. respectivement, adv. respectively.
résinoïâe, a. dfc m. resinoid. respirabilité, /. respirability.
résinylle, m. rosin oil. respirateur, m. respirator. o. respiratory.
résistance, /. résistance ; strength (of ma- respiration, /. respiration, breathing, breath.
terials). — à la compression, crushing respiratoire, a. respiratory.
strength. — à la tension (or traction), ten- respirer, v.i. breathe, respire; long (after).
sile strength. — à l'écrasement, crushing v.t. breathe; long for.
strength. — au flambage, buckling resplendir, v.i. shine brightly, be resplend-
strength. — de frottement, frictional ré- ent.
sistance. — de mise en marche, (Elec.) resplendissant, o. resplendent, bright.
starting résistance, starting rhéostat. — resplendissement, m. resplendence, bril-
d'isolement, (Elec.) insulation résistance. Uancy.
— réglable, (Elec.) adjustable résistance, responsabilité, /. responsibility.
rhéostat. responsable, a. responsible.
résistant, a. resisting, résistant ; proof ressac, m. surf ; breakers ; undertow.
(against) ; (of dyes) fast ; strong. — aux ressasser, v.t. sift again; examine again, ex-
intempéries, weather-proof. amine, scrutinize ; repeat over and over.
résister, v.i. resist, offer résistance. — à, ressaut, m. projection, shoulder, lug; jog.
resist, withstand ; support, endure. ressayer, v.t. try again.
résistivité, /. resistivity. ressécher, v.t. dry again, redry.
resolidifier, v.t. & r. resolidify. ressemblance, /. resemblance.
résolu, p.a. solved, etc. (see résoudre); reso- ressemblant, a. similar, alike, like. p. pr.
lute, fixed. of ressembler.
ressembler 385 retenant
ressembler, v.i. be Hke, be alike; (with à) rester, v.i. remain ; stay, continue ; stop.
resemble, be like. v.r. be alike. en — à, leave off, discontinue.
ressence, ressense, /. = recense. restituer, v-t. restore.
ressentir, v.t. feel, expérience; resent, v.r. restitution, /. restoration; restitution.
be felt; feel the effects (of), suffer (from). restreignant, p. pr. of restreindre.
resserrement, m. contraction, etc. (see res- restreindre, v.t. restrict, restrain, limit.
serrer) ; tightness (as of money) ; oppres- restreint, p.a. restricted, limited. pr. S
sion. sing, (of restreindre) restricts, etc.
resserrer, v.t. contract; compress, condense; restriction, /. restriction ; réservation.
tighten, draw tighter, draw closer ; shorten ; restringent, a. & m. astringent, restringent.
narrow ; confine ; restrain ; put away, put résultant, p.a. resulting, résultant.
back (in a close place); tie again; (Med.) résultante, /. résultant.
constipate. v.r. be contracted, etc. ; con- résultat, m. resuit; conséquence.
tract, shrink; get tight or tighter; pinch; résulter, v.i. resuit; follow, ensue.
(of weather) get colder. v.i. (Med.) be résumé, m. résumé, summary, abstract. au
constipating. —-, en —, to suiu up, on tlie whole, after
resservir, v.i. & t. serve again. ail.
ressort, m. spring ; elasticity, springiness ; résumer, v.t. âc r. sum up, recapitulate.
(fig.) force, energy; province, jurisdiction. résynthèse, /. resynthesis.
pr. S sing. (of ressortir) stands out, etc. rétablir, vU. reëstablish ; restore.
à —, Spring, with spring. — à boudin, — rétablissement, m. reëstablishment ; res-
à hélice, helical spring. — d'attache, spring toration ; recovery.
catch. retaille, /. cutting, clipping, shred, scrap,
ressortir, v.i. stand out; be évident; spring, paring, bit.
resuit; go out again; be under the jurisdic- retaillement, m. cutting again, etc. (see
tion (of). retailler).
ressoudage, m. resoldering ; rewelding. retailler, v.t. eut again, reçut, etc. (see
ressouder, v.t. resolder ; reweld ; reunite. tailler); dig up (marc before re-pressing).
ressoudure, /. resoldering; rewelding. rétaler, v.t. spread again, etc. (see étaler).
ressource, /. resource; resources, means. rétamage, m. retinning; replating.
ressouvenir, v.r. (with de) recollect, re- rétamer, v.t. retin; replate.
member again. m. recolleetion, rémi- retanner, v.t. tan again, retan.
niscence. retard, m. delay ; lag ; lateness ; slowness
ressuage, m. sweating; (Métal.) liquation, (of timepieecs). en —-, late, behind time,
eliquation. slow.
ressuer, v.i. sweat ; (of a métal) be liquated, retardataire, a. retarding ; late ; in ar-
run out in liquation ; sweat again. v.t. rears.
sweat; sweat again; (Métal.) liquate. retardateur, a. retarding, retardative; re-
ressui, m. (Ceram.) sweating. straining. m. retarder ; (Photog.) re-
ressuiement, m. drying. strainer.
ressuivre, v.t. follow again, follow back. retardement, m. retarding, etc. (see re-
ressusciter, v.t. resuscitate, revive, restore. tarder) ; delayed action.
ressuyage, m. drying. retarder, v.t. retard ; delay ; set back (a
ressuyé, p.a. dried, etc. (see ressuyer) ; timepiece). v.i. delay; be slow, be behind.
(Ceram.) affected by sweating. retartiner, v.t. repaste (battery plates).
ressuyer, v.t. dry, wipe again; dry again. retassement, m. (Métal.) (1) piping, (2)
restant, p.a. remaining, left, residual. m. pipe.
remainder, residue. retasser, v.i. (Métal.) develop cavities, pipe.
retassure, /. (Métal.) pipe (the cavity);
restaurant, a. restorative. m. restorative; pinhole.
restaurant. retâter, v.t. feel again, etc. (see tâter).
restauration, /. restoration. reteignant, p. pr. (of reteindre) redyeing,
restaurer, v.t. restore. etc.
reste, m. residue, remainder, rest, remain(s), reteindre, v.t. redye, etc. (see teindre).
remnant ; leavings, refuse, waste. au —, réteindre, v.t. reëxtinguish, etc. (see étein-
du —, besides, moreover, also. de —, left, dre).
remaining; to spare, more than enough. — reteint, p.p. & pr. S sing. of reteindre.
d'acide, acid residue. retenant, p. pr. (of retenir) retaining, etc.
retendre 386 retrier
retendre, v.t. restretch, etc. (see tendre, retors, o. twisted; wrung; bent; far-
v.t.) fetched; crafty. m. twist; second twist.
rétendre, v.t. dilute again, etc. (see éten- retorte, /. m u l e ; retort.
dre). retouche, /. (Photog.) retouching; altéra-
retenir, v.t. retain ; hold ; keep ; hold back ; tion.
restrain; hold up, sustain; get back, get retoucher, v.t. dress, finish; retouch.
again. v.r. hold, cling; hold back, stop, retour, m. return; recoil; backlash; strik-
refrain; be retained, etc. ing back (of a flame) ; backfire ; backflow
retenter, v.t. try again ; reattempt. (of a liquid); sucking back; turn, wind-
rétenteur, a. retaining ; restraining. ing; angle, corner; change; répétition;
retentit, a. retentive. wane, décline; caprice, en —, in return;
rétention, /. rétention ; réservation. at an angle; (of titration) back, in the
retentir, v.i. resound, écho, ring. opposite direction, en — d'équerre, at right
retentissement, m. resounding, echoing; angles. — d'âge, ménopause, change of
sound, écho; résonance; réverbération; re- life. — d'eau, back-pressure valve. — de
nown ; publicity. flamme, striking back, backnash. sans —,
rétentivité, /. retentivity. forever.
retenu, p.a. retained, etc. (see retenir); re- retournement, m. turning, etc. (see re-
served, discreet. tourner) ; reversai.
retenue, /. déduction, docking, stoppage (of retourner, v.t. turn; turn over; examine
pay) ; détention ; réservoir ; guy, guy rope ; carefully; turn again; return; affect, move.
reserve, discrétion. v.r. turn, turn round ; manage ; be turned ;
réticulaire, o. reticular; (Cryst.) lattice. (with en) return. v.i. return.
réticule, m. (Optiez) reticle, réticule, cross rétracter, v.t. éc r. contract; retract.
wires, cross hairs; handbag. retraire, v.r. contract, shrink.
réticulé, a. reticulated ; reticulate. retrait, m. contraction, shrinking, shrink-
réticuline, /. reticulin. age; withdrawal, retirement; retreat; re-
réticulum, m. reticulum, network. purchase. o. contracted; shrunken; (of
retient, pr. S sing. (of retenir) retains, etc. wood) warped.
r é t i n a s p h a l t e , m. (Min.) retinasphaltum. retraite, /. contraction, shrinkage; retire-
r é t i n e , /. (Anat.) retina. ment; retiring pension; retreat; (Com.)
rétinien, o. (Anat.) retinal. redraft.
rétinolé, m. (Pharm.) a solid préparation retraiter, v.t. treat again, retreat ; remove
having a resin or resins as a base. Cf. (as hides from the pit) ; retire.
onguent - emplâtre. retranchement, m. subtraction, etc. (see
retint, p. de). S sing. (of retenir) retained, retrancher).
etc. retrancher, v.t. subtract, deduct; eut off;
retiré, p.a. retired; secluded. p.p. (of re- take away, take out; leave out; stop; cur-
tirer) withdrawn, etc. tail ; retrench ; intrench.
retirement, m. withdrawing, withdrawal, retransformer, v.t. retransform, reconvert.
etc. (see retirer); (Ceram.) crawling (of retravailler, v.t. work over again, finish,
the glaze). improve.
retirer, v.t. withdraw, draw back, take retraverser, v.t. retraverse.
back ; get, obtain, dérive ; take in, receive ; rétréci, p.a. narrow, contracted, shrunken.
draw in; contract; draw out, take out, rétrécir, v.t. & r. narrow; contract; shrink;
extract ; draw again. v.r. retire ; contract, shorten.
shrink ; subside ; be withdrawn, etc. rétrécissement, m. narrowing; shrinking,
retirure, /. (Métal.) hollow due to shrink- shrinkage; contraction; narrowness; (Med.)
âge. stricture.
retombée, /. printing on a textile already retreindre, v.t. hammer out, shape (by
printed, overprinting ; springing (of an hammering).
arch). retreinte, /. hammering out, shaping.
retomber, v.i. fall again, fall back, fall; retrempe, /. retempering.
sink again; relapse; attribute. v.t. (Soap) retremper, v.t. soak again, temper again,
transfer (the paste) to another boiler. etc. (see tremper) ; reinvigorate.
retorcher, v.t. (Métal.) fettle, refettle. rétribuer, v.t. remunerate, pay.
retordre, v.t. twist again; twist; wring rétribution, /. rémunération, pay, fee.
again. retrier, v.t. sort again, re-sort.
rétroactivement 387 revit
rétroactivement, adv. retroaotively. —, (Métal.) let down the temper of, tem-
rétrogradation, /. reversion; reflux; rétro- per. — à, please, suit, agrée with, (of
gradation, retrogression. colors) harmonize with, match ; cost ; re-
rétrograde, a. rétrograde, backward. turn to; succeed in. — en arrière, (Anal-
rétrograder, v.i. revert (to an insoluble ysis) titrate back. — sur, return to; re-
state); rétrograde, retrogress. consider; retract; retrace; fall back on.
rétropinacolique, a. reverse pinacol (rear- revente, /. resale.
rangement). revenu, m. revenue; income; (Métal.) an-
retrousser, v.t. turn up; bend back. nealing, also refined state; conversion of
retrouver, v.t. find, find again; meet with; ground chocolaté to a plastic state for
meet again. v.r. be found, etc.; find one's molding. p.p. of revenir.
•way; meet again. revenue, /. return; new growth (of wood).
rets, m. net; netting. rêver, v.i. dream. v.t. dream, dream of.
rétudler, v.t. study again. réverbération, /. réverbération, refleotion.
réunion, /. union; junction; connection; réverbératoire, a. reverberatory.
collection ; meeting ; reunion. réverbère, m. reflector; dôme of a re-
réunir, v.t. reunite; unité, join, connect; verberatory furaace; street lamp. à —,
collect; call together. v.r. reunite; unité; reverberatory.
collect ; meet, assemble. réverbérer, v.t. & i. reverberate, reflect.
réusiner, v.t. machine again. reverdir, v.t. make green again; clean and
réussi, p.o. successful; well executed. soften (hides). v.i. become green again;
réussir, v.i. succeed, be successful; prosper; revive.
(of plants) thrive; resuit, turn out, end. reverdissage, m. clearing and softening
v.t. exécute well, perforas successfully. (hides).
réussite, /. success; issue, resuit. reverdissement, m. growing green again;
revanche, /. return, requital; revenge. en new life.
—, in return, in compensation, on the other reverdoir, m. (Brewing) wort sink, wort
hand. trough.
revaporiser, v.t. revaporize. reverra, fut. S sing. (of revoir) will révise,
rêve, m. dream. etc.
revêche, a. harsh, rough (to taste or feel) ; revers, m. reverse; back, wrong side, other
cross-grained ; (of iron) becoming hard on side.
annealing; (of diamond) not polishing uni- reverser, v.t. pour again; pour back; trans-
forcnly. fer.
revécu, p.p. (of revivre) revived. réversibilité, /. reversibility.
réveil, m. waking, awakening; alarm; re- réversiblement, adv. reversibly.
veille. revêtement, m. facing, casing, covering,
réveille-matin, m. alarm clock; (Bot.) coating, plating, lining, sheathing, l&gging,
spurge. revetment.
réveiller, v.t. wake, awaken; rouse; revive. revêtir, v.t. face, case, cover, coat, Une,
v.r. wake, awake; revive. sheathe ; put on, assume ; fit, equip ; clothe,
révélateur, a. serving for the détection (of ) ; dress ; draw up (a paper). v.r. (with de)
indicative (of) ; revealing, disclosing. m. put on; assume.
detector, indicator; (Photos.) developer; revêtu, p.a. faced, etc. (see revêtir).
revealer, discloser. revidage, m. re-emptying, etc. (see revider
révéler, v.t. reveal, disclose; (Photog.) de- and vider); enlargmg (of a hole).
velop. v.r. manifest itself ; behave; be dis- revider, v.t. re-empty, etc. (see vider); en-
closed ; prove. large (a hole).
revenant, p.o- returning, etc. (see revenir). revient, pr. 3 sing. (of revenir) returns, etc.
m. ghost, apparition. m. cost; (Métal.) annealing.
revendication, /. claim. revint, p. def. S sing. (of revenir) returned,
revendiquer, v.t. claim; demand. etc.
revenir, v.i. return, corne back; recur; re- reviser, réviser, v.t. revise; examine, in-
cover; amount (to); resuit, arise; give in, spect ; overhaul,
yield ; be suited (to) ; be pleasing (to). revision, révision, /. revision; examina-
faire —, restore (steel) to its former con- tion, inspection; overhauling.
dition, as by tempering; restore; recover; revisser, v.t. screw again, screw back.
bring fcack, call back ; cook slightly. laisser revit, p. def. S sing. of revivre and revoir.
revivant 388 rider
revivant, p. pr. (of revivre) reviving. rhodium-III-hexabromure, m. bromorho-
revivificateur, a. revivifying, reviving. date(III).
revivifier, v.t. revivify, revive. rhodium-III-hexachlorure, m. chlororho-
revivre, v.i. revive; live again. faire —, date(III).
revive. rhodium-III-hexacyanure, m. cyanorho-
revoir, v.t. revise; see again; examine date(III).
again ; inspect ; oversee. rhodlum-III-hexanitrite, rhodium-ni-
révolutionnaire, a. revolutionary. trite, m. nitrorhodate(III).
révolutionner, v.i. revolve, turn. rhodizonique, a. rhodizonic.
revolver, m. revolver (as the weapon, or the rhodoporphyrine, /. rhodoporphyrin.
revolving changer of a microscope) ; rhodoxanthine, /. rhodoxanthin.
(Mach.) turret, turret head. rhombe, m. (Cryst.) rhomb; rhombohedron ;
révoquer, v.t. revoke; recall. — en doute, (Geom.) rhomb, rhombus. a. rhombic.
call in question. rhombique, a. rhombic.
revoyant, p. pr. (of revoir) revising, etc. rhomboèdre, m. rhombohedron.
revu, p.a. revised, etc. (see revoir). rhomboédrique, a. rhombohedral.
revue, /. review ; inspection ; seeing again ; rhomboïde, m. & a. rhomboid.
journal, magazine. rhubarbe, /. rhubarb (Rheum). — de
révulsif, a. & m. (Med.) révulsive. Chine, Chinese rhubarb.
rez, prep. even with, level with. à — de, rhum, m. rum.
on a level with. rhumatisant, m. rheumatic patient.
rez-de-chaussée, m. ground level; ground rhumatismal, a. rheumatic.
floor. rhumatisme, m. rheumatism.
rhabillage, m. repair ; mending ; dressing rhume, m. cold; catarrh.
again. rhumerie, /. rum distillery; rum distilling.
rhabiller, v.t. repair; mend; dress again. rhus, m. sumac (Rhus).
rhamnétine, /. rhamnetin. rhythme, m. rhythm.
rhamnite, /. rhanmitol ; rhamnite. rhythmeur, m. (Elec.) interrupter.
rhamnoxanthine, /., rhamnoxanthoside, ri, p.p. (of rire) laughed.
m. rhamnoxanthin. riant, p.a. (of rire) laughing, smiling, cheer-
rhaponticine, /. rhapontin; rhaponticin. ful.
rhea, m. China grass ; ramie. ribler, v.t. dress (as stone).
rhéadine, /. rheadine. riblon, m. scrap (of iron or steel); (pi.
rhéine, /. rhein. riblons) swarf; cuttings; turnings; waste.
rhénan, a. Rhenish; Rhine; of the Rhine. ribocétose, m. riboketose (araboketose).
rhénique, o. rhenic. riboflavine, /. riboflavin.
rhéol, m. rhein. ribonique, a. ribonic.
rhéostat, m. (Elec.) rhéostat. — à clef, riche, a. rich. m. rich material, esp. ore;
plug rhéostat. — d'excitation, field rhéo- rich person.
stat. richement, adv. richly.
rhigolene, m. rhigolene (a volatile petroleum richesse, /. richness; specif., concentration;
distillate). strength; value; riches; wealth.
Rhin, m. Rhine. ricin, m. castor-oil plant, Ricinus; ricin.
rhinite, /. (Med.) rhinitis. ricine, /. ricin.
rhizome, m. (Bot.) rhizome, rhizoma. rlciné, a. impregnated with castor oil.
rhodamine, /. rhodamine. rlcinine, /. ricinine.
rhodanate, rhodanide, m. thiocyanate. ricinique, a. ricinic.
rhodane, m. thiocyanogen. ricinoléine, /. ricinolein.
rhodanien, a. Rhône; of the Rhône. ricinoléique, ricinolique, a. ricinoleic.
rhodanine, /. rhodanine. ricocher, v.i. ricochet; rebound.
rhodanique, a. rhodanic (designating (1) ricochet, m. ricochet; chain of events.
thiocyanic acid or (2) rhodanine). ride, /. wrinkle; fold; ripple; lanyard.
rhodanogène, m. thiocyanogen. ridé, p.a. wrinkled, etc. (see rider).
rhodanure, m. thiocyanate. rideau, m. curtain ; screen ; latéral wall of a
rhodié, a. of or containing rhodium.
rhodien, a. of rhodium wood or its oil. lead chamber. — de fumée, smoke screen.
rhodique, a. rhodic. rider, v.t. wrinkle; shrivel; corrugate; rib;
rhodium-cyanure, m. cyanorhodate(III). flûte; ripple; tighten; haul taut.
ridicule 389 rocailleux
ridicule, o. ridiculous. m. ridiculous, ridicu- rizerie, /. rice mill.
lousness ; ridicule. rob, m. rob (thickened fruit juice).
ridiculement, m, ridiculously. robe, /. robe, gown, dress ; coat (as of
rien, pron. (with or without ne) nothing ; horses) ; fleece ; skin, husk ; wrapper, en-
anything, something. m. nothing, nil. — velope.
que, nothing but, only. en —, (with ne) not rober, v.t. bark (madder) ; cover, envelop.
at ail, in no degree ; somewhat, in some robinet, m. stopcock ; cock, faucet, tap ;
degree. valve; key, plug (of a cock). — à aiguille,
rieux, m. thread, twine. needle valve. — à cadran, cock with
riflard, m. coarse file (for metals); toothed pointer and scale, for fine adjustment of
chisel; jack plane. flow. — à clef creuse, hollow-plug cock.
rifler, v.t. scratch; file; rasp; plane. — à deux voies, two-way stopcock, two-
rifloir, m. curved file, riffier. way cock. — à eau, water cock. — à
rigaud, m. stone, hard lump (in lime). flotteur, a constant-level device consisting
rigide, a. rigid ; stiff ; severe. of a cock to which a fioat is connected.
rigidement, adv. rigialy, strictly. — à gaz, gas cock. — à huile, oil cock.
rigidité, /. rigidity, rigidness; stiffness. — — alimentaire, feed cock. — à pointeau,
cadavérique, rigor mortis. — diélectrique, a cock with a key ending in a point which
dielectric strength. fits in a conoidal seat when the cock is
rigole, /. channel, groove, furrow, trench, closed. — à quatre voies, four-way cock.
trough, gutter, drain, ditch; rill, rivulet. — à raccord, cock to which a pipe may be
rigollot, m. mustard plaster. joined, esp. by soldering. — à tétine, cock
rigoureusement, adv. rigorously, strictly. with corrugated or nipple-shaped tip for
rigoureux, a. rigorous ; severe ; strict. the attachment of rubber tubes. — à trois
rigueur, /. rigor, rigour; severity. à la —, voies, three-way stopcock, three-way cock.
at the worst, if necessary ; rigorously ; — à vapeur, steam cock. — à vis, screw
strictly ; strictly speaking. cock, screw faucet. — d'arrêt, stopcock.
rinçage, rincement, m. rinsing; cleaning. — d'aspiration, suction cock. — d'eau,
rilice-bouteille s, m. bottle washer. water cock, water tap ; gage cock. •— de
rincer, v.t. rinse; wash, clean. communication, a cock in the middle of a
rinceur, m., rinceuse, /. rinser, washer. line (as contrasted with one for delivery),
rinçoir, m. rinsing vessel or tub. Connecting cock, communicating cock. —
ringage, m. cinders, scoria. de décharge, discharge cock. — d'épreuve,
ringard, m. an iron tool for stirring, poking, try cock ; gage cock. — de purge, purging
cleaning, etc. ; poker ; rabble. cock, drain cock, waste cock. — de sor-
ringarder, v.t. stir, poke (as a fire). bonne, cock for use in a hood, specif. a gas
riper, v.i. & t. slip, slide, shift; scrape. cock to be operated from the outside. —
riquette, /. scrap iron. d'essai, try cock. — de sûreté, safety cock.
rire, v.i. & r. laugh; smile; jest, joke. m. — de vidange, drain cock, outlet cock, dis-
laughter ; laugh ; smile. charge cock. — droit, straight-way cock.
ris, m. sweetbread; laughter; reef (in a sail). — graisseur, lubricating cock. — mélan-
risque, m. risk. geur, mixing cock, specif. one for mixing
risquer, v.t. risk. and delivering hot and cold water. —
rit, pr. et p. def. S sing. of rire. pointeau, needle valve. — souffleur, blast
rivage, m. riveting ; clinching ; shore, bank. cock.
rivaliser, v.i. compete, vie. robinetterie, /. cocks, cocks and valves,
rivalité, /. rivalry. also their manufacture ; brass foundry.
rive, /. border, edge; shore, bank. robinier, m. locust tree (Robinia).
rivement, m. riveting; clinching. robinine, /. robinin.
river, v.t. rivet; clinch (nails). roborant, roboratif, a. strengthening, tonic.
rivet, m. rivet ; clinch. m. (Méd.) tonic, roborant ; concentrated
rivetage, m. riveting. feed.
riveter, v.t. rivet. robuste, a. strong, robust, stout, stable.
riveur, m., riveuse, /. riveter. robustesse, /. strength, stoutness, robust-
rivière, /. river; (cap.) Riviera. ness.
rivure, /. riveting; rivet joint; rivet head; roc, m. rock.
pin (of a hinge); pin joint. rocaille, /. (Enameling) flux.
riz, m. rice. rocailleux, a. stony.
roccella 390 ronfleur
roccella, roccelle, /. (Bot.) Roccella. roi, m. king.
roccelline, /. roccellin, roccelline (a dye). roide, roideur, etc. = raide, raideur, etc.
roccellique, a. roccellic. rôle, m. roll ; list ; (Mach.) roll, roller;
rochage, m. frothing, etc. (see rocher). rôle.
roche, /. rock ; (very liard) stone ; over- romain, a. Roman; (of type) roman, m.
burned brick ; crude borax (Obs.) ; (pi,, roman.
roches, Cernent) clinker ; (Métal.) fur- romaine, /. steelyard; testing machine; ro-
nace sow; (Mining) gang(ue); matrix. en man.
—, caked. — à feu, (Pyro.) Valenciennes. roman, a. Romance, m. romance, novel.
— agrégée, clastic rock. — à sel, rock sait. romanée, /. Romanée (a red Burgundy
— calcaire, limestone. — de filon, (Min- wine).
ing) veinstone. — de fond, bedrock. — romarin, m. rosemary (Rosmarinus offi-
d'épanchement, effusive or extrusive rock. cinalis). — des marais, marsh rosemary,
— encaissante, (Geol.) country rock. — inkroot (Limonium carolinianum). —
franche, freestone. — ignée, igneous rock. sauvage, marsh tea, wild rosemary (Ledum
— même, solid rock. — mère, matrix, palustre).
gang(ue). — puante, stinkstone. — pyro- rompre, v.t. break; break up; break off;
gène, igneous rock. — tégulaire, rock yield- shatter; rupture; tear; refract (as light);
ing roofing slabs. blend (colors) ; interrupt ; give up ; tire
rocher, v.ù froth, foam; swell; (oî silver, out. v.r. be broken, etc. ; break, break up,
etc.) expel oxygen on solidifying, spit, break off. v.i. break, break off, break
sprout. v.t. sprinkle with borax (in solder - down. — la trempe, (Malt) mash the
ing). m. rock. grains.
rochet, m. ratchet. rompu, p.a. broken, etc. (see rompre) ; used,
rochette, /. (Mil.) rocket (Obs.); a kind of accustomed, experienced. m. gap.
limestone. rompure, /. break.
rocheux, a. rocky, rock. ronce, /. bramble, briar (any species of
rochoir, m. borax box (for soldering, etc.). Rubus). — noire, blackberry. ronces arti~
rocou, m. annatto. ficielles, barbed wire.
rocouer, v.t. color or dye with annatto. ronchonner, v.i. rumble, hum, murmur.
rocouerie, /. annatto factory or dyeing rond, a. round, m. round, circle, disk,
plant. (round) plate, ring; wheel; bar of round
rocouyer, m. (Bot.) annatto tree, achiote cross section ; washer ; collar. en —, round,
(Bixa urellana). roundly, in a ring, in a circle, circularly,
rodage, m. grinding (as with emery) ; — de jonc, — de paille, straw ring. — de
ground joint. serviette, napkin ring.
rodage, m. rotation, etc. (see rôder). ronde, /. round, rounds, à la —-, round,
rodé, p.a. ground ; ground-in ; rubbed ; around, ail around.
wom. rondeau, m. disk; roller; rondeau (verse
roder, v.t. grind (as glass with emery) ; form).
grind in; rub, polish; wear. v.r. wear out. rondelle* /. (small) round, disk, ring,
XÔder, v.i. rotate ; (Mac/i.) work îreely ; circlet ; ring (of a water bath) ; washer ;
roam, rove. collar ; dial ; (Ordnance) obturator ;
rodoir, m. grinder; polislier; tanning vat. (Métal.) cake. — à billes, (Mach.) bail
rognage, m. clipping, etc. (see rogner). race. — à cuvette, cup washer. — de
rogne, /. outer, fissured part of bark; scab caoutchouc, rubber washer, ring or disk.
(of plants) ; mange, itch. — de carton, pasteboard disk or ring. —
rognement, m. clipping, etc. (see rogner). de poudre, powder pellet; powder ring. —
rogner, v.t. clip, trim, pare; eut off; cur- en cuir, leather washer, leather ; leather
tail. disk or ring. — fusible, fusible plug.
rognoir, m. cïïpper, trimmer, parer, cutter. rondement, adv* roundly, briskly, fiankly.
rognon, m. kidney; reniform mass, nodule; rondeur, / . roundness.
specif., kidney stone. rondin, m. (cylindrical) stick; billet; round
rognure, /. clipping, cutting, trimming, par- bar; small log; roll (as of copper gauze).
ing, chip, scrap, shred, remnant. ronflement, m. roaring, etc. (see ronfler).
rogue, /. roe. ronfler, v.i. roar, rumble, boom, hum ;
rohart, m. ivory from the walrus or hippo- snore.
potamus. ronfleur, m. (Elec.) buzzer.
rongeage 391 rouge
rongeage, m. corrosion, etc. (see ronger). rôtissoire, f. roasting oven or grill.
rongeant, p.a. corroding, etc. (see ronger). rotondité, /. rotundity.
m. corrosive; etching agent; (Dyemg) dis- rottlérine, /. rottlerin.
charge. rotule, m. swivel joint; ball-and-socket
rangement, m. corroding, etc. (see ronger). joint; small roll, roller or wheel; kneecap,
ronger, v.t. corrode, eat away ; etch ; pit ; patella; tablet (Obs.).
(Dyeing) discharge ; gnaw, nibble, bite. rouable, m. hook, rake (as for stirring sait).
rongeur, o. corroding, etc. (see ronger), m. rouage, m. wheelwork, wheels, raachinery,
corrosive, caustic; (Zool.) rodent. mechanism; wheel, esp. a toothed wheel.
ronronnement, m. humming; purring. roucou, roucort, m. annatto.
roquefort, m. Roquefort cheese, Roquefort. roue, /. wheel; coil (of rope). — à cames,
roquet, m. (Mil.) rocket. cam wheel. — à dents, = roue dentée. —
roquette, /. (enameling) flux; spool; {Bot.) à feu, (Pyro.) Catherine wheel, also pin-
rocket. wheel. — à gorge, wheel with grooved
rorqual, m. (Zool.') rorqual, finback. — rim, double-flanged wheel. — à rocket,
rostre, dœgling, beaked whale. ratchet wheel. — d'angle, bevel wheel,
rosace, /. rosette. miter wheel. — dentée, toothed wheel,
rosacées, /. pi. (Bot.) Rosaceae. cogwheel, gear wheel, — élévatoire, — élé-
rosage, m. rosing, making pink; brighten- vatrice, hoisting wheel. — folle, idle wheel.
ing (Turkey red); dew retting; azalea; — motrice, driving wheel, drivewheel. —
rhododendron. volante, flywheel.
rosaginine, /. rosaginin. rouelle, /. round slice, round eut.
rosaniline, /. rosaniline. rouennais, a. Rouen, of Rouen.
rosat, a. rosé, of rosés. rouet, m. sheave, pulley wheel, pulley.
rosé, m. & f. rosé. a. rosé, rosy, pink. — rouge, o. red; red hot. m. red; red heat;
bengale, (Dyes) rosé bengale. — trémière, redness; rouge, au —, at red heat. au —
hollyhock. — végétal, carthamin. blanc, at white heat. — à farder, rouge.
rosé, a. rosé, rose-colored, rosy, pink. — anglais, English red (an iron oxide).
roseau, m. (Bot.) reed, cane. — à peine naissant, faintest red heat. —
rosée, /. dew. — du soleil, (Bot.) sundew. blanc, white heat. — brique, brick-red.
roséine, /. fuchsin, roseine. — carmin, carminé red. — cerise, cherry
roséochromique, a. roseochromic. red. — cinchonique, cinchona red. — clair,
roséoscopie, /. observation of the dew bright red. — Congo, Congo red. —
point. cramoisi, crimson-red. — d'Angleterre,
roséoscopique, a. relating to observation English red. -— d'arsenic, arsenic red
of the dew point. (AS2O3 calcined with sulfur); realgar. —
roser, v.t. rosé, make pink. de Bordeaux, Bordeaux red, Bordeaux. —
rosette, /. rosette, rosé; disk; washer; eol- de chair, flesh-colored. — de chêne,
lar; disk of purifled copper, rosette; red phlobaphene from oak bark. — de chromef
ink; red chalk, chrome red. — de cuivre, copper-red, cop-
rosier, m. (Bot.) rosé bush, rosé. pery red. — de flammés, (Ceram.) a red
rosinduline, /. rosinduMne. flambé glaze containing copper. — de
rosolique, a. rosolic. garance, alizarin. — de grand jeu, (Ceram.)
rossoiis, m. rosolio, rossolis (a liqueur) ; a red glaze produced at high heat with
(Bot.) sundew. copper or a copper compound. — de
rotang, m. (Bot.) rattan. Japon, a red lake made from eosin and
rotateur, a. rotating, rotatory. m. rotator. lead acétate. — de Mars, Mars red (an
rotatif, a. rotary, rotative. iron pigment). — de phénol, phénol red
rotation, /. rotation ; turning ; spinning. — (phenolsulfonephthalein). — de quinquina,
phlobaphene from cinchona bark. — de
à droite, clockwise rotation. — à gauche, Saint-Denis, St. Denis red (an azo dye).
counterclockwise rotation.
rotationnel, a. rotational. — de sang, blood red. — de Saturne,
rotatoire, a. rotatory ; rotative, rotary. Satura red, minium — des Indes, Turkey
rôti, p.a. roasted, roast. m. roast (méat). red. — d'Espagne, rouge. — de stilbène,
rôtie, /. (slice of) toast. stilbene red. — de toluylène, toluylene red.
rotin, m. (Bot.) rattan. — de trypan, trypan red (a disazo dye).
rôtir, v.t., r. & i. roast. — de Venise, Venetian red. — d'indigo,
rôtissage, m. roasting. indigo red. — feu, fiery red. — flambé, —
rouge 392 ruban
flammé, (Ceram.) flambé red. — groseille, volve; rotate; turn; (of money) circulate;
currant red. — indien, Indian red. — be plentiful ; wander. v.r. be rolled, etc. ;
naissant, nascent red, incipient red heat. roll ; coil. — en couronne, coil.
— neutre, neutral red. — para, para red, roulette, /. small wheel (of various kinds) ;
paranitraniline red. — ponceau, corn-poppy roller, roll ; runner, caster ; tapeline ;
red, poppy red. — pourpre, purple; sil- (Geom.) roulette.
ver chromate. — rosé, rose-red. — sang, rouleur, m. roller; workman who rolls or
blood red. — sombre, dark red ; dull red wheels something. a. rolling.
heat. — suant, white heat. — turc, (Dye- roulier, m. carter, wagoner, trucker. a. of
ing) Turkey red ; (Pigments) an orange- or pertaining to carnage in wagons, trucks,
red basic chromate of lead. — vénitien, etc.
"Venetian red. — vif, bright red ; bright roulis, m. rolling, rolling motion.
red heat. — vineux, wine red. — visuel, rouloir, m. roller, roll, cylinder.
visual purple, visual red. roulon, m. round, rung.
rougeâtre, a. reddish. roulotte, /. trailer (the vehicle).
rouge-blanc, m. white heat. roulure, /. rolling, etc. (see rouler) ; roll ;
rouge-chair, m. (literally, fîesh red) a kind (of wood) shake.
of red enamel. roumain, a. Romanian. m. (cap.) Ro-
rougeole, /. (Med.) measles. manian.
rouget, o. reddish. Roumanie, /. Romania.
rougeur, /. redness; red spot; flush, blush. roure, m. = rouvre.
rougir, v.t. redden, turn red; heat red-hot; roussard, m. reddish sandstone.
tan. v.i. redden, turn red. faire —, = roussâtre, a. russet, russety; reddish.
rougir, v.t. — à blanc, — en blanc, heat rousse, a. fem. of roux.
white-hot, raise to white heat. rousseur, /. russet color or quality; freckle.
rougissage, m. reddening, turning red ; roussi, p.a. turned russet, browned, red-
(Glasa) heating to produce a red color. dened ; scorched. m. scorching, scorched
roui, p.a. retted. m. retting ; staleness, odor; Russia leather.
musty odor. roussier, m. earthy or sandy ore.
rouillage, m. rusting. roussiller, v.i. scorch.
rouille, /. rust ; mildew, blight. — de roussir, v.t. tfe r. turn russet, brown, red-
cuivre, a green coating on copper or cop- den; scorch; singe.
per alloys, verdigris. roussissage, m. dyeing russet.
rouillé, p.a. rusted; rusty; mildewed. roussissement, m. turning russet, etc. (see
rouiller, v.t. & r. rust; mildew. roussir).
rouilleux, a. rust-colored, rusty. route, /. road; way; path, track, route,
rouillure, /. rustiness; mildew, blight. course.
rouir, v.t. ret, steep. v.i. be retted, steep. routier, o. road, of roads. m. itinerary.
rouissage, m. retting. routinier, a. routine.
rouissoir, m. retting place.
roulage, m. rolling, etc. (see rouler); car- rouverin, rouverain, a. (of iron) hot-
short, red-short.
riage, transportation (in wheeled vehicles), rouvert, p.a. (of rouvrir) reopened.
hauling, trucking, etc. rouvieux, m. (Med.) mange, a. mangy.
roulaison, /. the work of sugar manufacture. rouvre, m. British oak (Quercus robur). pr.
roulant, p.a. rolling, etc. (see rouler); port- 1 & S sing. indic. & subj. of rouvrir.
able; easy (for riding); running (fire). rouvrir, v.t. reopen.
roule, m. roller, roll; log. roux, a. & m. russet, reddish (or yellowish)
rouleau, m. roller ; roll ; cylinder ; spool. brown; (oî hair) red, auburn. m. sumac.
— alimentaire, feed roller. — compresseur,royalement, adv. royally.
— de pression, (Mach.) press roll. royaume, m. kingdom, realm.
roulement, m. rolling, etc. (see rouler) ; Royaume-Uni, m. United Kingdom.
roll ; rolling mechanism ; bearing ; working royauté, /. royalty.
season, campaign (as of a furnace). — à rUj m. brook, streamlet, rill.
billes, bail bearing. — à rouleaux, roller rubace, rubacelle, /. rubicelle (an orange-
rouler, v.t. roll ; roll up ; coil ; (fig.) re- red or yellow variety of ruby spinel) ;
volve; pass (one's life). v.i. roll; run (on quartz colored red.
wheels) ; ride (in a wheeled vehicle); re- ruban, m. ribbon; tape; band, strip, strap;
ruban 393 rythme
ruban (the eompound). — de frein, brake rugissement, m. roar, roaring.
band. — gommé, gummed tape. rugosité, /. rugosity, roughness, wrinkle.
rubané, a. ribboned ; banded, striped, rugueux, a. wrinkled, rough, rugose.
streaked ; (of cast iron) mottled. ruine, /. ruin.
rubaner, v.t. ribbon; tape. ruiner, v.t. ruin; destroy. v.r. be ruined,
ruban-mesure, m. tape measure. go to ruin.
rubasse, /. = rubace. ruineusement, adv. ruinously.
rubéfaction, /. (Med., etc.) rubéfaction. ruineux, a. ruinous.
rubéfiant, a. & m. (Med.) rubefacient. ruisseau, m. stream, small stream, rivulet,
rubéfier, v.t. redden. brook ; gutter.
rubéole, /. (Med.) rubella, German measles. ruisseler, v.i. stream, stream down, run
rubéosine, /. {Dyes) rubeosin. down, run, fiow, trickle, drip. v.t. irrigate.
rubéroïde, m. rubberoid. ruissellement, m. streaming, etc. (see ruis-
rubiacées, /. pi. (Bot.) Rubiaceae. seler) ; (Geol.) stream action.
rubicelle, /. = rubace. rumeur, /. murmur ; hum ; din, clamor ;
rubldine, /. rubidine; rubidium hydroxide. rumor.
rubigine, /. hemosiderin. rumex, m. (Bot.) Bumex (sorrels and
rubigineux, a. rusty; rust-colored, rubigi- docks).
nous. ruolz, m. electroplated métal or ware; a
rubijervine, /. rubijervine. kind of nickel silver.
rubine, /. (Old Chem.) ruby: as, rubine rupteur, m. (Elec.) înterrupter, contact
d'arsenic, ruby of arsenic (realgar) ; rubine, breaker.
rubin (red dye). rupture, /. rupture, breaking, break; (Elec.)
rubis, m. (Min.) ruby. — balais, balas ruby. interruption, disconnection.
— de Bohême, Bohemian ruby (red quartz). rusque, /. (Leather) bark of the kermès oak.
— du Brésil, burnt topaz. — oriental, russe, a. Kussian. m. Russian.
Oriental ruby, true ruby. — spinelle, Russie, /. Russia.
spinel ruby. rustine, /. back (of a blast furnace).
rubrique, /. red chalk, red earth, ruddle; rustique, a. rustic; simple, plain, rude.
rubric, title; method, practice; ruse, trick. rustiquer, v.t. rough-cast; rough-hew
ruche» /. hive, beebive. (stone).
rude, a. rough ; harsh ; coarse ; hard, ardu- rutaecarpine, rutécarpine, /. rutaecar-
ous, severe ; rude ; rigid, strict ; formidable. pine.
rudement, adv. roughly, etc. (see rude). ruthénique, a. ruthenic.
rudesse, /. roughness, harshness, etc. (see ruthénium-IV-hexachlorure, m. chloro-
rude). ruthenate(IV).
rudimentaire, a. rudimentary. ruthénium-II-hexacyanhydrique, a. cy-
rudimentairement, adv. in a rudimentary anoruthenic(II).
way. ruthénium-II-hexacyanure, m. cyano-
rue, /. street; vein, Iode; (Bot.) rue. — de ruthenate(II).
chèvre, goat's-rue (Oalega officinale). — rutilance, /. redness, glowing red.
odorante, common rue (Ruta graveolens). rutilant, a. deep or glowing red, rutilant.
ruée, /. rush (violent motion) ; straw heap. rutiler, v.i. shine, glow.
ruelle, /. lane; alley. rutine, /., rutinoside, m. rutin.
rufigallique, a. rufigallic (designating an rutique, a. rutic (capric, decanoic).
acid known also as rufigallol). rutoside, m. rutin.
rufigallol, rufflgallol, m. rufigallol. rutylique, a. capric, decanoic.
rugir, v.i. roar. rytlime, m. rhythm.
S., abbrev. (son, sa) his, lier; (sud) south; sabot, m, ahoe; socket; (Glass) a device for
(sauf) save, except ; (stère) stère ; (se- seizing the bottom of a bottle; hoof (of a
conde) second. horse) ; (whipping) top ; wooden shoe,
S\ Contraction of se (which see). sabot. — de frein, brake shoe, brake block.
S.A., abbrev. (Société Anonyme) Limited sac, m. sack, bag; pouch; sac; (Mining)
Company. pocket. — à gaz, gas bag. — à noir,
sa, a. fem. his, her, its. chamber in which carbon black is made.
sabadilline, /. sabadilline. — à poudre, powder bag. —• à sable, —• à
sabinane, m. sabinane (thujane). terre, sand bag. — à vide, vacuum trap.
Sabine» /. (Bot.) savin, savine, sabine •— d'eau, water trap. — de nuit, — de
(Juniperus sabina, also /. virginiana). voyage, traveling bag. — de soldat, knap-
sablage, m. sanding, etc. (see sabler). sack.
sable, m. sand; (sometimes) gravel; (Med.) saccade, /. jerk, jolt.
gravel. — à fabriquer le verre, glass sand. saccadé, o. jerky, irregular, discontinuous.
— à noyaux, core sand. — à souder, weld- saccager, v.t. sack, pillage.
ing sand. — aurifère, auriferous sand, gold- saccharate, m. saccharate. — de fer, iron
bearing sand. — caillouteux, gravel(ïy) saccharate.
sand. —• cru, sharp sand. — de carrière, sacchareux, a. saccharine.
pit sand. — de fer, (Pyro.) iron filings. saccharidé, a. saccharated ; resembling
— de fouille, pit sand. — de mer, sea sand. sugar.
— de mine, pit sand. — de moulage, mold- saccharifère, o. containing or yielding
ing sand. — de rivière, river gravel (or sugar.
sand). — femelle, light-colored sand. — saccharifiant, p.a. saccharifying.
fin, fine sand. — gravier, gravelly sand, saccharificateur, m. saccharifier.
coarse sand. — gros, — grossier, coarse saccharifier, v.t. saccharify, convert into,
sand. — mâle, dark-colored sand. — phos- or impregnate with, sugar. v.r. be sac-
phaté, phosphate sand. —• pour verreries, charified.
glass sand. — sec, dry sand. — vert, green saccharigène, a. producing sugar.
sand; (Petrog.) greensand. saccharimètre, m. saccharimeter.
sablé, p. a. sanded, etc. (see sabler) ; saccharimétrïe, /. saccharimetry.
speckled. saccharimétrique, a. saccharimetric(al).
sabler, v.t. sand ; gravel ; grind, eut or sac char in, a. saccharine.
clean with the sand blast ; cast in a sand saccharine, /. saccharin.
mold. saccharine, a. containing sugar, sugary.
sable rie, /. place where sand molds are saccharinique, a. saccharinic.
made. saccharique, a. saccharic.
sableur, m. sander ; sand dresser, sand saccharo-alcoolé, m. (Pharm.) a prépara-
screener; maker of sand molds. tion containing sugar and alcohol.
sableuse, /. sand blast (the apparatus). saccharoïde, a. saccharoid, saccharoidal.
a. fem. of sableux. saccharol, m. (Pharm.) sugar, sucrose.
sableux, a. sandy, arenaceous. saccharolé, m. (Pharm.) a préparation con-
sablier, m. sandglass ; sand box ; (Bot.) taining sugar. — mou, confection,
sandbox tree (Bura crepitans) ; sand trap. sac char olique, o. (Pharm.) containing
sablière, /. sand pit ; sand box ; sander ; sugar.
gravel pit ; (Building) plate, sill. saccharomètre, m. saccharimeter, saccha-
sablon, m. fine sand. rometer.
sablonner, v.t. scour with sand; sand. saccharomyces, saccharomyce, sac-
sablonnette, /. (Glass) sand case. charomycète, m. (Bot.) Saccharomyces,
sablonneux, a. sandy; gritty. yeast fungus, yeast.
sablonnière, /. sand pit; sand box. saccharose, m, saccharose (sucrose; for-
sabord, m. porthole, port, scuttle. merly, any di- or trisaccharide).
saccharose 395 salicylage
saccharose, a. of or oontaining sucrose. sainement, adv. soundly; sanely; whole-
saccharure, m. (Pharm.) a solid prépara- somely.
tion made with sugar. — de carbonate sainfoin, m. (Bot.) sainfoin (Onobrychis
ferreux, saccharated ferrous carbonate. — viciaefolia).
d'oxyde de fer soluble, ferrie saccharate. saint, o. holy. m. saint.
sachant, p. pr. (of savoir) knowing, etc. sais, pr. 1 & 2 sing. (of savoir) know,
sache, pr. subi. 1 as S sing. of savoir. knows.
sachet, m. small sack or bag; sachet. — saisie, /. seizure.
antilueur, antiflash bag. saisir, v.t. seize; take hold of, catch, grasp,
sacoche, /. bag (as for tools); purse. grip ; understand, catch, perceive ; put in
sacré, a. sacred; (Anat.) sacral. possession (of). v.r. (with de) lay hold of,
sacrifier, v.t. & i. sacrifice. seize, take ; be seized ; be nonplussed.
saffre, m. zaffer (impure oxide of cobalt). saisissable, a. seizable; palpable.
safran, m. saffron. — artificiel, artificial saisissant, p.a. seizing, etc. (see saisir) ;
saffron (Victoria yellow). — bâtard, saf- piercing (cold) ; startling; impressive.
flower, false saffron (Carthamus tinctorius). saisissement, m. seizing, seizure, etc. (see
— de Mars, (apéritif) iron carbonate; saisir) ; chill ; shock.
(.astringent) ferrie oxide; (de Lêmery) hy- saison, /. season. — des amours, breeding
drated ferrosoferrio oxide. — des Indes, season.
— d'Inde, turmeric, curcuma. — des saisonnier, a. of the season, seasonal.
métaux, antimony oxysulfide. — de Vénus, sait, pr. 3 sing. (of savoir) knows, etc.
cupric oxide. saké, saki, m. sake, rice béer.
safrané, a. saffron-colored, saffron; of or salade, /. salad; (Brewing) doughed-in malt
pertaining to saffron. (cf. empâtage).
safraner, v.t. color or fiavor with saffron. salage, m. salting.
safranière, /. saffron plantation. salaire, m. pay, wages, hire, salary; reward.
safranine, /. (Dyes) safranine, safranin. — à la tâche, — aux pièces, pièce wages.
safranum, m. safflower. salaison, m. salting; sait méat or other
safre, m. zaffer (impure oxide of cobalt). salted article of food, (pi.) sait provisions.
safrol, m. safrole. salange, m. (Sait) season, campaign.
sagace, a. sagacious, shrcwd. salanque, /. sait garden (for making sea
sagapénum, sagapin, m. sagapenum. sait).
sage, a. wise; discreet, modest, good, gentle. salant, a. sait. m. saline ground.
m. wise nian, sage. salap, m. salep (a starchy tuber).
sagement, adv. wisely, prudently, sensibly. salarier, v.t. pay, pay wages or salary to.
sagesse, /. wisdom; sobriety, goodness. salbande, /. (Oeol.) salband, selvage, gouge.
sagou, m. sago. — perlé, granulated sago, sale, a. dirty; (of colors) dull, grayish.
pearl sago. salé, p.a. salted ; sait ; piquant, keen ; (of
sagoutler, sagouier, m. sago palm, sago priées) dear, excessive, m. sait pork.
tree. salep, m. saiep (a starchy tuber).
saignée, /• bleeding; eut, nick; trench, saler, v.t. sait; pickle; season.
drain. saleté, /. dirtiness, dirt; filth.
saignement, m. bleeding. saleur, m. salter.
saigner, v.t. bleed; drain, v.i. bleed. salicaire, /. (Bot.) loosestrife (Lythrum).
saigneux, a. bloody. — commune, purple loosestrife (£. sali-
saillant, p.a. projecting ; outstanding, sali- caria).
ent; striking, remarkable. salicine, /. salicin.
saillie, /. projection, prominence; ledge, salicole, a. salt-producing, sait.
cheek, lug, flange, etc.; bulge; start, fit; salicor, m. a crude soda from the ashes of
glasswort, etc. ; = salicorne.
sallyj (Painting) relief, faire —, jut out, salicorne, /. glasswort (Salicornia) ; salt-
Project. wort (Salsola).
saillir, v.i. Project, protrude, stand out; jet. salicosidase, /. salicinase.
sain, o. sound; sane; healthful; healthy. salicoside, m. salicin.
sainbois, m. (Bot.) spurge flax (Daphne salicotte, / . saltwort (Salsola).
gnidium) ; (Pharm.) mezereum. saliculture, /. the opération of sait gardens.
saindoux, m. lard. salicylage, m. treatment with salicylic acid
sainegrain, m. (Bot.) fenugreek. or a salicylate.
salicylaire 396 salutaire
salicylaire, a. designating an enzyme that room, mixing shop, mixing house. —
oxidizes salicylaldehyde to the acid. d'artifice(s), pyrotechnie laboratory. —
salicylate, m. salicylate. — d'ammoniaque, d'attente, waiting room. — de lecture,
ammonium salicylate. — de lithïne, lithium reading room. — de préparation, a room
salicylate. — de phényïe, — de phénol, where lecture experiments are prepared. —
phenyl salicylate, salol. — de potasse, po- des balances, balance room. — des ma-
tassium salicylate. — de soude, sodium chines, engine room ; machine room. —
salicylate. de travail, workroom, laboratory. — d'ex-
salie y le, m. salicyl (either o-hydroxyphenyl périences, a room in which experiments are
or o-hydroxybenzyl, the latter now pre- made, laboratory. — d'humidité, (Gun-
ferred) ; salicyloyl (o-hydroxybenzoyl). powder) damping room.
salicyler, v.t. treat with salicylic acid or a salmare, /. sea sait.
salicylate, esp. for préservation. salmiac, m. sal ammoniac, ammonium
salicyleux, a. salicylous (salicylaldehyde chloride.
was formerly called "salicylous acid"). s al mine, /. salmine.
salïcylique, a. salicylic. saloir, m. sait tub, pickling tub.
salicylol, m. salicylaldehyde. salol, m. (Pharm.) salol (phenyl salicylate).
salière, /. saltcellar. salopette, /. overalls.
salifère, saliférien, a. saliferous, salt-bear- salophen, salophène, m. (Pharm.) Sal-
ing. ophen (T.N.), phenetsal.
salifiable, a. salifiable, salt-forming. salpêtrage, m. formation of saltpeter.
salification, /. salification; esterification (in- salpêtre, m, saltpeter, niter. — brut, crude
correct use). saltpeter. — cubique, — de Chili, cubic
salifier, v.t. salify. saltpeter, Chile saltpeter (sodium nitrate).
saligénine, /. saligenol, saligenin. — de chaux, calcium nitrate. — de con-
salignon, m. lump or cake of sait, saltcat. version, conversion saltpeter (potassium ni-
salin, m. salin, saline (crude potash obtained trate made from sodium nitrate). — de
by evaporating the lye from ashes) ; sait deux eaux, — de deux cuites, saltpeter re-
works, sait garden. — de betteraves, pot- fined by two boilings. — de houssage, salt-
ash from sugar-beet vinasse. — de varech, peter sweepings, wall saltpeter (calcium
kelp (a crude soda). — de vinasse, potash nitrate). — de potasse, potash saltpeter
from vinasse. (potassium nitrate). — de roche, rock salt-
salinage, m. (Sait) concentration of the peter. — de soude, sodium nitrate. — du
brine after removing sulfates ; sait works ; Pérou, = salpêtre cubique. — terreux, wall
sait, saline (crude potash). saltpeter (calcium nitrate).
saline, /. sait works; sait pit; sait mine; salpêtrer, v.t. cover or treat with saltpeter.
sait garden; sait méat; sait fish. salpêtrerie, /. saltpeter (or niter) factory.
sa lin elle, /. (Geol.) mud volcano. salpêtre ux, a. saltpetrous.
saline r, v.t. concentrate (brine; see salinage). salpêtrier, m. saltpeter maker.
salinier, m. sait maker, sait boiler ; sait salpêtrière, /. saltpeter works, niter works.
dealer, a. relating to sait production. salpêtrisation, /. covering or treating with
salinigrine, /., salinigroside, m. salinigrin. saltpeter ; conversion into saltpeter.
salinité, /. salinity, salineness, saltness. salplicat, m. gold lacquer.
salinomètre, m. salinometer, salimeter. salse, /. (Geol.) salse, mud volcano.
salipyrine, /. (Pharm.) salipyrin, salipyrine. salsepareille, /. (Bot.) sarsaparilla (Smilax).
salir, v.t. soil, make dirty, foui, befoul ; — du Mexique, (Pharm.) Mexican sarsa-
stain, tarnish ; défile, pollute. v.r. become parilla (root of Smilax aristolochiaefolia).
soiled or dirty, soil.
salitre, m. Chile saltpeter, sodium nitrate; salsifis, m. (Bot.) salsify.
(according to one authority) magnésium salsugineux, a. saline ; saltish ; (Bot.)
sulfate. halophytic.
salivaire, a. salivary. m. (Pharm.) pyreth- salubre, a. healthful, salubrious.
rum. salubrité, /. health; healthfulness, salubrity.
salivant, p.a. salivating, sialagog(ue). saluer, v.t. salute; greet.
salive, /. (Physiol.) saliva. salure, /. saltness, saltiness, salinity.
saliver, v.t. salivate. salut, m. safety; salutation, greeting; salute.
salle, /. hall; room; ward (of a hospital). salutaire, o. salutary ; wholesome ; béné-
— aux compositions, (Gunpowder) mixing ficiai.
salvarsane 397 saprophyte
salvarsane, m. (Pharm.) Salvarsan (ars- Brazilian sapphire (variety of tourmaline).
phenamine). — femelle, blue fluorite. — spath, trans-
salvianine, /., salvianoside, m. saîvianin. parent blue cyanite.
sambucoside, m. sambucin. saphirin, o. sapphirine.
sambunigrine, /., sambunigroside, m. sapide, a, savory, sapid.
sambunigrin. sapidité, a. savoriness, savor, sapidity.
samedi, m. Saturday. sapin, m. fir (tree and wood), specif. any
sanatoire, a. healing, curative, sanative. plant of the genus Abies or its -wood;
sanction, /. sanction; penalty. spruce (see the phrases). — argenté, —
sanctionner, v.t. sanction, apprbve; con- commun, — des Vosges, — en peigne, —
firm. pectine, silver fir (Abies picea or pectinata).
sandal, .m. sandalwood. (See santal.) — baumier, balsam fir (Abies balsamea).
sandaraque, /. sandarac (the resin, or the — blanc, = sapin argenté; white spruce
minerai realgar). (Picea canadensis or alba). — du Canada,
sang, m. blood. — artériel, arterial blood. hemlock spruce (T&uga canadensis). —
— de pigeon, pigeon-blood ruby. — des- épicéa, Norway spruce (Picea abies). —
séché, dried blood. -— étalé, smeared blood, noir, black spruce (Picea mariana or nigra).
blood smear. — gélose, (Bact.) blood - — rouge, spruce, esp. Norway spruce (Picea
agar. — veineux, venous blood. abies).
sang-dragon, sang-de-dragon, m. drag- sapinage, m. oiling (of furs).
on'a blood. sapindus, m, (Bot.) soapberry (Sapindus).
sangha, n. a variety of Congo rubber. sapine, /. fir plank; scaffold.
sanglant, a. bloody; blood-red; cruel, cut- Sapinette, /. spruce béer ; (Bot.) spruce,
ting. specif. hemlock spruce (Tsuga canadensis).
sangle, /. strap, band; belt; girth. — blanche, white spruce (Picea canadensis
sangler, v.t. bind; strap; girth. or alba). — noire, black spruce (Picea
sangsue, /, (Zoôl.) leech. mariana or nigra).
sanguification, /. blood formation. sapogénine, /. sapogenin.
sanguin, a. blood, of blood; sanguine, m. saponacé, o. saponaceous, soapy.
dogwood; bloodstone. saponaire, /, (Bot.) Saponaria. — offi-
sanguinaire, /. {Bot.) bloodroot (Sangui- cinale, soapwort (S. oflicinalis).
narto canadensis). a. sanguinary. saponarine, /. saponarin.
sanguine, /. bloodstone; earthy hématite; saponé, m. (Pharm.) a medicated soap. a.
red ocher, ruddle ; blood orange. containing soap,
sanitaire, a. sanitary. saponifiant, p.a. saponifying. m. saponify-
sans, prep. without. — que, without ; as, ing agent, saponifier.
— qu'il le sût, without his knowing it. saponification, /. saponification. — cal-
(For phrases in which sans governs a noun, caire, saponification by lime.
see the respective nouns.) saponifier, v.t. saponify,
sans-fil, m. wireless, radio ; radiogram. saponiforme, a. resembling soap.
santal, m. sandalwood. — blanc, white saponine, /. saponin.
sandalwood, sandalwood proper (Santalum saponoside, m. saponin.
album or its wood). — citrin, yellow san- saponule, /. a soapy deposit obtained by
dalwood. — rouge, red sandalwood (specif. cooling a solution of tallow soap ; (Old
Lingoum santalinum or its wood), sanders. Chem.) saponul, saponule.
santaline, santaléine, /. santalin. saponulé, m. an alcoholic soap solution,
santalol, m. santalol. solidifying to a transparent mass.
santé, /. health. saponure, m. (Pharm.) a combkiation of
santoline, /. {Bot.) santolina. powdered soap with extractive matter.
santonine, /. santonin; {Bot.) santonica. sapotacées, /. pi. (Bot.) Sapotaceae.
santonique. a. santonic. sapotille, sapote, /. sapodilla (the fruit).
sanve, /. charlock (Brassica arvensis). sapotillier, sapotier, m. sapodilla (the
sap, m. fir, pine, deal. tree).
sapa, m. (Pharm.) inspissated grape juice. sapotoxine, /. sapotoxin.
sapan, m. sapanwood. sappare, n. (Min.) cyanite.
saphène, /. (Anat.) saphenous vein, saphena. saprogène, a. saprogenic, putrefactive.
saphir, m. (Min.) sapphire. — d'eau, water sapropèle, m. sapropel. a. sapropelic.
sapphire (variety of iolite). — du Brésil, saprophyte, a. saprophytic. /. saprophyte.
sarbacane 398 saut
sarbacane, /. blowtube, blowpipe; blast Saturne, Saturne, m. (Old Chem.) Saturn,
main. lead. extrait de saturne, (Pharm.) Gou-
sarcine, /. sarcine (hypoxanthine) ; sarcina. lard's extract.
sarcler, v.t. weed, weed out. saturnin, a. (Old Chem.) saturnine, of lead.
sarcocolle, /. sarcocolla (the exudate). saturnisme, m. (Med.) saturmsm, plumbism,
sarcocollier, m. (Bot.) Sarcocolla. lead poisoning.
sarcolactique, o. sarcolactic, L( + )-lactic. saucer, v.t. soak, steep, sop, souse.
sarcomateux, a. (Med.) sarcomatous. saucisse, /. (small) sausage; (Pyro.) pow-
sarcome, m. (Med.) sarcoma. der hose, powder bag, or powder; sausage
sarcosine, /. sarcosine. balloon.
Sardaigne, /. Sardinia. saucisson, m. (large) sausage; powder hose,
sarde, /. (Min.) sard. a. Sardinian. saucisson; roll of gamboge.
sardoine, /. (Min.) sardonyx. sauf, prep. & conj. save, saving, except, ex-
sariette, /. = sarriette. cepting, but, reserving. o. safe, un-
satktne, /. sarcine (hypoxanthine). harmed. — variations, subject to altéra-
sarment, m. shoot, twig (esp. of the grape- tion.
vine) ; (Bot.) sarmentum, runner. sarments sauge, /. (Bot.) sage (Satina). — des jar-
de vignes, vine shoots, vine twigs. dins, — officinale, garden sage (S. ofli-
sarracénle, /. (Bot.) pitcher plant (Sar- cinalis). — des prés, meadow sage (S.
racenia). pratensis). — sclarée, clary (S. sclarea).
sarrasin, m. buckwheat ( Fagopyrum) ; sauge, a. containing sage.
(Métal.) dross, refuse, a. Saracenic; in the saugie, /. sage tea.
phrase blé sarrasin, buckwheat. saule, m. willow (tree and wood).
sarrau, m. frock blouse, specif. a laboratory saumal, n. a slightly sour kumiss.
or surgeon's blouse. saumâtre, a. somewhat salty, brackish.
sarrette, /. sawwort (Serratula tinctoria). saumon, m. salmon (fish and color);
sarriette, /. (Bot.) savory (Satureia, esp. (Métal.) pig; ingot; (Foundina) head,
S. hortensis). — commune, — des jardins, sullage pièce; charge of coal in a coke
summer savory (S. hortensis). — de mon- furnace; melting trough for wax. a.
tagne, winter savory (S. montana). salmon, salmon-colored.
sas, m. sieve; lock chamber, coffer; gâte (in saumurage, m. pickling (in brine), brining.
an électron microscope). saumure, /. brine; specif., brine in which
sassage, sassement, m. sifting, bolting; méat or fish has been pickled. — om-
jigging. moniacale, (Soda) ammoniacal brine. —
sassenage, m. Sassenage cheese. vierge, (Soda) fresh brine (not yet am-
sasser, v.t. sift, boit ; (Ores) jig. moniated).
sasset, m. little sieve. saumuré, p.a. pickled (in brine), brined.
sasseur, m. sifter, boiter; jigger, jig. saunage, m., saunaison, /. sait making,
sassoline, /. (Min.) sassolite. esp. in sait gardens; sait trade.
satiété, /. satiety. sauner, v.i. make sait; deposit sait.
satinage, m. satining; glazing, glossing. saunerie, /. sait works, saltern.
satiné, a. satin, satiny; glossy; satined. m. saunier, m. sait maker; sait merchant.
satiny appearance, gloss. saupoudrage, m., saupoudration, /. pow-
Satiner, v.t. satin, give a satiny or glossy dering, dusting, sprinkling; salting.
surface to. v.i. look like satin. saupoudrer, v.t. powder, dust, sprmkle;
satineuse, /. glazing machine. specif., sprinkle with sait, sait.
satisfaire, v.t. satisfy. v.r. be satisfied. saur, saure, a. (of herrings) smoked.
v.i. satisfy, render satisfaction; ("with à) saura, /«t. 3 sing. (of savoir) wiïï know,
satisfy. etc.
satisfaisant, p.a. satisfying, satisfactory. saurait, cond. S sing. of savoir, on ne —,
satisfait, p.a. satisfied; pleased, content. one would not know how, one could not.
saturabUité, /. saturability. saurer, v.t. smoke (herrings).
saturant, p.a. saturating, saturant. saurien, m. & a. (Zo'o'l.) saurian.
saturateur, m. saturator. saurin, m. smoked herring, red herring.
saturé, p.a. saturated. sauris, m. herring brine.
saturer, v.t. saturate. v.r. be or become saut, m. jump; leap, vault, spring, bound;
saturated. fall, falls (of water).
sautage 399 savon
s a u t a g e , m. exploding, blowing up, blast- added during manufacture. — au miel, a
ing. kind of glycerin soap containing beeswax.
sauter, v.i. jump, leap, spring, bound, vault; — au procédé de la grande (or petite)
explode, blow up ; burst ; fly off, fly ont ; chaudière, see under procédé. — au sable,
rush (at). v.t. skip, omit; jump, jump soap containing sand, sand soap. — au
over, spring over; (Elec.) blow (a fuse). soufre, soap containing sulfur, sulfur soap.
faire —, blow up, explode; make jump; — blanc, white soap. — calcaire, lime
force out; get rid of. soap, calcium soap ; {Pharm.) lime lini-
sauterelle, /. grasahopper, locust; bevel ment, carron oil. — chaud, boiled soap.
square; belt oonveyor. — de benzine, naphtha soap. — de cire,
sauternes, m. sauterne, Sauternes wine. soap made from or containing wax, wax
sautiller, v.i. hop, skip, jump. soap. — de coco, soap made from coco-
sauvage, a. wild; (of oil) bitter; savage; nut oil. — de cuivre, copper soap ; =
shy. m. savage; unsociable person. savon métallique. — de glycérine, glycerin
sauvagerie, /. wildness; savagery; shy- soap. — de goudron, tar soap. — de grès,
ness. soap containing sand or grit. — de Mar-
sauvagin, a. fishy, marshy. m. fiahy or seille, Marseilles soap ; (more broadly)
marshy odor or taste. Castile soap (either white or mottîed). —
sauve, a. fem. of sauf. de Menotti, a waterproofing soap containing
sauvegarde, /. safeguard; life Une. alumina and gelatin. — de montagne,
sauvegarder, v.t. safeguard. {Min.) mountain soap (unctuous halloysite)-
sauveinent, m, salvage. — d'empâtage, soap made in a single
sauver, v.t. save; justify; spare; coneeal. opération, without séparation of the curd
v.r. be saved; escape; take refuge; indem- from the lye. — dentifrice, soap for
nify oneself, make up (for). cleansing the teeth. — de plomb, lead
sauvetage, m. saving, esp. lifesaving; sal- soap. — de potasse, potash soap. — de
vage. résine, rosin soap; (in gênerai) resin soap.
savait, imp. indic. S sing. (of savoir) knew. — des gantiers, talc- — de soldat, fuller's
savamment, adv. learnedly; knowingly. earth. — de soude, soda soap. — d'Es-
savane, /. savanna, grassy plain. - pagne, Castile soap. — des philosophes,
savant, a. learned ; well informed ; skillful, (Old Chem.) mercury. — des verriers,
élever, m. learned person, savant. glass soap, glassmaker's soap (manganèse
savent, pr. S pi. (of savoir) know, etc. dioxide or any substance used for decolor-
saveur, /. savor, flavor, relish. izing glass). — de toilette, toilet soap. —
savinier, m. = sabine. de Venise, Venetian soap (essentially the
Savoie, /. Savoy. same as Castile soap). — dijonnais, Dijon
savoir, v.t. know; know how; be able, oaa; soap (a kind of silicate soap). — dur,
(infinitive used adverbially) to wit, namely. hard soap. — encaustique, soap containing
v.r. be known. v.i. be learned; be well in- wax, wax soap. — en feuilles, soap in the
formed. m. knowledge, learning. à —, to form of thin sheets or leaves. — en poudre,
wit, that is to say, that js, namely. faire powdered soap, soap powder. — épuré,
—, inform, notify. — gré, be thankful, be purified soap, white soap. — excipient »
{Pharm.) nonmedicated soap used as an
excipient. — grenu, soft soap of granular
savoir-faire, m. skill ; judgment ; wits. texture made from certain mixtures of
savoisien, a. of Savoy, m. (cap.) Savoyard. fats. — hydrofuge, a kind of soap used
savon, m. soap ; cake of soap. — à barbe, in waterproofing fabrics. — inversé, invert
shaving soap. — à base de potasse, potash soap. — jaune, yellow soap. — léger, light
soap. — à base de soude, soda soap. — soap, floating soap. — levé sur lessive en
à détacher, soap for removing spots or une seule opération, soap boiled on a lye.
stains, specif. oxgall soap. — à foulon,
fulling soap. — à froid, cold-process soap. — marbré, marbled soap, mottled soap. —
— ammoniacal, (Pharm.) ammonia Uni- médicinal, {Pharm.) hard soap, sapo durus
ment. — amygdalin, almond oil soap, (a pure soda soap). — métallique, {Ord-
amygdaline soap. — animal, soap made nance) soap containing copper sulfate, used
from animal fat; specif., (Pharm.) one as a lubricant. — mi-chaud, see mi-chaud.
made from fine or purified fat, animal — minéral, soap containing minerai matter,
soap, curd soap. — arsenical, arsenical specif. one containing powdered pumice ;
soap. — au lait, soap to which whey is = savon de montagne. — mixte, mixed
savon 400 schlotei
soap; specif., a red or blue mottled soap scarifier, v.t. scarify.
made by boiling two soaps together, with scarlatine, /. (Med.) scarlatina, scarlet
addition of coloring matter. — mou, soft fever.
soap. — mousseux, free-lathering soap. scatol, m. skatole.
— noir, (Pharm.) médicinal soft soap. — scatolcarbonique, a. skatolecarboxylic.
oriental, a kind of toilet soap made from scatoxylsulfate, m. skatoxylsulfate.
coconut oil and containing sait. — par- scatoxylsulfurique, a. skatoxylsulfuric.
fumé, scented soap. — par refonte, re- sceau, m. seal. — de Salomon, (Bot.)
melted soap. — ponce, soap containing Solomon's seal. — des sceaux, (Alchemy)
powdered pumice. — pour bain, bath soap, hermetic seal of a vessel for heating. —
specif. a floating soap. — pour la barbe, d'or, (Bot.) goldenseal (Hydrastis cana-
shaving soap. — relargué, grained soap, densis).
settled soap. — résineux, rosin soap; Stellage, m. sealing.
resin soap, resinous soap. — roux, brown scellé, p.a. sealed. m. seal.
soft soap made with wood ashes. — sili- scellement, m. sealing, seal; embedding. à
cate, silicate soap, silicated soap. — sur- —, sealed in, sealed.
gras, soap containing excess of fat, super- sceller, v.t. seal; embed.
fatted soap. — unicolore, unmottled soap, scelleur, m. sealer.
specif. white Marseilles soap. — vert, green scène, /. scène; stage, theater.
soap. sceptique, a. skeptical, skeptic. m. skeptic.
savonnage, m. soaping, etc. (see savonner). sceptiquement, adv. skeptically.
savonner, v.t. soap; waah (with soap); schaff, m. (Glass) one of the tiers on which
lather; (Glass) rub with fine emery to window-glass cylinders are placed.
remove imperfections. scheelique, a. of Scheele, Scheele's.
savonnerie, /. soap making; soap factory. scheelisation, /. treatment of wine with
savonnette, /. cake or bail of toilet soap; glycerol.
hunting case (as for a watch or compass). scbeidage, m. sorting, etc. (see scheider).
savonneux, a. soapy. scheider, v.t. (Ores) sort, spall, buck.
savonnier, m. soap maker, soap boiler; scnelling, m. shilling.
soapberry tree, soapberry (Sapindus). a. schelotage, m. = schlotage.
soap, of soap, relating to the manufacture schéma, schème, m. graphie or structural
of or trade in soap. formula; scheme, diagram, drawing.
savonnière, /. soapwort (Saponaria offi- schématique, a. diagrammatic, schematic.
cinalis). schématiquement, adv. diagrammatically,
savons, -pr. 1 pi. of savoir, pi. of savon. schematically.
savonule, /. saponule (soapy mixture of es- schématiser, v.t. represent graphically or
sential oil and alkali). diagrammatically, diagram.
savourer, v.t. taste; relish, savor. schilling, m. shilling.
savoureux, a. savory, savoury, tasty. schinus, m. (Bot.) Schinus, specif. the pep-
saxe, m. Saxon porcelain, Saxony porcelain. per tree (S. molle).
/. (cap.) Saxony. schistacé, a. schistaceous, slaty, slate.
saxifrage, /. (Bot.) saxifrage. schiste, m. schist; shale; slate. — aluné,
saxon, a. Saxon, m. (cap.) Saxon. alum schist, alum shale. — ardoisier, sîate.
scabieuse, /. (Bot.) scabious (Scabiom). — argileux, clay shale; shale. — bitu-
scabre, a. scabrous, rough. mineux, bituminous shale, oil shale. —
scabreux, a. rough ; difficult, perilous. calcaire, calcareous schist. — carton, paper
scalaire, o. scalar. shale. — pyriteux, pyritic schist.
scalénoèdre, m. (Cryst.) scalenohedron. schisteux, o. schistose, schistous; shaly;
scammonée, /. scammony (plant and gum slaty.
resin; see résine de scammonnée and résine schistifier, v.t. (Mining) (rock-)dust.
de scammonnée du Mexique, at résine). schlamm. m. (Ore Dressing) slime, slurry.
- d'Alep, Aleppo scammony, resin of schlammpeter, m. slimes (c.g., of zinc ores).
scammony (from Convolvulus). schlich, m. (Ore Dressing) slimes, schlich.
scammonine, /., scammonoside, m. jala- schlot, m. = curain.
pin. schlotage, m. (Sait) removal of the first
Scandinave, a. & m. Scandinavian. deposit (sulfates) from the brine.
scandine, /. scandia, scandium oxide. schloter, v.t. (Sait) remove the first deposit
scarificateur, m. scarifier. from (the brine).
schoopage 401 sébum
schoopage, m. spraying of molten métal scorie, /. slag, scoria, dross, cinder (see note
upon surfaces to be coated. at laitier) ; clinker. — crue, raw slag, ore
schorl, m. schorl (formerly, any of several slag, poor slag. — de déphosphoration,
dark-colored minerais; now, tourmaline). basic slag, Thomas slag. — de fer, iron
— noir, pyToxene. — rouge, rutile. — vert, slag, iron cinder. — de forge, forge scale,
epidote. hammer slag. — de verre, glass gall,
schunter, v.i. shunt. sandiver. — douce, refining slag, rich slag.
sciage, m. sawing ; cutting. — pauvre, poor slag. — phosphatée, phos-
sciatiqne, /. (Med.) sciatica. o. sciatic. phate slag. — riche, rich slag. — (or
scie, /. saw; sawfish. — à main, handsaw. scories) Thomas, Thomas slag.
— à métaux, saw for cutting metals, as a scorifleatoire, m. scorifier.
hack saw. — anglaise, scroll saw, jig saw. scorifler, v.t. & r. scorify, slag.
— sans fin, band saw. scourtin, m. a press bag of coarse material.
sciemment, adv. knowingîy, consciously. Cf. étreindelle.
science, /. science ; knowledge. scrabe, /. (Ceram.) cutting, waste (un-
scientifique, o. scientific; synthetic. burned).
scientifiquement, adv. scientifically. scraber, v.t. add cuttings to (see scrabe).
scier, v.t. saw; eut (as a block of rubber, scramaison, /. skimming (of molten glass).
or as standing grain), v.r. be sawn; be scrape, n. scrape (hardened crude turpen-
eut. v.i. saw. tine).
scierie, /. sawmill; (power) saw. scrofulaire, /. (Bot.)figwort(Scrophularia).
scieur, m. sawer, sawyer; cutter; reaper. scrofule, /. (Med.) scrofula.
scille, /. {Bot. & Pharm.) squill. — mari- scrofuleux, o. scrofulous.
time, (Pharm.) white squill, Mediterranean scrupule, m. scrupîe; scrupulousness.
squill (from Urginea scilla syn. maritima). scrupuleusement, adv. scrupulously.
scillitique, o. of or pertaining to squill. scrupuleux, a. scrupulous.
scindage, scindement, m. splitting, etc. scruter, v.t. scrutinize.
(see scinder) ; scission, fission. scrutin, m. ballot, balloting; poil.
scinder, v.t. & r. split, décompose, (some- scubac, m. (Irish or Scotch) whisky, usque-
times) dissociate; divide. baugh; a liqueur flavored with saffron,
scintillation, /., scintillement, m. scintil- cinnamon, etc.
lation; sparkling; flicker(ing). sculptage, m. carving, sculpturing.
scintiller, v.i. scintillate; sparkle; flicker. sculpter, v.t. carve, sculpture.
SCirpe, m. bulrush (Scirpus). sculpteur, m. carver; sculptor.
scissile, a. scissile, fissile, cleavable. se, pron. oneself, himself, herself, itself,
scission, /. scission, fission, splitting, cleav- themselves; to oneself, to himself, etc.;
age, division, (sometimes) dissociation; each other, one another; to each other, to
séparation (of a union); schism. one another. (A verb with se as its object
scissiparité, /. (Biol.) scissiparity (schizo- may often be translated by use of the
genesis). passive voice or by an intransitive verb;
scissure, /. scissure, fissure, cleft, split. as, un précipité se fait, a preeipitate is
sciure, /. sawdust, saw cuttings. — de bois, formed, or forms. See the various défini-
sawdust (from wood). tions of words marked v.r.)
SCléreux, a. sclerous, indurated, hard. séance, /. sitting, session, meeting, séance.
scléromètre, m. sclerometer. séant, p.a. sitting; becoming, fitting.
scléroprotéine, /. scleroprotein. seau, m. pail, bucket ; pailful, bucketful.
sclérose, /. (Med.) sclerosis. seaugeoire, /. sait shovel.
sclérotique, a. & f. sclerotic. sébacé, o. sebaceous.
scobine, /. rasp; file. sébacique, a. sebacic, decanedioic.
scolaire, a. school, scholastic, académie. sébate, m. sebecate, sebate.
scombre, m. (Zool.) mackerel (Scomber). sébifère, a. sebiferous.
scombrine, /. scombrine. sébilation, séboulation, /. grinding or mix-
sconse, m. skunk (the fur). ing in a sort of bowl (sébile) in which rolls
scopolamine, /. scopolamine. a bail.
scorbut, m. (Med.) scurvy. sébile, sébille, /. wooden bowl or vessel.
scorbutique, a. (Med.) scorbutic. séborrhée, /. (Med.) seborrhea, seborrhoea.
scoriacé, o. scoriaceous, slaggy, drossy. sébum, m. (Physiol.) sébum.
sec 402 seing
sec, a. dry ; dried (as fruit) ; (of coal) dry, secrétaire, m. secretary; clerk.
lean ; (of metals) dry, brittle, short ; (of secrètement, adv. secretly, privately.
pitch) hard; net; short, sharp, hard, sécréter, v.t. (Fur») carrot.
harsh ; lean, spare. m. dryness ; dry ma- sécréter, v.t. secrète.
terial, esp. dry food. adv. dryly; hard, sécréteur, a. secreting, secretory.
sharply, harshly, etc. à —, to dryness ; sécrétine, /. secretin.
dryly, dry. mettre à •—, drain, dry. — à sécrétion, /. sécrétion. — lactée, lactation.
l'air, air-dry. sécrétoire, o. secretory.
sécable, a. cuttable, sectile. sécrétrice, a. fem. of sécréteur.
sécante, /. (Math..) sécant. Secteur, m. sector; specif., one of the units
sécateur, m. pruning shears, cutter. into which a city is divided for lighting,
séchage, m. drying; seasoning (as of wood). etc. ; hence, a Company or circuit which
— à l'air, air drying. — à la vapeur, steam supplies such a unit; (Mach.) sector,
drying. — au four, kiln drying. quadrant. — d'alimentation, (Elec.) feed
sèche, a. fem. of sec. /. cuttlefish. circuit, city circuit. — électrique, electric
séché, p.a. dried, etc. (see sécher). Company; electric supply.
séchée, /. drying; duration of drying. section, /. section. — droite, — transversale,
sèchement, adv. dryly; sharply, harshly, cross section.
coldly. sectionnel, a. sectional.
sécher, v.t. dry; dry up; season (wood); sectionnement, m. division, sectioning.
drain; heat up, warm (as a furnaee). v.r. sectionner, v.t. eut or divide (into sections),
& i. dry, become dry; dry up; wither; section, sectionalize ; eut off, sever.
wither away. sectionneur, m. (Elec.) disconnecting
sécheresse, /. dryness; drought; (fig.) switch.
harshness, coldness. séculaire, a. secular.
sécherle, /. drying place, drying room, dry- secundo, adv. secondly.
ing shed ; drying. sécurité, /. security; safety; reliability.
sécheur, m., sécheuse, /. drier, dryer. o. sédatif, a. & m. (Med.) sédative.
drying. sédentaire, a. sedentary; settled, fixed.
séchoir, m. drying place, drying room; dry- sédimentaire, sédimenteux, a. sedi-
ing apparatus, drier. — o vide, vacuum mentary.
drier. Sedlitz, n. Seidlitz.
second, a. second, m. second; second floor; séducteur, a. seductive. m. seducer.
helper, assistant, en —, in second place, séduire, v.t. seduee; attract.
second, seconde poudre, (Leather) second séduisant, a. seductive; attractive.
dusting and lying (see poudre). s.e. et o., abbrev. (sauf erreurs et omissions)
secondaire, a. secondary. errors and omissions excepted.
seconde, /. second; second class; second segment, m. segment. — de piston, piston
proof. ring.
secondement, adv. secondly. segmentaire, a. segmentai, segmentary.
seconder, v.t. second, assist, support. segmenter, v.t. & r. segment, divide into
secouage, secouement, m. shaking, shake. segments.
secouer, v.t. shake; shake off; reprimand. ségrégateur, m. segregator, separator.
V.T. be shaken ; rouse oneself. ségrégatif, a. ségrégative.
secoueur, m. shaker; (Founding) fonn ségréger, v.t. & r. segregate.
breaker. seiche, /. (ZoSl.) cuttlefish; seiche.
secoueuse, /. shaking machine, shaker. seigle, m. rye (plant and grain). — ergoté,
secoûment, m. shaking, shake. — noir, spurred rye, rye affected with er-
secourir, v.t. help, aid, assist, succor. got.
secours, m. help, aid, assistance, relief, de seigneur, m. lord.
—, relief, standby, emergency. seille, /., seilleau, m. pail, bucket, vessel.
secousse, /. shake, shaking, shock, jolt, jerk, seillon, m. small tub for wine drippings ;
blow, concussion. wooden vessel for milk.
secret, a. secret; discreet. m. secret; sein, m. midst; bosom; breast. au — de,
secrecy, secretness; (Furriery) carroting in; in the midst of. au — de l'eau, in
agent (as a mixture of mercury and nitric water, in aqueous solution, du — de, from ;
acid). en —, in secret, secretly, privately. from the midst of.
secretage, m. (Furs) carrotage, secretage. seing, m. signature.
séisme 403 sel
séisme, m. earthquake, seism. potasse, potassium sait, potash sait. — de
séîsmique, a. seismic. prunelle, sal prunelle, fused saltpeter. —
seizaine, /. sixteen (or about that). d'Epsom, Epsom sait (magnésium sulfate).
seize, a. <fe m. aixteea; sixteenth. — d'Epsom de Lorraine, sodium sulfate
seizième, a., m. <fc f. sixteenth. crystallized in needles resembling those of
séjour, m. stay, sojoum, continuance ; Epsom sait. — de roche, rock sait. — de
abode. sagesse, (Old Chem.) sait of wisdom (am-
séjourner, v.i. stay, remain, continue, stand ; monium mercuric chloride). — de saline,
sojourn; dwell, réside. common sait produced by evaporation, as
sel, m. sait, en —, (of a solution) on the distinguished from rock sait ; specif., sait
point of deposîting sait. — acide, acid prepared from deposits as distinguished
sait. — admirable, sal mirabile, Glauber's from sea sait. — de Saturne, (Old Chem.)
sait (sodium sulfate). — alembroth, (Old sait of Saturn (lead acétate). — de
Chem.') sal alembroth, alembroth (am- Schlippe, Schlippe's sait (sodium thioanti-
monium mercuric chloride). — amer, bit- monate). — de Sedlitz, Epsom sait. — de
ter sait, Epsom sait. — amer de Welter, Seignette, Seignette sait, Rochelle sait (so-
picric acid. — ammoniac, sal ammoniac, dium potassium tartrate). — de soude,
ammonium chloride. — ammoniacal, am- sodium sait, soda sait; sal soda. — de
monium sait. — ammoniacal crayeux, am- soude carbonate, sodium carbonate. — de
monium carbonate. Obs. — ammoniac soiide raffiné caustique, sodium carbonate
martial, (Pharm.) ammoniated iron (fer- that has been partially caustieized by lime.
rie and ammonium chîorides). — am- — des tombeaux, Rochelle aalt. — de
moniac minéral, (Old Chem.) urea. — am- strontiane, strontium sait. — d'étain, tin
moniac nitreux, ammonium nitrate. Obs. sait (the term is used specif. of crystal-
— ammoniac secret, ammonium sulfate. lized stannous chloride). — de Tartarie,
Obs. — ammoniac végétal, ammonium sait sal ammoniac. — de tartre, sait of tartar
of any of varioua organic acids. Obs. — (purified potassium carbonate). — de
ammoniac vitriolique, ammonium sulfate. varech, kelp sait, fcelp soda. — de verre,
Obs. — anglais, Epsom sait. — basique, glass gall, sandiver. — de Vichy, sodium
basic sait. — biliaire, bile sait. — blanc, bicarbonate. — d'hiver, Glauber's sait. —
white sait. — blanc des alchimistes, boric digestif, digestive sait (potassium chloride).
acid. O6s. — calcaire, lime sait, calcium — d'indigo, (Dyeing) indigo sait (a sait
sait. — chalybé, (Old Chem.) iron sait. from jvhich indigo is produced on the
— chromique, chromic sait ; crystallized fiber by the action of caustic soda), —
chromic acid. — commun, common sait diurétique, (Old Pharm.) diuretic sait (po-
(sodium chloride). — d'absinthe, (Old tassium acétate). — d'oseille, sait of sor-
Chem.) sait of wormwood (an impure po- rel (potassium hydrogen oxalate). — ex-
tassium carbonate). — d'argent, silver citateur, (Elec.) exciting sait. — fin, fine
sait. — de benjoin, (Old Chem.) benzoic sait. — fin-fin, very fine sait, powdered
acid. — de Boutigny, a mixture of mer- sait. — fossile, rock sait, — gemme, rock
curic chloride and iodîde. — de Bunte, sait. — grimpant, a sait that "climbs" by
Bunte's sait (sodium S-ethyl thiosulfate). evaporation of its solution. — gris, crude
— de canal, (Old Chem.) Epsom sait. — common sait, specif. bay sait. — ignigène,
de caravane, sal ammoniac. — de chaux, sait (sodium chloride) obtained by evapo-
lime sait (calcium sait). — de cuisine, ration with artificial heat. — infernal,
common sait, esp. a grade for culinary use. (Old Chem,) saltpeter. — interne, inner
— de cuivre, copper sait. — de duobus, sait. — marin, common sait ; esp., that
(Old Chem.) sal de duobus (potassium obtained from sea water, Sea sait. — mi-
sulfate). — de fer, iron sait. — de crocosmique, microcosmic sait (HNaNHé-
Glauber, Glauber's sait (sodium sulfate). PO4-4H2O). — -minéral, minerai sait, in-
organic sait. — neutre, neutral sait. —
— d'Egra, Epsom sait. — de lait, lactose. polychreste, (Old Pharm.) polychrest sait
— de l'urine, = sel microcosmique. — de (potassium sulfate, also Rochelle sait). —
magnésie, magnésium sait, specif. Epsom rêgalin, (Old Chem.) gold chloride. sels de
sait. — de mercure, mercury sait. — de déblai, abraum salts. — secret de Glauber,
Mohr, Mohr's sait (ferrous ammonium sul- ammonium sulfate. — sédatif, (Old
fate). — de nitre, (Old Chem.) saltpeter. Pharm.) sédative sait (boric acid). tels
— de Perse, borax. — de phosphore, micro- mixtes, mixed salts, specif. a mixture of
oosmic sait. — de plomb, lead sait. — de
sel 404 sénegré
sodium chloride and magnésium sulfate. — semé, p.a. sown, etc. (see semer).
végétal, (Old Chem.) potassium tartrate. semelle, /. sole ; sill, sleeper, bed, bed-
— végétal fixe, potassium carbonate. — plate, bottom, foot, shoe; step, pace.
volatil d'Angleterre, sal volatile (ammonium semence, /. seed, seeds; sowing; semen;
carbonate). inoculum; seed pearl; small nail, tack. —
selan, n. a kind of dammar. de canarie, canary seed. — de lin, linseed,
sélecteur, m. selector ; switch. a. sélective. flaxseed. — du médïcinier, physic nut. —
sélectif, a. sélective. potagère, vegetable seed.
sélectionner, v.t. sélect. semenceau, m. seed plant or pièce (as of
sélectivement, adv. selectively. potato), specif. a sugar beet raised for
sélectivité, /. selectivity. seed.
sélénazol, m. selenazole. semencier, m. seed-bearing tree.
sélénéthyle, m. ethyl selenide. semen-contra, m., semencine, /. (Pharm.)
sélénhydrate, m. hydroselenide. santonica, Levant wormseed, semencontra.
sélénhydrique, a. hydroselenic. semer, v.t. sow; scatter, strew, sprinkle,
séléniate, m. selenate, seleniate. spread.
sélénié, a. of or combined with sélénium, semestre, m. half year, six months ; six
seleniuretted, selenide of. months' revenue, pay, service or leave ;
sélénieux, a. selenious, selenous. semester. a. of or for six months.
sélénlfère, a. seleniferous. semestriel, o. semiannual; for six months.
séléninique, a. seleninic. semeuse, /. (Agric.) sower, seeder, drill.
séléniocyanate, m. selenocyanate. semi-annuel, a. semiannual.
séléniocyanique, a. selenocyanic. semi-circulaire, a. semicircular, half round.
séléniol, m. colloïdal sélénium. semi-cyclique, a. semicyclic.
séléniosel, sélénisel, m. sélénium sait. semidinique, semidique, a. semidine.
séléniosulfate, m. selenosulfate. semi-fini, a. semifinished.
sélénique, a. selenic. semi-fixe, a. semiportable, semifixed.
séléniteux, a. selenitic, (of water) contain- semi-fluide, a. & m. semifluid.
ing calcium sulfate. semi-hebdomadaire, a. semiweekly.
séléniure, m. selenide. semi-liquide, a. semiliquid.
sélénoéther, m. organic selenide. semi-mensuel, a. semimonthly.
sélénonique, o. selenonic. séminal, a. séminal, spermatic.
sélénosel, m. sélénium sait. séminose, m. seminose (D-mannose).
sélényle, m. selenyl. semi-organisé, a. semi-organized.
sel-ester, m. an ester which is also a sait, semi-polaire, a. semipolar, (of bonds) co-
ester sait (e.g., NaC^HôSO^). ordinate.
self, m. (Elec.) induction coil. semi-produit, m. semimanufacture.
selle, /. bench; (Med.) stool; {Métal) semis, m. seedling ; sowing ; seed bed. —
slacken; saddle; tie plate. en plein, broadcast sowing.
seller, v.r. settle, sink. v.t. saddle. semi-solide, o. & m. semisolid.
sellette, /. rack (for rubber tubing); seat; semi-sphérique, a. hemispheric, hemispher-
saddle; bed, bedplate. ical.
selon, prep. according to. c'est —, that dé- semoir, m. (Agric.) sower, seeder, drill.
pends. — le cas, as the case may be. — semoule, /. semolina; a food paste made
moi, in my opinion. — que, according as. from potatoes.
Seltz, Selters, n. Selters. eau de —, Seltzer sénaire, a. sixfold, sextuple, seoary.
water. séné, m. (Bot. & Pharm.) senna. —
seltzogène, m.' seltzogene, gazogène. américain, wild senna (Cassia marilandicà).
semage, m. sowing, etc. (see semer). — de la palthe, Alexandria senna. — de la
semaille, /. sowing; seed; seed time. pique, India senna, Mocha senna. — in-
semaine, /. week; week's work; week's pay. digène, bladder senna (Colutea arborescens).
semblable, a. like, similar; such. m. <fc f. sénécionîne, /. seneoîonine.
like, equal; fellow créature, fellow. séneçon, m. (Bot.) groundsel (Senecio).
semblable ment, adv. similarly ; likewise, sénéga, m. (Pharm.) senega. (Cf. polygale
also. de Virginie, under polygale.)
semblant, m. appearance, semblance. p. pr. Sénégal, m. a kind of crude rubber.
(of sembler) appearing, seeming. sénégine, sénéguine, /. senegin.
sembler, v.i. appear, seem, look. sénegré, se ne grain, m. (Bot.) fenugreek.
seneve 405 séro-globuline
Sénevé» m. mustard (Brassica), esp. black séparé, p.a. separated; separate; distinct.
mustard (B. nigrà). séparément, m. séparation, separating.
sénevol, m. mustard oil, isothiocyanate. séparément, adv. separately.
sénilisation, /. a process of seasoning wood séparer, v.t. separate ; sort ; divide ; dis-
in which the sap is espelled by injection tinguish. v.r. be separated, separate.
of water. sept, a. & m. seven ; seventh.
sénilité, /. senility. septembre, m. September.
sens, m. sensé; way, direction, side; opin- septentrional, a. north, northem, northerly,
ion, judgment. de — contraire, in the op- septicémie, /. (Med.) septicemia, septi-
posite direction, en — divers, in various caemia.
directions, en tout —, in every direction. septicité, /. septicity, septic quality.
— dessus dessous, upside down. — devant septième, a. & m. seventh.
derrière, hind part before, back part first. septique, a. septic.
sensationnel, a. sensational. septivalent, a. septivalent, heptavalent.
sensé, a. sensible, reasonable, judicious. septum, m. septum, partition.
sensément, adv. sensibly, judiciously. séquelle, /. séries; set; gang, crew.
sensibilisable, a. sensitizable. sera, fut. 3 sing. (of être) will be.
sensibilisateur, m. sensitizer. a. sensitizing. serait, cond. 3 sing. (of être) would be.
sensibilisation, /, sensitization. sérancer, v.t. hackle, hatchel (as flax).
sensibiliser, v.t. sensitize. serbe, a. Serbian. m. & f. (cap.) Serbian,
sensibilité, /. sensitiveness, sensitivity, Serb.
sensibility ; susceptibilîty. — spectrale, Serbie, /. Serbia.
color sensitivity. serein, a. serene. m. serein, evening mist.
sensible, a. sensitive; sensible, perceptible. sereinage, m. de.w retting.
sensiblement, adv, sensitively; sensibly, sérénité, /. serenity, calmness.
perceptibly, obviously; approximately. séreux, a. serous.
sensitif, a. sensitive. sergent, m. cramp, clamp, screw frarae ;
sensitivité, /. sensitivity. sergeant; (rfe ville) policeman.
sent, pr. 3 sing. (of sentir) feels, perceives, sériaire, a. sériai.
etc. sériciteux, o. (Min.) sericitic.
sentence, /. sentence, decree; maxim. séricicole, a. sericultural, silkworm.
senteur, /. odor, scent, perfume, fragrance. sériciculture, /. sericulture, silkworm rais-
senti, p.p. (of sentir) felt, perceived, etc. ing.
sentier, m. path. Séricigène, a. silk-producing, silk.
sentiment, m. feeling ; sensation ; sensé ; séricine, /. sericin.
sentiment ; interest, concern. au —, by Série, /. séries, en —, (Elec.) in séries. —
estimate, by guess. benzénique, benzène séries (usually équiva-
sentinelle, /. sentinel, sentry; pièce of métal lent to aromatic séries). — grasse, fatty
of known melting point, used to détermine séries (aliphatic séries or, specif., saturated
furnace température. aliphatie séries). — purique, purine séries.
sentir, v.t. feel, perceive; smell; smell of; — quinoléique, quinoline séries.
taste of; smack of, suggest, indicate. v.r. sériel, a. sériai.
be felt ; feel ; be conscious ; feel the effects sérier, v.t. arrange in séries.
(of). v.i. feel; smell. sérieusement, adv. seriously.
seoir, v.i. sit, sit down; be becoming, be- sérieux, a. serious. m. seriousness. au —,
come, fit. v.r. sit, sit down. seriously, in earnest.
séparabilité, /. separability. serin, m., serine, /. eanary.
sêparable, a. separable; divisible. serine, /. serine.
séparage, m. séparation ; sorting. seringue, /. syringe, — d'huile, oil gun.
séparant, p.a. separating. seringuer, v.t. syringe ; spray (with a
séparateur, m. separating funnel; separator; pump).
arrester, catchpot, trap, etc. a. separating, sérique, a. of sérum, serous.
separatory, separative. — de Pauly, an serment, m. oath.
apparatus for fractional distillation in séro-albumine, /. sérum albumin, seral-
vacuo. bumin.
séparatif, a. separative. séro-diagnostic, m. serodiagnosîs.
séparation, /. séparation; partition. séro-globuline, /. sérum globulin, sero-
séparatoire, m. separating funnel. Obs. globulin.
seront 406 seul
seront, fut. S pi. (of être) will be. (Métal.) shingle. v.r. be tightened, etc.;
séro-réaction, /. sérum reaction. contract, shrink; crowd, press close.
Sérosité, /. serosity. serre-tête, m. (Radio, etc.) head set.
sérothérapie, /. serotherapy, sérum therapy. serrière, /. (Founding) plug, stopple.
serpent, m. serpent, snake. — de Pharaon, serrure, /. lock.
Pharaoh's serpent (mercuric thiocyanate). serrurerie, /. locksmithing ; ironwork.
serpentaire, /. {Bot.) any of various plants serrurier, m. locksmith; blacksmith.
reputed to cure snake bites or having a sert, pr. 3 sing. (of servir) serves, etc.
snakelike part. — de Texas, Texas snake- sertir, v.t. set, seat.
root (Aristolochia reticulata) ; (Pharm.) sertissage, m. setting, seating.
serpentaria. — de Virginie, Virginia snake- sertissure, /. setting, mounting.
root (Aristolochia serpentaria) ; (Pharm.) sérum, m. sérum ; (of milk) whey. — mus-
serpentaria. — du Canada, Canada snake- culaire, muscle sérum. — sanguin, blood
root, wild ginger (Asarum canadense). sérum.
serpente, /. silver paper, fine tissue paper. sérumalbumine, /. sérum al bu min, serai-
serpenté, a. winding, serpentine. bumin.
serpenteau, m. (Pyro.) serpent ; (Bot.) sérumglobuline, /. sérum globulin.
layer. sérumthérapie, /. sérum therapy, sero-
serpenter, v.i. wind, meander. faire —, therapy.
(Métal.) pass back and forth through a servante, /. any of several tools, as a screen
set of TOIIS. for protecting a glassworker from the fire,
serpentin, m. worm, coil; hélix; spiral, a. a scraper in a powder mill, a prop or sup-
serpentine. — à vapeur, steam coil. — de port, a bench vise, etc. ; servant.
chauffage, heating coil. — de Raoul, a serviable, a. obliging, willing, kind.
metallic coil for heating water. — de service, m. service; duty; branch, depart-
refroidissement, cooling coil. — fusant, ment; set; course; (Soap) addition of lye
(Expl.) time train. — plat, (flat) spiral; (at any one time). hors de —, out of use,
(Elec.) pancake coil. — rafraîchisseur, out of action.
worm condenser; refrigerating coil. — serviette, /. towel ; filter cloth ; napkin ;
réchauffeur, reheating coil. portfolio.
serpentineux, a. (Min.) serpentinous. servir, v.t. serve; work, operate; pay in-
serpentiniser, v.t. (Min.) serpentinize. terest or rent on. v.r. (with de) make use
serpillière, /. packing cloth; awning. of, use, employ, profit by; be served, etc.;
serpolet, m. wild thyme ( Thymus serpyl- help oneself or one another. v.i. serve ;
lum). be in use; (with de) serve as, serve for.
serradelle, /. serradella (Ornithopus sativus). serviteur, m. servant.
serrage, m. tightening, etc. (see serrer) ; servomoteur, m. auxiliary engine or motor.
tightness ; tension, strain ; pressure ; grip. ses, a. pi. his, her, its.
de —, (Mach.) tightening, adjusting. — sésame, m. sésame (plant or grain).
chaud, shrinking on. sesquichlorure, m. sesquiehloride. — d'or,
serre, /. pressure, pressing; cramp, clasp, auric chloride, gold(III) chloride.
clip ; claw ; greenhouse. sesquifiuorure, m. sesquifluoride.
serré, p.a. tightened, etc. (see serrer); tight; sesquiiodure, m. sesquiiodide.
snug; close; compact, dense; narrow; con- sesquioxyde, m. sesquioxide. — de fer,
cise, adv. hard ; cautkmsly. sesquioxide of iron, ferrie oxide, iron(III)
serre-bouchon, m. stopper clamp. oxide. — de fer hydraté, ferrie hydroxide,
serre-écrous, m. nut setter. iron(III) hydroxide.
serre-étoupe, m. stuffing box. sesquisel, m. sesqui sait.
serre-feu, m. (Métal.) fire screen. sesquisiliciure, m. sesquisilicide (appar-
serre-fil, serre-fils, m. (Elec.) binding ently applied to compounds of tne for-
screw, binding post; wire clamp; pliers. mula M3S12).
serre-joints, m. clamp, cramp. sesquisulfure, m. sesquisulfide.
serrement, m. tightening, etc. (see serrer). sesquitérébénique, a. sesquiterpene.
serrer, v.t. tighten, fasten, secure; clamp; session, /. session, sitting.
screw down ; close, shut ; squeeze, press, seuil, m. threshold, sill, ground sill, sole. —
compress, pack, wedge in, lock, grip; pinch; continental, continental shelf.
crowd; force; contract; put away, put up, seul, a. alone, only, sole, single; solitary;
lock up ; keep close to, hug ; oppress ; lonely. m. one, one only, only one.
seulement 407 silicatation
seulement, adv. only; even; yet, but. sidéroxyle, sidéroxylon, m. (Bot.) iron-
sève, /. sap; juice; (Wine) strength, body, wood (Sidéroxylon). — cendré, Sidéroxylon
(or, according to some) fine quality ; pith ; cinereum.
(fig.) vigor, life. sidérurgie, /. siderurgy.
sévère, o. severe; strict, rigid. sidérurgique, a. siderurgical.
sévèrement, adv. severely; strictly. siècle, m. century; âge; world.
sévérité, /. severity. sied, pr. S sing. (of seoir) sits, etc.
séveux, a. of or pertaining to sap, sappy. siéent, pr. 3 pi. (of seoir) sit, etc.
sévir, v.i. be severe; rage; prevail. siège, m. seat ; chair, stool, bench ; siège ;
sevrage, m. weaning. see. — de soupape, valve seat. — social,
sevrer, v.t. wean ; separate ; deprive. headquarters (of a cornpany).
sèvres, m. Sèvres porcelain or ware, Sèvres. siéger, v.i. sit ; lie, be ; meet.
sexangulaire, sexangulé, a. hexangular, Siemens, m. (Elec.) mho.
hexagonal. sien, sienne, pron. one's own, his, his own,
sexe, m. sex. hers, her own, its, its own. le sien, one's
sexlvalent, a. sexivalent, hexavalent. own, his own, her own, one's property.
sexuel, sexué, a. sexual. les siens, one's (his, her) own kindred,
seyait, imp. S sing. (of seoir) was becom- friends or followers.
ing- Sienne, n. Siena (Italian province).
seyant, p.a. becoming, fitting. sifflement, m. whistling ; hissing ; 3inging.
S.F., abbrev. (sans frais) without charges. siffler, v.i. & t. whistle; hiss; sing.
S.G.D.G., abbrev. (sans garantie du Gou- sifflerie, /. whistling ; hissing ; singing.
vernement) without Government guarantee. sifflet, m. whistle; hiss, hissing; (Métal.)
shée, /. (Bot.) shea, shea tree. spot, defect ; bevel.
shellac, m. shellac, lac resin. sigillé, a. In the phrase terre sigillée, terra
shérardisation, /. sherardizing, -ization. sigillata, Lemnian earth.
shérardiser, v.t. sherardize. signalé, p.a. signal, remarkable; pointed
shikimol, m. shikimole (safrole). out, etc. (see signaler).
shunter, v.t. (Elec.) shunt. signalement, m. description.
si, conj. & m. if. adv. so; however; yes. signaler, v.t. call attention to, point out,
— bien que, — que, so that. — lait, yes, announce; describe; signalize; signal.
yes indeed. si . . . que, so . . . that; signalétique, a. descriptive.
however. signalisation, /. signaling.
slalagogue, m. (Med.) sialagog(ue). a. signataire, a. signatory, signing. m. signa-
sialagogic. tory, signer.
sialisme, m. (Med.) salivation. signature, /. signing; signature.
siamois, o. Siamese. m. (cap.) Siamese. signaux, m. pi. of signal.
Sibérie, /. Siberia. signe, m. sign; mark; puise, impulse. —
sibérien, a. Siberian. m. (cap.) Siberian. inverse, opposite sign. — moins, minus sign.
siccatif, a. drying, siccative. m. drying signer, v.t. sign; stamp, mark.
agent, drier, dryer, siccative. — flamand, signifiant, p.a. signifying; significant.
Flemish drier. significatif, a. significant, significative.
siccativité, /. drying power or property. signification, /. signification; légal notice.
siccité, /. dryness. signincativement, adv. significantly.
Sicile, /. Sicily. signifier, v.t. & i. signify.
sicilien, a. Sicilian. m. (cap.) Sieilian. sil, m. ocher.
sidéral, a. sidereal. silane, m. silane, (formerly) silicane.
sidélin, o. of or pertaining to iron. silencieusement, adv. silently.
sidérine, /. hemosiderin. silencieux, a. silent, noiseless. m. silencer,
sidérique, a. pertaining to iron; sidereal. muffler. -
sidérochrome, m. (Mm.) chromite. Silésie, /. Silesia.
sidérolitlie, /. (Min.) siderolite. silésien, a. Silesian. m. (cap.) Sileaian.
sidérose, /. (Mm.) siderite, ferrous car- silex, m. flint; silex, silica. — corné, horn-
bonate; (Méd.) siderosis. stone ; chert. — meulière, burrstone, buhr-
sidérotechnie, /. siderotechny. stone. — noir, black flint. — pyromaque,
sidérotechnique, a. siderotechnic(al). m. flint for striking fire. — volcanique, vol-
siderotechny. canic glass. — xyloïde, petrified wood.
sidéroxyde, m. iron oxide. silicatation, /. silicating; silicification.
silicate 408 sinapiser
silicate, m. silicate. — de chaux, calcium sillonner, v.t. furrow, plow; groove; streak.
silicate. — de plomb, lead silicate. — de silo, m. silo (usually more or less below the
potasse, potassium silicate. — de soude, ground ; in sugarbeet silos the material is
sodium silicate. — hydraté, hydrous sili- covered with straw and earth and pro-
cate. vided with air circulation).
silicate, a. silicated (as soap) ; siliceous. silotage, m. ensilage.
silicater, v.t. silicate, treat with silicate. silurien, a. (Geol.) Silurian.
silicatisation, /. silicating ; silicification. silvine, /. {Min.) sylvite, sylvine.
silicatiser, v.t. silicate; silicify. silyle, m. silyl, H3Si—.
silice, /. silica. — gélatineuse, gelatinous simaruba, simarouba, m. (Bol.) Sima-
silica, silica gel. rouba.
silice, a. containing or combined with silica. similaire, a. similar, like.
silicéo-calcaire, a. silicicalcareous. similamètre, m. an instrument for deter-
siliceux, a. siliceous, silicious ; flinty. mining the proportion of wheat flour in a
silicide, n. any siliceous minerai. mixture.
silicié, a. containing or combined with sili- similargent, m. an imitation silver.
con, (of compounds and derivatives) sili- similarité, /. similarity.
con. simili, a. & m. imitation. /. half-tone. en
silicifère, a. siliciferous. —, imitation.
silicifier, v.t. silicify. simili-, imitation, artificial.
silicique, a. silicic. similibronze, m. a brass imitating bronze.
silicium, m. silicon. siniili-cuir, m. imitation leather.
silicium-carbure, m. silicon carbide. similifer, m. a ferriferous zinc.
silicium-éthyle, silicium-tétraéthyle, m. similigravure, /. process engraving, half-
tetraethylsilane, (C2lÏ5)4Si. tone.
silicium-tétraméthyle, m. tetramethylsil- simili-lin, a. designating a linseed oil sub-
ane, (CH3)4Si. stitute.
siliciuration, /. conversion into a silicide. similimarbre, m. an imitation marble.
siliciure, m. silicide. similipierre, m. a kind of artificial stone.
silicobenzoïque, a. benzenesiliconic. similisage, m. the process of imparting a
silicobromoforme, m. tribromesilane, silk finish, as by mercerizing or by rolls.
Br3SiH. similiser, v.t. give a silk finish to; specif.,
silicobutane, m. tetrasilane, SUHin. mercerize.
silicocalcaire, a. silicocalcareous. simili-soie, /. a kind of artificial silk.
silicochloroforme, m. trichlorosilane. similitude, /. similarity, likeness, similitude.
silicocyanure, m. silicocyanide. similor, m. similor (a brass imitating gold).
silicoéthane, m. disilane, S12H6. simple, a. simple; elementary; single; mère;
silicofluorhydrique, a. nuosilicic. private (soldier). m. (Pharm.) simple, à
silicofluoroforme, m. triiluorosilane. — effet, single-effect, single-acting.
silicofluorure, m. fluosilicate. simplement, adv. simply; plainly; singly.
silicoformiate, m. siliconate. simplicité, /. simplicity, simpleness.
silicoformique, a. siliconic. simplificateur, m. simplifier, o. simplify-
silicoïodoforme, m. triiodosilane. ing.
silico-manganeux, a. silicomanganese. simplifier, v.t. simplify. v.r. be or become
silicométhane, m. silane, S1H4. simplified.
silicométhylène, m. silylene, H2Si=. simulacre, m. imitation; simulacrum, image,
silicooxalique, o. bisiliconic. semblance, phantom, shadow.
silicophényle, m. tetraphenylsilane, simulé, p.a. simulated, false, mock, sham.
(C6H5)4Si. simuler, v.t. simulate, feign, prétend.
silicopropane, m. trisilane, SigHs. simultané, a. simultaneous.
silicopropionique, a. ethanesiliconic. simultanéité, /. simultaneousness, -taneity.
silicose, /. (Med.) silicosis. simultanément, adv. simultaneously.
silico-spiegel, m. {Métal.) silicon spiegel. sinalbine, /., sinalboside, m. sinalbin.
silico-tungstique, a. silicotungstic. sinapine, /. sinapine.
sillage, m. wake (of a boat or plane). sinapique, a. sinapic.
sillon, m. furrow; groove; streak; track, sinapisé, a. (Pharm.) containing mustard.
trail, train; (Anat.) sulcus. sinapiser, v.t. mix with mustard, sinapize.
sillonné, p.a. furrowed, grooved, streaked.
sinapisme 409 slave
sinapisme, m. (Pharm.) sinapism. — en starch sirup, glucose. — de fleurs d'oranger,
feuille, mustard paper. (Pharm.) orange flower sirup. — de fonte,
sinapoline, /. sinapoline. sirup made by treating raw sugar with a
sincèrement, adv. sincerely. little water. — de framboise, (Pharm.)
sincérité, /. sincerity, sincereness. raspberry sirup. — de glycose, (Pharm.)
Singe, m. monkey; hoist, crab; windlass; sirup of glucose. — de gomme, (Pharm.)
jig ; pantograph. acacia sirup. — d'égout, — d'êgouttage,
singularité, /. singularity. (Sugar) drips. — de guimauve, (Pharm.)
singulier, a. singular ; peculiar. althea sirup. — de hypophosphite de chaux
singulièrement, adv. singularly. composé, (Pharm.) hypophosphites sirup.
sinigrine, /., sinigroside, m. sinigrin. — de karabé, a sirup of opium. — de
sinistre, a. sinister, disastrous, evil. m. dis- phosphate de fer, (Pharm.) sirup of ferrous
aster, accident, fire, loss. phosphate. — de polygala, (Pharm.)
sinist rorsum, a. & adv. counterclockwise, senega sirup. — dépuratif, ~ sirop de
from right to left. salsepareille composé. — de ratanhia,
sinoménine, /. sinomenine. (Pharm.) sirup of krameria, sirup of
sinon, conj. if not, or else, otherwise, un- rhatany. — de rosé rouge, (Pharm.) sirup
less, except. of rosé, sirup of red rosé. — de salsepa-
sinueusement, adv. sinuously, windingly. reille composé, (Pharm.) compound sarsa-
sinueux, a. sinuous, winding. parilla sirup. — de scille, (Pharm.) squill
sinuosité, /. sinuosity; bend, turn. sirup, sirup of squill. — de séné, (Pharm.)
sinus, m. sinus; {Math.) sine. senna sirup, sirup of senna. — des hypo-
sinusoïde, /. sinusoid, sine curve. phosphites composé, (Pharm.) compound
siphoïde, a. in the form of a siphon. hypophosphites sirup. — de suc de citron
siphon, m. siphon; (Plumbing) trap. — de (or limon), (Pharm.) = sirop d'acide ci-
fermeture, liquid seal. trique. — de sucre, sugar sirup, (Pharm.)
simple sirup, sirup; sometimes, molasses.
siphonal, a. siphonal, of a siphon.
siphon-condenseur, m. steam trap. — d'iodure de fer, (Pharm.) sirup of fer-
siphoner, v.t. siphon. rous iodide, ferrous iodide sirup. —
siphonnage, siphonnement, m. siphoning, d'ipécacuanha, (Pharm.) ipecac sirup. —
siphonage. d'orgeat, (Pharm.) sirup of orgeat (sirup
siphonner, v.t. siphon. of almond). — Gibert, (Pharm.) Gibert's
sippage, m. leather dressing (Danish proc- sirup (contains mercuric and potassium
ess). iodides). — simple, (Pharm.) simple sirup,
sirène, /. siren. sirup. — sudorifique, (Pharm.) compound
Sirop, m. sirup, syrup. — antiscorbutique, sarsaparilîa sirup. — théba'ique, sirup of
(Pharm. ) compound sirup of horseradish opium. — tonique d'Easton, (Pharm.)
(06s.). — aromatique, (Pharm.} aromatic sirup of ferrous phosphate with quinine
sirup. — balsamique, (Pharm.) = sirop de and strychnine, Easton's sirup. — vert,
baume de Tolu. — composé, (Pharm. ) (Sugar) green sirup, greens.
compound sirup. — cristal, a form oî siroperie, /. sirup factory.
starch sirup. — d'acide citrique, (Pharm,) sirupeux, a. sirupy, syrupy.
citric acid sirup, sirup of lemon. — de sis, p.a. seated; situated.
baume de Tolu, (Pharm,) Tolu balsam sisme, m. earthquake, seism.
sirup, sirup of Tolu. — de betterave, beet sitomètre, m. an instrument for determin-
sirup. — de cannelle, (Pharm.) cinnamon ing the density of cereals.
sirup. — de capillaire, (Pharm. ) a sirup sitostérol, m. sistosterol.
prepared from maidenhair fern. — de sitôt, adv. so soon, so quickly; as soon. —
cerise, (Pharm.) cherry sirup. — de chaux, que, as soon as.
(Pharm.) sirup of lime, sirup of calcium situation, /. situation ; state ; report, ac-
hydroxide. — de coquelicot, (Pharm.) count.
sirup of red poppy, sirup of rhoeas. — situé, p.a. situated; placed.
d'écorce de cerisier, (Pharm.) wild cherry situer, v.t. place, locate.
sirup. — d'écorce de ronce, (Pharm.) sirup six, a- <fc m. six; sixth; 6-poin.t (type).
of rubus, sirup of blackberry bark. — sixième, a. & m. sixth.
d'écorce d'orange arrière, (Pharm.) orange sizain, sixain, m. ha If dozen, package of
sirup, sirup of orange. — de cuisinier, =
sirop de salsepareille composé. — de fécule, six.
slave, o. Slavic. m. (cap.) Slav.
SX.F. 410 soleilleux
SX.F., abbrev. (selon la formule) according thrown silk. — souple, half-boiled silk. —
to formula. viscose, viscose rayon.
smaltine, /. (Min.) smaltite, smaltine. soient, pr. S pi. subj. of être (to be).
smectique, a. smegmatic, detersive. soierie, /. siîk fabric, silk, (pi.) silk goods;
smectite, /. fuller's earth ; smectite. silk mill ; silk manufacture ; silk trade.
smegma, m. (Physiol.) smegma. soif, /. thirst.
smeltage, m. smelting, fusing. soigné, p.a. cared for; attended to; well
Smyrne, /. Smyrna. made, finished; (Med.) treated; carefiû.
S.-O., abbrev. (Sud-Ouest) southwest. soigner, v.t. care for; attend to; do or
sobre, a. sober, temperate, moderate. exécute well or carefully; (Med.) treat.
sobrement, adv. soberly, temperately. soigneur, m. caretaker, attendant, tender.
soc, m. plowshare. soigneusement, adv. carefully, with care.
SOCCage, m. crystallization (of common soigneux, a. careful.
sait). sol-même, pron. oneself, self, itself, him-
social, a. social; (Com.) company, firm. self, herself.
sociétaire, m. member (of a society or as- soin, m. care; attention; (Med., pi.) care,
sociation), associate, partner. attendance.
société, /. society ; association ; (Com. ) soir, m. afternoon ; evening ; period from
company, firm, partnership, house. — noon to midnight.
anonyme, stock company (so called because soirée, /. evening; evening party.
usually conducted under a name indicat- soit, pr. S sing. subj. & imper, (of être).
ing its object rather than its members). be, may be; be it so; let . . . be, suppose
— civile, an association not engaged in that . . . is. conj. either, or; say, let us
business. — commerciale, commercial com- say. soit . . . soit, either . . . or, whether
pany or partnership. — de capitaux, stock . . . or.
company. — de personnes, partnership. soixantaine, /. sixty (or about that), three-
— en commandite, see commandite. —• en score.
nom collectif, partnership. — en partici- soixante, o. sixty; sixtieth. m. sixty. — et
pation, coopérative society or association. onze, seventy -one.
•— fiduciaire, trust company. — par actions, soixante-dix, a. seventy.
any company or partnership the capital of soixante-dixième, a. & m. seventieth.
which is divided into transférable shares. soixante-douze, a. seventy-two.
socle, m. base, bottom, stand, foot, footing, soixante-quatorze, a. seventy-four.
foundation, pedestal. soixante-quinze, a. seventy-nve.
SOCOtrin, a. (of aloes) Socotrine. soixante-seize, a. seventy-six.
soda, m. soda water, soda (the drink) ; soixante-treize, a. seventy -three.
(Min.) natron. soixantième, a. & m. sixtieth.
sodaïque, a. of soda, soda. soja, n. soy beau, soja bean, soja.
sodé, a. containing sodium, sodium, sodio-, sol, m. soil; ground; bottom; floor; (Physi-
soda. cal Chem.) sol.
sodico-. sodium, sodio-. solaire, a. solar.
sodico-ammonique, a. sodium ammonium. solamire, /. sieve cloth, bolting cloth.
sodique, a. sodium, of sodium; containing solanées, solanacées, /. pi. (Bot.) Solana-
soda. ceae, nightshade family.
sœur, /. sister. solanine, /., solanoside, m. soi an i ne.
soi, pron. self, oneself, himself, herself, it- solanomètre, m. an instrument for deter-
self, themselves. chez —, at home, home, mining the starch content of potatoes.
in one's own house or country. solanum, m. (Bot.) solanma, nightshade.
soi-disant, a. so -called, pretended, self - solariser, v.t. (Photog.) solarize.
styled. adv. supposedly, pretendedly. soldat, m. soldier. a. soldierly.
soie, /. silk ; bristle ; hair ; tang, tongue, solde, m. remainder; balance; job lot. /.
sliank. — à bluter, bolting cloth. — arti-
ficielle artificial silk ; rayon. — au cuivre, pay.
cuprammonium rayon. — crue, raw silk, solder, v.t. pay; settle; sell at a réduction.
unboiled silk. — cuite, boiled silk. —• de sole, /. sole; bottom, bed, hearth (of a fur-
porc, hog bristle. — écrue, — grège, raw nace), ground plate, sleeper, sill; plot, field.
silk. — légis, Persian silk, Persian. — soleil, m. sun; (Bot.) sunflower.
marine, byssus silk. — moulinée, — ouvrée, soleilleux, a. sunny.
soléine 411 sonnant
soléine, /. a resin spirit used as an illu- solutionner, v.t. dissolve; solve.
minant. solutmn, m. dissolved substance, soluté.
solennel, a. solemn. solvabilité, /. solvency.
solénoïde, m. (Elec.) solenoid. solvable, a. solvent.
solfatare, /. (Geol.) solfatara; sulfur mine. solvant, m. solvent; specif., a partially rec-
solfatarien, a. (Geol.) solfataric. tified wood spirit.
, SOlidage, m. (Bot.) goldenrod, solidago. solvatation, /. solvation.
solidaire, a. intégral, in one pièce (with), solvatisé, a. solvated.
firmly connected (with); (Law) jointly and solvent-naphta, m. solvent naphtha (a
sevei'ally responsible. coal-tar distillate).
solidarité, /. solidarity, community; (Law) sombre, a. dark ; dull ; somber ; melan-
joint and several responsibility. choly. m. darkness; sadness.
solide, a. solid ; (of colors) lasting, fast ; sommaire, o. summary, brief. m. sum-
(of grease, etc.) stiff; steadfast, firm. m. mary, abstract; (table of) contents; index.
solid. sommairement, adv. summarily, briefiy.
solidement, adv. solidly; firmly. sommation, /. summons; (Math.) summa-
solidifieateur, m. solidifier, o. solidifying. tion.
solidifier, v.t. & r. solidify. somme, /. sum ; amount ; epitome ; burden,
solidité, /. solidity ; (of colors) fastness ; load. m. sieep ; nap. en —, — toute, on
firmness ; stability. the whole, in short, after ail. — globale,
solitaire, a. solitary, lone. m. hermit, re- lump sum.
cluse. sommeil, m. sleep ; sleepiness.
solive, /. joist; girder. sommellerie, /. (Wine) cellarage, cellars.
solliciter, v.t. solicit; (of forces, etc.) in- sommer, v.t. summon ; (Math.) sum up,
fluence, act on; excite, urge. add.
solubilisation, /. rendering soluble. sommes, pr. 1 pi. (of être) are; hâve.
solubiliser, v.t. render soluble, solubilîze. sommet, m. summit ; vertes ; apex ; top ;
solubilité, /. solubility. peak.
soluté, m. soluté; (Pharm.) solution, specif. sommier, m. support (of various kinds) ;
aqueous solution. — de Burnett, solution bed (of a machine) ; beam (of a balance) ;
of zinc chloride. — de chaux, calcium hy- girder; mattress; record book; pack ani-
droxîde solution, lime water. — de chlore, mal.
compound solution of chlorine, chlorine sommité, /. top, summit; extremity (of a
water. — de citrate de bismuth am- plant) ; eminent person.
moniacal, solution of bismuth and am- somnifère, a. A m. (Med.) soporific.
monium citrate. — de pancréatine, pan- somptueux, a. sumptuous.
creatic solution. — de perchlorure de fer, son, m. bran; sound, tone. pron. his, her,
ferrie chloride solution. — de trinitrine, its, one's. — de seigle, rye bran.
(Pharm.) glyceryl trinitrate spirit. — sonage, m. branning.
d'hypochlorite de chaux, solution of chlo- sondage, m. boring, etc. (see sonder); bore
rinated lime. — d'iodo-arsênite de mercure, hole, (Petroleum) well.
arsenic and mercuric iodides solution. — sonde, /. borer, boring tool, drill; sampler
dit de Dakin, (Pharm. ) Dakin's solution,
diluted sodium hypochlorite solution. — (as for soil or flour) ; taster (as for
iodo-ioduré fort, — xoduré de Lugol, strong cheese); proof stick; sound, probe; sound -
iodine solution, Lugol's solution. ing line; plummet, lead; sounding; (Pe-
troleum) well.
SOlutif, a. capable of dissolving; laxative. sonder, v.t. bore, drill; examine by boring;
solution, /. solution, mettre en —, dissolve. sample (aa soil) ; taste (as cheese) ; sound ;
— ou titre, standard solution. — de con-
tinuité, breach of continuity. — dite de probe; examine, investigate, test, try.
Donovan, (Pharm. ) arsenic and mercuric sondeur, m. borer, driller; sound; probe.
iodides solution, Donovan's solution. — sondeuse, /. boring machine, borer, drill.
empirique, a standard solution of arbitrary songe, m. dream.
strength (as contrasted with a normal songer, v.i. dream; (with à) think of. v.t.
solution). — iodo-iodurêe, iodine-iodide dream.
solution, (Pharm.) Lugol's solution. — nor- songyi, n. a hard, dark brown dammar.
male, normal solution. — tampon, buffer sonnant, p.a. sounding, ringing, sonorous ;
solution. — type, standard solution. (of clocks) striking.
sonner 412 soudé
sonner, v.i. & t. sound, ring, strike. faire souakin, n. See gomme de souakin, at
—, sound, ring. gomme.
sonnerie, /. bell; set of bells; ringing; call. souari, n. (Bot.) souari (Caryocar).
sonnette, /. (small) bell; pile driver; mon- soubassement, m. basement ; base ; bed-
key, ram; shaker (as in making explosives). rock.
sonore, a. sonorous ; sounding, sound. soubresaut, m. bump (as in boiling), start,
sonorité, /. sonorousness. shock, jolt, jerk. »
sont, pr. 3 pi. (of être) are. soubresauter, v.i. bump (as in boiling),
sophistication, /. sophistication, adultéra- start, jolt, jerk.
tion. souche, /. stump ; stock ; mother substance ;
sophistiquer, v.t. sophisticate, adulterate. strain (of an organism) ; stub ; stem ;
soporatif, soporifère, soporifique, a. & (smoke)stack ; source, origin.
m. (Med.) soporific. souchet, m. (Bot.) Cyperus, specif. cypress
sorbe, /. sorb, sorb apple (berry of any spe- grass (C. diandrus) ; (Geol.) ragstone. —
cies of Sorbus; see sorbier). des Indes, turmeric, curcuma.
sorbet, m. sherbet. souchon, m. small stump ; short thick bar
sorbetière, /. freezer (as for ice cream). of iron.
sorbier, m. (Bot.) any plant of the genus souci, m. care, anxiety; (Bot.) marigold.
Sorbus, sorb. — des oiseaux, — des oise- soucier, v.r. care, concern oneself.
leurs, — sauvage, mountain ash, rowan soucoupe, /. saucer.
tree (S. aucuparia). — domestique, service soudabilité, /. weldability; solderability.
tree (S. domestica). soudable, a. weldable; solderable.
sorbiérite, /. sorbieritol (L-iditol). soudage, m. welding ; soldering ; joining,
sorbine, /. sorbin (sorbose). union. (For phrases see soudure and
sorbique, a. sorbic. souder.)
sorbite, /. (Org. Chem.) sorbitol; (Métal.) soudain, a. sudden. adv. at once, forth-
sorbite. with.
SOrbonne, /. ( laboratory ) hood (of en - soudainement, adv. suddenly, ail of a sud-
closed type); (cap) Sorbonne. den.
sorcellerie, /. sorcery. soudaineté, /. suddenness.
sorcier, m. sorcerer. Soudan, m. an African crude rubber; (cap.)
sorgho, sorgo, m, sorghum. — sucré, sweet Sudan.
sorghum, sugar sorghum, sorgo. — com- soudant, p.a. welding; soldering; weldable;
jatin, broom. corn.. solderable. m. welding heat.
sorne, /. (Métal.) dross, scoria, rich cinder. soude, /. soda; (Bot.) any plant of the
sort, m. fate; lot; chance; charm. pr. 3 genus Salsola. — à la chaux, caustic soda
sing. (or sortir) goes out, etc. obtained by treating the carbonate with
sortage, m. sorting. lime. — à l'alcool, caustic soda purified by
sorte, /. sort, kind ; way, œanner. de la —, solution in alcohol, soda from alcohol. —
in this (or that) way. de — que, en — à l'ammoniaque, soda made by the am-
que, so that, so as. monia process, ammonia soda, Solvay soda.
sortent, pr. 3 pi. (of sortir) go out, etc. — artificielle, artificial soda (not occurring
sorteur, m. sorter. as a minerai or made from plant ashes).
sortie, /. going out, coming out ; outfîow ; — boratée, borax. — bourde, = bourde.
outlet ; mouth ; issue ; exit, egress ; leav- — brute, crude soda, black ash. — car-
ing, departure ; starting ; retirement ; ex- bonatêe, sodium carbonate. — caustique,
port, exportation ; sortie, sally ; outburst. caustic soda, sodium hydroxide. — caus-
sortir, v.i. go out, come out; get out; be tique liquide, (Pharm.) solution of sodium
out ; issue ; escape ; départ ; leave ; retire ; hydroxide. — d'Alicante, Alicante soda,
proceed ; come ; project, stand out ; to barilla. — de Narbonne, a crude soda from
hâve just gone or left. v.t. take out, glasswort ashes. — douce, a crude soda
bring out, get out; remove; recover. m. from plant ashes. — fusible, (old name
leaving. au — de, on leaving, at the end for) fluorite, — nitratée, sodium nitrate.
of. faire —, bring out, take out, get out, — sulfatée, sodium sulfate. — tartarisée,
draw out, call out, turn out, put out. sodium, potassium tartrate, Rochelle sait.
sot, a. stupid, foolish, silly. m. fool, doit. — végétale, soda obtained from the ashes
sottise, /. foolishaess, folly, stupidity. of plants, vegetable soda.
Souabe, /. Swabia. soudé, p.a. welded, etc. (see souder).
souder 413 souillure
souder, v.t. weld; solder; unité, join (as soufflerie, /. blowing engine or machine,
atoms); seal. v.r. be welded, etc.; weld; blower ; bellows ; blast ; glasablowing room
unité, join ; coalesce ; consolidate. — à or space ; wind tunnel ; alehemical work.
bout, butt-weld, jump-weld. — à chaud, — à main, hand bellows. — à pied, foot
weld. — à l'autogène, bum on, solder bellows. — hydraulique, hydraulic blower,
autogenically. soudé à mi-chaude, (Métal.) water blast.
eold-shut. — à rapprochement, butt-weld. soufflet, m. bellows ; blowing machine,
— à recouvrement, lap-weld. — au cuivre, blower ; fanner, fan ; slap. — à bras,
braze, hard-solder. hand bellows, hand blower. — à pédale,
soudeur, m. welder, etc. (see souder). foot bellows, foot blower.
soudeuse, /. soldering lamp. soufflette, /. (Ceram.) air hole, air bubble.
SOUdier, a. soda, of soda, m. soda maker. souffleur, m. blower, etc. (see souffler) ;
soudière, /. soda factory, soda works. specif., glassblower; alchemiat (O6s.). —
soudo-brasage, m. bronze welding. de bouteilles, bottle blower. — de boyaux,
soudo-brasure, /. bronze weld. catgut blower. — de grande place, (Glass)
soudoir, m. soldering iron. head blower. — de paraison, = grand
soudure, /. solder ; welding ; soldering ; gamin, under grand. — de verre, glass -
union; joining; weld; seal; soldered place; bîower.
seam, suture, joint; stiff plaster. sans —, souffleur-verrier, m. glassblower.
without weld or seam. — à clin, lap weld- souffleuse, /. blowing machine, blower.
ing. — à la résine, rosin soldering. — à soufflure, /. air hole, blowhole, blister, bleb.
l'étain, soft soldering ; soft solder. — au — de son, beeswing bran.
QOZ, gas welding. — au plomb, lead solder. souffrance, /. suffering ; suspense ; respite.
— autogène, autogeoic (or autogenous) sol- souffrir, v.t. suffer ; endure, bear ; expéri-
dering or welding. — bout à bout, butt ence, v.i. suffer. v.r. be suffered, etc.
welding. — d'argent, silver solder. — de soufrage, m. sulfuring, sulphuring.
cuivre, hard solder. — de laiton, brass soufre, m. sulfur, sulphur. — brut, crude
solder, hard solder. — des plombiers, sulfur. — carburé, (Old Chem. ) carbon
plumbers' solder (2-3 parts of lead to 1 of disulfide. — de mine, native sulfur. —
tin). — d'étain, tin solder, soft solder. doré d'antimoine, golden sulfide of anti-
— électrique, electric welding. — fondante, mony (antimony pentasulfide). — en
soft solder. — forte, hard solder ; hard bâtons, stick sulfur, roll sulfur. — en
soldering. — grasse, solder relatively rich canons, roll sulfur, stick sulfur. — en
in tin. — maigre, solder relatively poor in fteur(s), flowers of sulfur. — hydrogéné,
tin. — matée, ealk weld. — non-autogène, hydrogen sulfide. — mou, plastic sulfur.
soldering proper (i.e., with. use of other — nacré, monoclinic sulfur. — noir d'anti-
material as a solder). — oxhydrique, oxy- moine, antimony trisulfide. — -précipité,
hydrogen welding. — tendre, soft solder; precipitated sulfur, milk of sulfur. —
soft soldering. rouge, (Min.) realgar. — sublimé, sub-
souffert, p.p. (of souffrir) suffered. limed sulfur, flowers of sulfur. — sublimé
soufflage, m. blowing, etc. (see souffler) ; lavé, (Pharm.) washed sulfur. — végétal,
specif., glass blowing ; blast ; blow-out. vegetable sulfur (lycopodium powder). —
— en plat, {Glass) crown-glass blowing, vierge, — vif, virgin sulfur, native sulfur.
soufflant, p.a. blowing, etc. (see souffler), soufrer, v.t. sulfur, sulphur.
blow, blast. soufreur, m. sulfur worker.
soufflante, /. blowing engine, blower. soufreuse, /. sulfur sprayer.
SOufflard, m. volcanic steam jet, soffione. soufrière, /. sulfur mine, sulfur pit ;
souffle, m. breath ; breathing ; exhalation ; (Matches) place or vessel where sulfur is
blowing ; blast ; blasting ; puff ; breeze ; kept; (Geol.) solfatara.
soufroir, m. sulfuring stove or room.
murmur. souhait, m. wish, désire, à —, according to
soufflement, m. blowing, etc. (see souffler); one's wishes, as one would wish.
blast. souhaitable, a. désirable.
souffler, v.i. blow ; breathe ; panf. v.t. souhaiter, v.t. wîsh, wish for, désire.
blow ; blast ; blow out ; blow away, blow souillarde, /. (Soap) lye tub, lye vat.
off ; inflate, blow up ; breathe ; prompt ; souiller, v.t. contaminate ; soil; (fig.) stain.
sheathe (a ship). v.r. be blown, etc.; blow souillure, /. contamination, impurity; stain,
out. — sur, blow upon ; blow out ; destroy. spot.
soukhté 414 sous-pression
soukhté, n. extraction residue of opium. SOUS-, sub-, under-, assistant.
SOÛl, a. surfeited, satiated, full. sous-acétate, m. subacetate. — de cuivre,
soulagement, m. alleviation, relief, aid. copper subacetate. — de plomb, lead sub-
soulager, v.t. alleviate, relieve, aid; lighten. acetate. — de plomb liquide, (Pharm. )
soulèvement, m. rising ; lifting ; breaking lead subacetate solution.
up ; uprising; upheaval, uplift. sous-azotate, m. subnitrate. — de bis-
soulever, v.t. raise; lift, lift up, upraise; muth, bismuth subnitrate (bismuth oxyni-
break up (as the contents of a furnace) ; trate, bismuth oxide nitrate).
rouse. v.r. rise, rise up; swell; be raised, sous-bois, m. undergrowth, underwood.
etc. sous-carbonate, m. subcarbonate, basic car-
soulier, m. shoe; boot; (pump) sucker. bonate.
soulignement, m. underlining ; emphasis. sous-chlorure, m. subchloride. — de mer-
souligner, v.t. underline; emphasize. cure, mercurous chloride.
soumettre, v.t. subject ; submit ; refer ; sous-classe, /. subclass.
force ; subdue, overcome. v.r. be sub- sous-comité, m. subcommittee.
jected, etc.; submit, yield; consent. sous-couche, /. substratum, underlying
soumis, p.a. subjected, etc. (see soumettre); layer.
subject ; submissive. souscripteur, m. subscriber.
soumission, /. submission ; engagement ; souscription, /. subscription.
bond ; tender ; bid ; submissiveness. souscrire, v.t. & i. subscribe.
soumissionaire, m. bidder; contracter. sous-cristallin, a. subcrystalline.
soupape, /. valve, à —, valved, with sous-cutané, a. subcutaneous.
valve(s). — à boulet, bail valve, globe sous-diviser, v.t. subdivide.
valve. — à clapet, clack valve, flap valve. sous-domaine, m. subdomain.
— à manchon, sleeve valve. — à pointeau, sous-égaliser, v.t. pass through a fine
needle valve. — d'arrêt, check valve, cut- sieve.
off valve. — d'arrivée, inlet valve. — de SOUS-élément, m. secondary élément.
purge, blowoff valve. — de sûreté, safety sous-épidermique, a. subepidermal.
valve. — de surpression, safety valve. sous-espèce, /. subspecies.
soupçon, m. suspicion; conjecture; touch, sous-estimer, v.t. underestimate, under -
dash. value.
soupçonnable, a. suspicious. sous-étage, m. substage.
soupçonner, v.t. suspect. sous-évaluer, v.t. undervalue, underesti-
soupçonneusement, adv. suspiciously. mate.
soupçonneux, a. suspicious. sous-exposer, v.t. (Photog.) underexpose.
soupe, /. soup ; meal, dinner. — grasse, sous-fluorure, m. subfiuoride.
méat soup, méat broth. sous-fraction, /. subfraction.
souper, m. supper. sous-gallate, m. subgallate.
soupeser, v.t. try the weight of. sous-genre, m. subgenus; subgroup.
soupière, /. soup tureen. sous-glaçure, a. (Ceram. ) underglaze.
soupirail, m. air hole, vent hole, vent, sous-granitique, a. subgranitic.
soupirer, v.i. sigh. sous-groupe, sous-groupement, m. sub-
souple, a. pliable, pliant, flexible, limber, group.
supple, tough. sous-jacent, a. subjacent, underlying.
Souplesse, /. flexibility, etc. (see souple). sous-main, m. writing pad, desk pad.
source, /. source, origin; spring; well. — sous-marin, a. et m. submarine.
chaude, — thermale, hot spring. — énergé- sous-métallique, a. submetallic.
tique, source of energy or power. — sous-multiple, a. & m. submultiple.
minérale, minerai spring. sous-muriate, m. subchloride. — de mer-
sourcil, m. eyebrow. cure, mercurous chloride.
sourd, a. deaf ; dull ; (of gems) cloudy ; sous-nitrate, m. subnitrate, basic nitrate.
secret, dark. m. deaf person. — de bismuth, bismuth subnitrate (bis-
sourdement, adv. low, with a rumbling or muth oxynitrate, bismuth oxide nitrate).
hollow sound ; secretly. sous-normal, a. subnormal.
sourdre, v.i. spring, spring up, spring forth. sous-oxyde, m. suboxide.
sourire, v.L & m. smile. sous-phosphate, m. subphosphate.
souris, /. mouse. m. smile. SOUS-préfet, m. subprefect.
.COUS, prep. under, beneath, below. sous-pression, /. pressure from below.
sous-produit 415 spécifiquement
sons-produit, m. by-product. spagirisme, m. alchemy, chemistry, specif.
sous-refroidissement, m. undercooling ; iatrochemistry. Obs.
(Physical Chem.) supercooling. spagiriste, m. spagyrist. Obs.
sous-réglon, /. subregion. spalt, m. asphalt ; (Métal.) fluorspar.
sous-rubrique, /. subhead(ing) ; subtitle. spalte, m. mastic.
sous-salicylate, m. subsalicylate. sparadrap, m. (Med.) sparadrap, adhesive
sous-sel, m. subsalt, (usually) basic sait. plaster. — de capsique, capsieum plaster.
soussigner, v.t. undersign, sign. sparadrapier, m. an instrument for making
sous-siliciure, m. subsilicide. sparadraps or adhesive plasters.
SOUS-sol, m. subsoil ; baseraient. spart, sparte, m. esparto, esparto grass,
sous-sulfure, m. subsulfide. (more generally) matweed.
sous-tangente, /. (Math.) subtangent. spartéine, /. sparteine.
sous-tendre, v.t. (Math.) subtend. spasme, m. spasm.
sous-titre, m. subtitle, subhead. spasmodique, a. spasmodic.
soustraction, /. removal, etc. (see sous- spath, m. (Min.) spar, specif. calc-spar. —
traire). adamantin, adamantine spar, corundum. —
soustraire, v.t. remove, abstract, withdraw; blanc de plomb, cerussite. — brunissant,
embezzle; save, protect; (Arith.) sub- ankerite. — calcaire, — calcareux, calc-
tract, v.r. (with à) escape, avoid. spar (calcite). — de Bologne, Bologna
sous-traitant, m. subcontractor. stone (barite). — d'Islande, Iceland spar
SOUte, /. storeroom, room, bunker, locker, (transparent calcite). — fluor, — fusible,
compartment, tank, magazine. fluorspar. — lent, dolomite. — perlé, pearl
soutenable, a. tenable; supportable; bear- spar, pearly dolomite. — pesant, — lourd,
able. heavy spar (barite). — rouge de plomb,
soutendre, v.t. subtend. crocoite. — satiné, satin spar. — tabulaire,
soutènement, m. supporting; support. tabular spar (wollastonite).
soutenir, v.t. sustain, support, maintain, spathification, /. conversion into spar or
bear; resist. v.r. be sustained, etc.; be stony material (petrifaction?).
firm, be stiff; last; (of colors) hold; suc- spathifier, v.t. convert into spar (petrify?).
ceed ; continue ; keep up ; resist ; stand up ; spathique, a. (Mm.) spathic, sparry.
sit up, support oneself. spatialement, adv. spatially.
soutenu, p.o. sustained, etc. (see soutenir). spatialiser, v.t. spatialize.
souterrain, a. underground, subterranean. spatialité, /. spatiality.
m. underground rooin or passage. spatulage, m. stirring, etc. (see spatuler).
souterrainement, adv. underground. spatule, /. spatula, spattle; paddle; stirrer.
soutien, m. support. — d'étalement, (Bact.) looped-wire
soutient, pr. S sing. (of soutenir) sustains, spreader. — en acier, steel spatula or stir-
etc. rer. — en argent, silver spatula. — en
bois, wooden spatula, paddle, or stirrer.
soutirage, m. drawing off, etc. (see soutirer). — en corne, nom spatula. — en os, bone
soutirer, v.t. draw off, rack off, rack; bot- spatula. — en platine, platinum spatula.
tle. — en porcelaine, porcelain spatula. — en
souvenir, v.r. (often with de) remember, verre, glass spatula.
recollect. v.i. corne to mind. m. remem- spatule, p.a. stirred, worked; (of Sax, eto.)
biance, reeollection; memory; mémorial; hatcheled; spatulate, spoon-shaped.
souvenir; mémorandum book. il me spatuler, v.t. stir or work with a spatula
souvient, I remember, that reminds me. or paddle; hatchel (as flax).
souvent, adv. often, frequently. spécial, a. spécial; professional.
souverain, a. & m. sovereign; superlative. spécialement, adv. specially, especiaËy.
souveraineté, /. sovereignty. spécialiser, v.t. specify. v.r. specialize.
souvient, pr. S sing. (of souvenir) remem- spécialiste, m. specialist. a. specializing.
bers. spécialité, /. specialty ; specialist ; speeiaiïty,
particularity ; spécial expense.
soya, m. soy bean, soja, soya. spécieux, a. specious, plausible.
soyeux, a. silky; silken, silk. spécificité, /. specificity, specificness.
spacieux, a. spacious, large, ample, roomy. spécifier, v.t. specify.
spadelle, spadèle, /. stirring tool, stirrer. spécifique, a. & m. spécifie.
spagirie, /. alchemy. O6s. spécifiquement, adv. specifically.
spagirique, a. spagyric(al), alchemical.
spécimen 416 squine
spécimen, m. spécimen, sample. a. sample. sphynsosine, /. sphingosine.
spectre, m. spectrum ; specter, spectre. — spiauter, m. spelter, zinc.
calorifique, — chaud, heat spectrum. — spic, m. (Bot.) spike lavender, spike (Lavan-
cannelé, fluted spectrum. — continu, con- dula spica).
tinuous spectrum. — d'absorption, ab- spicanard, m. (Bot.) spikenard.
sorption spectrum. — de bandes, band spiculaire, a. spicular, dartlike.
spectrum. — de haute fréquence, high-fre- spiegel, m. (Métal.) spiegeleisen, spiegel.
quency spectrum. — d'émission, émission spigélie, /. (Bot.) Spigelia. — du Mary-
spectrum. — de réseau, diffraction spec- land, pinkroot, Carolina pink (S. mari-
trum. — d'étincelle, spark spectrum. — landica).
discontinu, discontinuous spectrum. — spinelle, m. & a. (Min.) spinel. a. spiny.
linéaire, Une spectrum. —- solaire, solar — de zinc, zinc spinel, gahnite. — noir,
spectrum. — stellaire, stellar spectrum. — pleonaste, ceylonite.
synoptique, gênerai spectrum. spiral, a. spiral, m. spiral spring.
spectrographe, m. spectrograph. spirale, /. spiral. — de chauffage, heating
spectrographie, /. spectrography. spiral, heating coil.
spectromètre, m. spectrometer. spirane, m. spiran, spiro compound.
spectrométrie, /. spectrometry. spiranique, a. spiran, spiro.
spectrométrique, a. spectrométrie (al). spire, /. spire, turn, winding, coil.
spectrophotométrie, /. spectrophotometry. spirée, /. (Bot.) spirea, spiraea.
spectrophotometrique, a, spectrophoto- spiréine, /., spiréoside, m. spirein.
metric(al). spirille, m. (Bact.) spirillum.
spectroscope, m. spectroscope. — à main, spiritualiser, v.t. (Old Chem.) spiritualize.
hand spectroscope. — o réseau, grating spiritueux, a. spirituous. m, spiiituous
spectroscope. liquor.
spectroscopie, /. spectroscopy. spirituosité, /. spirituousness, spirituosity,
spectroscopique, a. spectroscopic(al). specif. percentage of aleohol.
spectroscopiquement, adv. spectroscopi- spiroïdal, spiroïde, a. spiroid.
cally. spirol, m. phénol. Obs.
spectroscopiste, m. spectroseopist. spitzkasten, m. (Mining) funnel box, spitz-
spéculaire, a. specular, mirror. kasten.
spéculatif, a. spéculative. splendeur, m. splendor.
spéculer, v.i. speculate. splendide, a. splendid.
speiss, m. (Métal.) speiss. spode, /. spodium (old name for various
speisscobalt, m. (Min.) speisscobalt (smaït- ashes and sublimâtes ; still in use for
ite). boneblack).
speltre, m. spelter. spodite, /. volcanic ash.
sperkise, /. spear pyrites (kind of marca- spongieux, a. spongy.
site). spongine, /. spongin.
spermaceti, spermacéti, sperma coeti, spongiosité, /. sponginess.
m. spermaceti. spontané, a. spontaneous; (of plants) self-
spermatine, /. spermatin. sown.
spermatique, a. (Physiol.) spermatic. spontanéité, /. spontaneity, spontaneous-
spermatozoaire, m. (Zoôl.) spermatozoôn. ness.
sperme, m. sperm. — de baleine, sperma- Spontanément, adv. spontaneously.
ceti. sporadique, a. sporadic.
spermine, /. spermine. sporadiquement, adv. sporadically.
sperm0toxine, /. spermotoxin. sporange, m. (Bot.) sporangium.
sphaigne, /. (Bot.) sphagnum; peat moss. sporuler, v.i. (Biol.) sporulate.
sphène, m. (Min.) sphene (titanite). spumeux, a. spumous, spumy, frothy,
sphère, /. sphère. — philosophique, a foamy.
spherical furnace used by the alchemists. squale, m. shark.
sphéricité, /. sphericity. squame, /. (small) scale.
sphérique, a. spherical, spheric. squameux, squammeux, a. squamous,
sphériquement, adv, spherically. scaly.
sphéroïde, m. spheroid. squelette, /. skeleton.
sphéroïdiqiie, a. spheroidal. squine, /. chinaroot (rootstock of Smilax
sphyngomyéline, /. sphingomyelin. china).
stabilisateur 417 stéréochimique
stabilisateur, m. stabilizer. o. stabilizing. staphisaigre, /. (Bot.) stavesacre (Del-
stabiliser, v.t. stabilize. v.r. be atabilized. phinium staphisaffria).
stabilité, /. stability. staphylocoque, m. (Bact.) staphylococcus.
stable, a. stable; stabile. — au rouge, staphylotoxine, /. staphylotoxin.
stable at red heat. stase, /. stasis, stopping, stagnation.
stablement, adv. stably, firmly, fixedly. statice, m. (Bot.) sea lavender, limonium.
stachydrine, /. stachydrine. staticité, /. static condition or quality.
stade, m. stage; stadium. statif, m. stand (as of a microscope), a.
stage, m. term (as of probation); course. of or pertaining to a station.
faire un —, take a course; pass through a station, /. station; stop, short stay; stand-
' term. ing. — d'expériences, experiment station.
stagnant, a. stagnant, standing. stationnaire, a. stationary.
stagner, v.i. stagnate, stand. stationnement, m. stopping ; standing ;
stalactitique, a. stalactitic. hait ; parking.
stalagmomètre, m. stalagmometer. stationner, v.i. stop; hait; stand.
stalagmométrique, a. stalagmometric(al). statique, a. static, statical. /. statics.
stalle, /. compartment ; locker; box; parti- statiquement, adv. statically.
tion; stall. statisticien, m. statistician.
stampe, /. (Mining) interval between two statistique, /. statistics, statistic. a. sta-
veins. tistical.
standardiser, v.t. standardize. statuaire, a., f. & m. statuary.
standléthyle, m. diethyltin, ( staugmal, n. a slightly sour kumiss.
standolle, n. stand oil. staurolithe, staurotide, /. (Min.) stauro-
stanéthyle, m. = stannéthyle. lite.
stanméthyle, m. any methyl compound of Sté., abbrev. (Société) Company.
tin, esp. tetramethyltin, (CHg)iSn. stéapsine, /. steapsin (lipase).
stannage, m. (Dyeing) tin mordanting. stéarane, m. normal octadecane, CisH3g.
stannéthyle, ni. any ethyl compound of stéarate, m. stéarate, octadecanoate.
tin, esp. tetraethyltin, (C2H5)4Sn. stéaride, /. stearin (any glycerol stéarate).
stanneux, a. stannous, tin(II). stéarine, /. stearin.
stannibromure, m. bromostannate(IV). stéariner, v.t. coat or impregnate with
stannichlorure, m. chlorostannate(IV). stearin.
stannifère, a. stanniferous, tin-bearing. stéarinerie, /. stearin manufacture or fac-
stannihexabromhydrique, a. bromostan- tory.
nio(IV). stéarinier, m. stearin manufacturer.
stannihexabromure, m. bromostannate- stéarique, a. stearic; (of candies, etc.)
(IV). stearin.
stannihexachlorure, m. chlorostannate- stéarol, m. (Old Pharm.) a préparation hav-
(IV). ing a fat as excipient.
stannjhexafluorhydrique, a. fluostannic- stéarolé, m. (Pharm.) a préparation having
(IV). a solid fat as base.
stannihexafluorure, m. fluostannate(IV). stéaroléique, a. stearolic.
stannihexaïodnre, m. iodostannate(IV). stéarone, /. stearone, 18-pentatriacontanone.
stannine, /. {Min.) stannite. stéaryle, m. stearoyl, octadecanoyl.
stannique, o. stannic, specif. tin(IV). stéatiteux, a. steatitic.
Stannite, m. stannite. /. (Min.) stannite, stéatolyse, /. steatolysis.
tin pyrites. stellaire, a. stellar; stellate. /. (Bot.)
stannobromure, m. bromostannate(II). stitchwort.
stannochlorhydrique, o. chlorostannic(II). sténographe, m. stenographer.
stannochlorure, m. chlorostannate(II). sténopéique, o. (Opt.) stenopaic.
stannoïde, a. resembling tin, tinlike. stéranique, a. of sterane (the parent hydro-
stannoïodoforme, m. iodostannous acid
HSnI3. carbon of the steroids), steroid.
stercoraire, a. stercoraceous, relating to
stannotétrafluorhydrique, o. fluostannous
stannotétrafluorure, m. fluostannite. dung.
stantétraéthyle, m. tetraethyltin, stère, m. stère, cubic meter (1.308 eu. yds.).
(C2H5)4Sn. stéréochimie, /. stereochemistry.
Stantriéthyle, m. triethyltin, stéréochimique, a. stereochemical.
stéréoisomère 418 stuc
stéréoisomère, a. stereoisomeric. m. stereo- stœchiologique, a. stoichiological.
isomer. stœchiométrie, /. stoichiometry.
stéréoisomérie, /. stereoisomerism. stœchiométrique, a. stoichiometric(al).
stéréoscopique, a. stereoscopic, stereoscop- stomacal, a. (Anat.) of the stomach, sto-
ical. machic.
stéréotypage, m. stereotyping. stomachique, a. & m. (Med.) stomachic.
stéréotype, a. stéréotype, stereotyped. stomate, m. (Biol.) stoma.
stéréotyper, v.t. stéréotype. stoppage, m. stopping.
stéréotypie, /. stereotypy, stereotyping. stopper, v.t. stop.
stéride, /. steride (sterol ester). stoquer, v.t. stoke, tend (a fire or furnaee).
stérile, a. stérile, m. stérile material, esp. stoqueur, m. poker; fire rake; stoker.
in ore dressing. storax, m. storax (from Styrax sp.). —
stérilement, adv. sterilely. liquide, liquid storax (from Liquidambar
stérilisateur, m. sterilizer. orientaîis).
stériliser, v.t. stérilise. stoupat, m. (MetoJ.) taphole.
stérilité, /. sterility. stovaïne, /. (Pharm.) stovaine, stovain.
stérilobaril, m. a barrel-shaped glass ré- T.N.
ceptacle for sterilized water. stracou, n. (Glass) an annealing oven.
stérine, /. sterol. stramoine, /. (Bot.) stramonium, thom ap-
stérîque, a. steric. ple.
stériquement, adv. sterically. stramonium, m. (Bot.) white thorn apple
sternutatif, sternutatoire, a. & m. (Med.) (Datura stramonium).
stemutative, sternutatory. strass, stras, m. strass.
Sthénosage, m. strengthening (as of rayon strasse, /. refuse silk ; coarse packing paper.
by formaldehyde). strate, /. stratum, layer.
stibial, a. stibial, antimonial. stratégie, /. strategy.
stibié, a. stibiated, combined with antimony. stratégique, a. stratégie.
stibieux, a. stibious (antimonious). stratifier, v.t. stratify.
stibine, /. stibine; (Min.) stibnite. streptocoque, m. (Bact.) streptococcus.
stibinique, a. stibinic; stibonic. (Cf. ar- strichage, m. (Leather) = écraminage.
sinique.) strictement, adv. strictly.
stibique, a. stibic (antimonic). strie, /. stria.; streak; groove; sciatch;
stibiochlorure, stibiohexachlorure, m. ridge.
chloroantimonate(V). strié, p.a. striated ; streaked ; grooved ;
stibiosulfure, m. thioantimonite. ridged.
stibium, m. antimony; (Min.) stibnite. strier, v.t. striate; groove; streak.
stibiure, m. antûnonide. striure, /. striation, stria; corrugation.
stigmate, m. stigma; mark; scar. strobile, m. (Bot.) strobile; (Zoël.) strobila.
stigmatiser, v.t. stigmatize. strontiane, /. strontia, strontium oxide. —
stilbénique, a. stilbene, of stilbene. sulfatée, strontium sulfate.
stil-de-grain, m., stil de grain, stil de strontianique, a. of or containing strontia.
grain (a yellow lake). strontique, a. strontium, of strontium.
stillant, a. dropping, dripping, trickling. strophante, strophantus, m. (Bot.) Stro-
stillation, /. dropping, dripping, trickling. phanthus.
stilligoutte, m. dropper, drop glass. strophantidine, /. strophanthidin.
stilliréaction, /. drop reaction. strophantine, /. strophanthin, strophantho-
stimulant, p.a. stimulating, stimulant, m. side (now a group name).
stimulant ; stimulus. structuralement, adv. structurally.
Stimuler, v.t. stimulate. strychnée, /. a plant of the genus Strych-
stinkal, m. stinkstone. nos.
stipuler, v.t. stipulate. strychnine, /. strychnine.
stockage, m. storagc, storing. strychninique, strychnique, a. strychnic.
stocker, v.t. stock, store, store up. strychniser, v.t. strychninize (treat with
stockfisch, stocknsh, m. stockfish. strychnine or affect with strychninism).
stœchiogénie, /. stoichiogeny, origin of the strychnisme, m. strychninism, strychnism.
éléments. strychnos, m. (Bot.) Strychnos. — vomi-
stœchiogénique, a. stoichiogenic. quier, nux vomica (S. nux-vomica).
stœcbiologie, a. stoichiology. stuc, m. stucco.
stucage 419 subtranslucide
stucage, m. stuccoing. suberone, /. suberone (cycloheptanone).
stucatlne, /. a coating of lime and phos- subéryle, m. suberyl.
phoric and salicylic aoids used to give the subérylique, o. suberyl, of suberyl.
appearance of eut stone. subgranulaire, subgranuleux, a. sub-
studieusement, adv. studiously. granular.
studieux, a. studious. subir, v.t. undergo. v.r. be undergone.
stupéfactif, a. & m. (Med.) stupefactive. subit, a. sudden.
stupéfait, p.a. stupefied. subitement, adv. suddenly.
stupéfiant, p.a. stupefying, stupefacient, subjuguer, v.t. subjugate; overcome.
etupefactive. m. (Med.) stupefacient, sublimabilité, /. sublimability.
stupefactive. sublimât, m. sublimate.
stupéfier, v.t. stupefy; narcotize; deafen. sublimatoire, a. & m. sublimatory.
stupeur, /. stupor. sublimé, m. sublimate, specif. corrosive sub-
stupide, a. stupid. limate. p.a. sublimed, subUmated. — cor-
stupidement, adv. stupidly. rosif, corrosive sublimate (mercuric chlo-
Stupidité, /. stupidity. ride).
stuquer, v.t. stucco. sublimer, v.t. sublime, sublimate. v.r. & t.
sturine, /. sturine. be sublimed, sublime.
stycérine, /. stycerol, stycerin. submerger, v.t. submerge.
style, m. style; stylus. subordonné, p.a. subordinate ; subordinated.
stylet, m. stylet; small style; probe. m. subordinate.
styphinique, styphnique, a. styphnic. subordonner, v.t. subordinate.
stypticine, /. (Pharm.) stypticin. subséquemment, adv. subsequently.
stypticité, /. stypticity, astringency. subside, m. subsidy.
styptique, a. & m. styptic. subsidiaire, a. subsidiary, auxiliary.
styracées, /. pi. (Bot.) Styracaceae. subsidiairement, adv. subsidiarily, in addi-
styracine, /. styracin. tion.
styrax, m. (Bot.) Styrax; storax. — offi- subsidier, v.t. subsidize.
cinale, Styrax officinalis. subsistance, /. subsistence; (pi.) provisions.
Styrie, /. Styria. subsister, v.i. subsist, exist, continue.
styrolène, m. styrène, (formerly) styrolène. substance, /. substance ; material. — cori-
styrolénique, a. styrène, of styrène. aire, tanning material. — génératrice,
styryle, m. styryl, C6H5CH:CH—. mother substance. •— intermédiaire, inter-
su, p.p. (of savoir) known. m. knowledge. mediate substance, (in immunology) ambo-
suage, m. oozing out, sweating, bleeding; ceptor. — isolante, (Elec.) insulating sub-
paying, coating (with tallow); paying stuff, stance, insuïator. — rebelle, refractory sub-
tallow ; swage. stance.
suage r, v.t. pay, coat (with tallow or other substance-mère, /. mother substance.
grease) ; swage. substantiel, a. substantial.
suant, p.a. sweating, sweaty; (of heat) substantiellement, adv. substantially.
welding. substantif, a. & m. substantive.
suave, a. sweet, agreeable; (of colors) soft. substituable, a. substitutable ; replaceable.
suavement, adv. sweetly, agreeably, softly. substituant, p.a. substituting, substituent.
suavité, /. sweetness, agreeableness, softness. m. substituent; substitute.
subaigu, a. subacute. substituer, v.t. substitute; replace.
subatomique, a. subatomic. substitut, m. substitute, surrogate.
subeutine, /. (Pharm.) subeutin. T.N. substitutif, a. substitutive.
subdiviser, v.t. & r. subdivide. substitution, /. substitution; replacement.
subdivisionnaire, a. subdivisional. substrat, substratum, m. substratum, sub-
subérane, m. suberane (cycloheptane). strate.
subération, /. (Bot.) suberization. subterrané, a. subterranean.
subéreux, a. (Bot.) suberose, suberous. subtil, a. fine (as a powder) ; subtle, subtile.
subérification, /. suberization, suberifica- subtilement, adv. subtly.
tion. subtilisation, /. volatilization ; subtilisa-
subérine, /. suberin. tion.
subérique, o. (of the acid, etc.) suberic; subtiliser, v.t. volatilize; subtilize.
(of the alcohol) suberyl. subtilité, /. subtlety, subtleness, subtility.
subérisation, /. suberization, subérification. subtranslucide, a. subtranslucent.
subvenir 420 sucreur
subvenir, v.i. provide (for), suffice (for). sucraterie, /. place or establishment where
subventionner, v.t. subventionize, subsi- saccharates are made, as in desugaring
dize. molasses; extraction of sugar, desugaring.
SUC, m. juice ; (fig.) substance, pith ; vol- sucratier, m. saccharate maker, sugar ex-
canic neck. — concret, dried juice. — de tractor.
cerise, (Pharm.) cherry juice. — de citron, sucre, m. sugar. — blanc, white sugar. —
lemon juice. — de genêt à balais, {Pharm.) brut, raw sugar, brown sugar, unrefined
juice of broom. — de grande ciguë, sugar. — candi, sugar candy, rock candy.
(Pharm.) juice of conium. — de jus- — colonial, = sucre des colonies.
quiame, (Pharm.) juice of hyoscyamus. — d'amidon, starch sugar, glucose. — de
de levure, yeast juice. — de pissenlit, bambou, bamboo sugar, tabasheer. — de
(Pharm.) juice of taraxacum. — de ré- betterave, beet sugar, beetroot sugar. —
glisse, (Pharm.) glycyrrhiza extract, licorice de bois, wood sugar ; xylose. — de canne,
root extract. — épaissi, thickened (or in- cane sugar. — de deuxième jet, (Sugar) a
spissated) juice. — laiteux, milky juice, second crop of crystals obtained by boiling
latex. — végétal, vegetable juice, plant down the sirup from the first crop and;
juice; sap. centrifuging. — de fécule, starch sugar,
succédané, m. substitute, succedaneum, glucose. — de foie, diabetîc sugar. — de
surrogate. a. substituting, substitute, suc- fruit, fruit sugar, D-fructose. — de géla-
cedaneous. tine, (old name for) glycine. — de houiWer
succéder, v.i. succeed (to); (with à) suc- saccharin. — de lait, milk sugar, lactose;
ceed, follow. v.r. succeed one another. — de malt, malt sugar, maltose. — de
succès, m. suecess; issue, result. manne, mannitol. — de plomb, sugar of
successeur, m. successor. lead, lead acétate. — de pomme, sugar
successif, a. successive; (Law) successional. candy flavored with cider. — de premier-
succession, /. succession ; répétition. jet, (Sugar) the first crop of crystals r e -
successivement, adv. successively. moved by the centrifugals. — d'érable^
su ce in, m. amber (the resin). maple sugar. — de raisin, grape sugar,,
succinate, m. succinate. — d'ammoniaque, D-glucose. — de réglisse, licorice sugar
ammonium succinate. — de potasse, po- (glycyrrhyaic acid). — de Saturne, sugar
tassium succinate. — de soude, sodium of lead, lead acétate. — des coloniesr
succinate. colonial sugar (formerly a synonym of cane-
succinct, a. succinct, brief. sugar). —• de troisième jet, (Sugar) the-
succinctement, adv. succinctly, briefly. tbird crop of crystals (see sucre de deuxième-
suc ciné, a. amber, resembling amber. jet). — d'orge, barley sugar, amorphous
sugar. — en bâtons, stick candy. — en
succinique, a. succinic.
morceaux, lump sugar. — en pain(s), loaf
succinyle, m. succinyl. sugar. — interverti, — inverti, invert sugar..
succion, /. suction, sucking. — liquide, fruit sugar, D-fructose (old
succomber, v.i. succumb. name). — neutre, neutral sugar (i.e., not
succotrin, m. Sokotrine (or Socotrine) aloes. showing rotation). — noir, licorice extract,
succulence, /. succulence, succulency. licorice ; brown sugar. — non réducteur,
succulent, a. succulent, juicy. non-reducing sugar. — pilée, crushed
succursale, /, branch, branch establishment. sugar. — pur, pure sugar, refined sugar.
sucement, m. sucking, suction. — raffiné, refined sugar. — râpé, pounded
sucer, v.t. suck, suck in, suck up. sugar. — réduct eur, redueing sugar. —
sucette, /. an apparatus for sucking off the roux, raw sugar, cassonade. — sanguin,
sirup from sugar loaves. blood sugar.
suceur, a. sucking. m. sucker. sucré, p.a. sugared, treated or sweetened
SUÇOir, m. sucker. with sugar; of or containing sugar; sug-
suçon, m. (Paper) sucking table; sucker. ary, saccharine, sweet. — couleur, caramel
sucotrin, a. (of aloes) Socotrine. brown.
sucrage, m. sugaring. sucrer, v.t. sugar; sweeten.
sucrase, /. sucrase (invertase). sucrerie, /. sugar factory or refinery, sugar
sucratage, m. extraction of sugar, desugar- works, sugarhouse; sugar making; sweet,
ing (of molasses). confection.
sucrate, m. sucrate, saccharate. sucteur, m. sugarer, sweetener (as of wine).
sucrier 421 sulfate
sucrier, a. sugar, of sugar, relating to the suintant, p.a. oozing, oozy, sweating, leaky.
manufacture of sugar. m. sugar maker or suintement, m. oozing, etc. (see suinter).
manufacturer ; sugar bowl ; sugar box. — suinter, v.i. & t. ooze, ooze out, seep, exude;
de -montagne, = bois cochon. sweat ; leak. m. an impure calcium soap
suc ri n, m. sweet melon. obtained by precipitating soapy waste
suc ro-carbonate de chaux. (Sugar) waters with lime.
"sucro-carbonate of lime" (a gelatinous s lii n Une, /. an impure fatty mixture ob-
mixture of calcium sucrate, calcium car- tained by treating with sulfuric acid and
bonate, lime, etc. obtained during car- steam the water in whieh wool has been
bonation). scoured.
sud, a. <fe fi. south. suire, v.i. glow.
sud-américain, a. South American. suis, pr. 1 sing. (of être) am, pr. 1 & %
sudation, /. sweating, perspiration. sing. (of suivre) follow, etc.
sudatoire, a. sweating, sudorific. suisse, a. Swiss. m. a small cream cheese ;
sud-est, a. & m. southeast. porter; (cap.) Swiss. /. (cap.) Switzer-
sud oral, a. sudoral, of sweat. land.
sudorifique, a. & m. sudorific. suit, pr. 3 sing. (of suivre) follows, etc.
sudoripare, a. sudoriferoua, sudoriparous. suite, /. succession; séries; séquence; sequel,
sud-ouest, a. & m. southwest. continuation, "continued"; resuit, consé-
Suède, /. Sweden. quence ; connection, order ; set, collection ;
suédois, a. Swedish. m. (cap.) Swede. persévérance ; suite, à la — de, in consé-
suée, /. sweat, sweating. quence of; following. de —, in succession;
suer, v.i. & t. sweat. in line. par la —, later. par —, conse-
suerie, /. sweating; sweating house (as for quently. par — det in conséquence of, as
tobacco). a resuit of, on account of.
sueur, /. sweat, perspiration. suivant, prep. according to; in proportion
guette, /. (Med.) sweating sickness. to; following, along. p.a. following, etc.
suffioni, m. pi. volcanic steam jets, soffioni. (see suivre) ; next. m. follower; attendant.
suffire, v.i. suffice, be sufficient. v.r. be self- — que, according as, in proportion as.
supporting. suivi, p.a. folïowed, etc. (see suivre) ; con-
suffisamment, adv. sufficiently, enough. tinued, constant ; connected, cohérent ;
suffisance, /. sufficiency; self-conceit. à —, popular.
en —, sufficiently, enough. suivre» v.t. follow ; pursue ; keep up with ;
suffisant, p.a. sufficient; sufficing; conceited. fréquent ; attend ; wateh. v.i, follow ; go
suffocant, p.a. suffocating. on; attend (to). v.r. follow one another;
suffoquer, v.t. & i. suffocate. be connected ; be continuous. faire —,
suggérer, v.t. suggest. cause to follow; (on mail) please forward;
suggestif, a. suggestive. (on proof) run on.
suie, /. soot. — d'arsenic, arsenical soot. sujet, m. subject ; reason, cause ; person,
— de bois, wood soot. — d'encens, a kind fellow. a. subject; liable.
of lampbîack made from frankincense. sujétion, /. obligation; constraint; subjec-
suif, m. tallow ; suet ; tallow composition for
sulfacétate, m. thioacetate.
ship bottoms. mettre en —, (Leather)
sulfacétone, /. thioacetone, propanethione.
dress with tallow, stuff, tallow. — de sulfacide, m. sulfacid, thio acid.
•montagne, mountain tallow, hatchettite ;
sulfamide, /. sulfonamide; sulfamide.
ozocerite. — de piney, piney tallow. — de
place, = dégraisse. — d'os, bone fat, boue sulfamique, a. sulfamic, amidosulfuric.
grease. — en branche(s), suet. — fondu, suifanilique, o. sulfanilic, sulphanilio.
rendered tallow. — minéral, (Min.) minerai sulfantimonieux, a. thioantimonious.
tallow, hatchettite. — noir, an impure tal- sulfantimonique, a. thioantimonic.
low extracted from cracklings. sulfarséniate, m. thioarsenate.
sulfarsénieux, a. thioarsenious.
suiffer, suifer, v.t. tallow. sulfarsénique, a. thioarsenic.
' suiffeux, a. tallowy. stilfarséniure, m. sulfarsenide.
suiffier, m. tallow maker. sulfatage, m., sulfatation, /. sulfating (see
suin, m. glass gall, sandiver; suint. sulfater).
suint, m. suint, grease (of wool). — de sulfate, m. sulfate, sulphate; specif., (Soda)
laine, wool grease, wool fat, suint. sodium sulfate. — d'alumine, aluminum
sulfate 422 sulfoner
sulfate. — d'ammoniaque, ammonium sul- suinte, m. sulfite, sulphite. — de potasse,
fate. — de baryte, barium sulfate. — de potassium suinte. — de soude, sodium sul-
carbyle, (old name for) ethionic acid. — fite. — sulfuré de soude, sodium thiosul-
de chaux, calcium sulfate. — de cuivre, fate.
copper sulfate. — de fer, iron sulfate. — suinter, v.t. treat with a sulfite or sulfurous
de magnésie, magnésium sulfate. — de acid.
potasse, potassium sulfate. — de soude, Slllfitique, a. sulfite, of or pertaining to sul-
sodium sulfate. — de strontiane, strontium fites or the sulfite process.
sulfate. — ferreux, ferrous sulfate. — fer- sulfitomètre, m. an apparatus for determin-
rique, ferrie sulfate. — hydrogéné, hydro- ing sulfur dioxide or sulfites.
gen sulfate, sulfuric acid. — manganeux, SUlfo-. sulfo-, sulpho- (in Org. Chem.,
manganous sulfate. — mercureux, mer- properly, denoting the sulfonic acid group,
curous sulfate. — mercurique, mercuric HO3S—, but still sometimes used as
sulfate. équivalent to thio~).
sulfaté, p.a. suifated ; sulfate of ; suifatic. sulfoantimoniate, m. thioantimonate.
sulfater, v.t. sulfate, treat or combine with sulfoarsénique, a. thioarsenic.
sulfuric acid or a sulfate, convert into sulfoarsénite, m. thioarsenite.
sulfate; specif., treat with copper sulfate sulfo-arséniure, m. (Min.) sulfarsenide.
(as vines). sulfo-bactéries, /. pi. sulfur bacteria.
sulfathiazol, m. (Pharm.) sulfathiazole. sulfobase, /. (Old Chem.) sulfur base.
sulfatique, a. sulfatic, sulphatic. ' sulfobenzide, m. sulfobenzide (phenyl sul-
sulfatisation, /. sulfatizing, sulfatization, fone).
etc. (see sulfatiser). sulfocarbamide, /. thiourea.
sulfatiser, v.t. sulfatize, convert into sul- sulfocarbimide, /. sulfocarbimide (isothio-
fate; specif., convert (a sulfide) into a cyanic acid or an organic isothiocyanate).
sulfate by oxidation; treat with copper sulfocarbolique, a. sulfocarbolic (phenolsul-
sulfate. fonic).
sulfatochlorhydrique, a. chlorosulfonic. sulfocarbonate, m. thiocarbonate.
sulfatofluorhydrique, a. fluosulfonic. sulfocarboné, a. containing or combined
sulfatosulfurique, a. pyrosulfuric. with thiocarbonic acid or thiocarbonates.
sulfazoté, a. designating sulfamates, imido- sulfocarbonlque, a. thiocarbonic.
disulfonates, etc. Old. sulfocarbure, m. carbon disulfide.
sulfénlque, a. sulfenic. sulfochlorhydrique, a. chlorosulfonic.
sulfényle, m. sulfenyl. sulfochlorure, m. sulfochloride, sulfide
sulfhydramide, /. sulfamic acid. chloride; (Org. Chem.) sulfonyl chloride,
sulfhydrate, m. sulfhydrate, hydrosulfide; sulfonic chloride (RSO2CI).
thiol, mercaptan. sulfochromique, a. chromatosulfuric.
sulfhydrique, a. sulfhydric, sulphydric. sulfoconjugué, a. (Dyes, etc.) sulfonated,
acide —, sulfhydric acid (hydrogen sulfide). sulfo; (Biol. Chem., etc.) designating an
SUlfhydrométrie, /. détermination of hydro- acid (acid ester) of the formula RSO4H
gen sulfide (as in minerai waters). (e.g., phenylsulfuric acid, C6H5SO4H).
sulfhydrométrique, a. pertaining to the m. sulfo derivative.
détermination of hydrogen sulfide. sulfocyanate, m. thiocyanate.
sulfhydryle, m. sulfhydryl, sulphydryl sulfocyannydrique, a. thiocyanic.
(HS-). sulfocyanlque, a. thiocyanic.
sulfidoseur, m. = sulfitomètre. sulfocyano-. thiocyanato-.
sulfimétrie, /. détermination of sulfurous sulfocyanogène, m. thiocyanogen.
acid or sulfites (as in wine). sulfocyanure, m. thiocyanate.
sulfimétrique, a. pertaining to sulfimétrie. sulfoglycérlque, a. (Bxpl.) sulfoglyceric.
sulflne, /. sulfine, sulphine (sulfonium). suUo-indigotique, a. sulfindigotic.
sulfiné, a. sulfinated, sulfinic. sulfoléique, o. sulfoleic.
sulfinique, a. (of acids) sulfinic; (of H3S+ sulfonable, a. sulfonatable.
derivatives) sulfine, sulfonium. sulfonal, m. (Pharm.) sulfonal (T.N.), sul-
sulnnyle, m. sulfinyl. fonmethane (diethyl 2,2-propanedisul-
sulflsel, m. sulfito sait. fonate).
sulfitage, m. treatment with a sulfite or sul- sulfoné, p.a. sulfonated, sulfonic, sulfo.
furous acid. sulfoner, v.t. sulfonate.
sulfonique 423 support
sulfonique, a. sulfonic; of or pertaining to (Rhus coriaria). — du Japon, Japanese
a sulfone. varnish tree (Rhus vernicifius).
sulfonitrique, a. sulfonitric (designating a Sumatra, n. a kind of crude rubber.
mixture of sulfuric and nitric acids, or a sûmes, p. def. 1 pi. (of savoir) knew.
mixed anhydride of them). super, v.i. be stopped up, be plugged up.
sulfonyle, m. sulfonyl, sulphonyl. v.t. suck up. m. Short for superphosphate.
sulfophénate, m. phenolsulfonate. superbe, a. superb ; lofty ; proud. /. pride.
sulfophénique, a. phenolsulfonie. superbement, adv. superbly; proudly.
sulforganique, a. designating organic com- supercarburant, m. superfuel (for explosion
pounds which contain sulfur. engin es).
sulforiciné, a. (Pharm.) oontaining sul- superconductibilité, /. superconductivity.
foricinoleio acid or its salts. superdoux, a. extra-sweet, etc. (see doux).
sulfosel, m. sulfo sait (esp. a sait of a thio superflciaire, a. superficiel.
acid); sulfato sait. superficie, /. surface; superficies; area.
sullostéatite, m. sulfosteatite (a fungicide). superficiel, a. superficial, surface.
sulfotellurure, m. sulfotelluride. superficiellement, adv. superficially, on the
sulfo-urée, /. thiourea. surface.
sulfovinique, a. sulfovinic (ethylsulfuric). superfin, a. superfine. m. superfine article
sulfoxyde, m. sulfoxide, sulphoxide. or quality.
sulfoxylique, a. sulfoxylic. superflu, a. superfiuous. m. superfluity, ex-
sulfurabilité, /. capability of being sulfu- cess, abundance.
rized. superfluité, /. superfluity.
sulfurable, a. capable of being sulfurized. supérieur, a. higher ; upper ; superior. m.
sulfurage, m. sulfuring, specif. : (Wine) superior ; senior.
treating the ground with sulfur or Carbon supériorité, /. superiority.
disulfide to destroy phylloxéra; (Med.) superoxydation, /. superoxidation. Obs.
external application of sulfur. superpalite, /. (Mil.) superpalite, diphos-
sulfuration, /. sulfurization, sulfuration ; gene.
sulfidation. superphosphate, m. superphosphate. —
sulfure, m. sulfide, sulphide. — d'antimoine, de chaux, superphosphate of lime, acid cal-
antimony sulfide. — de carbone, carbon cium phosphate. — d'os, bone superphos-
disulfide. — de -plomb, lead sulfide. — phate.
salin, a sulfide which is regarded as a sait, superposable, a. super(im)posable.
compound sulfide. superposer, v.t. superpose, superimpose.
sulfuré, p.a. combined with sulfur, sulfu- superréseau, m. superlattice.
rized, sulfurated, sulfuretted, sulfide of, supersaturer, v.t. supersaturate.
sulfur. alcool —, thiol, mercaptan. supersécrétion, /. hypersécrétion.
sulfurée, /. thiourea. a. fem. of sulfuré. supersonique, a. supersonic.
sulfurer, v.t. combine or treat with sulfur supplanter, v.t. supplant.
(or, sometimes, with a sulfur compound), suppléance, /. substitution; assistantship.
sulfurisé, sulfurate, sulfur; sulfide. suppléant, a. & m. substitute ; assistant.
sulfureur, a. sulfuring, sulfurizing. suppléer, v.t. supply, make good; replace,
sulfureux, a. sulfurous, sulphurous. take the place of ; supplément ; substitute.
sulfuride, m. any élément of the oxygen- v.i. (with à) make up for, take the place
sulfur family; (any) sulfur ore. of.
sulfurifère, a. containing sulfur. supplément, m. supplément; supply.
sulfurlque, o. sulfuric, sulphuric. supplémentaire, o. supplementary, supple-
mental ; extra.
sulfnriqué, a. (Wine) overplastered. supplice, m. punishment ; torment.
sulfurisation, /. sulfurization, sulfuration. support, m. support ; stand, rack, rest, stay,
sulfuriser, v.t. sulfurize; specif., treat with holder, bearing, bracket, socket, etc.;
sulfuric acid (as paper). (chemical) carrier ; host (of a parasite).
sulfuroïde, a. resembling or analogous to — à agitateurs, stirring-rod rack. — à
sulfur. anneau, ring stand. — à bascule, rocking
sulfuryle, m. sulfuryl, sulphuryl. support, rocker; specif., a tilting stand
sumac, m. sumac, sumacù. — à perruque, for carboys. — à burettes, buret(te) stand.
— des teinturiers, fustet (Cotinus cog- — à couteau, knife-edge bearing. — à
gygria). — des corroyeurs, tanner's sumac eBÉormoir(s), funnel stand. — à pince,
support 424 surepaisseur
clamp stand. — à râtelier, rack. — à suralcooliser, v.t. add excess of alcohol to.
trépied, — à trois pieds, tripod. — d'une suralimentation, /. (Mach.) supercharging;
réaction, carrier. — êgouttoir, draining overfeeding.
rack, draining stand. — en bois, wooden suralimenté, a. (Mach.) supercharged.
support (or rack or stand). — en fil, wire suranné, a. antiquated, old-fashioned,
support (or rack or stand). — porte-tubes, obsolète ; expired, lapsed ; superannuated.
tube rack, tube stand. — pour burettes, surbaissé, a. low (in proportion to width),
buret(te) stand. — pour pèse-filtres, flat, depressed, surbased.
weighing-tube support (or stand). — pour surboucher, v.t. cap (a corked bottle).
pipettes, pipet(te) stand (or rack). — surcalciner, v.t. overcalcine, overburn.
pour tubes à essais, test-tube rack (or surcapitalisation, /. oveicapitalization.
stand). sur-cémenter, v.t. face-harden (as armor).
supporter, v.t. support, bear, stand, endure. surcharge, /. overload ; overcharge ; sur-
— le feu, resist fire, be fireproof. charge.
supposé, p.a. supposed; assumed; fictitious. surcharger, v.t. overload; overcharge; sur-
supposer, v.t. suppose ; assume, v.r. sup- charge.
pose; be supposed. surchauffage, m., surchauffe, /. super -
supposition, /. supposition ; forgery. heating ; overheating.
suppositoire, m. (Pharm.) suppository. — surchauffer, v.t. superheat (as steam) ;
à la glycérine, glycerin suppository. — overheat.
morphine, morphine suppository. surchauffeur, m. superheater.
suppresseur, m. suppressor. surchauffure, /. overheating, burning ; burnt
suppression, /. suppression ; omission ; spot (as in steel).
abolition. surchoix, m. first choice, best quality.
supprimer, v.t. suppress; remove, relieve surcoloration, /. (Micros.) intense staining,
(as pressure) ; do away with, abolish. also staining over a mordant.
suppurant, p.a. suppurating. sur comprimé, a. supercompressed, super-
suppuratif, a. <Sc m. suppurative. compression.
suppurer, v.i. suppurate. surcroissance, /. overgrowth.
supputation, /. calculation, computation. surcroît, m. addition, increase, surplus.
supputer, v.t. calculate, compute, reckon. surcuire, v.t. overburn; overboil; overcook;
supraconducteur, m. superconductor. burn, boil or cook some more.
supraconductivité, /. superconductivity. surcuisson, m. overburning, etc. (see sur-
suprarénine, /. Suprarenin (adrénaline). cuire).
suprématie, /. supremacy. surcuit, p.a. overburned, etc. (see surcuire),
suprême, a. suprême; last. au — degré, in m. overburned material (as lime of ce-
the highest degree. rnent).
sur, prep. on, upon; over; above; out of, surdité, /. deafness.
among ; after, according to ; about, toward ; surdorer, v.t. double-gild.
(of dimensions) by. a. sour. surdosage, m. overdosage.
sur-, super-, supra-, sur-, over-, extra-. sureau, m. (Bot.) elder (Sambucus).
sûr, a. sure, certain; secure, safe, reliable. suréchauffer, v.t. superheat.
pour —, certainly, surely. surégalisage, m. (Gunpowder) coarse
surabondamment, adv. superabundantly. screening.
surabondance, /. superabundance. surégaliser, v.t. screen (gunpowder)
surabondant, a. superabundant. m. super- coarse ly.
abundance. surégalisoir, m. (Gunpowder) coarse sieve.
surabonder, v.i. be very abundant, super- surélévation, /. raising; rise; increase.
abound. surélèvement, m. raising, raise, increase.
suracide, a. superacid, superacidic.
suractivité, /. abnormal activity. surélever, v.t. raise ; elevate ; increase.
suraddition, /. superaddition. sur elle, /. (Bot.) sorrel (esp. wood sorrel).
suraffinage, m. overrefining. sûrement, adv. surely, certainly; securely.
suraffiner, v.t. overrefine, etc. (see affiner). surenchérissement, m. further increase (in
surajouté, p.a. superadded; (of an infec- price).
tion) secondary. surent, p. def. 3 pi. (of savoir) knew.
surajoutement, m. superaddition. surepaisseur, m. increased thickness; rein-
surajouter, v.t. superadd. forcement.
surestimation 425 sursis
surestimation, /. overvaluation, overesti- surmonter, v.t. surmount; top; rise above;
mate. be above or over ; surpass.
surestimer, v.t. overvalue, overestimate. surmoulage, m. molding from a casting.
suret, a. sourisli, somewhat sour. surmoule, /. mold made from a casting.
Sûreté, /. safety; security; sureness; cer- surmouler, v.t. mold from or upon; mold
tainty; reliability; safe keeping. de —, from a casting; retread (tires).
(of valves, tubes, etc.) safety. surmoût, m. must, unfermented grape juice;
surette, /. sorrel, esp. wood sorrel; a coarse (Brewing) new wort.
jute cloth. a. /em. of suret. surnageant, p.a. supernatant, floating on
surévaluer, v.t. overvalue, overrate. the surface; surviving.
surexciter, v.t. overexcite, overstimulate. surnager, v.i. float on the surface; survive.
surexposer, v.t. overexpose. v.t. fioat above, be above.
surexposition, /. overexposure. surnaturel, a. supernatural; extraordinary.
surfaçage, m. surfacing; leveling. surnaturellement, adv. supernaturally.
surface, /. surface; area. — courbe, curved surnom, m. surname.
surface. — d'appui, (Mach.) working sur- surnombre, m. surplus number.
face. — de chauffe, heating surface. — surnuméraire, a. & m. supernumerary.
de fente, cleavage surface. — de grilles, suron, m. untanned skin used for wrapping.
grate surface. — inégale, uneven surface. suroxydation, /. peroxidation, superoxida-
— réfrigérante, — refroidissante, cooling tion.
surface. — unie, even surface, smooth sur- suroxyde, m. peroxide, (now rarely) super-
face. oxide.
surfacer, v.t. surface; level. suroxydé, p.a. peroxidized; peroxide of;
surfaire, v.t. overvalue, overrate. overoxidized.
surfin, a. superfine. suroxyder, v.t. & r. peroxidize; overoxidize.
surfondre, v.t. & i. superfuse, supercool. suroxygénation, /. peroxidation; overoxi-
surfondu, p.a. superfused, supercooled. dation ; overoxygenation.
surforce, /. excess of alcohol over the or- suroxygéner, v.t. peroxidize; overoxidize;
dinary amount or over proof. overoxygenate.
surfusibilité, /. superf usibility ; extrême surpalite, /. (Ma.) superpalite(ClCO2-
fusibility. CC13).
surfusible, a. superfusible; extremely surpasser, v.t. surpass; exceed; be higher
fusible. than.
surfusion, /. superfusion, supercooling. surplâtré, a. overplastered.
surge, /. raw wool. a. (of wool) raw; (of surplomber v.i. be out of plumb; over-
paper pulp) not retaining water. hang. v.t. overhang.
surgélation, /. quick-freezing, deep-freez- surplus, m. surplus ; rest, remainder. au —,
ing. besides.
surgir, v.i. rise, arise, appear. surpoids, m. overweight, excess weight.
surglacer, v.t. supercalender ; glaze. surprenant, p.a. surprising, etc. (see sur-
surgraissage, m. superfatting. prendre).
surhaussement, m. raising, élévation. surprendre, v.t. surprise; astonish; catch;
surhausser, v.t. raise, elevate, heighten. detect ; deceive, abuse.
surhumain, a. superhuman. surpresseur, m. blower.
surpression, /. overpressure, exeess pressure.
surimposer, v.t. superimpose; increase the surpris, p.a. surprised, etc. (see surprendre).
tax on ; surtax. surproduction, /. overproduction.
surintendance, /. superintendence ; superin- surraffiné, o. overrefined, (of copper) over-
tendent's office or duties. poled.
surintendant, m. superintendent, overseer. surrefroidir, v.t. overcool.
surir, surir, v.t. &. i. sour, turn sour, turn. surrénal, o. (Anat.) suprarenal.
surjacent, a. overlying. sursaturation, /. supersaturation.
sur-le-champ, adv. immediately, at once. sursaturer, v.t. supersaturate ; saturate to
surlendemain, m. second day after, day excess (as a solution with ammonia).
after tomorrow. sursel, m. supersalt (acid sait).
surmenage, m. overexertion, overstrain. 'surseoir, v.t. suspend, delay, defer.
surmener, v.t. & r. overwork; overstrain. sursis, p.a. suspended, etc. (see surseoir).
surmontable, a. surmountable. m. suspension, delay; reprieve.
sursoufflage 426 synnga
sursoufflage, m. (Métal.) afterblow. sûtes, p. def. 2 pi. (of savoir) knew.
surstructure, /. superstructure. svelte, a. slender.
surtaxe, /. surtax; excessive tax. sveltesse, /. slenderness.
surtaxer, v.t. surtax; overtax. s.v.p., S.V.P., abbrev. (s'il vous plaît) if
surtendre, v.t. overstreteh; overstrain. you please.
surtension, /. (Elec.) overvoltage; exe sycomore, m. sycamore (either Ficus syco-
pressure, overpressure. morus or Acer pseudo-platanus, not the
surtonte, /. clipping (as of wool). American sensé).
surtout, adv. especially, principally, above syénitique, a. (Petrog.) syenitic.
ail. syllabe, /. syllable.
survécu, p.p. (of survivre) survived. sylvarn, sylvane, m. (Afin.) sylvanite.
surveillance, /. supervision, inspection, sylvestre, o. forest, wood, woody, sylvan.
superintendence, looking after, attention. sylvine, /. (Min.) sylvite, sylvine.
surveillant, p.a. supervising, etc. (see sur- symbiose, /. (Biol.) symbiosis.
veiller) ; vigilant, m. supervisor, superin- symbole, m. symboï.
tendent, overseer, inspector, watchman, symbolique, a. symbolic, symbolical.
keeper. symboliser, v.t. symbolise.
surveiller, v.t. supervise, superintend, over- symbolisme, m. symbolisai.
see, watch, look after, see to. symétrie, /. symmetry.
survenir, v.i. happen ; corne unexpectedly. symétrique, a. symmetrical, symmetric.
survider, v.t. reduce the contents of (some- symétriquement, adv. symmetrically.
thing that is too full). sympathie, /. sympathy.
survie, /. survival. sympathique, o. sympathetic.
survit, pr. 3 sing. (of survivre) survives. sympathiquement, adv. sympathetically.
survivant, p.a. surviving. m. survivor. symptôme, m. symptom.
survivre, v.t. & i. (often with à) survive. synchrone, synchronique, a. synchronous,
survolter, v.t. (Elec.) raise the voltage of, synchronic(al).
boost, also overrun, overload. synchroniser, v.t. synchronize.
survolteur, rn. (Elec.) booster. syncrise, /. solidification (Obs.); coagula-
SUS, adv, above. interj. corne, now then. p. tion of mixed liquids; précipitation.
def. 1 & S sing. (of savoir) knew. — à, syncristalliser, v.i. crystallize together in
on, upon. en —, besides, more, en — de, varying proportions to form a common
over and above, in addition to. structure.
sus-, above-, afore-, super-, supra-; sus-, syndic, m. syndic, magistrate, représenta-
susceptibilité, /. susceptibility. tive ; assignée ; receiver ; trustée.
susceptible, a. susceptible; liable; capable syndical, a. syndical, m. member of a syn-
(of). dicate.
susciter, v.t. raise up, stir up, cause. syndicat, m. syndicate ; Company, society.
suscription, /. address (on mail, etc.). syndiquer, v.t. syndicate.
sus-dénommé, susdit, sus-mentionné, synérèse, /. syneresis.
susnommé, a. above-mentioned, aforesaid. synonyme, a. synonymous. m. synonym.
SUSJacent, a. superjacent, overlying. synovial, a. (Anat.) synovial.
suspect, a. suspicious ; suspected ; doubtful. synovie, /. (Anat.) synovia.
suspecter, v.t. suspect. synthèse, /. synthesis.
suspendre, v.t. suspend, v.r. be suspended. synthétique, synthésique, a. synthetic(al)-
suspens, m. suspense, uncertainty, doubt. synthétiquement, adv. synthetically.
suspension, /. suspension; suspense; hang- synthétiser, v.t. synthesize, (rarely) synthe-
ing support. — bifilaire, bifilar suspension. tize.
— par couteaux, knife-edge suspension. synthétiseur, m. synthesizer. a. synthesiz-
sus-relaté, a. above-related, above-men- ing.
tioned. syntonine, /. syntonin.
sussent, imp. subj. S pi. (of savoir) knew. syntoniser, v.t. syntonize, tune.
sustentation, /. sustaining ; support ; suste- syphilitique, a. (Med.) syphilitic.
nance ; (Aero.) lift. syphon, m. siphon.
sustenter, v.t. sustain; support. Syrie, /. Syria.
sut, p. def. S sing. (of savoir) knew. syrien, o. Syrian. m. (cap.) Syrian.
sût, imp. subj. S sing. (of savoir) knew. syringa, m. (Bot.) lilac (Syringa).
syringine 427 szekso
syringine, /., syringoside, m. syringjn. tem. — chimique, chemieal System. —
systématique, a. systematic, systematical. cubique, (Cryst.) eubic System (isometric
m. systematist. /. systematics. System). — périodique, periodic System.
systématiquement, adv. systematically. — rhomboédrique, (CryH.) rhombohedral
systématisation, /. systematizing, -tization. System.
systématiser, v.t. systématise. szekso, m. a Hungarian earth containing
système, m. System. — à vide, vaouum Sys- soda.
t., abbrev. (tonne) ton ; (tome) volume ; board ; blackboard ; bulletin board, bill-
(transcrivez) copy, transcribe; (temps) board ; tableland. — de distribution,
time; (tonneau) barrel; (tour, tours) revo- (Elec.) switchboard. — graphique, dia-
lution(s). gram. — noir, blackboard. — périodique,
t*. Contraction of te, toi (thee, you). periodic table.
- t - . A connective used for the sake of tabler, v.i. count, rely.
euphony between a verb ending in a vowel tabletier, m. a maker or seller of tabletterie.
and il, elle or on. tablette, /. shelf; board; tablet; lozenge,
ta, a. fem. thy, your. troche, pastil(le); cake; (pi.) notebook;
tabac, m. tobacco ; tobacco color. a. to- (window) sill. — à clefs, keyboard. — de
bacco-colored. — à chiquer, chewing to- fer, (Pharm.) reduced iron lozenge. — de
bacco. — à fumer, smoking tobacco. — l'acide phénique, (Pharm.) phénol loz-
à mâcher, chewing tobacco. — à priser, — enge. — de ratanhia, (Pharm.) lozenge
en poudre, snuff. — en carotte, twist. — of krameria, rhatany lozenge. — de san-
frisé, shag. tonine, (Pharm. ) santonin tablet. — de
tabacal, a. tobacco, of tobacco. tannin, (Pharm.) lozenge of tannic acid,
tabagie, /. tobacco jar or box. tannin lozenge.
tabaschir, tabashir, m. tabasheer, tabash'ir. tabletterie, /. fancy goods, toys, games,
tabellaire, a. in the form of tables or tab- etc., also the making or selling of them;
lets. paneling.
tabiser, v.t. tabby, water. tablîe r, m. apron ; floor, platform, stand.
table, /. table ; plate, slab ; sheet (as of — de laboratoire, laboratory apron.
lead); face (as of an anvil); bed (as of a tabloïde, n. (Pharm.) (compressed) tablet.
planer) ; index ; (Sait) basin, bed. — à tabouret, m. stool ; chair.
écrire, writing table. — à êgruger, mealing tabulaire, a. tabular.
tray (for powder) ; mixing table. — alpha- tabulateur, m. tabulator.
bétique, index ; table arranged alpha- tac arnaque, m. tacamahac, tacamahaca. —
betically. — à ouvrage, work table, work terreux, Brazilian elemi.
bench. — à sécher, drying table; drying tache, /. spot ; stain ; speck. — d'étain,
tray. — brisée, folding table. — d'ap- (Métal.) tin spot. — du soleil, — solaire,
pareil, apparatus table, work table. — de sunspot.
chimiste, chemist's table, specif. one pro- tâche, /. task, job ; pieeework.
vided with a blast apparatus. — de con- tacher, v.t. & r. spot; stain; (fig.) tarnish.
struction, working plan, working drawing ; tâcher, v.t. try, endeavor, strive.
table of spécifications. — de division, tâcheron, m. pièce worker.
(Soap) an apparatus for cutting soap into tacheter, v.t. spot, speckle.
bars or cakes. — de foyer, hearth plate.
tacheture, /. speck, speckle, spot.
— de laboratoire, laboratory table. — tachure, /. (Min.) streak.
d'émailleur, enameler's table, blowpipe tachymètre, tachomètre, m. tachometer,
^ b l e — de manipulation, (Elec.) switch- tachymeter, speed gage.
board. — de roulement, tread (of a tire).
tact, m. touch, sensé of touch; tact.
— des matières, table of contents. — de
tiroir, valve face, slide face. — de travail, taffetas, m. taffeta, taffety. — gommé,
— d'ouvrage, work table, work bench. — court plaster.
en béton, concrète bed. — en fonte, cast- tafia, m. tafia, taffia (a kind of rum).
iron plate. — en lave, lava-topped table. taie, /. (Med.) leucoma.
— rase, tabula rasa, ''clean slate." — taillade, /. gash, eut, slash.
salante, (Sait) a shallow clay-lined evapo- taillader, v.t. eut, slash, slit.
rating basin in a sait garden. taillage, m. cutting, etc. (see tailler).
tableau, m. table; list, catalog; diagram; taillanderie, /. edge tools; edge-tool busi-
chart ; painting ; picture ; scenery, scène ; ness.
taillant 429 tannage
taillant, p.a. cutting, etc. (see tailler), m. en laiton, — en toile de laiton, brass-gauze
cutting edge; bit. sieve or screen.
taille, /. cutting; eut; height; size; figure, tamisage, m. siftîng, etc. (see tamiser).
shape ; tally ; coppiee, copse ; {Mining) tamise, /. tammy (a fabric) ; (cap.)
room, stall; (Med.) lithotomy. Thames.
taille-douce, /. (Engraving) copperplate. tamiser, v.t. sïft, sieve, screen, boit, strain.
tailler, v.t. eut ; trim, prune ; form, shape v.i. pass through a sieve or screen.
(with cutting) ; carve ; engrave. tamiseur, m., tamiseuse, /. sifter, boiter.
taillerie, /. gem cutting, lapidary work tampicin'e, /. tampicin (a glucoside).
(or shop). tampon, m. plug ; stopper ; buffer ; wad *,
tailleur, m. cutter; tailor. tampon, pledget ; tampion ; pad ; cushion ;
taille use, /. cutter, cutting machine; tailor- bung. — de lumière, vent plug. — de
ess. ouate, cotton plug. — de sûreté, safety
taillis, m. coppiee, copse, thicket. Plug.
tain, m. silvering, tin amalgam (for mir- tamponnage, m. plugging, etc. (see tam-
rors); tin bath (for tinning iron) ; tinfoil. ponner).
taire, v.t. be silent on, not tell; silence. tamponnement, m. plugging, etc. (see
v.r. be silent, be quiet ; (with de) be tamponner) ; (Med.) tamponage.
silent on, pass over; be passed over, not tamponner, v.t. plug, plug up, stop, stop
be mentioned. up; buffer; tamp, pack; rub with a pad;
takaout, n. tacahout, tamarisk gall. knock against, bump. v.r. collide.
talc, m. (Min.) talc, talcum. — de Mos- tan, m. tanbark, tan. — épuisé, spent tan-
covie, rrmseovite, white mica. — de Venise, bark, spent tan.
Venetian talc. tanacétine, /• tanacetin.
talcaire, a. talcose, talcous. tanaisie, /. (Bot.) tansy (Tanacetum).
talcique, a. talc, of talc. tanate, m. tannate.
taler, v.t. crush, mash, bruise. tandis que. while ; as long as ; whereas.
talite, /. taîitol. tang., abbrev. (tangente) tangent.
tallipot, m. talipot, talipot palm. tangage, m. pitching, pitch ; rocking.
talmi, m. talmi gold (a brass). tangenee, /. tangency.
taloche, /. (plasterer's) float. tangente, /. tangent.
talon, m. heel; stub ; (Tech.) heel, nose, tangentiel, a. tangential.
catch, lug, etc.; coupon. tangentiellement, adv. tangentially.
talonique, a. talonic. Tanger, m. Tangiers.
talquer, v.t. talc, coat or impregnate with tanghin, tanghen, m. tanghin (an arrow
talc. poison, aîso its source, the ordeaî tree).
talqueux, a. talcose, talcous. tanghinine, /. tanghinin (a glycoside).
talus, m. slope, declivity; sloping embank- tangibilité, /. tangibility.
ment ; talus. tang mm, m. a kind of fish guano.
taluter, v.t. slope, batter. tangue, /, shell sand (used as fertilizer).
tamarin, m. (Bot.) tamarind (tree and tanguer, v.i. pitch, rock.
fruit); tamarisk. tanguine, /. = tanghin.
tamarinier, m. (Bot.) tamarind tree, tanide, n. tannin.
tamarind (Tamarindus indica). tanification, /. conversion into tannin.
tamaris, tamarisc, tamarix, m. (Bot.) tanin, m. tannin.
tamarisk (Tamarix). tanique, a. ta mue.
tambour, m. drum (in various sensés) ; tanisage, m., tanisation, /. addition of, or
barrel, cylinder, roll, roller, etc.; (Ceram.) treatment with, tannin.
sagger ; tambour. — débourbeur, washing taniser. v.t. add tannin to, treat with
drum, drum washer. — extincteur, slaking tannin.
drum. — mélangeur, mixing drum. tannage, m. tanning, tannage. — à !a
tambour-broyeur, m. crushing drum. flotte, liquor tanning. — à la fosse, à la
tambour-laveur, m. washing drum. jusêe, bark tanning, pit tanning. — à
tamis, m. sieve ; screen ; sif ter ; boiter ; l'électricité, electric tanning. — à l'huile,
strainer. — à secousses, shaking screen, oil tanning. — au chrome, chrome tan-
— à tambour, drum sieve. — de crin, hair ning. — au tanin, tanning with tannin,
sieve. — de soie, silk sieve. — de toile vegetable tanning. — aux êcorces, bark
métallique, wire-gauze sieve or screen. — tanning. — aux extraits, liquor tanning.
tannage 430 tari
— en fosse, bark tanning, pit tauning. — tape, /. plug, stopper ; bung ; tampion ;
mixte, compound tanning. tap, rap, knock.
tannant, p.a. tanning. tapé, p.a. stopped, etc. (see taper) ; (of
tanne, /. spot (on leather); (Med.) black- fruit) dried ; (of varnish) spread evenly.
head. tapée, /. great quantity, lot, host.
tanné, p.a. tanned; tan. m. tan (the color). taper, v.t. stop, stop up, plug, plug up; tap,
tannée, /. spent tanbark, spent tan. rap, knock, stamp, dab. v.i. tap, knock;
tanner, v.t. tan. (Métal.) develop internai cracks, m. (Elec.)
tannerie, /. tannery, tanyard ; tânning. short-circuit key.
tanneur, m. tanner. tapette, /. plug, stopper; tap, light blow.
tannifère, a. tanniferous, yielding tannin. tapioca, tapioka, m. tapioca.
tannification, /. tanning. tapirer, v.t. redden, color red.
tannigène, m. Tannigen (acetyltannic acid). tapis, m. carpet ; rug ; matting ; (cloth)
tannin, m. tannin, tannic acid. cover, cloth; tapestry; tapis. — de gazon,
tanniqne. a. tannic. lawn, greensward.
tannisage, tanniser, etc. See tanisage, etc. tapisser, v.t. cover, coat, line ; carpet ;
tannogélatine, /. tannogelatin. paper; hang; deck, adorn.
tannoïde, tanoïde, a. & m. tannoid. tapisserie» /. tapestry ; hangings ; uphol-
tannomètre, m. tannometer. stery. — de papier, wallpaper.
tanoside, m. a glycoside of a tannin. tapoter, v.t. tap, pat; strum, thrum.
tant, adv. so much, so; so long, so far. à tapote use, /. tapping machine (for choco-
— de titres, in so many respects, for so laté).
many reasons. en — que, in so far as; tapure, /. (Métal.) shrinkage crack or fis-
considered as, as being, as; if, provided. sure.
faire — que de, décide, résolve (to). si taque, /. (Métal.) plate.
— est que, if perchance, supposing. — de, taqueret, m. fore plate of a forge hearth.
so much, so many, such. — mieux, so taquerie, /. charging hole (of a reverbera-
much the better. — pis, so much the tory furnace) ; fire door, stokehole.
worse. — plus, so much the more, the taquet, m. cleat; step; catch, stop, detent.
more. — plus que moins, more or less. — — d'arrêt, stop, detent, pawl.
que, as long as, while ; as far as ; so much tarage, m. taring; allowance for tare; cali-
as; until; so that. tant . . . que, however, bration ; measuring ; damaging.
though; both . . . and, as well . . . as. — taraison, m. tile disk for closing the work-
s'en faut que, far from, so far from. — ing hole of a glass furnaoe.
soit peu, ever so iittle, a very little. — y tarare, m. winnower, fanning machine.
a que, however it may be, at any rate. taraud, m. screw tap, tap.
tantale, m. tantalum. taraudage, m. tapping (with a screw tap),
tantalexix, a. tantalous, tantalum(III). thread cutting.
tantalide, n. any tantalum minerai. tarauder, v.t. tap; eut (screws).
tantalifère, a. containing tantalum, tantalif- taraxacine, /. taraxacin.
erous. taraxacum, m. (Pharm.) taraxacum, dande-
tantalifluorhydrique, o. fluotantalic. lion root.
tantalifluorure, m. fluotantalate(MTaF6, taraxanthine, /. taraxanthin.
M2TaF7). tard, a. <fe adv. late. m. late houx, au plus
tantalioxy fluorure, m, fluotantalate —, at the latest. sur le —, late (in the
(M 2 Ta0F 5 , M 3 Ta0F 6 ). evening).
tantalique, a. tantalic; specif., tantalum- tarder, v.i. delay; be long, be slow, il me
(V). tard de, I long to. ne — pas de (or à),
tantaliser, v.t. tantalize. not delay to, soon, quickly, immediately.
tantième, o. given, such a. m. given part tardif, a. slow; tardy, late.
or per cent, share; royalty. tardivement, adv. slowly; tardily.
tantôt, adv. soon, a little later; just now, tare, /. tare; loss, deficiency; defect; taint.
a short time ago. sur le —, in the after- tarer, v.t. tare; damage, deteriorate, taint;
noon, toward evening. tantôt . . . calibrate, measure ; standardize.
tantôt, now . . . now, sometimes . . . some- targette, /. slide boit, fastening.
times, at one time . . . at another time. tari, p.a. dried up, exhausted. m. palm
tapage, m. tapping; knocking; noise, racket. wine.
tarière 431 taxidermie
tarière, /. auger, borer. tartronique, a. tartronic.
tarif» m. price list ; rate (of priées) ; tariff. tartrovinîque, a. tartrovinic (ethyltartaric).
tarifer, v.t. fix or list (priées); tariff. tas, m. heap, pile, mass; hand an vil, block
tarir, v.t. dry up, drain, exhaust. v.i. dry (of métal) ; (Construction) part already
up, go dry, be exhausted, be drained. built. — de déchets, — de rejets, dump
tarissable, a. exhaustible. heap, dump.
tarissant, p.a. drying up, near exhaustion. Tasmanie, /. Tasmania,
tarissement, m. drying up, exhaustion. tasse, /. cup. — o dégustation, taster's cup,
tarmacadam, m. tar macadam, tar-bound tasting cup. — à thé, tea cup.
macadam. tasseau, m. bracket, block, cleat, strip ;
tarmacadamiser, v.t. pave with tar mac- clamp ; hand an vil; catch, tappet.
adam. tassée, /. cupful.
tartareux, a. tartareous, tartarous. tassement, m. packing, etc. (see tasser).
Tartarie, /. Tartary, Tatary. tasser, v.t. pack, tamp, ram, compress ;
tartarique, a. tartarie. crowd ; heap up, pile up. v.r. sink, set-
tartariser, v.t. tartarize. tle, pack ; heap up, pile up. v.i. settle,
tartiner, v.t. paste (battery plates). sink; grow thick.
tartrage, m. addition of, or treatment with, tâtage, /. feeling, etc. (see tâter).
tartarie acid or a tartrate (as in wine mak- tâte, /. sample, test portion.
ing). tâtement, m. feeling, etc. (see tâter).
tartrate, m. tartrate. — antimonîo-potas- tâter, v.t. feel; handle; try, test; taste;
sique, = tartrate d'antimoine et de po- sound; ( Télévision) scan. v.i. (with de or
tasse. — borico-potassique, solubte cream à) taste, try; feel. — le terrain, feel one's
of tartar (cream of tar tar mixed with way.
boric acid or borax). — d'antimoine et de tâte-vin, m. winetaster, wine sampler.
potasse, (Pharm.) antimony potassium tâton, n. In the phrase à tâtons, gropingly,
tartrate, tartar emetic. — de chaux, cal- tentatively,
cium tartrate. — de potasse, potassium tâtonnement, m. groping ; trial, experi-
tartrate. — de potasse et de soude, sodium ment ; trial and error.
potassium tartrate, Rochelle sait. — fer- tâtonner, v.i. grope, feel about.
rico-ammonique, — ferrique ammoniacal, tatouer, v.t. tattoo".
(Pharm.) ferrie ammonium tartrate, iron taupe, /. (Zoôl.) mole; moleskin.
and ammonium tartrate. — ferrico-potas- taure, /. heifer.
sique, (Pharm.) ferrie potassium tartrate, taureau, m. bull.
tartarated iron. — potassico-antimonique, taurine, /. taurine.
= tartrate d'antimoine et de potasse. — taurocholique, a. taurocholic.
potassico-sodique, — sodico -potassique, taurocolle, /. taurocol, taurocolla (a glue).
(Pharm.) sodium potassium tartrate, Ro- tautomère, m. tautomer. a. tautomeric.
chelle sait. tautomérie, /. tautomerism, tautomery.
tartre, m. tartar; (in boilers, etc.) scale. — tautomérique, a, tautomérie.
blanc, white tartar (from white wines). tautomériser, v.t. & r. tautomerize.
— brut, crude tartar, argol. — chalybé, taux, m. rate ; ratio ; proportion, amount,
{Pharm.) ferrie potassium tartrate, tar- strength, dilution, etc. ; (Biochem.) level ;
tarated iron. — de marc, calcium tartrate. price. — de base, standard strength or
— des chaudières, boiler scale. — émé- rate. — de bromure, {Biochem.) bromine
tique, tartar emetic. — martial, = tartre level. — de craquage, (Petroleum,) crack
chalybé. — rouge, red tartar (from red per pass. — pour 100 parties, parts per
wines). — soluble, soluble tartar (potas- hundred, per cent. — sanguin, (Biochem.)
sium tartrate). — stibié, tartar emetic. blood level.
— vitriolé, vitriolated tartar (old name for taveler, v.t. speckle, spot.
potassium sulfate). tavelure, /. speckling, spotting, spots.
tartreux, a. tartarous, tartareous. tavolo, n. starch from pia (Tacca pinnati-
tartrier, m. tartar maker. fida), Otaheite arrowroot.
tartrifuge, m. boiler compound, disin- taxation, /. taxation, etc. (see taxer).
crustant. taxe, /. tax; rate, price; charge, fee.
tartrimètre, m. an instrument for deter- taxer, v.t. tax; value, appraise; assess.
mining the purity of cream of tartar. taxicatine, /., taxicatoside, m. taxicatin.
tartrique, a. tartarie. taxidermie, /. taxidermy.
taxine 432 teinturerie
taxine, /. taxine. dyeing with resists. — balsamique, eom-
T . C D . , abbrev. (température critique de dis- pound benzoin tincture. — composée,
solution) critical solution température. (Pharm.) compound tincture. — d'aconit
tchèque, a. Czechic, Czechish. m. Czech (racine), aconite tincture. — d'actée à
(language) ; (cap.) Czech (person). grappes, tincture of cimicifuga. — de
te, pron. thee, to thee, you, to you. baume de Tolu, tolu balsam tincture, tinc-
té, m. T, tee, T-shaped object or arrange- ture of tolu. — de cachou, compound
ment (as a T square, T tube). — de des- gambir tincture, tincture of catechu. —
sin, T square. — double, crossover tee. de camphre concentrée, camphor spirit,
technicien, m. technician, technical raan. spirit of camphor. — de ciguë, tincture
technicité, /. technical quality. of conium. — de cochenille, (Dyeing)
technique, a. technical. /. technic, tech- cochineal bath ; (Pharm.) tincture of
nique ; engineering, m. technical character. cochineal. — d'écorce de cerisier, tincture
— fondamentale, unit process. of wild cherry bark. — de fève du Cala-
techniquement, adv. technically. bar, tincture of physostigma. — de fleur
techno-chimique, a. technochemical. d'arnica, arnica tincture. — de fleur de
technologie, /. technology. — chimique, tous-les-mois, tincture of calendula. — de
chemical technology. gaïac ammoniacale, ammoniated guaiac
technologique, a. technological, -logic. tincture. — de perchlorure de fer, ferrie
technologue, technologiste, m. technolo- chloride tincture. — de polygala, tincture
gist. a. technological. of senega. — de quinquina, tincture of
teck, m. teak (tree or wood). cinchona. — de ratanhia, tincture of kra-
tectonique, /. tectonics. a. tectonic. meria, tincture of rhatany. — de résine de
tégulaire, a. of or yielding tiles or slabs. gaïac, tincture of guaiacum. — de savon
tégumentaire, a. tegumentary. vert, tincture of green soap (old name for
teignant, p.a. dyeing, etc. (see teindre) ; soft soap Uniment). — de séné aromatique
suitable for dyeing. (or composée), compound tincture of senna.
teigne, /. (tineid) moth; (Med.) tinea (any — d'essence, (Pharm.) alcoholic solution of
fungus skin disease, esp. ringworm). an essential oil, spirit (of so-and-so). —
teignent, pr. 3 pi. indic. & subi, of teindre. d'essence d'anis, anise spirit. — d'essence
teignit, p. def. 3 sing. (of teindre) dyed, de gaulthérie, spirit of wintergreen. —
etc. d'essence de genièvre, spirit of Juniper. —
teillage, m. (Glass) whitish spot due to ex- d'essence de menthe, peppermint spirit,
cess of soda; breaking (as of hemp), strip- spirit of peppermint. — d'essence de mus-
ping. cade, spirit of nutmeg, essence of nutmeg.
teille, /. linden bast ; hemp harl.
teiller, v.t. break (hemp or flax), scutch. — d'essence de romarin, spirit of rosemary.
teindre, v.t. dye; color, tinge; stain; im- — d'essence d'orange, compound orange
bue, tincture. v.r. be dyed ; be colored ; spirit. — de tournesol, tincture of litmus,
be tinctured. v.i. dye. litmus solution. — de valériane ammo -
teint, m. dye, (dyed) color ; (manner of ) niacale, ammoniated valerian tincture. —
dyeing ; complexion. p.a. dyed, etc. (see d'iode, — d'iode iodurée, (Pharm, ) strong
teindre), pr. 3 sing. (of teindre) dyes, etc. iodine tincture. — d'opium, opium tincture,
teinte, /. tint ; tinge, hue, color, shade ; laudanum. — d'opium ammoniacale, am-
shading, gradation ; (fig.) shade, touch. moniated tincture of opium. — d'opium
de — chamois, buff - colored. — de pas - camphrée, camphorated opium tincture,
sage, transition tint, intermediate tint. — paregoric. — d'opium sans odeur, deodor-
dure, ground tint, ground color. — plate, ized opium tincture, opium tincture,
flat tint. — vierge, unmixed tint, simple laudanum. — éthérêe, ethereal tincture.
tint. *
teinter, v.t. tint, tinge, color slightly. — grand teint, fast dyeing. — simple,
teinture, /. dyeing; dyc bath; dye; color, (Pharm.) simple tincture. — thébaïque,
hue; (Pharm., etc.) tincture. — alcoolique, opium tincture, laudanum. — vulnéraire,
tincture. — ammoniacale de quinine, am- a tincture of various herbs used as an
moniated solution of quinine. — ammo- astringent and stimulating lotion. (For
niacale de seigle ergoté, ammoniated tinc- the meaning of other phrases see the next
ture of ergot. — aromatique sulfûrique, important word in the phrase.)
aromatic sulfuric acid. — avec réserve, teinturerie, /. dyeing ; dyehouse, dye works.
teinturier 433 tendant
teinturier, m. dyer; a kind of dark red température, /. température. — absolue,
grape. a. dyeing, dye, relating to dyeing. absolute température. — ambiante, tem-
tek, m. teak (tree or wood). pérature of the air. — basse, low tem-
tel, a. such, like, so, so great, so much. m. pérature. — critique, critical température.
such a one, so and so, many a one. à — — d'èbullition, boiling point. — de congé-
fin que de raison, at ail events, in any case. lation, freezing point. — de fusion, melt-
comme —, as such. de telle sorte que, en ing point. — de l'ambiant, température of
telle sorte que, so that, in such a way that. the air. — de régime, working température,
— que, just as; such that, so great that. right température for regular opération (as
— quel, telle quelle, such as it is; just as of a furnace). — de travail, operating
it is, as it is, without modification; such température. — du rouge, red heat. —
as it was, just as it was; such as he (or haute, high température. — superficielle,
she) is or was. tel . . . tel, like . . . like, surface température.
as . . . so. tempéré, p.a. tempered, etc. (see tempérer);
telas, m. a kind of coarse sackcloth. temperate, moderate. m. médium tem-
télécommande, /. remote control. pérature.
télégraphie, /. telegraphy. — sans fil, wire- tempérer, v.t. temper; moderate; mitigate.
less telegraphy, radiotelegraphy. tempérite, /. {Métal.) sorbite.
téléobjectif, m. telephoto lens. tempête, /. storm, tempest ; gale.
téléphotie, /. télévision. ' tempétueux, a. tempestuous.
télescopage, m. telescoping. templine, /. silver fir (Abies picea).
télescoper, v.t. & r. télescope. temporaire, a. temporary.
télescopique, a. telescopic. temporairement, adv. temporarily.
télésie, /. a variety of corundum. temps, m. time ; weather ; delay, pause ;
telle, a. fem. of tel. period ; term ; stage ; tense. à —, in time,
tellement, adv. so, in such a manner, of in season; for a time. au — jadis, in for-
such a kind, to such a degree. mer times, formerly. dans le — que (or
tellure, m. tellurium. où), at the moment when, while. de — à
tellure, 0. combined with or containing tel- autre, de — en —, from time to time,
lurium, tellurized, telluretted; tellurium, now and then. en — et lieu, at the proper
of tellurium. time and place, entre —, in the interval,
tellureux, a. tellurous. meantime. selon le —, suivant le —, ac-
tellurhydrate, m. hydrotelluride. cording to circumstances. sur le —, at
tellurhydrique, a. hydrotelluric. once, off-hand. — d'arrêt, stoppage, delay.
tellurien, a. earth, of or from the earth. — de -pose, (Photog.) time of exposure. —
tellurifère, a. telluriferous. moyen, mean time. — perdu, — mort, lost
tellurinique, a. tellurinic. time, idle time ; lost motion, backlash ;
tellurique, a. telluric; of earth, earth. latent period.
eau —, water in the earth or that has tenable, a. tenable; habitable.
corne out of the earth. tenace, a. tenacious ; cohesive, (of metals,
tellurure, m. telluride. etc.) tough; stiff; adhesive, sticky; (of
témoignage, m. testifying, etc. (see témoi- odors) persistent.
gner); testimony, évidence; token, proof. tenacement, adv. tenaciously; persistently.
témoigner, v.t. testify, give évidence of, ténacité, /. tenaciousness, tenacity, tough-
évidence, show. v.i. testify, witness. ness, etc. (see tenace) ; strength.
témoin, m. witness ; mark ; proof ; évidence ; tenaille, /. (usually in -pi.) pincera, tongs,
test ; control experiment ; sample ; (drill) pliers, nippers ; vise, tenaillées) à cou-pelle,
core ; trial pièce ; trial rod ; bead ; test cupel tongs. tenaillées) à creuset, crucible
button (in assaying); (Geol.) outlier. o. tongs. tenaillées) à feu, fire tongs.
indicating, indicator ; test, check, com- tenaillées) à loupes, (Métal.) bloom tongs.
parison, control; witnessing. — oculaire, — à vis, hand vise.
eyewitness. tenait, imp, s sing. (of tenir) held, etc.
tempérament, m. tempérament; temper; tenant, p.a. holding, etc. (see tenir) ; sitting.
modération. m. champion, defender; part adjacent;
tempérant, p.a. tempering, etc. (see tem- relation, related thing.
pérer); temperate; (Med.) sédative. tendance, /. tendency.
températion, /. bringing to a desired tem- tendant, p.a. stretching, etc. (see tendre,
pérature. v.t. and v.i.); directed (toward).
tendeur 434 terme
tendeur, m. stretcher, etc. (see tendre, ».); vapor pressure. — du sang, blood pressure.
coupling screw; extension pièce. a. — partielle, partial pressure. — super-
stretching, etc. (see tendre, v.). ficielle, surface tension.
tendineux, a. tendinous. tentant, p.a. attempting ; tempting.
tendre, a. soft; tender; brittle; mild; déli- tentatif, a. tentative.
cate; (of bread) fresh, new; open, im- tentation, /. temptation.
pressionable. m. soft part, tender part. tentative, /. attempt, effort, endeavor.
v.t. stretch; stretch out, draw out; tighten; tente, /. tent; awning.
strain; spread, spread out; hold out; tenter, v.t. try; attempt; risk; tempt;
throw out. v.r. be stretched, etc. ; stretch. tent.
v.i. tend, be directed, contribute. tenture, /. hanging(s); wallpaper; tapestry.
tendresse, /. softness, etc. (see tendre). tenu, p.a. held, etc. (see tenir).
tendreté, /. tenderness (of méat, etc.). ténu, a. tenuous, slender, thin; minute.
tendu, p.a. stretched, etc. (see tendre, v.); tenue, /. holding, etc. (see tenir) ; care ; ses-
tight, taut, tense; intent; (of trajectories) sion, meeting; order; steadiness; behavior;
flat. bearing; dress, attire, de —, steady, set-
ténèbres, /. pi. darkness. tled, lasting. — des livres, bookkeeping.
ténébreux, o. dark, gloomy, obscure, secret. ténuement, adv. tenuously, slenderly.
ténesme, m. (Med.) tenesmus. ténuité, /. tenuity; thinness; minirteness.
tenette, /. (also pi.) small pincers, forceps. tephrosie, /. {Bot.) Tephrosia (Cracca).
teneur, /. content; strength; grade; ténor, terbine, /. terbia.
purport ; wording ; tenure. m. holder, etc. terbique, a. of or containing terbium.
(see tenir). — moyenne, average (or groupe —, terbium group (europium, gado-
médium) content or grade. — pondérale, linium, terbium).
content by weight. térébène, n. terebene (a mixture of ter-
ténicide, a. teniacidal, taeniacidal. penes).
tenir, v.t. hold; keep; hâve; contain; take; térébénique, o. terpene, of (or of the na-
get; take, be on (a road); consider; oblige, ture of) a terpene or terpenes.
bind; owe; affect. v.r. be held, etc.; hold térébenthène, m. terebenthene(ï-pinene).
(by or to), hold on; be adjacent, adjoin; terebenthinage, m. purification of crude
hold together; stick, adhère (to), stand turpentine.
(by); stand; stay, remain, keep; refrain, térébenthine, /. turpentine. essence de —,
keep ; consider oneself. v.i. hold ; hold oil of turpentine. essence de •— de bois,
fast, stick, adhère; hold out; keep up; oil of turpentine steam-distilled from
hold good; hold together, stick together; stumps. — commune, common Européen
be attached (to); care (for); be anxious, turpentine. — d'Alsace, Strassburg tur-
wish; be adjacent (to), be next (to); arise, pentine. — de Bordeaux, Bordeaux tur-
resuit; dépend (on), be the fault (of); re- pentine, common European turpentine. —
late (to); be related; be akin (to), par- de Boston, white turpentine, American tur-
take (of), smack (of); (with de) resemble; pentine. — de Chio, Chian turpentine. —
(of assemblies) sit; be held; stand; stay, de mélèze, — de Venise, Venice turpentine,
remain; be contained, go (into). — bon, larch turpentine. — des Vosges, Strass-
hold fast, hold on, stand fast. — compte burg turpentine. — du Canada, Canada
de, take into account (or considération), turpentine, Canada balsam, balsam of fir.
take advantage of. térébenthine, a. (Pharm.) containing tur-
tenon, m. tenon, stud, pin, lug, projection. pentine.
tenseur, m. tensor. térébinthacées, /. pi. (Bot.) Anacardiaceae,
tensimètre, m. tensimeter. Terebinthaceae.
tensloactlf, a. surface-active. térébinthe, m. (Bot.) terebinth (Pistacia
tensiomètre, m. tensiometer. terebinthus).
tension, /. tension; pressure; strain; tense- térébinthiné, a. terebinthine, terebinthinate.
ness; tightness; (of a trajectory) flatneas. térébique, o. tercbic.
en —, (Elec.) in séries. — chimique, térébrer, v.t. terebrate, bore.
chemical tension. — de dissolution, solu- téréphtalate, m. terephthalate.
tion tension or pressure. — de la vapeur, téréphtalique, a. terephthalic.
steam pressure. — de régime, normal ten- terme, m. term; limit, end; end point;
sion, (Elec.) normal voltage. — de traction, member (of a séries) ; time ; quarter, three
tensile stress. — de vapeur, vapor tension, months. — de métier, technical tenn. —•
terme 435 terril
de passage, intermediate. — ultime, end clay. — cuite, terra cotta, baked clay
product; end member; last tenn. (esp. the porous variety, including tiles and
terminaison, /. tennination. bricks). — d'alumine, alumina. Old. —
terminateur, a. (Math.) limiting. d'alun, aluminous earth. — de Cas sel,
terminé, p.a. terminated, ended ; finished, Cassel earth, Cassel brown. — de Cologne,
ready. Cologne earth, Cologne brown. — décolo-
terminer, v.t. terminate, end; finish, com- rante, bleaching clay. — de couverture,
plète, v.r. terminâte, end. (Mining) overburden. — de diatomées,
terminologie, /. terminology. diatomaceous earth, kieselguhr. — de fer,
terminus, m. terminus, o. terminal. (Min.) iron clay, clay ironstone. Terre
ternaire, a. ternary. de Feu, Tierra del Fuego. — de la
terne, a. dull, lusterless. Chine, china clay, kaolin. — de la Nou-
ternir, v.t. & r. tarnish; dull; soil; fade. velle-Orléans, annatto. — de Lemnos, Lem-
t e m i s s e ment, m. tarnishing, etc. (see ter- nian earth. — de Paris, a refractory clay
nir). used for making crucibles. — de pipe,
ternissure, /. tarnishing, etc. (see ternir); pipe clay; (Ceram.) a kind of glazed earth-
dullness ; tarnish. enware. — de Santorin, Santorin earth (a
terpénique, a. terpene, of a terpene or ter- volcanic tuff). —• de Sienne, sienna. — de
pênes. Sienne brûlée, burnt sienna. — de Som-
terpénylique, o. terpenylic. mières, (Calico) a kind of pipe clay used
terpine, /. terpinol, terpin. as a thickener. — des potiers, potter's
terpinéol, terpinol, m. terpineol, terpinol. earth, potter's clay. — de Vérone, Verona
terrage, m. scouring, etc. (see terrer). earth, Veronese earth, Verona green. —
ter raille, /. a fine kind of earthenware. d'infusoireê, infusorial earth (diatomaceous
terrain, m. ground; soil; pièce of ground, earth, kieselguhr). — d'Italie, Italian
tract ; land ; (Geol.) terrane, formation ; earth, sienna. — d'ombre, umber. — d'os,
{Mil.) terrain. — ardent, oil-bearing rock. bone phosphate. — du Japon, terra
— collant, sticky soil, gumbo. — d'al- j aponica (gambier or, more widely, any
luvion, alluvial ground ; alluvial terrane. catechu). — ferme, terra firma. — foliacée
— encaissant, {Geol.) country rock. — de tartre, — foliée végétale (old names for)
houiller, coal measures. — marin, marine potassium acétate. — forte, heavy soil.
deposit. — fossile, kieselguhr. — franche, vege-
terramare, /. terramara (earth as a fer- table mold; rich soil; (Geol.) clay, loam.
tilizer). — glaise, clay (esp. one uaed for burning).
terras, m. resin. mixed with earth, collected — grasse, clayey soil. — jaune, yellow
at the foot of trees. earth, yellow ocher. — mérite, turmeric.
terrasse, /. earthwork; terrace; foreground. — pesante, heavy earth, baryta. —
terrassement, m. banking up, etc. (see pourrie, rottenstone. — pourrie d'Angle-
terrasser) ; earthwork, embankment. terre, tripoli. — rare, rare earth. —
terrasser, v.t. bank up, fill in; terrace; réfractaire, fire clay. — rouge, red earth,
floor, confound. (Geol.) terra rossa. — siliceuse, siliceous
terre, /. earth; soil; ground; land; clay; earth ; (old name for) silica. — tourbeuse,
loam. mettre à la —, (Élec.) ground, peat soil, peat land. — végétale, vegetable
earth. — à blanchir, bleaching clay. — mold, humus. — verte, green earth, terre-
à briques, brick earth, brick clay. — à verte (glauconite or celadonite, as a pig-
ciment, cernent earth, cernent clay. — à ment) ; chlorite.
couleur, any earth used as a pigment. —
à faïence, crockery earth, earthenware clay. terreau, m. mold, humus; compost.
Terre-Neuve, /. Newfoundland.
— à foulon, fuller's earth. — alcaline,
aikaline earth ; alkali soil. — à mouler, terrer, v.t. scour, full (with fuller's earth);
molding loam. — à pipe, pipe clay. —• à clay (sugar) ; earth, cover or treat with
porcelaine, china clay, kaolin. — à pot, — earth.
à poterie, — à potier, potter's earth, pot- terrestre, a. terrestrial; stationary.
ter's clay. — argileuse, clayey soil; alumina terreux, a. earthy ; of an earth or earth
(Obs.). — au feu, fire clay. — bolaire, bole, métal, of the earths or earth metals; (of
—• calcaire, calcareous earth. —• colorante, colors) dull ; dirty.
minerai color. — colorée, colored earth, terriblement, adv. terribly.
specif. umber. — crue, raw earth, raw terril, m. (Mining, etc.) dump.
terrine 436 tétranol
terrine, /. pan, dish (typically one of earth- tétrabrome, abbrev. tetrabromophenol-
enware or stoneware with sloping sides). phthalein.
— pour évaporations, evaporating dish. tétrabrome, a. tetrabromo, tetrabromo-.
terris, m. (Mining, etc.) dump. tétrabromostanneux, a. bromostannic(II).
territoire, m. territory. tétrabromostannite, m. bromostannate-
terroir, m. soil, ground. (II).
terrou, m. fire damp. tétrabromure, m. tetrabromide.
tertiaire, a. tertiary. tétracarbonique, a. tetracarboxylic.
tertiobutyle, m. tertiary butyl, tert-butyl. tétracétylénique, a. designating acids con-
tes, a. pi. thy, your. taining four triple bonds.
tesson, m. fragment (of glass or pottery) ; tétrachloré, a. tetrachloro, tetrachloro-.
ground porcelain fragments. tétrachlorostanneux, a. chlorostannic(II).
tessulaire, a. tesseral, cubic, isometric. tétrachlorostannite, m. chlorostannate(II).
test, m. = têt; (Biol.) test, testa. tétrachlorure, m. tetrachloride. — de car-
testicule, m. (Anat.) testicle. bone, carbon tetrachloride.
testif, m. camel's hair. tétracoordiné, -coordonné, a. tetraco-
test-objet, m. (Micros.) test object. ordinated.
têt, m. test (the vessel, esp. a small cup or tétracuprique, o. tetracupric.
dish of fire clay) ; cupel; beehive shelf; tétracyclique, o. tetracyclic.
fragment (of pottery or glass). — à com- tétraédral, o. tetrahedral.
bustion, a small fire-clay cup for the com- tétraèdre, m. tetrahedron. a. tetrahedral.
bustion of phosphores. — à gaz, a fire-clay tétraédrique, o. tetrahedral.
dish having a hole in the bottom and a tétraédriquement, adv. tetrahedrally.
notch in the side, and used inverted as a tétraédrite, /. (Min.) tetrahedrite.
cover; (for collecting gases) beehive shelf. tétraéthylé, a. tetraethyl, tetraethyl-.
— à rôtir, roasting dish (a vessel similar tétraéthylique, a. tetraethyl.
to a scorifier). — de coupeîlation, cupel. tétrafluorure, m. tetrafluoride.
tétanine, /. tetanine. tétragone, a. tetragonal. m. tetragon.
tétanique, a. (Physml. & Med.) tétanie. tétrahalogéné, a. tetrahalogenated, tetra-
tétaniser, v.t. tetanize. halogen, tetrahalo, tetrahalo-.
tétanolysine, /. tetanolysin. tétraholoside, m. tetrasaccharide.
tétanos, m. (Med.) tetanus. tétrahydrine, /. tetrahydrin. See hydrine.
tétanotoxine, /. tetanus toxin, tetanotoxin. tétrahydrobenzène, m. tetrahydrobenzene
têtard, m. (Zoôl.) tadpole; peg, pin, dowel. (cyclohexene).
tétartoèdre, a. (Cryst.) tetartohedral. m. tétrahydrogéné, a. tetrahydrogenated,
tetartohedron. tetrahydro, tetrahydro-.
tétartoédrie, /. (Cryst.) tetartohedrism. tétrahydroglyoxaline, /. tetrahydrogly-
tétartoédrique, a. (Cryst.) tetartohedral. oxaline (tetrahydroimidazole, imidazolidine).
tête, /. head (in various sensés); top, front, tétrahydroquinone, /. tetrahydroquinone
first part, etc.; (in distilling) first frac- ( 1,4 -cyclohexanedione).
tion, flrst runnings; (of a sugar loaf) tétrahydrure, m. tetrahydride.
point, head. de —, of the head ; at the tétraïodé, a. tetraiodo, tetraiodo-.
head, chief ; from memory; by imagination. tétraïodure, m. tetriodide, tetraiodide.
en —, at the head. par —, per head, per tétralcoyl-. tetraalkyl-.
capita. — à queue, head and tail, head- tétraline, /. Tetralin. T.N.
to-tail. — de cuvelage, (Petroleum) casing tétraméthylène, m. tetramethylene (the
head. — de nègre, (Rubber) negrohead, radical) ; cyclobutane.
sernamby. — de sonde, (Petroleum) casing téttaméthylène-diamine, /. tetrameth-
head. — morte, caput mortuum. — per- ylenediamine (1,4-butanediamine, putres-
due, countersunk head ; flush head. cine).
téthéline, /. tethelin. tétraméthylène-imine, /. tetramethyleni-
tétine, tetlne, /. nipple. à —, teat-shaped, mine (pyrrolidine).
corrugated (said of the end of a tube to tétraméthylénique, o. tetramethylene.
"which hose may be attached). tétraméthylîum, m. tetramethylammonium.
teton, téton, m. projection, élévation, stud, tétrane, m. tetrane (butane).
lug, end, point; breast, teat. tétranitré, a. tetranitrated, tetranitro-,
tétra, abbrev. carbon tetrachloride. tetranitro.
tétrabasique, a. tetrabasic. tétranol, m. tétranol (butanol).
tétranucléaire 437 thérmoplongeur
tétranucléaire, a. tetranuclear. théobromine, /. theobroroine.
tétraoxy-. tetrahydrosy- ; tetraoxy. (See théophylline, /. theophylline.
note at oxy-.) théorème, m. theorem.
tétraoxyquinone, /. tetrahydroxyquinone. théorétique, a. theoretical, theoretic.
tétraphosphorique, a. tetraphosphoric. théoricien, m. theorist.
tétrapolaire, a. tetrapolar. théorie, /. theory. — atomique, atomio
tétraséléniure, m. tetraselenide. theory. — chimique, chemical theory. —
tétrasomie, /. (Alchemy) the four éléments. cinétique, kinetic theory. — de la tension
tétrasubstitué, o. tetrasubstituted. de Baeyer, Baeyer strain theory. — des
tétrasulfure, m. tetrasulflde. ondulations, — ondulatoire, wave theory.
tétrathionique, a. tetrathionic. — octétiale, octet theory.
tétratomicité, /. tetratomicity. théorique, o. theoretical, theoretic.
tétratomique, a. tetratomic, (of alcohols) théoriquement, adv. theoretically.
tetrahydroxy. théoriser, v.i. & t. theorize.
tétravalence, /. quadrivalence, tetravalence. théoriste, n. theorist.
tétravalent, a. quadrivalent, tetravalent. thérapeutique, o. therapeutic, therapeutical.
tétrazine, /. tetrazine. /. therapeutics.
tétrazoïque, o. tetrazo. thérapeutiquement, adv. therapeutically.
tétrazol, m. tetrazole. thérapie, /. therapy, therapeutics.
tétrazolique, a. relating to the tetrazoles. thérapique, a. therapeutic(al).
tétréthylé, a. tetraethyl, tetraethyl-. thériaque, /. (Old Pharm.) theriaca, theriac.
tétrol, m. tetrol (compound having four al- thermique, a. thermie, thermal, of heat.
cohoî groups). thermiquement, adv. thermally.
tétrolique, a. tetrolic (2-butynoic). thermite, /. thermite, Thermit {T.N.).
tétronique, a. tetronic. thermochimie, /. thermochemistry.
tétroside, m. tetrasaccharide ; tetroside. thermochimique, a. thermochemical.
tétroxyde, m. tetroxide. thermochimiste, m. thermochemist.
tétryl, m. (Bxpl.) tetryl (tetranitromethyl- thermochroïque, a. thermochroic.
aniline). thermodynamicien, m. thermodynamicist.
tétryl-. butyl-. thermodynamique, a. thermodynamic,
texte, m. text. thermodynamical. /. thermodynamics.
textuel, a. textual; literal. thermo-électrique, a. thermoelectric(al).
textuellement, adv. textually; literally, thermogène, a. thermogenic, thermogenous.
Verbatim. m. heat generator; (Old Chem.~) thermogen.
textulaire, o. textural. thermogénèse, /. thermogenesis.
texture, /. texture; structure. thermogénie, /. thermogenesis, heat produc-
thalle, m. (Bot.) thallus; shoot, growth. tion.
thalleioquinine, -quinone, /. thalleioquin, thermo-ionique, a. thermionic.
thalleux, thallieux, o. thallous, thallium- thermolyse, /. thermolysis.
(I). thermomètre, m. thermometer. — à al-
thallibromure, m. bromothallate(III). cool, alcohol thermometer, spirit thermome-
thallichlorUydrique, a. chlovothallic(III). ter. — à bulle mouillée (sèche), wet-bulb
thallichlorure, m. chlorothallate(III). (dry-bulb) thermometer. — à ébullition,
thalHcyanure, m. cyanothallate(III). boiling-point thermometer. — à gaz, gas
thalline, /. thalline. thermometer. — à mercure, mercury (or
thallique, o. thallic, specif. thallium(III). mercurial) thermometer. — contrôlé, eali-
thallofluorhydrlque, o. fluothallic(I). brated thermometer. — enregistreur, re-
thapsie, /. (Bot.) Thapsia. cording thermometer. — étalon, standard
thé, m. tea. — de Paraguay, — des jésuites thermometer.
Paraguay tea, maté. — de Terre-Neuve thermométrie, /. thermometry.
— du Canada, wintergreen.
théâtral, a. theatrioal. thermométrique, o. thermometric(al).
thébaïne, /. thebaine. thermométriquement, adv. thermometri-
thébaïque, a. of or pertaining to opium. cally.
théélol, m. theelol (estriol). thermophile, a. (Bact.) thermophilio,
théine, /. théine (caffeine). thermophilous. m. thermophile.
thème, m. thème, topic, subiect. thermoplastique, o. thermoplastic.
théobrome, m. (Bot.) Theobroma. thermoplongeur, m. immersion heater.
thermorégulateur 438 tiglique
thermorégulateur, m. thermoregulator, thuya, thuia, m. (.Bot.) thuja.
thermostat. thuyane, m. thujane.
thermostabile, thermostable, a. thermo- thuyène, m. thujene.
stable. thuyine, /. thuyin, thujin (quercitrin).
thermostatique, a. thermostatic. thuylique, o. of thujyl, thujyl. alcool —,
thèse, /. thesis. thujyl alcohol, 3-thujanol.
thévétine, /. thevetin. thuyone, /. thujone, 3-thujanone.
thialdéhyde, m. thioaldehyde. thym, m. (Bot.) thyme. — bâtard, —
thiazinique, a. thiazine, of thiazine. serpolet, wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum).
thiazole, m. thiazole. — commun, — vulgaire, garden thyme
thiazoline, /. thiazoline. (Thymus vulgaris).
. thiénone, /. thienone (2-thienyl ketone). thymélée, /. (Bot.) Thymelaea.
thiénylique, a. thienyl, of thienyl. alcool thymine, /. thymine.
—, 2~thiophenemethanol. thymique, o. thymic (pertaining either to
thioacétique, a. thioacetic. the thymus gland or to thyme ; thymic
thioacide, m. thio acid. acid in the latter sensé is better called
thioalcool, m. thioalcohol, thiol. thymol).
thioaldehyde, m. thioaldehyde, thial. thymol, m. thymol, 3-p-cymenol.
thioarsénieux, a. thioarsenious. thymolphtaléine, /. thymolphthalein.
thiobenzényliqne, a. thiobenzenyl (ap- thymonucléique, o. thymonucleic, thymus
plied to dyes better called thiazole dyes). nucleic.
thiocétone, /. thioketone, thione. thymus, m. (Anat.) thymus gland, thymus.
thiochlorure, m. sulfochloride, sulfide chlo- thyréo-. thyro-.
ride. thyréoglobuline, /. thyroglobulin.
thiocyanique, a. thiocyanic. thyréoïdine, /. (Pharm.) thyroidin.
thiocyanogène, m. thiocyanogen. thyroïde, thyréoïde, o. (Anat.) thyroid.
thiodiazol, m. thiadiazole. thyroïdien, thyréoïdien, a. thyroidal,
thioéther, m. thio ether, (organic) sulfide. thyroid.
thioflavine, /. (.Dyes) thioflavin, thioflavine. thyroïdine, /. thyroidin.
thiohydantoïne, /. thiohydantoïn. thyroxine, /. thyroxin.
thionacide, m. thiono acid. tiède, a. moderately warm, tepid, lukewarm.
thionaphtène, m. thionaphthene, benzothio- tiédeur, /. lukewarmness, tepidity, tepid-
phene. ness.
thionine, /. thionine. tiédir, v.i. become tepid or lukewarm (esp.
thionique, a. thionic. by cooling). v.t. make tepid or lukewarm.
thionyle, m. thionyl. tien, pron. thine, yours.
thiophénique, a. thiophene, of thiophene, tiendra, lut. S sing. (of tenir) will hold,
(esp. of the acid and aldéhyde) thiophenic. etc.
thiophtène, m. thiophthene. tienne, pr. i & S sing. subj. of tenir, fem.
thiopyrane, m. thiapyran. of tien.
thiosinamine, thiosinnamine, /. thiosin- tiennent, pr. S pi. indic. & subj. of tenir.
amine. tient, pr. S sing. (of tenir) holds, keeps, etc.
thiosulfocarbamique, a. dithiocarbamic. tierce, a. fem. of tiers. /. third; (Élec.)
thio-urée, /. thiourea. triple wire.
thioxanthène, m. thiaxanthene. tiers, o. third. m. third.
thioxène, m. thioxene (dimethylthiophene). tiers-argent, m. tiers-argent (silver 1, alu-
thixotrope, a. thixotropic. minum or nickel silver 2).
thon, m. tunny (a fish). tiers-point, m. three-cornered file; saw file.
thorié, a. thoriated. tige, /. rod; stem, stalk; shaft, shank, leg,
thorine, /. thoria. spindle, bar, pin, etc.; stock, origin. — à
thorique, a. thorium, of thorium, thoric. cavaliers, rider rod (for a balance). —•
thoron, m. thoron (radon 220). conductrice, (Mach.) guide rod. — de
thran, m. train oil. communication, (Mach.) Connecting rod. —
thrombine, /. thrombin. de forage, (Petroleum) drill pipe. — de
thrombogène, m. thrombogen (prothrom- guide, — directrice, (Mach.) guide rod. —
bin). en verre, glass rod.
thrombose, /. (Med.) thrombosis. tigelle, /. {Bot.) tigella, tigelle, tigellus.
n. thus, gum thus. tiglique, a. tiglic.
tigre 439 tisane
tigre, m. tiger. tire, /. drawing, draw, pull, etc. (see tirer).
tigré, a. spotted, speckled, marbled. d'une —, at one stroke, at a stretch.
till, m. sésame. tire-, drawer, extractor.
tillage, m. = teillage. tiré, p.a. drawn, pulled, etc. (see tirer).
tille, /. linden bast; hemp harl; a kind of tiré-à-part, m. separate, reprint, preprint.
hammer with an edged peen. tire-bouchon, m. corkscrew.
tiller, v.t. break (hemp or flax), scutch. tire-fond m,, lag screw, screw lag.
tilleul, m. (Bot.) linden, basswood (Tilia). tire-lait, m. teat.
timbale, /. (métal) cup; kettledrum ; tim- tire-ligne, m. drawing pen, ruling pen.
bale. tire-pièce, m. (Sugar) skimmer.
timbrage, m. stamping. tire-point, m. a sharp-pointed piercing tool.
timbre, m. stamp ; stamp office ; stamp tirer, v.t. draw; pull; draw or pull out, in,
duty; bell; (of sounds) timbre; working up, down, off, on, etc. ; stretch, tighten;
pressure (of boilers) ; (color) tone. — en extract; mine, quarry; dérive, deduce; get,
caoutchouc, rubber stamp. obtain ; attract ; absorb ; shoot, fire, fire
timbre-poste, m. postage stamp. &{,; pass (a spaxk) ; print; strain (by pull-
timbrer, v.t. stamp. ing) ; wind (as silk) ; extricate ; milk. v.r.
timide, a. timid. be drawn, be pulled, etc.; get out, away
timidement, adv. timidly. or through. v.t. draw; pull; shrink, con-
timoré, a. timorous. tract; verge (on), tend (toward); shoot,
tincal, m. tincal (crude borax). fire; go off; fence. — à clair, — au clair,
tinctorial, a. tinctorial, dyeing. draw off, bottle off (liquors) ; clear up. —
tine, /. a kind of cask; tub; = jalot; = à point, draw to a point. — au vide,
tinne. bulge, belly. — parti de, take advantage
tinette, /- a keg or small cask; small tub. of, profit by.
tinkal, m. tincal (crude borax). tiret, m. dash ; hyphen.
tinne, /. pug mill (for clay); = jalot; = tireur, m. drawer, puller, etc. (see tirer) ;
tine. specif., wiredrawer ; printer's or photog-
tint, p. def. S sing. (of tenir) held, etc. rapher's assistant; marksman.
tintement, m. tinkling, etc. (see tinter). tireuse, /. (Brewing) racking machine ;
tinter, v.t. tinkle, ring, tingle ; toU. v.t. (Photog.) printing machine.
toil; prop, block. tiroir, m. drawer (as of a table); (Mach.)
tintin, m. (Silver) a large stone mortar; slide valve, slide; draw-off pan.
clink, tinkle. tisage, m. (Glass) stoking.
tion, m. (Métal.) a tool for cleaning cru- tisane, /. (Pharm.) (1) infusion, tea, (2)
cibles. (if boiled) décoction. — d'aloès composée,
tip, n. a kind of vegetable butter. compound décoction of aloes. — d'angos-
tique, /. (Zool.) tick. ture, infusion of cusparia, infusion of an-
tir, m. firing, fire, shooting; shooting prac- gustura. — de, bois de Campèche, décoc-
tion of logwood. — de buchu, infusion of
tice, target practice; shooting grounds. — buchu. — de cascarille, infusion of cas-
o obus, shell fire; shell practice. — rapide, carilla. — de Champagne, a very light cham-
rapid fire. pagne used for the sick. — de chirette,
tirage, m. drawing, etc. (see tirer); draft; infusion of chiretta, — de columbo, in-
pull; traction; (Micros.) drawtube; print- fusion of calumba. — d'écorce de cerisier
ing, print, impression ; difficulty. à bon sauvage, infusion of wild cherry. —
•—, à fort —, with good draft, with strong d'écorce d'orange, infusion of orange peel.
draft. — à la poudre, (Mining) blasting. — ae digitale, infusion of digitalis. — de
— forcé, forced draft. genêt à balais, infusion of broom. — de
tiraille, /. (Mach.) Connecting rod. gentiane composée, compound infusion of
tiraillement, m. pulling about, pulling ; gentian. — de girofle, infusion of cloves.
twitching; trouble, discord. — de houblon, infusion of hops. — de
tirailler, v.t. pull about, pull; importune. polygale de Virginie, infusion of senega.
tirant, p&. drawing, etc. (see tirer), m. — de quassie, infusion of quassia. — de
something which draws or is drawn, as a quinquina jaune, acid infusion of cinchona.
V-shaped cutter for sugar beets, a tie — de ratanhia, infusion of krameria, in-
beam, tie rod or stay rod, a shoe lace, fusion of rhatany. — de rhubarbe, in-
etc.; draft (of a ship); tendon (in méat). fusion of rhubarb. — de rosé composée,
tisane 440 tolane
acid infusion of rosés, compound infusion by virtue of, by right of, by way of. à
of rosé. — de seigle ergoté, infusion of — principal, as the main product. au —,
ergot. — de séné, infusion of senna. — standard. — de patent, patent (the docu-
de serpentaire, infusion of serpentary. — ment). — en alcool, alcoholic titer, alco-
d'uva-ursi, infusion of bearberry. — par holic strength. — pondéral, gravimétrie
décoction, décoction. titer, titer as determined by weighing ;
tisard, tisart, m. fire door, lire hole (of a standard by weight, specif. the percentage
furnace). of sodium oxide in commercial caustic
tiser, v.t. (of fire) stir, stir up, poke, stoke. soda. — sanguin, blood titer.
tiseur, m. stoker, fireman. titré, p.a. titrated, standard; tested; titled.
tisoir, m. poker, fire iron. titrer, v.t. titrate; standardize; test (com-
tison, m. live coal, ember. pare with some standard) ; title. v.i.
tisonner, v.t. stir, stir up, poke (a fire). titrate ; test.
tisonnier, m. poker, fire iron. tit rimé trie, /. titrimetry.
tissage» m. weaving; cloth mill; texture. titulaire, a. titular; titulary. m. titular,
tisser, v.t. weave. incumbent, holder (of an office, etc.). —
tisserand, tisseur, m. weaver. d'un brevet, patentée.
tissu, m. tissue; cloth, fabric. p.a. woven. t:m, t/min., abbrev. (tours par minute)
— adipeux, adipose tissue. — à tamis, — révolutions per minute, r.p.m.
à tamisage, sieve cloth, strainer cloth. — toc, m. stop, catch, tappet, dog, cog ;
collagène, collagenous tissue. — conjonc- (lathe) carrier; imitation gold.
tif, (Anat.) connective tissue. — d'ami- tocage, m. adding of fuel.
ante, asbestos cloth. —- en caoutchouc, tocane, /. a wine made from unpressed
rubber cloth, rubberized cloth. — filtrant, must.
filter cloth. — graisseux, adipose tissue. toi, pron. thou, thee, to thee, you, to you.
— imperméable, waterproof cloth. — toile, /. cloth ; specif., linen ; (of wire)
métallique, wire gauze, wire netting. gauze ; canvas ; web ; curtain ; painting.
tissulaire, a. pertaining to organic tissues. — à calquer, tracing cloth. — amiantine,
tissure, /. texture; weaving. asbestos cloth. — caoutchoutée, rubber
titane, m. titanium. — oxydé, titanium ox- cloth, rubberized cloth. — cirée, oilcloth;
ide. — silicéo-calcaire, calcium silico- waxed cloth. — d'amiante, asbestos cloth.
titanate, (Min.) titanite. — d'araignée, spider web, cobweb. — de
titane, a. combined with or containing coton, cotton cloth, calico. — de crin,
titanium. hair cloth. — de filtre, — filtrante, filter
titaneux, a. titanous, titanium(III). cloth. — d'emballage, packing cloth, sack-
titanferrosilicium, m. an alloy of titanium, cloth. — d'émeri, emery cloth. — de
iron and silicon. platine, platinum gauze. — émerisée, emery
titanide, n. any titanium minerai. cloth. — gommée, buckram ; glazed linen.
titanifère, a. titaniferous. — grasse, waterproof canvas. — im-
titanique, a. titanic, specif. titanium(IV) ; perméable, waterproof cloth. — métallique,
titanic, gigantic. wire gauze. — métallique amiantée, asbes-
titanobromhydrique, a. bromotitanic(IV). tos wire gauze. — peinte, printed cloth,
titanobromure, m. bromotitanate(IV). print. — vernie, varnished cloth; oilskin.
titanochlorhydrique, a. chlorotitanic(IV). — verrée, glass cloth (for polishing).
titanochlorure, m. chlorotitanate(IV). toile-cuir, m. leather cloth.
titanonuorhydrique, a. fluotitanic(IV). toilette, /. fine cloth, cambric ; wrapping
titanofluorure, m. fluotitanate(IV). cloth; light packing case; toilet; toilet
titanoïodhydrique, a. iodotitanic(IV). table.
titanyle, m. titanyl, OTi~. toilier, a. linen. m. linen-cloth maker.
titillation, /. sparkling, effervesoence ; titil- toise, /. fathom (1.949 meters).
lation. toiser, v.t. measure ; scrutinize.
titrage, m. titration; testing. — à la touche, toison, /. fleece.
spot titration. — en retour, back titration. toit, m. roof. — respirant, breather roof (of
titrant, p.a. titrating, etc. (see titrer). a tank).
titre, m. titer; content, strength; standard; toiture, /. roofing, roof. — en tuile, tiling.
title ; title page ; head(ing) ; document ; tokai, tokay, m. Tokay wine, Tokay.
stock certificate. à bas —, low-grade. à tokokinine, /. tocokinin.
— de, in the quality or capacity of, as; tolane, m. tolau, diphenylacetylene.
tôle 441 tonsilïe
tôle, /. sheet iron; iron plate; sheet (of tome, m. volume, main division, part (re-
métal); plate (of métal). — à chaudière, fers to a division according to subj ect
boiler plate. — blanc, tin plate. — d'acier, matter and may or may not correspond to
sheet steel; steel plate. — de cuivre, sheet a division for binding, which is called
copper; copper plate. — de fer, — en fer, volume).
sheet iron; iron plate, — d'étain, tin foil. tommette, tomette, /. paving tile.
— entaillée, enameled sheet iron, enameled ton, m. tone ; pitch ; style ; ton. a. thy,
ware. — étamée, sheet tin, tinned iron, your.
tin plate. — fine, sheet ; thin sheet. — tonalité, /. tonality.
forte, heavy plate, slab. — galvanisée, gal- tonca, m. tonka bean, tonka.
vanized sheet iron. — mince, sheet métal, tondage, m. shearing ; clipping, cutting.
sheet (as distinguished from plate). — tondaille, tondaison, /. = tonte.
noire, black sheet iron; black plate. — tondelle, /. shearings of cloth, flocks.
ondulée, corrugated iron. — plombée, sheet tondre, v.t. shear ; clip, trim. /. tinder.
iron (or iron plate) coated with lead. — tondure, /. shearing (of cloth, etc.); shear-
ridée, corrugated iron. — vernie, japanned ings.
sheet iron. — zinguêe, galvanized sheet tonicité, /. tonicity.
iron. tonifier, v.t. tone, give tone to.
tolérablement, adv. tolerably. tonique, a. & m. tonic.
tolérance, /. tolérance, allowance ; tolera- tonka, m. tonka bean, tonka.
tion. tonnant, p.a. detonating ; explosive ; thun-
tolérer, v.t. tolerate. v.r, be tolerated. dering.
tôlerie, /. sheet-iron (or iron-plate) making, tonne, /. ton (usually the metric ton of
factory, trade or ware. 1000 kg., equal to 2204.6 lbs.); tun, large
tolidine, /. tolidine (dimethylbenzidine). cask ; (Gunpowder) barrel, drum ; tub ;
tôlier, m. sheet-iron (or iron-plate) maker. bucket. — à poudre, powder barrel. —
tolu, m. tolu, balsam of Tolu. d'essai, assay ton. — de lissage, — lissoir,
toluène-sulfoné, a. toluenesulfonic. (Gunpowder) glazing drum. — mélangeoir,
toluidine, /. toluidine. {Gunpowder) pulverizing barrel. — ternaire,
toluifère, a. yielding balsam of Tolu. a barrel in which the three ingrédients of
toluique, a. toluic. gunpowder are pulverized together.
toluisation, /. coating with balsam of Toîu. tonneau, m. cask, tun; vat; barrel; drum;
toluiser, v.t. coat (pills) with balsam of tub ; bin ; cart ; (nautical) ton ; (Aero.)
Tolu. roll. — à fouler, a large drum for agi-
toluol, m. toluène, toluol, toluole (should tating hides with water. — à mortier,
be translated toluène when the pure com- (barrel-shaped) mortar mixer. — mélan-
pound is referred to). geur, mixing barrel or drum. — rotatif,
toluquinoléine, /. toluquinoline. rotating cask, barrel or drum, specif.
tolurique, a. toluric. (Leather) retanning mill.
toluyle, m. toluoyl, (formerly) toluyl. tonneau-mère, n. acetification cask; mother
toluylène, m. stilbene; tolylene. (of vinegar).
toluylique, a. toluic. tonne-g renoire, /. (Gunpowder) glazing
tolylénique, a. tolylene, of tolylene. drum.
tolylîque, a. See alcool tolylique, at al- tonnelet, m. small cask, barrel; (of métal)
cool. drum.
tomate, /. tomato (plant and fruit). tonnelier, m. cooper.
tombac, m. tombac, tombak (an alloy). tonnelle, /. (Glass) opening for introducing
tombage, m. falling, fall; décline. the pots into the furnace.
tombant, p.a. falling, etc. (see tomber). tonnellerie, /. cooperage.
tombe, /. tombstone; tomb, grave. tonner, v.i. detonate; thunder.
tombeau, m. tomb, (burial) vault, grave. tonnerre, m. thunder ; explosion chamber.
tombée, /. fall; turning, tipping (of scales); tonomètre, m. tonometer (specif., an appa-
small amount added to tip the scales. ratus for measuring vapor tension).
tomber, v.i. fall; fail; décline; lose vogue. tonométrie, /. tonometry.
— d'accord, agrée. — en déliquescence, tonométrique, a. tonométrie, tonometrical.
deliquesce. tonoscopique, a. tonoscopic.
tombereau, m. tip cart, dump cart. tonsllle, /. (Anat.) tonsil.
tonte 442 toupillage
tonte, /. shearing; clip (the wool sheared); avoir —, be wrong, be in the wrong. faire
shearing time; clipping; pruning. — à, injure, harm, damage.
tontisse, /. flocks from shearing cloth. torte, a. fem. of tors.
tonture, /. shearings (from cloth), flocks. tortelle, /. hedge mustard (Sisymbrium offi-
topaze, /. (Min.) topaz. cinale).
topette, /. slender bottle or flask, phial. tortillement, m. twisting; kinking.
topinambour, m. (Bot.) Jérusalem arti- tortiller, v.t. twist.
choke. tortillon, m. roll (as of cloth or paper).
topique, m. topic; (Med.) local remedy or tortu, a. tortuous, crooked, twisted.
application, topic. a. topicai, local. tortue, /. tortoise, turtle.
toquerie, /. fireplace, nearth (as of a tortueux, a. tortuous, winding, crooked.
forge). toscan, o. Tuscan.
toqueux, m. (Sugar) poker. Toscane, /. Tuscany.
torche, /. torch; mat, pad; coil (as of wire). tôt, adv. soon; early; promptly. — ou tard,
torcher, v.t. wipe; build of torchis. sooner or later.
torchère, /. (Métal.) excess-gas burner. total, a. total, entire. m. total; whole. au
torchis, m. clay mixed with straw, cob. —, on the whole, after ail.
torchon, m. cloth (for wiping or dusting), totalement, adv. totally, entirely.
rag, towel. totalisateur, a. totaling. m. totaler, adder.
torchonner, v.t. wipe, clean, dust. totaliser, v.t. total, add up, sum up.
tordage, m. twisting ; twist. totalité, /. totality, whole, entirety.
tordoir, m. oil mill, oil press; ore crusher; totaux, m. pi. of total.
twisting machine. touage, m. towing, towage.
tordre, v.t. twist ; wring ; wrest ; contort ; touchant, p.a. touching, etc. (see toucher);
distort, v.r. twist ; be twisted. tangent, prep. touching, concerning, about.
tordu, p.a. twisted, etc. (see tordre). touchau, touchaud, m. touch needle ;
tormentille, /. tormentil (Potentilla for- (Elec.) contact, contact pièce.
mentilla). touche, /. touch ; key (of instruments) ;
toron, m. strand ; stranded wire. (Mach.) contact pièce, tracer, roller, etc.;
torpeur, /. torpor. touchstone test ; (Elec.) contact ; drove.
torpide, a. torpid. à la —, (Analysis) by the touch method,
torpille, /. torpédo; (Petroleum) shell. — by the drop test; touch, drop, faire des
dormante, mine. touches, spot-test, drop-test.
torpiller, v.t. torpédo; shoot (a well). toucheau, m. = touchau.
torpilleur, m. torpédo boat; destroyer. toucher, v.t. touch; adjoin; affect; touch
torque, /. coil; twist (as of tobacco); on ; reach, hit ; test (with or as with a
torque. touchstone) ; receive (money) ; be related
torquer, v.t. twist (tobacco). to; drive; (Printing) ink. v.r. touch each
torquette, /. twist (of tobacco). other, touch ; adjoin ; be related ; be
torréfacteur, m. torréfier, roaster. a. tor- touched. v.i. touch; (with à) touch (or
refying, roasting, parehing. touch on) ; impinge. m. touch.
torréfaction, /. torréfaction, roasting. touer, v.t. tow.
torréfier, v.t. torrefy, roast, parch. touffe, /. tuft ; bunch ; cluster ; clump ;
tors, a. twisted ; contorted ; crooked. m. (Mining) chokedamp.
twisting ; twist ; torsion. touffu, a. thick, bushy ; wooded ; full of
torsade, /. twist; coil, hélix; twisted joint. détail.
en —, twisted. touillage, m. mixing, stirring, beating.
touille, /. mixing shovel.
torsadé, p.a. twisted; coiled; spiral-wound. touiller, v.t. mix, stir, beat.
torse, /. screw auger ; (Leather) wringing. touilloir, m. (Gunpowder) mixing tool,
m. trunk, torso ; bust. spatula.
torsinage, m. twisting (of plastic glass). toujours, adv. always, ever ; still ; never-
torsiner, v.t. twist (in glassblowing). theless.
torsion, /. torsion; twisting; twisted state. touloucouna, n. (Bot.) tulucuna, kundah.
torsoir, m. (Leather) wringing pôle. touloupe, /. lambskin.
tort, m. wrong; injury, harm, damage, à —, toupie, /. top, spinning top; shaping ma-
wrongly, wrong, wrongfully. à — et à chine. — mécanique, centrifuge.
travers, at random, without discernaient. toupillage, m. spinning, whirling.
toupillé 443 tourteau
toupillé, p.a. spindïed ; shaped. vortex; (Leather) a sait solution applied
toupiller, v.i. spin, whirl. v.t. spindle ; to tawed leather after dyeing. — à droite,
shape. turning to the right, dextrorotatory. — à
tour, m. turn; révolution; trip; round; cir- gauche, turning to the left, levorotatory.
cuit; tour; contour, outline; réel; feat; tournassage, tournasage, m. (Ceram.)
trick; (Mach.) lathe, turning Iathe; (pot- finishing on the wheel, turning.
ter's) wheel; winch. /. tower; turret. — tournasses tournaser, v.t. (Ceram.) fin-
à main, hand Iathe. — à potier, potter's ish on the wheel, turn.
wheel. — o —, by turns. — de détente, tourna s sin, tournasin, m. (Ceram.) fin-
(Petroleum) flash tower. — de forage, well ishing tool.
derrick. — de fractionnement, fractionat- tournassure, tournasure, /. (Ceram.)
ing tower, (Petroleum) bubble tower. — shavings, turnings.
de Gap-Lussac, Gay-Lussac tower. — de tourne, /. a disease of wine which causes it
Glover, Glover tower. — de main, trick, to become turbid and insipid and partly
dodge, wrinkle ; sleight of hand ; skill ; lose its color.
instant, trice. — de potier, potter's wheel. tourné, p.a. turned, etc. (see tourner), m.
— de rectification, rectifying tower, (Pe- (Leather) = tournant.
troleum) stripping tower. — de sondage, tourne-à-gauche, m. handle, lever ;
well derrick. — d'extinction, quenching wrench; saw set.
tower. — du chat, small space or inter- tournée, /. round, circuit, tour.
val. — mécanique, power Iathe. tournement, m. turning, turn.
touraillage, m. kiln drying, kilning (of tourner, v.t. turn ; examine ; get around.
malt). v.r. be turned; turn. v.i. turn; revolve;
tour aille, /. malt kiln, drier; malt being rotate ; (of milk) turn, become sour or
kilned. rancid; (of wine) become turbid and flat
tourailler, v.t. kiln-dry, kiln (malt). (cf. tourne) ; turn out. — à la graisse,
touraillon, m., touraÛlons, m. pi. malt (Wine) become ropy.
dust. tournesol, m. litmus; (Bot.) turmole. —
tourangeau, o. of Touraine or of Tours. des teinturiers, Chrozophora tinctoria. —
tourbage, m. peat winning; peat formation. en drapeaux, a dye prepared by steeping
tourbe, /. peat (sometimes also called turf). cloths in juice from Croton tinctorium and
— grasse, pitch peat. — mottière, peat in used for coloring cheese red.
blocks. — mousseuse, moss peat. tournesolie, f. (Bot.) Chrozophora tinc-
tourber, v.t. extract peat from. v.i. dig toria.
peat. tournette, /. réel; an instrument for cut-
tourbeux, a. peaty. ting out circular pièces of glass.
tourbier, m. peat worker. a. peaty. tourneur, m. turner. a. turning.
tourbière, /. peat bog, peat bed, turf pit. tournevis, m. screw driver.
tourbillon, m. vortex; eddy; whirl; gyra- tourniquet, m. any of several revolving ob-
tion ; whirlwind ; tornado ; whirlpool ; jects, as a turnstile, a capstan, a pulley,
(Pyro.) tourbillon, tourbillion. a swivel, or (Sugar) an apparatus for
tourbillonnaire, a. vortical ; whirling ; measuring and delivering lime into mo-
turbulent. lasses.
tourbillonnement, m. whirling, eddying. tournoiement, m. turning, whirling.
tourbillonner, v.t. whirl, eddy. tournoyer, v.i. turn round, whirl, spin.
tourelle, /. turret; capstan. tournure, /. turning, turnings; turn; shape.
touret, m, (small) wheel; pulley; réel; drill. — de cuivre, copper turning(s). — de fer,
tourîe, /. carboy; demijohn. — en grès, iron turnmg(s).
stoneware carboy. — en verre, glass car- touroir, m. malt kiln.
boy. tourque, /. (Métal.) tub (as1 :a measure for
tourillon, m. axle, spindle, journal, bearing, ore).
pivot, pin, trunnion, gudgeon. tours-minute, m. pi. révolutions per min-
tourmenter, v.t. tonnent ; distort ; warp. ute.
v.r. warp. tourte, /. press cake (from fruits or seeds) ;
tournage, m. turning ; (Ceram.) throwing. cake of powdered silver ore ; crucible
tournant, p.a. turning ; revolving ; rotary. stand (earthenware disk) ; (Cooking) pie.
m. turn ; turning ; turning point ; bend, tourteau, m. press cake, cake; specif., oil
elbow, corner ; wheel (of a mill) ; shift ; cake; disk. — de bancoul, (Oils) bankul
tourteau 444 tragacanthe
cake, candlenut cake. — de colza, colza run; unsorted material; as it cornes, as is.
cake, râpe cake. — de fourrage, oil cake toute, fem. of tout.
(as a feed). — de graines de coton, cotton- toute-épice, /. allspice, pimento.
seed cake. — de lin, linseed cake. toutefois, adv. nevertheless, yet, still, how-
tous, pi. masc. (of tout) ail. ever.
tous-les-mois, m. tous-les-mois (starch toutenague, /. tutenag, tutenague (the al-
from Canna edulis) ; (Bot.) pot marigold loy).
(Calendula officinalis). toutes, fem. pi. of tout.
tousser, v.i. cough. tout-venant, m. run of mine, mine run;
tout, a. ail ; whole ; every ; any. m. ail ; unsorted material of any kind.
whole; (pi., tous) ail, everyone. adv. ail. toux, /. cough, coughing.
wholly, quite, completely, fully ; very. toxalbumine, /. toxalbumin.
après —, after ail, on the whole. à toute toxémie, /. (Med.) toxemia, toxaemia.
force, absolutely; after ail. à toute heure, toxicité, /. toxicity, poisonousness.
hourly, frequently, continually. à — toxicogène, a. toxicogenic.
événement, at ail events. à — prendre, ail toxicologie, /. toxicology.
things considered, on the whole. à — toxicologique, a. toxicological.
propos, at every instant, de toutes pièces, toxicologue, m. toxicologist.
completely. de — point, in ail points, toxicose, /. toxicosis.
entirely. de — repos, reliable, safe. de — toxigène, a. toxigenic, toxin-producing.
temps, at ail times, always. du —, at ail toxine, /. toxin.
(usually with négative; e.g., pas du tout, toxique, a. toxic, poisonous. m. poison ;
not at ail), en —, in ail. .en — temps, at toxic substance; virus.
ail times, always. sur le —, above ail. toxoïde, m. toxoid.
tous les deux, tous deux, both. tous les toxophore, a, toxophore, toxophoric.
jours, every day. tous les trois, ail three. toxurie, /. (Med.) ureima.
— à coup, suddenly, ail of a sudden. — t.p.m., abbrev. (tours par minute) révolu-
à fait, quite, altogether, wholly, entirely. tions per minute, r.p.m.
— à l'heure, presently, soon, in a moment ; traçage, m. drawing, drafting ; tracing ;
just now, a moment ago. — à plat, flat- opening up, development (of a mine).
wise, fiât. — au moins, at least, at the tracas, m. disturbance; annoyance, worry.
least. — au plus, at most, at the most, at trace, /. trace; track; mark, print; layout.
best. — court, simply, only ; suddenly, tracé, p.a. traced, drawn. m. outline, sketch,
short. — courant, cursorily ; currently ; drawing, plan; layout; tracing, copy; Une,
readily ; running. — d'abord, from the route.
first, from the very first. — de bon, in tracement, m. tracing, drawing, marking.
earnest, seriously. — de go, readily, im- tracer, v.t. trace; draw; sketch; mark out,
mediately. — de même, in the same way ; lay out, plot; develop (a mine).
ail the same. — de suite, at once, imme- traceur, m. tracer; draftsman.
diately, instantly. — du long, ail along; trachée, trachée-artère, /. (Anat.)
at full length ; continuously ; wholly, en- trachea, windpipe.
tirely. — du long de, ail along ; ail through. trachyteux, trachytique, a. traehytic.
— d'un coup, ail at once, at one time. — traçoir, m. tracing point, marking tool.
d'une pièce, ail of one pièce; ail at once; tracteur, m. tractor.
stiff, unbending; stiffly; without interrup- traction, /. traction; hauling, haulage.
tion. — d'un temps, at the same time, at tractoire, a. tractive, tractional.
once, without delay. — d'un tenant, ail in traditionnel, a. traditional.
one pièce, continuous. — en, while, while traditionnellement, adv. traditionally.
at the same time. — en étant, though, traducteur, m. translator.
although. — en gros, in ail, ail together. traduction, /. translation.
— entier, en tire, whole, complète. — en traduire, v.t. translate ; show ; express ;
un tenant, ail in one pièce, continuous. (Law) arraign. v.r. be translatée! ; be
toute épice, allspice, pimento (Pimenta offi- sfrown, be expressed, be manifested.
cinalis). toute proportion gardée, due al- traduisible, a, translatable ; expressible.
lowance being made. — fait, ready made. trafic, m. traffic.
— le long de, ail along; ail through. — le trafiquer, v.i. traffic, trade, deal.
monde, everybody; ail the world. — plat, tragacanthe, /. (Bot.) tragacanth (the
fiât, flatly. — venant, run of mine, mine plant).
trahir 445 transir
trahir, v.t. betray. tramer, v.t. weave; plot, eontrive.
trahison, /. betrayal; treachery; treason. tramway, m. street railway, tramway ;
train, m. train; motion, movement; action; street car, tramcar, tram.
pace, rate, speed ; way, course ; mood ; tranchage, m. cutting, etc. (see trancher);
séries, succession; noise; (Macft.) train of aging of alcoholic liquors by heating in
rolls, rolls. mettre en —, (Mach.) throw closed vessels.
into gear. — de grande vitesse, fast train. tranchant, p.a. cutting, etc. (see trancher) ;
— de marchandises, freight train, goods sharp ; décisive, peremptory ; (of colors)
train. — de voyageurs, passenger train. glaring. m. (cutting) edge; cutter; blade;
— ébaucheur, roughing rolls. — finisseur, tanner's knife; chisel.
finishing rolls. tranche, /. slice; section; slab, plate; edge
traînage, m. hauling, pulling ; drag ; lag- (of a book, coin, etc.); border, rim; sur-
traînant, p.a. dragging, etc. (see traîner); face, face; chisel (ior métal).
dull ; slow ; flagging. tranché, p.a. eut, etc. (see trancher); dis-
traîne, /. dragging, etc. (see traîner). tinct, sharp, clear-cut. m. (Brewing)
traîneau, m. sledge; sied; drag; sleigh. clearing, clarification.
traînée, /. trail; track; streak; train (as of tranchée, /. trench; ditch; drain; cutting,
powder); (Aero*) drag. excavation; (Med.) griping pain.
traînement, m. dragging, etc. (see traîner). trancher, v.t. eut, eut off, eut up; slice;
traîner, v.t. drag, trail; haul, draw, pull; slab; eut short, curtail, abridge; settle (a
tow ; carry along ; drag out, delay, put question), v.r. be eut, be eut off, etc. v.i.
off. v.r. crawl, creep; be long drawn out. contrast ; clash ; décide ; (with de) play,
v.t. drag, trail; be scattered about; lag; affect the part of.
languish. tranchet, m. cutter, knife; chisel.
traire, v.t. milk. tranquille, a. quiet, tranquil, calm.
trait, m. stroke; mark, dash, line, streak; tranquillement, adv. quietly, tranquilly.
eut; shaft, boit, dart, arrow; ray, beam, tranquilliser, v.t. quiet, calm.
flash ; wire ; touch ; piquancy, keenness ; tranquillité, /. quiet, quietness, calmness,
trait ; feature ; connection, relation ; draft. calm, tranquility.
a. drawn, wire-drawn ; milked. — de transaction, /. compromise; transaction.
balance, turning of the scale. — de force, transborder, v.t. transship, tranship.
heavy stroke, heavy Une. — de jauge, transcendant, a. transcendent ; transcenden-
calibration mark. — de lime, file scratch, tal.
file mark. — de repère, référence mark. transcrire, v.i. transcribe, copy.
— discontinu, broken Une. — d'union, transducteur, m. transducer.
hyphen. — interrompu, broken line. — transductlque, o. transducing.
plein, solid line, unbroken line. — pointillé, transestérifleation, /. trans- (or cross-)
— ponctué, dotted line. esterification, alcoholysis.
traitable, a. treatable ; ductile, malléable ; transfèrement, m. transfer.
tractable. transférer, v.t. transfer.
traite, /. trade, traffic ; stage, stretch ; transfert, m. transfer ; transference.
(ComJ draft; milking. transformable, a. transformable; con-
traité, m. treatise; treaty; contract, agree- vertible.
ment. p.p. treated, etc. (see traiter). — transformateur, m. (Elec.) transformer.
à chaud, heat-treated. — abaissent, step-down transformer. —
traitement, m. treatment; processing; man- élévateur, step-up transformer.
agement ; salary, wages, pay. — au plom- transformation, /. transformation; (Org.
bite, (Petroleum) doctor treatment. Chern.) réarrangeraient ; conversion. — de
traiter, v.t. treat; process; prépare, dress Beckmann, Beckmann rearrangement.
(as ore) ; negotiate ; exécute, v.i. treat ;
negotiate. transformer, v.t. transform; change; con-
traître, traîtreux, a. treacherous; traitor- vert. v.r. be transformed, change.
ous. transfuser, v.t. transfuse.
trajectoire, /. trajectory; track, path. transgresser, v.t. transgress.
trajet, m. passage; distance; path; course; transgressivité, /. (Geol.) unconformity.
journey, trip. transiger, v.i. compromise; corne to terras.
trame, /. woof, weft ; screen ; tram (silk transir, v.t. chill, numb; paralyze. v.i. be
thread) ; plot. — de tissu, (Anat.) stroma. chilled; tremble.
transiter 446 travailler
transiter, v.t. convey in transit, v.i. pass transvasement, m. transfer, transference
in transit. (from one vessel to another) ; specif., dé-
transitionnel, a transitional. cantation; (Brewinff) mashing off.
transitoire, a. transitory, transient. transvaser, v.t. transfer (from one vessel
transitoirement, adv. transitorily, tran- to another); specif., decant; (Brewing)
siently. mash off.
translateur, m. (Eiec.) transformer; car- transvaseur, m. person or apparatus that
rier. transfers substances from one vessel to
translation, /. transfer; (Mech.) transla- another.
tion ; transmission. transversal, a. transverse, transversal, cross.
translucide, a. translucent, translucid. transversalement, adv. transversely, cross-
translucidité, /. translucence. wise.
transmetteur, o. transmitting, (of chemical transvider, v.t. empty from one vessel into
agents) carrying. m. transmitter ; carrier. another; specif., decant.
transmettre, v.t. transmit, v.r. be trans- trapèze, m. quadrilatéral having two sides
mitted. parallel, trapezoid (U. S.), trapezium
transmis, p.a. transmitted. (Britain); (Anat.) trapezium; trapèze.
transmission, /. transmission; conveyance. trapéziforme, a. trapézoïdal, trapezoid.
transmuable, a. transmutable. trapézoèdre, m. trapezohedron.
transmuer, v.t. transmute. trapézoïdal, a. trapézoïdal, trapezoid.
transmutabilité, j . transmutability. trapézoîde, m. (Geom.) trapezium. o.
transmutateur, m. transmuter. trapezoid, trapezoidal.
transmutatoire, a. transmutative. trapp, m. (Petrog.) trap, trap rock.
transmuter, v.t. transmute. trappe, /. trapdoor; trap; flap; sliding
transocéanien, a. transoceanic. door.
transparaître, v.i. shine through, show trappéen, o. (Petrog.) trappean, trap.
through. trappistine, /. trappistine (a liqueur).
transparence, /. transparency, transparence. trapu, a. thickset, stocky, dumpy, squat.
transparent, a. transparent, m. transpar- trass, m. trass (a volcanic tufa).
ency (the picture) ; oiled paper ; varnish travail, m. work; working; pièce of work;
job; workmanship; opération; process;
(over colors). labor; industry; make, build; strain, fa-
transpercer, v.t. pierce through, bore tigue (as of metals); straining, warping,
through. swelling, etc. (as of wood) ; working up of
transpirer, v.i. & t. transpire. the glass meited at one time; care, anxiety.
transplanter, v.t. transplant. — à chaud, hot working. — à froid, cold
transport, m. conveyance; carrying, car- working. — à la main, hand labor. —
nage; transport; transmission; transfer. chimique, chemical work. — de grenier,
— à hélice, — en escargot, conveyance by working of hides (in making Hungary
a worm conveyor or spiral conveyor. leather). — d'ensemble, gênerai work, gên-
transportable, a. portable, movable. erai treatise. — de rivière, (Leather)
transporter, v.t. convey, carry; transfer; opérations preîiminary to tanning, as
transport, v.r. be conveyed, etc.; go. softening, cleaning, unhairing, neshing, etc.
(applied by some to the mechanical part
transporteur, m. conveyer, carrier. only and not to soaking, liming, etc.). —
transposer, v.t. transpose, v.r. be trans- du verre, glass working. — emmagasiné,
posed ; undergo réarrangeaient. stored energy. — mécanique, mechanical
transpositeur, a. relating to transposition work; machine work, machining. —• pra-
or rearrangement ; migrational. tique, specif., laboratory work. — utile,
transposition, /. transposition; rearrange- useful effect, useful work. travaux gra-
ment. — benzidinique, benzidine rearrange- phiques, drafting, drawing, designing.
ment or transposition. — 'de Beckmann, travaillé, p.a. worked, etc. (see travailler);
Beckmann rearrangement or transposition. wrought ; elaborate, finished.
— semidique, semidine rearrangement or travailler, v.i. work; specif., ferment;
transposition. strain, warp, swell, etc.; (of colors) alter,
transsudat, m. transudate. fade; labor. v.t. work; work at, on, up,
transsudation, /. transudation. or out; machine, tool, dress; tonnent, v.r.
transsuder, tu. transude. be worked, be wrought; (with o) en-
travailler 447 trempis
deavor. faire —, cause to work; strain; treille, /. vine (esp. grapevine); vine arbor.
put out at interest. treillis, m. lattice, lattieework, trellis;
travailleur, m. worker; workman, laborer. (Métal., etc.) checkerwork ; netting, net-
a. working, industrious, laborious. work ; grating ; sacking, sackeloth. —
travaux, pi. of travail. métallique, wire gauze; wire netting.
travée, /. width, span, bay; girder. treizaine, /. thirteen (or about that).
travers, m. breadth ; thickness ; oblique- treize, a. & m. thirteen ; thirteenth.
ness, crookedness; whim, caprice; side (of treizième, a. & m. thirteenth.
a ship); (Métal.) transverse crack, à —, tréjetage, m. lading (transferring of molten
au — de, across ; through. de —, glass from the pot).
obliquely, askew, awry, crooked(ly) ; cross- tréjeter, v.t. lade, transfer (molten glass).
wise ; wrong, amiss. en —, crosswise, tremblant, p.a. trembling; flickering.
across. tremble, m. aspen, aspen tree; trembling.
traversage, m. (Brewing) racking off. tremblé, a. (of Unes) wavy, waved; trem-
travers-banc, m. (Mining) cross eut. bling.
traverse, /. traverse ; crosspiece, crossbar ; tremblement, m. trembling; flickering. —
stay, brace ; sill ; sleeper, tie ; (Mach.) de terre, earthquake.
crosshead ; short eut, crossroad ; obstacle, trembler, v.i. tremble; flicker; be afraid.
à la —, in the way. trembleur, m. trembler ; vibrator ; buzzer.
traversée, /., traversèment, m. crossing. tremblot(t)er, v.i. tremble (sligôitly);
traverser, v.t. cross, traverse; go through, twinkle, sparkle; flicker.
pass through, penetrate. v.r. be crossed, tremblot(t)ement, m. trembling; flicker-
etc. v.i. cross. (ing) ; twinkling, sparkling.
traversier, a. cross, transverse. trémie, /. hopper, funnel, feeder; pan; bin.
traversin, m. beam (of a balance); cross- en trémies, having hopper-like dépressions
piece, crossbar, crossbeam, etc. -- (said of certain sait crystals).
travertin, m. (Min.) travertine. trémousser, v.i. flutter. v.r. flutter; stir
trébuchant, p.a. tipping the beam, etc. (see about, fidget.
trébucher) ; full weight; stumbling. m. trempabilité, /, temperability, hardenabil-
slight overweight. ity.
trébucher, v.i. tip the beam, turn the scale; trempage, m. soaking, etc. (see tremper).
be of full weight; (of a balance) tip, in- trempant, p.a. soaking, etc. (see tremper) ;
cline ; stumble, trip. v.t. weigh (on a capable of being tempered.
trébuchet, which see). trempe, /. soaking, etc. (see tremper) ;
trébuchet, m. a balance with hanging pans, temper; (Brewing) malting water. — à la
specif. one with rather short arm, used volée, (Métal. ) ordinary tempering. —
for rapid weighing and called (according à l'huile, (Métal.) oil tempering, oil hard-
to use) prescription balance, assay bal- ening. — au plomb, (Métal.) lead harden-
ance, etc. ; beam support ; pan support ; ing. — chimique, (Métal.) chemical hard-
trap, snare. — de précision, précision bal- ening. — de la surface, — en paquet, —
ance. par cémentation, (Métal.) casehardening,
tréfilage, m. wiredrawing. cémentation. — en coquille, chilling. —
tréfiler, v.t. wiredraw, draw. glacée, glass hardness.
ttéfilerie, /. wiredrawing ; wire mill. trempé, p.a. soaked, etc. (see tremper) ;
tréfileur, m. wiredrawer. (thoroughly) wet. m. In the phrase au
trèfle, m. trefoil; specif., clover (Trifolium). trempé, by dipping, by immersion.
— commun, — des prés, common red clover trempe r, v.t. soak, steep ; dip, immerse ;
(Trifolium pratense), — d'eau, buck bean, quench; pickle; drench; wet; dampen (as
marsh trefoil (Menyanthes trifoliata). — paper) ; temper, harden (as steel). v.r.
retourné, buff alo clover ( Trifolium re- be soaked, etc. v.i. soak, steep; be impli-
tréflière, /. clover field. cated. — à blanc, temper when white-hot.
tréfonds, m. ground underneath the soil ; (For other phrases see trempe).
subsoil; (fig.) depth, bottom. trempeur, m. soaker, etc. (see tremper).
tréhala, m. trehala (from beetle cocoons). trempeuse, /. (Métal.) soaking vessel.
treillage, m. trellis, lattice, lattieework. trempis, m. pickle (for metals); aqua fortis;
treillager, v.t. latfcice, trellis. washing (of coloring matters) ; (Paper)
treillageur, m. lattice maker. pulp vat ; (Starch) steeping room ;
trempis 448 trier
(Leather) soaking water; water in which triatomicité, /. triatomicity.
sait fish has been soaked. triatomique, a. triatomic.
trempoir. m., trempoire, /. steeping tub, triazine, /. triazine.
ateeping vat. triazinique, a. triazine, of tiiazine.
trentaine, /. thirty (or about that). triazobenzène, m. azidobenzene, phenyl
trente, a. & m. thirty; thirtieth. azide.
trentième, a. & m. thirtieth. triazolque, a. triazo (azido); (of the acid)
trépan, m. boring bit, bit, drill; boring, triazoic (hydrazoic).
drilling ; trépan ; trepanning. triazol, m. triazole.
trépaner, v.t. bore into, drill into; trépan. tribarytique, o. tribarium.
trépasser, v.i. die. tribasicité, /. tribasic character.
trépidation, /. vibration; trépidation. tribasique, a. tribasic.
trépider, v.i. vibrate; tremble, shake. triboélectricité, /. triboelectricity.
trépied, m. tripod; three-legged support; tribromhydrine, /. tribromohydrin.
trivet. à —, three-legged, with three feet. tribromhydrique, a. trihydrobromic.
trépigner, v.t. tread. v.i. stamp. tribromostanneux, o. bromostannic(II).
très, adv. very, most; much, very much. de tribromostannite, m. bromostannate(II).
— bonne heure, very soon. tribu, /. tribe.
trésaillage, m. = trésaillure. tribune, /. rostrum, platform; stand; gal-
trésaillé, trésallé, o. (Ceram.) crackled. lery.
trésaillure, /. (Ceram.) crack, crackling, tribut, m. tribute.
crazing (of the glaze). tributaire, a. & m. tributary.
trésor, m. treasure; treasury; safe. tributyrine, /. tributyrin.
trésorerie, /. treasury, treasury départaient. tricalcique, a. tricalcium, tricalcic.
trésorier, m. treasurer ; paymaster. tricapronide, n. tricaproïn (glycerol tri-
tressage, m. plaiting, braiding. hexanoate).
tressaille, tressaillure. See trésaillé, tré- tricarballylique, o. tricarballylic.
saillure. tricarbonique, a. tricarboxylic.
tressaillir, v.i. start, thrill; (Ceram.) tricéto-. triketo-, trioxo-.
crackle, craze. tricétone, /. triketone.
tresse, /. braid, plait, plat; strand; pack- trichine, /. (Zoôl.) trichina.
ing, gasket; tress. trichlor-. trichloro-.
tresser, v.t. braid, plait, plat; interweave. trichloracétique, o. trichloroacetic.
tréteau, m. tresle, horse. trichloré, a. trichloro, trichloro-.
treuil, m. windlass, winch, hoist. trichlorhydrique, a. trihydrochloric.
tri, m. sorting. trichlorostanneux, o. chlorostannic(II).
triable, o. capable of being sorted or sep- trichlorostannite, m. chlorostannate(II).
arated or picked. trichlorure, m. trichloride.
triacétine, /. triacetin. trichroïsme, m. trichroism.
triacétylé, a. triacetylated, triacetyl-, tri- trichrome, a. three-color, trichrome.
aeetyl derivative of, triacetate of. trichromie, /. three-color process.
triacétylène, m. triacetylene (benzène). triclinique, a. (Cryst.) triclinic.
triade, /. triad. tricoises, /. pi. pincers.
triadique, o. triad, triadie. tricol, m. three-necked bottle or flask.
triage, m. sorting, etc. (see trier). — à la tricoordiné, tricoordonné, o. tricoor-
main, hand sorting, hand picking. dinated.
trialcoyl-. trialkyl-. tricot, m. knitting ; knit goods.
triaminobenzène, m. triaminobenzene tricoter, v.t. & i. knit.
(benzenetriamine). tricyanhydrine, /. tricyanohydrin, tricyan-
triangle, m. triangle. — acutangle, acute-
angled triangle. — équiangle; equilateral hydrin.
triangle. -- isocèle, ieosceles triangle. — tricyanhydrique, a. trihydrocyanic.
obtusangle, obtuse-angled triangle. — trie, /. sorting.
rectangle, right-angled triangle. trièdre, a. trihedral. m. trihedron.
triangulaire, a. triangular. triennal, a. triennial.
triangulairement, adv. triangularly. triennat, m. three-year period.
triannuel, a. triennial. trier, v.t. sort, separate, size, classify; pick,
triasique, a. (Oeol.) Triassic. pick out, sort out, choose, sélect.
triéthénique 449 tritoxyde
triéthénique, o. containing three double triompher, v.i. triumph; excel.
bonds. trioside, m. trisaccharide.
trieur, m., trieuse, /. sorter, etc. (see trioste, triostée, m. (Bot.) Triosteum.
trier). trioxy-. trihydroxy-; trioxy-. (See note
trifllaire, a (Elec.) three-wire. at oxy-.)
trigaz, m. a mixture of coal gas, producer trioxyde, m. trioxide.
' gas and water gas. trioxyglutarique, o. trihydroxyglutaric.
trigone, a. trigonal. trioxyméthylène, m. trioxymethylene.
trigonelle, /. (Bot.) Trigonella; specif., trioxy naphtaline, /. trihydroxynaphthalene
fenugreek (T. foenum-graecum). (naphthalenetriol).
trigonelline, /. trigonelline. tripalmitine, tripalmatide, /. tripalmitin.
trigonométrie, /. trigonometry. tripe, /. (pi.) entrails; tripe.
trigonométrique, o. trigonometric(al). triphane, m. (Min.) triphane (spodumene).
trigonométriquement, adv. trigonomet- triphasé, a. (Elec.) triphasé, three-phase.
rically. triphénolique, a. triphenolie.
trihalogéné, a. trihalogenated, trihalo. trlphénylétain, m. triphenyltin.
triholoside, m. trisaccharide. triphénylique, o. triphenyl.
trihydrine, /. trihydrin. See hydrine. triphénylméthyle, m. triphenyhnethyl.
trihydroxylé, o. trihydroxy, trihydroxy-. triphénylplomb, m. triphenyllead.
trihydrure, m. trihydride. triphosphorique, a. triphosphoric.
triiodure, m. triiodide. triphylline, /. (Min.) triphylite, triphyline.
trijumeau, a. (Anat.) trigeminal, trifacial. triple, a. triple, threefold. à — action,
trilinéaire, a. trilinear. triple-acting. — liaison, triple union, triple
triloupe, /. three-lens magnifying glass. bond.
trimagnésique, a. trimagnesium. triple-effet, m. triple effect.
trimellique, a. trimellitic, trimellic. triplement, m. tripling. adv. triply.
trimère, a. trimeric. m. trimer. tripler, v.t., T. & i. triple, treble.
trimériser, v.t. convert into a trimer, tri- triplombique, a. triplumbic, trilead. acé-
merize. tate —, trilead dioxide acétate (Pb3O2-
trimésique, a. trimesic. (C2H3O2)2-aq.).
trimestre, m. quarter (of a year), trimester. tripolaire, a. tripoîar, three-pole.
trimestriel, a. quarterly, trimestrial. tripoli, m. tripou; (cap.) Tripoli.
trimestriellement, adv. quarterly. tripolisser, tripolir, v.t. polish with tripoli.
trimethylene, m. trimethylene (either cyclo- tripotage, m. mess, medley ; manipulation.
propane or the radical —CH2CH2CH2 — ). tripoter, v.t. manipulate. v.i. mess, dab-
triméthylénique, a. trimethylene, of tri- ble.
methylene. triquinoyle, m. triquinoyl.
triméthylméthane, m. trimethylmethane trisaccharure, m. trisaccharide.
(isobutane). trisannuel, a. triennial.
trimidine, /. trimidine. trisel, m. neutral sait of a triacid.
trimoléculaire, o. trimolecular. trisilicique, a. trisilicic.
trimorphe, o. trimorphous, trimorphic. trismégiste, a. (Alchemy) Trismegistus.
tringle, /. rod; strip, batten, tringle. trisodique, a. trisodium.
tringler, v.t. (Métal.) shingle. triste, a. sad ; dull, gloomy ; poor, sorry,
tringlette, /. small rod. bad.
Trinité, /. Trinidad. tristéarine, trisiéaride, /. tristearin.
trinitré, a. trinitrated, trinitro. m. trinitro tristement, adv. sadly; poorly, badly.
compound. tristesse, /. sadness; gloominess, dullness.
trinitrine, /. triûitrin (nitroglycerin). trisubstitué, a. trisubstituted.
trinitrotoluol, m. trinitrotoluene. trisulfoarséniate, m. trithioarsenate.
trinôme, a. & m. (Math.) trinomial. trisulfoeonjugué, a. trisulfonated, trisulfo.
trinucléaire, a. trinuclear. trisulfoné, p.a. trisulfonated, trisulfo.
trio, m. (Mach.) three-high roll. trisulfoner, v.t. trisulfonate.
trioléine, trioléide, /. triolein. trisulfure, m. trisulfide.
triomphal, a. triumphal; triumphant. tritane, m. a name for propane.
triomphant, p.a. triumphing; excclling; tritellurure, m. tritelluride.
triumphant ; décisive. trithionique, a. trithionic.
triomphe, m. triumph. tritoxyde, m. tritoxide (trioxide). Obs.
triturateur 450 trouble
triturateur, m. triturator, grinder, crusher. tromperie, /. deceit, déception, fraud.
a. triturating. trompette, /. trumpet. vt. trumpeter.
trituration, /. trituration, grinding, pulveri- trompeur, a. deceiving, deceptive, deceitfuï,
zation, crushing ; attrition. — binaire, false. m. deceiver; beguiler.
trituration of two ingrédients together (as trompeusement, adv. deceptively, deceit-
for gunpowder). — ternaire, trituration of fully. •
three ingrédients together. tronc, m. trunk, main body; stock; stem;
triturer, v.t. triturate, grind, pulverize. stump; (Geom.) frustum. — de cône,
trityie, m. trityl (triphenylmethyl). frustum of a cône, truncated cône.
tritylène, m. propene. Obs. troncature, /. truncation.
trivalence, /. trivalence, tervalency. tronc-conique, o. shaped like a truncated
trivalent, a. trivalent, tervalent. cône.
trivalérine, /. trivalerin. tronçon, m. pièce, fragment, portion, section.
trivial, a. trivial; trite; common. tronconique, a. of the form of a truncated
troc, m. barter, exchange. cône.
trochiscation, /. formation into tablets, tronçonner, v.t* eut up; eut off; truncate.
pastils or troches. trône, m. throne,
trochisque, m. tablet; cake; pastil, pastille tronquer, v.t. truncate; mutilate.
(as for fumigation) ; (Pharm.) troche, trop, adv. too, too much, too many, too
trochiscus, lozenge. far, too long, over-. m. too muoh, excess.
trochisquer, v.t. form into tablets, pastils de —, too much; m excess; superfluous.
or troches. par —, over much, too much, too.
troène, m. (Bot.) privet (Ligustrum). tropacocaïne, /. tropacocaine.
trognon, m. core (as of a fruit); stump, tropane, m. tropane (dihydrotropidine).
stalk. tropéine, /. tropeine.
trois, a. & m. three; third. tropéoline, /. (Dyes) tropeolin(e), tropaeo-
troisième, o. third. m. third; third floor. lin(e).
/. third class. — jet, (Svffar) third spin- tropidine, /. tropidine.
ning. — poudre, (Leather) third dusting tropigénine, /. tropigenine.
and lying (see poudre). — titre, (for gold) tropine, /. tropine.
s. standard of 0.750 fine (18 carats). tropinique, a. tropinic.
troisièmement, adv. thirdly, in the third tropique, o. (of the acid) tropic; tropic,
place. tropical, m. tropic.
trois-pieâs, in. =» trépied. trop-plein, m. overflow; overflow pipe, tube
trois-quarts, m. a large triangular file. or basin ; overflow(ing), waste ; wek.
trois-six, m. spirit containing about 84 vol- tropyle, m. tropinyl (from tropine) ; tropoyl
ume per cent of alcohol. (from tropic acid).
trommel, m. trommel, revolving screen. — troquer, v.t. eïchange, barter.
débourbeur, washing trommel. trottoir, m. sidewalk, foot way; platform.
trommeler, v.t. sort or cleanse in a trom- trou, m. hole; opening, orifice, cavity, bore,
mel. etc.; (Anot.) foramen. — à canon, gun
trompe, /. pump (vacuum or blast pump pit. — borgne, hole bored only part way
operated by a moving fluid), trompe; through. — d'amorce, fuse hole. — de
specif., filter pump ; siphon ; horn ; (steam) charge, — de chargement, charging hole,
whistle; trunk, proboscis; (Anat.) tube; filling hole, Ioading hole. — de coulage,
(Glass) a narrow passage leading into an — de coulée, (Métal.) taphole; (Founding)
' old form of flattening furnace. — à eau, ingate, gâte. — d'écoulement, outlet. —
water-jet pump; water blast. — à mer- de graissage, lubricating hole, oil hole. —
cure, mercury pump, mercurial pump. — de laitier, (Métal.) slag hole. — de lu-
à robinet, water pump (attached to a mière, vent; (of a cartridge) flame passage.
faucet). — aspirante, suction pump. — — de mine, blast hole. — de percée,
à vide, vacuum pump. — de Fullope, Fal- (Métal.) taphole. — de remplissage, fill-
lopian tube. — d'Eustache, Eustaohian ing hole. — de serrure, keyhole. — d'évent,
tube. — hydraulique, water-jet pump; vent hole, air hole. — de vidange, empty-
water blast. — soufflante, blast pump. ing hole. — d'homme, manhole.
tromper, v.t. deoeive; beguile; élude, v.r. trouble, a. turbid, cloudy, troubled, muddy;
be mistaken; be deceived; deceive oneself dull, dim, hazy. m. turbidity, cloudiness;
or one another. v.i. deceive. trouble; disturbance, disorder; misunder-
trouble 451 tube
standing. adv. confusedly, indistinctly. truxillique, a. truxillic.
pr. S sing. of troubler. — laiteux, milki- trypaflavine, /. trypaflavine (aoriflavine).
ness. trypanose, trypanosomiase, /. trypanoso-
troubler, v.t. cloud, render turbid, trouble; miasis.
disturb, trouble, v.r. cloud, become tur- trypsine, /. trypsin.
bid; become dull or dim; become trypsinogène, /. trypsinogen.
troubled. tryptique, a. tryptic.
troué, a. having a hole or holes, holed, tryptophane, m. tryptophan.
bored, pierced, perforated, full of holes. T.S.F., abbrev. (télégraphie sans fil) wire-
trouée, /. gap, opening. less telegraphy, radiotelegraphy, radio.
trouer, v.t. make a hole or holes in, hole, tu, pron. thou, you. p.a. kept secret; silent.
bore, pierce, perforate. v.r. get full of Tu. Symbol of tungstène (tungsten).
holes. tuage, m. killing, slaughtering.
trouille, /. marc; specif., rapeseed marc. tub, m. bathtub; bath.
troupe, /. troop; Company, throng, band, tubage, m. tubing, tubage, lining (with a
body, party, number; herd, drove, flock, tube or pipe), casing.
etc. tube, m. tube; pipe; (pi.) tubes, tubing. —
troupeau, m. flock; herd, drove. à acide carbonique, absorption tube for
trousse, /. case (as of instruments) ; set, carbon dioxide, potash bulbs. — o air, air
kit, outfit; bundle; packet; (Founding) tube. — à azote, nitrogen tube (specif. an
strickle. — alcoométrique, case of alco- absorption tube used in nitrogen détermina-
holometers. — aréométrique, case of hy- tions). — abducteur, delivery tube; out-
drometers. — de pansement, first-aid kit. let tube. — ô boule, bulbed tube (e.g., a
trousseau, m. small bundle or packet; Peligot tube or a safety funnel tube). —
(Anat.) fasciculus; bunch (of keys) ; out- à brome, bromine funnel (a small drop-
fit ; trousseau. ping funnel). — absorbant, absorption
trousser, v.t. turn up; tuck up; pack up; tube. — acidimétrique, acidimétrie tube
tie up; (Founding) strickle, strike up. (esp. one for determining tartaric acid in
trouvable, a. that can be found, discov- wine). — o combustion, combustion tube.
erable. — à condensation, condensation tube (e.g.,
trouvaille, /. find, discovery. for liquefying gases) ; condenser tube. —
trouvé, p.a. found, etc. (see trouver); new, à couleur, color tube (thin tube for hold-
original; happy, felicitous. ing pigments). — adducteur, supply tube
trouver, v.t. find; discover; detect; meet or pipe, inlet tube. — à dégagement, de-
with; think. v.r. be found; occur; be livery tube (for gases). — à dessécher,
présent ; be ; prove to be ; meet, meet with ; drying tube. — à distillation fractionnée,
find oneself ; think oneself ; feel ; happen ; fractional distillation tube, distillation tube,
happen to be. — à,, find a way (to), con- distilling tube. — à distiller, distilling
trive. — à dire à, find fault with. tube, distillation tube. — à eau, water
trub-sac, m. (Brewing) sédiment bag, filter tube, specif. a tube in which water is col-
bag. lected and weighed. — à entonnoir, fun-
truc, m. truck (Bailways) flatcar; clever- nel tube, thistle tube. — à essai, test tube.
ness, skill; trick. — à extraction, extraction tube. — à
truellage, m. troweling. fourche, Y tube. — à fumée, (Sêeom) fire
truelle, /. trowel. tube. — à gaz, gas tube, gas tubing. —
truellée, /. trowelful. alimentaire, (Mach.) feed pipe. — allonge,
trueller, v.t. trowel, work with a trowel. lengthening tube. — à ponce, an absorp-
truellette, /. small trowel. tion tube containing pumice soaked with
truffe, /. truffle. some reagent, esp. sulfuric acid. — à po-
truie, /. sow. tasse, potash bulbs. — à poudre, powder
truite, /. trout. tube. — o réaction, reaction tube. — à
truite, a. spottcd, speckled; mottled (as rectifier, rectifying tube, distilling tube. —
iron); (Ceram.) finely crackled so as to à réduction, réduction tube. — à robinet,
suggest fish scales, truite. tube with stopeock. — à tare, weighing
trusquin, m. marking gage, surface gage. tube. — à tirage, drawtube. — atmos-
trustée, m. (Com.) member of a trust. phérique, air tube; vacuum tube or pipe.
trusteur, m. organizer of a trust. — à vaccin, vaccine tube. — à vide, vac-
truxilline, /. truxilline. uum tube, vacuum tubing. — à vis, a
tube 452 tufier
long narrow cylindrical bottle with a screw gage tube. — laboratoire, reaction tube.
top. — barboteur, bubbling tube {as a — latéral, side tube, latéral tube; side
gas-washing bottle or a vessel for the bac- neck. — laveur, absorption tube (through
teriological analysis of air). — broyeur, which gases are bubbled); gas-washing
tube mill. — capillaire, capillary tube. — tube. — mesureur, measuring tube. —
collecteur, colleeting tube. — d'affluence, métallique, métal tube. — pour cultures,
influx (or inflow or inlet) tube, filling tube. culture tube. — pour essais, test tube. —
— d'alimentation, (Mach.) feed pipe. — Preusser, a U tube for drying with phos-
d'allumage, incandescent tube. — d'amor- phorus pentoxide. — rectificateur, rectify-
çage, — d'amorce, priming tube. — d'ar- ing column. — sans soudure, seamless tube.
rivée, inlet tube, influx tube. — d'asper- — scellé, sealed tube, closed tube, specif.
sion, spraying tube. — de charge, — de bomb tube. — séparateur, separating tube
chargement, charging tube, loading tube. (specif. a tube for colleeting separately dis-
— de communication, Connecting tube, con- tillation fractions). — soudé, welded tube
nection tube, connection. •— d'écoulement, or pipe. — sulfimétrique, a graduated tube
draining tube or pipe, drain. — de cuivre, for determining sulfurous acid in wineB. —
copper tube, oopper pipe. — de dégage- témoin, indicator tube, indicating tube;
ment, delivery tube (for gases). — de comparison tube, tube used as a standard
Delattre, Delattre tube (for determining of comparison, control tube. — tuteur,
organie nitragen). — de dérivation, branch protecting tube. — uréométrique, urea-
tube or pipe. — de Frédéricq, a kind of metric tube, ureameter. — Welter, a safety
ureameter. — de fumée, {Botter»') fire tube for retorts and flasks. (See also the
tube. — de Geissler, (Blet.) Geissler tube. phrases under tuyau.)
— de laiton, brass tube, brass pipe. — de tube-foyer, m. (cylindrical) flue.
Liebig, Liebig bulbs. — de Mohr, Geissler tube-laveur, m. gas-washing tube.
bulbe. — de Nessler, Nessler tube. — de tuber, v.t. tube (Une with a tube, furnish
niveau, gage glass. — de Péligot, Peligoi with tubes, inclose in tubes, etc.), case.
tube. — de piomb, lead tube. — tubercule, m. tuber; tubercle; nodule.
d'épreuve, — d'essai, test tube. — de tuberculeux, a. tubercular, tubereulous.
eureté, safety tube (specif. a safety funnel). tuberculine, /. tuberculin.
— d'étain, tin tube (of solid or block tin). tuberculiser, v.t. tuberculize.
— de Vigreux, Vigreux tube (for fractional tuberculose, /. (Med.) tuberculosis.
distillation in vaeuo). — distributeur, dis- tubéreuse, /. tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa).
tributing tube. — divisé, graduated tube. tubéreux, a. tuberous; bulbous.
— doseur, measuring tube (as for filling tube-témoin, m. = tube témoin, at tube.
ampoules). — d'Yvon, a kind of ureame- tube-tirage, m. drawtube.
ter. — effilé, drawn-out (or tapering) tube, tubocurarlae, /. tubocurarine.
specif. a centrifuge tube. — en acier, steel tubulalre, a. tubular.
tube, steel pipe, steel cylinder. — en bis- tubule, m. small tube, tubule, tubulus.
cuit, porcelara tube (usually unglazed or tubulé, a. tubulated.
glazed on the interior only). — en
caoutchouc, rubber tube, rubber tubing. — tubuleux, a. tubulous, tubulose.
en carton, paper tube. — en fer, iron tube, tubulure, /. tubulure, tubulation; tubulus,
iron pipe. — en fer bouché à vis, iron tube tubule, small tube or pipe ; neck ; socket ;
•with Berew cap. — en grès, stoneware tube. (Geol.) sand pipe; (Mach.) manifold. —
— en Jéna, tube of Jena glass. — en pa- plongeante, a tubulure which is prolonged
pier, paper tube. — en porcelaine, porce- into the interior of the vessel.
lain tube. — en silice, silica tube. — en tuc-tur, m. a kind of nickel silver. 7W.
terre, earthenware tube, fireclay tube. — tue-chien, m. (Bot.) meadow saffron (Col-
en U, U t»be, U-tube. — en verre, glass chicum autumnale) ; dogbane (Apocynum).
tube. — en verre de Bohême, tube of Bo- tue-fourmis, m. ant poison, formicide.
hemian glass. — en verre d'Iéna, tube of tue-mouche, m. poison ây paper; fly agaric
Jena glass. —• étiré, <lrawn tube. — tuer, v.t. & r. kill; slaughter.
fermé, closed tube. — filtrant, — filtre, tuerie, /. slaughterhouse, abattoir.
filter(ing) tube, filter stick; screen pipe. tuf, m. (Geol.) tufa, tuff ; (fig.) bottom.
— finisseur, {Ores) tube mill. — flexible, tufacé, a. tufaceous, tuffaceous.
flexible tube, hose. — fuyant, leaky tube. tufleau, tufeau, m. ealcareous tufa.
— indicateur, indicator tube. — jaugeur, tufier, a. tufaceous. m. tufa quarry.
tuile 453 tuyau
tuile, /. tile; misfortune. — creuse, gutter turbine, / . centrifugal, centrifuge; turbine.
tile; hollow tile. — écaille, a fiât tile with (Turbine in the sensé of "centrifugal" 00-
one edge curved so as to resemble a fish curs in English but has not been generally
scale when laid. — faîtière, ridge tile. — recognized.) — à vapeur, steam turbine.
flamande, Flemish tile, pantile. — panne, — essoreuse, centrifugal, centrifuge, hydro-
pantile. — plate, flat tile. extractor.
tuileau, m. fragment of a tile. turbiner, v.t. centrifuge, centrifugalize.
tuilerie, /. tile works, tilery; tile making; turbineur, m. centrifugal operator.
(pi.) Tuileries. turbith, m. turpeth (also turbeth, turbith).
toilette, /. small tile. — minéral, turpeth minerai, yellow mer-
tuilier, a. of or pertaining to tile making. curic subsulfate (trimercuric dioxide sul-
m. tile maker ; brick burner. fate, Hg3O2SO4). — nitreux, dimercuric
tularémle, /. (Med.) tularemia. hydroxide nitrate, Hg2(OH)NO3. — végé-
tulipe, /. tulip. tal, vegetable turpeth, Indian jalap
tulipier, m. tulip tree (Liriodendron tu- (Ipomoea turpethum root and plant).
lipi/era). turbo-soufflante, -souffleuse, /. turbo-
tulle, m. tulle, fine silk net. blower.
tuméfier, v.t. & r. tumefy, swell. turbulence, /. turbulence, turbulency.
tumeur, /. (Med.) tumor, tumour, growth. turbulent, a. turbulent, m. a cubical ro-
tumulte, m. tumult, disturbance, agitation. tating box in which skins are agitated with
tumultueusement, adv. tumultuously, vio- water to clean and soften them.
lently. turc, o Turkish. m. Turkish; (cap.) Turk.
tumultueux, a. tumultuous; (of réactions) turgide, a. turgid, swollen.
violent, stonny. turnep, turneps, m. rutabaga; mangel-
tungstate, m. tungstate. — d'ammoniaque, wurzel.
ammonium tungstate. — de potasse, po- turpéthine, / . turpethin.
tassium tungstate. — de soude, sodium turque, o. fem. Turkish.
tungstate. turquet, m. niaizc, (Indian) corn.
tungstate, a. treated with a tungstate; Turquie, / . Turkey.
tungstate of. turquin, a. (of blue) dark; désignât ing a
tungstène, m. tungsten, wolfram. kind of blue marble veined with white.
tungstène-V-octocyanhydrique, a. cy- tussah, tussau, a. (Silk) tussah, tussch.
anotungstic(V). tussigène, o. (Med.) cough-provoking.
tungstène-V-octocyanure, 77t. cyanotung- tussilage, m. (Bot.) coltsfoot (Tussilago).
state(V). tussore, tussor, m. tussah silk; a light silk
tungsténifère, a. tungsteniferous. fabric.
tungsteux, a. tungstous. tute, /. assay crucible (small cup with foot).
tungstide, n. any tungsten minerai. tutelle, /. tutelage; guardianship.
tungstique, a. tungstic; specif., tungsten - tutenay, n. tutenag (crude zinc).
(VI). tuteur, a. protecting. m. protector, specif.
tungstoborlque, a. tungstoboric. a support or guard for plants ; guardian.
tungstocyanure, m. cyanotungstate. tutie, tuthie, /. tutty (crude zinc oxide).
tungstooctocyanure, m. cyanotungstate. tuyau, m. pipe, tube, hose, conduit; Hue;
tungstosilicate, m. silicotungstate. (hollow) stem, stalk. — à eau, water pipe,
tungstosilicique, a. silicotungstic. — à gaz, gas pipe, gas tube. — à in-
tungstyle, m. tungstyl(WO). cendie, fire hose. — alimentaire, feed pipe.
tuniciers, m. pi. (Zob'l.) Tunicata. — à vapeur, steam pipe. — collecteur, col-
tunicine, /. tunicin.
tunique, /. tunic; coat, layer, envelope. lecting pipe or tube. — coudé, elbow pipe
Tunisie, /. Tunis (the country). or tube. — courbé, bent pipe or tube. —
tunisien, o. Tunisian. d'arrivée, supply pipe, intake pipe. —
turanose, /. turanose (a disaccharide). d'arrosage, sprinkling (or spraying) hose.
turbide, o. turbid, clouded, cloudy. — d'aspiration, suction pipe or hose. —
turbidité, /. turbidity, cloudiness. d'échappement, exhaust pipe. — de
turbinage, m. centrifugalizing, centrifugali- cheminée, chimney nue, nue, smoke pipe,
zation, centrifuging (called also, in particu- stack. — de communication, Connecting
lar cases, spinning, machining, turbinage, pipe or tube. — de conduite, conduit. —
wringJDg). de décharge, discharge pipe, —de dégage-
tuyau 454 tyrotoxine
ment, delivery pipe; escape pipe. — de type, m. type; standard; character. o.
départ, delivery pipe; waste pipe. — d'en- standard.
trée, inlet pipe, supply pipe. — de fonte, typer, v.t. stamp. v.i. reach a standard, be
cast-iron pipe. — de plomb, lead pipe. — of a certain standard.
de refoulement, delivery pipe ; exhaust typhique, a. (Med.) relating to typhus
pipe ; compression pipe. — de sortie, de- (which see), typhous, typhoid, etc.
livery pipe. — de trop-plein, overflow typhoïde, a. (Med.) typhoid.
pipe. — de vapeur, steam pipe. — de typholysine, /. typholysin.
vidange, escape pipe, discharge pipe, ex-
haust pipe, blow-off pipe, waste pipe. — typhon, m. typhoon; (Geol.) stock, batho-
de vide, vacuum pipe or tube. — d'intro- lith.
duction, admission pipe. — élastique, hose, typhus, m. Any of several contagious dis-
hose pipe. — en caoutchouc, rubber hose, eases (see the phrases). — abdominal,
rubber tube. — flambeur, nue; flame tube typhoid fever. — aviaril, yellow fever. —
(of a singeing apparatus). — flexible, hose. exanthêmatique, typhus, typhus fever. —
— principal, main pipe, main. — souffleur, traumatique, gangrené.
blast pipe. (See also the phrases under typique, a. typical; (of persons) original.
tube.) typographie, /. typography.
tuyautage, m. pipes, piping, tubes, tubing. typographique, a. typographie, typographi-
tuyauterie, /. pipes, piping, tubes, tubing; cal.
(Mach.) manifold; pipe Works, pipe lac- typographiquement, adv. typographically.
tory; pipe trade. tyramine, /. tyramine.
tuyauteur, m. pipe fitter. tyrannie, /. tyranny.
tuyère, /. blowpipe; blast pipe; nozzle; tyranniser, v.t. tyrannize over.
(Métal.) tuyère, twyer. tyrien, a. Tyrian.
tx., abbrev. (tonneaux) barrels. tyrolien, a. Tyrolese.
tympe, /. (Métal.) tymp. tyrosine, /. tyrosine.
tyndalliser, v.t. tyndallize, Tyndallize. tyrotoxine, /. tyrotoxine.
U.A., abbrev. (unité Angstroem) angstrom unifier, v.t. unify; standardize.
unit. unifilaire, a. unifilar.
ulcère, m. (Med.) ulcer. uniforme, a. & m. uniform.
ulcérer, v.t. & r. uïcerate. uniformément, adv. uniformly.
ulcéreux, a. (Med.) ulcerous. uniformiser, v.t. make uniform; standard-
ulexine, /. ulexine (cytisine). ize.
ulmaire, /. meadowsweet (Spiraea saïicifolia uniformité, /. uniformity.
or Filipendula ulmaria). uniment, adv, evenly, smoothly, uniformly;
ulmine, /. ulmin. simply, plainly.
nlmique, a. ulmic. unimoléculaire, a. monomolecular.
ultérieur, a. ulterior ; further ; subséquent. union, /. union ; unity.
ultérieurement, adv. later, subsequently. uniphasé, a. (Elec.) single-phase, uniphase.
ultime, ultième, a. last, ultimate, final; (of unipolaire, a. unipolar.
analysis) elementary. unique, a. only, single, sole; unique; singu-
ultimo, adv. lastly, finally. lar.
ultra-acide, a. ultra-acid, strongly acid. uniquement, adv. only, solely, alone; above
ultra-acoustique, a. supersonic. ail ; uniquely.
ultra-basique, a. ultrabasic, strongly basic. unir, v.t. unité ; level, smooth. v.r. unité.
ultracentrifugeuse, /. ultracentrifuge. uniréfring ent, a. singly-refracting.
ultra-chimique, a. ultrachemical. unissant, p.a. uniting.
ultra-court, a. ultrashort. unisson, m. unison ; simultaneous action.
Ultrafiltre, m. ultrafilter. unitaire, a. unitary; unit.
ultramicroscopie, /. ultramicroscopy. unité, /. unit; unity. — attractive, unit of
ultramicroscopique, /. ultramicroscopic(al). attraction. — de chaleur, heat unit, unit
ultrapur, a. ultrapure. of heat, thermal unit. — de longueur, unit
ultra-rapide, a. high-speeâ, ultr&rapiâ. of îength. — de poids, vaut of weight. —
ultra-rouge, a. uîtrared, infrared. de puissance, unit of power. — souris,
Ultra-son, m. supersonic, ultrasonic. mouse unit.
ultra-sonore, a. supersonic, ultrasonic. univalence, /. univalence, monovalence.
ultra-terrestre, a. ultraterrestrial. univalent, a. univalent, monovalent.
un, a. <fc pron. one. article, a, an. m. one. univers, m. universe.
V— Vautre, each other, reciprocally. — à universaliser, v.t. universalize.
—, one by one. universalité, /. universality ; entirety,
unanime, a. unanimous. universaux, pi. of universel.
unanimement, adv. unanimously. universel, a. universal ; (Law) residuary.
unanimité, /. unanimity. m. universal.
undécolique, a. undecolic (9-undecynoic). universellement, adv. universally.
une, fem. (of un) one, a, an. universitaire, o. university, of a (or the)
uneicosane, m. heneicosane, henicosane. university. m. university professor.
uni, p.a. united; even, level, smooth; uni- université, /. university; specif. (cap.), the
form, constant; calm, quiet; regular, usual;
plain ; simple, adv. evenly. m. fabric of University of France.
solid (single) color ; plainness of color. univoque, a. univocal, unequivocal ; (of a
uniaxe, a. uniaxial. reaction) one-way.
uniaxie, /. uniaxial character. upas, m. upas (tree or juice).
unicellulaire, a. unicellular, one-celled. Ur. Symbol of uranium.
unicité, /. uniqueness. uracile, uracil, m. uracil.
unicolore, a. of one color, unicolor, uni- ural, m. (Pharm.) ural (chloral-urethan).
colour. uramile, m. uramil.
unième, a. (in compound numbers) first. uraminé, a. ureido, carbamido, combined
unification, /. unification ; standardization. with the radical H 2 NCONH-.
urane 456 utilisateur
urane, m. uranium; (formerly) uranium ox- usage, m. use; usage, custom, practice. d'—,
ide. — oxydulé, (.Min.) pitchblende. customary. hors d'—, out of use, no
uraneux, a. uranous. longer in use. — courant, current use,
uranide, n. (Min.) any uranium minerai. common use.
uranifère, a. uraniferous. usagé, a. used; second-hand; old.
uranine. /. uranin (fluorescein). usé, p.a. used; worn, worn out, old, spent.
uranique, a. uranic. user, v.t. use up, use, consume; wear out,
uranyle, m. uranyl. wear away, wear down; grind, polish, rub;
urao, m. (Min.) urao, trôna. impair, v.r. be used up, etc.; wear out,
urate, m. urate. — de lithine, lithium urate. wear away; rub; deteriorate. v.i. (with
uratique, o. urate, of urates. de) use. m. wear, wearing.
urazol, m. urazole. useur, m. grinder, polisher. a. wearing;
urbain, a. urban, city. grinding. — de grain, (Ceram.) polisher,
uréchltine, /. urechitin. grinder, finisher.
uréchitoxine, /. urechitoxin. usinabilité, /. machinability.
urée, /. urea. — composée, substituted urea. usinable, a. machinable.
uréine, /. urein. usinage, m. machining, machine work.
uréique, a. urea, of urea, pertaining to urea. usine, /. factory, raanufactory, works, mill,
urémie, /. (Med.) uremia, uraemia. plant, shop, station. — à gaz, gas Works.
urémique, a. (Med.) urémie, uraemic. — à pétrole, oil refinery. — centrale,
uréomètre, m. ureameter, ureometer. power house, power station. — de finissage,
uréométrie, /. ureametry, ureometry. finishing factory or mill, specif. (Dyes) a
uretère, m. (Anat.) ureter. factoiy that starts with intermediates. —
uréthan, uréthanne, m. urethan. d'engrais, fertilizer factory. — d'impres-
urètre, urèthre, m. (Anat.) urethra. sion, print works. — électrique, electrio
uréyle, m. ureido group, H2NCCNH—. plant. — éîévatoire pour les eaux, water-
urgemment, adv. urgently. works, pumping station. — frigorifique,
urgence, /. urgency; emergency. refrigerating plant. — génératrice, power
urginée, /. (Bot.) Urginea; (Pharm.) squill. plant, power station. — sidérurgique, iron-
nricurie, /. urioaoiduria. works, steel plant.
uridine, /. uridine. usiner, v.t. machine, tool, work with a ma-
uridylique, a. uridylic. chine tool.
urinaire, a. urinary. usinier, m. manufacturer, o. manufactur-
urinémie, /. (Med.) uremia, uraemia. ing.
uriner, v.i. urinate. usité, p.a. used, in use; customary, usual.
urineux, o. urinous, urinose. usnique, a. usnic.
urinomètre, m. urinometer. usquebac, m. whisky (esp. Scotch or Irish).
urique, a. uric. ustensile, m. utensil; implement, instru-
urobiline, /. urobilin. ment. — aratoire, agricultural implement.
urobilinogène, m. urobilinogen. — chimique, chemical utensil. — de cuisine,
urobilinurie, /. urobilinuria. kitchen utensil. — de laboratoire, labora-
nroémie, /. (Med.) uremia, uraemia. tory utensil. — de ménage, household uten-
uroérythrine, /. uroerythrin. sil.
urogène, a. urogenous, urogenic. ustion, /. burning, combustion; cautery.
urolithe, m. urolith, urinary calculus. usuel, a. usual ; common ; customary.
urologique, a. urologic(al). usuellement, adv. usually, commonly.
nromètre, m. urometer, urinometer. usufruit, m. (Lam) usufruct.
uronique, a. uronic. Usure, /. wear, wearing, wearing out; wear
urophage, a. decomposing urea. and tear ; usury.
uroporphyrine, /. uroporphyrin. usure, a. worn-out.
uroscopie, /. (Med.) uroscopy. usurpateur, m. usurper, a. usurping.
uroscopique, a. uroscopie usurper, v.t. usurp, encroach on. v.i. en-
urotoxique, a. urotoxic. croach.
urotropine, /. urotropine (hexamethylene- utile, a. useful; bénéficiai, advantageous ;
tetramine). convenient ; serviceable ; profitable.
uroxanique, a. uroxanic. utilement, adv. usefully, etc. (see utile).
ursolique, a. ursolic. utilisable, a. utilizable, serviceable.
urticaire, /. (Med.) urticaria. utilisateur, m. user.
utilisation 457 uzarine
utilisation, /. utilisation, use. uve, /. (Old Pharm.) lead carbonate oint-
utiliser, v.t. utilize, use. ment.
utilitaire, a. utilitarian. uvitique, a. uvitic.
utilité, /. utility; use, benefit, profit. uvitonique, a. uvitonic.
Utopique, a. Utopian. uwarowite, /. (Afin.) uvarovite.
uva ursi. {Bot.) bearberry, uva-ursi. uzarine, /. uzarin.
V., abbrev. (voyez, voir) see; (votre) your; vaillant, m. possessions, property, fortune.
(volume) volume ; (volt) volt ; (vitesse) adv. worth, in value, a. valiant.
speed, velocity. vaillantite, /. (Mil.) a mixture of tin tetra-
va, pr. S sing. (of aller) goes. % sing. imper, chloride and methyl chlorosulfonate.
(of aller) go ! interj. believe me ! ; done ! vaille, pr. 3 sing. subj. of valoir.
va., abbrev. volt-ampère(s). vain, a. vain; (of land) waste, unoccupied;
vacance, /. vacancy; vacation. void, invalid. en —, in vain, vainly.
vaccénique, a. vaccenic, 11-octadecenoic. vaincre, v.t. overcome; surmount, vanquish,
vaccin, m. tfc a. vaccine. conquer, subdue; surpass, outdo.
vaccinateur, m. vaccinator. a. vaccinating. vaincu, p.p. (of vaincre) overcome, etc.
vaccine, /. (Med.) vaccinia, cowpox. vainement, adv. vainly, in vain.
vacciner, v.t. vaccinate. vainquent, pr. 3 pi. indic. & subj; of
vaccinlque, a. vaccine. vaincre.
vache, /. cow ; cowhide ; leather (from vainqueur, m. victor, conqueror. a. vic-
cowhide). torious.
vachelin, vacherin, m. a kind of Gruyère vainquit, p. def. 3 sing. of vaincre.
cheese. vais, pr. 1 sing. (of aller) am going.
vachette, /. kip, kipskin (from cattle). vaisseau, m. vessel ; ship ; structure, édi-
vacillant, p.a. wavering, etc. (see vaciller); fice; tube, duct. — criblé, (Bot.) sieve
unsteady, inconstant. tube. — de terre, earthen vessel. — san-
vacillation, /., vacillement, m. wavering, guin, blood vessel.
etc. (see vaciller); unsteadiness. vaisselée, /. (Textiles) troughful.
vaciller, v.i. waver, flicker, tremble, shake, vaisselle, /. dishes, tableware. — d'argent,
stagger, fluctuate ; vacillate ; falter. silver plate. — de porcelaine, table china.
vacillité, /. unsteadiness, waveringness. — d'êtain, tin tableware, pewter. — de
vacoi, m. screw pine (Pandanus). terre, earthenware for the table. — plate,
vacuité, /. vacuity, emptiness. plate.
vacuolaire, a. vacuolar; (Geol.) vesicular. vaissellerie, /. tableware or its manufacture.
vacuole, /. vacuole; (Geol.) vesicle. vake, /. (Geol.) wacke.
vacuole, a. vacuolated ; vesicular. val, m. valley, vale.
vacuomètre, m. vacuometer, vacuum gage. valable, a. valid, good; cogent.
vadeux, a. (Geol.) vadose. valablement, adv. validly, with légal force.
va-et-vient, m. back-and-forth (or up-and- Valachie, /. Wallachia.
down) motion, reciprocating motion ; valait, imp, S sing. (of valoir) was worth,
(Mach.) reciprocating gear. a. back-and- etc.
forth, reciprocating. valant, p. pr. (of valoir) being worth, etc.
vagabonder, v.i. ramble, wander, rove. valaque, a. Wallachian.
vagin, m. (Anat.) vagina. valence, /. valence; (cap.) Valencia (Spain);
vaginé, a. vaginate, sheathed. (cap.) Valence (France). — impaire, odd
vagon, vagon-citerne, etc. See wagon,
wagon-citerne, etc. valendré, a. (Ceram.) warped, out of shape.
vagotonine, /. vagotonin. valent, pr. 3 pi. (of valoir) are worth, etc.
vaguage, m. stirring (cf. vaguer, v.t.).
vague, /. wave; (Brewing) an iron stirring valentiel, a. of valence, of valency.
tool, rake. m. vagueness; waste land ; valérène,
m. amylene (C5H10). Old.
valérate, m. valerate, va-
empty space. a. vague; empty; (of land)
waste, untilled. — de gaz, {Mil.) gas cloud. lerianate. — d'ammoniaque, ammonium
vaguement, adv. vaguely. valerate. — de soude, sodium valerate.
vaguer, v.i. wander. v.t. (Brewing) stir or valériane, /. (Bot.) valerian (Valeriana).
mix (mash) with the rake or rakes. — américaine, American valerian (any of
vagueur, m. (Brewing) stirrer, mixer. several American species of Cypripedium),
valériane 459 vapeur
— officinale, common valerian (Valeriana valvule, /. valvule, small valve ; (Anat.)
officinalis). valve.
valérianique, valérique, a. valeric, va- van, m. van, fan.
lerianic. vanadate, m. vanadate. — d'ammoniaque,
valérine, /. valerin (glycerol trivalerate). ammonium vanadate. — de soude, sodium
valéroamylique, a. In the phrase éther vanadate.
valéroamylique, amyl valerate. vanadeux, a. vanadous, vanadious.
valéryle, m. valeryl. vanadié, a. containing or treated with
valérylène, m. valerylene (a mixture of vanadium.
CsHs hydroearbons, specif. 2-pentyne). vanadifère, a. vanadiferous.
valet, m. support, rest; specif., a ring of vanadihate, m. vanadate.
straw or other material on which to set vanadine, /. vanadium pentoxide, V2O5.
balloon flasks, etc.; clip, clamp, holdfast, vanadique, a. vanadic.
claw, dog; door weight; servant, valet, vanadium-III-hexathiocyanate, m. thio-
groom. — élévateur, a hydraulic lifting cyanatovanadate(III).
jack for heavy loads. — en bois, wooden vanadocyanure, m. cyanovanadate(II).
ring. — en jonc, reed ring, rush ring. — vanadyle, m. vanadyl.
en paille, straw ring. vanille, /. vanilla.
valeur, /. value, worth ; bill, paper (of vanillé, a. flavored with vanilla.
money value), security; valor. la — de, vanillier, m. vanilla plant, esp. V. plani-
the équivalent of, what amounts to. folia.
mett re en —, enhance in value, improve. vanilline, /. vanillin.
sans —, valueless, worthless. — antiquaire, vanillique, a. vanillic.
scrap value, junk value. — approchée, ap- vanillisme, m. (Med.) vanillism.
proximate value. — fixe, fixed value, con- vanillon, m. an inferior variety of vanilla
stant. — limite, limiting value. — mar- or vanilla bean, vanillon.
chande, commercial value, market value. vanité, /. vanity.
— moyenne, mean value, mean. vannage, m. winnowing, fanning.
valide, a. healthy, vigorous; valid. vanne, /. valve, gâte valve, gâte ; sluice
valider, v.t. validate, make valid. gâte, water gâte; vane; damper; shutter
validité, /. validity, validness. (of a fan); basket (for carboys). a. See
valine, /. valine. eaux vannes, under eau. — d'air chaud,
vallée, /. valley. (Métal.) hot-blast valve. — d'air froid,
vallon, m. small valley, dell. (Métal. ) cold -blast valve. — papillon,
vallonée, /. valonia. butterfly valve.
vallonier, m. valonia oak (Quercus aegilops). vannée, /. material removed by winnowing.
valoir, v.i. be worth, be of value, hâve the vannelle, /. small valve; small sluice gâte.
value of, be as good as; merit, deserve. vanner, v.t. winnow, fan; gâte; tire out.
v.t. gain, win ; procure ; yield. autant vanneur, m., vanneuse, /. winnower ;
vaudrait, it would be equally well. à —, vanner.
on account. faire —, render valuable, im- vannure, /. material removed by winnow-
prove, turn to account, make the most of ; ing.
urge, emphasize, call attention to ; com- vantail, m. wing, leaf (of a door, etc.).
mend, praise. vaille que vaille, corne what vanter, v.t. praise, boast of, vaunt. v.r.
may, at ail events, for better or for worse. boast, brag.
— mieux, be better, be préférable ; be vap., abbrev. (vapeur) vapor, steam.
worth more. vapeur, /. vapor, vapour ; steam ; fume,
valoné, m., valonée, /. valonia. exhalation, damp ; steamer, steamboat. à
—, (usually) steam. en —, in the form of
valu, p.p. (of valoir) valued ; gained ; vapor; with steam on, with steam up. —
yielded. à citerne, tank steamer. — d'eau, water
Valut, p. def. S sing. (of valoir) was worth, vapor; steam. — d'eau surchauffée, super -
etc. heated steam, superheated water vapor.
valve, /. valve; (Elec.) specif., électron — d'échappement, exhaust steam. — de
tube. — de sûreté, safety valve. décharge, exhaust steam. — fraîche, live
valve, a. valved, valvate. steam. — humide, — mouillée, moist va-
valve-tiroir, /. slide valve. por ; moist steam, wet steam. — saturante,
valvoliue, /. a cylinder oil. — saturée, saturated vapor ; saturated
vapeur 460 végétarien
steam. — sèche, dry vapor; dry steam. sel of Bohemian glass. — de condensation,
— surchauffée, superheated vapor; super - condenser. — de Dewar, Dewar vessel. —
heated steam. — vive, live steam. de Mariotte, Mariotte bottle, Mariotte
vaporeux, a. vaporous, vapory; misty. flask. — de sûreté, safety vessel (as one
vaporifère, m. steam generator. for catching liquid that may come over in
vaporisage, m. vaporization ; steaming; distillation). — en Bohême, vessel of Bo-
spraying. hemian glass. — en grès, stoneware vessel.
vaporisateur, m, vaporizer; atomizer, — en Iéna, vessel of Jena glass. — en
sprayer. Krasna, vessel of Krasna glass. — en tôle
vaporisation, /. = vaporisage. émaillée, vessel of enameled iron. — ex-
vaporiser, v.t. vaporize; atomize; spray tractif, extraction vessel, specif. a cylinder
(with an atomizer) ; steam. v.r. vaporize, attached to a flower still for collecting
be vaporized. visooue substances. — florentin. Florentine
vaporiseur, m. -vaporizer; atomizer; Teceiver. — gradué, graduated vesael. —
steamer. Griffin, Griffin beaker (low and wide). —
vaquer, v.i. be vacant; not meet, not sit; jaugé, calibrated vessel. — poreux, porous
vessel, specif. (Elec.) porous cell.
(with à) attend to, give attention to.
vaquois, m. screw pine (Pandanus). vase, a. muddy, covered with mud.
varaigne, /. (Sait) tide gâte. vaselé, m. petrolatum ointment.
varaire, m. & f. (false) hellébore (Vera- vaseline, /. vaseline (T.N.), petrolatum.
trum). vasenol, m. a mixture of higher fatty acid
varech, m. (Bot.) varec, kelp, wrack. — with petrolatum.
vésiculeux, bladder wrack {Facm vesicu- vaset, m. (Sait) brine réservoir.
losus). vaseux, a. muddy, slimy, miry, oozy.
vare-crue, /. underburned brick. vasière, /. (Sait) first basin in the salines.
variabilité, /. variability. vaso-dilatateur, m. (Physiol.) vasodilator.
varlablement, adv. variably. vason, m. pieœ of clay from "whica a tile
variante, /. variant, modification. or brick is made.
variation, /. variation. sauf variations, vasopressine, /. vasopressin.
subject to altération. vasque, /. flat basin.
varicelle, /. (Med.) varicella, ehicken pox. vaste, a. vast.
varié, p.a. varied; various. vastement, adv. vastly.
varier, v.t., r. & i. vary. vaucour, m. potter's bench.
variété, /. variety. vaudois, a. of Vâud (a Swiss canton).
variocoupleur, m. (Elec.) variocoupler. vaudra, fut. S sing. (of valoir) will be
variole, /. {Med.') varioia, sroallpox. worth, etc.
variomètre, m. (Mec.) variometer. vaudrait, cond. S sine, of valoir.
varlope, /. large plane, jointer. vaut, pr. S sing. (of valoir) is worth, etc.
varloper, v.t. plane, dress (with a plane). vautrer, v.t. & r. roll, wallow.
varlopeuse, /. planer. vaux, pi. of val (valley).
varme, m. twyer plate (of certain fur- veau, m. calf (animal and leather) ; veal.
naces). — ciré, waxed calf. — marin, seal.
Varsovie, /. Warsaw. veau-laq, m. a very flexible leatber.
vasais, m. réservoir (of. a sait garden). vecteur, m. & a. vector ; carrier.
vasculaire, vasculeux, a. vascular, vascu- vectoriel, a. veetorial.
lose. vécu, pja. lived; real, that has happened.
vase, m. vessel ; vase. /. mud, slime, ooze. vécut, p. def. S sing. (of vivre) lived.
— à anse, vessel with handle. — à chlorure vedette, /. vedette, sentinel; vedette boart.
de calcium, calcium chloride vessel. — à en —, isolated, prominent.
cuire, digester. — à filtration chaude,
beaker. — à lévigations, levigating jar, végétal, a. & m. vegetable, plant. — su-
decanting jar. — à précipiter, precipitating périeur, higher plant.
vessel, precipitating jar (a sort of beaker végétaline, /. vegetaline (a coconut oil but-
without a Saring rim). — à saturation, ter).
saturating vessel, saturating jar (specif. a végétalisnte, m. vegetarianism (strictest
tall lipped vessel shaped like the frustum sensé).
of a cône). — clarificateur, settling cask. végétant, p.a. vegetating, végétative.
— clos, closed vessel. — de Bohême, ves- Végétarien, a. & m. vegetarian.
végétarisme 461 ventiler
végétarisme, m. vegetarianism (excluding velu, a. hairy, shaggy, villous ; (of stone,
méats and méat products but pennitting etc.) rough. m. hairiness; roughness.
milk, etc.)- venaison, /. venison.
végétatif, a. végétative. venait, imp. 3 sing. (of venir) came, etc.
végétaux, pi. masc. of végétal. venant, p.a. coming, etc. (see venir); thriv-
végéter, v.i. vegetate. ing; forthcoming. m. corner.
véhicule, m. vehicle; médium. vend, pr, S sing. (of vendre) sells.
véhiculer, v.t, carry, transport. vendable, a. salable, marketable.
véhiculeur, m. carrier. vendange, /. vintage ; grapes.
veillant, p.a. watching, etc. (see veiller) ; vendanger, v.t. gather the grapes from;
watchful ; wakeful. ravage, devastate. v.i. gather the grapes;
veille, /. watch, watching ; wakefulness ; (fig.) reap a harvest.
night labor ; eve ; day before. vendeur, m. seller, salesman, dealer.
veillée, /. evening ; evening work or party ; vendre, v.t. sell. v.r. sell, be sold. à —,
night work. for sale, to sell, to be sold.
veiller, v.i. watch; see (to), attend (to), vendredi, m. Friday.
look (after) ; wake, be awake, keep awake; vendu, p.p. (of vendre) sold.
stay up, sit up ; (of a buoy, etc.) be vené, p.a. (of méat) slightly tainted, high.
visible, v.t. watch, watch over, look after; vénéneux, o. poisonous, toxic.
watch by, attend. — à ce que, watch that, vénénosité, /. poisonousness, toxicity.
see to it that, see that. vénérer, v.t. venerate.
veilleur, m. watcher; watchman. vénérien, a. venereal.
veilleuse, /. low buraer, low-buraing at- Vénétie, /. Venetia.
tachment, pilot îight; night light; (Bot.) vénézuélien, a. Venez a élan.
meadow saffron. mettre en —, bank the venger, v.t, avenge.
fires of, damp down. venimeux, a. venomous.
vetllotte, /. (Bot.) meadow saffron ; hay- venin, m, venom.
cock. venir, v.i. corne; be suited (to), harmonize
veinage, m. veining. (with), agrée; consent (to); happen; (with
veine, /. vein ; Iode, bed, stratum ; jet, de and an infinitive) to hâve just; grow,
stream; (pi.) interior, bosom; luck, fortune. thrive. en —, arrive, get, corne, en — à,
— porte, (Anat.) portai vein. come to, go so far as, be reduced to; get
veiné, p.a. veined, veiny. off with. faire —, send for, summon ;
veiner, v.t. vein. bring; hâve brought; suggest; raise, grow.
veineux, a. venous; veined, veiny. s'en —, come, come away; come along. —
veinule, /. smaîl vein, veinlet. à bout, succeed. — à bout de, overcome.
vélanède, /. valonia. — à point, (Métal.) come to nature. — de
vélani, m. (Bot. ) valonia oak (Quercvs fonte, be cast. — en prise, (Mach.) mesh,
aegilops). engage.
vélar, vélaret, m. hedge mustard (Sisym- Venise, j . Venice.
brium). — officinale, Sisymbrium offi- vénitien, o. Venetian.
cinale. vent, m. wind; blast; air; draft; (Mach.)
vélin, m. & a. vellum. clearance; (Ceram.) air bubble. mettre au
véloce, a. swift, rapid. —, expose to tbe air, air ; spread out,
vélocité, /, velocity; swiftness, speed. spread (as leather) ; draw out, draw (as a
véloporphyre, m. a kind of bail mill. sword). — chaud, hot blast; hot air; hot
velours, m. velvet; velvety surface. wind. — coulis, draft. — échauffé, hot
velouté, a. velvet ; velvety, (of licmors) blast; hot air, heated air. — froid, cold
smooth to the taste; (of gems) rich. m blast; cold air; cold wind.
velveting ; velvety surface, bloom ; (of vente, /. sale; selling; cutting (of timber).
gems) deep color; (Cooking) velouté. de bonne —, de —, salable. en —, on sale.
Velonter, v.t. give the appearance of velvet venter, v.i. blow (said of the wind).
to. venteux, a. windy ; (of métal) blistered ;
veloutine, /. a rice powder cosmetic con- flatulent.
taining bismuth. ventilateur, m. ventilator; ventilating fan;
veltage, m. gaging (of casks). blower. — électrique, electric fan.
velte, /. gaging stick (for gaging casks). ventilation, /. ventilation ; (Law) valuation.
velter, v.t. gage (casks). ventiler, v.t. ventilate; (Law) value.
ventimètre 462 verjus
ventimètre, m. a sensitive manometer for (basic copper carbonate). — neutre,
controlling furnace draft. neutral copper acétate.
ventillon, m. valve (of a bellows). verdeur, /. greenness; (of wine) tartness,
ventilocalorique, a. designating an ap- sourness, acidity (sometimes, strength) ;
paratus for drying by means of an air (fig.) sharpness; vigor.
current and heat. verdillon, m. crowbar, pinchbar.
ventouse, /. ventilator, air hole, vent; cylin- verdir, v.i. turn green, become green, be
drical tile ; cupping glass ; cupping ; sucker. turned green; (of copper) be coated with
ventre, m. belly (in various sensés), swell, verdigris. v.t. turn green, color green,
bulge, body, loop, etc.; abdomen, faire le green.
—, faire —, bulge (said, e.g., of an elliptical verdissage, m. coloring green.
glass pot which tends to become round verdissant, p.a. turning green, etc. (see
owing to the pressure of its contents). verdir); verdant, fresh, green.
ventricule, m. (Anat.) ventricle. verdissement, m. turning green, etc. (see
ventru, a. bellied, bulging, verdir).
venu, p.a. corne ; arrived ; grown ; done ; verditer, m. verditer.
happened. m. corner, venu(e) de fonte, as verdoiement, verdoîment, m. growing
cast, rough-cast. green.
venue, /. coming, arrivai ; appearance ; oc- verdoyant, p.a. growing green ; greenish ;
currence; growth; inrush, rush, flow (as verdant.
of water) ; amount (as of hides or skins verdoyer, v.i. become green, be green.
for stuffing) operated on at one time. — verdunisation, /. chlorination of water.
de vent, draft, indraft. verdure, /. verdure, greenness; potherbs.
Vénus, Vénus, /. {Old Chem.) Venus, cop- véreux, a. wormy; (fig.) bad, untrust-
per. worthy.
ver, m. worm. — à soie, silkworm. — de verge, /. rod ; stick, bar, staff, spindle ;
terre, earthworm. — luisant, glowworm. shaft, shank, handle, stock; (scale) beam.
— solitaire, tapeworm. — d'essai, trial rod. — d'or, (Bot.) golden-
véracité, /. veracity. rod.
véraison, /. (incipient) ripening. vergé, o. (of paper) laid ; (of cloth) streaky.
vératre, m. white or false hellébore (Vera- vergeoise, /. sugarloaf mold ; (pi.) sugar
trurn). — blanc, European white hellébore recovered from refinery waste.
(V. album). — vert, American hellébore, verger, m. orchard.
Indian poke, green hellébore (V. viride). vergeure, /. wire (on which laid paper is
vératrine, /. veratrine. made); wire marks (on paper); streaki-
vératrique, a. veratric. ness (of cloth).
vératrol, m. veratrole. verglas, m. glaze of ice.
vératroyle, m. veratroyl. véricle, m. imitation gem, paste.
verbal, a. verbal, m. officiai report. vérificateur, m. vérifier ; examiner, in-
verbalement, adv. verbally. spector ; tester ; gage.
verbaliser, v.i. draw up a report; make a vérification, /. vérification, etc. (see véri-
statement. fier).
verbe, m. word ; verb ; voice, tone. vérifier, v.t. verify; test, check (as weights
verbénaline, /., verbénaloside, m. verbe- and measures) ; examine ; inspect ; adjust ;
nalin. audit, v.r. be verified, etc. — si, see if,
verdage, m. green manure crop. see that, make sure that.
verdal, m. block of cast glass. vérin, m. jack, lifting jack. — à vis, screw
verdâtre, a. greenish. jack.
verdaud, a. somewhat green, not fully ripe. vérissime, o. very true.
verdelet, a. (of wine) tart, slightly acid. véritable, a. true, genuine, actual, véritable.
m. (Leather) a minute hole made by an véritablement, adv. truly, really, actually,
insect. in reality, in fact, indeed.
verdet, m. verdigris. — cristallisé, crystal- Vérité, /. truth, verity. à la —, in truth,
lized verdigris (neutral copper acétate in it is true. en —, truly, really, in reality,
crystals). — de Montpellier, true verdigris in truth, indeed.
(basic copper acétate). — distillé, distilled verjus, m. verjuice, juice of green fruit or
verdigris (neutral copper acétate). — gris, of crab apples or sour grapes; sour grape
verdigris. — naturel, natural verdigris or grapes ; very sour wine.
verjuté 463 verre
verjuté, a. sour, tart; made with verjuice. vernisser, v.t. glaze (ceramic ware) ; var-
vermeil, m. vermeil, gilded silver (sorne- nish.
times, gilded copper or bronze), a. ver- vernisseur, m. varnisher ; varnish maker.
milion, red. vernissure, /. varnishing ; glazing.
vermeille, /. a precious stone (see phrases). vérole, /. (Med.) pox (specif., syphilis).
— hyacinthe, zircon. — occidentale, pyrope. petite —, smallpox. petite — volante,
— orientale, corundum. chicken pox.
vermiceller, m. vermicelli maker. vérolette, /. (Med.) varicella, chicken pox.
vermicelle, vermicel» m. vermicelli; ver- véronal, m. (Pharm.) veronal (T.N.), bar-
micelli soup; waste leather (used for glue). bital.
vermicelle rie, /. vermicelli making or fac- Vérone, /. Verona.
tory. Véronique, /. (Bot.) speedwell (Veronica).
vermicide, a. vennicidal. m. vermicide. — de Virginie, Culver's root (Leptandra
vermifuge, a. vermifugal. m. vermifuge. virginica). — mâle, — officinale, common
vermillon, m. vermilion (pigment and speedwell (V. officinalis).
color). — d'antimoine, antimony vermilion. verpunte, m. a sugar loaf of inferior quality.
vermillonner, v.t. vermilion. verra, fut. S sing. (of voir) will see, etc.
vermine, /. vermin. verrage, m. glazing, etc. (see verrer).
vermoulu, a. worm-eaten. verraille, /. small glasswasre.
vermoulure, /. worm(hole) dust. verrain, m. = vérin.
vermout, vermouth, m. vermuth, ver- verrait, cond. 3 sing. of voir (to see).
mouth. verre, m. glass; jar, pane, etc., of glass. —
vernaille, /. (Min.) corundum. à boire, drinking glass. — o boudiné, crown
verni, p.a. vamished ; glazed ; japanned ; glass. — à bouteilles, bottle glass. — à
(of leather) enameled, patent, m. enam- chaux, lime glass. — à conserve, preserv-
eled (or patent) leather. ing jar. — à culture, culture vessel. — à
vernicine, /. a polish for wood. dégustation, tasting glass. — à deux
vernir, v.t. varnish ; lacquer ; glaze (as couches, flashed glass. — à expérience, a
porcelain) ; japan (as iron) ; enamel conical glass vessel with lip and foot. — à
(leather). glaces, plate glass. — à pied, glass with a
vernis, m. varnish ; glaze, glazing (as on foot (esp. a wine glass or a test glass). —
pottery, esp. a thin and transparent glaze; à pivette, a slightly ferruginous glass used
cf. émail and glaçure) ; lacquer ; japan ; in making laboratory ware. — à précipiter,
prccipitating glass (cf. vase à précipiter,
(Bot.) varnish tree ; polish, glosa. — à under vase). — ardent, burning glass. —
fer, iron varnish. — à la copale, copal à réaction, reaction glass, reagent glass (e.g.,
varnish. — à la gomme-laque, gum-lac a conical glass vessel with lip and foot).
varnish, shellac varnish, shellac. — à l'al-
cool, spirit varnish. — o l'asphalte, as- — à reliefs, figured rolled plate. — armé,
phaltum varnish. — à l'esprit de vin, wire glass, armored plate. — à vitre(s),
spirit varnish. — à l'essence, turpentine window glass. — à vitre poli, patent plate
varnish. — à l'huile, oil varnish. — glass (blown sheet glass ground and pol-
amylaque, nitrocellulose lacquer (with ished). — blanc, white glass (esp. or-
amyl acétate as solvent). — o set com- dinary colorless glass with a lime base as
mun, (Ceram.) sait glaze. — au bitume distinguished from crystal glass). —
de Judée, asphaltum varnish. — au succin, bombé, convex glass. — cassé, broken
glass, cullet. — chevé, a watch glass made
amber varnish. — à voitures, carnage var- by hollowing out a disk of crystal glass.
nish. — d'ambre, amber varnish. —
d'ébéniste, cabinet varnish. — de copal, — cloisonné, a glass vessel with a partition
copal varnish. — de plomb, lead glaze. — in it, for the comparison of two samples
de silice, silicate varnish, silicate paint. — of béer or other liquid. — conique, conical
du Japon, (Bot.) Japanese varnish tree glass vessel (as a graduate). — coulé, cast
(Rhus vernicifera). — gras, oil varnish. — glass. — coulé et laminé, rolled plate.
hydrojuge, waterproof varnish. — japonais, — d'arsenic, arsenic glass (a form of
Japan varnish. — siccatif, quick-drying AS2O3). — de Bohême, Bohemian glass;
varnish. — spiritueux, spirit varnish. vessel of Bohemian glass; (formerly) crown
glass. — de champ, field lens, field glass.
vernissage, m. varnishing, etc. (see vernir) ; — de cobalt, cobalt glass; specif., smalt.
finish. — de couleur, colored glass, stained glass.
verre 464 vert
— de couronne, crown glass. — de cristal, graduée, graduated glassware. — ordinaire,
flint glass, crystaL — de lampe, lamp ordinary glassware, comrnon glassware.
chimney. — d'élément, cell jar, battery verrez, fut. t pi. (of voir) will see.
jar. — de lunette, spectacle lens. — de verrier, m. glassmaker ; glassblower ; tray
montre, watch glass. — de Moscovie, for glasses. o. of glass or the glass indus-
Muscovy glass (mica). — de pendule, try, glass.
clock glass. — de phosphore, metaphos- verrière, /. glass (for pictures); stained-
phoric acid. — de plomb, lead glass. — glass window.
dépoli, ground glass, frosted glass. — de verrine, /. glass tube (as for a barometer);
quartz, quartz glass, fused silica. — de glass bell; glass (for pictures) ; fiaked
sécurité, safety glass. — de soude, soda glass.
glass. — d'essai, test glass. — des vol- verrons, fut. 1 pi. (of voir) shall see.
cans, volcanic glass, esp. obsidian. — verront, fut. 3 pi. (of voir) will see.
dévitrifiê, devitrified glass. — d'Iéna, Jena verroterie, /. small glassware, glass trinkets.
glass. — d'œil, (Optics) eye lens, eyeglass. verrou, m. boit.
— d'optique, optical glass. — doublé, verrouillage, m. bolting; locking; locking
flashed glass. — d'urane, uranium glass. device.
— en canons, cylinder glass. — en cylin- verrouiller, v.t. boit; lock.
dres, cylinder glass. — enfumé, smoked verrucosité, /. verrucosity (wartiness, wart).
glass. — en manchons, cylinder glass. — verrue, /. wart.
en tables, plate glass. — filé, glass fiber; verruqueux, a. warty, verrucose.
wired glass. — filigrane, filigree glass. — vers, prep. toward, towards, to. m. verse.
gradué, glass graduate. — grossissant, versage, m. pouring, etc. (see verser); first
magnifying glass. — imprimé, figured glass. plowing (of fallow land).
— incassable, shatterproof (or safety) versant, p.a. pouring, etc. (see verser) ;
glass. — moulé, •— moulé et comprimé, easily upset. m. slope, sloping side.
pressed glass, molded glass. •— mousseline, verse, /. pouring, etc. (see verser); char-
muslin glass, mousseline (glass). — objec- coal basket (holding 25-30 pounds); beat-
tif, (Optics) object glass, objective. — ing down (of grain), a. (Math.) versed.
oculaire, (Optics) eye lens, eyeglass. — peu versé, p.a. poured, etc. (see verser); versed.
fusible, difficultly fusible glass, hard glass. versement, m. pouring, etc. (see verser);
— pilé, crushed glass, powdered glass. — payment, deposit; (Brewing) mash goods.
protecteur, protecting glass, cover glass. verser, v.t. pour, pour out, pour in; spill;
— pulvérisé, powdered glass, glass powder. tip, empty ; overturn, upset ; beat down
— quartzeux, quartz glass, fused silica. — (grain), pay in, deposit, invest; pay out;
rodé, ground glasa. — rubis, ruby glass. plow ; give, confer ; lavish ; issue, v.r. be
— sablé, sanded glass. — sans éclats, shat- poured, etc.; discharge, v.i. overturn, up-
terproof glass. — soluble, soluble glass, set; (of grain) fall down.
water glass. — soufflé, blown glass. — verseur, m. pourer, etc. (see verser) ; teemer ;
taillé, eut glass. — vert, green glass, specif. tip, tipple; (Glass) shearer.
hard glass. — volcanique, volcanic glass. versicolore, a. versicolor, parti-colored.
Verre» p.a. glass-lined ; coated with glass version, /. version; translation.
particles; glazed. verso, m. left-hand page, back, reverse.
verrée, /. glassful, glass. vert, a. green; fresh; unwrought; {of wine)
verre-marbre, m. marbled glass. tart, somewhat acid; (fig.) sharp, severe,
verre-quartz, m. quartz glass, fused silica. firm. m. green; green grass, fresh végéta-
tion; (of wine) tartness, acidity. prendre
verrer, v.t. glaze; line with glass; coat with sans —, take by surprise. — acide, (Dyes)
glass particles. acid green. — o l'aldéhyde, aldéhyde green.
verrerie, /. glassmaking ; glass f actory, glass — à l'essence, a name of malachite green.
works; glassware; glass trade. —artistique, — anglais, mixed chrome green (chrome
— d'art, artistic glass, décorative glass. — yellow and Prussian bluc). — antique,
de Bohême, Bohemian glassware. — de verd antique (green mottled stone). —
Krasna, Krasna glassware. — de labora- bouteille, bottle green. — brillant, bril-
toire, laboratory glassware. — de pharma- liant green (a dye). — cantharide, iri-
cie, glassware for pharmacists or pharma- descent green. — céladon, pale green, pale
ceutical chemists. — d'Iéna, Jena glass- sea green. — clair, light green. — d'eau,
ware. — étalon, normal glassware. — sea green. — de Brème, Bremen green.
vert 465 vexatoire
— de Brunswick, Brunswick green. — de vert-émeraude, a. & m. emerald green. —
Chine, Chinese green, lokao. — de chrome, fixe, Guignet's green.
chrome green. — de cuivre, copper green; vert-gazon, a. grass-green.
verdigris; (Mm.) ehrysocolla. — de gris, verticale, /. vertical.
verdigris (see verdet). — de Guignet, verticalement, adv. vertically.
Guignet's green. — d'Egypte, verd antique. verticalité, /. verticalness, verticality.
— de Hongrie, =* vert de montagne. — de vertige, m. vertigo, dizziness.
mer, sea green. — d'émeraude, emerald vertigineux, a. vertiginous; bogus.
green. — de Mitis, Mitis green. — de vert-méthyle, m. methyl green (a dye).
montagne, mountain green (esp. green vert-pomme, a. & m. apple green.
verditer, basic copper carbonate). — de vert-pré, a. grass-green.
Montpellier, true verdigris (basio oopper vert-soie, m. (literally, silk green) a mixed
acétate). — de naphtol, naphthol green. chrome green containing indigo carminé.
— de Paris, Paris green. — de Pelouze, a vertu, /. virtue; quality, property. en —
pigment formed by oxidation of Prussian de, by (or in) virtue of, in conséquence of.
blue or potassium ierrocyanide. — de verveine, /. (Bot.) vervain (Verbena). —
Scheele, Scheele's green. — de Schwein- de l'Inde, lemon grass (Cymbopogon sp.).
furth, Schweinfurt green, Paris green. — — d'Espagne, Thymus hyemalis. — offi-
de sève, sap green. — des feuilles, leaf cinale, common European vervain (V. offi-
green (chlorophyll). — de Vérone, Verona cinalis).
green, terre-verte. — de vessie, sap green. vesce, /. (Bot.) vetch (Vicia). — commune,
— de Vienne, Paris green. — de zinc, zinc common vetch ( 7 . sativa). — velue, hairy
green (a pigment). — d'herbe, grass green. vetch (F. villosa).
— d'iris, sap green. — distillé, crystallized vésicant, vésicatoire, a. & m. (Med.)
(or distilled) verdigris (neutral copper vesicatory, vésicant.
acétate). — d'olive, olive green. — véslculaire, a. vesicular.
d'outremer, green ultramarine. — émeraude, vésicule, /. vesicle, cavity, sac. — biliaire,
emerald green. — en grappes, = vert dis- gall bladder.
tillé. — foncé, deep green, dark green. — vésicule, o. vesicular, bliatered.
franc, pure green; specif., a kind of mixed vesou, m. cane juice, sugar-cane juice.
chrome green made with light chrome yel- vespétro, m. vespetro (a liqueur).
low. — gazon, grass green. — Quignet, vessie, /. (Anat.) bladder; blister, vesicle;
Guignet's green. — iodé, iodine green (a bag. — à eau chaude, hot-water bottle.
dye). — lumière, (Dyei) light green. — — à glace, ice bag. — natatoire, natatory
malachite, malachite green, benaaldehyde vessel, air bladder, sound.
green. — mélangé, mixed green, mixed veste, /. jacket; vest.
chrome green. — méthyle, methyl green vestige, m. vestige, trace, remains.
(a dye). — métis, Mitis green. — Milori, vésuvienne, /. (Afin.) vesuvianite.
= vert anglais. — minéral, minerai green vésuvine, /. vesuvine (Bismarck brown).
(specif., an arsenate of copper). — nais- vêtement, m. garment, clothing, clothes,
sant, faint green, pale green. — outremer, dress. — protecteur, protective clothing.
green ultramarine. — patenté, patent vétérinaire, o. veterinary. m. veterinarian.
green (Paris green). — permanent, per- vétille, /. trifle; (Pyro.) a small serpent.
manent green, terre-verte. -— pomme, vétilleux, a. particular ; requiring great care.
apple green. — pré, grass green. — rompu, vêtir, v.t. clothe, dress; put on. v.r. dress.
blended green, broken green; specif., a vétiver, m. vétiver (Vetiveria zizanioides).
kind of mixed chrome green made with vêtu, p.a. clothed, clad, dressed.
vétusté, a. old, worn out, antiquated.
dark chrome yellow. — Schnitzer, vétusté, /. âge, décrépitude, decay.
Schnitzer green (essentiaïïy chromium vétyver, m. = vétiver.
phosphate). — végétal, leaf green (chloro- veuf, a. widowed; bereft, deprived.
phyll). — Véronèse, Veronese green. veuille, pr. S sing. subj. of vouloir.
Vert-de-gris, m. verdigris (see verdet). veule, a. soft, weak; (of soil) too light.
vert-de-grisé, a. coated with verdigris. veulent, pr. 8 pi. (of vouloir) wish, etc.
vertèbre, /. (Anat.) vertebra. veut, pr. S sing. (of vouloir) wishes, etc.
vertébré, a. & m. vertebrate. veux, pr. 1 & 2 sing. of vouloir.
vertelle, /. sluice gâte (in a sait garden). vexant, p.a. vexing, provoking.
vertement, adv. vigorously, energetically. vexatoire, a. vexatious.
vexer 466 vigne
vexer, v.t. vex, provoke. — élevé, — •poussé, high vacuum. — sul-
viabilité, /. viability; practicability. furique, vacuum over sulfuric acid.
viable, a. capable of living, (Afeii.) viable. vide-bouteille(s), m. siphon for bottles.
viaduc, m. viaduct. videment, 771. emptying, etc. (see vider).
viager, a. life, for life. m. life interest. vider, v.t. empty; drain; evacuate; dis-
viande, /. méat. — à la gelée, méat jelly. charge; clear; clean; blow off (a boiler);
— congelée, frozen méat. — conservée, — purge; stone (fruit); draw (fowls); va-
de conserve, preserved méat, canned cate ; leave, quit ; settle (as accounts).
(tinned) méat. — fraîche, fresh méat. — v.r. empty; become empty; be emptied,
frigorifiée, refrigerated méat, (usualiy) etc.
frozen méat. — fumée, smoked méat. — vide-tourie(s), m. carboy inclinator, car-
marinée, pickled méat. — réfrigérée, re- boy stand.
frigerated méat, cold-storage méat (not vidoir, m. sink.
frozen). — salée, sait méat, viandes de vidure, /. tnaterial emptied; openwork.
conserves, preserved méats. vie, /. life; living; path, way (in a sait
vibrant, p.a. vibrating; vibrant. garden). à —, for life, life. en —, living,
vibrateur, m. vibrator; buzzer. alive. to — chère, the high cost of living,
vibratile, a. vibratile, vibratory. H.C.L. pour la —, for life; for a lifetime.
vibration, /. vibration. — sonore, Sound vieil, a. Used for vieux before a vowel
vibration. sound.
vibratoire, o. vibratory. vieille, a. fem. of vieux.
vibrer, v.i. vibrate; oscillate. vieillesse, /. âge, old âge ; old people.
vibreur, m. vibrator; (Elec.) make-and- vieilli, p.a. aged ; matured ; outworn.
break. vieillir, v.i. âge ; grow old ; become obsolète,
vibrion, m. (Bact.) vibrio. — cholérique, go ont of use. v.t. âge ; mature.
choiera vibrio. vieillissement, m. aging; sénescence, grow-
vibrionien, o. (Bact.) vibrionic. m. vibrio. ing old ; obsolescence, growing obsolète.
vibro-classeur, in. vibrating classifier. vieillot, a. somewhat old or antiquated.
vicariant, a. vicarious, substitutive. viendra, fut. S sing. (of venir) will corne,
vice, m. defect, imperfection, flaw; vice. etc.
vicianine, /., vicianinoside, m. vicianin. viendrait, cond. 3 sing. of venir (to come).
viciation, /. vitiation. vienne, pr. 1 & S sing. subj. of venir (to
vicier, v.t. vitiate. v.r. be vitiated. come).
vicieux, a. defeetive; vicious. Vienne, /. Vienna (Austria); Vienne
vicinal, a. vicinal, neighboring; local. (France).
vicine, /. vicine. viennent, pr. 3 pi. indic. & subj. of venir.
victoire, /. victory. viennois, a. Viennese, Vienna. m. (cap.)
victorieusement, adv. victoriously. Viennese; baker of Vienna bread.
victorieux, a. victorious. viens, pr. 1 & 2 sing. of venir (to come).
victuaille, /. provisions, victuals. vient, pr. S sing. (of venir) cornes, etc. —
vidage, m. emptying, etc. (see vider). de paraître, just published.
vidange, /. emptying, etc. (see vider); dis- vierge, a. virgin; pure; native; blank;
charge, vent ; removal (as of earth) ; ditch ; free (from). /. virgin.
drain ; partial emptiness, state of not be- vieux, a. old; (of words, etc.) obsolète, m.
ing full; State of not filling a vessel; old thing; old man.
amount which a vessel lacks of being full, vif, a. live, alive, living; h'vely, brisk;
ullage ; sédiment (as in a boiler) ; wine bright, vivid, brilliant; sharp, keen; in-
mash ; removal of night soil ; (pi.) night tense; strong; great; quick; hasty;
soil; mud box. en —, (of a vessel) not spirited; ardent, zealous, earnest; severe,
full, partly empty. harsh. m. living flesh, quick; heart, core,
vidanger, v.t. empty; discharge; drain off. solid part ; Iiveliness ; living person. de
vide, a. empty; vacant; void; devoid (of). vive force, by main force, de vive voix,
m, vacuum; emptiness; (empty) space, viva voce, by word of mouth.
void, gap, opening, interstice, hole, hollow; vif-argent, m. quicksilver, mercury.
blank; chasm; width, span; shaft (of a vigilamment, adv. vigilantly, watchfully.
furnace). à —, empty; in vacuo; without vigilant, a. vigilant, watchful.
load. faire le —, faire un —, create a vigne, /. vine, specif. grapevine; vineyard.
vacuum. — d'air, devoid of air, exhausted. — vierge, (Bot.) Virginia creeper.
vigneron 467 vineux
Vigneron, m. vine grower, wine grower. which runs from the marc after the first
vignette, /. revenue stamp; label; vignette. pressing. — de tire, racked-off wine. —
(Bot.) (1) meadowsweet, (2) clematis, (3) d'ipêcacuanka, (Pharm. ) wine of ipecac.
mercury. — d'opium composé, (Pharm.) wine of
Vignoble, m. vineyard. a. winegrowing, opium, Sydenham's laudanum. — doux,
grapegrowing. wine not completely fermented, sweet wine.
Vigogne, /. (Zob'l.) vicurïa; vicufîa wool. — du cru, local wine, native wine. —
vigorite, /. (Expl.) vigorite. émêtique, = vin antimoniê. — ferrugineux,
vigoureusement, adv. vigorously. (Old Pharm.) wine of iron. — filant, ropy
vigoureux, a. vigorous, strong. wine. — fort, strong wine. — gallisé, wine
vigueur, /. vigor; strength, force. made by gallization (addition of sugar and
vil, a. (of priées) low; vile, low, base. water). — médicinal, (Pharm.) medicated
vilain, a. villainous, bad, vile, ugly. wine. — mousseux, sparkling wine. —
vilebrequin, m. brace, wimble; crankshaft. non-mousseux, still wine. — rouge, red
vileté, /. cheapness, lowness ; insignificance. wine. — sec, dry wine. — stibié, = vin
ville, /. town, city. antimoniê, — sucré, sweet wine.
villeux, o. villous, shaggy, nappy. vinage, m. addition of alcohol to wine or
villosité, /. villosity, (Anat.) villus. must, fortifying; wine production.
vin, m. wine. — antimoniê, (Old Pharm.) vinaigre, tu. vinegar. — anhydre, glacial
wine of antimony, antimonial wine (con- acetic acid. — blanc, white vinegar. —
tains tartar emetic). — aromatique, aro- cantharidé, (Old Pharm.) vinegar of can-
matic wine. — artificiel, artificial wine. tharides, vinegar of Spanish nies. — d'eau-
— blanc, white wine. — bourru, unfer- de-vie, brandy vinegar. — de bois, wood
mented (or only slightly fermented) wine. vinegar, pyroligneous acid. — de cidre,
— chalybê, (Old Pharm.) wine of iron. — cider vinegar. — de plomb, lead vinegar,
chaud, mulled wine. — de Bordeaux, lead subacetate solution, Goulard's ex-
Bordeaux wine, Bordeaux. — de Bour- tract. — de Saturne, (Old Chem.) vine-
gogne, Burgundy wine, Burgundy. — de gar of Satura ( = vinaigre de plomb). —
bulbe de colchique, (Pharm.) colchicum de scille, (Pharm.) squill vinegar, vinegar
wine. — de Champagne, Champagne wine, of squill. — de toilette, aromatic vinegar.
Champagne. — de choix, choice wine, fine — de vin, wine vinegar. — distillé, dis-
wine. — de coca, (Pharm.) wine of coca. tilled vinegar. — d'Orléans, Orléans vine-
— d'écorce d'orange amère, (Pharm.) gar, wine vinegar made by the Orléans
orange wine. — de fruits, fruit wine (in- process. — glacial, glacial acetic acid. —
cludes cider, perry, etc.). — d'égout, wine radical, (Old Chem.) radical vinegar (acetic
from must obtained by the first pressing. acid). — scilUtique, = vinaigre de scille.
— de grappe, — de goutte, wine from must vinaigre rie, /. vinegar factory, vinegar
which runs out before the grapes are works ; vinegar making ; vinegar trade.
crushed. — de l'Hôtel-Dieu, a médicinal vinaigrier, m. vinegar maker or merchant;
wine containing digitalis. — de liqueur, vinegar cruet; (Bot.) tanner's sumac (Rhus
liqueur wine, dessert wine. — de marc(s), coriaria).
wine made from the marc of grapes (cf. vinaire, o. wine, of wine, relating to wine.
vin de seconde cuve, below, and piquette). vinasse, /. vinasse, distiller's wash (residual
— de paille, straw wine. — de palme, palm liquid from alcoholic distillation, as from
wine. — de Portugal, Portuguese wine, fruits or molasses ; cf. drèche) ; poor wine.
esp. port. — de presse, wine made from — de betteraves, beet vinasse, beetroot
expressed j uice. — de quinine, (Pharm. )
quinine wine. — de quinquina ferrugineux, vincétoxine, /. vincetoxin (a glucoside).
(Pharm.) bitter wine of iron. — de raisins vinée, /. vintage, wine crop.
secs, raisin wine. — de rebêche, — de vinelle, /. piquette (see piquette).
recoupage, = vin de taille. — de seconde viner, v.t. add alcohol to (wine or must),
(or troisième) cuve, wine made from marc fortify.
by gallization (i.e., addition of sugar and vinerie, /. wine making.
water). — de seigle ergoté, (Pharm.) wine vlnette, /., vlnettier, vlnetier, m. {Bot.)
of ergot. — de semence de colchique, barberry.
(Pharm.) colchicum wine. — d'Espagne, vineux, o. vinous, of wine, winy, wine; (of
Spanish wine, esp. sherry. — de sucre, = wine) high in alcohol, strong; wine-pro-
vin gallisé. — de taille, wine from must ducing, wine; wine-colored, wine.
vingt 468 vis
vingt, a. & m. twenty; twentieth. (Forma pigment made by calcming precipitated
compound», as vingt-deux, twenty-two.) iron hydroxide.
vingtaine, /. twenty (or about that), score. violet-chair, m. (Glosa) a brownish-violet
vingtième, a. * m. twentieth. color produced with iron and manganèse
Vinic Ole, a. winegrowing, vinicultural. oxides.
vinifère, a. wine-producing. violet-évêque, m. (Glass) a fchiish-violet
vinificateur, m. vinificator. color produced with manganèse dioxide.
vinification, /. vinification, wine making. violet-méthyle, m. methyl violet.
— en blanc, white wine making. — en violette, /. (Bot.) violet, a. fem. violet. —
rouge, red wine making. odorante, sweet violet.
vinique, a. vinic. alcool —, vinic alcohol violon, m. violin ; violinist.
(ethyl alcohol). violurique, a. violuric.
vino-benzoïque, a. In the phrase éther viorne, /. (Bot.) viburnum.
vinobenzoïque, ethyl benzoate. vipère, /. viper.
"vinocolorîmètxe, m. an apparatus ïor de- virage, m, turning, etc. (see virer) ; turn,
termining the intensity of the color of bend; turning point; end point; (Photog.)
wine. toning bath ; transfer of funds. — à l'or,
vinomètre, m. vinometer, œnometer. (Photog.) gold toning. — au platine,
vino m étriqué, a. pertaining to the vinome- (Photog.) platinum toning.
ter or to the détermination of alcohol in virage-fixage, m. (Photog.) toning and fix-
wine. ing.
vino site, /. vinosity, vinous quality. virée, /. turning, turn.
Vin-pierre, m. wine stone, tartar. virement, m. turning, etc. (see virer).
vinrent, p. def. S pi, (of venir) came. virent, p. def. S pi. (of voir) saw, etc. pr.
vint, p. def. $ sing. (of venir) came, etc. S pi. (of virer) turn, etc.
vinyle, m. vinyl (preferred to ethenyl). virer, v.i. turn; specif., turn color, change
vinylique, a. vinyl, of vinyl. eolor ; (Photog.) tone, undergo toning ;
vioforme, m. (Pharm.) vioform. T.N. veer. v.t. turn; (Photog.) tone; transfer
violacé, a. violet, violet-colored, violaceous. (a sum) ; clear (an account). v.r. be
violacées, /. pi. (Bot.) Violaceae. turned ; turn coior, turn ; (Photog,) be
vioïacer, v.i. assume a violet) tint. toned, tone; be transferred; be cleared.
violanoside, m. violanin (an anthocyanm). — au vert, turn green.
violant, a. (Dyeing) violet, tending to violet. vireirx, a. poisonous, virose ; malodorous,
violariacées, /. pi. (Soi.) Violaceae. fetid, impleasant, virose.
violât, a. of violets or their extract. Virginie, /. Virginia.
violâtre» a. tending to violet, violescent. virgule, /. comma; wiper, lifter, cam,
violaxanthine, /. violaxanthin. virole, J. ferrule; collar, sleeve, ring, hoop;
violemment, adv. violently. (Bot.) Virola.
violenter, v.t. force, do violence to. virtuel, a. virtual; apparent; (Min.) norma-
violer, v.t. violate. tive.
Violet, a. & m. violet. — acide, (Dyes) acid virtuellement, adv. virtually.
violet. — alcalin, (Dyes) aEkali violet. — virulence, /. virulence, virulency.
au mêthyle, methyl violet. — bleu, bluish virus, m. (Med.) virus. — de la rage, —
violet. — cristallisé, crystal violet. — de rabique, rabies virus. — filtrable, — fil-
Bourgogne, Burgundy violet (a manganèse trant, filterable virus.
phosphate préparation). — de cobalt, co- vis, /. screw, specif. external or maie screw
balt violet. — de Hesse, Hessian violet. (cf. écrou).. pr. 1 & B sing. of vivre (to
—• de Mars, Mars violet (an iron pigment). live). p. def. 1 & 8 sing. of voir (to see).
— de mêthyle, methyl violet. — de Nu- à —, screw, fitted with or operating by a
remberg, minerai violet, manganèse violet screw. — à ailettes, — ailée, wing screw,
(impure manganèse metaphosphate). — thumbscrew. — à anneau, screw ring. —
d'outremer, ultramarine violet. — foncé, à crémaillère, (Micros.) coarse adjustment.
dark violet. — formyle, formyl violet. — — à crépine, filter screw. — à droite,
Hofmann, Hofmann's violet. — Lauth, right-handed screw. — à gauche, left-
Lauth's violet. — minéral, = violet de handed screw. — à œil, eye screw, eye
Nuremberg. — neutre, neutral violet. — boit. — à oreilles, wing screw, thumb-
rouge, reddish violet. — Van Dyck, a violet screw. —• à volant, a screw turned by a
VIS 469 vitrifier
hand wheel. — calante, leveling screw; vital, a. vital, of life, living.
centering screw. — concave, — creuse, in- vitalement, adv. vitally.
ternai screw, female screw. — d'ajustage, vitalisme, m. vitalism.
adjusting screw. — d'Archimède, Archi- vitalité, /. vitality.
medean screw. — d'arrêt, set screw ; lock- vitamine, /. vitamin.
ing screw. — de distribution, worm con- vitaminer, v.t. vitaminize.
veyor. — de pression, set screw, binding vitaminiprive, o. vitamin-free.
screw. — de réglage, adjusting screw, vitastérine, /. vitasterol.
regulating screw. — de serrage, set screw. vitaux, masc. pi. of vital.
— micro-métrique, micrometric screw, vite, a. quick, fast, rapid, speedy, swift;
(Micros.) fine adjustment. — sans fin, end- prompt ; hasty. adv. quickly, quick, fast,
less screw, worm. speedily, promptly, hastily. interj. quick !
visage, m. face, visage, aspect. vitellin, a. (Biol.) vitelline.
vis-à-vis, prep. opposite, facing; with re- vitelline, /. vitellin.
spect to, in comparison with. adv. oppo- vitellus, m. vitellus; egg yolk.
site, m. state of being opposite, opposi- vitement, adv. quickly, fast, speedily.
tion ; vis-à-vis. — de, opposite ; with re- vitesse, /. velocity; rate, speed, rapidity,
spect to. swiftness. — angulaire, angular velocity.
viscères, m. pi. viscera. — de combustion, rate of combustion. —
viscidité, /. viscidity. de la lumière, velocity of light. — de ré-
viscine, /. viscin. action, reaction velocity. — de régime,
viscosixnètre, m. viscosimeter. normal speed, working speed. — grande,
viscoslmétrique, a. viscosimetric. high speed, high velocity. — moyenne,
viscosité, /. viscosity. mean velocity ; average speed. — uniforme,
vis-écrou, m. (Elec.) binding post; (of a uniform velocity, unifonn rate, unifonn
shell) fuse plug. speed.
visée, /. sighting; sight; observation; aim; viticole, o. vine-growing, grape-growing,
aiming. viticultural.
viser, v.t. aim at; sight on; visé. v.i. aim. viticulteur, m. vine grower, wine grower,
viseur, m. sighting tube ; (Photog.) finder ; viticulturist.
sight; aimer, a. sighting. viticulture, /. viticulture, grape growing.
visibilité, /. visibility; view, outlook. vitrage, m. glazing ; glass ; glass Windows ;
visible, a. visible; évident, manifest. glass partition ; small curtain.
visiblement, adv. visibly; obviously. vitrail, m. stained-glass window.
visière, /. visor; (eye) shade; sight; peep- vitrail-camée, n. enameled-glass window.
hole. vitraux, pi. of vitrail.
visionnaire, a. & m. visionary. vitre, /. pane of glass, windowpane. —
visitage, m. visiting, etc. (see visiter); con- dépolie, (Photog.) focusing screen.
trol, check. vitré, p.a. glazed, glass, furnished with
visite, /. visit; inspection; search. glass ; vitreous ; vitrified ; (of parchment)
visiter, v.t. visit; inspect, examine; search; transparent.
overhaul. vitréosil, m. a form of quartz glass.
visiteur, m. visitor; inspecter, examiner. vitrer, v.t. glaze, fit with glass; rend»
vis-mélangeuse, /. mixing worm. (parchment) transparent.
visqueux, a. viscous ; viscid. vitrerie, /. window-glass making or trade;
vis-robinet, m. screw faucet, screw cock. window glass; glazier's work or business.
Vissage, m. screwing; (Ceram.) a defect vitrescibilité, /. vitrifiability.
consisting in spiral streaks or markings. vitrescible, o. vitrifiable, vitrcacible.
vissent, pr. S pi. (of visser) screw. imp. S vitreux, a. vitreous, glassy, hyaline.
pi. subj. of voir (to see). vitrier, m. maker or seller of window glass;
visser, v.t. screw, screw in, screw on, etc. glazier.
— à fond, screw tight, screw home. vitrifiabilité, /. vitrifiability.
visserie, /. screw making; screws, bolts, vitriflcateur, a. vitrifying. m. vitrifia-, —
and nuts; screw works. sur verre, glass enameler.
visuel, a. visual. vitriflcatif, o. vitrifying.
visuellement, adv. visually. vitrification, /. vitrification, vitrifaction.
vit, pr. S sing. (of vivre) lives. p. def. S vitrifié, p.a. vitrified.
sing (of voir) saw, etc. vitrifier, v.t. & r. vitrify.
vitrine 470 voilure
vitrine, /. glass case (cabinet, showcase). vogue, /. vogue; esteem, repute; rowing.
Vitriol, m. vitriol (sulfate or sulfuric acid). voguer, v.i, swim, float; move, progress.
— blanc, white vitriol (zinc sulfate). — voici, adv. hère is, hère are, hère am, this is,
bleu, — de Chypre, blue vitriol (copper thèse are, see hère, behold. — qui, hère
sulfate). — de cuivre, copper vitriol, blue is one that, hère is something that. —
vitriol, copper sulfate. — de fer, iron qu'il vient, hère he cornes. — venir, hère
vitriol, iron sulfate. — de Goulard, = cornes, hère corne.
vitriol blanc. •— de lune, silver sulfate, voie, /. way; method, process; road, track,
— de plomb, lead vitriol, lead sulfate. — Une, path, trait, route; gage (width); load,
de Vénus, = vitriol bleu. — de zinc, zinc cartload (see the phrases) ; kerf (of a saw) ;
vitriol, zinc sulfate. — martial, = vitriol (Anat.) passage, canal, duct. pr. S sing.
de fer. •— rouge, red vitriol, colcothar. subj. of voir (to see). La Voie lactée,
— vert, green vitriol (ferrous sulfate). The Milky Way. les voies digestîves, the
vitriolage, m. vitriolation ; vitrioling ; vitri- digestive tract, par la — de, by the way
olizing, vitriolization. (See vitrioler.) of, via. par la — interne, (Med.) in-
Vitriolé, p.a. vitriolated, vitrioled (see ternally. par — buccale, by moutû, per-
vitrioler) ; sulfate of. oral(ly). par — de, by means of. —
vitrioler, v.t. vitriolate, convert into or aérienne, air passage; airway. — d'accès,
treat with vitriol; {Métal.) vitriol, pickle approach. — d'eau, leak (in a boat) ; about
with dilute sulfuric acid; (Bleaching) sour; 30 liters of water ; waterway. — de bois,
vitriolize, injure with vitriol. about 2 cubic meters of wood. — de char-
vitriole rie, /. vitriol making; vitriol fac- bon, a hectoliter of wood charcoal. — de
tory. charbon de terre, about a cubic meter (1200
vitriolique, a. vitriolic. acide —, vitriolic kg.) of coal. — de coke, about 15 hecto-
acid (sulfuric acid). liters of coke. — de fer, = voie ferrée.
vitriolisation, /. vitriolation, production of — de Paris, 1.92 cubic meters. — dérivée,
or conversion into vitriol. (Elec.) shunt circuit. — de terre, wagon
vitrioliser, v.t. vitriolate, vitriolize. road ; land (as distinguished from sea)
vitrite, /. (MU.) a mixture of cyanogen route. — du laitier, slag duct, cinder fall.
chloride and arsenic trichloride. — ferrée, railway, railroad, railway track.
Vitrose, /. (Photog.) eut film, flat film. — fluviale, waterway. — humide, moist
vitrosité, /. vitreousness, glassiness. way, wet way. ignée, method in which
vivace, a. long-lived, lasting; (Bot.) peren- high heat is employed (often synonymous
nïal. with voie sèche). — pâteuse, (Ceram.) a
Vivacité, /. liveliness, briskness; quickness method of mixing or grinding intermediate
(as of an explosive); vividness, brilliancy between the wet and dry methods, the in-
(as of colors) ; vivacity, vivaciousness ; grédients being in a pasty form. — sèche,
véhémence, violence ; acuteness ; hastiness. dry way, dry method, dry process.
vivait, imp. S sing. (of vivre) lived. voient, pr. S pi. indic. & subj. of voir (to
Vivant, p.a. living, live, alive ; lively. m. see).
living organism ; living man ; liver ; life, voilà, adv. there is, there are, that is, those
lifetime. are, such is, such are, see there, behold.
Vive, a. fem. of vif (which see). pr. 1 & S — que, ail at once, suddenly. — qui, that,
sing. subj. of vivre (to live). it.
Vivement, adv. briskly, vividly, sharply, voile, m. dimness, obscurity, clouding ;
greatly, quickly, etc. (see vif). (Photog.) fog; veil; pellicle, film; scum;
Vivent, pr. S pi. indic. & subj. of vivre.
Vivifier, v.t. vivify, enliven, animate. (Biol.) vélum; voile, lawn; buckle (bend);
vivipare, a. (Biol.) vivjparous. (fig.) screen, cover. /. sail.
vivre, v.i. <fc t. live. m. life; living, board, voilé, p.a. clouded, etc. (see voiler).
food; (pi.) provisions, victuals; victualling. voiler, v.t. cloud, obscure, dim; (Photog.)
vivres de conserve, canned (or tinned) pro- fog ; hide, conceal ; muffle ; veil ; buckle,
visions, vivres secs, dry provisions. bend; rig with sails. v.r. be clouded, etc.;
vocabulaire, m. vocabulary. cloud, dim ; fog ; buckle, bend ; warp.
vocal, a. vocal, of voice, oral. v.i. buckle, bend; warp,
vocation, /. cal lin g, call; vocation; talent. voilière, /. (Math.) catenary (curve).
vocaux, masc. pi. of vocal. voilure, /. buckling, bending; warping; set
v œ u , m. vow; wish, désire; will, intention. of sails; airfoils.
voir 471 vouloir
voir, v.t. see; look at; examine; find (e.g., voler, v.i. fly; soar; steal; rob. v.t. fly
in a writing) ; see to ; overlook, face. v.r. after; steal; rob. — en éclats, fly to
be seen ; see oneself (or each other) ; find pièces.
oneself. v.i. see; look, face (on). (The volet, m. shutter; damper; trapdoor; sort-
infinitive voir is used as imperative in réf- ing board; vane; flap; paddle; screen,
érences; as, voir page SOS, see page 305.) shield.
faire —, laisser —, show; let see. voleter, v.i. flutter.
voire, adv., voire même, even, nay even. volettement, m. fluttering.
voirie, /. commission of public ways; pub- voleur, m. thief, robber, burgïar; flier.
lic ways, means of communication; offal, volontaire, a. voluntary; willful. m. volun-
garbage (or the place where it is de- teer ; willful person.
posited). volontairement, adv. voluntarily; willfully.
vois, pr. 1 & 2 sing. of voir (to see). volonté, /. will; wilh'ngness. à —, at will,
voisin, a. near, neighboring, adjacent, bor- at pleasure.
dering (on) ; closely related, similar, alike ; volontiers, adv. readily, easily; willingly.
(Org. Chem.) vicinal, neighboring. m. voltalque, a. voltaic.
neighbor. — de, near, near to, bordering voltamètre, m. voltameter.
on, approaching. voltigement, m. fluttering, etc. (see
voisinage, m. neighborhood, vicinity; prox- voltiger).
imity. voltiger, v.i. flutter; flicker; fluctuate;
voit, pr. S sing. (of voir) sees, etc. hover; tumble; vault.
voiturage, m. carriage, conveyance. voltigeurs, m. pi. flying yeast.
voiture, /. vehicle, cart, wagon, carriage, voltmètre, m. (Elec.) voltmeter.
car, etc. ; carriage, conveyance ; fare ; load, volume, m. volume. — critique, critical vol-
freight, burden. — à marchandises, (Rail- ume.
ways) freight car, goods van, goods wagon. voluménomètre, m. volumenometer.
— de chemin de fer, railway car, railway volumètre, m. volumeter.
coach, railway carriage. volumétrie, /. volumetrio analysis.
voiturer, v.t. carry, convey, transport. volumétrique, a. volumétrie, volumetrical.
volumétriquement, adv. volumetrically.
Voiturette, /. small automobile or vehicle. volumineux, a. voluminous; bulky; large.
voix, /. voice; vote. volupté, /. pleasure, delight.
vol, m. flight; flying; theft; robbery. ô — volutine, /. volutin.
d'oiseau, in a straight line; (of views) volvic, m. Volvic lava.
bird's-eye. •— piqué, {Aero.) dive. — vomicine, /. vomicine.
plané, (Aero.) gliding, glide. vomique, a. In the phrase noix vomique,
volage, o. unsteady; top-heavy; ficfcle. nux vomica, vomit nut. /. (Med.) vomica.
volaille, /. poultry, fowls; fowl. vomiquier, m. nux vomica (the tree).
volant, p.o. flying; movable; portable; (of vomir, v.t. vomit.
leaves of paper, etc.) loose, detached; (of vomissement, in. vomiting; vomit.
rockets) sky. m. fly wheel ; handwheel ; vomitif, a. & m. vomitive, emetic.
loose leaf; détachable part; interval (be- vomitoire, a. vomitory, emetic.
tween supports), span; shuttlecock. — à vont, pr. S pi. (of aller) are going, etc.
main, handwheel. vorace, a. voracious.
Volatil, o. volatile. vorticule, m. small vortex, small eddy.
vos, a. pi. your.
volatiliser, v.t. & r. volatilize.
volatiliseur, m. volatiliser. vosgien, a. Vosges, of the Vosges.
volatilité, /. volatihty. votant, p.a. voting. m. voter.
votation, /. voting.
volcan, m. volcano. voter, v.i. & t. vote.
volcanique, a. volcanic. votre, o. your.
volcaniser, v.t. volcanize. vôtre, pron. & m. yours.
Volée, /. flight ; volley, round ; jib (of a voudra, fut. 3 sing. of vouloir.
crâne) ; bar. à la —, in the air, flying, on voudrait, cond. S sing. of vouloir.
the fly; quickly, promptly; hastily, at vouer, v.t. & i. vow.
random; (of brickburning) in clamps; (of voulant, p.a. willing, etc. (see vouloir).
sowing) broadcast. vouloir, v.t. will; be willing; like; wish,
Volémite, /. volemitol, volemite. désire; want; require; need; mean, in-
vouloir 472 vulnéraire
tend; try, attempt; admit, grant. m. will. vraiment, adv. truly; in truth, really, in-
en — à, long for; look for; hâve designs deed.
on ; hâve a grudge against. — dire, mean. vraisemblable, a. probable, likely.
voulu, p.a. willed, desired, etc. (see vouloir); vraisemblablement, adv. probably, likely.
needful, requisite; usual, due. vraisemblance, /. probability, likelihood.
voulut, p. def. S sing. of vouloir. vrille, /. gimlet; (Bot.} tendril; (Aero.)
Vous, pron. you, to you. spin.
vous-même, pron. yourself. vriller, v.t. bore with a gimlet. v.i. follow
vous-mêmes, pron. yourselves. a spiral path (as a rocket), 'corkscrew.
voussoir, m. voussoir, archstone ; wedge ; vrille rie, /. gmall tools (gimlets, awls, etc.).
sector. V.S., abbrev. (vitesse de sédimentation) sédi-
voussure, /. arching; bulging, bulge; curve. mentation rate.
voûte, /, vault ; arch ; vaulting ; vaulted vu, p.a. seen, etc. (see voir); looked upon,
roof, arched roof, crown ; curvature. regarded. prep. seeing, considering, in view
voûter, v.t. vault, arch. v.r. be bent, arch; of; according to. m. examination, inspec-
(of persons) stoop. tion ; sight ; (Law) preamble. •— que,
voyage, m. journey, trip, run, voyage ; considering that, seeing that, whereas, since.
travel, traveling ; stay, sojourn ; quantity vue, /. view; sight; inspection; survey; in-
carried at one time. tention ; window, opening (through which
voyager, v.t. travel; (of things) be carried. to look). — de côté, side view. — d'en-
voyageur, m. traveler ; passenger. a. trav- semble, gênerai view. — en face, front
eling ; migratory. view. — instantanée, (Photog.) snapshot.
voyait, imp. S sing. of voir (to see). vulcanasbeste, m. vulcanized asbestoa.
voyant* p.a. seeing, etc. (see voir); showy, vulcanien, a. (Oeol.) vulcanian.
conspicuous. m. conspicuousness, showi- vulcanisant, p.a. vulcanizing. m. vulcaniz-
ness ; eyepieœ (of a level) ; vane (of a ing substance.
leveling rod) ; (visible) signal, indicator ; vulcanisateur, m. vulcanizer.
seer. vulcanisation, /. vulcanization, vulcanizing.
voyelle, /. vowel. vulcanisé, p.a. vulcanized.
voyer, v.t. run, cause to flow (as lye) ; shake vulcaniser, v.t. vulcanize.
(to rid of dust). m. road supervisor. vulcaniseur, m. vulcanizer.
vrac, m. In the phrase en vrac, in bulk, vulgaire, a. common; popular; vulgar. m.
not packed or arranged, loose. common people.
vrai, a. true; real; proper, right; véritable, vulgairement, adv. commonly; vulgarly.
downright. m. truth, true. adv. truly, vulgariser, v.t. popularize ; render common.
really, indeed. à — dire, to tell the truth. vulnéraire, a. (Med.) vuhierary. m. vul-
au —, dans le —, pour —, in truth, truly. nerary. /. (Sof.) kidney vetch (Anthyllis
pas —T is it not true? is it not ao? vulneraria).
w., abbrev. watt, watts. wallon, a. Walloon.
wacke, m. (Geol.) wacke. warranter, v.t. warrant.
wagage, m. river mud (used as a fertilizer). watté, o. (Blec.) yielding watts, active.
wagon, m. (railway) car, carriage; wagon; watt-heure, m. {Blec.) watt hour.
cart; truck,' carload, wagon load, truck wattmètre, m. (Elec.) wattmeter.
load; flue tile of rectangular cross section. wedro, m. vedro (Russian measure, 12.3
— à houille, coal car; coal truek. — liters).
basculant, dump car, dump truck. — wh., w.-hr., abbrev. (watt-heure(s)), watt-
couvert, — fermé, boxear. — de mar-
chandises, ireight car, goods van. — plat, hour(s).
flatcar. wistarie, wistaria, /. wisteria, wistaria.
wagon-citerne, ». tank car; tank wagon; wolfram, m. (Chem.) wolfram (tungsten);
water cart. (Min.) wolfram (wolframite).
wagon-lit, m. gleeping car, wolfrantiate, m. tuagstate, wolframate.
wagonnet, m. small car or wagon or truck. wolframtne, /. (Afin.) tungstite.
wagonnet-chargeur, m. charging truck. wolframocre, m. (Min.) wolfram ocher
wagon-réservoir, m. tank car, réservoir (tungstite).
car. woorari, m. curare, woorari.
wagon-restaurant, m. diuing car. wootz, m. (.Métal.) wootz.

xanthaline, /. xanthaline. xanthoxyline, /. xanthoxylin.
xanthéine, /. xanthein. xanthyle, m. xanthenyl.
xanthémie, /. (Med.) xanthemia. Xbre., X b r e , abbrev. (décembre) December.
xanthine, /. xanthine (the base); xanthin xénie, /. (Bot.) xenia.
(the coloring matter). xénogénèse, /. xenogenesis.
xanthinine, /. xanthinine. xérès, m. sherry.
xanthinurie, /. (Med.) xanthinuria. xérophile, a. xerophilous. /. xerophil(e).
xanthique, a. xanthic. xylane, m. xylan.
xanthochromique, a. xanthochromic. xylème, m. (Bot.) xylem.
xanthocréatine, /. xanthocreatinine. xylidine, /. xylidine.
xanthogénate, m. xanthate. xylique, a. xylic.
xanthogène, m. xanthogen. xylite, /. xylitol, xylite (the aloohol).
xanthogénlque, a. xanthic (of the acid); xylocétose, m. xyloketose.
xanthogenic, producing yellow. xylogène, m. (Bot.) xylogen (xylem).
xanthone, /. xanthone, 9-xanthenone. xyloïde, a. xyloid, woody, ligneous.
xanthophylle, /. xanthophyll. xyloïdine, /. xyloidin.
xanthoprotéine, /. xanthoprotein. xylol, m. xylene; xylole, xylol. (Cf. ben-
xanthoprotéique, a. xanthoproteic. zol.)
xanthoptéTine, /. xanthopterin. xylonique, a. xylonic.
xanthopurpurine, /. purpuroxanthin. xylorcine, /. xylorcinol.
xanthorhamnine, /., -rhamnoside, m. xyloyle, m. xyloyl (dimethylbenzoyl).
xanthorhamniu. xylyle, m. xylyl.
xanthotoxine, /. xanthotoxin. xylylénlque, a. xylylene, of xylylene. al-
xanthoxylc, m. (.Bot.) Zanthoxylum. cool —, a, a'-xylenediol, benzenedimethanol.

y, adv. there. pron. to him, to her, to this, -yle. -yl (in names of radicale).
to that, to it, to them; in him, in her, in yogourt, yoghourt, m. yogurt.
this, in that, in it, in them, therein; with yohimbine, /. yohimbine.
him, with her, with them (and similarly youfte, 771. yuft, Russie leather.
with by, for, etc.); so. il y a, there is, ypérlte, /. (.Mil.) yperite (mustard gas).
there are; ago. ytterbine, /. ytterbia, ytterbium oxide.
yagéine, /. yajeine, yageine (harmine). yttreux, a. of or containing yttrium.
yahourt, m. yogurt. yttria, m. yttria, yttrium oxide.
yara-yara, n. = néroline (which see). yttrifère, a. yttriferous.
yeuse, /. holm oak (Quercus Uex). yttrine, /. yttria, yttrium oxide.
yeux, pi. (of œil) eyes, eto. yttrique, o. yttrium, of yttrium, yttric.

zachun, m. zaehun (oil from the seeds of
zzingueur, m. zinc worker.
the bito tree, Balanites aegyptiaca). zingueux, a. of or containing zinc, zincous.
zaponner, v.t. japan, varnish, lacquer. zinquer, v.t. = zinguer.
zéaxanthine, /. ïeaxanthin. zinqueur, m. zinc worker.
zèbre, m. zébra. zinquier, m. zinc founder.
zébrer, v.t. stripe (like a zébra), streak. zinzibérin, a. of or containing ginger.
zébrure, /. stripe, striping, stripes. zinzolin, a. & m. reddish-violet.
zédoaire, /. (Pharm.) zedoary. zinzoliner, v.t. color reddish-violet.
zéine, /. zein. zircone, /. zirconia, zirconium dioxide.
Zélande, /. Zealand. zirconichlorure, m. chlorozirconate.
zèle, m. zeal, ardor. zirconide, n. any zirconium minerai.
zélé, a. zealous. m. zealot. zirconien, a. containing zircon, zirconian.
zéolite, zéolithe, /. (Min.) zeolite. zirconifluorure, m. fluozirconate.
zéolltique, zéolithique, a. (Min.) zeolitic. zirconi-iodhydrique, o. iodozirconic.
zéro, m. zéro; cipher, naught. — absolu, zirconi-iodure, m. iodozirconate.
absolute zéro. zirconique, a. zirconium, of zirconium, «ir-
zérotage, m. détermination of the zéro conic.
point, calibration. zirconyle, m. zirconyl, OZr=.
zeste, m. peel (of citrous fruits); dividing zodiaque, m. (Astron.) zodiac.
membrane (in nuts). — de citron, lemon zonaire, a. zoned, banded, striped.
peel. zone, a. zoned, banded, striped.
zester, v.t. eut the peel of (into strips). zooehinlie, /. zoôchemistry.
zibeline, /. (Zool.) sable. zoochimique, a. zoochemical.
ziguéline, /. (Min.) cuprite. zoologie, /. zoology.
zigzaguer, v.i. zigzag. zoologique, a. zoological.
zinc, m. zinc. — carbonate, zinc carbonate, zoologiquement, adv. zoologically.
(Min.) smithsonite. — cuivré, copper- zoologiste, zoologue, m. zoologist.
plated zinc. — grenaille, granulated zinc. zoomarinique, o. zoomaric (palmitoleic?).
— laminé, rolled zinc, sheet zinc. — rouge, zooxanthine, /. zooxanthin.
red zinc ore, zincite. — sulfaté, zinc sul- zostère, /. (Bot.) Zostera, specif. graas
fate. — sulfuré, zinc sulfide. wrack (a seaweed).
zincage, m. = zingage. zumatique, a. (Painting) zumatic.
zinc-diméthyle, m. dimethylzinc. zumique, a. zymic.
zinc-éthyle, m. diethylzinc. zymine, /. zymin.
zincide, n. any zinc minerai. zymique, a. zymic. acide —, old name for
zincifère, a. zinciferous. lactic acid.
zincique, a. zinc, of zinc, zincic. zymogène, m. (Biol.) zymogen, zymogene.
zincochlorure, m. chlorozincate. a. zymogenic.
zincocyanure, m. cyanozincate. zymohydrolyse, /. zymohydrolysis (hy-
zincographie, /. zincography. drolysis by enzymes).
zincographier, v.t. reproduce by zincog- zymologie, /. zymology.
zingage, m. zincking, zincing; specif., gal- zymologique, o. zymological, zymologie.
vanizing. zymosimètre, m. zymosimeter, zymometer.
zingibeT, m. ginger; (Bot.) zingiber. zymotechnie, /. zymotechnics.
zingibéracées, /. pi. (Bot.) Zingiberaceae. zymotechnique, o. zymotechnical, zymo-
zinguer, v.t. zinc; specif., galvanize. technie.
zinguerie, /. zinc works ; zinc ware ; zinc zymotlque, a. zymotic.
trade. ZZ, abbrev. (zingiber) ginger.


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