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Media Coverage Submission Form

SEND TO: Email Subject Line: City, State Market Hit Publish in tomorrows morning report? N: story ran Monday, 10/10. Hit Count: 2 Date: 10/10/11 at 5:30am and 6:30am City, State/ Market of Outlet (In AP style, please): Albany, NY, Upstate NY Outlet Name: WTEN-TV (ABC/ Albany, Schenectady-Troy, NY) Outlet Type (Print, Online, Social Media, Radio, TV, Hyperlocal): TV Article Topic: (Network, Product/Service, Device, Customer Service, Distribution, Corporate Reputation, Innovation, Other) Device Article Title: AT&T gets 200K pre-orders for iPhone 4S- best launch ever Summary of article (include AT&T mention): coverage of AT&Ts statement issued Friday evening. Sent email with statement and called assignment desks late on Friday. Direct hyperlink to article: no link available

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