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7 of Wands. Leo. Fire sign.

Being aggressive, standing up for your rights, going after what you want,defence ,value,protection, care,sacrfice,being on the right side. This card is for the fight of good against evil, and the need for courage and va lour. Fear is often the "true" enemy. If this fear is defeted one can aquaire th e strength to resist any assault. There are many issues to be delt with at this time. You must have courage and no t give up now as you have the ability to succeed if you are prepared to keep try ing. From your prespective you see obstacles when in reality they are only chall enges that you are capable of taking on board. This card points to trobble times ahead.Be aware and protect yourself againest a dversaries. Now is the time to take a stand on an issue that is important to you .

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