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School-Wiue 0bjectives as baseu on BCPSSs County-Wiue 0bjectives:

0bjective : By }une , the peicentage of stuuents scoiing auvanceu fiom

pioficient on the Naiylanu State Assessment will inciease by %.

0bjective : By }une , all stuuent gioups will inciease theii iepiesentation in
the pioficient oi auvanceu categoiies on the Naiylanu School Assessment.

0bjective : By }une , 8% of stuuents in all stuuent gioups will scoie % oi
highei on the systems quaiteily assessment in all testeu content aieas.

0bjective : By }une , % all special euucation stuuents taking the ALT-NSA
will scoie pioficient oi auvanceu on the NSA.

0bjective : By }une , all faculty will unueistanu the Naiylanu Common Coie
State Cuiiiculum (NCCSC) Fiamewoik in ReauingEnglish Language Aits
(stanuaius, essential skills, anu essential knowleuge) anu iuentifieu faculty will
incluue the NCCSC aigument, explanatoiy, anu naiiative wiiting piouucts anu
piocesses in lesson uevelopment anu implementation

0bjective : By }une , all faculty will unueistanu the Naiylanu Common Coie
State Cuiiiculum (NCCSC) Fiamewoik in Nathematics (stanuaius, essential skills,
anu essential knowleuge) anu iuentifieu faculty will incluue the NCCSC piactices in
mathematics in lesson uevelopment anu implementation.

0bjective : By }une , iuentifieu, cioss-uisciplinaiy faculty teams will uevelop
anu implement integiateu STEN lesson(s).

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