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Interserrana of|state| |the| of|university|

Planting of vegetable seeds Ahuacatln

Lic. En Biotecnologa

Identification Orgnica matter of |decomposition| bacterias of|accelerating| of

Julio Herman Prez Gmez

Advisor:Biol. Rafael Barcel Hernndez

The efficient handling of the remainders, for your minimization and valuation, constitutes an incipient line of strategies to carry out for the environmental quality (CA).

Para ello la Lic. en Biotecnologa la UIEPA, desarrolla un proyecto investigacin sobre el manejo aprovechamiento

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Which presents to him:

A. Objectives B. What is a bacterium? C. What is the Composta? D. Benefits of the Composta E. Media of cultivation F. Toma de Muestras G. Cultivo de Microorganismos H. Crecimiento Microbiano Resultados Observacin de Microorganismos Aislamiento de Bacterias e Identificacin Bacteriana I. Conclusiones

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