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#include #include #include #include

<stdio.h> <stdlib.h> <string.h> <errno.h>

#define STATES 20 #define MAXTOKEN 10240 #define ERR -1 typedef struct tokenList_ { int kind, value; char *lexeme; struct tokenList_ *next; } tokenList; int transitions[STATES][256]; // transitions[i][j] gives the state after reading character j on state i enum {ID,LABEL,DOTWORD,INT,HEXINT,REGISTER,COMMA,LPAREN,RPAREN,WHITESPACE,ZERO,S TART,DOLLAR,MINUS,ZEROX,DOT,DOTW,DOTWO,DOTWOR,COMMENT} states; const int stateToKind[STATES] = {ID,LABEL,DOTWORD,INT,HEXINT,REGISTER,COMMA,LPAR EN,RPAREN,WHITESPACE,INT,ERR,ERR,ERR,ERR,ERR,ERR,ERR,ERR,ERR}; const char *kindToString[STATES] = {"ID","LABEL","DOTWORD","INT","HEXINT","REGIS TER","COMMA","LPAREN","RPAREN","WHITESPACE"}; const char *alphanumerals = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY Z0123456789"; const char *alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY Z"; const char *oneToNine = "123456789"; const char *digits = "0123456789"; const char *hexDigits = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"; const char *whitespace = "\r\n\t "; void newLexer() { // Builds transition table to initiate lexer int i; const char *c; memset(transitions, ERR, sizeof(transitions)); for(c=alphabet; *c; c++) transitions[START][*c] = ID; ifiers for(c=alphanumerals; *c; c++) transitions[ID][*c] = ID; transitions[ID][':'] = LABEL; for(c=oneToNine; *c; c++) transitions[START][*c] = INT; s for(c=digits; *c; c++) transitions[INT][*c] = INT; transitions[START]['-'] = MINUS; for(c=digits; *c; c++) transitions[MINUS][*c] = INT; transitions[START]['0'] = ZERO; for(c=digits; *c; c++) transitions[ZERO][*c] = INT; transitions[ZERO]['x'] = ZEROX; for(c=hexDigits; *c; c++) transitions[ZEROX][*c] = HEXINT; for(c=hexDigits; *c; c++) transitions[HEXINT][*c] = HEXINT; transitions[START]['$'] = DOLLAR; ters for(c=digits; *c; c++) transitions[DOLLAR][*c] = REGISTER; for(c=digits; *c; c++) transitions[REGISTER][*c] = REGISTER; transitions[START][','] = COMMA; e character tokens

// ident

// value

// regis

// singl

transitions[START]['('] transitions[START][')'] transitions[START]['.'] directive transitions[DOT]['w'] transitions[DOTW]['o'] transitions[DOTWO]['r'] transitions[DOTWOR]['d'] transitions[START][';'] nts & whitespace for(i=0; i<256; i++) transitions[COMMENT]['\r'] transitions[COMMENT]['\n'] for(c=whitespace; *c; c++) }


// .word

// comme

transitions[COMMENT][i] = COMMENT; = WHITESPACE; = WHITESPACE; transitions[START][*c] = WHITESPACE;

void freeTokenList(tokenList *list) { if(list) { freeTokenList(list->next); free(list->lexeme); free(list); } } tokenList *newToken(int kind, const char *lexeme) { int value=0; if(kind == INT kind == HEXINT kind == REGISTER) { // Determine value if (lexeme[0]=='-') value = strtol(lexeme, NULL, 10); else if(lexeme[0]=='$') value = strtol(&lexeme[1], NULL, 10); else value = strtoul(lexeme, NULL, kind == HEXINT ? 1 6 : 10); if(errno == ERANGE) return NULL; // Out of range if(kind == REGISTER && value > 31) return NULL; // Out of range } tokenList *t = (tokenList *)malloc(sizeof(tokenList)); if(t == NULL) return NULL; // Memory error t->kind = kind, t->value = value, t->next = NULL; t->lexeme = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(lexeme)+1)); if(t->lexeme == NULL) return free(t), NULL; // Memory error strcpy(t->lexeme, lexeme); return t; } char lexer_token[MAXTOKEN+1]; tokenList *scan(const char *input) { // O(N) Simplified Maximal Munch Algorithm int i=0, state, length; tokenList *head = NULL, **tail = &head; while(input[i]) { state = START, length = 0; while(transitions[state][input[i]] != ERR && length<MAXTOKEN) { // DFA u ntil error lexer_token[length++] = input[i]; state = transitions[state][input[i++]]; } lexer_token[length] = '\0'; if(stateToKind[state] == ERR) { // Not a final state fprintf(stderr, "ERROR stray character (%c) after (%.*s)\n", input[i ], i, input); return freeTokenList(head), NULL; }

if(state != WHITESPACE) { if((*tail = newToken(stateToKind[state], lexer_token)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR out of range (%s) or insufficient memory\ n", lexer_token); return freeTokenList(head), NULL; } tail = &((*tail)->next); } } return head; } int main() { // Sample program demonstrating the use of the lexer char line[256]; newLexer(); tokenList *list, *head; while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin)) { head = list = scan(line); while(list) { fprintf(stderr, " Token: %s {%s}\n", kindToString[list->kind], list ->lexeme); list = list->next; } freeTokenList(head); } return 0; }

#include<stdio.h> void DEFINE_DFA(); int MOVE_DFA(int,char); char letters[10]; int letter_count,count,final; int final_states[5]; int dfa[10][10]; main() { int s,i,accepted; char line[10]; printf("\t\t DFA SIMULATOR"); //Stores input letters //Stores set of final states

printf("\n\t******************************\n"); DEFINE_DFA(); do { s=0; i=0; accepted= 0; printf("\n\nEnter Input String.. "); scanf("%s",line); while(line[i]!='\0') if((s=MOVE_DFA(s,line[i++]))<0) break; for(i=0 ;i<final ;i++) if(final_states[i] ==s ) accepted= 1; (accepted)?printf("\a\n\tYES..!!!") : printf("\a\n\tNO...!!"); getch();

printf("\n\nDo you want to continue..??(y/n)"); } while(getch()=='y'); }

void DEFINE_DFA() { int i,j; char c; printf("Enter the no. of states.. "); scanf("%d",&count); printf("Enter the no. of input letters.. "); scanf("%d",&letter_count); printf("Enter the no. of final states.. "); scanf("%d",&final); for(i=0;i<final;i++) { printf("Final state %d : ",i+1); scanf("%d",&final_states[i]); } for(i=0;i<letter_count;i++) {

printf("\nLetter %d :",i+1); printf("%c",letters[i]=getch()); } printf("\n\nFill transition diagram.."); for(i=0;i<count;i++) { printf("\n\n\t _________\n\t STATE %d ",i); printf("\n\t __________\n"); for(j=0;j<letter_count;j++) { printf("\n\t %c \b\b\b",letters[j]); scanf("%d",&dfa[i][j]); } printf("\n\t ----------\n"); } } int MOVE_DFA(int s,char c) { int j; for(j=0;j<letter_count;j++) if(c==letters[j]) return(dfa[s][j]); return -1; }

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