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Universidad Distrital Francisco Jos de Caldas School of science and education Licenciatura en educacin bsica con nfasis en ingls

como lengua extranjera. English Composition Maura Diaz Gina Vanessa Hernndez Contreras 20081165062

Modifiers are words or phrases that modify something else. For example, the word only is a modifier that's easy to misplace. When we use the modifier only is necessary to put it before the word that it modifies; for that reason is very important to put modifiers right when we keep them as close as possible to the thing they are modifying. Using words as not all all Sometimes putting the words in a different place, give the sentence another meaning because some words modify the sentence suggesting another meaning. When we use an infinitive and we introduce a modifier it separates drastically the sentence giving a different meaning to the topic mentioned previously. The words that give characteristics of a noun need to be near of the word that it describes or modify ;for that reason it have to follow the word mentioned previously. Place a word as with in a long phrase between two parts of the sentence can give different meaning to the sentence. In addition is very important to be careful with modifying words and phrases because they are easily misplaced. Using a word as who, needs to be placed near to the word that it modifies: for that reason, when working with one-word modifiers they usually go right before the word they modify.

Sometimes in a sentence when we are implying the subject and taking for granted that the reader will know what we mean; is very important to clarify which we are making emphasis.

For that reason, in a sentence the subject of the sentence have to name the person that performs the action. In that case the actor of the sentence gives a clear meaning of the phrase. In addition, is very important to name the subject or actor of the sentence because it can make reference to the person or to the object that it is making reference. Sometimes a possessive noun can function as an adjective modifying the subject.

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