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B Y T H E P R ESIDENT THE PHILIPPINES OF P ROCLAMATION NO. 276 D E C L AR IN GMON D A Y , 7 N OVEM BER2011, AS A REGULAR HOLIDA Y THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY,IN OBSERVANCEOF EIDUL ADHA ( F E A S T S A C R tF tC E) OF WHEREAS, RepublicAct No. 9849 provides that Eidut Adhashall be celebrated a regularholiday; as WHEREAS,EidulAdha is one of the two greatest feastsof lslam; WHEREAS,the date of the festivalbased on the declaration made by S a u d i Ara b i a 'si g h e st l i g i o us h re bodyis on 6 November 2011; WH E R E A S , th e N a ti onal Com m issionon Muslim Filipinos( NCM F ) recommended that the observanceof Eidul Adha be on 7 November2011 and the EidulAdha prayerheld on 6 November2011., N o w , T H E R E F OR E ,l , BENIGNO s. AeulNo lll, pr esidentof th e Philippines, virtue of the powers vested in me hy law, do hereby declare by M o n d ay,T N o ve mb e r2 0 1 1 , as a r egularholidaythr oughout the countr y,i n observance EidulAdha (Feastof Sacrifice). of lN WITNESSWHEREOF,I have hereuntoset my hand and causedthe sealof the Republic the Philippines be affixed. of to D o n ei n t h e c i t y o f M a n i l a1 6 1 2 0 t h d a y o f 0 c t o b e r , r nt h e y e a ro f o u r , 1 Lord,Two Thousand and Eleven.

rro N.



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