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8r|ef on Company
CNICkA Cred|t kat|ng Agency |s one of the top cred|t rat|ng agenc|es |n Ind|a.
Cver the years CNICkA has been prov|d|ng exce||ent serv|ces to |ts c||ents.
1he serv|ces prov|ded by CNICkA are cons|dered to be at par w|th other |ead|ng
prov|ders of cred|t rat|ng serv|ces |n Ind|a ||ke: CkISIL, ICkA, DCk, II1Cn & CAkL.
CNICkA |s recogn|zed as the p|oneers of the concept of |nd|v|dua| Cred|t rat|ng
|n Ind|a. After be|ng the f|rst to |ntroduce the concept, Cn|cra has been
cont|nuous|y conduct|ng |n-depth research |nto a|| aspects of the behav|or of
cred|t seekers and has deve|oped a comprehens|ve rat|ng system for var|ous
types of cred|t extens|ons. Cn|cra prov|des a p|atform to cred|t seekers and
granters bu||d |ong |ast|ng re|at|onsh|p.
We have been work|ng on var|ous bus|ness vert|ca|s ||ke: MSML kat|ngs,
1e|ecom, 8us|ness Assoc|ate kat|ng, Lducat|on kat|ng, Vendor kat|ng and
Lmp|oyee 8ackground Assessment & rof|||ng.
CNICkA has deve|oped a |ong ||st of esteemed c||ents that |nc|udes some of
Ind|a Inc's top 100 compan|es: Mah|ndra & Mah|ndra, Vo|kswagen, nDIC,
ke||ance, I8M, Genpact, nonda S|e|, N|ssan.

key respons|b|||t|es]
1he ro|e wou|d pr|mar||y |nvo|ve Market kesearch and s|te v|s|ts
for c||ent assessments (Infrastructure, |ant & Mach|nery).
Imp|ement|ng the f|nanc|a| too|s wh||e do|ng ana|ys|s.
1o work on kat|o Ana|ys|s.
1o work on I|nanc|a| Mode||ng.
Imp|ement|ng Number crunch|ng.

Cn|cra Cred|t kat|ng Agency of Ind|a Ltd

Iob 1|t|e: Assoc|ate Ana|yst
Department: SML kA1INGs
Locat|on: Gurgaon

Sk|||s requ|red:
Good commun|cat|on sk|||s
Ab|||ty to cope |n cr|t|ca| s|tuat|on
So|ut|on se||er who can effect|ve|y engage & ta|k to var|ous
dec|s|on makers ] |nf|uencers across the board.
8as|c know|edge of M.S. Cff|ce & Cut|ook.
W||||ng to |earn & work under pressure.

8us|ness context
keports to : Ch|ef kat|ng Cff|cer (8Gn)
M|n|mum Lducat|ona|
8.Com (nons ] ass)M8A (I|nance)
Lxper|ence requ|red:
0 - 1 rs.
Language(s) requ|red: Lng||sh.

C1C Cffer|ng

2.10 LA - 2.40 LA

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