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As PuLrols

8uslness runs on 1echnology, 1echnology ls Our Ldge

IT services and so|utions
W Wlo We ate
W Oot eJqe
W Oot v|s|oo
W Oot M|ss|oo
W Oot Setv|ces
W Oot 1eam
W Oot Comm|tmeot to Oot Costomets
As PuLrols
8uslness runs on 1echnology, 1echnology ls Our Ldge
e ure TROL u fusL growlng
lnformuLlon 1echnology comuny rovldlng
wlde runge of Lo-cluss buslness consulLlng
und lnformuLlon Lechnology servlces.
As PuLrols
8uslness runs on 1echnology, 1echnology ls Our Ldge
dvanced Techno|ogy ervices ls our edge, we
guurunLee fusL, effecLlve und efflclenL
dellvery for 1echnology Ugrudes, luLform
mlgruLlons, udvunced Hlgh uvullublllLy und
LlsusLer recovery soluLlons lmlemenLuLlons.
oevet les|tate to cootact AllS lA1ROlS
As PuLrols
8uslness runs on 1echnology, 1echnology ls Our Ldge
Our vlslon ls Lo rovlde ucceleruLed, susLulnuble
buslness growLh for our cllenLs Lhrough Lhe
develomenL und lmlemenLuLlon of
lnnovuLlve LuLubuse AdmlnlsLruLlon
sLruLegles us well us ull Orucle Lechnologles
und roducLs.
As PuLrols
8uslness runs on 1echnology, 1echnology ls Our Ldge
Our servlces deslgned Lo meeL wlde runge of murkeL's
needs und suLlsfucLlon.
e rovlde:
SuorL servlces: lncludlng Lmergency und RemoLe L8A
suorL, SLA luns.
ConsulLuncy servlces: lncludlng Ugrude , MlgruLlon, Hlgh
AvullublllLy, LlsusLer Recovery, erformunce Lunlng, SecurlLy 8
uudlL servlces, Plunnlng for 8ucku und recovery sLruLegles.
1rulnlng servlces: covers ull Orucle funcLlonul und Lechnology
RecrulLmenL servlces: rovldes LulenLs und oLenLluls eole Lo
Lhe murkeL.
As PuLrols
8uslness runs on 1echnology, 1echnology ls Our Ldge
e ure owered by our LulenLed rofesslonul
TROL wlLh dee exerlence ucross LRP
soluLlons, Lseclully wlLh ORACLL L8S 8 SAP
Lo uchleve our mlsslons.
As PuLrols
8uslness runs on 1echnology, 1echnology ls Our Ldge
e ure fully commlLLed Lo our ob|ecLlve of
hellng our cllenLs reullze Lhelr full oLenLlul.
Our luns lncludlng cusLom one, cover ull
cllenL's demunds und execLuLlons
e consLunLly uduLe und lmrove our remoLe
L8A suorL servlces und our comuny ls
ulwuys evolvlng Lo beLLer serve our
As PuLrols
8uslness runs on 1echnology, 1echnology ls Our Ldge
S Lellver Orucle, SAP und MlcrosofL 1rulnlng
S OuLsourclng lnsLrucLors for mosL of Orucle
courses und leurnlng uLhs
Orucle 1echnlcul Courses
Orucle LuLubuse udmlnlsLruLlon courses (SOL,
orksho l,ll, )
As PuLrols
8uslness runs on 1echnology, 1echnology ls Our Ldge
Advunced Orucle LuLubuse udmlnlsLruLlon courses (
RAC, LuLu guurd, Crld, Performunce Lunlng, securlLy)
Orucle AllcuLlon server udmlnlsLruLlon courses
Orucle AllcuLlon AdmlnlsLruLlon (lnsLull, uLch und
mulnLuln orucle ullcuLlon , sysLem udmlnlsLruLlon
fundumenLuls )
Orucle Leveloer courses ( SOL, PL-SOL, lorms,
As PuLrols
8uslness runs on 1echnology, 1echnology ls Our Ldge
Orucle luncLlonul courses
Orucle llnunclul Lruck
Orucle HRMS Lruck
Orucle SCM Lruck
Orucle CRM Lruck
Orucle Pro|ecLs Lruck
Orucle MunufucLure Lruck
S 8eslde unoLher lS Lrucks e.g. l1lL
As PuLrols
8uslness runs on 1echnology, 1echnology ls Our Ldge

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