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I|ashes |n My Dream

?ou keep cllcklng flashes ln my dreams

1hrough Lhe wlndows gllmpses of your shadows appear
WlLhouL any sound
1lpLoelng rlghL lnLo Lhe llghLness of my dreams
1he phoLographs you Lake away wlLh you from my dreams
Are noL perfecL!

1hey remlnd me of how you llke your weekends long and snowy
And your coffee black
Whlle you llsLen Lo Amy Wlnehouse
lrom 8ack Lo 8lack
As Lhe hours sllde
And Lhe snow drlfLs
And sollLude beglns Lo ca[ole Lhe nlghL
A sLrange lamp LhaL keeps burnlng
ln a yeL unfamlllar room
?ou lnhale your lover's smell
?ou remember hls breaLh on your splne
?ou rellve Lhe meeLlng of Lwo human Longues
And you keep wonderlng
lf love ls lndeed a loslng game?

l apologlze for my meanness Lo you
ln your dreams lasL nlghL
1haL Lore your hearL aparL
And kepL you awake
And lefL scars on your skln
ln Lhe mornlng
And l also apologlze
lor belng [ealous of Lhe 8lade

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