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1oLaal verschlllende sLapellngen kunnen Loch een gell[kaardlg resulLaaL opleveren uaarom ls geneLlsche
programmeren heL besLe normaal zal men een vooropgesLelde dlkLe hebben en slechLs een beperkL aanLal
mogell[ke hoeken 090+4343
2 conLlguousaangrenzend meesLal ls er een beperklng op heL aanLal aangrenzende lagen dle besLaan ulL
heLzelfde maLerlaal
8uckllng knlk
A geneLlc algorlLhm ls a gulded random search Lechnlque LhaL works on a populaLlon of deslgns Lach lndlvldual
ln Lhe populaLlon represenLs a deslgn le a sLacklng sequence coded ln Lhe form of a blL sLrlng
1he geneLlc algorlLhm beglns wlLh Lhe random generaLlon of a populaLlon of deslgn alLernaLlves ueslgns
are processed by means of geneLlc operaLors Lo creaLe a new populaLlon whlch comblnes Lhe deslrable
characLerlsLlcs of Lhe old populaLlon and Lhen Lhe old populaLlon ls replaced by Lhe new one Pereln Lhe
besL deslgn of each generaLlon ls always copled lnLo Lhe nexL generaLlon whlch ls called an ellLlsL sLraLegy
1he process ls repeaLed for a xed number of generaLlons or for a xed number of analyses wlLhouL
ln Lhe besL deslgn

MuLaLlon ls applled wlLh a small probablllLy by randomly swlLchlng a sLack orlenLaLlon (0S *43* 90S) Lo
one of Lhe oLher Lwo cholces avallable Slnce Lhe LoLal numbers of 0S *43* and 90Splles are xed Lhe
muLaLlon ls blased Lo promoLe compllance wlLh Lhls consLralnL 1he muLaLlon ls blased so LhaL a 0*sLack wlll
muLaLe only lf Lhe number of 0*plles ls noL equal Lo Lhe allocaLed amounL 1hls rule also applles Lo *43*
and 90SsLacks
ln a composlLe lamlnaLe Lhe ouLermosL plles hence lefLmosL genes atecL exural sLltnesses more Lhan Lhe
lnner plles

Cenerank crossover ls based on lmlLaLlng Lhe process used Lo average Lhe ranklngs LhaL Lwo [udges glve a
group of conLesLanLs wlLh plles playlng Lhe role of conLesLanLs Lach lamlnaLe can Lhen be vlewed as a ranklng
of Lhe seL of plles and generank crossover averages Lhe Lwo ranklngs lor example conslder Lhe slmple case
wlLh Lhree conLesLanLs A 8 and C 1he rsL [udge ranked Lhem as A 1 8 2 C 3 denoLed ln shorLhand as
A 8 C 1he second [udge ranked Lhem as A 2 8 3 C 1 or C A 8 We assoclaLe welghLs 1 and 2
wlLh Lhe Lwo [udges represenLlng Lhelr relaLlve lnuence (wlLh 1 2 1) ln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe
crossover 1 ls a unlformly dlsLrlbuLed random number ln 0 1 selecLed anew for each palr of parenLs for
each generaLlon 1he nal ranklng ls Lhen obLalned by summlng Lhe welghLed rank of each lndlvldual
obta|n|ng max|mum natura| frequency and buckllng sLress

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