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8|dang Stud| LNGLISn
okok 8ahasan Ask|ng to do someth|ng ask|ng for
someth|ng descr|b|ng th|ngs
ke|as 8 SM

4 choose the best onswer!

1 kadlLa ls ln a shop Lo buy some shlrLs
Shop asslsLanL Can l help you?"
kadlLa ?es __________ some shlLs please?"
Shop asslsLanL ?es of course Pere you are"
a you help me
b wlll you do me a favor
c could you show me
d sell Lo me

2 A faLher asks hls son Lo geL a newspaper
laLher ______"
Son Sure dad"
a please buy me a newspaper
b can l have a newspaper
c may l borrow Lhls newspaper
d wlll you Lake Lhls newspaper

3 8oy ________ walLlng for me a couple of mlnuLes?"
Clrl Cf course noL"
a Could you help
b Would you lead
c Won'L you come
d Would you mlnd

4 !osh lL's very hoL ln Lhls room ________"
Croban All rlghL"
a uo you mlnd Lo close Lhe door?
b uo you mlnd lf l close Lhe door?
c Can l see you open Lhe door please?
d Could you open Lhe wlndow please?

3 My uncle has wrlLLen a leLLer WhaL wlll you say lf he
wanLs me Lo posL ls?
a Could l posL my leLLer please?
b Could l help you Lo mall Lhls leLLer?
c Would you mall Lhls leLLer for me please?
d Would you help me Lo wrlLe a leLLer please?

6 A Wlll you help me carry Lhese books?"
8 _________________"
a 1hey are cerLalnly heavy
b ?es Lhose are my books
c !usL leave Lhem here
d CerLalnly

7 larlz Lxcuse me uad Could you please Lurn Lhe radlo
down a llLLle? l am dolng my homework
laLher Cf couse l wlll
1he underllne expresslon means LhaL______
a larlz asks hls faLher Lo Lurn down Lhe radlo
b larlz helps hls faLher Lurn Lhe radlo down
c laLher wlll Lurn Lhe radlo down for larlz
d laLher asks larlz Lo Lurn Lhe radlo down

8 Manager 1om _______Lake Lhls noLe Lo Lhe accounLlng
1om ?es cerLalnly
a Could you please
b May l Lell you
c Should l ask you
d Can l Lell you Lo

9 ?enl WhaL do you wanL Lo drlnk luad? 1ea or
luad Well l'd llke some Lea please"
?enl uo you wanL some sugar ln your Lea?"
luad ?es please"
1he underllned words express_________
a 1hanklng people c asklng for someLhlng
b lnvlLlng people d offerlng someLhlng

10Mahrum Can l help you?"
1lLln Sure Wlll you brlng me a pall of waLer?"
Mahrum CerLalnly"
1he underllned words ls a expresslon of__________
a Cfferlng help c asklng someone's help
b 1aklng help d asklng someone's ablllLy

11rabu Shall we go Lo see Lhe fooLball maLch?
Seanu ?es 8uL we musL flnlsh Lhe work before we
rabu ________________________"
8aLu ?es 1hanks"
a Can you help me ?
b uo you wanL me Lo help you?
c Can you do mw a favor
d Should we go now?

12x Mornlng slr_________?
? no Lhanks
a WhaL can l do for you
b SomeLhlng l can do for you
c WhaL would you llke me Lo do
d Would you help me wlLh Lhls bag

13Shopkeeper ls Lhere anyLhlng l can do for you?
CusLomer l need a palr of 8ucherl shoes
ln Lhe dlalogue Lhe shopkeeper wanLs Lo __________
a Ask b CeL c Cffer d AccepL


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148lLo Lxcuse me ! ________ Lo help you Lurn Lhe
radlo off?
Mr Pasnll ?es please 1hank you very much lndeed
a ls lL posslble for me c Can you erder
b Would you llke me d ls lL okay for

omp|ete the one s|de d|a|ogue be|ow us|ng the
express|on prov|ded |n the box

13Selvl ______________________________"
vlvl Ch Lhank 1hese books are very heavy"
16AdlL May l glve you a hand"
Mlla __________________ l can do lL by
17nlra ?ou looks so Llred uo you need any
A[eng __________________"
18lahra __________________?"
Mrs Cony Ch yes my chlld 1hank you so much"
19nlsa May l help you carrylng your bag Slr?"
Mr Agus ___________________"

omp|ete the d|a|ogue be|ow us|ng the sentences |n
the box

20uLrl ____________________________"
211sanla ______________________ uo come ln"
22uLrl So whaL are you dolng now?"
231sanla _____________________________"
24uLrl Sunflower? WhaL a cuLe
231sanla Well l am noL sure Maybe because of lL's

26#L|ephant" 1he sulLable descrlpLlon of Lhe anlmal ls
a lL has a long Lrunk and Lwo lvorles lL has blg body
and wlde ears
b lL has a long neck lL has brown spoLs on lLs skln lL
can run 30 km/hr
clL has Lwo shorL horns on hls head 1he skln ls grey and
d lL can cllmbs Lree easly lL llkes Lo eaL banana

27Where are glraffe's eyes?
a Around lLs long neck
b Cn Lhe fronL parL of lLs head
c Cn Lhe lefL slde of Lhls head
d Cn Lhe sldes of lLs headlegs

28Clraffes proLecL Lhemselves wlLh Lhelr
a 8ack legs
b lronL legs
c Long necks
d SpoL paLLerns

291hls ls an anlmal lL looks llke a man lL has flngers and a
Lall lL can cllmb a Lree lL eaLs nuLs and frulLs lL llves ln
Lhe [ungle of kallmanLan and SumaLera lL ls a/an
a 8hlnoceros
b Cendrawaslh
c CranguLan
d komodo

30lL ls mammal lL has shorL and solld legs long snouL
shaggy halr and shorL Lall lL can run and cllmb qulckly Lo
geL some honey 1hls anlmal ls good swlmmer Lo caLch
some flsh WhaL ls lL?
a anda
b olar bear
c 8ears
d gorllla
a ?es l do 1hank you very much
b 1hank you for asklng my glrl buL Lhls bag ls Loo
heavy for you
c May l help you cleanlng Lhe yard?
d Can l brlng you some of your books?
e no Lhank you
a lL ls llke Lhe sun blg and yellow
b l am sorry 1sanla for comlng laLe
c Why ls lL call sunflower
d 1haL's Ck
e l am waLerlng my sunflower

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