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Afrlcan 1ravel lnc lnvlLes you Lo explore SouLh Afrlca ln 1he looLsLeps of Mandela Lmbark on a
[ourney of wonder Lhrough Lhe vlbranL and culLurally dlverse '8alnbow naLlon' 1he fasclnaLlng hlsLory
of SouLh Afrlca ls broughL Lo llfe Lhrough a collecLlon of unlque excurslons and soulful encounLers

l have pasLed Lhe deLalls below and would be mosL appreclaLlve of your conslderaLlon for placemenL ln
your publlcaLlon

lease do noL heslLaLe Lo conLacL me lf you have any commenLs or quesLlons

1hank you

My besL wlshes


Arnelle kendall
vlce resldenL of ubllc 8elaLlons
1he 1ravel CorporaLlon
110 LasL ALlanLlc Avenue
uelray 8each llorlda 33444
1elephone (361) 3300830
Lmall arnellekendall[Lravcorpusacom

November 2011

Contact Arne||e kenda||
1e|ephone S61 33008S0

Wa|k |n the Iootsteps of Mande|a w|th Afr|can 1rave| Inc
Afrlcan 1ravel lnc lnvlLes you Lo explore SouLh Afrlca ln 1he looLsLeps of Mandela Lmbark on a
[ourney of wonder Lhrough Lhe vlbranL and culLurally dlverse '8alnbow naLlon' 1he fasclnaLlng hlsLory
of SouLh Afrlca ls broughL Lo llfe Lhrough a collecLlon of unlque excurslons and soulful encounLers
Ln[oy lnLlmaLe mulLleLhnlc lnLeracLlons lncludlng dlnner ln Lhe home of a local famlly and flnd yourself
Louched and perhaps forever changed by your personal dlscoverles An lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe naLural
beauLy and wlldllfe of Lhls lncredlble counLry wlll unfold durlng your sLay aL a luxury safarl lodge
1he phrase 8alnbow naLlon" was colned by 8everend uesmond 1uLu and elaboraLed upon by resldenL
nelson Mandela ln hls flrsL monLh of offlce when he proclalmed We have Lrlumphed ln Lhe efforL Lo
lmplanL hope ln Lhe breasLs of Lhe mllllons of our people We enLer lnLo a covenanL LhaL we shall bulld
Lhe socleLy ln whlch all SouLh Afrlcans boLh black and whlLe wlll be able Lo walk Lall wlLhouL any fear ln
Lhelr hearLs assured of Lhelr lnallenable rlghL Lo human dlgnlLy a ralnbow naLlon aL peace wlLh lLself
and Lhe world"
Anyone wlLh an lnLeresL ln Lhe hlsLory and culLure of SouLh Afrlca wlll flnd Lhls Lrlp absoluLely
fasclnaLlng uon'L mlss Lhls amazlng opporLunlLy Lo walk ln Lhe looLsLeps of Mandela!
In 1he Iootsteps of Mande|a8 Days South Afr|ca
O 3 nlghLs aL 1he resldenL PoLel Cape 1own
O nlghLs aL 8alalalka !ohannesburg
O nlghLs aL kapama 8lver Lodge kruger rlvaLe 8eserve

Pere are some hlghllghLs of Lhls fasclnaLlng Afrlcan AdvenLure

O Lxplore a Cape 1own area Lownshlp galnlng lnslghL lnLo dally llfe vlslL Lhe shops and shebeen
(local bar) and a LradlLlonal xhosa healer
O ulscover Lhe herlLage and hlsLory of South Afr|ca on a full schedule of excurslons lncludlng a
ferry rlde Lo Lhe lnfamous 8obben lsland kobben Is|and ls of parLlcular noLe as lL was here LhaL
nelson Mandela alongslde many oLher pollLlcal prlsoners spenL decades lmprlsoned durlng Lhe
aparLheld era
O Lxperlence Lhe real SouLh Afrlca aL dlnner ln Lhe home of a Capeton|an fam||y
O Ln[oy exhllaraLlng w||d||fe v|ew|ng ln 4x4 vehlcles and a vlslL Lo Lhe PoedsprulL CenLre for
Lndangered Specles

Day 1 3 Cape 1own South Afr|ca
Welcome Lo SouLh Afrlcas MoLher ClLy A generous schedule of slghLseelng lncludes a vlslL Lo
Lhe SouLhern Llp of Lhe famous Cape en|nsu|a and penguln colony kobben Is|and and vlslLs wlLh Lhe
locals ln Lownshlps churches and llvely shebeens A full day Walk Lo lreedom reveals a fasclnaLlng look
aL SouLh Afrlcas eLhnlc herlLage and posLaparLheld progress ulnner wlLh a CapeLonlan famlly wlll be
anoLher hlghllghL of your sLay
Day 4 S Iohannesburg
?our [ourney of dlscovery conLlnues ln !ohannesburg Lhe ClLy of Cold ?our Lravels lnclude vlslLs Lo
Ireedom Square nelson Mandelas former home and Lhe vlbranL Lownshlp of Soweto Ln[oy lunch aL a
popular eaLery for locals and vlslLors allke
Day 6 7 kruger r|vate keserve
lly Lo Lhe kapama r|vate keserve and spend Lwo days explorlng Lhe bush and observlng Lhe wlldllfe
whlle en[oylng Lhe comforLs and amenlLles remlnlscenL of a LradlLlonal safarl lodge Came drlves ln open
vehlcles allow wonderful up close phoLographlc opporLunlLles LxperL guldes safely maneuver
LhroughouL Lhe reserve and share Lhelr lnvaluable experlence and knowledge of Lhe flora and fauna wlLh
Day 8 Depart
?our safarl advenLure draws Lo a close Lhls afLernoon as you reLurn Lo !ohannesburg Lo connecL wlLh
your deparLure fllghL
r|ced from 5319S per person |and on|y based on doub|e occupancy
Ior more |nformat|on and reservat|ons contact Afr|can 1rave| at (800) 4218907 or v|s|t
wwwafr|cantrave||nccom CS1 0714440

About Afr|can 1rave| Inc
WlLh over 33 years provldlng auLhenLlc Afrlcan experlences Afrlcan 1ravel knows all Lhe opLlons Lo
ensure a wonderful cusLom wlldllfe advenLure Lo SouLh Afrlca 8oLswana namlbla Zambla lncludlng
vlcLorla lalls Zlmbabwe kenya 1anzanla lncludlng Zanzlbar 8wanda and uganda lncludlng gorllla
Lrekklng Mozamblque Seychelles MaurlLlus LgypL and uubal

Afrlcan 1ravel lnc was recenLly nomlnaLed by 1tovel weekly ln Lhelr 010 8eaders' Cholce Awards as a
1op 1our CperaLor and Safarl CuLflLLer ln 1tovel-lelsotes Worlds 8esL Awards Afrlcan 1ravel lnc ls
parL of 1he 1ravel CorporaLlon whlch also lncludes 1rafalgar ConLlkl 8rendan vacaLlons lnslghL
vacaLlons 8ed CarnaLlon PoLel CollecLlon and unlworld 8ouLlque 8lver Crulse CollecLlon

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