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A new lnLernaLlonal crlckeL faclllLy ls Lo be consLrucLed ouLslde a mega clLy over a plece of land laclllLy
Lo lnclude
(l) apaclLy of specLaLors 80000
(ll) uay/nlghL lay faclllLy
(lll) 1v amera laLform ln Slx dlrecLlons
(lv) SafeLy of layers from specLaLors
(v) avlllon for vls Lo slL 300
(vl) arklng (adequaLe space for all above)
1lme avallable ls 16 monLhs lncludlng monsoon osL of consLrucLlon need Lo be recovered ln 3 years
Average cosL of LlckeL ls 8s 100/ ApproxlmaLe 4 maLches per year SubmlL Lhe pro[ecL reporL coverlng
(l) ldenLlflcaLlon of pro[ecL
(ll) SLages ln developmenL of pro[ecL
(lll) Work breakdown sLrucLure Lo underLake Lhe pro[ecL
(lv) MllesLones M charL for corporaLe conLrol
(v) osL of pro[ecL
Assume necessary daLa
?ou have been selecLed as a pro[ecL manager for a presLlglous hlgh rlse bulldlng ln Mumbal whlch wlll be
houslng very rlch personallLles from lndusLry and fllm world
?our company managemenL has asked you Lo formallze CuallLy ManagemenL SysLem (CMS) for lnLerlor
flnlshes plumblng and prevenLlon of ralnwaLer seepage so LhaL Lhe overall quallLy sLandard and lmage
of Lhe company ls ralsed

?ou are a pro[ecL manager on a consLrucLlon of hydel power pro[ecL comprlslng of four maln works vlz
maln dam welr elecLrlc power sLaLlon and Lunnel 1he requlremenL of Len consLrucLlon maLerlals
lncludlng cemenL sLeel (Slx Slzes) sand aggregaLe eLc need Lo be monlLored dally onsumpLlon
requlremenLs resources on slLe and ln depoL needs Lo be checked every day ueslgn an MlS for
efflclenL worklng Assume sulLable daLa

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