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What were the causes and effects of the Second Great Awakening?

In what ways did renewed religious enthusiasm mesh with the cultural and political optimism of the Jeffersonian era? American Revolution It detached churches from Govt. It weakened traditional forms of religious practices. It raised ideas about individual liberty and reason. The ideas weakened the churchs traditions. In the 1790s only a small number of whites males belonged to churches. Theologies and scientific attitudes de-emphasized the role of God in the world. Some people started to believe in "Deism". People like Franklin and Jefferson belived in "Deism". Deism- Believing in God but thought of him as a remote being who created the universe but stopped being involved in it. Deism originated from France. "Those damn French." Books were written attacking religious "superstitions". Thomas Paine wrote, "The Age of Reason" in 1794and 1796. He declared that Christianity was the "Strangest religion ever set up", because, " It committed a murder upon Jesus in order to redeem mankind from the sin of eating an apple". Skeptics produced philosophies of " Universalism" and " Unitarianism". Universalism and Unitarianism emerged, at first, as views within the New England Congressional Church. These philosophies rejected the Calvinist belief in predestination. They said salvation was available to all people. The philosophies rejected the idea of Trinity. They said Jesus was a great religious teacher but not the Son of God. Traditional evangelicals were confused and disorganized " Rational" religious like Deism, Universalism, and Unitarianism were more powerful because they were not disorganized and confused like traditional religions.

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