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Vo|tage k|se and Vo|tage Drop

Introduct|on ln an elecLrlcal clrculL normally volLage drop occurs when currenL flows ouL of
Lhe clrculL whereas volLage rlse occurs when currenL ls lnLroduced lnLo Lhe clrculL volLage rlse
and volLage drop are Lhe Lwo klnds of LMl or oLenLlal dlfferences ln elecLrlcal work A
dlfference beLween volLage rlse and volLage drop cannoL be lndlcaLed by Lhe mulLlmeLer
klrchhoff's volLage law sLaLes LhaL sum of volLage drop are equal Lo sum of volLage rlse ln a
clrculL klrchhoff's currenL law sLaLes LhaL Lhe currenL enLerlng any polnL ln a clrculL ls equal Lo
Lhe currenL leavlng Lhe same polnL
Vo|tage k|se and Vo|tage Drop ln elecLronlcs and elecLrlcal work Lhere are Lwo klnds of
LMl or poLenLlal dlfferences 8oLh are expressed ln volLs buL Lhey have somewhaL dlfferenL
characLerlsLlcs Cne Lype of LMl ls called volLage rlse and Lhe oLher ls called volLage drop 1he
energy lnLroduced lnLo Lhe clrculL ls called volLage rlse and Lhe energy removed from Lhe clrculL
by Lhe load ls called volLage drop volLage drop and volLage rlse are expressed ln volLs lf you
aLLempL Lo measure boLh a volLage rlse and volLage drop a mulLlmeLer cannoL be lndlcaLe Lhe
k|rchhoff's Law Many serlesparallel clrculLs can be analyzed uslng Lhe Chm's Law
Powever more complex clrculLs cannoL always be analyzed by such slmple meLhod CfLen a
clrculL wlll have several lnLerconnecLed serlesparallel branches and Lwo or more volLage
sources Several Lechnlques have been developed Lo analyze clrculLs of Lhls Lype 1hese
Lechnlques are generally grouped LogeLher under Lhe same neLwork Lheorems Cne of Lhe mosL
common Lools used for analyzlng Lhe neLwork ls klrchhoff's law lL was developed by Cerman
physlclsL CusLav klrchhoff
k|rchhoff's Vo|tage Law Cne form of klrchhoff's law has already been dlscussed LhaL sLaLes
Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe volLage rlse and Lhe volLage drop around Lhe closed loop ln Lhe
clrculL 8ecall Lhe sum of volLage drops ls equal Lo Lhe sum of Lhe volLage rlses ls referred Lo as
klrchhoff's volLage law
k|rchhoff's Current Law klrchhoff's lnLroduced anoLher law LhaL lnvolves currenL raLher
Lhan volLage lL sLaLes LhaL ln a parallel clrculL Lhe LoLal currenL ls equal Lo Lhe sum of Lhe
branch currenLs ln oLher words Lhe currenL enLerlng any polnL ln a clrculL ls equal Lo Lhe
currenL leavlng Lhe same polnL

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