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Inductor and capac|tor

Inductor lnducLance ls Lhe ablllLy of a devlce Lo oppose a change ln Lhe currenL flow and
lnducLor ls Lhe devlce whlch needs Lo have a speclflc value of lnducLance lnducLors can be used
ln serlesparallel comblnaLlons dependlng on Lhe requlred level of lnducLance
Inductance lnducLance ls Lhe properLy of an elecLrlcal devlce Lo reslsL a change ln Lhe flow of

1ypes of Inductors
1he cholce of lnducLors depends upon Lhe avallablllLy of space frequency range of operaLlon
and power requlremenL 1here are several Lypes of lnducLors buL Lhe mosL wldely used
lnducLors are
1 CCIL INDUC1C 1hese lnducLors are Lhe mosL wldely used 8ar coll
lnducLors have small Lransmlsslon used 8ar coll lnducLors have small Lransmlsslon
loss (Low reslsLance) and have a large currenL handllng capaclLy wlLh greaL
2 UCL MCUN1 CCNDUC1C 1hese lnducLors are very small ln slze and can
flL lnLo a small area Pence surface mounL lnducLors are generally used when Lhere
ls a space lssue
3 MD CWL INDUC1C 1hese lnducLors posses hlgh solder ablllLy and hlgh
reslsLance Lo heaL 1hey are ldeal for uCuC converslon SMu power lnducLors
enable exLendlng Lhe lnducLance range for low proflle and hlgh currenL lnducLors
L1 CCIL UCL MCUN1 CWL CCNDUC1C 1hese conducLors help
lowerlng Lhe operaLlng LemperaLure by Lhe leasL 3 degree Celslus ln addlLlon lL
lmproves Lhe baLLery operaLlng Llme by aL leasL 6 percenL
1nIN ILM INDUC1C 1hese lnducLors are very small and Lhln ln slze and are
used for smaller and Lhlnner elecLronlc devlces 1hls feaLure separaLes Lhe Lhln fllm
lnducLors from oLher small slze lnducLors

Capac|tor 1he capaclLor ls a devlce LhaL sLores elecLrlcal energy and capaclLance ls Lhe
amounL of elecLrlcal energy sLored aL Lhe glven volLage drop by Lhe capaclLor
1he capaclLor sLores energy and capaclLance ls Lhe amounL of energy sLored aL a glven
volLage drop by Lhe capaclLors can be used ln comblnaLlon when requlred 1hey can be
changed for use and can also be dlscharged when noL ln use
CCI1NCL CapaclLance ls Lhe ablllLy of a devlce Lo sLore elecLrlcal energy by means
of an elecLrosLaLlc fleld 1he number of elecLrons LhaL lL can sLore for a glven applled
volLage ls Lhe measure of lLs capaclLance
1L C CCI1C MosL wldely used Lypes of capaclLors
CLMIC CCI1C 1he ceramlc capaclLors are named from Lhe facL LhaL
Lhey use a ceramlc dlelecLrlc 1hls provlde ceramlc capaclLors Lhe properLles of low
less and a reasonable level of suablllLy buL Lhls depends upon Lhe exacL Lype of
ceramlc used

LLLC1L1IC CCI1C 1hese capaclLors are Lhe mosL popular Lype for
values greaLer Lhan abouL 1 mlcrofarad 1he level of capaclLance ls Lhe hlghesL
amongsL all Lhe capaclLors lf conslsL of Lwo Lhln alumlnum fall fllms 1he mosL
lmporLanL characLerlsLlcs of Lhe elecLrolyLlc capaclLors ls LhaL Lhey posers polarlLy
1hey conslsL of a poslLlve and a negaLlve elecLrode

L1IC ILM CCI1C 1hese are good generalpurpose capaclLors and
are generally nonpolar

Common Lypes of plasLlc fllm capaclLors are
1 My|ar Can lnLroduce nolse durlng vlbraLlon

2 o|ycarbonate Can lnLroduce moderaLe level of loss 1hls loss may
lncrease wlLh frequency 1he lnsulaLlon reslsLance level ls very hlgh

3 o|yester Can lnLroduce moderaLe level of loss 1hls loss may lncrease
wlLh frequency 1he lnsulaLlon reslsLance level ls very hlgh

4 o|ystyrene Can lnLroduce low loss buL are very bulky 1he LemperaLure
coefflclenL ls very hlgh

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