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Graoe 3 Weekly Upoate

Week ot December 5, 2011

Anol [amet Davlo Sesmltb Lrlka vlctor
anol.jamet@bbls.oe oavlo.sesmltb@bbls.oe erlka.vlctor@bbls.oe

Unlt ot |nqulry

Tbls week we begln researcblng tbe varlous artlsts ano art styles tbe stuoents bave
cbosen. We wlll use a planner to take notes ano begln by looklng at tbe genre ot
blograpby. Please teel tree to support your stuoent by belplng ber/blm to gatber more
lntormatlon. Do not torget tbe onllne subscrlptlons tbe scbool bas:
over 300 oatabases Magazlnes & [ournals
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Passworo: Groller

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Username: berlln Passworo: berlln
We wlll also look at styles ot art by creatlng art. Look tor tbe Graoe tbree
representatlon ot Nortb Amerlca at tbe Wlnter Concert.
We wlll also contlnue to use plctures we took on our Potsoamer Platz tlelo trlp
to make a PowerPolnt presentatlon about tbe elements ot oeslgn.
Tbls week we wlll also meet wltb Camllle, wbo wlll talk to us about llte wltb an
artlst (ber tatber). We wlll also get to look at some ot bls work ano compare lt
to bls trleno's work. [en Martln (LAL asslstant) wlll also sbare some ot ber work
as a pbotograpber.
Language Arts |n language arts tbls week we wlll be worklng on many oltterent tblngs
tbrougbout tbe 3
graoe. However, we wlll all be beglnnlng researcb skllls!
We wlll concentrate on maln loea ano supportlng oetalls. We wlll also be
looklng at a varlety ot tets ano practlclng to blgbllgbt ano take notes!
We are also uslng opportunltles to wrlte about art, concentratlng on tbe
storles art can tell us, bow lt makes us teel, wbat we see ln tbe work, ano
sbarlng oplnlons ot art we see.
Matb Tbls week we wlll move on to tangrams as we contlnue to look at 2D sbape.
We are uslng tbem to make sbapes ano tlnolng sbapes wltbln sbapes. We wlll
also work wltb pattern blocks ano bope to be able to look at patterns ln qullts
ano even make our own oeslgns.
Graoe 3 Weekly Upoate
Week ot December 5, 2011

Anol [amet Davlo Sesmltb Lrlka vlctor
anol.jamet@bbls.oe oavlo.sesmltb@bbls.oe erlka.vlctor@bbls.oe

Practlce song lyrlcs tor tbe Wlnter Concert at bome.

Reglster tor new LCAs comlng soon vla an onllne llnk.

We are notlclng more stuoents arrlvlng to scbool qulte early or late. Stuoents
sboulo be arrlvlng between 7:50 ano 8:00, as we start rlgbt away.

We really enjoy tbe olverslty ln our classrooms ano are glao wben tamllles are
wllllng to sbare tbelr traoltlons wltb tbe. Please let your teacber know wben
tbere ls a speclal oay you woulo sbare wltb us.
Looklng Abeao

Dec 7 Prlnclpal's Cottee Mornlng (8:10 am ln Camllle's ottlce)
ec 8 E5 5chooI Winter Concert 1 pn in sports haII
Dec 15 LC Wlnter Celebratlon 8:30 am ln tbe Helzbaus
December 16 at 8:30 Graoe 3 Holloay 8reaktast- oetalls to tollow trom room
parents. Tbls ls a sbort oay wltb scbool enolng at 11:30.
Weonesoay, [anuary 4
ls tbe first day back. Lnjoy your break!

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