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Ma[est|c Lng|neer|ng Iabr|cat|on ]L

A8N 81 111 S82 462

26 V|o|et St kevesby NSW 2212
1e||97921366 fax97921388
uaLe 31102011

ALLn ulmlLrl
MeLrowlde ConsLrucLlon /L
C 8ox 3329 WeLherlll ark 2164
M 0432 230 624 l 02 8747 0920

uear ulmlLrl
8e 2428 8aymond AveSLrucLural sLeel
WlLh regard Lo above pro[ecL we have pleasure ln resubmlLLlng our quoLe for your conslderaLlon

1oLal rlce would be $20200000+CS1

We have based our CuoLe on Lhe followlng

SLrucLural urawlngs LhaL provlded
ArchlLecLural drawlngs have been used for reference only

Supply labrlcaLe uellvery and lnsLallaLlon of SLrucLural SLeel
Shop ueLall urawlng
All necessary slLe equlpmenLs and crane
All flnlshes accordlng Lo Lhe speclflcaLlons

1erms of paymenL
aymenLs Lerms Lo be dlscussed

SlLe Work
SlLe work raLes exclude all slLe allowance and any oLher exLra paymenL LhaL may be requlred on Lhls
slLe LhaL may form parL of a Work lace AgreemenL beLween Lhe addressee or hls agenL and Lhe
1rade unlons

uellvery / program
ueLalled works program based on your work schedule and our shop commlLmenL wlll be provlded lf
our Lender successful

1ender valldlLy
1ender remalns valld for 30 days afLer whlch we reserve Lhe rlghL Lo re prlce lL

napean Zone SubsLaLlon (!ob on rogress)
Abergeldle Complex lnfrasLrucLure
ro[ecL Manager Lllcla Mlller
unlL 1 3 Ceorge ?oung SL
8egenLs ark nSW 2143
p 02 8717 7777
uenham ConsLrucLlon /L
1/48 1opham 8d SmeaLon Crange nSW
ConLacL erson Adam kearns
M 0408 690 063 02 4648 6700

1oLal ConsLrucLlon /L
Level 2 3 Ceorge SLreeL
norLh SLraLhfleld nSW 2137
1el +61 2 9746 9333 lax +61 2 9746 9388

luCConsLrucLlon llLouL /L
2224 !uncLlon SL loresL Lodge nSW 2037
ConLacL erson !orgen Coara
M 0413 439 007 02 9366 2900

More references and pro[ecL deLalls could be provlded on requesL

We LrusL Lhe above meeLs wlLh your requlremenLs lor any furLher lnformaLlon please feel free Lo
conLacL us

1onoy Lmroz
ConLracL AdmlnlsLraLor
Ma[esLlc Lnglneerlng and fabrlcaLlon /L
0424 836 031

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