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Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

ِ‫بِسْمِ الِ الرّحْمنِ الرّحِيم‬

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

َ‫ك الّذِي خَلَق‬

َ ّ‫اقْ َرأْ بِاسْمِ رَب‬
[96:1] Read in the name of your Lord Who created.
Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

َ ْ‫ق الِْنسَانَ مِن‬
َ َ‫خَل‬

[96:2] He created man from a clot.

Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

َ ‫كا‬
َ ّ‫اقْ َرأْ وَرَب‬

[96:3] Read and your Lord is Most Honorable,

Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

ِ‫الّذِي عَلّ َم بِالْقَلَم‬

[96:4] Who taught (to write) with the pen

Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

ْ‫ن مَا لَمْ َيعْلَم‬

َ ‫عَلّمَ الِْنسَا‬

[96:5] Taught man what he knew not.

Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

‫ن الِْنسَانَ لَيَطْغَى‬
ّ ِ‫كَلّ إ‬

[96:6] Nay! man is most surely inordinate,

Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

‫ستَ ْغنَى‬
ْ ‫أَن رّآهُ ا‬

[96:7] Because he sees himself free from want.

Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

‫إِنّ إِلَى َربّكَ الرّجْعَى‬

[96:8] Surely to your Lord is the return.

Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

‫أَ َرأَ ْيتَ الّذِي يَ ْنهَى‬

[96:9] Have you seen him who forbids

Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

‫عَبْدًا إِذَا صَلّى‬

[96:10] A servant when he prays?

Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

‫علَى الْهُدَى‬
َ َ‫أَ َرأَ ْيتَ إِن كَان‬

[96:11] Have you considered if he were on the right

Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

‫أَوْ َأمَرَ بِالتّ ْقوَى‬

[96:12] Or enjoined guarding (against evil)?

Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

‫أَ َرأَ ْيتَ إِن كَذّبَ وَ َتوَلّى‬

[96:13] Have you considered if he gives the lie to

the truth and turns (his) back?
Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

‫َألَمْ َيعْلَمْ بِأَنّ الَّ يَرَى‬

[96:14] Does he not know that Allah does see?

Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

ِ‫كَلّ َلئِن لّ ْم يَنتَهِ لَنَسْفَعًا بِالنّاصِيَة‬

[96:15] Nay! if he desist not, We would certainly

smite his forehead,
Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

ٍ‫نَاصِيَ ٍة كَا ِذبَةٍ خَاطِئَة‬

[96:16] A lying, sinful forehead.

Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

‫ع نَادِيَه‬
ُ ْ‫َفلْيَد‬

[96:17] Then let him summon his council,

Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

َ‫سنَدْعُ ال ّزبَانِيَة‬

[96:18] We too would summon the braves of the

Surah al-’Alaq (The Clot)

َ۩ ْ‫كَلّ لَ تُطِعْهُ وَاسْجُدْ وَاقْتَرِب‬

[96:19] Nay! obey him not, and make obeisance

and draw nigh (to Allah). (mandatory prostration)

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