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2) United States Patent ‘Travis ‘USOOTLOS68SB2 US 7,105,685 B2 Sep. 12, 2006 (10) Patent No. (4s) Date of Patent: (34) CANNABINOL DERIVATIVES (96) Inventor: Craig R. Travis, $901 SW. 87" St, South Miami, FL (US) 33143 () Notice: Subject wo any diteluimer the tem of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 USC. 154(b) by 83 days (21) Appl. Now 10/928,242 (22) Filed: Dee, 22, 2002 6s) Prior Publication Data {US 20080158191 AL Avg, 21, 2003 Related U.S. Application Data (63) Continuation of appiaton No, 09928685, fed on Aus. 1,200, mow Pat No.6 506,560 which 3 entiation: inp of appicion No. 09'S88385, ied on Mie Bon, now Pat No. 8278835, (G0) Provisional splication No. 60125674 ied on Mat. 2, 199, and provisional application No, 60151595, fled on Aug. 30. 199, (1) Incl. 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