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People Getting to know you OPSME Science-based lessons: -Search and Conquer -Lets Go Shopping Poem : THE RIVER

1.1 Make friends and keep friendships by a. Talking part in conversations and discussions. b.talking about self,family,friends, Interest, past events, feelings and understanding when others talk about themselves 2.1 Obtain information for different audience by c.composing, revising and editing drafts and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar. 2.2 Process Information by a. Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas f.using dictionaries. 2.3 Present information to different audience by c.composing, revising and editing drafts and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar

1.0 Interpersonal

Level 1 i.Introducing yourself ii.Talking about-self family iii.Asking simple questions politely by giving the required information level 1.Telling what the text is all about ii.Scanning for certain details iii.Using the dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar words level 2 iv.Punctuating meaningfull using capital letters, commas, full stop, question marks

Grammar -Simple present tense -Subjectverb agreement -Whquestion -Punctuation Capital letters, exclamation mark, full stop, question mark Sound system /p/,/b/ Vacabulary Refer to word list Grammar -Adjectives in terms of color, size and shape -Preposition of place -Regular and irregular verbs Sound system /t/,/d/ Vocabulary Refer to

Introducing oneself using structure -Role play -Guessing game: who,Am I? -Sing a song:The more We Get Together -Blank-filling-activity -Guessing the meaning of words -Guided writing -Reading an e-mail -Learning how to write an e-mail

3-17 Jan 2012

2.0 Informationa l

18-31 Jan 2012

People Family Ties OPSME Maths-based lessons: -How Am I Different? -Guess Who Poem : THE RIVER

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by b.talking about self,family,friends, interests, past events, feelings, and understanding when others talk about themselves 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by a.listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches and from other multimedia sources b.reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media 2.2 Process information by a.Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas 2.3 Present information to different

1.0 Interpersonal

Level 2 vi.Giving an account of experience or preferences and describing feeling with the correct intonation, word stress and sentences rhythm in face-to- face situations and writing simple paragraphs viii.Writing short messages Level 1 i.Listening to and understanding a variety of texts of suitable length Level 2

Listen to a job description, fill in a questionnaire -Read a dialogue about a job, complete a flow chart -Write a description of a job

2.0 Informationa

audiences by a.writing recounts etc. Using appropriate format and conventions

ii.Nothing important details iv.Finding more details in simple text Level 3 vii.Writing recounts

word list

5 6-7
1 -18 Feb 2012 People Stand By Me OPSME Maths-bassed Lesson: -My own wallpaper -Mix and match Poem : MR.NOBODY

CHINESE NEW YEAR HOLIDAY (22.01.2012 28.01.2012)

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by b.talking about self, family, friends, interests, past events, feelings and understanding when others talk about themselves 1.2 Take part in social interaction by b.Participating in conversations and discussions 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by a.reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media 2.2 Process information by a.Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas 2.3 Present information to different audiences by a.Writing recounts etc, using appropriate format and conventions 3.1 Listen to read, view and respond to literary works by a.understanding and telling in ones own words the story read 3.2 Express themselves creatively and Imaginatively by a.dramatizing texts and role-playing characters

1.0 Interpersonal

Level 2 vi.Giving an account of experiences and feelings Level 1 v.Apologizing for mistake or when one has hurt or offended someone Level 1 ii.Reading silently and aloud with understanding a variety of texts of suitable length Level 2 ii.Scanning for certain details Level 3 Writing recounts Level 2 iv.Giving the sequence of events Level 1 1.Acting out sections of the texts

Grammar -Sentences: Negative statements -Verbs Negative verbs Sound system Contractions: nt,snt Vocabulary Refer to word list

-Talking about how ones feeling at the moment -Talking about ones experiences -Blank-filling activity -Reading a story -Rearranging events -Group discussion on how one feels about a situation given -Writing recounts -Role play

2.0 Informationa l

3.0 Aesthetic

19 - 3 Mac 2012

Environment It All Starts At Home Poem:

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by c.exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest 1.2 Take part in social interaction by

1.0 Interpersonal

Level 1 iii.Asking simple question politely to get information and responding appropriately

Grammar -Verbs for instructions and directions

-Talking about 3Rs (Reduce,Reuse, Recycle) -Making a project


b.participating in conversations and discussion

iv.Responding to question politely by giving the require information Level 2 vii.Giving and following instructions x.Discussing plans with others to do something

Connections: Sequence connectors -Punction: Commas Sound system -/m/,/n/ Vocabulary -Refer to word list

-Giving instructions orally and in writing -Reading e-mails and answering them -Blank-filling activity -Constructing sentences -Reciting poem

9 10 11
18 24 Mac 2012 Environment Do You Care Enough?

PEPERIKSAAN PENGGAL 1 (05.03.2012 09.03.2012) DISCUSSION 0N PP 1 MID TERM 1 BREAK (9.03.2012 17.03.2012) 1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by 1.0 Level 1 c.exchanging ideas and giving opinions Interpersonal iii.Asking a simple on topics of interest questions politely to get information and 1.2 Take part in social interaction by responding appropriately b.participating in conversation and iv.Responding to discussion questions politely by a.carrying out a variety of language giving the require functions information 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by a.listening to spoken text such as talks, speeches and from other multimedia sources b.reading material such as articles in print and in electronic media 2.2 Process information by a.Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas 2.3 Present information to different audiences by a.writing announcement 3.1 Listen to, read, view and respond to literary works by b.recognizing elements in a story Level 2 x.Discussing plans with others to do something i.Inviting friends to a function ii.Accepting and declining the invitation iv.Expressing thanks and responding appropriately Level 1 ii.Listening and understanding a variety of texts of suitable length Level 1 ii.Scanning for certain details Level 3 Writing out/making

Grammar -Suggested patterns: Inviting accepting and declining invitation, apologizing Prepositions: Prepositions of time Identifying base words Sound system -/g/,/f/ Vocabulary -Refer to word list

Listening to a dialogue and filling blanks -Group discussion: how to beautify the school compound -Matching -Writing an invitation -Word association -Class debate -Brainstorming: Characters in the story

2.0 Informationa l

3.0 Aesthetic

announcement Level 2/3 vi.Talking about characters in the story and writing a simple paragraph on one or two characters Level iii.Asking simple questions politely to get information and responding appropriately iv.Responding to questions politely by giving the require information Level 1 Ii.Listening to and understanding a variety of texts of suitable length Level 2 i.Giving simple instructions orally in writing

25 -7 Apr 2012

Environment What a Wonderfull World (Pollution) Short Story : FLIPPING FANTASTIC

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by c.exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest 2.1 Obtain information for different purpose by b.reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media 2.2 process information by c.following sequences of ideas g.getting meaning of unfamiliar words by suing word attack skills 2.3 Present information to different audiences by a.writing directions, instructions, recounts and announcements using appropriate format and convention

1.0 Interpersonal

Grammar -connectors Conjunctions -Sentences: Whquestions Sound system -/s/,/z/ Vocabulary -Refer to word list

-Talking about pollution -Comparing pictures: Pollucted area and clean area Brainstorming: effects of pollution to humans and animals -Making a bookmark -True/False activity -Answering comprehension questions _drawing a poster -Sequencing

2.0 Informationa l

8 21 April 2012

Social Issues Short Story : FLIPPING FANTASY

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by c.exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by a.listening to spoken texts such as talks speeches and from other multimedia sources b.reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media 2.2 Process information by b.extracting main ideas and supporting details 2.3 Present information to different audiences by a.writing directions, instructions, recounts and announcements using

1.0 Interpersonal

Level 1 v.Listening to and discriminating between initial and final consonants, long and short vowels, plural forms and contractions Level 2 vii.Asking simple questions politely to get information and responding appropriately Level 1 i.Listening to and understanding a variety of texts of suitable length ii.Reading silently and aloud with understanding

Grammar -Special finites or modals -Pronouns Possesive pronouns, demonstrativ e Pronouns -Adjectives Possessive adjectives Sound system -/l/,/h/

-Playing a game Brainstorming: Listening out things that can turn out to be dangerous at home -Reading a talk -Listening main ideas from a text -Rewriting Sentences -Blank filling activity -Doing a puzzle -Group work: Doing a poster of Home

2.0 Informationa l

appropriate format and convention instructions, describing and narrating orally

a variety of texts of suitable length Level 2 ii.Nothing important details iv.Finding move details in simple texts, identifying main idea involving simple text Level 3 ii.Giving a simple recount orally Level vi.Giving an account of experiences and describing feelings with correct intonational Level 1 1.Listening to and understanding a variety of texts of suitable length Level 2/3 ii.Giving a simple recounts orally iv.Spelling and dictation vii.Writing recount

Vocabulary -Refer to word list

Safety Campaign -Predicting outcomes

22 April 12 May 2012

Social Issues Safety First Short Story : FLIPPING FANTASTIC

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by a.talking part in conversations and discussions 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by a.listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches and from other multimedia sources v.reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media 2.2 Present information to different audiences by a.writing direction, instructions, recounts and announcement using appropriate format and convention d.reading aloud written materials clearly and fluently 3.2 Express themselves creatively and imaginatively by c.composing simple stories

1.o Interpersonal

Grammar -Verbs: Words that signal past time -Verbs: Special finites and model -Pronouns: Personal pronouns Sound system -/dz/ Vocabulary -Refer to word list

-Talking about public safety -Giving an account on a personal experience -Choosing correct statement -Doing dictation -Group work: How to prevent dangers (discussion) -Rearranging words to from correct sentences -Forming Sentences -PLayin a game -Writing story

2.0 Informationa l

Level 2/3 iv.Composing simple stories as a level suitable to learners.

19 20

REVISION WEEK (13.05.2012 19.05.2012) MID YEAR EXAMINATION 13.05.2012 24.05.2012 MID YEAR BREAK (25.05.2012 9.06.2012)
Social Issues Safe Living Short Story: FLIPPING 1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by c.exhanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest 2.2 Process information by skimming and 1.0 Interpersonal Level 1 x.Reading articles, etc and discussing point of interest with friends Grammar -Adjectives Formation of the negative of the -Talking about common safety rules one must obey -Reading text and

10 Jun

23 Jun 2012


ideas 2.3 Present information to different audiences by a.writing directions,Instructions recounts and announcement using appropriate format and convention 3.1 Listen to read, view and respond to literary works by a.reciting the message the writer is trying to convey 3.0 Aesthetic use 2.0 International

Level 1 ii.Scanning for certain details Level 2/3 1.Writing instruction using appropriate format and convention Level 2.Reciting a poem with feeling and expression and with correct pronunciation , intonation, stress and rhythm xii.Talking about the message and writer is putting across and writing a simple paragraph for it

adjectives by adding prefixs -condition clauses: clause Sound system -/k/ Vocabulary -Refer to word list

answering questions -Class discussion -Preparing a list of safety rules -True/False activity -Blank-filling -Matching -Playing a game Reciting poem Carrying our a project Doing a guided writing exercise.

24 Jun 30 July 2012

Values Ill Be There For You Short Story : FLIPPING FANTASTIC

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by a.talking part in conversations and discussions 2.2 Process information by Vii Reading and understanding non-linear texts using simple diagrams 2.3 Present information to different audiences by a.writing directions using appropriate format and convention c.composing,revising and editing drafts and checking accuracy of spelling punctuation and grammar 3.1 Listen to read,view and respond to literary works by a.reciting poems with feeling and expression c.explaining the message the writer is trying to convey

1.0 Interpersonal

2.0 Informationa l

Level vi Giving an account of experiences and describing feelings with correct intonation with Reading articles, etc. and discussing points of interest with friends Level 2/3 iii.Writing and presenting plans and directions vi.Puctuating meaningfully using capital letters, commas, full stop, question marks Level 2 ix.Telling how events in the texts is similar to ones life.

Grammar -Nouns -Concrete nouns: Common nouns, proper nouns -Gender -Adding suffix Prepositions: Prepositions of direction Sound system -/z/,/g/ Vocabulary -Refer to the word list

-Reading telephone conversation -Answering comprehension question -Sequencing messages -Giving directions -Drawing maps -Finding words -Reciting s poem -World omission

3.0 Aesthetic use

2 -8

Values Never Too Young Never Too Old

1.2 Take part in social interaction by b.praticipating in conversations and discussions

1.o Interpersonal

Level 1/2 ix.Discussing plans with others to do something

Grammar -Sentences: Simple

Brainstorming:Cari ng Society

Julai 2012)

Graphic Novel: BLACK BEAUTY

a.carrying out a variety of language language 2.1 Obtain information for different purposes by b.reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media 2.2 Process information by b.Skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas 2.3 Present information to different audiences by a.writing using appropriate format and convention

i.inviting friends to functions ii.Accepting and declining the invitation iv.Expressing thanks and responding appropriately v.Apologize for mistake or when one has hurt or offended someone and writing a short note of apology Level 2 ii.Reading silently and aloud with understanding a variety of texts of suitable length Level 2 ii.Scanning for certain details Level 3 vii.Writing recounts Level 1 x.Discussing plans with others to do something/to go somewhere Level o.Listening and understanding a variety of texts of suitable length ii.Reading silently and aloud with understanding a variety of texts of suitable length Level 2 Ii,Scanning for certain details Level 3 vii. Writing recounts 3.0 Aesthetic Level 1 1.Acting out sections of the texts vii.Talking about values found in the text

sentences, Compound sentences -Nouns: Abstract nouns -Verbs -Sound system -/v/,/f/ Vocabulary Refer to word list

-Reading a text -Blank-filling activity -Learning about letter writing -Writing a guided letter -Answering comprehension question -Playing a game

25 -26
8 21 Julai 2012)

Values Independence Day Graphic Novel : BLACK BEAUTY

1.2 Take part in social interaction by b.participating in conventions and discussion 2.1 obtain information for different purpose by a.listening to spoken texts such as talks, speeches and form other multimedia source b.reading materials such as articles in print and in electronic media 2.2 Process information by b.skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas 2.3 Present information to different audiences by a.writing recounts using appropriate format and convention 3.2 Express themselves creatively and imaginatively by a.dramating texts and role-playing characters

1.0 Interpersonal

Grammar Adverbs:adv erbs of manner -Nouns: Collective nouns -Pronouns: Each as can adjective Sound system -/w/ Vocabulary Refer to word list

-Talking about our independence day -Picking out information from written and spoken texts -Blank-filling activity -Role play -Finding information from the internet -Answering Comprehension question -Writing recount

2.0 Informationa l

22 - 28 Julai 2012)

Graphic Novel: BLACK BEAUTY

3.1 Listen to read,view and respond to literary works by a.understanding and telling ones own words the graphic novel heard or read, give ones opinion of the text b.recognizing element in a graphic novel c.explaining the message the writer is trying to cover d.Understanding other people culture, tradition, custom and belief. 3.2 Express themselves creatively and imaginative a.dramatizing test and role playing character b.retelling the poem from different point of view c.composing simple poem..

3.0 Aesthetic

Level 1 ii.Finding out the meaning of unfamiliar words using contextual clues to the dictionary Level 2 iv.Giving sequence if event iv.Talkin the about the time the story took place Level 3 Ic.Talking about the theme Xii talking about the message the writer is putting across Level 1 1.Acting out section to other Level 2 1.Changing the text to another forum Level 3 1.Composting simple poems stories and dialogue at a level suitable learner. Level 2 x.Saying what one thinks about the poet Level 3 Xii: talking about the message n poem Level 1 ii. Reading the poem as one understands Level 3 lv.composing simple poems at a level suitable to learnes.

1.Comprehension questions 2.Sequencing events 3.Connecting error 4.Identify setting and events 5.Identifying character traits 6.Role play 7.World maze 8.Identify review 9.Writing a tv review 10.Writing a letter 11.Post-reading activities changing ending of graphic novel, creating a wanted poster -Discussing the messages in the poem -composing a simple poem ( A Place of Paradise )

28 29
29 11 Ogos 2012

Health Food for thought Graphic Novel : BLACK BEAUTY

1.2 Take part in social interaction interaction by b.participating in conversations and discussions 2.2 Process information by b.extracting in conversations and discussions 2.3 Present information to different audiences by a.writing directions, instructions, recounts and announcement using appropriate format and convention

1.0 Interpersonal

Level 1 x.Discussing plans with others to do something Level 2 lv.Finding more details in simple

2.0 Informationa l

Level 1/3 ii.Giving a simple recount oraily and in writing vii.writing recounts Level 1 i.Reciting a poem with feeling and expression and with correct pronunciation, in tonation, stress and rhythm xii.talking about the message the writer is putting across and writing a simple paragraph on it. Level 3 iv.composing simple poem at a level suitable to learnes

Grammar nouns:count able nouns Uncountable yours Formation of plural (regular,irre gular, plural) -Phrase Quantifiers -Pronouns Sound system -/iz/,/aiz/ Vocabulary Refer to word list

-Brainstorming: Identifying different types of food -listening food that is good and bad for your health -Group work Planning a good diet for a day -Drawing a food pyramid -Matching -playin a game -Composing simple poem

3.0 Aesthetic

12 - 16 Ogos 2012)

Health Your health, Your Wealth Graphic Novel : BLACK BEAUTY

1.2 Take part in social interaction by a.carrying out a variety of language function 2.2 Process information by b.skimming and scanning for specific information and idea.

1.0 Interpersonal

2.0 Information

Level 1/2/3 i.inviting friends to function ii.Accepting and declining the invitations iii.Expressing thanks and responding appropriately iv.Expressing thanks and responding appropriately v.Apologizing for mistake or when one has hunt or offended someone and writing a short note of apology

Grammar -Verbs: Time expressions Sound system -/ts/,/ng/ Vocabulary Refer to word list

Discussing the sentences pattern of the language functions -Writing sentences -Making Enquires And to play some


26 - 1 Sept 2012)

Health A Lifelong Journey Graphic Novel : BLACK BEAUTY

2.3.Obtain goods and service by a.making equipment b.ordering goods and service. 2.3 Present information by c.composing,revising band editing and checking accuracy of spelling and punctuation and grammar 3.1 Listen to read view an respond to literary works by a.Understanding and telling in ones won words the poem read 2nd Midterm Break

1.0 Interpersonal

2.0 Informationa l

Level 1 i.Asking for the price of goods ii.Starting wheter the price is agreeable or too high iv.Making enquiries about product v.Placing an order Level 2 iv.Expanding notes and outlines Level 3 iii.Retelling the poem in one;s own works Level x.reading articles,etc and discussing point of interest with friends Level 1 i.listening to and understanding a variety of texts of suitable length level 2 ii.nothing important details iv.Finding more details in simple text Level 2 ii.Expanding notes and outlines

Grammar -verbs (Modals): can,must Sound system -/ae/,/e/ Vocabulary Refer to word list

-Ordering food -creating a healthy menu -answering comprehension question -writing sentences -blank filing activity Carrying out a project work: Preparing a menu

3.0 Aesthetic 1.o Interpersonal

32 33
2 Sept 15 Sept 2012)

Sciences and technology Deep impact Graphic Novel : BLACK BEAUTY

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by c.exhanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest 2.1 obtain information for different purpose by a.listening to spoken text such as talks,speeches and from other multimedia sources b.reading materials is such as articles in print and in electronice media 2.2 process information by b.extracring the main ideas and supporting details 2.3 Persent information to different audiences by a.writing using appropriate format and convention

Grammar -figurative language: Proverbs -Homonyms: Homographs Verbs:Specia l finites or modals will to affirm -Nouns Concrete nouns Sound system -/a/,/^/ Vocabulary Refer to word list Grammar -Figurative language: Similes Verbs:simple Past Tense -Homonyms:

-Reciting a poem -Talking about the use of the computer -Debating -writing e-mails -reading texts -rearranging words -Matching meanings to proverbs -Blank filling activity -Reciting poem -Doing a puzzle

2.0 Informationa l

34 35
16 - 29 Sept 2012)

Sciences and Technology As Good As It Gets Graphic Novel : BLACK BEAUTY

1.1 Make friends and keep friendship by c.exchanging ideas and giving opinions on topics of interest 2.1Obtain information for different purpose by a.listening to spoken texts such as talk speeches and from other multimedia sources

1.0 Interpersonal

Level x.reading articles, etc. and discussing point of interest with friends level 1 i.listening to and understanding a variety of texts of suitable length

-Obtaining information form spoken texts -predicting outcomes -answering comprehension question

2.0 Informationa

2.2 Process information by a.skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas 2.3 Present information to different audiences by a.writing using appropriate format and convention 3.1 listen to read,view and respond to literary works by b.recognizing elements in the story

level 2 ii.scanning for certain details level 3 vii.Expanding notes and outlines level 3 vii.making simple predictions as to what might happen next Level x.reading articles,etc and discussing point of interest with friends and saying what one thinks about the ideas on the articles Level 1 i.listening to and understanding a variety of texts of suitable length level 2 ii.Nothing important details ix.Finding more details in simple Level 3 Vii.writing recounts

Homograph Sound system -vowels:long and short /l/,/l/ Vocabulary Refer to word list

Finding information about inventors from the internet Underlining correct words Playing a game Blank filling activities Reading a story

3.0 Aesthetic

36 37
30 - 13 Okt 2012)

Science and Technology A test of time Graphic Novel: BLACK BEAUTY

1.2 take part in social interaction by b.participating in conversations and discussions 2.1 Obtain information for different purpose by a.listening to spoken text such as talks speeches and from other multimedia resources 2.2 process information by a.skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas 2.3Present information by c.composing,revising and editing drafts and checking accuracy of spelling punctuation and grammar 3.2 Express themselves creatively and Imaginatively by a.dramatizing text and role-playing characters.

1.0 Interpersonal

Grammar -Prepostions Phrasal verbs -Pronouns Referring back Verbs:Presen t Continuous Tense,Future Tense Sound System -Vowel:long and short /ae/,/e/ Vocabulary Refer to the word list

-Finding information in texts -Reading text Blank filling activity Answering comprehension question Writing a story based in pictures Matching sentences Completing sentences

2.0 Informationa l

3.0 Aesthetic

38 39 41

REVISION WEEK YEAR END EXAMINATION (21.10.2012 08.11.2012) YEAR END BREAK (10.11.2012 01.01.2013)

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