Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

DHTML - Imagens com Som Descrio: Este script possibilita voc colocar imagens no seu site, que ao passar

o mouse sobre elas ir fazer um som. muito fcil de configurar, e com certeza vai agradar muito a seus visitantes. Passo1: Insira este cdigo na seo <head> da sua pgina: <script language=javaScript> <!-- Beginning of JavaScript //scriptshelp - function makesound(soundobj){ var thissound= eval("document."+soundobj) } // - End of JavaScript - --> </script> <STYLE> .mainstyle { position: absolute; font-family:Verdana; color:DDDDDD; font-size:40px; } .preheadline { position: absolute; top:20px; left:240px; font-family:Times; color:AA8888; font-size:14px; font-weight:700; } .headline { position: absolute; top:25px; left:200px; font-family:Times; color:884444; font-size:45px; font-weight:700; } .afterheadline { position: absolute; top:70px; left:270px; font-family:Times; font-weight:700; color:AA8888; font-size:25px;

} A { color:DDDDDD; text-decoration:none; } </STYLE> Passo2: Insira este cdigo na seo <body> da sua pgina <div id="redirection" style="position: absolute; left: 305; top: 318; width: 580; height: 132"> </div> <div id="brigitte" style="position:absolute; left:150px; top:350px"> <EMBED SRC="" autostart=false HIDDEN=TRUE NAME="sound1" MASTERSOUND width="128" height="128"> <A HREF="#" onMouseOver="makesound('sound1')"><img src="" border="0" width="160" height="60"></A> </div> <div id="sandra" style="position:absolute; left:350px; top:350px"> <EMBED SRC="" autostart=false HIDDEN=TRUE NAME="sound2" MASTERSOUND width="128" height="128"> <A HREF="#" onMouseOver="makesound('sound2')"><img src="" border="0" width="160" height="60"></A> </div> <div id="sophia" style="position:absolute; left:550px; top:350px"> <EMBED SRC="" autostart=false HIDDEN=TRUE NAME="sound3" MASTERSOUND width="128" height="128"> <A HREF="#" onMouseOver="makesound('sound3')"><img src="" border="0" width="160" height="60"></A> </div>

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