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Report On How ICT

Affects Society.

I belive that ICT affects society in many ways some good

and some bad. For example some people can become
addicted to using things such as online gaming or peolple
can feel excluded from the people who can use or afford a
computer which is known as the digital divide.

As mentioned in the frist paragraph people who cannont

afford computers or cannnot use them may feel excluded
from the peolpe who do. This is know as the Digital Divide
however this is trying to be fixed. The gouvernment is trying
to give homeless people acces to computers and ICT is being
taught as a core subject at school so all of this generation
will be able to use a computer.

Also mentioned in the first paragraph was that people

become addicted to things like gaming or networking sites
and there have even been clinics opened like rehabilitation
centres for drug or drink addicts. People have actually died
playing games from lack of sleep as they just couldnt turn it

A good way in which ICT affects society is that it is now

easier to keep in contact with friends and family anywhere
around the world by using things like Instant Messaging,
Webcams, and E-mails. It now means that even if a family is
apart they can speak regualry without the costs of phoning.
However this could also be a negative thing as becuase of
things like Instant Messaging people are talking face to face
less and staying in more. Sometimes barely leaving their
house and being afraid to talk to people without the use of

A bad way in which ICT has affected society is that people

are neglecting their real-life friends and only making time for
their cyber friends whom they have never met. Sometimes
feeling guilty if they have to leave their 'friends' to make
time for food and toilet breaks. In fact a number of people
have died at their computer becuase they simply couldnt
leave their screens. Although is is a good way to meet new
people to many people become addicted to it and their life
outisde the computer slowly gets ruined.

A good way in which ICT has affected society is that some of

the older generation have embraced the technology and use
things like the internet frequently. These people have been
nicknamed 'silver surfers' and many have been taught by a
younger family member. Its is a good thing becuase it gives
some lonlier older people a chance to talk to people and also
it can help them get through things like illnesses by blogging
their experiences.

A bad thing is that now people are becoming cyber bullied

on things like Instant Messaging or Myspace/Facebook.
Sometime things have got so bad that the victims have
commited suicide. Some people get sent threating or rude
messages or texts. Or rude comments on networking sites
like Myspace.

Another good thing is that entertainment has become better

there is now many more T.V channels to watch and games
that once needed two players can now be played agaisnt a
computer, also things like music downloads and I.pods have
also improved entertainment , however the music business
have lost out on money because of people downloading
music illegally.

Another bad thing is that sometime people can pretend to be

you and steal your identity which can cause trouble becuase
they could look at offensive things or as mentioned before
cyber bully someone which could even get you in trouble
with the police.

In conclusion I belive that ICT has affected society in a good

way but there are like for everything many bad side affects
but with time these could be sorted out and the issues
become better.

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