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Reading Apprenticeship: Metacognitive Scaffolding and Reading Non-Traditional Texts Name_____________________________

GGS: Chapter 1: Up To The Starting Line -- title’s significance:________________________________________________________

Vocabulary / chapter’s jargon:_______________________________________________________________________

Key word: _________ why?

Implication is ________________ = _______________ __________________

But…next essential question: Does _________________ = _________________

Subtitle: What happened on all the continents before 11,000 BC?

most important subtitle detail ____________________________why?________________________________

what does Diamond try to build a case for?______________________________________________________

[“earliest X theory” – whose approach & why a problem?]

Africa SE Asia Europe

7 million years ago 1 million years ago .5 million years ago

homo erectus=>homo sapiens Java man homo neanderthalis

skeletal remains larger brain

crude stone tools bury dead
prey bones care for sick
crude stone tools
*****none are culture preserving no art, no music
50,000 years ago: _______________________because 50,000 years ago________________+_______________+________________
 single v. parallel evolution -- JD  parallel & multi-regional

religion: Garden of Eden issue (why?)

 range extensiongeographic rangewatercraft
 
megafaunal extinction Australia / New Guinea

except Africa protohumans + megafaunal time to adapt (good or bad & why?)

head start  1time to populate a continent w/pioneering colonists

time required to adapt to local conditions

Verbal Equations:
population growth + site profusion = virgin land colonization == > animal extinction spasms (Australia / NG == no domesticables)
land mass + environmental diversity = advantage??


Extra Credit:
Most historians (and consequently teachers of history) are OCD re: dates. Diamond does not use dates in the same way as most
Eurocentric historians use them. How does Diamond use dates, and what importance do dates hold for Diamond in his larger
deconstructionist / revisionist view of history?

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