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Free Trade & Cultural Genocide in Hawaii: Addressing Hawaiian Linguistic Apartheid through the Hawaii Ofcial Languages

Act Presenter: Malulani Odegaard (MBA & Cert. in Hawaiian Language), Founder of Hawaii Bilingual / lelo Plua, 2010 Ofce of Hawaiian Affairs candidate Wednesday, November 30, 2011 1:30 - 2:45 p.m. UH Hilo, UCB 127

In this interactive seminar we will briey review: The 1896 linguicide and its effects as presented in popular American political satire magazines at the turn of the 20th Century, The relationship between linguicide and cultural genocide / forced assimilation, The progress made since the early years of the Hawaiian renaissance and the mission of Aha Pnana Leo, Hawaii governances response, including the UN International Declaration of Rights of Indigenous Persons and Hawaii Title 21 Language Access Code Using Management Systems Analysis on the Hawaiian Language Movement to address where we may be falling short on our goals, and Hawaii Bilinguals proposal for the Hawaii Ofcial Languages Act We will also discuss alternative solutions to promote the normalization of Hawaiian language in both the public and private business sectors.

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