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Function to calculate average of unlimited values

Function Name: get_average_unlimited utput: Returns single integer Uses function: CAST(), LOCATE(), SUBSTRING()

Function type: Select

Input variables: String

The purpose of this function is to parse a string of integer values using a WHILE LOOP , and calculate the average of the values. The function uses the CAST(), LOCATE() and SUBSTRING() functions to parse the input string data Function DELIMITER $$ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `sportszone`.`get_average_unlimited` $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `get_average_unlimited`(stat_str text) RETURNS int(11) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE stat INT; DECLARE stat_avg INT; DECLARE stat_cnt INT; DECLARE stat_sum INT; SET stat_avg = 0; SET stat_cnt = 0; SET stat_sum = 0; WHILE stat_str '' DO select CAST(SUBSTRING(stat_str FROM 1 FOR LOCATE(',', stat_str, 1) - 1) AS UNSIGNED) INTO stat; SET stat_cnt = stat_cnt + 1; SET stat_sum = stat_sum + stat; Select SUBSTRING(stat_str,LOCATE(',', stat_str, 1)+1) INTO stat_str; END WHILE; SET stat_avg = stat_sum/stat_cnt; RETURN stat_avg; END $$ DELIMITER ; Select Function Examples Select get_average_unlimited('289,309,275,315,') as 'Batting Average over 4 Seasons'; Re sult Set Batting Average over 4 Seasons


Function to calculate average of unlimited values

297 Select get_average_unlimited('289,309,275,315,401,275,') as 'Batting Average over 6 Seasons'; Result Set Batting Average over 6 Seasons



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