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Delhi Public School, Dwarka is proud to announce a one day Inter School
Computer Symposium called CORE 08’ to be held on Wednesday, 10th December
2008 from 08:00 - 03:00. The symposium will be a high profile event which would
attract students from all schools in and around Delhi to compete on a big scale in
the field of Computers and Technology.

This symposium will be attended by 300-350 students who have special interest in
computers accompanied by their respective teachers. The symposium is a forum for
similar minds to interact, share and discuss about the latest happenings in the field
of Computers and to help the growth of Computers and IT in India in the future.

The success of this event depends on the generous support of our sponsors to help
fulfill all the requirements and top level facilities for the event. We invite you to
participate in a variety of ways including monetary donations, sponsor prizes,
sponsor event etc, and be recognized all throughout. Sponsorship package is
outlined below. Other donation ideas and contributions are also welcome.

Sponsorship Package – (Major Sponsor)

· Exclusivity of being the one and only major sponsor for the event.
· Recognition as the launch sponsor, of our event, CORE `08
· Banners and Boards with logo and name in the school premises (Max. 10)
· Logo/Link on the homepage of event website.
· An individual event with sponsor's name (any 1).
· Recognition as the major sponsor on the sponsorship page of website.
· Logo and small acknowledgement on the program brochure.
· Recognition of sponsorship on the program brochure.
· Permission to set up an advertising stall in the school premises.
· Verbal recognition at the start and end of the symposium.

Minor Sponsors, who would sponsor a part of the event, would have a different
package, which would be disclosed depending on their sponsorship bid.

Expected Budget of our event is calculated to be around Rs 70000, details of which

shall be disclosed for your reference whenever needed. We would like you to
sponsor for the grand event either by sponsoring the whole event i.e. by covering
the entire budget or by sponsoring a part of it.

Thanking You

Rachit Bhatnagar

Contact -
Phone - 9910798425

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