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Monday: Movement & Relaxation: 10.15am 11.

45am Dinner for Older People: 1pm Price: 7

Cro na Gaillimhe Resource Centre Timetable

Social Club: 2pm Social activities include card / board games, movies, boccia, bingo Computers for Beginners: 7pm Tuesday: Beginners Drawing: 11am 1pm Living Scenes - Intergenerational Project with NUI Galway: 10.30am 1pm Knitting Club: 2.30pm 4pm Wednesday: Painting: 10am 11.30am Beginner Computers: 10.30am 12.30pm Dinner for Older People: 1pm Price: 7 Social Club: 2pm Social activities include card / board games, movies, boccia, bingo Thursday: Dancing for Older People: Beginners at 10am Improvers at 11am Beginner Computers: 10.30am 12.30pm Social Club for Men: 3.00pm 5.00pm Friday: Creative Writing: 10.30am 12.30pm Tea Dance: 2pm 4pm 1st Friday of every month

Computers, Drawing, Dancing, Painting, Movement & Relaxation and Creative Writing courses cost 50 for the waged / private pension or 20 public pensions / unemployed / refugees. Courses last for 8 weeks. The Dinner costs 7 for two courses plus tea / biscuits and takes place on Monday & Wednesday at 1pm. The cost is 7.00 and the dinner is ordered the day before. This timetable is subject to change without notification. Classes will take place subject to numbers. Tel No. 091 895203 Website: E-mail:

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