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Books which need to be done very well and thoroughly (cover to cover) * * * * Laxmikanth: Public Administration* Prasad and Prasad: Administrative Thinkers* Rajni Goyal and R.K. Arora: Indian Administration* DD Basu: Indian Polity

* These three books are the lifeline for Public Administration (prelims) prepara tion Books which need to be done for specific topics * Mohit Bhattacharya: New Horizons * Nicholas Henry: Public Administration * Stephen Robbins: Public Administration * Fadia & Fadia: Administrative Theories and Concepts (only the unit Introduction excluding chapters 3, 8, 18 and 19 from it) * Bare Act by PM Bakshi (Articles relevant to public administration only) STRATEGY FOR PREPARATION Given below are the key areas (according to the syllabus) in each book which hav e to be stressed upon. 1. INTRODUCTION: In this chapter, concepts should be strengthened. Factual knowledge in Laxmikant h is enough; one should not try to gather facts from other books. Pay special at tention to name of authors and books as 2-3 questions every year are expected fr om this particular area. Laxmikanth Fadia & Fadia Mohit Bhattacharya (only Chapter Introduction ) Nicholas Henry (Just the "evolution of the discipline" topic, with special attention to six par adigms). 2. BASIC CONCEPTS AND PRINCIPLES: From this chapter, 80% of the questions asked are concept based. One should do a lot of practice of sample papers especially for this chapter. Laxmikanth Fadia and Fadia Mohit Bhattacharya (only Matrix Organisation from chapter on Planning, Organisation and Structural C oncepts ) 3. THEORIES OF ADMINISTRATION: One of the most important chapters for Prelims. Students should not get confused between the concepts of various theorists. Making a chart could help. Laxmikanth Prasad and Prasad Mohit Bhattacharya

(only Chapters Approaches, Principles and Theories , Bureaucratic Theory , nd Systems Approaches Nicholas Henry (just for the "systems theory" topic)

Behavioral a

4. ADMINISTRATIVE BEHAVIOUR: Generally students do only Laxmikanth for this chapter. But now-a-days, direct q uestions are being asked from Stephen Robbins. Pay special attention to this. Laxmikanth Prasad and Prasad Mohit Bhattacharya (only Chapters Administrative Process- Decision Making , Communication, Control, Mot ivation, Leadership ) Stephen Robbins (Chapters on Motivation, Leadership only) 5. ACCOUNTABILITY AND CONTROL: Generally factual questions are asked from this topic. Laxmikanth Rajni Goyal & R.K. Arora Chapter Nos. 23 and 24 of Rajni Goyal is very important. Direct questions are as ked from these chapters. 6. ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEMS: Though you get a no. of questions from this chapter, you can safely de-emphasize it. It is better to put your efforts in other chapters which are more paying an d where you can expect good questions. Laxmikanth (Table 6.3 in Laxmikanth should be paid special attention) 7. PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION: Laxmikanth Fadia and Fadia 8. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION: Differences between all the budgets should be clear. Laxmikanth Nicholas Henry (for different types of Budgets. 2-3 questions are asked from this) Fadia and Fadia (chapter "Budgetary process in India") 9. UNION GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION IN INDIA: One should also keep the track of latest ARC reports. Laxmikanth Rajni Goyal must be done thoroughly. Generally Chapter 3 and Chapter 26 (Page No s. 572-582) are overlooked by the students, but these are quite important. DD Basu PM Bakshi Fadia and Fadia (Page Nos. 268 to 290 ("Ministers and Departments"). 2-3 questions are generally asked from this. 10. CIVIL SERVICE IN INDIA: Latest reports like of 6th Pay Commission, Finance Commission etc. should be don e. Now-a-days a lot of questions are being asked from these reports.

Laxmikanth Rajni Goyal PM Bakshi 11. STATE AND DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION: Laxmikanth Rajni Goyal PM Bakshi D.D. Basu 12. LOCAL GOVERNMENT: Articles should be thoroughly memorized as direct questions are asked. Provision of 11th and 12th Schedule of the Constitution should be given a look. Laxmikanth Rajni Goyal DD Basu PM Bakshi Take help from coaching material of Bhawani Singh/Synergy for topics which you c an not find good material in books. After finishing every chapter, students coul d go through "A concise dictionary of Public Administration" by Vikram Singh and Fact File by synergy coaching. This will enable them to memorize important fact s. Lastly, one should be regular with the tests; Sunil Gupta's test series is ve ry good. only then one is able to recollect important points during the examinat ion. All the very best!!

REFERENCE BOOKS FOR PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION : 1. Indian Administration - Ramesh K. Arora & Rajni Goyal. 2. Indian Administration - S.R. Maheswari. 3. Administrative Theory - Avasti & Avasti (more content follows the advertisement below) A D V E R T I S E M E N T 4. 5. 6. 7. Public Administration Administrative Thinkers Administrative Thinkers Public Administration Avasti & Maheswari. - R. Prasad and Prasad. - S.R. Maheswari. Sadan and Sharma

8. Local Government - S.R. Maheswari. 9. New Horizons of Public Administration - Mohit Bhattacharya. 10. Public Administration Theory and concepts - Rumki Basu 11. Public Administration (Manual) (TATA MC Graw Hill) - Laxmikanth. 12. Indian Constitution - D.D. Basup (or) Pandey. 13. Public Administration and Public Affairs - Nicholas Henry. 14. Modern Public Administration - Nigro and Nigro. REFERENCE BOOKS OVERALL : To put the subject in its proper context the historical development (evolution o f public administration discipline) of the subject should be studied with great emphasis. Public administration in theory and practice - M.P. Sharma and B.L Sadan Public administration - Mohit Bhattacharya Modern public administration - Nigro and Nigro Theories and principles of administration : Administrative thinkers - Prasad & P rasad Principles of management - Terry and Frankline Administrative Behaviors: Managing organizational behavior - Paul Hersey & Kenne th Blanchard Personal Administration - Public personal administration - O. Glennstal Financial administration: Financial administration of India - M.J.K. Thavaray Comparative administration : public administration a comparative perspective - F errel Heady or Comparative public administration - Ramesh Control over administration : Public administration - Avasthi & Maheswari Central administration in India: Central administration - A. Avasthi Civil Services in India : Indian administration - S.R. Maheswari, State District and local administration: State administration - J.D. Shukla District administration -- S. S. Khera Local Government in India - S.R. Maheshwari Laxmikant's guide (for clearing conepts) IGNOU Study Materials IJPA articles on relevant topics Current News Papers

Public Administration- Optional of Part A - Preliminary Examination of Civil Services Exam Back to Section III 1. Introduction : Meaning, scope and significance. Evolution and status of the d iscipline. Comparative Public Administration and Development Administration. Pub lic and Private Administration: State versus market debate. New Pubic Administra tion. New Public Management perspective. 2. Basic concepts and principles : Organisation, hierarchy, Unity of command, Sp an of control, Authority and Responsibility, Co-ordination, Centralization and D ecentralization, Delegation, Supervision, Line and Staff. 3. Theories of Administration : Scientific Management (Taylor and the Scientific Managment Movement), Classical Theory (Fayol, Urwick, Gulick and others) Bureau cratic Theory (Weber and his critics). Ideas of Mary Parker Follett and C.I. Bar nard; Human Relations School (Elton Mayo and others). Behavioral Approach, Syste ms approach. 4. Administrative Behaviour : Decision making with special reference to H. Simon , communication and control, leadership theories. Theories of motivation (Maslow and Herzberg) 5. Accountability and Control : The concepts of Accountability and control : Leg islative, executive and judicial control. Citizen and Administration: Role of ci vil society, people's participation and Right to Information. 6. Administrative Systems : Comparative administrative features of USA, Great Br itain, France and Japan. 7. Personnel Administration : Role of Civil Service in developing societies; pos ition classification, Recuritment, Training, Promotion, Pay and Service conditio ns. Relations with the Political Executive; Administrative Ethics. 8. Financial Administration : Budget: Concepts and forms. Formulation and execut ion of budget, deficit financing and public debt, Accounts and Audit. 9. Union Government and Administration in India. British legacy : Constitutional context of Indian Administration; The President, Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers; Central Secretariat; Cabinet Secretariat, Prime Minister's Office , Planning Commission; Finance Commission; Election Commission; Comptroller and Auditor-General of India. Public enterprises: Patterns, role performance and imp act of liberalization. 10. Civil Services in India : Recruitment to All India and Central Services. Uni on Public Service Commission; Training of Civil Servants. Generalists and Specia lists. Minister-Civil Servant relationship. 11. State and District Administration : Governor, Chief Minister, Secretariat, C

hief Secretary, Directorates, District Collector: changing role. 12. Local Government : Panchayati Raj and Urban local Government: Main features, structures, finances and problem areas. 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendement s.

Political Science- Optional of Part A - Preliminary Examination of Civil Services Exam Back to Section III Section-A 1. Political Science : Nature & scope of the discipline, relationship with allie d disciplines like History, Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology. 2. Meaning of Politics : Approaches to the study of Politics. 3. Key Concepts : State, Soceity, Sovereignty, Power, Citizenship, Nation, Globa l order and Imperialism. 4. Political Ideas : Rights, Liberty, Equality, Justice, Rule of Law. Civil Soce ity Swaraj, Revolution, Democratic Participation.

5. Democracy : Meaning and Theories of Democracy, Electoral system, Forms of Rep resentation & Participation, Political accountability. 6. Political Ideologies : Liberalism, Neoliberalism, Marxism, Socialism, Fascism , Gandhism. 7. Party System and Political Process : Therories of Party System, National and regional parties, Political Parties in the Third World. Patterns of coalition po litics, interest and pressure groups. 8. Forms of Government : Parliamentary and Presidential. Federal & unitary Modes of decentralisation. 9. Bureaucracy Concept : Theories, Weber and critiques of Bureaucracy. 10. Theories of Development : Meaning and various approaches. Concept and Theori es of underdevelopment Debates in the Third World. 11. Social Movements : Meaning, Theories & Forms, Role of Environmental Feminist Peasant & workers movements, Role of Non Government organisation. 12. Nationalism and Internationalism : 13. Major theories of International relations : Realist Marxist, Systems & Decis ion making & Game theory. 14. State & the Global order : Neo-Liberalism, globalisation, structural adjustm ent, regional economic integration, Nature and Impact of globalisation. Section-B Indian Government and politics 1. Approaches to the study of Governments : Comparative historical, legal instit utional, political economy and political sociology, approaches. 2. Classification of Political systems : Democratic and Authoritarian, character istics of Political systems in the third world. 3. Typologies of constitutions; Basic features of these constitutions & governme nts : including U.K., USA. France, Germany, China, and South Africa. 4. Constitutional development : in India during British Rule-A historical perspe ctive. 5. Constituent Assembly : philosophical and socio-economic dimensions. Salient f eatures of the Indian Constitution. 6. Nature of Indian federalism : Centre-state relations, legislative, administra tive, financial and political; politics of regional move and National Integratio n. 7. Fundamental Rights : Constitutional provisions and political dynamics. Judici al Interpretations and socio political realities; Fundamental Duties. 8. The Union Executive : President, Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers, Constitutional provisions & framework and political trends. 9. Parliament : Powers and functions of the Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha; Parliamenta

ry Committees; Functioning of the Parliamentary system in India. 10. The Judiciary : The Supreme Court , Judicial Review Judicial Activism, Publi c Intrest Litigation; Judicial Reforms. 11. The State Executive : Governor, Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers; Constitutional Provisions and Political trends. 12. Indian Party System : Evolution and Contemporay trends; coalition government at the Centre and States, pressure groups in Indian politics. 13. The interaction of Government & Scientific & Technology business : Previous and now their inter relationship and changing roles in Society, Elites, Role of Pressure groups class and voluntary associations in society. 14. Local Government & Politics : Panchayti Raj and Municipal Government, struct ure power & functions. Political realities, significance of 73rd and 74th Amende ments, role of women in Panchayats. 15. Bureaucracy and Development : Post-colonial India; its changing role in the context of liberatis after, bureauratic Accountability. 16. Challenges to Indian Democracy : a) Communalism Regionalism violence, criminalisation and corruption. b) Regional disparities, environmental degradation, illiteracy, Mass Poverty, Po pulation, growth, caste oppressions and socio economic inequalities among backwa rd classes.

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