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Peace of mind Autor: James Allen Essay by Sergio Nez Guzmn

Peace of mind, what does that mean? Now a days, we need to think about peace, but in our own spiritual peace, because we don t have any tranquility in ourselves, in our own mind, so the world in which we live is a terrific chaos, and we are conscious of the disorder outside us. We don t have time to think about what is happening in ourselves, because the beginning of this chaos isn t outside us but inside us. Who is us? The man, in singular, yes, I, myself, I live here and now, and what does this mean? It means that I can create peace in my mind, so my world is going to be in peace, yes, the man can be in peace with himself and with his world, and the beginning for peace is here in the mind of every man of good will. We can believe it or not, but, in any way, there is cause and effect. We can see the effects, but we don t want to see the causes. Results are here and every man can be happy or unhappy, what do we want? I am a human being, I am not alone, I need to live in a society, I need the metro bus driver, without him I couldn t be here. I need him, but he also needs me, because, as a translator, another man, I, translated the drivers manual. We need all the humans beings known and unknown. I need to understand the other ones. When every man understands this necessity, we will be able to be in peace, but we need to cease fussing and fuming and worrying and grieving, and remain poised, steadfast, and serene. When we are happy we give happiness to others, when I give a smile, the other one has the same kindness, and we don t push each other in the metrobus. This poise of character is a lesson of culture, it is the flowering of life, the fruit of the soul. Can the man buy the smile of a beautiful woman when someone gives his seat to her? We don t need money to be happy. Tempest-tossed souls, wherever you may be, under whatever conditions you may live, know this in the ocean of life the isles of blessedness are smiling, and the sunny shore of your ideal awaits your coming. Keep your hand firmly upon the helm of thought. In the ship of your soul reclines the commanding master. He does but sleep; wake him. Mxico, D. F. a 14 de abril del 2011 Sergio Nez Guzmn.

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