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function hh = cellplot(c,lims) %CELLPLOT Display graphical depiction of cell array.

% CELLPLOT(C) displays the structure of a cell array as nested % colored boxes. % % H = CELLPLOT(C) returns a vector of surface, line and text handles. % % H = CELLPLOT(C,'legend') also puts a legend next to the plot. % % Copyright 1984-2006 The MathWorks, Inc. $Revision: $ $Date: 2006/06/20 20:09:40 $

if nargin<1 error('MATLAB:cellplot:nargin', 'Not enough input arguments.'); end nin = nargin; if nargin==2 && ischar(lims), nin = 1; legend = strcmp(lims,'legend'); else legend = 0; end if isempty(c),if nargout>0, hh = []; end, return, end if nin==1, % Do stuff for top level call if ~iscell(c) error('MATLAB:cellplot:arg1NotCellArray', 'C must be a cell array.'); end ax = newplot; hold_state = ishold; next = get(ax,'NextPlot'); hold on m = size(c,1); n = size(c,2); if n==1, xlims = [.5 1.5]; else xlims = [0 n]; end if m==1, ylims = [.5 1.5]; else ylims = [0 m]; end lims = [xlims ylims]; set(ax,'xlim',xlims,'ylim',ylims) end m = size(c,1); n = size(c,2); X = zeros(m,n); edgec = get(gca,'xcolor'); for i=1:m*n, contents = c{i}; X(i) = 2*ischar(contents) + 2*issparse(contents) + ... isa(contents,'double') + ... 4*isstruct(contents); % Values from 1 to 4 if X(i)==0, X(i)=5; end % Other case end % Draw cell grid dx = diff(lims(1:2)/n); dy = diff(lims(3:4)/m); delta = min(dx,dy); [x,y] = meshgrid(((0:n)-n/2)*delta+sum(lims(1:2))/2,... ((0:m)-m/2)*delta+sum(lims(3:4))/2); if ndims(c)==2 d = 0; h = pcolor(x,y,ones(size(x))); set(h,'facecolor',get(gcf,'defaultaxescolor'),'edgecolor',edgec) else

% Draw N-D cell array grid d = min(dx,dy)/5; [m,n,p] = size(c); h = []; for i=p-1:-1:0, h = [h;pcolor(x+d*i/(p-1),y-d*i/(p-1),ones(size(x)))]; end set(h,'facecolor',get(gcf,'defaultaxescolor'),'edgecolor',edgec) c = c(:,:,1); % Only recursively transverse the 1st page end lims = [([-n/2 n/2])*delta+sum(lims(1:2))/2 ... ([-m/2 m/2])*delta+sum(lims(3:4))/2]; for i=1:m for j=1:n, contents = c{i,j}; dx = diff(lims(1:2))/n; dy = diff(lims(3:4))/m; xlims = lims(1) + (j-1)*dx + [.1 .9]*dx; ylims = lims(3) + (i-1)*dy + [.1 .9]*dy; if iscell(contents), % Recursively display contents h = [h;cellplot(contents,[xlims ylims])]; elseif ~isempty(contents), mm = size(contents,1); nn = size(contents,2); dx = diff(xlims/nn); dy = diff(ylims/mm); delta = min(dx,dy); [x,y] = meshgrid(((0:nn)-nn/2)*delta+sum(xlims)/2,... ((0:mm)-mm/2)*delta+sum(ylims)/2); if ndims(contents)==2 col = X(i,j)*ones(size(x)); hp = pcolor(x,y,col); if ~isempty(contents) && ischar(contents), col = X(i,j)*ones(size(contents)); col(contents==' ')=NaN; set(hp,'CData',col) end else pp = size(contents,3); hp = []; for ii=pp-1:-1:0, hp = [hp;pcolor(x+delta/5*ii/(pp-1),y-delta/5*ii/(pp-1), ... X(i,j)*ones(size(x)))]; end end set(hp,'FaceColor','flat') h = [h;hp]; if ischar(contents) && size(contents,1)==1 && ... length(contents)<15 && ndims(contents)==2 h = [h;text(sum(xlims)/2,sum(ylims/2),0, ... fliplr(deblank(fliplr(deblank(contents)))),... 'horizontalalignment','center',... 'verticalalignment','middle','clipping','on')];%#ok elseif (isnumeric(contents) || islogical(contents)) && length(contents)==1, h = [h;text(sum(xlims)/2,sum(ylims/2),0,num2str(double(contents)), ... 'horizontalalignment','center',... 'verticalalignment','middle','clipping','on')]; end end end end if nin==1, % Do stuff for top level call if ~hold_state, hold off

set(ax,'xtick',[],'ytick',[],'nextplot',next) axis image, axis ij, axis off caxis([1 6]), colormap(prism(5)) if legend, hc = colorbar; set(hc,'ytick',(1:5)+.5,'yticklabel', ... {'double','char','sparse','structure','other'},... 'ticklength',[0 0]) end set(ax,'xlim',get(ax,'xlim')+[0 d],'ylim',get(ax,'ylim')-[d 0]) end % h = [h;hc]; end if nargout>0, hh = h; end

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