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Advocacy, proposal Make a claim Introduction - well-defined topic and problem - progress toward resolving the issue or answering

the question - sources (enough for both sides?) 11-11 Sanity check 11-22 Optional draft 12-8 Final paper

"I am not sure whether a two-legged theoretical background, referring to testimony and collective belief/knowledge, is the foundation that I need to p ursue the questions that I am interested in." The idea of justification work is really great, I find it really convincing. My only concern is that the idea of justification itself implies that this is af ter the fact. This brings up the question why is joint belief important - depend ing on the perspective you bring to this problem, justification will or will not be central and useful. Looking at the We have been talking a lot about creativity in Nancy's class, and from that pers pective, what is interesting about joint consensual consensus is how people are able to combine their knowledge to come up with something new if they do not hav e full understanding. In some cases, it may be enough for a person to hear about some findings in another domain (I am bad with scientific examples, so I will n ot bring one here), translate that to their own domain and come up with somethin g new investigating the implications, for example. Justification work is still i mportant here, both because there must be some form of justification for individ ual contributions, and also because the new results that emerge from a collabora tion need to be justified toward the larger scientific audience.

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