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HOW TO CREATE A RESOURCE FILE... 1: On your Menu, click 'Add-Ins' and click Add-In manager.

In the list you will see 'VB 6 Resource Editor' Double Click, it should now say loaded, click 'Ok'. 2: In your toolbar you should now see a green Rubics Cube Type symbol, hold your mouse over it and the ToolTip will read VB Resource Editor. 3: Click The Resource Editor Icon, (the rubics cube thingy) and you will now see the Resource Editor. 4: Run your mouse over the ToolBar until you find the Icon who's ToolTip reads 'Add Custom Resource', click it. 5: Load in your file to become a resource file 6: You will now see a folder called custom, click it, you will now see "101" this is the file you just added.

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