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vpar commands

Written by Geoff Wild Wednesday, 21 May 2008 01:22 -

Here are some commands needed to support a vpar environemnt.

Boot a partition:

vparboot -p pcvp1104

Boot a partiton but interactively (in case you need to go to EFI, etc):

vparboot -p pcvp1104 -I

Boot a partition into single user mode:

vparboot -p pcvp1104 -o "-is"

How to reset a hung partition (-h will halt it then execute a boot above):

vparreset -p pcvp1104 -h

Get the status of all vpars:



vpar commands
Written by Geoff Wild Wednesday, 21 May 2008 01:22 -

Get the status of all vpars with verbose information:

vparstatus -v

Get the staus of one vpar:

vparstatus -p pcvp1104


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