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Summarize the argument to be refuted. What are the signs of a problem?

What is the specific harm?

Give an overview of your objections Problem 3
How widespread is the harm?
Evidence recent enough

What causes the problem?

Was enough presented

Reliable source
Blame 4 Is the present system at fault?

Attack the evidence Inventional System

Shoudl the present system be changed?
Consistent with know facts

What are the possible solutions?

Can be interpreted in other ways
Solution 5
Which solution best solves the problem?
Is it relevant Attacking other Positions
What good outcomes will result from the solution?
Assumptions Unproven
Consequences 6
What bad outcomes will result from the solution?

Causes valid
and/or reasoning State what you are claiming.
Comparisons based on equality
Present the evidence for your claim.
Present the reasons for your claim.
Were emotional appeals used
Summarize to show what you established.
Summarize your rebuttal
Arguing Constructively Presenting an Argument
Positions for Supporting Comparitive-Advantages
Ideal Solution
Compliment good points
Allow them to finish
Positions for Opposing Repairs
Emphasize equality
Emphasize shared attitudes

Show interest in views Specifiy exactly

Summarize your original argument.
Use a calm delivery Brief
Managing Relations
Control pace of argument Review your opponent's rebuttal Brief summary

Allow opponent to save face Attack your opponent's evidence or lack of

Ask person to justify Defending your Position Attack your opponent's reasoning

Physically depart Present and support your objections to the attack Present additional evidence to support your point

Make distinction Verbal Aggression Present further reasoning

Appeal to rationality Issue a counter attack

Refuse to reciprocate Summarize your defense emphasizing the validity of your original position

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