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Chapters 39-41

148. One reason for the end of the postwar economic boom in the 1970s was a drastic decline in worker productivity (shifting economy to service sector)

149. By the early 1970s, the post WWII economic boom had crested as a result of a decline in competitive advantage of American business, the Vietnam war, a slump in productivity, economic recovery of Japan and West Germany

Lyndon Johnson's insistence on fighting the Vietnam War and funding the Great Society without a tax increase to pay for them led to a drastic inflation

150. high inflation rate of 1970s stemmed primarily from LBJ refusal to raise taxes for social welfare

The poor economic performance of the 1970s brought an abrupt end to the liberal dream that affluent USA could spend its way to social justice

151. The Nixon Doctrine proclaimed that honor its existing defense commitment, but that in future, its allies would have to fight their own wars without large numbers of US troops

152. Despite his political skills and foreign policy knowledge, Richard Nixon harbored deep and bitter resentments against

153. Perhaps Richard Nixon's most valuable asset as he began his presidency in 1969 was his

154. President Nixon's policy of Vietnamization of the war in Vietnam called for

155. Richard Nixon's Vietnam policy included all of the following except

156. The American armed forces in Vietnam were composed largely of

157. President Nixon's 1970 invasion of Cambodia led to

158. The __________ Amendment __________ the voting age to __________.

159. The top-secret Pentagon Papers, leaked and published in 1971

160. President Nixon's chief foreign policy adviser, throughout his administration, was

161. Richard Nixon's policy of dtente

162. The Nixon administration still reflected a staunch anticommunist policy when it engaged in covert operations to overthrow the elected leftist government of

163. In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court upheld a married couple's right to use contraceptives based on

164. The Supreme Court's Miranda and Escobedo decisions came under sharp attack from many conservatives because they

165. The Supreme Court, under Chief Justice Earl Warren, outraged religious conservatives in 19621963 when it

166. When it came to welfare programs, Richard Nixon

167. Richard Nixon's legislation guaranteeing that Social Security raises would be indexed to guarantee against inflation

168. Richard Nixon's Philadelphia Plan

169. The difference between Lyndon Johnson's affirmative action programs and those of Richard Nixon was

170. The Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration aroused bitter opposition among many business people because

171. All of the following were created during Richard Nixon's presidency except

172. To control creeping inflation in the early 1970s, President Richard Nixon

173. Richard Nixon's southern strategy included the policy of

174. George McGovern, the Democratic nominee for the presidency in 1972, alienated the traditional working-class backbone of the Democratic party

175. As a presidential candidate, South Dakota Senator George McGovern appealed most strongly to the

176. The shaky agreement that brought an end to American fighting in Vietnam in January 1973 represented

177. As part of the cease-fire agreement in Vietnam in 1973

178. In 1973, the American public was shocked to learn that

179. In response to Congress's attempt to stop him from continuing the bombing of Cambodia, President Nixon

180. The 1973 War Powers Act

181. As a result of Richard Nixon's aerial bombing of neutral Cambodia in 1973

182. As a result of U.S. support for Israel in 1973, when it was attacked by Egypt and Syria

183. America's strong support for Israel in the 1973 Arab-Israeli War led to

184. The list of Nixon illegal administration activities uncovered in the Watergate scandal included all of the following except

185. Richard Nixon tried to resist giving his taped conversations to the special prosecutor and the Congress by claiming that

186. Congressman Gerald Ford had become vice president of the United States when

187. The most controversial action of Gerald Ford's presidency was

188. The Helsinki accords, signed by Gerald Ford and leaders of thirty-four other nations,

189. The people of the United States had provided just about everything for South Vietnam except

190. When the North Vietnamese launched a full-scale invasion of South Vietnam in 1975,

191. While most of the social movements born in the 1960s declined or disappeared, one that continued and gained even greater momentum in the 1970s was the

192. Title IX was passed by Congress in 1972 to

193. The proposed Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), passed by Congress in 1972 and eventually ratified by 35 states, stated the following:

194. The Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade declared state laws prohibiting abortion were unconstitutional because they

195. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) failed to be ratified by the needed 38 states largely because

196. The most explosive domestic controversy of the 1970s centered around issues of

197. The effect of the Supreme Court ruling in Milliken v. Bradley, which held that integration did not have to take place across school district lines, was to

198. The Supreme Court, in the Bakke case, held that

199. American Indian activists brought attention to their cause in the 1970s by seizing

200. The first wave of feminism grew out of the ___________ movement, and the second wave of feminism grew out of the _____________ movement.

201. On which of the following issues did nearly all second wave feminists agree?

202. In 1976, President Gerald Ford won the Republican nomination by defeating a strong challenge from

203. The opposing major party candidates in the bicentennial presidential campaign of 1976 were

204. James Earl (Jimmy) Carter enjoyed considerable popularity when he won the presidency because

205. Jimmy Carter quickly found himself in political trouble because he

206. The guiding principle of President Carter's foreign policy was

207. President Jimmy Carter's most spectacular foreign-policy achievement was the

208. President Carter believed that the fundamental problem of the American economy in the late 1970s was

209. The first major trouble to afflict President Carter's foreign policy was the

210. The oil shocks of the 1970s brought home to Americans the stunning fact that

211. The SALT II Treaty between the Soviet Union and the United States died in the Senate when the Soviets

212. The most humiliating failure during the Iran hostage crisis came when

213. Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) Arab oil embargo, (B) Iranian hostage crisis, (C) fall of Saigon, and (D) invasion of Afghanistan.

214. In the 1980 national elections

215. Liberal Democrats complained that Jimmy Carter

216. Edward Kennedy's campaign to take the presidential nomination away from Jimmy Carter in 1980 was handicapped by

217. The New Right movement that helped to elect Ronald Reagan was spearheaded by

218. In contrast to the Old Right, many New Right activists of the 1980s were most concerned about

219. Which of the these social issues was not an important concern that the New Right hoped to constrict or eliminate through legal action?

220. The neoconservatives of the 1980s believed in all of the following except

221. Ronald Reagan was similar to Franklin D. Roosevelt in that both men

222. Ronald Reagan differed from Franklin D. Roosevelt in that Roosevelt

223. Ronald Reagan began to abandon his liberal New Deal political philosophy and to espouse a conservative, antigovernment line

224. Before being elected president, Ronald Reagan's experience in elected public office had been as

225. The strong tax revolt against extensive government programs and spending was spurred by the passage of Proposition 13 that severely limited property taxes in

226. Despite his failure in the White House, President Jimmy Carter earned widespread admiration in his post-presidential years for his

227. Ronald Reagan's essential domestic goal as president was to

228. The foreign leader with whom President Reagan felt the strongest ideological and political kinship was

229. President Ronald Reagan and the new British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, shared all of the following goals except

230. Conservative Democrats who helped Ronald Reagan to pass his budget and tax-cutting legislation were called

231. Besides cutting the federal budget, Reagan's other main domestic initiative when he took office was

232. Ronald Reagan's supply side economic advisers assured him that the combination of budgetary discipline and tax reduction would do all of the following except

233. The first results of Reagan's supply-side economics in 1982 were a(n)

234. In the 1980s, for the first time in the twentieth century

235. One consequence of the record-high deficits and high interest rates of the 1980s was 236. To President Reagan, the focus of evil in the modern world was

237. The first woman to receive the vice-presidential nomination of a major political party was

238. The only two places not swept by Ronald Reagan in his 1984 electoral landslide over former vice president Walter Mondale were

239. For the Soviet Union's new policies of Glasnost (openness) and Perestroika (restructuring) to work, it was essential that the

240. The Iran-Contra Affair essentially involved

241. The Iran-Contra investigations revealed Ronald Reagan as a president who

242. In his second term, President Reagan departed from the militantly anti-Soviet stance of his first term by

243. One of the greatest consequences of Reagan's expansion of the federal debt was to

244. In 1986, Congress passed legislation mandating

245. Ronald Reagan's highest political objective as president was

246. Many of the movement conservatives of the new religious right gained political effectiveness by imitating the methods of

247. In the cases of Webster v. Reproductive Health Services and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the Supreme Court

248. The Democrats' hopes for the 1988 election rose sharply because of major scandals in the Reagan administration involving

249. Solidarity was

250. As one consequence of the demise of the Soviet Union

251. Many of the neoconservative intellectuals of the 1980s were reacting most strongly against

252. Which of the following was not among the ways that the New Right of the 1980s imitated the tactics and approaches of the New Left of the 1960s?

253. The Supreme Court cases of Webster v. Reproductive Health Services and Planned Parenthood v. Casey

254. Among the Democrats whom Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis defeated for the party's nomination to run against George Bush in 1988 were 255. In response to the collapse of the Soviet Union, President George Bush called for a new world order where

256. The United States joined its allies in the Persian Gulf War in order to

257. The result of the Persian Gulf War was that

258. The explosive Senate hearings that nearly prevented Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas from being confirmed involved charges that Thomas was guilty of

259. In the 1992 national elections, Democratic candidate Bill Clinton campaigned as a new Democrat who proposed to move away from his party's traditional liberalism.

260. In appointing his cabinet, President Clinton made a special point of appealing to women

261. Two of Clinton's early political blunders occurred in the areas of gays in the military and health care.

262. In the beginning of the Clinton administration, First Lady Hillary Clinton was heavily criticized for taking too large a role in managing her husband's administration.

263. The Branch Davidians were a(n) fundamentalist sect assaulted by the federal government.

264. A widespread public attitude of the early 1990s that affected many areas of politics and society was disillusionment and distrust of the federal government.

265. President Clinton aroused the hostility of liberals within his own party when he signed the Welfare Reform Bill.

266. The vigorously partisan leader who led Republicans to a majority in the House of Representatives in 1994 was Newt Gingrich

267. After they gained control of both houses of Congress in the 1994 mid-term elections, the Republicans Overreached with conservative policies that bred a backlash favoring Clinton

268. President Clinton's approach to the controversial policy of affirmative action was a plea to "mend it, not end it."

269. Bill Clinton's primary political advantage throughout his two terms of office was the tremendously prosperous economy

270. Which of the following was not among the areas where President Clinton's foreign policy stumbled in the first years of his presidency? Relations with America's allies in Germany and France

271. In 1999, President Clinton authorized U.S.-led NATO forces to launch a bombing campaign against the nation of Serbia 272. President Clinton attempted to promote peace negotiations and better relations among all of the following except North and South Korea 273. The two articles of impeachment passed by the House of Representatives against President Clinton charged him with perjury and obstruction of justice.

274. President Clinton's primary political legacy was that he revived the vigorous liberal traditions of the Democratic party

The razor-thin election of 2000 between George W. Bush and Al Gore was finally resolved when the Supreme Court ruling ending a recount of Florida's votes.

260. One highly unusual issue in the 2000 presidential campaign between Al Gore and George W, Bush was To spend the huge federal budget surpluses

261. The Supreme Court's ruling prohibiting further recounting of Florida's votes and awarding the 2000 election to George W. Bush was based on A finding that Floridas inconsistent standards for evaluating ballots violated the equal protection clause of the Constitution.

262. In his campaign for the presidency in 2000, George W. Bush promised to Bring reconciliation after the sharp partisan divisions of the Clinton years

263. Which of the following was not among the polarizing conservative policies that George W. Bush pursued when he assumed the presidency? Appointing extreme conservatives to the Supreme Court

264. The original home of Osama bin Laden, the organizer of Al Qaeda and presumed organizer of the September 11 attacks was Saudi Arabia

265. The new cabinet-level agency charged with protecting America against foreign terrorist attacks was The Department of Homeland Security

266. The USA-Patriot Act provided for, among other things, The detention and deportation of immigrants suspected of terrorism

267. To President George W. Bush, the axis of evil that menaced American security consisted of the nations of Iran, Iraq, and North Korea.

268. Among Bush's advisers who pushed most strongly for the invasion of Iraq were

Vice President Richard Cheney and administration neoconservatives.

269. After ousting Saddam Hussein from power, the U.S. military in Iraq was faced with violent resistance from Iraqi insurgents and foreign militants drawn to the country

270. Violent resistance to the American presence in Iraq escalated when It was revealed that some American soldiers had humiliated Iraqi captives in the Abu Ghraib prison

271. In June 2004, the United States handed over __ to the new interim government of Iraq. former dictator Saddam Hussein. 272. In two affirmative action cases involving the University of Michigan decided in 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that The quota of admitting minority students was unconstitutional

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