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Standard Seven | Assessment - The competent teacher understands and uses

appropriate formative and summative assessments for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student.

This lesson plan and the accompanying written response prompt was chosen to represent standard seven because it demonstrates an assessment that provokes thought in students and allows for the educator to assess the development of his students. This artifact is an appropriate representation of this standard because the assessment that is attached encourages students to process and synthesize the material from the lesson into a well conceived argument rather than simply forcing students to look up or recall information. The lesson plan also calls for students to work on this response in groups, which allows for them to debate and develop their ideas. This also contributes to the educators develop and progress as a teacher because these thoughtful written responses allow for the teacher to properly assess the level of learning that has occurred in the classroom. Further lessons can be amended based on the teachers assessment of the written responses.

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