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Subject: Certain Government officials probable motives for betraying the people Entry: Government officials motives for

working with international bankers (the ones that were either not aware or out-smarted) Government officials are supposed to be subject to the people This fact is probably how the International Bankers were probably able to convince government officials to betray the people: The International Bankers may have expressed the idea to be co-conspirators in creating a corporate government entity or taking over the then current Republic government entity for the purpose identified as usurping power from the people and redistributing said power to where the international bankers were the rulers, the government officials were their very well-paid and powerful managers for the corporate government (both during their time in office and afterwards), and the people were on the low end on the totem pole. So the government officials that agreed to coconspire went from powerless, poorly paid, public servants (having to deal with thousands and millions of masters, i.e. the people, some whom are whiney) to powerful well-paid (read: rich) corporate government officials! Of course this is merely to explain the motives not excuse them. Said motives cannot be excused because said motives are still, in the end, selfish motives.

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