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chipscope pro inout creates a buffer which is not desirable to implement fulladdder on board four push buttons rotary

encoder will work while rotating push to on switches(primarily used) leds give output UCF(user constrained file) in that we assign input and output assignments pullup pulldown-high impedance treatred as 0 input(switch)----NET "BTN_EAST"LOC="H13"| IOSTANDARD=LVTTL|PULLDOWN output(led)---NET"LED"LOC="F12"|IOSTANDARD=LVTTL|SLEW=SLOW|DRIVE=8(HOW MANY EXTERNAL CIRCUITS U CAN CONNECT TO IT) CLOCK SOURCE--NET"CLK_50MHZ"LOC="C9"|IOSTANDARD=LVCMOS33 -NET"CLK_50MHZ"PERIOD=20.0ns clock to push button input to switches output to leds ngc file isim file ucf file ise impact program file has .bit extension generating program file using impact tool

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